How far do you feel you have to go in a book before you abandon it. I say unless you’ve been told it starts slow, if you didn’t like chapter 1, stop reading. I don’t have time for this shit.
But now, I’m reading a book on the July Crisis (between Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand being assassinated and the outbreak of World War One). It’s good, but slow going. I am well over 200 pages in. There’s a lot of interesting stuff about Balkan nationalist movements and great power politics. But so far, the Arch Duke remains sadly still alive.
I think I might give it up even though it is interesting, because it’s taking forever.
It appears a train has derailed on I-5 near Mounts Road. Waiting on details.
I know what you mean about dry books. I read a book about the Scotch-Irish in America, and it was pretty dry and boring. I slogged through it, however, and learned some interesting things about the Ulster Plantation of Scots to Ireland and how the English were dicks to not only the Irish but also to the Scots who came to Ulster at the “invitation” of the English. It also influenced me to read a few other books on the subject of Ireland, England and Scotland. I learned quite a bit from it all, and I think it enriched my knowledge of a bit of European history.
Hey, this tax cut bill is seemingly taking forever as well. Time to abandon, I guess.
Dow 24,827.56 175.82 0.71%
S&P 500 2,692.24 16.43 0.61%
Nasdaq 6,991.75 55.17 0.80%
It is Amtrak 501, and the bridge over I-5 might be near where the train rejoins the BNSF mainline. Not sure from the image on King 5.
That’s literally on I-5.
Derailed Amtrak train plunges off bridge onto I-5 lanes south of Tacoma
Amtrak derailment is a “mass casualty incident,” no numbers, but authorities say numerous deaths and injuries; all lanes of southbound I-5 are blocked near DuPont. Passenger cars fell off a bridge onto I-5.
This crash is a FUBAR that Amtrak and WSDOT knew was dangerous, but they ignored warnings:
“LAKEWOOD, Wash. – City leaders gave a chilly reception to a new high-speed rail plan for Amtrak trains that starts running later this month. The idea is to use the Sound Transit tracks that cut through the city and open them up to Amtrak trains. However, huge safety concerns remain. …
“Recent track upgrades will allow Amtrak to send its locomotives through at 79 miles an hour. … The mayor of Lakewood believes it is just a matter of time before these high speed trains kill someone. …
“’Come back when there is that accident, and try to justify not putting in those safety enhancements, or you can go back now and advocate for the money to do it, because this project was never needed and endangers our citizens,’ Anderson said.”
Seattle Times says this was the new service’s “inaugural run.”
Dumbfuck @ 7
The article you reference concerns the new track running through Lakewood and not the long-existing track at the site of the derailment well south of Lakewood.
If you actually pull your head out of your “assonated” orifice you can read lower to this paragraph:
The mayor of Lakewood believes it is just a matter of time before these high speed trains kill someone. He asked the DOT presenters to do better. Mayor Don Anderson said grade separations – such as overpasses – should be included to keep trains away from cars and pedestrians.
The mayor was suggesting overpasses. The Amtrak train derailed from an overpass.
No one needs the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit news aggregation.
Since 2012 Sounder has used it since 2012 between Tacoma and Lakewood, without problems. They also had been testing it recently, could be crew rest of. Also, I am still trying to tell if it WAS where the trains rejoin the tracks to Portland. If it was the junction, it could be a misaligned switch. If that is the case, I have always said centralizing dispatch and train control was a bad idea.
I am not sure, but the switches may be controlled by the dispatcher, and that could be either Tacoma Rail, or BNSF. If it’s the former, it’s local, if it’s the latter, Fort Worth.
Too early to tell, but possibly engineer error. In the footage I just seen on King 5, I saw that the curve leading into it was currently limited to 30mph, even for the Talgo.
Well America’s airports suck and railways suck and detrimental to ones health and living. And I probably got a tax increase to look forward to. Times be awesome!
I’m sure this Country will see a bunch of Infrastructure investment by the Public.
@8 This train was NOT running on its normal route. It was NOT running at the normal speed for that route. It was the “inaugural run” of a new high-speed service between Portland and Seattle on different tracks. Well, guess what, the tracks weren’t up to it.
Yes, the Lakewood mayor’s concerns were specifically about grade crossings in his community, and a train falling off an overpass onto I-5 near DuPont wasn’t his problem and therefore wasn’t the specific subject of his warnings.
So let’s conduct a logic-based analysis of your grounds for calling me a “dumbfuck.”
What the mayor warned about was trains traveling too fast through populated areas. A train traveling too fast crashed in a populated area.
An analogous situation is if, say, the mayor of Podunk, Iowa, complains the air traffic control system in his area isn’t safe and two planes flying a route that takes them over Podunk, Iowa, collide over Below Zero, Minnesota. So if I post that the mayor of Podunk warned this route was unsafe, I’m a dumbfuck because the planes crashed in Minnesota instead of Iowa?
You’re the dumbfuck.
Good thing “we” voted to pay fuck tons more money to add more of these archaic toys to our region.
Let’s take a vote. There are two candidates on this ballot.
Who’s the dumbfuck?
[ ] Roger Rabbit
[ ] Doctor Dumbfuck
@14 Why are you picking on trains? You’d get precisely the same result from driving a car too fast. In fact, cars kill far more people than trains do. The issue here is speed, not mode of transportation, dummy.
@7 “No one needs the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit news aggregation.”
I won’t dispute that morons like you living in information-free zones have no use for news aggregation.
16) Starting to see more details on the news. King 5 keeps zooming in on the speed limit sign, it was a 30 mph curve, even for the Talgo. Reports it may have gone 80 before it hit the curve. According to a freight engineer Ling 5 just had on, the automatic air brake may have worked as intended., sadly. He said the brake is supposed to engage when a change in track conditions happens.
First casualty report by Pierce County Sheriff’s spokesman says 70 passengers were aboard the train, of whom at least 3 were killed, but no fatalities in the freeway traffic are reported so far.
CNBC reports that Amtrak says “about 83” people were on the train.
At 18, meant King 5.
Scarborough: The GOP tax plan ‘steals’ $1.5 trillion from millennials
“Republicans who claim to care about the debt are voting to steal $1.5 trillion from millennials, the very people who, 48 percent are saying, ‘no, we don’t like the Republican Party,’” Scarborough said.
By their actions, What do republicans show they value? By his words, what does Godwin show he values?
16…Because additional trains are unnecessary to the regions transportation and will not reduce congestion and only add additional layers of potential danger, inconvenience, cost, etc… If our regions transportation was built from the ground up around trains it might be one thing, but just shitting trains in and around our established modes of transport it stupid, costly and at worst dangerous.
@21. An argument could be made that since millennials already don’t like republicans, republicans don’t lose anything by punishing them further.
@21 This tax bill drips with vindictiveness.
Republicans attacked teachers, university endowment funds, grad students, and student loan debtors in the draft versions although those provisions didn’t make it into the final rewrite.
They also went after the residents of “blue” states, but had to back off there, too (because, guess what, some GOP reps and senators represent “blue” districts and states).
They also tried to legalize political contributions funneled through churches, but that didn’t make it into the final bill because the Senate parliamentarian ruled this provision was outside the budget reconciliation process and would require 60 votes for passage.
Pssst @23, you know there are Conservative millennials right?
22)Both lines are about a century old, both Northern Pacific vintage. There has not been regular passenger service South of Lakewood since the 1950s on the now Sound Transit owned Lakeview Subdivision.
@25 And there are gay and black conservatives. So? Conservative and republican are not same thing and their beliefs and actions do not always align. Just like Christians and evangelicals may say they believe in the same things, but by their actions, they do not.
22)Both lines are about a century old, both Northern Pacific vintage. There has not been regular passenger service South of Lakewood since the 1950s on the now Sound Transit owned Lakeview Subdivision.
The footage I am seeing, a freight engineer is describing that it appears the locomotive, a brand new Siemens SC-44 Charger, jumped the tracks, and after the separation, the automatic air brakes engaged. Probably why the remaining cars stayed upright.
Edit @24: “They also tried to legalize tax deductions for political contributions funneled through churches, but that didn’t make it into the final bill because the Senate parliamentarian ruled this provision was outside the budget reconciliation process and would require 60 votes for passage.”
In other news, Trump’s nefarioust “election integrity” commission has locked out its Democratic members as it plots its voter suppression strategies.
In other news, Trump’s nefarious “election integrity” commission has locked out its Democratic members as it plots its voter suppression strategies.
In other news, Trump’s nefarious “election integrity” commission has locked out its Democratic members as it plots its voter suppression strategies.
In other news, Trump’s nefarious “election integrity” commission has locked out its Democratic members as it plots its voter suppression strategies.
In other news, Trump’s nefarious “election integrity” commission has locked out its Democratic members as it plots its voter suppression strategies.
In other news, Trump’s nefarious “election integrity” commission has locked out its Democratic members as it plots its voter suppression strategies.
Anybody else having problems with HA freezing up this morning?
@25 Every generation has a few home schooled idiots.
@28 News sources say this is new trackage with upgrades, but lacks Positive Train Control, which is opposed by the industry because of cost. Some indications of an obstruction on the tracks.
This is not the regular route used by the Portland-Seattle Amtrak. The derailment occurred on a 30 mph curve. The train may have been dong 81 mph.
Way too soon to identify a cause, though. NTSB team on its way to the crash site from D.C.
Not too soon for Trump, though.
“In a tweet Monday, Trump contended that the accident ‘shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly.'”
Pause … pause … pause … then … finally …
“In a subsequent tweet sent minutes later, he said his ‘thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved in the train accident’ and thanked first responders.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He probably was told by staff to send the second tweet to keep him from looking bad by, you know, exploiting a tragedy to push his political agenda. In any case, it’s obvious what his first thoughts were. In his mind, the victims took a back seat to politics.
Doctor Dumbfuck gets my check mark (or vote).
37)This was the first train on the Point Defiance Bypass. I was following the events this weekend on All Aboard Washington ‘s Facebook page. It looked like the transition went smoothly to the new station. They packed up the computer at the station the moment they sold the last ticket, so they could install it at the new station. I still plan to take a train ticket to Portland, have tickets for Friday.
38) I believe some of the money for the upgrades came from the money Republican governors gave back. There is another aspect of that, but it is too early to bring it up. It involves the two trainers Walker refused.
@27 those black and gay conservatives are the dumbest fuckers going, dumber than the dumbfuck doctor.
I can see having a conservative view – even I am not so gung ho on abortion or legalizing pot….but to vote for the fucking Devil….I don’t fucking think so. To be told and treated that you are a second class citizen and still vote for them – really you have to be the biggest dumbfuck out there.
Railfan, to completely change the subject, CSX’s CEO died over the weekend.
What does this do to CSX? Does it make it a Buffett target or would that trigger antitrust?
43, the way Harrison ran CSX, I doubt it. Harrison was the biggest practitioner of the cult of the operating ratio, as one trade magazine called it. The OR, or expenses to revenue, the lower the better. BNSF does not follow that philosophy.
@43 Your attraction to overvalued stocks is peculiar.
I think one can be old school Conservative and be gay or black or poor, ete. I’m a gay man and I have a lot of traditional conservative values. I am for policies that support families and good schools. I believe hard work and sacrifice should mean something. I believe our society should continue to take care of the young, the sick, the helpless and the elderly. I think our nation should be able to protect itself from foreign enemies and defeat those who attack us. I believe in just and fair law enforcement. I believe all people are created equal. I believe in truth and justice and the opportunity for happiness. Among other things
However I can’t see current republican politicians voting for those values. You will have to decide what they value by their actions, what policies they put in place.
Damn few. And the one’s who are “conservative” rarely vote, rarely work, and spend almost all of their free time bleaching their Fred Perry polos, painting vaguely fascist symbols on homemade shields, and pulling Air Jordan’s out of the grill on their six cylinder Dodge Chargers.
A perceptive and articulate midwest newspaper editor with Republican leanings in a county that gave 76% of its vote to Trump explains Trumpism: White resentment. They know they’re voting against their economic self-interest. But they want to stick it to the “liberal elites” who spell correctly, value science and factual accuracy, and look down on racists and bigots.
This resentment is so strong that we shouldn’t “expect the Russia investigation, no matter how egregious its findings or numerous its indictments, to make a difference … white rural Americans will stick with Trump no matter how he debases his office and vaporizes the norms of common decency.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Obviously, anyone engaging in this level of self-destructive behavior has serious psychological problems. As for how to deal with them, we won’t, we’ll just vote against them every chance we get. You can’t negotiate much less compromise with dumbfuckery. And anyone who would wreck our society because of his kneejerk feelings of personal grievance deserves all the disrespect we’re capable of heaping on him.
45)CSX or BNSF/Berkshire Hathaway?
Harrison got noticed for allegedly turning Illinois Central, and later it’s parent Canadian National . Them an activist investor bought control of Canadian Pacific, and hired Harrison. At CP he tried to force a merger with Norfolk Southern. If that had happened, I think Altoona , Schaeffer Crossing, and Chattanooga, three historic locomotive shops, would have closed.
Hey, anyone gotten around to realizing the proximity of those tracks to Evergreen State College?
An article dated to April 20 details how anarchists “poured concrete on the train tracks that lead out of the Port of Olympia to block any trains from using the tracks” to stop fracking equipment from being transported.
Looking forward to the continued defenses of Antifa behavior by HA libbies, all while they claim to have no idea how Antifa keeps showing up at their rallies and protests, nor how they might stop those innocent black-clad fun-loving mask-wearing individuals from crashing their peaceful liberal events.
Oh. That April 20 piece? Yeah, it was deleted. Today, in fact. Go figure.
@50 “Looking forward to the continued defenses of Antifa behavior by HA libbies”
Well, for one thing, if it turns out the ESC activists had nothing to do with the Amtrak crash you’re gonna look like a Paul Bunyan-sized dumbfuck.
But apart from that, you don’t have to be a black-clad window-smashing “antifa” to be against fascism, but you do have to be a dumbfuck to be a shill for fascists.
@ 51
Well, for one thing, if it turns out the ESC activists had nothing to do with the Amtrak crash you’re gonna look like
a Paul Bunyan-sized dumbfuckanchorman Brian Ross of ABC News.
An updated analysis concludes the 1% will get 82% of the tax bill’s benefits. While it also says most households will get temporary tax reductions, its calculations don’t take into account the offsetting effects future tax increases, the inflation this stimulus will cause, or the cuts to middle class entitlements that Republicans will argue are necessary because of the soaring deficits they created to billionaires huge tax cuts.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You don’t need statistical analysis to figure this out. The 1% are getting over $1 trillion of tax breaks. They aren’t paying for it. One thing’s certain: As every investor knows, there’s no free lunch, so somebody is. Let’s see, who could that be, maybe, um, the 99%? Or at least the bottom 90% of the 99%. But as noted @48 above, the dumbfuck farmers will keep voting for the politicians who screwed them anyway, because resenting the “urban elites” is more important than feeding their families (and they don’t believe in sending their kids to college anyway).
ears of corn don’t vote. Patriotic not-rapist Americans do.
I really couldn’t give two runny shits what some pig-ignorant, sister fucking hillbillies resent. Stop for second and think about exactly who these people are. Every single conceivable advantage over the post war years handed to them on a silver platter. Three decades of generously funded FHA, VA, and SBA low interest loans locally administered and carefully set aside exclusively for white men. Without ag price supports funded by coastal urban tax payers many of these communities like Hillsboro would have disappeared decades ago. We’ve poured billions into these communities for decades building colleges, universities, prisons, highways, electrical gen plants, hydro dams, irrigation dams, reservoirs, canals, pipelines, etc. As the employment marketplace shifted away from resource extraction, ag, and manufacturing we created massive worker retraining programs carefully tailored to the needs of these communities. We’ve larded them with extended federal unemployment benefits for decades. And now we are poised to launch billions more in programs to pry them off their sofas and ween them off crushing pills and jacking off all day to barnyard porn. They’ve had five fucking decades to slowly adjust to the ideas of multiculturalism, religious tolerance, racial equality, and equal rights for women. And throughout that period we’ve showered them with money to buy their willingness. I just don’t care if these things still scare them. I really don’t. Fuck all of them. Seriously. Their time has run out.
Waaaay too late.
@46 Couldn’t agree with you more. But unfortunately, the current right wing radicals pretty much have control or at least get what they want because the more moderate ones can’t go against them without being voted out.
Everyone one of your points is valid and I think every person for the most part fells that same way, Democrat or Republican. It is just that in the eyes of Republicans they want to exclude groups of people from their little fantasies.
” I am for policies that support families and good schools. I believe hard work and sacrifice should mean something. I believe our society should continue to take care of the young, the sick, the helpless and the elderly. I think our nation should be able to protect itself from foreign enemies and defeat those who attack us. I believe in just and fair law enforcement. I believe all people are created equal. I believe in truth and justice and the opportunity for happiness. Among other things
However I can’t see current republican politicians voting for those values. You will have to decide what they value by their actions, what policies they put in place.”
Unfortunately, Republicans don’t want gay people to be part of your dream up above. They don’t support you or me or any other gay person. They don’t care of my hard work and sacrifice is good enough for me to marry or recognize me to be wed and be able to force some fucker to cook me a cake. This religious liberty bullshit is bullshit. Sorry, if you can’t bake a cake for a gay wedding then you don’t have any business calling your business a legitimate business with the same benefits of other business’ get by laws.
I could go on an on. The Republican party doesn’t want you as a gay person…hell they don’t even want you at their conventions.
Has nothing to do with whether they have better values than Democrats. They don’t want you period, whether they do or not. Anyone gay person voting for a Republican, unless they specifically campaign for equality (with respect to gay people ) to the fullest without any footnotes of religious liberty, then that person is the biggest dumbfuck in the world. Money means nothing without true liberty and justice. Rather die for my liberty and justice, but I’m not going to die for money, otherwise I’d be out robbing a bank.
Now they’ll take a black person – they love Puffy.
@52 Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck trying to deflect by dredging up a 5-year-old incident in which ABC corrected a reporting error.
Of course, it doesn’t occur to him that shilling for liars who never correct anything but instead double down on their lies only makes him look like an even bigger dumbfuck.
@56 They don’t have better values than Democrats. They have shitty values. They’re not even in favor of small government, capitalism, or free markets. They want intrusive government, crony capitalism, and a rigged economic system.
So other than 501, only 504 and 509 have been cancelled today, as the equipment for those trains was also being used on 501. Talgos are designed for a quick turnaround.
More details about the latest Palin family dustup:
“Track Palin was charged with felony burglary, assault in the fourth degree and criminal mischief for causing property damage in Wasilla, Alaska, according to court records. …
“The dispute was over a truck that Track wanted to take, according to the documents. His father told him no because he was allegedly drinking and taking pain medicine, the report says.
“‘Track told him he was (going to) come anyway to beat his ass,’ wrote Wasilla officer Adam LaPointe. His father grabbed a pistol to ‘protect his family,’ and the two got into a fight, the report says. Track broke a window and struck his father on the head, the report says. Todd Palin broke free and suffered injuries to his face and head, was bleeding and had liquid coming from his ear.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Uh, yeah, if you’re a Palin kid you’d better watch out ‘cuz your parents are gun lovers and they’ll shoot your ass.
A better ending would be the Duke living. That may not have prevented WWI, another crises would have happened. Still that may have given Germany time to signal to Austria to sell the Balkans to Russia. Yes Russia has been and remains the bad boy of international politics. Still it’s in some tough neighborhoods.
@7 For Amtrac what is and will be most embarrassing is that this was the maiden run.
WOW local Washington politics. Can we build a real high speed rail?
They have people going through JBLM.
@2 It’s just barely as popular as the electric outage at the Atlanta Airport. 200 flights cancelled today, but they are going to be there for the Christmas rush. I do wonder about peoples sanity about traveling on certain days of the year, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas as the weather is a big factor, unless you are in Australia, South Africa, or south of the equator.
Winter is still days away.
I don’t often put a book aside. I do take some time in selecting books to read, and it does make a difference if the work is fiction or non-fiction. I rather expect a non fiction work to be a bit on the dry side, may take longer to read, and sometimes I have no misgivings if I skip about and read some chapters. A more technical book I may only have it for reference, or be interested in certain chapters.
Fiction I generally get through the first few chapters before making a decision. Still there are books one should read out there that are just hard reads. Or we are so far removed from the time it’s hard to read and takes effort. Something in old English or Middle English is difficult and something by Stieg Larson or the person who has taken over after his death I’m at the mercy of the translator as much as the original author. And translators sometimes make mistakes, intentionally change something, or the best they can do is clumsy, and does not translate well into English.
@12 I don’t airports suck, or no more so than other nations airports suck. If you have ever spent a couple of hours at Rome’s international airport you would not think our airports suck.
Our rail system does suck and needs major work. This is due to our adopting the highway system, and going with tractor trailers on those roads to deliver so much freight. Not something your average American even thinks of on a normal day. We can have a world class rail system and high speed, but hat takes public investment because of our corporation taker class. The corporations involved in rail transport will put money into projects if the bottom line permits, and they can keep the investors happy. Rail companies being an old industry do have to pay dividends to their stock holders. Not paying a dividend or making it smaller is something the board and executives would be very brave in doing. Especially if it should bring attention on their salaries. This gives rise to if it ain’t broke don’t fix it type management.
@8 Unless you are RR’s lover or spouse you cannot make that aspersion. Even if RR is in fact a blond you cannot make that statement. Unless you know personally he is a lousy lay you cannot support your statement. Of course if you have had sex with RR and think he is a dumbfuck perhaps you are also a dumb lover. This may reflect as much on your own sexual prowess as RR’s.
Since there is now a ballot are the tow of you making yourselves available to the voters so they can compare and contrast so they can make a informed vote?
@24 Sometimes Mr. Madison is correct about the Constitution’s ability in dealing with factions excesses. Does not always work, but usually works as intended.
@27 Of course if one is a gay or black conservative or even straight, and white you choices are limited. Though on a state level one maybe able to choose being Democratic in some southern states, because the Republican’s are the wild eyed liberals in state elections.
Just what other choices do black and gay conservatives have if they don’t want to be independents?
It’s very creepy how Shortbus is constantly wheedling to try and get personal deets on people. The innocent explanation is he’s desperately lonely and wants to “know” people. The less innocent explanation is he’s desperately lonely and wants to “know” people… in his van by the river.
Looks like Rethugs aren’t 100% sure they’ve got the votes for their tax scam.
@61 You’re as ill-informed about history as you are on contemporary issues. Austria was already itching to go after Serbia. Nobody liked the archduke and his assassination was merely exploited as a useful pretext. The larger war was an eruption of tensions that had been building up for years. Fucking tribal rivalries fueled with territorial greed and turbocharged by ancient grievances. Nothing ever changes in this damn world.
New rules!
Just went into effect today. Because he is an easy mark for malnourished under-employed commie teenage script kids, Doctor Dumbfuck will keep right on pimping pro-Putin hashtags. But most of them are going to result in traffic dead ends.
@2 The vote was scheduled last week for this Wednesday, dumbass.
@64 You can read? Fooled me. Maybe someday you’ll learn to spell.
@66 Rest assured Doctor Dumbfuck hasn’t had sex with me. Guaranteed. I don’t live in a barn.
@51….Antifa groups/supporters are fascists.
@54:) See kids, this is your brain on Communism…and probably a little cocaine thrown in.
@76 If you object to fascism, complain to the fascists. Contact them here:
Hertz, donut?
But just to be clear, plus also enhance the fee fee hurtz, it is at long ironic last you American clownservatives who have turned your myopic gazes to the east and opened your lonely bitter hearts to the sweet whisperings of a shirtless Hero of the Revolution.
@60 great ad for the NRA. “Even a Vice-Presidential Candidate needs a Gun to protect herself from her own child”
@76 and you are a girl scout.
I have been trying all day to get a few sane comments on the Facebook stories. Not how I expected my vacation to go.
World War I was the end of monarchy, for the most part, in Europe. The US got involved ostensibly because of the sinking the Lusitania, but the real reason was to save the Bank England. Woodrow Wilson (a notorious racist) wanted the US to come to Great Britain’s aid, but did not have a good enough reason to commit US forces and money to the Brits’ cause. So, the Lusitania, loaded to the gills with ammo and other war materials, set sale for England with over 1,100 people on board, many of them Americans. The British destroyer, Juno, was in the area where the Lusitania was “coasting in,” following the ocean liner until well within British waters, then vanishing. But then, the Germans were lurking about and saw a target. They rightfully attacked and sank the Lusitania as it was carrying arms for the Brits. This gave Wilson the reason he needed go to war with Germany. Wilson knowingly sacrificed American lives get the US into the war to save the Bank of England.
24 years later, FDR pulled a similar stunt to get the US into World War II. LBJ used the Gulf of Tonkin lie to escape;ate American involvement in Vietnam.
These politicians don’t give a flying fuck who they kill or maim to achieve their goals. All of them are worthless assholes who we should all be denouncing at every opportunity.
Thanks for providing comments about the accident today. It is clear that you have more in-depth knowledge about the train mode of transportation, I look forward to more of your insights and comments on this accident. Despite the events of today, I hope you enjoy your vacation.
I took Amtrak from California to Seattle a few weeks ago, I really enjoyed the trip, they did a great job, but that was over the old stretch, not the section impacted today.
@81 That’s insulting to Girl Scouts.
@83 “Wilson knowingly sacrificed American lives get the US into the war to save the Bank of England.”
This argument, of course, assumes Wilson knew there would be a German sub lurking in that exact spot at that exact time. And that he determined the Lusitania’s course.
Do you also want to argue he gave the ship’s coordinates to the German government to make sure it would be sunk?
Why do we have such stupid trolls? If they aren’t buggering farm animals they’re peddling idiotic conspiracy theories.
Wherein Trump’s national security strategy is compared, in a most convincing way, to wild pig poop.
Roger idiot senile wabbit has a triple posting, blaming it on “HA freezing up” and shitstain racetrack steve has nuthin to say!
Typical of a shit laden DUMMOCRETIN!
Sux to be shitstain steve with the crappy spongebob square underpants!
Till Next Time!
Every generation has a few home schooled idiots.
And Roger senile idiot wabbit was one of its generation, fer sho!
Till Next Time!
Amazing new stuff.
And DUMMOCRETIN just us official Bruce Ohr unexpectedly ditched his hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Now why did he do dat?
Till Next Time!
Great summation of the DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM so far!
Till Next Time!
About time about these DUMMOCRETIN committee member leaks!
Since DUMMOCRETIN Adam Schiff went to the press to discuss the Trump Jr testimony after it was agreed to be held in secret points to Schiff and his staph!
Till Next Time!
@89 It posted 6 times, not 3 times. You can’t even count to six.
@90 Says the illiterate moron who spells “for sure” as “fer sho” …
@92 – har de har de har har har HAR HAR HAR !!!!
@89 – @93: No intelligent life found in on this solar system. Fire up the UFO and try the next one.
Save yorself tne bother. Just more of the same wild accusations of misconduct without any supporting evidence.
84)Your Welcome. I am just trying to help. On a normal day comments on Facebook can drive one crazy. I will admit I am nervous about my upcoming trip, but it is still a go.
same wild accusations
When DUMMOCRETINS perform misconduct it’s a wild accusation? That’s why they are running from congressional hearings!
Till Next Time Oregon Moron!
It posted 6 times, not 3 times.
Once again roger senile idiot wabbit doesn’t get the metaphor. Does it evah. Puddy has only posted a comments three times once. shitstain underwear racetrack steve went ballistic and apoplectic. Hence the three remark. Who cares if you posted six times. Puddy doesn’t. Why? It proves how really senile you are that you can’t wait for the system to return back to you.
Till Next Time!
Still it cannot specify an illegal act or criminal statute.
Just bloooowviate and shriek. As always.
More Pizzagate lunacy.
More Birfer, Derp State, X-Files conspiracy raving to ink up the water surrounding their election treason with Russia.
Another cop Trump thinks can do no wrong …
@101 “metaphor”
Big word + small mind = amusing combination
“metaphor” and simile. Good thing the Freak is an IT help desk peon. It gets lost without a script.