– People keep telling me that McGinn is obsessed with Highway 99, but when I read his Facebook, Twitter, and official blog, I’m not sure it’s even the highway project he spends the most time on.
– Those green bike lanes look pretty snazzy.
– Shorter Pudge: The fact that all those people didn’t believe Obama was really American proves that there’s something bad. About Obama.
– Is HA Back on track for everyone? I haven’t noticed anything funky on the front page/comments the last few days, but the first time I tried to post this, WordPress ate it.
Seems to be working fine now.
O’ and don’t forget to vote for Ben Stuckart!
If you think that’s such a great open letter then clearly HA is going down hill. Like the letter writer, Goldy tended to be self-indulgent. But at least he was an excellent thinker, political strategist and wordsmith.
Face it burfurs, you paperhangers and blackshirts got your asses handed to you.
Shorter Pudge: The fact that all those people didn’t believe Obama was really American proves that there’s something bad. About Obama.
Watching Pudge wallow and flop in birther santorum, whining all the time that Big Bad Barack didn’t save birther morons from themselves was the best local outcome of this nonsense yet.
I’m curious about his assumption that this release will change anything, though. As one of his many hostile commenters noted, TPM has asked birther-friendly Republicans if they now believe President Obama is legitimate, but none of them answered yes.
(I’m sure that when the racist morons who were whining for the “long form” aren’t placated by it, Pudge will write a column accusing them of having lied. Sure.)
Alex Jones spouts his bullshit take on the subject.
Look, you neofascists have no case, you never did, and the fact that everything your leaders are doing involves totally removing the citizen from the Government and putting private companies in charge only shows what you are really about.
You want a King. A dictator. A bookburning emperor type. You’d be happier with someone comparable to Saddam Hussein or Joseph Stalin in the White House. Or maybe David Koch or Eric Prince.
Everything your “leadership” does, every piece of legislation, every subversion of long standing Federal law bears this out. It is now perfectly acceptable, and in fact, expected, to torture prisoners. It is perfectly acceptable to you, to force teachers out of the job when they teach anything without the christian bible being involved. You see nothing wrong with cold-bloodedly murdering physicians in front of their wives, kids and fellow parishioners. You have no problem with shutting down medical clinics for the simple reason of they provide medical care to women. You see nothing wrong with redefining the word “Rape” to eliminate every modern definition of the word. You cheer when a white man blows up a truck in front of a Federal office building, killing a LOT of law enforcement personnel, along with dozens of kids and mothers and grandmothers etc. But then you condemn the brown men when they smash the headquarters of some of the largest banks in the world.
So fuck alla you authoritarian, anti constitutionalist nazi fuckheads. Your shits getting real old, real fast. You stopped fooling the smart folks 40 years ago, and now even the dumbshits are catching on.
And with that, I’ll pour me another two fingers of Oban.
Idiocy cannot be appeased. Obama should have ignored the birther bullshit. I doubt a single one of the knuckle-draggers will change his or her position because of this release. Wingnuts don’t do facts, so why try to appeal to them with facts?
What they really want is to be lords of the manor in a neo-feudalist state. It’s a nice little fantasy, but 90% the people cheering for it would end up serfs.
I don’t get people like Angela McGlowan. Yes the democrats used to be racists and the republicans used to be the liberal good party, but that switched during the 60s. If you go by the actions of the parties NOW, the republicans only care about the rich and the powerful. That’s it. They were the party of Lincoln generations ago, but they abandoned that by their actions NOW.
I think “Thankfully, educated Blacks are coming to the Republican party.” is code for “Thankfully, rich Blacks are coming to the Republican party.”
# 9: Actually, it reminds me of the attempts by neo-Confederates to try to argue thatblacks in the South willingly fought for the Confederate cause in significant numbers. They seem to think that if people believe that to be so, then it proves their argument that the war wasn’t about slavery, but “state’s rights”.
Of course, the only real “states rights” the Confederates were really concerned about were the right to own slaves. All other complaints, such as tariff rates, were of little consequence to the average southerner.
So if you go on various Civil War history forums, blogs, and discussion boards, you will inevitably run into someone coming up with a period photo of a black guy in Confederate uniform, arguing that it proves that blacks served in the Confederate Army. Of course, these fellows are never identified by name or unit, so it’s probable that they were personal servants of officers who outfitted them in uniforms, or the occassional teamster of wagoneer assigned to service with the army under a contract with his owner.
Anyway, that’s the way the Republican party treats it’s “black converts”. They make celebrities of them, and like to show them off to prove that they aren’t racists. For ambitious blacks who don’t care much about the cause of their fellow blacks, it seems like a good deal. A black person in the Democratic Party is just one of many – like the blacks in the “colored” union army units of the Civil War. But a black person in the Republican Party is like finding a black within the Confederate Army – why, that’s a newsworthy items, and they have a much greater likelihood of being propelled faster up the party ladder where their visability serves a purpose.
I always highlight and copy my comments before clicking on the “Submit Comment” button because some of them go into the ether.
Too Ignorant To Be President Dep’t
Speaking of ether, The Donald must be inhaling the stuff, or maybe he’s getting high on one of those helium tanks they use to fill kids’ balloons, because he thinks SCOTUS should be turned into a trial court:
“A frequent critic of the federal health care law passed last year, Trump said the Supreme Court should decide the dozens of lawsuits challenging the legislation and urged district courts not to waste their time on it.”
Yeah, well, I’m a lawyer and he’s not, so let me explain how the judicial system works. Federal district courts are trial courts and SCOTUS is an appellate court. This means district courts make decisions and SCOTUS checks them for incorrect interpretations or applications of law if someone appeals. SCOTUS is not set up to be the original trier of cases nor does it have jurisdiction to pull a case out of district court to preempt the trial process.
Most people know this. The Donald apparently doesn’t. Do you want someone this ignorant appointing SCOTUS justices? I sure don’t.
Here’s the link to the news article if you’re interested.
The Donald is about to get an education on why rank amateurs who daydream of sitting in the Oval Office don’t fare well on the presidential campaign trail: Lacking background in government and experience in politics, they don’t know basic facts that any candidate for a major office has to know, and when they fumble (as The Donald just did, and no doubt will do many more times as his quixotic bid to “fix Washington” unfolds) the media jumps all over them.
The fact that Obama was born 2 years after Hawaii became a state proves that he had plenty of time to develop a sick affinity for Jim Nabors. Pudge said so.
The real fact that Pudge wants to keep under wraps is that Mitch McConnell suffers from a condition known as “frenulum breve”, which stunts penis growth to the size of a newborn. This is even smaller than the average penis size of most Porsche ‘Carrerra’ owners.
It looks to me like Pudge set a new personal record for accusing people in his comment threads of being liars. I didn’t bother to count, but I’d bet he played the “liar” card at least a hundred times in that one thread.
Ignore the lying imposter @17. I am the Real Fake Pudge.
I see that Breitbart is up to his old tricks – posting edited videos.
If conservatism is so damned wonderful, why do its proponents have to lie their asses off to make a point?
Of course, careers are again ruined thanks to the spineless reaction of those who should know better. I’d be more excited about the left if there were enough leftists with fucking spine enough to stand up to this shit.
Mitch Daniels is a gd coward:
What a scumbag.
Human rights for women are non-negotiable.
The 4Mill can be made up and the 20 week rule can be worked around ‘specially when you consider HIPAA rules. It’s red meat for the base that will have little, if any, real world effect. They only question is is Daniels deluded enough to think he’s really changing anything?
From the department of duh:
22 – It’s not about those who “move”..
It’s about those who “stay”.. Right wingers stay put if the tax bill is lower and they find those of like mind to bitch about taxes and share what they heard on Rush.
Eventually a small minority builds up to be the pain in the ass tail who wags the dog.
So this is why things have only gotten worse in this state since the go-go days of the late 80’s and 90’s.
I trust that the Southern States affected by the tornadoes are turning down “federal gubmint handouts” as they slowly rebuild from the turmoil of the storms.
I’m sure our trolls will turn in inspiring stories of “salt of the earth” people “pulling themselves up by their bootstraps”..
The President is wasting his time. Those people down there don’t want any “handouts” from a “socialist”.
23 – Forget to mention – that’s just my theory, my .02..
Damn! Lost my ability to edit comments on Chrome. Mustabeen the Chrome upgrade.