I support the striking school bus drivers. I’m sure it’s inconvenient for many parents, but you want bus drivers to have healthcare and a retirement plan. These are people in charge of your kids, for goodness sake.
One less fawning interviewer of Democrats now that Lauer’s gone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Philando Castile’s girlfriend and her daughter will get $900,000. At the expense of taxpayers, as usual, following an earlier $3 million settlement with Castile’s family. So that’s $4 million a trigger-happy killer cop cost the citizens he was supposed to serve, not counting the defense costs. Roughly $1 million per bullet fired. Pretty expense target practice.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We can’t afford bad cops. They should all be fired. Good cops should be retained.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 A housecleaning is long overdue, and not just in Hollywood and the media. Is the RCCC prepared for all the special elections after the House chambers are swept out? I understand you guys will have an opening for a new president soon, too. If you can find a candidate who isn’t compromised.
If Drinking Liberally had been booze-free, I bet #CrookedHillary would have won.
@ 2
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We can’t afford bad copsstocks. They should all be firedsold. Good copsstocks should be retained.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck once again celebrates Moscow’s successful subversion of our democracy. He’s not only a dumbfuck, but an aider and abettor of traitors, too. However, if he’s indicted along with Trump as an accessory after the fact, his lawyers can plead that he’s too stupid to form a criminal intent. That defense has worked for Republican congressmen in the past, so it might work for him, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck’s kids* are skinheads, too? Just curious.
* Assuming he has kids, and wasn’t neutered by his parents or public authorities as a prophylactic measure.
Now look back at how the women who had credible claims about Bill Clinton were treated. By Clinton’s cronies. Including his wife.
Yashar Ali 🐘
Lauer is among the worst I’ve heard about. Not in terms of the kind of misconduct but the way in which he manipulated these women into silence. It’s evil, frightening stuff. https://twitter.com/yashar/status/935848865013620736 …
5:55 AM – Nov 29, 2017
Think on your sins. Chris Hayes has begun to do so.
Chris HayesVerified account
As gross and cynical and hypocrtical as the right’s “what about Bill Clinton” stuff is, it’s also true that Democrats and the center left are overdue for a real reckoning with the allegations against him.
2:11 PM – 10 Nov 2017
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 But not a word in this comment about how Roy Moore’s accusers are being treated. What a hypocrite.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Trump and Republican response? Deregulate banks, eviscerate Dodd-Frank, and put a Wall Street tycoon in charge of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to make sure it can’t protect consumers from predatory financial institutions. Hey trailer park Trump voters, you get what you vote for!
Vladimir Putinspews:
I didn’t actually affect any of the votes. After all, Clinton won the popular vote but forgot about the Electoral College and how that works in your country. All I did was have my people fuck around a bit to sew the seeds of doubt and stir up things in your election. That made me even more popular with the ordinary Russian because we are all still pissed off about the Cold War and how you meddlesome Americans think you’ve got the right to screw around with whomever you choose. Pay-backs are a bitch, aren’t they?
Now fuck-off and wallow in your self pity! The rest of us are laughing like hell and you stupid Americans getting what’s due to you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Wells Fargo stock and profits from its criminality.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Hey Vlad, while you’re at it, throw some of that dirty money my way, will ya? I’m sure you can find a way. I own several oil stocks. In return, I won’t advocate invading Russia on this blog.
@ 11
Hey Vlad, remember in 2008 when Obama cleaned #CrookedHillary’s clock in no small part by focusing on caucuses rather than just the popular vote aggregated total?
Seems #CrookedHillary learned not much at all from that.
previously in these parts, Hey, come to think of it I don’t hear much from that commenter anymore.
(BTW for a really good laugh the entire Election Night Open Thread, linked above, is a fun walk down memory lane.)
Vlad, I’ve always been meaning to ask you… Did you enjoy Obama’s increased flexibility?
@ 13
I own several oil stocks.
Not only that, but you probably own several shares of each one, Moneybags.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Bosnian war criminal protested his prison sentence by committing suicide. I wish we could persuade more of our mass murderers to do that. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to ask him for tips.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 This snark brought to you by a dumbfuck who “invests” in horses.*
* Stocks make money; horses eat money.
Libbies, here’s House Democrat #3 leader’s suggestion for the Roy Moore defense post-election:
Alex MoeVerified account
CBC Chair Richmond asks for ex. of ppl leaving jobs faster than Conyers when face sexual harassment claims; Clyburn asks “who elected them?”
There’s video of it at the link.
Apparently not all of the CBC is enthused about forcing Conyers’ resignation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Apparently not all of the CBC is enthused about forcing Conyers’ resignation.”
Well, as long as Republicans get equal treatment.
@ 17
I invest in my wife’s happiness.
I am sure that it will come as a surprise to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but not all of life’s pleasures are monetarily valued.
It’s knowledge you might have gained had you not needed to watch every dollar because you were such a failure as an attorney, I suppose.
Call it wealth redistribution.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “I invest in my wife’s happiness.”
Don’t overlook the angle of managing your horse farm as a riding stable for disadvantaged kids to claim a tax writeoff. It’s an opportunity to monetize your wife’s happiness.
“not all of life’s pleasures are monetarily valued”
Fast cars, yachts, fine wine, horse farms … I’m having trouble right now thinking of one that isn’t.
Oh, I’ve got one: Public service. There’s no money in that, if you do it right, i.e. serve others. Republicans are monetizing it, though.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No doubt Doctor Dumbfuck became a medico because of his strong sense of altruism. Money had nothing to do with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, we’re being treated this morning to the spectacle of a greedy, grasping, stock-owning capitalist deriding me for being a greedy, grasping, stock-owning capitalist.
The difference between him and me is I admit what I am.*
* I admit having once been a Republican, too. Doctor Dumbfuck, otoh, seems reluctant to own up to what he votes for, although it’s pretty clear in these comment threads where his heart is. All he cares about is getting his rich man’s tax cuts. He’ll probably use his to buy horse feed. I’m going to use mine to buy more stock.
Hey y’all HA libbies, remember Goldy expressing bemusement and surprise that the GOP would run with the Weinstein thing? ’cause he wondered what they had to gain?
Variety has his answer, in bold (mine):
Elizabeth WagmeisterVerified account
At @Variety, @RaminSetoodeh & I had been working on a Matt Lauer story for months and NBC was aware. There are multiple women we’ve spoken to with far-ranging accusations against Lauer. The power of journalism has never been more evident with this cultural change.
5:29 AM – 29 Nov 2017
Well, it would have been evident sooner, had they reported on things way back, when they first knew about them.
Keep rockin,
@ 23
The difference between him and me is I admit what I am.
The difference between you and me, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is that you are so insecure you feel a need to enumerate what you have, for all of us to see. Ad nauseum.
You pathetic fucking clown, the number of commenters here who possess single-digit to double-digit multiples of what you own, and yet manage to do so silently, would boggle your failing mind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Why shouldn’t I feel insecure? I live in a country run by Republicans. They’re shredding the safety net. They’re unleashing the crooked banks again. They’re profiteering at the expense of people and rabbits who perform honest work for a living like they always do. They want to get their grubby paws on my Social Security and Medicare. Remember, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
I always knew that ‘above average’ was code for something else.
The Associated PressVerified account
BREAKING: Garrison Keillor says he’s been fired by Minnesota Public Radio over allegations of inappropriate behavior.
9:22 AM – 29 Nov 2017
Hmmmmmmm. Minnesota Public Radio.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
As we all know you are one of the planet’s most talented liars with an exemplary record of past performance. The grieving families of 217 murdered passengers aboard Malaysian flight 17 stand among a long line of witnesses.
With that out of the way: 37,000 FSB operated bot accounts targeting hapless, drooling, mouth breathing Republican dumbfucks on Twitter alone. Millions more on other platforms. Hacked email servers. Stolen campaign planning documents couriered directly to Fuckface. Real estate deals, oil deals, pipeline deals, cash, kidnappings, and pay-to-play legislative agreements.
We aren’t wallowing in self-pity. We are carefully planning our response. Your shitty little nation of beet-growers is fucked. We allowed you to survive your defeat resulting from the cold war. Your survival depended entirely upon our assistance. It still does. You think that assistance can’t be withdrawn? Go ahead. Keep asking for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Headline of the day: “White House defends anti-Muslim Trump tweets, says it doesn’t matter if videos are real”
That would seem to describe HA’s resident first aid station attendant.
@ 28
We aren’t wallowing in self-pity. We are carefully planning our response.
This might be a bit unnerving if it weren’t Tom Perez doing the planning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Sack them all, including the Groper In Chief. Especially him, because he sets an example for the rest. Bleatings such as yours can have no credibility or moral authority when you make exemptions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “Lauer. Keillor. And it’s barely past noon EST.”
Right, it’s only 12:52pm in DC, so there’s still time for Trump to join that list before the workday ends. Or are you and your fellow Republicans too hypocritical to treat geese and ganders the same?
Speaking @ 14 of consolation prizes, #CrookedHillary has to be pleased with at least one of the events of the day.
Remember how unhappy she was that Lauer interviewed her and asked numerous questions about her emails?
It’s in What Happened.
Maybe that’s the assault claim that purportedly got Lauer fired.
@ 35
I’m #ReadyForPence.
Any time. While you’re at it I’m ready for Vice President Condoleezza Rice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck amuses himself by daydreaming about Hillary being groped. Probably jerking off while he does — it’s obvious he gets hard-ons for Hil. It’s one of the many, many reasons why we call him a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 You know what? I am, too. That’s how bad Trump is. I’ll gladly take them over him. So when are your people going to act on that? I’m waiting. We all are.
Your party voted him in. You and your fellow Republicans will never be able to get away from that, no matter what you do now.* There will be no absolution for you.
* But so far, I still don’t see anything happening.
@ 40
Your party voted him in.
My party supposedly is dying, isn’t that what I heard from your ilk since at least ’08?
So we had to have had some help.
(Election night tweet)
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn 52m52 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
Clinton suffered her biggest losses in the places where Obama was strongest among white voters. It’s not a simple racism story
Yup, plenty of help from Obama voters who could not stomach #CrookedHillary.
Oh, and Goldy helped, too.
Wait for it…
You know it’s coming…
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA May 27
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Yes, I’d try to change the subject, too, if I were you. No, wait, if I were in your shoes I’d consider doing what that Bosnian war criminal did. It’s an effective way to evade personal responsibility and avoid prison time. Disgraced Japanese utilize a similar practice called seppuku.
P.S., when is your disgraceful party leader going to resign?
Roger Rabbitspews:
It seems those millions of pink hats are having an impact. There must be a lot of men hearing from their women something like, “No more sex until things are set straight.”
@ 40
That’s how bad Trump is. I’ll gladly take them over him. So when are your people going to act on that? I’m waiting. We all are.
You’ve had 5,000+ DJIA points of celebration since 11/8/16 and you’ve told us about every single one of them, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re a fucking clown. You fool no one except Newt.
@ 43
“No more sex until things are set straight.”
Flaccid is not straight. ED must be awful for you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Have you tried switching to a stiff urethral catheter and leaving it in?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder how The Donald’s ego will handle millions of people dancing in the streets when he leaves office, like when Osama bin Laden was killed? I doubt anything in his experience has prepared him for that.
I doubt Doctor Dumbfuck will be one of them. He’ll be in his barn crying behind the hay bales. His horses won’t give a shit. They’re probably all Democrats behind his back.
A reminder:
Overall 2016 Minnesota Presidential Election Results
D H. Clinton 46.9% 1,366,676
R D. Trump 45.4% 1,322,891
L G. Johnson 3.9% 112,944
I E. McMullin 1.8% 53,080
G J. Stein 1.3% 36,957
Back to you, Senator Franken.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 I’m a mercenary profiting from you traitors flushing America down the toilet. Might as well, since I have no control over it. Did what I could to prevent it, doing what I can to end it, meanwhile why should your ilk get all the loot? At least I donate some of it to horse rescue organizations.*
* I assume your horses are on a waiting list. Surely they’ve asked for intervention by now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 I don’t need or want your hand-me-downs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Just a reminder: The Minnesota branch of your party is so bad your candidates lost to a confessed sexual harasser. Twice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Michigan’s GOP responds to America’s epidemic of mass shootings targeting worshippers and little children in a predictable fashion.
My goodness! If Doctor Dumbfuck keeps up this pace, he’ll reach his 5,000th pro-Putin hashtag in no time at all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Tale of Two Tweets
“@realDonaldTrump – Melania, our great and very hard working First Lady, who truly loves what she is doing, always thought that “if you run, you will win.” She would tell everyone that, ‘no doubt, he will win.’ I also felt I would win (or I would not have run) – and Country is doing great! 5:00 AM – Nov 28, 2017”
“@tomtomorrow – So I take it there’s a news story out or about to come out saying that Melania hates her life and didn’t expect him to win. 5:21 AM – Nov 28, 2017”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 He’s having a bad morning getting his ass kicked all the way out to the barn and back by a rabbit.
@ 53
That would be about one per DJIA point increase since the election, Steve.
A certain symmetry to that, you know?
Banks up nicely this week, I see. First Third (FITB) in particular. Might be anticipation of the Fed interest rate increase to come, might be Cordray’s departure and his replacement by someone who is not Cordray.
I’ll take either.
Oh, Steve, when you retire two years early due to the increases in your holdings subsequent to Trump’s election, make sure you curse his name at your going-away soiree.
Yes, I’m sure it is. Lots to undo.
Mick Mulvaney
Busy day at the @CFPB. Digging into the details.
10:34 AM – Nov 28, 2017
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That’s you enthusiastically pimping for a shirtless communist dictator of a nation of beet-growers. Don’t think about it.
Just feeeeeeel it.
So much winning.
“That would be about one per DJIA point increase since the election, Steve.”
Let us know when the DOW reaches 50,000. Putin’s orange stooge will have finally matched Obama’s performance. But I somehow doubt that is in Putin’s plans for us.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Lots to undo.
I do believe the Hillbillies have discovered their “special purpose”.
@ 59
That’s quite a climbdown, Steve.
Three years from now you’ll be dissing newly re-elected Trump by pointing out that the stock market’s performance during Obama’s first term was better.
Pretty sure I can live with that, particularly if the 2020 general election alternative is #CrookedHillary 3.0.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Hey Dumbfuck?
Still blaming the Keystone spill on Eco-terrists?
Turns out you were kinda right. You just aimed 180 deg in the wrong direction. Just say you were cleaning your gun.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…newly re-elected Trump…
I got a laugh out of that one. Thanks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 @57 While I think it’s a bad idea to let predators like Wells Fargo run amok in society, being a Wells Fargo shareholder, I’ll bank the loot. Someone’s going to get it, so it might as well be me.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Pretty sure I can live with that…
I don’t believe we’ve ever been able to discover anything in a Republican candidate that you cannot live with.
And I’d say that depth has been very well sounded in the last 24 months.
That frankly tells us more about Republican voters than it tells us about Republican candidates. Thanks to Fuckface, Sen. Aqualung, and the rest of the newly minted Trumpublican Party we know you all much better today.
Sadly, Mrs. Rabbit won’t be coming along. The electrical adapter required for her Hitachi wand to work in European outlets costs more than you can afford to spend this month.
@ 65
I have it on very good authority @ 41 that credibility is overrated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Isn’t this the pipeline we were told would never leak? Made of good American steel? They must have substituted cheap Chinese pipe at the last minute. That always seems to happen. Probably built it with green card workers, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 The good news is you don’t have to write yourself prescriptions anymore. Or wear a paper sack over your head when you go through the checkout line.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’ve assumed you abandoned “credibility” at the same time you decided to believe things like: “6 million illegal alien votes”, “Mexico will pay for it”, and the all-time classic “That isn’t me on that tape”.
More winning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 “I have it on very good authority that credibility is overrated”
That’s excellent news for you and your friends, because your ilk certainly don’t have any left:
Maybe the reason Goldy didn’t understand the reason the GOP elevated the Weinstein saga in order to gain advantage is because Goldy operates in a liberal universe in which so many men engage in sexual harassment that he can’t understand why there’s a problem with it.
NPR Chief News Editor Departs After Harassment Allegations
After all, a guy who is a living saint to so many on the left seems to think it’s all a joke, anyway:
Howard Mortman
“A world in which there is no sexual harassment at all is a world in which there will not be any flirtation” — radio humorist Garrison Keillor at @PressClubDC April 7, 1994… at 31:05 in this video: https://www.c-span.org/video/?55876-1/washington-political-humor …
10:06 AM – Nov 29, 2017
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hope you don’t have travel plans this holiday season, Dumbfuck. Or, if you do, you didn’t book American Airlines. Their flight plans have a little glitch:
“A scheduling glitch that allowed American Airlines pilots to take vacation at the same time has left thousands of flights during the busy holiday travel period next month without pilots assigned to them. …
“The scheduling problem has left flights from some of American Airlines’ biggest hubs, including New York, Miami, Dallas-Fort Worth, Chicago’s O’Hare and New York’s LaGuardia Airport, without pilots … many opted to take days off around the holidays, after the system allowed it. …
“American Airlines spokesman Matt Miller said the airline’s employees are ‘working diligently to address the issue and expect to avoid cancellations this holiday season.'”
Ticket holders may want to invest in a good pair of hiking shoes just in case.
Of course the stock market is going up in anticipation of the GOP tax bill. Investors will make out like thieves if it passes. What could possibly be better for shareholders than taxing the middle class to cut corporate taxes? On top of that, the rich who own most of the stock will get big individual rate reductions, too! It’s a twofer.
As a millionaire capitalist I have nothing to fear from GOP tax “reform.” Only the working classes are getting screwed. And I don’t work. Like a true capitalist, I live on the fruits of other people’s work. Now they’re going to pay my taxes for me, too.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those clueless blue collar Republican voters from the bottom of my greedy capitalist heart.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 Of course, you’re as innocent as Charlie Brown …
How many settlements has your insurer paid to the female clinic help?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lots of job openings now for new journalism grads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, the Trump administration doesn’t want to talk about its war against affirmative action.
I’d say it’s official. Doctor Dumbfuck is now on the same side as Putin, Nazis, white supremacists, goatfuckers, pedophiles, child molesters and any cop who murders a black male, bonus points for killing a kid. Oh, and the Klan.
“Former KKK leader David Duke tweets ‘thank God for Trump!’”
I’m sure they and Doctor Dumbfuck all have America’s best interests at heart.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Roger senile idiot wabbit wrote… So that’s $4 million a trigger-happy killer cop cost the citizens he was supposed to serve, not counting the defense costs.
What Roger senile idiot wabbit didn’t write was this trigger-happy killer cop Jeronimo Yanez was a his panic whom shot and killed him.
Nothing from the HA DUMMOCRETINS regarding how latinos be killing black men from the MS-13 types on the east coast to latino gangs on the west coast!
Puddy has documented this on HA DUMMOCRETINS for years. Just ask the resident La Raza one to perform a crazed databaze replay!
shitstain steve will call this hate of course even when Roger senile idiot wabbit writes it!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Matt Lauer gone? Apparently NBC News didn’t see it as this DUMMOCRETIN did…
here’s how other media libtards look at sexual misconduct…
Every leader (and each of us) is human and flawed and makes mistakes, but there is a difference between those who are flawed who work for the common good and those who are flawed who could care less about the common good. Huge difference. — Matthew Dowd ✔ @matthewjdowd 6:47 AM – 22 Nov 2017
Seems libtards don’t care if a libtard is for the common good. Who cares about some poor DUMMOCRETIN wimens being abused.
The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.
As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, “You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe … and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places.”
PuddyCommentary: Obummer hid this from the US for two years, way before Trump decided to run for president. Notice the date… August 2017. Seem the old senile wabbit FOOL @4 forgot this and the shitstain @84 joins in when the senile FOOL forgets. So what does that say for the shitstain @84? It will call it hate, so now watch!!! Well it is a dummy for sure (fo sho)! Add of course HA”s hillbilly would lose its cause celebre if it was to admit Obummer dropped da ball!
Today show IS a big cash cow for NBC. Didn’t some HA DUMMOCRETINS scream that’s why Fox News covered Bill O’Reilly? Well well well what will these same DUMMOCRETINS say now?
If Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey and Bill O’Reilly and Charlie Rose and now Matt Lauer were all held accountable for their misdeeds by losing their jobs, why shouldn’t Conyers lose his?
To which Clyburn replies, without missing a beat, “Who elected them?”
DAYUM amazing DUMMOCRETIN caucus sham…
Wait for the shitstain steve HATE call…
Now watch!
Till Next Time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Still, no loyal Americans had become cynical enough in 2014 to even suspect that 63 million Americans would rather turn traitor and vote for the puppet of a shirtless communist dictator than vote for any Democrat.
We know better now. We know who you are.
OMG! The loon’s really bringing it! Four straight days of Peak HATE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Under the Senate tax bill no corporation or small business owner would ever pay more than a 20% tax rate, but a single wage earner would pay 22% or more beginning at only $50,701 (taking into account the combined personal exemption/standard deduction) and go up from there.
Polls show the public opposes this scheme by a 2-to-1 margin. Republicans apparently intend to pass it anyway. It’ll be interesting to see what the polling booths show next November if they do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 “is now on the same side as”
Always has been, along with his sidekick Piddles.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 Maybe as an African-American man you can answer this question, as I have no personal experience in these matters.
Does it hurt more to get shot by a Latino cop than by a white cop?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 Matt Lauer’s conduct is inexcusable, but at least he made some worthwhile contributions to the common social good.
Donald Trump’s conduct is inexcusable, and on top of that he’s made no contributions to the common social good.
So guess which of these perps Piddles disses and which he extols?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 Whatever you say about Obama, no planes crashed into buildings on his watch because he was cutting brush or sleeping on the job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
DNA studies show that all known samples of hair, bone, and body parts from purported Yetis (aka Abominable Snowmen) are from bears.
However, the famous 1952 photograph of Doctor Dumbfuck’s footprints at 19,000 feet on Mount Everest remains unexplained.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Something is unleashed with him lately,” Times reporter Maggie Haberman said on CNN Wednesday morning. “I don’t know what is causing it, I don’t know how to describe it.”
“Looks like I picked a good day to stop responding to Trump’s bizarre tweets,” he tweeted of Trump. “He is not well.”
“But Trump’s supporters will argue … Trump was elected to do things differently. To shake up stodgy old Washington and actually get things done. … What that argument presumes is that this is all controlled fury and contained chaos — that Trump, deep down, knows exactly what he’s doing. That he is operating off of a strategic plan that plays the media and Democrats for chumps …. But, what if he isn’t? … What if Trump is just spinning ever faster … as he twirls and twirls and twirls?What then? … We are talking about the man who is in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Twenty-fifth Amendment, that’s what. Unfortunately, we’re just gonna have to trust Pence and the cabinet to know when it’s time.
Puddles @ 90- I’ll give you Conyers for Trump, whose behavior has been at least as bad. In addition he is a proven liar and likely mentally unstable.
I salute this man, a hero for our times.
“This Is The Man Who Deactivated The President’s Twitter Account”
Hey Vlad, you bare chested homo, how’s the little pony doing? Do you need Doctor Dumbfuck to help you so you can get a breather?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@17 but those horses have big schlongs….you can’t suck on money.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@20 your wife’s happiness depends on you sucking horse cock? OMG – I thought men were pigs.
Or is because you cock doesn’t satisfy her for happiness?
Why don’t you just let her ride with Vlad?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Pence as President and Rice as Vice. Well Pence couldn’t be left in the room alone with her. #nextGrouperInCheifWanabee.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Only half way thru the comments….but I see the Doctor Dumbfuck is enjoying his fast Car, Boat and Wine (don’t forget the Horsey) by posting here all day. Is it raining (Bombs) in Seattle today?
Boob – you are suppose to ride a horse (just ask Vlad), not just look at it and fantasize about how big and suckable it’s dick is? We know you want to grope it. Go ahead – you only live once.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@48 actually as vile and disgusting as Drumpf is, he is only a puppet. The real people flushing this Country down the toilet are Repukes.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@51 I’m all for Guns in Churches….Churches should be the only place guns are allowed….let them all kill each other in the Church.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Hey Steve, yes if you retire 2 years early (like me – I’ll be retiring at 59) then you too can spend all you money enjoying the cars, boats and wine like I do every day here on the blog.
Oh, then you and Max can go golfing and not have to drag them rolled up 60 lb. plans out of the trunk.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@84 don’t forget – a horse cocksucker. I’d love to see him try to pack that horses fudge.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
In Max’s tone of Voice – “Called it” or almost called it – his second. In previous thread I said Puffy would be the first guy to call out Lauer…and of course I was right. (yes the dumbfuck mentioned his name first but just in passing, not like the Ape).
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Puffy says “What Roger senile idiot wabbit didn’t write was this trigger-happy killer cop Jeronimo Yanez was a his panic whom shot and killed him.”
He panicked?
Ape say what?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@108 That angle didn’t occur to me. You might have a point. There’ll be a lot fewer Roy Moore voters if they can pack in church. All you’ll have to do is stick your head in the door and yell, “Shooter!” and then get the hell out of the way.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
1. Roger Ailes
2. Bill O’Reilly
3. Eric Bolling
4. Harvey Weinstein
5. Roy Moore
6. Kevin Spacey
7. Al Franken
8. John Conyers
9. Matt Lauer
10. Garrison Keillor
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
All you have is a video tape NBC used to try and destroy Trump while we see the real deal wimens attacking DUMMOCRETINS!
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Finally finished with all the comments (I saved about 2 minutes skipping the Ape hate mongering), and I see that the Repukes (as usual) have contributed a great deal to making this Nation Great before.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@112 I think Piddles was trying to type “Jeronimo Yanez was a Latino and it was his panic whom shot and killed him” when his cock got stuck between the keys. He types with his third hand, you see, when his other two hands are occupied with salt mining duty.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@39 “many reasons why we call him a dumbfuck.”
His name should be changed to”fistfuck” due to his masturbatory fantasies about Hilliary, Mary Kay Letourneau, and Vlad. Heck, his horses are doing his wife for her “satisfaction”, his hand is the only thing that hasn’t rejected him, yet.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@113 – true. LOL!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@115 Yeah, better not to tell the public that a candidate for POTUS bragged about grabbing women’s crotches because when you’re rich you can do whatever you want and get away with it, because if voters like you knew that, they might vote for him anyway.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Eight years of shit from shitstain steve!
Stinks too!
Till Next Time!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
you’ll probably see Garrison Keillor’s name repeated next – he was like a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Not the same as a Sideways Abigail, but something like that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 “(I saved about 2 minutes skipping the Ape hate mongering)”
Sounds about right. That’s roughly how long it would take someone of average reading competence to read and digest the intellectual content of several dozen of his posts.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@117 The Ape is his own Grouper in Chief.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Carly Fiorina, you know, the former HP executive that ran for POTUS as a Republican, made some comments about being sexually harassed in her life. Recall what Trump said about her during the campaign, “Then-candidate Donald Trump did receive some flak after he mocked Fiorina in a Rolling Stone interview saying “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!”
What a disgusting person we have as POTUS. Sexist, racist, and bigoted.
I completely agree with her on this. So to answer Dr. Dumbfuck/Fistfuck and his ilk, good, it is great to see Keillor, Lauer, and the rest of them shown the door. Time for people in government to be held to the same standard. Stop shielding such behavior. Trump should lead by example. Same for Franken, but neither of them are interested in leading or real leadership.
Liberal/Conservative, who the fuck cares, that sort of behavior should not be tolerated and men should call out other men that do that sort of thing. Would Dr. Dumbfuck like it if he had a daughter and he knew she was being treated like that? Probably not. Then again he is probably out in the barn, balls deep into his horse’s ass yelling, “Who’s your daddy now bitch!”
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“Anyway, she also went on to say, “One reason sexual harassment continues to be a problem, Fiorina said, is because men are not calling out other men who are behaving badly.””
She’s out of her mind. She knows what the world is like. That comment could stand out for anyone of any gender. boo hoo hoo. She is in the business world – I’m sure shes called out every injustice that she’s ever been party to.
More hypocrisy – she deserves it and doesn’t deserve to speak out against it.
It was once said – “Can we all get along?”….how about “Can we all be kind and be respectful and be just to everyone?” She’s not the one to be saying what she said.
Time for people in any capacity to be held at the same standards. That’s the problem…we keep treating politicians as if they are unlike regular people. They are the people we keep calling “We the People”. We need to stop differentiating.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“Probably not. Then again he is probably out in the barn, balls deep into his horse’s ass yelling, “Who’s your daddy now bitch!””
hahahahahaahha. LOL!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
All I know is if I had Doctor Dumbfuck’s money then I wouldn’t be on this blog morning, day, and night. I’d be enjoying the car, boat, wine and the wife. But at least he is taking time out to be balls deep in the little pony.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Not only should we stop differentiating between politician and non-politician, we should stop differentiating between different crimes in the sense that one is acceptable versus the other not being so unacceptable. Any disrespect towards anyone is essentially the same violation – let’s start treating it that way. Then maybe people will learn to be more respectful.
Unless anyone here wants to argue that sexual harassment is an uncontrollable erotic urge that is just part of being a man( or woman), given to us by God of course.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@129 “Any disrespect towards anyone is essentially the same violation – let’s start treating it that way. Then maybe people will learn to be more respectful.”
While I agree with you, there is a whole class of people that look to that great work of fiction, the Bible, as their moral guide and code. That book is full of hate, violence, and intolerance; yet people follow the “Good Book” and hold that up and an example of how we should live. One could argue that Roy Moore and Trump are just following their god given right to be misogynistic assholes.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@130 just like the god given right to deny service to heathen sinner.
Money is the root of all evil….that’s why that “Good Book” exists……it’s a scam to take money, hence the root of all evil.
First rate Pussy. Wonder if that applies to horses too?
Really Puddles @ 115? We have Trump live on tape apologizing for the Access Hollywood tape. Remember :locker room talk”? We have Trump admitting for one of his beauty pageants he went into the dressing room to see the teenage girls dressing. Just stop the bullshit. He admitted it before he denied it. Bald faced lies are not very Christian. Just stop it, fool.
Great, so the Idiot in Chief has started a feud with Great Britain.
Is there any world leader who is not a totalitarian dictator who he has not picked a fight with?
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Another head EXPLOSION. You just don’t get it. While Trump apologized, there was a news organization while sitting on Harvery Weinstein, actively attacked a presidential candidate. That’s why Real Americans dislike FOOLS like you 2K. You make excuses for 20 years on your side while vehemently attacking someone on the other side. This is why Trump is in the white house. People got fed up with the DUMMOCRETIN double standard! They are bimbo eruptions which the feminazis ignore when it’s your side and it’s rape when it’s a Republican!
You will never get it.
Sux to be you 2k.
Till Next Time!
Deflect Puddles. Trump apologized then, now he denies. And he attacks the women who accuse him. Where are the promised lawsuits? And what about his many lies? And how are we doing on a world stage? The right accused the world of laughing at President Obama. The ones that are not mad at Trump are laughing at him. We are no longer world leaders.
Actually, it sux to be you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@126 “Anyway, she also went on to say, “One reason sexual harassment continues to be a problem, Fiorina said, is because men are not calling out other men who are behaving badly.””
Well, I guess the question I would ask her is, how many whistleblowers did you fire when you were CEO of Hewlett Packard?
We all know what happens in workplaces to people who speak up. Let’s suppose you’re a non-supervisory male employee, and you’re aware a female co-worker is being harassed, but she’s doesn’t complain. What are you supposed to do? If you initiate a complaint, and she’s afraid or unwilling to back you up, where does that leave you?
There’s a good reason why sexual harassment goes unreported. More often than not, it’s the whistleblower or complainer who’s seen as the source of the friction and an impediment to the organization’s accomplishment of its business mission. Particularly if the perpetrator is a valued employee, it’s often easier to get rid of the problem by getting rid of the complainer.
And then there are our society’s cultural mores. Whistleblowers and others who speak up are often considered “troublemakers” or “snitches.” Speaking up does not typically earn you the esteem of your peers or an honored place in any social or business setting.
The reality is that most people caught up in a situation involving co-workers are going to keep their heads down, just as a matter of self-preservation. In any case, your role as a bystander, if you are called upon to “do the right thing,” is to be an impartial witness. The onus of complaining always has to be on the victim in first instance. A passive victim can’t expect her co-workers to speak up on her behalf when she won’t.
Given these realities, Fiorina is asking for too much. It’s easy for her to say because she was the boss. It’s a lot easier to pontificate from a safe position than it is to assume a whistleblower role that very likely will end your career and ruin your life. Coming from her, this is very little more than cheap talk. What she should be doing is campaigning for changes in management culture that would make it possible and safe for concerned employees to come forward about what they see going on in their workplaces.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@130 Well for sure, we’re already seeing some pastors thumping on the Good Book and holding it up to their congregations as a divine injunction to vote for Roy Moore and cast his accusers aside (and consign them to the fires of hell). One gets a feeling the impulse driving this is more expedient than holy in its intentions.
And, of course, you have an entire state full of sheep who have to be told by their spiritual masters how to vote because they can’t figure it out for themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@134 There might be one or two obscure prime ministers of minor countries that he hasn’t gotten around to yet. Be patient, he will, but he’s a busy man and can’t do everything at once.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@135 Weinstein’s guilt doesn’t make Trump innocent. Even toddlers can figure that out; why can’t you? Are you stuck in age one?
Roger Rabbitspews:
CNBC posted an article tonight pointing out the GOP tax bill in reality is a far-reaching re-engineering of American society that implements several of the GOP’s culture war agendas. The problem is, this is too subtle for most Americans to see, which is why only two-thirds of them oppose it.
The Castille case is the one that really drives my SPD relative crazy. He declared politely to the officer he was carrying.
Take it away Cpt Cousin Mark,
“No one who means to shoot an officer says, “I have a gun” they just start shooting. That entire thing is fucked up. That guy fuckIng sucks. How he got out of training is unbelievable .”
Mark Adamsspews:
The Wisconsin plan for corporate Democrats like RR. This plan will bring the state quickly into compliance with the courts McCleary decision, and RR won’t have to worry about Seattle taxpayers paying for schools outside of Seattle.
Doubt the school bus drivers Union is a popular organization at the moment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@142 He got out of training because some police departments will hire literally anyone, including cops who’ve been fired by other departments for incomptence, misconduct, or unsuitability. Tamir Rice is dead at the hands of such a cop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@145 And Wisconsin schools are in shambles, following in the path of Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s budget disasters.
But this is okay with Republicans, because they hate education, and want to destroy our public schools and colleges anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that North Korea has a world-class IBM, and apparently has (or soon will have) a functioning H-bomb, Trump is exactly the man to lose his nerve and start a nuclear war.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Many people have grown complacent, now that the Cold War is over and the U.S. and Russia have mutually reduced their active stockpiles to a few thousand weapons each (which are still enough to destroy the world). Some Americans have even become comfortable living under the shadow of the mushroom cloud. I haven’t. I think we’ve been extremely lucky so far, and it’s not reasonable to expect our luck to hold forever. That’s like going into a casino and expecting to win at the slots or tables with every lever pull, dice roll, and card flip. The inexorable mathematical odds are against human survival. So is human nature, which hasn’t seemed to change at all over the millennia. Unless you stupid humans make a conscious, overt, and determined decision to restrain your normal impulses, that is to say, impulses driven by fear, ego, and belligerency, your species is doomed and we rabbits are going to run this place. And if my species doesn’t survive either, then mosquitoes will become the biological masters of this rock floating through space.
Alabamaian Hillbilly Dumbfuckspews:
I too am fed up with them Demmocretin double standards and that’s why eyeeeeeeeeee plan to vote for a child molester!!!! So take that – see what you forced me to do – you know good rotten Democretin!
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 At some point members of congress will remember Congress is not a workplace. They are elected by the voters. Some Republicans who follow personal rules similar to VP Pence (and women find the VP’s rules unfair as they don’t get similar access as men) are much more unlikely to get swept up in any housecleaning. So we would have two groups wanting to control everyone’s behavior for different reasons. Bible thumpers, and feminists. What a fun combination.
Of course it will be voters who will have to actually have to vote as Al Franken, and Conyers certainly are not stepping down.
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 As a Vietnam vet RR you should certainly be familiar with the concept of when your officer orders no one to fire any bullets the concept the first three are on me or until your out of stripes, and the rest are on Uncle Sam, applies with cops firing their service weapon.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 With the US Congress pulling RT’s credentials and making them persona non grata to the Capital as they have been determined to be a foreign agent looks like we are doing a fine job of screwing democracy without help from Russia,
And we are looking to tell a Chinese news network they have to become a foreign agent,
All so supportive of the 1st Amendment.
Probably just fine with as you are a bought and paid for Corporate Capitalist Democrat Shill.
Your pals at the NSAspews:
@11 Hey Putin March 18 the is a special day for you, and the worlds number one hacker organization is gonna rock your world baby, yeah. Talk about some payback. That little stunt of 8.6 billion for more Russian women to have babies just shows you are weak.
Mark Adamsspews:
@16 Death by cop seems pretty popular amongst our mass murderers though.
Mark Adamsspews:
@32 You all need to decide between getting rid of the dregs in Congress or Trump, because if they go after all the scuzzy congress men (occasional congress woman) there will be no time for congress to begin to impeach Trump. Hard to hunt prey if you are eating your own.
Mark Adamsspews:
@33 That could als0 describe Bones of the USS Enterprise, but don’t say it in front of a room of Trekkies.
Mark Adamsspews:
@35 How could Trump have taught members of Congress? The majority have seniority on him, if anything they are the experts especially as a group.
Either Congress can eat its own or go after the President, but not both, even if the Dems were in charge. This will make for great viewing…popcorn and coke anyone?
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 I’m not ready, and I don’t want to see it happen as either the President dies, or stupidity reigns in the US capital. It’s one thing for out of power Democrats to grandstand, an entirely different if they were the party of Congress, and then suddenly realize they don’t want President Pence either. All that grandstanding will bite the Dems in the ass. Kinda like the Republicans with health care. If the Dems mess this up here the Republicans could get the votes to undo the ACA which is just a tax bill per Chief Justice Roberts.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4o Unlike Democrats the Never Trumpers in the Republican party (though some still grumble) got over it. They maybe more of a factor in Trump being a one term President than the Democratic party, but we ain’t at that river crossing yet.
Mark Adamsspews:
@43 Trouble in the rabbit household?
Mark Adamsspews:
@46 How odd. Do you think our Russian overlords will allow that? (or is the Russian just bullshit?)
Mark Adamsspews:
@53 Does he get a collectible bobble head? Cash in an envelop? If he gets cash in an envelop, then RR could be interested in the Capitalist opportunity of Putin hash tags.
Mark Adamsspews:
@64 There is a concept out there that if Wels Fargo is paying large fines, there is less profit to go to Shareholders, therefore you should be upset and vote your stocks for some new management at Wells Fargo. Or sell your stock. Maybe even both. Being a Capitalist should embolden self interest in this situation. At least a stern letter. Or are you just gaslighting us?
Mark Adamsspews:
@66 If Mrs Rabbit’s is 220 compatible then all that is needed is an adapter which will cost 60 pence. If not a transformer will be needed. Though it could be cheaper to buy the English equivalent utensil.
The 50 hertz can make appliances run a little slow.
Mark Adamsspews:
@76 With 10 years experience, and management experience. Must be willing to work at $15 an hour. We ain’t paying 20 million a year ever again. That is how Capitalists cut costs.
Mark Adamsspews:
@99 Tweet: Bully Pulpit
Send navy on round world cruise pissing off Congress: Call the leader of North Korea rocket man.
Mark Adamsspews:
@134 Governor Nigel Phillips of the Falkland Isjands.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
The real unbiased scoop on Project Veritas, not the BULLSHITTIUM HA DUMMOCRETINS run with!…
Wait for the what time is it DIPSHITTIUM from the FOOLS!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Trump apologized then, now he denies. And he attacks the women who accuse him.
— Just like DUMMOCRETINS have been doing, except Trump has no fawning libtard press to provide cover like this… here’s how libtards look at sexual misconduct…
Every leader (and each of us) is human and flawed and makes mistakes, but there is a difference between those who are flawed who work for the common good and those who are flawed who could care less about the common good. Huge difference. — Matthew Dowd ✔ @matthewjdowd 6:47 AM – 22 Nov 2017
Seems libtards don’t care if a libtard is for the common good. Who cares about some poor DUMMOCRETIN wimens being abused.
The ends always justifies the means!
Where are the promised lawsuits?
— Why create more libtard screaming. Where is Gloria Allred running to the microphones as she did with Roy Moore’s “accusers”?
And what about his many lies? And how are we doing on a world stage?
— Lies? You mean Obummer not telling the US populace how Russia started hacking back in 2014? Now where is your outrage 2k? MIA of course!
The right accused the world of laughing at President Obama.
— Correct. And now we see China applying pressure to North Korea under Trump. We see Saudi Arabia applying pressure to Wahabbis under Trump!
The ones that are not mad at Trump are laughing at him. We are no longer world leaders.
— Yeah we lost world leadership under Obummer. You need to get off the libtard erags you and other HA DUMMOCRETINS use every day! Just look at the 3rd and 4th tier toilets Da Perfessa throws up every Friday Night in the Comix section.
Till Next Time sucka!
I mean, who would ever want to go on a USO tour if you can’t grab some tit while you’re there? It might be a desert by day but those nights can get kind of cold, amirite?
#CrookedHillary took MN by fewer than 44,000 votes in 2016.
Franken’s seat is up for election in 2020.
Some of today’s headlines:
Army veteran says Franken groped her during USO tour in 2003
Maybe he can go with the Clyburn Defense. After all, all of the women who accused Franken are white.
I bet Ed Mole laughed and laughed and laughed and…
Ann Coulter
At Rob Reiner roast in 2000, Al Franken did an extended comedy bit @ Reiner anally raping his infant children. He is currently a US senator.
3:05 PM – Feb 20, 2017
Although you knew how this was gonna go, didn’t ya, HA libbies?
The NYT told you as much, only yesterday.
Republicans, Entering Homestretch on Tax Cuts, Are Calm and Cooperative
The Senate voted along party lines, 52 to 48, on Wednesday to formally take up legislation that would cut taxes by as much as $1.5 trillion over 10 years, remake the corporate tax code and effect large changes to individual taxation. The routine procedural vote, so fraught during the health care debate, began an amendment process that should end in the bill’s passage by Friday.
And this time, Senate Republicans are approaching the finish line in a fundamentally different posture: confident, cooperative, even cocky.
I left off the article title. Instead, let’s look at each of the subheadlines in the piece, shall we?
• Nearly everyone who takes the standard
deduction gets a tax cut in 2018
The Senate bill would roughly double the standard deduction: to $12,000 for an individual or $24,000 for married couples. As a result, most middle-class households that take the standard deduction now would get a tax cut under the bill in 2018, and almost none would get a tax increase.
I would assume those people include the stupid flyover state hillbillies, who don’t possess the mental faculties to itemize.
• Families with children generally get a bigger tax cut
For families with children, another big provision comes into play: the child tax credit. The Senate bill would double that credit to $2,000 per child.
Breeders come out ahead. The abortion rate might even drop. No wonder Planned Parenthood is unhappy.
• People who pay a lot in state and
local taxes could see big tax increases
Well, all I have to say about this is that it’s a really good thing that WA state doesn’t have an income tax, amirite?
Now, for those states that 1) have high income taxes levied by states and cities and 2) always vote Democrat, Fuck You. Elections have consequences, and this is one of them. Don’t like it? Move to a red state. Problem solved.
• In 2027 the picture is more uncertain, but many
middle-class households would face a tax increase
Expiring tax cuts were extended under GWB43. Expiring tax cuts were extended under Obama. No reason to believe things will be any different when these are due to expire. Isn’t that right, Goldy.
So here’s the thing, libbies:
Beginning in 2018, the federal tax withholding charts will change and people will begin to see more money in their paychecks, more in their wallets. It’s something they’ll be thinking about when they go to the polls in 2018 and perhaps, still, in 2020.
That’s what the Democrats are really upset about.
I can’t say I blame them.
Well, going to rehab was getting stale, anyway.
(CNN)Rep. John Conyers, who is under fire for accusations of sexual harassment, is in the hospital, an aide to Conyers confirmed to CNN.
Although he truly may have been queasy after learning what was about to be said about him.
A former staffer took her story of sexual harassment public Thursday morning despite a confidentiality agreement she signed as part of a settlement with Conyers in 2015.
“I felt it was worth the risk to stand up for all the women in the workforce that are voiceless. Ordinary women like me,” Marion Brown said during a “Today Show” interview in NBC.
Brown said Conyers “touched me in different ways” over the years she worked for him and “violated my body.”
In one instance, she said, Conyers invited her to a hotel room in Chicago under the guise of discussing business but was in his underwear when she arrived.
“He asked me to satisfy him sexually,” she said. “He pointed to areas of, genital areas of his body and asked me to, you know, touch it.”
I notice that the first name of the woman who went public despite the confidentiality agreement she signed is Marion.
I wonder whether Conyers will use the “Bitch set me up.” defense.
I suppose it may engender some sympathy among liberals that poor John Conyers’ sexual harassment worsened when his wife was in federal prison for bribery.
I hear that Russia is working to learn which hospital room John Conyers is in.
By hacking into his wife’s electronic monitoring device.
Welcome to the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body, Senator Moore.
New England Elected Official Says Al Franken Tried to Give Her A ‘Wet, Open-Mouthed Kiss’ Onstage
Trump raped a 13 year-old girl, gawks at naked teen beauty pageant contestants and has nearly a score of women accusing him of pussy-grabbing. Moore has the hots for 14 year-old girls. His buddy’s God-fearing Christian family is into little orphan children, Barton masturbates for the camera and it’s common knowledge that the rest of you fuck farm animals.
I like how you deal with GOP perverts. Post pro-Putin hashtags in support of fascism, Trump, Moore and Barton while babbling like a fucking loon about Conyers and Franken.
No shit.
Goldy Retweeted
Josh MarshallVerified account
Nov 28
The premise of most gop tax cut politics in the last half century has been that nearly everyone gets cuts. It’s just that the wealthiest get the most. That may not be that economically significant but it’s highly significant politically.
Why don’t Democrats want nearly everyone to get a tax cut?
Is it because they know the GOP will rightfully get credit for passing it?
It’s like the Twelve Days of Republican Christmas started this week.
“Two Dems in deep shit.”
Juana Summers Markland
Rep. Conyers attorney to me just now re: Pelosi: Pelosi has to
“explain what the discernible difference between Congressman Conyers and Sen. Al Franken is.” Says Pelosi isn’t the determining factor for Conyers.
8:43 AM – Nov 30, 2017
“And a Franken on the hot seeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaat.”
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@182/183 – his horse must be on strike knowing that he shouldn’t have to put out for him any longer. Enough is enough.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
The fancy car, fancy boat, and all the fine wine, but the wife can’t get what the little pony gets, but I’m sure she is happier.
No. You wouldn’t.
GoldyVerified account
15m15 minutes ago
More Goldy Retweeted Ben Jacobs
I’d settle for licensing, proficiency testing, and mandatory liability insurance for guns, just like we do with cars.Goldy added,
Ben Jacobs
Verified account
Roy Moore on gun control: “We see people getting killed with cars. Anyone want to take away cars?”
Because, you see, sexual harassment and assaults occur in dorm rooms.
Never in the Senate.
Nick Reisman
Gillibrand, asked by @sarbetter if Franken should resign from the Senate: “It’s his decision.”
8:14 AM – Nov 30, 2017
Hi Rabbit and the fiscally wise. (This doesn’t include godwin, IMHO he’d sell his mother and children for body parts if it would get him an extra dollar, and then blame democrats),
I have noticed a strong uptick in the discussion of a Great Depression if this budget is passed.
How likely do think think it is?
Any thoughts on how individuals can mitigate it?
It’s pretty easy to envision Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit as Barney Fife.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Tillerson’s on his way out. Not good. Our foreign policy will become even more infantile.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@194 Obviously, when we call you “Boob,” we’re using it as a term of affection and endearment. Your support for a dangerous traitor who sold our country to Putin without blinking has nothing to do with it.
I notice that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was listed separately @ 193 from the ‘fiscally wise’.
Maybe the Fucking Moron isn’t so stupid, after all.
Or, at least that’s what I thought until I read the remainder of his post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@197 See #196.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@193 First, I recommend you read the commentary I posted on Steve’s blog, then click the link at the bottom and read the CNBC article on which it’s based. This will give you a better feel for what the GOP is actually doing with this tax bill. (Spoiler alert: It’s much more than a tax cut; it’s a sweeping social re-engineering of American society.)
As the article you linked to points out, a basic problem is that conservatives believe, with quasi-religious fervor, in economic theories that are just plain wrong and which, when put into practice, turn ordinary recessions into depressions.
Turning now to the pending GOP tax bill, most discussion has focused on the tax cuts — who gets them, and who pays for them — but in terms of your question, the tax cuts aren’t the real problem.
Before I discuss that issue, I’d like to point out that trying to stimulate the economy with tax cuts when you have don’t have much idle capacity or labor supply is more likely to produce inflation than growth. So, the timing of these tax cuts is all wrong. But, again, that’s not what makes this tax bill risky.
What makes it potentially dangerous is the “triggers” they’re talking about. Republican dogma holds that tax cuts don’t cause deficits because the increased economic activity generates more tax revenue than you lose from the cuts. Of course, this isn’t true, but most of the Senate Republicans believe the “triggers” they’re discussing never be triggered and they’re putting them in the bill merely to pacific a few deficit hawks in their caucus. And, of course, they’re wrong; it’s a leadpipe cinch that revenues will fall short of their predictions and trigger whatever backstop they adopt to prevent future deficits from ballooning (like they did after the Reagan and Bush supply-side tax cuts).
Right now, there’s a split in the Senate GOP caucus over what form these triggers should take. There are three options for dealing with deficits that come in higher than their wishful projections. One, that triggers tax increases to make up the revenue shortfall. Or two, that triggers spending cuts to shrink the budget. Or three, a combination of these two.
It doesn’t really matter which of these deficit-containment strategies they adopt because the end result will be the same. We all know recessions increase deficits, because when the economy is shrinking, tax revenues decline and government spending on things like unemployment benefits, food stamps, and welfare increases.
So, the next recession will be the agent that triggers these “triggers,” and when it does, raising taxes or cutting spending to contain the deficit increase will take money out of circulation and cause further shrinkage of the economy, which in turn will reduce revenues and increase the demand on social welfare programs even more, and now you’re in a negative feedback loop of economic decline that’s feeding on itself and pushing the economy into further decline.
That can get really dangerous. It’s like an airplane stall and flat spin. Given enough height from the ground, and the right manipulation of the controls, you usually can get out of it. But this requires monetary and fiscal stimulus applied at the right time. This is Keynesian economics I’m talking about, i.e., cutting taxes and increasing spending during recessions to pull the economy out of recession. Republicans don’t believe in this, and are inclined to crash the goddamned plane and kill everyone on board including themselves, because they refuse to believe that in a stall you have to push the stick forward to drop the nose. They want to pull it back and raise the nose, which in real life worsens the stall. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve crashed the economy this way in the past; they simply refuse to learn anything from experience.
So, it’s these “triggers” you should worry about, if they make it into the bill. They’re a recipe for doing exactly the wrong thing the next time we have a recession. How great is their potential to turn the next recession into a depression? Hard to say. That depends on a number of factors, including how bad the recession is, how far they pull back on the stick, and what other stupid things they do at the same time.
One of those other stupid things is deregulating the banks. Right now, the banks are in much better shape than they were in 2008, when the U.S. banking system was in genuine danger of a catastrophic collapse, but that margin of safety could erode away over time, again, like it did in the years preceding the 2008 crisis, if the same discredited laissez faire policies are pursued again. Except next time, the banks won’t be bailed out, and that will lead to the collapse that was narrowly averted in 2008 and another Great Depression will then be inevitable and unavoidable.
The economy can survive with a damaged, but semi-functioning, banking system if you don’t let the stall spiral out of control, i.e. you push forward on the stick instead of pulling back on it. In other words, you have to apply the Keynesian remedies that Republicans are dead-set against. What works is deficit-financed tax cuts and spending increases to pump money into a faltering economy in order to halt the decline and give people means to start spending again.
Nobody believes a car with a dead battery can be restarted without a jump, or that a heart attack patient with a stopped heart should be treated by doing nothing. Yet that is exactly how conservatives think a stalled economy should be dealt with. While these analogies aren’t perfect, the broad principle is valid.
So, to answer your question as best I can, if this bill goes through a lot will depend on whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge of the policy response the next time a recession hits. To use another analogy, I wouldn’t describe this bill as a lit fuse, but it contains a bomb, and Republicans are little children who play with matches.
The solution is to elect Democrats to ensure rational economic policies, regulate the banks (including the shadow banking system), continue with the Federal Reserve’s program of gradually normalizing interest rates and reducing its balance sheet, and when the next recessions comes, reject supply-side theology and apply Keynesian remedies (or at least not do the reverse).
For individuals, don’t believe your employment is bulletproof or will last forever, accumulate a rainy day fund, don’t get overextended with debt, don’t spend money when you don’t have to but save and invest it instead, and manage your investments carefully and wisely. There’s probably no surefire insurance against nuclear attacks or massive economic depressions, should they occur, but being better prepared than others improves your odds of being one of the survivors.
BOSTON (CBS/AP) — Democratic Senate President Stan Rosenberg says he’s taking seriously a report that his husband Bryon Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed several men, including some with business before the Legislature.
The Boston Globe reported Thursday it spoke with four men who said Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed them over the past few years. Three of the men told the Globe that Hefner grabbed their genitals and one says Hefner kissed him against his will. The Globe said it found no evidence Rosenberg knew about the alleged assaults.
PuddyCommentary: Like the Hollyweird fashionistas, it’s in Boston DUMMOCRETIN politics! Hmmm…?
BOSTON (CBS/AP) — Democratic Senate President Stan Rosenberg says he’s taking seriously a report that his husband Bryon Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed several men, including some with business before the Legislature.
The Boston Globe reported Thursday it spoke with four men who said Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed them over the past few years. Three of the men told the Globe that Hefner grabbed their genitals and one says Hefner kissed him against his will. The Globe said it found no evidence Rosenberg knew about the alleged assaults.
PuddyCommentary: Like the Hollyweird fashionistas, it’s in Boston DUMMOCRETIN politics! Hmmm…?
So nice of the loon to drop by and lay a double-post head explosion of HATE on us. And it’s good to see his friends haven’t lynched him yet! God only knows how the loon’s bucked the odds on that one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@202 Putting you in an asylum isn’t re-engineering society; it’s self-defense. Letting you out of the asylum is a Republican thing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Best blog comment about the GOP tax bill I’ve seen yet:
“As a 39.6 percenter, I would like to thank all the little people for supporting Trump and the GOPer’s. I will get a straight 4.6% cut to my taxes, plus another $10,000 -20,000 kicker from the elimination of AMT, plus another big chunk because some of my income is passed through an S corp. I really need this too, because I would like to buy another Tesla (different color). The middle class will end up being happy to get the crumbs because I am counting on Fox News to come up with some infographics that show what a horrible burden us poor 39.6 percenters are having to carry and convince you morons to support this monstrosity. I have always considered paying taxes as a way ensure we have civilization and a civil society and have not resented paying those taxes. But since we are intent on dismantling civilization, and have already lost civil society, just give me my money.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@206 He’s so skinny they can’t distinguish him from a mailbox post.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
shitstain steve is one broken records. Getting low to the gutter like the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Double Posts are supposed to be blocked. Can’t the shitstain do it?
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
shitstain steve is one broken records. Getting low to the gutter like the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Double Posts are supposed to be blocked. Can’t the shitstain do it?
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Sports Illustrated has just named Colin Kaepernick the 2017 Muhammad Ali Legacy Award recipient for his tireless activist work. The magazine announced its decision Thursday with Lonnie Ali, Muhammad Ali’s widow, who consults with SI to choose the recipient each year.
“’Like Muhammad, Colin is a man who stands on his convictions with confidence and courage, undaunted by the personal sacrifices he has had to make to have his message heard,’ Ali said in a statement. ‘He has used his celebrity and philanthropy to benefit some of our most vulnerable community members. …’
“In a news release, Executive Editor Stephen Cannella said only a few athletes have ‘followed [Ali’s] example as fully’ as the former San Fransisco quarterback who began kneeling during the pre-game national anthem to protest racial injustice against black people. ‘In this noisy political and media environment, it’s easy to forget his core message: that all people in this country deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and recognition of their civil rights,’ Cannella said. ‘Too often that message has been lost in the debate over how it is expressed.'”
This will drive Trump crazy. Wait for the agitated tweets ripping into Sports Illustrated. Shouldn’t take more than 24 hours.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Insiders at NBC remained incredulous that NBC’s top brass was not aware of Lauer’s behavior with women. “The real focus right now should be on this complete disingenuous behavior by NBC to say, ‘I’m shocked,’” one former NBC colleague told me. Lauer has been prized and protected by a succession of NBC News presidents. Furthermore, Lack and Lauer are longtime friends and have vacationed together. A person familiar with the matter told me that indeed the two men are friends, and yet when Lack heard the detailed report from H.R., he moved swiftly to address the issue.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Hear! Hear!
So long as racist lunatics are running the shitshow I’m for keeping my money home. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck the hillbillies are going to do with all the hundreds of thousands of sick babies and OxyMoms who wind up dumped on the courthouse steps in Trailer Holler, Ohio. Don’t really give a fuck either. I just know that with a shirtless communist dictator calling the shots, less is more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
God isn’t pleased with the GOP tax plan. A minor earthquake centered a few miles from Washington DC rattled the east coast this morning. Probably a warning shot.
And this is another reason people voted for Trump!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Oh shitstain…
Puddy can double or single post at will. Watch shitstain steve’s head explode again in this thread!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! And you still stink like shit!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Oh shitstain…
Puddy can double or single post at will. Watch shitstain steve’s head explode again in this thread!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! And you still stink like shit!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@216 There’s only one plausible explanation of voting for a racist, bigoted, pussygrabbing adulterer and serial bankrupt with no character or morals, no public policy or political experience, and no qualifications for the job whatsoever: Head-up-ass stupidity.
Which describes you and Dumbfuck to a “T”.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Kate Steinle death verdict is in waiting…
Oh and San Franfreako is guilty too of her murder!
@213 It isn’t a problem when your presidential or senatorial candidates do it, or when Fox does it, so why is it a problem when NBC does it?
I see Pelosi has joined Ryan in calling for Conyers to resign. When are you going to join my calls for Trump to resign? What’s good for the gander ought to apply the same to the goose, don’t you think?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@218 “Puddy can double or single post at will.”
@219 “Puddy can double or single post at will.”
It’s a free country. You have a constitutional right to impersonate an octopus with palsy if that’s what rings your chimes.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Blathering senile idiot spotted @220!
Till Next Time!
Whoa! Look out, everybody! The loon’s double-postings of HATE are out of control! Sigh! Five days straight of Peak HATE must have been just too much him. Sad!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@226 See #224.
Another Republican perv bites the dust.
“Former Republican Oklahoma senator Ralph Shortey pleads guilty to hiring boy prostitute”
Forced out? Jeeeezus the Hillbilly Pissident in an infantile disgrace! Keith Schiller having hit the silk leaves nobody to deliver the memos. Why in the name of Elvis would anybody work for this reeling buffoon?
Roger Rabbitspews:
It appears that 49 GOP senators would rather believe fake facts than stiff their wealthy donors.
When the count gets to 100 you’ll expect it to make a difference?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not guilty verdict in Kate Steinle murder trial. The jury believed defense claims the shooting was an accident, based on ballistics evidence that the bullet ricocheted off the pavement before striking Steinle. According to the defense, the gun was wrapped in a shirt lying on a bench, and went off when he picked it up.
“Defense attorney Matt Gonzalez … told jurors that Garcia Zarate had no motivation to kill Steinle and as awful as her death was, ‘nothing you do is going to fix that.'”
@202 “It’s much more than a tax cut; it’s a sweeping social re-engineering of American society.”
What? Republicans engaging social engineering? Do tell… More like getting ready for amped up race wars by putting the Klan in charge. The only “social engineering” Republicans enjoy is gerrymandering and stacking the bench with angry old white men. Well that and saving unborn fetuses and then letting the die because there are no social services for all of those unwanted kids that were born because Republicans denied choices for women’s health.
I’m sure Dr. Dumbfuck has stock in Bayer, with the need of some more Zyklon B, their stock will rise.
Piddles for the life of me I don’t know why you support the group of people that want to see you dead.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Republicans prefer the moral reassurance that comes from shunning starving children.
Roger Rabbitspews:
They’re going bananas on Fox. Decades ago, Justice Holmes observed that “even a dog knows the difference between being stepped on and kicked.” Apparently Fox commentators lack dogs’ intelligence.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Susan Collins is calling on her loyal Amercan patriotic Democratic colleagues to save her from the Medicare cuts she is pledged to approve.
She is a reliable vote for Russian Hillbilly Treason running in a loyal American patriot state. There is no good reason for Democrats to throw Treason a life ring.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Fred Reed’s latest:
Absolute, Obvious, Unacknowledged Disaster: A Racial Snapshot of America
Posted on November 30, 2017 by Fred Reed
Let us look into the abyss. It will do no good.
First, another page in the sordid comic book of American race relations. In Beijing, three black basketball players from UCLA were arrested for shoplifting. They faced jail time. Ten years, actually.
The theft was so stupid that it demands explanation. It was too stupid for stupidity to be responsible They did not need to steal. They were pampered babies of semi-pro basketball, infinitely privileged. They are not expected to meet academic standards, to study, or be able to read. Something other than conventional stupidity must be involved. Is it that blacks, as various psychologists have said, lack impulse control, cannot readily envision the future? I don’t know. It fits, though.
There is a curious pattern here. Scoreboard Baby is a book tracking the careers of black football players at the University of Washington. UW is a big-time football school and these players were on track to be millionaires in the NFL. Yet their record in the university is one of rape, armed robbery, assault, wife-beating, endlessly repeated drunk driving, drug use, and parole violation. Criminality is understandable: You want those tennis shoes, or your life is so screwed up that you just don’t give a damn. These guys, with everything going for them, apparently could not control themselves even in their own interest.
But, back to the basketball players: As they awaited a decade in a Chinese slam, Donald Trump–drum roll, trumpets—drops from the sky like a thunderbolt, weaning a red, white, and blue cape. He intervenes to save three two-bit semi-literate boosters. The President of the United States acting like a starveling PD, public defender, the bottom-rung lawyers who hang around court houses in cheap suits to keep bottom-feeding crooks on the street.
Possibly I was wrong about the manner of Mr. Trump’s arrival. Anyway, I am thinking that when he leaves office, he could start a firm, Shoplifters Redemption International and get federal outreach money.
OK, next. Baltimore has passed three hundred murders for the year. The figure is so astonishing that one almost begins to see it as like a batting average: Can they make it to four hundred? Are we doing better than last year?
You will probably have assumed hat the killers were Chinese math majors from Johns Hopkins. Right? You racist dog.
In response to its Bizarro world chaos, the black government of Ballmer tears down Confederate statues. Yes. These cause crime. The correlation is undeniable: Japan has no Confederate statues, and no crime. See?
These offensive sculptures commemorate a war that Baltimore’s cadavers, strewn about like flower petals in autumn, couldn’t spell. Do you doubt this? Go into the schools of Baltimore and see how many can spell “Confederate.” Which brings us to:
Next: Another Baltimorean triumph:. Fox News:“Project Baltimore analyzed 2017 state testing data and found one-third of High Schools in Baltimore, last year, had zero students proficient in math.” In six other high schools, only 1 percent tested proficient in math. Only 15 percent of Baltimore students passed the state’s English test..
Bear in mind that the schools, and their policies, are entirely under control of a black government.
It is hard to decide whether these revelations are astonishing or boring. Accustomed to such numbers by long exposure, we forget that scholastic catastrophe of this magnitude would be unthinkable in any other civilized society. Can you imagine a Baltimore in Japan? Finland? South Korea? Germany before African immigration? Ah, but Baltimore is getting rid of those oppressive statues. That will fix things.
Absolute, obvious, unacknowledged disaster.
Next: More advances in the homicide competition: Chicago, the City that Works, has hit six hundred dead! Zingo! Those pikers in Ballmer don’t have a chance. There is good news, of a sort. There have been 2045 shootings in Chicago to the end of October. This comes 3.41 attempts per murder. Oh blessed inaccuracy. In poor marksmanship lies our hope.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
None of them should be surprised. None of them.
Anyone that aligns with Fuckface is disgraced and diminished by it. Nobody escapes his vast sphere of humiliation and degradation.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
What you and your Klavern mates forget is that a Div 1 athlete is essentially forbidden to have money – at least in so far as any opportunity to obtain it legally is concerned.
If they are fortunate enough to have wealthy mommies and daddies they can be gifted pretty large sums, carry credit card balances, and drive stylish new cars. But otherwise they are actually worse off than academic merit scholars who can accept jobs, unlimited gifts, apply for cash grants, and oh yes, still take money from mom and dad. Full ride D1 athletic scholars can’t even accept a boat ride to a barbecue.
So despite the ignorant fantasies of you and your Klavern, these guys are flat broke most of the time. If they smoke any weed they are probably in debt to a drug dealer.
That’s just the way it is. Because thats how we set it all up.
There are different points of view out there, you know.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
and probably one of those points of views (or facts) is that we enslaved a group of people and kept them from being educated like any other non slave individual. Aside from screwing with their psyche of having any self esteem or value. And to this day hold them back to some degree.
Kind of like what some want to do with the gay people. Treat them differently, make them less of a human being without the same rights. Ohhh and to hold them back too.
Crawl back into your stupid cave.
Have to love those that want to preach history and remembering it, but so quickly forget anything about slavery. Slavery wasn’t just making someone doing something for nothing – it did a lot more. Next time you don’t think it was that bad…then please let me know, I could use a slave…maybe you would like to volunteer.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Slavery is also about power….kind of like the bad boys that are accused of sexual misconduct nowadays. Or should I say pigs. Face it.
Ohhh, except Puffy – he’s more of an Ape than pig.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This analysis of the GOP tax bill concludes it rips off the young to enrich the old.
@242 America is a country of 330 million people. You probably can find three low-class idiots in any color you like if you look hard enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP tax bill seems to be stuck. The floor vote has been postponed.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Pars Dominae Foetidae:
You forgot —
Dr Larry Nassar Olympic Doctor – Convicted
Charlie Rose at CBS – Fired
Mark Halperin at ABC – Fired
Michael Oreskes at PBS – Fired
RatPac Director Brett Ratner – Fired
Actor Jeremy Piven
Director Hamilton Fish
Andrew Kramer of Lionsgate – resigned
Ken Baker of E! News
Roy Price of Amazon – resigned
Rick Najera CBS Diversity Director – Fired
Louis CK – Apologized – Fired
Robert Scoble – Writer
Lockhart Steele – Vox – Fired
Chef John Besh
Actor Steven Segal
Director Brian Singer
Nickelodeon’s Chris Savino – Fired
Cinefamily Exec Shadie Elnashai – Fired
Andy Signore of Honest Trailers – Fired
Terry Richardson – Photographer
Tyler Gresham – young boy harasser
David O. Russell – Director
Oliver Stone – Director
Ben Affleck – apologized
Harry Knowles – resigned from Cool News
Devin Faraci- Movie Writer
Comedian Andy Dick – Apologized – Fired
USC’s vice president of fundraising David Carrera – Fired
Director James Toback – 200 women and counting
Almost all of the above gave to the DUMMOCRETIN coffers. DNC gonna be hurting next year!
Till Next Time
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Passing along “different points of view” based entirely upon parochial racist ignorance makes just as much sense as passing along Russian FSB authored agitprop.
There are different kinds of treason out there as well it would seem.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Only at face value. Ultimately they’ll have to agree to huge cuts in Medicare or obtain Senate Democrats approval. No way around that. A mandatory $25 billion cut to Medicare triggered by these tax cuts will almost certainly fall most heavily on older Americans.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So weird that he left out the boat full of dildos, condoms, and lube.
@169 Well Senators do have one big advantage over Representatives or even President’s in that American voters don’t have long memories. Sometimes they do. Hard to predict when the American voter will demonstrate a willingness to use their long term memory.
@171 But since social security is an entitlement you will receive it if you paid in for 40 quarters. If you don’t want it please give it to the USO!
Mark Adamsspews:
@175 She should said sure sweetie and grabbed the Senator by the balls and given them a good twist and yank. Just cause he’s Senator don’t make his plumbing immune to pain. Just take a page from the girl with the dragon tattoo.
Mark Adamsspews:
@191 There is a difference. Driving a car (or at least being licensed) is a privilege. Owning a firearm is a right under the US and Washington State constitution.
One could argue to have a blog like this one should have to have a license from the government, a proper degree, insurance, ect.
Susan Collins is approaching her unwavering Amercan devoted Democratic partners to spare her from the Medicare slices she is swore to support.
She is a solid vote in favor of Russian Hillbilly Treason running in a devoted American nationalist state. There is no justifiable reason purpose behind Democrats to toss Treason an existence ring.
Mark Adamsspews:
@193 If the tax bill passes if there is a realistic possibility of a depression in the next 6 months the tax bill will kick that can down the road for at least 18-24 months. If a three percent or more growth rate is achieved then no depression and the gamble works.
Sell your stocks before the crash. Buy some gold and silver. Buy a place in Concrete, WA and hide out there until the good times come back.
Mark Adamsspews:
@196 You mean the same Russia that we are at loggerheads with over North Korea? One would think Putin would tell Kim to behave in no uncertain terms if that were the case.
Mark Adamsspews:
@223 Conyers should tell Pelosi she is a dead parrot. He could also do the ultimate ninja move and become a Republican.
What is found in every Republican’s barn?
“dildos, condoms, and lube”
Little wonder America’s goats live in fear.
I foresee many loon head explosions and pro-Putin hashtags in our future.
“BOMBSHELL: Mike Flynn to plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia”
Yet so strange that O’Keefe is still in command of that organization despite the scandalous details of his past sexual misdeeds.
With upright citizen defenders of virtue like Dumbfuck and Loooon tirelessly fighting too rid the media ranks of abusers the silence surrounding O’Keefe is a klaxon.
Might impact their credibility much?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Next up from the FSB trollBot brigades:
“It may hve been ‘obstruction’. But it wasn’t Obstruction-obstruction.”
Count on it. In the very same way that forcibly grabbing young women by the vagina became “locker room talk” and eventually “someone else”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How some billionaire will spend his tax cut you Trump voter suckers will pay for.
@263 The walls are closing in on Orange Jesus. Wonder what Piddles and Dumbfuck will say when they can no longer deny the lowlife they’ve been defending is a traitor?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@262 Being a sex slave and a goat at the same time has to be a tough way to live.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@261 Well, that’s one way to get away with it. Get the Bible thumpers on your side and you’re home free.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@259 As usual you don’t know what you’re talking about. The tax bill will have negligible effect on growth. Tax cut or no, there won’t be a depression in six months. This is not the right time to ditch stocks (although such a time may come, especially if Trump succeeds at deregulating Wall Street and the banks again; but it will take time for these reckless policies to kick in). Buying gold and silver is great for gold and silver brokers (which is why they buy all those ads on late-night TV shows). Concrete is downwind of Bangor and will catch so much fallout the place will look like the cement plant is back in operation. You’ll need a protective suit and respirator to go outdoors.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
It’s a good thing I didn’t vote for Trump!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@271 You’re getting screwed anyway, thanks to the morons who did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
WHAM!!! Headlines shouting that Trump ordered Flynn to talk to the Russians hit the wires, and within two minutes the Dow index plunges 200 points. Looks like Wall Street is hedging its Trump futures.
A con job aimed squarely at foreign corruption. But hey, at least they put a bunch of unskilled, undocumented immigrant laborers to work for a few years. That’ll please the EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE out there. “Deactivated at the end of series, the aircraft was refurbished by the developers into a piece of art that matches the style of the property.”
Trust me. You aren’t allowed to land a helicopter on your residential property in Bel Air. It’s a $200 million property featuring $50 million worth of staging.
Flynn must be like a wet blanket for our trolls who were posting with enthusiasm yesterday. Today, not so much.
Just a guess, but this must really suck for our treasonous trolls.
“BREAKING: Flynn Prepared To Testify Against Trump!”
“Donald Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians.”
Looks like our troll traitors will be a no-show today. Quite understandable, really.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
They go silent whenever it becomes necessary for the Russian Bot generating algorithm to re-calibrate public response through social media testing. Some version of “not Obstruction-obstruction” will soon be forthcoming. But it must be the version optimized for the mass consumption of blindingly stupid, racist, beer drunk, sister-fucking, trailer dwelling, Hillbilly Republican Traitors and EEEN-DEEEE-PEN-DUNCE.
“Russian Bot generating algorithm to re-calibrate public response through social media testing”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@281 Trump will shortly bestow on Flynn the customary loyalty he always returns to his subordinates, sycophants, and servants.
“Trump White House Furiously Tries To Distance Itself From Michael Flynn”
“They are trying to shift the blame to Obama. Seriously.”
“Two days after the November election, President Barack Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn. Obama had fired him from his job as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Trump appointed Flynn to the high-ranking job anyway.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m still trying to figure Cobb out. But I think maybe his response to this is telling. He’s been surprisingly upbeat as this thing has unfolded, despite some pretty monumental fuckups. He’s obviously a bit of a character. But I just don’t comprehend what kind of lawyer involved in this kind of high stakes defense openly bitches about the rest of the team in an outdoor public setting. That is truly mind boggling.
I think he’s being frozen out by Pissident Russian PeePee and his close legal team. They’ve shoved him out on point while withholding a ton of crucial information. That would be pretty consistent with how the Fuckface Org has operated all along. They tend to go around or avoid the people who tell them “no” – at least when they aren’t firing them or “forcing them out”. So the happy talk from Cobb is a way for him to gain the trust of the insiders I suppose. And it probably keeps the retainer checks being cut. But at this point I think he knows less than Mueller.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
No. That’s all good. Look whatever kind of immunity deal Flynn has obtained will depend entirely upon his performance testifying later on. That is particularly true since he may also face state charges related to the kidnapping scheme that cannot be included in the federal deal.
But for all the incentive that Flynn may have to cooperate and give truthful testimony, it never hurts for the witness to have a grudge against his former conspirators. If the only damage control tactic the Traitors can come up with is to throw Flynn under the bus and smear him in the media that will only clarify for Flynn, Gates, Manafort, and any other cooperating witnesses who their real friends are.
More of this, please.
Humpty Dumpty falling off A Wallspews:
Wonder what I can do to get people’s minds off a my lying cohorts…I know start a nuclear war!
William Jeffersonspews:
At least when I lied to the American Public it was just about something between me and some hooch and some Cuban cigars.
My god this is going to get really juicy.
William Jeffersonspews:
You know one thing (but who knows really) – Flynn is not getting any Pardon.
William Jeffersonspews:
Ahhhh, yes – I too enjoy the nice cars, boats and fine wine….but I get to enjoy them not having to think how fucking stupid I’ve been being a traitor to this Country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Since 1997, a congressional liability fund has paid out $17 million, much of which went to settle anthrax and asbestos claims. So far, only 1 congressman is known to have dipped into those taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment claim. That congressman was identified today as Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) and the payout in that case was $84,000.
Who happens to be the most repulsive looking creature imaginable.
The cowardice of our troll traitors is noted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A source close to President Donald Trump said the latest developments surrounding his former national security advisor Michael Flynn are ‘very, very, very bad,’ according to NBC News.”
“President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is the ‘very senior’ official who directed former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn to contact foreign government officials over a UN resolution condemning Israel, NBC News reported on Friday ….”
Still wishful thinking for now, but as I said, the walls are closing in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Problem is, things are different from the time of Watergate. Back then, the GOP still had representatives and senators with enough honor to oust a president of their party who was a criminal. Today you couldn’t find enough honor in the entire GOP House and Senate caucuses to fill a thimble. This means it would take Democratic majorities to get rid of a Republican who videotapes children fucking goats.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Without knowing who the “two people familiar with the matter” who leaked this to NBC are, it still strikes me as unusual.
Flynn was the Team Fuckface pick for National Security Advisor. In any kind of normal candidacy that would be the person in the transition team tasked with heading up foreign policy development for the team going into the transition. Who does that person take marching orders from? The President elect. In a few cases perhaps the Vice-President elect. Everyone else at the very top of a normal campaign would be co-equal in rank, overseeing their own responsibilities for policy development, transition, etc. That Fuckface Von PeePee would put someone (other than Pence) between himself and his chosen National Security Advisor tells us a few things about this Presidency. And none of them are reassuring.
1) He’s unwilling to be held accountable for the big stuff.
2) He’s dangerously uninformed about the issues but can’t stand for anyone to know it.
3) He wants to govern and even impede the flow of information crucial to national security decision making.
4) He’s very uncertain about his own decision making over issues of national security.
63 million beer drunk hillbilly racists put this man in the White House at precisely the moment when North Korea was deploying a nuclear ICBM capability, China was seeking ownership of the most vital shipping lanes on earth, Iran was implementing a client state relationship with Syria, Syria was opening a WMD and nuke customer account with North Korea, Saudi Arabia was expanding its proxy war with Iran into sub-Saharan Africa, and Putin is still trying to annex Ukraine.
Americans should never be allowed to forget that the Republican Party did this. Perhaps no greater act of collective treason was ever enacted by any group of people in all of human history. Why do you think they spend so much time trying to blame this shit on Obama or Clinton. They know exactly what they’ve done and how incredibly treasonous it really is.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Something to keep in mind about the Flynn plea deal:
It is very rare for any federal prosecutor, but particularly a special prosecutor assigned to the gravest of criminal matters, to deal away real, chargeable offenses. For example, if part of the defendant’s stipulation includes admitting to homicide, they probably get charged with homicide one way or another. It might be 3rd degree manslaughter, but the court can’t really agree to an arrangement that let’s somebody get away with really serious crimes.
So the fact that Flynn is being allowed to plead to lying, while not being charged with any of the various other possible crimes his stipulation will implicate, probably is significant. As I see it, at least, that means Mueller can see his way around at least some of the elements of those criminal statutes. I suspect the only way he does that is by getting Flynn to testify that “it wasn’t my idea”, “the other guy made me do it”, or some other version of the “good German” defense. So the question that raises is who does Flynn implicate who ranks high enough within Team Fuckface to convince Mueller that Flynn was just following orders?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
The problem with this Country is that we have people like Meghan McCain who can’t stand the truth and have to twist and reshape thier sad story.
I would have responded by telling her that then Fuckface and the other Fuckface Republicans should insist the their dear leader tell his fans and the American public the truth and resign if she is so worried about tearing this Country apart. They have already succeeded regardless.
If she thinks that fucking Repukes are better for this Country then maybe they need to act that way, fess up, take it and apologize and tell the hillbillies that this shit ain’t right. No need to tell Joy that her celebration is going to upset the little shiturd flakes.
I’m sure if she was manhanfled by a grabby pig man she would want an apology.
BENGHAZZZZZZZZI! That pig didn’t care about tearing a country apart then. Go fuck yourself bitch!!!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That’s just Republicans being hillbilly traitors.
These are people who fundamentally conceive of “America” as being, well, them. And nobody else. There is no room in their concept of full-on “Americanism” for anyone like you and I and most of the regulars who comment on HA. So when she says “America is going to tear itself apart” she’s talking about the Republican Party. And all any of us should say to that is… good.
Ms. McCain and the other traitors have already done most of the damage they are going to do to the loyal patriotic majority of Americans. Baring a truly epic fuckup from Team Fuckface, we will make it through all this okay. In some ways we will be better for it.
But the Republican Party brand must own this treason. Forever. They built it brick by brick, tweet by tweet, and hashtag by hashtag. They marched with torches, they waved Confederate flags, they spit beer at kneeling athletes and they made one fake-lame excuse after another for as long as it took. They tied their fear, bigotry, and intolerance to a Russian conspiracy and in so doing permanently disgraced themselves in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of the majority of Americans. That is where the look of fear in Ms. McCain’s eyes comes from. The reckoning she is only now realizing she cannot avoid.
@299 What Elijah said.
If the people who voted for a pussy-grabber and who would now vote for a child molester get their feelings hurt over this, I don’t give a fuck. They deserve whatever bad things happen to them. I only wish I could see it with my own eyes.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Interesting filing… Flynn is nailed for actions during the transition time not before the election. Butt this is lost on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
How bad are things for Republicans? This bad.
— President’s approval rating drops to 34%
— Psychiatrists are publicly questioning his fitness
— Russian collusion allegations are bolstered by guilty pleas
— Open talk of impeachment is gaining momentum
— More special prosecutor shoes are likely to drop
— Republicans are facing a mid-term Armageddon
On top of all that, bookmaking websites are now giving even odds that Trump won’t finish his term.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Mueller obtains grand jury indictments against Trump’s son and son-in-law, which seems highly probable, I’m guessing Trump won’t be able to resist the temptation to fire Mueller and then all hell will break loose.
What a loon @302! Sad!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@302 Clueless as always.
“The Flynn guilty plea comes from someone who, until the day he was reluctantly fired by Trump as national security adviser, sat at the absolute epicenter of Trumpworld. And, unlike Manafort, Flynn’s charge deals directly with his interactions with the Russian ambassador — and goes to the very core of Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and any possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. …
“Whether or not this probe ultimately reaches to Trump, it’s now totally impossible for the President and his allies to dismiss the Mueller investigation as a ‘hoax,’ a distraction or the work of Democrats bitter about losing the election.
“The following things are facts:
“Mueller was appointed as special counsel by Trump Justice Department deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
“Flynn was an extremely close and influential adviser to Trump as a candidate and as president.
“Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
“There’s no ‘fake news’ media in either of those three sentences. Or Democrats. Or hoaxes. Or witch hunts. …
“And, with the Flynn guilty plea, there is absolutely no thinking person who could possibly believe that Trump’s presidency is not in some level of peril now. …
“The Flynn charge is unmistakeable proof that this whole thing is inside Trump’s White House.”
Trump had a very, very, very bad day. So did his apologists and supporters.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
— President’s approval rating drops to 34% – OK
— Psychiatrists are publicly questioning his fitness – Libtard ones
— Russian collusion allegations are bolstered by guilty pleas – Nothing direct yet!
— Open talk of impeachment is gaining momentum – On libtard land shows
— More special prosecutor shoes are likely to drop – Ok?
— Republicans are facing a mid-term Armageddon – Not if tax reform passes!
Wait for the clueless crazed databaze deala time check!
Now Watch…
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
@305 why not just place the whole article in since 2 paragraphs is not your limit senile idiot wabbit?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Not if tax reform passes!
You heard it here first, kids. The Hillbilly Traitors are guaranteeing they will retain all their open and vulnerable seats in Congress if only they can pass their billionaire tax cut.
Mark it down.
Put a pin in it.
Flag it with a sticky note.
No matter what else happens, how many high school freshmen Republicans rape, despite the communist treason, kidnapping schemes, massive oil spills, rampant corruption, and looting of the public treasury, if they pass this tax cut bill they all get to keep their jobs forever. That is their plan. That is their guarantee.
Seriously. That’s who Republicans are now. These people. All of them. Just like this one. Half-mad traitors. Every damn one of ’em.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Whether or not this probe ultimately reaches to Trump…”
It already has. Flynn will testify that Trump gave the orders and called the shots with respect to managing the Russian response to the sanctions as part of the election assistance quid pro quo. That’s a half dozen felonies right there. Trump will deny it all and call Flynn a liar trying to save his own skin. Republicans in Congress will pretend to be confused and insist they need more time to “get to the bottom of things”.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
We don’t believe any of you. We never will ever again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@306 “Russian collusion allegations are bolstered by guilty pleas – Nothing direct yet!”
Excuse me, but that’s exactly what Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about. Thanks for playing. You lose.
“Republicans are facing a mid-term Armageddon – Not if tax reform passes!”
Wherein the loon asserts that taxing the middle class to enrich the rich is a winning electoral strategy … it’s why we call him a loon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@307 Trump better hope his lawyers can gin up a better defense argument than yours.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@308 Well, they do comprehend they have to pay off their billionaire funders to receive the wherewithal to continue their campaigns of Machiavellian manipulation, obfuscation, and lies, so they’re not completely irrational yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@309 Trump’s base will think it was perfectly all right because, after all, Trump as the president-elect-to-be had a perfect right to discuss his foreign policy plans with a potential ally (Putin) and, besides, Hillary. Emails. Benghazi. Lock her up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@310 We never did.
In any case, the draft dodger crowd lost veterans like me for good when they called us “unpatriotic” for not supporting Shrub’s bungled war against the wrong country that threw away 4,400 American soldiers’ lives pointlessly.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
All you really need to know about Trump and the traitors that voted for him are contained in Trumps quote during his campaign on 23 January 2016. Presidential candidate Donald Trump caused controversy when he stated the following during a campaign rally in Iowa:
I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.
Trump and his ilk think they are above the law, end of story. Flynn, and anybody else, even if it is family, are simply going to be collateral damage so Trump can continue to rape and pillage the country.
One less fawning interviewer of Democrats now that Lauer’s gone.
Philando Castile’s girlfriend and her daughter will get $900,000. At the expense of taxpayers, as usual, following an earlier $3 million settlement with Castile’s family. So that’s $4 million a trigger-happy killer cop cost the citizens he was supposed to serve, not counting the defense costs. Roughly $1 million per bullet fired. Pretty expense target practice.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We can’t afford bad cops. They should all be fired. Good cops should be retained.
@1 A housecleaning is long overdue, and not just in Hollywood and the media. Is the RCCC prepared for all the special elections after the House chambers are swept out? I understand you guys will have an opening for a new president soon, too. If you can find a candidate who isn’t compromised.
If Drinking Liberally had been booze-free, I bet #CrookedHillary would have won.
@ 2
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We can’t afford bad
copsstocks. They should all befiredsold. Goodcopsstocks should be retained.ftfy
@4 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck once again celebrates Moscow’s successful subversion of our democracy. He’s not only a dumbfuck, but an aider and abettor of traitors, too. However, if he’s indicted along with Trump as an accessory after the fact, his lawyers can plead that he’s too stupid to form a criminal intent. That defense has worked for Republican congressmen in the past, so it might work for him, too.
Trump is behaving like a skinhead again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck’s kids* are skinheads, too? Just curious.
* Assuming he has kids, and wasn’t neutered by his parents or public authorities as a prophylactic measure.
Now look back at how the women who had credible claims about Bill Clinton were treated. By Clinton’s cronies. Including his wife.
Yashar Ali 🐘
Lauer is among the worst I’ve heard about. Not in terms of the kind of misconduct but the way in which he manipulated these women into silence. It’s evil, frightening stuff. https://twitter.com/yashar/status/935848865013620736 …
5:55 AM – Nov 29, 2017
Think on your sins. Chris Hayes has begun to do so.
Chris HayesVerified account
As gross and cynical and hypocrtical as the right’s “what about Bill Clinton” stuff is, it’s also true that Democrats and the center left are overdue for a real reckoning with the allegations against him.
2:11 PM – 10 Nov 2017
@8 But not a word in this comment about how Roy Moore’s accusers are being treated. What a hypocrite.
Wells Fargo has more scandals on its hands.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Trump and Republican response? Deregulate banks, eviscerate Dodd-Frank, and put a Wall Street tycoon in charge of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to make sure it can’t protect consumers from predatory financial institutions. Hey trailer park Trump voters, you get what you vote for!
I didn’t actually affect any of the votes. After all, Clinton won the popular vote but forgot about the Electoral College and how that works in your country. All I did was have my people fuck around a bit to sew the seeds of doubt and stir up things in your election. That made me even more popular with the ordinary Russian because we are all still pissed off about the Cold War and how you meddlesome Americans think you’ve got the right to screw around with whomever you choose. Pay-backs are a bitch, aren’t they?
Now fuck-off and wallow in your self pity! The rest of us are laughing like hell and you stupid Americans getting what’s due to you.
@10 Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Wells Fargo stock and profits from its criminality.
@11 Hey Vlad, while you’re at it, throw some of that dirty money my way, will ya? I’m sure you can find a way. I own several oil stocks. In return, I won’t advocate invading Russia on this blog.
@ 11
Hey Vlad, remember in 2008 when Obama cleaned #CrookedHillary’s clock in no small part by focusing on caucuses rather than just the popular vote aggregated total?
Seems #CrookedHillary learned not much at all from that.
Her consolation prize has been mentioned
previously in these parts, Hey, come to think of it I don’t hear much from that commenter anymore.
(BTW for a really good laugh the entire Election Night Open Thread, linked above, is a fun walk down memory lane.)
Vlad, I’ve always been meaning to ask you… Did you enjoy Obama’s increased flexibility?
@ 13
I own several oil stocks.
Not only that, but you probably own several shares of each one, Moneybags.
A Bosnian war criminal protested his prison sentence by committing suicide. I wish we could persuade more of our mass murderers to do that. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to ask him for tips.
@15 This snark brought to you by a dumbfuck who “invests” in horses.*
* Stocks make money; horses eat money.
Libbies, here’s House Democrat #3 leader’s suggestion for the Roy Moore defense post-election:
Alex MoeVerified account
CBC Chair Richmond asks for ex. of ppl leaving jobs faster than Conyers when face sexual harassment claims; Clyburn asks “who elected them?”
There’s video of it at the link.
Apparently not all of the CBC is enthused about forcing Conyers’ resignation.
@18 “Apparently not all of the CBC is enthused about forcing Conyers’ resignation.”
Well, as long as Republicans get equal treatment.
@ 17
I invest in my wife’s happiness.
I am sure that it will come as a surprise to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but not all of life’s pleasures are monetarily valued.
It’s knowledge you might have gained had you not needed to watch every dollar because you were such a failure as an attorney, I suppose.
Call it wealth redistribution.
@20 “I invest in my wife’s happiness.”
Don’t overlook the angle of managing your horse farm as a riding stable for disadvantaged kids to claim a tax writeoff. It’s an opportunity to monetize your wife’s happiness.
“not all of life’s pleasures are monetarily valued”
Fast cars, yachts, fine wine, horse farms … I’m having trouble right now thinking of one that isn’t.
Oh, I’ve got one: Public service. There’s no money in that, if you do it right, i.e. serve others. Republicans are monetizing it, though.
No doubt Doctor Dumbfuck became a medico because of his strong sense of altruism. Money had nothing to do with it.
Meanwhile, we’re being treated this morning to the spectacle of a greedy, grasping, stock-owning capitalist deriding me for being a greedy, grasping, stock-owning capitalist.
The difference between him and me is I admit what I am.*
* I admit having once been a Republican, too. Doctor Dumbfuck, otoh, seems reluctant to own up to what he votes for, although it’s pretty clear in these comment threads where his heart is. All he cares about is getting his rich man’s tax cuts. He’ll probably use his to buy horse feed. I’m going to use mine to buy more stock.
Hey y’all HA libbies, remember Goldy expressing bemusement and surprise that the GOP would run with the Weinstein thing? ’cause he wondered what they had to gain?
Variety has his answer, in bold (mine):
Elizabeth WagmeisterVerified account
At @Variety, @RaminSetoodeh & I had been working on a Matt Lauer story for months and NBC was aware. There are multiple women we’ve spoken to with far-ranging accusations against Lauer. The power of journalism has never been more evident with this cultural change.
5:29 AM – 29 Nov 2017
Well, it would have been evident sooner, had they reported on things way back, when they first knew about them.
Keep rockin,
@ 23
The difference between him and me is I admit what I am.
The difference between you and me, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is that you are so insecure you feel a need to enumerate what you have, for all of us to see. Ad nauseum.
You pathetic fucking clown, the number of commenters here who possess single-digit to double-digit multiples of what you own, and yet manage to do so silently, would boggle your failing mind.
@25 Why shouldn’t I feel insecure? I live in a country run by Republicans. They’re shredding the safety net. They’re unleashing the crooked banks again. They’re profiteering at the expense of people and rabbits who perform honest work for a living like they always do. They want to get their grubby paws on my Social Security and Medicare. Remember, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
I always knew that ‘above average’ was code for something else.
The Associated PressVerified account
BREAKING: Garrison Keillor says he’s been fired by Minnesota Public Radio over allegations of inappropriate behavior.
9:22 AM – 29 Nov 2017
Hmmmmmmm. Minnesota Public Radio.
As we all know you are one of the planet’s most talented liars with an exemplary record of past performance. The grieving families of 217 murdered passengers aboard Malaysian flight 17 stand among a long line of witnesses.
With that out of the way: 37,000 FSB operated bot accounts targeting hapless, drooling, mouth breathing Republican dumbfucks on Twitter alone. Millions more on other platforms. Hacked email servers. Stolen campaign planning documents couriered directly to Fuckface. Real estate deals, oil deals, pipeline deals, cash, kidnappings, and pay-to-play legislative agreements.
We aren’t wallowing in self-pity. We are carefully planning our response. Your shitty little nation of beet-growers is fucked. We allowed you to survive your defeat resulting from the cold war. Your survival depended entirely upon our assistance. It still does. You think that assistance can’t be withdrawn? Go ahead. Keep asking for it.
Headline of the day: “White House defends anti-Muslim Trump tweets, says it doesn’t matter if videos are real”
Another example of what Doctor Horse Pucky aids, abets, supports, encourages, and votes for.
Op-Ed in the WaPo. Yesterday.
Al Franken should resign? That’s absurd.
The author?
Garrison Keillor.
@ 29
Headline of the day: “White House defends anti-Muslim Trump tweets, says it doesn’t matter if videos are real”
Headline of fantasy day, maybe. Things are different in reality, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Pull your head out and take a look around.
Lauer. Keillor. And it’s barely past noon EST.
@27 Good. Clean out the entire barn. When’s Trump’s turn?
@28 “hapless, drooling, mouth breathing Republican dumbfucks”
That would seem to describe HA’s resident first aid station attendant.
@ 28
We aren’t wallowing in self-pity. We are carefully planning our response.
This might be a bit unnerving if it weren’t Tom Perez doing the planning.
@30 Sack them all, including the Groper In Chief. Especially him, because he sets an example for the rest. Bleatings such as yours can have no credibility or moral authority when you make exemptions.
@31 “Lauer. Keillor. And it’s barely past noon EST.”
Right, it’s only 12:52pm in DC, so there’s still time for Trump to join that list before the workday ends. Or are you and your fellow Republicans too hypocritical to treat geese and ganders the same?
Speaking @ 14 of consolation prizes, #CrookedHillary has to be pleased with at least one of the events of the day.
Remember how unhappy she was that Lauer interviewed her and asked numerous questions about her emails?
It’s in What Happened.
Maybe that’s the assault claim that purportedly got Lauer fired.
@ 35
I’m #ReadyForPence.
Any time. While you’re at it I’m ready for Vice President Condoleezza Rice.
@37 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck amuses himself by daydreaming about Hillary being groped. Probably jerking off while he does — it’s obvious he gets hard-ons for Hil. It’s one of the many, many reasons why we call him a dumbfuck.
@38 You know what? I am, too. That’s how bad Trump is. I’ll gladly take them over him. So when are your people going to act on that? I’m waiting. We all are.
Your party voted him in. You and your fellow Republicans will never be able to get away from that, no matter what you do now.* There will be no absolution for you.
* But so far, I still don’t see anything happening.
@ 40
Your party voted him in.
My party supposedly is dying, isn’t that what I heard from your ilk since at least ’08?
So we had to have had some help.
(Election night tweet)
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn 52m52 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
Clinton suffered her biggest losses in the places where Obama was strongest among white voters. It’s not a simple racism story
Yup, plenty of help from Obama voters who could not stomach #CrookedHillary.
Oh, and Goldy helped, too.
Wait for it…
You know it’s coming…
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA May 27
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
@41 Yes, I’d try to change the subject, too, if I were you. No, wait, if I were in your shoes I’d consider doing what that Bosnian war criminal did. It’s an effective way to evade personal responsibility and avoid prison time. Disgraced Japanese utilize a similar practice called seppuku.
P.S., when is your disgraceful party leader going to resign?
It seems those millions of pink hats are having an impact. There must be a lot of men hearing from their women something like, “No more sex until things are set straight.”
@ 40
That’s how bad Trump is. I’ll gladly take them over him. So when are your people going to act on that? I’m waiting. We all are.
You’re not waiting, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re celebrating. You said so yourself.
You’ve had 5,000+ DJIA points of celebration since 11/8/16 and you’ve told us about every single one of them, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re a fucking clown. You fool no one except Newt.
@ 43
“No more sex until things are set straight.”
Flaccid is not straight. ED must be awful for you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Have you tried switching to a stiff urethral catheter and leaving it in?
I wonder how The Donald’s ego will handle millions of people dancing in the streets when he leaves office, like when Osama bin Laden was killed? I doubt anything in his experience has prepared him for that.
I doubt Doctor Dumbfuck will be one of them. He’ll be in his barn crying behind the hay bales. His horses won’t give a shit. They’re probably all Democrats behind his back.
A reminder:
Overall 2016 Minnesota Presidential Election Results
D H. Clinton 46.9% 1,366,676
R D. Trump 45.4% 1,322,891
L G. Johnson 3.9% 112,944
I E. McMullin 1.8% 53,080
G J. Stein 1.3% 36,957
Back to you, Senator Franken.
@44 I’m a mercenary profiting from you traitors flushing America down the toilet. Might as well, since I have no control over it. Did what I could to prevent it, doing what I can to end it, meanwhile why should your ilk get all the loot? At least I donate some of it to horse rescue organizations.*
* I assume your horses are on a waiting list. Surely they’ve asked for intervention by now.
@45 I don’t need or want your hand-me-downs.
@47 Just a reminder: The Minnesota branch of your party is so bad your candidates lost to a confessed sexual harasser. Twice.
Michigan’s GOP responds to America’s epidemic of mass shootings targeting worshippers and little children in a predictable fashion.
Never pass up an opportunity to be petty if you’re a Republican.
My goodness! If Doctor Dumbfuck keeps up this pace, he’ll reach his 5,000th pro-Putin hashtag in no time at all.
A Tale of Two Tweets
“@realDonaldTrump – Melania, our great and very hard working First Lady, who truly loves what she is doing, always thought that “if you run, you will win.” She would tell everyone that, ‘no doubt, he will win.’ I also felt I would win (or I would not have run) – and Country is doing great! 5:00 AM – Nov 28, 2017”
“@tomtomorrow – So I take it there’s a news story out or about to come out saying that Melania hates her life and didn’t expect him to win. 5:21 AM – Nov 28, 2017”
@53 He’s having a bad morning getting his ass kicked all the way out to the barn and back by a rabbit.
@ 53
That would be about one per DJIA point increase since the election, Steve.
A certain symmetry to that, you know?
Banks up nicely this week, I see. First Third (FITB) in particular. Might be anticipation of the Fed interest rate increase to come, might be Cordray’s departure and his replacement by someone who is not Cordray.
I’ll take either.
Oh, Steve, when you retire two years early due to the increases in your holdings subsequent to Trump’s election, make sure you curse his name at your going-away soiree.
Yes, I’m sure it is. Lots to undo.
Mick Mulvaney
Busy day at the @CFPB. Digging into the details.
10:34 AM – Nov 28, 2017
That’s you enthusiastically pimping for a shirtless communist dictator of a nation of beet-growers. Don’t think about it.
Just feeeeeeel it.
So much winning.
“That would be about one per DJIA point increase since the election, Steve.”
Let us know when the DOW reaches 50,000. Putin’s orange stooge will have finally matched Obama’s performance. But I somehow doubt that is in Putin’s plans for us.
I do believe the Hillbillies have discovered their “special purpose”.
@ 59
That’s quite a climbdown, Steve.
Three years from now you’ll be dissing newly re-elected Trump by pointing out that the stock market’s performance during Obama’s first term was better.
Pretty sure I can live with that, particularly if the 2020 general election alternative is #CrookedHillary 3.0.
Hey Dumbfuck?
Still blaming the Keystone spill on Eco-terrists?
Turns out you were kinda right. You just aimed 180 deg in the wrong direction. Just say you were cleaning your gun.
I got a laugh out of that one. Thanks.
@56 @57 While I think it’s a bad idea to let predators like Wells Fargo run amok in society, being a Wells Fargo shareholder, I’ll bank the loot. Someone’s going to get it, so it might as well be me.
I don’t believe we’ve ever been able to discover anything in a Republican candidate that you cannot live with.
And I’d say that depth has been very well sounded in the last 24 months.
That frankly tells us more about Republican voters than it tells us about Republican candidates. Thanks to Fuckface, Sen. Aqualung, and the rest of the newly minted Trumpublican Party we know you all much better today.
Bon Voyage, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Viagra to be available without prescription in UK
Sadly, Mrs. Rabbit won’t be coming along. The electrical adapter required for her Hitachi wand to work in European outlets costs more than you can afford to spend this month.
@ 65
I have it on very good authority @ 41 that credibility is overrated.
@62 Isn’t this the pipeline we were told would never leak? Made of good American steel? They must have substituted cheap Chinese pipe at the last minute. That always seems to happen. Probably built it with green card workers, too.
@66 The good news is you don’t have to write yourself prescriptions anymore. Or wear a paper sack over your head when you go through the checkout line.
I’ve assumed you abandoned “credibility” at the same time you decided to believe things like: “6 million illegal alien votes”, “Mexico will pay for it”, and the all-time classic “That isn’t me on that tape”.
More winning.
@67 “I have it on very good authority that credibility is overrated”
That’s excellent news for you and your friends, because your ilk certainly don’t have any left:
Not to be overlooked:
Maybe the reason Goldy didn’t understand the reason the GOP elevated the Weinstein saga in order to gain advantage is because Goldy operates in a liberal universe in which so many men engage in sexual harassment that he can’t understand why there’s a problem with it.
NPR Chief News Editor Departs After Harassment Allegations
After all, a guy who is a living saint to so many on the left seems to think it’s all a joke, anyway:
Howard Mortman
“A world in which there is no sexual harassment at all is a world in which there will not be any flirtation” — radio humorist Garrison Keillor at @PressClubDC April 7, 1994… at 31:05 in this video: https://www.c-span.org/video/?55876-1/washington-political-humor …
10:06 AM – Nov 29, 2017
Hope you don’t have travel plans this holiday season, Dumbfuck. Or, if you do, you didn’t book American Airlines. Their flight plans have a little glitch:
“A scheduling glitch that allowed American Airlines pilots to take vacation at the same time has left thousands of flights during the busy holiday travel period next month without pilots assigned to them. …
“The scheduling problem has left flights from some of American Airlines’ biggest hubs, including New York, Miami, Dallas-Fort Worth, Chicago’s O’Hare and New York’s LaGuardia Airport, without pilots … many opted to take days off around the holidays, after the system allowed it. …
“American Airlines spokesman Matt Miller said the airline’s employees are ‘working diligently to address the issue and expect to avoid cancellations this holiday season.'”
Ticket holders may want to invest in a good pair of hiking shoes just in case.
Of course the stock market is going up in anticipation of the GOP tax bill. Investors will make out like thieves if it passes. What could possibly be better for shareholders than taxing the middle class to cut corporate taxes? On top of that, the rich who own most of the stock will get big individual rate reductions, too! It’s a twofer.
As a millionaire capitalist I have nothing to fear from GOP tax “reform.” Only the working classes are getting screwed. And I don’t work. Like a true capitalist, I live on the fruits of other people’s work. Now they’re going to pay my taxes for me, too.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those clueless blue collar Republican voters from the bottom of my greedy capitalist heart.
@72 Of course, you’re as innocent as Charlie Brown …
How many settlements has your insurer paid to the female clinic help?
Lots of job openings now for new journalism grads.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration doesn’t want to talk about its war against affirmative action.
Just in case you weren’t paying attention an American president spend part of his morning retweeting Great Britain’s version of the Klan.
Clearly it’s George Soros’ fault. Saul Alinksi?
@78 Even Britain’s conservative leader can’t stomach Trump’s lovefest with that country’s rightwing hate groups.
It’s that bitch’s fault. Always. Something, something, buttery males made ’em do it. Yawn.
@80 Most Americans trust politicians even less than their accusers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ll bet even James O’Keefe doesn’t trust Roy Moore. He probably demanded to be paid in advance, in cash.
Bank stocks are flying high today, now that banks have a free hand to plunder again.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns a shitload of stock in crooked banks and is going to make lots of money from this.)
Trump tweets fake news, or in other words, he lies, again
I’d say it’s official. Doctor Dumbfuck is now on the same side as Putin, Nazis, white supremacists, goatfuckers, pedophiles, child molesters and any cop who murders a black male, bonus points for killing a kid. Oh, and the Klan.
“Former KKK leader David Duke tweets ‘thank God for Trump!’”
I’m sure they and Doctor Dumbfuck all have America’s best interests at heart.
Roger senile idiot wabbit wrote… So that’s $4 million a trigger-happy killer cop cost the citizens he was supposed to serve, not counting the defense costs.
What Roger senile idiot wabbit didn’t write was this trigger-happy killer cop Jeronimo Yanez was a his panic whom shot and killed him.
Nothing from the HA DUMMOCRETINS regarding how latinos be killing black men from the MS-13 types on the east coast to latino gangs on the west coast!
Puddy has documented this on HA DUMMOCRETINS for years. Just ask the resident La Raza one to perform a crazed databaze replay!
shitstain steve will call this hate of course even when Roger senile idiot wabbit writes it!
Till Next Time!
Matt Lauer gone? Apparently NBC News didn’t see it as this DUMMOCRETIN did…
here’s how other media libtards look at sexual misconduct…
Every leader (and each of us) is human and flawed and makes mistakes, but there is a difference between those who are flawed who work for the common good and those who are flawed who could care less about the common good. Huge difference. — Matthew Dowd ✔ @matthewjdowd 6:47 AM – 22 Nov 2017
Seems libtards don’t care if a libtard is for the common good. Who cares about some poor DUMMOCRETIN wimens being abused.
The ends always justifies the means!
Till Next Time!
The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.
As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, “You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe … and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places.”
PuddyCommentary: Obummer hid this from the US for two years, way before Trump decided to run for president. Notice the date… August 2017. Seem the old senile wabbit FOOL @4 forgot this and the shitstain @84 joins in when the senile FOOL forgets. So what does that say for the shitstain @84? It will call it hate, so now watch!!! Well it is a dummy for sure (fo sho)! Add of course HA”s hillbilly would lose its cause celebre if it was to admit Obummer dropped da ball!
Till Next Time!
And this guy gave big bucks to the DUMMOCRETIN! Dwindling coffers! Wait for the shitstain steve HATE call…
Now watch!
Till Next Time!
The real TRUTH about Matt Lauer’s multiple acts and Andrew Kreisberg found here! https://hotair.com/archives/2017/11/29/variety-lauer-locked-women-office-management-covered/
Today show IS a big cash cow for NBC. Didn’t some HA DUMMOCRETINS scream that’s why Fox News covered Bill O’Reilly? Well well well what will these same DUMMOCRETINS say now?
Wait for the shitstain steve HATE call…
Now watch!
Till Next Time!
From one DUMMOCRETIN to another… https://hotair.com/archives/2017/11/29/james-clyburn-defends-conyers-hey-unlike-matt-lauer-charlie-rose-elected/
If Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey and Bill O’Reilly and Charlie Rose and now Matt Lauer were all held accountable for their misdeeds by losing their jobs, why shouldn’t Conyers lose his?
To which Clyburn replies, without missing a beat, “Who elected them?”
DAYUM amazing DUMMOCRETIN caucus sham…
Wait for the shitstain steve HATE call…
Now watch!
Till Next Time!
Still, no loyal Americans had become cynical enough in 2014 to even suspect that 63 million Americans would rather turn traitor and vote for the puppet of a shirtless communist dictator than vote for any Democrat.
We know better now. We know who you are.
OMG! The loon’s really bringing it! Four straight days of Peak HATE!
Under the Senate tax bill no corporation or small business owner would ever pay more than a 20% tax rate, but a single wage earner would pay 22% or more beginning at only $50,701 (taking into account the combined personal exemption/standard deduction) and go up from there.
Polls show the public opposes this scheme by a 2-to-1 margin. Republicans apparently intend to pass it anyway. It’ll be interesting to see what the polling booths show next November if they do.
@84 “is now on the same side as”
Always has been, along with his sidekick Piddles.
@85 Maybe as an African-American man you can answer this question, as I have no personal experience in these matters.
Does it hurt more to get shot by a Latino cop than by a white cop?
@86 Matt Lauer’s conduct is inexcusable, but at least he made some worthwhile contributions to the common social good.
Donald Trump’s conduct is inexcusable, and on top of that he’s made no contributions to the common social good.
So guess which of these perps Piddles disses and which he extols?
@87 Whatever you say about Obama, no planes crashed into buildings on his watch because he was cutting brush or sleeping on the job.
DNA studies show that all known samples of hair, bone, and body parts from purported Yetis (aka Abominable Snowmen) are from bears.
However, the famous 1952 photograph of Doctor Dumbfuck’s footprints at 19,000 feet on Mount Everest remains unexplained.
“Something is unleashed with him lately,” Times reporter Maggie Haberman said on CNN Wednesday morning. “I don’t know what is causing it, I don’t know how to describe it.”
“Looks like I picked a good day to stop responding to Trump’s bizarre tweets,” he tweeted of Trump. “He is not well.”
“But Trump’s supporters will argue … Trump was elected to do things differently. To shake up stodgy old Washington and actually get things done. … What that argument presumes is that this is all controlled fury and contained chaos — that Trump, deep down, knows exactly what he’s doing. That he is operating off of a strategic plan that plays the media and Democrats for chumps …. But, what if he isn’t? … What if Trump is just spinning ever faster … as he twirls and twirls and twirls?What then? … We are talking about the man who is in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Twenty-fifth Amendment, that’s what. Unfortunately, we’re just gonna have to trust Pence and the cabinet to know when it’s time.
Puddles @ 90- I’ll give you Conyers for Trump, whose behavior has been at least as bad. In addition he is a proven liar and likely mentally unstable.
I salute this man, a hero for our times.
“This Is The Man Who Deactivated The President’s Twitter Account”
Hey Vlad, you bare chested homo, how’s the little pony doing? Do you need Doctor Dumbfuck to help you so you can get a breather?
@17 but those horses have big schlongs….you can’t suck on money.
@20 your wife’s happiness depends on you sucking horse cock? OMG – I thought men were pigs.
Or is because you cock doesn’t satisfy her for happiness?
Why don’t you just let her ride with Vlad?
Pence as President and Rice as Vice. Well Pence couldn’t be left in the room alone with her. #nextGrouperInCheifWanabee.
Only half way thru the comments….but I see the Doctor Dumbfuck is enjoying his fast Car, Boat and Wine (don’t forget the Horsey) by posting here all day. Is it raining (Bombs) in Seattle today?
Boob – you are suppose to ride a horse (just ask Vlad), not just look at it and fantasize about how big and suckable it’s dick is? We know you want to grope it. Go ahead – you only live once.
@48 actually as vile and disgusting as Drumpf is, he is only a puppet. The real people flushing this Country down the toilet are Repukes.
@51 I’m all for Guns in Churches….Churches should be the only place guns are allowed….let them all kill each other in the Church.
Hey Steve, yes if you retire 2 years early (like me – I’ll be retiring at 59) then you too can spend all you money enjoying the cars, boats and wine like I do every day here on the blog.
Oh, then you and Max can go golfing and not have to drag them rolled up 60 lb. plans out of the trunk.
@84 don’t forget – a horse cocksucker. I’d love to see him try to pack that horses fudge.
In Max’s tone of Voice – “Called it” or almost called it – his second. In previous thread I said Puffy would be the first guy to call out Lauer…and of course I was right. (yes the dumbfuck mentioned his name first but just in passing, not like the Ape).
Puffy says “What Roger senile idiot wabbit didn’t write was this trigger-happy killer cop Jeronimo Yanez was a his panic whom shot and killed him.”
He panicked?
Ape say what?
@108 That angle didn’t occur to me. You might have a point. There’ll be a lot fewer Roy Moore voters if they can pack in church. All you’ll have to do is stick your head in the door and yell, “Shooter!” and then get the hell out of the way.
1. Roger Ailes
2. Bill O’Reilly
3. Eric Bolling
4. Harvey Weinstein
5. Roy Moore
6. Kevin Spacey
7. Al Franken
8. John Conyers
9. Matt Lauer
10. Garrison Keillor
All you have is a video tape NBC used to try and destroy Trump while we see the real deal wimens attacking DUMMOCRETINS!
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
Finally finished with all the comments (I saved about 2 minutes skipping the Ape hate mongering), and I see that the Repukes (as usual) have contributed a great deal to making this Nation Great before.
@112 I think Piddles was trying to type “Jeronimo Yanez was a Latino and it was his panic whom shot and killed him” when his cock got stuck between the keys. He types with his third hand, you see, when his other two hands are occupied with salt mining duty.
@39 “many reasons why we call him a dumbfuck.”
His name should be changed to”fistfuck” due to his masturbatory fantasies about Hilliary, Mary Kay Letourneau, and Vlad. Heck, his horses are doing his wife for her “satisfaction”, his hand is the only thing that hasn’t rejected him, yet.
@113 – true. LOL!
@115 Yeah, better not to tell the public that a candidate for POTUS bragged about grabbing women’s crotches because when you’re rich you can do whatever you want and get away with it, because if voters like you knew that, they might vote for him anyway.
Eight years of shit from shitstain steve!
Stinks too!
Till Next Time!
you’ll probably see Garrison Keillor’s name repeated next – he was like a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Not the same as a Sideways Abigail, but something like that.
@116 “(I saved about 2 minutes skipping the Ape hate mongering)”
Sounds about right. That’s roughly how long it would take someone of average reading competence to read and digest the intellectual content of several dozen of his posts.
@117 The Ape is his own Grouper in Chief.
Carly Fiorina, you know, the former HP executive that ran for POTUS as a Republican, made some comments about being sexually harassed in her life. Recall what Trump said about her during the campaign, “Then-candidate Donald Trump did receive some flak after he mocked Fiorina in a Rolling Stone interview saying “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!”
What a disgusting person we have as POTUS. Sexist, racist, and bigoted.
Anyway, she also went on to say, “One reason sexual harassment continues to be a problem, Fiorina said, is because men are not calling out other men who are behaving badly.” https://www.circa.com/story/2017/11/29/politics/carly-fiorina-talks-sexism-harassment
I completely agree with her on this. So to answer Dr. Dumbfuck/Fistfuck and his ilk, good, it is great to see Keillor, Lauer, and the rest of them shown the door. Time for people in government to be held to the same standard. Stop shielding such behavior. Trump should lead by example. Same for Franken, but neither of them are interested in leading or real leadership.
Liberal/Conservative, who the fuck cares, that sort of behavior should not be tolerated and men should call out other men that do that sort of thing. Would Dr. Dumbfuck like it if he had a daughter and he knew she was being treated like that? Probably not. Then again he is probably out in the barn, balls deep into his horse’s ass yelling, “Who’s your daddy now bitch!”
“Anyway, she also went on to say, “One reason sexual harassment continues to be a problem, Fiorina said, is because men are not calling out other men who are behaving badly.””
She’s out of her mind. She knows what the world is like. That comment could stand out for anyone of any gender. boo hoo hoo. She is in the business world – I’m sure shes called out every injustice that she’s ever been party to.
More hypocrisy – she deserves it and doesn’t deserve to speak out against it.
It was once said – “Can we all get along?”….how about “Can we all be kind and be respectful and be just to everyone?” She’s not the one to be saying what she said.
Time for people in any capacity to be held at the same standards. That’s the problem…we keep treating politicians as if they are unlike regular people. They are the people we keep calling “We the People”. We need to stop differentiating.
“Probably not. Then again he is probably out in the barn, balls deep into his horse’s ass yelling, “Who’s your daddy now bitch!””
hahahahahaahha. LOL!
All I know is if I had Doctor Dumbfuck’s money then I wouldn’t be on this blog morning, day, and night. I’d be enjoying the car, boat, wine and the wife. But at least he is taking time out to be balls deep in the little pony.
Not only should we stop differentiating between politician and non-politician, we should stop differentiating between different crimes in the sense that one is acceptable versus the other not being so unacceptable. Any disrespect towards anyone is essentially the same violation – let’s start treating it that way. Then maybe people will learn to be more respectful.
Unless anyone here wants to argue that sexual harassment is an uncontrollable erotic urge that is just part of being a man( or woman), given to us by God of course.
@129 “Any disrespect towards anyone is essentially the same violation – let’s start treating it that way. Then maybe people will learn to be more respectful.”
While I agree with you, there is a whole class of people that look to that great work of fiction, the Bible, as their moral guide and code. That book is full of hate, violence, and intolerance; yet people follow the “Good Book” and hold that up and an example of how we should live. One could argue that Roy Moore and Trump are just following their god given right to be misogynistic assholes.
@130 just like the god given right to deny service to heathen sinner.
Money is the root of all evil….that’s why that “Good Book” exists……it’s a scam to take money, hence the root of all evil.
First rate Pussy. Wonder if that applies to horses too?
Really Puddles @ 115? We have Trump live on tape apologizing for the Access Hollywood tape. Remember :locker room talk”? We have Trump admitting for one of his beauty pageants he went into the dressing room to see the teenage girls dressing. Just stop the bullshit. He admitted it before he denied it. Bald faced lies are not very Christian. Just stop it, fool.
Great, so the Idiot in Chief has started a feud with Great Britain.
Is there any world leader who is not a totalitarian dictator who he has not picked a fight with?
Another head EXPLOSION. You just don’t get it. While Trump apologized, there was a news organization while sitting on Harvery Weinstein, actively attacked a presidential candidate. That’s why Real Americans dislike FOOLS like you 2K. You make excuses for 20 years on your side while vehemently attacking someone on the other side. This is why Trump is in the white house. People got fed up with the DUMMOCRETIN double standard! They are bimbo eruptions which the feminazis ignore when it’s your side and it’s rape when it’s a Republican!
You will never get it.
Sux to be you 2k.
Till Next Time!
Deflect Puddles. Trump apologized then, now he denies. And he attacks the women who accuse him. Where are the promised lawsuits? And what about his many lies? And how are we doing on a world stage? The right accused the world of laughing at President Obama. The ones that are not mad at Trump are laughing at him. We are no longer world leaders.
Actually, it sux to be you.
@126 “Anyway, she also went on to say, “One reason sexual harassment continues to be a problem, Fiorina said, is because men are not calling out other men who are behaving badly.””
Well, I guess the question I would ask her is, how many whistleblowers did you fire when you were CEO of Hewlett Packard?
We all know what happens in workplaces to people who speak up. Let’s suppose you’re a non-supervisory male employee, and you’re aware a female co-worker is being harassed, but she’s doesn’t complain. What are you supposed to do? If you initiate a complaint, and she’s afraid or unwilling to back you up, where does that leave you?
There’s a good reason why sexual harassment goes unreported. More often than not, it’s the whistleblower or complainer who’s seen as the source of the friction and an impediment to the organization’s accomplishment of its business mission. Particularly if the perpetrator is a valued employee, it’s often easier to get rid of the problem by getting rid of the complainer.
And then there are our society’s cultural mores. Whistleblowers and others who speak up are often considered “troublemakers” or “snitches.” Speaking up does not typically earn you the esteem of your peers or an honored place in any social or business setting.
The reality is that most people caught up in a situation involving co-workers are going to keep their heads down, just as a matter of self-preservation. In any case, your role as a bystander, if you are called upon to “do the right thing,” is to be an impartial witness. The onus of complaining always has to be on the victim in first instance. A passive victim can’t expect her co-workers to speak up on her behalf when she won’t.
Given these realities, Fiorina is asking for too much. It’s easy for her to say because she was the boss. It’s a lot easier to pontificate from a safe position than it is to assume a whistleblower role that very likely will end your career and ruin your life. Coming from her, this is very little more than cheap talk. What she should be doing is campaigning for changes in management culture that would make it possible and safe for concerned employees to come forward about what they see going on in their workplaces.
@130 Well for sure, we’re already seeing some pastors thumping on the Good Book and holding it up to their congregations as a divine injunction to vote for Roy Moore and cast his accusers aside (and consign them to the fires of hell). One gets a feeling the impulse driving this is more expedient than holy in its intentions.
And, of course, you have an entire state full of sheep who have to be told by their spiritual masters how to vote because they can’t figure it out for themselves.
@134 There might be one or two obscure prime ministers of minor countries that he hasn’t gotten around to yet. Be patient, he will, but he’s a busy man and can’t do everything at once.
@135 Weinstein’s guilt doesn’t make Trump innocent. Even toddlers can figure that out; why can’t you? Are you stuck in age one?
CNBC posted an article tonight pointing out the GOP tax bill in reality is a far-reaching re-engineering of American society that implements several of the GOP’s culture war agendas. The problem is, this is too subtle for most Americans to see, which is why only two-thirds of them oppose it.
@2 (really late to the party)
The Castille case is the one that really drives my SPD relative crazy. He declared politely to the officer he was carrying.
Take it away Cpt Cousin Mark,
“No one who means to shoot an officer says, “I have a gun” they just start shooting. That entire thing is fucked up. That guy fuckIng sucks. How he got out of training is unbelievable .”
The Wisconsin plan for corporate Democrats like RR. This plan will bring the state quickly into compliance with the courts McCleary decision, and RR won’t have to worry about Seattle taxpayers paying for schools outside of Seattle.
Doubt the school bus drivers Union is a popular organization at the moment.
@142 He got out of training because some police departments will hire literally anyone, including cops who’ve been fired by other departments for incomptence, misconduct, or unsuitability. Tamir Rice is dead at the hands of such a cop.
@145 And Wisconsin schools are in shambles, following in the path of Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s budget disasters.
But this is okay with Republicans, because they hate education, and want to destroy our public schools and colleges anyway.
Now that North Korea has a world-class IBM, and apparently has (or soon will have) a functioning H-bomb, Trump is exactly the man to lose his nerve and start a nuclear war.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Many people have grown complacent, now that the Cold War is over and the U.S. and Russia have mutually reduced their active stockpiles to a few thousand weapons each (which are still enough to destroy the world). Some Americans have even become comfortable living under the shadow of the mushroom cloud. I haven’t. I think we’ve been extremely lucky so far, and it’s not reasonable to expect our luck to hold forever. That’s like going into a casino and expecting to win at the slots or tables with every lever pull, dice roll, and card flip. The inexorable mathematical odds are against human survival. So is human nature, which hasn’t seemed to change at all over the millennia. Unless you stupid humans make a conscious, overt, and determined decision to restrain your normal impulses, that is to say, impulses driven by fear, ego, and belligerency, your species is doomed and we rabbits are going to run this place. And if my species doesn’t survive either, then mosquitoes will become the biological masters of this rock floating through space.
I too am fed up with them Demmocretin double standards and that’s why eyeeeeeeeeee plan to vote for a child molester!!!! So take that – see what you forced me to do – you know good rotten Democretin!
@3 At some point members of congress will remember Congress is not a workplace. They are elected by the voters. Some Republicans who follow personal rules similar to VP Pence (and women find the VP’s rules unfair as they don’t get similar access as men) are much more unlikely to get swept up in any housecleaning. So we would have two groups wanting to control everyone’s behavior for different reasons. Bible thumpers, and feminists. What a fun combination.
Of course it will be voters who will have to actually have to vote as Al Franken, and Conyers certainly are not stepping down.
@2 As a Vietnam vet RR you should certainly be familiar with the concept of when your officer orders no one to fire any bullets the concept the first three are on me or until your out of stripes, and the rest are on Uncle Sam, applies with cops firing their service weapon.
@6 With the US Congress pulling RT’s credentials and making them persona non grata to the Capital as they have been determined to be a foreign agent looks like we are doing a fine job of screwing democracy without help from Russia,
And we are looking to tell a Chinese news network they have to become a foreign agent,
All so supportive of the 1st Amendment.
Probably just fine with as you are a bought and paid for Corporate Capitalist Democrat Shill.
@11 Hey Putin March 18 the is a special day for you, and the worlds number one hacker organization is gonna rock your world baby, yeah. Talk about some payback. That little stunt of 8.6 billion for more Russian women to have babies just shows you are weak.
@16 Death by cop seems pretty popular amongst our mass murderers though.
@32 You all need to decide between getting rid of the dregs in Congress or Trump, because if they go after all the scuzzy congress men (occasional congress woman) there will be no time for congress to begin to impeach Trump. Hard to hunt prey if you are eating your own.
@33 That could als0 describe Bones of the USS Enterprise, but don’t say it in front of a room of Trekkies.
@35 How could Trump have taught members of Congress? The majority have seniority on him, if anything they are the experts especially as a group.
Either Congress can eat its own or go after the President, but not both, even if the Dems were in charge. This will make for great viewing…popcorn and coke anyone?
@38 I’m not ready, and I don’t want to see it happen as either the President dies, or stupidity reigns in the US capital. It’s one thing for out of power Democrats to grandstand, an entirely different if they were the party of Congress, and then suddenly realize they don’t want President Pence either. All that grandstanding will bite the Dems in the ass. Kinda like the Republicans with health care. If the Dems mess this up here the Republicans could get the votes to undo the ACA which is just a tax bill per Chief Justice Roberts.
@4o Unlike Democrats the Never Trumpers in the Republican party (though some still grumble) got over it. They maybe more of a factor in Trump being a one term President than the Democratic party, but we ain’t at that river crossing yet.
@43 Trouble in the rabbit household?
@46 How odd. Do you think our Russian overlords will allow that? (or is the Russian just bullshit?)
@53 Does he get a collectible bobble head? Cash in an envelop? If he gets cash in an envelop, then RR could be interested in the Capitalist opportunity of Putin hash tags.
@64 There is a concept out there that if Wels Fargo is paying large fines, there is less profit to go to Shareholders, therefore you should be upset and vote your stocks for some new management at Wells Fargo. Or sell your stock. Maybe even both. Being a Capitalist should embolden self interest in this situation. At least a stern letter. Or are you just gaslighting us?
@66 If Mrs Rabbit’s is 220 compatible then all that is needed is an adapter which will cost 60 pence. If not a transformer will be needed. Though it could be cheaper to buy the English equivalent utensil.
The 50 hertz can make appliances run a little slow.
@76 With 10 years experience, and management experience. Must be willing to work at $15 an hour. We ain’t paying 20 million a year ever again. That is how Capitalists cut costs.
@99 Tweet: Bully Pulpit
Send navy on round world cruise pissing off Congress: Call the leader of North Korea rocket man.
@134 Governor Nigel Phillips of the Falkland Isjands.
The real unbiased scoop on Project Veritas, not the BULLSHITTIUM HA DUMMOCRETINS run with!…
Wait for the what time is it DIPSHITTIUM from the FOOLS!
Till Next Time!
Trump apologized then, now he denies. And he attacks the women who accuse him.
— Just like DUMMOCRETINS have been doing, except Trump has no fawning libtard press to provide cover like this… here’s how libtards look at sexual misconduct…
Every leader (and each of us) is human and flawed and makes mistakes, but there is a difference between those who are flawed who work for the common good and those who are flawed who could care less about the common good. Huge difference. — Matthew Dowd ✔ @matthewjdowd 6:47 AM – 22 Nov 2017
Seems libtards don’t care if a libtard is for the common good. Who cares about some poor DUMMOCRETIN wimens being abused.
The ends always justifies the means!
Where are the promised lawsuits?
— Why create more libtard screaming. Where is Gloria Allred running to the microphones as she did with Roy Moore’s “accusers”?
And what about his many lies? And how are we doing on a world stage?
— Lies? You mean Obummer not telling the US populace how Russia started hacking back in 2014? Now where is your outrage 2k? MIA of course!
The right accused the world of laughing at President Obama.
— Correct. And now we see China applying pressure to North Korea under Trump. We see Saudi Arabia applying pressure to Wahabbis under Trump!
The ones that are not mad at Trump are laughing at him. We are no longer world leaders.
— Yeah we lost world leadership under Obummer. You need to get off the libtard erags you and other HA DUMMOCRETINS use every day! Just look at the 3rd and 4th tier toilets Da Perfessa throws up every Friday Night in the Comix section.
Till Next Time sucka!
I mean, who would ever want to go on a USO tour if you can’t grab some tit while you’re there? It might be a desert by day but those nights can get kind of cold, amirite?
#CrookedHillary took MN by fewer than 44,000 votes in 2016.
Franken’s seat is up for election in 2020.
Some of today’s headlines:
Army veteran says Franken groped her during USO tour in 2003
Al Franken Admits In His New Book That He Faked Apologies To Save His Political Career
Maybe he can go with the Clyburn Defense. After all, all of the women who accused Franken are white.
I bet Ed Mole laughed and laughed and laughed and…
Ann Coulter
At Rob Reiner roast in 2000, Al Franken did an extended comedy bit @ Reiner anally raping his infant children. He is currently a US senator.
3:05 PM – Feb 20, 2017
Well, yeah, but Trump…
Dow trades above 24,000 as stocks open at records
YLB, I really won’t need Social Security, particularly not the way things have been going since#CrookedHillary’s collapse.
But I do appreciate your childrens’ future required efforts to make my retirement a comfortable one.
Full bandwidth early am Russian communist hate alert!
Well, this is exciting:
Good morning and welcome to MarketWatch’s live blog. The Senate is scheduled to gavel in at 10:30 a.m. to discuss the tax bill.
Although you knew how this was gonna go, didn’t ya, HA libbies?
The NYT told you as much, only yesterday.
Republicans, Entering Homestretch on Tax Cuts, Are Calm and Cooperative
The Senate voted along party lines, 52 to 48, on Wednesday to formally take up legislation that would cut taxes by as much as $1.5 trillion over 10 years, remake the corporate tax code and effect large changes to individual taxation. The routine procedural vote, so fraught during the health care debate, began an amendment process that should end in the bill’s passage by Friday.
And this time, Senate Republicans are approaching the finish line in a fundamentally different posture: confident, cooperative, even cocky.
Or, if you prefer, gman, cock-y.
Here’s a pretty decent summary of what the tax bill might do for you, with a nice scatterplot of 25,000 ‘middle class’ families.
I left off the article title. Instead, let’s look at each of the subheadlines in the piece, shall we?
• Nearly everyone who takes the standard
deduction gets a tax cut in 2018
The Senate bill would roughly double the standard deduction: to $12,000 for an individual or $24,000 for married couples. As a result, most middle-class households that take the standard deduction now would get a tax cut under the bill in 2018, and almost none would get a tax increase.
I would assume those people include the stupid flyover state hillbillies, who don’t possess the mental faculties to itemize.
• Families with children generally get a bigger tax cut
For families with children, another big provision comes into play: the child tax credit. The Senate bill would double that credit to $2,000 per child.
Breeders come out ahead. The abortion rate might even drop. No wonder Planned Parenthood is unhappy.
• People who pay a lot in state and
local taxes could see big tax increases
Well, all I have to say about this is that it’s a really good thing that WA state doesn’t have an income tax, amirite?
Now, for those states that 1) have high income taxes levied by states and cities and 2) always vote Democrat, Fuck You. Elections have consequences, and this is one of them. Don’t like it? Move to a red state. Problem solved.
• In 2027 the picture is more uncertain, but many
middle-class households would face a tax increase
Expiring tax cuts were extended under GWB43. Expiring tax cuts were extended under Obama. No reason to believe things will be any different when these are due to expire. Isn’t that right, Goldy.
So here’s the thing, libbies:
Beginning in 2018, the federal tax withholding charts will change and people will begin to see more money in their paychecks, more in their wallets. It’s something they’ll be thinking about when they go to the polls in 2018 and perhaps, still, in 2020.
That’s what the Democrats are really upset about.
I can’t say I blame them.
Well, going to rehab was getting stale, anyway.
(CNN)Rep. John Conyers, who is under fire for accusations of sexual harassment, is in the hospital, an aide to Conyers confirmed to CNN.
Although he truly may have been queasy after learning what was about to be said about him.
A former staffer took her story of sexual harassment public Thursday morning despite a confidentiality agreement she signed as part of a settlement with Conyers in 2015.
“I felt it was worth the risk to stand up for all the women in the workforce that are voiceless. Ordinary women like me,” Marion Brown said during a “Today Show” interview in NBC.
Brown said Conyers “touched me in different ways” over the years she worked for him and “violated my body.”
In one instance, she said, Conyers invited her to a hotel room in Chicago under the guise of discussing business but was in his underwear when she arrived.
“He asked me to satisfy him sexually,” she said. “He pointed to areas of, genital areas of his body and asked me to, you know, touch it.”
@ 175
I notice that the first name of the woman who went public despite the confidentiality agreement she signed is Marion.
I wonder whether Conyers will use the “Bitch set me up.” defense.
I suppose it may engender some sympathy among liberals that poor John Conyers’ sexual harassment worsened when his wife was in federal prison for bribery.
I hear that Russia is working to learn which hospital room John Conyers is in.
By hacking into his wife’s electronic monitoring device.
Welcome to the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body, Senator Moore.
New England Elected Official Says Al Franken Tried to Give Her A ‘Wet, Open-Mouthed Kiss’ Onstage
That’s six.
114 continued:
11. Russell Simmons
I’d say this is a good day for the GOP.
McCain’s a Yes on the tax cut bill.
Pelosi just called for Conyers’ resignation.
Now he’s responding to the voices in his head.
@182 Almost loon-like. My guess is that borscht for breakfast isn’t a good idea.
It’s not like your daily morning double enema has done much for you, either, Steve.
Although Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does appreciate the care package of used catheters you bring him. Every penny helps.
“Alexa, search for discounts on reusable Viagra-impregnated urinary catheters, length extra small.”
@184, You need to post something that I can relate to. Then you might actually rise to the level of irritating me.
“Roy Moore-backing Alabama pastor lied to cover son’s alleged molestation of orphans”
Trump raped a 13 year-old girl, gawks at naked teen beauty pageant contestants and has nearly a score of women accusing him of pussy-grabbing. Moore has the hots for 14 year-old girls. His buddy’s God-fearing Christian family is into little orphan children, Barton masturbates for the camera and it’s common knowledge that the rest of you fuck farm animals.
I like how you deal with GOP perverts. Post pro-Putin hashtags in support of fascism, Trump, Moore and Barton while babbling like a fucking loon about Conyers and Franken.
No shit.
Goldy Retweeted
Josh MarshallVerified account
Nov 28
The premise of most gop tax cut politics in the last half century has been that nearly everyone gets cuts. It’s just that the wealthiest get the most. That may not be that economically significant but it’s highly significant politically.
Why don’t Democrats want nearly everyone to get a tax cut?
Is it because they know the GOP will rightfully get credit for passing it?
It’s like the Twelve Days of Republican Christmas started this week.
“Two Dems in deep shit.”
Juana Summers Markland
Rep. Conyers attorney to me just now re: Pelosi: Pelosi has to
“explain what the discernible difference between Congressman Conyers and Sen. Al Franken is.” Says Pelosi isn’t the determining factor for Conyers.
8:43 AM – Nov 30, 2017
“And a Franken on the hot seeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaat.”
@182/183 – his horse must be on strike knowing that he shouldn’t have to put out for him any longer. Enough is enough.
The fancy car, fancy boat, and all the fine wine, but the wife can’t get what the little pony gets, but I’m sure she is happier.
No. You wouldn’t.
GoldyVerified account
15m15 minutes ago
More Goldy Retweeted Ben Jacobs
I’d settle for licensing, proficiency testing, and mandatory liability insurance for guns, just like we do with cars.Goldy added,
Ben Jacobs
Verified account
Roy Moore on gun control: “We see people getting killed with cars. Anyone want to take away cars?”
Because, you see, sexual harassment and assaults occur in dorm rooms.
Never in the Senate.
Nick Reisman
Gillibrand, asked by @sarbetter if Franken should resign from the Senate: “It’s his decision.”
8:14 AM – Nov 30, 2017
Hi Rabbit and the fiscally wise. (This doesn’t include godwin, IMHO he’d sell his mother and children for body parts if it would get him an extra dollar, and then blame democrats),
I have noticed a strong uptick in the discussion of a Great Depression if this budget is passed.
How likely do think think it is?
Any thoughts on how individuals can mitigate it?
Jim Nabors died.
Here’s a video of the Andy Griffith show in which Barney Fife called Gomer Pyle ‘Boob’.
It’s pretty easy to envision Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit as Barney Fife.
Tillerson’s on his way out. Not good. Our foreign policy will become even more infantile.
@194 Obviously, when we call you “Boob,” we’re using it as a term of affection and endearment. Your support for a dangerous traitor who sold our country to Putin without blinking has nothing to do with it.
I notice that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was listed separately @ 193 from the ‘fiscally wise’.
Maybe the Fucking Moron isn’t so stupid, after all.
Or, at least that’s what I thought until I read the remainder of his post.
@197 See #196.
@193 First, I recommend you read the commentary I posted on Steve’s blog, then click the link at the bottom and read the CNBC article on which it’s based. This will give you a better feel for what the GOP is actually doing with this tax bill. (Spoiler alert: It’s much more than a tax cut; it’s a sweeping social re-engineering of American society.)
As the article you linked to points out, a basic problem is that conservatives believe, with quasi-religious fervor, in economic theories that are just plain wrong and which, when put into practice, turn ordinary recessions into depressions.
Turning now to the pending GOP tax bill, most discussion has focused on the tax cuts — who gets them, and who pays for them — but in terms of your question, the tax cuts aren’t the real problem.
Before I discuss that issue, I’d like to point out that trying to stimulate the economy with tax cuts when you have don’t have much idle capacity or labor supply is more likely to produce inflation than growth. So, the timing of these tax cuts is all wrong. But, again, that’s not what makes this tax bill risky.
What makes it potentially dangerous is the “triggers” they’re talking about. Republican dogma holds that tax cuts don’t cause deficits because the increased economic activity generates more tax revenue than you lose from the cuts. Of course, this isn’t true, but most of the Senate Republicans believe the “triggers” they’re discussing never be triggered and they’re putting them in the bill merely to pacific a few deficit hawks in their caucus. And, of course, they’re wrong; it’s a leadpipe cinch that revenues will fall short of their predictions and trigger whatever backstop they adopt to prevent future deficits from ballooning (like they did after the Reagan and Bush supply-side tax cuts).
Right now, there’s a split in the Senate GOP caucus over what form these triggers should take. There are three options for dealing with deficits that come in higher than their wishful projections. One, that triggers tax increases to make up the revenue shortfall. Or two, that triggers spending cuts to shrink the budget. Or three, a combination of these two.
It doesn’t really matter which of these deficit-containment strategies they adopt because the end result will be the same. We all know recessions increase deficits, because when the economy is shrinking, tax revenues decline and government spending on things like unemployment benefits, food stamps, and welfare increases.
So, the next recession will be the agent that triggers these “triggers,” and when it does, raising taxes or cutting spending to contain the deficit increase will take money out of circulation and cause further shrinkage of the economy, which in turn will reduce revenues and increase the demand on social welfare programs even more, and now you’re in a negative feedback loop of economic decline that’s feeding on itself and pushing the economy into further decline.
That can get really dangerous. It’s like an airplane stall and flat spin. Given enough height from the ground, and the right manipulation of the controls, you usually can get out of it. But this requires monetary and fiscal stimulus applied at the right time. This is Keynesian economics I’m talking about, i.e., cutting taxes and increasing spending during recessions to pull the economy out of recession. Republicans don’t believe in this, and are inclined to crash the goddamned plane and kill everyone on board including themselves, because they refuse to believe that in a stall you have to push the stick forward to drop the nose. They want to pull it back and raise the nose, which in real life worsens the stall. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve crashed the economy this way in the past; they simply refuse to learn anything from experience.
So, it’s these “triggers” you should worry about, if they make it into the bill. They’re a recipe for doing exactly the wrong thing the next time we have a recession. How great is their potential to turn the next recession into a depression? Hard to say. That depends on a number of factors, including how bad the recession is, how far they pull back on the stick, and what other stupid things they do at the same time.
One of those other stupid things is deregulating the banks. Right now, the banks are in much better shape than they were in 2008, when the U.S. banking system was in genuine danger of a catastrophic collapse, but that margin of safety could erode away over time, again, like it did in the years preceding the 2008 crisis, if the same discredited laissez faire policies are pursued again. Except next time, the banks won’t be bailed out, and that will lead to the collapse that was narrowly averted in 2008 and another Great Depression will then be inevitable and unavoidable.
The economy can survive with a damaged, but semi-functioning, banking system if you don’t let the stall spiral out of control, i.e. you push forward on the stick instead of pulling back on it. In other words, you have to apply the Keynesian remedies that Republicans are dead-set against. What works is deficit-financed tax cuts and spending increases to pump money into a faltering economy in order to halt the decline and give people means to start spending again.
Nobody believes a car with a dead battery can be restarted without a jump, or that a heart attack patient with a stopped heart should be treated by doing nothing. Yet that is exactly how conservatives think a stalled economy should be dealt with. While these analogies aren’t perfect, the broad principle is valid.
So, to answer your question as best I can, if this bill goes through a lot will depend on whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge of the policy response the next time a recession hits. To use another analogy, I wouldn’t describe this bill as a lit fuse, but it contains a bomb, and Republicans are little children who play with matches.
The solution is to elect Democrats to ensure rational economic policies, regulate the banks (including the shadow banking system), continue with the Federal Reserve’s program of gradually normalizing interest rates and reducing its balance sheet, and when the next recessions comes, reject supply-side theology and apply Keynesian remedies (or at least not do the reverse).
For individuals, don’t believe your employment is bulletproof or will last forever, accumulate a rainy day fund, don’t get overextended with debt, don’t spend money when you don’t have to but save and invest it instead, and manage your investments carefully and wisely. There’s probably no surefire insurance against nuclear attacks or massive economic depressions, should they occur, but being better prepared than others improves your odds of being one of the survivors.
Steve has a blog? Do tell.
@200 http://handbill.us/
Note, there’s more than one Steve, so you may be thinking of a different Steve. This is Steve Schwartz’s blog, aka Seattle Jew.
It’s much more than a tax cut; it’s a sweeping social re-engineering of American society.
Oh senile idiot wabbit, isn’t that what Obummer did these last eight years?
Till Next Time!
Soooooooooooooooooo… John Conyers is still fighting back, Al Franken[stein] passes back, Russell Simmons passes on!
Hmmm…? How many more hits to DUMMOCRETIN pockets can the DNC take?
Till Next Time!
This should be right up the hapless hanging human teabag licker’s alley! http://boston.cbslocal.com/201.....legations/
BOSTON (CBS/AP) — Democratic Senate President Stan Rosenberg says he’s taking seriously a report that his husband Bryon Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed several men, including some with business before the Legislature.
The Boston Globe reported Thursday it spoke with four men who said Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed them over the past few years. Three of the men told the Globe that Hefner grabbed their genitals and one says Hefner kissed him against his will. The Globe said it found no evidence Rosenberg knew about the alleged assaults.
PuddyCommentary: Like the Hollyweird fashionistas, it’s in Boston DUMMOCRETIN politics! Hmmm…?
Till Next Time!
This should be right up the hapless hanging human teabag licker’s alley! http://boston.cbslocal.com/201.....legations/
BOSTON (CBS/AP) — Democratic Senate President Stan Rosenberg says he’s taking seriously a report that his husband Bryon Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed several men, including some with business before the Legislature.
The Boston Globe reported Thursday it spoke with four men who said Hefner sexually assaulted and harassed them over the past few years. Three of the men told the Globe that Hefner grabbed their genitals and one says Hefner kissed him against his will. The Globe said it found no evidence Rosenberg knew about the alleged assaults.
PuddyCommentary: Like the Hollyweird fashionistas, it’s in Boston DUMMOCRETIN politics! Hmmm…?
Till Next Time!
So nice of the loon to drop by and lay a double-post head explosion of HATE on us. And it’s good to see his friends haven’t lynched him yet! God only knows how the loon’s bucked the odds on that one.
@202 Putting you in an asylum isn’t re-engineering society; it’s self-defense. Letting you out of the asylum is a Republican thing.
Best blog comment about the GOP tax bill I’ve seen yet:
“As a 39.6 percenter, I would like to thank all the little people for supporting Trump and the GOPer’s. I will get a straight 4.6% cut to my taxes, plus another $10,000 -20,000 kicker from the elimination of AMT, plus another big chunk because some of my income is passed through an S corp. I really need this too, because I would like to buy another Tesla (different color). The middle class will end up being happy to get the crumbs because I am counting on Fox News to come up with some infographics that show what a horrible burden us poor 39.6 percenters are having to carry and convince you morons to support this monstrosity. I have always considered paying taxes as a way ensure we have civilization and a civil society and have not resented paying those taxes. But since we are intent on dismantling civilization, and have already lost civil society, just give me my money.”
@206 He’s so skinny they can’t distinguish him from a mailbox post.
shitstain steve is one broken records. Getting low to the gutter like the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Double Posts are supposed to be blocked. Can’t the shitstain do it?
Till Next Time!
shitstain steve is one broken records. Getting low to the gutter like the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
Double Posts are supposed to be blocked. Can’t the shitstain do it?
Till Next Time!
“Sports Illustrated has just named Colin Kaepernick the 2017 Muhammad Ali Legacy Award recipient for his tireless activist work. The magazine announced its decision Thursday with Lonnie Ali, Muhammad Ali’s widow, who consults with SI to choose the recipient each year.
“’Like Muhammad, Colin is a man who stands on his convictions with confidence and courage, undaunted by the personal sacrifices he has had to make to have his message heard,’ Ali said in a statement. ‘He has used his celebrity and philanthropy to benefit some of our most vulnerable community members. …’
“In a news release, Executive Editor Stephen Cannella said only a few athletes have ‘followed [Ali’s] example as fully’ as the former San Fransisco quarterback who began kneeling during the pre-game national anthem to protest racial injustice against black people. ‘In this noisy political and media environment, it’s easy to forget his core message: that all people in this country deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and recognition of their civil rights,’ Cannella said. ‘Too often that message has been lost in the debate over how it is expressed.'”
This will drive Trump crazy. Wait for the agitated tweets ripping into Sports Illustrated. Shouldn’t take more than 24 hours.
Insiders at NBC remained incredulous that NBC’s top brass was not aware of Lauer’s behavior with women. “The real focus right now should be on this complete disingenuous behavior by NBC to say, ‘I’m shocked,’” one former NBC colleague told me. Lauer has been prized and protected by a succession of NBC News presidents. Furthermore, Lack and Lauer are longtime friends and have vacationed together. A person familiar with the matter told me that indeed the two men are friends, and yet when Lack heard the detailed report from H.R., he moved swiftly to address the issue.
Hear! Hear!
So long as racist lunatics are running the shitshow I’m for keeping my money home. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck the hillbillies are going to do with all the hundreds of thousands of sick babies and OxyMoms who wind up dumped on the courthouse steps in Trailer Holler, Ohio. Don’t really give a fuck either. I just know that with a shirtless communist dictator calling the shots, less is more.
God isn’t pleased with the GOP tax plan. A minor earthquake centered a few miles from Washington DC rattled the east coast this morning. Probably a warning shot.
Colleges approve thievery when the person is a DUMMOCRETIN! http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ech-uconn/
And this is another reason people voted for Trump!
Till Next Time!
Colleges approve thievery when the person is a DUMMOCRETIN! http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ech-uconn/
And this is another reason people voted for Trump!
Till Next Time!
Oh shitstain…
Puddy can double or single post at will. Watch shitstain steve’s head explode again in this thread!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! And you still stink like shit!
Till Next Time!
Oh shitstain…
Puddy can double or single post at will. Watch shitstain steve’s head explode again in this thread!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! And you still stink like shit!
Till Next Time!
@216 There’s only one plausible explanation of voting for a racist, bigoted, pussygrabbing adulterer and serial bankrupt with no character or morals, no public policy or political experience, and no qualifications for the job whatsoever: Head-up-ass stupidity.
Which describes you and Dumbfuck to a “T”.
Kate Steinle death verdict is in waiting…
Oh and San Franfreako is guilty too of her murder!
Till Next Time!
Well, here is $100K of the $17MM… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....-lawmaker/
Till Next Time!
@213 It isn’t a problem when your presidential or senatorial candidates do it, or when Fox does it, so why is it a problem when NBC does it?
I see Pelosi has joined Ryan in calling for Conyers to resign. When are you going to join my calls for Trump to resign? What’s good for the gander ought to apply the same to the goose, don’t you think?
@218 “Puddy can double or single post at will.”
@219 “Puddy can double or single post at will.”
It’s a free country. You have a constitutional right to impersonate an octopus with palsy if that’s what rings your chimes.
Blathering senile idiot spotted @220!
Till Next Time!
Whoa! Look out, everybody! The loon’s double-postings of HATE are out of control! Sigh! Five days straight of Peak HATE must have been just too much him. Sad!
@226 See #224.
Another Republican perv bites the dust.
“Former Republican Oklahoma senator Ralph Shortey pleads guilty to hiring boy prostitute”
12. Ralph Shortey
@204 I know!He grabbed my genitalia too!
Rex Tillerson “forced out”.
Forced out? Jeeeezus the Hillbilly Pissident in an infantile disgrace! Keith Schiller having hit the silk leaves nobody to deliver the memos. Why in the name of Elvis would anybody work for this reeling buffoon?
It appears that 49 GOP senators would rather believe fake facts than stiff their wealthy donors.
They need 50.
When the count gets to 100 you’ll expect it to make a difference?
Not guilty verdict in Kate Steinle murder trial. The jury believed defense claims the shooting was an accident, based on ballistics evidence that the bullet ricocheted off the pavement before striking Steinle. According to the defense, the gun was wrapped in a shirt lying on a bench, and went off when he picked it up.
“Defense attorney Matt Gonzalez … told jurors that Garcia Zarate had no motivation to kill Steinle and as awful as her death was, ‘nothing you do is going to fix that.'”
@202 “It’s much more than a tax cut; it’s a sweeping social re-engineering of American society.”
What? Republicans engaging social engineering? Do tell… More like getting ready for amped up race wars by putting the Klan in charge. The only “social engineering” Republicans enjoy is gerrymandering and stacking the bench with angry old white men. Well that and saving unborn fetuses and then letting the die because there are no social services for all of those unwanted kids that were born because Republicans denied choices for women’s health.
I’m sure Dr. Dumbfuck has stock in Bayer, with the need of some more Zyklon B, their stock will rise.
Piddles for the life of me I don’t know why you support the group of people that want to see you dead.
Republicans prefer the moral reassurance that comes from shunning starving children.
They’re going bananas on Fox. Decades ago, Justice Holmes observed that “even a dog knows the difference between being stepped on and kicked.” Apparently Fox commentators lack dogs’ intelligence.
Susan Collins is calling on her loyal Amercan patriotic Democratic colleagues to save her from the Medicare cuts she is pledged to approve.
She is a reliable vote for Russian Hillbilly Treason running in a loyal American patriot state. There is no good reason for Democrats to throw Treason a life ring.
Fred Reed’s latest:
Absolute, Obvious, Unacknowledged Disaster: A Racial Snapshot of America
Posted on November 30, 2017 by Fred Reed
Let us look into the abyss. It will do no good.
First, another page in the sordid comic book of American race relations. In Beijing, three black basketball players from UCLA were arrested for shoplifting. They faced jail time. Ten years, actually.
The theft was so stupid that it demands explanation. It was too stupid for stupidity to be responsible They did not need to steal. They were pampered babies of semi-pro basketball, infinitely privileged. They are not expected to meet academic standards, to study, or be able to read. Something other than conventional stupidity must be involved. Is it that blacks, as various psychologists have said, lack impulse control, cannot readily envision the future? I don’t know. It fits, though.
There is a curious pattern here. Scoreboard Baby is a book tracking the careers of black football players at the University of Washington. UW is a big-time football school and these players were on track to be millionaires in the NFL. Yet their record in the university is one of rape, armed robbery, assault, wife-beating, endlessly repeated drunk driving, drug use, and parole violation. Criminality is understandable: You want those tennis shoes, or your life is so screwed up that you just don’t give a damn. These guys, with everything going for them, apparently could not control themselves even in their own interest.
But, back to the basketball players: As they awaited a decade in a Chinese slam, Donald Trump–drum roll, trumpets—drops from the sky like a thunderbolt, weaning a red, white, and blue cape. He intervenes to save three two-bit semi-literate boosters. The President of the United States acting like a starveling PD, public defender, the bottom-rung lawyers who hang around court houses in cheap suits to keep bottom-feeding crooks on the street.
Possibly I was wrong about the manner of Mr. Trump’s arrival. Anyway, I am thinking that when he leaves office, he could start a firm, Shoplifters Redemption International and get federal outreach money.
OK, next. Baltimore has passed three hundred murders for the year. The figure is so astonishing that one almost begins to see it as like a batting average: Can they make it to four hundred? Are we doing better than last year?
You will probably have assumed hat the killers were Chinese math majors from Johns Hopkins. Right? You racist dog.
In response to its Bizarro world chaos, the black government of Ballmer tears down Confederate statues. Yes. These cause crime. The correlation is undeniable: Japan has no Confederate statues, and no crime. See?
These offensive sculptures commemorate a war that Baltimore’s cadavers, strewn about like flower petals in autumn, couldn’t spell. Do you doubt this? Go into the schools of Baltimore and see how many can spell “Confederate.” Which brings us to:
Next: Another Baltimorean triumph:. Fox News:“Project Baltimore analyzed 2017 state testing data and found one-third of High Schools in Baltimore, last year, had zero students proficient in math.” In six other high schools, only 1 percent tested proficient in math. Only 15 percent of Baltimore students passed the state’s English test..
Bear in mind that the schools, and their policies, are entirely under control of a black government.
It is hard to decide whether these revelations are astonishing or boring. Accustomed to such numbers by long exposure, we forget that scholastic catastrophe of this magnitude would be unthinkable in any other civilized society. Can you imagine a Baltimore in Japan? Finland? South Korea? Germany before African immigration? Ah, but Baltimore is getting rid of those oppressive statues. That will fix things.
Absolute, obvious, unacknowledged disaster.
Next: More advances in the homicide competition: Chicago, the City that Works, has hit six hundred dead! Zingo! Those pikers in Ballmer don’t have a chance. There is good news, of a sort. There have been 2045 shootings in Chicago to the end of October. This comes 3.41 attempts per murder. Oh blessed inaccuracy. In poor marksmanship lies our hope.
None of them should be surprised. None of them.
Anyone that aligns with Fuckface is disgraced and diminished by it. Nobody escapes his vast sphere of humiliation and degradation.
What you and your Klavern mates forget is that a Div 1 athlete is essentially forbidden to have money – at least in so far as any opportunity to obtain it legally is concerned.
If they are fortunate enough to have wealthy mommies and daddies they can be gifted pretty large sums, carry credit card balances, and drive stylish new cars. But otherwise they are actually worse off than academic merit scholars who can accept jobs, unlimited gifts, apply for cash grants, and oh yes, still take money from mom and dad. Full ride D1 athletic scholars can’t even accept a boat ride to a barbecue.
So despite the ignorant fantasies of you and your Klavern, these guys are flat broke most of the time. If they smoke any weed they are probably in debt to a drug dealer.
That’s just the way it is. Because thats how we set it all up.
Fred Reed’s comments, not mine.
There are different points of view out there, you know.
and probably one of those points of views (or facts) is that we enslaved a group of people and kept them from being educated like any other non slave individual. Aside from screwing with their psyche of having any self esteem or value. And to this day hold them back to some degree.
Kind of like what some want to do with the gay people. Treat them differently, make them less of a human being without the same rights. Ohhh and to hold them back too.
Crawl back into your stupid cave.
Have to love those that want to preach history and remembering it, but so quickly forget anything about slavery. Slavery wasn’t just making someone doing something for nothing – it did a lot more. Next time you don’t think it was that bad…then please let me know, I could use a slave…maybe you would like to volunteer.
Slavery is also about power….kind of like the bad boys that are accused of sexual misconduct nowadays. Or should I say pigs. Face it.
Ohhh, except Puffy – he’s more of an Ape than pig.
This analysis of the GOP tax bill concludes it rips off the young to enrich the old.
Doctor Dumbfuck will be glad to hear that.
@242 America is a country of 330 million people. You probably can find three low-class idiots in any color you like if you look hard enough.
The GOP tax bill seems to be stuck. The floor vote has been postponed.
Pars Dominae Foetidae:
You forgot —
Dr Larry Nassar Olympic Doctor – Convicted
Charlie Rose at CBS – Fired
Mark Halperin at ABC – Fired
Michael Oreskes at PBS – Fired
RatPac Director Brett Ratner – Fired
Actor Jeremy Piven
Director Hamilton Fish
Andrew Kramer of Lionsgate – resigned
Ken Baker of E! News
Roy Price of Amazon – resigned
Rick Najera CBS Diversity Director – Fired
Louis CK – Apologized – Fired
Robert Scoble – Writer
Lockhart Steele – Vox – Fired
Chef John Besh
Actor Steven Segal
Director Brian Singer
Nickelodeon’s Chris Savino – Fired
Cinefamily Exec Shadie Elnashai – Fired
Andy Signore of Honest Trailers – Fired
Terry Richardson – Photographer
Tyler Gresham – young boy harasser
David O. Russell – Director
Oliver Stone – Director
Ben Affleck – apologized
Harry Knowles – resigned from Cool News
Devin Faraci- Movie Writer
Comedian Andy Dick – Apologized – Fired
USC’s vice president of fundraising David Carrera – Fired
Director James Toback – 200 women and counting
Almost all of the above gave to the DUMMOCRETIN coffers. DNC gonna be hurting next year!
Till Next Time
Passing along “different points of view” based entirely upon parochial racist ignorance makes just as much sense as passing along Russian FSB authored agitprop.
There are different kinds of treason out there as well it would seem.
Only at face value. Ultimately they’ll have to agree to huge cuts in Medicare or obtain Senate Democrats approval. No way around that. A mandatory $25 billion cut to Medicare triggered by these tax cuts will almost certainly fall most heavily on older Americans.
So weird that he left out the boat full of dildos, condoms, and lube.
Well, that didn’t take long.
@169 Well Senators do have one big advantage over Representatives or even President’s in that American voters don’t have long memories. Sometimes they do. Hard to predict when the American voter will demonstrate a willingness to use their long term memory.
@168 Why Frank Zappa never played the USO?
Titties and Beer!!!
@171 But since social security is an entitlement you will receive it if you paid in for 40 quarters. If you don’t want it please give it to the USO!
@175 She should said sure sweetie and grabbed the Senator by the balls and given them a good twist and yank. Just cause he’s Senator don’t make his plumbing immune to pain. Just take a page from the girl with the dragon tattoo.
@191 There is a difference. Driving a car (or at least being licensed) is a privilege. Owning a firearm is a right under the US and Washington State constitution.
One could argue to have a blog like this one should have to have a license from the government, a proper degree, insurance, ect.
Susan Collins is approaching her unwavering Amercan devoted Democratic partners to spare her from the Medicare slices she is swore to support.
She is a solid vote in favor of Russian Hillbilly Treason running in a devoted American nationalist state. There is no justifiable reason purpose behind Democrats to toss Treason an existence ring.
@193 If the tax bill passes if there is a realistic possibility of a depression in the next 6 months the tax bill will kick that can down the road for at least 18-24 months. If a three percent or more growth rate is achieved then no depression and the gamble works.
Sell your stocks before the crash. Buy some gold and silver. Buy a place in Concrete, WA and hide out there until the good times come back.
@196 You mean the same Russia that we are at loggerheads with over North Korea? One would think Putin would tell Kim to behave in no uncertain terms if that were the case.
@223 Conyers should tell Pelosi she is a dead parrot. He could also do the ultimate ninja move and become a Republican.
What is found in every Republican’s barn?
“dildos, condoms, and lube”
Little wonder America’s goats live in fear.
I foresee many loon head explosions and pro-Putin hashtags in our future.
“BOMBSHELL: Mike Flynn to plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia”
Yet so strange that O’Keefe is still in command of that organization despite the scandalous details of his past sexual misdeeds.
With upright citizen defenders of virtue like Dumbfuck and Loooon tirelessly fighting too rid the media ranks of abusers the silence surrounding O’Keefe is a klaxon.
Might impact their credibility much?
Next up from the FSB trollBot brigades:
“It may hve been ‘obstruction’. But it wasn’t Obstruction-obstruction.”
Count on it. In the very same way that forcibly grabbing young women by the vagina became “locker room talk” and eventually “someone else”.
How some billionaire will spend his tax cut you Trump voter suckers will pay for.
@263 The walls are closing in on Orange Jesus. Wonder what Piddles and Dumbfuck will say when they can no longer deny the lowlife they’ve been defending is a traitor?
@262 Being a sex slave and a goat at the same time has to be a tough way to live.
@261 Well, that’s one way to get away with it. Get the Bible thumpers on your side and you’re home free.
@259 As usual you don’t know what you’re talking about. The tax bill will have negligible effect on growth. Tax cut or no, there won’t be a depression in six months. This is not the right time to ditch stocks (although such a time may come, especially if Trump succeeds at deregulating Wall Street and the banks again; but it will take time for these reckless policies to kick in). Buying gold and silver is great for gold and silver brokers (which is why they buy all those ads on late-night TV shows). Concrete is downwind of Bangor and will catch so much fallout the place will look like the cement plant is back in operation. You’ll need a protective suit and respirator to go outdoors.
It’s a good thing I didn’t vote for Trump!
@271 You’re getting screwed anyway, thanks to the morons who did.
WHAM!!! Headlines shouting that Trump ordered Flynn to talk to the Russians hit the wires, and within two minutes the Dow index plunges 200 points. Looks like Wall Street is hedging its Trump futures.
Now we know what Flynn gave Mueller.
Meanwhile, CFOs deny workers will get raises, throwing cold water on GOP trickle down claims.
A con job aimed squarely at foreign corruption. But hey, at least they put a bunch of unskilled, undocumented immigrant laborers to work for a few years. That’ll please the EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE out there.
“Deactivated at the end of series, the aircraft was refurbished by the developers into a piece of art that matches the style of the property.”
Trust me. You aren’t allowed to land a helicopter on your residential property in Bel Air. It’s a $200 million property featuring $50 million worth of staging.
Flynn must be like a wet blanket for our trolls who were posting with enthusiasm yesterday. Today, not so much.
Just a guess, but this must really suck for our treasonous trolls.
“BREAKING: Flynn Prepared To Testify Against Trump!”
“Donald Trump “directed him to make contact with the Russians.”
From Mother Jones: “Please Enjoy This Clip of Michael Flynn Leading a ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant”
Too funny.
“Flynn departs court amid ‘lock him up’ chants”
Looks like our troll traitors will be a no-show today. Quite understandable, really.
They go silent whenever it becomes necessary for the Russian Bot generating algorithm to re-calibrate public response through social media testing. Some version of “not Obstruction-obstruction” will soon be forthcoming. But it must be the version optimized for the mass consumption of blindingly stupid, racist, beer drunk, sister-fucking, trailer dwelling, Hillbilly Republican Traitors and EEEN-DEEEE-PEN-DUNCE.
“Russian Bot generating algorithm to re-calibrate public response through social media testing”
@281 Trump will shortly bestow on Flynn the customary loyalty he always returns to his subordinates, sycophants, and servants.
“Trump White House Furiously Tries To Distance Itself From Michael Flynn”
“They are trying to shift the blame to Obama. Seriously.”
Heh. Good luck with that.
“Two days after the November election, President Barack Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn. Obama had fired him from his job as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Trump appointed Flynn to the high-ranking job anyway.”
I’m still trying to figure Cobb out. But I think maybe his response to this is telling. He’s been surprisingly upbeat as this thing has unfolded, despite some pretty monumental fuckups. He’s obviously a bit of a character. But I just don’t comprehend what kind of lawyer involved in this kind of high stakes defense openly bitches about the rest of the team in an outdoor public setting. That is truly mind boggling.
I think he’s being frozen out by Pissident Russian PeePee and his close legal team. They’ve shoved him out on point while withholding a ton of crucial information. That would be pretty consistent with how the Fuckface Org has operated all along. They tend to go around or avoid the people who tell them “no” – at least when they aren’t firing them or “forcing them out”. So the happy talk from Cobb is a way for him to gain the trust of the insiders I suppose. And it probably keeps the retainer checks being cut. But at this point I think he knows less than Mueller.
No. That’s all good. Look whatever kind of immunity deal Flynn has obtained will depend entirely upon his performance testifying later on. That is particularly true since he may also face state charges related to the kidnapping scheme that cannot be included in the federal deal.
But for all the incentive that Flynn may have to cooperate and give truthful testimony, it never hurts for the witness to have a grudge against his former conspirators. If the only damage control tactic the Traitors can come up with is to throw Flynn under the bus and smear him in the media that will only clarify for Flynn, Gates, Manafort, and any other cooperating witnesses who their real friends are.
More of this, please.
Wonder what I can do to get people’s minds off a my lying cohorts…I know start a nuclear war!
At least when I lied to the American Public it was just about something between me and some hooch and some Cuban cigars.
My god this is going to get really juicy.
You know one thing (but who knows really) – Flynn is not getting any Pardon.
Ahhhh, yes – I too enjoy the nice cars, boats and fine wine….but I get to enjoy them not having to think how fucking stupid I’ve been being a traitor to this Country.
Since 1997, a congressional liability fund has paid out $17 million, much of which went to settle anthrax and asbestos claims. So far, only 1 congressman is known to have dipped into those taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment claim. That congressman was identified today as Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) and the payout in that case was $84,000.
“Rep. Blake Farenthold”
Who happens to be the most repulsive looking creature imaginable.
The cowardice of our troll traitors is noted.
“A source close to President Donald Trump said the latest developments surrounding his former national security advisor Michael Flynn are ‘very, very, very bad,’ according to NBC News.”
“President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is the ‘very senior’ official who directed former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn to contact foreign government officials over a UN resolution condemning Israel, NBC News reported on Friday ….”
The walls are closing in.
Newsweek headlines this afternoon:
Still wishful thinking for now, but as I said, the walls are closing in.
Problem is, things are different from the time of Watergate. Back then, the GOP still had representatives and senators with enough honor to oust a president of their party who was a criminal. Today you couldn’t find enough honor in the entire GOP House and Senate caucuses to fill a thimble. This means it would take Democratic majorities to get rid of a Republican who videotapes children fucking goats.
Without knowing who the “two people familiar with the matter” who leaked this to NBC are, it still strikes me as unusual.
Flynn was the Team Fuckface pick for National Security Advisor. In any kind of normal candidacy that would be the person in the transition team tasked with heading up foreign policy development for the team going into the transition. Who does that person take marching orders from? The President elect. In a few cases perhaps the Vice-President elect. Everyone else at the very top of a normal campaign would be co-equal in rank, overseeing their own responsibilities for policy development, transition, etc. That Fuckface Von PeePee would put someone (other than Pence) between himself and his chosen National Security Advisor tells us a few things about this Presidency. And none of them are reassuring.
1) He’s unwilling to be held accountable for the big stuff.
2) He’s dangerously uninformed about the issues but can’t stand for anyone to know it.
3) He wants to govern and even impede the flow of information crucial to national security decision making.
4) He’s very uncertain about his own decision making over issues of national security.
63 million beer drunk hillbilly racists put this man in the White House at precisely the moment when North Korea was deploying a nuclear ICBM capability, China was seeking ownership of the most vital shipping lanes on earth, Iran was implementing a client state relationship with Syria, Syria was opening a WMD and nuke customer account with North Korea, Saudi Arabia was expanding its proxy war with Iran into sub-Saharan Africa, and Putin is still trying to annex Ukraine.
Americans should never be allowed to forget that the Republican Party did this. Perhaps no greater act of collective treason was ever enacted by any group of people in all of human history. Why do you think they spend so much time trying to blame this shit on Obama or Clinton. They know exactly what they’ve done and how incredibly treasonous it really is.
Something to keep in mind about the Flynn plea deal:
It is very rare for any federal prosecutor, but particularly a special prosecutor assigned to the gravest of criminal matters, to deal away real, chargeable offenses. For example, if part of the defendant’s stipulation includes admitting to homicide, they probably get charged with homicide one way or another. It might be 3rd degree manslaughter, but the court can’t really agree to an arrangement that let’s somebody get away with really serious crimes.
So the fact that Flynn is being allowed to plead to lying, while not being charged with any of the various other possible crimes his stipulation will implicate, probably is significant. As I see it, at least, that means Mueller can see his way around at least some of the elements of those criminal statutes. I suspect the only way he does that is by getting Flynn to testify that “it wasn’t my idea”, “the other guy made me do it”, or some other version of the “good German” defense. So the question that raises is who does Flynn implicate who ranks high enough within Team Fuckface to convince Mueller that Flynn was just following orders?
The problem with this Country is that we have people like Meghan McCain who can’t stand the truth and have to twist and reshape thier sad story.
Watch what she says,
Joy Behar Responds To Michael Flynn Guilty Plea With Pure Joy https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/joy-behar-response-to-michael-flynn-guilty-plea-with-pure-joy_us_5a21a249e4b03c44072d6cdb
I would have responded by telling her that then Fuckface and the other Fuckface Republicans should insist the their dear leader tell his fans and the American public the truth and resign if she is so worried about tearing this Country apart. They have already succeeded regardless.
If she thinks that fucking Repukes are better for this Country then maybe they need to act that way, fess up, take it and apologize and tell the hillbillies that this shit ain’t right. No need to tell Joy that her celebration is going to upset the little shiturd flakes.
I’m sure if she was manhanfled by a grabby pig man she would want an apology.
BENGHAZZZZZZZZI! That pig didn’t care about tearing a country apart then. Go fuck yourself bitch!!!
That’s just Republicans being hillbilly traitors.
These are people who fundamentally conceive of “America” as being, well, them. And nobody else. There is no room in their concept of full-on “Americanism” for anyone like you and I and most of the regulars who comment on HA. So when she says “America is going to tear itself apart” she’s talking about the Republican Party. And all any of us should say to that is… good.
Ms. McCain and the other traitors have already done most of the damage they are going to do to the loyal patriotic majority of Americans. Baring a truly epic fuckup from Team Fuckface, we will make it through all this okay. In some ways we will be better for it.
But the Republican Party brand must own this treason. Forever. They built it brick by brick, tweet by tweet, and hashtag by hashtag. They marched with torches, they waved Confederate flags, they spit beer at kneeling athletes and they made one fake-lame excuse after another for as long as it took. They tied their fear, bigotry, and intolerance to a Russian conspiracy and in so doing permanently disgraced themselves in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of the majority of Americans. That is where the look of fear in Ms. McCain’s eyes comes from. The reckoning she is only now realizing she cannot avoid.
@299 What Elijah said.
If the people who voted for a pussy-grabber and who would now vote for a child molester get their feelings hurt over this, I don’t give a fuck. They deserve whatever bad things happen to them. I only wish I could see it with my own eyes.
Interesting filing… Flynn is nailed for actions during the transition time not before the election. Butt this is lost on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
How bad are things for Republicans? This bad.
— President’s approval rating drops to 34%
— Psychiatrists are publicly questioning his fitness
— Russian collusion allegations are bolstered by guilty pleas
— Open talk of impeachment is gaining momentum
— More special prosecutor shoes are likely to drop
— Republicans are facing a mid-term Armageddon
On top of all that, bookmaking websites are now giving even odds that Trump won’t finish his term.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Mueller obtains grand jury indictments against Trump’s son and son-in-law, which seems highly probable, I’m guessing Trump won’t be able to resist the temptation to fire Mueller and then all hell will break loose.
What a loon @302! Sad!
@302 Clueless as always.
“The Flynn guilty plea comes from someone who, until the day he was reluctantly fired by Trump as national security adviser, sat at the absolute epicenter of Trumpworld. And, unlike Manafort, Flynn’s charge deals directly with his interactions with the Russian ambassador — and goes to the very core of Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and any possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. …
“Whether or not this probe ultimately reaches to Trump, it’s now totally impossible for the President and his allies to dismiss the Mueller investigation as a ‘hoax,’ a distraction or the work of Democrats bitter about losing the election.
“The following things are facts:
“Mueller was appointed as special counsel by Trump Justice Department deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
“Flynn was an extremely close and influential adviser to Trump as a candidate and as president.
“Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
“There’s no ‘fake news’ media in either of those three sentences. Or Democrats. Or hoaxes. Or witch hunts. …
“And, with the Flynn guilty plea, there is absolutely no thinking person who could possibly believe that Trump’s presidency is not in some level of peril now. …
“The Flynn charge is unmistakeable proof that this whole thing is inside Trump’s White House.”
Trump had a very, very, very bad day. So did his apologists and supporters.
— President’s approval rating drops to 34% – OK
— Psychiatrists are publicly questioning his fitness – Libtard ones
— Russian collusion allegations are bolstered by guilty pleas – Nothing direct yet!
— Open talk of impeachment is gaining momentum – On libtard land shows
— More special prosecutor shoes are likely to drop – Ok?
— Republicans are facing a mid-term Armageddon – Not if tax reform passes!
Wait for the clueless crazed databaze deala time check!
Now Watch…
Till Next Time!
@305 why not just place the whole article in since 2 paragraphs is not your limit senile idiot wabbit?
You heard it here first, kids. The Hillbilly Traitors are guaranteeing they will retain all their open and vulnerable seats in Congress if only they can pass their billionaire tax cut.
Mark it down.
Put a pin in it.
Flag it with a sticky note.
No matter what else happens, how many high school freshmen Republicans rape, despite the communist treason, kidnapping schemes, massive oil spills, rampant corruption, and looting of the public treasury, if they pass this tax cut bill they all get to keep their jobs forever. That is their plan. That is their guarantee.
Seriously. That’s who Republicans are now. These people. All of them. Just like this one. Half-mad traitors. Every damn one of ’em.
It already has. Flynn will testify that Trump gave the orders and called the shots with respect to managing the Russian response to the sanctions as part of the election assistance quid pro quo. That’s a half dozen felonies right there. Trump will deny it all and call Flynn a liar trying to save his own skin. Republicans in Congress will pretend to be confused and insist they need more time to “get to the bottom of things”.
We don’t believe any of you. We never will ever again.
@306 “Russian collusion allegations are bolstered by guilty pleas – Nothing direct yet!”
Excuse me, but that’s exactly what Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about. Thanks for playing. You lose.
“Republicans are facing a mid-term Armageddon – Not if tax reform passes!”
Wherein the loon asserts that taxing the middle class to enrich the rich is a winning electoral strategy … it’s why we call him a loon.
@307 Trump better hope his lawyers can gin up a better defense argument than yours.
@308 Well, they do comprehend they have to pay off their billionaire funders to receive the wherewithal to continue their campaigns of Machiavellian manipulation, obfuscation, and lies, so they’re not completely irrational yet.
@309 Trump’s base will think it was perfectly all right because, after all, Trump as the president-elect-to-be had a perfect right to discuss his foreign policy plans with a potential ally (Putin) and, besides, Hillary. Emails. Benghazi. Lock her up.
@310 We never did.
In any case, the draft dodger crowd lost veterans like me for good when they called us “unpatriotic” for not supporting Shrub’s bungled war against the wrong country that threw away 4,400 American soldiers’ lives pointlessly.
All you really need to know about Trump and the traitors that voted for him are contained in Trumps quote during his campaign on 23 January 2016. Presidential candidate Donald Trump caused controversy when he stated the following during a campaign rally in Iowa:
I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.
Trump and his ilk think they are above the law, end of story. Flynn, and anybody else, even if it is family, are simply going to be collateral damage so Trump can continue to rape and pillage the country.
LMAO! The babbling butthole puts HA HEROES FIRST up to the last minute before skydaddy time at 4:17pm..
Toooo effin funny!