– Congrats to John Lovick?
– Interesting debates on the nature of food aid going forward.
– Seasonal service changes for transit agencies. (PS, I dig the new look at Seattle Transit Blog).
– I don’t even know what a hipster is, really.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Congrats to John Lovick?
– Interesting debates on the nature of food aid going forward.
– Seasonal service changes for transit agencies. (PS, I dig the new look at Seattle Transit Blog).
– I don’t even know what a hipster is, really.
With respect to the “segregation” article, remember that there’s a big difference depending upon what territory is being included for measure. Measuring segregation within the city limits of Chicago is one thing. But more affluant whites migrated to the suburban towns around Chicago quite some time ago. So even if segregation WAS declining in the city of Chicago (and I’m not saying it is), more affluant whites still find themselves living among, and going to school with, people who are exactly like them.
The article itself points to the rather extreme segregation which began to occur in the early 1980’s – right with the advent of Reagonomics and the rescession of that time. Blacks have always been hit hardest in rescessions – an 8% unemployment rate in general often translates into an unemployment rate of 20% + among young blacks. Conservitives argue that the blacks simply are “compfortable” living in poverty, under a “system of entitlement”, because they lack the drive, initiative, and ambition other races possess. That’s a pretty convenient view, except that blacks simply suffer greater discrimination than other races, knocking them off the lower rungs of the economic ladder each time a rescession hits (about every ten years or so).
Governor Christie of New Jersey has called a special election for October to replace the late Senator Lautenberg. Expect a court challenge, he is doing the best option for him, and will still do a temporary appointment. He did not want the seat on the November ballot, as it could reduce the margin of reelection, as Federal offices are higher than state offices.
Some states are trying to throw a roadblock at Tesla. Powerful automobile dealer organizations in Texas and North Carolina are taking aim at Tesla’s direct to consumer model.
A little more on Tesla’s approach to selling cars.
An Ohio legislator (Democrat of course) has introduced a bill to provide assistance to kidnap survivors. The bill is named for the three Cleveland kidnap victims; and under it, they would receive aid from the state crime victims’ compensation fund as follows:
1. $25,000 a year of financial support for at least as many years as they were held captive;
2. Free tuition at a state university or college;
3. The State of Ohio would seek a federal waiver to obtain lifetime free medical care for the victims.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These victims may be dependent for the remainder of their lives. Having been kidnapped in childhood they missed out on the education and social training that would have prepared them for adulthood. They may have permanent physical injuries or illnesses, and certainly suffer from PTSD, that may render them permanently unemployable. The perpetrator obviously is not in a position to make them whole; so providing for these vulnerable women must be a state responsibility. It’s great to see a legislator stepping up to that responsibility; let’s hope the other party sees the wisdom of supporting this bill (or a substantially similar one), not only for the sake of the three Cleveland women, but for all Ohio kidnap victims, present and future.
Crocodile Tears Dep’t
“Tea Party and other conservative groups delivered an emotional plea … on Tuesday as they told lawmakers about how the Internal Revenue Service targeted them with relentless paperwork and intrusive questions when they sought tax-exempt status.
” … Becky Gerritson, president of a Tea Party group in Wetumpka, Alabama … tearfully described how she and her husband had to seek legal counsel when confronted with questionnaires about their donors, communications with legislators and their voter education activities.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If I weep in a House hearing, can I have tax-exempt status too?
4)Well said. This should not be a political hot potato, but those who are in charge in Columbus will find a way.
In Germany, the Vice Chancellor and current leader of the Free Democratic Party(which is the junior partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition government), Phillip Rosler, is of Vietnamese descent, being adopted by a German couple. Another step to show how far Germany has come since WWII could happen this fall. In the state of Saxony-Anhalt, third on the state list for the Social Democrats, could be the first member of the Bundestag of African origin. The German electoral system could work for or against him. The compensatory seats are awarded based on party votes on the state level. The SDP did not do well there in 2009. Candidates can also run on the district level, and he is, but it’s a swing district.
A little recycling going on at Norfolk Southern. Old locomotives go into the Altoona Works, come out with rebuilt(and cleaner running) engines, new cabs, and electronics. On the facebook page I found this photo on, somebody mentioned that the ex-Conrail unit could be the last of it’s type that has not been repainted. Post merger and acquisition, railroas tend to wait until the unit is due for overhaul or rebuild, to repaint. Conrail was split between NS and CSX around 2000, the website said they took this photo last month.
While we are waiting for the Supreme Court to rule on Prop8 and DOMA, this might be interesting. In Britain, the same issue is working it’s way through Parliament. Passed the House of Commons, and another step to go in the House of Lords. Prime Minister Cameron put a lot at stake on it, potentially harming his own party in the process. During the debate, one member of the House of Lords came out.
Men know best about medical decisions involving women’s bodies, so women should just shut up and do as they’re told.
When it comes to making medical decisions, men know what’s best for women, so women should just shut up and do as they’re told.
GOP Gov. Chris Christie has decided to spend $12 million of taxpayer money on a special election in October to fill Frank Lautenberg’s Senate seat so he won’t have to be on the same ballot with popular Democratic mayor Corey Booker when he faces voters for re-election in November.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans aren’t against spending taxpayer money. They’re only against spending it on things Democrats want, such as food aid for the hungry and unemployment benefits for the unemployed.
12)It’s also about down ballot Republicans. If Booker is on the ballot, it could not only boost Christie’s opponent, but also down ballot Democrats.
Also, I noticed that Governor Christie did not use the term most Conservative Republican use to disrespect their opponents. In this press conference, he said Democratic Party.
When it comes to making medical decisions, men know what’s best for women, so women should just shut up and do as they’re told.
whats it like being a pussy. roger
Much of government has made themselves irrelevant on this (and a whole lot of other stuff in the same way). People shack up with same sex partners and no one cares. Banks lend them money to buy cars and homes just like married couples. Hospitals, mostly, treat same sex couples just like married folks and Power of Attorney gives them the same rights. The cases we hear about, we hear about because they’re “man bites dog” stories and they never go well for those who’ve discriminated against or harmed gay people.
None of the above is intended to say that gay people have it easy or that there’s no more work to be done. They don’t and there is. It IS intended to point out that the government is batting last, not first, on this.
15)I was just passing something along related to the issue, while the US Supreme Court is still waiting. You do have a point, and I agree, but the opponents think that they can punish those that do what you said. People are going after Starbucks, but so far, the stock price is going up.
As for the debate in the UK, if passed, because of autonomy in Scotland and Northern Ireland, it would only apply to England and Wales.