It’s filing week. If you’re in Seattle, that means you’re probably filing for mayor. But if you aren’t happy with your local elected officials or if there’s an open seat, you should consider running for something.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Reminder: After years-long investigation of various non-scandals, GOP eventually impeached Pres. Clinton for lying about a blowjobcommitting perjury and obstructing justice while in office.
Memory check, for those who think nothing untoward happened in presidencies between the Nixon and Trump administrations:
Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court
So unfortunate the article title did not specify which Clinton.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Yes, lying under oath will get you disbarred, but Trump won’t face that problem because he’s not a lawyer — just a lying asshole without an “Esq.” or “MD” after his name.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP war against voting suffered another defeat today when SCOTUS refused to reinstate NC’s discriminatory voter ID law.
Heh. Get a load of the irrelevant thoughts bouncing around Doctor Dumbfuck’s empty skull today. Fucking traitor never disappoints, does he?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 In other headline news, Doctor Dumbfuck is still a dumbfuck.
“but Trump won’t face that problem”
He has other problems, as does Doctor Dumbfuck. Begins with a “T”, as in “treason”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Yep, lying in a deposition about having sex with a consenting adult gets you disbarred, but treason gets you hanged. Which would you rather be, disbarred or hanged?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like Spicer may be the next Trump team member to go under the wheels. But he knows too much, so there will be short pause while he’s being fitted for cement overshoes.
@ 1&2
You’re a drowning man. When they find bodies of fishermen floating in the ocean, those bodies often have wounds on their shoulders that were caused by their fellows trying to climb out of the freezing water over their backs. You are doing the same thing here.
Keep clawing at those waves. That last gasp is only going to fill your lungs with water anyway.
@ 10
You’re so desperate that you have to go back 20 years…
Merely following Goldy’s lead, ‘froggy. Desperation shows its ugly face in many ways.
Transcription from a Trumppp campaign speech in South Carolina:
“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my, like, credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger, fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”
He make Sarah Palin look almost literate in comparison.
@ 4
…SCOTUS refused to reinstate NC’s discriminatory voter ID law.
The cert petition was denied.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, CJ Roberts has a message for you:
The Chief’s statement ends with an admonition not to read too much into the denial: it “imports no expression of opinion upon the merits of the case.”
You are becoming increasingly sloppy. Small wonder you have so little to show for yourself. You deserve so little.
@ 8
Which would you rather be, disbarred or hanged?
Every man would prefer to be well hung. Except you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, because all you would be able to do with it these days is complain about the added expense of extra-length urethral catheters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Your NC pals lost on the merits, and got no succor from their friends on the high court, that’s the message. They’re too rancid even for the likes of Roberts to bail them out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Sorry, Dumbfuck, but I’m catheter-free now. Here’s the tube; suck on it.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Something like 2/3 of the people support same sex marriage. Still 1/3 of the Traitors give validation to ISIS by not supporting it.
How can you speak out against ISIS when you believe in the same ideology as them? Fucking pathetic Nazi Terrorists.
We have absolutely no choice but to respond in kind. If we fail in that we will allow them to advance their treason further. We have a patriotic duty as Americans.
If one of them works for you, begin now to paper them out the door. If you work for one of them, break stuff. If you buy things from them, stop and find a new source. If you sell things to them, double your price, cut your terms, and delay shipment. If they eat at your restaurant, lose their reservations, spit in their food, let their meal go cold before delivering it to their table, and pad the bill. If you fix their cars, dump sugar in the gas tank and gas in the transmission. If your dog shits in their yard, leave it. Don’t let them merge on the freeway. It’s all out, total war now and everything counts every day. Don’t kid yourselves, this isn’t going “too far”. The Hillbilly-Traitor Party has already gone there for the last 25 years. They’ve gotten so comfortable with their own extremism, in fact, that now whenever loyal Americans challenge it their laugh at “moonbats” “freaking out”. But now they are committing treason. Time to stop freaking out and start paying back.
If you want to do the Seattle public a service, compile and publish a list of all KOMO’s local advertisers so people can easily do a local boycott. They were acquired by Sinclair Broadcasting, a very conservative company and now mandate conservative stories in the broadcasts.
I have to get back to work..
Roger Rabbitspews:
“‘No person and no organization is above the township zoning laws,’ said Mahwah Councilman Rob Hermansen.”
Fuck that. And fuck her. Never been anything more than a Maureen Dowd hand puppet.
This is precisely the kind of bullshit we have to be mindful of. Read her exercise in fatuous whitewashing and ask yourself: In all 15 paragraphs does she manage even once to offer us a Hillbilly-Traitor Senator willing to commit to restoring the Constitution and rule of law?
NAFTA they’re worried about. Tax overhaul’s a big concern. Healthcare even. White House orchestrated cover-up of collusion with Russian spy agencies?
Aint nobody got time fuh dat!
Fuck all of the Hillbilly-Traitors and all of their enablers. They must all be exterminated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 ” … now mandate conservative bias in the broadcasts.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey pastor, how’s that reality-defying faith-based belief system working for ya now?
The ads are freezing up my computer really bad again — I had to reboot 11 times to post my last 3 comments — so I’m done here for now. Sure wish Goldy could find a way to fix this problem.
Seems he was stupid enough in his immense hubris to brag on tape during an interview about his involvement in a federal cyber stalking attack. The principal attacker John Rivello was indicted on federal cyberstalking charges by a grand jury on March 20th. The FBI is said to be preparing to serve a search warrant on Spencer based on information provided by Rivello.
@1&2 never gotten over that their sex lives were over around 40 but Bill was getting head from 20 somethings at almost 50.
They can’t understand since the pastor was prayerful and devout and fasting.
You can’t pray away stupid. “Oh Lord! keep me safe from myself. Show me a single sign that I should not swim with crocodiles. For I have read your bible and it’s not there and don’t need “science!” Fucking magnets, how do they work?”
“President Donald Trump shared highly classified information with the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador to the US in a White House meeting last week, according to The Washington Post.”
On Sunday night, Microsoft slammed the US spy agency that had originally developed software that allowed the ransomware attack to infect computers. The “Eternal Blue” tool developed by the National Security Agency had been dumped onto the public internet by a hacking group known as the Shadow Brokers.
“The governments of the world should treat this attack as a wake-up call,” In a statement, Microsoft president Brad Smith said. “Repeatedly, exploits in the hands of governments have leaked into the public domain and caused widespread damage. An equivalent scenario with conventional weapons would be the U.S. military having some of its Tomahawk missiles stolen.”
Of course this is A-OK because anything done by Obummer as just fine by the leftist fools on this blog!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Where is shitstain steve with the raw story on the WannaCry virus?
MIA of course! Why? Because all fingers point back to the Obummer sadministration!
The U.S. National Security Agency could have headed off the global ransomware attack that has crippled hospitals, train stations and other infrastructure around the world, according to Edward Snowden, the former CIA contractor and whistleblower.
“They knew about this flaw in U.S. software, U.S. infrastructure, hospitals around the world, these auto plants and so on and so forth, but they did not report it to Microsoft until after the NSA learned that that flaw had been stolen by some outside group,” Snowden said Monday.
Of course the Obummer NSA thought it was more important to spy on the innocents and guilty vs. at least alerting and protecting US personal computers!
Nothing from Goldy or his NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics!
Sad so sad! Puddy visits the shitstain site to validate what is always missing from shitstain steve!
@27 That has no effect. HA causes Google to become unresponsive. When that happens, my entire computer freezes, and none of the other programs work, either. Once I close Google and exit from HA, everything else works fine again. This has happened dozens of times over the last several months. No other website ever does that; this phenomenon is unique to HA. Closing Google doesn’t fix it, rebooting the computer doesn’t fix it, and the computer and Google work fine as long as I stay out of HA. Sometimes HA works fine, then suddenly freezes again, without warning. Am I being hacked?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
No deflection senile moron! Standard hysteria from libtards who just told the world there is a mole in the Islamic State!
Waytogo libtards at Wa Post!
@ 24
Sure wish Goldy could find a way to fix this problem.
For you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I recommend the Grayson/Nike method.
“The ads are freezing up my computer really bad again”
Install an ad blocker on your web browser. Hopefully you use firefox or chrome. Haven’t used IE myself for many years now.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
More morons blocking free speech at universities!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
What is your virus blocker manufacturer?
What are you using as an OS?
Do you have spyware blockers?
This horsespitooty web site spins for a long time after a submitted post! This tells Puddy there are horsespitooty web advertisers that need to be thoroughly validated! The same thing happens on Facebook! The Puddy system validates each link on the page. The email pages spin for a few seconds and stop.
Puddy has spyware, adware, virus stopping ware, and malware blockers running on the PuddyPuter!
Where we see Confirmed Liar further providing evidence that he is not in Computer related work as he claims.
If Eternal Blue is in fact a product if the NSA then OBAMA’s FAULT!! BENGHAZI, Yaaaaargh!
Except that it effects machines going back to Windows XP. A computer expert would be aware that XP was released in 2001 and mostly discontinued in 2007 with the release of VISTA and completely discontinued in new PCs in 2008 all before Obama even won election.
And that it was hacked and released under Trump’s NSA makes no matter to a partisan dullard like our liar.
I go with 6.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
That depends on how the adware is being created and displayed on the horsespitooty webpage. Funny about IE is the latest 64-bit version seems to work pretty well with horsespitooty!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
That depends on how the adware is being created and displayed on the horsespitooty webpage. Funny about IE is the latest 64-bit version seems to work pretty well with horsespitooty!
I’ve already given my fair share of ball busting to my MS Friends for having the same security flaw in four versions of their flagship product spanning 16 years without noticing.
Hey Brad Smith. I see you’re still relying on your user base to find your bugs, er features. Release early an often.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Have you fully cleared your browser cache?
When you say “Google” I’m going to assume you are using the Chrome browser. There is some variation in Chrome behaviors among the various operating systems, but in general you should start by opening the Settings menu for Chrome. To do this you’ll need to click on the “three dots” or “hamburger” icon appearing in the Chrome toolbar at the far right. You should see a dialog open with about a dozen options. Near the bottom find the “Settings” option and click once. That should open a new tab in your browser displaying the Chrome Settings menu with about with about a half dozen headings in bold. At the bottom of that menu find an option to “Show advanced settings…” and click that once. Now the menu will expand to display about an additional half dozen headings. First among these will be a “Privacy” heading. Immediately under that heading will appear two “radio” buttons. Push the button labeled “Clear browsing data”. That will open a dialog with various check box options. Please make sure that the following boxes are checked:
-Browsing history
-Download history
-Cookies and other site plugin data
-Cached images and files
Once those are checked click the radio button titled “Clear browsing data”
Hope that helps. Fingers crossed.
Yours truly uses linux and firefox w/ just one ad blocker and one privacy extension. Oh yeah, throw in greasemonkey for the esteemed Dr. O’s script when the need arises.
No problems with HA.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
As a follow up, if you care about supporting HA at all, try to clean up your browser without using an ad blocker. I doubt Goldy’s ad rev is good for more than just supporting the site. But if every visitor uses ad blocking software it may cutoff the paltry revenue stream keeping the site going. It’s also pretty unlikely that most ads would create the kind of O/S freeze you describe, at least not on their own. Some big splashy high def auto run media ads can pull a lot of display and memory resources. But I never see those kinds of ads on HA (although we would all see different ads based on our browser histories, etc. – so for instance Doctor Dumbfuck probably sees lots of ads for Asian tranny mail order brides, and the pedophile troll probably sees tons of ads for NAMBLA).
I use an ad blocker. I just set it to disable for HA.
To put Piddles The Proven Liar’s latest wet dream into perspective, he’s suggesting that the Johnson administration probably directed the NSA to exploit a vulnerability in Eniac. Or Bill Clinton is responsible for security flaws in the MacIntosh. Or GW Bush really is terrible for directing the NSA snoop into Prodigy users.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The incompetent treason hilarity continues:
McMaster just rushed out to issue the single most incompetent denial statement yet, by specifically refuting point by point elements of Fuckface Von Clownstick’s cluster-fuckery specifically not reported on yet in the WaPo.
So, at minimum we can assume with near certainty that WaPo got it right, as usual. And that there’s much more to the story.
So what do we call this: Non-fake, fake? Or is it Fake, non-fake? Either way the pedophile troll will be repeating it before the hour is up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Wish all you want, dumbfuck, but here’s some bad news for you: You’re not lucky. I’m still here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Emisoft, Windows 7, yes. And yes, it spins for a long time, and lettering at the bottom of the screen suggests adware is waiting to be validated. Sometimes I get a message that says, “Waiting for secure connection.” Then the screen freezes and a blurb at the top says Google Chrome is unresponsive, and I have to close Chrome to resuscitate my computer.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 just put on his Mike Rogers hat again. Way to go FOOL!
This is the BULLSHITTIUM from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252
Except that it effects machines going back to Windows XP. A computer expert would be aware that XP was released in 2001 and mostly discontinued in 2007 with the release of VISTA and completely discontinued in new PCs in 2008 all before Obama even won election.
So let’s take this apart sentence by sentence.
Except that it effects machines going back to Windows XP.
Actually it goes back further than that you moron! Server Message Block was created in 1990 at IBM and implemented at MSFT for Windows for Workgroups in 1992. strike 1
A computer expert would be aware that XP was released in 2001 and mostly discontinued in 2007 with the release of VISTA and completely discontinued in new PCs in 2008 all before Obama even won election.
Obummer and the Election DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252?
Can you say DEFLECTION? Actually XP was discontinued on all laptops in 2010 after Obummer came into his reign! strike 2
It has nothing to do with what operating systems were retired but systems that have the Server Message Block hole or when they were created. Support for XP was discontinued in April 8, 2014. strike 3
It’s the exploit you moron! The exploit was used by the NSA to insert spyware into any system. NSA documented the exploit. Under Obummer, their methods were compromised and put out on the web. Shadow Brokers told the world about it. WannaCry was created to utilize the exploit. strike 4
This is why Puddy calls you DIPSHITTIUM. All you post is DIPSHITTIUM and have ABSOLUTELY no EFFIN clue about what happens in the systems world!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 Yep, those are my settings. I use a shortcut to get to “clear browsing data” by clicking on “history” which takes me right to it. I clear the browsing history and go back to HA and it does the same damn thing right after I’ve cleared all the browsing history. It seems to happen randomly. Right now I can post, but it might freeze up again at any time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 “Some big splashy high def auto run media ads can pull a lot of display and memory resources.”
This may be the problem, or part of the problem. When I bought this computer, I let the computer shop talk me into an AMD processor. This machine doesn’t have Intel inside. I wouldn’t call it slow or quirky, but I always had Intel computers before, and they felt more muscular than this one. Not sure, off top of my rabbit ears, how much memory it has, but I asked the builder to maximize memory.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 So if somebody jaywalks while Obama is president, does that make Obama a jaywalker? You seem to be saying that he’s responsible for anything anyone in any federal agency does. Presidents don’t micromanage agencies, you know. At least, the good ones don’t. They’re paid to worry about big issues like budgets, economic policy, and war and peace, not whether some National Park Ranger forgot to lock a gate at closing time.
Facts. Mmmmmkay.
I, a Confirmed Liar totally know when NSA developed the means to exploit windows machines going back even further than was discussed. AND IT’S OBUMMER’S FAULT.
If DerTrumper lets the Small Pox stockpile get loose it will be Obama’s fault for holding onto something after it was eradicated. Just like Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 did. But it will surely be Obama’s fault.
Nice try Liar. You got caught making assumptions again. Move along now mental midget.
Politically Incorrectspews:
This most recent worldwide hack affecting thousands of machines in over 100 countries is quite the phenomenon. A lot of the problems have arisen in Russia, China and other nations in that general area. One of the things worth mentioning is many pirated versions of Windows 10 are being used in those countries. Well, I don’t feel a lot of sympathy for those who steal intellectual property. Perhaps if they bought Windows 10 and installed it legally on their computers, they would have received software updates to avoid this fiasco.
Of course, there are those out there who haven’t done software updates available from MSFT yet purchased their software legally. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. This may be the catalyst for users to be a little more proactive in protecting their systems from the knuckleheads who do this kind of shit.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
“Waiting for secure connection.”
That’s a good start on the problem. Thanks Roger that is https://
Secure https connections require a root certificate. A root certificate resides on your computer and is a public key certificate that identifies a root certificate authority. You may have multiple root certificates.
Some anti-virus software systems intercept all incoming and outgoing requests by acting as the pivot man by installing their own root certificate authority.
Root certificates are self-signed and you may have a corrupted one. Try getting a new one if possible.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
MORE @60 BULLSHITTIUM from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. Good try alfalfa!
The exploit was developed on Obummer’s watch. FACT! strike 5
It was leaked under Obummer’s watch! FACT discussed above! Puddy gave you who leaked it!
Now remember DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 will claim Puddy knows nuthin here!
Good luck Roger. Puddy loves kicking your dirty wabbit ASS butt will always try and help when a problem arises.
If you remember when Goldy asked about SQL help many years ago Puddy was one of the first to ask was Goldy trying to do what with SQL! Ax the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset to visit the crazed databaze!
Leaked last month or under Obama, what’s the difference? After all the first hundred days were both a ridiculous standard and the greatest of any administration, PERIOD.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Right now Puddy has “Processing request…” in the Puddy status bar after transmitting a post!
Oh and the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset @50 is truly useless about technology. Remember the FOOL was cracking everyone up on wireless technologies years ago!
Thank you for admitting that you lied about knowing what era of machines were involved in order to say OBAMA’S FAULT! Since clearly you are an expert on Compoooters….
You really suck at keeping a story straight. Maybe you should apply for Spicer’s job.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
More BULLSHITTIUM @65 from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252.
So many facts and the DIPSHITTIUM FOOL realizes they are not refutable!
“everyone” meaning a certain babbling butthole troll cuck @ 66 and the chorus of voices in its PIN HEAD..
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
You truly had no clue on how wireless works monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset FOOL!
Calling Puddy a cuck proves how moronic you really are monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!
Hey everyone… Search Google on encryption and wireless payloads
You truly were shown as a stupid idiot when you babbled through your butthole about your family not using google or apple products and then yours truly caught you trolling HA with an apple product.
Conducting your POLITICAL BULLSHIT with an APPLE product..
“For work…” HAHAHAHAHA!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Thank you for admitting that you lied about knowing what era of machines were involved in order to say OBAMA’S FAULT! Since clearly you are an expert on Compoooters….
Wrong again DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. You truly have no clue about Compoooters! There is NO LIE schmuck breath! The exploit was created under Obummer’s reign. MSFT head lawyer Brad Smith agrees!
You know this is being done just to spur negative discussion of lighting up the Whitehorse in gay pride colors. If it weren’t for that it would be honorable.
apple products and then yours truly caught you trolling HA with an apple product
Good try monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset! You called Puddy a Seoul brother when Puddy was at a work site where Apple was the “correct hardware” in Korea! You were following Puddy all over the globe and tracking Puddy’s use! Can you say living vicariously through Puddy while sitting on the couch unemployed? That’s was the travel Compooooter of choice for that trip idiot!
Good Try. You rehash these FAYLED attacks every six months like someone discusses Sidney Blumenthal…
Let’s see… EPIC FAYLE #339 = 0.00294985 and FAYLING!
I often wonder if it actually hurts to be as stupid as our Proven Liar? Or how it’s possible to hold such divergent opinions.
Stuxnet, believed to be but never proven to be a U.S. Govt. creation.
Eternal Blue, believed to be but never proven to be a U.S. Govt. creation.
Stuxnet, believed to be developed under the GW Bush Administration, never proven.
Eternal Blue, date of creation unknown but Piddles is quite certain that vague beliefs of his are proven facts.
Stuxnet, believed to have been released to knock out Iranian nuclear research facilities in late 2009 continuing into 2010. (Yet our resident liar went on and on for 8 years about Obama hating Israel and being Muslim and loving Iranina Mullahs, but…2009-2010…who gave the go ahead?)
Eternal Blue, made public by hackers in April 2017, our resident liar truly believes it was released under Obama.
No where in the statement of Microsoft on Eternal Blue do they say Obama. This is as close as it gets, “Finally, this attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem.” Governments, I.E. not just the U.S. or, many many administrations, or many many government agencies. Our proven liar reads that sentence and his high quality comprehension skills makes his brain ctrl+alt+r Governments / Obama.
All of these are actual facts not the ravings of a proven liar.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
An always wrong winger called you that!
Really monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset?
Everyone knows you were called monomaniacal by a leftist and you ADMITTED it!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
On Sunday night, Microsoft slammed the US spy agency that had originally developed software that allowed the ransomware attack to infect computers. The “Eternal Blue” tool developed by the National Security Agency had been dumped onto the public internet by a hacking group known as the Shadow Brokers.
Who from Microsoft attacked the NSA DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252? Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith.
So keep digging your own grave DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Still lying. I notice that sentence you keep quoting doesn’t say what you say it does.
The exploit was created under Obummer’s reign. MSFT head lawyer Brad Smith agrees!” – Our Liar
# of mentions of Obama = 0
# of dates exactly the hack happened = 0
# of dates on the creation of the exploit = 0
“this attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem. “
Stockpiling, that’s an interesting word. Many countries have a stockpile of Nuclear weapons but it would take a stretch to assert they were developed or built in the last 8.5 years. The U.S.. as mentioned has a stockpile of eradicated disease. They were clearly created under Obama. I have a stockpile of old 45 records and an aging record player though I haven’t bought one in probably two decades.
A Liar’s Dictionary.
Governments, pl.n. (‘gʌvənmənts) – The Obama Adminstration
Would The proven Liar like to point out where in that statement MSFT agrees with the statements of FACTS rampant speculation he’s making.
at a work site where Apple was the “correct hardware” in Korea!
“work” trolling HA… with an apple product “we were told” the babbling butthole and its family would never use..
Nice try deflecting from your stupid hypocrisy. Should’ve just stuck to doing your miserable job.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
The family doesn’t use APPLE you moron! It was a work computer used while in Korea. Calling Puddy a Seoul Brother! Living vicariously through Puddy you FOOL!
This is why most of the libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS are really technology stoooooooooooopid like the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset and its buddy DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Does Puddy use APPLE when in America monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset?
FAMILY? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Useless Tool! Puddy not disowned like how your son disagrees with you being a DUMMOCRETIN tool!
EPIC FAYLE 341 = 0.00293255 and FAYLING! Keep talking like DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Oh we get it now! Apple products are MAGICALLY designed not to phone home about the babbling butthole POLITICAL BULLSHIT done while “working” in Korea.
That’s the ticket! Oh babbling butthole we hope the salt mining buddy, the bookoo buck legal beagle and the “working” other spawn (for the kult no doubt) NEVER EVAH finds out about you using Apple products in Korea.
They might DISOWN you after your BULLSHIT prohibition edicts.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Another DEFLECTION train wreck by DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!!!!!
# of mentions of Obama = 0
# of dates exactly the hack happened = 0
# of dates on the creation of the exploit = 0
Three more DEFLECTIONS! Puddy supplied the first Ars Technica link way above. Puddy just supplied another!
The continual smelly BULLSHITTIUM from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
I have no problem with him changing his political views over time. He’s an adult now. He’s entitled to differing political views just as mine were different to those of my dad.
Does your spawn have that freedom? Heh. Doubt it.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Oh we get it now!
Apparently not monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!
You are a patently stoooooooooooooooooopid as ever! You never accused Puddy of using an APPLE product in America. You tracked Puddy all over the world and when in Seoul you tracked Puddy using an APPLE because Puddy had to use the APPLE product in Korea.
You live vicariously through Puddy’s travels to places you’ll never see!
DAYUM U B 1 stooooooooooooopid mofo!
342 = 0.0029239766 and FAYLING worse each post!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Can’t think of something original? That’s Puddy’s line! What Puddy’s children think is you are a moron!
@90 Yawwwn.. Deflecting… changing the subject. It used an apple product for its bullshit politics after spewing bullshit that it doesn’t do that and prohibits its family from the same. Nothing changes that fact.
@91 “spawn” is its own shit.. We throw it back in its face and it loves the stink..
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
“UK-based researcher Kevin Beaumont tweeted that WannaCry was using the NSA attack, which exploited a now-patched Microsoft Windows vulnerability, also known as MS17-010.”
– Butt wait, per DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252, NOPE, that’s wrong! The Obummer NSA could not have exploited WIndows XP? Why? Because no new desktops were released with XP when Obummer reigned! – A really stooooooooooooopid comment!
“It does indeed highlight dangers of NSA exploits being released to the public. I have made the point repeatedly that people should not downplay the significance of the recently released tools and exploits. They are weapons-grade and available for easy use.”
– Butt wait… Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith really didn’t attack the NSA in his statement per DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Simple question monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset… You been tracking Puddy vicariously since 2005.
Has Puddy used APPLE on HA DUMMOCRETINS except in Korea? The new S8+ is NICE!
You just can’t help yourself
In both of those links combined.
# of claims that the NSA developed the tool during the Obama Administration = 0
Dates cited for the timing of the hack gaining this information = 0 (note though that Piddles new hero Snowden uses the word “just” in April 2017)
Dates cited for release = Trump in office
Bread crumbs. Is that how Soothsayers do it? Beware the Ides of Piddles Imagination?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
You been tracking Puddy vicariously since 2005.
You live through Puddy’s world wide travels while sitting on the basement couch creating the crazed databaze!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Once again DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 has no strength in the argument…
# of claims that the NSA developed the tool during the Obama Administration = 0
So DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 is arguing it was created by the Bush Administration. Wow this is so intriguing. The NSA leak happened in the summer of 2016. FACT missed by DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. So it’s not Trump’s NSA! Butt that doesn’t stop DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252’s Trump speculation since the virus happened in 2017.
Where did Puddy call Snowden? Shitstain steve’s raw story referenced Snowden!
So let’s clear the air… Google Snowden and and view how many times HA DUMMOCRETIN leaders used Snowden in their commentaries.
So K2 and DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 – Another EPIC FAYLE! Must be Mike Rogers revisited!
Puddy used Shadow Brokers Microsoft and Forbes for the NSA commentary!
Even worse, modern computer technology is inherently democratizing. Today’s NSA secrets become tomorrow’s PhD theses and the next day’s hacker tools. As long as we’re all using the same computers, phones, social networking platforms, and computer networks, a vulnerability that allows us to spy also allows us to be spied upon.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
as long as totalitarian governments are spying on their citizens
If the loon ends up going to trial on charges of treason he need only submit this thread as proof that’s he’s batshit insane.
And then there’s Doctor Dumbfuck. The treasonous sap didn’t sell out our nation to Russia for thirty pieces of silver. No, he sold out for 3,000 hashtags of snide.
Take heart, Doctor Dumbfuck. In our nation, we’ll allow you to spew your snide until the moment your neck snaps. Then it’s to hell with you.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Very interesting to see the broad spectrum of White Nationalist Hate Media, from Coulter, to Breitbart, to Danger and Play have reacted to Fuckface Von Clownstick turning over classified intel to the Russians by choosing to go Full Traitor. The Traitor Party line appears to be “So what?” He’s President. So he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Including betraying our allies, revealing to our global adversaries the most highly sensitive intelligence, and permanently ruining international intelligence sharing agreements crucial to military security and the fight against global terrorism. It damages our national security. And they are actually proud of it.
Word salad.
“Here look at this random blog!”
“Obama started it ALL!”
Typical Liar night. Take three posts because three is better than one, say nothing. Prove nothing except that he’s really a liar.
(@98, hint for the reading challenged. I claim nothing. But then you are 100% god damned sure when something happened without a shred of evidence or even a news report agreeing with what you claim. It fits your worldview so it MUST be during those years. Couldn’t possibly be in the 10-15 years prior when the same flaw existed in MSFT products. NOPE, gotta be the Kenyan Administration. Good on ya.)
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Shred of evidence?
It’s all out there and you are to politically blind to see it. Even MSFT called it and they are leftists!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 How do you tell if a root certificate is corrupted, and how do you get a new one?
@66 “Right now Puddy has ‘Processing request…’ in the Puddy status bar after transmitting a post!”
Which means? I get that, too. And why can I get into HA at some times, but not other times? It seems random.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 “It looks like you’re using chrome. ”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 Who would sit on an airplane for 14 hours — each way — to work? Isn’t the purpose of money not having to work? I think everyone should become a capitalist so nobody has to work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 “I often wonder if it actually hurts to be as stupid as our Proven Liar?”
Inanimate objects can’t feel pain. Suffering is reserved for organisms conscious of their existence.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I don’t know much about computer stuff, after all I’m just a garden-variety lettuce-eating rabbit, but I was under the impression we pay our NSA employees to exploit software vulnerabilities so we know what our enemies are up to. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?
Even MSFT called it and they are leftists!
That’s a proven lie Herr Goebels. But thanks for repeating it.
Eds. Note
The author in no way wishes to suggest that a Liar is connected in any way to a certain Austro-German political ideology or figure merely that the continued repetition of a known falsehood does not make the falsehood become fact.
Well, the White House has moved beyond denying the Washington Post story to arguing Trump had the right to reveal the information. That is likely factually true, but really, revealing that information without careful consideration is, well Trumpian.
Full reversal in about 12 hours of the “party line”. You cannot believe a word out of their mouths.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Reminder: After years-long investigation of various non-scandals, GOP eventually impeached Pres. Clinton for
lying about a blowjobcommitting perjury and obstructing justice while in office.11h
Memory check, for those who think nothing untoward happened in presidencies between the Nixon and Trump administrations:
Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court
So unfortunate the article title did not specify which Clinton.
@2 Yes, lying under oath will get you disbarred, but Trump won’t face that problem because he’s not a lawyer — just a lying asshole without an “Esq.” or “MD” after his name.
The GOP war against voting suffered another defeat today when SCOTUS refused to reinstate NC’s discriminatory voter ID law.
Heh. Get a load of the irrelevant thoughts bouncing around Doctor Dumbfuck’s empty skull today. Fucking traitor never disappoints, does he?
@5 In other headline news, Doctor Dumbfuck is still a dumbfuck.
“but Trump won’t face that problem”
He has other problems, as does Doctor Dumbfuck. Begins with a “T”, as in “treason”.
@7 Yep, lying in a deposition about having sex with a consenting adult gets you disbarred, but treason gets you hanged. Which would you rather be, disbarred or hanged?
Looks like Spicer may be the next Trump team member to go under the wheels. But he knows too much, so there will be short pause while he’s being fitted for cement overshoes.
@ 1&2
You’re a drowning man. When they find bodies of fishermen floating in the ocean, those bodies often have wounds on their shoulders that were caused by their fellows trying to climb out of the freezing water over their backs. You are doing the same thing here.
You’re so desperate that you have to go back 20 years to try to find something remotely credible in the effort to find anything that would distract from the fact that your man, your President, is a completely corrupt, illiterate and gullible moron. He will likely be the first sitting President to be impeached, convicted of multiple Federal Felonies and imprisoned before he finishes his first term.
Keep clawing at those waves. That last gasp is only going to fill your lungs with water anyway.
@ 10
You’re so desperate that you have to go back 20 years…
Merely following Goldy’s lead, ‘froggy. Desperation shows its ugly face in many ways.
Transcription from a Trumppp campaign speech in South Carolina:
“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my, like, credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger, fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”
He make Sarah Palin look almost literate in comparison.
@ 4
…SCOTUS refused to reinstate NC’s discriminatory voter ID law.
The cert petition was denied.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, CJ Roberts has a message for you:
The Chief’s statement ends with an admonition not to read too much into the denial: it “imports no expression of opinion upon the merits of the case.”
You are becoming increasingly sloppy. Small wonder you have so little to show for yourself. You deserve so little.
@ 8
Which would you rather be, disbarred or hanged?
Every man would prefer to be well hung. Except you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, because all you would be able to do with it these days is complain about the added expense of extra-length urethral catheters.
@13 Your NC pals lost on the merits, and got no succor from their friends on the high court, that’s the message. They’re too rancid even for the likes of Roberts to bail them out.
@14 Sorry, Dumbfuck, but I’m catheter-free now. Here’s the tube; suck on it.
Something like 2/3 of the people support same sex marriage. Still 1/3 of the Traitors give validation to ISIS by not supporting it.
How can you speak out against ISIS when you believe in the same ideology as them? Fucking pathetic Nazi Terrorists.
It’s total war, people.
We have absolutely no choice but to respond in kind. If we fail in that we will allow them to advance their treason further. We have a patriotic duty as Americans.
If one of them works for you, begin now to paper them out the door. If you work for one of them, break stuff. If you buy things from them, stop and find a new source. If you sell things to them, double your price, cut your terms, and delay shipment. If they eat at your restaurant, lose their reservations, spit in their food, let their meal go cold before delivering it to their table, and pad the bill. If you fix their cars, dump sugar in the gas tank and gas in the transmission. If your dog shits in their yard, leave it. Don’t let them merge on the freeway. It’s all out, total war now and everything counts every day. Don’t kid yourselves, this isn’t going “too far”. The Hillbilly-Traitor Party has already gone there for the last 25 years. They’ve gotten so comfortable with their own extremism, in fact, that now whenever loyal Americans challenge it their laugh at “moonbats” “freaking out”. But now they are committing treason. Time to stop freaking out and start paying back.
If you want to do the Seattle public a service, compile and publish a list of all KOMO’s local advertisers so people can easily do a local boycott. They were acquired by Sinclair Broadcasting, a very conservative company and now mandate conservative stories in the broadcasts.
I have to get back to work..
“‘No person and no organization is above the township zoning laws,’ said Mahwah Councilman Rob Hermansen.”
Ha! This should be fun. Tribal sovereignty versus municipal ordinance? No contest. Bring on the native drums!
Jennifer Steinhauer does her patriotic duty toiling away in the trenches to rehabilitate the Hillbilly-Traitor Party image.
Fuck that. And fuck her. Never been anything more than a Maureen Dowd hand puppet.
This is precisely the kind of bullshit we have to be mindful of. Read her exercise in fatuous whitewashing and ask yourself: In all 15 paragraphs does she manage even once to offer us a Hillbilly-Traitor Senator willing to commit to restoring the Constitution and rule of law?
NAFTA they’re worried about. Tax overhaul’s a big concern. Healthcare even. White House orchestrated cover-up of collusion with Russian spy agencies?
Aint nobody got time fuh dat!
Fuck all of the Hillbilly-Traitors and all of their enablers. They must all be exterminated.
@19 ” … now mandate conservative bias in the broadcasts.”
Hey pastor, how’s that reality-defying faith-based belief system working for ya now?
The ads are freezing up my computer really bad again — I had to reboot 11 times to post my last 3 comments — so I’m done here for now. Sure wish Goldy could find a way to fix this problem.
The walls may be closing in on Republican White Supremacist Trump Campaigner Richard Spencer:
Seems he was stupid enough in his immense hubris to brag on tape during an interview about his involvement in a federal cyber stalking attack. The principal attacker John Rivello was indicted on federal cyberstalking charges by a grand jury on March 20th. The FBI is said to be preparing to serve a search warrant on Spencer based on information provided by Rivello.
@1&2 never gotten over that their sex lives were over around 40 but Bill was getting head from 20 somethings at almost 50.
@ RR @ 24:
Clear your browser history.
In other news, The artist of the deal makes another killing.
Let the bodies hit the floor…
They can’t understand since the pastor was prayerful and devout and fasting.
You can’t pray away stupid. “Oh Lord! keep me safe from myself. Show me a single sign that I should not swim with crocodiles. For I have read your bible and it’s not there and don’t need “science!” Fucking magnets, how do they work?”
Need more evidence Trump is a traitor?
“Treason” is no longer just rhetoric.
“President Donald Trump shared highly classified information with the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador to the US in a White House meeting last week, according to The Washington Post.”
The man is a simpleton, unqualified to be president
Good to see the HA DUMMOCRETINS are busy scanning the libtard erags!
Notice there is nothing about the Obummer NSA condemnation of it’s hacker exploit that cased the WannaCry virus to be released!
Of course this is A-OK because anything done by Obummer as just fine by the leftist fools on this blog!
Where is shitstain steve with the raw story on the WannaCry virus?
MIA of course! Why? Because all fingers point back to the Obummer sadministration!
Of course the Obummer NSA thought it was more important to spy on the innocents and guilty vs. at least alerting and protecting US personal computers!
Nothing from Goldy or his NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics!
Sad so sad! Puddy visits the shitstain site to validate what is always missing from shitstain steve!
Now watch the response from shitstain steve!
Here is what was reported last month.
The patch came out in March!
Once again Obummer’s NSA man James Clapper crappered all over computer users!
@27 That doesn’t work.
@32 Deflect much?
Really, puddles, Snowden is your reliable source.
Enough said.
32 – 34,
See if you can identify which of the “change the subject” same ol’ same ol’ this perverted traitor is employing today!
Which is this pedophile changing the subject to:
(1) the biased “fake news” media;
(2) over-the-top liberals;
(3) hypocrites on the left;
(4) anyone else victimizing Mr. Trump or his supporters;
(5) whataboutism, as in “What about Obama?” “What about Clinton?”;
(6)all of the above.
@27 That has no effect. HA causes Google to become unresponsive. When that happens, my entire computer freezes, and none of the other programs work, either. Once I close Google and exit from HA, everything else works fine again. This has happened dozens of times over the last several months. No other website ever does that; this phenomenon is unique to HA. Closing Google doesn’t fix it, rebooting the computer doesn’t fix it, and the computer and Google work fine as long as I stay out of HA. Sometimes HA works fine, then suddenly freezes again, without warning. Am I being hacked?
No deflection senile moron! Standard hysteria from libtards who just told the world there is a mole in the Islamic State!
Waytogo libtards at Wa Post!
@ 24
Sure wish Goldy could find a way to fix this problem.
For you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I recommend the Grayson/Nike method.
Die quickly. Just do it.
“The ads are freezing up my computer really bad again”
Install an ad blocker on your web browser. Hopefully you use firefox or chrome. Haven’t used IE myself for many years now.
More morons blocking free speech at universities!
What is your virus blocker manufacturer?
What are you using as an OS?
Do you have spyware blockers?
This horsespitooty web site spins for a long time after a submitted post! This tells Puddy there are horsespitooty web advertisers that need to be thoroughly validated! The same thing happens on Facebook! The Puddy system validates each link on the page. The email pages spin for a few seconds and stop.
Puddy has spyware, adware, virus stopping ware, and malware blockers running on the PuddyPuter!
Where we see Confirmed Liar further providing evidence that he is not in Computer related work as he claims.
If Eternal Blue is in fact a product if the NSA then OBAMA’s FAULT!! BENGHAZI, Yaaaaargh!
Except that it effects machines going back to Windows XP. A computer expert would be aware that XP was released in 2001 and mostly discontinued in 2007 with the release of VISTA and completely discontinued in new PCs in 2008 all before Obama even won election.
And that it was hacked and released under Trump’s NSA makes no matter to a partisan dullard like our liar.
I go with 6.
That depends on how the adware is being created and displayed on the horsespitooty webpage. Funny about IE is the latest 64-bit version seems to work pretty well with horsespitooty!
That depends on how the adware is being created and displayed on the horsespitooty webpage. Funny about IE is the latest 64-bit version seems to work pretty well with horsespitooty!
I’ve already given my fair share of ball busting to my MS Friends for having the same security flaw in four versions of their flagship product spanning 16 years without noticing.
Hey Brad Smith. I see you’re still relying on your user base to find your bugs, er features. Release early an often.
Have you fully cleared your browser cache?
When you say “Google” I’m going to assume you are using the Chrome browser. There is some variation in Chrome behaviors among the various operating systems, but in general you should start by opening the Settings menu for Chrome. To do this you’ll need to click on the “three dots” or “hamburger” icon appearing in the Chrome toolbar at the far right. You should see a dialog open with about a dozen options. Near the bottom find the “Settings” option and click once. That should open a new tab in your browser displaying the Chrome Settings menu with about with about a half dozen headings in bold. At the bottom of that menu find an option to “Show advanced settings…” and click that once. Now the menu will expand to display about an additional half dozen headings. First among these will be a “Privacy” heading. Immediately under that heading will appear two “radio” buttons. Push the button labeled “Clear browsing data”. That will open a dialog with various check box options. Please make sure that the following boxes are checked:
-Browsing history
-Download history
-Cookies and other site plugin data
-Cached images and files
Once those are checked click the radio button titled “Clear browsing data”
Hope that helps. Fingers crossed.
Yawn @ 47…
Yours truly uses linux and firefox w/ just one ad blocker and one privacy extension. Oh yeah, throw in greasemonkey for the esteemed Dr. O’s script when the need arises.
No problems with HA.
As a follow up, if you care about supporting HA at all, try to clean up your browser without using an ad blocker. I doubt Goldy’s ad rev is good for more than just supporting the site. But if every visitor uses ad blocking software it may cutoff the paltry revenue stream keeping the site going. It’s also pretty unlikely that most ads would create the kind of O/S freeze you describe, at least not on their own. Some big splashy high def auto run media ads can pull a lot of display and memory resources. But I never see those kinds of ads on HA (although we would all see different ads based on our browser histories, etc. – so for instance Doctor Dumbfuck probably sees lots of ads for Asian tranny mail order brides, and the pedophile troll probably sees tons of ads for NAMBLA).
I use an ad blocker. I just set it to disable for HA.
To put
PiddlesThe Proven Liar’s latest wet dream into perspective, he’s suggesting that the Johnson administration probably directed the NSA to exploit a vulnerability in Eniac. Or Bill Clinton is responsible for security flaws in the MacIntosh. Or GW Bush really is terrible for directing the NSA snoop into Prodigy users.30,
The incompetent treason hilarity continues:
McMaster just rushed out to issue the single most incompetent denial statement yet, by specifically refuting point by point elements of Fuckface Von Clownstick’s cluster-fuckery specifically not reported on yet in the WaPo.
So, at minimum we can assume with near certainty that WaPo got it right, as usual. And that there’s much more to the story.
So what do we call this: Non-fake, fake? Or is it Fake, non-fake? Either way the pedophile troll will be repeating it before the hour is up.
@41 Wish all you want, dumbfuck, but here’s some bad news for you: You’re not lucky. I’m still here.
@44 Emisoft, Windows 7, yes. And yes, it spins for a long time, and lettering at the bottom of the screen suggests adware is waiting to be validated. Sometimes I get a message that says, “Waiting for secure connection.” Then the screen freezes and a blurb at the top says Google Chrome is unresponsive, and I have to close Chrome to resuscitate my computer.
DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 just put on his Mike Rogers hat again. Way to go FOOL!
This is the BULLSHITTIUM from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252
Except that it effects machines going back to Windows XP. A computer expert would be aware that XP was released in 2001 and mostly discontinued in 2007 with the release of VISTA and completely discontinued in new PCs in 2008 all before Obama even won election.
So let’s take this apart sentence by sentence.
Except that it effects machines going back to Windows XP.
Actually it goes back further than that you moron! Server Message Block was created in 1990 at IBM and implemented at MSFT for Windows for Workgroups in 1992. strike 1
A computer expert would be aware that XP was released in 2001 and mostly discontinued in 2007 with the release of VISTA and completely discontinued in new PCs in 2008 all before Obama even won election.
Obummer and the Election DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252?
Can you say DEFLECTION? Actually XP was discontinued on all laptops in 2010 after Obummer came into his reign! strike 2
It has nothing to do with what operating systems were retired but systems that have the Server Message Block hole or when they were created. Support for XP was discontinued in April 8, 2014. strike 3
It’s the exploit you moron! The exploit was used by the NSA to insert spyware into any system. NSA documented the exploit. Under Obummer, their methods were compromised and put out on the web. Shadow Brokers told the world about it. WannaCry was created to utilize the exploit. strike 4
This is why Puddy calls you DIPSHITTIUM. All you post is DIPSHITTIUM and have ABSOLUTELY no EFFIN clue about what happens in the systems world!
@49 Yep, those are my settings. I use a shortcut to get to “clear browsing data” by clicking on “history” which takes me right to it. I clear the browsing history and go back to HA and it does the same damn thing right after I’ve cleared all the browsing history. It seems to happen randomly. Right now I can post, but it might freeze up again at any time.
@51 “Some big splashy high def auto run media ads can pull a lot of display and memory resources.”
This may be the problem, or part of the problem. When I bought this computer, I let the computer shop talk me into an AMD processor. This machine doesn’t have Intel inside. I wouldn’t call it slow or quirky, but I always had Intel computers before, and they felt more muscular than this one. Not sure, off top of my rabbit ears, how much memory it has, but I asked the builder to maximize memory.
@56 So if somebody jaywalks while Obama is president, does that make Obama a jaywalker? You seem to be saying that he’s responsible for anything anyone in any federal agency does. Presidents don’t micromanage agencies, you know. At least, the good ones don’t. They’re paid to worry about big issues like budgets, economic policy, and war and peace, not whether some National Park Ranger forgot to lock a gate at closing time.
Facts. Mmmmmkay.
I, a Confirmed Liar totally know when NSA developed the means to exploit windows machines going back even further than was discussed. AND IT’S OBUMMER’S FAULT.
If DerTrumper lets the Small Pox stockpile get loose it will be Obama’s fault for holding onto something after it was eradicated. Just like Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 did. But it will surely be Obama’s fault.
Nice try Liar. You got caught making assumptions again. Move along now mental midget.
This most recent worldwide hack affecting thousands of machines in over 100 countries is quite the phenomenon. A lot of the problems have arisen in Russia, China and other nations in that general area. One of the things worth mentioning is many pirated versions of Windows 10 are being used in those countries. Well, I don’t feel a lot of sympathy for those who steal intellectual property. Perhaps if they bought Windows 10 and installed it legally on their computers, they would have received software updates to avoid this fiasco.
Of course, there are those out there who haven’t done software updates available from MSFT yet purchased their software legally. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. This may be the catalyst for users to be a little more proactive in protecting their systems from the knuckleheads who do this kind of shit.
“Waiting for secure connection.”
That’s a good start on the problem. Thanks Roger that is https://
Secure https connections require a root certificate. A root certificate resides on your computer and is a public key certificate that identifies a root certificate authority. You may have multiple root certificates.
Some anti-virus software systems intercept all incoming and outgoing requests by acting as the pivot man by installing their own root certificate authority.
Root certificates are self-signed and you may have a corrupted one. Try getting a new one if possible.
MORE @60 BULLSHITTIUM from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. Good try alfalfa!
The exploit was developed on Obummer’s watch. FACT! strike 5
It was leaked under Obummer’s watch! FACT discussed above! Puddy gave you who leaked it!
Sux to be DISPHITTIUM checkmate-252.
Mike Rogers revisited!
Here is something to read if you are interested.
Puddy taught WireShark for more than 10 years. SSL is the https:// stuff.
Now remember DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 will claim Puddy knows nuthin here!
Good luck Roger. Puddy loves kicking your dirty wabbit ASS butt will always try and help when a problem arises.
If you remember when Goldy asked about SQL help many years ago Puddy was one of the first to ask was Goldy trying to do what with SQL! Ax the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset to visit the crazed databaze!
Leaked last month or under Obama, what’s the difference? After all the first hundred days were both a ridiculous standard and the greatest of any administration, PERIOD.
Right now Puddy has “Processing request…” in the Puddy status bar after transmitting a post!
Oh and the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset @50 is truly useless about technology. Remember the FOOL was cracking everyone up on wireless technologies years ago!
Thank you for admitting that you lied about knowing what era of machines were involved in order to say OBAMA’S FAULT! Since clearly you are an expert on Compoooters….
You really suck at keeping a story straight. Maybe you should apply for Spicer’s job.
More BULLSHITTIUM @65 from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252.
So many facts and the DIPSHITTIUM FOOL realizes they are not refutable!
“everyone” meaning a certain babbling butthole troll cuck @ 66 and the chorus of voices in its PIN HEAD..
You truly had no clue on how wireless works monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset FOOL!
Calling Puddy a cuck proves how moronic you really are monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!
Hey everyone… Search Google on encryption and wireless payloads
“Waiting for secure connection.”
HA doesn’t support https.. The https anywhere extension on chrome or firefox won’t enforce a https connection with HA.
It looks like you’re using chrome. Try firefox. If you have the same problem, that means it’s not your browser.
An always wrong winger called you that!
I love it when you MORONS eat each other!
Remember DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252, the leftist leaning Microsoft also claimed the NSA created the exploit and didn’t tell MSFT about it.
Sux to be DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
You truly were shown as a stupid idiot when you babbled through your butthole about your family not using google or apple products and then yours truly caught you trolling HA with an apple product.
Conducting your POLITICAL BULLSHIT with an APPLE product..
“For work…” HAHAHAHAHA!
Thank you for admitting that you lied about knowing what era of machines were involved in order to say OBAMA’S FAULT! Since clearly you are an expert on Compoooters….
Wrong again DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. You truly have no clue about Compoooters! There is NO LIE schmuck breath! The exploit was created under Obummer’s reign. MSFT head lawyer Brad Smith agrees!
Sux to be DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
You know this is being done just to spur negative discussion of lighting up the Whitehorse in gay pride colors. If it weren’t for that it would be honorable.
apple products and then yours truly caught you trolling HA with an apple product
Good try monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset! You called Puddy a Seoul brother when Puddy was at a work site where Apple was the “correct hardware” in Korea! You were following Puddy all over the globe and tracking Puddy’s use! Can you say living vicariously through Puddy while sitting on the couch unemployed? That’s was the travel Compooooter of choice for that trip idiot!
Good Try. You rehash these FAYLED attacks every six months like someone discusses Sidney Blumenthal…
Let’s see… EPIC FAYLE #339 = 0.00294985 and FAYLING!
I often wonder if it actually hurts to be as stupid as our Proven Liar? Or how it’s possible to hold such divergent opinions.
Stuxnet, believed to be but never proven to be a U.S. Govt. creation.
Eternal Blue, believed to be but never proven to be a U.S. Govt. creation.
Stuxnet, believed to be developed under the GW Bush Administration, never proven.
Eternal Blue, date of creation unknown but Piddles is quite certain that vague beliefs of his are proven facts.
Stuxnet, believed to have been released to knock out Iranian nuclear research facilities in late 2009 continuing into 2010. (Yet our resident liar went on and on for 8 years about Obama hating Israel and being Muslim and loving Iranina Mullahs, but…2009-2010…who gave the go ahead?)
Eternal Blue, made public by hackers in April 2017, our resident liar truly believes it was released under Obama.
No where in the statement of Microsoft on Eternal Blue do they say Obama. This is as close as it gets, “Finally, this attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem.” Governments, I.E. not just the U.S. or, many many administrations, or many many government agencies. Our proven liar reads that sentence and his high quality comprehension skills makes his brain ctrl+alt+r Governments / Obama.
All of these are actual facts not the ravings of a proven liar.
An always wrong winger called you that!
Really monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset?
Everyone knows you were called monomaniacal by a leftist and you ADMITTED it!
On Sunday night, Microsoft slammed the US spy agency that had originally developed software that allowed the ransomware attack to infect computers. The “Eternal Blue” tool developed by the National Security Agency had been dumped onto the public internet by a hacking group known as the Shadow Brokers.
Who from Microsoft attacked the NSA DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252? Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith.
So keep digging your own grave DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Still lying. I notice that sentence you keep quoting doesn’t say what you say it does.
In case anyone wants to check, here’s the full MSFT statement.
# of mentions of Obama = 0
# of dates exactly the hack happened = 0
# of dates on the creation of the exploit = 0
Stockpiling, that’s an interesting word. Many countries have a stockpile of Nuclear weapons but it would take a stretch to assert they were developed or built in the last 8.5 years. The U.S.. as mentioned has a stockpile of eradicated disease. They were clearly created under Obama. I have a stockpile of old 45 records and an aging record player though I haven’t bought one in probably two decades.
A Liar’s Dictionary.
Would The proven Liar like to point out where in that statement MSFT agrees with the statements of
FACTSrampant speculation he’s making.“work” trolling HA… with an apple product “we were told” the babbling butthole and its family would never use..
Nice try deflecting from your stupid hypocrisy. Should’ve just stuck to doing your miserable job.
The family doesn’t use APPLE you moron! It was a work computer used while in Korea. Calling Puddy a Seoul Brother! Living vicariously through Puddy you FOOL!
EPIC FAYLE 340 = 0.00294118 and FAYLING!
You mean your FAMILY has DISOWNED YOU???? You lost your membership card?
You are now “free” to use apple to TROLL HA????
Awww. Poor babbling butthole!!!
Notice how DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 can’t follow the bread crumbs?
This is why most of the libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS are really technology stoooooooooooopid like the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset and its buddy DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Does Puddy use APPLE when in America monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset?
FAMILY? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Useless Tool! Puddy not disowned like how your son disagrees with you being a DUMMOCRETIN tool!
EPIC FAYLE 341 = 0.00293255 and FAYLING! Keep talking like DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
“Does Puddy use APPLE when in America”
Oh we get it now! Apple products are MAGICALLY designed not to phone home about the babbling butthole POLITICAL BULLSHIT done while “working” in Korea.
That’s the ticket! Oh babbling butthole we hope the salt mining buddy, the bookoo buck legal beagle and the “working” other spawn (for the kult no doubt) NEVER EVAH finds out about you using Apple products in Korea.
They might DISOWN you after your BULLSHIT prohibition edicts.
Another DEFLECTION train wreck by DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!!!!!
# of mentions of Obama = 0
# of dates exactly the hack happened = 0
# of dates on the creation of the exploit = 0
Three more DEFLECTIONS! Puddy supplied the first Ars Technica link way above. Puddy just supplied another!
The continual smelly BULLSHITTIUM from DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
LOL! He lists “liberal” on his FB page..
I have no problem with him changing his political views over time. He’s an adult now. He’s entitled to differing political views just as mine were different to those of my dad.
Does your spawn have that freedom? Heh. Doubt it.
Oh we get it now!
Apparently not monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!
You are a patently stoooooooooooooooooopid as ever! You never accused Puddy of using an APPLE product in America. You tracked Puddy all over the world and when in Seoul you tracked Puddy using an APPLE because Puddy had to use the APPLE product in Korea.
You live vicariously through Puddy’s travels to places you’ll never see!
DAYUM U B 1 stooooooooooooopid mofo!
342 = 0.0029239766 and FAYLING worse each post!
Can’t think of something original? That’s Puddy’s line! What Puddy’s children think is you are a moron!
That’s a FACT!
@90 Yawwwn.. Deflecting… changing the subject. It used an apple product for its bullshit politics after spewing bullshit that it doesn’t do that and prohibits its family from the same. Nothing changes that fact.
@91 “spawn” is its own shit.. We throw it back in its face and it loves the stink..
“UK-based researcher Kevin Beaumont tweeted that WannaCry was using the NSA attack, which exploited a now-patched Microsoft Windows vulnerability, also known as MS17-010.”
– Butt wait, per DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252, NOPE, that’s wrong! The Obummer NSA could not have exploited WIndows XP? Why? Because no new desktops were released with XP when Obummer reigned! – A really stooooooooooooopid comment!
“It does indeed highlight dangers of NSA exploits being released to the public. I have made the point repeatedly that people should not downplay the significance of the recently released tools and exploits. They are weapons-grade and available for easy use.”
– Butt wait… Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith really didn’t attack the NSA in his statement per DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Easily found!
a “cuck” by this always wrong winger…
Simple question monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset… You been tracking Puddy vicariously since 2005.
Has Puddy used APPLE on HA DUMMOCRETINS except in Korea? The new S8+ is NICE!
You just can’t help yourself
In both of those links combined.
# of claims that the NSA developed the tool during the Obama Administration = 0
Dates cited for the timing of the hack gaining this information = 0 (note though that Piddles new hero Snowden uses the word “just” in April 2017)
Dates cited for release = Trump in office
Bread crumbs. Is that how Soothsayers do it? Beware the Ides of Piddles Imagination?
You been tracking Puddy vicariously since 2005.
You live through Puddy’s world wide travels while sitting on the basement couch creating the crazed databaze!
Once again DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 has no strength in the argument…
# of claims that the NSA developed the tool during the Obama Administration = 0
So DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 is arguing it was created by the Bush Administration. Wow this is so intriguing. The NSA leak happened in the summer of 2016. FACT missed by DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. So it’s not Trump’s NSA! Butt that doesn’t stop DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252’s Trump speculation since the virus happened in 2017.
Where did Puddy call Snowden? Shitstain steve’s raw story referenced Snowden!
So let’s clear the air… Google Snowden and and view how many times HA DUMMOCRETIN leaders used Snowden in their commentaries.
So K2 and DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 – Another EPIC FAYLE! Must be Mike Rogers revisited!
Puddy used Shadow Brokers Microsoft and Forbes for the NSA commentary!
Of course this will go right over the head of DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252…
Even worse, modern computer technology is inherently democratizing. Today’s NSA secrets become tomorrow’s PhD theses and the next day’s hacker tools. As long as we’re all using the same computers, phones, social networking platforms, and computer networks, a vulnerability that allows us to spy also allows us to be spied upon.
as long as totalitarian governments are spying on their citizens
Shorter commentary… Obummer’s NSA!
You bet.. You bullshit is toooo funny!
What’s your excuse here?
If the loon ends up going to trial on charges of treason he need only submit this thread as proof that’s he’s batshit insane.
And then there’s Doctor Dumbfuck. The treasonous sap didn’t sell out our nation to Russia for thirty pieces of silver. No, he sold out for 3,000 hashtags of snide.
Take heart, Doctor Dumbfuck. In our nation, we’ll allow you to spew your snide until the moment your neck snaps. Then it’s to hell with you.
Very interesting to see the broad spectrum of White Nationalist Hate Media, from Coulter, to Breitbart, to Danger and Play have reacted to Fuckface Von Clownstick turning over classified intel to the Russians by choosing to go Full Traitor. The Traitor Party line appears to be “So what?” He’s President. So he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Including betraying our allies, revealing to our global adversaries the most highly sensitive intelligence, and permanently ruining international intelligence sharing agreements crucial to military security and the fight against global terrorism. It damages our national security. And they are actually proud of it.
Word salad.
“Here look at this random blog!”
“Obama started it ALL!”
Typical Liar night. Take three posts because three is better than one, say nothing. Prove nothing except that he’s really a liar.
(@98, hint for the reading challenged. I claim nothing. But then you are 100% god damned sure when something happened without a shred of evidence or even a news report agreeing with what you claim. It fits your worldview so it MUST be during those years. Couldn’t possibly be in the 10-15 years prior when the same flaw existed in MSFT products. NOPE, gotta be the Kenyan Administration. Good on ya.)
Shred of evidence?
It’s all out there and you are to politically blind to see it. Even MSFT called it and they are leftists!
@62 How do you tell if a root certificate is corrupted, and how do you get a new one?
@66 “Right now Puddy has ‘Processing request…’ in the Puddy status bar after transmitting a post!”
Which means? I get that, too. And why can I get into HA at some times, but not other times? It seems random.
@71 “It looks like you’re using chrome. ”
@77 Who would sit on an airplane for 14 hours — each way — to work? Isn’t the purpose of money not having to work? I think everyone should become a capitalist so nobody has to work.
@78 “I often wonder if it actually hurts to be as stupid as our Proven Liar?”
Inanimate objects can’t feel pain. Suffering is reserved for organisms conscious of their existence.
I don’t know much about computer stuff, after all I’m just a garden-variety lettuce-eating rabbit, but I was under the impression we pay our NSA employees to exploit software vulnerabilities so we know what our enemies are up to. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?
That’s a proven lie Herr Goebels. But thanks for repeating it.
Eds. Note
The author in no way wishes to suggest that a Liar is connected in any way to a certain Austro-German political ideology or figure merely that the continued repetition of a known falsehood does not make the falsehood become fact.
Well, the White House has moved beyond denying the Washington Post story to arguing Trump had the right to reveal the information. That is likely factually true, but really, revealing that information without careful consideration is, well Trumpian.
Full reversal in about 12 hours of the “party line”. You cannot believe a word out of their mouths.