Oh man. I missed Bus Driver Appreciation Day. But I definitely appreciate my bus drivers. For making my commute possible. For making the city run smoothly. Thanks. I’ll try to live every day with appreciation for bus drivers.
Comments are a little scare this,morning. Where are all the trolls?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 The roaches go into hiding whenever they see the Orkin truck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stock market is down again today, and CitiBank joined the growing list of analysts issuing correction warnings. Looks like investors are concluding the carnival barker in the clown suit can’t actually run a government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now, what shall we do about the idiot voters who put him in that position? Pander to them? Try to woo them back? I don’t think so. You don’t admit science-denying morons to universities, much less award them professorships or put them in charge of research labs. Back when I lived in a more sensible world, we built sturdy fences around trailer parks and let them kill each other off inside the fences. Who knows, maybe that’ll still work.
Yes, I’m speaking here to the trolls who taunt us about the low-income, low-brainpower voters who have left the Democratic fold and now vote red. My answer is, we don’t want ’em back, now that we’ve seen how misinformed, stupid, racist, and bigoted they are. There’s just nothing to work with there. You can make pots from wet clay, but not from sodden dirt. How about if you fascists keep ’em. We still have more votes than you do. Almost three million more, and that should be enough, especially when your new followers turn on you and each other, as they inevitably will when they realize that coal mining jobs aren’t coming back, and gutting environmental regulations won’t bring them back, because that isn’t why they left in the first place.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m not actually interested in rejecting the “aggrieved” White Working Class “Moderates” altogether. But the script has got to be flipped.
There is no justification anymore for the calls to create safe spaces in the modern, progressive, tolerant, multi-cultural future for angry, fearful racists. If they want out of the hillbilly nightmare they’ve created for themselves they have to check their banjos, Klan robes, and trans-vaginal probes at the door.
ABC News conducted a review of hundreds of pages of property records and reported in September that Trump-branded developments catered to large numbers of Russian buyers, including several who had brushes with the law.
White House: Manafort who?
With Trump’s former campaign chairman catching heat for his Russia ties, the White House is scrambling to distance itself. http://www.politico.com/story/.....sia-236361
Former Trump Campaign Head Manafort Was Paid Millions By A Putin Ally, AP Says http://www.npr.org/sections/th…..ly-ap-says
And fewer than 10 years before her 2008 campaign, noted #CrookedHillary campaign advisor William Jefferson Clinton was disbarred by the US Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.
“Whenever a member of the bar of this court has been disbarred or suspended from practice of any court of record, or has engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of the bar of this court, the court will enter an order suspending that member from practice before this court,” Supreme Court rules say.
Googled “Pelosi Obamacare gavel” and picked the image I was looking for. It’s on dozens of sites. I didn’t choose where.
But hey, if it fits your meme, I’m pleased to help. 2010 was worth it.
I just had a thought:
In 2010, had Sharron Angle defeated Harry Reid, Gorsuch wouldn’t be a successful SCOTUS nominee and Trump’s cabinet would look very, very different.
That’s like tensor viewing the current political climate as a success for libbies, because Washington state and Seattle.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Looks like a terrorist attack in London. Let’s see who is responsible and what the Brits will do about it.
Headline du jour:
Trump Lays Plans to Reverse Obama’s Climate Change Legacy
The moves are intended to send an unmistakable signal to the nation and the world that Mr. Trump intends to follow through on his campaign vows to rip apart every element of what the president has called Mr. Obama’s “stupid” policies to address climate change.
Heh. Guess “London” should ban the entrance of “Islam” like the schmuck you voted for is trying and failing to do..
And when the IRA was going strong they should have banned the entrance of “Catholics” into “London” until the pols could figure out what the hell was going on..
Nice try.
YLB supports the admission of any prospective entrant who is willing to help financially support YLB and his family.
He’s the only guy [insert gender-neutral descriptor here] whose litmus test is performed with a tin cup.
“an unacknowledged and unofficial third party has survived inside these alignments. A party of Southern conservatives, aligned originally with Democrats, has remained a distinct political entity, complete with their own institutions, practices and values. Elsewhere in America, Democrats and Republicans dueled their way through a two-party democracy. By contrast, Southern states never tolerated partisan competition. Southern states have always been governed by a single, distinct local party, an arrangement that continues today.”
‘Southern conservatism presumes the existence of a natural, inherited hierarchy. As Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens explained in his criticism of the US constitutional order, “They were attempting to make things equal which the Creator had made unequal.’
“If you have formed a perfect society in terms of culture, race, and religion, there is no such thing as “progress.” Progress is perversion, since every change is a descent from the ideal.”
Wrong on all three counts….thats almost a record for you……almost.
Wow, was that a weak attempt at a dodge, even for you. Watching your flabby gyrations as more details emerge will continue to provide amusement.
But hey, just as you use the Dumbfuck definition of “crooked” to describe a non-crook, now give us the Dumbfuck logic which connects the two halves of your comment.
Popcorn, please!
(Bonus Dumbfuck question: when was the last time Bill Clinton practiced law anywhere?)
that’s not even accounting for the increased lifetime earning capacity of qualified graduates from accredited institutions.
@ 33
LOL! Wrong.. Nothing beats maxing out your tax advantaged savings for retirement..
Having enough retirement income from other sources so that you don’t have to touch savings does, YLB.
Subsidized loans financing a large purchase whose interest you can write off are a bargain.
Earning enough that you don’t qualify for “bargains” like tax-deductible interest on student loans, and not having to take out loans for education in the first place, are even better.
Besides, YLB, with the lower taxes to come in a Trump administration, the advantage to tax-deductible interest is lessened.
Did you buy your first kid a tin cup of his own as a graduation gift?
@13 A comment in which Doctor Dumbfuck equates lying about a blowjob with selling out to Russia.
@ 38
1. It was lying under oath.
2. Blowjobs don’t involve cigars. It was more than that.
Frank Rizzospews:
All that and a bag of chips….while you are stuck in a little shitty place in seattle.
Hope you like them property taxes going up and up and up…….all for bums and choo choos…..and one of the worst school districts in the state….wow, what a choice!
Loans….lol…still waiting for Uncle Feel The Bern to bail you out with free tuition?
Just the tip uncle bern! Just the tip!
Frank Rizzospews:
Go Zags!
Hey….where them Huskies at? Did they miss the tourny? Again???? Oh lordy…
@39 It was two decades ago. In case you haven’t been paying attention, much has passed since then, such as the theft of two presidential elections, probably a third, as well as an invasion of the wrong country resulting in tens of thousands of American casualties, a Great Recession, and what is looking like treason committed by those surrounding the latest to steal a presidential election, if not the thief himself.
But I’ll graciously grant “lying about a blowjob under oath” to the utterly-lacking-in-credibility doctor who, with his strange fixation, is steadily marching towards his 4,000th pro-Putin hashtag lie, claiming that someone who has never even been charged or tried for a crime, let alone convicted, is a crook.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Yeah, every dumbfuck has his own explanation for why the stock market goes up or down, Doc. I’ll take Citibank’s over yours.
P.S.: You invested in Frontier? Are you kidding me? What were you thinking? Serves you right. Stupidity has a price.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 While we’re cherry-picking statistics …
DJIA on Jan. 20, 2009: 7,949.09
DJIA on Jan. 19, 2017: 19,732.40
Net change: +11,783.31
% change: +148.2?
How much of that would you like to give back, Doc?
@ 42
…such as the theft of two presidential elections, probably a third
So it’s my fault your party didn’t learn from the Dukakis experience?
Stop nominating awful candidates. Simple as that, Steve.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 (continued) Of course, there’s a deeper issue with your inane posting @8, which is that not everything of importance in this world is measured in dollars. Of course, for Republicans, there’s nothing but the Almighty Dollar, and they don’t give a damn about anything else — not their fellow man, not the survival of the planet. But that’s Republicans for you. Democrats want prosperity as much as Republicans want it, but Democrats also have some values that aren’t measured in dollars, which by and large have to do with caring about people besides themselves. But these values need not detract from prosperity; to the contrary, history shows the stock market, job creation, GDP growth, and other measures of economic success consistently do better under Democratic administrations than Republican administrations. Why is that? Because conservative economic ideology is built on a foundation of sand. In other words, Republican economic policies are almost always stupid, counterproductive, destructive, and wrong. That’s why I call them Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics. As for you, Doctor Dumbfuck, the only thing you prove with your postings is that you’re a totally self-centered prick with a twisted set of values. That’s your problem. I’m not trying to change you. Far be it from me to interfere with your prerogative to create a pigsty for yourself and then wallow in it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 Your party just elected Trump president, and you’re preaching to us about “awful candidates”? Holy shit. You ought to go on teevee with that one, Dumbfuck. Maybe you and Conway can get your own show together. You’re a pair of laughingstocks.
Remember all that flack during the campaign season about how bad it would be if a President Hillary was under active FBI investigation? Even DRUMPH was pushing that line.
So now we have an active FBI investigation into Russian interference of the 2016 US elections and the DRUMPH campaign connections to it.
Word is the RETHUG congress critters are wondering if DRUMPH will still be President this time next year.
@ 46
…not everything of importance in this world is measured in dollars.
This from the dumbfuck who sees fit to give us a near-daily accounting of how many dollars his brokerage account advanced, while always failing to inform us of how much it receded on a down market day.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit – the unsurprising outcome of a career during which he always assumed that the words Always Be Closing were meant as a joke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 And that’s before the investigations of Trump’s profiteering from his Russian connections even get under way.
@ 48
Word is the RETHUG congress critters are wondering if DRUMPH will still be President this time next year.
Was that word handed down @ 9 by Joe, or did Mika do the honors this time?
Notawholelottadifference between Akim and Ekim.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 You’re so stupid you don’t even know when you’re being mocked. Do you think rabbits actually give an owl’s hoot about dollars? Certainly not to the exclusion of everything else.
Did you mean practiced law, or broke the law?
I wasn’t using the Dumbfuck definition of “practiced,” Dumbfuck.
Use the real definition — if indeed you can — and tell us how long before losing his law license Clinton had even used it.
(Because someone who is so fixated in the topic of Bill Clinton would know this, hm?)
After you manage that feat, maybe you can even answer my question, which I’ll generously re-phrase here for you: even by Dumbfuck logic, what’s the connection between the only thing Clinton’s opponents were ever able to do to him, and the current investigation into possible Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election?
Looking forward to more flabbily evasive gyrations, Dumbfuck.
Bonus question: Just how awkward is it to use a twenty year old minor (compared to your Comrade-Pissident) sex scandal to deflect from treason?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The more the Hillbillies pull shit moves like this one, the harder it’s going to be to avoid a special prosecutor… and gut health care… and triple the deficit with billionaire tax cuts… and still get re-elected next year.
@ 56
…was there any pussy grabbing involved?
I dunno. It doesn’t say. Maybe depends on who spread the labia?
At one point, the President inserted a cigar into Ms. Lewinsky’s vagina, then put the cigar in his mouth and said: “It tastes good.”
I don’t think Clinton would have said that about #CrookedHillary’s vagina, though. Does that help any?
(Your paper copy of The Starr Report kinda doubles as your own personal semen history, doesn’t it?)
Bill Clinton received sexual offers from an adult woman who was half his age. There’s nothing you dirty old men who so hate him now can do about it, and no, such an experience will never, ever happen to you, ever. Get over it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
after toiling away in his residencies pulling 94 hour weeks for less than minimum wage looking deeeeeep into the vaporous, bubbling, festering cootches of bag ladies I’d be rather surprised if Врач немой ебать could manage to follow through, in the unlikely event a woman half his age offered herself to him.
Frank Rizzospews:
What a waste of a good cigar
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The Nunes debacle ought to result in sanctions. But I’d imagine he did it with Ryan’s approval. Probably a quid pro quo for Trump’s full court press this week. So fuck that.
But this sort of thing makes the job of the guys at the FBI mucho mas harder. What you hope to get early is weasel sticks like Manafort or Page, not realizing that they’ve been recorded making deals, to lie under oath during questioning. Nunes just went up and briefed the whole gang that they are on tape and they’d better shut up and lawyer up.
Give it a day or two to unfold. But Rosenstein will face enormous pressure to name a special prosecutor if he’s to be confirmed in the Senate. Even a lizard like Chuck Grassley would find what Nunes did to be creepy. And that’s saying something.
Obesssing over the details of another man’s sex life is an excellent sign of good mental health.
By Dumbfuck standards.
What a waste of a good cigar.
How would you know? You’ve never tasted it.
(Nor will you ever. Women half your age just do not offer themselves to you, now do they?)
Frank Rizzospews:
I’m assuming Bill had decent taste in cigars.
Although maybe not. His taste in women was pretty terrible. Maybe he liked his Cigars like he liked his women: cheap
Frank Rizzospews:
I guess you’re used to women, or should I say girls, half your age offering themselves to you on the 9th grade ski bus.
You know it’s kind of creepy when a grown man is on the 9th grade ski bus.
“Even a lizard like Chuck Grassley would find what Nunes did to be creepy.”
Lizards don’t find other lizards to be creepy. Take for example, Doctor Dumbfuck. He babbled on about a blow job through Bush’s catastrophic wars and great recession, then all through the Obama presidency, and continues babbling about it now as the Republicans in the executive branch are being exposed as a gaggle of Putin-worshipping traitors.
Democrat super-lobbyist Tony Podesta was paid $170,000 over a six-month period last year to represent Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, seeking to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country,
No investigation on this known bribe attempt.
His taste in women was pretty terrible.
Sour grapes don’t fool anyone, you know.
Maybe he liked his Cigars like he liked his women: cheap.
Sour grapes don’t fool anyone, you know.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Notice how HA DUMMOCRETINS have never rejected the content of the DNC or Podesta emails? In fact, no prominent DUMMOCRETINS have claimed the email content is wrong or are lies.
Now that we see how DUMMOCRETINS act behind closed door, it’s Putin’s fault!
Remember per DUMMOCRETINS Putin did all these:
-Putin forced DUMMOCRETINS to nominate #CrookedHillary
-Putin caused Benghazi!
-Putin caused DUMMOCRETINS to camouflage themselves in lies, misconstrue, obfuscate, blame others, on November 9th 2016!
-Putin caused all DUMMOCRETINS to blame Comey for #CrookedHillary’s loss November 9th!
-Putin caused Nate Silver telling everyone of the 95% chance that #CrookedHillary’s gonna win.
-Putin caused all the FAKE Media to claim they knew of no one voting for Trump November 8, 2016
-Didn’t Putin kill Ambassador Stevens?
-Putin caused Jon Podesta to click on a phishing email!
-Putin caused FAKE Media to claim Trump had no path to 270!
-Putin caused dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 to claim #CrookedHillary was starting at 252 electoral college votes.
-Remember Putin didn’t hack Podesta’s email. Putin forgot!
-Putin caused the DNC head Blabbermouth to rig and collude with #CrookedHillary the election to #CrookedHillary over Sanders
-Didn’t Putin create the worst economic recovery in American history?
-Putin hacked all of these DUMMOCRETIN polls to mislead DUMMOCRETINS into believing #CrookedHillary had it in the bag!
-Putin created the Democrat Party mind set of not needing to visit certain states.
-Putin helped Obummer write ObummerCare and Putin told all those Real Americans to go vote against it.
-Didn’t Putin claim you could keep your doctor?
-Didn’t Putin claim you could keep your health care policy?
-Didn’t Putin claim “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”?
-Putin caused Donna Brazile to pass debate questions to #CrookedHillary’s camp!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Sour grapes tensor? So you wished you were Lewinsky’d? Then libtards attacked Lewinsky for not destroying the dress. Libtard wimxns attacked Lewinsky! Need to review the links since you possess 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady?
You are one crazed libtard!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump will make us all nostalgic for the days when the biggest scandal coming out of the White House involved an oversexed president diddling an intern with a cigar under the Oval Office desk.
That was sordid as hell, but didn’t really hurt anybody. Can’t say the same for a president who sells out our national interests to the Russians to put money in his own pocket and get pissed on by Russian whores.
What are decent, hardworking, God-fearing, ordinary Americans to make of all this?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Trey Gowdy destroyed the libtards yesterday in the end!
Gowdy: What is hearsay?
Comey: Information you don’t know of your own personal knowledge but from someone else.
Gowdy: It’s an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
Comey: I was trying to be a little less lawyerly…
Gowdy: Well, we will go with your answer and it is almost never admissible in court? How about anonymous sources? When you were in the Southern District could you ever call an anonymous source to testify in one of your proceedings?
Comey: No
Gowdy: You couldn’t even use hearsay unless there was some widely accepted exception and what I’ve heard this morning in some cases is quadruple hearsay. So it would never… A newspaper article would never, ever, be admitted as evidence in a courtroom. So the system we respect would laugh you out of court if you came in armed with a newspaper article, but in the political process, that’s enough.
Butt butt butt those Wa Post and New York Times articles from anonymous sources! They’re hearsay!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The classic strategy for unpopular presidents, of course, is to get a second term by dragging the country into war. Every time that happens, voters seem to feel the asshole who started it should be kept in office and made to finish what he started.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Hey hanging human teabag licker… Seems Dave Chapelle told Netflix some jokes your peeps are pizzed over!
What say you?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Seems some DUMMOCRETINS are pizzed at Nunes! Apparently the petulant child Adam “Anonymous Hearsay Sources” Schiff has talked to CNN about the information!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Good that with the committee’s credibility destroyed it’ll be nearly impossible for Justice to avoid naming an independent counsel.
Frank Rizzospews:
Kinda disapointed thats all you could come up with…
Perhaps you should enlist the help of the 9th graders on the ski bus….
Dont worry tensor, someday you get to actually be an adult…with a family and your own house and your own car…or maybe not.
Total failure to launch…..
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
…committee’s credibility destroyed…
Unmasking of many names by the Obummer DUMMOCRETINS and this is what Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom delivers on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Looks like ekim and shitstain steve and early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit can’t abuse goats in Ohio anymore!
If that’s the number for his Campaign Manager, imagine the price Art O’TheDeal put on selling out America?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
unmasking of incidental captures is not illegal per se.
If you are going to rely on your usual wingnut sources your going to find yourselves behind the eight ball while your Hillbilly Jesus is frogmarched out the back of his Florida lonely bachelor pad.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
unmasking of incidental captures is not illegal per se.
Really Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom? Once again WRONG as evah! Seems your inner city thugs are feeding you BULLSHITTIUM!
GOWDY: I guess what I’m getting at, Director Comey, is you say it’s vital, you say it’s critical, you say it’s indispensable. We both know it’s a threat to the reauthorization of 702 later on this fall. And by the way, it’s also a felony punishable by up to 10 years.
There has to be a reason to unmask. So far from yesterday’s testimony there wasn’t a real one! Seems it was political!
Sad and so typical!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
ObummerCare Claims:
Affordable – Nancy Pelosi
Pass the bill to find out what’s in it – Nancy Pelosi
Keep your doctor PERIOD – Obummer
Keep you health care plan PERIOD – Obummer
ObummerCare Reality:
Affordable – double digit yearly increases
Affordable – more costly
Keep your doctor – NOPE
Keep your health care plan – NOPE
We found out what’s in it and it’s very costly!
Not taking sides on this little squable, but every one of those promises was broken…..it was the ole bait and switch tactic by obama and the democrats.
They shoulda just left health care alone, at least until a decent plan could be put together and passes….without the lies and broken promises.
PABLO GATO, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: If this had occurred now, with President Trump’s new executive order, what would the situation be?
JOSEPH MALOUF, IMMIGRATION LAWYER: It would be different, because they would have arrested Mr. Sanchez and they would have detained him, and eventually he would have been deported. He wouldn’t have been able to enter the area and obviously commit this crime.
Looking at the loon’s posts, all my decoder ring reveals is that the loon is yammering on and on about Putin with an occasional mention of a goat. This can’t be a good thing. Not for the goat, anyway.
Love the loon head explosions, though.
Whoa! No wonder the loon’s head is exploding.
“New evidence suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians against Clinton campaign”
Notice the pedo pulls limited testimony out of the record. Wonder why? Because Gowdy was asking about leaks. And Gowdy wasnt threatening anyone with arrest or prosecution (he cant). He was threatening to block reauth of the statute that makes incidental captures legal. Same statute grants authority to unmask. But it does not make leaking unmasked IDs legal. Somebody certainly did that in the case of Flynn last month.
Buuuuuut… unfortunately so did Chairman Nunes. Only a few hours after Gowdy was making threats.
Hillbillies being hillbillies.
Things had been moving along and the Comey testimony was certainly stunning. But today the walls closing in on Trump and Doctor Dumbfuck moved like they were hit by a series of gravitational waves. Shwoosh! The Nunes panic attack in front of the press about Trump’s own communications. Shwoosh! Nunes runs to the White House. Shwoosh! Schiff’s revelation that now there’s more than circumstantial evidence.
Things are moving fast. Just the other day I was saying that Trump will be out of the White House by Labor Day. Now I’m going to have to move that up. End of next week maybe? Out by Monday? And how many of those damned traitors do you think will be arrested with the first sweep? My guess is four. I’ll even name them. Manafort, Stone, Guiliani and Bannon.
Besides leaving thousands of pro-Putin hashtags and telling us how the Democratic candidate was solely at fault for the election loss, Doctor Dumbfuck, who, by the way, has never written an ill word about Putin, uses his comments to heap scorn on those whose profession and values lead them to work in public service at a low wage. How fitting it is that it is low wage public servants who are saving this nation from Trump, Doctor Dumbfuck and the rest of those fascist fucking traitors.
Can you imagine the orange cheeto in an orange jumpsuit?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Manafort will be teed up first.
Russian mobsters dont give a guy $10 Million per year just for “access” and “insight”. Manafort had to do some deals to earn that from them.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Because Gowdy was asking about leaks. And Gowdy wasnt threatening anyone with arrest or prosecution (he cant). He was threatening to block reauth of the statute that makes incidental captures legal.
This is the standard Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom deflection mechanism displayed every day here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. The Gowdy questioning link was fully provided. This is why Puddy destroys Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom arguments like Febreeze destroys fart smells all the time! Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom doesn’t like how Gowdy gets Comey to admit unmasking the name is a crime punishable upto 10 years!
Sheeeeeeeeeeesh, what a useless jackASS!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Because Gowdy was asking about leaks. And Gowdy wasnt threatening anyone with arrest or prosecution (he cant). He was threatening to block reauth of the statute that makes incidental captures legal.
This is the standard Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom deflection mechanism displayed every day here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. The Gowdy questioning link was fully provided. This is why Puddy destroys Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom arguments like Febreeze destroys fart smells all the time! Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom doesn’t like how Gowdy gets Comey to admit unmasking the name is a crime punishable upto 10 years! http://www.heritage.org/defens.....02-program
Sheeeeeeeeeeesh, what a useless jackASS creating train wreck after train wreck!!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Wow Manafort questioned 11 months ago and Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom and shitstain steve screaming about it now.
The AP rewrote the article and released it as a breaking exclusive.
More useless deflections!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“I wonder bow YLShx will feel when Islam…..”
I always wonder bow Steve blows you.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“Stop nominating awful candidates. Simple as that, Steve.”
He’s busy blowing Max.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
What a waste of a good cigar.
How would you know? You’ve never tasted it.
(Nor will you ever. Women half your age just do not offer themselves to you, now do they?)
Not true – Steve, The Traitor, does every day.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“Lizards don’t find other lizards to be creepy. Take for example, Doctor Dumbfuck.”
One would know, after blowing Max, you lizard.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“10 Million per year”
If that’s the number for his Campaign Manager, imagine the price Art O’TheDeal put on selling out America?
It’s the number of pennies Max has to manage in Mommies basement dreaming of working for #86th (2016 Personal Best ENR ranking) Sellen.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@75 some woman should have taken a coat hanger and shoved it up her twat to rid you of this world.
That’s what I say about that. Capisce.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Steve do you think what Max says @86 is true? Or are you going to let that pass while you blow him?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Just got an email from ENR with the headline “Kiewit to Build Israel’s Huge Offshore Gas Field”.
Ohhhh my, what a mistake! They should have gotten Sellen. Maybe even Steve and Max could go there with blueprints in hand. I’m worried about Steve though, he could trip and injure himself trying to keep a grip on the blueprints and walking while blowing Max.
GmanPisscan getting a little bit obsessive….kinda creepy.
Translation: The Notorious RBG is going to be The Assisted Living RBG very soon.
Democrats weigh deal to let Gorsuch through
A group of Senate Democrats is beginning to explore trying to extract concessions from Republicans in return for allowing Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch to be confirmed, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
The lawmakers worry that Gorsuch could be confirmed whether Democrats try to block him or not — and Democrats would be left with nothing to show for it.
Well, here it is Thursday, and Wall Street is waiting to see if the vote on Trumpcare will be postponed because the GOP, um, doesn’t have the votes to pass it.
And that’s just the House. It the concessions Ryan has to make to get a bill past his own caucus will doom it in the Senate. As far as getting something — anything — to Trump’s desk, the GOP appears to be stymied.
The optics of Republican health care “reform” are simply awful: Tens of millions of mostly poor people, many of them Trump supporters, will lost their health coverage and millionaires will get hundreds of billions in tax reductions.
And it is painfully evident this thing was cobbled together — what college kids call a “rush job” — because all those 60+ votes to repeal Obamacare, Republicans never had a replacement plan.
Of course, we already knew this from the fact that Republicans had half a century to propose health care improvements, and throughout all that time did absolutely nothing.
It goes without saying that Republicans don’t give a damn about whether the working and middle classes have health care, or are bankrupted by getting sick. In fact, a lot of them believe that health care should be a privilege of the rich, not a human right. Not a whole lot different from Hitler’s worldview.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
107, “The Dossier and its contents are mostly real.”
Including the pee pee.
Disgusting hillbillies.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And the Hillbilly treason dates back to at least the 1990s under Tom Delay. Remember the $1,000,000 bribe contribution from Russians brokered by Abramoff to Delay?
Trump is Treason
What, no mention of my minimum-wage job? You’re slipping, pal.
@ 111
In other words, your moronic spew @ 3 of yesterday isn’t holding up, as the Dow is up 80 points today.
Although you may be improving, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, as nearly always you are proven incorrect intraday. This time it was nearly 24 hours
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
this way they lose on both ends of the hillbilly spectrum.
“Aggrieved” WWCMs nursing diabetic foot ulcers in their trailers blame them for trying to take away their Medicare. And Crazy Uncle Conservatives (like Врач немой ебать) barricaded on their rural acreage stockpiling their ammo blame them for enshrining two-term President Barack Hussein Obama’s historic legacy.
And Dems didn’t have to lift a finger. At this point I can see some wisdom in giving the hillbillies their clean vote on Gorsuch. I don’t think it would pay to create a treason-media narrative of “obstruction” right now. They’ll get him either way. Best thing would be to make sure the hillbillies really own this healthcare failure in all its glory.
So a teenager in Israel with dual citizenship, using anonymizing software, apparently is responsible for the vast majority of the threats against Jewish Community Centers.
Add that to the substantial numbers of liberals, church-goers, and other members of groups unhappy with the presidential election result who vandalize their own properties or injure themselves and then claim the alt-right is responsible, and it seems there is not much at all that the right can correctly be blamed for perpetrating.
Other than all the winning of late, I mean.
Biggest loser: Deathfrogg.
“….kinda creepy”
Yeah, it really is kind of creepy.
@117- Got any evidence for “substantial numbers”?
Frank Rizzospews:
No need to state the obvious….was trying to do you a solid.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“… it seems there is not much at all that the right can correctly be blamed for perpetrating.”
Other than the treason thing.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It wouldn’t be hillbilly enough to merely fail to repeal the historical legislative legacy of two term President Barack Hussein Obama. Hillbillies find a way to do it while making crass jokes that alienate the majority of voters: https://twitter.com/AliceOllstein/status/844951177649360896
Ha! Ha! Ha! Such a funny joke about lots of women dying from breast cancer! That sort of edgy comedy about “The Real” is what makes women respect and admire “strong”, “loving”, real hillbilly men.
Sure does. Breast cancer. What a hoot!
“Other than the treason thing.”
Yup! The treason thing.
“‘There is no other word for it’: Former Bush ethics czar says FBI uncovering evidence of ‘treason’”
“Paul Manafort’s Russia-connected deputy still visiting White House for meetings on Trump agenda”
“REVEALED: Paul Manafort’s shadowy Cyprus bank transactions under investigation by US Treasury”
“Where’s Rudy? Giuliani strangely silent as FBI confirms probe of Russia hacks he predicted”
“New evidence suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians against Clinton campaign: CNN”
“Roger Stone panics over Russia investigators in letter to Jake Tapper: ‘I will spank them like children’”
Doctor Dumbfuck receives comfort from pretending it isn’t happening. But shit’s getting real.
So, your definition of doing a favor for someone is not repeating your false claims about him?
I’d like to be there when you collect on all the goodwill you’ve generated by all the favors you’ve done for folks.
(I might even do you the favor of calling an ambulance for you afterwards…)
Add that to the substantial numbers of liberals, church-goers, and other members of groups unhappy with the presidential election result who vandalize their own properties or injure themselves and then claim the alt-right is responsible, and it seems there is not much at all that the right can correctly be blamed for perpetrating.
Dumbfuck history: America has never, ever experienced right-wing bigots terrorizing anyone they don’t like.
Dumbfuck reasoning: one anecdote from another country generalizes neatly across America.
Good to see Dumbfuck getting practice on dodging responsibility for what’s now happening in this country. Dumbfuck is gonna have many, many opportunities to put such knowledge to use.
@117- Got any evidence for “substantial numbers”?
Nope. That’s how Dumbfuck does Dumbfuck — one big, unsupported claim after another after another.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
that’s all the Врач немой ебать Hashtags ever amounted to. And he’s even proudly admitted it.
Frank Rizzospews:
You take things way too seriously.
Low self esteem?
Low self esteem?
Is that why you make false statements about persons you don’t know?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even as Republicans struggle to find enough votes for Trumpcare, and apparently will have to take away even more health care from ordinary Americans to get those votes, a new poll is simply devastating for Republicans:
“‘Replacing Obamacare will come with a price for elected representatives who vote to scrap it, say many Americans, who clearly feel their health is in peril under the Republican alternative,’ said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they had any brains, Republicans would just leave Obamacare alone. But they don’t have any brains, so get ready to watch the GOP self-destruct.
And, of course, they can’t leave it alone because where else can they get the $600 billion they want to give wealth people in the form of tax breaks? That kind of money doesn’t grow on trees. They can get it only by fucking over the little people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@115 “In other words, your moronic spew @ 3 of yesterday isn’t holding up, as the Dow is up 80 points today.”
Holding up better than your moronic spew of 8:20 am this morning. The market closed down 4 points today. Did you sell everything at 8:20 am when the getting was still good? It seems to have gone downhill from there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@117 “the substantial numbers of liberals, church-goers, and other members of groups unhappy with the presidential election result who vandalize their own properties or injure themselves and then claim the alt-right is responsible”
Do you happen to have an example of that which you can show us? It sounds an awful lot like something you simply pulled out of your ass, which would not be a first for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@121 And a few depressions, at least one completely unnecessary war, and millions of job losses …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@123 “Where’s Rudy? Giuliani strangely silent as FBI confirms probe of Russia hacks he predicted”
Predicted, or knew about?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, and btw, in case you missed it, Drumpf’s approval rating is still in freefall:
“President Trump’s approval rating among U.S. voters has fallen in recent weeks, according to a Quinnipiac University survey released Thursday. The poll found 37 percent approve of Mr. Trump’s job as president while 56 percent of people disapprove. That’s compared to 41 percent who approved of his job in a March 7 survey, with 52 percent disapproving.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The only that’s really surprising about this poll is that 37% of our fellow citizens still think this mentally deranged serial liar is doing a good job. Maybe they need mental health checkups, too.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
only one thing for it. He has to start a war. Make it look like he really didn’t want to. Forced into it by devastating tragedy, etc. etc. More hillbillies sent away to die.
With Ryan kicking this down the road for now, the entire agenda of reconciliation tax cuts is put at risk. And all the hillbilly love priced into the market may start to come apart.
A far less interesting question would be is Devin Nunes as completely, insanely fucked in the head as our hillbilly trolls? It’s pretty obvious he is. “Dozens of reports”! And POOF! They’re gone!
I’d say he was doing all this crazy shit in order to force the leadership to move the inquiry to a special select committee. But that would be giving a drunk hillbilly way too much credit.
Frank Rizzospews:
Lol….i think your feefees got hurt. Did you get triggered? Need a crying room?
Is 40k a year min wage?
None of the above. I’m just wondering why you keep making false statements about someone you don’t know. Does trying to belittle others make you feel better?
If you’re willing to make false statements about one topic, why should anyone bother believing any claim you make?
Frank Rizzospews:
Zags playing west virgina right now.
Go Zags!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I wouldnt even believe 142.
So, it appears people who chant, “LOCK HER UP!” upon command of a Russian stooge really don’t know squat about actually running things. (Nobody could have predicted.)
Maybe Dumbfuck can tell us how many penny-ante poker hands Bill Clinton lost in college, because, for reasons no healthy mind can comprehend, that will make Dumbfuck feel ever so slightly less Dumbfuck. (Admittedly, a major accomplishment.)
The only that’s really surprising about this poll is that 37% of our fellow citizens still think this mentally deranged serial liar is doing a good job.
After ignoring the PDB of 06 August 2001, getting thousands of Americans killed in Iraq, W still had, what, a 22% positive approval rating? That’s some hardcore dead-enders. Little wonder they spent the next few years eagerly calling themselves teabaggers.
What will Dumbfuck call himself, rather than admit he voted Republican? The possibilities are as endless as he is classless.
@152 Great finish! Zags are for real. And Oregon finished off a hot Michigan team. Well done, Ducks!
Frank Rizzospews:
And im thinking arizona and ucla will advance too….pac 12 and wcc represent!
Frank Rizzospews:
Of all the teams, West Virginia scared me the most….that pressure and hustle was nonstop.
Arizona might have its hands full with Xavier. They were very impressive in their win over Florida State. But I think the Ducks can do it. UCLA and Kentucky should be a great matchup. I’d love to see the Bruins win that one, giving us a final four without Duke or Kentucky in it for the media to slather over.
Frank Rizzospews:
Amen to that steve
Roger Rabbitspews:
@141 ” Does trying to belittle others make you feel better?”
Yes; that’s always why they do it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@145 Or perhaps you troll too much. I have no intention of interjecting myself into your dispute with tensor, but it’s getting cloying.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A world-class jerk in our own backyard hopefully has now been put in his place.
Great game between Xavier and Arizona! What a finish! Shame that one of them had to lose, but congrats to the Musketeers. Looking forward to Xavier playing the Zags.
Nutcase @163 finds the ravings of another nutcase “interesting”.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I was gonna say… what are the odds that this drooling beer drunk hillbilly pedophile is linking to anything remotely “interesting”?
Thanks sincerely for sparing me.
These things are just super confusing. It could happen to anybody.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
““….kinda creepy”
Yeah, it really is kind of creepy.”
Such a short response, understandable knowing you have Max’s small dick in your mouth.
Go Zags!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Nice job Tensor for putting Max in his place.
And Watch out for Steve, he’s a traitor. One sight of Max’s small dick, and Steve becomes attracted to him like Drumpf is to The Bare Chested Pony Rider.
Mark Adamsspews:
@20 There were times in the past where Catholics did not go into London openly, as they could be drawn and quartered, or possessions seized. Some of the underpinnings of the Brexit vote are about these tensions. The English did not create an empire by being nice. Not a bit of racism involved when Queen Victoria became Empress of India.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 RR voters self identify as being in a party. Actually sine the election the Democratic party has lost members. There are now more independents. To be successful the democratic party has to get the votes and support of the common American. Some common Americans are stupid, but you need some of their votes, otherwise there won’t be a Democratic party. Some other party will become the other party in the two party system. You can hope they treat the future Dems better than the current party treats Progressives, Socialists or Greens. I think Dems will fucked as pay back is a bitch. Or you can moderate your rhetoric.
Apparently Drumpfcare isn’t kooky enough for the freedumb kookus..
Mark Adamsspews:
@66 Your math does not work out here at all. Just how many 28 year olds would be chaperoning the 9th grade ski bus, and yes some adult men and women must chaperone otherwise there is no ski trip. So how exactly is that creepy? And who can predict the tastes of 9th grade girls? They certainly loved the Beetles, David Bowie, ect.
Mark Adamsspews:
@72 Could be they finally have learned about red baiting, and Mr McCarthy.
It’s about NATO and the industrial military complex, something apparently todays Democrats support. My the world gets stranger on occasion.
Mark Adamsspews:
@74 Don’t think you are referring to Franklin Roosevelt. Maybe LBJ though, oh you got to participate in that one. So far Trump’s not getting us into war anywhere we were not already at war. including North Korea. Economic war with China does not count. Nor the war on poverty, on drugs, on crime and Donner and Blitzen.
Mark Adamsspews:
@110 Guess the Republican’s told them no dice which is why Schumer came out with his announcement of a filibuster. Guess old Mitch should arrange to keep the Senate in session so the Democrats can rant and rave for awhile on the floor and then cut to the chase and do away with the filibuster, and then vote the new judge to the court. Which will get old Mitch some political capital.
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 Well you gotta give some credit to Trump he’s actually handling this the way it should be, and has told his party members in the house pull your heads out and pass the thing. Of course secretly he wants single payer, but are the Dems going to use the opening to improve health care, if the Republican controlled house drops the ball. Well fuck no.
Mark Adamsspews:
@130 Politically the Freedom caucus folks maybe actually correct. Treat it like you are dealing with a bandage. Best to rip it off quick. B the time the election is here most folks will have forgotten. It’s not even likely those who loose their coverage will even vote. And many would vote Democrat anyways. And some will have been mistaken for illegal Mexican’s South American’s and Irish aliens and deported. After all we usually deport 20,000 American citizens every year.
Mark Adamsspews:
@130 PS I think in the long run Republican’s will do us all a great favor if they cut Obamacare as the only effective policy should be socialized medicine in the form of a single payer system. Yep Government takes over health care, it’s not like the government already doesn’t run a big chunk of the system.
Looks like pisscan is taking his creepiness to a whole new level.
Frank Rizzospews:
Somone put me in my place? Lol, i didnt notice.
Nice to know you found your place though, in the glory hole stall.
You seem very obsessed now with my cock.
You really need some help. I have never had a gay stalker before….always thinking about my dick and blowjobs.
Whats up with that? Nobody mentions your name, and you come out every morning trying to throw bombs…only to make yourself look more and more creepy and unhinged
“Whats up with that?”
I have no idea. Damned creepy, though. Starting with blueprints, of all things, he just won’t let it go.
Frank Rizzospews:
Ya, go figure.
In other news….gonna be a great friday and weeekend for college basketball. And its the first F1 race of the year this weekend as well. :)
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@183 yeah Go Zags!
Seems like you guys are obsessed with me. If you weren’t you wouldn’t have ever mentioned my name….you were the first to mention me old Maxipad.
And the only one obsessed with you little penis is Steve.
I believe your attacks on me started first. But of course just like your kind, cut and run.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Why are you obsessed with YLB? You seem to relentlessly attack him (and Boob), ohhhh….but those attacks don’t involve glory holes or penises so they don’t matter.
I’m sure YLB could give two shits and doesn’t need me to stand up for him, but your hypocrisy is overwhelming. Just like your kind to do something and then accuse the other for doing it.
You drag Steve into blowing snots with you, so I like blowing snots of my own.
Frank Rizzospews:
Do you need a crying towel or something?
Youre fucking demented and have some for-real mental issues.
How about this….mind your own biz and I will stop bitch lapping you every day. You cant do that though, because people like you need the attention. So enjoy the bitch slapping you freak.
Comments are a little scare this,morning. Where are all the trolls?
@1 The roaches go into hiding whenever they see the Orkin truck.
The stock market is down again today, and CitiBank joined the growing list of analysts issuing correction warnings. Looks like investors are concluding the carnival barker in the clown suit can’t actually run a government.
Now, what shall we do about the idiot voters who put him in that position? Pander to them? Try to woo them back? I don’t think so. You don’t admit science-denying morons to universities, much less award them professorships or put them in charge of research labs. Back when I lived in a more sensible world, we built sturdy fences around trailer parks and let them kill each other off inside the fences. Who knows, maybe that’ll still work.
Yes, I’m speaking here to the trolls who taunt us about the low-income, low-brainpower voters who have left the Democratic fold and now vote red. My answer is, we don’t want ’em back, now that we’ve seen how misinformed, stupid, racist, and bigoted they are. There’s just nothing to work with there. You can make pots from wet clay, but not from sodden dirt. How about if you fascists keep ’em. We still have more votes than you do. Almost three million more, and that should be enough, especially when your new followers turn on you and each other, as they inevitably will when they realize that coal mining jobs aren’t coming back, and gutting environmental regulations won’t bring them back, because that isn’t why they left in the first place.
I’m not actually interested in rejecting the “aggrieved” White Working Class “Moderates” altogether. But the script has got to be flipped.
There is no justification anymore for the calls to create safe spaces in the modern, progressive, tolerant, multi-cultural future for angry, fearful racists. If they want out of the hillbilly nightmare they’ve created for themselves they have to check their banjos, Klan robes, and trans-vaginal probes at the door.
Surprise! Turns out there was a wiretap in Trump Tower after all!
ABC News conducted a review of hundreds of pages of property records and reported in September that Trump-branded developments catered to large numbers of Russian buyers, including several who had brushes with the law.
@ 3
Stock market close on November 8th:
Dow: 18,332.74, +73.14, (+0.40%)
S&P 500: 2,139.56, +8.04, (+0.38%)
Nasdaq: 5,193.49, +27.32, (+0.53%)
WTI crude oil: $44.86, -$0.03, (-0.07%)
S&P 500, RT: S&P 500
(E-Mini) 2,340.50 (-1.75, -0.07%)
Clowns gonna clown, but you’re adding a moronic perspective to it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Pull your head out of your ever-widening ass and you’ll gain a someone different perspective:
OTOH, I just dumped my Frontier shares. 60% loss since May. Win some, win some more, win even more.
Lose some.
Hey, lookie here at this notable one-day Dow decline:
Stocks: Dow ends down 313 points after Obama win
What? No “The markets have spoken.” comment from Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit posted the following day?
Must’ve been a long enema appointment for him.
Watched Morning Joe this morning.
Joe said there were three possible bad outcomes on the DRUMPHCARE bill.
1) The bill is pulled.
2) The bill is voted down.
3) The bill passes.
He said of the three the third outcome was the worst for the RETHUG house critters who will be facing angry voters next year.
Even if it passes the house Joe said it was DOA in the Senate.
It should be fun watching all those RETHUG house critters performing ritual suicide in first major vote of the DUMPSTER regime.
@ 9
Here’s how that ritual suicide begins:
Former Trump Campaign Head Manafort Was Paid Millions By A Putin Ally, AP Says
White House: Manafort who?
With Trump’s former campaign chairman catching heat for his Russia ties, the White House is scrambling to distance itself.
Need more pop corn…
Врач немой ебать shills for a MAGA pimp with 77 followers.
@ 11
Former Trump Campaign Head Manafort Was Paid Millions By A Putin Ally, AP Says
And fewer than 10 years before her 2008 campaign, noted #CrookedHillary campaign advisor William Jefferson Clinton was disbarred by the US Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.
“Whenever a member of the bar of this court has been disbarred or suspended from practice of any court of record, or has engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of the bar of this court, the court will enter an order suspending that member from practice before this court,” Supreme Court rules say.
@ 12
Googled “Pelosi Obamacare gavel” and picked the image I was looking for. It’s on dozens of sites. I didn’t choose where.
But hey, if it fits your meme, I’m pleased to help. 2010 was worth it.
I just had a thought:
In 2010, had Sharron Angle defeated Harry Reid, Gorsuch wouldn’t be a successful SCOTUS nominee and Trump’s cabinet would look very, very different.
That’s like tensor viewing the current political climate as a success for libbies, because Washington state and Seattle.
Looks like a terrorist attack in London. Let’s see who is responsible and what the Brits will do about it.
Headline du jour:
Trump Lays Plans to Reverse Obama’s Climate Change Legacy
The moves are intended to send an unmistakable signal to the nation and the world that Mr. Trump intends to follow through on his campaign vows to rip apart every element of what the president has called Mr. Obama’s “stupid” policies to address climate change.
I gotcher pen and phone right here, Barack.
if it fits your meme
Meme? Conspiracy pimp Врач немой ебать, as part of Putin’s Hashtag Bot Army would be our local expert on memes.
Islam stopped by London today….they just wanted to say “hello”…..
“Islam stopped by London today…”
Heh. Guess “London” should ban the entrance of “Islam” like the schmuck you voted for is trying and failing to do..
And when the IRA was going strong they should have banned the entrance of “Catholics” into “London” until the pols could figure out what the hell was going on..
Nice try.
YLB supports the admission of any prospective entrant who is willing to help financially support YLB and his family.
He’s the only
guy[insert gender-neutral descriptor here] whose litmus test is performed with a tin cup.The HA trolls belong to a third party:
“an unacknowledged and unofficial third party has survived inside these alignments. A party of Southern conservatives, aligned originally with Democrats, has remained a distinct political entity, complete with their own institutions, practices and values. Elsewhere in America, Democrats and Republicans dueled their way through a two-party democracy. By contrast, Southern states never tolerated partisan competition. Southern states have always been governed by a single, distinct local party, an arrangement that continues today.”
‘Southern conservatism presumes the existence of a natural, inherited hierarchy. As Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens explained in his criticism of the US constitutional order, “They were attempting to make things equal which the Creator had made unequal.’
“If you have formed a perfect society in terms of culture, race, and religion, there is no such thing as “progress.” Progress is perversion, since every change is a descent from the ideal.”
The HA trolls identity totally with this tribalism.
Chris Ladd concludes quoting Faulkner:
‘The past is never dead. It’s not even past.’
The White Xtian Identity movement is still going strong.
So when do we ban Puddy and Врач немой ебать?
Wrong on all three counts….thats almost a record for you……almost.
Wow, was that a weak attempt at a dodge, even for you. Watching your flabby gyrations as more details emerge will continue to provide amusement.
But hey, just as you use the Dumbfuck definition of “crooked” to describe a non-crook, now give us the Dumbfuck logic which connects the two halves of your comment.
Popcorn, please!
(Bonus Dumbfuck question: when was the last time Bill Clinton practiced law anywhere?)
@21 Dr Dumbfuck supports dumbfuckery..
I wonder bow YLShx will feel when Islam decides to visit Seattle and say “HELLO”.
@24 Heh. Yeah like anyone should trust what you bleat..
Obama is another Hoover anyone? Got Iranian oil yet?
@27 Many muslims live in Seattle already.. I have no issue with them.
After 911 CHRISTIANS stood guard on their places of worship to defend them against ASSHOLES like you.
Where were you?
@ 25
(Bonus Dumbfuck question: when was the last time Bill Clinton practiced law anywhere?)
Did you mean practiced law, or broke the law? Or both?
How them students loans going?
Ya, nothing beats getting ready for retirement like taking out big student loans.
Long term planning, its not whats for dinner.
……im seeing steam coming from YLShx’s ears as shx puts her angry eyes in…
From me? Lmfao….uh huh.
Where were you? A La Raza meeting?
“nothing beats getting ready for retirement like taking out big student loans.”
LOL! Wrong.. Nothing beats maxing out your tax advantaged savings for retirement..
Subsidized loans financing a large purchase whose interest you can write off are a bargain.
Like a home purchase but better…
Not that we have all that much student debt.. The first kid is all paid for. Nice try.. Try harder next time.
“Where were you?”
Run away from your own hate little maxwipe.. Like you have all your life.. It’s worked out great for you.
From Seattle to the crumbling burbs to Kittitas to Conconugly to Scottsdate. Your hate kicking your ass all the way..
Probably safer than we all felt when violent White Christian Identity felons decided to buy up most of a Seattle neighborhood, build bombs, sell machine guns, and push everyone around for a decade.
that’s not even accounting for the increased lifetime earning capacity of qualified graduates from accredited institutions.
@ 33
LOL! Wrong.. Nothing beats maxing out your tax advantaged savings for retirement..
Having enough retirement income from other sources so that you don’t have to touch savings does, YLB.
Subsidized loans financing a large purchase whose interest you can write off are a bargain.
Earning enough that you don’t qualify for “bargains” like tax-deductible interest on student loans, and not having to take out loans for education in the first place, are even better.
Besides, YLB, with the lower taxes to come in a Trump administration, the advantage to tax-deductible interest is lessened.
Did you buy your first kid a tin cup of his own as a graduation gift?
@13 A comment in which Doctor Dumbfuck equates lying about a blowjob with selling out to Russia.
@ 38
1. It was lying under oath.
2. Blowjobs don’t involve cigars. It was more than that.
All that and a bag of chips….while you are stuck in a little shitty place in seattle.
Hope you like them property taxes going up and up and up…….all for bums and choo choos…..and one of the worst school districts in the state….wow, what a choice!
Loans….lol…still waiting for Uncle Feel The Bern to bail you out with free tuition?
Just the tip uncle bern! Just the tip!
Go Zags!
Hey….where them Huskies at? Did they miss the tourny? Again???? Oh lordy…
@39 It was two decades ago. In case you haven’t been paying attention, much has passed since then, such as the theft of two presidential elections, probably a third, as well as an invasion of the wrong country resulting in tens of thousands of American casualties, a Great Recession, and what is looking like treason committed by those surrounding the latest to steal a presidential election, if not the thief himself.
But I’ll graciously grant “lying about a blowjob under oath” to the utterly-lacking-in-credibility doctor who, with his strange fixation, is steadily marching towards his 4,000th pro-Putin hashtag lie, claiming that someone who has never even been charged or tried for a crime, let alone convicted, is a crook.
@7 Yeah, every dumbfuck has his own explanation for why the stock market goes up or down, Doc. I’ll take Citibank’s over yours.
P.S.: You invested in Frontier? Are you kidding me? What were you thinking? Serves you right. Stupidity has a price.
@8 While we’re cherry-picking statistics …
DJIA on Jan. 20, 2009: 7,949.09
DJIA on Jan. 19, 2017: 19,732.40
Net change: +11,783.31
% change: +148.2?
How much of that would you like to give back, Doc?
@ 42
…such as the theft of two presidential elections, probably a third
So it’s my fault your party didn’t learn from the Dukakis experience?
Stop nominating awful candidates. Simple as that, Steve.
@44 (continued) Of course, there’s a deeper issue with your inane posting @8, which is that not everything of importance in this world is measured in dollars. Of course, for Republicans, there’s nothing but the Almighty Dollar, and they don’t give a damn about anything else — not their fellow man, not the survival of the planet. But that’s Republicans for you. Democrats want prosperity as much as Republicans want it, but Democrats also have some values that aren’t measured in dollars, which by and large have to do with caring about people besides themselves. But these values need not detract from prosperity; to the contrary, history shows the stock market, job creation, GDP growth, and other measures of economic success consistently do better under Democratic administrations than Republican administrations. Why is that? Because conservative economic ideology is built on a foundation of sand. In other words, Republican economic policies are almost always stupid, counterproductive, destructive, and wrong. That’s why I call them Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics. As for you, Doctor Dumbfuck, the only thing you prove with your postings is that you’re a totally self-centered prick with a twisted set of values. That’s your problem. I’m not trying to change you. Far be it from me to interfere with your prerogative to create a pigsty for yourself and then wallow in it.
@45 Your party just elected Trump president, and you’re preaching to us about “awful candidates”? Holy shit. You ought to go on teevee with that one, Dumbfuck. Maybe you and Conway can get your own show together. You’re a pair of laughingstocks.
Remember all that flack during the campaign season about how bad it would be if a President Hillary was under active FBI investigation? Even DRUMPH was pushing that line.
So now we have an active FBI investigation into Russian interference of the 2016 US elections and the DRUMPH campaign connections to it.
Word is the RETHUG congress critters are wondering if DRUMPH will still be President this time next year.
@ 46
…not everything of importance in this world is measured in dollars.
This from the dumbfuck who sees fit to give us a near-daily accounting of how many dollars his brokerage account advanced, while always failing to inform us of how much it receded on a down market day.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit – the unsurprising outcome of a career during which he always assumed that the words Always Be Closing were meant as a joke.
@48 And that’s before the investigations of Trump’s profiteering from his Russian connections even get under way.
@ 48
Word is the RETHUG congress critters are wondering if DRUMPH will still be President this time next year.
Was that word handed down @ 9 by Joe, or did Mika do the honors this time?
Notawholelottadifference between Akim and Ekim.
@49 You’re so stupid you don’t even know when you’re being mocked. Do you think rabbits actually give an owl’s hoot about dollars? Certainly not to the exclusion of everything else.
Did you mean practiced law, or broke the law?
I wasn’t using the Dumbfuck definition of “practiced,” Dumbfuck.
Use the real definition — if indeed you can — and tell us how long before losing his law license Clinton had even used it.
(Because someone who is so fixated in the topic of Bill Clinton would know this, hm?)
After you manage that feat, maybe you can even answer my question, which I’ll generously re-phrase here for you: even by Dumbfuck logic, what’s the connection between the only thing Clinton’s opponents were ever able to do to him, and the current investigation into possible Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election?
Looking forward to more flabbily evasive gyrations, Dumbfuck.
@ 54
Long enough to become Arkansas AG.
Tell us, oh great hillbilly, Putin-Bot, arbiter of public morality, was there any pussy grabbing involved?
Bonus question: Just how awkward is it to use a twenty year old minor (compared to your Comrade-Pissident) sex scandal to deflect from treason?
The more the Hillbillies pull shit moves like this one, the harder it’s going to be to avoid a special prosecutor… and gut health care… and triple the deficit with billionaire tax cuts… and still get re-elected next year.
@ 56
…was there any pussy grabbing involved?
I dunno. It doesn’t say. Maybe depends on who spread the labia?
At one point, the President inserted a cigar into Ms. Lewinsky’s vagina, then put the cigar in his mouth and said: “It tastes good.”
I don’t think Clinton would have said that about #CrookedHillary’s vagina, though. Does that help any?
(Your paper copy of The Starr Report kinda doubles as your own personal semen history, doesn’t it?)
Bill Clinton received sexual offers from an adult woman who was half his age. There’s nothing you dirty old men who so hate him now can do about it, and no, such an experience will never, ever happen to you, ever. Get over it.
after toiling away in his residencies pulling 94 hour weeks for less than minimum wage looking deeeeeep into the vaporous, bubbling, festering cootches of bag ladies I’d be rather surprised if Врач немой ебать could manage to follow through, in the unlikely event a woman half his age offered herself to him.
What a waste of a good cigar
The Nunes debacle ought to result in sanctions. But I’d imagine he did it with Ryan’s approval. Probably a quid pro quo for Trump’s full court press this week. So fuck that.
But this sort of thing makes the job of the guys at the FBI mucho mas harder. What you hope to get early is weasel sticks like Manafort or Page, not realizing that they’ve been recorded making deals, to lie under oath during questioning. Nunes just went up and briefed the whole gang that they are on tape and they’d better shut up and lawyer up.
Give it a day or two to unfold. But Rosenstein will face enormous pressure to name a special prosecutor if he’s to be confirmed in the Senate. Even a lizard like Chuck Grassley would find what Nunes did to be creepy. And that’s saying something.
Obesssing over the details of another man’s sex life is an excellent sign of good mental health.
By Dumbfuck standards.
What a waste of a good cigar.
How would you know? You’ve never tasted it.
(Nor will you ever. Women half your age just do not offer themselves to you, now do they?)
I’m assuming Bill had decent taste in cigars.
Although maybe not. His taste in women was pretty terrible. Maybe he liked his Cigars like he liked his women: cheap
I guess you’re used to women, or should I say girls, half your age offering themselves to you on the 9th grade ski bus.
You know it’s kind of creepy when a grown man is on the 9th grade ski bus.
“Even a lizard like Chuck Grassley would find what Nunes did to be creepy.”
Lizards don’t find other lizards to be creepy. Take for example, Doctor Dumbfuck. He babbled on about a blow job through Bush’s catastrophic wars and great recession, then all through the Obama presidency, and continues babbling about it now as the Republicans in the executive branch are being exposed as a gaggle of Putin-worshipping traitors.
Funny… James Comey isn’t interested in investigating this… http://dailycaller.com/2017/03.....sian-bank/
No investigation on this known bribe attempt.
His taste in women was pretty terrible.
Sour grapes don’t fool anyone, you know.
Maybe he liked his Cigars like he liked his women: cheap.
Sour grapes don’t fool anyone, you know.
Notice how HA DUMMOCRETINS have never rejected the content of the DNC or Podesta emails? In fact, no prominent DUMMOCRETINS have claimed the email content is wrong or are lies.
Now that we see how DUMMOCRETINS act behind closed door, it’s Putin’s fault!
Remember per DUMMOCRETINS Putin did all these:
-Putin forced DUMMOCRETINS to nominate #CrookedHillary
-Putin caused Benghazi!
-Putin caused DUMMOCRETINS to camouflage themselves in lies, misconstrue, obfuscate, blame others, on November 9th 2016!
-Putin caused all DUMMOCRETINS to blame Comey for #CrookedHillary’s loss November 9th!
-Putin caused Nate Silver telling everyone of the 95% chance that #CrookedHillary’s gonna win.
-Putin caused all the FAKE Media to claim they knew of no one voting for Trump November 8, 2016
-Didn’t Putin kill Ambassador Stevens?
-Putin caused Jon Podesta to click on a phishing email!
-Putin caused FAKE Media to claim Trump had no path to 270!
-Putin caused dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 to claim #CrookedHillary was starting at 252 electoral college votes.
-Remember Putin didn’t hack Podesta’s email. Putin forgot!
-Putin caused the DNC head Blabbermouth to rig and collude with #CrookedHillary the election to #CrookedHillary over Sanders
-Didn’t Putin create the worst economic recovery in American history?
-Putin hacked all of these DUMMOCRETIN polls to mislead DUMMOCRETINS into believing #CrookedHillary had it in the bag!
-Putin created the Democrat Party mind set of not needing to visit certain states.
-Putin helped Obummer write ObummerCare and Putin told all those Real Americans to go vote against it.
-Didn’t Putin claim you could keep your doctor?
-Didn’t Putin claim you could keep your health care policy?
-Didn’t Putin claim “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”?
-Putin caused Donna Brazile to pass debate questions to #CrookedHillary’s camp!
Sour grapes tensor? So you wished you were Lewinsky’d? Then libtards attacked Lewinsky for not destroying the dress. Libtard wimxns attacked Lewinsky! Need to review the links since you possess 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady?
You are one crazed libtard!
Trump will make us all nostalgic for the days when the biggest scandal coming out of the White House involved an oversexed president diddling an intern with a cigar under the Oval Office desk.
That was sordid as hell, but didn’t really hurt anybody. Can’t say the same for a president who sells out our national interests to the Russians to put money in his own pocket and get pissed on by Russian whores.
What are decent, hardworking, God-fearing, ordinary Americans to make of all this?
Trey Gowdy destroyed the libtards yesterday in the end!
Gowdy: What is hearsay?
Comey: Information you don’t know of your own personal knowledge but from someone else.
Gowdy: It’s an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
Comey: I was trying to be a little less lawyerly…
Gowdy: Well, we will go with your answer and it is almost never admissible in court? How about anonymous sources? When you were in the Southern District could you ever call an anonymous source to testify in one of your proceedings?
Comey: No
Gowdy: You couldn’t even use hearsay unless there was some widely accepted exception and what I’ve heard this morning in some cases is quadruple hearsay. So it would never… A newspaper article would never, ever, be admitted as evidence in a courtroom. So the system we respect would laugh you out of court if you came in armed with a newspaper article, but in the political process, that’s enough.
Butt butt butt those Wa Post and New York Times articles from anonymous sources! They’re hearsay!
The classic strategy for unpopular presidents, of course, is to get a second term by dragging the country into war. Every time that happens, voters seem to feel the asshole who started it should be kept in office and made to finish what he started.
Hey hanging human teabag licker… Seems Dave Chapelle told Netflix some jokes your peeps are pizzed over!
What say you?
Seems some DUMMOCRETINS are pizzed at Nunes! Apparently the petulant child Adam “Anonymous Hearsay Sources” Schiff has talked to CNN about the information!
Good that with the committee’s credibility destroyed it’ll be nearly impossible for Justice to avoid naming an independent counsel.
Kinda disapointed thats all you could come up with…
Perhaps you should enlist the help of the 9th graders on the ski bus….
Dont worry tensor, someday you get to actually be an adult…with a family and your own house and your own car…or maybe not.
Total failure to launch…..
…committee’s credibility destroyed…
Unmasking of many names by the Obummer DUMMOCRETINS and this is what Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom delivers on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Looks like ekim and shitstain steve and early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit can’t abuse goats in Ohio anymore!
$10 Million per year!
If that’s the number for his Campaign Manager, imagine the price Art O’TheDeal put on selling out America?
unmasking of incidental captures is not illegal per se.
If you are going to rely on your usual wingnut sources your going to find yourselves behind the eight ball while your Hillbilly Jesus is frogmarched out the back of his Florida lonely bachelor pad.
unmasking of incidental captures is not illegal per se.
Really Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom? Once again WRONG as evah! Seems your inner city thugs are feeding you BULLSHITTIUM!
YouTube – Owned by Google, yeah really wingnut
CNN – yeah really wingnut
KTLA – yeah really wingnut
RealClearPolitics – yeah really wingnut
There has to be a reason to unmask. So far from yesterday’s testimony there wasn’t a real one! Seems it was political!
Sad and so typical!
ObummerCare Claims:
Affordable – Nancy Pelosi
Pass the bill to find out what’s in it – Nancy Pelosi
Keep your doctor PERIOD – Obummer
Keep you health care plan PERIOD – Obummer
ObummerCare Reality:
Affordable – double digit yearly increases
Affordable – more costly
Keep your doctor – NOPE
Keep your health care plan – NOPE
We found out what’s in it and it’s very costly!
Mother of student raped by a DREAMER and illegal alien that HA DUMMOCRETINS jock strap with sanctuary city policies spoke out… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....s_out.html
Not taking sides on this little squable, but every one of those promises was broken…..it was the ole bait and switch tactic by obama and the democrats.
They shoulda just left health care alone, at least until a decent plan could be put together and passes….without the lies and broken promises.
Wow Jorge Ramos’ Univision has a shocking admission… http://www.mrctv.org/videos/im.....ville-rape
PABLO GATO, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: If this had occurred now, with President Trump’s new executive order, what would the situation be?
JOSEPH MALOUF, IMMIGRATION LAWYER: It would be different, because they would have arrested Mr. Sanchez and they would have detained him, and eventually he would have been deported. He wouldn’t have been able to enter the area and obviously commit this crime.
What is wrong with this picture? http://twitchy.com/brettt-3136.....the-truth/
Lying about a video anyone?
Looking at the loon’s posts, all my decoder ring reveals is that the loon is yammering on and on about Putin with an occasional mention of a goat. This can’t be a good thing. Not for the goat, anyway.
Love the loon head explosions, though.
Whoa! No wonder the loon’s head is exploding.
“New evidence suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians against Clinton campaign”
Cue Doctor Dumbfuck to lay a few hashtags on us in 5…4…3…2…
Speaking of Republicans and goats, he left out beastiality.
“Oklahoma State Rep says rape and incest are the ‘will of God’ in abortion bill hearing”
Joe should specify which country as these days Republicans are hell bent on doing what’s best for Russia.
“Joe Scarborough lectures GOP: ‘Remove Devin Nunes as Intel Chair’ if you want what’s best for the country”
83 is yet another lie from the hillbilly pedo.
Notice the pedo pulls limited testimony out of the record. Wonder why? Because Gowdy was asking about leaks. And Gowdy wasnt threatening anyone with arrest or prosecution (he cant). He was threatening to block reauth of the statute that makes incidental captures legal. Same statute grants authority to unmask. But it does not make leaking unmasked IDs legal. Somebody certainly did that in the case of Flynn last month.
Buuuuuut… unfortunately so did Chairman Nunes. Only a few hours after Gowdy was making threats.
Hillbillies being hillbillies.
Things had been moving along and the Comey testimony was certainly stunning. But today the walls closing in on Trump and Doctor Dumbfuck moved like they were hit by a series of gravitational waves. Shwoosh! The Nunes panic attack in front of the press about Trump’s own communications. Shwoosh! Nunes runs to the White House. Shwoosh! Schiff’s revelation that now there’s more than circumstantial evidence.
Things are moving fast. Just the other day I was saying that Trump will be out of the White House by Labor Day. Now I’m going to have to move that up. End of next week maybe? Out by Monday? And how many of those damned traitors do you think will be arrested with the first sweep? My guess is four. I’ll even name them. Manafort, Stone, Guiliani and Bannon.
Besides leaving thousands of pro-Putin hashtags and telling us how the Democratic candidate was solely at fault for the election loss, Doctor Dumbfuck, who, by the way, has never written an ill word about Putin, uses his comments to heap scorn on those whose profession and values lead them to work in public service at a low wage. How fitting it is that it is low wage public servants who are saving this nation from Trump, Doctor Dumbfuck and the rest of those fascist fucking traitors.
Can you imagine the orange cheeto in an orange jumpsuit?
Manafort will be teed up first.
Russian mobsters dont give a guy $10 Million per year just for “access” and “insight”. Manafort had to do some deals to earn that from them.
Because Gowdy was asking about leaks. And Gowdy wasnt threatening anyone with arrest or prosecution (he cant). He was threatening to block reauth of the statute that makes incidental captures legal.
What a bunch of BULLSHITTIUM above.
Gowdy isn’t threatening to block anything. He was mentioning Americans will object to the bill being reauthorized! https://fas.org/irp/news/2013/06/nsa-sect702.pdf
This is the standard Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom deflection mechanism displayed every day here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. The Gowdy questioning link was fully provided. This is why Puddy destroys Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom arguments like Febreeze destroys fart smells all the time! Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom doesn’t like how Gowdy gets Comey to admit unmasking the name is a crime punishable upto 10 years!
Sheeeeeeeeeeesh, what a useless jackASS!
Because Gowdy was asking about leaks. And Gowdy wasnt threatening anyone with arrest or prosecution (he cant). He was threatening to block reauth of the statute that makes incidental captures legal.
What a bunch of BULLSHITTIUM above.
Gowdy isn’t threatening to block anything. He was mentioning Americans will object to the bill being reauthorized! https://fas.org/irp/news/2013/06/nsa-sect702.pdf
This is the standard Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom deflection mechanism displayed every day here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. The Gowdy questioning link was fully provided. This is why Puddy destroys Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom arguments like Febreeze destroys fart smells all the time! Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom doesn’t like how Gowdy gets Comey to admit unmasking the name is a crime punishable upto 10 years! http://www.heritage.org/defens.....02-program
Sheeeeeeeeeeesh, what a useless jackASS creating train wreck after train wreck!!
Wow Manafort questioned 11 months ago and Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom and shitstain steve screaming about it now.
The AP rewrote the article and released it as a breaking exclusive.
More useless deflections!
“I wonder bow YLShx will feel when Islam…..”
I always wonder bow Steve blows you.
“Stop nominating awful candidates. Simple as that, Steve.”
He’s busy blowing Max.
What a waste of a good cigar.
How would you know? You’ve never tasted it.
(Nor will you ever. Women half your age just do not offer themselves to you, now do they?)
Not true – Steve, The Traitor, does every day.
“Lizards don’t find other lizards to be creepy. Take for example, Doctor Dumbfuck.”
One would know, after blowing Max, you lizard.
“10 Million per year”
If that’s the number for his Campaign Manager, imagine the price Art O’TheDeal put on selling out America?
It’s the number of pennies Max has to manage in Mommies basement dreaming of working for #86th (2016 Personal Best ENR ranking) Sellen.
@75 some woman should have taken a coat hanger and shoved it up her twat to rid you of this world.
That’s what I say about that. Capisce.
Steve do you think what Max says @86 is true? Or are you going to let that pass while you blow him?
Just got an email from ENR with the headline “Kiewit to Build Israel’s Huge Offshore Gas Field”.
Ohhhh my, what a mistake! They should have gotten Sellen. Maybe even Steve and Max could go there with blueprints in hand. I’m worried about Steve though, he could trip and injure himself trying to keep a grip on the blueprints and walking while blowing Max.
“The end result allowed Russia to trade stolen emails to help to Donald Trump’s election campaign (as well as that of many Republican Congressmen), in exchange for help circumventing American sanctions to transact the sale of Rosneft, which Putin desperately needed to finance his budget deficit.”
For a $500m brokerage fee? Dayuuum.
You sound jealous
GmanPisscan getting a little bit obsessive….kinda creepy.
Translation: The Notorious RBG is going to be The Assisted Living RBG very soon.
Democrats weigh deal to let Gorsuch through
A group of Senate Democrats is beginning to explore trying to extract concessions from Republicans in return for allowing Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch to be confirmed, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
The lawmakers worry that Gorsuch could be confirmed whether Democrats try to block him or not — and Democrats would be left with nothing to show for it.
well, Madame Justice.
Well, here it is Thursday, and Wall Street is waiting to see if the vote on Trumpcare will be postponed because the GOP, um, doesn’t have the votes to pass it.
And that’s just the House. It the concessions Ryan has to make to get a bill past his own caucus will doom it in the Senate. As far as getting something — anything — to Trump’s desk, the GOP appears to be stymied.
The optics of Republican health care “reform” are simply awful: Tens of millions of mostly poor people, many of them Trump supporters, will lost their health coverage and millionaires will get hundreds of billions in tax reductions.
And it is painfully evident this thing was cobbled together — what college kids call a “rush job” — because all those 60+ votes to repeal Obamacare, Republicans never had a replacement plan.
Of course, we already knew this from the fact that Republicans had half a century to propose health care improvements, and throughout all that time did absolutely nothing.
It goes without saying that Republicans don’t give a damn about whether the working and middle classes have health care, or are bankrupted by getting sick. In fact, a lot of them believe that health care should be a privilege of the rich, not a human right. Not a whole lot different from Hitler’s worldview.
“The Dossier and its contents are mostly real.”
Including the pee pee.
Disgusting hillbillies.
And the Hillbilly treason dates back to at least the 1990s under Tom Delay. Remember the $1,000,000
bribecontribution from Russians brokered by Abramoff to Delay?Trump is Treason
What, no mention of my minimum-wage job? You’re slipping, pal.
@ 111
In other words, your moronic spew @ 3 of yesterday isn’t holding up, as the Dow is up 80 points today.
Although you may be improving, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, as nearly always you are proven incorrect intraday. This time it was nearly 24 hours
this way they lose on both ends of the hillbilly spectrum.
“Aggrieved” WWCMs nursing diabetic foot ulcers in their trailers blame them for trying to take away their Medicare. And Crazy Uncle Conservatives (like Врач немой ебать) barricaded on their rural acreage stockpiling their ammo blame them for enshrining two-term President Barack Hussein Obama’s historic legacy.
And Dems didn’t have to lift a finger. At this point I can see some wisdom in giving the hillbillies their clean vote on Gorsuch. I don’t think it would pay to create a treason-media narrative of “obstruction” right now. They’ll get him either way. Best thing would be to make sure the hillbillies really own this healthcare failure in all its glory.
So a teenager in Israel with dual citizenship, using anonymizing software, apparently is responsible for the vast majority of the threats against Jewish Community Centers.
Add that to the substantial numbers of liberals, church-goers, and other members of groups unhappy with the presidential election result who vandalize their own properties or injure themselves and then claim the alt-right is responsible, and it seems there is not much at all that the right can correctly be blamed for perpetrating.
Other than all the winning of late, I mean.
Biggest loser: Deathfrogg.
“….kinda creepy”
Yeah, it really is kind of creepy.
@117- Got any evidence for “substantial numbers”?
No need to state the obvious….was trying to do you a solid.
“… it seems there is not much at all that the right can correctly be blamed for perpetrating.”
Other than the treason thing.
It wouldn’t be hillbilly enough to merely fail to repeal the historical legislative legacy of two term President Barack Hussein Obama. Hillbillies find a way to do it while making crass jokes that alienate the majority of voters:
Ha! Ha! Ha! Such a funny joke about lots of women dying from breast cancer! That sort of edgy comedy about “The Real” is what makes women respect and admire “strong”, “loving”, real hillbilly men.
Sure does. Breast cancer. What a hoot!
“Other than the treason thing.”
Yup! The treason thing.
“‘There is no other word for it’: Former Bush ethics czar says FBI uncovering evidence of ‘treason’”
“Paul Manafort’s Russia-connected deputy still visiting White House for meetings on Trump agenda”
“REVEALED: Paul Manafort’s shadowy Cyprus bank transactions under investigation by US Treasury”
“Where’s Rudy? Giuliani strangely silent as FBI confirms probe of Russia hacks he predicted”
“New evidence suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians against Clinton campaign: CNN”
“Roger Stone panics over Russia investigators in letter to Jake Tapper: ‘I will spank them like children’”
Doctor Dumbfuck receives comfort from pretending it isn’t happening. But shit’s getting real.
So, your definition of doing a favor for someone is not repeating your false claims about him?
I’d like to be there when you collect on all the goodwill you’ve generated by all the favors you’ve done for folks.
(I might even do you the favor of calling an ambulance for you afterwards…)
Add that to the substantial numbers of liberals, church-goers, and other members of groups unhappy with the presidential election result who vandalize their own properties or injure themselves and then claim the alt-right is responsible, and it seems there is not much at all that the right can correctly be blamed for perpetrating.
Dumbfuck history: America has never, ever experienced right-wing bigots terrorizing anyone they don’t like.
Dumbfuck reasoning: one anecdote from another country generalizes neatly across America.
Good to see Dumbfuck getting practice on dodging responsibility for what’s now happening in this country. Dumbfuck is gonna have many, many opportunities to put such knowledge to use.
@117- Got any evidence for “substantial numbers”?
Nope. That’s how Dumbfuck does Dumbfuck — one big, unsupported claim after another after another.
that’s all the Врач немой ебать Hashtags ever amounted to. And he’s even proudly admitted it.
You take things way too seriously.
Low self esteem?
Low self esteem?
Is that why you make false statements about persons you don’t know?
Even as Republicans struggle to find enough votes for Trumpcare, and apparently will have to take away even more health care from ordinary Americans to get those votes, a new poll is simply devastating for Republicans:
“‘Replacing Obamacare will come with a price for elected representatives who vote to scrap it, say many Americans, who clearly feel their health is in peril under the Republican alternative,’ said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they had any brains, Republicans would just leave Obamacare alone. But they don’t have any brains, so get ready to watch the GOP self-destruct.
And, of course, they can’t leave it alone because where else can they get the $600 billion they want to give wealth people in the form of tax breaks? That kind of money doesn’t grow on trees. They can get it only by fucking over the little people.
@115 “In other words, your moronic spew @ 3 of yesterday isn’t holding up, as the Dow is up 80 points today.”
Holding up better than your moronic spew of 8:20 am this morning. The market closed down 4 points today. Did you sell everything at 8:20 am when the getting was still good? It seems to have gone downhill from there.
@117 “the substantial numbers of liberals, church-goers, and other members of groups unhappy with the presidential election result who vandalize their own properties or injure themselves and then claim the alt-right is responsible”
Do you happen to have an example of that which you can show us? It sounds an awful lot like something you simply pulled out of your ass, which would not be a first for you.
@121 And a few depressions, at least one completely unnecessary war, and millions of job losses …
@123 “Where’s Rudy? Giuliani strangely silent as FBI confirms probe of Russia hacks he predicted”
Predicted, or knew about?
Oh, and btw, in case you missed it, Drumpf’s approval rating is still in freefall:
“President Trump’s approval rating among U.S. voters has fallen in recent weeks, according to a Quinnipiac University survey released Thursday. The poll found 37 percent approve of Mr. Trump’s job as president while 56 percent of people disapprove. That’s compared to 41 percent who approved of his job in a March 7 survey, with 52 percent disapproving.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The only that’s really surprising about this poll is that 37% of our fellow citizens still think this mentally deranged serial liar is doing a good job. Maybe they need mental health checkups, too.
only one thing for it. He has to start a war. Make it look like he really didn’t want to. Forced into it by devastating tragedy, etc. etc. More hillbillies sent away to die.
Works for me.
They made it significantly worse. And the hillbillies still couldn’t get it done.
With Ryan kicking this down the road for now, the entire agenda of reconciliation tax cuts is put at risk. And all the hillbilly love priced into the market may start to come apart.
Wait to buy later in the #RyanMarket to come.
@136 That’s called “wagging the dog.”
It’s a very interesting legal question: is it a violation of the statute to publicly identify unmasked “incidental captures” if the people you identify were never actually “captured” at all.
A far less interesting question would be is Devin Nunes as completely, insanely fucked in the head as our hillbilly trolls? It’s pretty obvious he is. “Dozens of reports”! And POOF! They’re gone!
I’d say he was doing all this crazy shit in order to force the leadership to move the inquiry to a special select committee. But that would be giving a drunk hillbilly way too much credit.
Lol….i think your feefees got hurt. Did you get triggered? Need a crying room?
Is 40k a year min wage?
None of the above. I’m just wondering why you keep making false statements about someone you don’t know. Does trying to belittle others make you feel better?
If you’re willing to make false statements about one topic, why should anyone bother believing any claim you make?
Zags playing west virgina right now.
Go Zags!
I wouldnt even believe 142.
So, it appears people who chant, “LOCK HER UP!” upon command of a Russian stooge really don’t know squat about actually running things. (Nobody could have predicted.)
Maybe Dumbfuck can tell us how many penny-ante poker hands Bill Clinton lost in college, because, for reasons no healthy mind can comprehend, that will make Dumbfuck feel ever so slightly less Dumbfuck. (Admittedly, a major accomplishment.)
The only that’s really surprising about this poll is that 37% of our fellow citizens still think this mentally deranged serial liar is doing a good job.
After ignoring the PDB of 06 August 2001, getting thousands of Americans killed in Iraq, W still had, what, a 22% positive approval rating? That’s some hardcore dead-enders. Little wonder they spent the next few years eagerly calling themselves teabaggers.
What will Dumbfuck call himself, rather than admit he voted Republican? The possibilities are as endless as he is classless.
me thinks thou doth protest too much.
raw story… it really sux… https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.rawstory.com
Meanwhile peeps leaving libtard land… http://www.cnsnews.com/news/ar.....opa-county
10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6..
Oops! If only we were so lucky.
Wow what a game! Down to the wire!
Zags win!
Awesome fun game
Obama sucks….
…at filling out NCAA tourney brackets.
@152 Great finish! Zags are for real. And Oregon finished off a hot Michigan team. Well done, Ducks!
And im thinking arizona and ucla will advance too….pac 12 and wcc represent!
Of all the teams, West Virginia scared me the most….that pressure and hustle was nonstop.
Arizona might have its hands full with Xavier. They were very impressive in their win over Florida State. But I think the Ducks can do it. UCLA and Kentucky should be a great matchup. I’d love to see the Bruins win that one, giving us a final four without Duke or Kentucky in it for the media to slather over.
Amen to that steve
@141 ” Does trying to belittle others make you feel better?”
Yes; that’s always why they do it.
@145 Or perhaps you troll too much. I have no intention of interjecting myself into your dispute with tensor, but it’s getting cloying.
A world-class jerk in our own backyard hopefully has now been put in his place.
The ACA exchanges were sabotaged long ago..
By lil’ punk Marco…
What an asshole!
Interesting… https://www.scribd.com/document/342765662/Freedom-Watch-Whistleblower-Notification-to-Congress#from_embed
Great game between Xavier and Arizona! What a finish! Shame that one of them had to lose, but congrats to the Musketeers. Looking forward to Xavier playing the Zags.
Nutcase @163 finds the ravings of another nutcase “interesting”.
I was gonna say… what are the odds that this drooling beer drunk hillbilly pedophile is linking to anything remotely “interesting”?
Thanks sincerely for sparing me.
He “inadvertantly” bought $60,000 worth of groceries for his family with campaign funds.
And a trip to Italy.
And a golf trip.
And the kid’s othodontia.
And the utility bills.
These things are just super confusing. It could happen to anybody.
““….kinda creepy”
Yeah, it really is kind of creepy.”
Such a short response, understandable knowing you have Max’s small dick in your mouth.
Go Zags!
Nice job Tensor for putting Max in his place.
And Watch out for Steve, he’s a traitor. One sight of Max’s small dick, and Steve becomes attracted to him like Drumpf is to The Bare Chested Pony Rider.
@20 There were times in the past where Catholics did not go into London openly, as they could be drawn and quartered, or possessions seized. Some of the underpinnings of the Brexit vote are about these tensions. The English did not create an empire by being nice. Not a bit of racism involved when Queen Victoria became Empress of India.
@4 RR voters self identify as being in a party. Actually sine the election the Democratic party has lost members. There are now more independents. To be successful the democratic party has to get the votes and support of the common American. Some common Americans are stupid, but you need some of their votes, otherwise there won’t be a Democratic party. Some other party will become the other party in the two party system. You can hope they treat the future Dems better than the current party treats Progressives, Socialists or Greens. I think Dems will fucked as pay back is a bitch. Or you can moderate your rhetoric.
Apparently Drumpfcare isn’t kooky enough for the freedumb kookus..
@66 Your math does not work out here at all. Just how many 28 year olds would be chaperoning the 9th grade ski bus, and yes some adult men and women must chaperone otherwise there is no ski trip. So how exactly is that creepy? And who can predict the tastes of 9th grade girls? They certainly loved the Beetles, David Bowie, ect.
@72 Could be they finally have learned about red baiting, and Mr McCarthy.
It’s about NATO and the industrial military complex, something apparently todays Democrats support. My the world gets stranger on occasion.
@74 Don’t think you are referring to Franklin Roosevelt. Maybe LBJ though, oh you got to participate in that one. So far Trump’s not getting us into war anywhere we were not already at war. including North Korea. Economic war with China does not count. Nor the war on poverty, on drugs, on crime and Donner and Blitzen.
@110 Guess the Republican’s told them no dice which is why Schumer came out with his announcement of a filibuster. Guess old Mitch should arrange to keep the Senate in session so the Democrats can rant and rave for awhile on the floor and then cut to the chase and do away with the filibuster, and then vote the new judge to the court. Which will get old Mitch some political capital.
@11 Well you gotta give some credit to Trump he’s actually handling this the way it should be, and has told his party members in the house pull your heads out and pass the thing. Of course secretly he wants single payer, but are the Dems going to use the opening to improve health care, if the Republican controlled house drops the ball. Well fuck no.
@130 Politically the Freedom caucus folks maybe actually correct. Treat it like you are dealing with a bandage. Best to rip it off quick. B the time the election is here most folks will have forgotten. It’s not even likely those who loose their coverage will even vote. And many would vote Democrat anyways. And some will have been mistaken for illegal Mexican’s South American’s and Irish aliens and deported. After all we usually deport 20,000 American citizens every year.
@130 PS I think in the long run Republican’s will do us all a great favor if they cut Obamacare as the only effective policy should be socialized medicine in the form of a single payer system. Yep Government takes over health care, it’s not like the government already doesn’t run a big chunk of the system.
Looks like pisscan is taking his creepiness to a whole new level.
Somone put me in my place? Lol, i didnt notice.
Nice to know you found your place though, in the glory hole stall.
You seem very obsessed now with my cock.
You really need some help. I have never had a gay stalker before….always thinking about my dick and blowjobs.
Whats up with that? Nobody mentions your name, and you come out every morning trying to throw bombs…only to make yourself look more and more creepy and unhinged
“Whats up with that?”
I have no idea. Damned creepy, though. Starting with blueprints, of all things, he just won’t let it go.
Ya, go figure.
In other news….gonna be a great friday and weeekend for college basketball. And its the first F1 race of the year this weekend as well. :)
@183 yeah Go Zags!
Seems like you guys are obsessed with me. If you weren’t you wouldn’t have ever mentioned my name….you were the first to mention me old Maxipad.
And the only one obsessed with you little penis is Steve.
I believe your attacks on me started first. But of course just like your kind, cut and run.
Why are you obsessed with YLB? You seem to relentlessly attack him (and Boob), ohhhh….but those attacks don’t involve glory holes or penises so they don’t matter.
I’m sure YLB could give two shits and doesn’t need me to stand up for him, but your hypocrisy is overwhelming. Just like your kind to do something and then accuse the other for doing it.
You drag Steve into blowing snots with you, so I like blowing snots of my own.
Do you need a crying towel or something?
Youre fucking demented and have some for-real mental issues.
How about this….mind your own biz and I will stop bitch lapping you every day. You cant do that though, because people like you need the attention. So enjoy the bitch slapping you freak.