The Air France A340 that landed too far down the runway and then crashed and burned is a testament to the good sound engineering practices that are universal in the western airplane industry.
The FAA and CAA put airplane manufacturers through a lot to ensure that an airplane can be evacuated safely and quickly in an emergency. Now we know that the door locations, interior emergency lights, door operation, emergency chutes, flight attendant training, safety lectures and everything else actually works when its needed.
When I first saw the pictures, I assumed that everybody on board got incinerated. I figured the process of identifying the bodies would would go on for months while they tried to match dental records. The fact that no one on board died is a testament to the engineering abilities of everyone at the FAA, CAA and Airbus.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Why don’t you put on a pair of golf shoes with metal spikes, grab a 3-iron, go out in the yard and hold that 3-iron just as high up in the air as you can.
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Mr. Cynical,
Please apologize. That is a personal attack that is uncalled for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sounds like an argument for government regulation, Mark. Maybe you’re not quite so “paleo” after all!
It is nice to see survivors for a change.
Also, I wonder, do the airlines take at least one flight attendent per crew that is a skilled nurse? I heard at least one Railroad once did that, Northern Pacific, on their flagship train, the North Coast Limited, and on three occasions, having a RN came in handy, with three disasterous derailments.
Of the contest between Boeing and Airbus over which of their new aircraft is better, the Boeing 787 is my pick over the Airbus (A-380?). These aircraft take opposite approaches to increasing fuel efficiency. The Boeing perfects fuel efficiency of their current capacity models. Airbus constructs a completely new Jumbo model that improves fuel efficiency-per-passenger.
As jet fuel and air travel become more expensive, (and they will), arranging air travel becomes even more difficult with the Airbus A-380’s greater number of passengers. Add to this the limited number of airports able to accommodate the A-380 and you have fewer markets the A-380 can serve.
That said, I am extremely distrustful of Boeing and believe they are profit-motivated irresponsible obstructionists harming the US transportation system overall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 6
Boeing should never have been allowed to extort $3.5 billion from Washington State taxpayers. Giant corporations deliberately threaten communities with plant closings and job losses to provoke bidding wars between states and cities for their plants and jobs. Business has no damn business asking government to pay their capital or operating expenses. That is profoundly antithetical to the basic concepts of our capitalist system. Same goes for government bailouts of bankrupt industries. This rot started when the government bailed out Chrysler. It then spread quickly through our whole economy like a virulent cancer. It’s got to stop. You initiative lovers want to do something constructive? Use the initiative process to pass laws making it illegal for politicians to use our tax money to bribe private companies into locating here. If Boeing wants to pull up stakes, let them go. And don’t fly on their planes. Let them sell airplane tickets in Bangladesh.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Shit, all of my posts are going into Goldy’s Purgatory. I must not be using enough fucking swear words to get through the damn filter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Okay, since this is an open thread, I’ll pick up the topic of Ron Sims and Southwest Airlines somebody started on another thread.
This ought to be a no-brainer and shouldn’t require a study. It’s a bad idea on its face. You don’t need an MBA to figure out SWA is trying to pull a screw job on our community.
First of all is the noise and traffic impacts on the surrounding communities. SWA is proposing 31,025 landings and takeoffs a year of commercial jets. (85 flights a day X 365 days) Assuming the airport operates from 6AM to 10PM (I’m pretty sure there’s a curfew on night flights in effect), which gives you a 16-hour day, that’s a landing or takeoff every 4 1/4 minutes from dawn to dark (16 hours X 60 minutes / 85 flights). That’s before you factor in the impact of Horizon moving 250 flights a day to Boeing, which Horizon says it will do if SWA moves to Boeing. Boeing Field is surrounded on 3 of its 4 sides by residential neighborhoods. Tens of thousands of people will be adversely affected. There’s a reason why you don’t build commercial airports in the middle of cities. The impacts are unacceptable.
Now let’s look at the financial aspects.
King County estimates the necessary road improvements will cost $100 million. SWA won’t pay a penny of it. In which case the money can only come from 2 places — either by taxes or user fees on the passengers using the SWA Boeing Field facilities, which defeats the purpose of moving to SWA which is to offer more competitive prices to passengers, or sticking the general taxpaying population with the bill. This community is already struggling to find billions of dollars for infrastructure projects that aren’t optional. There isn’t another $100 million laying around to throw at Boeing Field access just so SWA can make more profit.
SWA proposes to build a $150 million facility and parking garage on land leased from King County, and donate it to King County after 50 years. King County taxpayers would be better off without the donation. Fifty years from now, the facility will be old, worn out, obsolete, and good for nothing except knocking down with a wrecking ball. The purpose of the “gift” is to stick county taxpayers with the costing of demolishing the structures. Any deal with SWA should specify that SWA is responsible for removing the buildings at its own cost at the end of land lease term. Otherwise, county taxpayers are subsidizing SWA’s business costs.
The biggest expense of all to taxpayers is the loss on their huge investment in SeaTac that will occur if airlines leave SeaTac. King County should give them a choice: Use SeaTac and pay the fees the county needs to collect to recoup its investment there, or don’t serve the Puget Sound market. The taxpayers built that airport for you — now use it. If, for some reason, the community wold benefit from airline service at Boeing Field, then the fees should be identical at both airports.
I also wonder whether the runway, taxiways, and firefighting gear at Boeing are adequate for regularly scheduled airline use to the tune of 31,000 to 123,000 big jet landings and takeoffs a year. If they have to be beefed up, who pays? I don’t see anything in SWA’s proposal offering to pay for these upgrades. They’re trying to stick the taxpayers here, too.
Finally, there’s the problem of fairness. Boeing Field obviously can’t accomodate every airline currently using SeaTac. SWA’s rationale for moving to Boeing is costs are cheaper there. This gives them a competitive advantage against other airlines. But why should county government give that advantage to one airline company and not others? That doesn’t seem like fair competition. Government exists to serve citizens, not give unfair business advantages to a couple of companies to the detriment of other companies. And that’s a hell of a way to treat your customers if you want the other airlines to serve your community and bring in jobs. It’s damned bad policy, period.
To Ron Sims’ credit, he said no tax money can go into this scheme. Of course, if he sticks to that, this proposal is unacceptable because it does require large taxpayer subsidies despite SWA’s clever attempts to hide them. No study is needed to simply tell SWA this proposal isn’t acceptable so go back and redesign it and come back when you have something that doesn’t cost the taxpayers any money. That’s what Sims should tell SWA instead of beating around the bush. In politics, commissioning a study or a task force is merely a polite way of saying “no.” Sims should get some backbone and just tell SWA, “no.” It doesn’t take $600,000 to say “no.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Thomas Trainwinder@3–
Personal Attack?? Typical LEFTIST PINHEAD who feigns taking great offense at anything…including “Have a Nice Day”!
Goldy wouldn’t have been stoopid enough to actually put on those golf shoes, grab that 3-iron and hold it up high in an electrical thunderstorm……would he??
GOLDY, GOLDY, GOLDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Tell us you didn’t do it Goldy!!
Here is a real personal attack…
Thomas Trainwinder is a no-good, low-down SOB who enjoys beastialty and gay orgies….and is dumb too.
See the difference Thomas?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Kwazy Wabbit @ 7 – I gotta correct a common misconception.
The taxpayers of Washington gave ZERO dollars to Boeing on the 787 deal. All that happened was that the state agreed to be slightly less greedy in sticking their hands into Boeing’s pocket. Not one penny is transferred from the taxpayer to Boeing. None. And not robbing Boeing of THEIR money is not the same as giving them something. This is an important distinction.
Contrast that with the taxes that we pay every day that go to the Mariners and Seahawks. If you’ll remember, “restaurant meals” got taxed to pay for the Mariners stadium. Imagine my surprise when I discoverd that my company’s cafeteria is considered a “restaurant” and every time I go down there to buy tuna fish samich that I gotta ante up a quarter to pay for that gd stadium
Mark The Redneckspews:
Kwazy Wabbit – You’re also confused about what happened with Chrysler. Again not one penny of taxpayer money went to Chrysler. All that happened was that fed gummint guaranteed some bank loans to Chrysler. Iacocca turned things around, and those loans were repaid early, in full, and with interest. No taxpayer money went to Chrysler. None.
The commie media loves to throw around terms like “bailout” to give the impression that there’s “corporate welfare” going on, but in the case with Chrysler and Boeing, that DID NOT happen.
August 6, 2005 — State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer yesterday opened an investigation into the Bronx social-services agency that made $875,000 in bizarre loans to Air America radio, The Post has learned.
“We are looking into it in consultation with the city’s Department of Investigation,” Spitzer spokesman Darren Dopp revealed.
The highly unusual loans to the left-wing radio network were made by the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club — which was visited by one of Spitzer’s investigators yesterday, officials said.
Dopp said Spitzer’s probe is examining “the conduct of the board of [the] charitable not-for-profit organization. The question is: Was their action appropriate?”
Spitzer has jurisdiction because his office oversees charities in the state.
Hillel Valentine, a longtime member of the executive board of Gloria Wise — almost entirely funded by government contracts and grants — told The Post that “a gentleman from the Attorney General’s Office” had visited the organization yesterday.
“I expect that,” said Valentine, 80, a former assistant chief in the New York Transit Police Department. “That’s their job. I would do the same thing myself.”
He referred all other questions to a public-relations firm retained by Gloria Wise, which said it could provide no further information.
Valentine has previously said Evan Montvel Cohen, Air America’s founder who was working as a $74,000-a-year development director at Gloria Wise, pushed through the loan by “conning” everyone on the board.
Cohen sold his interest in Air America to Piquant LLC, which agreed to repay the loan in installments to Gloria Wise even though it claimed no legal obligation to do so.
The first payment of $50,000 was made yesterday, and it was deposited into an escrow account controlled by Air America’s lawyer.
That unsettled city investigators, who had recommended that the entire $875,000 be placed into an escrow account that no one could touch without their approval.
“Air America has not followed that recommendation,” said Keith Schwam, a spokesman for the Department of Investigation.
“DOI was informed today that Air America’s check for $50,000 was deposited into Air America attorney’s escrow account. No provision has been made for DOI to approve disbursements from that account.”
Until its downfall, Gloria Wise and an associated agency, Pathways for Youth, had grown into one of the largest social-service providers in The Bronx with an annual budget of $10 million.
It provides a wide spectrum of services, from senior centers to after-school activities.
All of its city contracts were yanked once the loan to Air America was uncovered.
Gloria Wise is now struggling to stay afloat with a reduced schedule of programs. It is also searching for a new executive director to replace Charles Rosen, who resigned abruptly on June 30.
RR – Nice post. Not sure the noise will be the issue you think it is – yet. So the 10s of thousands of people being negatively effected in more hype than fact – right now. All those people chose to live around an existing airport. I have a home on the potential flight path. Pretty sure that SeaTac could fill the hole left by Southwest leaving. Also pretty sure that long-term demand for capacity at SeaTac will be up, not down. There are limits to capacity at Boeing Field – that’s a fact, not an issue of fairness. But I like the idea of the County establishing those limits and opening the field to the highest bidder, rather than the first in line. Surely Alaska would produce a competitive bid – if it has the financing to to anything given its poor perfromance these past few years. I think there might be more good than harm that can result from more air service, for more people, from Boeing Field. I like the idea of having an option closer to downtown. I like the idea of airlines being competitive AND making profits. And I like lower airfares. The palace we all built out at SeaTac will serve the region well for many years to come. So might a lower cost option 7 miles closer to most people who fly.
The Umpspews:
How happy do you suppose Pat Robertson is these days?
“During the month of August, The 700 Club will relaunch Operation Supreme Court Freedom. Please join me and my staff as we dedicate the month of August to prayer and intercession for our president and our nation. We are also inviting churches to join us to pray each Sunday during this time. . . . Pray that additional vacancies occur within the Supreme Court.”
Pat Robertson is one good reason we need to amend the Constitution to ban religious extremism… I get to define “religious extremism”…
How about everyone having a small prayer in hopes for the guys trapped in the submarine.
As for you, Donnageddon, you can at least hope they manage to evolve from the sub while we pray.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Chuck @ 15 – Why do we allow Russia to even have a navy? Why do they need it?
The Redneck@17
On one hand you have a point, on the other hand we have been stepping on our own dicks in space shots lately…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good one!
Donnageddon and the other NEW AGE PROGRESSIVE LEFTIST PINHEADS believe prayer is nothing but mumbo-jumbo because they can’t FONDLE it!!!!
Prayer annoys God. It’s scriptural. Weak minded Krischuns just don’t wanna accept personal responsibility cuz they got Jezus, or so they think.
C’mon all ye faithful. Let’s all sing a rousing chorus of an old time favorite: ‘Don’t Drop The Tuna’
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Take a huge deep breath.
Do you smell sulfur??
I say kudos to SW air… calling BS on the $28 per person fee Sea Tac is imposing to pay for their palace.
Since I as consumer pays this stuff, I prefer to fly out of Boeing field and save about 10-20 percent on my flights (ducking the crazy tax).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark, I’m not surprised you swallowed Boeing’s PR considering the deal requires the state to get Boeing’s approval for all state-issued press releases and comments about the deal! You’ve read what Boeing wanted you to read.
Although the Boeing deal consists primarily of tax breaks, that’s not entirely the case. The deal required the state to pay a consulting firm hired to promote the deal (in the guise of a study of economic impacts and benefits). The state agreed to foot all legal bills associated with any legal challenge against the deal. The state will pay for construction of a training facility and for design work on cargo plane modifications. The state hired employees to assist Boeing with policy issues related to the deal. The Port of Everett will pay for land purchase and runway improvements. And, of course, taxpayers will foot the bill for the billions in transportation improvements Boeing demanded to ease traffic congestion that adversely affects its business.
Now let’s talk about the billions in tax breaks given to Boeing. Those revenues either have to be paid by someone else or the state has to cut back on the services they would have paid for (e.g., transportation and education).
I won’t spend much time here on your assertion the state has its hand in Boeing’s pocket. I’m well aware of the absurd ideology that claims government is evil and taxes are bad. My friend — civilization, a modern economy, and private property aren’t possible without government. Boeing’s workforce was educated with tax dollars. Roads, airports, and other infrastructure vital to Boeing’s operations were built with tax dollars. And so on. The net result of tax incentives to giant companies like Boeing and Microsoft are to shift those taxes to the Mom and Pop businesses that create most of the state’s jobs. Washington’s small business taxes are much higher than other states, while large companies and the most affluent residents are barely taxed. Tens of thousands of small businesses get screwed in order to pay ransom to Boeing for 800 jobs.
Business extortion against state and local governments has become a widespread phenomenon in the U.S. and a major problem for these governments. Big companies have become adept at playing localities off each other to escape taxes, regulations, and extract subsidies. Public officials know they’re being blackmailed but don’t know how to break the vicious cycle that sets community against community. It’s absolutely contrary to the private capitalism and free market models that are supposed to define our economic system, and it’s a major driver in creating regressive tax systems that benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. It’s a complicated issue that I can’t address in depth here. Let’s just say it’s a problem, and Washington have foolishly played into Boeing’s hands, it’s no surprise that NASCAR and SWA showed up with their hands out for public money soon afterward. There’s a long line of other companies forming behind them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 12
They didn’t choose to live in the flight path of a commercial airport. This is a very major change in airport use they didn’t bargain for when they bought their homes. The airport currently is used by general aviation, business jets, and an occasional Boeing jet. This traffic doesn’t make a fraction of the noise that commercial airliner takeoffs will.
Roger Rabbitspews:
More on 12
Commercial operations at Boeing will impact more than the surrounding neighborhoods. The Sea-Tac flight path takes planes over neighborhoods as far north as Mukilteo and as far south as Tacoma. Commercial flights in and out of Boeing will use similar flight paths but at a much lower altitude, therefore neighborhoods all over the Tacoma-to-Everett corridor will get more overhead noise than they do now.
Boeing Field would be more convenient for passengers, especially those originating in Snohomish County and north King County. It would be lovely for them if they could take off from Boeing Field for New York or Chicago, but that is not the best use of Boeing’s limited capacity. Perhaps an argument can be made for limited passenger service at Boeing — certainly not 85 flights a day — using smaller commuter planes that make less noise. The best use of Boeing Field is for short-distance hops to Yakima, Tri-Cities, Spokane, and Portland using these smaller planes. Flying out of SeaTac to these destinations adds time to the trip and detracts from the utility of air travel for one-day business trips to these locations. Quicker and more convenient air links to these cities would directly benefit the regional economy. So I’m not saying Boeing should never be used for any commercial air service period. But SWA’s operation is not suitable for Boeing Field and there is no particular benefit to the community as a whole for passengers bound for Las Vegas or Tuczon to fly out of Boeing instead of SeaTac.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fair enough. Thank you, Chuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There you go again, Chuck — you say something worthwhile, then spoil it by sticking your foot in your ass again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who the fuck are we to “let” Russia have a Navy? Last time I checked they were a sovereign nation. Typical right wing mentality — thinks the USA has a right to tell everyone else what to do. That’s what keeps getting us into trouble and wars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 22
So you think we shouldn’t pay for SeaTac with user fees and make taxpayers bear those costs instead? Are you volunteering?
Left Behind by the New Democratic Partyspews:
I would like to bring up something I have not seen too much response to. What does everyone here think about England’s newest response to terrorism? Are people upset that they are not only gonna profile, but will actively go after suspects and not only kick them out, but also close down their meeting places, including any mosques they use as a cover for their planning. Or are you exstatic that England finally ‘gets it’ and is dropping the pretense of Political Correctness for practical pragmatism. It is an interesting developement, and I have seen in the news that other European countries are starting to take after England’s newest policies. I just wanna hear what people think.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Left – First, we gotta get clear that it is NOT a “war on terror”. Terror is a tactic, not an enemy. We need to be real clear that muslims are our enemy. Once we’ve correctly defined our enemy, yer durn right we should “profile” the enemy and deal with them accordingly. The world is going to be at war until every gd one of them is dead.
Artie@20: You are a Moby Troll. Where in the Bible or the works of Matthew Henry, Charles Tyndale, John Wesley, Charles Huss or Martin Luther does any of them say that about prayer? Why did Jesus in Matthew say “When you pray…” Oh that’s right you don’t own the Good Book or if mom gave you one it’s on the shelf collecting dust. I bet the gold edge page leaf is still in it’s original state.
Puddud, As I recall, Jesus said something about how sparrows and lillys get their needs met, and how meeting human needs is a far greater concern by the almighty; suggesting prayer is more a sign of doubt and fear.
Not surprisingly, fundamentalists, Krischun and otherwise, uphold prayer as a means to keep parishoners terrorified of a vengeful, vindictive God; all the better to keep them obedient to the decrees of the sanctimonius heirarchical theocratic order. Jesus had the hardest time reaching the Pharisees and the wealthy.
You’re the troll, puddud, in the way you threaten those who dare to cross this bridge of open communication growling, “Who’s that walking on MY bridge?” My answer: “It’s the big billy goat gruff and I’m gonna kick your ass”.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit@25 – I agree that small bidness get screwed. I think state gummint does it on purpose because they hate small bidness. There’s too many of them to control. So if they can reduce the number of businesses, they can force the remaining ones to knuckle under to their demands.
I don’t think gummint is evil and taxes are bad. But the state gummint we have now is confused, and the taxes we have now are excessive. Perhaps if you were one of those “rich” people who pays 80% of the taxes and is so hated by the left, you’d understand.
As a ‘Murkin Redneck, I’m a big fan of NASCAR. But I agree wif ya, that they had no right to get the taxpayers to build a track for them, any more than Paul Allen had a “right” to get us to build that gd stadium for the Seahawks.
On the thing about corporations setting “community against community”, what’s wrong with competition? Corporations have been victims of gummint greed for too long, and they’ve finally had enough.
rr; i guess user fees to support state programs is the way to go….so make SeaTac expansion fully paid by the airport users? Great, but airlines had no big say in the scope of the spending, nor of the user fees. Unlike a fully private endeavor, they have no choice on landing locations; having to take it in the shorts as Port of Seattle cranks up the marble and contractor spending…
But heck if you want to go the user fee route; lets make those Sounder riders pay their own $1000 a ride or whatever the math is…ok?
Harry Poonspews:
re 11, Mark the splintered Dildo: Exempting Boeing from paying their fair share of a tax is what we’re talking about. You’re still an idiot.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Poon – Maxist assholes like you are what is killing Murka. How much is “fair” share? 50%??? All of it? Should somebody else pay all yer bills ’cause you f’d up your life through all the bad choices you made? F you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 32
England is not the United States. Private gun ownership is severely restricted there. Their civil liberties are less than ours (although more than most countries). They have more rigorous immigration controls than we do. In short, if you move to England, you’ll have less rights than you do here.
Soooo … is your post an argument for less rights for Americans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 33
Your ideas are (1) stupid, (2) racist, and (3) inefficacious at best, and possibly counterproductive.
In case you haven’t been reading the news, Pakistan — a muslim nation — is one of our staunchest allies against Al Qaida.
Too bad you didn’t read the entire quote:
“In late November 2002, a retired US Army general, William Odom, told C-SPAN viewers: ‘Terrorism is not an enemy. It cannot be defeated. It’s a tactic. It’s about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we’re going to win that war. We’re not going to win the war on terrorism. And it does whip up fear. Acts of terror have never brought down liberal democracies. Acts of parliament have closed a few.'”
Try your argument on me again when you acquire enough respect for “government” to spell it correctly. Until then, we have nothing to discuss.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Unlike a fully private endeavor, they have no choice on landing locations”
Sure they do. No one makes them serve this market. How many markets exist where airlines can choose between airports? I can think of three — New York, Chicago, and Washington D.C. Everywhere else, they either pay what the airport charges or they don’t go there.
Besides, we’re talking here about a difference of maybe 10 bucks per passenger, and that cost gets passed on to the passenger, it doesn’t come out of the airline’s profits. Every plane I’ve flown on recently has been jam-packed full, so I don’t think these charges are deterring passengers from flying.
The cost of fuel is a far bigger problem for airlines than this pissant gate fee. So is cutthroat competition. Ten bucks isn’t going to keep anybody from flying on SWA. If they can’t stay in business by paying the same airport fees every other carrier serving Seattle pays, then maybe they shouldn’t be in business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How is paying taxes in a capitalist “Marxism”? You’re getting pretty fucking loose with your definitions.
Here’s a definition for you: What do you call people who want the benefits of government (education, roads, infrastructure, etc.) without paying for them?
And that’s exactly what you no-taxes-no-way-no-how right wingers are: A bunch of fucking freeloaders who want to suck on someone else’s tit. With you people, it’s all about OPM (using other people’s money to get rich) and OPC (fighting your wars with other people’s children).
Fuck you! Fuck all of your kind!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Kwazy Wabbit at 44 – Take yer meds. Geez…
There are two kinds of people in Murka. Producers and takers. Generally, The Producers are conservatives and generally, the takers are moonbat lib dems. There are exceptions of course, but generally that’s true.
Us hated “rich” pay the vast majority of taxes to insulate the takers from the consequences of their lifetime of bad choices. The takers get away with it because there are more of you than there are of us. There are more of you simply because it’s easier. However, it takes a lifetime of hard work to be a producer.
So as usual, you moonbats have it exactly backwards.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit @ 41 – You lack the moral clarity to engage in war. We are are war with islam. It is an evil gutter religion. In order for WW3 to end, we must kill ever f’ing one of them. Every man, woman and child. Ever GD one of them. Understand???
The so called islamic “moderates” are equally guilty. By failing to confront the radical extremists, they are equally guilty because they are making a decision to be silent.
You know what Roger Rabbit? You had some profound comments (many of which I agreed with) on both the former and latter thread. On this topic, you must understand how jaundiced we taxpayers are toward allowing the government to squander allocate money to programs which have failed to produce.
Indeed, if the Democrats retake the House and/or Senate in 2006, it will be due in part (IMO) to the R’s inability to curtail their own lust for spending my/your money on their pork-barrel programs contained within the budget.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Mark & marks—
Roger Rabbit was a “freeloader” himself FOR 30 YEARS working for DSHS as an ineffective loser attorney breaking up families just for the hell of it. Roger Rabbit tried selling AMWAY for 10 years and never made more than $1000/yr. doing so. Roger used to go by Don/Alan/dubyasucks/thatprick/Priscilla and 93 other identities. Roger now collects his fat guv’mint pension…for doing nothing of value to taxpayers…and sits on his cottonball tail whining about FREELOADERS. Roger Rabbit is retarded…so we cut him a bit of slack. Don’t take him seriously though. Roger is filled with bitterness and resentment towards those of us who have been successful in the real world.
MTR @46
Knock that sh!t off…
It is an evil gutter religion.
I do not doubt that many elements within the Islamic faith hate us. Indeed, since we refuse to conform to their societal model, we are regarded with scorn. The fact that our society allows women to rise to prominence seems to be one of our ideals the Islamic radicals would most like to see eradicated, along with our fledgling ability to engender racial harmony.
I say f*ck those who would see our social harmony wrecked. But to place blame entirely at the foot of all Islam is the height of Christian hubris.
Most muslims are not terrorist, but most terrorists are muslim. It is true that radical Islam is not practice by most muslims. It is not true that radical Islam is practice by a few or a small fraction of muslims. It is a problem of many, although a minority, of muslims.
Well said, Rufus…
Bring on SWA at Boeing Field. Folks, there is a reason that WN (Southwest) is the only airline in America that has turned a profit in every quarter since 1972. I’m typing this as a jet roars out of PDX over my home in Vancouver. I live under the flight path to an airport.
When the people bought homes near Boeing Field, they didn’t sign a contract that said the airport would never have commercial flight. You have to look at the facillity and say that it is a possiblilty. The worse Seattle’s gridlock gets, the more attractive other airports are going to look. I used to live in Eastern Washington about an hour outside Spokane. If I was going to a meeting on the east side of Lake Washington, I would drive because it was literally faster than dealing with the hassles of paying to build two stadiums (Seattle has the third highest rental car tax in America to pay for Mariners and Seahawks Stadiums).
Southwest succeeds because they are a model of efficiency and economy. Without Southwest in the Seattle market, fares would grow because only Alaska and United would have west coast service and both of them long to charge more as it is.
If you don’t want airport noise, don’t buy a home in the vicinity of one. (another jet flying over me) Consider the risks of an airport growing if there is one nearby. I’m looking forward to flying to Boeing Field in 2009
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Generally, The Producers are conservatives and generally, the takers are moonbat lib dems.”
Not in the planet I live on. Which planet are you from?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The takers get away with it because there are more of you than there are of us.”
Uh-oh, there goes the right-wing persecution complex again. Just like clockwork.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The word “moral” seems strangely out of place in this blathering, ethically-challenged, intellectually bankrupt, post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Indeed, if the Democrats retake the House and/or Senate in 2006, it will be due in part (IMO) to the R’s inability to curtail their own lust for spending my/your money on their pork-barrel programs contained within the budget.”
Why are you so surprised? Spending other people’s money is what Republicans are good at.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cynical, I’m everything you accuse me of — and WORSE!!! You have not yet realized the AWFUL TRUTH!!! Are you sitting down, Cynical? Here it comes … I FUCKED YOUR DAUGHTER!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Most muslims are not terrorist, but most terrorists are muslim.”
52, well Darren, other cities are soaking travelers with rental car and hotel taxes to pay for THEIR stadiums, so we’re reciprocating. I agree it’s a sordid business — making out-of-town travelers pay for our stadia. But if they do it to us, why shouldn’t we do it to them?
Artie: I do not support any religion who says God is a Vengeful God on those he loves. He is a vengeful God on those who disobey him. He stated that He hates sin but loves the sinner. That’s what he told Moses, David, Solomon, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and many other prophets. Man twists religion to suit his purposes not God’s purposes. And don’t lecture me on the non christian attack points. I’m not buying.
Artie, when is the last time you opened the Good Book. I did this morning, and read 7 chapters.
Left Behind by the New Democratic Partyspews:
In response to Roger Rabbit @ 40:
Actually, I wasn’t taking one side or another in England’s new policies. I just haven’t heard it discussed too much and was wanting to see what people on both sides thought of it. I got Mark’s opinion on it, and I was hoping for more, just to see how it looks on the street, so to say. I thought it would be a good topic for an open thread.
(And for the record, R.R. technically you cannot call Mark’s comments racist, as it was against a religion, not an ethnic group per se.)
Their (you know who I mean, little libs) smug, self-indulgent foolishness is always for a hearty healthy laugh!
Proud @61
But mysteriously much of the money wound up being diverted to the coffers of Air America, the liberal talk-radio network whose ratings are yet another example of “deferred success.”[…]Air America looks like the broadcast version of the U.N. Oil-for-Food program, whereby money earmarked to save starving moppets somehow winds up in the bank accounts of bloated self-described do-gooders with political connections.
Steyn is too funny! LMAO!
For the Cluelessspews:
ASS @ 61
We understand you’re working out with a personal trainer no less.
Are you doing squats and lunges?
Do you have a ripped ASS now do you?
How funny is THAT!!! LMAO!!! The ASS has a ripped ASS!!! HA!
Puddud, Your convenient version of Krischanity relies upon a vengeful God to condemn people who don’t agree with your own personal sentiments of what is and is not sin. Jesus’s last words, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”, speaks volumes, but you’re cherry-picking other scriptures to justify and revel in this condemnation. You think yourself righteous after hours of kissing-up to God, then turn around and condemn those you believe are sinful. What did you learn from your reading other than God condemns people? What ever happened to “All have sinned and come short….” You’re self-righteousness is pathetic and antithetical to the Good Book. Your fundamentalist interpretations of the Holly Bibble are shameful.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Take a deep breath….smell the sulfur.
Artie: Sitting here at Sea-Tac with the fog delays and cancellations, so I have time to talk. Let’s clean this blog by clearing the air.
1.) I don’t need to cherry pick “proof texts” to make my Biblical arguments. The Bible is the Bible. The only lefty HAs I think have a strong religious constition are David, GBS, Torridjoe, DJ to an extent, and Roger Rabbit. I may have missed a few, but you are on the other list with Don*****don (aka Donna), & Headless Loocy. If so you should be able to describe what Isaiah & Jeremiah were preaching to us in the last days.
2.) God condemns any Christian or non-christian for judging. “Judge not lest ye shall be judged”. The only measurement we have to live by are the 10 Commandments. Now some silly lefty here (I remember whom) said “It’s not in the New Testament and Jesus didn’t say it so I don’t believe it.” Wrong!! The Bible does not contradict itself. The New builds upon the Old. So when people say abortion is bad, they are referring to the Thou Shall not Kill Commandment. I always refer to what God told the Israelites when they were to utterly destroy their enemies. God told them to kill the pregnant women. Why is that? Maybe because God considers the womb to carry a life therein contained? Now PacMan and others say it’s between God and the woman. That’s a good argument. PacMan and others are not judging and leaving that to God, the final arbiter. Now Don*****don, if you don’t read it, how can you comment on it.
Also Artie, you don’t know my Biblical interpretations because you have not had a cogent Christianic conversation with me. You like Don*****don like to implement the projection method of aurgumentation. You have a preconceived notion and you project it upon others. Wrong again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 60
I stand corrected. He’s a BIGOT.
Puddud, Perhaps you’re forgetting “know one shall know the hour of the return of the son of man”, when you heed prophesy about the Last Days? As far a judging goes, you’re totally into it. May you be so judged. You are extremely un-christian, pud dud.
About God’s order to kill Israel’s enemies, perhaps God wanted the Israelites to say ‘No’, out of obedience to the Commandment thou shalt not kill. God tought right from wrong and then gave this test which Israel failed, then and in modern day by attacking Palestine. Israel is a failure in God’s sight.
But of course, Pud dud is too blind to consider interpretations other than those that spill blood in God’s name. By your deeds, so shall ye be judged. Be very afraid for your soul, Pud dud. You are a hypocrit.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey moonbats – Any of you care to comment on the scandal where Air America stole money from children?
Artie: Who is teaching you religion? It can’t be the Holy Spirit. It’s alright to disobey God – Artie says so. At least you know a little about Matthew. Congrats. I can’t argue with an imbecile. If God says do this and you say “No God I know better”, Artie, you are an imbecile. Man was created a little lower than the angels and those who disobeyed God He threw out. Regarding Israel and it’s failure, Jesus talked about Israel when he was coming into Jerusalem for his last time before His crucifixion. But I am sure David will take umbrage upon your Israel comment. So you compare me to the Taliban and Al Qaeda regarding spilling blood for their religion? Or are you comaping me to the Catholic Church who spilled blood for religion. Since I am not Catholic, it can’t be the latter. It’s your friends in the NYCLU who is suing to spot the spot checks of bags on NYC subways. You win imbecile! I can’t argue points with an imbecile (you) anymore. Have a great day.
RedNeck Mark: MoonBat Donk HypoCon Moby Trolls don’t care about Air America and their ripoff tactics on poor children. Al Franken”stein” is their hero. Randi (fake assassin) Rosen is their heroine. If it wasn’t reported on by the NY Slimes or WA Going Postal it has no merit to them.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Take a deep breath…smell the sulfur.
Artie inhaled a deep breath of the sulphur and then posted his rants on HA these past few days. How else can you explain what he wrote?
Mark The Redneckspews:
There sure has been a whole buncha silence today after I asked a few hard questions. Nobody dares to trot out their moonbat marxist rage on who much money people “need” and be able to justify it. Even dat Kwazy Wabbit agrees with me that market forces are the best determinant.
For an outfit that claims to care about “the children”, they sure don’t seem to GAS that almost a MILLION DOLLARS WAS STOLEN from poor chirren in NYC.
How ’bout those Blue Angels? Aren’t they great? Now THAT’S the way tax money oughta be spent ! ! !
Mr. Cynicalspews:
When I saw those “Blue Angels”, the word “FREEDOM” came from the skies like a choir of angels!!
Again, fuck you. You aren’t worth the time. You’re a block head. You couldn’t discern the truth of a situation if your life depended on it.
You come in here belligerent and WTF do you expect?
Go back to (un)SP for “intelligent” comment. The kind that called the election contest so accurately.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Moonbat – Answer the GD question or STFU. Trot out your socialist marxist hate ! ! ! ! Tell me how much money I should make. And tell me how much money AA ought to be able to steal from poor kids. Tell me you pathetic POS ! ! ! !
Mark The Redneckspews:
Moonbat – Answer the question or STUF.
Wassa matta, Pud dud? Are you so frustrated that your fundamentalist credo has critics, it overwhelms your ability to reasonably argue a point? God gave the Commandment “Thou shalt not kill” and tested the Israelites by making them choose right from wrong. This theological question may make you uncomfortable, but it does explain the contradiction of why God was vengeful in the Old Testament. Call me a Quaker, but were we living in those times, I would be questioning the commandment to kill by obeying the Commandment prohibiting murder, while you gloried in bloodshed.
And as for the ‘imbecile’ crack, Pud dud, it was as lame as Mr Cynical’s utterances. You two would get along like peas in a pod. When an F-15 go by, I’m reminded of their history of innocent blood shed. I’m thinking Jesus would little to do with you two. Just think about what I’m saying. Don’t try to one-up me with your dazzling oratory skills. The only direction you can steer this tittling debate is closer to the center.
For my tax dollar I would pick a fighter jet over a donk welfare program everytime.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Moonbats – I’d really like to know how much money you think Air America should be allowed to steal from poor kids in NYC. Can somebody please “educate” me?
I’m not shutting up and I’m not answering your bullshit question.
Go fuck your inflatable strawman. The Gloria Wise deal is under investigation. If the current investors in AAR are tainted in any way by any wrongdoing another group of investors can take their place. AAR is completely independent of any wrongdoing. It’s just a bunch of people talking on the radio.
Obviously what they’re saying has got all your wingnut panties in a twist. Brainless Baloney, the failed Seattle wingnut radio talker has been attacking AAR from day one. The longer they stay on the air, the longer he stays a failed, unemployed winger.
Go over to Brainfart Baloney’s and circle jerk there or back to (un)SP for “intelligent” circle jerking.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Moonbat – OK. I think I understand now. Stealing money and then using Enron style accounting to hide it is OK as long as it goes to the “right” kind of cause.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Hypocrite a-hole…
Artie: Now You are a quaker? Have you chosen your religious convictions yet? Try Islamofascism, it fits your style. You just don’t get it. Thou Shall Not Kill is a personal testament. God provided refuge cities for accidental killings so the person could escape. But you need to read the Bible to understand the number and their location in the Israel nation. When God decided that the Amorites for instance, had reached the fill of their cup of indignation (He waited 430 years) for killing off the stragglers and the weak from the Israelites when they wandered in Sinai for disobeying God’s command, He told the Israelites to utterly destroy them for disobeying God’s commands. When God says kill the sinner, it is out of Love becuase the sinner didn’t change their ways, not hatred because God only hates sin. He sent his Son Jesus to die vicariously for our sins. If you read the Bible it says God will mourn the lost for eternity because they rejected Him. But then again you need a mind to understand it. You must be the other lima bean in the pod with Mount Olympus Hiker.
So as Cynical said twice now, take a deep inhale of that Sulphur; and while you are inhaling find a large brimstone brick and sit on it.
Harry Poonspews:
Puddybud and Mr Cynical are self-hating gays in the Roy Cohn style. They are gay LITTLE EICHMANNS.
Pud dud, your style is ChristiaNazi. You heard me right. There were plenty of German christians justifying the holocaust because the victims weren’t good little christians. If anyone here is going to Hell, it’s you Pud dud. Lighten up or you’ll miss the train to glory.
So, is it true that you’re a closet gay? Lots of christian types turn gay. Look at Rick Santorum. What a fag! Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, not because of homosexuality, but because of extreme and violent conservative intolerance. Why don’t you go decorate something today and be a happy little boy.
You don’t understand jackshit. Go ahead and mumble your dittohead nonsense if it floats your boat.
I’m getting more than a little bit sick of this “Bush Lied” business. In order to believe that Bush lied you would have to:
1.) Erase from history – Orwellian style – all of the alarms about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and ties with terrorists raised by PROMINENT DEMOCRATS during the late 90’s, during the campaign of 2000, and in fact, right up through the invasion in 2003
2.) Blind yourself to the fact that Bush’s intel came from the same CIA and CIA director (Tennet) relied upon by Clinton.
3.) Forget that the same intel is seen by a Bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee
4.) that every other intelligence agency from every other country on the planet thought Saddam had WMD
If you can actually get through the first four steps above, you would then have to convince yourself:
5.) that after Saddam threw out the weapons inspectors in 1998, he secretly complied with UNSCOM and destroyed his WMD (just to be secretly nice)
6.)that Tennet figured out that the WMD were gone (what a guy)
7.)that Bush talked Tennet into withholding what he knew from the Senate Intelligence committee
8.)that Bush then pushed for an invasion of Iraq on the basis of WMD, knowing all along that there were no WMD and thinking that NO ONE WOULD NOTICE
9.)that having brilliantly suborned a lie from the CIA chief, Bush masterminded the invasion of Iraq but was too dumb to plant WMD
This “Bush lied” argument disregards history, relies upon an illogical/impossible chain of events, in both cases presuming that Bush was simultaneously the smartest and dumbest man on the planet.
Dr. Espews:
Are you suggesting that Bush was deceived, or otherwise mislead by the malfeasance or incompetence of his subordinates? If so, he should then take responsibility for his mistaken judgment. If you’re suggesting that everything was on the up and up, well, then, how does that square by the numerous public statements by Scott Ritter and others in the know refuting Bush’s WMD claims?
Bush plotted to invade Iraq before he stole the 2000 election, and from Day 1 of his occupancy in the White House. He ignored warnings about threat of terrorism and supported the necessity of a “Pearl Harbor event” to justify attacking Iraq. He, his cabinet and administration have strong ties to the oil industry and believe (wrongly) that their control over the world’s future supply is a national security concern (while oil continues to be a prominent energy source). Bush supports hydrogen as an alternative, knowing that this energy source/system cannot replace petroleum in even the simplest application, certainly not in military applications.
There is strong evidence that Bush LIED and DECEIVED the world about Iraq having WMDs. Only the idiotic unpatriotic loyalist republican bastards still won’t admit this. Like the myth about dropping the A-bombs on Japan saving lives, those who are responsible for or complicitly support Bush’s war plot are too proud to admit their mistake.
Dr. Espews:
“those who are responsible for or complicitly support Bush’s war plot are too proud to admit their mistake”
My own political philosophy takes this perhaps a step farther. I objected to the administration’s war plans from the outset, since I felt that any half-way educated person with a fairly wide and balanced supply of reading material could not have failed to see through the untruths that were being disseminated (viz. the creation of the “Office of Global Communications” in 2002). Such objection I saw as a matter of moral responsibility, which transcends any supposed ideas of “patriotism” (as the GOP would have it) or “Americanism”, etc.
Conversely, I would state that anyone who voted for Bush in 2004 — having already seen the disaster his administration had created in Iraq, along with its national and international consequences — and who still supports the Iraq war today is morally responsible for that war and its consequences.
And I would state that liberals are responsible for the more than 3000 deaths on 9/11
There’s an old adage, “A house divided against itself will fall”.
On September 10, 2001, the liberals and Democrats were still arguing an election that had been decided 10 month earlier, giving the terrorist bastards the wedge they needed.
“A house divided against itself will fall”.
Let’s look at the Spain bombing. They were in the midst of an ugly, bare knuckles election season.
“A house divided against itself will fall”.
Let’s look at the London bombings. Blair was being attacked the very same way Bush is/was.
“A house divided against itself will fall”.
You want to stand up and shout you “HATE BUSH”, be my guest. Freedom of speech allows it. But you better damned well remember that is also demands consequences, and so far those consequences are dead innocent citizens. Those consequences are our enemies, the terrorists that despise western civilization and YOU in that you enjoy and represent that civilization, benefit, take pleasure and are prepared to exploit that divisiveness.
I grew up in a very ethnic italian household. For those that don’t know Italians, we have no reservation about sharing our opinions early, often and loudly. However, when that opinion was about family matters, IT STAYED WITHIN THE WALLS OF THE FAMILY AND GOD HELP ANY BASTARD THAT TRIED TO CROSS IT.
Harry I don’t know what Poon you came in on but poon your ass on out. Eichmann, you have to go better than that. It is not even original. Nazi is the term du jour from your sister Headless Loocy and you cousin Don*****don.
Artie, I make no claims about making it to glory. I try to live a good life and if accepted by God 1:Cor 15:51- and 1 Thess 4:16- will come true. I give to the poor and I tithe correctly. Do you? Apparently you must read the cartoon Bible because S & G was destroyed because the city men wanted the men visitors from Lot’s house. Unfortunately for them, their Godly visitation was short and unsweet. What definition of debauchery don’t you comprehend. You better reread that part of the Bible from a real Bible.
Oh, and for the record I am not even a closet gay man. I don’t join in on the gay discussions, but I do read them and have a good laugh. I love pussy, eating it and fucking it. Nothing better than eating at the “Y” or creating the letter “M” with the wife. For those uneducated types it’s a Kama Sutra position. Now unlike PacMan, this blog does not come between me and the wife delivering up the juicy stuff.
Dr. Espews:
Your arguments are totally illogical, specifically:
“And I would state that liberals are responsible for the more than 3000 deaths on 9/11”
Really? So those guys who hijacked the planes were liberals then? What kind of logic led you to that conclusion? Perhaps you do not understand the concept of moral responsibility. This is a different type of responsibility than what you suggest.
On September 10, 2001, the liberals and Democrats were still arguing an election that had been decided 10 month earlier, giving the terrorist bastards the wedge they needed.
The burden is yours to prove that this argument actually resulted in 9/11. That is simply a preposterous argument.
“Let’s look at the Spain bombing. They were in the midst of an ugly, bare knuckles election season.”
The burden is again yours to prove that the political arguments surrounding an election have a direct causal relation to the bombings here.
“Let’s look at the London bombings. Blair was being attacked the very same way Bush is/was.”
Blair has been under attack for several years, with things escalating after the leaking of the Downing Street minutes and other related documents. Again, the burden of proof is again yours to show a direct causal relationship.
“You want to stand up and shout you “HATE BUSH”, be my guest. Freedom of speech allows it.
No, I don’t want to stand shout “HATE BUSH.” I don’t hate him, but I do have an intense dislike for his hideously corrupt, morally bankrupt administration and its murderous policies. To that I am constitutionally entitled, as you point out.
“But you better damned well remember that is also demands consequences, and so far those consequences are dead innocent citizens.”
You have a hell of a lot of nerve to say that. Freedom of speech does not, and cannot, “demand consequences”. It ensures, among other things, that dissent is not a crime. It ensures that you can say what you just said, and that I can tell you you’ve got a hell of a lot of nerve to say that. It also ensures that I can tell you that, in my view, your comment above has authoritarian, if not fascist, overtones.
But, on purely logical grounds, the burden is still upon you to prove a causal relationship.
“Those consequences are our enemies, the terrorists that despise western civilization and YOU in that you enjoy and represent that civilization, benefit, take pleasure and are prepared to exploit that divisiveness.
Again, the burden is on you for proof here — and also to prove that I “take pleasure [in divisiveness] and [am] prepared to exploit that divisiveness.
That’s fine. We’re not talking about family matters here, though. We’re talking about political issues. Therein lies the difference, see? By the way, I’ve known far too many Italians, yes, real Italians living in Italy (and abroad) who have strong political opinions, and have no reservations about openly discussing them in public.
Sorry, but I think an awful lot of us have a clue. Still, the burden of proof for ALL your arguments is on you, but to sum them up quite neatly, you need only prove one thing: “A house divided against itself will fall”, i.e. what this adage has to do with political debate.
“A house divided against itself will fall”, i.e. what this adage has to do with political debate.
Comment by Dr. E— 8/8/05 @ 10:19 pm
That’s easy dumb ass – enemies look for DEVISIVENESS.
Are you a parent?
Or possibly just the very immature child of one?
Kids try very hard to play one parent against the other. If the parents do not stand firm TOGETHER, chaos reigns and the child suffers, the family suffers.
“A house divided against itself will fall”
Puddud, Maybe I am remembering incorrectly, but it was Lot in the Sodom and Gomorrah story. Lot bargained with the Angel of Death to stay destruction if he could find 10 good men, but couldn’t. It’s safe to presume that most of the people were heterosexual, maybe 80%. Some other sin brought down the brimstone and fire. The hetero’s must of been much more intolerant than today’s sanctimoniously religious types into kinky sex, and so the cities were destroyed not by homosexuality, but by heterosexual reprobates who committed all kinds of sin, as the story mentions; murder, rape and incest, kinky sex, human sacrifice, kinky sex, hollywood free market money-maker stuff like Arnold Schwartzenegger might produce. That’s the way I see these stories, anyway. And if you don’t see it my way, then you’re just a blasphemous kinky sex anti-god, evil reprobate bound for kinky sex hell.
Booahh ahh ahh ahhhh.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Roger Rabbit is Harry Poon
Roger Rabbit (aka Don/Alan/thatPrick/Priscilla/93 other identities)
Here is a great link about the Clinton Intelligence Services and 4 of the 9/11 hijackers from the Goldy newspaper of record.
Excerpt of 1st 3 Paragraphs: “WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 – More than a year before the Sept. 11 attacks, a small, highly classified military intelligence unit identified Mohammed Atta and three other future hijackers as likely members of a cell of Al Qaeda operating in the United States, according to a former defense intelligence official and a Republican member of Congress.
In the summer of 2000, the military team, known as Able Danger, prepared a chart that included visa photographs of the four men and recommended to the military’s Special Operations Command that the information be shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the congressman, Representative Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania, and the former intelligence official said Monday.
The recommendation was rejected and the information was not shared, they said, apparently at least in part because Mr. Atta, and the others were in the United States on valid entry visas. Under American law, United States citizens and green-card holders may not be singled out in intelligence-collection operations by the military or intelligence agencies. That protection does not extend to visa holders, but Mr. Weldon and the former intelligence official said it might have reinforced a sense of discomfort common before Sept. 11 about sharing intelligence information with a law enforcement agency.”
Looks like former AAG Jamie Gorelick was the wall person after all. John Ashcroft was right in his testimony!
Dr. Espews:
enemies look for DEVISIVENESS.
Hmm, I thought terrorists hit soft targets. You know, busses, beaches, shopping malls, etc. On what superior information do you have it that it’s reallly just divisiveness?
No, pal, you need to do some thinking. Serious thinking. I’ve pretty much explained, point by point, how your arguments have no logical basis whatsoever.
The reason I objected so strongly to your original post is because you suggest that we must think alike and act alike to defeat terrorist threats. This is very dangerous, as that type of non-thought is often associated with brown shirts and jackboots. Got it?
Now, you may not like the fact that I feel that Bush’s foreign policy vis à vis the Middle East is dangerous, counterproductive, and often downright murderous, but I do have the right to express that. You, however, seem to suggest that such thoughts are dangerous, as they foster “divisiveness”, which then provoke terrorists. That line of reasoning, quite frankly, is intellectually void, and, well, just utter bullshit.
I don’t think too many people on the left would state the threat of terrorism is not real or dangerous. What we would argue, however, is how best to prevent it from happening. A diversity of ideas promotes such problem solving. A singularity of ideas (as you suggest) does not necessarily solve problems, and risks the perpetuation of an unending cycle of the same. That’s the problem, in my view, of the Bush plan (if you can call it that): dissent is apparently not welcome, so we’re left with a cycle of violence that begets more violence. That’s NOT the way to break the chain.
And please stop with your family analogies. They are too simplistic and do not work for a situation as complex as the one this country faces.
The reason I objected so strongly to your original post is because you suggest that we must think alike and act alike to defeat terrorist threats.
No dumbass. You are free to think whatever your little pea brain likes.
But, you STAND united in the face of enemies.
And don’t give too simplistic. The psychology is the same.
Violence ends violence. Walk away from a bully and he’ll be back to steal your lunch money tomorrow. Bloody his nose and he’ll walk away.
Head on back to your corner and sing Kumbaya – maybe Osama will make it a point to spare you since your such a good little enabler.
Dr. Espews:
Okay, Mr. Proudass. Since you seem to have little command over anything other than personal attacks, let me dumb it down for you.
Your talking points are idiotic, stupid, and fatuous.
You clearly demonstrate no concept of the history, intellectual or cultural, of the Middle East, nor do you evidence any clue as to the diversity of opinion that exists anywhere to the left of the hard right in this country. You also seem to have no command of logical argumentation. Furthermore, your comments are sometimes impossible to decipher:
“And don’t give too simplistic. The psychology is the same.
What the hell does that mean? Since I can’t understand either sentence, I won’t comment on them.
“Head on back to your corner and sing Kumbaya – maybe Osama will make it a point to spare you since your such a good little enabler.”
In the language of logic (of which you could use a bit of schooling, I might add), that’s what’s known as an argumentum ad hominem. To turn that back around on you, it’d sound something like this:
Go back to your heimatsversicherung Stammtisch and polish off your rifles and jackboots with your brown shirt buddies. Maybe König Georg II will give you a medal for your unthinking support.
In short, Mr. Proudass, if all you want to do is rant, you might as well go do it somewhere else, like your backyard, the bus station, the desert, etc. You’re not going to win any converts to your line of non-reasoning here. If you want a reasoned, intellectual argument, then at least make an effort.
Who are you kidding Dr E – no conservative or normal right thinking person would EVER convince the lefty’s here of anything.
If you don’t understand that a psychology applied to a situation would remain constant no matter the size of the situation then perhaps you better look at yourself regarding stupidity kiddo.
The psychology that would apply to dealing with a child: cohesive parents is the very same psychology of dealing with a gang: cohesive society is the very same psychology with dealing with enemies of our country: cohesive nation.
Got it yet?
Dr. Espews:
I’m sorry, I think you also have a poor understanding of psychology as well.
But, as for your last argument, “cohesive parents” is not a psychology, nor is it a psychological approach nor technique. “Cohesive society” is similarly not a psychological approach, technique, or situation.
Sorry, I don’t got it yet, maybe you can help me out. What is “cohesive”? What does that mean? How does it manifest itself in any of these situations — especially the “cohesive nation” that seems to be central to your position, and how is that “cohesive nation” different from those that support autocratic/fascist regimes in the present, or those that supported them in the past?
But, but, but, Dr. E: “It takes a village (cohesive society) to raise a child!”
Can I start on a positive note?
The Air France A340 that landed too far down the runway and then crashed and burned is a testament to the good sound engineering practices that are universal in the western airplane industry.
The FAA and CAA put airplane manufacturers through a lot to ensure that an airplane can be evacuated safely and quickly in an emergency. Now we know that the door locations, interior emergency lights, door operation, emergency chutes, flight attendant training, safety lectures and everything else actually works when its needed.
When I first saw the pictures, I assumed that everybody on board got incinerated. I figured the process of identifying the bodies would would go on for months while they tried to match dental records. The fact that no one on board died is a testament to the engineering abilities of everyone at the FAA, CAA and Airbus.
Why don’t you put on a pair of golf shoes with metal spikes, grab a 3-iron, go out in the yard and hold that 3-iron just as high up in the air as you can.
Mr. Cynical,
Please apologize. That is a personal attack that is uncalled for.
Sounds like an argument for government regulation, Mark. Maybe you’re not quite so “paleo” after all!
It is nice to see survivors for a change.
Also, I wonder, do the airlines take at least one flight attendent per crew that is a skilled nurse? I heard at least one Railroad once did that, Northern Pacific, on their flagship train, the North Coast Limited, and on three occasions, having a RN came in handy, with three disasterous derailments.
Of the contest between Boeing and Airbus over which of their new aircraft is better, the Boeing 787 is my pick over the Airbus (A-380?). These aircraft take opposite approaches to increasing fuel efficiency. The Boeing perfects fuel efficiency of their current capacity models. Airbus constructs a completely new Jumbo model that improves fuel efficiency-per-passenger.
As jet fuel and air travel become more expensive, (and they will), arranging air travel becomes even more difficult with the Airbus A-380’s greater number of passengers. Add to this the limited number of airports able to accommodate the A-380 and you have fewer markets the A-380 can serve.
That said, I am extremely distrustful of Boeing and believe they are profit-motivated irresponsible obstructionists harming the US transportation system overall.
Comment on 6
Boeing should never have been allowed to extort $3.5 billion from Washington State taxpayers. Giant corporations deliberately threaten communities with plant closings and job losses to provoke bidding wars between states and cities for their plants and jobs. Business has no damn business asking government to pay their capital or operating expenses. That is profoundly antithetical to the basic concepts of our capitalist system. Same goes for government bailouts of bankrupt industries. This rot started when the government bailed out Chrysler. It then spread quickly through our whole economy like a virulent cancer. It’s got to stop. You initiative lovers want to do something constructive? Use the initiative process to pass laws making it illegal for politicians to use our tax money to bribe private companies into locating here. If Boeing wants to pull up stakes, let them go. And don’t fly on their planes. Let them sell airplane tickets in Bangladesh.
Shit, all of my posts are going into Goldy’s Purgatory. I must not be using enough fucking swear words to get through the damn filter.
Okay, since this is an open thread, I’ll pick up the topic of Ron Sims and Southwest Airlines somebody started on another thread.
This ought to be a no-brainer and shouldn’t require a study. It’s a bad idea on its face. You don’t need an MBA to figure out SWA is trying to pull a screw job on our community.
First of all is the noise and traffic impacts on the surrounding communities. SWA is proposing 31,025 landings and takeoffs a year of commercial jets. (85 flights a day X 365 days) Assuming the airport operates from 6AM to 10PM (I’m pretty sure there’s a curfew on night flights in effect), which gives you a 16-hour day, that’s a landing or takeoff every 4 1/4 minutes from dawn to dark (16 hours X 60 minutes / 85 flights). That’s before you factor in the impact of Horizon moving 250 flights a day to Boeing, which Horizon says it will do if SWA moves to Boeing. Boeing Field is surrounded on 3 of its 4 sides by residential neighborhoods. Tens of thousands of people will be adversely affected. There’s a reason why you don’t build commercial airports in the middle of cities. The impacts are unacceptable.
Now let’s look at the financial aspects.
King County estimates the necessary road improvements will cost $100 million. SWA won’t pay a penny of it. In which case the money can only come from 2 places — either by taxes or user fees on the passengers using the SWA Boeing Field facilities, which defeats the purpose of moving to SWA which is to offer more competitive prices to passengers, or sticking the general taxpaying population with the bill. This community is already struggling to find billions of dollars for infrastructure projects that aren’t optional. There isn’t another $100 million laying around to throw at Boeing Field access just so SWA can make more profit.
SWA proposes to build a $150 million facility and parking garage on land leased from King County, and donate it to King County after 50 years. King County taxpayers would be better off without the donation. Fifty years from now, the facility will be old, worn out, obsolete, and good for nothing except knocking down with a wrecking ball. The purpose of the “gift” is to stick county taxpayers with the costing of demolishing the structures. Any deal with SWA should specify that SWA is responsible for removing the buildings at its own cost at the end of land lease term. Otherwise, county taxpayers are subsidizing SWA’s business costs.
The biggest expense of all to taxpayers is the loss on their huge investment in SeaTac that will occur if airlines leave SeaTac. King County should give them a choice: Use SeaTac and pay the fees the county needs to collect to recoup its investment there, or don’t serve the Puget Sound market. The taxpayers built that airport for you — now use it. If, for some reason, the community wold benefit from airline service at Boeing Field, then the fees should be identical at both airports.
I also wonder whether the runway, taxiways, and firefighting gear at Boeing are adequate for regularly scheduled airline use to the tune of 31,000 to 123,000 big jet landings and takeoffs a year. If they have to be beefed up, who pays? I don’t see anything in SWA’s proposal offering to pay for these upgrades. They’re trying to stick the taxpayers here, too.
Finally, there’s the problem of fairness. Boeing Field obviously can’t accomodate every airline currently using SeaTac. SWA’s rationale for moving to Boeing is costs are cheaper there. This gives them a competitive advantage against other airlines. But why should county government give that advantage to one airline company and not others? That doesn’t seem like fair competition. Government exists to serve citizens, not give unfair business advantages to a couple of companies to the detriment of other companies. And that’s a hell of a way to treat your customers if you want the other airlines to serve your community and bring in jobs. It’s damned bad policy, period.
To Ron Sims’ credit, he said no tax money can go into this scheme. Of course, if he sticks to that, this proposal is unacceptable because it does require large taxpayer subsidies despite SWA’s clever attempts to hide them. No study is needed to simply tell SWA this proposal isn’t acceptable so go back and redesign it and come back when you have something that doesn’t cost the taxpayers any money. That’s what Sims should tell SWA instead of beating around the bush. In politics, commissioning a study or a task force is merely a polite way of saying “no.” Sims should get some backbone and just tell SWA, “no.” It doesn’t take $600,000 to say “no.”
Thomas Trainwinder@3–
Personal Attack?? Typical LEFTIST PINHEAD who feigns taking great offense at anything…including “Have a Nice Day”!
Goldy wouldn’t have been stoopid enough to actually put on those golf shoes, grab that 3-iron and hold it up high in an electrical thunderstorm……would he??
GOLDY, GOLDY, GOLDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Tell us you didn’t do it Goldy!!
Here is a real personal attack…
Thomas Trainwinder is a no-good, low-down SOB who enjoys beastialty and gay orgies….and is dumb too.
See the difference Thomas?
Kwazy Wabbit @ 7 – I gotta correct a common misconception.
The taxpayers of Washington gave ZERO dollars to Boeing on the 787 deal. All that happened was that the state agreed to be slightly less greedy in sticking their hands into Boeing’s pocket. Not one penny is transferred from the taxpayer to Boeing. None. And not robbing Boeing of THEIR money is not the same as giving them something. This is an important distinction.
Contrast that with the taxes that we pay every day that go to the Mariners and Seahawks. If you’ll remember, “restaurant meals” got taxed to pay for the Mariners stadium. Imagine my surprise when I discoverd that my company’s cafeteria is considered a “restaurant” and every time I go down there to buy tuna fish samich that I gotta ante up a quarter to pay for that gd stadium
Kwazy Wabbit – You’re also confused about what happened with Chrysler. Again not one penny of taxpayer money went to Chrysler. All that happened was that fed gummint guaranteed some bank loans to Chrysler. Iacocca turned things around, and those loans were repaid early, in full, and with interest. No taxpayer money went to Chrysler. None.
The commie media loves to throw around terms like “bailout” to give the impression that there’s “corporate welfare” going on, but in the case with Chrysler and Boeing, that DID NOT happen.
August 6, 2005 — State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer yesterday opened an investigation into the Bronx social-services agency that made $875,000 in bizarre loans to Air America radio, The Post has learned.
“We are looking into it in consultation with the city’s Department of Investigation,” Spitzer spokesman Darren Dopp revealed.
The highly unusual loans to the left-wing radio network were made by the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club — which was visited by one of Spitzer’s investigators yesterday, officials said.
Dopp said Spitzer’s probe is examining “the conduct of the board of [the] charitable not-for-profit organization. The question is: Was their action appropriate?”
Spitzer has jurisdiction because his office oversees charities in the state.
Hillel Valentine, a longtime member of the executive board of Gloria Wise — almost entirely funded by government contracts and grants — told The Post that “a gentleman from the Attorney General’s Office” had visited the organization yesterday.
“I expect that,” said Valentine, 80, a former assistant chief in the New York Transit Police Department. “That’s their job. I would do the same thing myself.”
He referred all other questions to a public-relations firm retained by Gloria Wise, which said it could provide no further information.
Valentine has previously said Evan Montvel Cohen, Air America’s founder who was working as a $74,000-a-year development director at Gloria Wise, pushed through the loan by “conning” everyone on the board.
Cohen sold his interest in Air America to Piquant LLC, which agreed to repay the loan in installments to Gloria Wise even though it claimed no legal obligation to do so.
The first payment of $50,000 was made yesterday, and it was deposited into an escrow account controlled by Air America’s lawyer.
That unsettled city investigators, who had recommended that the entire $875,000 be placed into an escrow account that no one could touch without their approval.
“Air America has not followed that recommendation,” said Keith Schwam, a spokesman for the Department of Investigation.
“DOI was informed today that Air America’s check for $50,000 was deposited into Air America attorney’s escrow account. No provision has been made for DOI to approve disbursements from that account.”
Until its downfall, Gloria Wise and an associated agency, Pathways for Youth, had grown into one of the largest social-service providers in The Bronx with an annual budget of $10 million.
It provides a wide spectrum of services, from senior centers to after-school activities.
All of its city contracts were yanked once the loan to Air America was uncovered.
Gloria Wise is now struggling to stay afloat with a reduced schedule of programs. It is also searching for a new executive director to replace Charles Rosen, who resigned abruptly on June 30.
RR – Nice post. Not sure the noise will be the issue you think it is – yet. So the 10s of thousands of people being negatively effected in more hype than fact – right now. All those people chose to live around an existing airport. I have a home on the potential flight path. Pretty sure that SeaTac could fill the hole left by Southwest leaving. Also pretty sure that long-term demand for capacity at SeaTac will be up, not down. There are limits to capacity at Boeing Field – that’s a fact, not an issue of fairness. But I like the idea of the County establishing those limits and opening the field to the highest bidder, rather than the first in line. Surely Alaska would produce a competitive bid – if it has the financing to to anything given its poor perfromance these past few years. I think there might be more good than harm that can result from more air service, for more people, from Boeing Field. I like the idea of having an option closer to downtown. I like the idea of airlines being competitive AND making profits. And I like lower airfares. The palace we all built out at SeaTac will serve the region well for many years to come. So might a lower cost option 7 miles closer to most people who fly.
How happy do you suppose Pat Robertson is these days?
“During the month of August, The 700 Club will relaunch Operation Supreme Court Freedom. Please join me and my staff as we dedicate the month of August to prayer and intercession for our president and our nation. We are also inviting churches to join us to pray each Sunday during this time. . . . Pray that additional vacancies occur within the Supreme Court.”
“Rehnquist Treated for Fever” –
Pat Robertson is one good reason we need to amend the Constitution to ban religious extremism… I get to define “religious extremism”…
How about everyone having a small prayer in hopes for the guys trapped in the submarine.
As for you, Donnageddon, you can at least hope they manage to evolve from the sub while we pray.
Chuck @ 15 – Why do we allow Russia to even have a navy? Why do they need it?
The Redneck@17
On one hand you have a point, on the other hand we have been stepping on our own dicks in space shots lately…
Good one!
Donnageddon and the other NEW AGE PROGRESSIVE LEFTIST PINHEADS believe prayer is nothing but mumbo-jumbo because they can’t FONDLE it!!!!
Prayer annoys God. It’s scriptural. Weak minded Krischuns just don’t wanna accept personal responsibility cuz they got Jezus, or so they think.
C’mon all ye faithful. Let’s all sing a rousing chorus of an old time favorite: ‘Don’t Drop The Tuna’
Take a huge deep breath.
Do you smell sulfur??
I say kudos to SW air… calling BS on the $28 per person fee Sea Tac is imposing to pay for their palace.
Since I as consumer pays this stuff, I prefer to fly out of Boeing field and save about 10-20 percent on my flights (ducking the crazy tax).
Mark, I’m not surprised you swallowed Boeing’s PR considering the deal requires the state to get Boeing’s approval for all state-issued press releases and comments about the deal! You’ve read what Boeing wanted you to read.
Although the Boeing deal consists primarily of tax breaks, that’s not entirely the case. The deal required the state to pay a consulting firm hired to promote the deal (in the guise of a study of economic impacts and benefits). The state agreed to foot all legal bills associated with any legal challenge against the deal. The state will pay for construction of a training facility and for design work on cargo plane modifications. The state hired employees to assist Boeing with policy issues related to the deal. The Port of Everett will pay for land purchase and runway improvements. And, of course, taxpayers will foot the bill for the billions in transportation improvements Boeing demanded to ease traffic congestion that adversely affects its business.
Now let’s talk about the billions in tax breaks given to Boeing. Those revenues either have to be paid by someone else or the state has to cut back on the services they would have paid for (e.g., transportation and education).
I won’t spend much time here on your assertion the state has its hand in Boeing’s pocket. I’m well aware of the absurd ideology that claims government is evil and taxes are bad. My friend — civilization, a modern economy, and private property aren’t possible without government. Boeing’s workforce was educated with tax dollars. Roads, airports, and other infrastructure vital to Boeing’s operations were built with tax dollars. And so on. The net result of tax incentives to giant companies like Boeing and Microsoft are to shift those taxes to the Mom and Pop businesses that create most of the state’s jobs. Washington’s small business taxes are much higher than other states, while large companies and the most affluent residents are barely taxed. Tens of thousands of small businesses get screwed in order to pay ransom to Boeing for 800 jobs.
Business extortion against state and local governments has become a widespread phenomenon in the U.S. and a major problem for these governments. Big companies have become adept at playing localities off each other to escape taxes, regulations, and extract subsidies. Public officials know they’re being blackmailed but don’t know how to break the vicious cycle that sets community against community. It’s absolutely contrary to the private capitalism and free market models that are supposed to define our economic system, and it’s a major driver in creating regressive tax systems that benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. It’s a complicated issue that I can’t address in depth here. Let’s just say it’s a problem, and Washington have foolishly played into Boeing’s hands, it’s no surprise that NASCAR and SWA showed up with their hands out for public money soon afterward. There’s a long line of other companies forming behind them.
Reply to 12
They didn’t choose to live in the flight path of a commercial airport. This is a very major change in airport use they didn’t bargain for when they bought their homes. The airport currently is used by general aviation, business jets, and an occasional Boeing jet. This traffic doesn’t make a fraction of the noise that commercial airliner takeoffs will.
More on 12
Commercial operations at Boeing will impact more than the surrounding neighborhoods. The Sea-Tac flight path takes planes over neighborhoods as far north as Mukilteo and as far south as Tacoma. Commercial flights in and out of Boeing will use similar flight paths but at a much lower altitude, therefore neighborhoods all over the Tacoma-to-Everett corridor will get more overhead noise than they do now.
Boeing Field would be more convenient for passengers, especially those originating in Snohomish County and north King County. It would be lovely for them if they could take off from Boeing Field for New York or Chicago, but that is not the best use of Boeing’s limited capacity. Perhaps an argument can be made for limited passenger service at Boeing — certainly not 85 flights a day — using smaller commuter planes that make less noise. The best use of Boeing Field is for short-distance hops to Yakima, Tri-Cities, Spokane, and Portland using these smaller planes. Flying out of SeaTac to these destinations adds time to the trip and detracts from the utility of air travel for one-day business trips to these locations. Quicker and more convenient air links to these cities would directly benefit the regional economy. So I’m not saying Boeing should never be used for any commercial air service period. But SWA’s operation is not suitable for Boeing Field and there is no particular benefit to the community as a whole for passengers bound for Las Vegas or Tuczon to fly out of Boeing instead of SeaTac.
Fair enough. Thank you, Chuck.
There you go again, Chuck — you say something worthwhile, then spoil it by sticking your foot in your ass again.
Who the fuck are we to “let” Russia have a Navy? Last time I checked they were a sovereign nation. Typical right wing mentality — thinks the USA has a right to tell everyone else what to do. That’s what keeps getting us into trouble and wars.
Reply to 22
So you think we shouldn’t pay for SeaTac with user fees and make taxpayers bear those costs instead? Are you volunteering?
I would like to bring up something I have not seen too much response to. What does everyone here think about England’s newest response to terrorism? Are people upset that they are not only gonna profile, but will actively go after suspects and not only kick them out, but also close down their meeting places, including any mosques they use as a cover for their planning. Or are you exstatic that England finally ‘gets it’ and is dropping the pretense of Political Correctness for practical pragmatism. It is an interesting developement, and I have seen in the news that other European countries are starting to take after England’s newest policies. I just wanna hear what people think.
Left – First, we gotta get clear that it is NOT a “war on terror”. Terror is a tactic, not an enemy. We need to be real clear that muslims are our enemy. Once we’ve correctly defined our enemy, yer durn right we should “profile” the enemy and deal with them accordingly. The world is going to be at war until every gd one of them is dead.
Artie@20: You are a Moby Troll. Where in the Bible or the works of Matthew Henry, Charles Tyndale, John Wesley, Charles Huss or Martin Luther does any of them say that about prayer? Why did Jesus in Matthew say “When you pray…” Oh that’s right you don’t own the Good Book or if mom gave you one it’s on the shelf collecting dust. I bet the gold edge page leaf is still in it’s original state.
Puddud, As I recall, Jesus said something about how sparrows and lillys get their needs met, and how meeting human needs is a far greater concern by the almighty; suggesting prayer is more a sign of doubt and fear.
Not surprisingly, fundamentalists, Krischun and otherwise, uphold prayer as a means to keep parishoners terrorified of a vengeful, vindictive God; all the better to keep them obedient to the decrees of the sanctimonius heirarchical theocratic order. Jesus had the hardest time reaching the Pharisees and the wealthy.
You’re the troll, puddud, in the way you threaten those who dare to cross this bridge of open communication growling, “Who’s that walking on MY bridge?” My answer: “It’s the big billy goat gruff and I’m gonna kick your ass”.
Wabbit@25 – I agree that small bidness get screwed. I think state gummint does it on purpose because they hate small bidness. There’s too many of them to control. So if they can reduce the number of businesses, they can force the remaining ones to knuckle under to their demands.
I don’t think gummint is evil and taxes are bad. But the state gummint we have now is confused, and the taxes we have now are excessive. Perhaps if you were one of those “rich” people who pays 80% of the taxes and is so hated by the left, you’d understand.
As a ‘Murkin Redneck, I’m a big fan of NASCAR. But I agree wif ya, that they had no right to get the taxpayers to build a track for them, any more than Paul Allen had a “right” to get us to build that gd stadium for the Seahawks.
On the thing about corporations setting “community against community”, what’s wrong with competition? Corporations have been victims of gummint greed for too long, and they’ve finally had enough.
rr; i guess user fees to support state programs is the way to go….so make SeaTac expansion fully paid by the airport users? Great, but airlines had no big say in the scope of the spending, nor of the user fees. Unlike a fully private endeavor, they have no choice on landing locations; having to take it in the shorts as Port of Seattle cranks up the marble and contractor spending…
But heck if you want to go the user fee route; lets make those Sounder riders pay their own $1000 a ride or whatever the math is…ok?
re 11, Mark the splintered Dildo: Exempting Boeing from paying their fair share of a tax is what we’re talking about. You’re still an idiot.
Poon – Maxist assholes like you are what is killing Murka. How much is “fair” share? 50%??? All of it? Should somebody else pay all yer bills ’cause you f’d up your life through all the bad choices you made? F you.
Reply to 32
England is not the United States. Private gun ownership is severely restricted there. Their civil liberties are less than ours (although more than most countries). They have more rigorous immigration controls than we do. In short, if you move to England, you’ll have less rights than you do here.
Soooo … is your post an argument for less rights for Americans?
Reply to 33
Your ideas are (1) stupid, (2) racist, and (3) inefficacious at best, and possibly counterproductive.
In case you haven’t been reading the news, Pakistan — a muslim nation — is one of our staunchest allies against Al Qaida.
Too bad you didn’t read the entire quote:
“In late November 2002, a retired US Army general, William Odom, told C-SPAN viewers: ‘Terrorism is not an enemy. It cannot be defeated. It’s a tactic. It’s about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we’re going to win that war. We’re not going to win the war on terrorism. And it does whip up fear. Acts of terror have never brought down liberal democracies. Acts of parliament have closed a few.'”
Mark @ 36
Try your argument on me again when you acquire enough respect for “government” to spell it correctly. Until then, we have nothing to discuss.
“Unlike a fully private endeavor, they have no choice on landing locations”
Sure they do. No one makes them serve this market. How many markets exist where airlines can choose between airports? I can think of three — New York, Chicago, and Washington D.C. Everywhere else, they either pay what the airport charges or they don’t go there.
Besides, we’re talking here about a difference of maybe 10 bucks per passenger, and that cost gets passed on to the passenger, it doesn’t come out of the airline’s profits. Every plane I’ve flown on recently has been jam-packed full, so I don’t think these charges are deterring passengers from flying.
The cost of fuel is a far bigger problem for airlines than this pissant gate fee. So is cutthroat competition. Ten bucks isn’t going to keep anybody from flying on SWA. If they can’t stay in business by paying the same airport fees every other carrier serving Seattle pays, then maybe they shouldn’t be in business.
How is paying taxes in a capitalist “Marxism”? You’re getting pretty fucking loose with your definitions.
Here’s a definition for you: What do you call people who want the benefits of government (education, roads, infrastructure, etc.) without paying for them?
And that’s exactly what you no-taxes-no-way-no-how right wingers are: A bunch of fucking freeloaders who want to suck on someone else’s tit. With you people, it’s all about OPM (using other people’s money to get rich) and OPC (fighting your wars with other people’s children).
Fuck you! Fuck all of your kind!
Kwazy Wabbit at 44 – Take yer meds. Geez…
There are two kinds of people in Murka. Producers and takers. Generally, The Producers are conservatives and generally, the takers are moonbat lib dems. There are exceptions of course, but generally that’s true.
Us hated “rich” pay the vast majority of taxes to insulate the takers from the consequences of their lifetime of bad choices. The takers get away with it because there are more of you than there are of us. There are more of you simply because it’s easier. However, it takes a lifetime of hard work to be a producer.
So as usual, you moonbats have it exactly backwards.
Wabbit @ 41 – You lack the moral clarity to engage in war. We are are war with islam. It is an evil gutter religion. In order for WW3 to end, we must kill ever f’ing one of them. Every man, woman and child. Ever GD one of them. Understand???
The so called islamic “moderates” are equally guilty. By failing to confront the radical extremists, they are equally guilty because they are making a decision to be silent.
You know what Roger Rabbit? You had some profound comments (many of which I agreed with) on both the former and latter thread. On this topic, you must understand how jaundiced we taxpayers are toward allowing the government to
squanderallocate money to programs which have failed to produce.Indeed, if the Democrats retake the House and/or Senate in 2006, it will be due in part (IMO) to the R’s inability to curtail their own lust for spending my/your money on their pork-barrel programs contained within the budget.
Mark & marks—
Roger Rabbit was a “freeloader” himself FOR 30 YEARS working for DSHS as an ineffective loser attorney breaking up families just for the hell of it. Roger Rabbit tried selling AMWAY for 10 years and never made more than $1000/yr. doing so. Roger used to go by Don/Alan/dubyasucks/thatprick/Priscilla and 93 other identities. Roger now collects his fat guv’mint pension…for doing nothing of value to taxpayers…and sits on his cottonball tail whining about FREELOADERS. Roger Rabbit is retarded…so we cut him a bit of slack. Don’t take him seriously though. Roger is filled with bitterness and resentment towards those of us who have been successful in the real world.
MTR @46
Knock that sh!t off…
It is an evil gutter religion.
I do not doubt that many elements within the Islamic faith hate us. Indeed, since we refuse to conform to their societal model, we are regarded with scorn. The fact that our society allows women to rise to prominence seems to be one of our ideals the Islamic radicals would most like to see eradicated, along with our fledgling ability to engender racial harmony.
I say f*ck those who would see our social harmony wrecked. But to place blame entirely at the foot of all Islam is the height of Christian hubris.
Most muslims are not terrorist, but most terrorists are muslim. It is true that radical Islam is not practice by most muslims. It is not true that radical Islam is practice by a few or a small fraction of muslims. It is a problem of many, although a minority, of muslims.
Well said, Rufus…
Bring on SWA at Boeing Field. Folks, there is a reason that WN (Southwest) is the only airline in America that has turned a profit in every quarter since 1972. I’m typing this as a jet roars out of PDX over my home in Vancouver. I live under the flight path to an airport.
When the people bought homes near Boeing Field, they didn’t sign a contract that said the airport would never have commercial flight. You have to look at the facillity and say that it is a possiblilty. The worse Seattle’s gridlock gets, the more attractive other airports are going to look. I used to live in Eastern Washington about an hour outside Spokane. If I was going to a meeting on the east side of Lake Washington, I would drive because it was literally faster than dealing with the hassles of paying to build two stadiums (Seattle has the third highest rental car tax in America to pay for Mariners and Seahawks Stadiums).
Southwest succeeds because they are a model of efficiency and economy. Without Southwest in the Seattle market, fares would grow because only Alaska and United would have west coast service and both of them long to charge more as it is.
If you don’t want airport noise, don’t buy a home in the vicinity of one. (another jet flying over me) Consider the risks of an airport growing if there is one nearby. I’m looking forward to flying to Boeing Field in 2009
“Generally, The Producers are conservatives and generally, the takers are moonbat lib dems.”
Not in the planet I live on. Which planet are you from?
“The takers get away with it because there are more of you than there are of us.”
Uh-oh, there goes the right-wing persecution complex again. Just like clockwork.
The word “moral” seems strangely out of place in this blathering, ethically-challenged, intellectually bankrupt, post.
“Indeed, if the Democrats retake the House and/or Senate in 2006, it will be due in part (IMO) to the R’s inability to curtail their own lust for spending my/your money on their pork-barrel programs contained within the budget.”
Why are you so surprised? Spending other people’s money is what Republicans are good at.
Cynical, I’m everything you accuse me of — and WORSE!!! You have not yet realized the AWFUL TRUTH!!! Are you sitting down, Cynical? Here it comes … I FUCKED YOUR DAUGHTER!!!
“Most muslims are not terrorist, but most terrorists are muslim.”
Aren’t you forgetting someone? Like these guys and these guys and these guys and these guys …
52, well Darren, other cities are soaking travelers with rental car and hotel taxes to pay for THEIR stadiums, so we’re reciprocating. I agree it’s a sordid business — making out-of-town travelers pay for our stadia. But if they do it to us, why shouldn’t we do it to them?
Artie: I do not support any religion who says God is a Vengeful God on those he loves. He is a vengeful God on those who disobey him. He stated that He hates sin but loves the sinner. That’s what he told Moses, David, Solomon, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and many other prophets. Man twists religion to suit his purposes not God’s purposes. And don’t lecture me on the non christian attack points. I’m not buying.
Artie, when is the last time you opened the Good Book. I did this morning, and read 7 chapters.
In response to Roger Rabbit @ 40:
Actually, I wasn’t taking one side or another in England’s new policies. I just haven’t heard it discussed too much and was wanting to see what people on both sides thought of it. I got Mark’s opinion on it, and I was hoping for more, just to see how it looks on the street, so to say. I thought it would be a good topic for an open thread.
(And for the record, R.R. technically you cannot call Mark’s comments racist, as it was against a religion, not an ethnic group per se.)
Retraction of snicker.
Their (you know who I mean, little libs) smug, self-indulgent foolishness is always for a hearty healthy laugh!
Proud @61
But mysteriously much of the money wound up being diverted to the coffers of Air America, the liberal talk-radio network whose ratings are yet another example of “deferred success.”[…]Air America looks like the broadcast version of the U.N. Oil-for-Food program, whereby money earmarked to save starving moppets somehow winds up in the bank accounts of bloated self-described do-gooders with political connections.
Steyn is too funny! LMAO!
ASS @ 61
We understand you’re working out with a personal trainer no less.
Are you doing squats and lunges?
Do you have a ripped ASS now do you?
How funny is THAT!!! LMAO!!! The ASS has a ripped ASS!!! HA!
Puddud, Your convenient version of Krischanity relies upon a vengeful God to condemn people who don’t agree with your own personal sentiments of what is and is not sin. Jesus’s last words, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”, speaks volumes, but you’re cherry-picking other scriptures to justify and revel in this condemnation. You think yourself righteous after hours of kissing-up to God, then turn around and condemn those you believe are sinful. What did you learn from your reading other than God condemns people? What ever happened to “All have sinned and come short….” You’re self-righteousness is pathetic and antithetical to the Good Book. Your fundamentalist interpretations of the Holly Bibble are shameful.
Take a deep breath….smell the sulfur.
Artie: Sitting here at Sea-Tac with the fog delays and cancellations, so I have time to talk. Let’s clean this blog by clearing the air.
1.) I don’t need to cherry pick “proof texts” to make my Biblical arguments. The Bible is the Bible. The only lefty HAs I think have a strong religious constition are David, GBS, Torridjoe, DJ to an extent, and Roger Rabbit. I may have missed a few, but you are on the other list with Don*****don (aka Donna), & Headless Loocy. If so you should be able to describe what Isaiah & Jeremiah were preaching to us in the last days.
2.) God condemns any Christian or non-christian for judging. “Judge not lest ye shall be judged”. The only measurement we have to live by are the 10 Commandments. Now some silly lefty here (I remember whom) said “It’s not in the New Testament and Jesus didn’t say it so I don’t believe it.” Wrong!! The Bible does not contradict itself. The New builds upon the Old. So when people say abortion is bad, they are referring to the Thou Shall not Kill Commandment. I always refer to what God told the Israelites when they were to utterly destroy their enemies. God told them to kill the pregnant women. Why is that? Maybe because God considers the womb to carry a life therein contained? Now PacMan and others say it’s between God and the woman. That’s a good argument. PacMan and others are not judging and leaving that to God, the final arbiter. Now Don*****don, if you don’t read it, how can you comment on it.
Also Artie, you don’t know my Biblical interpretations because you have not had a cogent Christianic conversation with me. You like Don*****don like to implement the projection method of aurgumentation. You have a preconceived notion and you project it upon others. Wrong again.
Reply to 60
I stand corrected. He’s a BIGOT.
Puddud, Perhaps you’re forgetting “know one shall know the hour of the return of the son of man”, when you heed prophesy about the Last Days? As far a judging goes, you’re totally into it. May you be so judged. You are extremely un-christian, pud dud.
About God’s order to kill Israel’s enemies, perhaps God wanted the Israelites to say ‘No’, out of obedience to the Commandment thou shalt not kill. God tought right from wrong and then gave this test which Israel failed, then and in modern day by attacking Palestine. Israel is a failure in God’s sight.
But of course, Pud dud is too blind to consider interpretations other than those that spill blood in God’s name. By your deeds, so shall ye be judged. Be very afraid for your soul, Pud dud. You are a hypocrit.
Hey moonbats – Any of you care to comment on the scandal where Air America stole money from children?
Artie: Who is teaching you religion? It can’t be the Holy Spirit. It’s alright to disobey God – Artie says so. At least you know a little about Matthew. Congrats. I can’t argue with an imbecile. If God says do this and you say “No God I know better”, Artie, you are an imbecile. Man was created a little lower than the angels and those who disobeyed God He threw out. Regarding Israel and it’s failure, Jesus talked about Israel when he was coming into Jerusalem for his last time before His crucifixion. But I am sure David will take umbrage upon your Israel comment. So you compare me to the Taliban and Al Qaeda regarding spilling blood for their religion? Or are you comaping me to the Catholic Church who spilled blood for religion. Since I am not Catholic, it can’t be the latter. It’s your friends in the NYCLU who is suing to spot the spot checks of bags on NYC subways. You win imbecile! I can’t argue points with an imbecile (you) anymore. Have a great day.
RedNeck Mark: MoonBat Donk HypoCon Moby Trolls don’t care about Air America and their ripoff tactics on poor children. Al Franken”stein” is their hero. Randi (fake assassin) Rosen is their heroine. If it wasn’t reported on by the NY Slimes or WA Going Postal it has no merit to them.
Take a deep breath…smell the sulfur.
Artie inhaled a deep breath of the sulphur and then posted his rants on HA these past few days. How else can you explain what he wrote?
There sure has been a whole buncha silence today after I asked a few hard questions. Nobody dares to trot out their moonbat marxist rage on who much money people “need” and be able to justify it. Even dat Kwazy Wabbit agrees with me that market forces are the best determinant.
For an outfit that claims to care about “the children”, they sure don’t seem to GAS that almost a MILLION DOLLARS WAS STOLEN from poor chirren in NYC.
How ’bout those Blue Angels? Aren’t they great? Now THAT’S the way tax money oughta be spent ! ! !
When I saw those “Blue Angels”, the word “FREEDOM” came from the skies like a choir of angels!!
Again, fuck you. You aren’t worth the time. You’re a block head. You couldn’t discern the truth of a situation if your life depended on it.
You come in here belligerent and WTF do you expect?
Go back to (un)SP for “intelligent” comment. The kind that called the election contest so accurately.
Moonbat – Answer the GD question or STFU. Trot out your socialist marxist hate ! ! ! ! Tell me how much money I should make. And tell me how much money AA ought to be able to steal from poor kids. Tell me you pathetic POS ! ! ! !
Moonbat – Answer the question or STUF.
Wassa matta, Pud dud? Are you so frustrated that your fundamentalist credo has critics, it overwhelms your ability to reasonably argue a point? God gave the Commandment “Thou shalt not kill” and tested the Israelites by making them choose right from wrong. This theological question may make you uncomfortable, but it does explain the contradiction of why God was vengeful in the Old Testament. Call me a Quaker, but were we living in those times, I would be questioning the commandment to kill by obeying the Commandment prohibiting murder, while you gloried in bloodshed.
And as for the ‘imbecile’ crack, Pud dud, it was as lame as Mr Cynical’s utterances. You two would get along like peas in a pod. When an F-15 go by, I’m reminded of their history of innocent blood shed. I’m thinking Jesus would little to do with you two. Just think about what I’m saying. Don’t try to one-up me with your dazzling oratory skills. The only direction you can steer this tittling debate is closer to the center.
For my tax dollar I would pick a fighter jet over a donk welfare program everytime.
Moonbats – I’d really like to know how much money you think Air America should be allowed to steal from poor kids in NYC. Can somebody please “educate” me?
I’m not shutting up and I’m not answering your bullshit question.
Go fuck your inflatable strawman. The Gloria Wise deal is under investigation. If the current investors in AAR are tainted in any way by any wrongdoing another group of investors can take their place. AAR is completely independent of any wrongdoing. It’s just a bunch of people talking on the radio.
Obviously what they’re saying has got all your wingnut panties in a twist. Brainless Baloney, the failed Seattle wingnut radio talker has been attacking AAR from day one. The longer they stay on the air, the longer he stays a failed, unemployed winger.
Go over to Brainfart Baloney’s and circle jerk there or back to (un)SP for “intelligent” circle jerking.
Moonbat – OK. I think I understand now. Stealing money and then using Enron style accounting to hide it is OK as long as it goes to the “right” kind of cause.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Hypocrite a-hole…
Artie: Now You are a quaker? Have you chosen your religious convictions yet? Try Islamofascism, it fits your style. You just don’t get it. Thou Shall Not Kill is a personal testament. God provided refuge cities for accidental killings so the person could escape. But you need to read the Bible to understand the number and their location in the Israel nation. When God decided that the Amorites for instance, had reached the fill of their cup of indignation (He waited 430 years) for killing off the stragglers and the weak from the Israelites when they wandered in Sinai for disobeying God’s command, He told the Israelites to utterly destroy them for disobeying God’s commands. When God says kill the sinner, it is out of Love becuase the sinner didn’t change their ways, not hatred because God only hates sin. He sent his Son Jesus to die vicariously for our sins. If you read the Bible it says God will mourn the lost for eternity because they rejected Him. But then again you need a mind to understand it. You must be the other lima bean in the pod with Mount Olympus Hiker.
So as Cynical said twice now, take a deep inhale of that Sulphur; and while you are inhaling find a large brimstone brick and sit on it.
Puddybud and Mr Cynical are self-hating gays in the Roy Cohn style. They are gay LITTLE EICHMANNS.
Pud dud, your style is ChristiaNazi. You heard me right. There were plenty of German christians justifying the holocaust because the victims weren’t good little christians. If anyone here is going to Hell, it’s you Pud dud. Lighten up or you’ll miss the train to glory.
So, is it true that you’re a closet gay? Lots of christian types turn gay. Look at Rick Santorum. What a fag! Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, not because of homosexuality, but because of extreme and violent conservative intolerance. Why don’t you go decorate something today and be a happy little boy.
You don’t understand jackshit. Go ahead and mumble your dittohead nonsense if it floats your boat.
I’m getting more than a little bit sick of this “Bush Lied” business. In order to believe that Bush lied you would have to:
1.) Erase from history – Orwellian style – all of the alarms about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and ties with terrorists raised by PROMINENT DEMOCRATS during the late 90’s, during the campaign of 2000, and in fact, right up through the invasion in 2003
2.) Blind yourself to the fact that Bush’s intel came from the same CIA and CIA director (Tennet) relied upon by Clinton.
3.) Forget that the same intel is seen by a Bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee
4.) that every other intelligence agency from every other country on the planet thought Saddam had WMD
If you can actually get through the first four steps above, you would then have to convince yourself:
5.) that after Saddam threw out the weapons inspectors in 1998, he secretly complied with UNSCOM and destroyed his WMD (just to be secretly nice)
6.)that Tennet figured out that the WMD were gone (what a guy)
7.)that Bush talked Tennet into withholding what he knew from the Senate Intelligence committee
8.)that Bush then pushed for an invasion of Iraq on the basis of WMD, knowing all along that there were no WMD and thinking that NO ONE WOULD NOTICE
9.)that having brilliantly suborned a lie from the CIA chief, Bush masterminded the invasion of Iraq but was too dumb to plant WMD
This “Bush lied” argument disregards history, relies upon an illogical/impossible chain of events, in both cases presuming that Bush was simultaneously the smartest and dumbest man on the planet.
Are you suggesting that Bush was deceived, or otherwise mislead by the malfeasance or incompetence of his subordinates? If so, he should then take responsibility for his mistaken judgment. If you’re suggesting that everything was on the up and up, well, then, how does that square by the numerous public statements by Scott Ritter and others in the know refuting Bush’s WMD claims?
Bush plotted to invade Iraq before he stole the 2000 election, and from Day 1 of his occupancy in the White House. He ignored warnings about threat of terrorism and supported the necessity of a “Pearl Harbor event” to justify attacking Iraq. He, his cabinet and administration have strong ties to the oil industry and believe (wrongly) that their control over the world’s future supply is a national security concern (while oil continues to be a prominent energy source). Bush supports hydrogen as an alternative, knowing that this energy source/system cannot replace petroleum in even the simplest application, certainly not in military applications.
There is strong evidence that Bush LIED and DECEIVED the world about Iraq having WMDs. Only the idiotic unpatriotic loyalist republican bastards still won’t admit this. Like the myth about dropping the A-bombs on Japan saving lives, those who are responsible for or complicitly support Bush’s war plot are too proud to admit their mistake.
“those who are responsible for or complicitly support Bush’s war plot are too proud to admit their mistake”
My own political philosophy takes this perhaps a step farther. I objected to the administration’s war plans from the outset, since I felt that any half-way educated person with a fairly wide and balanced supply of reading material could not have failed to see through the untruths that were being disseminated (viz. the creation of the “Office of Global Communications” in 2002). Such objection I saw as a matter of moral responsibility, which transcends any supposed ideas of “patriotism” (as the GOP would have it) or “Americanism”, etc.
Conversely, I would state that anyone who voted for Bush in 2004 — having already seen the disaster his administration had created in Iraq, along with its national and international consequences — and who still supports the Iraq war today is morally responsible for that war and its consequences.
And I would state that liberals are responsible for the more than 3000 deaths on 9/11
There’s an old adage, “A house divided against itself will fall”.
On September 10, 2001, the liberals and Democrats were still arguing an election that had been decided 10 month earlier, giving the terrorist bastards the wedge they needed.
“A house divided against itself will fall”.
Let’s look at the Spain bombing. They were in the midst of an ugly, bare knuckles election season.
“A house divided against itself will fall”.
Let’s look at the London bombings. Blair was being attacked the very same way Bush is/was.
“A house divided against itself will fall”.
You want to stand up and shout you “HATE BUSH”, be my guest. Freedom of speech allows it. But you better damned well remember that is also demands consequences, and so far those consequences are dead innocent citizens. Those consequences are our enemies, the terrorists that despise western civilization and YOU in that you enjoy and represent that civilization, benefit, take pleasure and are prepared to exploit that divisiveness.
I grew up in a very ethnic italian household. For those that don’t know Italians, we have no reservation about sharing our opinions early, often and loudly. However, when that opinion was about family matters, IT STAYED WITHIN THE WALLS OF THE FAMILY AND GOD HELP ANY BASTARD THAT TRIED TO CROSS IT.
Harry I don’t know what Poon you came in on but poon your ass on out. Eichmann, you have to go better than that. It is not even original. Nazi is the term du jour from your sister Headless Loocy and you cousin Don*****don.
Artie, I make no claims about making it to glory. I try to live a good life and if accepted by God 1:Cor 15:51- and 1 Thess 4:16- will come true. I give to the poor and I tithe correctly. Do you? Apparently you must read the cartoon Bible because S & G was destroyed because the city men wanted the men visitors from Lot’s house. Unfortunately for them, their Godly visitation was short and unsweet. What definition of debauchery don’t you comprehend. You better reread that part of the Bible from a real Bible.
Oh, and for the record I am not even a closet gay man. I don’t join in on the gay discussions, but I do read them and have a good laugh. I love pussy, eating it and fucking it. Nothing better than eating at the “Y” or creating the letter “M” with the wife. For those uneducated types it’s a Kama Sutra position. Now unlike PacMan, this blog does not come between me and the wife delivering up the juicy stuff.
Your arguments are totally illogical, specifically:
“And I would state that liberals are responsible for the more than 3000 deaths on 9/11”
Really? So those guys who hijacked the planes were liberals then? What kind of logic led you to that conclusion? Perhaps you do not understand the concept of moral responsibility. This is a different type of responsibility than what you suggest.
On September 10, 2001, the liberals and Democrats were still arguing an election that had been decided 10 month earlier, giving the terrorist bastards the wedge they needed.
The burden is yours to prove that this argument actually resulted in 9/11. That is simply a preposterous argument.
“Let’s look at the Spain bombing. They were in the midst of an ugly, bare knuckles election season.”
The burden is again yours to prove that the political arguments surrounding an election have a direct causal relation to the bombings here.
“Let’s look at the London bombings. Blair was being attacked the very same way Bush is/was.”
Blair has been under attack for several years, with things escalating after the leaking of the Downing Street minutes and other related documents. Again, the burden of proof is again yours to show a direct causal relationship.
“You want to stand up and shout you “HATE BUSH”, be my guest. Freedom of speech allows it.
No, I don’t want to stand shout “HATE BUSH.” I don’t hate him, but I do have an intense dislike for his hideously corrupt, morally bankrupt administration and its murderous policies. To that I am constitutionally entitled, as you point out.
“But you better damned well remember that is also demands consequences, and so far those consequences are dead innocent citizens.”
You have a hell of a lot of nerve to say that. Freedom of speech does not, and cannot, “demand consequences”. It ensures, among other things, that dissent is not a crime. It ensures that you can say what you just said, and that I can tell you you’ve got a hell of a lot of nerve to say that. It also ensures that I can tell you that, in my view, your comment above has authoritarian, if not fascist, overtones.
But, on purely logical grounds, the burden is still upon you to prove a causal relationship.
“Those consequences are our enemies, the terrorists that despise western civilization and YOU in that you enjoy and represent that civilization, benefit, take pleasure and are prepared to exploit that divisiveness.
Again, the burden is on you for proof here — and also to prove that I “take pleasure [in divisiveness] and [am] prepared to exploit that divisiveness.
That’s fine. We’re not talking about family matters here, though. We’re talking about political issues. Therein lies the difference, see? By the way, I’ve known far too many Italians, yes, real Italians living in Italy (and abroad) who have strong political opinions, and have no reservations about openly discussing them in public.
Sorry, but I think an awful lot of us have a clue. Still, the burden of proof for ALL your arguments is on you, but to sum them up quite neatly, you need only prove one thing: “A house divided against itself will fall”, i.e. what this adage has to do with political debate.
“A house divided against itself will fall”, i.e. what this adage has to do with political debate.
Comment by Dr. E— 8/8/05 @ 10:19 pm
That’s easy dumb ass – enemies look for DEVISIVENESS.
Are you a parent?
Or possibly just the very immature child of one?
Kids try very hard to play one parent against the other. If the parents do not stand firm TOGETHER, chaos reigns and the child suffers, the family suffers.
“A house divided against itself will fall”
Puddud, Maybe I am remembering incorrectly, but it was Lot in the Sodom and Gomorrah story. Lot bargained with the Angel of Death to stay destruction if he could find 10 good men, but couldn’t. It’s safe to presume that most of the people were heterosexual, maybe 80%. Some other sin brought down the brimstone and fire. The hetero’s must of been much more intolerant than today’s sanctimoniously religious types into kinky sex, and so the cities were destroyed not by homosexuality, but by heterosexual reprobates who committed all kinds of sin, as the story mentions; murder, rape and incest, kinky sex, human sacrifice, kinky sex, hollywood free market money-maker stuff like Arnold Schwartzenegger might produce. That’s the way I see these stories, anyway. And if you don’t see it my way, then you’re just a blasphemous kinky sex anti-god, evil reprobate bound for kinky sex hell.
Booahh ahh ahh ahhhh.
Roger Rabbit is Harry Poon
Roger Rabbit (aka Don/Alan/thatPrick/Priscilla/93 other identities)
Here is a great link about the Clinton Intelligence Services and 4 of the 9/11 hijackers from the Goldy newspaper of record.;emc=th
Excerpt of 1st 3 Paragraphs: “WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 – More than a year before the Sept. 11 attacks, a small, highly classified military intelligence unit identified Mohammed Atta and three other future hijackers as likely members of a cell of Al Qaeda operating in the United States, according to a former defense intelligence official and a Republican member of Congress.
In the summer of 2000, the military team, known as Able Danger, prepared a chart that included visa photographs of the four men and recommended to the military’s Special Operations Command that the information be shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the congressman, Representative Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania, and the former intelligence official said Monday.
The recommendation was rejected and the information was not shared, they said, apparently at least in part because Mr. Atta, and the others were in the United States on valid entry visas. Under American law, United States citizens and green-card holders may not be singled out in intelligence-collection operations by the military or intelligence agencies. That protection does not extend to visa holders, but Mr. Weldon and the former intelligence official said it might have reinforced a sense of discomfort common before Sept. 11 about sharing intelligence information with a law enforcement agency.”
Looks like former AAG Jamie Gorelick was the wall person after all. John Ashcroft was right in his testimony!
enemies look for DEVISIVENESS.
Hmm, I thought terrorists hit soft targets. You know, busses, beaches, shopping malls, etc. On what superior information do you have it that it’s reallly just divisiveness?
No, pal, you need to do some thinking. Serious thinking. I’ve pretty much explained, point by point, how your arguments have no logical basis whatsoever.
The reason I objected so strongly to your original post is because you suggest that we must think alike and act alike to defeat terrorist threats. This is very dangerous, as that type of non-thought is often associated with brown shirts and jackboots. Got it?
Now, you may not like the fact that I feel that Bush’s foreign policy vis à vis the Middle East is dangerous, counterproductive, and often downright murderous, but I do have the right to express that. You, however, seem to suggest that such thoughts are dangerous, as they foster “divisiveness”, which then provoke terrorists. That line of reasoning, quite frankly, is intellectually void, and, well, just utter bullshit.
I don’t think too many people on the left would state the threat of terrorism is not real or dangerous. What we would argue, however, is how best to prevent it from happening. A diversity of ideas promotes such problem solving. A singularity of ideas (as you suggest) does not necessarily solve problems, and risks the perpetuation of an unending cycle of the same. That’s the problem, in my view, of the Bush plan (if you can call it that): dissent is apparently not welcome, so we’re left with a cycle of violence that begets more violence. That’s NOT the way to break the chain.
And please stop with your family analogies. They are too simplistic and do not work for a situation as complex as the one this country faces.
The reason I objected so strongly to your original post is because you suggest that we must think alike and act alike to defeat terrorist threats.
No dumbass. You are free to think whatever your little pea brain likes.
But, you STAND united in the face of enemies.
And don’t give too simplistic. The psychology is the same.
Violence ends violence. Walk away from a bully and he’ll be back to steal your lunch money tomorrow. Bloody his nose and he’ll walk away.
Head on back to your corner and sing Kumbaya – maybe Osama will make it a point to spare you since your such a good little enabler.
Okay, Mr. Proudass. Since you seem to have little command over anything other than personal attacks, let me dumb it down for you.
Your talking points are idiotic, stupid, and fatuous.
You clearly demonstrate no concept of the history, intellectual or cultural, of the Middle East, nor do you evidence any clue as to the diversity of opinion that exists anywhere to the left of the hard right in this country. You also seem to have no command of logical argumentation. Furthermore, your comments are sometimes impossible to decipher:
“And don’t give too simplistic. The psychology is the same.
What the hell does that mean? Since I can’t understand either sentence, I won’t comment on them.
“Head on back to your corner and sing Kumbaya – maybe Osama will make it a point to spare you since your such a good little enabler.”
In the language of logic (of which you could use a bit of schooling, I might add), that’s what’s known as an argumentum ad hominem. To turn that back around on you, it’d sound something like this:
Go back to your heimatsversicherung Stammtisch and polish off your rifles and jackboots with your brown shirt buddies. Maybe König Georg II will give you a medal for your unthinking support.
In short, Mr. Proudass, if all you want to do is rant, you might as well go do it somewhere else, like your backyard, the bus station, the desert, etc. You’re not going to win any converts to your line of non-reasoning here. If you want a reasoned, intellectual argument, then at least make an effort.
Who are you kidding Dr E – no conservative or normal right thinking person would EVER convince the lefty’s here of anything.
If you don’t understand that a psychology applied to a situation would remain constant no matter the size of the situation then perhaps you better look at yourself regarding stupidity kiddo.
The psychology that would apply to dealing with a child: cohesive parents is the very same psychology of dealing with a gang: cohesive society is the very same psychology with dealing with enemies of our country: cohesive nation.
Got it yet?
I’m sorry, I think you also have a poor understanding of psychology as well.
But, as for your last argument, “cohesive parents” is not a psychology, nor is it a psychological approach nor technique. “Cohesive society” is similarly not a psychological approach, technique, or situation.
Sorry, I don’t got it yet, maybe you can help me out. What is “cohesive”? What does that mean? How does it manifest itself in any of these situations — especially the “cohesive nation” that seems to be central to your position, and how is that “cohesive nation” different from those that support autocratic/fascist regimes in the present, or those that supported them in the past?
But, but, but, Dr. E: “It takes a village (cohesive society) to raise a child!”