– “One of the things over the years that have begun to lay the foundation for it are opt-in principles. In other words, people very much in this country want to be able to say: I’m in charge of my information and my data,” Wyden told a noontime audience of several dozen tech workers. (h/t)
– The Klan is handing out fliers in Des Moines.
– Darryl mentioned the president’s Trayvon Martin speech after it happened on Friday. Some conservatives weren’t happy with it.
– And if I’m linking to Salon, in fairness, what the fuck, Salon?
– I don’t know what’s strangest about this scene: how much of Downtown I recognize, how much is different or the fact that there are no people out during the entire chase.
– You can talk about the royal baby if you want (of course), but I can’t be assed to find a link.
I would say the strangest things about the scene are that it makes no geographic sense and a dune buggy just sort of sitting there, personally I would recommend Cinderella Liberty instead.
The gas station where the dune buggy was parked is the site where the EMP is now. I watched that whole thing, it’s funny how at one point, where the two cars collide and burst into flames, how William Smith heads north from Spokane Street along the tracks between 4th Ave and East Marginal Way, but the very next scene put them southbound along the tracks from the Lenora Street Walk where it comes out from under Aurora/Hwy 99, and into the railroad tunnel.
Interesting, Joe Scarborough going after Hannity on the Trayvon Martin “pot in his system” remarks. He compared it to Reefer Madness.
Scarborough once represented Florida in Congress by the way, although Pensacola is not Sanford.
The liberal-biased media, which as you know inflamed public opinion against officially “not-guilty” vigilante killer George Zimmerman, is making a big deal of Zimmerman (with another motorist) helping a family get out of their SUV after it overturned. Zimmerman wasn’t involved in the accident, and none of the occupants of the overturned SUV were injured.
In other news, a federal judge has blocked North Dakota’s shiny new abortion law, the nation’s most restrictive. The law would have banned abortions six weeks after conception, which would eliminate 90% of the abortions performed at the state’s sole abortion clinic. In Roe v. Wade, SCOTUS defined fetus “viability” as 28 weeks, and state laws more restrictive than that presumably are unconstitutional. Many GOP-controlled legislatures have been passing laws that ban abortions after, variously, 16 to 22 weeks, apparently in a bid to get a case before SCOTUS in hopes of overturning Roe v. Wade.
Georgia has fired the peach as its state fruit. Presumably its replacement, the blueberry, was willing to work for a lower minimum wage.
From now on, if you meet a cute girl from Georgia, instead of calling her a “Georgia Peach,” you should refer to her as “Blueberry.” This is especially applicable if she’s been breathless for more than 10 minutes.
Okay, that was bad, I admit it. My apologies to female drowning victims from Georgia. I like “Peach” better, but can’t explain why. It resonates or something.
As for those Klan flyers tossed onto people’s porches in Des Moines (WA not IA), chalk it up to “the spirit of George Zimmerman.” Yeah. This guy is one of their role models, too.
As for those Klan flyers tossed onto people’s porches in Des Moines (WA not IA), chalk it up to “the spirit of George Zimmerman.” Yeah. This guy probably is one of their role models, too:
An epic police chase occurred in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood last week.
I assume everyone is fixated on the pending royal birth because the whole world is so fed up with the rest of the royal family that everyone wants the crown to pass to this one the instant it’s born. I have an easier solution, why not just abolish royalty, a concept that long ago outlived any usefulness it ever had.
# 12: Charles would not be pleased.
@10: One odd thing I observed from the interminable trial coverage:
The murderer and his male defenders/friends on the stand wore mostly shaved heads, reminded me of skinheads in their manner as well.
I think ruddy faced fascists were allowed to convict Trayvon Martin of his own murder.
12)He’s probably jealous, of the new monarchs in the Netherlands and Belgium, their parents abdicated so they could take charge.
@12 I heard a fine story once where the king of Sweden ask if he could get a preferred parking spot and was turned down, they didn’t want to establish that people were more equal than others simply by birth lottery.
I love the internet.
It would set a precedent and other folks might start asking for similar dispensations.
– Remind me again, why is democratic socialism so bad?
@12 Who cares what Charles thinks? I’ll bet even his mother doesn’t. And anyway, if his mother lives to 100 and it looks like she’s going to, he’s screwed as far as ever being king goes, which will make his role in history nothing more than an understudy who never got promoted.
After waiting this long to get the job, I don’t suppose he’ll voluntarily relinquish it to his grandson.
I feel sorry for the kid. I wonder how long they’ll wait to tell him he has the misfortune of being the heir to the English throne? He’d have been better off to be born a girl.
It’s a boring job; but I’d sit on my ass waving a scepter all day, too, if somebody paid me enough.
The Sheikh of Dubai has pardoned a 24-year-old Norwegian woman sentenced to prison for being raped. But the pardon also frees the rapist, because in Dubai, a royal pardon officially erases the crime. She plans to leave Dubai as soon as possible.
Okay, Queen Elizabeth II is, by my calculations, age 87. She has to die first. She’s probably got another ten to fifteen years.
Then Charles, Prince of Wales takes the throne. He’s 62 now, he’s probably going to live another 40 years or so.
So it looks like the new baby would be age 50 55 before it could take the throne, which includes being the head of the Church of England.
One of the former best examples of the use of the royal perogative was during WWII, when the King of Denmark was on the thrown. The Nazis issued a decree requiring all jewish Danes to wear the Star of David. That morning, the King left the palace for his morning walk – wearing a bright yellow Star of David. Within hours every Dane was wearing one. The Nazis backed down.
@22 I seem to recall Charles as having previously expressed his preference not to be king. Seems he’s been involved in some political/environmental activism which he’d officially be prohibited from doing if he were crowned.
Wouldn’t Prince Andrew and then Prince William (and maybe Harry) be next in the line of succession? This kid could have a long time to wait before taking his turn.
Anyway, I’ll be interested in when we get to see pictures of the little bloke. Considering what his parents look like he’ll probably be quite a handsome devil.
# 24: Yep, I forgot about Prince William. So the line of succession would be:
Elizabeth II – born 1926
Charles – born 1948
William – born 1962
Baby – born 2013
So the baby might not ascend to the thrown for another 60 + years – longer if William lives longer himself.
Golly Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit. Haven’t you paid attention to anything…? Only your love of DUMMOCRAPTIC crooks it seems!
If he was born a she she’d still 3rd in line to the British throne. The British Commonwealth changed the law in October 2011. Butt then again you are old and decrepit so these knowledge bits pass you by!
Sux to be you!
So William is 51? Who knew he looks so good to be that old.
With Stand Your Ground Laws, the Zimmerman case, and lots of people getting concealed carry permits, you can expect to see more this this sort of nonsense. I hope this guy goes to jail for life.
@1 & 2,
I think you just have to accept that the geography makes no sense since it’s a movie.
@24 Now that William has an heir, Edward drops way down the list. Unless, of course, he wants to fight a war of succession like many of his predecessors did. The fastest way to the throne for minor heirs has always been over the dead bodies of the next-in-lines.
@25, 27 That’s a typo, William was born in 1982, so he’s 31 not 51. Still, 60 years is a stretch …
Workers get screwed by insurance companies, too. They can cut their car insurance rates by 40% if they quit their jobs and flip houses or stocks like everyone else. Useless financial speculation pays a lot better, too. I made $325 in the stock market today by doing absolutely nothing of any use to anyone.
@28 This is what Zimmerman’s acquittal will spawn all over the country. Every yahoo with a gun thinks he has a license to kill.
Here’s some more 2nd Amendment idiocy:
The Second Amendment gives people a right to keep and bear arms. It doesn’t give them a right to use them as they please.
Boeing workers living in or moving to South Carolina must be thrilled for the opportunity of generational stability on the soceio-economic ladder.
Oops, forgot they link
In my view, darryl Issa makes such a commotion in the desperate hope of staying one step ahead of a grand jury investigating his many, many real state deals.
Some talking head on the snooze hour is saying that 80% of the cost of Detroit’s bankruptcy is to be borne by the workers; a reduction of 40-60% of the deferred compensation owed.
pssst you’re next
If you have seen the story or the picture of this 14 year old girl protesting Texas’ new abortion law you need to.
For the idiot white supremacists in So. King county, I won’t shed a tear when someone puts a cap in your ass. And when we find out it was one of your own fellow idiots who did it we’ll point & laugh.
SENILE Wabbit… We know why you skipped over #26.
For the idiot white supremacists in So. King county
Uncle Puddles! you ignorant troll,
Yes! Please provide us your views on the rational logic of white supremacist thought.
The author of #43 is criticizing me for #26? That’s hilarious!
Would someone please tell puddles where all the Republican rednecks in King County live? Thanks.
See my first post on this thread Puddles about the real costs of suburbanization. If you, as a black man, would like a proposed solution to economically stoked racism aimed at your kids, consider affordable housing coupled with transportation services.
Then again, don’t worry about it Uncle Puddles.
Surely the violence prone racists in your community won’t strike down your children. Like Allen West says, if they’re respectful like him… no worries.
You can bet your kid’s life on what West says.
Our pet klownservative jerk troll will be pleased to know how well right wing ding policies are working in the ‘burbs of Cobb County, GA:
Wow! Now jerk klownservatives in the krackpot kongress have the nerve to vote farm subsidies for themselves while cutting food assistance to hard-up klownservatives in the ‘burbs..
The interminably wrong wing is too freaking sick..
@48 Same crowd that voted 37 times to repeal Obamacare. What do you expect?
Those Who Play With Razor Blades Dep’t
“When Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, a Republican congressman from Florida, spoke a few words of Spanish during an outdoor press conference last month, a Tea Party activist who had been attending a nearby anti-immigration reform rally reportedly instructed him to ‘learn English!'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Being a Republican congressman isn’t easy, and there are almost times when you gotta feel sorry for them. Almost. But not quite.
The conservative talking head was going on and on that labor unions were keeping wages high for young people,the unskilled, and minorities, and if we could just pay them less than the minimum wage, that would lead to to economic prosperity.
Similarly, tax paying Americans pay for public schools and Conservatives should be allowed to find ways to cut teacher pay because public school kids didn’t need well paid teachers. They were wasting “good” American’s money paying public teachers to teach public kids.
Flubscout… Sorry dude, I have no idea how or why you libtards think you are superior! It’s all you libtards do here and most of you are white.
1) My children were taught to get an education in high school, do well. Most asians teach that to their children and that’s why they usually are close to valedictorian status in every high school class.
2) Most will live bunched up together because they know their struggle is to get their children educated and the children will pay back their parents.
3) My children got an education that uplifts then in society. Puddy paid for their education. No art history or psychology degrees.
4) Puddy agrees to a point that everyone should get decent housing. Butt, they also should be responsible to help upkeep it.
5) Respect. Yes respect is not calling women hos and bitches in your various ballads and songs.
6) Respect is treating your friends’ sisters as you’d want your sister treated.
7) Respect is honoring your mother and father.
8) Respect is being a father to the children you father.
9) Respect is not doing drugs or peddling them to make easy money.
You won’t find this list anywhere FlubScout. Puddy didn’t plagiarize anything. It’ was all upstairs!
Puddy realizes FlubScout won’t comprehend this list because being the libtard white spremacist he is, he thinks he’s better than the average joe!
Oh my it seems useless HA unemployed ASSHole@48 is using that poverty has moved to the suburbs argument again. You’d think after his arschloch was handed to the useless HA unemployed ASSHole the last time he’d learn.
Nahhh… the useless HA unemployed ASSHole@48 never learns! Puddy PROVED the last time those three “suburbs” voted for Obummer BIG TIME in your last attempt at this!
Oh and Roger SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit, you fell for the useless HA unemployed ASSHole’s swill last time too. You are old and decrepit as proven in post #19!
Notice that our “goto” pet krackpot klownservative jerk troll @ 54 has not mentioned the political leanings of Cobb County, GA..
Notice that GA is a klownservative State and klownservative policies are working wonders for Cobb County as they have been for Wisconsin whose job growth still lags the midwest and the rest of the country..
@ 51
Thats because the conservative’s kids are the ones that sit in the back, throw spitwads, make smartass remarks at everything a teacher tells them, refuse to open a book under almost any circumstances and are always getting caught doing shit like cheating on tests, smoking in the bathroom and punching out the little kids on the playground.
“Conservatives” don’t like public schools, because they and their kids never learn anything in them.
Following the Lac Megantic oil train disaster, Transport Canada jas issued emergency, temporary rules while the investigation continues. It includes no more one man crews on trains with hazardous cargo.
Yes and no. School, if funded and done properly, is likely to teach the kids critical thinking and how to be rational, thinking adults. That runs counter to much of what low information conservatives value.
My personal theory is that that argument is also code for the “outrage” of spending money educating children that don’t look like them. It scares them that those “other” people could become better educated and more successful than they are.
Once again useless HA unemployed ASSHole delivers a non-sequitor.
More BULLSHIT from another HA BULLSHIT artist!
It seems you have it wrong about the political leanings OWS Racist Fraggy… Look at WA DC schools. Most money spent per capita and the worst graduation rates in AMERICA! Libtard lead and libtard attended!
Ahhh Fascist Pigsty,
More BULLSHIT from another BULLSHIT artist… How much money are we going to continue to throw at a failing skuul system? We already know what the teacher union thinks about…Getting more money to fund DUMMOCRAPTS…
Need to see the youtube video again?
It would be hard for me to disagree that public schools are a waste of money if Puddy is representative of what they produce.
Our klownservative jerk troll is unable to get the point.. (that reading comprehension thing again). Klownservative policies suck where ever they’re tried.. In GA and WI they’re flailing and failing big time.
If places show some life it’s for some other reason like the resource booms in TX, WY and ND.. Klownservative policies add little to no value and it’s almost always a negative like lax regulation leading to terrible environmental problems.