So, obvi, all private server email scandals aren’t the same. Hillary Clinton deleting emails after her lawyer says it’s fine isn’t nearly as bad as the Republican Party losing State Department emails on their server. But if you’re going to say what about email servers, at the very least, don’t do it when you get in power. Honestly get your shit together.
Republicans are incompetents who can’t do anything right, and on top of that, two-faced hypocrites. What else is new?
My buddy Kim
I think Doctor Dumbfuck should let loose and start using the N-word when talking about blacks. It’s not like he’ll came off as being any more racist than he already has.
Dumbfuck, you mean I should have read these parts?
This Admin is so incite full – kind of like Bob.
“White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday that North Korea’s threat the previous night to withdraw from planned negotiations with President Donald Trump was “something that we fully expected.” ”
From a TPM Article
@4 Makes you wonder what else was for sale in that elevator.
Women won a whole lot of Democratic primaries yesterday.
PussyGrabber effect?
@5 Since they fully expected it, what’s their Plan B? They do have a backup plan, don’t they?
@3 he wouldn’t want to leave out the gay people either. Call them what they are – Fags.
@7 And nearly every “R” candidate with “Congressman” in front of his name lost.
I find it very funny how some of the Hump supporters here at work in liberal NYC no longer drop the Hump’s name. They’ve been pretty silent for the last 4-6 months. And it’s not like any liberals ever fought with them and they are avoiding a fight or blowback. When they use to bring up his name it was pretty much ignored….but now, no more Hump name dropping.
Repukes better hope the economy starts to pick up.
This is ‘Merica!
Angry white dude hears restaurant workers speaking Spanish and the Snowflake gets triggered. Threatens to call ICE, insists that Speaking Spanish is not allowed. And for good measure, says they are on Welfare never mind that they are actually working, and paying taxes, right in front of him.
@8 not sure they have spoken with Hannity yet….soon though.
Funny. Doctor Dumbfuck closed the last thread by accusing a black man of race-baiting. Pot, meet kettle.
“race-baiting – the making of verbal attacks against members of a racial group”
Like I said earlier, Doctor Dumbfuck should cut to the chase and start using the N-word in these threads. At this point, it’s not like we’ll be shocked by it or anything.
“President Donald Trump’s public financial disclosure form was released Wednesday, and it says Trump ‘fully reimbursed’ his long-time lawyer Michael Cohen for an unspecified amount and purpose in 2017. Cohen is known to have paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 on the eve of the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence about an alleged affair with Trump. The disclosure does not mention the reason Trump paid Cohen. But it says that Cohen incurred expenses in 2016 and that he sought reimbursement for those expenses, ‘and Mr. Trump fully reimbursed Mr. Cohen in 2017.’ The ‘category of value’ of the reimbursement Trump paid Cohen according to the disclosure is not a firm amount, but a range: $100,001 to $250,000.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Consider his previous statements on the subject revised.
“EPA chief Scott Pruitt tells a Senate hearing he could not recall ever asking his security detail to flash lights and blare sirens when he travels by car. Seconds later, Sen. Tom Udall submitted an email from the former head of Pruitt’s security detail saying the administrator ‘encourages the use’ of lights and sirens.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He not only lives high on the taxpayer dime, and thinks he’s a privileged fucker, but lies to Congress as well. Still, Trump won’t fire him. Dismantling environmental protection and returning America to the glory days of Love Canal brings perks under this president.
Say, didn’t somebody around here make a big deal of Andrew McCabe’s alleged lying to the FBI? Where’s Doctor Watchdog now?
It seems like this Administration spent a lot of energy (and money) to cover his ass as well as dig up dirt on Hillary.
You know the conservative approach to things. Instead of winning for the good of this Country. Sure, every candidate works toward personal gain, but some at least have a bit of desire to work for the people. I don’t think the Hump every had that thought in mind.
Wherein a rightwing dumbfuck insinuates the four students killed at Kent State by National Guardsmen in 1970 should have been armed and shot back at “the government.”
Nikki Haley, Trump’s US ambassador to the UN, speaking on behalf of all Americans:
“Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem was the right thing to do.”
“Israel acted with restraint.”
“Who among us would accept this type of activity on our border?”
However, other countries have criticized Israel’s response to Monday’s demonstrations as “disproportional.” At least 60 Palestinians were killed, and over 2,000 injured. What were the Israeli casualties? As far as I can determine from media reports, not a single Israeli was killed or injured, which to any reasonable person would call into question the necessity of the force used against the demonstrators.
So, Doctor Dumbfuck, what’s your take on this white guy who ambushed cops with an AR-15 and shotgun?
“Investigators believe Freeman was specifically targeting police and noted that he didn’t fire at civilian cars that passed by, firing instead at police vehicles.”
Another dumbfuck who felt an urge to shoot at “the government.” If the police hadn’t killed him, he would’ve been a perfect date for the dumbfuck @18; they could’ve started a militia together.
What is it with doctors?
Michigan State University to pay Larry Nasser’s victims $500 million.
USC gynecologist under investigation for racist and sexist remarks, and inappropriate examinations.
Texas doctor indicted for fraudulent billings.
It was never really about emails. It was all about a woman being elected after a black man and their perceived loss of status, wealth and privilege.
A father who suffers from an unimaginable loss is still in pain. Dumbfuck and the loon get off on it. Just one reason why they’re deplorable.
“I never heard from him. Not even a tweet. All he did was, on the day I buried my daughter, he used my daughter’s death for a political purpose, saying the reason she died was because of the FBI’s Russia probe.”
Doctor Dumbfuck could just check a box on this one.
[ ] Hillary
[ ] Think on your sins
[ ] The black guy had it coming
[ ] GE
@ 22:
“It was never really about emails.”
It’s an old political trick. Accuse the opposition of that which you yourself are guilty.
47 Senators, all Republicans, voted to side with Telecom/ISPs and against consumers and the Senate voted to Put Net Neutrality back into place anyway.
It will likely be ignored by Paul Ryan in the House making the very popular with voters issue a major part of the Mid Terms.
The Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report today saying Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the aim of helping Trump and hurting Hillary, contradicting the House Intelligence Committee report issued yesterday, which everyone knows is a whitewash and cover up.
Meanwhile, Mueller has issued grand jury subpoenas to Trump adviser Roger Stone’s media consultant.
Meanwhile, Trump’s ex-Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, says America is facing a “crisis of ethics and integrity” from leaders who “seek to conceal the truth.”
Wherein a lawyer who solicits business in Spanish, French, and Chinese on his website rants “Speak English!” and “Get out of my country!” at Spanish-speaking deli workers.
So how long before another “asset” is in the hospital with polonium poisoning?
The point of Nunes’s inquiry isn’t to actually make accusations vanish. The point is to force the DOJ to “refuse” to hand over this highly classified information, which he is not privy to in any case, the point is to provide some excuse to allow the House to hold DOJ officials in contempt. This would allow Trump to start firing people at DOJ with “justification” no matter how tenuous or lame the reasons may be.
Bear in mind that Devin Nunes was absolutely apoplectic in his claim that the that the DOJ refused to comply with his demands for specific records, and threatened contempt citations to DOJ officials if they did not release them. When the DOJ invited him to personally review the records in question, Nunes literally left the records in a file folder, which he then left unopened and refused to read. He then tried to make the claim that the records in question were not the ones he had requested, and again threatened the DOJ with contempt citations.
And now everyone is faced with the dichotomy of the fact that they are both standing aghast at, and yet somehow completely unsurprised at the fact that the GOP is now officially the Stupid Lying Idiot Moron Party.
@11 Really? You mean they’re not periodically looking up from getting their latest dose of Breitbart or Alex Jones on company time and raving about how “FUCKING OBAMA” is about to spring some kind of coup by next Tuesday?
Speakin’ of Devin Nunes.
A Miami Cheesecake Factory outlet has fired two employees for harassing a black man wearing a “MAGA” hat.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They deserve it. Working in a restaurant, your job is to serve the customers, and keep your personal opinions to yourself. I think most everyone will agree that’s the best policy. Now, does that also apply to bakeries or county clerks when gay customers walk in?
The baker’s argument is that forcing him to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple infringes on his religious beliefs. I don’t think anyone will dispute this issue involves more than beliefs; it also involves behavior, and it’s the baker’s behavior rather than his beliefs that hurts the gay couple. Now suppose the baker also believes gays should be thrown off rooftops; should this behavior protected by the First Amendment, too? And if not, where should SCOTUS draw a line with respect to behavior that hurts others?
Now that Trump has reported his hush money payoff to Stormy Daniels, the Office of Government Ethics has sent a report that is “tantamount to a criminal referral” to the Attorney General’s Office.
“A Miami Cheesecake Factory outlet has fired two employees for harassing a black man wearing a “MAGA” hat.”
I’ve warned the loon that, when they finally decide to lynch him, his MAGA hat won’t save him.
Oh, no! No Nobel Peace Prize for the Orange Moron. SAD!
“North Korea Says It Won’t Meet With The US If De-Nuclearization Is On The Table”
But he can still try to swing a deal for a new Trump-branded resort in North Korea.
@33 “Now that Obama has reported his hush money payoff to Stormy Daniels”
Just trying to imagine the GOP outrage if it had been Obama who had paid off a pornstar.
How a minority party took over America:
“‘Mr. Bannon sees cultural warfare as the means to create enduring change in American politics. It was for this reason Mr. Bannon engaged SCL (Cambridge Analytica’s parent company), a foreign military contractor, to build an arsenal of informational weapons he could deploy on the American population,’ Wylie claimed, referring to Trump’s former top political adviser Steve Bannon. Wylie did not provide specific evidence of voter suppression campaigns taking place in the US. But when asked by Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, if one of Bannon’s ‘goals was to suppress voting or discourage certain individuals in the US from voting,’ Wylie replied, ‘That was my understanding, yes’ … African-Americans were particular targets of Cambridge Analytica’s ‘voter disengagement tactics ….'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s no way Trump didn’t know about or participate in this. You can’t do this without the party’s, campaign’s, and candidate’s knowledge and approval. The restraining order should be reinstated and made permanent, and it’s now obvious the SCOTUS conservative majority was wrong about the Voting Rights Act.
#36. Republicans don’t care. He’s their tribe and they don’t care. 40 year of unrelenting propaganda about feminazis and dead voters and liberalism being a mental disease and the invading hordes of Others. They are tired of being disrespected. They are tired of losing privilege. They are tired being forced to treat minorities and women and gays as equals. They are tired of having educated “elites” and liberals and immigrants being more successful than them as they slip further and further behind. They are tired of the educated mocking their faith and pointing out the illegal elements. They are sick and tired of their tax dollars going to anyone who isn’t them.
I predict NOTHING that trump did or does will change republican support.
@12 not sure if he realizes it but here in NYC a lot of people speak Spanish as they have been doing for decades. In fact, you can’t walk down the street without hearing just about every language in the World. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t hear people talking Italian, French, Russian, German, etc., etc., etc. Matter of fact, my boss (who should be fire, but that’s another story) speaks Spanish on the phone to family and other Spanish speaking co-workers….but the guy isn’t on welfare, he makes $180,000.
I wonder how many times a day he calls ICCCCCE! The guy was acting like he just found out Cohen named him as an accomplice.
The best part is his business is probably ruined, if he doesn’t go to jail himself.
@38 like I say – the Hump really isn’t the problem – although he’s a crook, a really big one, and selling this Country down the road for personal gain.
The problem are Repukes.
Plan B, ha!
This Dr. Dumbfuck and Piddles having a discussion of Plan B:
@41 I thought so.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– Iran Bribed Demorat Senators
These Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby Before Vote on Obama’s Nuke Deal – Iran Threatens to Out Bribed Officials
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: Consider his previous statements on the subject revised.”
Great ALJ work, you can’t identify any contradiction between Trump’s prior statements and the disclosure form. At least you’re probably not as crooked as your dear pornstar lawyer;
Michael Avenatti, porn star Stormy Daniels’ attorney, is being investigated by the California State Bar, a new report reveals.
Seattle attorney David Nold filed a complaint against Avenatti on March 26, as The Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported. Nold accused Avenatti of defrauding the state and federal government as the owner of a Seattle coffee chain.
“In essence, he bought a company out of bankruptcy and then used it for a `pump and dump’ scheme to deprive federal and state taxing authorities of millions of dollars,” Nold said in the complaint. (RELATED: With Avenatti In The Spotlight, His Own Questionable Past Emerges)
Without clicking through I can write this piece. AIPAC doesn’t exist funneling billions to Congress to prop up Israel. The deal was guaranteed to give Iran Nukes. It was a terrrible deal. Fearless leader Trump was right to kill the deal. There are Democrats who voted against it. They are Muslim lovers. They need to get on board with loving Israel sufficiently.
@44 Perhaps Nold’s complaint against Avenatti will fare better than Manafort’s quixotic quest for injunctive relief against Mueller did.
We’ll have to wait and see, as bar investigations typically take longer to process than a hearing on a motion to dismiss.
Nine comments about me on this thread.
I haven’t, until now, even commented on this thread.
I’d call that some seriously effective trolling.
Proponents of unregulated markets love touting the glory of competition, but real-life businessmen hate competition, and will do anything to eliminate it. Without government regulation and enforcement you’ll even get gouged for canned tuna.
“And at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos, current and former officials said.”
NYT piece on the Crossfire Hurricane thing.
That would be an informant for the Democrat government, informing on the Republican presidential campaign.
Now reverse the parties and imagine what that would be like when you found out what was done.
Shortbus is a more effective troll.
Think about it.
@47 Not to worry, doc, take comfort from the knowledge that your sense of self-importance is inflated. We could manage without you, should you get kicked by a horse.
@50 That’s frightening.
It’s essentially true.
Shortbus is more effective at hijacking commentary into pointless debates, even if only through sheer volume. Even Piddles is better at that.
Most of the time Dumbfuck serves up klownservaturd piñatas that we delight in smashing to pieces while mocking his blind obedience to a doctrine of self-harm. It’s amusing and funny. It draws attention like a Three Stooges routine.
@53 Kinda like Trump, except he isn’t funny, because he’s doing it to the entire world.
When the IG report comes out the NYT piece @ 49 will be the basis for liberals decrying the report as ‘old news’.
When you hire a bunch of criminals you should expect that a few of them are being surveiled.
Carter Paige for three years.
@ 56
When you hire a bunch of criminals you should expect that a few of them are being surveiled.
Which is why you make sure your server is in a safe place. The downstairs bathroom in your upstate NY home, for instance.
@55 actually just ignoring it like you do with everything that a Repuke does would take less energy…, that’s what I plan to do. Why waste time with you…you only have time for exploiting the past and fear mongering.
Don’t tell me now that you want to have some type of debate on an issue. That would be like negotiating with my buddy Kim.
NBC headline: “Mueller doesn’t plan to indict Trump because of DOJ rules, Giuliani says”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Notice Trump’s most aggressive defender didn’t say “because he’s innocent.” Republicans constantly complain about criminals getting off on legal technicalities, except when the criminal is their own party leader and president.
Starbucks Facing More Racism Allegations After Latino Customer Receives Cup With ‘Beaner’ On The Label
@ 59
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Notice Trump’s most aggressive defender didn’t say “because he’s innocent.”
I noticed that at the James Comey announcement that the FBI would not be referring Hillary Clinton for prosecution, he did not say “because she’s innocent”.
That’s a double-edge urethral catheter you’re inserting, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I see that Cascade Bicycle Club has sent an email informing me that tomorrow is #BikeEverywhere Day.
So when Carl can’t fine an open bus-mounted rack to use tomorrow, I anticipate we’ll see a Monday Open Thread demanding that Metro add additional bus capacity.
@59 are we sure Giuliani isn’t just talking bullshit?
I wouldn’t trust a spit of what he says
Here Bob – if you want real love
“I’d call that some seriously effective trolling.”
The dumbfuckery is actually quite impressive, on the level of Mr. Klynical.
Steve – my condolences.
Sellen drops to 94 from 83 in the ENR 2018 Top 400 Contrators.
But then again, quality isn’t always quantity.
@61 You think it bothers me if Hillary goes to jail? That’s her problem. You’re gonna have to find some other way to troll me. When you see the headline “Roger Rabbit Indicted” let me know.
@63 Giuliani is right up there with Daily Caller, InfoWars, and National Enquirer as a source of talking points for shills like Piddles and Doctor Dumbfuck.
Revelations of GW Bush admin warrantless wiretapping and data collection of virtually any American with a phone.
“If you’ve got nothing to hide it’s no big deal.” GOP
Revelation that a campaign worker totally low level guy barely heard of them, don’t think I even actually met him face-to-face ( 45s own words) Under a multi year long investigation may have been surveilled
“ that’s outrageous! That’s a huge invasion of privacy! So unfair! Harrumph!“ GOP
@ 67
When you see the headline “Roger Rabbit Indicted” let me know.
I’m anticipating something more along the lines of “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Dead at 70”.
@ 69
Revelations of GW Bush admin warrantless wiretapping and data collection of virtually any American with a phone.
That’s some impressive false equivalence you’ve got there.
Like comparing net fishing the entire Atlantic to spear-fishing under a pier in Atlantic City.
@ 69
NYT: During the 2016 election season, the Obama administration’s DOJ/FBI secretly secured warrants to surveil four active or former members of the Trump presidential campaign. This effort included sending a paid government informant to repeatedly meet with some of these individuals.
Cz-252: Hey, remember back more than a decade ago when the GWB43 administration made all of the telephone companies save their data on 300 million American customers, and didn’t have a warrant at the time?
@70 “I’m anticipating something more along the lines of “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Dead at 70”.”
Sorry, that boat has already sailed, and I’m still here. Maybe at 80, if you can wait a few more years.
@71 Wherein Mr. False Equivalence accuses someone else of false equivalence.
There’s never anyone friendly enough in the DOJ when the other party is in power. Pity.
Paul Sperry
2h2 hours ago
BREAKING: IG Horowitz has found “reasonable grounds” for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ’s handling of the Clinton investigation/s and has referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution
I don’t understand why the FBI/DOJ felt compelled at all to interfere with the investigation(s) of Hillary Clinton.
After all, we have it on very good authority that
Clinton is not the least bit corrupt.
If that is true, why not let the investigations occur without interference?
For some reason, I’ve never had a problem scrolling past its noise just like with JCH back in the day. I can count the number of exchanges I’ve had with the troll on two fingers.
Liberals must arm. Thanks for making the Rabbit’s point… asshole
Long live Rog!
“‘It’s been a year, he’s gotten more than 1.4 million documents, he’s interviewed 28 witnesses, and he has nothing,’ Giuliani said Wednesday night on the network.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nothing except 22 indictments and 5 guilty pleas, and he isn’t finished yet, because the Trump-Putin crime family’s tentacles spread far and wide.
@78 I could be here another quarter century. Pop Rabbit lived to 99. Betcha Doc Dumbfuck will be pushing up daisies ahead of me. If he is, I’ll look him up on Find-A-Grave, then pay him a visit and take a leak on his mortal dust.
There’s a competition between Wingnut Daily, InfoWars and this shit website for the “Weekly World News” for always wrongists.
@75 “There’s never anyone friendly enough in the DOJ when the other party is in power. Pity.”
Fine with me. Keeps ’em both honest, or at least catches ’em when they’re not. So far the Republican prosecutor investigating the Trump-Putin crime family has secured 22 grand jury indictments and 5 guilty pleas, with more sure to come.
How are Hillary’s stalkers doing? They have a ways to go to catch up. So far they haven’t even made a parking ticket stick. Compared to your crowd she’s a paragon of virtue.
“Long live Rog!”
I’ve been here 14 years and have no plans to leave, so Doc will just have to eat shit a while longer.
45 to North Korea
“We’re going to give you protection. We’re going to give you military strength”
Congratulations America you went from axis of evil to arming a fifty-year enemy in just two administrations.
@84 Both of Trump’s signature midterm brags, North Korea and Chinese trade, are about to go pfffftt!!!, so he and his supporters will have to run on their $1.50-a-week tax cut after all.
Republicans are itching to torture farm animals again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course I don’t like animals being tortured. Stupid humans torturing each other is another thing, but I won’t get into that here. Republicans tried to make it a felony to photograph farm animals being tortured, but that one didn’t survive the First Amendment. So now they just want to make it legal so they can’t be prosecuted when they get caught. But this won’t change the fact that when you vote for Republicans, you’re voting for torture.
This time last year the assholes at Evergreen State College decided they had to look even more stupid than the assholes at the University of Missouri.
This was the result:
The Evergreen State College will look to cut more than 10 percent from its operating budget for 2018-19 and raise student fees because of declining enrollment.
In a memo to the college’s board of trustees, Evergreen President George Bridges wrote that cuts totaling $5.9 million are needed because of lower-than-expected tuition revenue. This will require “some” layoffs and eliminating “many positions that are currently vacant,” according to Bridges.
One would think that the assholes at Evergreen would have learned their lesson. Not so:
Bret Weinstein✔
This is fascinating on many levels. The college canceled Day of Absence, so the students are going to do it. Note the structure of their pyramid. …
12:05 PM – Apr 26, 2018
It’s going on over three days this week, beginning yesterday. Most of the events are listed “POC only”.
No Irish need apply. And Goldy, I shudder to think what they’d do to one of the Jooooooooos who might crash it.
@ 86
But this won’t change the fact that when you vote for Republicans, you’re voting for torture.
Or when you hold a Drinking Liberally meeting at a pub which serves burgers made with ground beef or chicken, you’re similarly voting for torture, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Ohio and Pennsylvania blue collar workers are flush from selling they’re stock back to the company so it’ll be fine.
“The arrest of a California couple accused of abusing their 10 children — including waterboarding them, shooting them with crossbows and pouring scalding water on them, prosecutors said — is the latest case to raise questions about the oversight of home schooling.”
Home schooling = child neglect and abuse
@88 “Or when you hold a Drinking Liberally meeting at a pub which serves burgers made with ground beef or chicken, you’re similarly voting for torture, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I don’t hold Drinking Liberally meetings, and rabbits are vegetarians. And you call ME a “dumbfuck”?!!
@ 89
I don’t know which is poorer, Cz-252:
1. Your command of apostrophe usage.
2. Your command of homonyms.
Six Democrat senators voted for Haspel.
She’s in. Fuck you, Kamala Harris.
Like clockwork, godwin plays the Hillary Card.
@ 95
Tell it to the IG later in the month, buttmunch.
Looking forward to McCabe’s book after the DOJ is done throwing him under the bus a second time.
How’s trump America doing?
Almost half of US families can’t afford basics like rent and food
“Nearly 51 million households don’t earn enough to afford a monthly budget that includes housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and a cell phone, according to a study released Thursday by the United Way ALICE Project. That’s 43% of households in the United State”
“For instance, in Seattle’s King County, the annual household survival budget for a family of four (including one infant and one preschooler) in 2016 was nearly $85,000. This would require an hourly wage of $42.46. But in Washington State, only 14% of jobs pay more than $40 an hour.
Seattle’s City Council just passed a controversial tax on big businesses to help alleviate the city’s growing homelessness and affordable housing problems.”
@ 96
Sure, let’s make up new parameters including a need for a 10% ‘contingency’ (see item 7 on page 5 of the methodology document you failed to read before posting this shit) in case you need to upgrade that cell phone to the latest iPhone model, and publish it as if it has any credibility.
’cause gullible libbies without critical thinking skills will take us at face value. I mean, what are they gonna do, actually read our methodology to realize we’re full of shit?
Gallup says things were never better in the Obama years than they are now:
Thirty-seven percent of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the country today, up from 29% in April. Gallup has not measured a higher level of satisfaction since a 39% reading in late September 2005, although 37% were also satisfied right before the November 2016 election, and 36% were satisfied in February 2018 after the State of the Union address.
Donald Trump Jr. says he “doesn’t know” if he called his father after meeting with Russians at Trump Tower.
Former GOP congressman Tom Coleman,
“It’s Not a Liberal Fantasy to Ask if Trump Committed Treason”
“Trump’s comments and actions during this time are damning. He continually called for release of Russian cyber hacked documents that were intended to influence the outcome of the election. Based upon the preponderance of these known facts, it would be stunningly feasible to answer “yes” to the following: Did Trump assist Russia in its conduct of cyber war against the United States? Did the cumulative effect of the Trump campaign and Trump’s personal actions result in aiding and abetting a hostile nation? Did Trump’s actions rise to the level of giving aid and comfort to an enemy?
These are extremely important issues and I suspect both Congress and the Special Counsel’s office will eventually be alarmed by the answers they find.”
Perhaps I was wrong and not all Republicans are traitors groveling before Putin. Just most of them.
@92 Congratulations. You’re the only Republican in the country who knows the difference between “they’re” and “their” and “there.” Most of them can’t even spell “to” or “too.”
Following up @ 97 @ 96, it takes a certain type of moron to apply United Way data covering the year 2016,
TheProject compares 2016 household costs versus incomes at the county-level in each state, exposing the failure of calculations based on national averages to accurately represent the extent of financial struggle in America.
a year in which Trump was not even in office, and yet somehow apply those figures as a measure of how Trump’s America is doing.
You stupid, stupid fuck. What type of moron? Third-tier HA moron.
@97 Congratulations on your 37% happiness rating. That’s almost exactly the same as Trump’s approval numbers. Your voters are so stupid they don’t even know when they’re badly off. They’ll figure it out when their methadone and food stamps are terminated and their grandchildren’s fathers are deported, though.
I will say one thing about that ALICE data. When one compares their 2016 data to their previously published
2014 data, Obama’s America seems to have worsened during that period of time.
That must have been what RedReformed, third-tier HA moron, was referring to when he brought it up.
@103 Compared to the bleachers, where you sit, a third-tier box seat isn’t bad at all.
When you got nothin’ go after voice to text issues.
Or beg and plead on camera for your enemy to please please meet with me. I’ll give you things. I need to look presidential. Please. I have a puppy. I’ll let you drive my limo.
@106 That’s an outrageous thing to do to a puppy.
Awww. Poor boob is offended by the woman of color who asks the tough questions in keeping with her background as a prosecutor. Not a word about white males like Jeff Flake or Johnny McNotQuitetheSameAsBushonTorture who didn’t care for Haspel’s evasiveness.
People like Kamala are the best thing for freaks like boob. She can have her seat in the US Senate as long as she wants and boob thanks the stars for the stroke material it will use for rest of its miserable life.
“Without personal honor there is no leadership”..
So sez Vlad Putin’s favorite american CEO, Rex Tillerson..
One might crow that Tillerson is putting down drumpf. Easy to do if only for the fact Tillerson himself has no personal honor.
But thanks for humoring us Rex. You can go back to your greedheading.
@108 Kinda says something when the likes of Tillerson has to lecture Trump and the rest of the GOP about ethics.
Hey Doc, that racist-ranting NY lawyer is one of yours.
How Baby Boomers Broke America
The result is a new, divided America.
On one side are the protected few – the winners – who don’t need government for much and even have a stake in sabotaging the government’s responsibility to all of its citizens. For them, the new, broken America works fine, at least in the short term.
On the other side are the unprotected many. They may be independent and hardworking, but they look to their government to preserve their way of life and maybe even improve it. The unprotected need the government to provide good public schools so that their children have a chance to advance. They need a level competitive playing field for their small businesses, a fair shake in consumer disputes and a realistic shot at justice in the courts. They need the government to provide a safety net to ensure that their families have access to good health care, that no one goes hungry when shifts in the economy or temporary setbacks take away their jobs and that they get help to rebuild after a hurricane or other disaster. They need the government to ensure a safe workplace and a living minimum wage. They need mass-transit systems that work and call centers at Social Security offices that don’t produce busy signals. They need the government to keep the political system fair and protect it from domination by those who can give politicians the most money. They need the government to provide fair labor laws and to promote an economy and a tax code that tempers the extremes of income inequality and makes economic opportunity more than an empty cliché.
“Old Economy Steve receives Social Security, doesn’t want the next generation to receive Social Security.
Old Economy Steve gets a summer job to pay for tuition – tuition was $400
*Old Economy Steve can afford to buy a home, takes out repeated home equity loans to pay for motorboat, new cars; complains the younger generation are lazy and waste money on avocado toast.”
Poll: Just 13 percent of Americans consider Trump honest and trustworthy
It may be 13% but 40% support him regardless. HE’s their tribe and he makes liberals cry.
Another one of Dr. Dumbfuck’s GOP idols showing that the ocean isn’t the only place that rocks are displacing matter. Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks claims that rocks and silt are contributing to the sea level rise: Using that logic, I’m sure the next thing Brooks will suggest to combat rising sea levels is to remove all the ships from the ocean ’cause you know, those pesky ships displace a certain amount of volume of water.
Brooks must admire EPA Secretary Pruitt, also a charter member of the science ignorati.
We as a species are doomed if guys like Pruitt and Brooks can be members of leadership that guide our science and technology.
@108. Really Rex Tillerson? “NOW a warning?!”
#107. I agreed. He was normal, for him, until he was triggered by the strong black women that sent him frothing to the fainting couch to spew vitriol.
Strong women that refuse to genuflect to men like him seem to hold a special place in hell in his comments.
Bob’s horse had enough.
Too funny – watch to the end of the clip…..the guy runs off looking behind him twice. ?? The dude should move to Topeka, I’m sure he will find a job there.
Clearly there is something wrong with this guy….he needs some meds…maybe the Doc could help out, or maybe Puddy could teach him how to fish.
@112 “It may be 13% but 40% support him regardless.”
I think part of it is they think we need an asshole of our own to deal with the world’s other assholes. American voters generally don’t choose nice people for our presidency.
@113 The good news is maybe we can convince them melting icebergs will raise the sea level, too.
@118 “Clearly there is something wrong with this guy”
He’s a Trumpy. See #110 for further information.
@ 113
Google “Hank Johnson Guam”.
Well Hank had his 15 minutes of fame.
However the difference from a misguided Hank Johnson and Rep Mo Brooks is Hank was on the House Armed Services Committee and not the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.
It is complete and utter morons like Brooks that control the purse strings for science and technology that are truly frightful. What is next from Brooks? Maybe a sacrifice of virgins to appease the angry goddess Pele to make her stop spewing lava?
Here is one for you, Google “Cargo Cult”, those folks are more like you and Piddles.
The No. 2 House Republican said today he opposes a bipartisan bill to protect Dreamers because it would discourage GOP voter turnout in the midterms.
Another day, another school shooting, meanwhile Trump is off to an NRA speaking engagement, where he will pander to whackjobs who hate children for wanting to be safe from guns in their classrooms.
So a guy breaks into a Trump golf resort, rips down the American flag, brandishes a handgun and shoots at the chandelier while “shouting anti-Trump rhetoric,” and five cops shoot him in the legs. Betcha he’s white.
Oh yeah, one more thing, he “was hitting the like button on pro-Trump social-media pages up until days before the incident.”
Looks like a Trumpy trying to commit suicide by cop.