very astute story in nyt today, all this climate change diplomacy is meaningless until we get a hammer in place, such as a treaty of nations that will tariff nations that don’t put a tax on carbon.
meanwhile, epa to regulate carbon of airplanes. maybe alaska will go petition them to shut down our boeing plant or impose the carbon regulatoins at the manufacturer, which is the place where the regulation makes sense. you must build an airplance that achieves this reduction in carbon, etc., like requiring auto makers to achieve mileage standards. I can see a bunch of activists from alaska coming down here to protest the boeing plant, perhaps wearing huge puppet costumes of the alaskan whales and caribou and polar bears that our local carbon-inducing manufacturer is helping to kill off.
the notion we do need the right international treaty amounting to a low level form of international government — someone has to go inspect, sanction, approve the punitive tarrif on violators — shows that all this talk against globalization is a bit off. we are globalized, we have one globe to live on , and we’re destroying its environment slowly and steadily, every one of us, at least here in america. we won’t even shut down pse from buying energy from that awful plant in montana. nor do we shut down transalta. nor do we enact carbon tax or even cap and trade. we seem to focus on other states like alaska, not ourselves. it’s always easier to point out the flaws in others’ conduct, than to adjust our own, right? btw in such a treaty against failure to regulate carbon it’s highly likely that giving massive subsidies to a carbon generating plant like those at boeing will itself be viewed as a violation, so maybe this is one way to indeed end that corporate giveaway. just talked to a pal who flew to napa to go on a yuppie bike ride for three days. how environmental, right? we need a port here in king county that helps us know and measure and self regulate our own carbon by at least telling us how much each flight causes….or working to ensure better trains to portland and vancouver, why not tri cities and spokane, too. building high speed lines to vancouver and portland, not to mention MN and Chi town, now there’s a lot of jobs there, and it won’t get any cheaper in the future. but likely we’ll wait till the right of ways we would need get about 100 times more costly till we do it….after the global carbon tax regimes kicks in and we find out the cost of flights has doubled….
Ima Duncespews:
Mike Huckabee wishes he could spy on teen girls in the shower. All together now…Eeeeeew!
I could have quite happily made it through my life without contemplating Huckabee as a teenage horndog but, well, there goes that.
Do you do home brewing of beer? I seem to remember you said something about beer many years ago on this blog.
I used to quite a bit but I now have young-ish children so my brewing is more Mead and Sours, things I can get going and forget about for quite a while.
Ima Duncespews:
I wish Goldy would revive his gardening news so we could watch him grow some stellar vegetables. If I had a garden I’d grow some killer bud.
Yeah, I used to brew a bit myself, but I’ve taken to drinking more wine these says.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
It is amazing that of all the whining and complaining that Puffy and Boob do here that the could care less about the diminishing freedom that is occurring or soon to occur because of republicans. Freedom is being attacked and they could care less. NC is passing a bill that allows any state official deny issuing a marriage license if they feel it goes against their religious beliefs. And it’s not based on sexual orientation but we all know that that is the reason the purpose of the bill. So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion. Even though I’m sure that it will on be for sexual orientation. Now what if there is a liberal state officials that is willing to issue the license, will his or her job be at risk and be fired? Will state governments make you pass a test first to see if you are a liberal or a conservative so they can weed out all the liberals.
What bullshit and attack on freedom. Would anyone here put up with the notion of a seven eleven clerk denying you the purchase of a condom based on religious belief? What ducking bullshit. This country is no longer standing for freedom, it is a freedom less country.
Long live Ireland the home of the Free and the Brave.
You fucking cowards!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
It is amazing that of all the whining and complaining that Puffy and Boob do here that the could care less about the diminishing freedom that is occurring or soon to occur because of republicans. Freedom is being attacked and they could care less. NC is passing a bill that allows any state official deny issuing a marriage license if they feel it goes against their religious beliefs. And it’s not based on sexual orientation but we all know that that is the reason the purpose of the bill. So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion. Even though I’m sure that it will on be for sexual orientation. Now what if there is a liberal state officials that is willing to issue the license, will his or her job be at risk and be fired? Will state governments make you pass a test first to see if you are a liberal or a conservative so they can weed out all the liberals.
What bullshit and attack on freedom. Would anyone here put up with the notion of a seven eleven clerk denying you the purchase of a condom based on religious belief? What ducking bullshit. This country is no longer standing for freedom, it is a freedom less country.
Long live Ireland the home of the Free and the Brave.
You fucking cowards!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Huckabee should be mocking his own fucking stupid useless offspring.
@10 “So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion.”
Prolly gonna have a surge of new people joining “Christian Identity” churches in those states.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Four of the five girls Josh Duggar molested were his sisters, their parents said in an interview with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly on Wednesday night.”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Who said what Josh Duggar did was alright?
Blog entry…
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@18 Just an overpaid and underperforming CEO, so why promote her to POTUS? So she can fuck up the whole country? As if screwing up Hewlett-Packard isn’t enough? She should raise horses or something.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 This is more a matter of logical reasoning than “proof,” which understandably is above your comprehension.
Roger Rabbitspews:
$15/hr. is less than half the income needed to qualify for a median-priced 2-bedroom apartment in Kirkland. Pretty soon you won’t be able to buy fast food, find daycare, or hire a janitor in Kirkland.
Convicted sex offender says kids can’t resist him: report
04 June 2015 12:11 AM
A convicted sex offender in Michigan attempted the “they were asking for it” defense with authorities — “they” being boys he preys on.
Josh Duggar molested sisters at least 6 times: report
03 June 2015 12:01 PM
The stars of “19 Kids and Counting” are writing off their eldest son’s molestation of underage girls — including two of his sisters — as “bad choices.”
Jeez, maybe if he just molested the kid he could have gone under “good people make mistakes” file, maybe Kelly will do an interview, three part series.
Texas dad charged with murdering son, 3, over potty training
03 June 2015 12:46 PM
Prosecutors say a 3-year-old boy struggling with potty training was beaten to death by his own father.
Now this lady must be one of the very, very, very good people of the conservative platform.
Ariz. grand jury won’t indict woman on bar mitzvah sex act
03 June 2015 12:05 PM
An Arizona grand jury declined to indict a yoga instructor accused of brandishing her new breasts to a roomful of teenage boys at a bar mitzvah and performing oral sex on a 15-year-old.
Puppy Love – acceptable to the Conservative party – I see they aren’t really talking against it.
Texas mom beaten to death near child on birthday: cops
03 June 2015 12:13 PM
A Houston mother was beaten to death on her 33rd birthday in a grisly attack her family and friends believes was witnessed by her 4-year-old daughter.
Another one of those good people just making bad choices in life. I’m sure he was just a good guy, he was trying so hard to straighten his life out, but the bitch was nagging too much!
Queens man confesses to killing girlfriend: officials
04 June 2015 12:53 AM
A Queens man charged with killing his girlfriend confessed to the crime and detailed to cops how he disposed of the body, prosecutors said Wednesday.
Quick, puffy do one of your demographic searches and campaign contribution searches to make sure he’s not one of yours. Oh, he’s a heterosexual, he is one of yours!
Four Seasons restaurant co-owner charged with sex abuse
04 June 2015 12:48 AM
The flamboyant co-owner of the Four Seasons restaurant, Julian Niccolini, found himself in a firestorm of trouble Wednesday — charged with sexually abusing a 28-year-old woman.
Hey Tony Perkins and the American Family Association will be proud of this one for being kept in the Family. There’s nothing doing things together as a family!
Mich. dad and son get prison time, had sex with same girl
03 June 2015 12:40 PM
A Michigan father and son were sentenced to prison an hour apart for having criminal sexual relations with the same juvenile.
And last but not least, let’s finally be respectful and pay the whores the money they deserve. Now where does America get the notion that woman are sex objects and not to be disrespected!
NY lawmaker seeks fair pay for pro sports cheerleaders
03 June 2015 12:11 PM
ALBANY — Fight, fight, fight for the cheerleaders.
I bet the feminist movement is to blame for this, those damn women running around like whores. Show us your Pussy on National TV!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Sometimes I get the feeling that Bickle likes to mimic the style of my commenting, and perhaps others here, but isn’t as effective.
The problem is that if you (he) doesn’t have a point to make it just doesn’t come out the same way and is essentially just malign.
Hairless Nieshnaspews:
Well guys Today I became a Hairless Nieshna. It’s a cross between an Athiest and Jehovah Witness and a Hare Krishna.
From here on out it is my Religious belief that all pubic hair is to be left natural if you are not a Hairless Neishna, threfore I will deny you the right to purchase razors and shaving cream unless you convert.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Yeah, if you are a gay NAMBLA type it’s
Good people make mistakes.
If you are a Duggar, you are the scum of the earth.
“I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life.”
– Josh Duggar
HIS life. Not his sister’s lives, his.
No concern whatsoever for the girls mental health or any concern for anyone but his own welfare. I guess the females aren’t persons at all in that fucked up pedophile cult the Duggars belong to.
I wonder how many of the pictures that cop pal of Daddy Duggar that he “consulted” about this shit had on his hard drive were pics of the Duggar girls or other young females in the cult? I wonder who it was that Daddy Duggar was porking while his wife was too knocked up to roll? “Shhhh, quiet honey, God will punish you if you cry…”
Oh, but they’re Christians. They’ll be forgiven, after the girls apologize to Jesus for being such nasty little whores that Josh couldn’t control himself. They should spend the rest of their lives praying that God doesn’t send them to hell or perdition for being unchaste around their brother.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@36 Proof? And last time I checked NAMBLA wasn’t running for President, or have much of s voice with anyone other than you.
Really? Really you Ape. Your mind is warped.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@37. Oh they’ll be shamed even if it takes 40 years.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@37 and @38 that’s why they go to church, the righteousness overcomes the shame. Alleluia alleluhia alleluia, lord Jehesus alleluia.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
And last time I checked Jim Bob Duggar wasn’t running for President, butt you give a pass to the NAMBLA guy as “good people”
The Family Research Council is a white supremacist and christian dominionist organization that changed their name after the civil rights laws were changed. They used to be called The White Citizens Council of Colorado until the late 1960s.
They haven’t changed their message at all, but now have recreated themselves as an organization standing for “moral values” in the name of Jesus, only they now couch their language they use in terms of Religion, and in more general terms than they used to. It is a die-hard anti-gay, and racist organization that has openly promoted it’s efforts to outlaw homosexuality in foreign countries like Uganda and Russia where a man or woman can be murdered in the streets, openly and without legal protection, if it is so much rumored that they might be homosexual. That is a legal defense for murder in those countries. It has also led efforts in nearly every State to restrict or practically eliminate voting rights for African-American and Hispanic voters.
Of course, with you being a black skinned white supremacist and a Christian lunatic in the same moralistic shade as the Daesh, you have already said that you agree with their program.
I suppose that make you a possible child molester too.
Lie down with assholes, you get shit on your face.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
He has repeatedly run for office in the State of Arkansas, and has a huge amount of influence on local and State politics.
So vomit producer? The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla was talking about his NAMBLA hero not running for president and neither is Jim Bob Duggar. Now vomit producer you are reaching to make anything stick!
Once again the vomit producer is sooooooooooooo full of BULLSHITTIUM…
The Family Research Council is a white supremacist and christian dominionist organization that changed their name after the civil rights laws were changed. They used to be called The White Citizens Council of Colorado until the late 1960s.
Really vomit producer? From the left wrong SPLC itself…
The Family Research Council (FRC) emerged from a 1980 White House conference on families. James Dobson, founder of the religious right powerhouse Focus on the Family, met and prayed with a group of eight Christian leaders at a Washington hotel, leading ultimately to the creation of the FRC in 1983 under the initial direction of Gerald Regnier (formerly of the Department of Health and Human Services). The group became a division of Focus on the Family in 1988 under Gary Bauer, a religious right leader who would use his post as a launching pad for a failed 2000 run for the presidency. Bauer had been the undersecretary of education and a domestic policy advisor to President Reagan.
Perkins sparked controversy when he agreed to address the Council of Conservative Citizens, an outgrowth of an old racist group called the White Citizens Council.
Just where do you receive your BULLSHITTIUM again from vomit producer?
They haven’t changed their message at all, but now have recreated themselves as an organization standing for “moral values” in the name of Jesus, only they now couch their language they use in terms of Religion, and in more general terms than they used to.
And what message is that vomit producer? Because they don’t kiss the GLAAD or LGBT or NAMBLA ASS they have to be shut up? How FASCIST of you vomit producer!
Remember, if you are a NAMBLA guy you are “good people” per the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
You know, earlier the vomit producer wrote something Puddy could agree with… Left wrong libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS or left wrong libtard e-rags had
No concern whatsoever for the girls mental health
Let alone the Springdale Arkansas city attorney or the police chief!
Yessiree gotta nail conservatives at all costs because the ends always justifies the means to DUMMOCRETINS!
Conservatives are not stupid, current theory is their brains work differently than liberals in that empathy is harder for them. They are hard wired to respond to fear more.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
very astute story in nyt today, all this climate change diplomacy is meaningless until we get a hammer in place, such as a treaty of nations that will tariff nations that don’t put a tax on carbon.
How FASCIST of them worser!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
“We have a large, disproportionate number of people who are impoverished. We have a disproportionate number of people who are incarcerated, we have a disproportionate number of people who are unemployed, the educational system has totally failed, and all of this primarily has been under Democratic regimes in our neighborhoods.” Brooks said from the office of New Beginnings Church of Chicago, his own, Wednesday morning. “So, the question for me becomes, how can our neighborhoods be doing so awful and so bad when we’re so loyal to this party who is in power? It’s a matter of them taking complete advantage of our vote.”
Imagine that. Blacks finally realizing their DUMMOCRETIC regime is failing them! Butt, will they leave the reservation? And… something already known BIG TIME
He spoke in strong terms about unions — “I can’t tell you how many guys come to me and tell they’re locked out of the trade unions for this reason for that,” Brooks said. “And in Chicago, the unions control everything.”
Well, continuing to tell the truth is a good thing!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Still waiting for proof from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Maybe the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla needs to visit the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit for help!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Hillary Clinton’s charity accepted a substantial donation from an anti-gay African church which has likened homosexuals to the Devil, Daily Mail Online can reveal.
The 2016 Presidential candidate took money for her sprawling health nonprofit from the Cameroon Baptist Convention whose official policy is that being gay ‘contradicts God’s purpose for human sexuality’.
Get out the popcorn Martha. It’s getting fun now!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Another friend of yours rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears. Why do your kind resort to violence? Oh wait… was his “rights” restored per creepy DUMMOCRETIN freakazoid screams over felons paid their time for doing the crime?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
More proof ESPN is run by a bunch of left wrong libtards…
Puddy must be on lunch break. Or the sewer plant sprung a leak.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@46. I was referring to Fuckface Huckabee, the guy you would like to keep forgetting about.
Huckster said “good people make mistakes”.
Get in now idiot. Please don’t respond with something stupid. Just acknowledge Huckabed you idiot!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Puffy boy do you like to conflate (I think that is the word I’m looking for). Where did you ever get that Nambla said “good people make mistakes”. Now you might be inferring that nambla are pathetic individuals, but how does it apply to what mike huckster said. Do you have that quote from a NMBLA person? What are you fucking talking about. Pass? What fm fucking pass are you talking about?
Please again don’t respond – just acknowledge that that is what a presidential candidate said.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@48 only in your pea brained mind did I say “NAMBLA” guy was a good person making a mistake. You fucking loon Ape.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
I think if ISIS beheaded Puffy that he’d actually might be smarter.
Long live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@52 maybe they should leave the reservation, but they’d have to get by the conservative realtor first. And if they finally got there it won’t be long before they realize their mistake.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@54 suckers! She should take more of it.
And you don’t say their are anti-gay Africans, no you don’t say.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, there was no word “president” until post #43.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@48 only in the Superior PuddyMind did Puddy catch me saying “NAMBLA” guy was a good person making a mistake – in #25
So there is no doubt about the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla from post #25…
Teabagger in Decline spews: Thursday, 6/4/15 at 2:46 am
Good people make mistakes.
Convicted sex offender says kids can’t resist him: report
04 June 2015 12:11 AM
A convicted sex offender in Michigan attempted the “they were asking for it” defense with authorities — “they” being boys he preys on.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Hillary Clinton’s charity accepted a substantial donation from an anti-gay African church which has likened homosexuals to the Devil
and the libtards don’t care!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, ISIS would chuck you blindfolded from a tall building. Beheading is too good for you!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
See @23. Loser. Figure it out. Figure out what I was saying, your pea brained mine is too stupid to get, I understand – apes aren’t too intelligent.
Long live Ireland – home of the Feee and the Brave.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@68. That is funny. The Duggar lovers are satisfied the the pedophile sex offender was separated by a partition, right next to the victim. I suppose the parents also bought a Doberman Pincher to make sure Josh stayed right were he was. Most conservators like to make sex offenders go to jail.
Keep opening your stupid mouth.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@67 I think I herd fuckabee. Comment about them lesbians – he said “good people make mistakes”. Get it puffy. Ok pull the head out of your ass, you might get it.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@67 I think I herd fuckabee. Comment about them lesbians – he said “good people make mistakes”. Get it puffy. Ok pull the head out of your ass, you might get it.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@79 you seem more scared of ISIS than me (as of this moment – had to clarify, because I’m sure you’ll forever say that I said it, like I can’t evolve over time). But I think the GOP is trying very hard to out do ISIS, they are more dangerous to this Countries freedom at this time.
Long live Ireland – Home of the Free and The Brave. Ireland exceptional ism!
“Lie down with assholes, you get shit on your face.”
Always keep in mind that, with wingnuts, it’s probably fifty-fifty that the shit you see on their faces is goatshit.
Uh, oh! It looks like Duggar-Hastert has taken what’s left of Puddy’s mind to a whole new level of batshit insanity!
“you seem more scared of ISIS than me”
I don’t know about fear, but the evidence points to Puddy hating you and the rest of us an awful lot more than he does ISIS. After all, he has over 40,000 comments here spewing his tired eliminationist rhetoric at those who he calls socialist-commie-Marxist-fascist-Nazi DUMMOCRETIN scum, with at least a thousand or so of those comments directed at you. The number of Puddy comments hating on ISIS? Zero.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder why Chinese military hackers are collecting personal information on millions of Americans?
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@77. That’s ok, but hopefully he wasn’t the black guy that I gave $11 to today so he could get a train ride seeing that the cops towed his car. The guy, stranger, said he’s going to meet me for lunch tomorrow to pay me back, we’ll see if that happens.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 79
He’ll probably ask you for another $11.
J. Wellington Wimpy, meet Teabagger.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Invictus @TBPInvictus
Seattle NAICS 722513, 511, 410, 330, 515 are +6 to 3,883 for w/e 6/3/2015. @workingwa @KillerMartinis @GoldyHA
Limited-service (“fast-food”) restaurants in Seattle:
@80 lol. But he told me who he worked for, and I know the firm he works for and he showed me his license. Not that I’m going to chase him down if he doesn’t show up.
He’s got my phone number, but not sure that’s a good thing or bad thing.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@81 not sure if those stats mean anything unless you look at a greater span of time to see if cycles. Maybe climate change people should just look at one year stats too.
didn’t bother to read link.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@78 yeah but ISIS is more of a problem.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@78 yeah but ISIS is more of a problem (sarcasm got Puffy).
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 83
Perhaps you might consider a similar reply to Goldy next time he posts something about short-term data. He and his friends are cheerleading awfully loudly – I think YLB has been giving him lessons. It’s been two months.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@86 I don’t want to speak for goldy but short term stats are more of trends not conclusions. Maybe you meant your data to be in the same way?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Why would Puddy want to review your drivel teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Post #25 sez it all. That’s why Puddy replayed it for everyone to see.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
There was no sarcasm from Puddy. Puddy has delivered ISIS in action against gays teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and Stupid Solution Steve!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Wow another data breach by the chinese on Obummer’s watch! Amazing! Giant database created by the chinese stole sensitive information! Russia attacked the IRS last week!
Conservatives in academia have traded stories for years of fear on campus, of keeping their heads down and watching what they say lest they get harassed or fired. Now, the illiberalism of the left is being turned against its own. It is an illustration of the basic civil-libertarian point that any regime meant to stifle opponents eventually comes back to bite its architects.
The groves of academe have gone from what are supposed to be bastions of free speech to grim prosecutorial arenas where everything you say can and will be used against you. The potential McCarthyites sit in every lecture hall and seminar room and they are children of the left, students who have been trained and encouraged to be whiny, litigious and censorious.
PuddyFact… Direct from the Politico libtards… As everyone can see when you leave the reservation as a libard FASCISM will always attack you! Yep, children of the left are the new FASCISTS!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
LMAO!!! Guess the good klownservatic kristian Duggars, submissive wife and all, let their son “run wild”…
Quite a trend with these freaks on tv, first the Palins now these Duggars.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@88 you lose. You ask for proof and the you you don’t want to review it. All I can say is you like playing games, kind of a like a child, but in your case I think it is because you are mentally retarded.
@89 the sarcasm note was implying that I was being sarcastic and pointing that out for your benefit because you are too stupid to figure it out. But I understand your confusion because I misspelled it, due to my big fingers on the small iPhone keyboard.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@77 I realize some of the confusion of what I say is partly my fault, due to my grammar and my rush to post what I post. But it seems like you understood what I meant by “you seem more afraid of ISIS than me”. I’m surprised Puffy didn’t respond by saying “I’m not afraid of you”.
But I also think that the Puffed one likes just play one big fucking game of “let’s utterly make confusion”, when he is losing an argument, like as if he ever has one though
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@94. If they quack like Ducks then they will walk like ducks.
But you know puffy is completely satisfied that the built a wall and put their bedroom between Joshes bed and the victims. great parents. Case solved (sarcasm – get it Puffy)
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Im sure one of Puffy’s friends quite happily served this man a pizza.
Long live Irealand – the only home of the Free and the Brave.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Boob, what hurts the economy worse, paying someone $15 per hour to make you profit or closing your store on Sunday’s because everyone has the religious belief that they don’t work on Sunday’s.
I’m sure you have no problem being a hypocrite.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Is the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla confused
I realize some of the confusion of what I say is partly my fault
Good people make mistakes. Convicted sex offender says kids can’t resist him: report
Thanks for the “confusion”.
Maybe you should stop posting here and the confusion will stop!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Hey teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla… Since you brought up the Indiana man… why was this local guy arrested? Maybe he was starting his Bruce/Caitlin Jenner transformational treatments! Aren’t you upset here teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Why isn’t this sexual discrimination?
They were waiting in the hall when Whitehead emerged from the bathroom wearing a pink wig, according to charging papers. One of the women claimed to have recognized his shoes.
Must have been some interesting shoes! And that 5 o’clock shadow?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
This will not make the Friday Night Comix… and of course the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will discount the report!
According to a new report from Fox News’ Catherine Herridge, teammates of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements years ago after discussing his desertion with the Joint Chiefs Chairman in Afghanistan.
Down right amazing… Sooooooo, the Joint Chiefs knew back in 2009. Maybe this is another reason General Stanley McChrystal was forced into retirement! Have to shut up those who know. How FASCIST are they! This Obummer military is amazing!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
So how much is this really going to cost taxpayers. If they learned about it in April and concluded the breach in early May why in June are the employees just knowing about it?
DHS said its intrusion detection system, known as EINSTEIN, which screens federal Internet traffic to identify potential cyber threats, identified the hack of OPM’s systems and the Interior Department’s data center, which is shared by other federal agencies.
It was unclear why the EINSTEIN system didn’t detect the breach until after so many records had been copied and removed.
Maybe EINSTEIN was developed by the same company that originally developed the ObummerCare software that failed miserably?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Yeah, I’m confused. I’m confused by Mike Fuckame’s quote that “good people makes mistakes” in reference to a pedophile sexual predator. I’m surprised Fuckabe hasn’t said something more stupid like The Duggar’s actions “aren’t a choice”. Like maybe he could have said that the devil made him do it, or the devil made him boob and the whore to not deal with it, or that the gay mafia was to blame. Or maybe even NAMBLA telepathically influenced the Duggars
The more you talk the more stupid you prove to be.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
All the conservative trash live in trailers.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@107 sounds like one of yours, maybe she was a teacher and in a rush to get to a school to sexually assault her students. But don’t forget Puffy,(per mike Huckabee) good people make mistakes.
Nothing like tugging at the sheepish mind of a conservative evangelical. Allelulia, Allelulia, allelullia, praise Jehesus.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 102
You might as well allege that Jews and Muslims hate Iowa and hurt that state’s economy because they don’t consume pork.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 God passed that rule so workers can get a day off. Otherwise, Republican bosses would make them work 7 days a week.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 Maybe that explains why Iowa Republicans hate Jews and Muslims.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@113 maybe, but if everyone stopped eating pork, might put the pork farmer out of business. Losing business isn’t always good for an economy
Teabagger in Declinespews:
&113 and so now think if every store shut down on a Sunday because there were no workers that would work because everyone says they can’t due to religious reasons. You don’t think that would effect the economy? I know a hypothetical question. But still a question.
Now I know your response will be regarding the hypothetical to avoid answering the question.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@117 You don’t understand. The no-work-on-Sunday rule only applies to employers. That is, employers can close their stores on Sundays if they want to. However, employees who refuse to work on Sundays will be terminated, denied unemployment benefits, and put on the stagecoach to hell.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Wow, the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla was actually told that it doesn’t understand from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Shocked and amazed!
Of course 99.999% of the posted material the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla upchucks is unintelligible to the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
very astute story in nyt today, all this climate change diplomacy is meaningless until we get a hammer in place, such as a treaty of nations that will tariff nations that don’t put a tax on carbon.
meanwhile, epa to regulate carbon of airplanes. maybe alaska will go petition them to shut down our boeing plant or impose the carbon regulatoins at the manufacturer, which is the place where the regulation makes sense. you must build an airplance that achieves this reduction in carbon, etc., like requiring auto makers to achieve mileage standards. I can see a bunch of activists from alaska coming down here to protest the boeing plant, perhaps wearing huge puppet costumes of the alaskan whales and caribou and polar bears that our local carbon-inducing manufacturer is helping to kill off.
the notion we do need the right international treaty amounting to a low level form of international government — someone has to go inspect, sanction, approve the punitive tarrif on violators — shows that all this talk against globalization is a bit off. we are globalized, we have one globe to live on , and we’re destroying its environment slowly and steadily, every one of us, at least here in america. we won’t even shut down pse from buying energy from that awful plant in montana. nor do we shut down transalta. nor do we enact carbon tax or even cap and trade. we seem to focus on other states like alaska, not ourselves. it’s always easier to point out the flaws in others’ conduct, than to adjust our own, right? btw in such a treaty against failure to regulate carbon it’s highly likely that giving massive subsidies to a carbon generating plant like those at boeing will itself be viewed as a violation, so maybe this is one way to indeed end that corporate giveaway. just talked to a pal who flew to napa to go on a yuppie bike ride for three days. how environmental, right? we need a port here in king county that helps us know and measure and self regulate our own carbon by at least telling us how much each flight causes….or working to ensure better trains to portland and vancouver, why not tri cities and spokane, too. building high speed lines to vancouver and portland, not to mention MN and Chi town, now there’s a lot of jobs there, and it won’t get any cheaper in the future. but likely we’ll wait till the right of ways we would need get about 100 times more costly till we do it….after the global carbon tax regimes kicks in and we find out the cost of flights has doubled….
Mike Huckabee wishes he could spy on teen girls in the shower. All together now…Eeeeeew!
I could have quite happily made it through my life without contemplating Huckabee as a teenage horndog but, well, there goes that.
Do you do home brewing of beer? I seem to remember you said something about beer many years ago on this blog.
I used to quite a bit but I now have young-ish children so my brewing is more Mead and Sours, things I can get going and forget about for quite a while.
I wish Goldy would revive his gardening news so we could watch him grow some stellar vegetables. If I had a garden I’d grow some killer bud.
Yeah, I used to brew a bit myself, but I’ve taken to drinking more wine these says.
Friends of yours rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
It is amazing that of all the whining and complaining that Puffy and Boob do here that the could care less about the diminishing freedom that is occurring or soon to occur because of republicans. Freedom is being attacked and they could care less. NC is passing a bill that allows any state official deny issuing a marriage license if they feel it goes against their religious beliefs. And it’s not based on sexual orientation but we all know that that is the reason the purpose of the bill. So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion. Even though I’m sure that it will on be for sexual orientation. Now what if there is a liberal state officials that is willing to issue the license, will his or her job be at risk and be fired? Will state governments make you pass a test first to see if you are a liberal or a conservative so they can weed out all the liberals.
What bullshit and attack on freedom. Would anyone here put up with the notion of a seven eleven clerk denying you the purchase of a condom based on religious belief? What ducking bullshit. This country is no longer standing for freedom, it is a freedom less country.
Long live Ireland the home of the Free and the Brave.
You fucking cowards!
It is amazing that of all the whining and complaining that Puffy and Boob do here that the could care less about the diminishing freedom that is occurring or soon to occur because of republicans. Freedom is being attacked and they could care less. NC is passing a bill that allows any state official deny issuing a marriage license if they feel it goes against their religious beliefs. And it’s not based on sexual orientation but we all know that that is the reason the purpose of the bill. So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion. Even though I’m sure that it will on be for sexual orientation. Now what if there is a liberal state officials that is willing to issue the license, will his or her job be at risk and be fired? Will state governments make you pass a test first to see if you are a liberal or a conservative so they can weed out all the liberals.
What bullshit and attack on freedom. Would anyone here put up with the notion of a seven eleven clerk denying you the purchase of a condom based on religious belief? What ducking bullshit. This country is no longer standing for freedom, it is a freedom less country.
Long live Ireland the home of the Free and the Brave.
You fucking cowards!
Huckabee should be mocking his own fucking stupid useless offspring.
@10 “So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion.”
Prolly gonna have a surge of new people joining “Christian Identity” churches in those states.
“Four of the five girls Josh Duggar molested were his sisters, their parents said in an interview with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly on Wednesday night.”
And that makes it all right?
Who said what Josh Duggar did was alright?
Blog entry…
So now any state official can say that they don’t want to marry a Jew and a Christian or a racially mixed couple because it goes against their religion.
Hmmm… going undercover has it’s issues…
Even the Clinton Crime Family Foundation is involved in FIFA shenanigans?
Looks like Carly Fiorina let it all hang out…
@18 Just an overpaid and underperforming CEO, so why promote her to POTUS? So she can fuck up the whole country? As if screwing up Hewlett-Packard isn’t enough? She should raise horses or something.
@15 This is more a matter of logical reasoning than “proof,” which understandably is above your comprehension.
$15/hr. is less than half the income needed to qualify for a median-priced 2-bedroom apartment in Kirkland. Pretty soon you won’t be able to buy fast food, find daycare, or hire a janitor in Kirkland.
@15. Want Proof
Stick up your Ape Ass!
@14 mike fuckabee – “good people make mistakes”. Sounds like forgiveness and he’s calling him a good person. Do you agree that he is a good person?
And you forgive him? So I guess we need to speak of every common incest pedophile with forgiveness, even the same sex ones, right?
Oh Puffy you are the stupidest mother fucker in the world. Stay stupid you Ape?
The scum that Puffy licks for breakfast.
Ted Cruz apologizes for mocking Joe Biden after son’s death
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Good people make mistakes.
Convicted sex offender says kids can’t resist him: report
04 June 2015 12:11 AM
A convicted sex offender in Michigan attempted the “they were asking for it” defense with authorities — “they” being boys he preys on.
Conservatives trying to polish their bad apples.
Josh Duggar molested sisters at least 6 times: report
03 June 2015 12:01 PM
The stars of “19 Kids and Counting” are writing off their eldest son’s molestation of underage girls — including two of his sisters — as “bad choices.”
Jeez, maybe if he just molested the kid he could have gone under “good people make mistakes” file, maybe Kelly will do an interview, three part series.
Texas dad charged with murdering son, 3, over potty training
03 June 2015 12:46 PM
Prosecutors say a 3-year-old boy struggling with potty training was beaten to death by his own father.
Now this lady must be one of the very, very, very good people of the conservative platform.
Ariz. grand jury won’t indict woman on bar mitzvah sex act
03 June 2015 12:05 PM
An Arizona grand jury declined to indict a yoga instructor accused of brandishing her new breasts to a roomful of teenage boys at a bar mitzvah and performing oral sex on a 15-year-old.
Puppy Love – acceptable to the Conservative party – I see they aren’t really talking against it.
Texas mom beaten to death near child on birthday: cops
03 June 2015 12:13 PM
A Houston mother was beaten to death on her 33rd birthday in a grisly attack her family and friends believes was witnessed by her 4-year-old daughter.
Another one of those good people just making bad choices in life. I’m sure he was just a good guy, he was trying so hard to straighten his life out, but the bitch was nagging too much!
Queens man confesses to killing girlfriend: officials
04 June 2015 12:53 AM
A Queens man charged with killing his girlfriend confessed to the crime and detailed to cops how he disposed of the body, prosecutors said Wednesday.
Quick, puffy do one of your demographic searches and campaign contribution searches to make sure he’s not one of yours. Oh, he’s a heterosexual, he is one of yours!
Four Seasons restaurant co-owner charged with sex abuse
04 June 2015 12:48 AM
The flamboyant co-owner of the Four Seasons restaurant, Julian Niccolini, found himself in a firestorm of trouble Wednesday — charged with sexually abusing a 28-year-old woman.
Hey Tony Perkins and the American Family Association will be proud of this one for being kept in the Family. There’s nothing doing things together as a family!
Mich. dad and son get prison time, had sex with same girl
03 June 2015 12:40 PM
A Michigan father and son were sentenced to prison an hour apart for having criminal sexual relations with the same juvenile.
And last but not least, let’s finally be respectful and pay the whores the money they deserve. Now where does America get the notion that woman are sex objects and not to be disrespected!
NY lawmaker seeks fair pay for pro sports cheerleaders
03 June 2015 12:11 PM
ALBANY — Fight, fight, fight for the cheerleaders.
I bet the feminist movement is to blame for this, those damn women running around like whores. Show us your Pussy on National TV!
Sometimes I get the feeling that Bickle likes to mimic the style of my commenting, and perhaps others here, but isn’t as effective.
The problem is that if you (he) doesn’t have a point to make it just doesn’t come out the same way and is essentially just malign.
Well guys Today I became a Hairless Nieshna. It’s a cross between an Athiest and Jehovah Witness and a Hare Krishna.
From here on out it is my Religious belief that all pubic hair is to be left natural if you are not a Hairless Neishna, threfore I will deny you the right to purchase razors and shaving cream unless you convert.
Yeah, if you are a gay NAMBLA type it’s
If you are a Duggar, you are the scum of the earth.
Really teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Teabagger, you could post examples till your fingers fall off but won’t shame our conservatives.
@37 Conservatives are too stupid to feel shame.
Just 4 days after being acquitted by a Cleveland judge, killer cop Michael Brelo is arrested for another violent assault.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sociopaths belong in jail, not on police forces.
@30 Why didn’t he just dump her and get another girlfriend?
You might want to wear ballistic clothing when passing through the town of Roy. They have Responsible Gun Owners (TM) there.
“I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life.”
– Josh Duggar
HIS life. Not his sister’s lives, his.
No concern whatsoever for the girls mental health or any concern for anyone but his own welfare. I guess the females aren’t persons at all in that fucked up pedophile cult the Duggars belong to.
I wonder how many of the pictures that cop pal of Daddy Duggar that he “consulted” about this shit had on his hard drive were pics of the Duggar girls or other young females in the cult? I wonder who it was that Daddy Duggar was porking while his wife was too knocked up to roll? “Shhhh, quiet honey, God will punish you if you cry…”
Oh, but they’re Christians. They’ll be forgiven, after the girls apologize to Jesus for being such nasty little whores that Josh couldn’t control himself. They should spend the rest of their lives praying that God doesn’t send them to hell or perdition for being unchaste around their brother.
@36 Proof? And last time I checked NAMBLA wasn’t running for President, or have much of s voice with anyone other than you.
Really? Really you Ape. Your mind is warped.
@37. Oh they’ll be shamed even if it takes 40 years.
@37 and @38 that’s why they go to church, the righteousness overcomes the shame. Alleluia alleluhia alleluia, lord Jehesus alleluia.
And last time I checked Jim Bob Duggar wasn’t running for President, butt you give a pass to the NAMBLA guy as “good people”
@ The Schizo @ 46
He has repeatedly run for office in the State of Arkansas, and has a huge amount of influence on local and State politics. Josh himself was the executive director at the Family Research Council and was in charge of lobbying for them in their anti-LGBT efforts in Washington DC.
The Family Research Council is a white supremacist and christian dominionist organization that changed their name after the civil rights laws were changed. They used to be called The White Citizens Council of Colorado until the late 1960s.
They haven’t changed their message at all, but now have recreated themselves as an organization standing for “moral values” in the name of Jesus, only they now couch their language they use in terms of Religion, and in more general terms than they used to. It is a die-hard anti-gay, and racist organization that has openly promoted it’s efforts to outlaw homosexuality in foreign countries like Uganda and Russia where a man or woman can be murdered in the streets, openly and without legal protection, if it is so much rumored that they might be homosexual. That is a legal defense for murder in those countries. It has also led efforts in nearly every State to restrict or practically eliminate voting rights for African-American and Hispanic voters.
Of course, with you being a black skinned white supremacist and a Christian lunatic in the same moralistic shade as the Daesh, you have already said that you agree with their program.
I suppose that make you a possible child molester too.
Lie down with assholes, you get shit on your face.
He has repeatedly run for office in the State of Arkansas, and has a huge amount of influence on local and State politics.
So vomit producer? The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla was talking about his NAMBLA hero not running for president and neither is Jim Bob Duggar. Now vomit producer you are reaching to make anything stick!
Once again the vomit producer is sooooooooooooo full of BULLSHITTIUM…
Really vomit producer? From the left wrong SPLC itself…
Even your friends on this web site disagree with you vomit producer…
Just where do you receive your BULLSHITTIUM again from vomit producer?
And what message is that vomit producer? Because they don’t kiss the GLAAD or LGBT or NAMBLA ASS they have to be shut up? How FASCIST of you vomit producer!
Remember, if you are a NAMBLA guy you are “good people” per the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
You know, earlier the vomit producer wrote something Puddy could agree with… Left wrong libtards on HA DUMMOCRETINS or left wrong libtard e-rags had
Let alone the Springdale Arkansas city attorney or the police chief!
Yessiree gotta nail conservatives at all costs because the ends always justifies the means to DUMMOCRETINS!
Conservatives are not stupid, current theory is their brains work differently than liberals in that empathy is harder for them. They are hard wired to respond to fear more.
very astute story in nyt today, all this climate change diplomacy is meaningless until we get a hammer in place, such as a treaty of nations that will tariff nations that don’t put a tax on carbon.
How FASCIST of them worser!
This story will not make the Friday Night Comix!
Imagine that. Blacks finally realizing their DUMMOCRETIC regime is failing them! Butt, will they leave the reservation? And… something already known BIG TIME
Well, continuing to tell the truth is a good thing!
Still waiting for proof from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Maybe the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla needs to visit the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit for help!
Meanwhile don’t ask questions of Hillary at her Texas Southern University stop today!
Get out the popcorn Martha. It’s getting fun now!
Another friend of yours rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears. Why do your kind resort to violence? Oh wait… was his “rights” restored per creepy DUMMOCRETIN freakazoid screams over felons paid their time for doing the crime?
More proof ESPN is run by a bunch of left wrong libtards…
Puddy must be on lunch break. Or the sewer plant sprung a leak.
@46. I was referring to Fuckface Huckabee, the guy you would like to keep forgetting about.
Huckster said “good people make mistakes”.
Get in now idiot. Please don’t respond with something stupid. Just acknowledge Huckabed you idiot!
Puffy boy do you like to conflate (I think that is the word I’m looking for). Where did you ever get that Nambla said “good people make mistakes”. Now you might be inferring that nambla are pathetic individuals, but how does it apply to what mike huckster said. Do you have that quote from a NMBLA person? What are you fucking talking about. Pass? What fm fucking pass are you talking about?
Please again don’t respond – just acknowledge that that is what a presidential candidate said.
@48 only in your pea brained mind did I say “NAMBLA” guy was a good person making a mistake. You fucking loon Ape.
I think if ISIS beheaded Puffy that he’d actually might be smarter.
Long live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave.
@52 maybe they should leave the reservation, but they’d have to get by the conservative realtor first. And if they finally got there it won’t be long before they realize their mistake.
@54 suckers! She should take more of it.
And you don’t say their are anti-gay Africans, no you don’t say.
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, there was no word “president” until post #43.
@48 only in the Superior PuddyMind did Puddy catch me saying “NAMBLA” guy was a good person making a mistake – in #25
So there is no doubt about the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla from post #25…
Teabagger in Decline spews: Thursday, 6/4/15 at 2:46 am
Good people make mistakes.
Convicted sex offender says kids can’t resist him: report
04 June 2015 12:11 AM
A convicted sex offender in Michigan attempted the “they were asking for it” defense with authorities — “they” being boys he preys on.
All the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla had to do is review its own posts. Butt toooooo stooooooooooopid to do that!
Where did you ever get that Nambla said “good people make mistakes”.
Never said NAMBLA said it. You said it teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla in post #25!
DAYUM you dumb!
This should make the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla bodypart go thump thump thump!
And of course this is lost on HA DUMMOCRETIN Duggar haters!
Hillary Clinton’s charity accepted a substantial donation from an anti-gay African church which has likened homosexuals to the Devil
and the libtards don’t care!
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, ISIS would chuck you blindfolded from a tall building. Beheading is too good for you!
See @23. Loser. Figure it out. Figure out what I was saying, your pea brained mine is too stupid to get, I understand – apes aren’t too intelligent.
Long live Ireland – home of the Feee and the Brave.
@68. That is funny. The Duggar lovers are satisfied the the pedophile sex offender was separated by a partition, right next to the victim. I suppose the parents also bought a Doberman Pincher to make sure Josh stayed right were he was. Most conservators like to make sex offenders go to jail.
Keep opening your stupid mouth.
@67 I think I herd fuckabee. Comment about them lesbians – he said “good people make mistakes”. Get it puffy. Ok pull the head out of your ass, you might get it.
@67 I think I herd fuckabee. Comment about them lesbians – he said “good people make mistakes”. Get it puffy. Ok pull the head out of your ass, you might get it.
@79 you seem more scared of ISIS than me (as of this moment – had to clarify, because I’m sure you’ll forever say that I said it, like I can’t evolve over time). But I think the GOP is trying very hard to out do ISIS, they are more dangerous to this Countries freedom at this time.
Long live Ireland – Home of the Free and The Brave. Ireland exceptional ism!
“Lie down with assholes, you get shit on your face.”
Always keep in mind that, with wingnuts, it’s probably fifty-fifty that the shit you see on their faces is goatshit.
Uh, oh! It looks like Duggar-Hastert has taken what’s left of Puddy’s mind to a whole new level of batshit insanity!
“you seem more scared of ISIS than me”
I don’t know about fear, but the evidence points to Puddy hating you and the rest of us an awful lot more than he does ISIS. After all, he has over 40,000 comments here spewing his tired eliminationist rhetoric at those who he calls socialist-commie-Marxist-fascist-Nazi DUMMOCRETIN scum, with at least a thousand or so of those comments directed at you. The number of Puddy comments hating on ISIS? Zero.
I wonder why Chinese military hackers are collecting personal information on millions of Americans?
@77. That’s ok, but hopefully he wasn’t the black guy that I gave $11 to today so he could get a train ride seeing that the cops towed his car. The guy, stranger, said he’s going to meet me for lunch tomorrow to pay me back, we’ll see if that happens.
@ 79
He’ll probably ask you for another $11.
J. Wellington Wimpy, meet Teabagger.
Invictus @TBPInvictus
Seattle NAICS 722513, 511, 410, 330, 515 are +6 to 3,883 for w/e 6/3/2015. @workingwa @KillerMartinis @GoldyHA
Limited-service (“fast-food”) restaurants in Seattle:
3/21/14 – 2,031
3/21/15 – 1,917
Today – 1,878 (code 722513, searched today at
Sometimes ya gotta read the crosstabs.
@80 lol. But he told me who he worked for, and I know the firm he works for and he showed me his license. Not that I’m going to chase him down if he doesn’t show up.
He’s got my phone number, but not sure that’s a good thing or bad thing.
@81 not sure if those stats mean anything unless you look at a greater span of time to see if cycles. Maybe climate change people should just look at one year stats too.
didn’t bother to read link.
@78 yeah but ISIS is more of a problem.
@78 yeah but ISIS is more of a problem (sarcasm got Puffy).
@ 83
Perhaps you might consider a similar reply to Goldy next time he posts something about short-term data. He and his friends are cheerleading awfully loudly – I think YLB has been giving him lessons. It’s been two months.
@86 I don’t want to speak for goldy but short term stats are more of trends not conclusions. Maybe you meant your data to be in the same way?
Why would Puddy want to review your drivel teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Post #25 sez it all. That’s why Puddy replayed it for everyone to see.
There was no sarcasm from Puddy. Puddy has delivered ISIS in action against gays teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and Stupid Solution Steve!
Wow another data breach by the chinese on Obummer’s watch! Amazing! Giant database created by the chinese stole sensitive information! Russia attacked the IRS last week!
PuddyFact… Direct from the Politico libtards… As everyone can see when you leave the reservation as a libard FASCISM will always attack you! Yep, children of the left are the new FASCISTS!
Some of your crew in the pilfering act rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Has to be, they are ignorant like you!
LMAO!!! So sayeth the boob and concern troll that is famous here for his passion for “unskewed” polls..
LMAO!!! Guess the good klownservatic kristian Duggars, submissive wife and all, let their son “run wild”…
Quite a trend with these freaks on tv, first the Palins now these Duggars.
@88 you lose. You ask for proof and the you you don’t want to review it. All I can say is you like playing games, kind of a like a child, but in your case I think it is because you are mentally retarded.
@89 the sarcasm note was implying that I was being sarcastic and pointing that out for your benefit because you are too stupid to figure it out. But I understand your confusion because I misspelled it, due to my big fingers on the small iPhone keyboard.
@77 I realize some of the confusion of what I say is partly my fault, due to my grammar and my rush to post what I post. But it seems like you understood what I meant by “you seem more afraid of ISIS than me”. I’m surprised Puffy didn’t respond by saying “I’m not afraid of you”.
But I also think that the Puffed one likes just play one big fucking game of “let’s utterly make confusion”, when he is losing an argument, like as if he ever has one though
@94. If they quack like Ducks then they will walk like ducks.
But you know puffy is completely satisfied that the built a wall and put their bedroom between Joshes bed and the victims. great parents. Case solved (sarcasm – get it Puffy)
Im sure one of Puffy’s friends quite happily served this man a pizza.
Ind. child molester preyed on girls at illegal daycare: cops
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
You know this is going to happen with the conservative clowns running for president.
Times Square Minnie Mouse, Hello Kitty brawl: police
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Too funny – small thinkers. He actually thinks that they have any thought process?
Lupica: Duggar defense of pervert son is mind-boggling
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
I’m sure some people have religious beliefs that they can’t work Monday thru Friday.
Pandora’s Box has opened.
Walmart investigator claims harassment for religious belief
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Long live Irealand – the only home of the Free and the Brave.
Boob, what hurts the economy worse, paying someone $15 per hour to make you profit or closing your store on Sunday’s because everyone has the religious belief that they don’t work on Sunday’s.
I’m sure you have no problem being a hypocrite.
Is the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla confused
I realize some of the confusion of what I say is partly my fault
Good people make mistakes. Convicted sex offender says kids can’t resist him: report
Thanks for the “confusion”.
Maybe you should stop posting here and the confusion will stop!
Hey teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla… Since you brought up the Indiana man… why was this local guy arrested? Maybe he was starting his Bruce/Caitlin Jenner transformational treatments! Aren’t you upset here teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Why isn’t this sexual discrimination?
Must have been some interesting shoes! And that 5 o’clock shadow?
This will not make the Friday Night Comix… and of course the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit will discount the report!
Down right amazing… Sooooooo, the Joint Chiefs knew back in 2009. Maybe this is another reason General Stanley McChrystal was forced into retirement! Have to shut up those who know. How FASCIST are they! This Obummer military is amazing!
So how much is this really going to cost taxpayers. If they learned about it in April and concluded the breach in early May why in June are the employees just knowing about it?
Maybe EINSTEIN was developed by the same company that originally developed the ObummerCare software that failed miserably?
Now here is a story that will tug at the hearts of HA DUMMOCRETINS…
In libtard led cities even the snow is full of trash!!!
Ahhhhhhhh yes, that good old socialized medicine in England. This will not make the Friday Night Comix either…
Yeah, I’m confused. I’m confused by Mike Fuckame’s quote that “good people makes mistakes” in reference to a pedophile sexual predator. I’m surprised Fuckabe hasn’t said something more stupid like The Duggar’s actions “aren’t a choice”. Like maybe he could have said that the devil made him do it, or the devil made him boob and the whore to not deal with it, or that the gay mafia was to blame. Or maybe even NAMBLA telepathically influenced the Duggars
The more you talk the more stupid you prove to be.
All the conservative trash live in trailers.
@107 sounds like one of yours, maybe she was a teacher and in a rush to get to a school to sexually assault her students. But don’t forget Puffy,(per mike Huckabee) good people make mistakes.
Nothing like tugging at the sheepish mind of a conservative evangelical. Allelulia, Allelulia, allelullia, praise Jehesus.
@ 102
You might as well allege that Jews and Muslims hate Iowa and hurt that state’s economy because they don’t consume pork.
@102 God passed that rule so workers can get a day off. Otherwise, Republican bosses would make them work 7 days a week.
@113 Maybe that explains why Iowa Republicans hate Jews and Muslims.
@113 maybe, but if everyone stopped eating pork, might put the pork farmer out of business. Losing business isn’t always good for an economy
&113 and so now think if every store shut down on a Sunday because there were no workers that would work because everyone says they can’t due to religious reasons. You don’t think that would effect the economy? I know a hypothetical question. But still a question.
Now I know your response will be regarding the hypothetical to avoid answering the question.
@117 You don’t understand. The no-work-on-Sunday rule only applies to employers. That is, employers can close their stores on Sundays if they want to. However, employees who refuse to work on Sundays will be terminated, denied unemployment benefits, and put on the stagecoach to hell.
Wow, the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla was actually told that it doesn’t understand from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Shocked and amazed!
Of course 99.999% of the posted material the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla upchucks is unintelligible to the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!