I had missed it earlier, but what great news that the continent of Africa is wild polio free. It’s a huge milestone even as more work needs to be done. Congrats on the decades long effort.
Thought I’d repost from the previous thread.
A Guide to Trumpspeak
“Did you know….” (I just found this out)
“People are saying….” (I’m making this up)
“We will see what happens” (I have no idea what’s happening)
“Fake News!” (This information makes me look bad)
“Believe Me!” (I’m totally lying, suckers!)
“Witch Hunt” (People investigating my illegal activities are finding too much evidence)
That’s great news about Polio being further reduced! Science and public health triumphs!!
Rittenhouse crawls into a tiger den and kills a tiger that was coming toward him and then claims self defense when they want to charge him for killing. He willingly put himself in a situation where he could shoot tigers and should not get a pass.
Got a better analogy?
( I know, godwin is likely to go into a name calling froth in response. This question is for the sane people. )
The conservatives claiming that Rittenhouse was “defending himself”, would mean that every mass shooter who shoots further people, like the police, trying to disarm him, can claim he feared for his life and was justified in shoot the people trying to disarm him and should be held blameless for that.
Things sports fans remember:
Jamal Murray, Denver Nuggets, dropped 50 to force a game Seven last night. 17-24 shooting and an NBA playoff record 3pt % 9-12.
Fighting tears in the on court postgame interview
These shoes mean a lot. These shoes give me life. Even though these people are gone. They help me find strength. In life you find things that hold value to you, and things to fight for. We found something worth fighting for as the NBA, as a collective unit.“
The shoes he’s referring to are custom painted with portraits of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.
Spending a bunch of time pointing out that Rasmussen polling Friday didn’t include Donald’s speechifying from an illegal location so losing five points in approval during the RNC wasn’t real.
He’s right. It wasn’t real. He lost only four.
Rasmussen A/D
Should clarify, more than 1 attempt. There are NBA Players who shot 1-1 for 3Pts in the playoffs. Elias Sports stats doesn’t show anyone doing 2-2, or 2-3.
Military Times poll has Donald 38/50 favorable/Un among active duty.
Well if Herman Cain’s social media manager or a family member is still in his Twitter they have a sick sense of humor. This morning Cain’s account tweeted :
It looks like the Corona Virus is not as deadly as the mainstream mediafirst made it out to be.
Cain, you’ll remember, died from the virus in July.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I don’t really think it’s necessary to advance tortured analogies in order to challenge Rittenhouse’s claims to self-defense.
Everything about his recent history describes an exceptionally immature 17-year-old with pervasive thoughts of violence experiencing a prolonged period of personal failures. Who then carries a military combat weapon illegally into a neighboring state where he brandishes it openly and also quite illegally with the purpose of using it illegally to threaten people. Almost everything he was doing there was illegal. Any claim of self-defense is presumed diminished when the claimant is asserting it while committing crimes. Each state has it’s own unique statutes defining when and how a self-defense may be asserted. I don’t know the Wisconsin statutes. But his attorney has indicated in the media his intention to assert it. If that is the case his defense will be greatly diminished by the facts that his presence and actions were illegal.
Moreover offering a claim of self-defense will require Mr. Rittenhouse to take the stand and testify (key elements of the defense require it) and this will open the door for prosecutors to cross examine his troubled and disturbing personal history. It’s still very early. His own lawyers have had little or no opportunity to interview Mr. Rittenhouse or conduct any investigation. At some point months from now, long after The Q Clearance Cat Lady and his 8chan girlfriends have moved on to other violent spank material and forgotten all about their Tiger Beat hero, don’t be surprised to see Mr. Rittenhouse plead guilty to some lesser felonies.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Don’t worry. According to The Q Clearance Cat Lady, rioting mobs of overweight Big Chicken Dinner Proud Boys are going to turn all that around in the next four weeks.
Just like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s brokerage account! “Little equity value here”.
“For GE, we see a company that continues to contend with its past, unable to move forward, with a mosaic of negative signals suggesting no quick turn, and a continued defensive approach in its communications,” the note said.
Sorta like the Biden candidacy.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
8-2 DC Circuit rules that Sullivan may proceed with his trial of the DOJ’s motion to dismiss Flynn.
Gosh. I wonder who the two were? /s
So probably not going to be LOCK-HER-UPing Sullivan after all.
Don’t tell Puddy.
The polio news is the best news for Democrats. It means they can mock Mitch McConnell for having had it when he was a child, with less concern that someone might bring up the devastation suffered by current-day polio victims.
Yes, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. It’s true. McConnell did suffer from polio as a young child.
It’s hundreds of owners, really, but the reporter was on deadline.
Star Tribune
Dozens of owners whose Twin Cities properties were severely damaged in the May riots have been stunned to discover that the money they would collect from their insurance company for demolition won’t come close to the actual costs of doing the job.
This is correct.
Buck Sexton
Aug 30
The Democrat media talking points have gone from:
“the protests are the new civil rights movement” to
“the protests are mostly peaceful” to
“what riots? these are protests” to
“Trump supporters are causing these protest riots”
all in one summer
Looks like #BLM put the guillotine in front of the wrong billionaire’s house.
Facebook’s Top 10
Aug 28
The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from:
1. Fox News
3. Sarah Palin
4. Fox News
5. Robert Reich
6. Ben Shapiro
7. Dan Bongino
8. Fox News
9. Ben Shapiro
10. WSB-TV
Weird how the “rioters” are not waiving candidate flags but the “Patriots” storming the cities and doing violence are flying Trump flags and the Confederate flag all over those F-150s. Almost like the love racism and Dear Leader above the country.
Balch’s Twitter account includes retweets of Adolf Hitler speeches, refers to himself as a ‘Goy’ which is popular among the American White Supremacist movement as it is the Yiddish word for Non-Jew, and is littered with references to the Boogaloo movement and praise for the Confederacy.
So the media might start poking around at what kind of people RADICALIZED Rittenhouse.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The Democrat media…
Aaaand moving on.
Thanks for the sharing, Cat Lady. Be sure and keep us all up to date on the monthly proceedings of The Duck Club.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
19, 20,
And once again, as it is, as it has been, and will be forevermore, The Q Clearance Cat Lady comes to a modest pang of regret for having valorized and promoted violent, racist, Nazis.
Like I keep trying to explain to him, it’s not “everybody” who is a Nazi. Just him and the rest of the GOP.
And they can quit whenever they like.
Actually, the video clearly shows this cowardly POS running from the violence he had committed after pulling the trigger.
I am 100 % ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! … We do not want violence but we will not run from it either! …
Although maybe none of this counts because he wasn’t in a “tiger den” @ 3 when he pulled the trigger. Isn’t that right, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@ 20
That might leave a mark.
It might. If the two have a relationship that extended beyond standing in the same place at the same time on one night.
Oh. That dude supports Richard Spencer. Who supports Joe Biden.
So by your rationale is Biden complicit in those three killings?
Or were there just two guys at the same place at the same time, with no other tie between them?
It will all come out in the next few weeks to months. Keep posting about it.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’ll have to get back on this. Still searching Etsy for the sold out shirt shops featuring dreamy Tiger Beat images of Reinoehl surrounded by floating valentines with cool slogans about bringing mace to a gunfight.
I’ll let you know, okay Cat Lady?
Also, and not for nuthin, 23 might be a more effective bit of rhetoric with a working link.
Yes, it’s Breitbart. So consider the source, surely.
It’s also Rittenhouse’s attorney, explaining how his client came to be running away from a bunch of rioters chasing his ass, one of whom apparently fired a gun at him or in his general direction before he created his moronic @ 3magical “tiger den” and shot and killed a thug child molester“tiger”.
Pierce continued, “Of course, Kenosha was burning, and he took a rifle so that he could protect himself if he needed to — and to protect property and to protect others. This is one hundred percent self-defense. It’s not even close. Kyle was actually attempting to put out a dumpster fire that the rioters had set.”
Pierce went on, “The rioters got enraged by that. Kyle actually attempted to retreat. He was chased down by attackers that were repeatedly stating that he should be killed. They came at him lightning-fast and attempted to begin striking him and wrestling with this rifle with an intent to kill. He had no choice but to fire his weapon and protect himself.”
@ 23, 25
Thanks for pointing it out. Had a bit o’ trouble and fucked it up during the edit. It’s from The Oregonian. But you read it online before I linked to it, so you already knew that.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’m not going to bother to pick Pierce apart here. He’s in posturing mode. We hope. Angling to improve his client’s negotiating position. If he puts this emotionally disturbed child on the stand exposing him to expert cross examination he’s a total piece of shit.
Encouraging it makes The Q Clearance Cat Lady a piece of shit.
Is tiger den some sort of gay slang? It’s not in Urban Dictionary.
Or is it just something dreamed up by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
The lawyers keep running into that problem.
“To protect property”
Wisconsin law does not provide a castle doctrine to other people’s property just your own.
And they haven’t even tried to get around illegally possessed weapon.
There’s a word for a person who decides to act in a law enforcement capacity when they are neither authorized or trained to do so. It has a long history of use to describe illegal activity: VIGILANTE
(Gasp, attorney’s trying to taint a potential jury pool by trying the case in the media! Why I never!)
@ 28
If he puts this emotionally disturbed child on the stand exposing him to expert cross examination he’s a total piece of shit.
Agreed. But with so much video and even The Gray Lady backing your self-defense claim, why do it?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
…standing in the same place at the same time on one night.
Never learn, do they.
There’s really only one small thing that separates The Q Clearance Cat Lady and the rest of his 8chan girlfriends who exclusively do armed battle from the safety of Mom’s basement, from the PATRIOTS who load guns and ammo into their coal-rollers and go urban hunting.
They aren’t quite emotionally disturbed enough… yet.
And before they get to that point, they will have taken a Right Wing Heroe’s journey. That dark odyssey will leave a clear documentary trail. It’s the trail of girl-punching, and TROs, and vile pro-Nazi rants on social media, and DD Form 258s, and arrest warrants, and drowned puppies that inevitably accompanies every single one of these PATRIOTS.
Keep going, Cat Lady. You’re almost there.
@ 30
Yeah, sure. Just breeze by that nonsense @ 26 about protecting himself and protecting others.
President Trump’s support among black voters rose 9 percentage points amid the Republican National Convention, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.
Twenty-four percent of registered black voters in the Aug. 22-25 survey, which included the first two days of the convention, said they approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 76 percent said they disapprove.
That is up 9 points from the previous survey conducted Aug. 8-11, where the President received 15 percent support among this group.
Maybe they forgot to survey South Carolina.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
To advance a claim of self-defense he must put his client on the stand. Especially in this case. No other person can or would be allowed to testify as to the accused’s state of mind, including and especially his defense attorney. Rittenhouse must assert an objectively reasonable fear of imminent injury or death. The circumstances, even accompanied by video, are not enough. Rittenhouse has to face the jury and tell them how afraid he was. That fear has to be set in a particular context.
Both the claim and the context are then open to cross, including a reasonable exploration of the personal history including words, writings, relationships and actions that inform that context.
Maybe the kid presents as collected and self-aware. Maybe, having spent so many hours around cops he’s learned how to speak and behave like one in a controlled setting. But he’s also a kid who loses control and goes off punching girls on video. Adequate prosecutors accustomed to self-assured criminal defendants know how to bring that out on cross.
Also a clearer picture is emerging from the Portland shooting.
The victim is Jay Bishop. He was arrested in October at the Patriot Prayer rally for brandishing a knife and threatening behavior. Police later found a gun in his scooter. He also posted videos and tweets praising Jeremy Christian, the White Supremacist who murdered two people on the MAX train and is currently serving to life sentences. Jay Bishop was interviewed on a fifth tier Right Wing podcast just after the MAX killings
Three vigilante thugs get up on the public transit to assault a man for his opinion and the words coming out of his mouth. This is absolutely criminal…
These three people that died or were stabbed were not heroes, they’re not anybody to be idolized and they deserved everything they got.”
So yeah, he was totally there to protect Portland.
Another detail, A Black Lives Matter medic began treatment but was pushed away by Portland PD who then kicked her supply bag away too. She was kept from helping while Bishop died.
And a final….
The man in videos who appeared to be with Bishop at the time of the shooting has been IDd as Chandler Pappas. Pappas is from Astoria (outside agitator) and has been shown on video stating that he wants to kill protesters. Chandler is on parole and as a condition is required to keep away from all protests or anyone involved in illegal activity.
Get behind them Trumpers! They are the martyrs your movement need to fight for their memory! Go!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Joe Biden: “I want to be very clear about all of this: Rioting is not protesting, looting is not protesting, setting fires is not protesting…It’s lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted.”
Steve Scalise had the second worst weekend of his political career.
Not even as forceful as what he said in July that the GOP pretends never happened because it’s a problem for the “Biden supports the riots” narrative.
Anyone who burns or pillages…should be arrested. They are a problem for society and they make a mockery of what the march is all about. They should be tried, arrested and put in jail.”
And in May
“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The one that shows Donald among Republicans 83-14%? 2016 it was 94-5% on election day.
The one that says people who voted 3rd party in 2016 are breaking 59% Biden, 18% Donald?
Or is it where they have Biden getting 55% of what conventional wisdom says is the most reliable voters, age 65 ? In 2016 Trump won that age group 53-44. Now think in the state by state how just this last one effects Florida and Arizona.
Maybe it’s the next most reliable group of voters, age 50-64, that said Biden 51-47. Where Donald took that age 51-45 in 2016.
Sure, I gave it the proper amount of attention. But Buck up, Emerson was wildly wrong in 2016 predicting a 323-215 EV margin for Hillary Clinton
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Did you miss the news that Trump’s Campaign CFO was indicted on charges of spying for China?
That he was working on behalf of the PRC to get Chinese criminal fugitive Miles Kwok extradited?
That Miles Kwok is the owner of the yacht that Trump’s Campaign Manager was on when he was arrested for criminal fraud? That Kwok was employing the campaign manager to spy for him?
Mind the rakes, Forrest. They are all made in China.
And so is Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Rittenhouse crawls into a tiger den and kills a tiger that was coming toward him and then claims self defense when they want to charge him for killing. He willingly put himself in a situation where he could shoot tigers and should not get a pass. Got a better analogy?”
Rittenhouse crawls into a tiger den and kills two pussycats coming toward him, one of which hissed at him from 30 feet away, and as he’s leaving a tiger comes at him with its claws extended and he blows away its paw. He killed two pussycats while tiger poaching and should not get a pass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 In this country, murder trials are held in courtrooms, not Trump rallies — not a comforting thought if you’re Rittenhouse. Aaand Trump can’t pardon his young hero worshipper becaaause it’s a state offense. Or rather I should say offenses, plural, “s” on end, as in “consecutive sentences.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Everything about his recent history describes an exceptionally immature 17-year-old with pervasive thoughts of violence experiencing a prolonged period of personal failures.”
The nice thing about all this is he doesn’t have worries about his future anymore. Everything he needs — shelter, food, clothing, medical care, and steady work in the kitchen, laundry, or license plate shop — will be provided to him from now on.
Not to be overlooked is that asserting self-defense is incompatible with denying he did it, that’s not really in issue. So this trial will start with an admission of guilt, and while the state technically has to prove absence of justification, we all know who really has to prove justification. Now note particularly subsection (2)(a).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 A dumbfuck living in the past. Sad. Pathetic. Happens a lot in nursing homes. Like incontinence, nobody can do anything about it.
@14 “It’s true. McConnell did suffer from polio as a young child.”
I’ve never heard that from any of my Democratic friends. If they knew about it, they didn’t mention it. Probably because it’s not relevant to anything. Mitch, after all, isn’t FDR.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Looks like your video got pulled. Your source’s IP probably didn’t pay his phone bill.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “supports Richard Spencer. Who supports Joe Biden”
Are you saying Trump can’t even get Nazis to vote for him?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “chasing his ass, one of whom apparently fired a gun at him”
In which Dumbfuck takes umbrage at people who are shot at shooting back.
Self-defense works in only one direction with these guys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I heard Billy the Kid claimed self-defense, too, but the sheriff wasn’t having it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Soon to be ex-US Army 2nd Lt. Nathan Freihofer. Too bad. He worked hard for that gold bar. A real shame to lose it this way.
“XVIII Airborne spokesman Col. Joe Buccino told Military.com that the Fort Bragg officials have confirmed that Freihofer is a second lieutenant assigned to the XVIII Airborne and that the ‘highest levels of command are engaged in this.'”
If the spokesman is a colonel what does that make the “highest levels of command”? Answer: Higher than a 2nd Lt.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
dot bombed,
Most “pundits” think the DC Circuit want to see what the federal judge will “so order” and want the case to play out in the lower court first. The writ move was a legal gamble because it offered settled case law as my son would say. You can always offer settled case law as part of your argument in any court. Even the senile idiot wabbit remembers that!
One could also argue that the DC Circuit wants to have a final judgment and has told the judge in the appeals trial some issues they had with his handling of the case so far. Don’t you remember that dot bombed?
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Meanwhile Joe BiteME! was against fracking before he was for fracking it.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Meanwhile Kamala Harris was for the riots before she she is now against the riots.
How did trump’s thugs in black uniforms with their gear on the plane make it through TSA that take your pocketknife and mouthwash? Did the TSA make the thugs take of their black boots?
One can be for peaceful protests and against violent acts. But that’s not how the conservative propaganda lied about what she said.
Donald, press conference:
“I’ve spoken to James Blake’s family pastor.”
James Blake’s father on CNN about an hour later.
“We don’t have a family pastor.”
White House, “We’re reaching out and trying to talk to (Blake’s) family.”
Jame’s Blake’s Father. “No one has reached out but I’ve spoken to President Biden.”
If Donald actually spoke to someone he just had someone find the closest AME and get them in the phone. “Because, the blacks, they’re all the same.” -Donald, or words and actions to that effect.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron should embed video of Kyle Rittenhouse being chased by multiple assailants, a gunshot going off on the left side of the screen as he heads into the corner of a parking lot, and then explain to us how what’s in the video is the equivalent of first degree murder, and why.
Will Chamberlain
Notice how the people accusing Kyle Rittenhouse of murder never embed any video of the shootings?
That’s a tell
@ 65
How did trump’s thugs in black uniforms with their gear on the plane make it through TSA that take your pocketknife and mouthwash? Did the TSA make the thugs take of their black boots?
For eight years The Even Bigger Fucking Moron complained that Obama was strip-searched by white TSA employees each time before boarding Air Force One.
Donald J Trump Sooooper Geniusspews:
It was a private plane owned by The Jooos George Soros and the pilot was the whore of Babylon a Hollywood pedophile and it landed at an airstrip next to a ping pong and pizza joint. The FAA is staffed by avowed communists and they made it disappear from radar. It was a stealth Gulfstream.
Oh, that’s classified. Forget I said any of it.
@ 67
Donald, press conference:
“I’ve spoken to James Blake’s family pastor.”
James Blake’s father on CNN about an hour later.
“We don’t have a family pastor.”
Both statements were true at the time they were made. Al Sharpton claimed to be the family pastor in a phone call with Trump.
The Anti-Defamation League, which tracks extremist activity, told CBS News there were militia members at the Kenosha protest but found no indication from Rittenhouse’s social media footprint that he is connected to any extremist movements. His posts indicate he is extremely pro-police and appears to have been a former police explorer, a career-oriented program for youth considering a career in law enforcement. Many of his social media posts use the phrase, “Blue Lives Matter,” according to the ADL.
@ 67
From a Benjamin Crump press conference:
Thank you, attorney Crump. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is James E Ward jr. And along with my wife, pastor Sharon, we’ve been highly privileged to be the family pastor for more than 30 years to Ms. Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake, and also her mother, Janie Johnson, for more than 30 years. And at Julia’s requests and at attorney Crump’s request, I want to just set the tone for our press conference today by briefly representing Julia’s faith in the name of our lord Jesus Christ and offer a brief word of prayer.
I am reminded of the fights between Mike Brown’s family members.
One of them was Lesley McSpadden, Michael Brown’s mother, who told Gordon she couldn’t sell the shirts. Gordon replied that McSpadden didn’t have a patent on the name and that she was going to keep selling the items.
Fortunately, Aaron Blake’s mother seems to be a lovely woman, and I doubt she would behave in such a manner, certainly not publicly.
Maybe, Cz-252, you can shove the pastor story up your ass and go back to mischaracterizing polls or the activities of dead victims or something.
So Donald isn’t smart enough to wonder how a prominent public figure who Donald has called, “A con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score” from New York city came to be the family pastor for a suburban Wisconsin family?
And when Donald looks for a black religious leader he just says, “Get me the guy who ‘hates whites’*”
Disqualifying. Mental decline. Stupidity.
*actual quote
The Lincoln Project is desperate for you to believe that Joe Biden is not the only individual too mentally incapacitated to be president.
The Lincoln Project
Aug 29
There’s something wrong with Donald Trump. He has trouble speaking, walking. He’s weak.
Why aren’t we talking about this?
Trump has sooooooo much trouble speaking he’s in front of a microphone for an extended period of time at least twice a day, it seems. Meanwhile, after fumbling his way through a “speech” in a room with about 7 other people in it, Biden walked away yesterday without taking questions.
Maybe if the press would start badgering Biden the way they do Trump…
Jake Schneider
Since July 19, Joe Biden has answered 131 questions from the press. President Trump has answered 838 questions.
Joe Biden hasn’t taken questions at a press conference since July 28. He went 32 of those days without taking a single question.
Quote Tweet
Meredith Lee
· 21h
Biden doesn’t answer questions after his Pittsburgh remarks
If there were another Dem primary debate and this time Warren went after Biden over something in the same manner she dressed down Bloomberg, how do you think it would look
• for Biden?
• for Warren?
Biden won’t be taking questions from anyone, unless they reach an arc of between 6 and 12 feet in height before Biden begins to answer.
I’m seeing a pattern. When conservatives on this site know they are defending something or someone that is undefensible, they start making stuff up and projecting it onto others.
For example, when they cannot defend trump’s treatment of women, they make up Hillary’s cannibal underage pizza parlors.
Here’s a pattern you should see, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said on Tuesday its index of national factory activity increased to a reading of 56.0 last month from 54.2 in July. That was the highest level since November 2018 and marked three straight months of growth.
The ISM’s forward-looking new orders sub-index increased to a reading of 67.6 in August, the strongest since December 2017, from 61.5 in July. The survey’s measure of order backlogs at factories accelerated as did orders for exports.
The government’s closely followed employment report to be released on Friday is expected to show 1.4 million jobs created in August after adding 1.763 million in July, according to a Reuters survey of economists.
It’s very fortunate that Biden has a solution for all of this growth.
He’s gonna ban drilling.
@ 80
Cz-252, I wrote about patterns and where things are going.
Yes, in 2018 Klobuchar won, 60-36.
But in 2012 she won 65-30.
We can play with numbers all day, but in the end there are still burnt-out buildings in Minneapolis that aren’t going to be replaced, Trump’s the incumbent, numbers are improving @ 81, and Biden’s either gonna have to debate or he’s gonna have to cower in his basement.
In 2016 and in 2018, there weren’t a bunch of Iron Range Democrat mayors coming out to support the Republican on the ballot, were there?
“Vote for the moron. It’s important.” is not a good look.
I recall The Chardonnay Lady needed a lot of time away from the campaign trail, too.
Tom Bevan
Pool report: “The Biden campaign started the morning by calling a lid.”
Reporters are now staking out all of the Denny’s restaurants within a hundred miles of Biden’s last known location.
Sleepy Joe Biden.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Strong statement from
Roberts who says they will not send deputies to Portland after
released a plan saying they would.
Instead, he says “the criminal justice system will need to do its part and hold offenders accountable.”
Could be the surrounding counties see what libtard governance does and its overall ineffectiveness and wants no part of it!
Seems Washington County Sheriff wants no part of the stoooooooooopidity of the mayor or the Multnomah County attorney general either.
’cause then they’d have to mention the riots themselves. Nothing good can come from that.
Lisa Boothe
Aug 31
If Joe Biden & Kamala Harris actually thought Pres. Trump was responsible for the riots, why didn’t they mention them the week of the DNC convention?
Puddy wrote about that issue Sunday morning after thinking about the just completed DNC fiasco called their convention. dummocretin leaders never mentioned the “riots” all week because, as Puddy wrote back then, it’s their core constituency. They had to show their best Trump hate speech. Where was their kill the unborn babies platform? Where were their 2021-2025 programs platform?
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
We’ll trade you MN for TX down the line.
That’s because libtard dummocretins are leaving California for Texas but don’t realize if Texas turns blue then they will be dealing with the same crap in Texas just like they had in California. Where would they go next?
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
One day on the campaign trail and BiteME! needed additional “rest”.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Never forget that The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s Obama/Trump voter depends almost entirely on a single ANES. ANES is a self-report with massive acknowledged weaknesses. So comparing actual ballot swings with self-reported changes is problematic as hell. Only 59% of ANES respondents recalled voting in both elections. Of the overall survey response, 58% of voters reported voting for Obama – 7% more than the actual ballot result. That number alone accounts for more than the total of respondents reporting to have voted Obama and then Trump.
Of course out of 125 million votes cast in 2016 there must be some Obama/Trump voters nationwide. But it’s not at all a reliable premise upon which to build a campaign strategy. And certainly not for a race that will be decided in only a half dozen statewide winner-take-all contests. ANES is a shibboleth that shy-Trumpers have clung to for four years in order to forget the ugly truth that they voted to put a rapist in the White House.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
No wonder Joe BITEME! is tired. Look at all the real live people he had to deal with! And then you venture out and you view the people; almost real live people. Zombies for BiteME!. Really packed in there everyone!
@ 86
So you go from trying to compare state office elections to the trend I mentioned, to comparing MN to TX.
You always come up with new ways of admitting failure, Cz-252.
Yes, in 2024 or 2028 Texas might not be a red state.
This is 2020. From what I hear from your side, if Trump is re-elected there won’t be a 2024 or 2028. In which case Texas won’t matter.
Did you and YLB switch brains or something?
Speaking of GOP vote share in Texas, I wonder what it would be if Ted Cruz is on the ballot in 2024?
What say you, Cz-252?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Prosecutors working the long case against Breonna Taylor’s former boyfriend offered him a massive downward departure in a plea arrangement if he would agree to implicate her in his drug business. Had he agreed he would have walked with no time.
That’s a surprisingly large number of “bad apples” all in the same basket, wouldn’t you say?
Maybe Joe is having a series of really itty bitty #TrumpStrokes and Kamala is on standby to take the oath of office?
Sure, let’s talk about health.
188,000 > 15
@ 94
That’s a surprisingly large number of “bad apples” all in the same basket, wouldn’t you say?
Indeed. She didn’t traffic drugs with these bad apples.
She merely slept with them.
Hillary Clinton is innocent of all allegations against her. But what a surprising number of those around her end up taking the Fifth during one investigation or another.
Those comments having been made, yes, what was offered in that plea deal sucked.
Keep looking for nuggets. Keith “Antifa” Ellison outperformed Hillary in the Iron belt on his way to a 49-45 victory.
Keith “Muslim Brotherhood” Ellison.
If you want to pretend statewide races in 2018 didn’t happen, vaya con Dios
@ 97
Comparing 2018 Dem to 2020 is like comparing 2014 GOP to 2016. Or 2010 GOP to 2012.
You cannot do it credibly. For that matter it was not credible for me to compare 2012 to 2018 Klobuchar for the same reason.
But you didn’t catch that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 “is like comparing 2014 GOP to 2016”
Comparing 1860 GOP, 1952 GOP, or even 1980 GOP to 2020 GOP is beyond the computing power of any computer yet invented.
NSDAP evolved from modest beginnings and became unrecognizable, too. All it takes is one demagogue.
Hillary Clinton is innocent of all allegations against her. But what a surprising number of those around her end up taking the Fifth during one investigation or another.
Yeah, you went there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 Hillary’s associates are more adept at staying out of jail. Actual innocence probably helps. Being smarter than the average Republican helps, too.
is like comparing 2014 GOP to 2016. Or 2010 GOP to 2012.
Crowd holds lighters in the air “Play ‘Party of Lincoln Southern Strategy'”
Biden is currently finding is proclamations that drilling will end if he runs things to be
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
But what a surprising number of those around her end up taking the Fifth during one investigation or another.
House investigations in which the committee counsel declined to offer any use immunity to any such witnesses.
This is pretty basic stuff that even Puddy’s fake “barrister” son can explain to you. There is but one reason for it. They knew they had nothing. And they knew these witnesses could give them nothing. So instead of moving on they make a point of calling the gardener and the pool cleaner and force them to decline to answer. It’s got nothing to do with legal process. It’s political theater.
It worked too. You think that’s a good thing. We’ll see how you feel about it next year.
If you put me in a committee room, in front of cameras, surrounded by career prosecutors, and swore me, I wouldn’t agree to tell you what I had for lunch yesterday without use immunity. Nobody should.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
There is but one reason for it.
Republicans don’t go for perjury traps. dummocretins do!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You cannot do it credibly.
Sure you can. To do it “credibly” simply requires that you compare the same universes of respondents. So don’t compare nationwide sampling of “approval” among “all adults” with a statewide ballot result of actual voters, for instance.
There’s enormous potential risk in refusing to admit to changes in voter composition in statewide races. Ask Robby Mook. Mook’s mistake was not in relying on data. His mistake lay in how he analyzed the data and how he applied it. His model of voter behavior completely missed the targeted surge of R voter turnout Trump produced, and the devastating shifts and turnout refusals among D voters. Then he applied that model to a strategy aimed at micro targeting moderate Rs and independents, who were never, ever going to vote for a Clinton, no matter how many Blue Apron subscriptions they had or how many times they streamed Argo.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Videos taken Tuesday show that both Huber and Rosenbaum were running at Rittenhouse when the fatal shots were fired; after Rosenbaum had already been shot, Huber had been attempting to hit Rittenhouse with a skateboard when he was shot in the chest.
Sounds like murder to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
This is what is indisputed. Donald left the the White House unscheduled on a Saturday last November and was taken to Walter Reid in Bethesda. White House reporters were not told that the trip would happen and were briefed about nothing except the President’s movements on that day were “unreportable”. Video would later be shown of White House Physician accompanying him into an SUV to go to Walter Reed. There is a full medical team on site at the White House 24/7.
Press Secretary says it was to start a routine physical. Either none of the on site medical staff are trained to do this “routine” part of a physical OR whatever was happening was of enough concern to require an unplanned, unannounced and seemingly rushed visit to Walter Reed.
Speculate if you must but questions about Donald’s health are out there.
In the aftermath of this episode, video of Donald having trouble negotiating a small ramp, limping and/or walking extremely awkwardly with his right leg and the inability to lift a glass with his right hand have been seen. Motor skill impairment of one side of the body or other is a common after effect of a stroke.
That and the slurring of words and you have to wonder what’s medically wrong with him.
@ 109
Maybe it isn’t even Trump.
Wow, there’s a lot of that article you choose to leave out. Wonder why.
Oh, because it is a portrait of a repeat offender.
Roger Rabbitspews:
While we’re on the topic of Biden’s mental stability, doc, check out today’s “Top Story” on SJ’s blog:
“Trump denies ‘suffering a series of mini-strokes.’ Nobody ever said he did.” (Link here: http://handbill.us/)
@ 112
Pass. I visit that blog for the sole purpose of using it to laugh at your ass. I have no interest in assisting you in free advertising, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You are an embarrassment to the memory of SeattleJew.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Barr orders FBI to inform politicians and campaigns talking to foreign meddlers they’re being wiretapped.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Barr presumably has concluded that when Donnie Jr. says, “If that’s what you say, I love it!” to his Russian contact when offered political dirt, he’s too stupid to realize he’s being manipulated by a foreign power, and needs to be protected.
By November the left will be arguing that a Molotov cocktail is no worse than a milkshake.
But I notice you did not mention that your supporters were also in Portland this weekend, firing paintball guns at people, some form of pepper spray. So do you want to also take this chance to condemn what your supporters did in Portland?
Trump: Well, I understand they had large numbers of people that were supporters, but that was a peaceful protest. And paint is not — and paint is a defensive mechanism; paint is not bullets.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I think they are telling him now to just say weird random crazy shit so we’ll all be distracted and we won’t notice all the other deeply corrupt shit they are doing to fuck with the election.
It’s worth keeping in mind that, while it may have taken him four years to get there, he now has a small handful of reasonably competent, devoted backers surrounding him in the executive branch and in the Senate. And nearly every single one of them has everything at stake in this election. If twelve months ago they were stumbling into each other and setting off alarms while trying to extort Ukraine for election help, what do you suppose they are doing now? Who knows? We’re all too busy looking at Trump masturbating and drooling on his tie.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I think maybe some of Trump’s voters are having mini-strokes too:
Kyle Rittenhouse is going to jail for life. Autopsy confirms that he shot and killed his first victim in the back at least once. Video evidence confirms his first victim was also unarmed for the entire encounter. His lawyers have already starting walking back self-defense claims. Everyone screaming about how he isn’t a murderer might want to delete their posts and comments now.
Quote from Trevor Noah: “Nobody drives into a city with guns because they love someone else’s business that much. That’s some bullshit. No one has ever thought, ‘Oh, it’s my solemn duty to pick up a rifle and protect that T.J. Maxx.’ They do it because they’re hoping to shoot someone.”
You are an embarrassment to the memory of SeattleJew.
You and your fascist ilk are an embarrassment to humanity.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Asked directly Pence refuses to deny the report, saying instead that it’s so long ago he can’t remember if he was told to be ready to be sworn in.
It’s at least as plausible as the conclusion that the candidate caught on a hot mic bragging to a bus full of strangers about how often he gets away with forcibly grabbing a starlet’s vagina was just making a harmless boast to appear cool*.
*Also assumes you think rape is cool. And now we know who does. Puddy?.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News Update – 100,297 Demorat Scientists Prove Mailfraud Ballots Cannot Be Stolen, Sold Or Forged.
Via The New York Post: https://nypost.com/2020/08/29/political-insider-explains-voter-fraud-with-mail-in-ballots/
There’s no watermark or stamp on the ballots, the insider said, but the return envelopes are impossible to recreate so they had to be collected — then his staff got to work tampering with the envelopes.
The operatives would knock on doors and collect completed ballots by convincing voters they would mail them on their behalf.
The operatives would then take the sealed envelopes and hold them over boiling water, “You have to steam it to loosen the glue,” said the insider.
They would remove the ballots then replace them with the counterfeit ballot and reseal the envelope.
“You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.”
The Democrat operatives go into nursing homes and take advantage of the elderly.
The whistleblower told Levine that sometimes the nurse working inside of the elderly care facility is a paid operative and “help” the elderly with their absentee ballots and “literally fill it out for them.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/democrat-operative-blows-whistle-reveals-massive-mail-voting-fraud-operation/
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Pork Slop,
I have an anonymous source willing to provide a comprehensive and detailed account that I am making up that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you play with your cat’s butthole.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.”
This part is absolutely 100% true and totally for real.
So all you Trolls4Trump had better make sure you pack a lunch to stand in line with all the other COVIDIOTS to vote in-person this year. After all the Trump/GOP trash talking the postal service employees for weeks and weeks you guys are fucked if you try to vote by mail. But don’t worry. If you put bleach in your butt before you leave home the virus can’t get you. I promise.
you play with your cat’s butthole
Pork Sauce plays with his cat’s butthole?? That should be illegal. What’s this world coming to?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Hate America Demorats Find More American Monuments To Destroy.
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser today proposed to “remove, relocate, or contextualize” some of the nation’s most iconic and enduring monuments. Included on the list are the Washington Monument, the completion of which was famously interrupted by the Civil War, and the Jefferson Memorial, one of the most popular destinations on the National Mall. https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/politics/2020/09/01/dc-mayor-proposes-removal-of-washington-monument-others/
“This is what your liberal controlled cities have come to.”
I looked for signs of gayness to see if I could catch a glimpse of some of Puddy’s relatives.
cat’s butthole, horse’s cock. What’s the difference?
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
cat’s butthole, horse’s cock. What’s the difference?
Only you would know that gleeman!
BTW keep looking!
And universities are cesspools of rape and other sexual assaults but how dare you cut their funding.
Mini AOC
Aug 31
If the riots are really Trump’s fault do you think Democrats and the media would’ve spent the last three months calling them peaceful protests?
“Certainly a lot can happen in the next ~60 days to change the odds, but we currently believe that momentum in favor of Trump will continue, while most investors are still positioned for a Biden win,” Kolanovic wrote Monday. “Implications could be significant for the performance of factors, sectors, COVID-19 winners/losers, as well as ESG.”
I did read earlier this week that betting odds are about even right now. Yesterday the Las Vegas Review Journal called it a coin flip.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Remember last year when Puddy put up that the ex-Ukranian Ambassador was dummocretin scum and morons like BeerPong and dot bombed claimed Puddy was wrong?
Guess what libtards, Puddy was right again. How many times has Puddy been right this year? Almost the number of train wrecks from BeerPong. That number stands at #249,240,282,987,256,152 train wrecks so far.
I remember last year when YLB said that the Virginia state house flipping should scare Mitch McConnell ’cause of redistricting.
As if redistricting has anything at all to do with how US Senators are elected.
WTMJ Milwaukee (NBC) via Twitter.
:: Tonight on @tmj4 News at 10…
The owner of a damaged business refused to appear with @POTUS.
So who is the guy he posed with and called the store’s “owner?”
@BenJordan3 exposes some photo-op deception at 10pm.
Fox News correspondent coming so close to calling Trump campaign outright liars…
Biden campaign wants pro-Trump ad on FRACKING removed in battleground PA, telling TV stations it “makes up a policy, ascribes it to Vice President Biden, and then says the nonexistent policy will result in job losses of 30 times more people than actually work in the industry.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 It was inevitable that Dumbfuck’s grievances would extend to the press. He resents like hell that part of the 1st Amendment, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@108 You don’t normally disarm someone by running away from them.
So a person with a skateboard tries to disarm a gunman, gets shot, and Dumbfuck thinks the gunman is the victim, because he’s a dumbfuck.
The prosecutor who charged the gunman with murder isn’t a dumbfuck. Probably knows more about the law of self-defense in Wisconsin than the capital “D” dumbfuck, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 In which Trump’s body double suffers a small series of debilitating strokes.
So, of course, real Trump imitations body double’s shuffling, slurred speech, and shaking hands so as not to give away body double.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe God, not voters, will decide whether Trump gets a second term. He doesn’t look so good lately.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 Think I don’t know you’ve clicked on “1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson” at least 10,000 times?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@136 Probably because McConnell only worries about who controls the Senate. Trump can bypass the House. Hell, he can bypass the whole Congress.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@137 Here’s your answer:
“Tom Gram’s century-old camera shop burned to the ground a week ago during the unrest in Uptown Kenosha. Gram said he declined President Trump’s request to be a part of his tour of damage Tuesday in Kenosha. Instead, a former owner of the shop was invited and he praised the president’s efforts.”
A federal lawsuit against the Kenosha police and sheriff alleges they have arrested 150 peaceful protesters for curfew violations but not a single pro-police demonstrator or militia member, who are allowed to freely roam the streets after curfew.
Kyle Rittenhouse will never be a police officer, FBI agent, or National Guardsman. However, he might become a Republican congressman. There are no moral prerequisites for that job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Interesting that Rittenhouse was the only person who fired shots during the “riot.” So he’ll have to argue he was in some special danger that no one else was. That’ll be hard to do considering the two people he killed were unarmed.
The jury will see this wasn’t self-defense, but an underage vigilante in illegal possession of a firearm losing his cool and using that firearm in circumstances where an adult would not have, as shown by the fact the armed adults in his immediate vicinity did not fire in the same circumstances.
Too young to be a vigilante, but old enough to be tried and sentenced as an adult, is a tough spot to be in. Maybe he’ll get out in time to live in a nursing home someday.
The Republican president who people are sayn has not had strokes.
“”And you have people coming over with bags of soup — big bags of soup. And they lay it on the ground, and the anarchists take it and they start throwing it at our cops, at our police. And if it hits you, that’s worse than a brick because that’s got force. It’s the perfect size. It’s, like, made perfect.
And when they get caught, they say, ‘No, this is just soup for my family.’ And then the media says, ‘This is just soup. These people are very, very innocent. They’re innocent people. These are just protesters. Isn’t it wonderful to allow protesting?'””
“The police officer was splashed in the chest with gumbo! Don’t you realize he’s allergic to shrimp? Those monsters!” /s
Puddybud, The One AND Only Demonstrating BeerPong Really Is A Moronspews:
Fox News correspondent coming so close to calling Trump campaign outright liars…
Or when the BBC called Joe BiteME! a liar when he put in his acceptance speech that Trump called KKK “good people”? Where was BeerPong then?
MIA of course!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
137, 138, 145,
The continuous petty lying has only positive effects on the angry old white man base of supporters.
But plenty of polling data over the past four years indicates that it has lasting negative effects on swing voters, reducing Trump’s “trustworthiness” scores and “confidence” scores among unaligned, disengaged potential voters, and moderate, weak lean, likely voters.
Keep in mind that key to Trump’s razor thin margins in a half dozen swing states was a micro targeted effort to bring specific unaligned and disengaged potential voters to the polls. He can’t do it with base alone.
A fired up, angry base is what gives Trump2020 the sense of energy and urgency they feel they need to compare well in spite of a record of failure. But the fundamentals along with that record of failure mean that Trump2020 suffers from a significant deficit in numbers when it comes to negative partisanship and negative campaigning. And firing up his base in this way comes at a cost in terms of swing voters.
Democrats and progressives must remain energized and in the streets peacefully demonstrating through the giant global Nov 4th 24hr street party – socially distanced of course.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
2020 voters are 11 percent less likely to be “undecided” coming off the conventions when compared to 2016 voters. Assuming no differential in turnout, to win the map Trump2020 must own every single “undecided” voter available in the battleground states.
Fabricating ridiculous and easily disproven lies about his opponents and more than half of all American voters, and delusional muttering about soup isn’t going to work.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The poor kid is completely fucked. This is no criminal defense attorney. This is malpractice. They are going to use him to raise money, build fundraising lists, and whip gun-humper votes for Trump. And in doing so they will be throwing his life away.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
10 bullets were fired from firearms last week.
2 men are dead.
1 man lost his arm.
1 man is paralyzed for life.
None of these bullets were fired from any black person or anyone associated with Black Lives Matter.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Wow assesHorse dummocretins. You care about Rittenhouse but there is nothing in your screams about the Trump supporter killed in cold blood.
The victim was shot because he was a Trump supporter or at least thought to be a Trump supporter. Just before he was shot, a BLM/Antifa protester screams, “We got a Trumper right there.” Seconds later, another leftist shoots and kills, the alleged Trump supporter.
This is why Puddy calls dummocretin scum. You all are.
When word got out that the victim was a Trump supporter, the BLM/Antifa terrorists celebrated.
Andy Ngo – gay Asian reporter tells it as it is
After finding out that it was a “blue lives matter” supporter who was killed, antifa in Portland are very happy. They’re dancing and chanting now. #PortlandRiots
Yes disgusting pond scum!
“I am not sad that a f—ing fascist died tonight,” says a woman at the Antifa gathering in downtown Portland.
These are your ilk senile idiot wabbit, deadanddeformedmind and dot bombed!
“He was a f—ing Nazi! Our community held its own.”
#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder! #Youbuiltthat
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
USA Today/Suffolk poll finds basically the same 33% of die hard Trump supporters are the only Americans who oppose BLM protests/demonstrations and sports player boycotts.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
USA Today/Suffolk poll finds basically the same 33% of die hard Trump supporters are the only Americans who oppose BLM protests/demonstrations and sports player boycotts.
And that’s why Don Le-mon went on his show telling people to stop. That’s why Kamala Harris said the violent protests must stop. That’s why Joe BiteME! Monday in Pittsburgh said the violent protests must stop.
It’s for those 33% Trump voters!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are a true moron dot bombed!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
$45 million buy dropping today in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Trump2020/GOP messaging isn’t working.
Biden agrees with the majority of Real American voters who want the violence, and extremist attacks to stop. Guns don’t belong at peaceful protests. Trumpalos should stop bringing them. And Trump should call upon them to do so. But he can’t.
Meanwhile Joe Biden and the majority of Real American voters support our right to peacefully demonstrate. Being an authoritarian fascist, Trump opposes that right. And he says so plainly.
It’s not hard to see that contrast under the circumstances.
It’s not hard to demonstrate it either.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Biden agrees with the majority of Real American voters who want the violence, and extremist attacks to stop.
Seems the dummocretin must be the minority eh dot bombed? How large is that violent left wrong dummocretin minority AKA friends of dot bombed? 30%, 40% 45%?
Then why is it only this week dummocretin leadership acknowledge these are riots and not peaceful protests dot bombed? Remember Chairman Nadler is on record calling it a myth. Senator Crazy Maisie Hirono walked out of Ted Cruz’s subcommittee calling it a fantasy. Guess they were lying like usual eh dot bombed? Why can’t dummocretin leadership call out antifa/blm violence directly? Why did BiteME! miss a perfect opportunity to call out the violent protests two weeks ago tomorrow in his acceptance speech? Why are black people looking at Trump differently now since they are viewing the standard dummocretin leadership ploy of we need black people every four years then discard them like dirty rags otherwise?
BECAUSE THE INTERNAL POLLS TELL dummocretin they ARE DROPPING LIKE ROCKS! That’s why the big ad buy. they have to waste those ad bucks to recover “the momentum” lost through the Squad calling more more protests!
Why didn’t the major dummocretin polling places put out polls just after the Republican convention? There is this polling hole in the Real Clear Politics average dot bombed.
Guns don’t belong at peaceful protests. dummocretin lovers should stop bringing them.-FTFY!
See ya idiot! You are as stooooooooooooooooooopid as evah!!!!
@ 157, 158
Again with the arguments based on national polling.
In an August poll conducted by the Marquette University Law School before the shooting of Jacob Blake, public approval of the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death in Minnesota declined from 61% to 48% in Wisconsin.
It’s not the nation Don Lemon cares about. Who gives a fuck if Biden wins CA by 18% instead of by 20% because of the riots?
HA libbies, go back to the Election Night thread in 2016 and read it. The whole thing.
The shocked sadness and the vitriol directed at Bernie Sanders are because y’all did not fully understand that the national polls mean absolutely nothing.
Relatedly, public sentiment in the nation on any particular issue means nothing. QoS is correct that 33% shouldn’t move the needle, and yet Don Lemon’s needle clearly was moved last week.
There is a reason for that. The reason is polls not publicly released.
Exit question: The poll I cited above took place before the Kenosha riots. How do y’all think Wisconsin would poll today?
There is a reason why Trump visited Kenosha and Biden did not.
The riots issue is a winner for only one of them.
Oh, and Biden would have risked being asked a question he couldn’t duck.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Violent, ultra-right-wing insurrectionist white supremacist Trumpers who travel from their sweltering dusty trailer parks to peaceful, affluent, progressive coastal cities intent on violence and mayhem will have to think twice. Costs a lot of money to retain local counsel to respond. Costs lots more to attend depositions and produce discovery. And if you go to trial, it’s $50k.
Get out your checkbooks, Trolls4Trump. Because Trump isn’t paying for this either. And neither is Mexico.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
There is a reason why Trump visited Kenosha and Biden did not.
Now one passenger, Meg McLain, a young, female contributor to Libertarian-leaning radio show Free Talk Left, is talking about the aggressive scene the followed when she refused to go through the intrusive scanning at Ft. Lauderdale International Airport.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
There is a reason why Trump visited Kenosha and Biden did not.
And how’d that work out? Blake’s family was adamant that he wasn’t welcome. Didn’t meet with them. Got caught faking a business owner upset at the looting of his business. Praised a murderer. “Violent Mobs” while hundreds held a peaceful gathering on the spot Blake died, where Donald was too scared to show his face. “It’s choking, like missing a three foot putt” where the ball outside the hole is a dead body.
Biden goes on Thursday. Want to bet his Town Hall will include the Blake family and focus on healing and compassion?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Frivolous would be if def was not on film from multiple angles aiming at plaintiff and firing.
Jury gets to decide how much a welt is worth. If it passes the test for criminal assault (and it does) then it passes the test to go before a civil jury.
By capitulating to the mob, PDX mayor Wheeler burnishes his 2024 DNC keynote credentials.
Andy Ngô Retweeted
Andy Ngô
Portland mayor
, who has an Oregon beachfront home, a $1.3m home on the west hills & another property in the San Juan Islands, announces he is looking to move from his NW Portland condo after antifa keep attacking it. #PortlandRiots
QoS McHillbilly wants to go after the paintball guy.
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A man accused of stabbing two people to death in Northeast Portland in June was arrested at a protest in downtown Portland just one week prior, KOIN 6 News has learned.
Cassy Leaton, 22, and Najaf “Nate” Hobbs, 39, were stabbed on June 16 near Northeast Davis Street. Police arrested Phillip Lawrence Nelson, 39, two days later. He faces two murder charges and is being held without bail.
Just days before he allegedly killed Leaton and Hobbs, though, Nelson was taken into custody at a protest in downtown Portland. Court records show he was arrested on charges of interfering with a peace officer. Those charges were dismissed the next day.
A reminder that Team Biden donates to an organization that bails out these human POS types.
Don Lemon knows how bad this looks for your ilk. On the first Wednesday of November, y’all gonna understand it, too.
Willie Hortonspews:
Did you hear the one about Sheriff Dave Reichert interviewing the Green River Killer?
@ 173
Was it something that flipped a presidential election?
I did hear it wasn’t something that kept Reichert out of Congress.
Officers providing security during a Seattle Parks Department cleanup Tuesday morning at Cal Anderson Park recovered homemade spike strips, weapons and dozens of makeshift shields inside of tents in the area.
The Seattle Parks Department began clearing Cal Anderson Park shortly after 10 AM Tuesday to repair damages done to a field house, as well as clean up trash that had been piling up since the park’s closure on June 30th.
Workers with the parks department were cleaning out a tent in the area when they found what they believed were weapons. Officers obtained a warrant to search the tent and recovered a machete, hatchet, homemade spike strips, an unexploded mortar, and multiple makeshift shields.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
TIL Andy Ngo’s 500,000 Moldovan bot-account followers can flip a statewide election in Pennsylvania.
I guess I’d be more impressed and perhaps even concerned if The Q Clearance Cat Lady was pimping #RiotPorn from @MeghanMcCain
Gee, I wonder if Biden will hold a presser while he’s there. And if he’ll be led by the hand by Jill again.
@ 176
I didn’t raise Andy Ngo’s public profile.
Antifa did.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I didn’t raise Andy Ngo’s public profile.
No. You didn’t. Patriot Prayer and PPB did when they got caught coordinating with him for an attack on a pub in NE Portland.
It says something about your op sec when all an infiltrator has to do to penetrate your terror cell is recite the names of breakfast cereals.
Carmen Bestspews:
This is the same department that insisted a chefs knife in the CHOP kitchen had no purpose but to stab cops AND that smoke bombs were explosive devices being hurled at officers.
That ad plays against a backdrop of a Trump supporter murdering two in Kenosha and a golf metaphor of death.
Also, the tide has turned on the kneeling thing.
See NFL, See NBA, See MLB, See NASCAR, See Alabama FB, See WNBA, See MLS
Playing to the base. All that’s left for Team Donald.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Still worth remembering that statistically, thanks to the electoral college, Biden/Harris winning depends upon more than a change in momentum:
Trump can’t close the gap with base alone. To get within striking distance he must have a commanding margin among white voters. If Biden/Harris flip only 1% of white voters from 2016 they win.
What else is going on today?
DHS withheld publication of intelligence bulletin warning of Russian scheme to push “allegations about the poor mental health” of Joe Biden, per emails and document draft obtained by @ABC. @jonkarl has the full story coming up on @GMA
ABC EXCLUSIVE: The DHS intelligence bulletin warning about foreign interference in the 2020 election was supposed to go out on July 9 but was blocked by Chad Wolf’s chief of staff.
Odds of House Committees hauling Administration officials in for hearings and sworn testimony in Sept/Oct—-High.
@ 182
If Biden/Harris flip only 1% of white voters from 2016 and if absolutely nothing happens to the 2016 percentages of black and Hispanic voters they win.
The DHS intelligence bulletin warning about foreign interference in the 2020 election was supposed to go out on July 9 but was blocked by Chad Wolf’s chief of staff.
Meanwhile, efforts by reporters to ask Biden an unscripted question were blocked by the DNC.
If you pedal fast enough you can go back.
Iowa State, after announcing yesterday that 25,000 fans would be allowed to attend the season opener, today says the stadium will be empty.
Seems the people of Iowa aren’t on the same page as their GOP Governor about how greatly COVID response has been.
DJIA back above 29,000.
That’s a climb of more than 10,000 points in fewer than 5 1/2 months.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
and now they’re weaponizing soup, too. Gotta somehow justify arresting those soup kitchen workers. Because lawsuits. But this is what really sticks in his craw:
“Isn’t it wonderful to allow protesting?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@154 The kid doesn’t get that he’s as disposable to these people as Caribou Barbie was. They get the money, he gets life. But I guess he can think of lifetime free room and board as being sort of like winning Publishers Clearing House if he can get used to the leg irons, guards, and being somebody’s bitch. Probably a black guy.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Yeah L. Lin Wood Jr is getting those big Nick Sandmann checks and his ex-partners want some of the Sandmann financial action. Question for dot bombed:
Since you didn’t care for Nicholas Sandmann, and we see you don’t care for Kyle Rittenhouse and you care less if suspected Portland Trump supporter killer Michael Forest Reinoehl meets the long arm of justice; why do you care about L. Lin Wood Jr except to score “brownie” points with your assesHorse dummocretin buds? Hmmm…? That’s not news except to your puny Planck distance mind.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Officers obtained a warrant to search the tent and recovered a machete, hatchet, homemade spike strips, an unexploded mortar, and multiple makeshift shields.
Remember godwinha, per dot bombed, they are just antifa white people living in
peaceful, affluent, progressive coastal cities
That’s what Kshama Sawant wants you to believe. She give out Durkan’s home address to the morons!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Playing to the base. All that’s left for Team Donald.
Really BeerPong? That’s why the riots were peaceful demonstrations or they were myths per Chairman Nadler to now let’s blame them on Trump.
Yeah hold that thought BeerPong! Don’t strain under the “mental pressure”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@156 I previously posted that the victim appeared in photos to have a pistol holster strapped to his right leg and a spare magazine pouch strapped to his left leg. I don’t know anything else at this point. Maybe he pulled on someone who then acted in self-defense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@158 Well, I’ve noticed the diehard Trump supporters show up for riots, so they can’t be all that peace-loving.
You’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You have had a miserable existence as a failed attorney and you have little to leave to your family. Several years ago you were stupid enough to show a measure of your worth to someone on HA – it’s right there in the archives, any time YLB wants to pull them – and you’ve only got $435,000 or so to show for yourself.
Stunningly, you have watched the financial markets rocket back from a very brief disturbance and they are now at or within a couple of percent of their all-time highs. You know that a Trump re-election will keep them at their current levels, if not give them a bit of an additional boost, and you desperately need more assets because your family is hurting due to your many investment errors over the years.
You know that a Biden victory will cost your pitifully small investment account balance 10% or perhaps 20%, right away, and that Elizabeth Warren in a new administration will virtually ensure that your lies about being a millionaire will never, ever be anything but the lies they always have been.
You’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. For you there is no 2024 because your prostate gland is gonna explode into the most aggressive malignancy known to man.
What do you do?
You vote Trump and lie about it on HA. That’s what you do.
You’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@161 “How large is that violent left wrong dummocretin anarchist minority”
I calculate 8-12 people in Portland, 5-8 people in Seattle, and 0 people in Forks.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Looks like BiteME! is blaming the victim in Portland. Smooth move ex-lax. Except he, the victim. was confronted on the street with no paint gun weapon and approached by the shooter on video.
A man, who Mr. Pappas later contends is the gunman, shouts: “Hey, we got some right here. We got a couple right here.”
Way to go libtardo BiteME!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
I calculate 8-12 people in Portland
Your calculations are as accurate as your senile acuity here in 2020 senile idiot wabbit!
With the whole fucking nation watching, during the first debate.
The president told the Fox News host that Biden would be “crying for mommy” if forced to answer the same kinds of questions from Wallace.
“Let Biden sit through an interview like this, he’ll be on the ground crying for mommy. He’ll say ‘Mommy, mommy, please take me home,’” the president said.
“Well, we’ve asked him for an interview, sir,” Wallace replied.
“He can’t do an interview. He’s incompetent,” Trump said in response.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit calculates using the same skillset with which he invests.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
The kid doesn’t get that he’s as disposable to these people as Caribou Barbie was.
And yet her lawsuit against the NY Slimes past muster through a judge senile idiot wabbit!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@167 Inadmissible. Even an armchair lawyer like you should be able to figure out that what happened in an airport 10 years ago (assuming it’s the same chick) has no relevance to the merits of her personal injury claim against a dude decked out in battle gear indiscriminately firing paintballs into a crowd of several dozen people. What she does (or did) for a living isn’t relevant or admissible, either. Even streetwalkers can sue when they get hit in a crosswalk by a red light runner.
This isn’t a place you want to go, doc. If the system is changed so verdicts are based on character instead of behavior, every Republican on the planet will be broke in short order.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@168 According to the fine print. Lin Wood is being sued not by one but by three of his ex-partners for allegedly reneging on a fee-splitting agreement.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@171 Which is highly relevant to the fact his net worth is more than yours. All you have is a 5-acre rural lot with a barn, a horse, and half a dozen chickens that you can’t trade for respectability. You might get some warm eggs, though.
@ 207
I have the goods on you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Conservatives pray for your family. ’cause those poor fuckers are gonna need a financial miracle after what you have cost them.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Those are lies again, Puddy.
And if you were not so wrong in His eyes, you would not have to offer false witness.
Both Sandman and Rittenhouse are minor children who should not be used by opportunistic sleazy Rapepublican grifters to advance their authoritarian agenda. They both deserved to be treated better than they have been or will be in this world. And you are partly to blame for that.
I’m not excusing and certainly not supporting what Rittenhouse did. Two people are dead and another nearly lost a limb because a misguided kid with emotional problems was encouraged by Rapepublicans to take up arms and seek violence. But you are more to blame for those deaths and injuries than Rittenhouse is. And he deserves a good lawyer who will make that case for him in front of a jury, rather than martyr him to the 2nd Amendment.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Now I have to go back and see if I can figure out what RR posted to trigger that. Or maybe it was just the dawning realization that even a very small decline in support from 2016 among white voters will cost Trump and the GOP their future.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Both Sandman[n] and Rittenhouse are minor children who should not be used by opportunistic sleazy dummocretin cretins to advance their authoritarian agenda. – FTFYA
Don’t know what will happen to Rittenhouse butt we all know Sandmann will never have to work hard in his life due to dummocretins all over America in media, in congress and in hollyweird attacking that minor child for only wearing a MAGA hat which triggered the snowflakes into a frenzy!
See ya useless one!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You’re going to want to check with your fake Barrister son on this one, trust me.
As a minor Nick Sandman is not legally capable of claiming any settlement or judgement. Consequently in many states a guardian ad litem must be named to act as a fiduciary on the minor’s behalf to receive the judgement or settlement. In KY that requires a probate hearing. Probate hearings are public proceedings and so are their records.
Thanks to the TrumpClap Death Plague in-person hearings have been canceled and virtual Zoom hearings are delayed. Still Sandman’s probate hearing was scheduled in spring to take place well before his 18th birthday in July. But surprisingly to some, Sandman and his lawyers agreed to delay the settlement date until after his 18th birthday in order to keep the sum of the settlement from being part of any public record.
Neither plaintiff nor plaintiff’s counsel stand to benefit by bending over backward to conceal a huge win on their part.
So Sandman collected what was left after costs and must surely have done well enough. But it’s not anywhere near what Trumpalo wet dreams pretend it is. Still, he deserves it. He’ll be remembered in perpetuity as the Smirking MAGATeen. And I won’t be surprised to see him reappear in a few years smirking alongside Drew Pinsky.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@207 In 9 weeks you’re going to need more prayer than I do.
Thought I’d repost from the previous thread.
A Guide to Trumpspeak
“Did you know….” (I just found this out)
“People are saying….” (I’m making this up)
“We will see what happens” (I have no idea what’s happening)
“Fake News!” (This information makes me look bad)
“Believe Me!” (I’m totally lying, suckers!)
“Witch Hunt” (People investigating my illegal activities are finding too much evidence)
That’s great news about Polio being further reduced! Science and public health triumphs!!
Rittenhouse crawls into a tiger den and kills a tiger that was coming toward him and then claims self defense when they want to charge him for killing. He willingly put himself in a situation where he could shoot tigers and should not get a pass.
Got a better analogy?
( I know, godwin is likely to go into a name calling froth in response. This question is for the sane people. )
The conservatives claiming that Rittenhouse was “defending himself”, would mean that every mass shooter who shoots further people, like the police, trying to disarm him, can claim he feared for his life and was justified in shoot the people trying to disarm him and should be held blameless for that.
Things sports fans remember:
Jamal Murray, Denver Nuggets, dropped 50 to force a game Seven last night. 17-24 shooting and an NBA playoff record 3pt % 9-12.
Fighting tears in the on court postgame interview
The shoes he’s referring to are custom painted with portraits of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.
Spending a bunch of time pointing out that Rasmussen polling Friday didn’t include Donald’s speechifying from an illegal location so losing five points in approval during the RNC wasn’t real.
He’s right. It wasn’t real. He lost only four.
Rasmussen A/D
Should clarify, more than 1 attempt. There are NBA Players who shot 1-1 for 3Pts in the playoffs. Elias Sports stats doesn’t show anyone doing 2-2, or 2-3.
Military Times poll has Donald 38/50 favorable/Un among active duty.
41% will vote for Biden
37% will vote for Donald
This same poll had Donald 20 over Hillary.
Well if Herman Cain’s social media manager or a family member is still in his Twitter they have a sick sense of humor. This morning Cain’s account tweeted :
Cain, you’ll remember, died from the virus in July.
I don’t really think it’s necessary to advance tortured analogies in order to challenge Rittenhouse’s claims to self-defense.
Everything about his recent history describes an exceptionally immature 17-year-old with pervasive thoughts of violence experiencing a prolonged period of personal failures. Who then carries a military combat weapon illegally into a neighboring state where he brandishes it openly and also quite illegally with the purpose of using it illegally to threaten people. Almost everything he was doing there was illegal. Any claim of self-defense is presumed diminished when the claimant is asserting it while committing crimes. Each state has it’s own unique statutes defining when and how a self-defense may be asserted. I don’t know the Wisconsin statutes. But his attorney has indicated in the media his intention to assert it. If that is the case his defense will be greatly diminished by the facts that his presence and actions were illegal.
Moreover offering a claim of self-defense will require Mr. Rittenhouse to take the stand and testify (key elements of the defense require it) and this will open the door for prosecutors to cross examine his troubled and disturbing personal history. It’s still very early. His own lawyers have had little or no opportunity to interview Mr. Rittenhouse or conduct any investigation. At some point months from now, long after The Q Clearance Cat Lady and his 8chan girlfriends have moved on to other violent spank material and forgotten all about their Tiger Beat hero, don’t be surprised to see Mr. Rittenhouse plead guilty to some lesser felonies.
Don’t worry. According to The Q Clearance Cat Lady, rioting mobs of overweight Big Chicken Dinner Proud Boys are going to turn all that around in the next four weeks.
Just like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s brokerage account! “Little equity value here”.
JPMorgan’s Tusa gets more negative on GE: ‘We see little equity value here’
Sorta like the Biden candidacy.
8-2 DC Circuit rules that Sullivan may proceed with his trial of the DOJ’s motion to dismiss Flynn.
Gosh. I wonder who the two were? /s
So probably not going to be LOCK-HER-UPing Sullivan after all.
Don’t tell Puddy.
The polio news is the best news for Democrats. It means they can mock Mitch McConnell for having had it when he was a child, with less concern that someone might bring up the devastation suffered by current-day polio victims.
Yes, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. It’s true. McConnell did suffer from polio as a young child.
It’s hundreds of owners, really, but the reporter was on deadline.
This is correct.
Looks like #BLM put the guillotine in front of the wrong billionaire’s house.
Oh, just a typical Sunday. POTUS reading the news scanning twitter, retweeting an actual America Nazi and then a little SportsCenter.
Weird how the “rioters” are not waiving candidate flags but the “Patriots” storming the cities and doing violence are flying Trump flags and the Confederate flag all over those F-150s. Almost like the love racism and Dear Leader above the country.
Kyle Rittenhouse has issues with girls.
Funny, so does Doctor Dumbfuck.
That might leave a mark. The “Patriot” seen in multiple videos with Rittenhouse in Kenosha is Ryan Balch, a 31-year-old Wisconsin man.
Balch’s Twitter account includes retweets of Adolf Hitler speeches, refers to himself as a ‘Goy’ which is popular among the American White Supremacist movement as it is the Yiddish word for Non-Jew, and is littered with references to the Boogaloo movement and praise for the Confederacy.
So the media might start poking around at what kind of people RADICALIZED Rittenhouse.
Aaaand moving on.
Thanks for the sharing, Cat Lady. Be sure and keep us all up to date on the monthly proceedings of The Duck Club.
19, 20,
And once again, as it is, as it has been, and will be forevermore, The Q Clearance Cat Lady comes to a modest pang of regret for having valorized and promoted violent, racist, Nazis.
Like I keep trying to explain to him, it’s not “everybody” who is a Nazi. Just him and the rest of the GOP.
And they can quit whenever they like.
Actually, the video clearly shows this cowardly POS running from the violence he had committed after pulling the trigger.
Although maybe none of this counts because he wasn’t in a “tiger den” @ 3 when he pulled the trigger. Isn’t that right, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@ 20
That might leave a mark.
It might. If the two have a relationship that extended beyond standing in the same place at the same time on one night.
Oh. That dude supports Richard Spencer. Who supports Joe Biden.
So by your rationale is Biden complicit in those three killings?
Or were there just two guys at the same place at the same time, with no other tie between them?
It will all come out in the next few weeks to months. Keep posting about it.
I’ll have to get back on this. Still searching Etsy for the sold out shirt shops featuring dreamy Tiger Beat images of Reinoehl surrounded by floating valentines with cool slogans about bringing mace to a gunfight.
I’ll let you know, okay Cat Lady?
Also, and not for nuthin, 23 might be a more effective bit of rhetoric with a working link.
Yes, it’s Breitbart. So consider the source, surely.
It’s also Rittenhouse’s attorney, explaining how his client came to be running away from a bunch of rioters chasing his ass, one of whom apparently fired a gun at him or in his general direction before he created his
moronic @ 3magical “tiger den” and shot and killed athug child molester“tiger”.@ 23, 25
Thanks for pointing it out. Had a bit o’ trouble and fucked it up during the edit. It’s from The Oregonian. But you read it online before I linked to it, so you already knew that.
I’m not going to bother to pick Pierce apart here. He’s in posturing mode. We hope. Angling to improve his client’s negotiating position. If he puts this emotionally disturbed child on the stand exposing him to expert cross examination he’s a total piece of shit.
Encouraging it makes The Q Clearance Cat Lady a piece of shit.
Is tiger den some sort of gay slang? It’s not in Urban Dictionary.
Or is it just something dreamed up by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
The lawyers keep running into that problem.
“To protect property”
Wisconsin law does not provide a castle doctrine to other people’s property just your own.
And they haven’t even tried to get around illegally possessed weapon.
There’s a word for a person who decides to act in a law enforcement capacity when they are neither authorized or trained to do so. It has a long history of use to describe illegal activity: VIGILANTE
(Gasp, attorney’s trying to taint a potential jury pool by trying the case in the media! Why I never!)
@ 28
If he puts this emotionally disturbed child on the stand exposing him to expert cross examination he’s a total piece of shit.
Agreed. But with so much video and even The Gray Lady backing your self-defense claim, why do it?
Never learn, do they.
There’s really only one small thing that separates The Q Clearance Cat Lady and the rest of his 8chan girlfriends who exclusively do armed battle from the safety of Mom’s basement, from the PATRIOTS who load guns and ammo into their coal-rollers and go urban hunting.
They aren’t quite emotionally disturbed enough… yet.
And before they get to that point, they will have taken a Right Wing Heroe’s journey. That dark odyssey will leave a clear documentary trail. It’s the trail of girl-punching, and TROs, and vile pro-Nazi rants on social media, and DD Form 258s, and arrest warrants, and drowned puppies that inevitably accompanies every single one of these PATRIOTS.
Keep going, Cat Lady. You’re almost there.
@ 30
Yeah, sure. Just breeze by that nonsense @ 26 about protecting himself and protecting others.
Why, this cannot be. After all, Kanye 2020!
Maybe they forgot to survey South Carolina.
To advance a claim of self-defense he must put his client on the stand. Especially in this case. No other person can or would be allowed to testify as to the accused’s state of mind, including and especially his defense attorney. Rittenhouse must assert an objectively reasonable fear of imminent injury or death. The circumstances, even accompanied by video, are not enough. Rittenhouse has to face the jury and tell them how afraid he was. That fear has to be set in a particular context.
Both the claim and the context are then open to cross, including a reasonable exploration of the personal history including words, writings, relationships and actions that inform that context.
Maybe the kid presents as collected and self-aware. Maybe, having spent so many hours around cops he’s learned how to speak and behave like one in a controlled setting. But he’s also a kid who loses control and goes off punching girls on video. Adequate prosecutors accustomed to self-assured criminal defendants know how to bring that out on cross.
Also a clearer picture is emerging from the Portland shooting.
The victim is Jay Bishop. He was arrested in October at the Patriot Prayer rally for brandishing a knife and threatening behavior. Police later found a gun in his scooter. He also posted videos and tweets praising Jeremy Christian, the White Supremacist who murdered two people on the MAX train and is currently serving to life sentences. Jay Bishop was interviewed on a fifth tier Right Wing podcast just after the MAX killings
So yeah, he was totally there to protect Portland.
Another detail, A Black Lives Matter medic began treatment but was pushed away by Portland PD who then kicked her supply bag away too. She was kept from helping while Bishop died.
And a final….
The man in videos who appeared to be with Bishop at the time of the shooting has been IDd as Chandler Pappas. Pappas is from Astoria (outside agitator) and has been shown on video stating that he wants to kill protesters. Chandler is on parole and as a condition is required to keep away from all protests or anyone involved in illegal activity.
Get behind them Trumpers! They are the martyrs your movement need to fight for their memory! Go!
Joe Biden: “I want to be very clear about all of this: Rioting is not protesting, looting is not protesting, setting fires is not protesting…It’s lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted.”
FOX News: https://youtu.be/-0MXU3J6Qbs?t=55
Steve Scalise had the second worst weekend of his political career.
Not even as forceful as what he said in July that the GOP pretends never happened because it’s a problem for the “Biden supports the riots” narrative.
And in May
This one’s all yours GOP:
Congrats. #youbuiltthat
Now get Trump involved.
That dude supports Richard Spencer. Who supports Joe Biden.
How soon it forgets.
Too fucking funny from the last thread.
In @ 65 gman refers to me by name no fewer than three times. Clown.
I know the feeling.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Klown indeed.. the author of the quote, that is..
Clearly, aside from being a Nazi, Putin loving cock sucker, it’s a homophobe too.
So probably not going to be LOCK-HER-UPing Sullivan after all.
Don’t tell Puddy.
Sux to be that DAMN FOOL!
@ 36
Also a clearer picture is emerging from the Portland shooting.
The victim is Jay Bishop.
No. It’s not.
The victim’s name is Aaron “Jay” Danielson.
Sources familiar with the case but not authorized to speak said police are investigating Reinoehl in connection with the death of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, a supporter of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer. Danielson was shot in the chest and died soon after most cars in a caravan of backers of President Donald Trump drove through downtown and left.
The one time Cz-252 includes a link, it’s wrong.
Not that I pay attention to national polls, especially such a long time before an election was held. In fact, I mock y’all when it’s done here.
However, if I was gonna pay attention to a national poll, I might start with Emerson’s, released today.
It’s not a national election. It’s a bunch of statewide elections, and the EVs that are distributed as a result, which are then totalled.
“So now we have to decide whether the gun being pointed at us is going to fire bullets or paintballs before we can fight back?”
Nope. We don’t actually.
You mean the one that has Biden at 51% and a pretty calcified electorate?
The one that has Biden 50-42 among independents? Hillary took 42% to Donald’s 43% on election day 2016.
The one that shows Donald among Republicans 83-14%? 2016 it was 94-5% on election day.
The one that says people who voted 3rd party in 2016 are breaking 59% Biden, 18% Donald?
Or is it where they have Biden getting 55% of what conventional wisdom says is the most reliable voters, age 65 ? In 2016 Trump won that age group 53-44. Now think in the state by state how just this last one effects Florida and Arizona.
Maybe it’s the next most reliable group of voters, age 50-64, that said Biden 51-47. Where Donald took that age 51-45 in 2016.
Sure, I gave it the proper amount of attention. But Buck up, Emerson was wildly wrong in 2016 predicting a 323-215 EV margin for Hillary Clinton
Demorat-China National Committee Special Announcement – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UctriMuXYS0;
Shocking Video Proves That Trump Called Upon Supporters To Attack Peaceful Demorats.
Did you miss the news that Trump’s Campaign CFO was indicted on charges of spying for China?
That he was working on behalf of the PRC to get Chinese criminal fugitive Miles Kwok extradited?
That Miles Kwok is the owner of the yacht that Trump’s Campaign Manager was on when he was arrested for criminal fraud? That Kwok was employing the campaign manager to spy for him?
Mind the rakes, Forrest. They are all made in China.
And so is Trump.
@3 “Rittenhouse crawls into a tiger den and kills a tiger that was coming toward him and then claims self defense when they want to charge him for killing. He willingly put himself in a situation where he could shoot tigers and should not get a pass. Got a better analogy?”
Rittenhouse crawls into a tiger den and kills two pussycats coming toward him, one of which hissed at him from 30 feet away, and as he’s leaving a tiger comes at him with its claws extended and he blows away its paw. He killed two pussycats while tiger poaching and should not get a pass.
@4 In this country, murder trials are held in courtrooms, not Trump rallies — not a comforting thought if you’re Rittenhouse. Aaand Trump can’t pardon his young hero worshipper becaaause it’s a state offense. Or rather I should say offenses, plural, “s” on end, as in “consecutive sentences.”
@10 “Everything about his recent history describes an exceptionally immature 17-year-old with pervasive thoughts of violence experiencing a prolonged period of personal failures.”
The nice thing about all this is he doesn’t have worries about his future anymore. Everything he needs — shelter, food, clothing, medical care, and steady work in the kitchen, laundry, or license plate shop — will be provided to him from now on.
@10 “I don’t know the Wisconsin statutes.”
Not to be overlooked is that asserting self-defense is incompatible with denying he did it, that’s not really in issue. So this trial will start with an admission of guilt, and while the state technically has to prove absence of justification, we all know who really has to prove justification. Now note particularly subsection (2)(a).
@12 A dumbfuck living in the past. Sad. Pathetic. Happens a lot in nursing homes. Like incontinence, nobody can do anything about it.
@14 “It’s true. McConnell did suffer from polio as a young child.”
I’ve never heard that from any of my Democratic friends. If they knew about it, they didn’t mention it. Probably because it’s not relevant to anything. Mitch, after all, isn’t FDR.
@23 Looks like your video got pulled. Your source’s IP probably didn’t pay his phone bill.
@24 “supports Richard Spencer. Who supports Joe Biden”
Are you saying Trump can’t even get Nazis to vote for him?
@26 “chasing his ass, one of whom apparently fired a gun at him”
In which Dumbfuck takes umbrage at people who are shot at shooting back.
Self-defense works in only one direction with these guys.
I heard Billy the Kid claimed self-defense, too, but the sheriff wasn’t having it.
@40 Soon to be ex-US Army 2nd Lt. Nathan Freihofer. Too bad. He worked hard for that gold bar. A real shame to lose it this way.
“XVIII Airborne spokesman Col. Joe Buccino told Military.com that the Fort Bragg officials have confirmed that Freihofer is a second lieutenant assigned to the XVIII Airborne and that the ‘highest levels of command are engaged in this.'”
If the spokesman is a colonel what does that make the “highest levels of command”? Answer: Higher than a 2nd Lt.
dot bombed,
Most “pundits” think the DC Circuit want to see what the federal judge will “so order” and want the case to play out in the lower court first. The writ move was a legal gamble because it offered settled case law as my son would say. You can always offer settled case law as part of your argument in any court. Even the senile idiot wabbit remembers that!
One could also argue that the DC Circuit wants to have a final judgment and has told the judge in the appeals trial some issues they had with his handling of the case so far. Don’t you remember that dot bombed?
Meanwhile Joe BiteME! was against fracking before he was for fracking it.
Meanwhile Kamala Harris was for the riots before she she is now against the riots.
How did trump’s thugs in black uniforms with their gear on the plane make it through TSA that take your pocketknife and mouthwash? Did the TSA make the thugs take of their black boots?
One can be for peaceful protests and against violent acts. But that’s not how the conservative propaganda lied about what she said.
Donald, press conference:
“I’ve spoken to James Blake’s family pastor.”
James Blake’s father on CNN about an hour later.
“We don’t have a family pastor.”
White House, “We’re reaching out and trying to talk to (Blake’s) family.”
Jame’s Blake’s Father. “No one has reached out but I’ve spoken to President Biden.”
If Donald actually spoke to someone he just had someone find the closest AME and get them in the phone. “Because, the blacks, they’re all the same.” -Donald, or words and actions to that effect.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron should embed video of Kyle Rittenhouse being chased by multiple assailants, a gunshot going off on the left side of the screen as he heads into the corner of a parking lot, and then explain to us how what’s in the video is the equivalent of first degree murder, and why.
@ 65
How did trump’s thugs in black uniforms with their gear on the plane make it through TSA that take your pocketknife and mouthwash? Did the TSA make the thugs take of their black boots?
For eight years The Even Bigger Fucking Moron complained that Obama was strip-searched by white TSA employees each time before boarding Air Force One.
It was a private plane owned by
The JooosGeorge Soros and the pilot wasthe whore of Babylona Hollywood pedophile and it landed at an airstrip next to a ping pong and pizza joint. The FAA is staffed by avowed communists and they made it disappear from radar. It was a stealth Gulfstream.Oh, that’s classified. Forget I said any of it.
@ 67
Donald, press conference:
“I’ve spoken to James Blake’s family pastor.”
James Blake’s father on CNN about an hour later.
“We don’t have a family pastor.”
Both statements were true at the time they were made. Al Sharpton claimed to be the family pastor in a phone call with Trump.
CBS News:
@ 67
From a Benjamin Crump press conference:
I am reminded of the fights between Mike Brown’s family members.
Gordon is the mother of Michael Brown Sr.’s wife, Calvina. Gordon said at the time that she was selling the shirts with Petty and another man that afternoon when a group of about 20 to 30 people rushed them.
One of them was Lesley McSpadden, Michael Brown’s mother, who told Gordon she couldn’t sell the shirts. Gordon replied that McSpadden didn’t have a patent on the name and that she was going to keep selling the items.
Fortunately, Aaron Blake’s mother seems to be a lovely woman, and I doubt she would behave in such a manner, certainly not publicly.
Maybe, Cz-252, you can shove the pastor story up your ass and go back to mischaracterizing polls or the activities of dead victims or something.
So Donald isn’t smart enough to wonder how a prominent public figure who Donald has called, “A con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score” from New York city came to be the family pastor for a suburban Wisconsin family?
And when Donald looks for a black religious leader he just says, “Get me the guy who ‘hates whites’*”
Disqualifying. Mental decline. Stupidity.
*actual quote
The Lincoln Project is desperate for you to believe that Joe Biden is not the only individual too mentally incapacitated to be president.
Trump has sooooooo much trouble speaking he’s in front of a microphone for an extended period of time at least twice a day, it seems. Meanwhile, after fumbling his way through a “speech” in a room with about 7 other people in it, Biden walked away yesterday without taking questions.
Maybe if the press would start badgering Biden the way they do Trump…
If there were another Dem primary debate and this time Warren went after Biden over something in the same manner she dressed down Bloomberg, how do you think it would look
• for Biden?
• for Warren?
Biden won’t be taking questions from anyone, unless they reach an arc of between 6 and 12 feet in height before Biden begins to answer.
I’m seeing a pattern. When conservatives on this site know they are defending something or someone that is undefensible, they start making stuff up and projecting it onto others.
For example, when they cannot defend trump’s treatment of women, they make up Hillary’s cannibal underage pizza parlors.
Here’s a pattern you should see, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
Why Minnesota Could Be The Next Midwestern State To Go Red
Clearly all those Obama-supporting voters didn’t support The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 because they’re a bunch of fucking racists.
Which works if you stop looking after 2016.
Klobuchar D – 60-36
Special Election to fill Al Franken’s seat permanently.
Tina Smith D 53-42
U.S. House races, Two flips from R to D.
Governor Tim Waltz, D 54-42
Minnesota State House, 2017
Minnesota State House 2018
But yeah, the trend is palpable for the GOP.
It’s very fortunate that Biden has a solution for all of this growth.
He’s gonna ban drilling.
@ 80
Cz-252, I wrote about patterns and where things are going.
Yes, in 2018 Klobuchar won, 60-36.
But in 2012 she won 65-30.
We can play with numbers all day, but in the end there are still burnt-out buildings in Minneapolis that aren’t going to be replaced, Trump’s the incumbent, numbers are improving @ 81, and Biden’s either gonna have to debate or he’s gonna have to cower in his basement.
In 2016 and in 2018, there weren’t a bunch of Iron Range Democrat mayors coming out to support the Republican on the ballot, were there?
“Vote for the moron. It’s important.” is not a good look.
I recall The Chardonnay Lady needed a lot of time away from the campaign trail, too.
Reporters are now staking out all of the Denny’s restaurants within a hundred miles of Biden’s last known location.
Sleepy Joe Biden.
Puddy wonders why dot bombed would not bring up this fact.
Could be the surrounding counties see what libtard governance does and its overall ineffectiveness and wants no part of it!
Seems Washington County Sheriff wants no part of the stoooooooooopidity of the mayor or the Multnomah County attorney general either.
’cause then they’d have to mention the riots themselves. Nothing good can come from that.
We’ll trade you MN for TX down the line.
GOP vote share:
2004 61.1
2008 55.5
2012 57.2
2016 52.2
Puddy wrote about that issue Sunday morning after thinking about the just completed DNC fiasco called their convention. dummocretin leaders never mentioned the “riots” all week because, as Puddy wrote back then, it’s their core constituency. They had to show their best Trump hate speech. Where was their kill the unborn babies platform? Where were their 2021-2025 programs platform?
That’s because libtard dummocretins are leaving California for Texas but don’t realize if Texas turns blue then they will be dealing with the same crap in Texas just like they had in California. Where would they go next?
One day on the campaign trail and BiteME! needed additional “rest”.
Never forget that The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s Obama/Trump voter depends almost entirely on a single ANES. ANES is a self-report with massive acknowledged weaknesses. So comparing actual ballot swings with self-reported changes is problematic as hell. Only 59% of ANES respondents recalled voting in both elections. Of the overall survey response, 58% of voters reported voting for Obama – 7% more than the actual ballot result. That number alone accounts for more than the total of respondents reporting to have voted Obama and then Trump.
Of course out of 125 million votes cast in 2016 there must be some Obama/Trump voters nationwide. But it’s not at all a reliable premise upon which to build a campaign strategy. And certainly not for a race that will be decided in only a half dozen statewide winner-take-all contests. ANES is a shibboleth that shy-Trumpers have clung to for four years in order to forget the ugly truth that they voted to put a rapist in the White House.
No wonder Joe BITEME! is tired. Look at all the real live people he had to deal with! And then you venture out and you view the people; almost real live people. Zombies for BiteME!. Really packed in there everyone!
@ 86
So you go from trying to compare state office elections to the trend I mentioned, to comparing MN to TX.
You always come up with new ways of admitting failure, Cz-252.
Yes, in 2024 or 2028 Texas might not be a red state.
This is 2020. From what I hear from your side, if Trump is re-elected there won’t be a 2024 or 2028. In which case Texas won’t matter.
Did you and YLB switch brains or something?
Speaking of GOP vote share in Texas, I wonder what it would be if Ted Cruz is on the ballot in 2024?
What say you, Cz-252?
Saw this last weekend in a tweet. Now more coming out.
Very disturbing:
Prosecutors working the long case against Breonna Taylor’s former boyfriend offered him a massive downward departure in a plea arrangement if he would agree to implicate her in his drug business. Had he agreed he would have walked with no time.
That’s a surprisingly large number of “bad apples” all in the same basket, wouldn’t you say?
Maybe Joe is having a series of really itty bitty #TrumpStrokes and Kamala is on standby to take the oath of office?
Sure, let’s talk about health.
188,000 > 15
@ 94
That’s a surprisingly large number of “bad apples” all in the same basket, wouldn’t you say?
Indeed. She didn’t traffic drugs with these bad apples.
She merely slept with them.
Hillary Clinton is innocent of all allegations against her. But what a surprising number of those around her end up taking the Fifth during one investigation or another.
Those comments having been made, yes, what was offered in that plea deal sucked.
Keep looking for nuggets. Keith “Antifa” Ellison outperformed Hillary in the Iron belt on his way to a 49-45 victory.
Keith “Muslim Brotherhood” Ellison.
If you want to pretend statewide races in 2018 didn’t happen, vaya con Dios
@ 97
Comparing 2018 Dem to 2020 is like comparing 2014 GOP to 2016. Or 2010 GOP to 2012.
You cannot do it credibly. For that matter it was not credible for me to compare 2012 to 2018 Klobuchar for the same reason.
But you didn’t catch that.
@98 “is like comparing 2014 GOP to 2016”
Comparing 1860 GOP, 1952 GOP, or even 1980 GOP to 2020 GOP is beyond the computing power of any computer yet invented.
NSDAP evolved from modest beginnings and became unrecognizable, too. All it takes is one demagogue.
Yeah, you went there.
@96 Hillary’s associates are more adept at staying out of jail. Actual innocence probably helps. Being smarter than the average Republican helps, too.
Crowd holds lighters in the air “Play ‘Party of Lincoln Southern Strategy'”
Biden is currently finding is proclamations that drilling will end if he runs things to be
House investigations in which the committee counsel declined to offer any use immunity to any such witnesses.
This is pretty basic stuff that even Puddy’s fake “barrister” son can explain to you. There is but one reason for it. They knew they had nothing. And they knew these witnesses could give them nothing. So instead of moving on they make a point of calling the gardener and the pool cleaner and force them to decline to answer. It’s got nothing to do with legal process. It’s political theater.
It worked too. You think that’s a good thing. We’ll see how you feel about it next year.
If you put me in a committee room, in front of cameras, surrounded by career prosecutors, and swore me, I wouldn’t agree to tell you what I had for lunch yesterday without use immunity. Nobody should.
Republicans don’t go for perjury traps. dummocretins do!
Sure you can. To do it “credibly” simply requires that you compare the same universes of respondents. So don’t compare nationwide sampling of “approval” among “all adults” with a statewide ballot result of actual voters, for instance.
There’s enormous potential risk in refusing to admit to changes in voter composition in statewide races. Ask Robby Mook. Mook’s mistake was not in relying on data. His mistake lay in how he analyzed the data and how he applied it. His model of voter behavior completely missed the targeted surge of R voter turnout Trump produced, and the devastating shifts and turnout refusals among D voters. Then he applied that model to a strategy aimed at micro targeting moderate Rs and independents, who were never, ever going to vote for a Clinton, no matter how many Blue Apron subscriptions they had or how many times they streamed Argo.
More yummy, delicious Guatemalan Toddler Torture:
Forty one hours locked in a van in the south Texas sun in July.
What could possibly go wrong? ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯
Kenosha News:
Sounds like murder to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
This is what is indisputed. Donald left the the White House unscheduled on a Saturday last November and was taken to Walter Reid in Bethesda. White House reporters were not told that the trip would happen and were briefed about nothing except the President’s movements on that day were “unreportable”. Video would later be shown of White House Physician accompanying him into an SUV to go to Walter Reed. There is a full medical team on site at the White House 24/7.
Press Secretary says it was to start a routine physical. Either none of the on site medical staff are trained to do this “routine” part of a physical OR whatever was happening was of enough concern to require an unplanned, unannounced and seemingly rushed visit to Walter Reed.
Speculate if you must but questions about Donald’s health are out there.
In the aftermath of this episode, video of Donald having trouble negotiating a small ramp, limping and/or walking extremely awkwardly with his right leg and the inability to lift a glass with his right hand have been seen. Motor skill impairment of one side of the body or other is a common after effect of a stroke.
That and the slurring of words and you have to wonder what’s medically wrong with him.
@ 109
Maybe it isn’t even Trump.
Wow, there’s a lot of that article you choose to leave out. Wonder why.
Oh, because it is a portrait of a repeat offender.
While we’re on the topic of Biden’s mental stability, doc, check out today’s “Top Story” on SJ’s blog:
“Trump denies ‘suffering a series of mini-strokes.’ Nobody ever said he did.” (Link here: http://handbill.us/)
@ 112
Pass. I visit that blog for the sole purpose of using it to laugh at your ass. I have no interest in assisting you in free advertising, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You are an embarrassment to the memory of SeattleJew.
Barr orders FBI to inform politicians and campaigns talking to foreign meddlers they’re being wiretapped.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Barr presumably has concluded that when Donnie Jr. says, “If that’s what you say, I love it!” to his Russian contact when offered political dirt, he’s too stupid to realize he’s being manipulated by a foreign power, and needs to be protected.
By November the left will be arguing that a Molotov cocktail is no worse than a milkshake.
Damn BLM!
This is what your liberal controlled cities have come to.
Grandpa gets confused. He tells the same story over and over. Sometimes moments after he just told it.
About as good as it gets
Team Biden took in $300M+ last month.
I think they are telling him now to just say weird random crazy shit so we’ll all be distracted and we won’t notice all the other deeply corrupt shit they are doing to fuck with the election.
It’s worth keeping in mind that, while it may have taken him four years to get there, he now has a small handful of reasonably competent, devoted backers surrounding him in the executive branch and in the Senate. And nearly every single one of them has everything at stake in this election. If twelve months ago they were stumbling into each other and setting off alarms while trying to extort Ukraine for election help, what do you suppose they are doing now? Who knows? We’re all too busy looking at Trump masturbating and drooling on his tie.
I think maybe some of Trump’s voters are having mini-strokes too:
Nicholas St John
Quote from Trevor Noah: “Nobody drives into a city with guns because they love someone else’s business that much. That’s some bullshit. No one has ever thought, ‘Oh, it’s my solemn duty to pick up a rifle and protect that T.J. Maxx.’ They do it because they’re hoping to shoot someone.”
You and your fascist ilk are an embarrassment to humanity.
Asked directly Pence refuses to deny the report, saying instead that it’s so long ago he can’t remember if he was told to be ready to be sworn in.
It’s at least as plausible as the conclusion that the candidate caught on a hot mic bragging to a bus full of strangers about how often he gets away with forcibly grabbing a starlet’s vagina was just making a harmless boast to appear cool*.
*Also assumes you think rape is cool. And now we know who does. Puddy
?.Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News Update – 100,297 Demorat Scientists Prove Mailfraud Ballots Cannot Be Stolen, Sold Or Forged.
Via The New York Post:
There’s no watermark or stamp on the ballots, the insider said, but the return envelopes are impossible to recreate so they had to be collected — then his staff got to work tampering with the envelopes.
The operatives would knock on doors and collect completed ballots by convincing voters they would mail them on their behalf.
The operatives would then take the sealed envelopes and hold them over boiling water, “You have to steam it to loosen the glue,” said the insider.
They would remove the ballots then replace them with the counterfeit ballot and reseal the envelope.
“You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.”
The Democrat operatives go into nursing homes and take advantage of the elderly.
The whistleblower told Levine that sometimes the nurse working inside of the elderly care facility is a paid operative and “help” the elderly with their absentee ballots and “literally fill it out for them.”
Pork Slop,
I have an anonymous source willing to provide a comprehensive and detailed account that I am making up that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you play with your cat’s butthole.
This part is absolutely 100% true and totally for real.
So all you Trolls4Trump had better make sure you pack a lunch to stand in line with all the other COVIDIOTS to vote in-person this year. After all the Trump/GOP trash talking the postal service employees for weeks and weeks you guys are fucked if you try to vote by mail. But don’t worry. If you put bleach in your butt before you leave home the virus can’t get you. I promise.
Pork Sauce plays with his cat’s butthole?? That should be illegal. What’s this world coming to?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Hate America Demorats Find More American Monuments To Destroy.
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser today proposed to “remove, relocate, or contextualize” some of the nation’s most iconic and enduring monuments. Included on the list are the Washington Monument, the completion of which was famously interrupted by the Civil War, and the Jefferson Memorial, one of the most popular destinations on the National Mall.
“This is what your liberal controlled cities have come to.”
I looked for signs of gayness to see if I could catch a glimpse of some of Puddy’s relatives.
cat’s butthole, horse’s cock. What’s the difference?
Only you would know that gleeman!
BTW keep looking!
And universities are cesspools of rape and other sexual assaults but how dare you cut their funding.
JPMorgan Says Investors Should Prepare for Rising Odds of Trump Win
I did read earlier this week that betting odds are about even right now. Yesterday the Las Vegas Review Journal called it a coin flip.
Remember last year when Puddy put up that the ex-Ukranian Ambassador was dummocretin scum and morons like BeerPong and dot bombed claimed Puddy was wrong?
Guess what libtards, Puddy was right again. How many times has Puddy been right this year? Almost the number of train wrecks from BeerPong. That number stands at #249,240,282,987,256,152 train wrecks so far.
Well add another to that number of PuddyCorrects:
You all know BeerPong’s disdain for John Solomon. Well he was over the target once again!
Y’all can read about it here too.
@ `135
I remember last year when YLB said that the Virginia state house flipping should scare Mitch McConnell ’cause of redistricting.
As if redistricting has anything at all to do with how US Senators are elected.
WTMJ Milwaukee (NBC) via Twitter.
Fox News correspondent coming so close to calling Trump campaign outright liars…
@76 It was inevitable that Dumbfuck’s grievances would extend to the press. He resents like hell that part of the 1st Amendment, too.
@108 You don’t normally disarm someone by running away from them.
So a person with a skateboard tries to disarm a gunman, gets shot, and Dumbfuck thinks the gunman is the victim, because he’s a dumbfuck.
The prosecutor who charged the gunman with murder isn’t a dumbfuck. Probably knows more about the law of self-defense in Wisconsin than the capital “D” dumbfuck, too.
@110 In which Trump’s body double suffers a small series of debilitating strokes.
So, of course, real Trump imitations body double’s shuffling, slurred speech, and shaking hands so as not to give away body double.
Maybe God, not voters, will decide whether Trump gets a second term. He doesn’t look so good lately.
@113 Think I don’t know you’ve clicked on “1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson” at least 10,000 times?
@136 Probably because McConnell only worries about who controls the Senate. Trump can bypass the House. Hell, he can bypass the whole Congress.
@137 Here’s your answer:
“Tom Gram’s century-old camera shop burned to the ground a week ago during the unrest in Uptown Kenosha. Gram said he declined President Trump’s request to be a part of his tour of damage Tuesday in Kenosha. Instead, a former owner of the shop was invited and he praised the president’s efforts.”
This guy had an even worse neighbor than Rand Paul’s. Notice the past tense.
A federal lawsuit against the Kenosha police and sheriff alleges they have arrested 150 peaceful protesters for curfew violations but not a single pro-police demonstrator or militia member, who are allowed to freely roam the streets after curfew.
Kyle Rittenhouse will never be a police officer, FBI agent, or National Guardsman. However, he might become a Republican congressman. There are no moral prerequisites for that job.
Interesting that Rittenhouse was the only person who fired shots during the “riot.” So he’ll have to argue he was in some special danger that no one else was. That’ll be hard to do considering the two people he killed were unarmed.
The jury will see this wasn’t self-defense, but an underage vigilante in illegal possession of a firearm losing his cool and using that firearm in circumstances where an adult would not have, as shown by the fact the armed adults in his immediate vicinity did not fire in the same circumstances.
Too young to be a vigilante, but old enough to be tried and sentenced as an adult, is a tough spot to be in. Maybe he’ll get out in time to live in a nursing home someday.
The Republican president who people are sayn has not had strokes.
“”And you have people coming over with bags of soup — big bags of soup. And they lay it on the ground, and the anarchists take it and they start throwing it at our cops, at our police. And if it hits you, that’s worse than a brick because that’s got force. It’s the perfect size. It’s, like, made perfect.
And when they get caught, they say, ‘No, this is just soup for my family.’ And then the media says, ‘This is just soup. These people are very, very innocent. They’re innocent people. These are just protesters. Isn’t it wonderful to allow protesting?'””
“The police officer was splashed in the chest with gumbo! Don’t you realize he’s allergic to shrimp? Those monsters!” /s
Or when the BBC called Joe BiteME! a liar when he put in his acceptance speech that Trump called KKK “good people”? Where was BeerPong then?
MIA of course!
137, 138, 145,
The continuous petty lying has only positive effects on the angry old white man base of supporters.
But plenty of polling data over the past four years indicates that it has lasting negative effects on swing voters, reducing Trump’s “trustworthiness” scores and “confidence” scores among unaligned, disengaged potential voters, and moderate, weak lean, likely voters.
Keep in mind that key to Trump’s razor thin margins in a half dozen swing states was a micro targeted effort to bring specific unaligned and disengaged potential voters to the polls. He can’t do it with base alone.
A fired up, angry base is what gives Trump2020 the sense of energy and urgency they feel they need to compare well in spite of a record of failure. But the fundamentals along with that record of failure mean that Trump2020 suffers from a significant deficit in numbers when it comes to negative partisanship and negative campaigning. And firing up his base in this way comes at a cost in terms of swing voters.
Democrats and progressives must remain energized and in the streets peacefully demonstrating through the giant global Nov 4th 24hr street party – socially distanced of course.
2020 voters are 11 percent less likely to be “undecided” coming off the conventions when compared to 2016 voters. Assuming no differential in turnout, to win the map Trump2020 must own every single “undecided” voter available in the battleground states.
Fabricating ridiculous and easily disproven lies about his opponents and more than half of all American voters, and delusional muttering about soup isn’t going to work.
This is Rittenhouse’s lawyer:
Kyle Rittenhouse will go down in American history alongside that brave unknown patriot at Lexington Green who fired “The Shot Heard Round the World” on April 19, 1775. A Second American Revolution against Tyranny has begun.
The poor kid is completely fucked. This is no criminal defense attorney. This is malpractice. They are going to use him to raise money, build fundraising lists, and whip gun-humper votes for Trump. And in doing so they will be throwing his life away.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
10 bullets were fired from firearms last week.
2 men are dead.
1 man lost his arm.
1 man is paralyzed for life.
None of these bullets were fired from any black person or anyone associated with Black Lives Matter.
Wow assesHorse dummocretins. You care about Rittenhouse but there is nothing in your screams about the Trump supporter killed in cold blood.
This is why Puddy calls dummocretin scum. You all are.
Andy Ngo – gay Asian reporter tells it as it is
Yes disgusting pond scum!
These are your ilk senile idiot wabbit, deadanddeformedmind and dot bombed!
#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder! #Youbuiltthat
USA Today/Suffolk poll finds basically the same 33% of die hard Trump supporters are the only Americans who oppose BLM protests/demonstrations and sports player boycotts.
And that’s why Don Le-mon went on his show telling people to stop. That’s why Kamala Harris said the violent protests must stop. That’s why Joe BiteME! Monday in Pittsburgh said the violent protests must stop.
It’s for those 33% Trump voters!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are a true moron dot bombed!
Puddy’s answer:
$45 million buy dropping today in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Trump2020/GOP messaging isn’t working.
Biden agrees with the majority of Real American voters who want the violence, and extremist attacks to stop. Guns don’t belong at peaceful protests. Trumpalos should stop bringing them. And Trump should call upon them to do so. But he can’t.
Meanwhile Joe Biden and the majority of Real American voters support our right to peacefully demonstrate. Being an authoritarian fascist, Trump opposes that right. And he says so plainly.
It’s not hard to see that contrast under the circumstances.
It’s not hard to demonstrate it either.
Seems the dummocretin must be the minority eh dot bombed? How large is that violent left wrong dummocretin minority AKA friends of dot bombed? 30%, 40% 45%?
Then why is it only this week dummocretin leadership acknowledge these are riots and not peaceful protests dot bombed? Remember Chairman Nadler is on record calling it a myth. Senator Crazy Maisie Hirono walked out of Ted Cruz’s subcommittee calling it a fantasy. Guess they were lying like usual eh dot bombed? Why can’t dummocretin leadership call out antifa/blm violence directly? Why did BiteME! miss a perfect opportunity to call out the violent protests two weeks ago tomorrow in his acceptance speech? Why are black people looking at Trump differently now since they are viewing the standard dummocretin leadership ploy of we need black people every four years then discard them like dirty rags otherwise?
BECAUSE THE INTERNAL POLLS TELL dummocretin they ARE DROPPING LIKE ROCKS! That’s why the big ad buy. they have to waste those ad bucks to recover “the momentum” lost through the Squad calling more more protests!
Why didn’t the major dummocretin polling places put out polls just after the Republican convention? There is this polling hole in the Real Clear Politics average dot bombed.
See ya idiot! You are as stooooooooooooooooooopid as evah!!!!
@ 157, 158
Again with the arguments based on national polling.
It’s not the nation Don Lemon cares about. Who gives a fuck if Biden wins CA by 18% instead of by 20% because of the riots?
HA libbies, go back to the Election Night thread in 2016 and read it. The whole thing.
The shocked sadness and the vitriol directed at Bernie Sanders are because y’all did not fully understand that the national polls mean absolutely nothing.
Relatedly, public sentiment in the nation on any particular issue means nothing. QoS is correct that 33% shouldn’t move the needle, and yet Don Lemon’s needle clearly was moved last week.
There is a reason for that. The reason is polls not publicly released.
Exit question: The poll I cited above took place before the Kenosha riots. How do y’all think Wisconsin would poll today?
There is a reason why Trump visited Kenosha and Biden did not.
The riots issue is a winner for only one of them.
Oh, and Biden would have risked being asked a question he couldn’t duck.
This is a very good idea, actually:
Violent, ultra-right-wing insurrectionist white supremacist Trumpers who travel from their sweltering dusty trailer parks to peaceful, affluent, progressive coastal cities intent on violence and mayhem will have to think twice. Costs a lot of money to retain local counsel to respond. Costs lots more to attend depositions and produce discovery. And if you go to trial, it’s $50k.
Get out your checkbooks, Trolls4Trump. Because Trump isn’t paying for this either. And neither is Mexico.
Sure is.
Now Trump/GOP own Kyle Rittenhouse.
Good luck with that.
Look at it this way, gman. It’s an opportunity to take it in the ass from your own hung Chad, in the privacy of a voting booth.
@ 164
The plantiff. Is it the same Meg McLain as this chick?
TSA agents singled Meg McLain out for special treatment. They yelled at her, cuffed her to a chair, ripped up her ticket and cal
’cause it’s got frivolous suit all over it.
Here’s another description of her:
Another one of Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers is being sued by his partners:
And how’d that work out? Blake’s family was adamant that he wasn’t welcome. Didn’t meet with them. Got caught faking a business owner upset at the looting of his business. Praised a murderer. “Violent Mobs” while hundreds held a peaceful gathering on the spot Blake died, where Donald was too scared to show his face. “It’s choking, like missing a three foot putt” where the ball outside the hole is a dead body.
Biden goes on Thursday. Want to bet his Town Hall will include the Blake family and focus on healing and compassion?
Frivolous would be if def was not on film from multiple angles aiming at plaintiff and firing.
Jury gets to decide how much a welt is worth. If it passes the test for criminal assault (and it does) then it passes the test to go before a civil jury.
By capitulating to the mob, PDX mayor Wheeler burnishes his 2024 DNC keynote credentials.
QoS McHillbilly wants to go after the paintball guy.
A reminder that Team Biden donates to an organization that bails out these human POS types.
Don Lemon knows how bad this looks for your ilk. On the first Wednesday of November, y’all gonna understand it, too.
Did you hear the one about Sheriff Dave Reichert interviewing the Green River Killer?
@ 173
Was it something that flipped a presidential election?
I did hear it wasn’t something that kept Reichert out of Congress.
Stories from The Durkan Kill Zone:
TIL Andy Ngo’s 500,000 Moldovan bot-account followers can flip a statewide election in Pennsylvania.
I guess I’d be more impressed and perhaps even concerned if The Q Clearance Cat Lady was pimping #RiotPorn from @MeghanMcCain
Tomorrow, Joe Biden will make his first visit to Wisconsin in 674 days.
Just in time to face this Trump ad.
Gee, I wonder if Biden will hold a presser while he’s there. And if he’ll be led by the hand by Jill again.
@ 176
I didn’t raise Andy Ngo’s public profile.
Antifa did.
I didn’t raise Andy Ngo’s public profile.
No. You didn’t. Patriot Prayer and PPB did when they got caught coordinating with him for an attack on a pub in NE Portland.
It says something about your op sec when all an infiltrator has to do to penetrate your terror cell is recite the names of breakfast cereals.
This is the same department that insisted a chefs knife in the CHOP kitchen had no purpose but to stab cops AND that smoke bombs were explosive devices being hurled at officers.
That ad plays against a backdrop of a Trump supporter murdering two in Kenosha and a golf metaphor of death.
Also, the tide has turned on the kneeling thing.
See NFL, See NBA, See MLB, See NASCAR, See Alabama FB, See WNBA, See MLS
Playing to the base. All that’s left for Team Donald.
Still worth remembering that statistically, thanks to the electoral college, Biden/Harris winning depends upon more than a change in momentum:
Trump can’t close the gap with base alone. To get within striking distance he must have a commanding margin among white voters. If Biden/Harris flip only 1% of white voters from 2016 they win.
What else is going on today?
Odds of House Committees hauling Administration officials in for hearings and sworn testimony in Sept/Oct—-High.
@ 182
If Biden/Harris flip only 1% of white voters from 2016 and if absolutely nothing happens to the 2016 percentages of black and Hispanic voters they win.
It’s unlikely that absolutely nothing happens.
@ 183
The DHS intelligence bulletin warning about foreign interference in the 2020 election was supposed to go out on July 9 but was blocked by Chad Wolf’s chief of staff.
Meanwhile, efforts by reporters to ask Biden an unscripted question were blocked by the DNC.
If you pedal fast enough you can go back.
Iowa State, after announcing yesterday that 25,000 fans would be allowed to attend the season opener, today says the stadium will be empty.
Seems the people of Iowa aren’t on the same page as their GOP Governor about how greatly COVID response has been.
DJIA back above 29,000.
That’s a climb of more than 10,000 points in fewer than 5 1/2 months.
Wondering if you can clear something up.
Is this a complaint about “civility”?
Or is it a complaint about “norms”?
Asking for a college educated suburban woman who just read about Trump locking toddlers in a van in Texas in July for over 40 hours.
@187 “DJIA back above 29,000.”
And everything’s all right in the world. MAGA! Four more years!
More brown smelly liquid residue from the back side of dot bombed!
Yeah two dead black teenagers in Seattle’s “Summer of Love”. The mayor has not called the father yet while Trump did within two days of killing.
Portland riots each night. One dead Trump supporter and you have a very calloused view of human life.
You are still a moron dot bombed!
@150 Republicans have weaponized voting,
and now they’re weaponizing soup, too. Gotta somehow justify arresting those soup kitchen workers. Because lawsuits. But this is what really sticks in his craw:
“Isn’t it wonderful to allow protesting?”
@154 The kid doesn’t get that he’s as disposable to these people as Caribou Barbie was. They get the money, he gets life. But I guess he can think of lifetime free room and board as being sort of like winning Publishers Clearing House if he can get used to the leg irons, guards, and being somebody’s bitch. Probably a black guy.
Yeah L. Lin Wood Jr is getting those big Nick Sandmann checks and his ex-partners want some of the Sandmann financial action. Question for dot bombed:
Since you didn’t care for Nicholas Sandmann, and we see you don’t care for Kyle Rittenhouse and you care less if suspected Portland Trump supporter killer Michael Forest Reinoehl meets the long arm of justice; why do you care about L. Lin Wood Jr except to score “brownie” points with your assesHorse dummocretin buds? Hmmm…? That’s not news except to your puny Planck distance mind.
Remember godwinha, per dot bombed, they are just antifa white people living in
Really BeerPong? That’s why the riots were peaceful demonstrations or they were myths per Chairman Nadler to now let’s blame them on Trump.
Yeah hold that thought BeerPong! Don’t strain under the “mental pressure”.
@156 I previously posted that the victim appeared in photos to have a pistol holster strapped to his right leg and a spare magazine pouch strapped to his left leg. I don’t know anything else at this point. Maybe he pulled on someone who then acted in self-defense.
@158 Well, I’ve noticed the diehard Trump supporters show up for riots, so they can’t be all that peace-loving.
You’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You have had a miserable existence as a failed attorney and you have little to leave to your family. Several years ago you were stupid enough to show a measure of your worth to someone on HA – it’s right there in the archives, any time YLB wants to pull them – and you’ve only got $435,000 or so to show for yourself.
Stunningly, you have watched the financial markets rocket back from a very brief disturbance and they are now at or within a couple of percent of their all-time highs. You know that a Trump re-election will keep them at their current levels, if not give them a bit of an additional boost, and you desperately need more assets because your family is hurting due to your many investment errors over the years.
You know that a Biden victory will cost your pitifully small investment account balance 10% or perhaps 20%, right away, and that Elizabeth Warren in a new administration will virtually ensure that your lies about being a millionaire will never, ever be anything but the lies they always have been.
You’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. For you there is no 2024 because your prostate gland is gonna explode into the most aggressive malignancy known to man.
What do you do?
You vote Trump and lie about it on HA. That’s what you do.
You’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@161 “How large is that violent left wrong
dummocretinanarchist minority”I calculate 8-12 people in Portland, 5-8 people in Seattle, and 0 people in Forks.
Looks like BiteME! is blaming the victim in Portland. Smooth move ex-lax. Except he, the victim. was confronted on the street with no paint gun weapon and approached by the shooter on video.
Way to go libtardo BiteME!
Your calculations are as accurate as your senile acuity here in 2020 senile idiot wabbit!
Chris Wallace gets a crack at Joe Biden, finally.
With the whole fucking nation watching, during the first debate.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit calculates using the same skillset with which he invests.
And yet her lawsuit against the NY Slimes past muster through a judge senile idiot wabbit!
@167 Inadmissible. Even an armchair lawyer like you should be able to figure out that what happened in an airport 10 years ago (assuming it’s the same chick) has no relevance to the merits of her personal injury claim against a dude decked out in battle gear indiscriminately firing paintballs into a crowd of several dozen people. What she does (or did) for a living isn’t relevant or admissible, either. Even streetwalkers can sue when they get hit in a crosswalk by a red light runner.
This isn’t a place you want to go, doc. If the system is changed so verdicts are based on character instead of behavior, every Republican on the planet will be broke in short order.
@168 According to the fine print. Lin Wood is being sued not by one but by three of his ex-partners for allegedly reneging on a fee-splitting agreement.
@171 Which is highly relevant to the fact his net worth is more than yours. All you have is a 5-acre rural lot with a barn, a horse, and half a dozen chickens that you can’t trade for respectability. You might get some warm eggs, though.
@ 207
I have the goods on you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Conservatives pray for your family. ’cause those poor fuckers are gonna need a financial miracle after what you have cost them.
Those are lies again, Puddy.
And if you were not so wrong in His eyes, you would not have to offer false witness.
Both Sandman and Rittenhouse are minor children who should not be used by opportunistic sleazy Rapepublican grifters to advance their authoritarian agenda. They both deserved to be treated better than they have been or will be in this world. And you are partly to blame for that.
I’m not excusing and certainly not supporting what Rittenhouse did. Two people are dead and another nearly lost a limb because a misguided kid with emotional problems was encouraged by Rapepublicans to take up arms and seek violence. But you are more to blame for those deaths and injuries than Rittenhouse is. And he deserves a good lawyer who will make that case for him in front of a jury, rather than martyr him to the 2nd Amendment.
Now I have to go back and see if I can figure out what RR posted to trigger that. Or maybe it was just the dawning realization that even a very small decline in support from 2016 among white voters will cost Trump and the GOP their future.
Don’t know what will happen to Rittenhouse butt we all know Sandmann will never have to work hard in his life due to dummocretins all over America in media, in congress and in hollyweird attacking that minor child for only wearing a MAGA hat which triggered the snowflakes into a frenzy!
See ya useless one!
You’re going to want to check with your fake Barrister son on this one, trust me.
As a minor Nick Sandman is not legally capable of claiming any settlement or judgement. Consequently in many states a guardian ad litem must be named to act as a fiduciary on the minor’s behalf to receive the judgement or settlement. In KY that requires a probate hearing. Probate hearings are public proceedings and so are their records.
Thanks to the TrumpClap Death Plague in-person hearings have been canceled and virtual Zoom hearings are delayed. Still Sandman’s probate hearing was scheduled in spring to take place well before his 18th birthday in July. But surprisingly to some, Sandman and his lawyers agreed to delay the settlement date until after his 18th birthday in order to keep the sum of the settlement from being part of any public record.
Neither plaintiff nor plaintiff’s counsel stand to benefit by bending over backward to conceal a huge win on their part.
So Sandman collected what was left after costs and must surely have done well enough. But it’s not anywhere near what Trumpalo wet dreams pretend it is. Still, he deserves it. He’ll be remembered in perpetuity as the Smirking MAGATeen. And I won’t be surprised to see him reappear in a few years smirking alongside Drew Pinsky.
@207 In 9 weeks you’re going to need more prayer than I do.
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