– Dear Sarah Palin,
Don’t try to use a semicolon; you’ll only embarrass yourself. And yes, the odd punctuation is like the 4th worst thing about this tweet.
Love, Carl.
– This is the most depressing story I’ve read in a long time (hat tip here and here, it’s the story of a rape, and while the link isn’t gratuitous or sensationalist, it may be triggering or not safe for work).
– And speaking of things that make me sad for Texas high school kids, what ABL said.
– I’m surprised this happened so in the open.
– This looks like a lot of fun, Tacoma people.
I was mugged in San Fransisco in 1989. Two junkie lookin dudes right in the middle of Garradelli Square, in front of about 50 people in the middle of the afternoon. One guy came up on my right and just sorta slapped me on the side of the head from behind and his buddy grabbed me and pulled my wallet out of my pocket.
They got about $12, my drivers license, and the other normal shit that people keep in their wallets. Other folks just looked away, didn’t want to talk to me and the cops never even showed up. You can damn well bet they’d have been there in a hot minute if I’d been observed smoking a doob.
Muggers suck.
From the story linked above:
So she was booted off the cheer leading squad for refusing to cheer for her assailant.
Hey Puddybud must be something about the outcomes of “conservative Texas politics” huh?
Was Bin Laden a pot smoker?
There’s the Frost Park Chalk Off every Friday at noon in Tacoma.
Just a reminder to the Randroid Tea Partying enthusiasts and any insomniacs, this is likely the last weekend you’ll have a chance to see the gawd awful movie, Atlas Shrugged (Part 1 !) in a theater in western Washington.
Fortunately, despite the huge obstacles of producing a movie very few people will pay to see, I’ve found Atlas Shrugged Pt. 2 EXCLUSIVE TRAILER
In case you missed the previous open thread, Grady Warren is running for President. Regarding his qualifications:
Heh. This guy is either the best satire ever to appear on YouTube or he’s totally 100 percent for real!
Don’t miss him!
# 6 I just looked at that video. Wish there was something funny to say, but that is just pathetic. Maybe that is what is funny.
7 – You really wish you could get that 10 minutes of your life back after watching that..
But it’s such a clear reflection of how the worst of the trolls who come here to these comment threads think. Sometime you read some of the crap they get from the interwebs and then you see the result – a clown (or a satire) like Grady Warren.
As the republicons relentlessly concentrate the wealth up and the dems spinelessly do nothing and all the proles descends into serfdom again, expect muggings to become commonplace.
I’m rather surprised it’s taking so long. I was sure this would start after Clinton “Got Rid of Welfare as We Know It”(TM).
Have to agree with Michael Moore on the use of assassination in handling bin Laden, and the distastefulness in the public celebration afterward:
There were times I seem to remember (even at the height of the Cold War) when this view wasn’t considered hopeless idealism, or ironically worse, as somehow un-American.
Maybe it’s naive to imagine that “strength” in foreign policy has ever not included some tacit embrace of the “dark side,” but the cynical mainstreaming of torture and assassination as US policy is like rot on the psyche and society.
carl, its kind of funny that you write something about sarah palin and a semicolon? (didnt read the piece of shit link) , but you dont mention one of your cousins, steve cohen (of course) of sac, yup scamming schekels. what a bunch of scumbags the chosen ones really are.
10 – Yes Ramzi Youseff who today moulders in a Super Max prison for the first WTC bombing (anyone remember that?) was apprehended in of all places – Pakistan..
Perhaps there was more money in it for Pakistan by giving him up to the FBI. Not really – someone ratted him out and got 2 million bucks for it but since Pakistan ISI was involved in the capture, who knows the real story?
And Osama???? Loads of gold to be had by filing him away in a well-to-do suburb and keeping him making tapes. Osama was milked for all he was worth by Bush’s gang, by Pakistan, by who knows what…
And we’re all stuck with the bill…
Hey anyone remember that Plague on America???
Didn’t think so…
I think it depends on if you see going after Bin Laden as an act of police work or an act of war.
We killed all sorts of Nazi’s of all sorts of ranks prior to the end of WWII, the trials came afterwards. Maybe now would be a good time to step away from the war footing and to work on terrorism as an act of police work.
We lost that something a long time ago.
Well, yay.
@14: I agree that this is a good time to step away from the war footing. This stance was always a damaging and interest-serving distortion of the threat. Before Afghanistan and Iraq there were many voices, including moderates and what would have then been called conservatives, who thought that it was important that we treat terrorism in law enforcement terms. Unfortunately, the hysteria won, and we’re all worse off for it.
Does anyone know if there has been a fund created to help HS and her parents pay off the Texas School District for their bullying bs?
Bad enough she was expected to cheer on her rapist (who should have never been allowed back on the basketball team). I’d like to help get this crap behind her.
You were the moron who sought it out from a whack job leftist website then posted it here twice yelling loser boy.
What a loser!
Notice of course yelling loser boy has nothing to say about the rapist. But you can read his putrid politics where the court systems said she represents the school. I don’t agree with the various court decisions but I respect them.
I will send money to her fund. Will you yelling loser boy or will he be the cheap bastard we all know him to be?
Oh look yelling loser boy, your friends are protesting Osama’s death.
Why didn’t Obama capture Osama and allowed him to have his ACLU lawyer and be tried in NY City?
Oh… that’s only true when Republicans are in the executive branch!
i hear that pakistan is going to send a team of commandos (the walruses), into a seattle suburb to raid an apartment complex to capture or kill an abortion doctor.
Which one Puddybud??
What’s there to say? Whatever happened to the perp or the victim is obviously due to “conservative Texas politics” to paraphrase your silly ass…
I thought you right wingers were supposed to be perfect or at least better..
But of course the truth as anyone intelligent knows: YOU SUCK!
Nope you silly dope. Remember Ramzi Yousef? Convicted Sept 5, 1996 in a U.S. Court.
Who was President then stupid?
Puddfish claims: “I don’t agree with the various court decisions but I respect them.”
Funny. You never said that about Roe.
27 – Heh. Nice catch..
You replied!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
EXACTLY moron! Why did Obama order him killed fool?
Walked right into that one!
29 – Like I thought you made up shit again..
It’s the way of the right wing..
Who said he did? Making ASSumptions again stupid?
What a dope..
Hey FartASS…
Roe AKA Norma McCorvey renounced abortions. Good enough for Puddy.
Strike three you’re out FARTASS!
Thanks for agreeing with many lefties that Clinton was a moderate Republican president fool.
By the way your new favorite liberal commenter Ezra Klein, former “journolist moron” (your stupid words), said Obama is a moderate Republican.
In either case too left for your STUPID ASS..
To the moron@32,
Once again you suck, and you are Clueless as ever!
5 days the right wing has been in mourning of the dispatch of Osama bin Laden by Barack H. Obama.
5 days they’ve been loving torture to deal with the grief.
Good night!
Lying dingleberry again yelling loser fool!
Keep it up. You give leftists a bad name everyday!
Ezra Klein also said you can’t balance the budget by taxing the rich.
Another truth lost on yelling loser boy!
Wrong again lying sack of shit yelling loser boy! Using the correct interrogation methods of GWBush and Richard Cheney Obama gets bin Laden. Leon Panetta tells the truth and you can’t handle the truth. Enhanced interrogation techniques worked perfectly and your hero bin Laden is dead!
Nice try stupid:
bin Laden’s miserable ass wasn’t worth the life of one SEAL, nice change of pace from the 4000 who died in the idiot son’s adventure in Iraq.
C’ya torture loving fool!
Yes you are stupid because you need to reread your stooooooooooooopid comment@32. Obama ordered bin Laden dead, and you SUCK again at being wrong with facts. Remember this thread will be remembered as your almost latest ASS Kicking after this one!
Oops. No lie. Ramzi Yousef committed his crime and was convicted on Clinton’s watch.
Thanks for calling Clinton a Republican dummy. Many lefties agree with you.
I misread 1996. I also said Obama didn’t want Osama getting an ACLU lawyer, yet you decided to skip that FACT.
Lying sack of shit yelling loser boy!
Hey moron,
Gave myself a laugh today.. There ought be a Hallmark special about you fool.
Ought to broadcast that sob story before the next season premier of “24”..
Who said enhanced interrogation techniques which led to the killing of Osama which you so proudly proclaim here is torture except most on the left wing and John McCain pandering for leftist votes.
After proving almost all of your silly idiotic moronic comments are either wrong or abject lies, you change your attack so many times in this thread it’s coming close to the various stories Obama’s sadministration is telling everyone about how Osama was found and killed.
Smack side yo head
Smack side yo head again
Smack side yo head again
45 – zzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzz…
Links to a t-shirt site.. Not worth the click.
That all you can manage idiot?
that you’re an idiot? Shit, that’s evident on the face.
But you clicked it after telling the world you don’t click my links. Another blatant lie from the yelling loser boy fool!
I told you that @46.
See ya and Good Night moron! I have a wife who wants me. You can stay here and ignore yours like always!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Let’s see the love for torture again fool..
You couldn’t find a transcript of Panetta’s words.
You keep linking to right wing bullshit sites..
Obama’s actions have demented you beyond recognition.
You’re close to a mental break similar to what you did over Loughner. A break so bad you hallucinated records into my database.
No one gives a crap about your bullshit. See any “Hannah” or “Sue” around to stroke your miserable ego?
You’re just entertainment Puddybud.
Care to keep going until Nov 2012???
Yawwwn. Nope. Just hovered the mouse cursor. I know cafepress sells t-shirts.
Just like I know you’re stupid.
Yawwwn. Nope. Just hovered the mouse cursor. I know cafepress sells t-shirts.
Just like I know you’re stupid.
Here’s two amusing statements:
So Norma changing her mind invalidates a “court decision” which the fool claims to respect.
The moron might as well declare himself the law of the land. He can then order Thomas and Scalia around.
It never stops with this meat head.
The U.S. special forces team that hunted down Osama bin Laden was under orders to kill the al Qaeda mastermind, not capture him, a U.S. national security official told Reuters.
“This was a kill operation,” the official said, making clear there was no desire to try to capture bin Laden alive in Pakistan.
puddy, either you don’t get it, or you are justing goofing on these pricks like i do.
lets see, we violated a sovreign countries territory, put civilians at risk, murdered without benefit of a trial and thru the body out to sea because obama was afraid to take ownership of it.
do you think these pricks are ever going to say “yeah, your’e right”?
have you forgotten, that during whitewater, an aide named josh steiner had written incriminating stuff in his diary about the, then, head of the american red cross. it was related to clintons shenanigans. the wonderfull senator (dont call me mamm, diane feinstien coached the lad to say he lied to his own diary. and expected the fools and sheep we call the american public to believe it. this country is now a joke.
Heh. Hey Puddybud, this jewhater @ 54 is made for you.
You, the ignorant knee-jerk brain dead chickenshit, Grady Warren and man ‘o crap.
What a dream team.
The curtain starts to fall on the freak show that is the torture lovers:
Heh. Hey Puddybud, this jewhater @ 54 is made for you.
ylb, i have a question for you. would you say that i’m a total bigot? that i hate everyone not like me? jews, blacks, gays etc etc? i’m guessing you’d say that. so, why do you only call me a jewhater? is hating jews the only thing that ever matters? are you trying to win points with your jewish masters? i dont get it.
Because that’s what you do mostly. I find it so ignorant and disgusting that I don’t care to know much more about you.
Jesus Christ you’re a drip.
Your wife can fucking HAVE you…with our condolences.
She has me all the time moron! It’s glorious!
Sucks to be you rujax!
Now back to yelling loser boy…
Not placing the NBC link on purpose is to drive you crazy, moron. The link posted has the MSNBC video. Butt to an idiot as yourself, you can’t click on the internal link and find the NBC information which was presented front and center. So in there interest of science, you know like dissecting a dead creature to see it’s brain size, and to stop your stupid whining like a three year old, etc. here is the NBC Universal link. I post it now, not at your whim, but to demonstrate I had the link and I post it when I want, not at your request. It’s to show the world the link I posted had the real words of Leon Panetta, corroborated by the AP and WAPost in separate articles.
Suck on that sucka!
Not a fan of yours but you asked a question. I mostly screw with their minds, but you need to up your game. I said this twice earlier. You need to work on your blog skillz…
NY Times
Interesting development… if cell phones from bin Laden’s compound have US numbers, I wonder if any will lead to a yelling loser databaze creating sitting at home all day fool who lives in Seattle on whack job web sites while others work all day?
Puddy also noticed how yelling loser boy someone named Grady, an unknown to me. No more posts on Hermain cain ever since Cain came out slugging in the first Republican debate and white people in South Carolina liked him. I guess yelling loser boy had to shut up because his man crush was very apparent in previous blog threads so now it’s someone I’ve never heard before. This lieftist moron will change topics so fast hoping to stumble upon something that works. He’s been failing for years now even with the help of his databaze “creation”. BTW yelling loser boy I have not clicked on any of your stupid Grady links so I can continue to claim who is he!
Really sucks to be an idiot like you. Wait a minute… rujax knows what it’s like!
64 – LMAO!!! Grady Warren will always be on the table. He does that:
Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm
crap you used to do. He’s a total moron like you.
It’s too damn funny!
Oh and as Herman Cain gets more loony, we’ll make fun of him as well.
All the way to Nov 2012. It’s going to be fun..
Success! I drive the idiot to use credible sources
Just so you know, when you use right wing bullshit sources, I’ll make fun of your stupidity.
Keep up the great work!
And reading the Panetta transcript – nope, it doesn’t make the case that torture led to bin Laden. If torture was so great, why didn’t Bush get him?
Oh I get it – back in the day little Dumbya’s hands were tied by Condi, by Karen Hughes, by his Mommy, by his Wifey and most of all by Hillary in the Senate…
Oh I forgot one other player that tied the Pretender-in-Chief’s hands:
S O R O S ….
That was the “puppetmaster” as exposed on the Beck clown hour.
He obviously had Barack waiting in the wings to take the credit so he score on the drop in the U.S. dollar.. Oh my.. Another day, more right wing bullshit.
Sez you? Whatamoron. Yeah, everyone here will take your ANALysis over the CHIEF of the CIA. IDIOT!
How could Bush get him when he was hiding in Pakistan? Is this the best you HA leftists can do; parading yelling loser boy to be the front man for leftist lunacy?
So from mid 2002 until 2011 bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan.
Yeah keep patting yourself on the back. Inside the original link were the same sources fool. Keep whining… I’ll mail some Limburger cheese to that whine!
What? you’ve moved on from Herman Cain now that he’s gotten some love? After Herman Cain smacked you side your head?
This reTard is useless feckless moron!
Oh and yelling loser boy…
Your bud Fred Phelps is a DUMMOCRAPT. From WikiPedia
Really sucks to be you!