I didn’t mention the carbon tax when I did the what I’d like to see from the legislature post. But sure, sign us up for that too. Our future has to be one where we don’t keep pumping out global warming gases. The sooner we start, the sooner we get there.
Better to raise the minimum wage to $25/hr.
Interesting that the last thread was not only 100% loon-free, it was also 100% dumbfuck-free. Is this the end of our trolls*?
* I don’t count Shortbus among the trolls as I don’t bother to read his comments. And the wannabe trolls who come here to post a single sentence are just too pathetic. They try so hard to be clever and never quite get there. SAD!
It’s the arrogance, stupid.
And the circle gets a little smaller.
“Oh you mean THAT banker at the center of a massive money laundering scheme! Yeah we’ve met once or twice.” Don Jr.
So true, it was an utterly frivolous post. Btw, when you lecture on English composition you should avoid putting words in all caps.
“You can’t say things that are false, knowingly false, and be able to smile as money pours into your bank account,” 45
Can I be the one to tell him?
Posted this on a dead thread by accident (sorry).
This must be one of Dr. Dumbfuck’s relatives: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018…..horse.html
Can’t make that shit up. Alabama, sex with with a horse, white redneck hillbilly country all the way.
Not to mention this contained within the horse sex story: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017…..onkey.html
Since it was on the Fox News site, must be true, amirite?
I heard an interesting story concerning women from Russia who are coming to America to deliver their babies. The kid gets citizenship in both countries. This could be an ace in the hole should the world turn to shit in Russia for the high rollers who can afford to come to this country to have their kids. I don’t think Russia has gotten over the communist thing quite yet and still resent anyone being financially successful.
The Russians haven’t been the first ones to discover this little potential benefit. Women from South Korea have been doing it for years and years as a way to have their male children avoid military service in Korea. The Chinese are also picking up on the idea and see the benefits of having a root or two in America.
As a response, Trump wants to end citizenship birthright in America, but I don’t think he’ll be able to get that through. There’s too much history with the birthright to change things now.
The one group that benefits from this business is the OBGYN community. They’ve got people with ready cash to pay for the birthing process, so that’s fine with the docs involved. Beats the hell out of having to deal with health insurance company!
“Btw, when you lecture on English composition you should avoid putting words in all caps.”
You might want to save that for the day when I actually lecture somebody here on English composition.
7 – The links don’t appear to be working.
@10 Thanks for letting me know.
Here they are: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018.....horse.html
One more for good measure:
@11 the only thing they were missing were their MAGA caps.
@11 it is very surprising that they couldn’t just apologize and then get a standing ovation. Poor fellows.
“Tennessee pastor apologizes for ‘sexual incident’ with teen”…..and the crowd goes wild!
Here’s an idea: What if we offer Trump and his family $20 billion just to go away? Betcha they’d take the money. And we’d all be better off.
Jan 8, 2018
#CrookedHillary called. She and Bill will do it for $5B.
@14 See 1/8/18 Open thread, #14 & #19.
I thought it was plainly obvious you were paying homage to President Very-Stable-Genius. You’d think the trumpanzees would appreciate that. There’s just no pleasing some hillbillies.
The way hillbillies “get pleased” is clearly demonstrated @11.
The real problem with America is not just the disparity of power, but also that those in power have gone mad with power.
Just a couple of days after reading that the Missouri GOP wants to pass a bill that would require all marriages to be performed in a church the GOP governor of Missouri admits to having an affair (or in other words just trying to act or behave like a real Family Man).
Well I think that divorces should be required to be handled only in the church too.
Also, should this family man end up in a divorce, I’m sure that he wouldn’t sign this type of bill or the you would see the church start to adapt to marrying divorcees (those family men).
The real Bill that the GOP Party needs to pass is one that states if you should ever be married in a church and you have an affair on your spouse then the church gets to cut your penis off.
For those of you who have a million dollars in actual savings you should retire to Arkansas or Mississippi where your savings will last you roughly at or a little over 21 years.
Probably no carbon tax, no car tabs paying for public rail, no big bertha projects. But you can still get a RC cola and moon pie in either state. Not to mention crawdads, So if you go fishing you can get your worms for free and it goes best with a moon pie and RC cola.
Carl maybe there should be an el nino tax or a sunspot tax. Those things affect global weather more than CO2 and frankly if global warming happens maybe we are winners here in Washington state. Or at least here on the western side. Everyone likes California, so we could be the New California with a bit more water. We would be winners, so we should insist on no carbon tax and put as much CO2 in the atmosphere as possible. Just join the other possible winners like Russia and Canada, Not to mention Norway, but the Norwegians do like their reindeer herds. Overall they are winners. Yep Nigeria act in your worst interest as you are a global climate change loser, but with an oil based economy what you do. Guess that is true for Venezuela. Do the highly important work of turning Washington state into an overall climate change winner. PS climate change is the normal, or you all just think we should be in an ice age, Where did the CO2 come from that ended that last one about 10,000 years ago., Form man? Was that such a bad thing as it made agriculture possible. Cold climates tend to have more droughts.
And one thing Al Gore did not mention is that as the oceans surface temperature goes up the oceans lose CO2 to the atmosphere., As things cool the oceans absorb more CO2 and there is less in the atmosphere. This would not affect CO2 measurements at Mauna Lau?
And folks I do think we are contributing to the CO2 level in the atmosphere, the question is how much we are contributing. The science is not all that certain. There are perfectly good reasons to have solar cells and wind power other than to replace fossil fuels. A better electric grid that is more robust and diffuse. No matter how you cut it just getting coal and oil out of the ground is an ugly process. Workers get stable jobs in the renewable energy field. Wind, solar and hydro can be the cheapest solution., and with improved battery storage as reliable or more reliable than turbines turned by steam from oil, gas, or coal.
If Ebsley wants to push a carbon tax purely as a way to collect needed revenues for the state, fine, The negative costs then are justifiable. But to pass them purelly based on unproven climate change models, all the models have failed to accurately predict temperature rise based on rise in CO2. Climate is too much of a chaotic system for any system to accurately predict. Or to put it simply taxpayers are not going to be happy, and companies and taxpayers are already leaving the state due to high taxes.
@8 Well President Trump is not all that familiar with the 14th Amendment. (Neither is a former Sheriff in Arizona who is still insisting that a certain former president’s birth certificate is a forgery, little late for a do over,) Trump does not understand that in Obama case all that mattered was his mother being a citizen, even if he was born to her in Kenya, he is a citizen.. If the old man had managed to have Obama anywhere in the US then his kid would be a US citizen, and he would be hot shit in the Muslim as he would be the second coming of Allah or something really really special, Yep the Muslims have always wanted some of that Madonna stuff to revel in. Everyone knows who Jesus’s mom was, but who can name Mohammed’s. Anyone? Great jeopardy question. Especially that final round.
@14 Better to catch it in the bud. Time to offer Oprah 3 billion.
@18 Nothing new here. What should happen is the Governor should have his AG do his job if he is unwilling and arrest the Head of the board publicly with maximum perp walk. Won’t happen, but there is going to be one mighty happy civil litigation attorney in Louisiana. And one board member just made the reasons for Unions so clear. Come time to collective bargain that is one Superintendent that is going to earn every penny of his raise. Or get told by the teachers union to resign, or he better be like Oprah…you get a car, you get a car…and you get a 20% raise each year for three years…unless he likes hearing the word strike.
@19 I disagree this suggestion is a violation of church and state, and that state governments cannot pick between religions and make some more important.
Nor can states return to a time when religion controlled the issue of marriage and divorce, and church law trumped the state in the domestic realm.
And since church law ruled over rape, one punishment was castration or death, as well as for adultery.
Any gay man as yourself should not go down the road of crating religious police and courts. Maybe the church of Satan, will be more tolerant, and will have a lot of fun with it. Ceremony in the capitol, draw the circle, participants enter sky clad, draw the pentagram and the ceremony begins.
@20 The church of Satan would not be cool with that. And the church of Cthulhu you must have an affair on your spouse. And you are leaving out the Jews, Orthodox sects, and Muslims who don’t worship in churches.
And since when are only men adulterers? And the husband in a lesbian couple has no penis, what do you do then, and if one gets pregnant even with a turkey baster or through a clinic is it not technically adultery and must be punished.
“Fact Checking is not Journalism.”
Yeah, but bullshit sells, and sales is the only thing that matters in this world. Everything else, every other consideration is either secondary, or not even worth mention, especially to the Republicans. As long as the “Right People” are making money, who cares about facts?
“Gee, that’s a nice Republic you have there, it’d be a shame if something bad happened to it”.
Who cares about reality when one can create a phony story, made up out of pure falsity, fantasy and deliberately intentional lies aimed at creating an idea that can be repeated and elaborated on throughout a news cycle of a few days or a few weeks, and have enough people believe it, (or at least go along with it) to create a particular belief no matter who is hurt by it? It’s the sales that matters. Keeping those fat butts in the seats long enough to sell them diamonds and cologne or toothpaste. It’s a circular chain of bullshit shovelers, all trying to shovel more shit at the next guy with the notion that they’re going to bury him someday, and make a few bucks along the way.
Bullshit is profitable.
This is the same mentality that created personality cults around Hitler and Mao and Stalin.
You Trumpanzee Tea-Bagger navel-gazing dumbfucks must be so proud of what you are winning.
Fortunately, you people are morons and poltroons. Morons eventually get noticed for their stupidity no matter how pretty they are or how much bullshit they shovel into a conversation. Fat Donny was noticed for this, decades ago. No American bank will do business with him for dozens of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he has always ripped them off. There are good reasons why the Nevada Gaming Board refused Fat Donny’s gaming licenses, he’s a known bullshit artist and criminal with well-established ties to foreign and domestic crime cartels and that was their stated reason for that refusal.
You Republicans shitted out this greasy turd, you eat him.
Welcome back to the studio, our ratings are great!”
“You people say I said that, but I didn’t really say that and you’re lying by using video of me actually saying it. FAKE NEWS!”
Bullshit sells.
@11 Horses and donleys? Don’t Republicans like goats anymore?
Someone should really ask Joe Biden for comment:
U.S. immigration operation targets 7-Eleven stores in 17 states
“You Trumpanzee Tea-Bagger navel-gazing dumbfucks must be so proud of what you are winning.”
What they are winning is most clearly evidenced by the half-dozen posts immediately preceding yours. They are winning the Dunning-Kruger electorate. And that is both why they rely on bullshit, and why bullshit is succeeding for them.
But of course the winning comes with costs. In less than two decades the GOP has permanently lost claims to a host of fundamental ideological principles that once animated the movement. And what’s left is internally incompatible. It’s easy to blame President PeePee, but the basic conflicts at the conservative political movement are not his making.
Any and all conservative leaders are now faced with the impossible task of trying to thread that needle. Bullshit is the only way to do it. But the more they bullshit the more they reinforce the internal conflict. There is no number of lynchings, deportations, rape jokes, or Tiki Torch rallies that will create even one single coal or steel job in non-college educated white America. Cutting off their state support payments won’t “restore dignity” to pill crushing racist white trash no matter how many times Paul Ryan says it.
Ratings may have been off the chart. But that’s not necessarily a good thing in this case.
The more people watched that meeting, the more people saw President Stable-Genius:
1) agree to move re-authorization of DACA independent of and ahead of any other legislation;
2) agree to a permanent pathway to citizenship for current undocumented aliens;
3) commit the Roypublican leadership in Congress to getting those two things done before March.
At least one or two House members of the Hillbilly Suicide Caucus saved it to their phones so they could watch it on the shitter.
@21 “For those of you who have a million dollars in actual savings you should retire to Arkansas or Mississippi … ”
Anyone who has a million dollars is going to want a better quality of life than Arkansas or Mississippi, and probably prefers Coke or Pepsi to RC Cola.
@25 “there is going to be one mighty happy civil litigation attorney in Louisiana”
They’re always sorry when they realize they’re liable.
Another Republican gov wants his state exempted from coastal drilling. Blue states need not apply.
“Any gay man as yourself should not go down the road of crating religious police and courts. Maybe the church of Satan, will be more tolerant, and will have a lot of fun with it. Ceremony in the capitol, draw the circle, participants enter sky clad, draw the pentagram and the ceremony begins.”
Douche bag @26 – try to figure out when I am being sarcastic or saying the opposite of something of how I really feel something so that my point is made and you making it for me.
As straight people yourself and others should not go down the road of crating religious police and courts like what is happening. The church shouldn’t be controlling marriage and defining shit, other than you are from the short bus.
“And since when are only men adulterers? And the husband in a lesbian couple has no penis, what do you do then, and if one gets pregnant even with a turkey baster or through a clinic is it not technically adultery and must be punished.”
I don’t know you – you figure out what you do in the case of lesbians…you call yourself smart and need me to answer that? You shouldn’t be asking.
Fugitive bail jumper Julian Assange is now a citizen of Ecuador.
It seems domestic terrorism isn’t a crime per se.
I see Walmart raised its starting wage from $10 to $11 an hour, and will give its underpaid employees a $1,000 bonus, in lieu of something meaningful such as health insurance or retirement benefits. Does anyone still work for $7.25 an hour, who hasn’t been deported?
I’m making about $10,000 a week in the stock market right now, thanks to the huge corporate tax cuts, most of which will flow directly to shareholders like me. I won’t spend a penny of it to stimulate the economy; I’ll use it to buy more stock. And I don’t have an employees, so nobody will get a pay raise from me, either. As far as I’m concerned, the only thing these tax cuts will accomplish is to make me even richer, lazier, and more obnoxious than I already am. Hey, that’s what we capitalists live for. Work? Nah, not us. Work is for the working class. Yes, I know workers create all the wealth in this country, but that doesn’t mean they get any of it. That’s why I’m not a worker. It doesn’t seem fair, but it is what it is.
Fifty Shades of Family Values.
Has anyone looked into imposing a work requirement on White House occupants?
@44 How about we just quit paying them? Most or all of them can afford to do political work for free. Except that Sarah gal; she looks like someone who needs a paycheck.
Don’t forget Miss Kellyanne Quiverfull. She’s got like seventeen kids to feed and a husband whose partners are trying to ease him out. She can’t stop working till she’s dead.
@46 I wouldn’t call what she does “work.”
@43 This guy has quite a resume — Navy SEAL, Rhodes Scholar, White House Fellow, etc. etc. etc.
Was a “Democrat” until he decided to be governor, then found it expedient to run as a Republican, and got elected as a “reform” candidate. Now he’s an accused adulterer and blackmailer.
The good news for Trump is two-thirds of the public think the economy is “excellent or good.” The bad news for Trump is two-thirds of the public don’t give him credit for it.
Kansas SoS and GOP vote suppression poster boy Kris Kobach says his state has 18,000 voting illegals; he just can’t find them, that’s all.
Republican chicks dig the long ball.
Republican and Democratic State Senators Admit Affair After They’re Allegedly Caught on Video
In a joint statement Tuesday, the bipartisan legislators — Republican Anitere Flores, of Southwest Miami-Dade, and Democrat Oscar Braynon II, of Miami Gardens — confirmed their relationship and apologized to their families and constituents. Both are reportedly married with children.
It’s a real shame that Evergreen Railfan doesn’t really post much until the weekend.
Penn Station’s new concourse is already falling apart
The $300 million underground concourse — which opened in June to connect the transit hub to the James A. Farley Post Office on Eighth Avenue — is plagued with at least a half-dozen large fissures, some a quarter of an inch wide and nearly 20 feet long, and numerous smaller cracks.
“It looks like an earthquake hit,” said Bertrand Delisme, a 27-year-old commuter from Queens, on Monday.
Wasn’t President Very Stable Genius “reportedly” married with children… all seven times… so far?
Asking for a friend…
who “reports” she is married with children too.
@ 53
Pretty sure @ 51 wasn’t a dig at either party.
Really? You, a supporter of the party of Kennedy and Clinton, are going to point fingers at the fidelity of the current president? You apparently didn’t pick up the fact those who knew, aided, and abetted are held in disdain as well. You think Oprah wore black because it is slimming? She wore black out of desperation for you to believe that she is part of the solution, not that she was part of the problem.
You knew #CrookedHillary was awful, and you knew why she was awful.
You should find the result painful. You did much to deserve it.
So Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 42 has told y’all HA libbies that Walmart is going partial Goldy and is raising its minimum wage to $11.
How about that?
Later the same day we learn
Walmart is closing 63 Sam’s Club stores and laying off thousands of employees.
The company abruptly shut down some of the stores on Thursday. The rest will close within the next couple of weeks.
Sam’s Club CEO John Furner notified employees of the closures in a companywide email on Thursday.
Fucking MoronBetter, is this correlation any easier for you to understand if we make it into a Connect-the-Dots game?The stores will turn into distribution centers for Walmart’s rapidly expanding e-commerce business, which is more profitable and requires fewer workers per revenue dollar.
“You knew #CrookedHillary was awful, and you knew why she was awful”
Someone here has all the wit of a treasonous Chatty Cathy doll. Pull the string, out comes the same old pro-Putin hashtag. Pull the string again, “Think on your sins!”
What a fucking bore.
Steve @ 56, Catherine the Great ruled Russia for more than three decades in the late 18th century.
Don’t know if she was the talkative type, tho.
A quote attributed to Catherine the Great:
Power without a nation’s confidence is nothing.
My gift to you, Steve.
There’s a video circulating of Harvey Weinstein being ‘punched twice’ in the face by someone.
Pretty sure the aggressor in it is YLB. Just watch those backhand slaps to Harvey. Oooh. (!)
Trump called a bunch of Third World countries “shitholes.” Man, you should tune into CNN and see all the cackling hens making noise about that! I didn’t vote for Trump, but he’s surely providing some great entertainment, and he’s really gotten under the skin of the CNN crew. The next four years are going to be a laugh a minute as these little newsy prima donnas get their underwear in a knot over the next thing Trump tweets! It’s just plain fun to watch.
I called Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s domecile a shithole.
Facts are facts.
Sam’s Club sites reported as closing:
901 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057
1101 Outlet Collection Way, Auburn, WA 98001
13550 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133
Last week we learned that Sears in Shoreline, only about 20 blocks north of the Aurora Sam’s location, also will shut its doors.
I don’t know about y’all, but I’m looking forward to fucking asshole Paul Constant’s
Goldy Retweeted
Paul Constant
Whenever Seattle proposes a law that benefits workers, Subway owners are always at the front of the line with a long list of complaints about how they can’t pay a living wage. Maybe the real takeaway should be that Subway is an unsustainable, bad business model?
Jan 10, 2018
next snarky comment about how Walmart is an unsustainable, bad business model.
Nope. Not at all. Just amusing myself and others at the plight of Roypublicans whose well of moralizing has finally run dry. And anticipating the reactions of millions of college educated suburban women when they realize it too.
Well now that you put it that way I am truuuuly ashamed of myself. I finally see the error of my ways. Now that I have the chance, and thanks in no small part to your shining an “objective” light on it, I see how wrong I was.
For truly, when I compare a homebrewed email server and pastel pant suits to an international financial conspiracy to sell our foreign policy and global security to a shirtless Russian dictator in exchange for hookers and oil leases there is really just no comparison. Yup.
Hey Bob – not sure you posted anything regarding this, but if not then here you go. Be proud brother!
@ 58 SSB:
“Power without a nation’s confidence is nothing.”
That certainly is food for thought. Too bad such an exercise is too much like work for Fat Donny to involve himself with. Not the food part, he’s certainly got that well in hand. I mean the thinking part. If he can’t be The Big Boss In The Comfy Chair he’ll stomp his dolls home and pout.
Hopefully sooner rather than later.
He is an utter coward, after all is said and done. Boil all the flab and bullshit out of him, and all that is left is a sniveling little raisin, incapable of even tying his own shoes or wiping the snot off his own lip, whining about how His Daddy Didn’t Love Him.
As an afterthought; You do of course understand that Catherine The Great was a mass murderer and an absolute tyrant.
No wonder you admire her. She reminds you of your mother.
“The non-structural cracks that have appeared in the terrazzo due to extreme weather have no impact on Concourse operations and are being repaired immediately by the project contractor at no cost to the State,” Empire State Development spokeswoman Amy Varghese said in a statement.”
By far the place isn’t falling apart. As much as it shouldn’t be doing what it is doing, Terrazzo is a surface topping on the structural slab. It might be less than an 1/2 inch thick. I don’t know the details, but in this case it probably was placed on an existing structural slab that possibly has some bounce to it and causing the cracks. Or it could be caused by expansion.
@ 63
Not at all. Just amusing myself and others at the plight of Roypublicans whose well of moralizing has finally run dry. And anticipating the reactions of millions of college educated suburban women when they realize it too.
Perhaps you are playing to the wrong cohort of women.
Drilling down further, he beat Clinton among white women without college degrees by 27 points. In the three states that decided the election — Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan — that margin was enough to send Trump to the White House.
I guess I have one more point to make: If 45% of college-educated women in 2016 were stupid enough to vote for Trump in 2016
Yet even so, Clinton still managed to win 51 percent of college-educated white women to Trump’s 45 percent—a partisan reversal from the 2012 election when then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won 52 percent of college-educated white women while Barack Obama won 46 percent.
what makes you think they would be smart enough not to do it again?
After all…
They’re women.
@14 See 1/8/18 Open thread, #14 & #19.
Why? More senile bloviation!
Wait for the shitstain comment!
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile CNN reported http://www.anews.com/us/p/6717.....rter-page/
CNN: FBI used Trump dossier to obtain FISA warrant against Carter Page!
Puddy mentioned this a while ago and the vomit producing dead toad went nutzo.
Puddy mentioned this a while ago and the senile idiot wabbit mumbled sumtin stooooooooooooopid!
Puddy mentioned this a while ago and the Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction Yellow Snow Hillbilly McDotCom claimed it was lies!
Puddy mentioned this a while ago and shitstain steve ran to raw story to change the subject!
Till Next Time!
Norwegians probably look at their high taxes getting them free college, $300 max out of pocket health care, murder rate under 1per/100,000 citizens and infant mortality rate of 2.5/1000 births, then look at the U.S. with low taxes, $10,000 year “Public” Universities, extremely costly health insurance, murder rate nearly 6/100,000 and infant mortality rate almost 6/1,000births and think, “Why would I move to that shit hole country that elected a racist asshole President?”
@ 64
…to an international financial conspiracy to sell our foreign policy and global security to a shirtless Russian dictator in exchange for hookers and oil leases there is really just no comparison.
Sure there is. Right now DOJ is investigating The Clinton Foundation and the two awful ones themselves for doing the same thing, only in exchange for boring ol’ piles o’ money.
Actual CNN link instead of a random nutjob site claiming CNN said it?
Just asking for what a Dotard like yourself demands regularly.
So long as the horse keeps putting out – that’s all that should matter for you Bob.
Hey Puffy – which shithole are you from?
Interesting development on the FISA warrants… https://pjmedia.com/trending/report-fbi-used-unverified-anti-trump-dossier-obtain-fisa-warrant/
Soooooooooooooooo the dossier (DNC and #CrookedHillary
Clinton Campaign funded) was used after all!
Puddy speculated this some time ago! The HA DUMMOCRETIN naysayers were WRONG again! Remember, Trump claimed his Tower was Obummer wiretapped. Seems it was! Butt, the libtard media will not recant their attack lies. They never do!
Till Next Time!
@ 71
Not only that, but it can’t get any easier to collude with Russia than this:
Inside the Weirdest Relationship a NATO Ally Has with Russia
At 1.6% of GDP, Norway spends half on defense what the US does, relative to its GDP. Which makes sense, because it’s not like Russia is important as a geopolitical foe or any such shit.
Conveniently leaving stuff out… Actual CNN
@ 73
Washington (CNN)The FBI last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump’s campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.
This is NOT new information – April, last year. What isn’t known is how much weight the dossier played in the approval.
Today there is new shit being reported. I see no reason to share it further because I don’t trust it myself.
@ 78
Conveniently leaving stuff out… Actual CNN
I notice that CNN itself left that out back in April, when it was oh-so-hoping that the dossier was credible.
Own this one, libbies. This and pink pussy hats are what 2017 will be rememberd by to the rest of America.
No effect yours truly can see on these numbers:
Been missing a while.. Anyone celebrate silly Darryl Issa’s retirement lately?
Btw my gravatar is a photo of silly Issa shutting up his political enemy – a black Dem congressman.
Here’s a vid of silly Issa bawling at the overwhelming reality that one million dollars of his money couldn’t buy the power it craved:
Boob would’ve voted for the freak anyway.
Hey flat beer froth… You forgot this CNN report?
EPIC FAYLE… DAYUM you really are a FOOL!!!! Well here’s that old link again!
— Washington (CNN)The FBI last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump’s campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.
The dossier has also been cited by FBI Director James Comey in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks, as one of the sources of information the bureau has used to bolster its investigation, according to US officials briefed on the probe.
This includes approval from the secret court that oversees the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to monitor the communications of Carter Page, two of the officials said. Last year, Page was identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser on national security. —
Just as Puddy reported it last year!
And… see #76!
Yeah about that FBI corroborated information… Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe… all #CrookedHillary lackeys!
It’s falling apart HA DUMMOCRETINTS!
Flat beer frothy… Stooooooooooooooooooooooopid as EVAH!
Till Next Time!
“The dossier has also been cited by FBI Director James Comey in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks, as one of the sources of information the bureau has used”
One source, a corroborating source dumbass..
It’s strong than ever dumbass. Drumpf is scared to death of its slimy business with kleptocrats and criminals being exposed. Who else would prop up its third-rate shlock properties built with Chinese steel?
One source, a corroborating source oh great one…
It should not have been part of any source you idiot.
Stay stoooooooooooooooooooopid gutter dweller. You are the lowest of the lowlife HA DUMMOCRETINS here!’
Trump is making our military #1. Is that a Putin act?
Trump is telling North Korea we’re serious. Is that a Putin act?
OMG, you are as insufferable as the vomit producing dead toad!
Till Next Time!
“Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe”
Are those the FBI that HA HEROES were told by the babbling butthole were “infuriated” by Obama’s remarks in support of Hillary?
Oh now they’re the bad guys! Yawwwnn.. stupid.
“Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe”
NOPE you DOPE @87! Read the Strzok/Page text threads! Still the lowest of the lowlife HA DUMMOCRETINS here!’
Till Next Time!
Yawwwnnn.. And tools of his are saying we should calm Vlad’s fee-fees…
Yep. Vlad doesn’t want a war with nukes going off near his border..
There are many facts in that dossier!
Yawwwnnn.. And tools of his are saying we should calm Vlad’s fee-fees…
Just like the Obummer Staples Reset Button! DAYUM you really R A FOOL!
Yep. Vlad doesn’t want a war with nukes going off near his border…
Which is why Vlad will go to war with the US over North Korea clueless cretin? http://www.newsweek.com/china-.....out-751779
Still stooooooooooooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Yeah. Why not? He can’t look weak before the other scumbags in Russia.
He walked all over that empty suit you voted for twice. Invaded Georgia.
Drumpf thanked Vlad for “reducing the payroll” at the US Embassy in Moscow..
Heh. A lot of them were Russian nationals but who’s counting?
A Putin act..
#91 & #92,
Puddy gives FACTS from left wrong sources and we get clueless cretin Stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid!
Till Next Time!
Drumpf yucked it with Russians in the Oval Office.
Russian cameras were allowed but not American.
A Putin act..
Even odds Drumpf FAYLES its physical tommorow and is diagnosed with early stage dementia..
Hello Preznit Pence.. We can only be so lucky.
Fortunately most of those college educated white women are a lot better at math than fake doctors.
Remember Mia Love is Haitian..
She called for Drumpf’s apology..
The babbling butthole is silent. We all know silence speaks volumes.
Twelve months and guess what Hillbillies?
When your beloved Orange Shit-Gibbon’s laziness, emotional instability, and… gulp… illiteracy isn’t the center of debate it’s his family treason!
This is going… well?
So much winning!
“Shithole countries” like Haiti (where Mia Love is from): bad
Norway: Good..
That’s what the babbling butthole troll voted for. Waytogo troll!
clueless crazed cretin.
Trump has been chastised over his comments. Nuff Said Sucka!
Till Next Time!
And you will always carry water for it.. Why not call for its resignation? Why not say:
“I’m done with ‘shithole countries’?”
“I’m done with ‘go back to their huts’?”
No way can this reflexive white supremacist combover freak be a Preznit for all the people..
He’s just about lost Mia Love.
Perhaps the babbling butthole reflexively fears a Preznit Pence..
Who’s more likely to sign a national sunday law?
Bernie Sanders or Mike Pence?
Oh, my dear Lord! Just look at how the loon has soiled this fine thread with his HATE!
@76 & 80
They are reporting it now because someone they trust is a source. Perhaps you don’t know how journalism works.
PiddlesA confirmed liar is linking to PJ Media and other wing nut sites because they will spin it the way he wants to believe.Other things we have known for almost a year…”Some aspects of the dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
Nothing about the CNN report changes that. “Some aspects of the dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
The FBI went to the FISA court with verified information AND that the dossier is a corroborating source which is EXACTLY what CNN reported but you loons want to ignore.
“But, but, but…The FISA warrant came because of the dossier. The Dossier that Bannon ordered the research on and then was shopped to the Clinton campaign.
“Some aspects of the dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
Sucks to be you.
President Pence would probably declare the loon’s wrong-day-Sabbath SDA doomsday death cult a terrorist group. And rightly so!
Of course, if the DUMMOCRETIN scum take the house and senate, the orange moron in the WH will sign any bill they put in front of him because he’s so desperate for wins. The loon’s head will explode with HATE!
“By far the place isn’t falling apart.”
Well, we all know that Doctor Dumbfuck knows more about law than judges and attorneys. So no surprise here that he knows more about building structures than structural engineers and architects. He isn’t known as Doctor Dumbfuck for nothing.
Oopsie… http://yournewswire.com/psychi.....d-license/
Till Next Time!
Hey look another NY DUMMOCRETIN in action… http://americanlookout.com/new.....ief-funds/
Till Next Time!
Where is the clueless cretin here? http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....arks-about
“Are they going to open a hamburger stand next or what?” she said, referring to the popular fast food restaurant “Five Guys.”
Till Next Time!
“But, but, but…The FISA warrant came because of the dossier. The Dossier that Bannon ordered the research on and then was shopped to the Clinton campaign.
The dossier was Steve Bannon’s creation?
Verified information to FISA? Is that the reason Adam Schiff has changed his tune again flat beer frothy?
Got proof flat beer frothy?
The rest of that rant is radioactive DIPSHITTIUM!
Till Next Time!
Wherein federal appeals court judges take apart a county attorney who is attempting to defend a rogue cop who violently arrested an Air Force officer for being inside his own home while Hispanic.
You can read more about the facts of the case here:
What’s really funny about this appellate argument is that the presiding judge orders the assistant county attorney to have his supervisor review the tape of his argument, and then determine whether his argument was “appropriate.”
Shit, it’s bad enough when you don’t know what you’re talking about in a law school class, but to fuck up like this in oral argument before the Ninth Circuit, hmm …
There’s ample proof that you’re a liar. Ask YLB to check the archives.
I could google the information for you but why bother? You’re too busy bearing false witness about FISA courts to pay any attention to FACTS!
Too Damn Funny.
@ 87
Are those the FBI that HA HEROES were told by the babbling butthole were “infuriated” by Obama’s remarks in support of Hillary?
By all appearances, they were not.
“Some aspects of the Dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
If you throw yourself on the floor and scream and beat your hands on the tile it won’t change that.
“Some aspects of the Dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
Maybe threaten to hold your breath?
@ 97
Remember Mia Love is Haitian..
Um, by the same rationale could Barack Obama not be described as Kenyan, YLB?
Bet you wish you could take that one back. It’s OK. We all know you didn’t mean it the way it came out, and that you would be just as gracious had it been written by your opponent.
Ya shoulda said she is a New Yawker. Or merely stuck with she’s American.
Well done, YLB. Well done.
@ 115
Some aspects of…
That’s quite a stretch. The dossier says Carter page met with some Russians. Well, yes, yes he did.
That is ‘verification’ of something claimed in the dossier.
Here’s commentary about the dossier from that noted right-wing rag, Vox:
The most one can really say has been confirmed about the Steele dossier is that a) there was in fact a Russian effort to help Trump, and b) the Trump camp clearly knew more about it than they said publicly.
The parts of the dossier that have been ‘verified’ are silly. Now that it’s clear that the dossier was a thinly-veiled oppo research document misused by the FBI against a Trump campaign member, ‘some aspects have been verified’ is all that you have to cling to.
I understand we’re still waiting for the names of journalists on the Fusion GPS payroll during the last six months fo 2016. When a court order finally compels its release, it will not be something that Democrats find to their liking.
Parts of my last sentence have been ‘verified’. No, really.
@54 “Really? You, a supporter of the party of Kennedy and Clinton, are going to point fingers at the fidelity of the current president?”
If you have a problem with @53 doing it, I’ll be happy to, and you should be okay with that since I never voted for either of those guys.
@ 97, 116
I bet one of Mia Love’s Democrat election opponents used the same line YLB did.
Remember, Salt Lake City voters, my opponent is Haitian.
How ya feelin’ about things, YLB? It is time for you to ask me why I post on this site again?
@55 “The stores will turn into distribution centers for Walmart’s rapidly expanding e-commerce business, which is more profitable and requires fewer workers per revenue dollar.”
And you think Walmart wouldn’t have converted those stores to e-commerce distribution centers if Sam’s Club employees had kept working for a dollar less an hour?
Yeah, I see why you can’t figure out which of us is the dumbfuck.
@ 120
I think Walmart wouldn’t have converted those stores if it wasn’t responsible for the leases despite the closures of the stores.
I have had no trouble whatsoever with the determination that you are the dumbfuck, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You post far too much supportive evidence to be ignored.
Michigan just got a little redder.
Fiat Chrysler to invest more than $1 billion in Michigan plant and give $2,000 bonuses in response to tax reform
Hey, if Obama hadn’t saved Chrysler, this wouldn’t be possible, amirite?
The automaker said it will invest more than $1 billion in a Michigan plant and relocate production of its Ram Heavy Duty truck in 2020. That model is currently being produced in Saltillo, Mexico.
I think one way to spin that would be jobs coming back to America. In 2020. Something seems important about that year. Maybe it’s because it’s an Olympic year.
That’s the three letter word Biden told you about: J-O-B-S
@61 At least my shit doesn’t go into Puget Sound like yours does. Btw, that’s “domicile,” not “domecile.” If you can’t spell, use a dictionary. It’s not hard.
Still trying to spin it. “Some aspects of the Dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.”
But I’m a medical professional and not a U.S. Intelligence asset so I’ll wildly speculate which aspects have been verified. It may be just that a campaign operative Carter Page was having meetings with Russian sources and that is in no way in dispute.
But wildly speculating is what Dr. Dumbfuck wants to do. So it may also be that Don Jr. was meeting with a Russian banker who is at the heart of a money laundering scheme for Mexican drug lords who also has lots of contacts with Putin. It may also be that there is solid evidence that DerTurmper enjoys a good golden shower now and again. It could be that Paul Manafort really did act as a foreign agent without notifying anyone at the same time he was involved in the campaign. Or it could be that a Presidential Candidate was, not on camera and not on video, asking Russia to illegally hack as much information as possible from his election opponent.
“Some aspects of the dossier have been verified by intelligence sources.” (“No, no. You cannot reference the dossier because some of it is acknowledged as unlikely though a source actually said it might have happened. Anything intelligence sources have verified must be ignored because other stuff.”)
Too Damn Funny
@ 124
The dossier has turned into a slow-motion train wreck for the Democrat party.
I’m fine waiting for the locomotive to stop before we get to pick through the wreckage.
I got nothin’ but time. Oh, and 205 points added to the Dow today. Oh, and a slightly better grasp on 16 important electoral votes @ 122.
Ordered by conservatives. Re-Sold.
Sucks to be Piddles. “He must have lied under oath to Congress. I know in my heart. I have FACTS! You ignore my FACTS! It is FAKE INFORMATION! It came from the Democrats! I posted the link to it years ago! I know in my heart of hearts that everything in the Dossier is FAKE NEWS!” – A Confirmed liar
@66 “Catherine The Great was a mass murderer and an absolute tyrant”
Yeah, but she looked exactly like Catherine Zeta-Jones.
And left us this advice: “Don’t meddle in politics!”
Too Damn Funny.
What damaging information that was “Verified by intelligence sources.” about a Democrat is in the Dossier?
But as a corroborating document it is doing actual damage to the ‘Sadministration.’ Four people charged and two guilty pleas so far…
Yeah, it’s SO hurting Democrats.
“Why don’t you wake up and smell what you’re shovelling.” Sgt. Al Powell
@68 “makes you think they would be smart enough not to do it again?”
Familiarity breeds contempt.
@72 “Right now DOJ is investigating The Clinton Foundation and the two awful ones themselves for doing the same thing, only in exchange for boring ol’ piles o’ money.”
Republicans have been investigating the Clintons for, what, 40 years now? And so far haven’t convicted them of so much as a parking ticket. What makes you think they’ll do any better this time?
@ 126
Ordered by conservatives. Re-Sold.
First Rule of Holes.
There was no dossier before Steele. Steele was not hired until Democrats began paying Fusion GPS. Here’s the New York Times, handing your ass to you:
After Mr. Trump secured the nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the D.N.C. by their law firm, Perkins Coie, to compile research about Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates — including possible connections with Russia. It was at that point that Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele, who has deep sourcing in Russia, to gather information.
Just stop, Pilsner. You’re not even a mild challenge anymore. You’ve fallen into YLB territory.
@125 Let’s suppose you’re right. What follows next is someone of your character celebrating the re-election of someone of Trump’s character. How do you come out of that looking good?
@ 130
Republicans have been investigating the Clintons for, what, 40 years now? And so far they haven’t convicted them of so much as a parking ticket. What makes you think they’ll do any better this time?
It’s not Republicans investigating them this time. It’s the DOJ.
And I’m pretty sure the Clintons would have preferred a parking ticket to this:
Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court
Or maybe not. Few attorneys ever make $500,000 in an hour. You probably didn’t reach that milestone in your career, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 132
How do you come out of that looking good?
I don’t have to look good. I merely need to come out of it looking better than you.
It’s not a heavy lift, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
In other news …
Trump canceled his trip to London.
Bannon testifies next week in a closed hearing of the House Intelligence Committee. (“Does this mean we’re not friends anymore?”)
A major accounting firm says Trump’s trade policies could cancel out the benefits of tax reform.
Morgan Stanley’s top market strategist predicts the “horrible” timing of tax reform will undercut the market later this year.
The New York Fed chief warns the tax cuts will put the U.S. on an “unsustainable” fiscal path and hurt growth.
Trump has decided to cave on Iran sanctions.
Trump concedes he can’t make Mexico pay for his border wall.
So much winning!
But hey, if my stocks keep going up …
@ 135
… it’s possible that eventually you’ll really be a millionaire.
It’s not a heavy lift.
@134 “I don’t have to look good. I merely need to come out of it looking better than you. It’s not a heavy lift, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Trust me, you don’t look good, and never will. The part of this comment that mystifies me is how you plan to look better than me by shilling for a “treasonous” (not my word) patsy who launders money for a shirtless dictator’s mobster friends in exchange for getting peed on by his excellent prostitutes.
Thanks for reposting the NY Times link again. Puddy gave that information from other libtard sources and they are all in the crazed databaze. Flat beer frothy is afraid to ask and find out just how unread and stooooooooooooooooooooopid it really is. Above it claimed Steve Bannon was behind the dossier. Puddy didn’t know the Washington Free Beacon was a Steve Bannon erag. Butt, flat beer frothy thought so, so it must be so! Hey, he read it in a left wrong site. When you can’t refute FACTS attack the messenger or the message location. Typical left wrong Saul Alinsky tactics. HA DUMMOCRETINS have learned well. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Flat beer frothy is dr checkmate-252 and its DIPSHITTIUM element is worse than its BULLSHITTIUM panty load it delivers each day. It won’t give up. Not in its nature to stop when proven stooooooooooooooooooooopid!
Even Roger senile idiot wabbit isn’t using the dossier was from the Republicans anymore. Sometimes flat beer frothy is like the clueless cretin, repetitive and nauseating!
Till Next Time!
Why is it, that everyone who opposes Fascism, is automatically defamed by the open racists, bigots, wanna-be murderers and crazy conspiracy theorists as being “communist”?
Could it be that the idea that a hard-line authoritarian police state and the requisite social control bureaucracies necessitate the manufacture of a mythical enemy to consolidate political control over the people they themselves desire absolute authority and control over? When Police are tasked not with enforcing the Law, but enforcing social control mechanisms such as religious edicts, and allowed to commit murder during the course of that enforcement, who is safe from the people who would openly break the law to enrich themselves or commit heinous actions to preserve their own sociopolitical status? Hell, up until the 1970s, most States had County Sheriffs who openly treated their Counties as personal fiefdoms on behalf of the largest landowners. They enforced the will of the wealthiest citizens, often in direct conflict with the Law. Then as now, it was nothing for the wealthiest to control who ran for the office, it was a minor expense. The Law was a convenient tool and a weapon to be used against personal or business enemies. The law serves the purposes of wealth rather than justice. Under such a “system”, ordinary citizens are treated as personal property and may be robbed, disposed of or displaced at will. Any dissent is squashed, no matter how legitimate the claim may be under the Law.
That is the definition of Fascism. The Law only works for the people who can pay the greatest amount for its enforcement. Everyone else is a mere Serf who can be killed or sold off on a whim.
The purpose of this, is to protect themselves from the Law, not guarantee a fair and equitable Legal system that applied to everyone. Crimes are defined by the financial or social damage to the landowners, not by the nature of legality.
Accuse your enemy of that which you yourself would do if you seek total authoritarian control of a socio-political system. It worked for Germany, it worked for Russia, it worked for England. It is the basic nature of a Fascist Authority structure to demand real violence in response to mythical violence even if that Myth is rooted in their own violent behaviors towards the people they have authority over. This is why Police Officers can shoot a man in the back claiming that they were “feeling” threatened while at the same time being allowed to openly fabricate evidence in support of that claim, and nobody but the “Communists” ask any questions. As those “Communists” have already been denounced as such and their apparent danger to society has been well established in the Court of Public Opinion, any claims they may make are automatically dismissed. So a Cop committing a murder at the behest of a wealthy person is safe from the Law, as is that Wealthy person.
The Wealthiest individuals in this Country, as in any other Nation have always openly denounced the Law when they themselves are guilty of violating it. They consider themselves to be “too important” to the world to be subject to the rules that they require other people to live by. Many of them say this openly.
Resisting Despotism isn’t Communism. Telling a Billionaire that he cannot take possession of your children to use as they see fit isn’t Communism. Refusing to submit to the whims of an insane leader isn’t Communism. Standing up and protesting against being robbed isn’t Communism.
Funny thing, nearly everyone who actually did the fighting for the Confederacy were the same young men who were locked out of owning land and having honest work, by their landlords who owned chattel slaves to do the work, and held possession of nearly all the private property that existed. The entire Confederate War effort was privately financed by the same people who refused to pay their workers or permit them influence over their own legal dispositions.
What a wonderful thing our Free Market Economy is.
Why is it, that weapons that are banned from warfare are legal to sell to the public in the United States? There may be some small level of background checking for firearms, but there sure as hell isn’t for the ammunition. Anyone can walk into a gun shop and buy it without so much as an ID check if the purchaser looks old enough. One of the guys I used to hunt with when I was in my 20s was a convicted felon, having been convicted in Idaho of shooting a guy over a car title. He did seven years for it. He had no trouble whatsoever buying his ammo loading supplies or factory-made ammunition, or getting a hunting license or the deer tags.
“Few attorneys ever make $500,000 in an hour.”
I reckon you have nothing but scorn for this senile B-movie actor and his batshit insane costar wife.
“Eight Days in Japan Earn Ron and Nancy $2 Million—Now That’s Reaganomics”
“But was it appropriate, critics asked, for a former President to cash in on his White House luster so blatantly? Of the four living ex-Presidents, Jimmy Carter seems to have done the least for financial gain, spending his time instead on church-, housing-and peace-related efforts. Richard Nixon has published seven books, but accepts no honoraria for public appearances. Gerald Ford has turned himself into a one-man industry, producing endorsements, speeches and public appearances and serving on corporate boards; last year alone he earned an estimated $1 million. All that, however, pales next to Reagan’s $2 million single score in Japan.”
You truly are a dumbfuck.
For our racist doctor who celebrates death and his black self-loathing loon side-kick, this disgusting display of presidential racial hate most foul probably got their dicks hard.
@ 141
After years of reading your posts, ‘froggy, I am far less concerned about the public safety ramifications of your friend’s access to ammunition than I am about your access to ammunition.
I bet a lot of rage builds up in you as you stand in that long line at the unemployment office.
I bet a lot of rage builds up in you as you receive yet another rejection letter from an employer who isn’t looking for someone who was workforce re-trained in technology at the Barbizon School of Modeling.
Fusion GPS Sworn Testimony (Thanks Dianne!) before Congress contradicts your narrative. But then not surprising that you would cite Fox News’ version of events over actual facts. (Too Damn Funny)
“Well we did research for about a year but in the last months hired another employee to work on it so the document you have there is 100% the work of the new guy AND NO ONE ELSE!” That’s the narrative you’re shoveling.
Well played.
A precise summation. Thank you.
I’m frankly no longer taking much interest in what these trumpanzees are posting because there never seems to be anything new, and the basic pattern in it never changes. They are obsessed with discrediting the investigation into the Trump campaign’s involvement with Russian espionage agents and illegal theft of documents. But all they seem to do is re-issue the same angry screeds and unsupported declarations hoping that somehow volume will stand in for evidence.
Then the Dumbfuck plugs in a random post celebrating every time thr Dow ticks up another point or a hillbilly loses a forklift job. And the Liar posts some clickbait LEEENK to some RT agitprop. And the whole thing starts all over again.
Six trading days after crossing 25,000, the DJIA is within shouting distance of 26,000 after a 202 point (so far) gain this morning.
DJIA 25,777 at this writing.
Thank you so much, President #CrookedHillary.
If this keeps up, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit might be able to afford his own copy of Barron’s. Imagine how many norovirus virions must be coating the copy at that public library. Ole!
Widely reported and verified under oath…
Yeah, I mixed up Breitbart and Free Beacon. I’ll cop to that.
@ 146
They are obsessed with discrediting the investigation into the Trump campaign’s involvement with Russian espionage agents and illegal theft of documents.
By its actions, so is the FBI.
Now Doctor Dumbfuck only supports LE when they are repeat-tazing pregnant brown women or gunning down twelve-year-olds with Nerf guns. Trumpism continues its march…
You should really reconsider whether it is worth it to engage them on this level.
Bear in mind what they are proposing. First President PeePee, and now his mind-slaves like Doctor Dumbfuck, are not merely suggesting that the investigation is a “nothing burger”. They are arguing that the investigation consists of and is motivated by a wide ranging conspiracy at the highest levels of the FBI. Even if you knew nothing at all about the FBI the claim would lack credibility.
It’s BENGHAAAZI!!! on steroids. It’s Jade Helm/Chemtrails lunacy distilled into purified elixir the sole purpose of which is to poison public confidence in the world’s finest law enforcement agency so as to protect a decompensating illiterate dementia patient with his tiny hands hovering over his “very large nuclear button”. I say let them run with it.
Looks like all this time I’ve been committing treason. Who knew?*
*Shortbus knew. He gets this stuff.