– I’m still opposed to spending money beyond bonding capacity on a stadium, but now I hope some hiccup means Sacramento doesn’t get to keep their team just out of spite.
– Councilwoman Godden writes a fairly mild piece saying we should work on fixing the fact that Seattle is the worst big city for pay inequality, the comments are unhelpful.
– We’re still pretending Benghazi is some uniquely awful thing.
– I hope the Colbert Busch loss doesn’t mean Democrats write off the deep South.
– The Lake Forest Park farmers market opens on Mother’s Day.
The Human Cost Of Cheap Labor
“The death toll from a garment factory building that collapsed outside the Bangladesh capital has climbed past 900, as recovery workers continue pulling bodies from the wreckage more than two weeks after the disaster.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If terrorists flattened a building and killed 900 people, it would provoke a massive military response; but when greedy employers do it, it’s just back to business as usual.
Really CNN? Dr. Drew opining on Joey Arias? That’s the B block?
Lest we forget, China is run by commies who crush popular dissent with tanks and enable the existence of the criminal regime next door in North Korea. But that doesn’t stop American millionaire businessmen who mouth conservative platitudes about patriotism from cozying up to the comrades and sending American jobs and money to China by the shipload! What a bunch of hypocritical America-hating traitors. The same bunch who enable collapsing garment sweatshops in shitholes like Bangladesh. They’ll do anything for a dollar, including selling out their own country.
Allegiance to dollars trumps actual patriotism, and worse, trumps humanity.
Let’s not forget that Enron’s Skilling will get his sentence reduced to ten years, if an agreement between the prosecutors and defense attorneys is upheld by the court. It seems that stalling on details of the restitution scheme paid off for Skilling, as it motivated the prosecutors to agree to the lessor sentence. Considering time served, he could probably be released relatively quickly.
I wonder how much Skilling has hidden away somewhere?
Enron’s Skilling to get sentence reduction.
@4 Praise the Lord. Amen.
I found this particularly ugly
A study by the Heritage Foundation that said Latino immigrants should therefore be admitted to the U.S. only sparingly because their supposedly lower brain power will cost the country trillions of dollars. Heritage fellow Jason Richwine, who co-authored the report in question and argued that immigration reform would end up costing the U.S. $6.3 trillion in lost productivity and social programs because Latino immigrants are a burden on society.
Thats not going to help Right Wing outreach.
Ikk. IKKK.
Just IKK.
@5 I wonder if they’ll offer the same deal to inmates who merely robbed banks.
The Wingnut Worldview
Bank robbers = bad
Robber banks = good
@7 How does he know immigrants have lower IQ? Did he give them English-language reading comprehesion tests?
Average Covered Charges
Personally, I find it hard to believe it’s possible for anyone to be dumber than some of our natives. http://tinyurl.com/c6lwscg
OTOH, once in a blue moon you see an interesting discussion occurring at a protest rally. http://tinyurl.com/ctyy84v
@12 Doesn’t UWMC own NWH now? Virginia Mason probably has lower charges because of their affiliation with Group Health.
@8 Check out this one. Looks like I’m the NRA’s favorite bunny.
El Drugbo was defending the guy this morning too, “It’s not PC to talk about IQ, blah, blah, blah.”
O.k. So you have a study, by a guy who’s doctoral thesis shows a stunning ignorance of genetics and IQ but making an indirect claim that immigrant genetics are inferior, claiming that the costs of immigration reform must, MUST!, be calculated on the assumption that every illegal immigrant in the country will go on welfare as soon as they’re legal and will never, EVER get off welfare until they die.
‘Cause all illegals have low I.Q. and are on welfare.
Nope, nothing racist ’bout Heritage Foundation at all.
@16 “Richwine received his doctorate in public policy in 2009 from Harvard University.”
How the hell did this guy slip through the cracks?
@5 Bullshit talks and money walks.
@7 Channelling the spirit of William Shockley, perhaps?
Now, for those among y’all who might ask “since when do you have to be a genius to pick strawberries?”, well…
There was a column in the Los Angeles Times this week written by a reporter who went out and spent a day attempting to work as a strawberry picker. He discovered a number of remarkable things. One was the comaraderie among the field workers, who were very accepting of him and dealt rather kindly with his inexperience. The work was even harder physically than he’d expected, but there was also some real skill required. You know how when you go to the store and buy strawberries each box is neatly packed so the biggest and prettiest berries are on the top and they’re packed in a way that they all fit nicely and the weight’s always right on the nose (a pound box actually holding 16 ounces of berries)? You might think that that’s done in some “inspection” process after they’re picked, but nope…the sorting and arranging in the boxes is all done by the pickers on the fly. All done without damaging the fruit, very quickly, while half bent over. All day long.
@17 Maybe the same way Dubya got his MBA.
Now some are out to smear the hero of rescue of the three kidnapped women in Cleveland, because he had some domestic violence convictions. I was afraid of that. In this situation, he rose to the occasion. He even is refusing the reward money, saying the families need it. That is the mark of a hero.
Giving up any reward money, shows that one cares more about other people, and not themselves. The off duty park ranger that found the wreckage of a Marine Corps transport plane on Mount Rainier in 1947, turned down the reward money the families offered, said they needed it more, plus he was only doing his job.
More garment workers have died in Bangladesh, this time 8 people in a factory fire.
Calling these incidents “accidents” or “disasters” or “tragedies” gives them a respectability they don’t deserve.
This is manslaughter.
@19 Right. Remember what happened when Alabama’s rightwing bigots and xenophobes passed a law running the immigrant farm workers out of the state? Alabama’s farmers couldn’t find people willing to do the work, and the few caucasians who tried couldn’t do it.
# 21: Now that the media has reminded everyone of the reward money, at least two have come out of the woodwork to claim credit for finding the Cleveland girls. One said she heard the girls screaming and told the original “hero” to go over and help them. Another claims that it was he, not the “hero”, who kicked down the door.
I don’t find much credibility there when those claims first arose two days after the rescues.
And it appears our “hero” owes back child support, so his proclamation to give the reward money to the girls, no matter how selfeless it was intended, probably won’t matter so much – the state will probably step in and claim the money on his behalf.
But hey – at the time it was needed, he stepped forward. I’ll give him all the credit he deserves.
@24 Looks like the prosecutor wants to go for the death penalty. He said today he plans to charge the kidnapper with fetal murder for forcibly inducing multiple miscarriages in one of the victims. Based on what we know about this perp, he probably deserves whatever he gets.
I keep getting server refused messages, anybody else?
The Minnesota House voted for Marriage Equality. It now goes to the Senate. On this one, I thought they should slow down, because the DFL barely got both houses in St Paul back from the GOP, although one of the first things the GOP did when they took over St Paul, was send the amendment that would have outlawed it, to the voters. Part of the reasons that amendment failed, was that those who skipped voting on that part of an otherwise voted ballot, were counted as no votes. Plus, if there is a voter backlash, the Independence Party could be the spoiler, again. It’s how Pawlenty and Dayton got elected, as well as Al Franken.
Ladies & Gents, Heritage Foundation president Jim Demint:
I’m still not remotely comfortable with the notion of fetal murder. Oh, you had a miscarriage and can’t PROVE that you didn’t harm your baby? Better get a lawyer.
But if the punishment fits the crime, I would prefer that he spends a very long life incarcerated with guards looking the other way when anyone thinks he’s purty…
I get one every now and then. WordPress is interpreting some character or character sequence as an “attack.” Pasting text from another article is the primary culprit.
26, 30 — Yes, HA has been down off and on all afternoon.
@29 It occurred to me it may be tough to prove. I wonder if there’s a medical way to tell? We probably can assume there’s no physical evidence of these aborted pregnancies, so a prosecution would have to rest solely on the testimony of the women. Normally I wouldn’t feel comfortable with executing someone on someone else’s say-so, without solid corroborating evidence that a murder was committed (see, e.g., Willingham case), but frankly I don’t care what the law or anyone else does to this guy. They may have a hard time finding an impartial jury. It’s because of monsters like him lurking in society, doing the things they do, that I find it hard to be completely against the death penalty in all cases. I believe it should be used very sparingly, but nevertheless, I think there are cases in which it should be used.
Fetal murder? No can be.
If you are a Bible Thumper like the BENGHAZI BUTTPOUNDER, then you already know that the BIBLE has that covered. A fetus has no value. A baby less than 1 month old has no value. Don’t believe me? Then you gatta see this.
Betty Bowers Explains Abortion to Everyone Else
Betty also unravels the mysteries of a traditional marriage to the unenlightened.
Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else
Betty Bowers should know. She is America’s Best Christian!
@21 None of you humans are perfect. Give him credit for the good thing he did, and hold him to his other responsibilities.
I think BUTTBOY has been using his mighty sysadmin skills to take down HA. He has finally figured out how to script a wget statement attack against the server.
@33 Shit, that video crashed my computer. Hit it like a — WHAMMO!!! — lightning bolt. I had to restart in “Safe Mode,” too. Someone didn’t want me watching that.
@35 Or maybe the Chinese army is doing it. They probably didn’t like what I said about them.
RR @32,
I say this is women’s business. Turn the bastard over to the local women and let them decide what to do with him. I’m sure they’d find it very therapeutic.
Roger, those are YouTube videos.
It is time you considered a computer upgrade.
Conservative Old DUMB and Decrepit Wabbit? Conservative? Need to see that list of LIBTARD led companies again who went overseas, starting with GE and Apple?
Awww da poor libtards had nuthin to do!
Sniff… Sniff… What’s that smell?
Why, it’s BUTTPUTTY! Master of the wget statement.
@38 Works for me.
@39 This computer is 2 months old. I didn’t have any problem watching videos on You Tube of a repo guy doing his work. I especially like this one:
@43 I like that video. The guy reminds me of Dr. Bob. Same touch of class, don’t you know.
Hmmm. I wonder if you are under cyber attack from our wget master, the smelly BUTTPUTTY.
ekim, the goatsee of HA!
BTW have y’all seen this?
PuddyCommentary… Now why would Obummer’s military do that? This has to be from the top all the way to the CiC!
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO will claim some moooooslim stoooooooooopidity!
Hillary Clinton was absent from the Benghazi hearings last Wednesday, but what difference does it make? Seems she was absent from a lot of things her last year at State. She was absent from the final report because they never interviewed her for it. So how can it be a final report if you never interview the person who made the 2AM call to Benghazi?
This is no different than Watergate from the point that Obummer’s executive branch was covering up the real truth for political gain; reerected to the whitey house by lying about Al Qaeda. The difference regarding Watergate was the libtard press was all behind Senator Sam Ervin. Here the Praetorian Iranian Republican Guard libtard press is purposely shielding Obummer and not behind Congressman Darrell Issa. Obummer’s acceptance speech was all about Al Qaeda being decimated after Bin Ladin’s death.
What is the difference between Watergate and Benghazi? No one died in Watergate!
Unlike Hillary’s testimony who screamed “who cares”… We saw in Greg Hicks testimony one whom did care!
Oh goodie, BUTTBOY is quoting garbage out of the Loonie Tunes Times.
Hey WGETBOY, maybe you can find something at the Loonie Times how Obama, in his long term plan to become President, planned and implemented 9/11 to discredit the Shrub.
Ahhh yes… payback is a bitch!
PuddyCommentary… Puddy wonders if the father’s sins have anything to do with the irate constituents? Puddy wonders if the bling bling Jackson Jr flaunted have anything to do with the irate constituents? Now the defense team is using the Jackson Jr. mentally unstable theme.
My my my, what would SCHMUCKO say… something stoooooooooopid about Christians or Compassion or another moronic comment… wait for it…
The problem is this went on for years. Y’all think Jackson Jr. spent over $750 large in a few weeks or months? And one constituent said it best “did absolutely nothing for our district for the time he served.” As Puddy been saying for years… DUMMOCRAPTS care nothing for their constituents. They only care about getting reerected over and over and over!
Will this make the Friday Night Comics Strip?
Poor BUTTBOY, stuck with screaming Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
Maybe BUTTBOY gets a hard-on from shouting Benghazi!
Yes, I’m sure that happened just the way it’s reported in the Washington Times.
Good to see you’re getting your hate and bloodlust on this morning puddybigot!!
Let your freak flag fly! What next? They’re coming for our women? Our young girls? Maybe when ‘they’ complete their takeover of our government, under the KenyanMOOOOOSLUM sleeper agent Obama, we’ll all have to attend Quran readings together in our re-education cells in the FEMA camps?
You certainly are a dutiful and obedient little Junior-Goosestepper, doing what you’re told for a little pat on the head.
In fact, you are a vile and semi-literate hate-spewer, a useful idiot for evil, a fear-motivated religious bigot too dimwitted to see through the transparent skein of lies that you so eagerly and relentlessly repost on these threads.
I’m so glad God the Mother didn’t make me, flaws and all, live the life you’re trapped in. I really should try to be more compassionate toward you.
There you have it, in a nutshell, Darryl Issa’s wet dream, dutifully swallowed by the semi-literate puddybigot.
It’s always instructive when you let slip with the truth, puddybigot.
It’s good to know that that whole Earth-is-6000-years-old, and ‘Clouds-of-Glory’ and other accoutrements of your Dominionism are really about hate and tribalism, and not about living a loving, compassionate life in the ideal of your Jesus.
How is it that non-Christians are better Christians than Christians? Is this really a Zen koan?
BUTTBOY loves swallowing all sorts of disgusting things.
Puddybigot whines…
…most like because, as Colbert put it…
Hillary wasn’t there because the Republicans are too embarrassed to ask for their nuts back!
Why do FACTS scare goatsees like ekim? The video is all the evidence needed!
See ya goatsee!
Sometimes puddybigot just makes my mornings with his hilarious stupidity…great way to start the day!
dat’s your folks SCHMUCKO!
Didn’t his sister just receive a briefcase of smackdown?
Yes she did! Didn’t DUMMOCRAPTS run a nasty campaign for her? Yes they did!
Nuff said SUCKA!
FACTS are always a great way to start the day!
See ya later!
You linked to a Washington Times print story – no video. The story mentions a video – but no link. Got one? Likely not.
Here are some of the comments from puddybigot’s ‘factual’ Washington Times story…
And on and on and on…..
Puddybigot’s friends, from the racist reich-wing feverswamp…practicing their goose-stepping every day.
Speaking of the adulterous Sanford, I’d remind you, puddybigot, that you ran away from this…
..oh, yeah, I forgot…it’s not really about morality, it’s about power. It’s OK if you’re a Republican abandoning all principle…
Eh GOATBANGER, so where is the video?
Go here if you want to see the kind of place where puddybigot gets his instructions…
this line should tell you all you need to know:
There a video on the link in my post @65 – it may be what puddybigot is talking about.
As for the veracity of the ‘translation’, they claim this…
I would remind you that this Shoebat person is a favorite of puddybigot – he brought him up in discussions of the Boston bombing – Shoebat’s website includes lurid headlines like:
Shoebat’s just another crazy MOOOOSLUM-hater, making money off it, of course, with the twist that he happens to be of Arabic descent.
I love how, now that the whole reich-wing has stoked back up its MOOOOOSLUM-hate after Boston, we see what an amoral little goosestepper puddybigot is, as he happily re-spews the most vile hate, just as he is told to do.
It’s so transparent, and pathetic, to see a man willing to sublimate all ethic and morality, to display his naked tribalism, his unbridled fear, his joyous hatred, utterly oblivious to the profound hypocrisy that echoes when examined next to the veneer of his loudly self-proclaimed ‘Christianity’.
…and, as usual, when the proverbial lights go on, when we as a community engage puddybigot on his vile lies and hatred, he skitters away like the cockroach he is…
Piddles is hilarious these last few days. How many times (YLB, I put the over under at 1200) does he make fun of Michael Moore and yet he wants us to take Larry Klayman seriously:
A few of Klayman’s greatest hits.
12 separate lawsuits against Bill Clinton. All dismissed without settlement.
Sued Rachel Maddow for defaming Bradlee Dean. Result, judgement for legal fees AGAINST Bradlee Dean. (That’s what’s known in legal circles as an embarrassing slam-dunk loss.)
Filed suit to remove Obama from the Florida ballot as he is not a natural born citizen. Suit dismissed as without merit.
Filed suit against Facebook for $1B ’cause an Islamic Facebook page gave him a sad. Case dismissed without merit.
He’s been around longer than Orly Taitz and his won-loss batting average is a giant .000
No extra characters or poor grammar needed.
New conspiracy theory for me today, as heard on whatever RW radio nut is on KVI while everyone else has gone to top of the hour commercials)
Benghazi was a CIA plot because no one can know that the U.S. Embassy in Syria is arming the rebels so Ambassador Stevens had to be killed. (Why the Ambassador to Egypt and not Ambassador Ford in Syria needed to go remains a mystery.)
Countdown to Puddy posting that Stevens was killed by the CIA in 5, 4, 3…
Of course it was the CIA. They kill everyone, simply because they enjoy killing. It’s only a matter of time until Benghazi gets made into a Bond movie.
@69 Sounds like a serial abuser of court process whom judges should put on a short leash.
@66 Oh … he’s now saying Romney “took a dive.” (Me: Did he take a payoff from the Kenyan socialist? Wouldn’t put it past him.)
62)The part you mentioned about the article you were talking about, that some on the right, want to hit Mecca. I guess they think it will cause the extremists to give up without their holy site. That would only insight more acts. Also in WWII we avoided bombing holy sites. One exception, the Momentary at Monte Cassino, although even Catholic soldiers in the army approved. It made the battle even harder, and after the bombing, the German Forces then fortified it.
Today in 1869, the Golden Spike was hammered in at Promontory Point in Utah, completing the first transcontinental railway, and connecting a nation. It was done only 7 years after President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act. Amtrak honors it tomorrow with National Train Day.
Listen all of you pressure cooker nuts. All we are talking about is some common sense pressure cooker regulations. Nobody is coming for your pressure cookers.
– Just Say’n
12 different versions? OMG. Can’t mention Al Qaeda. Can’t mention terrorist attack. Oh no what do we say now? Ahhh, just lie… Looks like it’s getting real traction SCHMUCKO. Oopsie… the lamestream is waking up, ABC and CBS… well it’ll be a cold day in hell before NBC says anything!!!!!
You posted it checkmate… Not Puddy!
SCHMUCKO gets his “daily juice” from
Daily Kooks
Media Morons
Three Pig Morons
Don’t need any links cuz HA libtards know the places well.
SCHMUCKO asked one of his stupid inane questions the other day and now is upset Puddy didn’t kiss his ass like those who work for SCHMUCKO…
Should good Christianists stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the adulterer Sanford?
Puddybigot, @91, dodging the question:
Should good Christianists stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the adulterer Clinton?
What puddybigot misses here, as usual, is the construction and logic of positive correlates or parallels or comparisons, or the underpinnings of hypocrisy.
By bringing up Clinton, puddybigot makes my point for me, though he thinks he’s engaging in a clever rebuttal.
See, puddybigot, Clinton was excoriated by the right for his infidelity, and this was taken from the moral realm into the political, and he was impeached by a moralizing pack of Republicans, and Joe Lieberman.
So Cry Puddy a River SCHMUCKO! The way the leftist pinheads attacked Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey was disgusting… Yet the NAGS (national org of gals) were very silent and didn’t protect those nice ladies because Bill was for NAGs! The rest of the rant just useless gibberish like always!
Gotta Go SCHMUCKO… More work to be done!
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO will claim Puddy turned tail and ran. Nope you DOPES, Puddy building some infrastructure!
Russia is about to cut Syria off. They will fill existing contracts,but not sell Syria anything new. They also will not deliver the S-300 Surface to Air missiles to Syria, which is one of the most advanced SAM systems.
HEY SCHMUCKO… The Proverbial Benghazi SHIT is hitting the fan.
Puddy expects no real coverage from the Friday Night Comics Purveyor. He’s have to be truthful after this development!
Does any HA libtard remember this…
PuddyCommentary… Seems that’s just what they did with 12 different drafts! Lie and mislead the American public just before an election! Stinks to high heaven!
Oh my this is getting good!
With the 24 hour news cycles, and the talking heads on tv, nobody wants to wait to find out the whole story. So we get incomplete information, which feeds speculation and those who want to politicize everything.
Won’t be able to cite CBS’s reporter on this story soon if, rumors, and they are only rumors, rumors are true she is trying to get out of her contract are true.
Up in British Columbia, a radio station took a reporter off the air(and it was not a CBC station) for Liberal Bias. Actually, she was just volunteering for a local BC Liberals candidate in next week’s legislative elections. By the way, are right wingers that love to bash that term around, might want to look at that party more closely, they are a center-right party. The actual Liberals in Victoria is the New Democratic Party, and they may still unseat the BC Liberals, but the polls are tightening, although they are province wide polls, and it is the individual vote in all 85 districts that determines the make-up, and control of the Legislative Assembly in Victoria.
Meanwhile, in Wichita, the mayors of OKC and Wichita announced support for extending Amtrak’s Heartland Flyer to KC. Right now, it is just for a study. Personally, if the schedule is right, I would only extend it to Newton, KS, where it would share a station with the LA-Chicago Southwest Chief. If the layover is not that long, just have through cars on the Chief. The Flyer’s southern terminus, is Fort Worth. I would prefer Houston.
Wow…you’re a sexist, too, puddybigot!!
No surprise there.
puddybigot @80, wherein puddybigot shows us all that he doesn’t understnad the use of the ‘blockquote’ function.
How does Chris Hansen handle getting rejected by the NBA relocation committee, and insulted by city hall in California’s capital? He ups his offer! Another$75 million.
Hitting the fan? You have a funny way with words. Hey, Loookiee, breitbart says something’s important.
Like, like, like….it took 24 hours for the president to refer to Benghazi terrah!
Jobs, jobs, jobs.
@90 Someone pointed out in another blog that except for Major League Baseball (which Congress passed a law to specifically exempt, back when they were actually passing anything but gas) the big sports leagues are subject to anti-trust law. Therefore, if Hansen puts a clearly superior offer on the table and Stern and the NBA keep stonewalling, he’d have grounds to lawyer up and sue the hell out of them. When the smoke cleared Seattle might still not get a team (and the league might end up in ruins) but Hansen himself could wind up a far, far richer man than he is now.
I would love if puddybigot could show us an official pronouncement from government that involved multiple agencies in a short period of time, on an important topic, that wasn’t edited extensively – that’s the nature of these documents, bozo.
When did the generation of a memo, or talking points, that *GASP* involved editing, become a crime or scandal.
It’s so fun to watch puddybigot SPIN…SPIN…SPIN…
I heard it from a RW radio host today. So, like yesterday, it’s only a matter of time before you quote it. Q.E.D. Praetorian.
92)I often wonder if a lawsuit does come out of this, will Stern fold, rather than anti-trust lawsuit leading to any information being released that Stern might not want made public. Like any secret meetings he had to influence the committee.
It goes easier than that. The Malloofs are notorious assholes. If the league insists on their taking $40-50 million less for their share of the team they WILL sue the NBA. And while the case winds along, they can Frontiere/Bennett the team. Will Sac-Town fans buy tickets to a 30-52 team?
Remember when SCHMUCKO claimed it was only on FOX News. Well we’ve passed that point.
Hey putz, you slobbering fool, you made The List! Congrats! See 2 threads above “honoring” HA’s looniest trolls. And wipe up your drool when you’re done lookin’.
checkmate… a chronological idiot… Puddy used Praetorian earlier than yesterday moron! Just ask the unemployed salt licking moron ylb for a replay! Maybe the read Puddy!
Another psycho exercising his Second Amendment Rights. Killed his wife and child, and is holding the rest of his kids as hostage, while surrounded by armed police outside. Will he kill the kids? And some cops? Or just himself? Stay tuned!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wayne LaPierre will assure us this wouldn’t have happened if those kids had been armed.
@101 Here’s another one from California two days ago. A psycho killed his wife and daughters, and police haven’t found him yet.