— Markos Moulitsas endorses Darcy Burner for Congress at Townhall Event on Sunday.
— Oh, the Humanity! Seattle’s plastic bag ban begins.
— Kangaroo traffic alert in Pasco, WA.
— The General reports on the deadliest weapon in the Left’s War on Women: Condoms.
— Space Shuttle trainer lands in Seattle.
Your headline du jour:
Let’s see this one get blamed on Bush.
Kos accuses Burner of voter fraud:
“She is going to give us more than one vote.”
Not much in the news today except the usual weekend murders.
@1 The stock market thinks that’s worth less than one-half percent of the Dow. What’s more interesting is my coal stock is up 23% in the last four trading days. That suggests either the climate is getting warmer or the economy is getting better.
Serialbob is back!
Where ya been? That thumb must be pretty chafed at this point….
Ahem. I’ve posed this to you before, but have yet to get a response, so I’ll post again, on the assumption that you didn’t see it previously:
@ 4
Take your eyes off the stock market and look at other things. Oil fell 2%. Dollar strengthened. There are positive and negative effects of everything.
Think of what happens to consumer confidence and spending if people begin to believe we’re heading into another recession.
It’s far more than a half-percent on the Dow. It’s how people decide to deploy their discretionary income in the next several months.
Life is more than your portfolio, your daily pronouncements of your stock-picking prowess notwithstanding.
Yet another cheery headline to start the week:
Stung by Recession, Young Voters Shed Image as Obama Brigade
Young voters – Obama’s going to need them, isn’t he?
Ahh, Serial “Make fun of the looks of an African American girl and claim it’s just good politics” Conservative is back.
Let’s see this one (the returning recession) get blamed on Bush.
>>Trying to get out in front and deflect the issue?
More appropriately, It should be blamed on the current obstructionist republicans and tea baggers blocking every initiative put forth by the democrats and corporations unwilling to pay American workers.
@5 They lay him off on Fridays and hire him back on Mondays so they don’t have to pay him for weekends.
@ 5
5. Cut the nation’s hair.
4. Air out the nation’s dogs.
3. Expose the anti-religious bigotry of the left.
2. Make Obama blame the coming recession @1 on GWB43.
1. Raise the awareness of dressage.
@6 I take it your 401(k) isn’t doing well. I feel for ya, man.
401(k)s suck. I prefer Social Security. It’s more dependable.
@10 Ah yes. When the Reagan-Bush Economy sucks distract the masses with dressage.
I’m going back to bed. There’s nothing for me to do here. My Troll Meter detects no intelligent troll life in this thread.
@ 11
Keogh. I’m self-employed. Buying Amgen and Apple in the early 90s, and holding both, were wise moves.
An economic slowdown affects current revenues, not future retirement distributions, RR. Harry Reid says Social Security is not in trouble, so I should believe it, right?
@14 “An economic slowdown affects current revenues, not future retirement distributions, RR.”
Trust me, the current slowdown is going to increase my future retirement distributions. Would you like me to explain how?
These comments sums up my opinion of your link
@10 Yup. Serial “Make fun of the looks of an African American girl and claim it’s just good politics” Conservative’s got nothing. romeny and the republicans got nothing positive for 99% of America.
@ 16
In the four years since President Obama swept into office in large part with the support of a vast army of young people, a new corps of men and women have come of voting age with views shaped largely by the recession. And unlike their counterparts in the millennial generation who showed high levels of enthusiasm for Mr. Obama at this point in 2008, the nation’s first-time voters are less enthusiastic about him, are significantly more likely to identify as conservative and cite a growing lack of faith in government in general, according to interviews, experts and recent polls.
The article wasn’t about the 2008 voters. It’s about the 2012 voters and how they aren’t all caught up in the Hopenchange. They’ll be less likely to turn out. Meanwhile, the voters in the age ranges that support Romney are more likely to turn out.
It’s not just a percent lead. It’s turnout in the age group in which Obama has a lead, and it’s that component that’s threatened.
Expose the anti-religious bigotry of the left.
Nice meme for conservatives. The “religious” are the persecuted ones when called on their bigotry and hypocrisy. Like
So get out in front of it and claim that any just criticism is a persecution and can be dismissed.
I’m not an atheist but this paragraph is worth repeating
@8 “It should be blamed on the current obstructionist republicans and tea baggers blocking every initiative put forth”
And that’s on top of the failure of 30 years of Reaganomics that resulted in the Great Recession. Decades of Republicans and their drunken spending sprees. Decades of senseless Republican wars. Decades of ramping up the hate amd division. Decades of uneducated, science-denying theocratic extremists trying to force their twisted version of Christian values on the nation.
@5 “So, serial, tell us all what Mittens is going to do for the country”
Not just more of the same, but wingnut extremists taking it farther than ever before. Democrats may suck, but at least they try to govern. Wingnut extremists intend to rule.
A date stamp on the open thread next time please. It makes it easier to keep track.
“Expose the anti-religious bigotry of the left.”
Try anti-Christian Dominionist and Reconstructionist wetdreams of a Christian theocracy right here in the good ol’ US of A. Big diff, Bob, in case you don’t know. Even a fascist sap like you might find that their vision for America sucks.
The world’s worst-kept secret is no longer secret:
When Cooper famously said ‘It’s hard to talk when you’re tea-bagging”:
I guess he really knew what he was talking about.
You’ve posted thousands of words here for weeks, weasely, taunting posts, dozens daily usually. Posts that are inevitably about how Democrats are failing, how ‘the One’ is destined for a loss, all doom and gloom focused on the horserace. They drip with smarmy condescension and frat-boy hubris, and suggest more than a little that this is an occupation for you rather than an avocation.
In the face of this, and in hopes of an actual conversation about policy and priorities and values, I asked for a positive vision from your side, a simple request for merely 5 agenda items that a Romney presidency and Republican governance would bring to the benefit of the American people.
This is what I got:
You’re not serious. Or perhaps you are, and, as we here have all suspected, the Republican vision for governance is an oxymoron.
You simply cannot articulate a vision of governance that proceeds from you values – or you could, formally, but it would be so repugnant as to make your side unelectable.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Has it ever?
Blue John @ 22:
“A date stamp on the open thread next time please.”
Yes, Sir!
@ 25
Not a lot of time – I got behind on some things and had to catch up. Snark comes more easily to me than reasoned communication. I would apologize but it strikes me that I owe you nothing.
Why so many of you think I’m paid, or compensated somehow, to do this is beyond me. Is the angst I create not its own reward?
How many times, Lib Sci, have you stated you’re done with me because I’m not serious, only to re-engage a day, or maybe just a few hours, later? Two or maybe three.
Without detractors like me around isn’t HA just a bunch of Rujax types seeing who can shake the Obama pom-pons with the greatest glee?
@24. What a non story. More non news: water is wet and republicans keep working to make rich people richer at the expense of everyone else.
Remember when politicization of the Justice Department was viewed as a bad thing?
“There are 93 US federal attorneys. Since 2006, 100% of their political donations have gone to Democrats.”
Yep, “Serial” is finally back. I guess it took a couple of days to either get his medications adjusted to the appropriate level of paranoia and to receive the next set of Republican talking points.
By the middle of last week, Republicans of all stripes were proclaiming that the ACA decision was going to be the biggest thing to happen during the Obama presidency. Now, except for a handful who are trying to spin some obvious nonsense, are just ignoring it. To them, it’s another etch-a-sketch moment.
My my my….
Romney active in Bain’s investment in Stericycle, the company that disposes of aborted fetuses and a frequent target of the frothing religious ‘right’.
Of course, it’s the cover up that’s blowing up in Romney’s face. This began to come to light back when he needed to run to the right of statesmen like Santorum and Perry, and at the time he (of course) denied involvement. Document now show that Romney was lying (of course) and his signature is even on one of them.
So, to recap, Romney made boatloads of money in a company that is central to the ‘abortion industry holocaust’. This will of course split Republicans between their money and their fetus fetish.
If serialbob were critiquing this, I’m sure he’d pose the cliffhinger question…aren’t there a lot of blue collar Catholics in Ohio and Pennsylvania who will be appalled at both Bain and Romney’s money-making off abortion????
Just a minor definition of terms here …
The ACA (“Obamacare”) is now the law of the land.
Repealing it is reverting to the previous state of affairs.
This is no longer a conservative position
(as “conservative” is roughly defined as “lets keep things the way they are”),
but it is a reactionary position (“reactionary” roughly equivalent to “lets go back to the way they used to be”)
So Cereal, you are on fact a reactionary … maybe you should change the name you post under … AGAIN.
God you’re insufferable.
Obviously anyone, including US Attorneys, can have political views and make contributions.
What is wrong, and what the Bush (there he is again!) DOJ did was put in place partisan attorneys who in the context of their offices and professional activities brought criminal cases that were oriented toward injuring/silencing/removing political opponents of Bush-Rove.
You cannot be so stupid as to not understand this, but it’s in your interest to play a moron on this blog.
@ 32
Lib Sci, if you could prove that Stericycle incinerated Romney’s dog, you’d have something.
Romney, vulture capitalist abortion industry investor.
Wonder how that will play in the focus groups this week?
@ 34
Is it right for Obama to choose a long-time Obama donor to conduct an investigation of the Obama White House?
No, no, no – you don’t understand.
Romney made boatloads of money incinerating aborted fetuses.
He made Planned Parenthood’s activities possible.
How does he continue to masquerade as a ‘severely conservative’ with this coming out?
Is this the final straw with the religious right?
I had another encounter with a signature gatherer in front of the Safeway store on Sunday afternoon. The gal was in a wheelchair, and was pushing only one petition – to force the state to set up charter schools.
I told her, rather respectfully, that my mother had been a school teacher and I wasn’t about to support any initiative that would weaken public schools by diverting resources to charger schools. She became argumentative, saying that teacher’s salaries kept going up every year (apparantly she hasn’t kept up on the budget news on a regular basis), and that the quality of education was going down (I wouldn’t have argued otherwise).
I did point out that studies have shown that most charter schools do no better, or worse, than regular public schools. I pointed out that the charter schools push keeps coming up every year, despite being defeated in the polls previously, because those that make money setting up and running charter schools want to take a big piece of the education funding, in part by reducing teacher’s salaries and keeping that money for themselves.
She was visably upset at this point, and argued in a loud voice that if I felt that way, I should sign the petition so that I could then vote against it. I just sighed, and said that hardly made any sense – having the petition on the ballot, even after it had been rejected soundly by voters, the legislature, and education experts in the past, simply gave the uninformed a chance to cancel out my vote. At that point she gave me a disgusted look and accused me of being selfish, I should “think of my grandchildren” instead. At that point I just turned my back to her and walked into the store.
Upon entering the store, I saw a clerk standing there. She just shook her head. She told me that she had been assigned just to stand there and make sure the petition-gatherer didn’t come into the store. She had been evicted from the store because she was going inside to get a small amount of coffee in her cup, to which she was adding (in the store) large amounts of alchohol from a flask.
@ 36
I wrote a check to Stericycle last week. Does that mean I support abortion?
BTW had not heard previously of any objection to Stericycle by abortion opponents. Means nothing to me, but interesting item. Thanks for posting.
Notice how bob plays the game – throwing handfulls of mud at a wall to see what sticks.
He will NOT respond in any meaningful way to any topic that doesn’t provide him a tactical advantage.
He has said before that “I make you think, you make me think” as a way to camouflage his essential bomb-throwing nature – which is of course bullshit.
So bob, how does Romney get out of this abortion-for-profit pickle?
The Campaign to Stop Stericycle
Easy enough to find.
Romney profits from abortion. Will that be seen as a positive among the money-worshiping Republicans, or a mortal sin, a line that should never be crossed?
So bob, how does Romney get out of this abortion-for-profit pickle?
I don’t think it becomes an issue.
Of three things that immediately come to mind that are posted at HA, repeatedly, about Romney:
1. Dog on rooftop.
2. Unwanted haircut of a kid who was ‘different’.
3. Trooper prank.
The only one I have seen covered by MSM is #2. The others get the left all lathered up but no one else gives a shit.
Show me that the Stericycle thing goes beyond HuffPo and dKos to serious discussion on MSM wavelengths and I’ll answer the question.
Bet it dies.
Looks like Stericycle, like a good, Romney-owned business, can’t even get rid of the poor aborted babies in an environmentally safe, regulation-complying way.
Romney-owned Stericycle, caught in the act of collecting murdered babies at abortion mill.
@ 42
You can be # 961
Fewer than a thousand “Likes” in a country of 300+ million people.
I reiterate @ 43.
MmHmm. Sorta like Scott Brown refusing to debate anywhere but on wingnut radio. What is with you people? Afraid.
Colorado Coalition for Life doesn’t like Stericycle, either.
In Utah they ask
Picketing Romney-owned Stericycle.
According to New York magazine
The Atlantic has it, too.
How do you guys suppose ‘bob’ will define ‘the MSM’ in order not to talk about this? Could this story put another nail in Mitt’s coffin?
Here’s wing-nut mother ship WND (World Net Daily) decrying the awful terrible shameful murderous abortion industry profiteers, like Romney-owned Stericycle.
Serialbob, does WND count as ‘the MSM’?
Bob? Bob?? BOB?!
Thumb-sucking again.
@ 49, 50
Noted. Yup, that’s MSM. We’ll see if it gains traction.
What’s the end game? Is it to get Romney supporters who are pro-life to vote Obama?
Or to get them to stay home instead?
And how likely are either of the two?
I’m outta here – gotta go sweat some copper.
@ 51
WND makes my skin crawl.
@ 51
Your link goes to the Atlantic piece, not to WND.
Let’s go back to this. We know you post real content when it suits you.
@ 57
OK. I will. But not now.
Obama now arm-twisting the Annenberg Public Policy Center.
Hey, it might have worked on Chief Justice Roberts.
Every election there’s a story about a group who fell in love with the guy in office falling out of love with the guy in office. It rarely makes or breaks elections. This could be bad for Obama, but chances are it wont be.
@ 61
He’s going to lose an awful lot of white support. (No, that isn’t a racist statement, it’s an observation.) He’ll lose some Jewish support, 10% or more of that 2% US population. His Hispanic support is down, around 5% last time I checked.
I can’t see his Hispanic and African-American support any higher in 2012 than it was in 2008.
He has to retain the youth vote. And the 2008 first-time voters, so full of Hopenchange, are living at home with mom and dad because they can’t find jobs. The 2012 first-time voters aren’t caught up in the Hopenchange and only see the obstacles ahead of them. There won’t be any rock-star venues this time around to attract them. No Obama Girl.
If Biden’s replaced by Hillary, game-changer. Otherwise, what is there to get people excited?
After what happened last week I wouldn’t rule anything out. But I’ve got to think Obama is desperate for a change on the ticket.
O’ wait you mean Obama’s support has slipped 5%. I was about to totally slag you for thinking that Obama had only 5% of the vote. Good thing I re-read that.
Even if his support slipped a bit, his still comfortably in the lead. And his support is bound to go up and down.
Most of the election “news” that’s coming out right now is more about us having a 24/7 news cycle than there being something news worthy to report. If Romney’s post convention bounce stays high instead of bouncing Obama will have something to worry about. Obama also does have some cash flow worries, but for now it’s not that big of a deal.
Remember that 13 year old who spoke at CPAC in 2009?
Unlike the majority of the pubescent conservatives, he’s growing up
The Brainwashing Wore Off
It wont be, but Obama won last time around by 365 to 173. He’s got some wiggle room there.
@ 64
I remember the 12 year old who spoke at DNC in 2004. She told Dick Cheney he needed a time out. Other notable DNC headliners – Al Sharpton and Teresa Heinz-Kerry.
Meanwhile, RNC used Zell Miller.
I’m pretty sure Kerry never regained traction from that debacle.
@ 65
No, he won IN by a whisker and NC by even less. He had several other states that were close.
365 is a dream. The winner likely will be somewhere between 271 and 285.
If one accepts that a certain segment of his white support will be lost because of his immigration stance, and if one accepts that it’s hard to increase Hispanic turnout above what he got in 2008, and looking at the battleground states like WI, MI, OH, PA, VA, MN where his white support may take a significant hit…..
Is your ‘wiggle room’ perspective justified? This ain’t 2008.
No, 365 is what he won by last time around. Your comment was:
My comment was that it will probably be lower this time around (see, I’m agreeing with you here), but that Obama can still win if it’s a little lower.
Yes, because it’s a comparison to ’08. It’s saying that it wont be a blowout like last time, but that he has room to slip and still win.
Now you’re just being thick.
65 to 25 = a win for Obama.
@ 70
2008 – Hispanics go 67% for Obama.
If they go 65% this year, what happens to FL?
In Florida, Hispanics joined many other groups in shifting away from the Republicans toward Mr. Obama, contributing to his 2.4-point victory there.
For a better idea of relative contribution of the Hispanic vote, go here:
and size the bars according to share of the electorate. It’s pretty instructive.
And no, I’m not being thick. Look at the relative magnitude of the bars in white and Hispanic votes after you resize them. It’s a very salient point, I believe.
Seems Cereal is trying to make the case that Obama has problems with his base (which perhaps he does) while ignoring the problems that RMoney has with his.
Some of Obama’s base may not be as enthusiastic as 2008 … but are the fundies & evangelicals really going to come out for RMoney the way they did for, say, G W Bush (last Republican winner) … ?
So Cereal – right now are you predicting a RMoney win?
Or is this just the political version of pre-game trash talk …
Paul Krugman is right again!
btw Paulson is a huge “jockstrap” of Mitt (R-Money) through a big roller super pac.
@ 72
Predictions are easy. Putting money on them adds some credibility.
I think that Obama had little additional to gain by his recent immigration move and did it to shore up what he had. Really, how many more Hispanic votes would he have gained from what he got in 2008? He’s trying not to lose what he had then. He’s certainly losing non-college white male support.
The GOP has anti-Obama fervor to compensate for any misgivings about Romney. The events of the past few days will only increase that.
The evangelicals and related types will turn out to defeat Obama, using Romney as the vehicle.
You misperceive if you think that candidate likability has anything to do with it. There was a huge anti-Bush hatred in 2004, that wasn’t quite enough – Dems really didn’t like Kerry but he was the vehicle to depose Bush. There is an even greater anti-Obama hatred on the right this year.
I don’t know if it will be enough. I do know it will be close.
@ 73
You must mean he was right about your fitness to hold a job, YLB:
The heart of the matter, for Krugman, is unemployment. As long as it remains at such elevated levels, he says, more and more people remain out of work for so long they become unfit to hold jobs.
You’re too stupid to work for anyone I know.
Poor Bob. He’s voting for a greedhead schmuck who made money the old fashioned way – any which way he could.
See Stericycle…
Then became Gov of MA any which way he could.. By slumming with pro-choicers:
Some percentage will not vote for a Mormon no matter what. Too bad for a halfway decent guy with some smarts and talent like Jon Huntsman.
Some percentage won’t vote for a pro-choicer no matter what.. Add that to the lose column.
Some won’t vote for a pandering, hypocrite sleazebag no matter what.. Count me in on that!
@64. I was a republican when I was a kid. I voted for uncle Ronnie twice.
Then I came out of the closet and my politics changed. It was hard to belong to party that actively did not want me to exist.
It’s amazing how much has changed.
The republicans of my youth were against communists like Russia and China. Now the republicans support China and are against Denmark and Sweden.
The republicans of my youth were fiscal conservatives. Now the republicans are only fiscal conservatives when democrats are in power.
The republicans of my youth were honorable. Now the republicans are not.
The republicans of my youth were for an equable society even if it was stratified along racial lines. Now the republicans only support the 1%.
75 – Wow Bob. Everyone else around here must have gotten your goat..
Sure sucks to shill for a sleaze like Mitt..
Faulty product..
@ 76
Some percentage will not vote for a Mormon no matter what. Too bad for a halfway decent guy with some smarts and talent like Jon Huntsman.
Some percentage will not vote for a Hispanic candidate no matter what. How did Bill Richardson do in 2008? I guess being a congressman, governor, Ambassador to the UN, and Secretary of two separate Cabinet agencies just wasn’t enough when Dems had Hopenchange to hitch their wagon to. Not enough smarts and talent to overcome……..what the fuck was your problem with him, anyway?
He pretty much is the most qualified guy in the modern age never to become president.
GWB was hated by the left for his policies.
Personally he was far more likable than Kerry,
much as Obama is far more likable than RMoney.
I’d put $1000 on Obama right now: even money, no odds.
If you say I should give you odds,
you are admitting that RMoney is more likely to lose,
aren’t you?
If you want the bet I’ll arrange to contact you privately…
@ 77
I voted for Jimmy Carter in the first election in which I could.
Yeah, we grow up eventually.
LMAO! No problem whatsoever Bob. You forget we had an embarrassment of riches on the Democratic side.. The guy with the best organization prevailed.
What did you have? The bass jammin’, Chuck Norris hob-knobber? Grandpa Lazy Bones Fred? Who else?? Noun-Verb-9/11??? Even had Alan Keyes at one point..
Who was left standing at the end of that debacle?
the LOSER!
“that’s.. not… change.. we.. can believe in..”
@ 80
I think you have posted threads before so you must have some way to access my email address. It’s my tertiary email so it’s checked about 3-4 times a week.
Virgin and The Conservative
A crowded Virgin flight was cancelled after Virgin’s 767s had been withdrawn from service. A single attendant was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly an angry passenger with a large Romney 2012 button on his Brook’s Brothers suit pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said,”I HAVE to be on this flight and it HAS to be FIRST CLASS”.
The attendant replied,”I’m sorry, sir. I’ll be happy to try to help you, but I’ve got to help these people first, and I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out for you”
The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear,”DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?”
Without hesitating, the attendant smiled and grabbed her public address microphone: “May I have your attention please, may I have your attention please,” she began. Her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal.
“We have a passenger here at Desk 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to Desk 14.”
With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the Virgin attendant, gritted his teeth and said,”F. You!”
Without flinching, she smiled and said,
“I’m sorry, sir, but you’ll have to get in line for that too.”
re 24: I guess he really knew what he was talking about.
And so, apparently, did you.
@ 82
“You forget we had an embarrassment of riches on the Democratic side.”
Embarrassment, I’ll agree, was a good choice of words:
We’ll lead off with John Edwards.
Hitting second is Chris Dodd.
In the third spot in the lineup is the guy who said he was drafted by the A’s, now a subject of his second investigation. He was on the ever-expanding list of people Obama wanted for Commerce Secretary. I think we’re about to have number 5, BTW, but I digress. I did read he makes women uncomfortable.
Cleaning up is the plagiarist and the guy who wanted to split Iraq into three pieces, three-letter-word speller and four-letter word utterer, and mimic of various and sundry foreign accents without anyone on HA accusing him of racism, Mr. Vice President.
Embarrassment, yeah. At minimum.
re 80: He’ll insist on collecting if he wins, but he’ll flake if he doesn’t. It’d be like an Indian casino giving money to Jack Abramoff.
re 86 — Don’t forget about that horribly embarrasing time that a retired Democrat (we really don’t give a farthing, so say it all you want) senator who was an expert on healthcare was discovered to have taken a car ride with someone and did not report it as income.
You guys are the National Enquirer of political inquiry — because you are bereft of ideas and your base is stupid.
Rael @ # 72: “Pre-game trash talk”.
That sums up Serials comments here pretty well. Notice that he STILL hasn’t made a significant comment on ACA being upheld. Mind if I use that phrase in the future?
“Serial @ # 76: “….The evangelicals and related types will turn out to defeat Obama, using Romney as the vehicle….
That’s not what I’m hearing in Evangelical churches. Sure, there’s quite a few that want to get rid of Obama, in large part because of false stories about him being a secret Muslim and claims that he was “apologizing” for Christianity. But then there’s Romney’s mormanism, which is a BIG problem for them. They really don’t know WHAT to do – I suspect quite a few of them are going to sit on the sidelines this time around – quite a few who even voted for McCain in 2008 have said that is what they intend to do.
Notice that he STILL hasn’t made a significant comment on ACA being upheld.
I’m still not sure what to think. Are you?
# 86: Your list pales in comparison with the last eight years of Republican rule under the Bush administration (and even further than that). There’s just too many examples to really list here – just start with Tom DeLay and Newt Gingrich, and go forward from there.
Hmm… Obama wins!
That’s exactly what he’s doing. Rmoney has far more issues than Obama does.
Obama could lose in November, but so far I’m not seeing that.
@3 – the heterosexuals were at it again. Nice.
# 90: Yep, I have some thoughts.
But instead of posting my opinions and have you taking pot-shots at them, why don’t you post your own analysis? We can see your critical thinking skills at work.
It was just a week or so ago you were arguing that a news media reporter’s opinion of a U.S. Supreme Court case was more credible than the opinion of our own RR, a lawyer and a retired admininstrative judge. So I’d be interested in your own discussion of this case.
The culture war is over and the right lost. The evangelicals are no longer a solid voting block.
It would be damn near impossible for Obama to get more of the hispanic vote than he did in ’08. 67-31 is a fucking blowout.
@95 And he still cannot list 5 credible positive things Mitt is going to do for us to make the US a better place for all its citizens.
@ 95
Wednesday night I had a death in my family. I elected not to spend the weekend as I have my past few weekends.
I’m under no obligation to answer each and every question lobbed at me. This morning it’s like 5-on-1. I hold up pretty well but I actually have a job as well.
Back the fuck off.
Btw, in a huge shocker to absolutely no one Anderson Cooper has come out as gay.
@53 – What’s the end game? Is it to get Romney supporters who are pro-life to vote Obama?
No, but it makes them out to be stupid little puppets.
@ 101
And how would that be different from the anti-war crowd voting for Obama despite his expansion of the Afghan war, decision not to close Gitmo, decision for military tribunals for KSM and others like him, expansion of the drone strikes, intentional killing of a US citizen abroad, military action in Libya without consulting Congress……?
Maybe I left out a few. I don’t know.
What I do know is that people like Medea Benjamin can call Obama a war criminal. But they won’t vote for Romney. In all likelihood they’ll hold their nose a little and vote for Obama again.
Are they stupid little puppets, too?
’cause in a lot of ways, most ways, I don’t think they are.
I think they vote for the candidate whom they believe has stated beliefs and policies that best match their own.
I do have to wonder if Obama has misled people enough regarding the above that he could be called dishonest for doing so. I mostly think he just grew up and realized that governing is different than campaigning. But since I’m not voting for him it’s not my moral dilemma.
@102 – you are a smarter man than I but I do believe he ran on doing more in Afganistan, and he did want to close Gitmo, but had some hold up by the other party. And you forgot one other thing going after OBL and finally getting the fucker. Enough said. You did leave out a few.
There are a few technical problems with it, that will have to get worked out as we go along. But, the insurance companies have signed off on most of it and will be adopting a large piece of it regardless of what congress does.
The ACA mirrors RomneyCare, which has worked well in MA, (kudos to Romney for that!) and also mirrors the healthcare plan that The Heritage Foundation put out in the early 90’s. Polling has shown that when you remove the labels ACA or ObamaCare and ask Republicans about individual parts of the plan they support it. As such, most of the opposition is contrived and will die out.
A handful of governors have said that they wont implement the ACA in their states, these same states and governors have a history of talking big and then sucking up all the federal $$$ they can get their hands on. Look for those governors to claim that they’ve been “forced” into going along with the plan. Never mind that as part of the recent Supreme Court ruling they ruled (correctly, I think) that states can be compelled, but they can’t be coerced to do something by the federal government.
Bottom line: by 2016 all states will be full partners in the ACA and no one will remember what all the fuss was about.
Sorry for your loss.
You are verbally dismissive to out right abusive when you choose to be.
You have said today:
“Life is more than your portfolio, your daily pronouncements of your stock-picking prowess notwithstanding.”
“2. Unwanted haircut of a kid who was ‘different’.”
“3. Trooper prank.”
“Embarrassment, yeah. At minimum.”
“Yeah, we grow up eventually.”
“You’re too stupid to work for anyone I know.”
But ask you for what YOU think are 5 good things that romney will do for all americans or call you on your analysis and you snap with
“Back the fuck off.”
@ 105
I told you I’d reply. Rather than an offhand reply of the 5 things off the top of my head, which will be picked at incessantly as if they were the only 5 I could come up with, since it means so much to you I’d like the time to come up with a reasoned response.
Then after I reply, Lib Sci can call me an anti-union shill, Rujax can throw in something totally out of context and unrelated to anything being bantered about, and Michael can make the one sage comment in the thread.
Fair enough?
Manufacturing doesn’t have the money to support training of the worker but they do have money to support training of the management.
Go figure.
@103 Hmmm…It may well be that the GOP would have taken steps to enjoin Obama from taking out bin Laden, except the GOP might well have forgotten about him entirely.
“I think they vote for the candidate whom they believe has stated beliefs and policies that best match their own.” Mitt Romney has stated beliefs? What hasn’t the flip flopper stated?
I do have to wonder if Obama has misled people enough regarding the above that he could be called dishonest for doing so. I mostly think he just grew up and realized that governing is different than campaigning. But since I’m not voting for him it’s not my moral dilemma. Mitt Romney is the biggest weasel of all.
@ 107
Funny. The two people with jobs to offer say they don’t have qualified employees.
The poindexter at the Wharton School with the MBA, PhD or whatever qualification to sit at the ivory tower says that’s not true.
I wonder which one has a better grip on reality.
@ 109
Can’t Romney evolve like Obama did, say, on gay marriage? Or like he did on military tribunals and Gitmo?
I’m wondering how Romney achieves the same deference given to Obama when a policy shift occurs.
My prediction on Romney’s top five campaign themes:
5. “I’m not black (like Obama).”
4. “I have lots of money, so I must be smart and lucky. If you vote for me, you might be smart and lucky as well…”
3. “I may not be an evangelical Christian, but I play one on T.V.”
2. “On day one, I will repeal ObamaCare, because Obama gets the credit. Instead, I will replace it with RomneyCare, which is exactly the same as ObamaCare, so I can get the credit”.
1. “Did I mention that Obama is black????”
@111 – Obama ended DADT as he said he would, so it took him longer to come out on gay marriage, you knew eventually he would. You think Mitt Romney would ever step out on a limb? Not before checking with Donald Trump or some other teabagging moron.
Mitt Mopper
@ 113
Funny you should mention that. I recall Obama meeting with the LGBT (acronym in the right order?) crowd earlier this year after his Wall Street overtures for funding fizzled, and they said no dice unless he did the gay marriage dance.
Is that the checking in you were referring to?
@115 – I don’t know if that had any influence, but at least a group of people influenced him and not one individual. Mitt Romney flops like a fish out of water. Obama ended DADT and unlike the patriotic Republicans they seem to have a problem with equal rights for all. They only believe in the American flag for a few, try to preach the Constitution, and the only part they know of the pledge of allegiance is “one nation under God”, they forget about the “with liberty and justice for all.” They’ve hijacked Catholisisim, they are terrible Christians, they are more like Nazis.
The comments did a good job of summing up many of the questions raised by this piece.
Pay – Companies are too cheap
Risk – Why train when they will just leave (for more pay somewhere else)
Emphasis on money, not technical quality
Training culture
I think they are both right. There are not qualified employees for the jobs. However, the companies do not want to put in the time and money to train employees to be qualified, they only want to poach other’s people’s employees after someone else has trained them.
What would be the progressive way to solve this?
What would be the conservative way to solve this?
@ 116
And Godwin smiles.
You’ve lost.
Go learn how to argue without calling someone a Nazi, little one.
We have a huge skills gap in America.
One of the things that the Obama Admin deserves huge kudos for, and you never hear about, is how they’ve been working with employers and community colleges to design programs to train people for those jobs. Mostly good paying jobs & the employers are picking up most of the tab for the programs.
Gee, that commie Obama working with businesses. Who’d a thunk it.
We also have a geography gap in America. Because of the housing market collapse people that have needed skills, but no job can’t move to where their skills are needed. Near as I can tell no one in either party is doing much about this.
There’s a second geography gap in that people want to live in cities with good services and walkable neighborhoods and we had a huge growth in the amount of people living by them selves. Single people that want to live in apartments and smaller homes.
Yet, most of our recent housing growth has been in large suburban tract homes far away from services and cut off from community. Many of the places that have jobs going begging are in these areas where there aren’t the kinds of communities that people want to move to. Again, no one in either party or in any sort of leadership position in America is doing much about this one.
Outta here. Nice chattin’ with everyone except the guy who has to use Nazi to get his point across.
Some words that Frank Luntz might instruct Mitt as appealling to his base would be:
unconstitutional — ad nauseum…
@120 – how childish, good bye little one.
LMFAO…ya, you are certainly one to talk…
shorter Gleeman: Im self-loathing again…please pay not attention.
The Amazing Atheist does it again.
re 118 & 123 — “Go learn how to argue without calling someone a Nazi, little one.”
Maybe he took his cue from Jonah Goldberg. LMFAO — twice–
Now that Roberts (and Romney) have asserted that “corporations are people, too, my friend” and that they can’t be restricted in election spending, the only remaining step is for the court to decide that corporations have a vote, as well.
Which would work out rather well for the Republicans. It seems that Deleware has more corporations than people.
Deleware has more Corporations than People
re 123: You are a hypocritical blockhead — just like the Nazis.
@24 Who gives a shit who (or what) a TV anchor is fucking? Especially if you don’t watch that network. Are you a pervert who peeps through TV personalities’ bedroom windows?
@120 Gee whiz…was that SC’s sudden exit really because he was offended by somebody’s rhetoric, or because he decided to chicken out on trying to respond to the questions raised in @117?
@26 I occasionally get a phantom signal but I’ve never made actual contact.
Last week you claimed you were up against 50:1 around here, which is of course laughable.
Point is, however, that the question I posed, and the one rhp posed above – these have clearly drawn your ire – and you gave rhp, one of the most polite, understated commenters here, the big F-you.
Clearly a challenge to produce something of substance, rather than trash talk, pisses you off. Why is that? Is it the painful confrontation with the fact that the right has no vision for government, only for neofeudalism?
Got Proof?
Only $3 Billion???
Drugmaker GSK agreed today to pay $3 billion for committing “health care fraud” by marketing its drugs for unapproved uses. Among its offenses:
“Paxil, which treats depressive and anxiety disorders in adults, was marketed to children and adolescents …”
“Wellbutrin, an antidepressant, was marketed as a weight-loss aid.”
“A third count involves a failure to report safety data about … a diabetes drug to the Food and Drug Administration between 2001 and 2007.”
Note the dates in that third item — 2001-2007, a continuous period of seven years — where the hell was oversight and enforcement when Busheviks ran the FDA? Answer: There wasn’t any; Bush let the drug lords of the pill industry do whatever they wanted, and they literally got away with murder. Then there’s this:
“Shares of GlaxoSmithKline stock rose 1.3% in Monday trading.”
Sure looks like the fine wasn’t big enough.
@133 Proof:
@117 There has never been enough “qualified employees” for jobs. That’s why companies, in the old days, had training programs.
At the outbreak of World War 2, we didn’t have workers trained in making tanks, guns, shells, bullets, rifles, fighters, bombers, Liberty ships, submarines, landing craft, C-rations, etc. The problem was exacerbated by the fact 12 million men left the factories and farms to serve in the armed forces. So who “manned” the assembly lines? These workers did:
And where did the employers get these skilled workers? They trained them. And guess what, we won the war by utilizing the skills of these employer-trained workers.
I made only $856 in the stock market today. Normally I wouldn’t post such a piddly amount; I’m just doing it to piss off the trolls, because I know they can’t stand the idea of a Democrat siphoning spoils of the capitalist system. I slept in until noon today — that sure beats fighting commuter traffic and working your knuckles raw for the wages Republicans want to pay!
After I make lots of money in the stock market I too will be a policy sage worthy of leading this great nation of ours. If I make enough even Republicans will vote for me! I’ll bet if I had as much money as the Koch brothers, wannabe Republican voters wouldn’t care what my positions are — if I’m rich, I must be okay! Well, I’m working on it, so I can become the first Republican president left of Jim McDermott.
I have some concerns about my last post. It might be too subtle for them to figure out. I don’t really want to be president, so I hope the GOPers won’t draft me. Maybe I shouldn’t post info about
my better days in the stock market, so an accident won’t happen.
you must be Goebbels Rabbit’s little bitch sidekick…
run along now….
Apparently we have a few individuals here who start to feel self guilt when the word Nazi is used. For the record I didn’t call anyone but the people I was referring to in my post as a Nazi. SC must have been feeling a little guilt to run off like that, but I was threw with him, I had to leave work myself at the time
Another union thug in action!
Here’s the DEBATE truth… Direct from the leftist SLATE:
See, the truth will set you free.
Yeah, would you want PMSNBC fools commenting? HELLO?
Yet HA leftists will SPIN SPIN SPIN!
GSK – Glaxo Smith Kline top 2011-2012 $$$
Top Recipients, 2011-2012
Candidate Amount
Obama, Barack (D) $13,075
Carper, Tom (D-DE) $7,500
Hoyer, Steny H (D-MD) $7,500
Casey, Bob (D-PA) $7,000
Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY) $6,000
Nuff SAID!
Another Kennedy acting like a Kennedy…
Maybe Scott Brown wanted nothing to do with that family! Good for him!
@145 You think 13K buys a president? It costs that much just to have your photo taken with him.
@146 WTF does that have to do with participating in a debate on a public university campus which is moderated by a professional journalist?
What other demands does he have? That no member of the Kennedy family be in the audience? That every member of the Kennedy family agrees not to vote in the election? And if his demands aren’t met, will he stamp his feet and hold his breath until he turns blue?
Just a good old boy
Never meaning no harm…
Stories like this remind me that I really do have a soft spot in my heart for red-necks. I even have an uncle that lives in a junkyard in Eastern WA. I could totally see him doing this.
@149 We had this problem in Vietnam, too.
Click here for video of redneck fireworks show.
Warning: Do not have any food or liquid in your mouth while viewing.
Did Roger even read @143?
Nope DUMB Wabbit a dope!
Seems facts always explode your mind!
re 153: “Seems facts always explode your mind!”
They certainly don’t in yours. They don’t even exist in your mind.
You’re broadcasting that likes it’s news. You need to keep up.
Wittle Scotty won’t appear unless verwy verwy mean Vicki Kennedy doesn’t pick favorites. And wittle Scotty will only appear on debates sponsored by right-wing Boston Herald or on right-wing talk shows of personal friends – invalidating any ‘priciple’ that he may have briefly, accidentally come across.
You’re an idiot fullsize.
@152 No. Why waste my time?
@153 You wouldn’t know what a fact is even if one grabbed your crotch and goosed you.
@155 “idiot fullsize”
This is not correct. I’ve met puddy in person and I can attest that he is a skinny, scrawny idiot. He looks like a fencepost. Now you know why debating him is like talking to a fencepost. He probably is a fencepost.
Debtor’s prisons are unconstitutional, but we have them anyway. They’re what happens to the poor when cash-strapped towns contract out municipal court collections to private companies.
How stupid can you be? This is old news that we all know about. You’re making yourself look like a bigger fool than usual.
Try shutting your yap and reading/listening for awhile.
Scotty Brown is perfectly happy to debate on his turf – on a radio show of one of his personal friends, a notorious right-wing talking head, or at a debate sponsored by the right-wing Boston Herald.
However, when invited to a debate sponsored by the Kennedy Institute, a non-partisan entity dedicated to the study and understanding of the Senate and of representative democracy, co-sponsored by mainstream MSNBC, wittle Scotty got all colicky and demanded that Vicki Kennedy agree that she would not endorse anyone for the entirety of the race, and moreover, that MSNBC bow out.
The Kennedy Institute told wittle Scotty to pound sand.
And wittle Scotty appeared on his friend’s radio show without Elizabeth Warren (cue flourishes and applause), who would not dignify the proceedings.
Wittle Scotty all afraid and stuff. Verwy verwy Senatorial.
“fullsize” refers to his pathetic bragging the other day, when he was regaling us with stories of his business trips, wherein he stays at the JW Marriott and is allowed to rent full size rental cars by his employer.
I was trembling with awe.
Then I realized that ‘fullsize’ was an excellent nickname for the pathetic twit.
July 4 may produce some physics fireworks — no, not the Perpetual Motion Machine, that’s already been discovered, I’m referring to something even bigger than puddy’s mouth. Watch for a news conference on Wednesday by the folks who run the Large Hadron Collider.
A group of clergymen has filed a formal complaint with the IRS challenging ALEC’s tax-exempt charitable status.
@160 Even his bragging has the underfed look of a mangy dog scavenging in a garbage heap. “Scrawny” does a better job than “fullsize” of describing him — both physically and intellectually.
Lib da schmuck’s original entry
So I put forth the truth about Scott Brown and the debate so Lib da schmuck changes his tune
Notice the pattern? He throws up BULLSHITTIUM hoping it passes the HA masses. When caught, he changes his commentary paraphrasing “that’s old news”. More BULLSHITTIUM. It’s not old news. It’s the truth news.
Sadly his comments are becoming more shrill. BTW Lib da schmuck, Mrs Puddy likes full size.
See ya!
There he goes again spinning a web of deceit and untruths. It was this moron who claimed in the Friday Night Funnies thread
His life sucks so much he makes BULLSHITTIUM up. When shown the folly of his latest lunatic entry with facts, he tries to say “awww shucks look at Puddy”. Yep. I fly free on vacation. I stay at great hotels free on vacation. His life really sucks so he attacks others to allow himself to feel good. Steve calls that Psych 101! You live that 101 dream on HA every day!
Too bad your life sucks Lib da schmuck. You chose to be a test tube cleaner, now you are living your dream.
See ya schmuck!
Scrawny Roger DUMB Bunny? Mangy dog scavenging? Oh my you are so funny! Another Psych 101 thing! Ummm Roger, you at 5’8″ MAX calling me scrawny and mangy?
Of course no HA leftist will comment on Robert Kennedy Jr acting as a Kennedy!
Scum, just like much of HA leftists!
Roger, Roger, DUMB WAbbit Roger. Like leftists who complain about Fox, conservatives know NBC is the primary channel of Obummer and PMSNBC does his dirty bidding. That’s why you mostly use PMSNBC web sites!
Looks like democraps are accusing democraps of cheatin’. does it surprise anyone that charlie rangel is a lyin’ cheatin mofo? look at his tax cheatin. now voter cheatin. what a piece of shit yer guy is.
Lawyers for New York Rep. Charlie Rangel’s Democratic opponent are planning to re-file their court petition citing myriad problems with last week’s primary, after temporarily withdrawing the petition Monday in order to gather more evidence.
Rangel challenger, Democratic New York State Sen. Adrian Espaillat, is suggesting the tight race – in which Rangel declared victory – was marred by voter fraud.
“Voters have been pushed away, and as a result many feel that they were suppressed from voting,” Espaillat declared. “The legitimacy of this election is at place right now … there was a level of voter suppression. We are here to protect a process that must be reliable.”
Rangel, the veteran Harlem Congressman who was first elected in 1970, declared victory in the Democratic primary for his 22nd term last week, despite redistricting and the shadow of his censure by the House in a tax and ethics scandal two years ago.
But Espaillat’s supporters charge that votes were intentionally suppressed, not counted, and even tampered with. They are demanding that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder step in and launch a federal investigation of the election.
“There was a concerted effort to really steal the election from the community,” claimed voter and Espaillat supporter Marilu Garvin. “In the Bronx, they were told that ‘this is a Republican election, not a Democratic election,’” he said about the Democratic primary.
“They were asking for ID’s,” said voter Espana Arristy. “That’s not requested in order to vote.”
Espaillat’s supporters also told Fox News that some voters who speak Spanish were not allowed to vote on the machines but told they had to fill out affidavit paper ballots. Others were told that their names did not appear on the voting lists, and that poll workers even allegedly tampered with completed paper ballots by opening the envelopes after they were voted.
“Over 70 electoral districts came in at zero on election night. Imagine this, 70 election districts came in at zero on election night, with no results whatsoever,” said Espaillat. “That is highly irregular.”
07/03/2012 AT 5:20 AM
Sounds like YLBigots kind of guy…you know, just like John Edwards was.
you mean as opposed to the new progressive(and YLBigot) way of making money: by sitting on your ass and making everyone else take care of you.
Puddy and Bartersby?? Must be doubling down on stupid.
You two need to shove your crack pipes where the sun don’t shine!! Right up your FRAMMAZAMMAS!!!!
Did Puddy cry about the tactics of any other number of companies dear to Republican hearts, cutting off paychecks to employees so they could make a few million more bucks by extracting concessions from their unions?
I thought not.
What I find really really funny is how apoplectic (look it up, puddles) fulsize gets when teased about his petty bragging about the petty ‘luxuries’ his employer allows him to partake in on his business trips, things like ‘concierge floors’ and fullsize auto rentals…as if that’s supposed impress us.
What next? Bragging about having a minibar?
Moreover, puddles’ sputtering about widdle Scotty Bwown stamping his feet and demanding that mean mean Vicki Kennedy not pick favorites, or that the debate has to be on his own wing-nut turf…
…from puddles’ writing:
It’s clear puddles is not up to speed on this story and he doesn’t understand what a laughing stock Scotty has become or that he (puddles) is not the dispenser of ‘truth’ that he imagines himself to be …..(imagines dispensing truth while sitting in some antiseptic smelling Motel 6 trying to figure out how to steal the Red Bull out of the minifridge…)
@169 “Lawyers for New York Rep. Charlie Rangel’s Democratic opponent are planning to re-file their court petition citing myriad problems with last week’s primary, after temporarily withdrawing the petition Monday in order to gather more evidence.
Rangel challenger, Democratic…”
Yet another copy & paste troll. Lifted from Fox News, of course. Sigh! How pathetic.
@166 I saved my best literary effort of the weekend just for you, puddles. I’m glad you liked it. =:-D<
Notice how Lib da schmuck is jealous?
Sucks to be Lib da schmuck!
Steve, so you discount the truth from Fox News?