– Steve Scher’s resignation from KUOW seems pretty quick, but I guess it had been in the works for a while.
– An open letter to the SPU gunman (h/t to a family member on Facebook)
– This opinion from the AG that people with felonies in other countries can’t get a gun permit in Washington seems like common sense (Daily O Link), but I’m not sure his opponent would have done the same.
– And speaking of an Attorney General,* Eric Holder looking at domestic terrorism is apparently a problem for some of the right wing. Because of course.
– Capitol Hill stand-off mercifully ends not-tragically and also fuck gun violence
– I’ve mentioned before that you should check out the Cascadia Exists tag over at Olympia Time, and you should also check out the editable version of the book that Emmett posted.
* That was a transition so terrible, it makes me nostalgic for Podcasting Liberally.
Of course rightwing domestic terrorists don’t want to be investigated! They might have their guns confiscated and go to jail before they have a chance to shoot up a college campus or kill some law enforcement officers. Their cattle might be confiscated to satisfy liens for unpaid grazing fees, too.
In the previous open thread, puddypissypants tried to blame yesterday’s shooting of two cops and a Walmart shopper in Las Vegas on liberals. However, this morning’s news reports indicate the shooters (a husband-wife team) were motivated by an anti-law enforcement ideology, which suggests they’re sovereign citizens. I won’t be shocked if they’re Bundy militia who got tired of waiting for BLM to come back and went into town looking for cops to shoot.
Surprise, surprise. The two maniacs that went on a killing rampage in Las Vegas yesterday were Bundy Ranch assholes, who had apparently been thrown out for using methamphetamine.
Yaknow, when one’s little “movement” is attracting lunatics like these, there’s probably some serious issues with one’s “movement”. The Bundy Ranch is fulla guys like this. If I was in charge of that, I would have rolled in there with the entire United States Marshall’s office and armored cars. Let the Bundy Nazis start shooting then return fire, as cops are wont to do.
Get it all on vid and broadcast it live. Fuck those morons.
I’m not saying they were, that’s just speculation on my part, but I’ve been wondering for a while now how long it’ll be before the adrenaline-juiced nuts out at the Bundy ranch grow impatient with the lack of shootin’ action, and fan out from there and begin acting out their violent fantasies in cities and towns across Nevada.
@3 Bingo!
Now that Bundy Ranch assholes have gone into town and stalked cops, the authorities will have to get more proactive about containing the rest of them. I say it’s time to surround the Bundy Ranch with tanks, send in bread and water, and allow no one to leave.
@75 (Firday Night Etravaganza Post)…..the idiot (Puffy) is an idiot….now he goes silent, as usual when he can’t defend his GOP, Conservative friends and family he goes silent, otherwise he’s got a big fat mouth, that pretty much says nothing, absolutely nothing.
@1 – Right Wing Domestic Terrorist – you mean the American Taliban or the GOP= Grand Old Problems.
Yep, they look about how one would expect. I suppose it’s lucky that they never went to one of them comminest guvment schools, they coulda ended up as radical enviromentalists, or worse, Civil Rights attorneys.
I’ll bet the NRA is already planning its next big sales campaign around this. The whole “The governments comin’ fer yer gunz!” thing seems to work pretty well for the firearms manufacturers. Every time something like this happens, which now seems to be several times a week, the NRA steps up with another burst of stories about how the Government is going to round everybody up into concentration camps and march us into gas chambers as soon as they can get all the guns away from us.
@9 Actually, gun sales have been cooling off in recent months, which is why Cabela’s stock isn’t going up anymore.
Speaking of stock, I’m having trouble understanding people who complain about paying $15 an hour to people who work hard for them, but don’t squeak a peep about capitalists like me making $125 an hour for doing nothing. Capitalists are much more expensive than workers! Yet they complain about workers’ pay and don’t complain about capitalists’ pay! Why isn’t anyone complaining because I’m making $987 in the stock market this morning for doing nothing? Can anyone out there explain this weird mindset to me? I simply want to understand. Thanks.
Actually, this is one of those very rare days that I did something. I sold half of my Walgreen’s stock, which is up 150% since I bought it two years ago, and used the proceeds to double my holding of Procter & Gamble, which pays fatter dividends. I also bought U.S. Gypsum this morning with money from a stock I sold two weeks ago. So I’ve had a real busy morning. It took me almost 25 minutes to do all this work, which is probably the only work I’m going to do in the next 6 months. Despite all the mouthing about “work hard to get ahead,” we capitalists don’t work all that hard in fact we work hardly at all. Most of the time, we just eat while staring at a computer screen, which is why capitalists get so fat. We have plenty of money to buy groceries with, because we get away with paying people who actually work only $15 an hour.
I wonder if there was a structural incentive for the Walmart truck driver to stay up for over 24 hours before he smashed into Tracy Morgan’s tour bus, killing one and sending several to the hospital. To know why the driver thought it was a good idea to drive while so tired?
Perhaps the right wing would have fewer problems with how the government addresses potential terrorist threats if the government wouldn’t lump returning veterans in that category:
Bowe Bergdahl, after all, will soon be a returning veteran.
And then there’s the federal government’s reliance, at least until recently, on what the Southern Poverty Law Center defines as a hate crime……
A report called “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” If they are dangerous, shouldn’t Americans be allowed to know?
Ms. Napolitano insisted that the department was not planning on engaging in any form of ideological profiling.
“Let me be very clear: We monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in the United States. We don’t have the luxury of focusing our efforts on one group; we must protect the country from terrorism whether foreign or homegrown, and regardless of the ideology that motivates its violence,” Ms. Napolitano said.
What am I not understanding? Bickle are you saying vets should be given a pass, that if a homegrown terrorist organization has vets as members it should not be checked out to be dangerous?
What is that conservatives always say? Oh yeah… “If you are not guilty of something, you should mind us watching you. “
@ 15
I assume, then, that you would not have a problem with enhanced monitoring focusing on mosques or, say, taxi waiting areas frequented by Somali drivers, not for any specific reason but because some Muslims and some Somalis have committed terrorist acts.
After all, if they are dangerous, shouldn’t Americans be allowed to know?
@13 Isn’t that against the law? Oh yeah, that’s right, Walmart is above the law. Too big to follow the rules everyone else has to. Just like the big banks.
I could care less if these morons slaughter each other (BTW…puddypussypissypants would have ZERO time to tout his wing-nut bonafides before getting ‘second-amendmented.’ Just sayin’.), but just leave the rest of us alone.
Why not make the middle of the Mojave a ‘free-fire zone’ where these assholes can take their pot shots at each other.
@16 I would wager the domestic terrorism rate among Muslims and Somalis is zero, or close to zero. Domestic terrorism consists almost entirely from white male rightwing anti-government extremists, with an occasional white female rightwing anti-government extremist thrown in. There’s lots of minority crime in America, but almost no minority domestic terrorism. That’s almost entirely a white racist/white extremist phenomenon.
@18 “Why not make the middle of the Mojave a ‘free-fire zone’ where these assholes can take their pot shots at each other.”
Because the Mojave is an environmentally sensitive area that doesn’t deserve such treatment. Let’s line them up in an urban wasteland instead.
Well, now that it turns out the Las Vegas cop killers are racist Bundy militia nuts, Puddypissypants is nowhere to be seen. Guess he doesn’t want to face the music for his stupid comments.
@13, @17…
Hi Rabbit and Better- This is what happened:
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) bravely led the charge for more dangerous highways.
Oh he’ll be here soon…he and his fellow travelers can twist ANYTHING to make it President Obama’s fault.
Add @23…
Here it comes…wait for it…ahhhhhh:
His fucking head is exploding all right, but it’s not with ‘data points.’ He’s got the same kind of ‘bug juice’ in his veins as OUR resident wing-nut.
This is just the kind of crazy-ass shit morons like puddypussypissypants here make up.
No facts, no reality…just peddling wild conspiracies.
@16. to paraphrase….
If those Muslims or Somalis, or good old boy southerners or Nevada sovereign citizens are showing signs of plotting violent extremism here in the United States, I’m fine with them being monitored. We don’t have the luxury of focusing our efforts on one group, on only Muslims or only rednecks; we must protect the country from terrorism whether foreign or homegrown, and regardless of the ideology that motivates its violence. They need to focus on the real threats, not the once that get politicians elected.
Yes if the good old boy southerners or Nevada sovereign citizens are a risk to Americans, Americans should not be kept ignorant.
To the teabagged moron above… Puddy works for a living. Job in Seattle this week. So off line for the week. What does teabagged idiot do.
Now Puddy denounces the two killers. Did any HA DUMMOCRETIN denounce Frazier Glenn Miller… libtard killer?
Meanwhile the Koch Brothers gave $25,000,000 to the UNCF. Where is that on the left wrong sites? http://earhustle411.com/koch-f.....lege-fund/
What is this? http://www.nationaljournal.com.....a-20140609… DUMMOCRETINS quitting Obummer?
Remember if Bowe Bergdahl didn’t desert, he wouldn’t have been tortured!
Plain and simple!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXwWMpQqsM… Finally Andrea Mitchell speaks out for a change!
NY Slimes would believe anonymous sources vs. the Bergdahl platoon members. Must be the truth is too effective since these platoon members are asking for Obummer to declassify the Bergdahl file!
Interesting… No PR campaign is needed to tell the truth! Sux to be libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm in CYA mode!
How come Bergdahl doesn’t want to speak to his parents and be rated as a private? http://thehill.com/policy/defe.....t-sergeant
Hillary Clinton dead broke when she left the whitey house? Interesting…
Looks like the Puddy One-Man Lynch Mob is back. Hey stoopid, shouldn’t he get a trial before you string him up?
Now we learn the two killers were kicked off the Bundy Ranch. Hmmm…? http://patdollard.com/2014/06/.....-me-flags/
Being kicked off the ranch not on TPM http://talkingpointsmemo.com/m.....h-facebook
Puddy decided to get soiled and visit Daily Kooks http://talkingpointsmemo.com/m.....h-facebook Nothing on that site either!
Wow… HA DUMMOCRETIN sources and that information is skipped!
Facts IDIOT Wabbit facts. You seem to hate facts!
So the puddypussypissypants defends these horrible creatures.
I knew he’d find some way to cover himself with more stinking shit.
Maybe the puddypussypissypants wants to click the link for video of the sick fucks he’s defending at the sick fuck Bundy’s ranch full of fellow sick fucks.
@36 I don’t know what the facts of Sgt. Bergdahl’s capture and captivity are, and neither do you.
@35 Correction, a neighbor says the dead suspect claimed he was kicked off the Bundy Ranch. But let’s accept this hearsay as true for discussion purpose. The point is, he was the KIND OF PERSON who would go to the Bundy Ranch to confront and threaten BLM Rangers, and to hang out with other radical rightwingers. The point is, this guy doesn’t exactly uphold your lameass attempt to profile him as a “liberal.” Label horse manure as “facts” all you want, it’s still horse manure, and horse manure is all we EVER get from you, pissypants. You wouldn’t know what a “fact” is if one bit you. You’re one of those mentally ill delusional people who conflates fact and fantasy as a routine part of your normally disordered thinking process. I don’t know what the psychiatric diagnostic code is for your condition, but they probably have a pill for it. So do yourself a favor and get the hell back on your meds.
@38 Sounds like just the kind of people Cliven Bundy wanted at his side when the cops came for him.
rujaxoff is sucking the smega from the schmuck again… Where is Puddy defending those two you JACKASS? Did you miss post #26 or are YOU JUST ONE STOOOOOOOOPID MOFO?
Yes that’s the ticket!
rujaxoff is an idiot… Where did Puddy claim they were NOT on the ranch.
Man you are so stupid!
So IDIOT Wabbit, you are really quick to believe Bergdahl but not this guy?
Another IDIOT Wabbit selective judgment call. And this “person” is screaming Puddy is judging Bergdahl. Speaks with forked tongue.
See ya IDIOT Wabbit!
The stupid fucking puddypussypissypants lost to an onanist and a cute little fluffy bunny.
Shame on puddypussypissypants. His overlords will NOT be pleased.
@44 Where did I say I believe Bergdahl, pissypants? I said he should get a fair trial and a chance to defend himself before you and your rightwing friends lynch him. You’re putting some very strained interpretations on other people’s (and rabbits’) comments.
TALGO USA just can’t seem to win with the mothballed Wisconsin trains. Now there are critics in Michigan criticizing the deal.
You do that in every thread IDIOT Wabbit and then scream and shout when the tables are turned?
Cry Puddy a River!
rujaxoff just proved again he’s a stooooooooooopid moron. BTW did rujaxoff ever condemn Frazier Glenn Miller? rujaxoff just had another chance and didn’t budge. Demonstrates the foolishness and silliness of the other HA bottom dweller!
Soooooooooooooo, IDIOT Wabbit, the six soldiers of his platoon the whitey house and Obummer surrogates in the media are vehemently attacking are not to be believed when they were there? Then are right wing lynch mob? Did you view the interview or did you once again read left wrong blogs and create your own facts? You actually think Bergdahl is going to admit to desertion?
What fantasy land do you live in IDIOT Wabbit? Are you a friend of Mr. Rourke? Datoo? Nice cocoon you spun here!
Remember how the press played this up when GW Bush was in the whitey house? http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/10/.....?hpt=hp_t2