I mean, Mike Pence? Mike Pence. Is. I guess. Going to be Trump’s VP. I was mentioning in the last poll analysis that I was surprised that nobody had polled Indiana. Maybe some GOP pollster did, and decided they needed to shore it up? But still Mike Pence?
Where babies come from.
Where fucking morons come from.
MSNBCVerified account
Tune in to @MSNBC for continued live coverage of the deadly truck crash in Nice, France: http://on.msnbc.com/29Hl9dl
Writing about the Nice, France truck attack… Two Americans died… http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....ice-attack
Dr Obnoxious has yet to condemn the attack. Dr Obnoxious condemned Puddy for condemning the attack. Seems Dr Obnoxious agrees with ISIS in many things nowadays!
The batshit insane loon and Michele Bachman love Jews so much, they can hardly wait for millions of them to be killed.
Many people may dislike Trump, but only the deep seated DUMMOCRETINS in America turn a blind eye to truth… The working class see things differently! http://thehill.com/blogs/pundi.....-broke-the
This is why Puddy has a great laugh when Puddy refers people to the DUMMOCRETIN fools whom write here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. People laugh at Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics! They think y’all are whack!
FBI Director Jim Comey did Donald J. Trump a real favor by not indicting Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton. Her poll numbers have dramatically dropped. 67% of REAL AMERICANS realize she’s untrustworthy. DUMMOCRETINS don’t care and independents recognize that! Blue color workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania realize DUMMOCRETINS don’t care about them and are giving the finger to Richard Trumka and his union thug leadership!
Yet HA DUMMOCRETINS like the Oregon moron, checkmate, vomit producer, QPPS and R senile keep throwing out these polls with high DUMMOCRETIN cross-tabs.
It is so sad to see the continual head explosions of QPPS @3! Once a mighty conversationalist; now a useless blob of biomASS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
“has yet to condemn the attack”
The hate-filled psychopath loon has been so busy using the attack as an excuse to spew hatred at Americans that he hasn’t even bothered to condemn the attack himself.
It looks like exposing his obscene hatred of Jews has caused the hate-filled psychopath loon’s head to explode again.
It’s not like anybody believes that the hate-filled psychopath loon gives a flying fuck about a bunch of “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” dying in a terrorist attack. The truth is in the loon’s comments. The deaths of 84 “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” is just another excuse for the hate-filled psychopath loon to spew hatred at Americans.
How Republicans Will Justify Voting For Trump
I received this from a relative who regularly fills my inbox with wingnut spam. I’m posting it here because it offers insights into how the Republican tribe are talking themselves into voting for a lying racist misogynist deadbeat who lusted for his own 13-year-old daughter. Yes, they’re admitting his undeniable flaws, but here’s the trick that gets them over the hump: Despite all his warts, Trump is God’s instrument for saving America, a veritable Winston Churchill. And while this next item is left unsaid, it’s obvious what Trump is saving American from: The evil liberals and their socialist agenda. Ready? Heeere weee gooo:
“A Christian Pastor’s Analysis of the U.S. Election Drama”
“Is Trump good for America? I mentioned Sunday that I would speak on this next week. Unfortunately, I found that I was shoehorning this topic into my planned message. To properly present what I want to speak on Sunday, I may have to leave the Donald out of it! But let me take a minute for those that wonder and give some of my thoughts.
“When I first heard that Trump (DT) was entering the race last year, I told my wife that perhaps it was a good thing for the party and America. I knew that he was not a ‘saint,’ but I thought that he would be like a bull in a china shop. He is a disrupter and I believe America could use a fresh thinker especially in the political arena. I didn’t think he would get the nomination, but that he would shake up politics as usual. I was correct on the shaking up!
“Lance Wallnau likens him to a biblical Cyrus. Someone who is dynamically used of God even though not perceived by many as a God follower. God has used many people in history that I would probably not like or agree with. I’m not sure I would have liked all the disciples, or David, or Moses. Somehow, God did not seem compelled to consult with me on His choices!
“I have always admired Winston Churchill. He is seen as one of the greatest national leaders in the 20th century. Last year, I had the privilege of going through the War Museum in London. Winston is a key feature. His life is controversial. He was not always celebrated as a great leader. He was a bombastic, cigar smoking, at times crude, even misogynistic leader. It is alleged that he told off color stories to his children before bedtime! A woman once told him he was disgustingly drunk. His response was ‘My dear, you are disgustingly ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly!’
“There are many websites that discuss the outlandish comments and activities of this great world leader. But, he had exactly what was needed to stop Hitler at the Channel, to rouse a nation to never give up and to partner with America to find final victory in Europe. You probably wouldn’t want him as your pastor, maybe not even your father, but he was the right leader for that moment in England’s history. Such a brazen man that would go up to the roof of his quarters in central London and smoke cigars as Hitler’s air force bombed all around him. I’m not sure I would have voted for him…. but he was the right man!
“I think it would be awesome to have a righteous leader, one that understood the intricacies of the economy, health care, defense, immigration, with great sensitivity to religious institutions, a heart for the poor, a vision for the future. If that leader was a praying person, formidable in the word of God and loved the local church, I would rejoice! I do not think that is the choice we will have in November.
“Instead….we will look for someone who is imperfect, yet will fit the times we are living in. Particularly, that ‘whoever’ we vote for, will be someone who might possibly have the opportunity to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices. That could radically shape our culture in America for the next 30 years. The America of our grandchildren could be very different….and that may not be good. We cannot stand on the sidelines. A non-vote is a passive vote for a direction we may very well regret.
“So…is Donald Trump good for America? I honestly believe that he has been already. He has shaken the political system. Do his comments offend me? At times! Do I agree with all he says? Not at all! But could he be a ‘Cyrus’ being raised up by God to preserve America? Nobody liked Gen. Patton, but he sure WAS an instrument of the United States for the right things.
“This I know. I will vote for the best chance for America. I will pray for our leaders as I have already. In the end – God will continue to be my source and my hope. I do believe that God has had a hand in America’s history. I hope and pray that He will also have a saving hand in America’s future!”
@1 So, a stork dropped you on your head, is that what you’re saying? Sounds like an attempt to shift blame from your mother.
24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady is strong in QPPS @6. Can’t remember 24 hours!
24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady is strong in QPPS @6. Can’t remember 24 hours!
@2 Actually, at this point, that’s not really any evidence linking this attack to ISIS or any other group. The perp was a French citizen. Like the Dallas police sniper, he may have been a lone madman, acting alone. Such people do exist among native populations, and we can’t protect ourselves from them by closing mosques or subjecting Muslims submit to thought tests (as suggested by Newt Gingrich this morning). But it might make Republicans feel a little warmer and fuzzier, because it feeds their bigotry and they like having such playthings as national thought police.
@4 Don’t worry, Democrats aren’t getting away with anything that Republicans don’t do all the time. The difference is it’s a problem only when Democrats do it. That’s merely standard-issue Republican hypocrisy.
“But still Mike Pence?”
Yeah, they realized Pence won’t get re-elected in Indiana, so they foisted him on Trump. Easy way to get rid of him.
@11 @12 Chrome stuck again? Sure it isn’t an operator brain fart?
Puddy knows the HA DUMMOCRETIN horde hasn’t see this on libtard DUMMOCRETIN puke sites… http://thehill.com/blogs/ballo.....ad-against
All Careless Crooked Heilary could say in response was… “Pokemon GO to the polls”
Well R senile, Goldy’s duplicate entry filter doesn’t catch it!
Even Eric Garner’s daughter was mistreated by white DUMMOCRETINS at the Obummer race presser… http://thehill.com/homenews/ad.....ded-by-abc
So cry Puddy a river HA DUMMOCRETINS. Pox on your own race hating houses!
Three QPPS exploding head comments #6-#8.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
The moral bankruptcy of “objective” journalism is demonstrated by media’s respectful treatment of racist-fascist “Donald J. Trump.”
Controlled Town Hall made-for-TV events exploiting black victims
Garner daughter says she was ‘railroaded’ by ABC
don’t make things any better.
When streets are blocked off in America there are barricades or police cars blocking the street entrance. Go to a parade in NYC and see how the streets are blocked. The French in Nice chose not to do that and sadly 84 people are dead today. The French take a laissez-faire attitude when they should have been more diligent because of the ISIS threat is just across the Mediterranean Sea.
Has QPPS condemned the attack? NOPE! why? Cause its a DOPE your honor! Notice the head explosions in #6-#8?
Did Carl condemn the attack? NOPE!
Did Dr Obnoxious condemn the attack? NOPE!
Did R senile condemn the attack? NOPE! Just claimed it was from ISIS!
Did the vomit producer condemn the attack? NOPE!
Where is the condemnation HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Above R senile wrote… @2 Actually, at this point, that’s not really any evidence linking this attack to ISIS or any other group.
Yesterday R senile wrote…
@163 No, I agree with what Boob says,* it smells like ISIS.
@164 Of course it’s ISIS. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out.
So why does R senile waffle? Because Obummer hasn’t claimed that? The French thinks it is ISIS!
Yesterday the French FM was quoted as saying that France would have to live with terrorism.
Today we learn that France white-washes terrorist attacks.
A French government committee has heard testimony, suppressed by the French government at the time and not released to the media, that the killers in the Bataclan tortured their victims on the second floor of the club.
Police witnesses in Parliament said they vomited when they saw the disfigured bodies.
Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.
Fuck ’em. They want some help, they can call Israel for it.
We Are All France.@ 21
ABC >>>> Stephanopoulos >>>> Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Betcha the peeps were DUMMOCRETINS! https://www.facebook.com/topic/Sedro-Woolley-Washington/107756175913920
I am not often speechless but today I was advised of an incident at the Lucky Teriyaki restaurant in Sedro-Woolley that completely took me by surprise. Particularly on the heels of the United We Stand by our Law Enforcement event that was such an overpowering show of appreciation for our deputies and officers serving Skagit County.
This afternoon 4 Skagit County Sheriff’s office deputies were finishing up lunch at Lucky’s. As 2 deputies went up to pay they were informed by the owner that he requested they not eat there anymore. They were told that other customers didn’t like law enforcement there. My chief deputy spoke to the owner to confirm this because he simply could not believe what he was hearing. The owner not only repeated the request but asked that we spread the word to other law enforcement that they were no longer welcome either.
I understand a business owner has a right to refuse service if he wants to…….I also understand that as customers we all have the right to find some other restaurant to take our lunch break in.
Will Reichardt, Sheriff
Skagit County Sheriff’s Office
Betcha she’s a DUMMOCRETIN too…
Betcha she’s a DUMMOCRETIN too…
Hey, I just noticed that Paul Constant’s REI email doesn’t say he won’t make online purchases from them. Just says he won’t shop in their store.
Today I received a $20 off online coupon from REI.
Bet Paul Constant got one as well.
More on moral bankruptcy of objective journalism.
“Inspired” by Isis. Terminology is key here.
Just like Dylan Roof was “inspired” by radical white Xtian groups like the CofCC, Northwest Front, and The Daily Stormer. So we’ll just have to put a “hold” on any further entry of whites into the U.S. until we get a handle on the security situation. And of course we’ll also have to ask all the white people in the U.S. to “register” and submit to a thorough screening for these kinds of terrorist sympathies. It’s the sensible thing to do.
@ 31
We’ve already got the TSA.
I’ve registered for the Selective Service.
I’ve got a passport.
And ‘bagger looks forward to the cavity search.
That all ya got?
Tweet du jour:
David Burge
@iowahawkblog David Burge Retweeted Bloomberg
9/11, on the installment planDavid Burge added,
Bloomberg @business
#Nice is France’s seventh terror attack in 18 months http://bloom.bg/29C5gDm
Not quite as good as the pancake breakfast benefit once held in memory of Rachel Corrie, but still good for a chuckle.
Brian Williams Tells Viewers in Nice Coverage He’s ‘Plowed Over’ Matthew’s ‘Hardball’
@18 Then why is it catching everyone else’s? You’re the only commenter who’s double-posting. Itchy trigger finger?
@22 “Did Carl condemn the attack? NOPE!
Did Dr Obnoxious condemn the attack? NOPE!
Did R senile condemn the attack? NOPE! Just claimed it was from ISIS!
Did the vomit producer condemn the attack? NOPE!
Where is the condemnation HA DUMMOCRETINS?”
Some things don’t need to be said. Just because you don’t post that you have the thumb you suck up your ass right now doesn’t mean you don’t.
@23 “So why does R senile waffle?”
Because we have limited information at this point and still don’t know what happened. Do I need to add that you’re a fucking idiot?
Oh, excuse me, I forgot you’re a conservative, and conservatives can’t deal with ambiguity or incomplete information. Their limited brain capacity requires them to see everything in black and white, to form firm beliefs, and ignore any evidence that challenges those beliefs. Once a conservative decides X happened, he’ll believe X for all eternity, no matter what the ultimate facts are.
since you mention it…
I suppose we ought to gear up to go to war with any countries that are currently “harboring” Christian white supremacist terrorist organizations in order to make us safe here at home.
It’ll be a long haul, no doubt. And sadly we shouldn’t kid ourselves that some innocent lives may be lost in the collateral damage. But we can no longer afford to avert our eyes from the growing menace. We’ll have to root them out of their spider holes wherever they are. Drone strikes in Austria, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia, Georgia, Albania, Russia, Montana, Idaho, Bellingham, etc. won’t be popular with some of our allies or with a few bleeding heart liberal hippie Governors. We’ll just have to work extra hard to convince them of the utter necessity of the situation. We may have to put boots on the ground to maintain civil order and prevent the establishment of “safe havens” that nurture Christian white supremacist terror. In the most extreme cases we may have to “carpet bomb” entire cities for their own good.
These are tough times that call for tough decisions. Doesn’t it make your heart swell?
@ 38
I have no problem striking Bellingham.
Can we move Itek out of there first?
@26 The next time Lucky Teriyaki calls 911 because they’re being robbed, the 911 operator should inform them that cops don’t go there anymore, per their request.
@29 Don’t spend it all at once. Save some for Christmas.
@32 “I’ve registered for the Selective Service.”
God help us if there’s another war. Aren’t you a little over the hill for that? Even as a medical officer?
“Itchy trigger finger?”
“Benghazi!” “Chrome!” “Duplicate entry filter!!”
What a loon!
I see the loon had multiple head explosions this morning. Sweet!
Drat! Looks like the truck driver was a creepy depressed loner French National recently estranged from his wife and well known to the police in Nice with no known ties to terrorism.
We’ll just have to go to all-out total carpet bombing war against all the creepy loners in their basements. We’re coming for you, Fuckwad!
Senile fool @35,
ERF double posted earlier this week. Did you miss it too? QPPS missed it and Puddy even asked QPPS why did he not comment on it.
Selective disgust! Suck on that senile one!
Do I need to add that you’re a fucking idiot?
Projecting again senile wabbit? Did that iron frying pan from Mrs wabbit connect again?
Some things don’t need to be said. Just because you don’t post that you have the thumb you suck up your ass right now doesn’t mean you don’t.
Then tell that to QPPS R senile @36. Every time something comes up QPPS screams “Well Puddy why haven’t you said anything about that?”
Sux to be sooooooooooooooooooo senile it shows daily!
Like the Dallas cop killer was inspired by #blacklivesmatter group Oregon moron @31!
Sux to be you Oregon moron!
“Since over the past several years, you refused to meet me and sit down and negotiate peace, I hope you’ll hear this message.”
“First, your advisor, Sultan Abu al Einein recently called to slit the throat of every Israeli. Three days later, a Palestinian terrorist turned these words into action when he slit the throat of a 13-year-old beautiful girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, as she slept,” he said of the dual American citizen. “She was a little, innocent girl. She didn’t deserve this.”
Slit the throat of every Israeli citizen is what QPPS advocates. QPPS loves and cheers it when Palestinian teenagers kills 13 year old Israeli girls because she won’t get married and create other Israeli children. QPPS hates Israelis. Puddy wonders if QPPS secretly sends money to CAIR and their front groups which support Hamas! http://www.breitbart.com/natio.....anization/
“Since over the past several years, you refused to meet me and sit down and negotiate peace, I hope you’ll hear this message.”
“First, your advisor, Sultan Abu al Einein recently called to slit the throat of every Israeli. Three days later, a Palestinian terrorist turned these words into action when he slit the throat of a 13-year-old beautiful girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, as she slept,” he said of the dual American citizen. “She was a little, innocent girl. She didn’t deserve this.”
Slit the throat of every Israeli citizen is what QPPS advocates. QPPS loves and cheers it when Palestinian teenagers kills 13 year old Israeli girls because she won’t get married and create other Israeli children. QPPS hates Israelis. Puddy wonders if QPPS secretly sends money to CAIR and their front groups which support Hamas! http://www.breitbart.com/natio.....anization/
Probably got overlooked in all the fuss over Republicans laying claim to lady uterui and curing porn disease (there’s hope for Fuckwad yet!), but a key component of the GOP platform includes throwing in with the mentally ill folk who seized a wildlife preserve earlier this year. Not that most people even give a shit. But those guys down there with David Fry and LaVoy Finnicum were kinda nutty dangerous and very seriously delusional. Sure, they were white and they wore plaid flannel and Lee boot cuts, so we gotta cut ’em some slack. And we did. Plenty. But I think there is no clearer indicator of GOP decline than this. This is beyond embarrassing.
Something that floats right over the head of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Did you know that suicide accounts for two thirds of all gun deaths? In the rural west about three fourths of suicide attempts use a gun. And they are 90% fatal (compared with 1% for cutting/slashing). The Colorado Gun Shop Project is trying to make a difference in areas where the is a higher likelihood that an unsecured firearm will be located in the home of a suicidal person. All states should be engaged in a similar effort. Especially here in the west.
@44 “Drat! Looks like the truck driver was a creepy depressed loner French National recently estranged from his wife and well known to the police in Nice with no known ties to terrorism.”
And with a penchant for road rage.
But was he a Mooslim? That’s what really matters. If he was a Mooslim, he did it because of Sharia Law, and all mosques must be closed and all Mooslims must be banned!
You know, there’s no reason why some crazy trucker couldn’t do that here. Although crazy Americans seem to find it more enjoyable to do it with an AR-15 or AK-47.
@45 “ERF double posted earlier this week.”
This has something to do with your serial double and triple posting?
So good of Goldy to focus on the moral bankruptcy of objective journalism.
Free Beacon @FreeBeacon 4h4 hours ago
CNN Chyron Fail…
In quite the egregious chyron fail, CNN’s live coverage on Friday of the Nice, France terror attack featured an interview with one young survivor and was deemed by the CNN graphic of having been a “Trump Rampage Survivor” hinting that he had lived to tell of a rampage carried out by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Always nice to know there’s humor to be found no matter how ghastly the circumstances. Although sometimes you need to manufacture it yourself.
This. is. CNN.
@46 Notice how the squid tries to change the subject every time he gets his dick caught in a door?
@47 Ditto.
@48 Like your candidate’s philandering is inspired by his own daughter?
@ 54
I know that whenever I get cut off I feel better after screaming Allahu Akbar!
As he came to a stop, witnesses claim he then opened fire on officers while screaming “Allahu Akbar” – which means God is greatest in Arabic.
Meanwhile, the FBI reported today that there’s no evidence that Omar Mateen was a homophobe. That’s after concluding that there’s no evidence he was homosexual.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, HA’s resident master of craniorectal inversion.
Earlier R senile posted…
You’re the only commenter who’s double-posting. Itchy trigger finger?
When Puddy reminds R senile that ERF double posted what does this old moron fart?
This has something to do with your serial double and triple posting?
See what senility does? Time frame 10:39 AM to 1:37 PM… Not even three hours now!
Very sad what Alzheimers does to senile wabbits claiming to be retired lawyers!
@51 ” … we gotta cut ’em some slack. And we did. Plenty.”
Yeah most of ’em are still alive.
@52 Piddles’ solution to the Orlando terrorist attack is patrons carrying AR-15s into crowded night clubs. What a fucking loon. He’s almost as deranged as the terrorists.
@59 He was! He was a Mooslim! That means we can stop attacks by terrorists and lunatics by shutting down mosques and banning Mooslims! Problem solved!
The Deciderer!
“Drumpf VP announcement recap:
1. Before reaching a final decision, leak the decision to outlets that offer you nothing.
2. Deny the decision.
3. Announce event to announce decision
4. Cancel event over foreign tragedy
5. Hold other events
6. Awkward discussions with losing VP finalists.
7. Deny to them that you’ve reached a final decision.
8. Fly your VP selection to you.
9. Have second thoughts.
10. Ask aides if you can change your mind.
11. Despite foreign tragedy, announce VP pick anyway. On Twitter.
12. Don’t have anything ready.
13. Release bizarre, sexual logo that overshadows your VP announcement.
14. Don’t fundraise.
15. Have aides leak to CNN that you asked if you could back out of VP decision last night.
16. Ah.
In other words…
Let Drumpf Be Drumpf.”
@60 Better to be senile than anencephalic.
Bill Clinton and Trayvon Martin’s mother headline DNC speakers
Damn. I was hoping for Mike Brown’s family. ’cause it wouldn’t have been Momma Brown’s first star turn:
Travis @59
Puddy called it ASSfacia. It’s where the dumb wabbit’s face looks like its ASS and its bowels don’t know which way to move!
Oh maybe it’s zackly disease. Another one where the senile wabbit’s ASS looks zackly like its face!
You have senile down pat! See 67!
Maybe Bill will speak about when he pardoned his half-brother Roger Clinton, Jr.
Meanwhile urban police think all blacks look alike… http://www.cbsnews.com/news/so.....-stun-gun/
This is not the nigga they were looking for! BTW the police chief is black!
If I have to rely on Puffballs for news, as I need him to tell me that ISIS is responsible for what happen in Nice, then I’d rather be dead – seriously shot me.
Now I’ve only gotten so far down the line in the comment thread, but I bet I would be right to say that I bet Puffy issues blame (and I don’t think I have to say who he blames) and offers no solution or any words of wisdom of insight on the situation.
I suppose he has no solutions or he thinks that some Republican President (Drumpf or no Drumpf) will solve it or even dampen this type of stuff from happening. Good luck with that solution. Two married people think they solve all their problems when they divorce, but not sure they solved anything.
What (organization) would inspire someone to do something like was done in Nice? Is it Religion? Is it Consevatism? Sure ain’t liberalism. Is it poverty? Is it oppression? Could something like what we have here happen in this country with a 100% American perpetrator because they feel oppressed or dissed or they are brainwashed into doing so.
Why can’t we have intelligence conversation and dialogue? Why are we so stupid?
Maybe the answer is not letting anyone into this country but is that really going to do anything? And if you really don’t want anyone coming into this country then I don’t think you should be able to leave and then re enter. You can’t be a hypocrite not want any middle easterners into this country then go their for vacation and or business.
And conservatives just thing you can kill them all. Nor do they really care when this stuff happens in s middle eastern country. Well you can’t let shit thrive in other countries and expect to control it.
Puffballs thanks for all you do, keep doing what you do you fucking moron.
And yes i thought the same thing about how NYC does s better job in parades and gatherings, but they too have an Achilles heel. Their street fairs, held every week almost on every avenue at one time is open to crossing traffic. There paraded not as much but also crossing traffic. Not sure a truck could do the same amount of damage but a truck could easily do what happen in Nice.
Puffy you should talks up drinking like Boob, or stay in the church.
“Palestinian terrorist turned these words into action when he slit the throat of a 13-year-old beautiful girl”
We finally know where Bob and the loon draw a line. When their presidential candidate raped a 13 year-old beautiful girl, that was okay. But if Trump had slit the girl’s throat, that would have crossed a line. Unless, of course, this is another one of those cases where IOKIYAR, in which case it would have been okay if Trump had slit the throat of the 13 year-old girl he raped.
It’s Goldy’s fault for the double posting. You take no responsibility or accountability? Just like I thought a republican conservative that wants others to be accountable and responsible for things, but not themsrlves
Hey HA DUMMOCRETIN fools, remember that QPPS loves raw story. Puddy remembers this “raw” story where a counter terrorist person claimed that the radical muslim terrorists will try to use F-150 trucks to mow down the infidel. Remember the ridicule? NO? Well we saw a radical Allahu Akbar muslim terrorist use a much larger truck to mow down French infidels.
Seems this person knows what is really going on. Will Obummer listen to him now?
Puffy you should talks up drinking like Boob,
Decipher ring?
Does HHTL post anything worthwhile?
It’s Goldy’s fault for the double posting.
Hey moron HHTL @73, try to post the same thing twice. Go ahead! Tell Puddy what you get as a response!
Watch. HHTL will not response!
I think I finall found out whit conservative Americas Kryptonite (for lack of a better word).
Kind of gathering it from my own internal feelings or emotions. Aside from disagreeing with most of thier policies I really dislike or couldn’t ever reall vote for a republican because of their anti-gay beliefs and belief that I am a second class citizen. Or that I exist. That leads to some hatred. Why? Because I feel threatened by anti-gay people and a political party that has that POWER!
So like me, conservators are afraid of ISIS. They fear their existence. Their death. Puffy could care less abou anyone dying but himself.
@77 if you know that that is a problem why the fuck are you clicking twice? You have no patience, because you are having loony head explosions? Can you post 5 times? Don’t you think click once and waiting for it to refresh befor clicking a second time?
No Drumpf slitting a 13 year old girl’s throat wouldn’t be drawing the line for them, they would care less, it’s not thier life they see in danger or a threat to them. Boob will just plant a tree if his yard needed more trees and carry on.
Oh my HHTL. Puddy just said if you click twice Goldy’s filter catches it. So what does the HHTL east coast moron write?
@77 if you know that that is a problem why the fuck are you clicking twice?
Does stoooooooooooooooopidity reign with all HA DUMMOCRETINS? We know R senile is senile
We know the Oregon moron hates FACTS!
We know QPPS relies on the raw story and we know how stoooooooooooooooopid they are!
Goldy needs better DUMMOCRETINS!
@32 send me a picture, then I’ll tell you if I’d look forward to performing a cavity search. But you are probably one ugly desperate fuck that weighs five hundred pounds.
You get to call women “hot wives” but I can’t live the same way, right Boob? I thought you were a big freedom guy. Or are the reports right that you are a Nazi? Sounds like it. You sure you aren’t Klake you flaky?
Does anyone here watch CNN? I don’t. I actually find myself turning the channel if I have it more than 5 minutes. Is CNN liberal? If they are,I must be far to the left.
Boob thinks that if he disses CNN the he is making fun of liberals. Why? Just because FAUX News so shity?
Some things require a willing suspension of disbelief.
Fortunately, HA’s got Goldy and friends.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Invictus @TBPInvictus
Hmm. Trickle UP Economics here: Gravity Payments team gets CEO Dan Price a gift: a Tesla http://www.seattletimes.com/bu.....e_left_1.1 … via @seattletimes
@62…almost as deranged….no, I’d say he is more deranged….
you might just as well ask him to explain that fossil hammer bullshit. It all comes down to whatever the fuck that imbecile believes. And the unanimous disagreement of every single other living human being won’t make any difference. Non-compliant data is simply rejected. It clicks twice because it does. As good a reason to ban the stupid fuck as any other. But I’ll just keep right on filtering and ignoring. I recommend you do likewise.
I can’t imagine a worse medium to rely on for factual information than television. I haven’t watched television news, national or local, for many years. When I did it was almost always PBS. Don’t miss any of it. When I find myself trapped somewhere and I’m forced to view it, I’m reminded how deliberately misinformed our country is. Little wonder we invaded Iraq based on a pack of lies. Won’t surprise me if it happens again. Sure to if we ever elect another Republican to the White House.
Wow. Would ya look at that? I clicked once and it posted once.
Modern wonders.
“It’s Goldy’s fault for the double posting.
Hey moron HHTL @73, try to post the same thing twice. Go ahead! Tell Puddy what you get as a response!
Watch. HHTL will not response!”
“Oh my HHTL. Puddy just said if you click twice Goldy’s filter catches it. So what does the HHTL east coast moron write?
@77 if you know that that is a problem why the fuck are you clicking twice?”
I guess the moron is trying to say that “try to post the same thing twice” is the equivalent to “Puddy just said if you click twice Goldy’s filter catches it”
This is classic liar tactics,, squid ink, and bullshit on the fucking deranged loon. Go Bob, he’s your buddy, he’s your fucking loon, he’s your loony fucking buddy
Test – Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!
And who is lying again HHTL? So much for that worthless “explanation” at 90. So HHTL, who is the “loon” besides yourself?
Oh BTW does anyone listen to the Oregon moron anymore? Nothing from the fingers of that lying moron for months makes sense aymore!
@90 did Goldy catch the second test?
So if 30% of your posts are single non duplicate posts, then why are the other 70% double and triple posts. Goldy not catching those, or are you a fucking moron?
“No Drumpf slitting a 13 year old girl’s throat wouldn’t be drawing the line for them”
It’s true that Trump supporters have said that he could murder somebody and they’d still vote for him, so I’ll take them at their word and say that Trump slitting the throat of a 13 year-old girl is acceptable behavior for Republicans. But if you’re a Palestinian, no fucking way!
“Goldy not catching those, or are you a fucking moron?”
He’s a lot worse than a fucking moron. He’s a fucking loon.
So now you view the duplicate comment warning from Goldy’s filter and you say what?
GIBBERISH of course! Got your ASS handed to yourself again HHTL! Stooooooooooooooooopid as evah HHTL!
And you know the 70/30 ratio how HHTL? Some scientific method? Or did you call Bill Nye the Science Guy?
Puddy lives deep in the mind of QPPS!
DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP in that single cell femtometer mind!
A day doesn’t pass without QPPS showing some love! QPPS and its bromance with Puddy is P R I C E L E S S!
Amazingly, the loon is in his 13th consecutive day of Peak Hate. Seeing as how Peak Hate has become the loon’s new “normal”, we might have to come up with a new way to measure an even higher state of Peak Hate. I’d suggest that the loon descending into triple and quadruple posting might be the new measure. At that point he’s furiously fucking his keyboard.
Notice how QPPS is trying to pin the death of the 13 year old Israeli girl on Trump? Does Trump jock strap the Palestinians like QPPS? Of course not!
Remember QPPS loves radical Palestinians 17 year old teenager slitting the throats of 13 year old teenage Israeli girls like Hallel Yaffa Ariel, and killing them. QPPS cheers that type of carnage because one less Jew is A-OK with QPPS! Anything Hamas does QPPS will try to do better. That’s the QPPS motto!
BTW QPPS, she was an American citizen! Butt, that doesn’t matter to QPPS. Never has and never will! Another dead Israeli is fine with QPPS!
Sux to be so hateful like QPPS!
It clicks once.
And it posts once.
It does this whenever it’s told.
It clicks once or else it gets the hose again. (Yes it will, precious. It’ll get the hose.)
Now it clicks once and once only.
(Sobbing and moaning from the imbecile)
Click the fucking mouse button once!
Too late.
Another SPAM post @98. How sick does a libtard really need to get to finally be ostracized by their fellow HA DUMMOCRETINS here?
QPPS reached that sick threshold two weeks ago and still is happily posting here!
Knowing how much the loon projects his own worst traits onto others, I find his last post to be deeply disturbing. It would seem that I’m DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP into the loon’s head and now the loon loves me! How fucking strange is that?
“So now you view the duplicate comment warning from Goldy’s filter and you say what?”
Wtf. What the fuck does this mean. Listen – I’ve been aware since posting here starting many years ago that the website doesn’t allow duplicate posting, and an error message pops up.
Ok so you got a problem with chrome. But isn’t it you double click and triple clicking? Why sometime just one post, other times two and sometimes even three. Take your fucking finger of the mouse! The mouse isn’t a goat!
Been on a train for almost three hours, good thing I’m getting off of it in about 15.
Free at last. Free at last!
It’s possible I’m being unfair to the imbecile.
But whenever I see two blanked out comments in a row (90-91, 95-96) I’m just assuming that the imbecile is furiously spazzing out on his mouse button again. And when I see four in a row, like at 74 through 77, I assume it’s just lost it and it has taken to rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, uncontrollably humping away at its Mountain Dew stained Tandy again.
Then I smile.
“And you know the 70/30 ratio how HHTL? Some scientific method? Or did you call Bill Nye the Science Guy?”
My god this guy is a fucking moron.
Ohhh my god i said Allah Akbar!
Jeeeebus Fucking Christmas on a Broken Bicycle!
Have you seenthis logo? Genius!
“Notice how QPPS is trying to pin the death of the 13 year old Israeli girl on Trump? Does Trump jock strap the Palestinians like QPPS? Of course not!”
Man, this moron just doesn’t get it, or does he?
It’s like trying to figure out if Boob is a Nazi. Boob a Nazi?! No, Boob can’t be a Nazi. Is Boob a Nazi?
@104 lol
What’s a Tandy? Teddy?
So today we learned that if Trump had slit that 13 year-old girl’s throat after raping her, the loon would still rabidly support him. But if a Palestinian were to do the same, he’d just be an evil fucking Mooslim and would have to be executed. I reckon this all makes sense to a hate-filled, psychopath loon.
I’m not the most religious person, but I sometimes find myself praying or find myself in a church or a sermon inspirational. I also believe in the Ten Commandments and live by them.
But for some reason I’m not bothered, like the loon, that there are atheists, or Goldy’s Sunday post, or the opposition to religion. I wonder why?
Tandy is the height of super duper extradillicious computer techno-stupendosity from Radio Shack!
In 1977.
Still happening.
I click once. And the comment posts once.
What the hell?
Ok so you got a problem with chrome. But isn’t it you double click and triple clicking? Why sometime just one post, other times two and sometimes even three. Take your fucking finger of the mouse! The mouse isn’t a goat!
Once again HTTL is really a moron. If it was Puddy multiple clicking then it would be caught. Does it really have to be explained in minute detail to HHTL every time?
“Michelle Bachmann: I Like Jews But If They Do Not Convert, God Will Destroy Them”
If you think the deaths of scores of “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” got the loon’s rocks off, just imagine his glee if the loon were to learn that all the millions of Jews on earth had been destroyed. The fucking batshit crazy loon would be absolutely orgasmic over their deaths.
“What the hell?”
I figure the loon has been fucking the hell out of his keyboard lately, shorting it out, thus the double and triple posts. It’s the only reasonable explanation.
“Have you seenthis logo? Genius!”
By God, wingnuts have done it again! Fucking brilliant.
See how QPPS duplicates a Puddy Post @102?
Puddy PWNS QPPS every day!
fucking the hell out of his keyboard lately
Wow QPPS has a real strange imagination!
@118 and we know your imagination gets really strange when you think of two gay people.
Fucking Puffballs computer is possessed. It needs an exorcism…maybe Michelle and Marcus can help….then he and Milos can live in peace.
Not sure if you all have been seeing the headlines on Turkey, but all I can think of is that that will be America’s headline in two years.
“Drumpf returns to Reagan Airport amongst supporters, after Country is on the verge of turmoil”……!…. Don’t forget the exclaimation point.
Followed by ISIS is closer to mega bomb in the USA.
Dear Goldy, Darryl, Carl, and Lee.
It is with the deepest respect and gratitude that I write to you today to cry UNFAIR!
How come an un-medicated schizophrenic lying (goat fucking) Republican troll gets the super duper full featured magic double posting version of your blog served to his browser and the rest of us have to settle for plain old boring single posting. We click once. And our comment posts once and once only. But he clicks once and it’s like rock and roll, baby! Three, four, maybe even five in a row of the same comment. He gets a GAU-8 Avenger comment button and all your loyal pals get is a pea shooter (although, even with the single shot comment button, we still kick his ass). It’s not fair. Particularly since, as partisan hacks, you guys should treat us dirty filthy lazy stinking liberals better than a fascist like him.
What gives?
((Goldy))) Retweeted
quinn cummings @quinncy
Giant Toddler Insists He DOES NOT NEED A NAP AND IS NOT TIRED https://twitter.com/thehill/status/754026256723800064 …
That’s ironic. When she was a toddler was the last time Quinn Cummings was relevant.
Awwwww Poor HHTL is upset Puddy isn’t thinking about him 24×7!
four, maybe even five in a row of the same comment.
Got proof fool?
computer is possessed.
HHTL is possessed!
Sux to be you!
@ 122
I think it was Dr. Orpheus’ Puddy-deleting code that caused this – it contained a virus, was uploaded by all of you asswipes who want to eliminate speech you don’t like, and it infected the Hoopty-like HA server.
Like everything else liberals attempt, it only made the situation worse.
Wingnut version of Occam’s Razor.
When you hear hoof beats think Jesus riding a T-Rex!
More Hoosiers working now than ever? Hmmm…? That’s not what the DUMMOCRETINS say!
You mean Will Kelley-Kamp who mocked Real American Hero John McCain’s damaged arms many years ago? That’s funny coming from the minimalist itself @128, the Oregon moron!
Wait for it… HHTL will ask Tandy? Think TRS-80 HHTL!
(goat fucking) @122
Seems HA DUMMOCRETINS can’t get enough of goat butt or goat vaginas these days.It ain’t metaphorically speaking either!
I hum and I brood and then to my amazement a face seems to form in my mind’s eye. She’s got dyed blonde hair and pouty lips, and a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital; and as I snap out of my trance I slap my forehead in astonishment. – British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson once describing Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton in the new British Prime Minister Theresa May cabinet
Sounds just about right!
Here is a video for HA DUMMOCRETINS. Rite up their alley! https://www.facebook.com/FreedomDailyNews/videos/1066987096696740/
Money money money… https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204181446175033&set=a.3443828873134.110357.1792982664
Up to 134 comments now? On a work day? I see I’m not the only one using this blog who’s gainfully unemployed and has more time on his paws than he knows what to do with.
@132 I’d love to watch a movie in which Hillary plays Nurse Ratched and you’re one of the lunatics. A competent scriptwriter could do wonders with this plot. And you wouldn’t even have to act; you could be in this movie by just being yourself.
@134 Yeah, let’s not sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Morocco, Algeria, or Oman. Instead, let’s send American troops to defend those countries when they can’t defend themselves, or let them be taken over by Al Qaeda or homegrown radical insurgencies. Like I said, you don’t have a brain and can’t think. Idiot.
Let’s just withdraw from all foreign locations and stop trying to rule the world. We’ve got a mess on our hands, and it’s our own damn fault.
“Three, four, maybe even five in a row of the same comment.”
Whoa! Quintuple posts! The loon has already got at least one triple to his credit. And in the same thread as the triple he had two head explosions in one comment! That was very cool. So I wouldn’t put it past him. Considering that it’s day thirteen of Peak Hate, a record in itself, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see a quadruple or even a quintuple post right here in this thread.
@138 How well did such isolationism work in the 1930s? And if it didn’t work then, how much better do you think it’ll work in a nuclear-armed world? How many countries are you prepared to hand over to radical Islam? Which ones? Are you willing to let Putin reoccupy eastern Europe? And surrender the South China Sea to China and let them take over Taiwan and maybe not stop there? I want peace as much as anyone, probably more than you, but you’re not being realistic. Ignoring what’s going on around you, and doing nothing about it, puts you in greater not less danger.
Peter Bergen, who knows vastly more about national security than either Boob or the loon, has this to stay about protecting America from terrorist attacks like the ones in San Bernardino, Orlando, and Nice:
“Donald Trump wants to declare war. Newt Gingrich wants to test all Muslims in America for their views on Sharia law. And Hillary Clinton wants to take stronger measures against ISIS’ online presence, which is radicalizing militants around the globe. Thursday’s terror attack in Nice predictably provoked rapid responses from the presidential candidates and other political figures. Yet, of the views from Trump, Gingrich and Clinton, only her proposal makes any sense.”
Bergen goes on to list 10 things that can and should be done to weaken the influence of radical Islamists and reduce the threat of more terrorist attacks. What America needs is sober leadership, not knee-jerk demagoguery based on bigotry.
“uploaded by all of you asswipes who want to eliminate speech you don’t like”
And yet not one person here has ever suggested that you be banned. I think you know that a few years after the fact, I still take opportunity to call bullshit on Darryl for banning Marvin. Others hated the HNMT*, but I wish he’d drop by. Same with Max. I don’t miss Pudge, Piper, Mr. Klynical or lostinaseaofblue. But nobody here ever called for banning any of them. It’s not about hearing speech I don’t like. There’s something else I don’t like. I think others here share that with me. I’m surprised you haven’t figured that out yet.
* Hateful Name-Morphing Troll
The police appear to be retaliating against people involved with posting private videos of police killings on YouTube.
I’m not saying they are. The situation is unclear. Both the guys mentioned in the article above had legitimate warrants against them. You don’t have warrants if you don’t have run-ins with the law. Still. In both cases, it seems a little strange they’re the only people being singled out for special attention from the police. The one thing they have in common is they helped publicize the killings of Alton Sterling and Eric Garner. Police say that’s a coincidence. Maybe it is. But it might not be. I just don’t know.
And yet not one person here has ever suggested that you be banned.
Oh puhlease QPPS. Google that crap and you’ll see who asked Travis to be banned! Need help fool?
Put up or shut up, you stupid fucking loon. If you’re nice, maybe YLB will help you out with his database, retard.