– More advisers in Iraq? Sure, sounds solid. Definitely not repeating the mistakes of both Iraq and Viet Nam.
– This bit of repentance, I guess, from a former Mars Hill “Minister of Propaganda” has been going around today.
– Oh look, here are some bike jobs
– I’ve always said Tacoma is snobbish, what with their, um arbitrary stuff.
– Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Awww it’s standard DUMMOCRETIN smears on Hobby Lobby. It’s the whole pie or let’s smear SCOTUS because we didn’t get all things!
I look at the Hobby Lobby as a minor victory against government. The government’s too much in everybody’s business.
@ 2
Yeah, with all those commie Laws and regulations and shit.
“U.S. loses to Belgium, 2-1, as its World Cup run ends”…
Fucking Obama!
Having been born in NYC and as a child visited my grandfather at his Hamptons ‘cottage’ on many occasions, I would have to remind Alito and Scalia that they will never be accepted into real ‘white’ society.
Hypocrite Of The Month
Hobby Lobby invests its pension monies in companies that make the “Plan B” contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs the company’s owners claim to object to on religious grounds.
6)Also, don’t they get the stuff they sell from China?
Hey this is Bill O’Reily’s and Puffy’s way of teaching someone how to fish.
headless lucy,
A racist DUMMOCRETIN on Sept 9, 2005 and still a racist DUMMOCRETIN on July 1, 2014.
How is Hobby Lobby hypocritical Roger Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit? You incessantly brag all the time you have stock in companies you don’t agree with their policies or they are looked at with disdain by other HA DUMMOCRETINS.
So you are a hypocrite too. Thanks for clearing that up for all of us!
Wow Russell Brand! You get your news from comedians. No wonder you are the laughingstock of HA! Butt wait, some facts for the empty tea bag… Let’s visit left wrong sites… http://www.denverpost.com/ci_2.....ts-survive Butt wait more facts http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb.....ion_06-21/
Just what Bill O’Reilly said empty tea bag! Man the empty tea bag is really very stooooooooooopid! Not only lost his “stones” butt has no idea what it’s talking about! Evah!
Puddy realizes you don’t read much and the horse manure you read is left wrong sites tout le temps!
Who’s next Chris Rock?
You are a legend in your own mind empty tea bag!
No reason to repeat prior mistakes in Iraq.
We’re making a whole buncha new ones:
Signature gatherers for a referendum on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage are systematically lying to voters, and minimum wage proponents have asked the King County Prosecutor to investigate.
Since the empty tea bag is dealing with comedians… Enter Jimmy Kimmel… http://www.mrctv.org/videos/ji.....bout-obama
Wow Roger Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit@13… Goldy addressed that issue on Monday. Drunken stupor perhaps?
re 9– “A racist DUMMOCRETIN on Sept 9, 2005 and still a racist DUMMOCRETIN on July 1, 2014.”
It’s just what I was taught as a child. I was just giving you a window to look in as to how rich white men view the likes of you. They don’t even consider Italians ‘white’.
I don’t agree with it and never have. I always enjoyed Jones Beach far more than any secluded, empty beach in the Hamptons.
Why someone like you would ally yourself politically with racist, rich white men like my grandfather is a mystery to me. People like my grandfather despise men like Alito, Scalia, and you — especially because you are stupid enough to give their selfishness a veneer of honesty.
Anyway — you’re just jealous. Right?
@ 16
It’s just what I was taught as a child.
It’s how racism is perpetuated, Lucy. Begins at home.
Do southern voters seem drug-addled to you? You may be right. Tennessee consumes 22 times as much oxymorphone as Minnesota.
@15 Hey dumbass, my comment @13 is an update. To wit, King County Prosecutor is investigating what Goldy reported on Monday. You sure are one stupid troll.
The Democratic Party doesn’t need slimesuckers like this representing their voters. He should resign.
@17 – I’m sure you are teaching your kids all the good stuff that gay people can do….hypocrite.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 17,
“It’s how racism is perpetuated, Lucy. Begins at home.”
Here, again, you lie through omission. An important part of the context of HL’s message that you quoted is the part that goes:
When you intentionally distort the meaning of other people’s words, you kill any possibility of credibility.
Isn’t this what the Hobby Lobby case was all about.
So they want to discriminate and Puffy wants to talk about the 8 (ok lets say 100 for the sake of an argument) that he can list that he proclaims were fired for wanting to be able to be bigots. He wouldn’t ever put up with or defend anyone for saying the word nigger, would you Puffy.
Travis you are one lousy douche bag yourself. Siding with the American Taliban. The great party of Freedom and constitutionality, but they have to resort to changing the constitution to be discriminatory to suit their needs, when they disagree with the present constitution…opening up Pandora’s box to make this Country one fucked up sad Country. We shall overcome – the right thing always works out eventually.
Fuck them – for every Hobby Lobby there are probably 15 non discriminatory companies….they will produce nothing and eventually die off. Good riddance.
Da Perfessa@22,
Your comment doesn’t jibe with these comments:
“PacMan’s such a fine example of his race! If he were a shade lighter we’d let him play with us on the baseball team.”
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/16/2005 at 6:57 am
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/14/05 @ 11:58 pm
“RUFUS” “PACMAN”!!!???!! RASTARUFARIANAPACMAN…… I don’t get it???? Well, actually, I do.
Niiiggggggggggggggeeeer Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!!
No black person in this day and age is named RUFUS!!!!! That’s about as believable as POMPEII or ROCHESTER!!!!!!
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/15/05 @ 10:56 pm
Puddybud is a house nigger. But he knows enough not to leave the house at night.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:00 am
There were those who worked in the fields and those who worked in the house. Those who worked in the house protected their positions and felt above those who worked in the fields. But at the end of the day, they were all property. This is a truth the house niggers sought to deny. But it is a truism that Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice understand every day of their lives.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:22 am
PacMan–you are a pathetic Tom…..
“There goes ol’ PacMan, see.
You can see them shufflin’ feet!
He would rather TOTE than eat…..
And that’s what I like ’bout the South!”
09/15/2005 at 10:38 pm
PacMan: Are you sure your name isn’t , Lionel?
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/15/2005 at 11:16 pm
“…left wing group-think…” I’ve never heard of a leftie refer to themselves or their fellows as , DITTOHEADS!!!
Niiiiiggggger Pppplllleeeeeeeeesssee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/15/2005 at 10:08 am
‘Any educated black person who is a Republican has the soul of Step ‘n Fetchit.’
And these are only from this post.
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/15/2005 at 11:28 am
Righties: God says you’re all such good boys and He thanks you for the free Starbuck’s you so unselfishly gave him the other day.
In addition, He hates Negro freeloaders as much as you do and realizes it’s all LBJ’s fault
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/14/2005 at 9:58 pm
You guys are like house niggers that can’t see who they really are.
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/14/2005 at 11:58 pm
RUFUS?!?!?! GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK, NIGGAH!!!!!! And , yes, it’s OK to call you a niggah…………
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/15/2005 at 11:19 am
Is that the Republican equivalent of “New Orleans Niggs”?
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/10/2005 at 11:26 pm
This proves it: the Repugs are, at the core, the most nigger-hatin’ group out there. Disgusting.
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/09/2005 at 3:20 pm
Another demonstration of how the DUMMOCRETIN mind is a 24 hour wasteland!
So Travis Bickle, contrary to what Da Perfessa scrawled above… headless lucy is 10000% racist!
Once again the empty tea bag gets it wrong… It’s GLAAD and friends who are the American Taliban Mafia! You no agree with me you I go to court you lose job.
Covered Morrissey yesterday Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit. Once again you cum up short!
You know how it goes here. She says she’s not racist and she shall be given a full-throated defense, despite any and all evidence to the contrary.
2005 was a long time ago, anyways. Back then Obama was anti-gay marriage, John Edwards was still a darling of the left, and Hillary knew that voting to permit an Iraq invasion was the right thing to do.
Times change.
Hey Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit @19,
Where in that post does it say “update”? EPIC FAYLE again from Roger Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be you!
Travis Bickle…
The operative sentence Da Perfessa chose to focus on was
Never implies forever. Well Puddy just KABLAMMMOOOO’d that crapola with all those comments!
And Puddy didn’t need no crazed databaze either!
Travis Bickle,
BTW headless lucy claimed to be a male wrasslin coach back in times yonder! You can Google that with site:horsesass.org
US Soccer goalie Tim Howard was interviewed on the standard three over the air networks. None of them mentioned Tim is a CHRISTIAN.
Puddy wonders why? Puddy knows why! Not progressive! So will the libtard DUMMOCRETIN media attack Tim like they have with Tebow?
re 25 — Puddybud, you have quite a memory for someone who always forgets the important things. I’ve also told you on at least two occasions that I can remember that my mother was part African American. My peers never did call me the ‘N’ word, but I did get called ‘Negro’ quite a bit. But that was a long time ago.
Maybe I was just trying to shock you out of your cretinous political stance — but all I ever get is your fake outrage and surprisingly long memory of the supposedly ‘racist’ things I’ve said to you. I think that the best one was calling you ‘Lionel’.
I don’t filter everything that I say to people through the public announcement of my race. You do. I’m no more racist than George Jefferson.
And the screen name ‘Puddybud’ just screams for mockery — Negro.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @ 28,
“You know how it goes here. She says she’s not racist and she shall be given a full-throated defense, despite any and all evidence to the contrary.”
Here again, you get lazy and sloppy and suggest something that isn’t true.
Nowhere was I defending Headless Lucy. I wrote nothing to support nor deny the suggestion (by a fictitious character, no less!) that HL is racist.
Rather, I was scolding you for taking HL’s statement out of context and suggesting the exact opposite of what HL actually said.
Please try to read more carefully in the future.
What YOU consider important is not what Puddy thinks is important. Puddy left the reservation long ago! So being part black gives you a perfect right to call another black a NIGGER on a blog? REALLY? That’s your mentality? Trying to shock Puddy? Do tell. Whatamoron!
So when did you “tell” Puddy jo mama was part black? Can’t seem to Google that one headless. Maybe you should ask the clueless crazed cretin with the crazed databaze. You see Puddy is an American. Puddy don’t need to let people know Puddy is part African because it’s very OBVIOUS! Puddy don’t need no special labels. Wait for it…
The Italians, Irish, Spanish, Mexicans, etc. Puddy hung out with growing up never once called Puddy a nigger. It was the white trash that did. Most voted for Kennedy, Johnson, Humphrey, etc. Yes DUMMOCRETINS calling Puddy a nigger. That’s why Puddy decided there must be a better way! Once a white guy did in front of my stepfather. All Puddy did was remind him that Puddy went to university driving a brand new car and he’s working in a factory. Disarmed!
So what part do you claim to be black? The lips? Do you stick your head out the car going 60 MPH so they can beat you to death? The nose? You never have to worry about it being broken in a fight cuz it’s flat? The fro. It you touch the fro you gots to go! The skin? So they have to see the whites of your eyes at night? Oh Puddy has many more in the repertoire!
You see where Puddy going headless? Those were jokes told by white kids of DUMMOCRETINS growing up! The ones you love to hang out with today on HA DUMMOCRETINS? They smile in your face all the while they want to crush your face!
Sux to be you.
Is it because Southerners are stupid or because of Republicans that creates poverty in the South. Bunch of ass backwards people.
Obummer, the worst president since WWII! He’s yours HA DUMMOCRETINS.
The best president since WWII… Ronald Reagan! Whoa!
@37 That’s a pretty subjective poll. By any objective measure, Obama is at least 1,000 times better — and maybe 1,000,000 times better — than his predecessor. Of course, the biggest story of Obama’s presidency is the Great Depression that didn’t happen. It’s hard to pinpoint any single theme of Bush’s presidency, because he spawned so many clusterfucks — two bungled wars, the destroyed economy, the lies and corruption, the Katrina screwup, the torture scandals and Blackwater murderers, illegal spying on law-abiding U.S. citizens, runaway deficit spending, the list is endless. Only mindless morons like you would argue that Obama isn’t a vast improvement over Bush.
@37 “The best president since WWII… Ronald Reagan! Whoa!”
The guy who befriended Central American rightwing terrorists and nun killers? Who counted among his friends people like Pinochet? Who secretly traded arms to Iran for the release of American hostages? Nah, Reagan was no FDR or Truman.
The Hope and Future of America via the American Taliban Party.
So where is this objective poll Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit?
@34 travis be tricky, but he still is an American Taliban supporter and homophobe. He’s just pretending to care about African Americans and racism and bigotry, of course because the Bible told him so.
re 35 — “The Italians, Irish, Spanish, Mexicans, etc. Puddy hung out with growing up never once called Puddy a nigger. It was the white trash that did. Most voted for Kennedy, Johnson, Humphrey, etc. Yes DUMMOCRETINS calling Puddy a nigger.”
You are a liar.
Thanks headless lucy. Too bad you are a moron! Seems the peeps you hung around didn’t like you. Well the horseshit you write here proves it. Most of the good guys/gals are on my LinkedIn.
Lessee… The white trash
One dead in a car accident
One died of a brain tumor
One died of a heart attack
One was thrown off a navy ship in the Indian Ocean! He was a real ASShole, like you!
Sux to be you! Still wondering what right you claim to call someone a NIGGER on a blog! You can’t answer which proves you are an ASShole!
@34 travis,
Proves the empty tea bag can’t read. Homophobe? Puddy works with four gays you idiot! No problem as they don’t put their gayness into Puddy’s face!
On Sunday, the Evergreen State, the oldest boat in the Washington State Ferries fleet, sailed her last revenue run in the San Juans. Most likely, will head to Eagle Harbor, to await final disposition. This was the first ferry built for the Washington State Ferry system, and the last without a Native American name.
The new Olympic class ferry MV Tokitae replaced the E-State, with a vessel switcheroo. The Tokitae replaced the Cathlamet on the Clinton run, which was sent south to replace the Klahoya, which was sent North to take it’s retired sister boat’ s place in the San Juans.
@44 maybe its her freedom to call you anything she wishes, you have a problem with that? Why you stifling her freedom to do what she wants? You trying to put her out of business? Freedom baby to do what she wants, that’s why she gets to say it!
@45 you aren’t Travis you homophobe.
Empty tea bag… Post 34 was written by Da Perfessa you IDIOT! Sux to be you!
Proves once again you don’t read or if you do comprehension is very limited. headless lucy is a GUY! Claimed to be a wrasslin coach. You are a dumb moron! Sux to be you! So it’s A-OK to call someone on a public forum a NIGGER? Really? You support that. So if another gay person calls you a faggot you’d cheer them? Do tell! Notice Puddy didn’t use that term although two months ago in England my friends said y’all hijacked that term! Do tell!
You want to stifle Puddy’s freedom every day on this blog. Go review your comments again. You are part of the American Taliban Mafia!
Thanks for playing. Bill Maher NAILED you correctly! Bill Maher is a big time lefty!
re 49 — You’re blathering nonsensically. Additionally, at your request, I stopped using the ‘N’ word years ago because you said it made you feel bad. But, even though I did not use the ‘N’ word in this thread, you took the time to go find examples from 2005 and decided to bruit it about again.
As far as me being called the ‘N’ word, the last time I was called that was at a high school on S Rainier and the black student who said that said it in a jocular manner and no offense was taken.
And — pointing out that you are an idiot is not an attempt to stifle your free speech. It’s just an accurate observation. You appear to be one of those people for whom the letter of the law (as long as it’s a law you like or one that can be twisted to suit your nefarious purposes) is more important than the spirit of the law.
So, you will not catch me calling you the ‘N’ word again. Is Negro OK?
re 44 — “Lessee… The white trash
One dead in a car accident
One died of a brain tumor
One died of a heart attack
One was thrown off a navy ship in the Indian Ocean! He was a real ASShole, like you!”
What about President Kennedy, MLK, Bobby Kennedy and the many, many others murdered by homegrown right wing terrorists inspired by the hateful rhetoric of the right?
dip shit @49 I was referencing your post at @44, correctly stated, not #34….get off the Afghanistan Crack you American Taliban.
In addition, Pud, don’t you think it a bit inconsistent of you to label others as ‘white trash’, yet insist that calling you names hurts more on the ‘Puddy Feelings Hurt-o-meter’.