– I know you can’t judge a group solely on its worst members, but holy shit, some of the worst members of the Minute Men.
– Forgot to mention this in a previous open thread so it’s a bit old, but the NPI fundraising gala is looking pretty impressive.
– I will have to play around with Seattle In Progress a bit.
This is going to be a problem for the religious right. The People that will be willing to make pizza for the gay wedding. We can’t have any of that! That will be the next ban, because at that point their bans will not work.
The next religious right warfare, scorn those that are willing to make a loving pie. Pretend all the willing pie and cake makers are gay activists.
ANOTHER stupid Republican prick.
No lack of pricks in th Republican Party (pun intended).
@3 What is it with people who work for Republicans? I’ve worked for Democrats for 50 years and I’ve never been arrested for anything.
Nothing ‘sexy’ about cadging carrots.
Isn’t it a crime to lie on your voter registration form?
It’s not just LGBT and atheists. No, if they have their way, everybody in their American theocracy would be a second class citizen except for right-wing extremist Christians.
“Fox guest: Keep discrimination legal because Bible tells businesses not to hire atheists”
Yet another Republican wants to micromanage what food stamp recipients eat.
Guess what, I don’t believe Republicans when they claim they’re against intrusive government. If they can do this, then we can regulate what goes into public rivers from sewer pipes coming out of their properties, businesses, and farms.
@ 6
It’s actually a Felony.
Rick Santorum asks
What does the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla think of this?
@10 See http://handbill.us/?p=48810
Meanwhile… http://twitchy.com/2015/04/06/.....-magazine/
Awesome… No apology from the author either!
There they go again… injecting race into the argument. Without using race libtards can’t really make an argument!
And the hysteria of the Hobby Lobby decision is apparent in this article…
The Supremes covered this. Dayum y’all keep harping (harpies) about the reason the Supremes kicked Obummer’s ASS. They never used the least intrusive agreement to work with Hobby Lobby and so they lost. Sheeeeeeeeesh!
You libtards can’t fathom there is no difference being forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding and being forced to print those disgusting placard signs. Both are against a person’s conscience. This is lost on libtards! Every day it’s lost!
A very repugnant article Roger!
Another reason why many libtards should not be allowed to open their mouths in public http://twitchy.com/2015/04/06/.....th-spasms/
@13 “A very repugnant article Roger!”
Thank you! Coming from you that’s a high compliment. If you said anything nice about something I wrote, I’d wonder what I did wrong.
@14 So now you’re against free speech, too? Figures. We expect it from you. For the record, I disagree with Sally Kohn — enforcing anti-discrimination laws IS government force, just like writing tickets for speeding in a school zone or arresting child pornographers.
Josh Earnest… What a moron…
So when DUMMOCRETINS disagree as vehemently as Republicans that’s principled! So Senator Menendez’s disagreement is principled? http://www.bloombergview.com/a.....-sanctions
@14 So now you’re against free speech, too? There you go again senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy never said that!
Butt for your silly arguments you need to write that senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Good to see you too think Sally Kohn is another libtard moron!
Once again this demonstrates how much smarter Romney is over Obummer… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....07908.html
Just like Romney was prescient about Russia and Obummer was an IDIOT on that too! Russia is number one geopolitical foe!
Remember this rush to judgment by a libtard university president? http://www.businessinsider.com.....ts-2014-11 Now that the Rolling Stone article was proven wrong where is her apology?
How about libtard VA guvnur Terry McAuliffe?
Reminds Puddy of the DUKE “fake rape” lacrosse case! A very good lacrosse coach, Mike Pressler, was destroyed along with the lives of three men! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_lacrosse_case
Libtards always rush to judgment… Merry Fitzmas anyone?
So who do you believe Obummer or the Wa Post on the Iran deal?
Want to see how republicans and the 1% want to treat anyone who has been made obsolete due to algorithms and automation, check out the link.
That’s their idea a guaranteed minimum income.
We should all be very afraid.
21. Obama of course! Given puddy’s track record, i don’t believe anything puddy posts.
Didn’t Obummer claim the Muslim world would love him?
Sooooooooooooooooo, how come this continues to happen? http://www.nationaljournal.com.....n-20150402
Meanwhile… John Oliver interviews Ed Snowden… http://www.nationaljournal.com.....g-20150406 All those naked pictures are in Utah now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_Data_Center
Here you go senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
Butt here is the comedy from 1994… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
Libtards when caught run… http://twitchy.com/2015/04/06/.....na-loesch/
Let’s add warmonger to the description of the puddyfuckwad.
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmonger puddyfuckwad.
He must be soooo proud of his stinking shit today.
Well Puddy doesn’t need to add IDIOT to rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Everyone knows rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is an IDIOT!
Sux to be rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Meanwhile when you are a DUMMOCRETIN loving Beverly Hills resident the CA Guvnur water restrictions are ignored… http://www.latimes.com/local/l.....tml#page=1
FACTS.. something lost on IDIOTS like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
The Russians had it right… http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....te_society
Because we now see what Putin is doing to Obummer… http://www.latimes.com/nation/.....tml#page=1
“The Russians had it right…”
Puddy and his TeaBirchers love Putin and Russia, Netanyahu and Israel, but they hate America and our own president. Go figure.
Putin/Netanyahu 2016!
The wingnut dream ticket, obviously.
Stupid Solution Steve…
Where was the military article from?
LA Times!
So much for that moonbattic IDIOT theory!
@18 “Puddy never said that!”
Then what do you call this?
“@14 Another reason why many libtards should not be allowed to open their mouths in public …”
@19 So if some guy with time on his hands can pick basketball brackets he should be president?
@20 So now the local leader of the Bergdahl lynch mob is teaching us about rushing to judgment?
@21 Geez, talk about a softball question, Obama.
As CNN announces this PMSNBC libtard going to Hillaryland…http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/06/.....ress-team/
Puddy reminds you of the revolving door between Obummer- Clinton and the DUMMOCRETIN led media! The FACTS don’t lie…
Slobbering DUMMOCRETIN libtard press!
@22 Most employers are Republicans, too, and you can’t trust a single one of them. In this society you’ve gotta be an owner not a worker. When you own stock, they work for you!
Meanwhile of course the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will claim this isn’t true!
@27 You are stupid beyond senseless. Republicans want to fight a war TODAY because Iran MIGHT get a bomb 15 years from now, and if they do, they MIGHT use it (but probably won’t; after all, no one else has, the only time it was ever used was when 1 country had a nuclear monopoly). I thought you stupid wingnuts don’t care what happens in 2030 because you expect the RAPTURE to arrive before then. You don’t care about climate change, so why do you care if Iran gets a bomb?
@19 So if some guy with time on his hands can pick basketball brackets he should be president?
Did Duke Win? Is Russia testing NATO and US Defenses? Seems to know more about the world than that two time DUMMOCRETIN in the whitey house!
Nuff said senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
You are stupid beyond comprehension senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Early onset senility is getting stronger each passing day! It’s you libtards who scream Republicans want a war. No, Republicans want a verifiable, credible deal. The mullahs already claim the Koran says you can lie to infidels. So you take Iran’s negotiations at face value like you took North Korea’s with Clinton. Yeah the IAEA really kept North Korea in check didn’t they. China’s proxy! EPIC FAYLE DUMMOCRETINS then and looks like another EPIC FAYLE now!
The deal per the WA Post doesn’t do much against Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Now why would the WA Post write that article especially since they have Glenn Kessler, internal fact checker on their staff? You know the man with the one to four Pinocchios. Every one of your posts should receive the Four Pinocchios ratings.
Of course you didn’t read the WA Post for the second time now.
@41 I’m not claiming anything one way or the other. That’s what trials are for, jackass.
@43 Let’s assume Putin is testing U.S. defenses. After all, I would if I were him, and pretty much anyone else would, too. They must work pretty good under PRESIDENT and COMMANDER IN CHIEF Barack Hussein Obama, because Putin is still stuck in Moscow and his troops aren’t parading down Pennsylvania Avenue.
@44 “No, Republicans want a verifiable, credible deal.”
So does Obama.
@20 So now the local leader of the Bergdahl truth squad is teaching us about rushing to judgment? No senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy allows the facts to speak for themselves! http://www.weeklystandard.com/.....11218.html
Truth… even that won’t flush out the dead brain cells of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Wait… industrial strength janitor in a drum wouldn’t work either on the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Isn’t janitor in a drum another name for rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
So does Obama. – Only in words senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit; not per the WA Post!
@44 “The deal per the WA Post doesn’t do much against Iran’s nuclear ambitions.”
That’s easily solved simply by asking people who know what they’re talking about.
@49 See #50.
Naaaah just under Obummer’s nose Putin took Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
So, who you gonna listen to, WaPo or non-proliferation experts? Puddy, you don’t need to answer that question. It’s only for kindergarten and above.
That’s easily solved simply by asking people who know what they’re talking about.
Yeah the same ones who claimed North Korea would verified by the IAEA and be stopped from their nuclear ambitions senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Now they have what? 100 nukular bombs? http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
Puddy answered the question senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! So much for that childish attitude you display as early onset senility brings your mind back to babyhood!
In the previous thread yours truly asked “the world” a question:
And it answered!
The fiend has BEEN TO DL.. If I’m not mistaken he’s dragged salt mining buddy with him..
The idiot wanted to drag salt mining buddy to DL so Roger Rabbit could do a skin color check on HER!
O M G!!!!
A little secret JACKASS. Darryl at a DL way back showed me your picture on an SDA website.
Yours truly saw an ugly grinnin’ cretin being touted as such a devoted “Sabbath Keeper”..
Darryl remarked that your two significant others have similar first names..
And yes – your Sat night fellow laborer in the salt mines picture was there too.
I DONT GIVE A F*CK about you and yours and your oh so special life that you make so much more “special” with so much time in these comment threads.
Turnabout is fair play. Just give up the union freak. You deserve no less for your stupid attacks on my wife..
And there’s SOOOOO much to discuss after you give it up.. Soooo much MORE to rub your NOSE IN.. It’s your just desserts for being such a “bullshitting asshole”.
Why are you afraid babbling jackass? I know who Dr. Bob is. I’ve NEVER given him a hard time OUTSIDE of these comment threads. I don’t plan to – EVER. I don’t care about the fool.
Of course I’ll give you a hard time about your AFSCME, SEIU, IBEW, IUEC, IFPTE, SPEEA, UFW, IAFF, UFCW, CWA, AFM, AFGE, NALC, ILWU, IAM, PASS, WSNA, OPEIU, IUOE, IUPAT, USW, IATSE, Teamster, sat night salt mining buddy..
INSIDE these comment threads.. You’ve more than earned it with your slimy attacks and stupid behavior over the years.
Did you look up my wife “online” as you said? Yeah right. And you claimed to see a “video” of her. We can discuss all that – IN DETAIL..
Just give up the union fool.
@52 So what? We took Texas and California from Mexico, and bought Alaska from Russia for less than you can buy a Seattle waterfront home for. Which would you rather have?
With the WA Post in Washington don’t you think they would be under pressure to write truthful information about the deal? http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
MotherJones… the HA DUMMOCRETIN bible these days when their libtard WA Post and NY Times and LA Times tells the truth; a real disservice to the HA DUMMOCRETIN cause!
@57 “With the WA Post in Washington don’t you think they would be under pressure to write truthful information about the deal?”
Bwaaahaaahaaa!!!! You think a former George W. Bush speechwriter is gonna write an impartial op-ed? Toooo funneeee!!!! Bwaaahaaahaaa!!!!
Leave it to Puddles to take the word of a Bush flack over those of non-proliferation experts with scientific credentials. That’s about his speed.
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch racist really is! So it still runs away from the seven questions! Hate is strong in this one!
Wow the braying yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is still on its kick… Puddy PWNS this moron. Keep screaming… Puddy loves it!
You are a dayum interminable fool.
You know monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch your hijacking of a specific comment doesn’t fool anyone…
Here is the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit original comment attacking the beautiful Mrs Puddy…
Here is the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch response
Oh year EPIC FAYLE 249! Just one more yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch and you’ll be a quarter of a mille!
BTW Mrs Puddy way darker than Puddy!
So now that we’ve cleared the air on that yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch you posted above… the rest of your feckless attack is insipid and feckless!
INSIDE these comment threads.. You’ve more than earned being the HA arschloch with your monomaniacal incessant slimy attacks and stooooooooopid behavior over the years.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! To make a worthless point the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch has to hijack one comment out of a thread and then run with it. When the whole thread is inspected in its entirety, EPIC FAYLE fool!
249 EPIC FAYLES at the crazed databaze!
And of course you take the word of a John McCain supporter senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Do tell!
Puddy must have been correct about that SEIU video. You went nutzo yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
BTW senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, is Marc correct about North Korea and their nuclear weapons?
Did history prove Clinton WRONG senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
How many nukes does North Korea possess senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Did the IAEA do their job stopping the North Koreans senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
From the Urban Dictionary – the best definition for ylb there is…
Arschloch is the German word for Asshole.
Du bist einen Arschloch! Translation:
You are an Asshole!
Yes HA’s yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
The fiend’s head EXPLODES! Still no union..
Oh well..
Oh and jackass???
You first revealed that salt mining buddy paid dues to a union back in 2005.. YOU REVEALED THAT. You have NO ONE to blame for that but YOURSELF.
Thanks for admitting to both rujax and “the world” that in 2015, ten years later, she still pays those dues.. Oh and we also know where at least 10 percent additional portion of her compensation goes, that is if you two aren’t in some kind of “mixed marriage”.. Don’t worry nobody cares.
LMAO!!! Oh yeah we can talk about that anytime you want tool..
Just give up salt mining buddy’s union.
A little secret oh GREAT PUDDY. Darryl at a DL way back showed me your picture on an SDA website.
Wow Puddy didn’t know he was published! That’s wonderful to be published!
Wow how the tune changes when the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is exposed for the fool he is! So Puddy discussed how Mrs Puddy has to pay union dues to jock strap morons she fully disagrees with!
Your head exploded. Monomaniacal as first identified by a HA DUMMOCRETIN leftist years ago. Puddy already placed that link on HA for all to read. One of your non-admiring leftist “friends” yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
YLB @ 55,
“A little secret JACKASS. Darryl at a DL way back showed me your picture on an SDA website.”
Not really. I was speculating based on a first name (revealed in a comment thread) and a religious identity. It was well before I met Puddy, and it wasn’t the same person.
69 – Awwwww. And to think I’d almost gotten this freak’s goat. Oh well.
Why doesn’t this troll want to reveal his wife’s union? After all his talk about “union thugs”… It’s baffling. Geez after 10 years you’d think she’d have gotten another job if she “disagrees” so much with union leadership. Must be embarrassed about it.
Oh well.
Darryl. Does this troll have you on speed dial?
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmonger puddyfuckwad is obsessed with proving he is under the influence of his own stinking shit.
Figgers you’d discuss barn animals! So Da Perfessa didn’t show HA’s yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch a picture of Puddy. So much for that argument!
So the freakazoid of #69 forgot this nine years ago? Really? http://www.nrtw.org/b/nr_491.php
PuddyCommentary: Why is it so easy for Puddy to remember these things while libtards forget? 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady! The yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is sooooooooooooooo stoooooooooooooooooopid!
Read paragraph six yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Does rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears have anything to add to any thread at any time?
Been waiting for over a year rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears to comment on this murder… It’s in one of his favrit left wrong e-rags… http://thinkprogress.org/justi.....-broadway/
Or maybe this one… almost three months ago… http://hellobeautiful.com/2015.....-brooklyn/
Oh wait it’s black on black crime… Puddy’s bad… Puddy thinks all thuggish killings are bad and some police executions. Puddy waits to pass judgments hence you don’t look like a lying hands up don’t shoot moron!
Very interesting… http://www.nationalreview.com/.....as-foreign Even the freakazoids at ThinkPuke reacted… negatively of course http://thinkprogress.org/elect.....gn-policy/
That’s because Gabbard knew the TP libtards would smear her as they do with anyone who chooses to not jack boot goose step with national DUMMOCRETIN thought! Tulsi is an Iraq War veteran, something missing in the cabal of Obummer whitey house DUMMOCRETINS!
@72 “Figgers you’d discuss barn animals!”
Why wouldn’t we? That’s where new generations of Republicans come from, so it’s germane to everything we discuss here.
@74 We actually don’t keep track of all the gun murders in the U.S. Surely you realize they’re happening every day, and there are too many to keep up with? The weekly (sometimes daily) mass slaughters are sufficient to bring the abysmal failure of the NRA’s philosophy into clear focus, by emphasizing that the ubiquity of guns in American society make us less not more safe. And executing mass killers doesn’t prevent more of them from crawling out of the woodwork, either. Maybe the GOP idea of defunding mental health services isn’t such a hot idea, either? In fact, when you get right down to it, I’d be hard pressed to call out any GOP idea or policy that works in the real world.