– Murray’s anti-crime and police accountability proposals seem mostly to the good.
– No matter how many states enact marriage equality, those pictures of the newlyweds always get to me. Congrats Hoosiers.
– Walmart awesome, says Walmart.
– I’m glad that the Catholic Church in Western Washington seems to be taking the child abuse seriously. But this still feels like not enough.
– Sometimes papers (or whatever the P-I is) looking for a local angle on something just crack me up.
– I don’t necessarily want to oversell this, but it’s probably the best invention in pooping history (I’m honestly not sure if that’s overselling it or not).
National NOW @NationalNOW
#SCOTUS Tells Women It’s the 1950s http://j.mp/1nHCmlR #protectthezone #abortion
That’s two Obama-appointed women handing out the coat hangers with the other seven justices, ladies.
…the record indicates that the problems are limited principally to the
Boston clinic on Saturday mornings, and the police there appear perfectly capable of singling out lawbreakers.
All we are saying is Give Police A Chance.
Polls show overwhelming public support for a higher minimum wage. Even employers are joining the push to raise the minimum wage. Why are Republicans opposed to a higher minimum wage so out of touch with the rest of America?
Meanwhile Senate DUMMOCRETINS are at it again with illegal aliens… http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2.....mmigrants/
Obummer’s actions do this to unsuspecting children… http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news.....51041.html
“…it’s probably the best invention in pooping history…
Not if you’re red/green color-blind. What a stupid over-tech solution. And expensive, no doubt.
Roger Rabbit world:
Polls show overwhelming public support for a higher minimum wage.
Squeaking by with a mere 77-vote margin, the ballot measure known as Proposition 1 will set a $15 wage floor for an estimated 6,000 airport and hotel workers in SeaTac, Wash., a suburb of 27,000 residents south of Seattle.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported last month that moving to a $10.10 minimum wage would increase the earnings of about 16.5-million low-wage workers, but also cause the loss of about 500,000 jobs.
Presented with that information, 57% of the 1,001 respondents said the trade-off was unacceptable.
I don’t disagree that American companies and individuals should not be hiring illegals. If they are caught knowingly hiring illegals a year of jail per employee should dry up demand.
Interesting reasons why the e verify bill is flawed.
We should use the Bickle argument and do nothing since the process or the result is not perfect.
To the moron posting @6:
“CNNMoney’s American Dream Poll found that 71% of people surveyed favor a hike in the federal minimum wage. The majority was strongly represented by both men and women. There was stronger support among Democrats — 90% of those polled said they supported an increase. But 54% of Republicans also agreed that the minimum wage should be raised.”
Numerous other polls give similar results.
@3 What percentage of those child tax credits are for kids born here to illegal parents? That changes things.
Do illegals file taxes? I don’t know.
Notice that if a woman does not get an abortion, and has the child, conservatives will fight tooth and nail from paying a dime that might support the child.
People should try to avoid using the term “illegals”.. It’s a bad thing to call people..
Are compulsive jawalkers “illegals”? What about “illegal” don’t they understand? Just call them jaywalkers or scofflaws.
Are Republicans in the state legislature who play games with complying with the McCleary decision “illegals”? What about “illegal” don’t they understand? No they’re just assholes.
Use undocumented immigrants for the desperate people who try to cross our borders looking for a better life..
I’m writing this because I was flipping channels the other day and I heard the repugnant little twerp Dori Monson going on and on and on about “illegals”.. That should be enough of signal to any thinking person about what NOT to do.
Btw a while back some idiot of a moron of troll said I called those unaccompanied minors crossing the border “undocumented workers”.. He’s an idiot. I’d like to see him prove I called them that.
But he won’t because he’s too busy doing a bang up job of showing people what being a part of the always wrong wing is all about..
To the blowhard posting @8:
Yes, I saw the 71% support. Not really different from the 69% support in the Bloomberg poll I referenced @6.
Ask a question in a way that doesn’t tell people that there is a downside and you get misleading numbers like 69% support.
As I pointed out, the Bloomberg poll respondents shifted from 69% support to 57% opposition when there were told in the poll how many Americans might lose jobs by such a minimum wage increase.
Nice try.
What part of the US law doesn’t the clueless crazed cretin understand? read and weep crazed cluleless cretin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_%28law%29
Oh BTW, Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 paragraph (a) section(1) subsection(B): “Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable.” Alien here illegally is an illegal alien.
The rest of the crazed clueless cretin post is worthless blather! Oh yeah they are illegal aliens. That’s US law you moronic idiot!
Really sux to be the bottom feeder of HA. So much for that Florida ObummerCare fake post from MikeFLUBScum eh clueless crazed cretin? A DUMMOCRETIN posts it so it has to be correct?
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
I respectfully disagree with you. Dori is a mean spirited little man, but on this I agree, but probably not for the same reasons. The illegals are here illegally. I am not going to use a politically correct word and call them something bland like “undocumented immigrants”. They cheated and did no follow the rules for immigration.
If the illegals were not here, people and companies would have to pay Americans to do the work and play American wages and live up to American regulations (unless it’s a Lyft or Uber and apparently they can ignore regulations)
We will have agree to disagree on the use of the name.
If Puddy and Mrs Puddy illegally went to Germany or even Mexico and Mrs Puddy was still of child bearing age and we had a child would my child be German or Mexican respectively? Since DUMMOCRETINS claim Germany has better medical insurance and Puddy wanted to get free birth care would the Puddy Jr baby be German? What does their law say? Have you looked it up?
Even though our US Constitution claims these children born of illegal alien parents become anchor babies is it right? Is it right for their illegal alien parents to get to the front of the line ahead of people who want to emigrate here LEGALLY because she snuck over the border and had her illegally bred baby free in a US hospital? Is it right worser?
Well well well, worser disagrees with the clueless crazed cretin’s use of undocumented immigrant? Why don’t they have documents clueless crazed cretin? Who proved they are immigrants? We know many came here and committed crimes against US citizens.
You see the clueless crazed cretin wants to forget about scum illegal aliens like this: http://www.sfgate.com/news/art.....276361.php or this: http://www.familysecuritymatte.....countryman
You see crazed clueless cretins don’t want to use the term illegal aliens http://www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp
@14. IMHO. The constitution defines babies born in the US, ( and Hawaii is in the US) as American citizens. I’m fine with that.
However that right doesn’t extend to their parents. They can take their child home and the child can come back when they are able, because they are American citizens.
Or the parents can leave their child with legal relatives to be one raised here.
But the anchor baby parents have to go home and get in line, and follow the process.
I am also in favor of the Dream Act. They have ties to America and want it to do well, so they can do well. Children brought here before they have the ability to choose, to know better, should not be punished for the actions of their parents. But the parents still have to have to go home and get in line, and follow the process.
I have no idea what to do with the illegal kids dumped at the border. It’s an awful situation, but They have no ties to America. Send them home I guess.
(Note that gun violence and lawlessness is the reason most give for them to sent up here. The every things advocated by gun conservatives.)
So clueless crazed cretin is calling Dori Monson repugnant for calling an illegal alien an illegal alien. Since Puddy didn’t hear the broadcast Puddy can’t call the ball. Butt, since clueless crazed cretin has not problem with “undocument immigrants” cheating and being here undocumented-like, Puddy is very sure the creeps identified above are no problem for the clueless crazed cretin, they are just “undocumented immigrants”!
HA’s bottom feeder, crazed clueless cretin is a moron!
Wait for it… a hero sighting… Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR! A legend in it’s own mind!
It’s all coached… http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....n-the-u-s/
Of course clueless crazed cretin will scream Glenn Beck? It was found by a US Border Agent! Butt, it won’t stop the clueless crazed cretin from blogging sumtin stoooooooooooopid!
@16, You never answered my question on Germany or Mexico. Would the Puddy child be a German citizen or a Mexican citizen if Mrs Puddy had the baby as an illegal alien?
While I sometimes agree with conservatives, I truly HATE when they try to use one terrible example to extrapolate out and damn a whole group.
So in a conservative poster’s mind, if one illegal kills someone, all illegals are just killers waiting to happen so the must be deported and since the 911 hijackers were Muslims, all Muslims are terrorists.
@19. Don’t know. Don’t care. We are talking about America and American laws and issues. Doesn’t effect America immigration issues in any significant way but I’m sure in your mind, in some tit or tat way, it matters. Try to stay on topic.
One terrible example? Puddy can supply HUNDREDS. Just Google it! Puddy stopped counting at 51 and the page wasn’t half loaded!
These are deaths due to our porous borders and these “undocumented immigrants” indiscriminately killed these people! Some were in “sanctuary cities” and not reported to ICE because of DUMMOCRETINS in city power. Yet, you can’t sue a DUMMOCRETIN city father heading a sanctuary city like SF because that’s illegal!
That is the topic @21. Your lack of knowledge is very telling. Your careless attitude is also telling. No tit for tat… Just laws! Butt at least you call them illegal aliens.
DUMMOCRETINS want to allow anyone in this country illegally yet you can’t reverse and do that illegally in another country!
Sad to see the thick cranial orifice doesn’t comprehend facts!
Immigration Policy Center: “[I]ncarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants.” According to a 2007 Immigration Policy Center (IPC) report, “data from the census and other sources show that for every ethnic group without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated”:
Facts say that illegals are not a terrible wave of death, but I understand that you don’t care.
@23. It’s not important and you know it. Now you are just being stupid on purpose.
And you run to Media Morons? 2007? Ever heard of sanctuary cities? Is that discussed there? Telling the truth? http://cpwp.swehes.com/illegal.....l-victims/
So Puddy went back to a GAO report in 2005. So why did Media Morons skip this data for their “reportage”? http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-05-646R
Thanks for playing!
So it’s not important that other countries uphold their illegal baby born in their country laws butt for DUMMOCRETINS it’s A-OK to break ours?
Do tell worser@25?
Looks like the crazed clueless cretin couldn’t stand the fire so it jumped ship!
I don’t see any sanction of using the world “illegal” for poor slobs trying to make a better life. A lot of undocumented immigrants have DIED for you ASSHOLE.
You still want to call them “illegal” now jerk?
And by the way the U.S Constitution says this:
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
It was wrong then and it was wrong right up to the time the Constitution was ammended..
i.e. I don’t give a fuck what the law says.. Go F yourself you hateful loon.
Almost forgot..
Thank you, hateful WRONG WING loon for posting your hateful bull so anyone on the fence can see clearly what is REPUGNANT.
I feel bad for you.
A little more deeply:
You’ve got the “what” right but you’re turning a blind eye to the why and that make all the difference.
No one is disputing their status under the law.
It’s the why that’s important and even more important is what should done about it.
This flood of unaccompanied minors is a relatively new development.. The idiot hateful loon is trying to lump these kids in with adults who come here for economic reasons.
Desperate people tend to cut corners.. For example, farmers in Mexico put out of business by a flood of U.S. corn due to NAFTA can’t afford to wait their place in line.. Their families have to be supported, e.g. fed NOW.
“People and companies” don’t have to hire the undocumented. They don’t have to thumb their nose at any regulations. Why do they and why are they? How much of a sanction should they bear for the problem? How about calling these “people and companies” “illegal”?
As long as you use the word like the Dori Monsons of the world you’re just playing into the right wing narrative.
Oh and by the way, Monson also claims these “illegals” are future voters for “big government” and the “Democrat Party”. Don’t support that.
If we’re going to deport illegals simply because they broke the law, will we also deport tax cheaters, people who don’t pay child support, and farmers who abuse farm animals? They’re lawbreakers, too. If not, why single out illegals for special treatment?
Hmmmm.. According to the hateful loon in a country about 313 million strong, the 11 million or so undocumented is an “invasion army”..
Damn.. All they gotta do is grab an AK or M-16 (guns are big bidness in the good, old US) and squeeze off 28 rounds and make them count.
Then they take over.. Heh.. There loon, I did the math for you.
Too much Alex Jones this idiot loon.
@27 What’s the point? You aren’t even trying to understand what I wrote or follow the logic so why bother?
@31 As I said @7
“… American companies and individuals should not be hiring illegals. If they are caught knowingly hiring illegals, a year of jail per each employee, should dry up demand.”
When our culture starts giving fines and jail time to everyone from the Corporations to the little guy hiring a day laborer or a nanny, then the demand for their labor will dry up and they won’t have a reason to come here.
Instead of punishing the workers, punish the employers hiring them.
On Monday, Lawrence O’Donnell, in his return from recovering from a car accident, did a good piece thanking everybody who helped. I hope it makes the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza.
The Indiana Department of Transportation has awarded Corridor Capital a contract to be the preferred vendor to manage and operate the Hoosier State between Chicago and Indianapolis. Under the PRIAA of 2008, states had to pick up the costs of trains under 750 miles, and could have somebody other than Amtrak operate them.
Corridor Capital will use ex-Santa Fe hi-level passenger rolling stock.
Roger Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit…, Were the tax cheaters illegal aliens? Were the farmers illegal aliens? If they are American citizens, then once again you deliver a specious argument full of BULLSHITTIUM! Our laws are such that you deport illegal aliens. Puddy delivered the US Law above. Why not deport people who claim to be animals (such as yourself)? Less crazy loons! Yeah that’s the ticket!
From the clueless crazed cretin’s link…
So they can become NCOs. They joined on their own free will. They were promised citizenship upon successful completion. And your stooooooooooopid point is? They ARE STILL ILLEGAL ALIENS clueless crazed cretin IDIOT! That’s the law definition JERK!
Typical DUMMOCRETIN, who sez “fuck the law”! Yes Obummer is doing that right now! The Supremes just told Obummer again he can’t “fuck the law”!
Oooooooh, the old 3/5th a man argument. That was for any slave you dingbat. Slaves were more than just Africans or West Indians. Again your understanding of history is from left wrong sites. BTW The Cherokee Nation had slaves too. That’s why they voted them out of the casino sharing business. Racist MoFos like your peeps in the LA Barrios who kill innocent blacks just because they are in the neighborhood!
Does that give them the right to move to the front of the line? Apparently in your leetle tiny femtometer mind it gives them the right! The law sez otherwise. Butt you said “fuck the law” above! Mrs Puddy applied for US Citizenship in 1970. She received it in 1982. She waited patiently. Your friends south of the Rio Grande think someone owes them something. Wait in line like law abiding citizens do!
So why aren’t you applying to take a few home to live with you clueless crazed cretin? Why do you wait for the US Guvmint to act? Take matters in your own hands and invite some “undocumented immigrants” to your hovel so they can start the documentation process? Put up or STFU dude!
Where was that offered by Puddy in this thread clueless crazed cretin? Getting you ASS kicked by guvmint facts forces you into fantasy zone again like calling yourself the HA Hero! Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR! A legend in it’s own mind!
Puddy posted American citizens over American citizens killed by illegal aliens. Yet you and worser can’t condemn these illegal alien killers. So typical of DUMMOCRETINS… never display compassion for the victims of the crime just the perps!
Sux to be you!
The Licata/Sawant plan would impose retain the VLF, but replace the 0.1% sales tax increase with an employee hours tax (widely known as a “head tax”) of $18 per employee per year on employers and an increase in the commercial parking tax from 12.5% to 17.5% (sales tax, which is separate from this tax, is also imposed on commercial parking). Licata and Sawant argue that the taxes their plan would impose are far more progressive than the VLF and sales tax.
I have to wonder if anyone on the left ever thinks to aggregate all of the things they want businesses to pay for, and whether they consider the net effect on those businesses.
There’s just been a large increase in the minimum wage, coming early next year. Struggle enough for some marginal or lower-profit businesses.
Add to it a ‘head tax’ (admittedly not a lot of money, but still – if nothing else a symbolic disincentive to add heads to the employee roll) and an increase in an already-high parking tax. That’s on top of recently imposed paid parking in most of Seattle until 8 pm.
What’s next? Another tax on businesses to fund pre-K? ’cause pre-K will help parents get to work so it’s a benefit to businesses and some of them are still breathing so let’s hit ’em again?
“I think Senator Corker certainly is putting something on the line, but that’s not unlike him. Sen Corker is, Bob is, somebody who has real convictions, and over and over again he’s shown his willingness to step out in front of his party and try to lead,” Murphy said. “That’s what this is really about.”
Senator Murphy might come to regret his words. Good thing for him senators never get elected president.
Alcee L. Hastings ✔ @RepHastingsFL
1 in 6 people in the United States have HIV and don’t know it. Take control of your health and find out your status today! #MyHIVTestingDay
One out of six.
That’s 50 million people.
Either that or another bonehead Democrat tweet.
@42 I wonder if anyone on the right ever aggregates all the things workers have to pay for, and how workers can make ends meet on less than $15 an hour. (Quick answer: they can’t.)
One less Nutjob of the American Taliban.
Nice work if you can get it.
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family’s federal financial disclosures.
Don’t forget to check out the graphics. You’ll see pearls like this:
The financial industry has been Bill Clinton’s most frequent sponsor, paying him $19.6 million for at least 100 appearances.
That’s just good investment sense. Some of them might need a pardon by Bill’s wife in the future, no?
For some reason, Ericcson thought he was worth four times more than just about everyone else:
His fees have ranged from $28,100 for a 2001 talk at the London School of Economics, to $750,000 for a 2011 appearance at an event for Swedish communications company Ericsson.
Of course, that speech was in Hong Kong. It might be harder to pick up loose women there, so Bill may have needed some extra incentive.
Inflation Bob! According to that article it was around 30-50k for a speech from a Republican. But damn, maybe Republicans were always the best politicians money could buy! As in bargain value..
Does the memories of that portrait of Ronnie Raygun’s mug and pompadour on your frat house wall still give you goosebumps Bob? Oh those were the glory days when the country was being run in good part by Nancy’s astrologer.
But, oh NOES. Bob is going to criticize me now for an article from 1990!
Clinton met with the Financial Industry? Isn’t that OWS Racist Fraggy screams about, Financial and Wall Street influences? Did the wolf of Wall Street pay Clinton for any appearances? Wouldn’t this upset big time libtard DUMMOCRETIN Leonardo DiCaprio? Hmmm…?
Oh noes. Republicans like the Senate Turtleman never do that.
Mitch McConnell:
Industry Total
Securities & Investment $1,691,595
Retired $1,180,107
Lawyers/Law Firms $969,066
Health Professionals $884,225
Oil & Gas $847,200
Real Estate $832,790
Insurance $823,058
Lobbyists $714,240
Hospitals/Nursing Homes $630,200
Misc Finance $563,759
@ 48, 50
Actually, YLB, I duly note the similarity @ 48. Thanks for sharing.
@50, not quite so much.
@47. Are you saying Clinton should not have taken the money? And if not, why do you think he should have little or nothing for his time and effort?