There once was a jackass half-wit troll
Who was never even a bit droll.
Despite hands as small as a mouse,
He got to the Whitehouse
And declared much of the world was a “shithole”
There was once a lefty shill named Goldy
Whose foreskin without Bris would be moldy
Word around town
Was he took down FEMA’s Brown
A decade ago but that story’s quite oldie.
Our racist doctor who celebrates death and his black self-loathing loon side-kick will soil this thread with the dumbfuck doctor’s treasonous hashtags and and the loon’s batshit insane hate for anything good and decent.
Goldy’s FEMA fame might be old but I can see
Trump’s German ancestors emigrated from a country that murdered 6 million of my people, and you can’t really get any more “shithole” than that.
that my chosen screen name isn’t.
@3 What an idiot. No one calls you a Nazi, Doctor Dumbfuck. We call you a dumbfuck and a traitor, which you are.
You want a screen name that’s relevant? Try “Dumbfuck Traitor”.
Shithole? Putin’s orange stooge has turned the Oval Office into the worst shithole on the planet.
Try again. Meter is way off
Of course it really doesn’t matter who paid for a dossier.
“Some aspects of the dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
Four. indictments, two guilty pleas and the investigation rolls on.
The same people who bleat ‘Anchor Babies!’ and want to do away with the 14th Amendment are now saying Mia Love, daughter of Haitian immigrants first generation born in U.S. should hush up because she’s not Haitian.
San Genro festivals, cool.
Kiss me In Irish, we love you man.
Haitian, get the fuck out of here. You’re not Haitian. That’s not even a thing.
There once was a troll named Godwinha
That imbecile thinks he’s a winner
He spent all his days
Hash tagging great praise
For Russian PR quite the spinner
Took me about 90 seconds
@ 7
Don’t forget there’s more than one investigation. You’re spiking the ball at midfield, Pilsner.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.
They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.
By 2020 John Edwards will have a higher favorability amongst Democrats than #CrookedHillary.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember those jobs Trump “saved”?
“A former Steelworkers union leader … blasted Donald Trump as a ‘con man,’ an ‘idiot’ and a ‘liar’ as Indianapolis air-conditioning and furnace company Carrier Corp. laid off 215 more workers Thursday. … Chuck Jones, former president of United Steelworkers 1999, said …. ‘I’m sorry people bought into his message. He sold us a bag of shit …. ‘”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, we tried to tell him …
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
10 and other deflection strategies are bound to be more credible than asserting a vast political conspiracy throughout the world’s most disciplined and carefully overseen law enforcement agency.
Effective? Only if Hillary Clinton or John Edwards are running for office in the next few months. If it fails to land he can always go back to the blue dress.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
He sold us a bag of shit …. ‘”
And Doctor Dumbfuck is handing out spoons.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Even people who write limericks on restroom walls do better than that. See @6 for competent literary critique.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 As far as I can see, he’s the only one eating with one.
@ 11
Win some, lose some, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Fiat Chrysler to invest $1 billion in Michigan plant, add 2,500 jobs
Fiat Chrysler Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne a year ago raised the possibility that the automaker would move production of its heavy-duty pickups to the United States, saying U.S. tax and trade policy would influence the decision.
That would be a tax and trade policy opposed by each and every motherfucking Democrat in Congress.
This auto manufacturing announcement isn’t the first one of the week, either.
On Wednesday, Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp announced they would build a new $1.6 billion joint venture auto assembly plant in Alabama, drawing praise from Trump.
Oh, and finally, there are going to be 60,000 auto workers with a LOT more walkaround cash this Winter:
FCA on Thursday said it also would make a special bonus payment of $2,000 to about 60,000 FCA hourly and salaried employees in the United States totaling about $120 million. Typically, U.S. automakers only pay bonuses to hourly workers as part of collective bargaining agreements.
That is IN ADDITION to any contractually required additional payments.
This did not do much for your 2020 presidential prospects and Michigan’s 16 EVs, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re right, tho. It’s too bad about those 200 jobs at Carrier.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Dr. Dumbfuck wants us to call him a Nazi, hence is screen name but hey, even the Nazi’s had standards and they would have put him on his knees and put a bullet in his head and treated him like the Russian-loving dog that he is.
If he was really smart he would realize his screen name should reference Stalin. Aspire to greatness Dr. Dumbfuck, Stalin killed more the Hitler . So many hashtags for Vlad, none for Hitler, speaks volumes don’t you think?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Doctor Dumbfuck’s argument, of course, falls apart unless Hillary approved that deal. Soooo …
” … [T]he acquisition of Uranium One by Rosatom was reviewed by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a committee of nine government agencies including the United States Department of State …. The voting members of the committee can object to such a foreign transaction, but the final decision then rests with the president. …
“Several members of Clinton’s State Department staff and officials from the Obama-era Department of Justice have said that CFIUS reviews are handled by civil servants and that it would be unlikely that Clinton would have had more than nominal involvement in her department’s signing off on the acquisition. According to Snopes, … all evidence suggests that she … had no role in approving the deal at all. …
“Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post wrote that the problem with … the accusations that Republican commentators levied against Clinton is that she ‘by all accounts, did not participate in any discussions regarding the Uranium One sale.'”
Yet Doctor Dumbfuck continues to drink the Kool-Aid. It’s why we call him a dumbfuck. He certainly has earned the moniker.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
Why are people so interested in coming to America illegally? What’s wrong with illegally entering the U.K. or France instead? Is it that we’re just more convenient for illegals, or do we have a better environment for illegals?
Why is it that wherever Spanish Catholicism was prominent, the people now want to leave those countries and go to a foreign land? Why can’t Mexico, Guatemala or other countries in Central and South America retain their citizens?
I’m all for the DACA kids staying and becoming citizens, but the people who are criminals are the parents and others who brought those DACA kids here illegally. Why aren’t we prosecuting those people and leaving the DACA kids alone to be citizens?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Sez the blowhard whose party bitterly opposed Obama’s auto bailouts and whose 2012 presidential nominee campaigned on a platform of letting the entire domestic auto industry go under when the shit hit the fan from his party’s irresponsible deregulation policies.
Ex-RNC chair says Trump is racist: ‘The evidence is incontrovertible’
Ohhh boo hoo hoo Mr. Steel. It took you till now to know this. How about you fess up about Repukes being Bigots in general. Until then, nothing but being a little over sensitive on the issue.
Another day, another lie from Trump. He blames President Obama for the relocation of the embassy in London.
The reality is that he cannot visit Great Britain without triggering massive protests. So much for making America great by alienating our allies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 The GOP’s strategy is to turn America into such a shithole that people in places like Mexico, El Salvador, and Haiti will think they have it good where they are.
As you are so fond of pointing out, “Clinton won’t be on the ballot in 2020.“
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
23 – Do you think that will work at keeping potential illegal immigrants in their countries instead of coming here?
@11 maybe that ironworker’s wife is going to get $1000.00 bonus this year from her employer (you know why). What’s to cry about?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, the U.S. ambassador to Panama has resigned, saying he can’t serve in the Trump administration.
The way things are going, nobody with a reputation to protect will be willing to work for this president, which leaves him with a candidate pool largely consisting of recent graduates of Liberty University.
@19 “Why are people so interested in coming to America illegally? ”
Maybe because it’s hard to swim to Germany.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Of course it will. It already is. Immigration is falling off a cliff. Who the hell wants to pick our lettuce under these conditions?
@26 You raise an interesting point. The DJIA is up another 200 points today; the stock market obviously thinks the corporate tax cuts will go to shareholders, not workers.
Investors who follow economic news knew wage pressures were already building in the economy. It costs companies nothing to trumpet wage increases they were planning to give their workers anyway.
Anyone who took Econ 101 in their first semester of college knows companies raise wages for only one reason, i.e. to compete for scarce labor, and wages tend to rise in a tight labor market like we have now for that very reason.
And anyone who’s played the stock investing game for a quarter or two will recognize the similarity of these bonuses to stock buybacks: Unlike wages and dividends, they’re one-offs that you don’t have to keep paying.
The beauty of these scams is that dumbfucks fall for them every time, no matter how many times you repeat the con game.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What we’re getting right now in the stock market is a one-time boost to stock prices as the market prices in the flow through of tax cuts to corporate bottom lines. Estimates vary, but some Wall Street pundits seem to think the tax bill will translate into a 20% to 30% increase in paper wealth for the stock-owning class, which of course includes me. I didn’t support this POS, but hey, I’ll take whatever money is given to me — and right now someone is giving me $10,000 a week — what else do you expect me to do? Too bad workers have to pay for this, but it is what it is.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
What’s wrong with illegally entering the U.K. or France instead?
Behold the Dunning-Kruger electorate in all its glory! I mean it’s not as if the Pas-de-Calais portal doesn’t look like a scene from World War Z.
This, kids, is why appeals to the Hillbilly Elegy voters are pointless and counterproductive. Such appeals depend on ratifying a host of idiotic fears, misperceptions, and outright lies. You can’t win these arm fishing meat robots over without becoming one of them. And that’s not a good thing at all.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
looks like Doctor Dumbfuck might have to buck his own bales.
A happy wife is a herniated intervertebral disk.
Better keep that Scooter Store number on speed dial.
Of course there’s an investigation of the Clintons. Started in about 1991 and just keeps going.
Why are Democrats back-pedaling so hurriedly from the Steele dossier, other than it’s far more idiotic than verified?
This might be why.
Fusion GPS was the sub-contractor for the FBI. In March and April of 2016 Fusion GPS was running FISA 702 inquires.
None of the Fusion-GPS FISA-702 inquires had oversight.
Glenn Simpson gave Christopher Steele the information.
4:59 PM – Jan 11, 2018
It’s early. We’ll see.
I thought Trump was talking about Seattle.
Decapitated and hanging by his feet from a bridge over the highway is:
1) just a typical weekday in your average town just south of the Texas border.
2) the reason a man who was scheduled to speak at an event
denouncing Trump’s ‘shithole’ comment was unable to attend.
3) gman’s favored position for a sexual partner.
4) all of the above.
Things I never thought I would see. At a Martin Luther King Junior event someone point-blank asking, “Mr. President are you a racist.” And Mr. President ignoring them instead of actually denying being a racist. Because we knew he was a racist all along.
It’s their party now. Sen. Sherrod Brown (R-OH) has a primary opponent coming at him from the further right. And what is he think about racism in the White House?
RENACCI: Well look, I’ve said all along, the president many times says what people are thinking.
Except for Haulover Beach and Coconut Grove, yeah.
So, Mr. President, would you say South Florida is a ‘shithole’ too?
Might be because when Foster died, Trump was still a Democrat and probably a big Bill Clinton supporter, and nobody knew where the Rose Hill law records were stashed.
When Foster died, Bill Clinton was saying things like:
“I know of no one who seriously believes that the United States and [South Korea] would be defeated in a war of aggression by North Korea if they were to attack,” he said. “And I made it as clear as I could that if they were to do that, they would pay a price so great that the nation would probably not survive as it is known today.”
Way back in 1993, a president fired the FBI director. Can you imagine that?
In one key meeting, Trump destroyed his critics’ credibility
American television viewers were invited into the White House Cabinet Room, where for nearly an hour they watched as President Trump effectively led a bipartisan meeting in which he and congressional Democrats made real progress on immigration reform.
The president is now at a crossroads. It was he who let the media stay in the room for the meeting, and it worked.
Was it when he endorsed the Democratic position only to have a Republican jump in and stop him proving the GOP isn’t interested in negotiating?
Was it afterward when members of his own party at the meeting said the President was “Confusing.”
Was it when his press people wouldn’t say if 45 had dropped “The Wall” repeatedly saying when asked directly about the campaign promise being broken, “The president wants border security.”
Was it when he said a ‘clean’ DACA bill would need to have funding for unrelated issues and probably a repeal of the 14th amendment and no longer allowing families to rejoin each other after immigrating?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 ” … someone point-blank asking, ‘Mr. President are you a racist.’ And Mr. President ignoring them … ”
They can’t convict you of perjury if you don’t answer the question.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Maybe what HIS people are thinking, but polls show he doesn’t speak for two-thirds of us, and we already knew about the other third.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “nobody knew where the Rose Hill law records were stashed”
Interesting. Since when are private law firm records public documents? I would hope you don’t treat your patient records as public documents. Ever heard of HIPAA?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Doctor Dumbfuck is so hard up on Trump’s “shithole countries” day that he’s forced to fall back on 25-year-old Clinton conspiracy theories.
As I said on Monday, Doc is a one-trick pony, see 1/8/18 Open thread, #14 & #19. And finding himself totally unable to defend Preznit Shit-for-Brains, see link below, he’s now down to his last trick. Neigh-h-h.
OK, one person knew where the Rose Hill law records were stashed.
And she will never, ever be president.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I must assume you came to adopt your “source”, Mark Bradman, while following some of his fine work disseminating blatant falsehoods about the Trayvon Martin shooting, various other shootings of unarmed blacks, and his multiple attempts at witness intimidation in criminal trials. I hope you’ve been good enough to click on his patreon buttons. Since losing his grocery clerk job Mr. Bradman needs all the help he can get. Tiki Torches don’t pay for themselves, you know.
@ 51
Source was a piece by Bccket Adams, who linked to this:
Nor will Mittens, Cruz, Ryan, Walker, Christie, Carson, Perry, JEB!, Keven McCarthy, Bachman, Caribou Barbie, Rice, Liddle Marco, Kasich, Huck, The Mav!, The Nug, Race Bannon, or Dino Rossi either.
My guess is Haley wants to take a run at it. I seriously doubt she can escape the Orange Event Horizon without being destroyed. That’s the way it is with President PeePee. Everything and everyone he touches turns to shit. Including you.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
merely establishes you are an unwitting fool. Most of you trumpanzees are.
Yup, Doctor Dumbfuck and his ilk loved it.
“White nationalists praise Trump for ‘sh*thole’ comment”
My guess is that one of the men on your list will be president. I don’t know who The Nug is. Unless it’s Ted Nugent – fuck that asshole.
I like Haley. She’s young enough that she could make the top rung. The worst things said about her were said by southern Republicans in her gubernatorial primary. Just awful.
Condi Rice is far more qualified than Oprah or even most of the men on the list. She lacks the most important qualification: a desire to be president.
I think Rice would accept a VP nod to a vacant position. She would sit through confirmation. She would not campaign, possibly not even as an incumbent. Gee, now why would I bring any of that up.
I like Haley the same way I like Tulsi Gabbard. Accomplished, poised, mistreated by members of their own parties. A decade apart and politically at opposite ends of the spectrum. I hope they each do well.
It was a figure of speech, gman.
@50, 52 and elsewhere- We have president who is a proven liar, with over 2000 documented lies, and you live in the past. Deflect much?
I’m sticking with my earlier prediction. By November 2020 we’ll have had 25,000 pro-Putin hashtags littered in these threads by a dumbfuck traitor.
As Doctor Dumbfuck babbles on and on in the 21st Century about a 20th Century president…
“Trump lawyer shilled out $130,000 to adult film star in 2016 to keep her quiet about alleged affair: report”
@38 wow…..The Doctor is expressing a lot of glory in my death….but he is so sensitive about buildings collapsing. Your horse must think he’s looking at his ass end when looking at you.
The good doctor is focusing his attention on me today – how nice.
@myself @44
If you have to dedicate 10,000 words to dispelling, ‘A President with a drool cup’ you’ve already lost as you admit that such a thing seems so reasonable to believe that it must be pushed upon.
@ 57
Deflect much?
Not as much as those around here about to complete Year 1 of the inability to admit that their blind subservience to The Clintons cost them the White House and, possibly, the Senate.
That the remaking of the judicial branch is because of the acts of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
I don’t write what I write to defend Trump. I didn’t vote for him at either opportunity. Sure, I think some of what has happened since he took office is good, but I think he’s an awful figurehead. The tweet by Tomasky in Goldy’s sidebar feed? Count me in agreement. Doesn’t mean stuff he was elected to do got done. It’s a pretty good list for a first year. Unless you’re a Seattle libbie.
I write what I write because of what it does to y’all.
Y’all had a perfectly serviceable candidate in Martin O’Malley. Y’all let the DNC roll Bernie.
Now y’all act like it wasn’t yer own fuckin’ faults.
THAT’s why I’m still here. Y’all are too much fun to abandon.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I don’t write what I write to defend Trump. I didn’t vote for him at either opportunity.
With so many lies and so much fake news, and so many Russian FSB hashtags and links, you must realize nobody will ever believe you ever again. And whatever your sad excuses may be, we know you by what you do, not why you say you do it.
“I didn’t steal from disabled orphans and Brownie troops for the money. I did it to raise awareness!”
@63 Fuck you, weasel, you and your fucking hashtags. You’re nothing but a goddamned traitor.
@64 Well, maybe we should give Doctor Dumbfuck a chance at redemption. What if he were to limit the content of his next 4,000 comments to…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I can only assume that from his side of the Orange Event Horizon these kinds of ridiculous claims seem believable.
He’s spent the better part of two years of his retirement free time reliably defending President Very-Stable-Finger-Rapist and unrelentingly attacking anyone or anything that ever challenges him. He’s obediently taken up his pitch fork and torch in service to an absurd conspiracy theory linking the FBI, the DOJ, and most of the Western world’s major intelligence gathering services to a global conspiracy going back decades against a minor real estate investor, pro wrestling fan, and wannabee teevee celeb. And with every indictment and every guilty plea he dashes madly to his hay barn time machine, and the safety and comfort of Nov. 9, 2016
Fiat Chrysler to invest $1 billion in Michigan plant, add 2,500 jobs
Yawwwn… Yours truly remembers when dumbfuck treasonous thought Chrysler should go under, because black guy blah blah and topped that off with a vote for asshole Mitt Romney who “understood capitalism”.
Now it’s cheerleading.. Go figure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well well, lookee here …
“One of President Donald Trump’s most trusted lawyers sent $130,000 in hush money to a porn star just weeks before the 2016 presidential election to keep her silent about an alleged 2006 sexual encounter she had with the then-Republican presidential nominee, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.”
Sunset in Everett is at 4:39 pm.. Looks like the babbling butthole has its priorities straight today and just might not put HA HEROES FIRST..
Too bad. It’s much more fun when it does.
“Sunset in Everett is at 4:39 pm..”
When goats tremble in fear at what is to come.
@69……I always love post #69. What a fitting post.
But hey she was probably some slut that was from some shithole place. The pukes won’t give a damn….they might even applaud him for trying to get his little penis wet.
Now treasonous dumbfuck boob is lying about Sessions…
Not the idiot AG, the dumbfuck former FBI guy..
But Donald Trump isn’t Bill Clinton, and Jim Comey isn’t Bill Sessions. Clinton only fired the FBI chief after a several months-long investigation that concluded before Clinton even took office. That deep dive into Sessions’s actions resulted in a 161-page report chronicling, in meticulous detail, a pattern of alleged ethical violations. More importantly, Clinton — unlike Trump — wasn’t under active FBI investigation when he decided to oust Sessions.
@56 what ever you say buddy – I have know idea what you are talking about…maybe it has something to do with that Tublisi person. Don’t know who that is, nor do I care to know.
“I like Haley. She’s young enough that she could make the top rung. The worst things said about her were said by southern Republicans in her gubernatorial primary. Just awful.”
Every bit of that Southern talk was and is true though.
The execrable troll Mr. Klynical’s old mancrush.. No one besides Dumpf is more despicable. Yertle is just barely behind the two of course.
“Now y’all act like it wasn’t yer own fuckin’ faults.
THAT’s why I’m still here. Y’all are too much fun to abandon.”
Too funny. And the stuff he says about me has nothing to do with his character, it’s just my punishment for what is my fault for voting for Hillary. Hahahaha.
Bob – get a grip. Drumpf is the fault of the last 9 years of Repukes complaining about Obama and liberals. Thank Mitch, Sarah (the cunt), Fuckabee, Limpdick, etc. These are your people that you should be angry with – I know that brings you to tears to do that….but dude, next you’ll be beating up your, I mean the wife’s, horse.
Members of labor unions, and unorganized unskilled workers, will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or to prevent jobs from being exported. Around the same time, they will realize that suburban white-collar workers – themselves desperately afraid of being downsized – are not going to let themselves be taxed to provide social benefits for anyone else.
At that point, something will crack. The nonsuburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking for a strongman to vote for – someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen, and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots.
@85 Look fellow HA HEROES.. the freak is going nutso before going into its cage!
Are we gonna have a countdown?
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Puddy glad to see the clueless crazed cretin ADMITS Puddy PWNAGE!
Puddy is KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING of the clueless cretin household!
@94 Brilliant! Perfect for the babbling butthole. It will be here to spew HATE after sunset on Saturday to recover from the use of that “cage”..
The Donald shouldn’t be ashamed of this news regarding him and a porn star. I myself have been with porn stars too.
Mike Pence probably has ball stretching.
“Ryan: ‘I don’t see us tackling’ entitlement reform this year”
Sure – probably because the election is coming up and he isn’t feeling to good about it. Why do it before the election and forever fuck your party as the responsible party when you can wait till after they lose control, then they can try to pass reform later and rake Democrats over the coals as the responsible party, whether it be as the people bankrupting the Country or as the people that took your benefits away.
“Haitian government claims ousted dictator ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier laundered stolen money through Trump Tower”
Can you blame Baby Doc for not wanting to live in a shithole?
“Graham: ‘I Said My Piece’ To Trump After ‘Sh*thole Countries’ Comment”
Ohhh Lindsey?
Wait, Trump PAID one of his contractors?
Also stiffed her.
Thanks. We have a great show for you. Hoobastank is our musical guest. Don’t change the dial. We’ll be right back.
Missing the point as usual. HIPAA would cover routine documents in a medical practice that must not be disclosed.
For Law records, well Attorney Client privilege existed before there was a United States and it was cited in a case in U.S. court at least as far back as 1789
“I’m not a Smart Man.” -Piddles, resident proven liar. dullard. Or words to that effect.
“Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said on Friday that the leaking of President Trump’s comments calling Haiti and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office Meeting only works to undermine trust.
“It undermines trust going forward. Whatever was or was not said, if you disagree with what the fellow or gal says disagree with them publicly then but to go out and kind of report it is going to undermine trust,” Cassidy said on the Fox News Channel.
“Not [just] for this issue, but for future issues, it’s just a rule of human contact, whether it’s a marriage, a friendship or a political negotiation,” he added.
Cassidy’s comments come after The Washington Post reported Trump’s comments on Thursday.”
Fuck You!
Leave it to Repukes to always turn and blame their failings on everyone else. To not go public with this would empower a fucking dictator that nobody tattles on, because you know no fucking Puke is going to challenge the dictator – fucking Repukes are the biggest fucks going. Fucking Spin, Spin, Spin. For the last 10 years (or more) Republicans haven’t solved one problem.
Last July, “With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office.”
“The words used by the President, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not ‘tough,’” he wrote. “They were abhorrent and repulsive.”
Let’s pretend it was Bill Clinton who paid a porn star $130K in hush money a month before the 2016 election and Hillary knew about it. They’d be voting on the articles of impeachment by tomorrow morning.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Bill Clinton may have brought personal dishonor to the position of POTUS with his Lewinsky dalliance, but Trump has just brought complete utter disgrace to the office and the country by his words.
Have to wonder if South Florida will rise up and protest by going to Mar-a-Lago and dropping off several dump truck loads of horse/cow manure to show Trump what a real shithole looks like.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 “The rest of the article is good reading as well.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 Worry about next time after you get “client confidentiality” straight for the first time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@101 “Wait, Trump PAID one of his contractors?”
A couple years late, presumably after she threatened to send a copy of her bill to the Washington Post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@106 We already know there’s no depth of depravity that Republicans will overlook in order to enact their reactionary agenda. Privatizing Social Security and slashing funding for Medicare and Medicaid is far more important to them than having a moral or even sane man in the White House.
I am the very model of a modern Stable-Genius,
I have a larger button and a focus on my penious
I know the mobs of Russia, and I made the deals historical
From Bonwit-Teller to Deutches-Bank, in order categorical
I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters hypothetical,
I won’t believe the birth certificates, newspapers, and pundits that’re Liberal
About money laundering I am a’teeming with a lot o’ news,
With my mind a’wandering around the cash I had to give my screws
I’m very good at bull-shitting and fabricating history;
I know the Liberals are really just all out to get back into me:
In short, in matters epiphemeral and fiducillary heinious,
I am the very model of a modern Stable-Genius.
I cannot understand the simplest of histories,
I do not smartly spell the word, nor can I drink the cofefves
I misquote all historicals and ignore the crimes of financiers,
For recompense I’ll take some points off of all of my arrears
I can tell undoubted that my mind is very sound,
I have the biggest hands and a largish pool for me to hang around
I have this pretty fog I cannot find transparent though,
No matter I will play it out like it was my fake Van Gogh
For my military knowledge, and spurs of my prehistory
I’ve battled with diseases and what this really means to me
In short, in matters epiphemeral and fiducillary heinious,
I am the very model of a modern Stable-Genius.
Mark Adamsspews:
Go Eagles. I did run into a Falcons fan in Burlington though.
Mark Adamsspews:
The statement was made in a closed meeting. The other participants were to reply with equally peppery language. Some of you have called Texas and Mississippi and other usually red states shitholes.
The fact is some countries such as Haiti, Somalia, Yemen are shitholes. Puddy has been to some other countries such as Haiti, and his description of them would not make them to be vacation spots. Have you any African nation beside Egypt in your vacation plans? Unless you are a big game hunter I doubt it. How many Americans moving to these places? But a lot of people want to get out? Could be a shithole. Had Trump made the shithole comment about Russia you would have eaten it up?
How many actually left who threatened to move if Trump was elected? Time for you to move to the specific countries that were actually being discussed: Angola, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burundi El Salvador , Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Province of Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Montserrat, Nepal, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen. So put your politics where your mouth is and make your vacation or moving plans to one of the nations just mentioned. Now go. Remember you cannot use the word shithole in your description of your new home or travel destination unless you acknowledge the comments were taken out of context. And yes our political leaders should be able to speak openly in closed meetings, without opponents leaking details or words used.
PS I would use the word shithole to describe most of the nations in that list….enjoy.
George Carlin is laughing at all this
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 Actually it does matter politically and legally. And just who are these intelligence sources? Who are they? And just explain how a former MI 5 agent uses resources and does something without his handlers permission or the permission of her Majesties Government?
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 I’m sure the highly qualified civil servants can handle US business very well, possible better. It’s a bit of a backwater now that the canal is run by Panama, though we still have bases. Some in the state department would call it a shithoie assignment, but someone has to do it.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 Really? Do the folks at 2700 Airport Way agree with you? I prefer to go to the experts. Those folks are your local experts on the natter of shitholes. Talk to them, and when they stop laughing they may answer your question with a sarcastic yes.
Mark Adamsspews:
@79 No the problem for the Republican leadership is their process I actually democratic, while there maybe some weight they can put on the scales, actual Republican voters select the candidate. The Democrats since 1968 have struggled with having a real democratic process or one controlled in the back rooms. Hilliary Clinton was the ultimate insider of the party. Was the establishment favorite and said she was the winner and I have the votes sown up before the first primary, just be there for my coronation. Despite and only because of special delegates she was coroneted. The DNC reaped what it sowed, which was defeat of it’s chosen candidate, who had essentially gotten control of the DNC. Which came out in certain leaked documents, which is why there is this Russian non sense because the politicians cannot tell the party that if its hacked that is not a national security crises, Particularly if you don’t let the FBI look at the servers etcetera. There is a big difference between the US being hacked and a political party. Such that the President should not use his office to take revenge on rhe nation alleged to have hacked his party, without Congress telling the President to take action.
@31, Rabid Rodent
“I’ll take whatever money is given to me — and right now someone is giving me $10,000 a week — what else do you expect me to do?”
I expect you to build housing for the homeless with that $10K/week, put your money where your phoney Demorat propaganda is.
@69, Moonbat porn star conspiracy theorist;
You are losing it Rabid, stop spending that $10K/wk on crack and help the homeless.
Finally something good from you, stay away from that looney porn star trash.
Demorat election news;
“Chelsea Manning, the transgender former Army private who was convicted under the Espionage Act for stealing classified government documents, has filed to run for U.S. Senate in Maryland.”
“Manning is running as a Democrat.” [Who would have guessed?]
There was once a lefty shill named Goldy
Whose foreskin without Bris would be moldy
Word around town
Was he took down FEMA’s Brown
A decade ago but that story’s quite oldie.
Our racist doctor who celebrates death and his black self-loathing loon side-kick will soil this thread with the dumbfuck doctor’s treasonous hashtags and and the loon’s batshit insane hate for anything good and decent.
Goldy’s FEMA fame might be old but I can see
Trump’s German ancestors emigrated from a country that murdered 6 million of my people, and you can’t really get any more “shithole” than that.
that my chosen screen name isn’t.
@3 What an idiot. No one calls you a Nazi, Doctor Dumbfuck. We call you a dumbfuck and a traitor, which you are.
You want a screen name that’s relevant? Try “Dumbfuck Traitor”.
Shithole? Putin’s orange stooge has turned the Oval Office into the worst shithole on the planet.
Try again. Meter is way off
Of course it really doesn’t matter who paid for a dossier.
“Some aspects of the dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
Four. indictments, two guilty pleas and the investigation rolls on.
The same people who bleat ‘Anchor Babies!’ and want to do away with the 14th Amendment are now saying Mia Love, daughter of Haitian immigrants first generation born in U.S. should hush up because she’s not Haitian.
San Genro festivals, cool.
Kiss me In Irish, we love you man.
Haitian, get the fuck out of here. You’re not Haitian. That’s not even a thing.
There once was a troll named Godwinha
That imbecile thinks he’s a winner
He spent all his days
Hash tagging great praise
For Russian PR quite the spinner
Took me about 90 seconds
@ 7
Don’t forget there’s more than one investigation. You’re spiking the ball at midfield, Pilsner.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.
They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.
By 2020 John Edwards will have a higher favorability amongst Democrats than #CrookedHillary.
Remember those jobs Trump “saved”?
“A former Steelworkers union leader … blasted Donald Trump as a ‘con man,’ an ‘idiot’ and a ‘liar’ as Indianapolis air-conditioning and furnace company Carrier Corp. laid off 215 more workers Thursday. … Chuck Jones, former president of United Steelworkers 1999, said …. ‘I’m sorry people bought into his message. He sold us a bag of shit …. ‘”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, we tried to tell him …
10 and other deflection strategies are bound to be more credible than asserting a vast political conspiracy throughout the world’s most disciplined and carefully overseen law enforcement agency.
Effective? Only if Hillary Clinton or John Edwards are running for office in the next few months. If it fails to land he can always go back to the blue dress.
And Doctor Dumbfuck is handing out spoons.
@1 Even people who write limericks on restroom walls do better than that. See @6 for competent literary critique.
@13 As far as I can see, he’s the only one eating with one.
@ 11
Win some, lose some, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Fiat Chrysler to invest $1 billion in Michigan plant, add 2,500 jobs
Fiat Chrysler Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne a year ago raised the possibility that the automaker would move production of its heavy-duty pickups to the United States, saying U.S. tax and trade policy would influence the decision.
That would be a tax and trade policy opposed by each and every motherfucking Democrat in Congress.
This auto manufacturing announcement isn’t the first one of the week, either.
On Wednesday, Toyota Motor Corp and Mazda Motor Corp announced they would build a new $1.6 billion joint venture auto assembly plant in Alabama, drawing praise from Trump.
Oh, and finally, there are going to be 60,000 auto workers with a LOT more walkaround cash this Winter:
FCA on Thursday said it also would make a special bonus payment of $2,000 to about 60,000 FCA hourly and salaried employees in the United States totaling about $120 million. Typically, U.S. automakers only pay bonuses to hourly workers as part of collective bargaining agreements.
That is IN ADDITION to any contractually required additional payments.
This did not do much for your 2020 presidential prospects and Michigan’s 16 EVs, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re right, tho. It’s too bad about those 200 jobs at Carrier.
Dr. Dumbfuck wants us to call him a Nazi, hence is screen name but hey, even the Nazi’s had standards and they would have put him on his knees and put a bullet in his head and treated him like the Russian-loving dog that he is.
If he was really smart he would realize his screen name should reference Stalin. Aspire to greatness Dr. Dumbfuck, Stalin killed more the Hitler . So many hashtags for Vlad, none for Hitler, speaks volumes don’t you think?
Doctor Dumbfuck’s argument, of course, falls apart unless Hillary approved that deal. Soooo …
” … [T]he acquisition of Uranium One by Rosatom was reviewed by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a committee of nine government agencies including the United States Department of State …. The voting members of the committee can object to such a foreign transaction, but the final decision then rests with the president. …
“Several members of Clinton’s State Department staff and officials from the Obama-era Department of Justice have said that CFIUS reviews are handled by civil servants and that it would be unlikely that Clinton would have had more than nominal involvement in her department’s signing off on the acquisition. According to Snopes, … all evidence suggests that she … had no role in approving the deal at all. …
“Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post wrote that the problem with … the accusations that Republican commentators levied against Clinton is that she ‘by all accounts, did not participate in any discussions regarding the Uranium One sale.'”
Yet Doctor Dumbfuck continues to drink the Kool-Aid. It’s why we call him a dumbfuck. He certainly has earned the moniker.
Why are people so interested in coming to America illegally? What’s wrong with illegally entering the U.K. or France instead? Is it that we’re just more convenient for illegals, or do we have a better environment for illegals?
Why is it that wherever Spanish Catholicism was prominent, the people now want to leave those countries and go to a foreign land? Why can’t Mexico, Guatemala or other countries in Central and South America retain their citizens?
I’m all for the DACA kids staying and becoming citizens, but the people who are criminals are the parents and others who brought those DACA kids here illegally. Why aren’t we prosecuting those people and leaving the DACA kids alone to be citizens?
@16 Sez the blowhard whose party bitterly opposed Obama’s auto bailouts and whose 2012 presidential nominee campaigned on a platform of letting the entire domestic auto industry go under when the shit hit the fan from his party’s irresponsible deregulation policies.
Ex-RNC chair says Trump is racist: ‘The evidence is incontrovertible’
Ohhh boo hoo hoo Mr. Steel. It took you till now to know this. How about you fess up about Repukes being Bigots in general. Until then, nothing but being a little over sensitive on the issue.
Another day, another lie from Trump. He blames President Obama for the relocation of the embassy in London.
In reality the decision was made by President Bush:
Note the date on the announcement.
The reality is that he cannot visit Great Britain without triggering massive protests. So much for making America great by alienating our allies.
@19 The GOP’s strategy is to turn America into such a shithole that people in places like Mexico, El Salvador, and Haiti will think they have it good where they are.
As you are so fond of pointing out, “Clinton won’t be on the ballot in 2020.“
23 – Do you think that will work at keeping potential illegal immigrants in their countries instead of coming here?
@11 maybe that ironworker’s wife is going to get $1000.00 bonus this year from her employer (you know why). What’s to cry about?
Meanwhile, the U.S. ambassador to Panama has resigned, saying he can’t serve in the Trump administration.
The way things are going, nobody with a reputation to protect will be willing to work for this president, which leaves him with a candidate pool largely consisting of recent graduates of Liberty University.
@19 “Why are people so interested in coming to America illegally? ”
Maybe because it’s hard to swim to Germany.
@25 Of course it will. It already is. Immigration is falling off a cliff. Who the hell wants to pick our lettuce under these conditions?
@26 You raise an interesting point. The DJIA is up another 200 points today; the stock market obviously thinks the corporate tax cuts will go to shareholders, not workers.
Investors who follow economic news knew wage pressures were already building in the economy. It costs companies nothing to trumpet wage increases they were planning to give their workers anyway.
Anyone who took Econ 101 in their first semester of college knows companies raise wages for only one reason, i.e. to compete for scarce labor, and wages tend to rise in a tight labor market like we have now for that very reason.
And anyone who’s played the stock investing game for a quarter or two will recognize the similarity of these bonuses to stock buybacks: Unlike wages and dividends, they’re one-offs that you don’t have to keep paying.
The beauty of these scams is that dumbfucks fall for them every time, no matter how many times you repeat the con game.
What we’re getting right now in the stock market is a one-time boost to stock prices as the market prices in the flow through of tax cuts to corporate bottom lines. Estimates vary, but some Wall Street pundits seem to think the tax bill will translate into a 20% to 30% increase in paper wealth for the stock-owning class, which of course includes me. I didn’t support this POS, but hey, I’ll take whatever money is given to me — and right now someone is giving me $10,000 a week — what else do you expect me to do? Too bad workers have to pay for this, but it is what it is.
Behold the Dunning-Kruger electorate in all its glory! I mean it’s not as if the Pas-de-Calais portal doesn’t look like a scene from World War Z.
This, kids, is why appeals to the Hillbilly Elegy voters are pointless and counterproductive. Such appeals depend on ratifying a host of idiotic fears, misperceptions, and outright lies. You can’t win these arm fishing meat robots over without becoming one of them. And that’s not a good thing at all.
looks like Doctor Dumbfuck might have to buck his own bales.
A happy wife is a herniated intervertebral disk.
Better keep that Scooter Store number on speed dial.
Of course there’s an investigation of the Clintons. Started in about 1991 and just keeps going.
So let me know when someone gets convicted.
I’m sure you will. Been waiting almost 40 years.
It cuts both ways.
Why are Democrats back-pedaling so hurriedly from the Steele dossier, other than it’s far more idiotic than verified?
This might be why.
Fusion GPS was the sub-contractor for the FBI.
In March and April of 2016 Fusion GPS was running FISA 702 inquires.
None of the Fusion-GPS FISA-702 inquires had oversight.
Glenn Simpson gave Christopher Steele the information.
4:59 PM – Jan 11, 2018
It’s early. We’ll see.
I thought Trump was talking about Seattle.
Decapitated and hanging by his feet from a bridge over the highway is:
1) just a typical weekday in your average town just south of the Texas border.
2) the reason a man who was scheduled to speak at an event
denouncing Trump’s ‘shithole’ comment was unable to attend.
3) gman’s favored position for a sexual partner.
4) all of the above.
Things I never thought I would see. At a Martin Luther King Junior event someone point-blank asking, “Mr. President are you a racist.” And Mr. President ignoring them instead of actually denying being a racist. Because we knew he was a racist all along.
It’s their party now. Sen. Sherrod Brown (R-OH) has a primary opponent coming at him from the further right. And what is he think about racism in the White House?
Except for Haulover Beach and Coconut Grove, yeah.
So, Mr. President, would you say South Florida is a ‘shithole’ too?
“From now on, that’s how you drive!”
Because looney conspiracy theories are more credible when accompanied by an org-chart!
Weird. I don’t see Vince Foster anywhere.
@ 42
Might be because when Foster died, Trump was still a Democrat and probably a big Bill Clinton supporter, and nobody knew where the Rose Hill law records were stashed.
When Foster died, Bill Clinton was saying things like:
“I know of no one who seriously believes that the United States and [South Korea] would be defeated in a war of aggression by North Korea if they were to attack,” he said. “And I made it as clear as I could that if they were to do that, they would pay a price so great that the nation would probably not survive as it is known today.”
Way back in 1993, a president fired the FBI director. Can you imagine that?
There’s fake news and then there’s a torture advocate pretending what you saw with you own lyin’ eyes didn’t happen.
Was it when he endorsed the Democratic position only to have a Republican jump in and stop him proving the GOP isn’t interested in negotiating?
Was it afterward when members of his own party at the meeting said the President was “Confusing.”
Was it when his press people wouldn’t say if 45 had dropped “The Wall” repeatedly saying when asked directly about the campaign promise being broken, “The president wants border security.”
Was it when he said a ‘clean’ DACA bill would need to have funding for unrelated issues and probably a repeal of the 14th amendment and no longer allowing families to rejoin each other after immigrating?
@39 ” … someone point-blank asking, ‘Mr. President are you a racist.’ And Mr. President ignoring them … ”
They can’t convict you of perjury if you don’t answer the question.
@40 Maybe what HIS people are thinking, but polls show he doesn’t speak for two-thirds of us, and we already knew about the other third.
@43 “nobody knew where the Rose Hill law records were stashed”
Interesting. Since when are private law firm records public documents? I would hope you don’t treat your patient records as public documents. Ever heard of HIPAA?
Doctor Dumbfuck is so hard up on Trump’s “shithole countries” day that he’s forced to fall back on 25-year-old Clinton conspiracy theories.
As I said on Monday, Doc is a one-trick pony, see 1/8/18 Open thread, #14 & #19. And finding himself totally unable to defend Preznit Shit-for-Brains, see link below, he’s now down to his last trick. Neigh-h-h.
Hey, when’s someone gonna ask Bill Clinton:
Mr. President, are you a rapist?
It depends on what your definition of rape is.
@ 43
OK, one person knew where the Rose Hill law records were stashed.
And she will never, ever be president.
I must assume you came to adopt your “source”, Mark Bradman, while following some of his fine work disseminating blatant falsehoods about the Trayvon Martin shooting, various other shootings of unarmed blacks, and his multiple attempts at witness intimidation in criminal trials. I hope you’ve been good enough to click on his patreon buttons. Since losing his grocery clerk job Mr. Bradman needs all the help he can get. Tiki Torches don’t pay for themselves, you know.
@ 51
Source was a piece by Bccket Adams, who linked to this:
I do not recognize the name Mark Bradman.
Nor will Mittens, Cruz, Ryan, Walker, Christie, Carson, Perry, JEB!, Keven McCarthy, Bachman, Caribou Barbie, Rice, Liddle Marco, Kasich, Huck, The Mav!, The Nug, Race Bannon, or Dino Rossi either.
My guess is Haley wants to take a run at it. I seriously doubt she can escape the Orange Event Horizon without being destroyed. That’s the way it is with President PeePee. Everything and everyone he touches turns to shit. Including you.
merely establishes you are an unwitting fool. Most of you trumpanzees are.
Yup, Doctor Dumbfuck and his ilk loved it.
“White nationalists praise Trump for ‘sh*thole’ comment”
@ 53
My guess is that one of the men on your list will be president. I don’t know who The Nug is. Unless it’s Ted Nugent – fuck that asshole.
I like Haley. She’s young enough that she could make the top rung. The worst things said about her were said by southern Republicans in her gubernatorial primary. Just awful.
Condi Rice is far more qualified than Oprah or even most of the men on the list. She lacks the most important qualification: a desire to be president.
I think Rice would accept a VP nod to a vacant position. She would sit through confirmation. She would not campaign, possibly not even as an incumbent. Gee, now why would I bring any of that up.
I like Haley the same way I like Tulsi Gabbard. Accomplished, poised, mistreated by members of their own parties. A decade apart and politically at opposite ends of the spectrum. I hope they each do well.
It was a figure of speech, gman.
@50, 52 and elsewhere- We have president who is a proven liar, with over 2000 documented lies, and you live in the past. Deflect much?
I’m sticking with my earlier prediction. By November 2020 we’ll have had 25,000 pro-Putin hashtags littered in these threads by a dumbfuck traitor.
As Doctor Dumbfuck babbles on and on in the 21st Century about a 20th Century president…
“Trump lawyer shilled out $130,000 to adult film star in 2016 to keep her quiet about alleged affair: report”
@38 wow…..The Doctor is expressing a lot of glory in my death….but he is so sensitive about buildings collapsing. Your horse must think he’s looking at his ass end when looking at you.
The good doctor is focusing his attention on me today – how nice.
@myself @44
If you have to dedicate 10,000 words to dispelling, ‘A President with a drool cup’ you’ve already lost as you admit that such a thing seems so reasonable to believe that it must be pushed upon.
@ 57
Deflect much?
Not as much as those around here about to complete Year 1 of the inability to admit that their blind subservience to The Clintons cost them the White House and, possibly, the Senate.
That the remaking of the judicial branch is because of the acts of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
I don’t write what I write to defend Trump. I didn’t vote for him at either opportunity. Sure, I think some of what has happened since he took office is good, but I think he’s an awful figurehead. The tweet by Tomasky in Goldy’s sidebar feed? Count me in agreement. Doesn’t mean stuff he was elected to do got done. It’s a pretty good list for a first year. Unless you’re a Seattle libbie.
I write what I write because of what it does to y’all.
Y’all had a perfectly serviceable candidate in Martin O’Malley. Y’all let the DNC roll Bernie.
Now y’all act like it wasn’t yer own fuckin’ faults.
THAT’s why I’m still here. Y’all are too much fun to abandon.
With so many lies and so much fake news, and so many Russian FSB hashtags and links, you must realize nobody will ever believe you ever again. And whatever your sad excuses may be, we know you by what you do, not why you say you do it.
“I didn’t steal from disabled orphans and Brownie troops for the money. I did it to raise awareness!”
@63 Fuck you, weasel, you and your fucking hashtags. You’re nothing but a goddamned traitor.
@64 Well, maybe we should give Doctor Dumbfuck a chance at redemption. What if he were to limit the content of his next 4,000 comments to…
I can only assume that from his side of the Orange Event Horizon these kinds of ridiculous claims seem believable.
He’s spent the better part of two years of his retirement free time reliably defending President Very-Stable-Finger-Rapist and unrelentingly attacking anyone or anything that ever challenges him. He’s obediently taken up his pitch fork and torch in service to an absurd conspiracy theory linking the FBI, the DOJ, and most of the Western world’s major intelligence gathering services to a global conspiracy going back decades against a minor real estate investor, pro wrestling fan, and wannabee teevee celeb. And with every indictment and every guilty plea he dashes madly to his hay barn time machine, and the safety and comfort of Nov. 9, 2016
And he does all this for Martin O’Malley?
Yawwwn… Yours truly remembers when dumbfuck treasonous thought Chrysler should go under, because black guy blah blah and topped that off with a vote for asshole Mitt Romney who “understood capitalism”.
Now it’s cheerleading.. Go figure.
Well well, lookee here …
“One of President Donald Trump’s most trusted lawyers sent $130,000 in hush money to a porn star just weeks before the 2016 presidential election to keep her silent about an alleged 2006 sexual encounter she had with the then-Republican presidential nominee, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.”
Yawwwn.. This state went for Bernie Sanders in the primaries and when all was said and finally done it sure as fuck wasn’t going to go to Drumpf…
So fuck you liar.
Sunset in Everett is at 4:39 pm.. Looks like the babbling butthole has its priorities straight today and just might not put HA HEROES FIRST..
Too bad. It’s much more fun when it does.
“Sunset in Everett is at 4:39 pm..”
When goats tremble in fear at what is to come.
@69……I always love post #69. What a fitting post.
But hey she was probably some slut that was from some shithole place. The pukes won’t give a damn….they might even applaud him for trying to get his little penis wet.
Now treasonous dumbfuck boob is lying about Sessions…
Not the idiot AG, the dumbfuck former FBI guy..
Yawwnn.. Another idiocy from boob dismissed..
@68 see @73
Go Jeff, Go! Ban the shit!
@56 what ever you say buddy – I have know idea what you are talking about…maybe it has something to do with that Tublisi person. Don’t know who that is, nor do I care to know.
“I like Haley. She’s young enough that she could make the top rung. The worst things said about her were said by southern Republicans in her gubernatorial primary. Just awful.”
Every bit of that Southern talk was and is true though.
The curious case of a fucking coward:
The execrable troll Mr. Klynical’s old mancrush.. No one besides Dumpf is more despicable. Yertle is just barely behind the two of course.
“Now y’all act like it wasn’t yer own fuckin’ faults.
THAT’s why I’m still here. Y’all are too much fun to abandon.”
Too funny. And the stuff he says about me has nothing to do with his character, it’s just my punishment for what is my fault for voting for Hillary. Hahahaha.
Bob – get a grip. Drumpf is the fault of the last 9 years of Repukes complaining about Obama and liberals. Thank Mitch, Sarah (the cunt), Fuckabee, Limpdick, etc. These are your people that you should be angry with – I know that brings you to tears to do that….but dude, next you’ll be beating up your, I mean the wife’s, horse.
Fascinating article on a prophet of the left:
He called Drumpf. In 1997. The rest of the article is good reading as well.
I wonder if any of our trolls have ancestory from any of those shithole places?
Ever heard of HIPAA? Yeah, 1996!
And the Rose Law Firm records were what date senile idiot wabbit?
Till Next Time!
WTF? Martin who? Yeah and what Drumpf voter knows who the fuck is the current ambassador to Russia?
And then the cage!
Well we know your ancestry was a gorilla! Was that your father or your uncle’s picture #81?
Till Next Time!
@85 Look fellow HA HEROES.. the freak is going nutso before going into its cage!
Are we gonna have a countdown?
Puddy glad to see the clueless crazed cretin ADMITS Puddy PWNAGE!
Puddy is KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING of the clueless cretin household!
Till Next Time!
HATE HATE HATE!!! Freak @ 87 NEEDS HATE of HA HEROES before cage time!
Here we go…
10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5..
Wooo hooo!!! The freak is in its cage…
FREEDOM!! Time to celebrate! I’m gettin’ a beer myself.
Glug.. glug.. glugg. Ahhhh. refreshing…
So nice to be FREE of that babbling butthole…
@85 ohhh hey buddy, my apologies – I didn’t realize that maybe you had ancestors from shithole places. Please forgive me.
Bracketed by the two sunsets..
The babbling butthole veers between the cage and the salt mine..
What a miserable existence.. Ah well.. Some poor fools have it tough – by their choice even.
glug.. glugg. ahhhh. This beer hits the spot.
The cage?
It’s not a “cage”. Its a CB 2000!
h/t Vance DeGeneres – the finest straight man of his generation.
@94 Brilliant! Perfect for the babbling butthole. It will be here to spew HATE after sunset on Saturday to recover from the use of that “cage”..
The Donald shouldn’t be ashamed of this news regarding him and a porn star. I myself have been with porn stars too.
Mike Pence probably has ball stretching.
“Ryan: ‘I don’t see us tackling’ entitlement reform this year”
Sure – probably because the election is coming up and he isn’t feeling to good about it. Why do it before the election and forever fuck your party as the responsible party when you can wait till after they lose control, then they can try to pass reform later and rake Democrats over the coals as the responsible party, whether it be as the people bankrupting the Country or as the people that took your benefits away.
“Haitian government claims ousted dictator ‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier laundered stolen money through Trump Tower”
Can you blame Baby Doc for not wanting to live in a shithole?
“Graham: ‘I Said My Piece’ To Trump After ‘Sh*thole Countries’ Comment”
Ohhh Lindsey?
Wait, Trump PAID one of his contractors?
Also stiffed her.
Thanks. We have a great show for you. Hoobastank is our musical guest. Don’t change the dial. We’ll be right back.
Missing the point as usual. HIPAA would cover routine documents in a medical practice that must not be disclosed.
For Law records, well Attorney Client privilege existed before there was a United States and it was cited in a case in U.S. court at least as far back as 1789
“I’m not a Smart Man.” -Piddles, resident proven liar. dullard. Or words to that effect.
“Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said on Friday that the leaking of President Trump’s comments calling Haiti and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office Meeting only works to undermine trust.
“It undermines trust going forward. Whatever was or was not said, if you disagree with what the fellow or gal says disagree with them publicly then but to go out and kind of report it is going to undermine trust,” Cassidy said on the Fox News Channel.
“Not [just] for this issue, but for future issues, it’s just a rule of human contact, whether it’s a marriage, a friendship or a political negotiation,” he added.
Cassidy’s comments come after The Washington Post reported Trump’s comments on Thursday.”
Fuck You!
Leave it to Repukes to always turn and blame their failings on everyone else. To not go public with this would empower a fucking dictator that nobody tattles on, because you know no fucking Puke is going to challenge the dictator – fucking Repukes are the biggest fucks going. Fucking Spin, Spin, Spin. For the last 10 years (or more) Republicans haven’t solved one problem.
Last July, “With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office.”
This week, “Shithole”
So Cotton and Purdue (R – morons) have amnesia:
Jeff Flake (R – onhiswayout) says:
“The words used by the President, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not ‘tough,’” he wrote. “They were abhorrent and repulsive.”
Dan Savage ladies and gentleman..
Bill Clinton may have brought personal dishonor to the position of POTUS with his Lewinsky dalliance, but Trump has just brought complete utter disgrace to the office and the country by his words.
Have to wonder if South Florida will rise up and protest by going to Mar-a-Lago and dropping off several dump truck loads of horse/cow manure to show Trump what a real shithole looks like.
@80 “The rest of the article is good reading as well.”
@82 Worry about next time after you get “client confidentiality” straight for the first time.
@101 “Wait, Trump PAID one of his contractors?”
A couple years late, presumably after she threatened to send a copy of her bill to the Washington Post.
@106 We already know there’s no depth of depravity that Republicans will overlook in order to enact their reactionary agenda. Privatizing Social Security and slashing funding for Medicare and Medicaid is far more important to them than having a moral or even sane man in the White House.
I am the very model of a modern Stable-Genius,
I have a larger button and a focus on my penious
I know the mobs of Russia, and I made the deals historical
From Bonwit-Teller to Deutches-Bank, in order categorical
I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters hypothetical,
I won’t believe the birth certificates, newspapers, and pundits that’re Liberal
About money laundering I am a’teeming with a lot o’ news,
With my mind a’wandering around the cash I had to give my screws
I’m very good at bull-shitting and fabricating history;
I know the Liberals are really just all out to get back into me:
In short, in matters epiphemeral and fiducillary heinious,
I am the very model of a modern Stable-Genius.
I cannot understand the simplest of histories,
I do not smartly spell the word, nor can I drink the cofefves
I misquote all historicals and ignore the crimes of financiers,
For recompense I’ll take some points off of all of my arrears
I can tell undoubted that my mind is very sound,
I have the biggest hands and a largish pool for me to hang around
I have this pretty fog I cannot find transparent though,
No matter I will play it out like it was my fake Van Gogh
For my military knowledge, and spurs of my prehistory
I’ve battled with diseases and what this really means to me
In short, in matters epiphemeral and fiducillary heinious,
I am the very model of a modern Stable-Genius.
Go Eagles. I did run into a Falcons fan in Burlington though.
The statement was made in a closed meeting. The other participants were to reply with equally peppery language. Some of you have called Texas and Mississippi and other usually red states shitholes.
The fact is some countries such as Haiti, Somalia, Yemen are shitholes. Puddy has been to some other countries such as Haiti, and his description of them would not make them to be vacation spots. Have you any African nation beside Egypt in your vacation plans? Unless you are a big game hunter I doubt it. How many Americans moving to these places? But a lot of people want to get out? Could be a shithole. Had Trump made the shithole comment about Russia you would have eaten it up?
How many actually left who threatened to move if Trump was elected? Time for you to move to the specific countries that were actually being discussed: Angola, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burundi El Salvador , Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Province of Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Montserrat, Nepal, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen. So put your politics where your mouth is and make your vacation or moving plans to one of the nations just mentioned. Now go. Remember you cannot use the word shithole in your description of your new home or travel destination unless you acknowledge the comments were taken out of context. And yes our political leaders should be able to speak openly in closed meetings, without opponents leaking details or words used.
PS I would use the word shithole to describe most of the nations in that list….enjoy.
George Carlin is laughing at all this
@7 Actually it does matter politically and legally. And just who are these intelligence sources? Who are they? And just explain how a former MI 5 agent uses resources and does something without his handlers permission or the permission of her Majesties Government?
@27 I’m sure the highly qualified civil servants can handle US business very well, possible better. It’s a bit of a backwater now that the canal is run by Panama, though we still have bases. Some in the state department would call it a shithoie assignment, but someone has to do it.
@5 Really? Do the folks at 2700 Airport Way agree with you? I prefer to go to the experts. Those folks are your local experts on the natter of shitholes. Talk to them, and when they stop laughing they may answer your question with a sarcastic yes.
@79 No the problem for the Republican leadership is their process I actually democratic, while there maybe some weight they can put on the scales, actual Republican voters select the candidate. The Democrats since 1968 have struggled with having a real democratic process or one controlled in the back rooms. Hilliary Clinton was the ultimate insider of the party. Was the establishment favorite and said she was the winner and I have the votes sown up before the first primary, just be there for my coronation. Despite and only because of special delegates she was coroneted. The DNC reaped what it sowed, which was defeat of it’s chosen candidate, who had essentially gotten control of the DNC. Which came out in certain leaked documents, which is why there is this Russian non sense because the politicians cannot tell the party that if its hacked that is not a national security crises, Particularly if you don’t let the FBI look at the servers etcetera. There is a big difference between the US being hacked and a political party. Such that the President should not use his office to take revenge on rhe nation alleged to have hacked his party, without Congress telling the President to take action.
@31, Rabid Rodent
“I’ll take whatever money is given to me — and right now someone is giving me $10,000 a week — what else do you expect me to do?”
I expect you to build housing for the homeless with that $10K/week, put your money where your phoney Demorat propaganda is.
@69, Moonbat porn star conspiracy theorist;
You are losing it Rabid, stop spending that $10K/wk on crack and help the homeless.
Finally something good from you, stay away from that looney porn star trash.
Demorat election news;
“Chelsea Manning, the transgender former Army private who was convicted under the Espionage Act for stealing classified government documents, has filed to run for U.S. Senate in Maryland.”
“Manning is running as a Democrat.” [Who would have guessed?]