– Happy 4th tomorrow. I won’t be posting anything. Maybe Goldy or someone else will.
– The creative commute contest seems like a hoot.
– More maps should be adjusted for sobriety.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Happy 4th tomorrow. I won’t be posting anything. Maybe Goldy or someone else will.
– The creative commute contest seems like a hoot.
– More maps should be adjusted for sobriety.
What do Liberals even do on the fourth? Do you guys sit in drum circles and collectively cry for the wrongs committed by the United States?
I bet you wander the streets apologizing to anyone who looks vaguely foreign.
500,000 people times $30 per month is a bunch of money that won’t be able to be used to fund the Democratic Party. It also is likely to spread beyond home healthcare workers.
Small wonder people on the left are pissed about the Harris decision. After all, George Soros won’t live forever.
Speaking about libtards who hate America…
Did you listen to Bill Ayers over those two nights on Megyn Kelly’s show? The radical leftist really hates America, and how much of that rubbed off on Obummer! Remember per Bill Ayers, he and Bernadine didn’t do anything wrong EVAH! But his acolytes taking direction from Ayers killed people. “They misunderstood!”
Meanwhile Obummer’s peeps block a Congressman from seeing the illegal alien children at Ft. Sill! http://bridenstine.house.gov/m.....at-ft-sill
The modern industrial worker’s main problems, which have nothing to do with the law, are:
All the union dues in the world can’t paper over the reality that more is produced with fewer human employees because of technology.
@1 Meanwhile, conservatives get drunk on cheap foreign-owned mass-market beer and blow their fingers off with Chinese firecrackers purchased at Indian fireworks stands.
@5 Yeah, well, we’re all gonna have to be capitalists because pretty soon there’ll be no work for humans. Ya know? I’m making $2k in the stock market this morning. Works out to about $250/hr, and I don’t do any work or produce anything.
Hmm… Thom boko haram Fartmann http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....nt-1261037 admits Iraq was connected to 9/11. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/j.....ing-kuwait.
You kill the enemy in a war Fartmann. You know Fartmann knows nuthin about the military. Why? http://radioequalizer.blogspot.....radio.html Yeah he purposely flunked a physical to scrub out!
@8 “Fartmann knows nuthin about the military.”
And you do? The object of war is not killing, but seizing objectives, and ultimately persuading the enemy to agree to your terms.
Hartmann has a point: Why shoot up a retreating enemy column when your objective (liberating Kuwait) has already been achieved? What did that achieve militarily?
I’m not saying he’s right, but can you think of a justification for strafing the retreating Iraqis on their way out of Kuwait, other than gratuitous slaughter?
Hey IDIOT Wabbit,
William Shatner (Canadian) loves Labatts. So what cheep beer you drink… http://deadspin.com/36-cheap-a.....-638820035 since you KNOW we frequent Indian reservations!
Here’s a quiz for you, pudnutz. You’re in a foxhole, and still in one piece after a hard fought battle. The enemy are coming out of their foxholes, weaponless and hands in the air. Do you shoot?
@10 Labatts is redneck swill. I prefer expensive imported beer, specifically Guinness and the better German beers. I also like Jack Daniels whiskey and French brandy and cognac.
Puddy trusts Colin Powell over some retired libtard hell-bent freakazoid person who claims to be a rabbit.
KILL IT Roger Roadkill IDIOT Wabbit!
Didn’t Roadblock Roadkill IDIOT Wabbit recently say he skipped over PuddyEntries. Yet we see the IDIOT wabbit reading PuddyEntries! Sux to be you and your “seizing objectives”!
Here’s an answer for your Roadblock Roadkill IDIOT Wabbit, and you know they are weaponless because? You inspected their pockets from afar?
Another of your stoooooooooopid memes which makes no sense!
Hmmm… Obummer wants to ally with Bashir Assad? http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....st-go.html? A flip-flop? Really?
No matter how you cut it.. with Independents thinking Obummer is way worse http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news.....aseID=2056, it’s still Bush’s fault! http://news.yahoo.com/-it-s-ob.....05971.html
Hey look phony scandals. http://news.investors.com/ibd-.....htm?p=full And Obummer is the reason for their phoniness.
The border mess
The IRS mess
The Iraq mess
Thanks HA DUMMOCRETINS for jock strapping the .worst. .president. .since. .WWII. Or as the clueless crazed cretin would say “two term elected president” is now the worst! He may go down as the worst ever!
Can’t blame Bush anymore. Obummer is worse!
How do you know a libtard DUMMOCRETIN is lying.. It’s lips are moving and some “words” are flying out. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....rocedures/
Something for the empty tea bag… And to wash it down a cheep US beer http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5dd_1347107772
So where is Burger King’s Black Pride Whopper? it better appear next February!
How much you wanna bet this lady is a DUMMOCRETIN? http://abcnews.go.com/US/us-te.....d=24407029
The DOW passes 17,000 and U.S. Creates 288,000 Jobs In June, Unemployment Rate Dips To 6.1%
I await adulation of Obama by the Corporate Conservatives.
Oh wait.
Fox News Really Doesn’t Want To Talk About The Good Jobs News
Doesn’t the asshole puddypussypissypants ever get tired of enhancing hid bonafides as a batshit crazy right wing loon?
@ 23
SchizoPuddles is an inveterate liar, as are all “conservatives”. They are pathologically incapable of telling the truth about anything, even to save their own lives. At least we know for sure now what they really think about helpless children. Hell, Laura Ingraham practically advocated for just going with the “final solution” to the problem yesterday.
It is one of the reasons why I don’t bother coming in here too much anymore. Repeated attempts to rationally counter the slanders, obfuscations and outright lies continually spewed by the Fascists that come in here is emotionally corrosive. I have enough bullshit to deal with already.
What the audio track to a conservatives thinking processes sounds like.
I was appalled by the images of the crowds of xenophobes screaming and protesting the buses of illegal children being transferred to overflow locations. Most are likely going to be deported, so are Americans so cruel, so hard hearted, so scared of them, that Americans cannot show compassion while they are here under our care?
This comment from another site seems to sum up my confusion
“This makes absolutely no sense. Why would anyone want to block those in this country illegally from getting to the processing centers that are a necessary part of the process to send them back to where they came from?”
This is a fascinating wrinkle.
Before the owners were not responsible for the company’s debts. Now, thanks to the Hobby Lobby case, it’s in question. By letting Hobby Lobby’s owners assert their personal religious rights over an entire corporation, the Supreme Court has poked a major hole in the separation of owner and company. In other words, if a company is not truly separate from its owners, the owners could be made responsible for its debts and other burdens.
@24. He’s been on a fever pitch recently, it’s like he doesn’t have any work to do.
I thought the blind fury of the conservatives about the refugee kids was disturbing. It take serious fear to get that angry.
Are they just THAT afraid that a few percentages of the kids might be able to stay?
The ONLY reason Libs advocate for illegal aliens, is that they see them not as people, but as walking votes.
Amen @29! Very True! Google which national DUMMOCRETINS let it slip! Puddy already delivered the links before.
Very telling!
Wow, Puddy works on his house and the freakazoids appear.
First let’s discuss the “unemployment rate”. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf If you look at U6, the real measure of stable unemployment metrics, dropped a tenth of a point to 12.1%. 12.1% worser. Where is that number worser? Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Also from the same values FACTS not fiction… The number of persons employed part time (forced into these jobs per (BLS) increased by 275,000 in June to 7.5 million. So wait a minute… 288,000 jobs screamed by worser and 275,000 are part time? Hmmm…? 13,000 full time jobs worser? FACTS you loser worser!
From Reuters worser
Wow such a robust economy!
And worser another FACT – for the 49th time in 50 months, more jobseekers gave up looking than found work. The percentage of peeps working is the lowest EVAH under Obummer… http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS11300000 – 62.8%
Puddy finds this stuff so easy worser!
@21. So where the valid Republican jobs bills?
Now onto OWS Racist Fraggy… Calling Puddy schizo? Really? When you had multiple opportunity over opportunity to call out national DUMMOCRETINS who are beholden to wall street, your big call to arms and you disappear like a little BOY?
Oh ye who speaks with forked tongue. You continue to make incorrect ASSumptions, many of which explain your sad life to a “T”.
These illegal alien children are Obummer’s problem and America is waking up to it. Obummer was forced to react because DUMMOCRETINS have turned on him based on polls Puddy has placed in this thread. YOU OWS Racist Fraggy can’t fathom FACTSso you call Puddy an inveterate liar. Well schmucko, the FACTS tell otherwise.
Why haven’t you applied for some of these illegal alien children OWS Racist Fraggy? Oh wait, they are brown and we already know what OWS Racist Fraggy wrote about brown skinned people. It’s Google-able! So a city negatively reacts. So have Jerry Brown DUMMOCRETIN guvnur of CA. So has Deval Patrick DUMMOCRETIN guvnur of MA. Puddy already posted the links you moron! Obummer doesn’t care about those illegal children.
You provide rational commentary? What a crock Yes post #24 is really rational to another DUMMOCRETIN moron! All it is is one ad hominem attack, no real substance.
Please stay away. Your kind make freakazoid look bad!
You ask that every time your ASS is kicked! And Puddy responds again: Bottled up in Harry Reid’s senate! http://majorityleader.gov/JobsTracker/ You need to stop reading left wrong freakazoid sites worser!
Butt don’t let facts stop you worser! Never has before. Where is Obummer’s non-laughable jobs bill?
Was there a real rujaxoff sighting or was it another hit and run. Except it wasn’t a hit, just a “love tap”. Nothing useful from rujaxoff was learned AGAIN!
What? No protest from the Bible Thumpers? I guess they overlook the sins and failings of their kind. Typical behavior of their kind – I think I heard a statistic that there were 35 children left in cars by parents in 2014 already, on sweltering days. Boy, why didn’t they just drive them into a lake like some of the other ones? Preach o Preach….please preach at the Gay Parade.
Chalk one up for the Whitey American Taliban.
Puddy sees nothing about “white American Taliban”
1) She was elected as president
2) The school is located in NJ, big time blue DUMMOCRETIN state
3) She made fun of the males in a derogatory way.
4) Sux to be you empty tea bag.
Once again you prove you lost your stones long ago!
Many people have commented all over America. Strangely on you commented on it and apparently you are grasping for straws as always empty tea bag.
Where did you learn he’s a Christian? Got link. Seems you don’t post many links empty tea bag!
@39 where did you learn i was Christian, so why you holding me to the bible but not him, just because he may not be Christian. Why not Bible Thump against those having affairs while being married? I don’t see this protest. The Bible Thumpers pick on gays, because it is all they can pick on, they are jealous and on crack like you.
@38 – she was being derogatory? How so? She didn’t utter one ill word….you are grasping for straws, just like the Taliban. You moronic Taliban, Why did she lose her job, because the little white boys didn’t like to be mocked, oh how bad of her. SUX to be YOU! Fuck face.
Oh looks like Putin is feeling a little insecure. The American Taliban are Putin Lovers.
Apparently you can’t read or comprehend empty tea bag. Puddy asked how did you learn he’s a Christian. it’s very apparent God doesn’t rule your life!
Apparently you have a really short memory empty tea bag! You should ask the crazed clueless cretin to replay Puddy’s marriage commentary!
Did you get that special whopper Puddy found in USA Today?
Sux to have 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
Sux to be Puddy? That’s the best you got empty tea bag? Copying Puddy’s tag lines? Nothing original in the empty tea bag! She didn’t utter any words?
So writing them for all to see then talking to BuzzFeed doesn’t count? Oh yeah you learn from the article the your called “American Taliban” WHITE BOYS voted for her as class president. Do you see how ASSinine your commentary is? She abused her position as president.
her hash tags with the picture… “#confederate,” “#romney2016” and “#peakedinhighschool”
her Buzzfeed comments – “Yes, I am making a mockery of the right-wing, confederate-flag hanging, openly misogynistic Lawrentians”
It really sux to be you empty tea bag. Those lost stones really weigh on the stooooooooooopidity of your commentary! Another clueless wonder like the crazed clueless cretin and rujaxoff! You are the American Taliban Mafia just as Bill Maher claimed! Bill Maher big time leftist!
Happy Fourth of July!
Puffy it is apparent that the combination of the Crack and the Bible have really fucked you up, you Talibani.
@44 Free Speech…..that you don’t like so you go all Talibani. But then you got this notion that discrimination is ok if it is due to religious freedom, sounds like radical Talibani to me.
Wow empty tea bag… you have lost it. Obummer talked about crack in pie crusts and you are associating that with Puddy/
You are truly sick empty tea bag!
Free speech? From you? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Dunno if anyone posted this yet — I’ve been out of town the last couple days — but CNN reports Richard Mellon Scaife has died.
@13 Of course, you’re simpleton enough to swallow media rhetoric as if it were a real military strategy.
@14 Exactly the comic-book answer I would expect from a rightwing moron with no actual military experience.
@33 “Calling Puddy schizo?”
I think that unnecessarily complicates things. You’re just fucking nuts.