– Maybe this explains why it’s so painful to read the Seattle Times’ editorials.
– Google Correlate is clearly not Google Causation.
– The money for that Queen Anne bike bridge could have gone to, um, bike infrastructure somewhere else.
– This looks like a really terrible movie.
– So I’ll be at Folklife instead.
“This looks like a really terrible movie”
If that Kevin James movie is “really terrible”, where would that leave Atlas Shrugged and Palin’s soon to be released bio flick? Hmm, if we forced terrorists at Gitmo to watch those movies, by the Geneva Convention would that be considered torture?
Is there anything, anywhere that commenters on the web have not “groused loudly” about?
Personally, I prefer my grouse wrapped in pancetta or with a morel sauce.
Lookie, lookie:
Yep, and with gas prices staying in the high range from here on out, less credit available to buy cars (and fewer people qualifying for that credit), infill development, and last but not least baby boomers retiring, those numbers will be going down not up. But, our beloved folks down at wsdot have the numbers on car trips going up, even when there own data says they will be going down. Lovely.
You mean the pedestrian bridge that the city has been promising LQA forever?
You want more money for bikes, go get your own federal grants.