– (a) This was a horrible column. (b) “Americans Elect” sounds to me like an attempt to reference the country’s puritanical roots. (c) I feel like a decently organized group could sway them, and cause trouble. If Democrats all decided to nominate a conservative to draw votes away from the Republican nominee, for example.
– Why not Washington indeed.
– The Weekly seems to have no standards.
– “You can drop a subcontractor as easily as you can cancel a date. That’s not a good union job. That’s not the kind of job that Longview needs” (h/t Ivan on Facebook)
– You can’t look into what News of the World did if there’s anything worse going on anywhere in the world.
– There is a value in sending people into space beyond the scientific value.
A centrist is someone who doesn’t take a position, and therefore has no principles.
The Seattle Weekly ceased to exist when that Texas outfit took over Village Voice and fired the entire staff. I haven’t read it since.
Revisiting an issue which is now two years old…
I participate in some history discussion boards, which often include posters from countries other than the U.S. One recent topic was Churchill getting sacked as Prime Minister in the July 1945 elections, right after WWII. This led to a discussion of Labor and Tory politics pre-war and post-war, including Britain’s National Health Service.
One of the normally more conservative British posters there had this to say about the NHS:
The Brits on the board, both Labour and Conservative, all expressed satisfaction with the NHS and bewilderment as to why Americans don’t adopt a similar system. Of course, there was some internal dispute between them about the relative cost (as a budget item), how well it performs when measured against similar systems in Europe and Scandinavia, etc. But nobody questioned the basic concept of free universal health care.
Kinda fun story. Fuck you goes viral.
And Joel Connelly weighs in on Tim Eyman’s latest initiative:
Connelly: Paralyzing Washington — the Eyman jihad
He goes on to make quite a few good points. The initiative doesn’t just prohibit light rail on I-90 (by effectively requiring a new bridge to be built). The anti-tolling provision makes it impossible to replace the 520 bridge, as well as the I-5 bridge between Portland and Vancouver.
I’m not sure if I’m reading it right, but it seems to me that it might even prohibit Metro or Sound Transit buses from using HOV lanes on any state-funded highway?
So, just to recap on events since last Friday:
1. Norway suffered a huge attack of domestic terrorisim as 76 people were killed, mostly young people executed at a Labour Party youth camp by a fellow who’s writings sound almost exactly like those of neo-nazis, except that he hates Islam more than the jews.
2. The GOP is heading straight toward a crisis of their own creation when it refuses to extend the debt ceiling, holding it hostage for their own agenda. In the meantime, Tea Party faithful are cheering the prospect of our nation’s first default in modern history, and Boener is simply trying his best to play the media into making it look like it’s the President’s fault. Under existing House rules, a bill has to be submitted by Wednesday to go through the process in time for it to be passed by the Senate and signed by the President to prevent a default.
3. The FAA is operating on skeleton staff because Congress hasn’t passed a re-authorization bill. The House passed a bill on Friday which included clinkers guaranteed to make it a no-starter in the Senate (they voted to close down some half-dozen airports – all near the homes of influential Democratic Senators, then recessed for the weekend, because, gosh darn, doing nothing is such hard work!).
4. It appears that the NFL and the players have reached an agreement, but I’ve heard conflicting reports about whether or not it’s been approved by union membership. So even though we may be bankrupt, we will still have football!
@5 It’s easy to get people to vote against taxes or tolls; any kid can do that. Eyman lacks the maturity to propose constructive solutions to real problems. He’s a one-trick Shetland pony — nothing but a riding horse for our state’s children.
@6 After everything else falls apart under the guiding hands of Republican spirits, look for them to offer us gladiator entertainment in otherwise-vacant public arenas (see, e.g., Key Arena).
Oh DAMN, now I have to stop reading History.com cuz rhp6033 posts there.
No on second thought just skip over his posts.
Yeah that’s the ticket!
Although I thought of the databaze crazed arschloch when I read this…
Jul 25, 1978:
World’s first “test tube baby” born – unfortunately it was a girl baby! And she was healthy and her parents were ecstatic. And now she’s a mother too.
Hey 9/11 thruthers, are you also going to become 7/22 truthers?
Hey Pud,
Where’s your argument about the Norwegian terrorist being a lefty? Please, you always make that argument when someone commits political murders. Don’t disappoint us, Pud. We count on your consistency.
The Norwegian moron was leaning right. Jared Loughner was leaning left and you know it proud leftist.
Still waiting for someone to name a real Tea Party person who has done this although morons such as yourself will claim it on HA. Is the HA arschloch still looking? Been busy today!
“Leaning right”? Really, Puddy? He kills 90+ people because of his rightwing political views, and that’s just “leaning right”? And, with regard to Loughner, there’s no way I agree with you on that one. He was mainly just totally crazy.
I can understand why Puddy would want to avoid discussions with people who actually know history. He prefers to get his history from Glen Beck, and it makes his head hurt when he hears anything contrary to what he already has chosen to believe.
Tea-Hadists are “equal-opportunity”. “Affirmative Action” if you will…
…they want to bar-be-cue Black Folk, Mexicans, Muslims AND Liberals.
You’re in danger big fella. You’re “what’s fer dinner”.
Prove it rujax!
Reservation dweller!
Oh proud leftist… he stated Giffords wasn’t leftist enough for him! Facts are facts. You like to run away from them.
Still waiting for a leftist to prove a real Tea Party person advocates what the Norwegian did!
Now where does Cass Sunstein’s favrit moron get that projection from? You can see he is always reduced to moronic comments when confronted with his lunacy! The rest of that comments is utterly laughable!
“Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla., said his office is getting calls from constituents saying, ‘If I don’t get my Social Security check, it’s your fault.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ha ha ha ha ha!! Voters are getting tired of Republican games. And they know who to blame.
Republicans claim they want to reduce deficits, but their bill cuts spending by only $1.2 trillion. The Democrats’ bill cuts spending by $2.7 trillion — more than twice as much — but GOPers won’t vote for it! What a bunch of lying hypocrites.
@12 “Jared Loughner was leaning left and you know it proud leftist.”
If he was, he’ll be the first left-leaning White Supremacist in the history of mankind — maybe we should put him in a museum.
Puddy “logic”: if no Teabagger can be identified who advocates for mass murder in pursuit of political goals, then Teabaggers are a sane, rational group. At least I think that’s how his formula goes.
PS…here’s what the “solitary vice” does. Just so you know:
@13 “He kills 90+ people”
Good news, after a fashion, from Norway — due to initial confusion, the body count has been revised downward to 76. That’s awful, but slightly less awful than 93.
That’s the puddybitch’s problem.
Fuck that’s funny.
@23 “At least I think that’s how his formula goes.”
Not quite. Puddy logic works like this: If a White Supremacist shoots a Democratic congresswoman in Tucson, then it follows that European neo-Nazi killers are lefties.
Reads Ayn Rand, covets gold and laughs at a woman who had an abortion calling her a baby killer..
Only a moron like Puddydope would desperately cling to a myth that this head case would be “leaning left”.
Puddydope IS totally crazy. No meds can alter that reinforced concrete blockhead.
The fellow in Norway wasn’t just “leaning right”. His writings indicate he was pretty much a neo-nazi, except that he substituted “Islamists” for “Jews”. Not that it matters much, as soon as he had gotten around to solving the “Islamists Problem”, he would have turned on the Jews as well.
And Fox News is twisting itself into contortions trying to discuss this news. As the death toll mounted, they couldn’t very well continue to ignore it completely, as they tried to do with the Murdoch scandel. Instead, they are trying to discuss it as an aberration, spending most of the time recounting terror attacks by islamic fundamentalists, including 9/11.
Re 25: While the “good” (sort of) news is that only 76 people were murdered in Norway, not 93 as originally reported, the bad news is that puddybitch is even more insane than he was yesterday. Some things just don’t get better with the passage of time.
When a right winger commits a terrorist atrocity, the right wing first calls him a Muslim and when that doesn’t fly, calls him “mentally deranged” anything but a terrorist.
Puddybud calls him a “leftist”.
Breitbart and Pajamas Media will be calling this dope soon and maybe we’ll be rid of him for good.
@28 The good news is that many high-priced meds are going off patent soon, and will become more affordable for the idle class (of which puddy is obviously a member). The bad news is the ward nurse can’t get puddy to take his psycho meds even if they’re free.
Anything to make the Balck Man in the White House look bad, eh puddybitch?
Boner can’t even control his own caucus. He’s Eric cantor’s bitch.
What a fucking clown show.
Reid gives the EVERYTHING they want. But it doesn’t fuck Obama enough so they won’t take it. CHILDREN.
Our President is going on teevee tonight. He ought to say this:
“we have in goiod faith offered the House Republicans everything, and I mean everything they wanted, and I am reporting to you, the American People that the Republicans in the United States House of Representatives have let you down. They will not take any deal we offer.
I will not allow this country to default on it’s lawful obligations.
Therefore, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution I am ordering the Treasury to continue to pay the lawful debts of the United States and to continue to pay this Country’s ongoing obligations to it citizens.
Thank you, good night, and God Bless America.
GOP Against The Environment
“WASHINGTON — It’s touted as a model private-public solution for conservation: allow nonprofit groups to tap tax-exempt revenue bonds to buy working forests and keep them out of developers’ hands.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even Dave Reichert is for this — in fact, he’s the House sponsor. Doesn’t matter. If it helps the planet, GOPers are agin’ it!
Legal Challenge Filed Against Eyman 2/3rds Initiative
“A dozen Democratic state lawmakers, two statewide education groups and some individual teachers and parents say they will sue the state to overturn the requirement that two-thirds of the Legislature approve tax increases.”
And speaking of neo-fascist ramblings….
Glen Beck just called the youth camp in Norway, where the assailant shot most of his victims, the equivilent of a “Hitler Youth Camp”. Norwegians, of course, are outraged.
Beck likens Norway camp to Hitler Youth
Errata @ 33…
…sorry for the bad typing gang, but I’m just fucking pissed. There is NOTHING this crowd will not do to make this President look bad.
Nothing. Nothing matters to them. Not seniors, not soldiers, not soldiers wives, not injured vets…NOTHING.
But coroprate profits? THAT counts…eh puddybitch?
Tax breaks for millionaires?…americafirst will let his mom die for those.
Letting bridges and levees rot and fail?…maxeee is DOWN WIT DAT!
Yup. Fine Americans. Just fine. Born on the 4th of Joooooo-Lie those guys. Yesireebobbeeee.
@33 Exactly.
I see that another Palin kid didn’t practice abstinence. I reckon that’s for other people, whereas Palin’s spawn are to breed like rats*.
I was gonna say “rabbits” but I thought better of it.
Voting Republican is not only un-American, it’s also un-Dow Jones Industrial Average.
So, does Glenn Beck think the shootings were justified? In Glenn Beck’s addled mind, he equates the left with fascism and therefore seems to think that even murder is justified.
Beck ought to be called to task on this. And the remaining sponsors of his radio programs should pull out, due to concerns over boycots.
And PuddyBud ought to take a stand and denounce Glenn Beck for his outragious attempt to justify the shootings. In this case, silence by Puddy would equate to approval of his comments.
@39 Too precious! This definitely deserves to be quoted:
“For those of you keeping score, Sarah Palin has yet to be made a grandmother by people who have been married for 9 months.
“It’s looking like there’s been some more sinful mattress thrashing at the Palin Sanctimonious Motel. Son … Track (there, I knew I’d get it) got married about three months short of a 10 pound premature baby.
“As a liberal, I am happy for the prospective parents …. As a liberal, I am okay with two adults doing the wild thing …. But, I think if I was a conservative Momma whose kids are sparkin’ like jackrabbits, I’d just shut the hell up.”
No shit, Sherlock.
@36 “On his radio show, however, Tea Party hero Beck intoned: ‘There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler Youth. I mean, who does a camp for kids that’s all about politics? Disturbing.'”
Why does this guy still have a radio show? Somebody find out who his sponsors are. Diplomatic protest from the Norwegian government about this outburst? Ya, sure, you betcha there’s gonna be one.
“americafirst will let his mom die for those”
Quite literally. What on earth are all the old people living in nursing homes to do if wingnuts were to pull the plug on Medicare and Medicaid? Wingnuts really don’t care, do they? If Granny must die for a tax cut, then so be it. No more mooching by America’s grannies. And these fucking wingnuts whined about government death panels. I guess what they really wanted was Republican Party death panels.
Speaking of dumbfuck wingnuts, this guy americafirst who has been posting lately is obviously an old troll with a new screen name. I’d put my money on it being the Dumbfuck Klown.
I suppose the next thing puddy will post here is that Hitler was a “lefty.” That seems to be another wingnutter meme these days.
The Boner(sick) with no balls. Fuck! I love it.
Fools. Fools, charlatans and carnival barkers.
The end of the “Grand Old Party” right before our eyes.
‘Least we got football back!
“Some who make a high profession do not understand the sin of self-abuse and its sure results. Long-established habit has blinded their understanding. They do not realize the exceeding sinfulness of this degrading sin, which is enervating the system and destroying their brain nerve power.”
“I saw that the family of Brother G__ need a great work done for them. H__ and I__ have gone to great lengths in this crime of self-abuse; especially is this true of H__, who has gone so far in the practice of this sin that his intellect is affected, his eye-sight is weakened, and disease is fastening itself upon him.”3
“He had practiced self-abuse until he was a mere wreck of humanity. This vice was shown me as an abomination in the sight of God. … The results of self-abuse in them is seen in various diseases, such as catarrh, dropsy, headache, loss of memory and sight, great weakness in the back and loins, affections of the spine, the head often decays inwardly. Cancerous humor, which would lay dormant in the system their life-time, is inflamed, and commences its eating, destructive work. The mind is often utterly ruined, and insanity takes place.”
Dang…that’s some SERIOUS SHIT there.
I was reading an old article in the Olympia newspaper on-line this morning about the opening of a new fire station. I tell you, the wingnut infestation is everywhere. The comments were filled with hate towards firefighters. It wasn’t that long ago they were glorified first-responders. Sigh! Now they’re hated. At least the hate-filled wingnuts are showing their true colors. It should be damned clear by now that these teabaggers are full of hate towards anything good or decent about America.
The President should never compromise with these America-hating bastards.
Boner’s latest nonsense is calling the GOP’s debt bill a “bipartisan plan” even though Democrats explicitly oppose it. What he apparently means by “bipartisan” is that he may get Republican Party votes and Tea Party votes — but not enough to pass it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cripes, even with a House majority, Boner can’t pass this turkey.
@49 How did you manage to hack into puddy’s medical records?
Re Friedman and his ‘Radical Centrist’ meme attempt — A label that hogs the perceived safety of the middle-of-the-road with the cachet socialist cachet of the Radical.
Reminds me of the ecologically friendly and socially responsible oil company ads I’ve been seeing on TV.
Wow, it does indeed appear these GOP whackjobs are willing to take down the country in pursuit of their ideological wet dreams. Amazing. Is there no adult GOP officeholder who can step forward and steer the frenzied herd away from the precipice?
@54 Why do you even bother to ask that question?
Don’t worry, folks, thanks to higher-than-expected tax receipts Armageddon has been postponed until Aug. 10, so this circus is going to drag on for another 2 1/2 weeks yet.
@54 Indeed. These wingnut traitors want to take down the government of the United States. There’s probably good reason why they’re not talking about what form of government they’d replace it with – which would be some form of Christo-fascism.
We’d simply be looking at anarchy. These deluded twits couldn’t possibly govern.
@58 It’s a good thing we’re armed. It’s also a good thing that teabaggers are dumb as rocks. They’ll grossly underestimate what they’re up against. They somehow got the idea that they’re fucking with a bunch of 1960’s hippies. That would be a fatal error on their part.
#58 “These deluded twits couldn’t possibly govern”
Unfortunately, these deluded twits have no intention of governing. They want America to be ruled by a Christo-fascist dictator.
Guys…they are governing NOW.
One of the wingnut themes has been that those that use the service should pay for it. This is a persistent theme of those here who claim that rail and bus service shouldn’t be subsidized. (The forget, of course, that the etire car culture was subsidized by the building of the road infrastructure in previous decades).
But now they’ve gone completely batty, and are killing even “user fees”. As Joel Connelly pointed out (see link at one of my first comments on this thread), Kember Freeman Jr. and Tim Eyeman are targeting toll fees with their initiative. This means the death of not only light rail over I-90, but also the I-520 replacement, the Portland-Vancouver I-5 bridge replacement, etc. Not only do they not want their 5-cent gas tax to be any part of the projects, but their system would kill them altogether, by killing all toll systems in the state.
And the GOP house still hasn’t passed an FAA re-authorization bill, resulting in the furlough of some 4,000 FAA workers, the closure of all regional offices (including the ones in Seattle), and just about everything besides air traffic control. They also can’t collect federal taxes on aircraft tickets which help fund the system, which is pretty much a “user fee” if I’ve ever seen one. The lost revenue is 22 million dollars A WEEK, far more than the $16 million the House claims to want to cut over ten years by closing airports serving leading Democratic senator’s hometown. Oh, and if you thought you could get a good deal on tickets right now because the tax doesn’t apply, forget it – the airlines have already raised their fees to keep that money for themselves.
# 61: I wouldn’t call that governing, any more than I would call giving a monkey a typewriter to be journalism. (Although that might pass for such in the Fox News newsroom).
@62 It also appears that the airlines, bless their greedy little hearts, are continuing to collect the ticket tax and pocketing it for themselves.
Oh, and a fellow did the right thing (mostly) when he tried to carry his rifle on a United flight from New Orleans.
1. Pack rifle in luggage to be checked (check).
2. Declare rifle is in luggage to be checked to gate agent (check).
3. Make sure you unload the rifle before packing it in the checked luggage (oops!).
A united ticket agent is recovering from a would to her leg when the rifle discharged.
Seriously, guys, is it REALLY that hard to make sure a gun isn’t loaded? I learned how to do that when I was eight years old! And yes, you not only remove the magazine, you have to make sure there are none in the chamber.
@36 It would certainly be interesting if Mr. Beck were to take a walk along the docks at Seattle’s Fishermen’s Terminal and loudly express his opinions about Norwegians.
Gee, I notice Puddy hasn’t repudiated Beck yet. I wonder why the delay? He’s posted several times on this and other threads in the interim.
# 66: Hey, the Northwestern could take him out as their rookie hand on the next crab season!
But I’m afraid they might confuse him with the bait and throw him in a crab pot before they drop it overboard. After all, both Beck and the bait look and smell the same – quivering, gooey white fish pieces with a distinctly rotten smell.
@61 “Guys…they are governing NOW.”
I say that what we once knew as “governing” will soon be a thing of that past. But I think most of us will know when we’re being ruled. It isn’t that far away. Let’s be honest. The corporatists are kicking our ass. Unless we turn that around, we’re going to continue to get our asses kicked. I don’t see how the end game is going to be anything but fucking ugly.
I’ve said a number of times that Democrats have broken my heart for over forty years, ever since Bobby Kennedy was murdered. I have to sing a different tune now. Today’s Democrats are starting to really piss me off.
Will we let democracy in America will end with a Puddy psycho-laugh? Will we let “KABLAMMMO” spell the end of our social contract? We need better Democrats NOW. We need to support them so they can write on the back of a Koch brothers check, “FUCK YOU, ASSHOLES”.
There’s an opportunity here to make a lot of those freshment GOP House members into one-term Congressmen. The recent offer to make a temporary rise in the debt ceiling (good for a few months) indicates that their internal polling shows that they are losing ground on this issue.
A lot of these guys were elected because their constituents were frustrated by the economy. But the GOP house is intent on burning down the economy just because they think they can. We might get a Democratic majority back in the House next time around – depending in part upon who is on the Republican presidential ticket. (It would be nice to force those GOP house members to say nice things about Bachman, then display them side-by-side with her more outragious statements).
The socialists in the National Socialist German Workers’ Party got taken out of the party on the Night Of The Long Knives.
One more reason for liberals to arm.
Given Beck’s statement is there any question about liberals arming themselves?
@69 The only Koch brothers check I want to see is one payable to the IRS.
I’m not against cutting spending. U.S. military spending, for example, exceeds the military spending of the rest of the world put together. And the CIA’s budget is bigger than that of entire countries. We don’t really need to pay $150,000-a-year private mercenaries with taxpayer money to do the same job as $15,000-a-year Army soldiers. We don’t need to pay Halliburton $110 to deliver a case of Coca-Cola to our overseas troops. Billions a year of ethanol subsidies to Iowa corn farmers can be eliminated right now, along with billions more in tax subsidies to oil companies. And if you want to save really big bucks, scrap Bush’s $700 billion welfare program for drug companies! The federal government spends 5 times as much on corporate welfare as it does on poor people, so you know where to cut, folks! We probably could balance the budget without touching entitlements if we really put our minds to it.
@12 “Still waiting for a leftist to prove a real Tea Party person advocates what the Norwegian did!”
Byron Williams was wounded in a shootout with police (two of who were injured) while on his way to the Tides Foundation to massacre workers there after listening to Glenn Beck.
“Williams watched the news on television and was upset by ‘the way Congress was railroading through all these left-wing agenda items,’ his mother said.”
“Convicted felon Byron Williams loaded up his mother’s Toyota Tundra with guns, strapped on his body armor and headed to San Francisco late Saturday night with one thing in mind: to kill workers at the American Civil Liberties Union and an environmental foundation, prosecutors say.”
@74 Nice attempt to educate a troll on the facts, but you’re wasting your time. The poster @12 is an America-hating street corner loon, nuttier than a fruitcake, dumber than a stump, and ignorant to the bone. If he was a dog he’d be put down. There’s been something like twenty-four violent wing-nut attacks on liberals and government since 2008. The street corner loon will lie his ass off about all of them, blaming the black muslim president from Kenya, ignoring any proof of wingnut violence you’ve offered, then he’ll come back tomorrow, deny the reality of wingnut violence, and then demand the proof all over again. It gets old quick.
Only after being directly confronted.
So we’re asking: did Beck stick his foot in his silly mouth? (sigh… again….)
Speaking of the manipulation of youth, Puddydope’s batcrap crazy commentary with name-calling and third grade logic seems to indicate he’s going through a second childhood of sorts.
Here’s a summer camp where he’d fit right in:
Raising the hands in praise to the worst excuse for a preznit EVAR…
Here’s a link to an interactive map of wingnut violence directed towards liberals and our government since 2008.
Of course, in the loon’s alternate version of reality none of this ever happened.
78 – Great find.. Yep, Dave Neiwert is the best.. Excellent resource.
@79 One could spoon-feed the degenerate loon facts all day and night and he’d still be ignorant and he would still lie his ass off. Wingnuts can’t open their damned mouths without spewing lies. That’s all one really needs to know about their corrupt and decadent beliefs – it’s all built on lies.
Fucking teabaggers HATE Black People.
Of course the puddybitch won’t get it.
I’m sure many of you have heard of the passing of nine year-old Rachel Beckwith who was in a terrible traffic accident recently. One of this little girl’s last acts on this earth was to try to raise money so that kids in poor countries could have clean water to drink. She wanted this for them, rather than birthday presents for herself. She had hoped to raise $300. The amount raised is now over $155,000. Let’s help little Rachel’s dream come true in a big way. You can contribute here,
@81 He’s a self-loathing black. That explains everything.
I love it when I deliver the best in the dumb cinder block rujax! Too bad the truth hurts eh reservation dweller?
Like I told ekim: You were nothing, you had nothing, you don’t possess anything now, and you’ll never amount to anything in the future!
LMBBAO! Schmuck!
This is how ABSOLUTELY fucking stupid rujax is. The 4th Congressional district has been very DUMMOCRAPTIC all but 8 years Clinton was in the whitey house. Pine Bluff per WikiPedia…
So before HA moron in residence spouts off maybe he should check his facts! They are probably DUMMOCRAPTICS!!!!!
The fuck you talkin’ about?
Up yours Stupid Solution Steve. I Thank God you don’t know me and never will. You are a dumb ASS whitey who has no idea what I have lived through and what black causes Mrs Puddy and I give to year after year.
You on the other hand love to pass judgment on things you’ll never understand or comprehend. Why? God only knows about progressive libtardo morons such as yourself.
Ask rujax when is the last time he went to the Union Gospel Mission and volunteered. Ask the resident idiot when has he ever volunteered. Maybe you should ask the resident dumb cinder block does he know where the mission is located?
Probably never been near the place the way that moron acts here!
Or ask him about Othello and MLK. He’s probably scared to be near the place.
LMAO!! PuddySilly is silent about Beck…
We’ll give the loon another chance..
Why does Puddy hate himself? How analytical should we get? Though just a lowly lawyer, I have some thoughts on where he’s gone so wrong.
Loonytoon @ 85…
..go bust yer nut you fucking retard.
Add @85…
PS…you’ll NEVER pass.
Hey stupid! (Puddyidiot)..
Read it and cry!
#1 asswipe! #1…
So where’s Snoho?
Puffy Pridefull puddybitch @ 87…
…can brag on yourself enough can you? Teh jeebus really really likes that you know.
ylb @92…
…we can call him “pidiot”…
Where is this “poll” rhp6033?
I posted the CNN poll and it doesn’t look good for DUMMOCRAPTICS here. So much of your commentary is useless projection and mindless thought.
HA test tube baby speaks. Or is it Janitor in a Drum?
Glenn Beck… He controls his own destiny. And he’s been right so many times as you’ve been wrong.
For instance he asked why does George Soros own so much gold if GoldLine is wrong?
Stupid is as stupid does and you are one of the most stupid here arschloch!
So … PRESIDENT Obama gave a speech on national TV tonight and then that Boner guy gives a speech and Boner says PRESIDENT Obama wants to make people “pay more” even though PRESIDENT Obama has already given in to Republican demands that rich people pay no more taxes. Can’t these Repugs get anything straight? Or are they all congenital liars?
Further checking into the Pine Bluff area shows The “messiah” only getting 39% of the vote in 2008. So that means 25% of the blacks didn’t think much of Obummer either. You have to account for some blacks not voting in an election no matter who the candidate is. Still that vote total is very telling.
Well it seems those blacks are smarter than the average DUMMOCRAPTS!
I think the Senate Democrats should pass a no-taxes, $2.7 trillion all-cuts, debt bill and send it to the House, where Republicans are sure to vote it down, and then everyone will blame the Republicans for Social Security checks not going out.
Meanwhile, the stock market will tank and Roger Rabbit will buy shares from rich Republicans for 60 cents on the dollar, and then two weeks later sell them back to the rich Republicans for 105 cents on the dollar.
This is gonna be fun!
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit already took profits on his successful stocks and is sitting on a shitload of cash, waiting to pounce on panic-stricken Republicans who will be forced to meet margin calls when their U.S. money is no good.
“There is a value in sending people into space beyond the scientific value.”
I’ll donate $5 to send puddybitch on a one-way lift into orbit.
Heh! Just kidding! I’m too cheap to donate $5 to anything.
Hell, my lily-white ass is blacker than any self-loathing black wingnut loon’s. A black wingnut has no soul. I’m white and I have more soul than I can fucking control! A stupid black wingnut fucktard talks about 32nd and Othello like he’s actually fucking been there. He talks about it like it’s some big fucking deal. Me? I grew up on Empire/MLK Way and Othello and I don’t need to talk about it. I still hang in the CD and Rainier Valley because I’m fucking comfortable there. It’s my fucking home.
This is still my city, you wingnut motherfuckers. You dumbfuck freaks, I don’t give a shit if you’re black or white, you can just get the fuck out of here. Go back to wherever the fuck you came from.
How stupid is a wingnut? A dumbfuck wingnut would readily swallow Beck’s line that George Soros owning gold somehow makes buying gold coins from GoldLine a great idea.
asswipe @ 96
You’re still silent about what Beck said moron!
You’re covering for a stupid carny barker! Shit even he calls himself a rodeo clown!
and You’re HIS FOOL!
Thanks for playing dumbass.
I am sick and tired of everyone accusing Anders Behring Breivik of this incident. He ALLEGEDLY did this. Nothing been proven in a court of law linking him to this incident.
@20. Roger Rabbit spews:
“Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla., said his office is getting calls from constituents saying, ‘If I don’t get my Social Security check, it’s your fault.’”
and you think only repubs are getting those calls?
@21. Roger Rabbit spews:
The Democrats’ bill cuts spending by $2.7 trillion — more than twice as much
sure they will, and unemployment won’t exceed 8%
@35. Roger Rabbit spews:
Legal Challenge Filed Against Eyman 2/3rds Initiative
“A dozen Democratic state lawmakers, two statewide education groups and some individual teachers and parents say they will sue the state to overturn the requirement that two-thirds of the Legislature approve tax increases.”
good for them, let the Dems sue the people who voted for it.
@51. Roger Rabbit spews:
Boner’s latest nonsense is calling the GOP’s debt bill a “bipartisan plan” even though Democrats explicitly oppose it. What he apparently means by “bipartisan” is that he may get Republican Party votes and Tea Party votes — but not enough to pass it.
good one
Heh. Let’s hope it’s not fatal…
We’d hate to lose you.
Does anyone know if the teabaggers are asking the Republican candidates for their birth certificates?
The Republican Battle Cry: Survival of the richest….Get yours before your neighbor does…..Who needs Jack Kevorkian when we can just cut Medicare?
@107 I, for one, would like to know what planet they were born on …
Why Republicans Shut Down The FAA
“Democrats said the real issue is that Republicans are insisting Democrats accept a host of controversial provisions added to a long-term FAA spending bill approved by the House in April. Among their key differences is a GOP proposal sought by industry that would make it more difficult for airline workers to unionize.”
I said earlier that the FAA was losing 22 million in revenue a week on passenger fees.
But I forgot to account for the fees imposed on airline cargo waybills. Much of this is to pay for security screening or air freight to prevent bombs from being loaded as cargo.
So the total isn’t just 22 million dollars a week lost to Republican stonewalling. It’s 30 million dollars A DAY.
@109 I suspect this has more to do with alternate realities.
@110 “make it more difficult for airline workers to unionize”
Someone once said in a documentary of the event that, if anyone wants to see what the Republican vision for America looks like, just take a look at the photos of the dead women laying on the sidewalks of NYC following the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. That’s their vision. Let’s not forget those dead women the next time some wingnut rages on about the burdens imposed upon ourthe “job creators” by worker rights and our nation’s building and fire codes.
Troll Drools:
“I’m sick and tired of everybody saying Adolph Hitler started WW2 and killed 6 million jews. Were you there? Did you see it? Books…schmooks…who reads anyway… it was like the moon landing. FAKED…in a Hollywood studio. By the JEWS! and the Rothchilds and the Roosevelts and the Tri-Lateral Commission.”
And Puddy dashes in and out of this thread, and continues to ignore the direct challenge to him:
Puddy, when are you going to publically repudiate Glenn Beck for his attempts to blame the terrorist attack in Norway on the victims?
(the only sound we hear is a clock ticking in the background).
Last chance, loon. After this, we can forever brand you as an advocate of violence against innocent young teens because you refuse to repudiate one who attempts to excuse it.
Republicans don’t compromise, so why should we? The deficit should be closed by imposing a $100,000 a year mitigation tax on every Republican voter.
Those fuckers should pay for the privilege of ruining our country, tanking the economy, and driving everyone else into poverty.
However, I’m willing to negotiate. I’ll trade away that demand in exchange for a reasonable budget bill.
Hmm, so Sarah Palin’s second grandchild was born three months after Sarah’s son married the mother? Perhaps that explains her reluctance to get into the presidential race, it would be food for widespread tabloid fodder.
Of course, those things can happen in any family, frustrating all attempts of the parents to educate their children otherwise. But since Palin had mounted her high-horse and proclaimed the moral superiority of her teachings and her family, it makes this a special case.
Reports are that Palin was rather bitter at Bristol Palin, telling her that her pregnancy cost Sarah the Vice-Presidency. Can you imagine what her son his hearing now? “I would have been elected president 15 months from now, if only you could have kept your pants zipped!!!!”
@115 “we can forever brand you as an advocate of violence against innocent young teens”
It was the hate-filled loon’s comments following the Gifford’s shooting and the death of young Christina Taylor Green that was the last straw for me. I will no longer dignify the bastard by addressing any comment to him. I don’t need to converse with him to rip him a new asshole every now and then.
The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats
“NBC News has confirmed that Democratic Rep. David Wu of Oregon is resigning in the aftermath of allegations that he had a sexual encounter with an 18-year-old woman. The congressman had been pressured to step down after the House Democratic leader sought an investigation into the woman’s claims that the interaction was unwanted.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If this congressman was a Republican, he’d still be in office and a GOP coverup would be underway.
@119 The short of it, she has yet to have a grandchild who was conceived in marriage. I think she’s 0 for 2 now.
The stock market, still not wanting to believe Republicans are reckless enough to pull the trigger on default, remained relatively calm today and eased another 60-odd Dow points downward.
Re: the new Palin illegitimacy revelations..
The questions for PuddyStupid:
Where was the mother??
Where was the father???
Sounds like the Palins are a bit ‘schizophrenic’ huh???
This wouldn’t happen to Puddysilly and his spawn would it?
Glad to see him gone. Unstable creeps don’t belong in the congress.
@126 I don’t see why bondholders should get paid. After all, when a bank or corporation goes under, the creditors don’t get paid. That’s called “credit risk.”
“GOP Demand Obama Protect Social Security”
At least those shits are good for a laugh now and then. Where the fuck did they get their evil agenda? A Sith Lord? If so, where the fuck are those damned Jedi when we need them??
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own any government bonds.
Hilarious. First they want to turn Social Security into a voucher system, then they insist that the President ensure that Social Security payments go out.
Grandstanding, posturing, whatever you want to call it. It’s all the GOP does any more, it’s hypocracy and inconsistencies knows no bounds.
And it’s really incredible how Boener can look straight into a camera and include six or seven lies into a single short sentence. He must spray his face with epoxy to keep from breaking out in snickers at his own comments. That might account for the orange glow.
And while we are tied up by the Republicans on wrangling over a debt ceiling increase that they should have enacted pro-forma months ago, the country is NOT working on things it really should be doing. Like making college affordable to those wanting to study for careers which are in high demand, like engineering…
Source: Aviation Daily, July 24, 2011.
So, while the Republicans insist on no more taxes, cuts in higher education spending and no more investment in U.S. infrastructure, companies like Boeing are looking to countries like Russia to fullfill it’s engineering needs. Because Russia, India, China, S. Korea, and Japan all feel that they cannot afford NOT to invest in the education of their people, their greatist resource.
But here in the U.S., the Republican party insists that only the rich should have access to higher education, by continually cutting funding for education. And the way they have structured the economy, the guys in marketing and finance get paid obscene wages, bonuses, and stock options. Engineers get told that they are being paid too much and should be happy if they ever make double their starting salary by the time they retire.
With economic meltdown knocking on the nation’s doorstep, Bloomberg calls bullshit:
@132 Republicans don’t have any problem with their spending. This is all about repealing the New Deal — and taking the U.S. economy hostage and holding a gun to its head to get what they can’t win at the ballot box.
# 132: Good catch. And Bloomberg isn’t exactly a “left wing” news source, is it? Maybe the financial interests in the U.S. are getting ready to desert the Republicans. What good does it to to have the GOP in their back pocket, trying to get even more of the U.S. economy for the rich, if the whole economy is going to go into the crapper anyway? It’s like fighting over who owns more shares of the Titanic as it sinks below the waves.
Another chart….
<a href="</a
Okay, let’s try that again.
Obama vs Bush Deficits
A few of points about the chart….
1. Numbers are calculated out to the year 2017, to take into account deferred spending.
2. Total spending from Bush policies, in addition to the existing budget of 2000: $5.07 trillion dollars. Total spending by Obama policies: $1.44 trillion.
3. Of that $1.44 trillion, note that $711 million was for stimulous spending which would not have been necessary except for the “hands off wall street” policies of the Bush administration. The Bush administration spent a similar amount in the last months of 2008.
4. Of that $1.44 trillion in Obama programs, note that $425 billion was for stimulous tax cuts. The only problem the Republicans have with that was it went to working families, not to the rich.
5. So by the time we deduct $711 billion in stimulus spending caused by the Bush administration’s mis-management of Wall Street, and $425 billion in tax cuts (same cause), the total additional cost of Obama’s programs are only 34 billion.
6. Remember that the Republican house is causing the U.S. to lose 30 million a day because it has failed to pass a clean FAA re-authorization bill.
Note that it’s been 24 hours since I first called on Puddy to denounce Beck’s attempt to blame the teenage victims of the shootings in Norway. He’s posted on this board several times since then, so he’s obviously reading the posts, but he’s failed to address the challenge.
Puddy’s continued silence therefore affirms his agreement with Beck’s comments.
Therefore, from now on, I will address Puddy as the one who, like Beck, approves of violence against innocent young teens simply because he disagrees with the political party of their family.
Way to keep it classy, Republicans!
Same dateline, different level of class.
Nice looking ride.
Glenn Beck: “There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like the Hitler Youth, or whatever. I mean, who does a camp for kids that’s all about politics?”
MSNBC: “Beck [runs] political youth camps himself. His 9/12 Project … has been running camps for kids this summer. The Utah camp, for example, seeks to provide ‘heritage-based education for youth, with special focus on the Constitution and the Founding generation.'”
Click here for photo of Beck Jugend Kamp Lider:
Beck … isn’t that a German name? Isn’t Beck Beer made in Germany? Has anyone seen this guy’s birth certificate? The long form? Someone should check out his ancestry.
Boehner Plan Falls Apart
The debt plan floated by GOP leader John Boehner “ran into major trouble Tuesday when the Congressional Budget Office said it failed to reduce spending and deficits as much as advertised. A spokesman for Boehner said aides are looking at rewriting the plan” while “a group of conservative senators harshly criticized [it] … and called on Republicans to reject it.”
Donald Trump made a mistake today. Speaking on Fox News, he says the Republicans should reject any debt extension deal because causing a default would help Obama lose the 2012 elections. In the meantime, Congressional Republicans are saying: “Didn’t he get the memo? That’s what we’ve been trying to do all along, but we aren’t supposed to talk about it!”
Trump says Republicans Should Sabotage Obama
It’s pretty clear the 2012 election is going to be about whether we keep Social Security and Medicare, or scrap these programs so the rich don’t have to pay taxes.
Bush’s tax cuts for the rich have been in place for 9 years now.
Where are all the jobs these tax breaks for millionaires were supposed to create?
Why GOPers Will Lose In 2012
The GOP has already lost the 2012 elections. Here’s why:
“As the debt-ceiling debate drags on, a new CNN/ORC International Poll reveals a growing public exasperation and demand for compromise. Sixty-four percent of respondents to a July 18-20 survey preferred a deal with a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. Only 34% preferred a debt reduction plan based solely on spending reductions.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Thirty-four percent — that’s the hardcore base that rightwing fanatics, Suzie Hutchison, and cigaret smoke will always get in any election. The GOP is down to that base. They’ve lost everyone else.
Coming to a Republican dominated state near you! Maybe the one you live in!
Oh! Didn’t you know that Republicans are so busy cutting taxes that the Republican dominated state near you might have to close motor vehicle licensing offices in oh.. areas where Democrats tend to live! How convenient!
Domestic Terrorism Threat Growing
“The threat of domestic terrorist attacks in the United States similar to last week’s fatal bombing and assault in Norway is significant and growing, analysts said Monday.
“The greatest threat of large-scale attacks come from … extremists who subscribe to radical Islamic or far right-wing ideologies, said Gary LaFree, director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism …. extremist right-wingers … have shown a willingness to target the public, LaFree said.
“Such groups are among the fastest-growing extremist organizations in the country, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported in February. Right wing anti-government groups grew by 60% in 2010 over the previous year, the center reported, attributing much of the growth to militia groups.”
@150 Partisanship is spinning out of control. We may have to ban Republicans before things can get back to normal in this country.
If we ban Republicans, we probably won’t have to ban guns, because that would take care of both problems.
YLB @ 150: It’s no surprise that Walker would try to cut DMV offices in Democratic areas and expand hours in Republican areas. The new voter ID law will require voters to have a Driver’s license (or passport, military ID, etc.) in order to vote. He probably opened the Ohio Secty of State’s 2004 manual to figure out how to disenfranchise as many Democrats as possible, and make voting as easy as possible for Republicans. (For those who don’t remember, he removed polling booths from Democratic precincts and sent them to Republican precincts. Republican voters had zero wait time to vote. Democratic voters had to stand in line for several hours to get a chance to vote, and the Republican Secty of State ordered the polls to shut their doors at closing time, even if people were still in line – contrary to state law.
The guy lies about the death of his own mother. He says she committed suicide. But, really she drowned after calling in sick to work and going on a date with her married boyfriend. The Tacoma paper carried an article about it at the time she drown and revisited it when Beck was given the key to the city in Mount Vernon. I think it was Mount Vernon. One of those little burgs up north with a history of John Birch crap anyway.
154 – Can’t imagine that happening here but it wouldn’t be the first time in my life I woke up after election night, looked at the news and wondered what sort of country I was now living in.