– Dennis G’s posts at Balloon Juice on the Confederate Party are consistently excellent, but this one is his best yet.
– The images from the Olympia rally are really inspiring.
– There are other states with even more fucked up nonsense.
– Well played, Rational Wiki. (h/t)
I’d like to propose a change to the Constitution whereby we repeal the 17th Amendment and return to the state legislatures selecting the senators from each of their respective states. That would return much power to the states, power that has been ceded to the federal government for the past 100 years.
I’d also like to see Senators treated as employees of their states, not federal employees. It would be up to the state legislators to decide the pay and benefits of their two Senators. That would bind the perspective Senator to his or her state with financial ties. More allegiance to a Senator’s state versus the federal goverment would go a long way towards reducing the power of the federal government.
I’d also like to see the Constitution amended to mandate that any law, act, decision or other action taken by the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial branches of our government can be made null and void if 3/4 of the state legislatures vote to make that law, act, decision or other action null and void.
These two proposals would return much power to the individual states and weaken the federal government greatly. I think these are good ideas worth considering in order to rein-in this massive government evil called the federal government.
In the days when travel and communication between states presented major challenges and when economies were primarily agricultural and local, the more power to the states argument carried some weight. Now, in an era of rapidly accelerating globalization, when communication anywhere is instantaneous, the argument is a tired anachronism. I realize the argument is dogma for those on the right, but, really, sometimes dogma must pass. As for the 17th Amendment argument–what do you have against democracy? Why would you give politicians, at the expense of the populace, the right to choose our most powerful legislators? If we are to advocate for more democracy around the globe, then surely we should not advocate for less here at home.
2 – PL, Libertarian is a hard right ideologue. He ASSumed the other day that just because I identify progressive I believe in state ownership of everything under the sun.
He puts up a front of sorts but all in all, he’s just another right wing jerk.
@1 “I’d like to propose a change to the Constitution whereby we repeal the 17th Amendment and return to the state legislatures selecting the senators from each of their respective states.”
Go fuck yourself.
Ready For $7 Gas?
A local gasoline analyst predicts pump prices will pass $4 this week and hit $4.50 by Labor Day, and could reach $7 this summer if Saudis, angered by U.S. meddling in Bahrain, cut off oil supplies to the U.S., according to an article in the Everett Herald.
@1: Well why not bring majority rule down to its most elemental level…the workplace?
I think this time we should let the Confederates secede, and when they want back in, make them stay gone.
So a GOP state senator/rich-as-sin-business-owner is filibustering extended benefits for unemployed Missouri workers? There’s something wrong with a system that lets one individual thwart the will of the majority. One thing that does need to change: It’s time for gutless Democratic electeds to start behaving like Republicans and filibustering every fucking bill that GOPers propose. They like gridlock? Bring on gridlock!!!
Looks like our Icelandic friends are going to give europe the finger. Will Ireland be next?
Anyone who advocates repeal of the 17th Amendment is wretchedly rightwing, and hardly libertarian. I’m quite aware of that. It is strange how those who keep a copy of the Constitution in their back pocket hate it so much.
GOP Created Chaos In Immigration Courts
The immigration court system has seized up thanks to political manipulation by the GOP Bush administration.
Cases sometimes take years to be heard by a judge, who often hold hearings and make decisions in 8 or 9 cases a day, partly because dozens of judge positions were left vacant.
The Bush practice was that judge openings weren’t advertised and no applicant was considered who didn’t have the right Republican crony credentials, although those hired because of their political loyalties often had little or no immigration law experience or other legal credentials for the job.
And because the judges aren’t independent, but rather are hired and fired by the Department of Justice, which also supervises prosecutors in immigration cases, the judges are under intense pressure to decide cases the way a highly partisan political administration wants them decided.
The result is an unholy mess of vacant judge positions, huge backlogs, and poor quality decision-making in an area where a wrong decision can endanger the lives of entire families.
I’m giving this to the conservatives here.
I just watched Meet the Press. Rand Paul is going to be a force to be reckoned with. The media seems to be doing everything they can to promote him. He’s this generation’s Ronald Reagen, in that he’s good looking and very very charismatic like a TV preacher. That he’s an ideological fanatic that would destroy most that is good and fair in America to further his ideology makes him very scary.
In a contest between a charismatic TV preacher and a dry collage law professor, guess who wins the war of sound bites, regardless of how wrong the logic is.
In a contest between a charismatic TV preacher and a dry collage law professor, guess who wins the war of sound bites, regardless of how wrong the logic is.
gee…kinda sounds like 2008 doesnt it.
hows that hope and change working? lol
12 – Senator AquaBuddha? Gotta be kidding.
This country elected a failed actor once and I suppose it could do it again but Paul has said many, many stupid things. But so did Raygun.
I could see him getting the nomination for 2016. The wrong wing will put up a goat if they thought they had a fighting chance.
@1 – Libertarian,
Sounds like a great idea to me. Don’t forget the term limits thing, too.
Don’t worry about all the criticism from the usual suspects. They’re hopelessly big government people. The “progressives” are the natural enemy of the Libertarians. It’s not about right and left with them, it’s about government control versus individual freedom. They are on the side of big, oppressive government, and the Libertarian (as I see them) are on the side of individual rights and responsibilities.
Keep it up, man!
If the puddybitch was realy concerned about morality he’d be all over this…but of course he’s not because his morals are situational.
15 – Count yourself in “the usual suspects” in lying about progressive positions just like Libertarian did. Just another knee jerk right winger.
Got any more of that ugly “milk chocolate messiah” blather?
If the rujaxdipshithead had any balls he’s show up at a DL and ask it to my face!
But we know he hides behind the facade of a moronic idiot with a useless commentary.
Situaltional morals doofus. Well at least I have some. We know you have NONE!
Hey rujax here’s a headline for ya!
Obama Regime and Progressive Democrats Encourage Illegal Aliens Exploiting and Killing black USA citizens.
Community activist Quanell X, center, calls immigration laws toothless as he talks to the media Friday outside the Harris County Justice Center. Police have said a suspect in the death of Shatavia Anderson, the 14-year-old daughter of Leroy Anderson, left, had been deported twice.
Yeah, I have more of these stories too. Where are those morals rujaxdipshithead?
I doubt that would change anything much.
Jamie Dimon JP Morgan Chase – Chairman, CEO
$55,800 Republican
$290,700 Democrat
$283,500 special interest
total: $630,000
Gave lots of that special interest money to ACTBLUE, DSCC and the DCCC.
Look at the rich whitey guy who gots a big raise and where is rujaxdipshithead’s morals complaining how this DUMMOCRAPT lover on wall street is screwing the little peeps?
Of course rujaxdipshithead is MIA like always!
19 – Yeah, the morality of giving billions to Boeing for failed fences is ok with you.
Who approved that contract Puddybud? A certain moronic simian you voted for twice perhaps?
Whose kids are going to pay for that failed fence Puddybud?
Not yours I think. You’ve schooled them on how to kick the can to other kids.. Nice job. It’s the right wing way.
The puddybitch is sooooooo cute when he gets mad.
Just like Donald Duck.
How come no one is commenting how Andrew Sullivan schooled Bill Maher on his useless HBO show on US fiscal policy?
Because maybe Maher is another of Cass Sunstein’s maleable Homer Simpson idiots?
NEW RULE: Maher can’t talk about fiscal policy!
It was PRICELESS!!!!!
Why does ylb continue to bring up useless material to the any conversation? Maybe he can’t argue the point at hand?
Illegals are killing blacks left and right you stupid moron! Of course that doesn’t matter to you right Mr North Pasadena?
Of course ylb has situational morals when it comes to “his people” killing my people!
Who is mad rujaxdipshithead? You can’t handle the truth! Jamie Dimon is one of yours moron! He gives sparingly to Republicans so he can claim he is “balanced”.
How are those situational morals holding up?
You cited one case. But you don’t cite any aggregate stats.
All kinds of resources are being deployed at the southern border. Billions of dollars are being spent. The problem isn’t close to being solved.
You’re just shootin’ shit out your butt fool.
And when confronted – you’re playing the race card. Sweet..
What was that e-mail address of yours again?
Wasn’t it:
psychoracehustler [at] AhOLusers.bomb?
puddybitch can replace Glenn Beck as the king of crayzeee…easy
I was about to taunt Puddybud about his beloved Beck but that whackaloon circus performer is so yesterday’s news.
How could people watch that crap or listen to it on the radio? No shortage of dumbasses in this country unfortunately.
How could people watch that crap or listen to it on the radio? No shortage of dumbasses in this country unfortunately.
The same type of people who watch Olberman, big jealous dumbass eddie schultz, madcow, the view, etc…
30 – And there’s an example of one dumbass!
Pay no mind to his stupid curtain of lies behind which he hides.
“both parties teh suck..”
“oh that beck/limbaugh/hannity/savage what losers..”
Instead pay mind to this:
“Dori Monson’s ok..”
Bingo! ’nuff said!
last I checked, Monson was neither a democrat or republican.
poor YLB, failing on a sunday.
32 – LMAO! He only votes Republican 99.999999 percent of the time.
Like you.
“Independent voter” – my ass!
Really? you better check your facts……you might be surprised.
keep on with that partisan lemming thing you got going – its why you will never go anywhere – and its why your only life strategy is to “blame the rich”….
34 – you..are..stupid..
Heh.. So it appears you’re the kind of lemming who always blames the poor.. An alcoholic wood carver who gets shot by a trigger happy cop makes your day.
And it’s interesting…
Where are you “going”??
I can predict that off the top of my head. A year from now you’ll be here at HA spouting off the same dumbass opinions you were a year or more ago.
And hating on people who don’t care for your ugly views.
No skin off my back.. Keep going. I’ll keep laughing.
puddtfucker: “How come no one is commenting how Andrew Sullivan schooled Bill Maher on his useless HBO show on US fiscal policy?”
Well, because he didn’t, fool.
When it comes to economics, well pretty much anything except gay rights, Andrew Sullivan is a fucking idiot.
Looks like your boy knows the Republican’s are useless.
Last I read Jamie Dimon was turning to the Republicans and regarded Obama as someone hostile to his business.
Obama reformed the student loan system and regulated credit cards and checking accounts and other retail banking services.
It cost the banking sector billions in profits. They didn’t like that one bit.
Ivory Coast Forces Arrest Deposed Dictator
Laurent Gbagbo, the murderous former dictator of Ivory Coast whose security forces kidnapped and killed hundreds of opponents and shelled civilian neighborhoods in the capital city after he lost a delayed election last year, has been captured by government forces backed by French tanks. Now, presumably, he will face a war crimes trial. The asshole should have taken exile when he had the chance!
In other news, Japan experienced another powerful aftershock overnight, knocking out power to the disabled Fukushima nuclear power plant and raising fears of more radiation releases. Government authorities responded by expanding the evacuation area.
Maybe Fukushima, which is shaping up to be as bad as Chernobyl, will prove to be the final nail in the coffin lid of nuclear power.
The problem isn’t technology. The Fukushima plant is 40-year-old “old” technology, and nuclear plant designs have substantially improved since then. The problem is that lying governments and the incompetent and dishonest nuclear industry can’t be trusted with any technology. So why should we let them build any more plants?
Now that Japanese radiation is showing up on U.S. shores, I wouldn’t trust the lying Japanese government officials or the hapless Japanese power company managers with a lawn mower much less a nuclear plant! The U.S. nuclear industry isn’t any better. It’s time to put the kibosh on nuclear power. We don’t need it. The U.S. is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. We have a 100-year supply of natural gas. So we don’t need no damn nukes!
It’s only 8:30 AM and I’ve already made $500 in the stock market today! Mostly on higher oil stocks. Sure beats fighting commuter traffic to slave away for Republican wages! Working doesn’t pay, only owning pays, and I own, therefore I don’t work. I do feel sorry for all those smog-choked commuters buying $4 gas from my oil companies, though. But I gotta admit I can hardly wait until I open my next dividend checks! What Americans really need is fewer Republican bosses, less commuting, and bigger portfolios!
It’s difficult to imagine a more bumbling fool than Barrack Obama. Absolutely no evidence of leadership. It’s as if he were in a deep, dark fog. The only thing certain with this fellow is more debt and taxes. More war.
Bumbling fools for $500, Bob…let’s see:
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Scott Walker
Scott Fitzgerald
Ronald Wilson Reagan
John Boehner
Paul Ryan
Eric Cantor
Rand Paul
Rob McKenna
Dave Reichert
Peter vonReichbauer
Newt Gingrich
GW Bush (DESERVES two mentions)
Ron Paul
Rick Santorum
…ad nauseum…
You assholes have the second moderate Republican President in the last 20 years and you’re bitching about it. Like the complainer that was hung with the new rope.
What a miserable asshole you are.
They got what they wanted out of BHO. They’re moving on.
Hey ylb more of your peeps from down under the RIO Grande in action.
Another of ylb’s heroes…
Jose Angel Gutierrez University of Texas professor, founder of La Raza NCLR: “Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes,” and he also said later “To the gringos in the audience, I have one final message to convey, “Up yours, baby. You’ve had it, from now on.”
And the beatdown goes on… the beatdown goes on!
Oh Boy!
Here he IS…slithering out of the sewer…
Oh FartASS, better watch the tape again! It’s hilarious. And nice gay slam you HATER!
Telling the truth makes rujax mad! Stay tuned for more truths rujaxdipshithead!
Then you better go to the web sites ylb and see Dimon kept giving to DUMMOCRAPTS and their committees even in 2010!
And Michael you fool, Dimon been giving large to the DUMMOCRAPTS for many many years. He’s NEVER been a high roller with Republicans.
Butt keep trying to pin that tail on the Elephant when everyone knows the tail fits the donkey perfectly!
@49. Provide Links, other wise you could just be making that up.
What was the context? Are you doing another PBS sting, taking his words out of context, like ever other Faux “reporter” does?
For all we know he could have said “…And Puddy said “Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes and we call him Bob.”” and you are quoting out of context. That changes the whole meaning doesn’t it.
Uhhh.. speaking of talking out their asshole like always rujaxdipshithead… no Republican would place these Strange American people in their cabinet:
Cass Sunstein
John Holdren
Ed Montgomery
Tom Donilon
Susan Rice
Hillary Clinton
Todd Stern
Van Jones
John O. Brennan
Samantha Power
Janet Napolitano
Kathleen Sebelius
and the list continues…
Ummm blue john… search for his words yourself. He helped found La Raza Unida Party! I realize it’s blue tough john being stupid.
Written that way so everyone knows when ylb hijacks the statement as he will cuz Pavlov calls it.
Because he’s always known the republicans were useless!
I’m just messing with ya. ;->
Cabinet? Puddybud probably failed civics.
Did that American Stinker blog command you to hate those people Puddybud?
Here is one of his full rants blue john… rate it yourself… see the hate…? Got BLUE EYES JOHN?
You should mess with rujaxdipshithead. He’s the one who loves to rant about wall street thieves being on the Republican take and all I have to do is whip out all the DUMMOCRAPT lovers who give large to them over the past few years. I had a great list three weeks ago and rujaxdipshithead had his weekly meltdown aneurysm.
Yep I used cabinet ylb… went to Wikipedia and saw all those names who meet with Obama in their weekly cabinet meetings. Except for Van Jones… who was outed by Glenn Beck…
9/11 Truther like some leftists on this blog.
49 – Well Puddybud, that Professor better watch his back because the conservative policies down result in stuff like this:
and this
What did you say about black people dying left and right? Who did these killings Puddybud? All tax cut lovers I’m sure of that.
A lot of those names aren’t in any cabinet position I could see.
You must have failed civics Puddybud because of a tendency to be trained by right wing hate blogs like American Stinker.
Wow ylb, trying to derail the train with useless commentary as always. We’re discussing hispanics killing blacks.
Useless tool! Like that between your legs eh?
oooooooooo,ooo,oooooooo…I am sooooooo skeeeeeeeered of the mighty puddybitch.
Truth and the puddybitch parted company a LOOOOOOONG time ago.
Oh I understand Puddybud. In your “mind” right wingers never kill blacks.
Hey ylb,
You asked more more illegals killing blacks since it was a one off..
Here’s one – Three died execution style and a fourth was slashed by a knife. When then Gov Corzine was aksed why NJ doesn’t deport illegals when the first commit a crime he farted “Why don’t we deal with that at another time?” WTF?
For more evidence… Here is the face of it ylb… And more from the same story… You remember the fool Colbert before Congress?
68 – You respond to a one off with more one offs.
If you’re so concerned about illegals committing crime against blacks – let’s see some aggregate stats.
And why concentrate on hispanics? For all we know illegal Canadians commit more crimes against black people.
Look at the big picture if you want to make a halfway decent argument – otherwise you’re just blowing smoke out your silly ass.
So then, you’re supportive of the Obama admin’s busting people for employing illegals, ramping up the deportation rate to record levels and adding border patrol agents to the Mexican border.
Cool, nice to see you agreeing with the Democrats.
Up yours fool ylb. I placed more of this on this blog before. I don’t dance for you dunce.
The only smoke is that coming out of your ears with your empty cranial orifice on FIRE!
Obama busting illegals and those who hire them?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
He has his wife carrying his dirty water for him!
@45 “more debt and taxes. More war.”
Case of mistaken identity. This is George W. Bush’s biography.
@49 He isn’t a traitor to his race like you.
71 – You failed to prove your argument Puddybud.
Do illegal hispanics commmit more crimes against black people than any other illegal immigrant? Or any “legal” immigrant or citizen?
Will these failed fences your favorite politicians help the matter any? Will putting soldiers on the border help? Shit, there’s a freaking war in Mexico with the cartels and AFAICT, that’s not solving any problem by a longshot.
What argument are you making?
Heh. Sounding a lot like that UT professor. Perfect.
Thanks for making my point: not all that much separates a guy like him from a guy like you.
There’s more…
About freaking time. I bet the right wingers hate Obama the MOST for this.
This would make a good story.
@55 What’s wrong with those people? They’re flaming geniuses compared to the Liberty University chuckleheads Bush staffed his administration with.
People are fed up with Republican attacks on public workers.
“We make $35,000 a year, and they want to throw stones at public workers,” said Roland Bell, 44, a sanitation worker in Wilmington, Del.
“This isn’t the career that my mom went into 35 years ago,” said Greta Voit, 27, a high school physics teacher in New Berlin, Wis.
It sure isn’t. For years now, government-hating Republican liars have peddled a myth to the gullible and uninformed that our public school teachers are incompetent and public workers are lazy, unproductive, and revel in cushy, highly paid, lifetime jobs with fabulous benefits. None of this propaganda screed is true. The lot of most public workers is to be overworked, underpaid, unappreciated, and not infrequently abused by a public that thinks paying taxes gives them a license to mistreat the people behind the counter in public offices.
Now, Republicans are trying to cut their pay, take away their benefits, and deprive them of any say about workloads, work hours, workplace safety, and other working conditions. Inevitably, this assault on workers will drive people away from already-unattractive public careers. Which is exactly what Republicans want, because when public services collapse, their contractor cronies will be more than happy to fill the vacuum — at double the cost to taxpayers.
Money is what it’s all about – the trouble, you see, is that when the public services we need and
depend on are delivered by public agencies that we control and which answer to us, they have no opportunity to skim obscene profits off the top. Compare, for example, what a federal Medicare administrator gets paid to what a private health insurance executive gets paid, and you’ll quickly see what privatizing public services is all about: Taking your money and putting it in their pockets. And if THEY get away with it, YOU will pay for it.
Republican Crook #10-387239459-080
In Wisconsin, a railroad executive has been charged with two felonies for laundering illegal campaign donations to Scott Walker’s campaign through employees.
You are right about the flaming…
Guns Don’t Kill TVS, Only People Kill TVs
Elsewhere in Wisconsin, a local elected public official was given probation by a court for shooting his TV during Bristol Palin’s “Dancing With The Stars” show.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Look, we all know Bristol’s dancing sucks and the judging was rigged, but we also know who the freaks are that think the Second Amendment is the solution to everything, don’t we?
Uhhh Roger Dumb Rabbit… It’s their union Roger Dumb Rabbit who puts that forth…
Once again Roger Dumb Rabbit goes off on a rant with his leetle bunny penis showing…
@84 Typical wingnutz crapola:
Corporate power: Good
Worker power: Evil
Go figure.
Hey Roger thanks for the link with that Vermont Wisconsin man. Here’s the operative sentence…
Yep, another leftist dweeb person with PDS.
Uhhh Roger Dumb Rabbit… wrong again… The union bosses are the corporate power and evil!
You can’t get it right anymore when the evidence is right in front of you.
Of course it’s about power, dummy. Without unions, Scott Walker and the Fitzgerald twins can set public worker pay and working conditions at anything they want, which is next-to-nothing. There’s a reason for unions and that’s so employment relationships aren’t entirely one-sided. I guess you just don’t believe in workers having any say beyond the two words, “I quit” — and you’d probably take that right away if you could, too. (See, e.g., the 14th Amendment repeal movement.)
Well, I have news for you — I QUIT! This ex-public worker isn’t gonna take your low pay, long hours, high workloads, and abusive working conditions anymore! I don’t have to, I’m a capitalist now, and I’m never gonna lift a finger or do any work ever again. You want it done, do it yourself.
@87 I hate to tell you this, putz, but you’re full of shit and your shit stinks.
Pudnutz has been posting here all morning. It’s pretty obvious that HE isn’t gainfully employed either.
You see that Puddy, the right’s all OMG Obammy’s not doing anything about The Illegals, when in fact, he’s deporting them at twice the rate that Bush was.
puddybitch the racist.
irony much?
@86 People who behave like Republicans usually are Republicans, putz. Except for me, of course. In fact, I take issue with the fact that not enough Democrats behave like Republicans. I think we should all behave like Scott Walker et al.
@91 You see, that’s what they’re worked up about, because they’re losing their under-the-table cheap labor.
And ylb, do you think there are statistics on hispanics killing blacks? Nope You Dope The FBI didn’t distinguish crimes between Hispanics and blacks because Hispanics were lumped in with whites.
I know the rest of the article is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over your puny head.
Butt here is more for ya fool!
You see ylb well you are always in the libtardo fog… Jared Taylor wrote “The Color of Crime” back in the 1990s. You can read the pdf… well no one ever accused you of comprehension hence the databaze copy… He wrote and you can read… Page 15 & 16
From wikipedia
So much for that useless argument from ylb.
Another one bites the dust.
Really Roger Dumb Rabbit? Seems to me you always raise your voice with ad hominem attacks when your argument falls apart through the use of real facts.
Funny how that happens more and more nowadays.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Roger Dumb Rabbit has lost it.
rujaxdipshithead call me a racist is priceless. Priceless because it’s the moron of the day ranting in the wind.
Ummm Michael… when there are more illegals than ever coming to America, more will get deported.
Who said I was in your time zone Roger Dumb Rabbit? The moronic twit ylb tried a different attack and failed too.
You are even more stupid each day!
Ummmm, Puddybud when there are more immigrants coming to this country to take jobs handed to them by right wingers – more crimes on people of all kinds including black people will result.
More people = more crime.
i.e. no conspiracy I can see. Where do you get this shit? The Beck show?
You are right Roger Dumb Rabbit, the power of the teachers union to coerce more money from the teacher sheep at their whim!
Nope You Dope. Been reading about your La Raza Peeps and how you jock strap those types. Yep, been using Google to replay your lack of comments when La Raza is brought up.
I don’t need a databaze!
And since I proved there are no statistics, I’ll continue to post press articles of your peeps in action against my peeps.
Wow Puddybud! Must be a bunch of “libruls” in the FBI. Who’d thunk it?
Sorry I don’t click on right wing whacko links. Get some MSM links next time.
LMAO!!! You’re using a WHITE SUPREMACIST’s screeds to back up your bullshit????
Still on that meme? Where did you get that?
Media Matters
Daily Kos
Think Progress
Huffington Post
Come on ylb man up, hoist those cojones!
Hey ylb.. the facts are the facts. I will use whomever I please to prove your are a silly useless asswipe who can’t figger it out.
And those same facts come from wikipedia, generally known as leftist. Yeah we know you won’t venture into the real world and click on real factual links, so you stay inside of the liberal fog.
Man you are STUPID! Please stay that way! You can check out the fbi.gov crime statistics and come to the same conclusion. Wait a minute… that would require actual thought. Something missing from you since you have to read leftist whack job sites to get started in the morning.
Actually, that’s been going down too, partly because of the economy tanking, partly because of stepped up enforcement.
Fine. You do what you want in any case. You always have. You always will. Insane people do that.
Maybe I’ll post pictures of “necktie” parties. Not one of those perps ever believed in paying a little more in taxes for the greater good.
I’m sure those perps thought the “gubmint” was “stealing” from them every time they had to pony up for police, fire, courts, schoolhouses, soldier’s pay – what have you.
Gotta link? I don’t think you do.
Yawwwn.. Making shit up again.
Why do I have to post a link ylb? You love those web sites. Remember your Christian Science Monitor link I proved was direct from Daily Kos? You can’t hide EVER!
Oh man this is sick. You’ll trust a guy who despises your skin color to support a degenerate argument about undocumented people taking shit wage jobs that line right wing pockets.
So why did Saint Raygun sign an amnesty into law?
Did he hate black people Puddybud???
To prove you’re not making shit up.
Cite the evidence that I support someone like that UT prof.
You won’t because you’re a liar.
You are a moron. The same data was presented to you from Wikipedia and you can find the same data on the fbi.gov link. I know about Jared Taylor. He makes the perfect factual point lost on your dunce cap head.
There are no crime statistics, so I will post press articles of how your peeps kill my peeps.
Suck on that sucka!
LMBBAO at this moron’s stupidity!
Oh really.
Everyone here knows who you are. Everyone here knows you run to those sites where you get your daily crap. Everyone here knows you are a monomaniacal chronological idiot. Everyone here knows about your databaze and the failures you present each time you use it. Seldom does anyone come to your rescue.
Christian Science Monitor links.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Now why is that intellectual lightweight?
Prove you don’t. Show all of us from a link in the databaze where you spoke out CONDEMNING the La Raza tactics.
We’ll wait.
LMAO!!! This passes for “proof”???
What’s the logic here?
Lack of comments = support???
So when I don’t comment on every fart that comes out of your stupid ass here that means I support your shit?
I’ll tell you what it means in many cases Puddybud – I REJECT THE MESSENGER.
Many days it isn’t worth the trouble considering the source.
114 – Yawwwn. You made the assertion – back it up.
113 – HAHAHAHAHA!! Blah, blah, blah…
Puddybud – how can you live with this?
Saint Raygun signed an amnesty into law!
He has the blood of black people on his hands!
LOL! Let’s see you wriggle out of that one!
You’re a racist…a bigot. A religionist freak.
A liar and a fraud.
Oh my rujax has appeared from the dung heap. Yep, I care about my peeps rujax. If that makes Puddy a racist so be it!
Your comments make you a fool every day. So be it!
Everywhere you look Puddybud. Where you find illegal labor, you find right wingers. Farm country, meat packers, home builders, fast food joints – yeah those are sectors of our economy well known for supporting “liberal causes” right?
Puddy rests his case against ylb. No La Raza condemnation found EVER! By omission you love La Raza! Others brought up La Raza moron. You chose to be SILENT.
You lose again.
Your “use” of the Amnesty law is so priceless ylb. You can’t refute the fbi.gov facts so it’s the standard let’s change the argument by ylb. Doesn’t fly fool. You can’t attack this hate group because they think like you do Mr North Pasadena!
See ya. Got things to do and being here debating your silly ASS comes to an end for this day. See ya lata La Raza loving freakshow.
No La Raza support found either. YOU HAVE NOTHING.
I don’t follow your orders Puddybud. Only a dummy dances to your tune.
Now what about that Raygun signing an amnesty into law. Does Jared Taylor have stats on how many blacks that killed?
Hey everybody. Puddybud relies on racist Jared Taylor to support his “arguments”..
What an insane fool.
You mean Tyson Foods and Bill Clinton
You mean CountryWide and All Democrats
You mean McDonalds
Per Roger Dumb Rabbit, all I need to explode another of your useless tirades is one fact. Three are above. See ya moron!
There went that argument!
See ya later Mr North Pasadena!
CountryWide is a home builder???
What a moron!
Hilarious – the fool uses a racist to play the victim card.
Still no links so it could have been made up. However, the quote was rather mild by comparison to the inflammatory words you claim he said.
Your quote talks about fighting oppression. What’s wrong with that? Black and white people rail against oppression all the time. Look at the teabaggers. Are other communities not allowed to?
He said “We are migrants, free to travel the length and breadth of the Americas because we belong here.” Look at it this way. Nobody said we have to hire illegals. If we enforce the laws, illegals won’t have work, and most illegals won’t be here.
America has an aging population. He’s got a point. Maybe part of this fear and anger is a bunch of white people scared that they are going to not be dominate in the future. Maybe part of this fear and anger is a bunch of black people deeply mad that they they are still not treated as equals and in the future, they will now be third to Latinos AND whites.
It’s important to know the context of the words.
For example. if people quoted you from your posts here on HA, you would be locked up as a raving dangerous lunatic. (Well, if Reagan had not gutted the public mental health programs).
128 – Anything like that is totally lost on Puddybud. He’s angry. He’s paranoid. He spends many hours here playing the race and victim cards while bragging he’s got it made. And he’ll use anything including the mad ravings of a white supremacist to justify playing those cards.
Oh my. We spend way too much time on this character.
reagan ONLY approved the amnesty law because the then democratic controlled congres promised to refrom the current immigration laws and work on securing the US/mexico border…
…funny, the democratic controlled congress failed to uphold their end of the deal – and here we are.
Deleted by user
maybe someone unplugged the teleprompter?
or maybe, after taking office and being exposed to the information that only presidents and high office officials get, obama realized just how messed up things really are.
I say hats off to obama for keeping gitmo open and prosecuting the head-choppers in a military court.
Heh. No proof of this cited whatsoever.
Didn’t Ronnie say “trust but verify”?
Wow “good old Ronald Raygun” caved to Democrats then just like others accuse Obama of doing to the Republicans now.
You live long enough, you see it all.
no proof? fuck, just look it up….
i.e. caving to Republicans and weak-kneed Dems.
Funny this “headchopper” from back in the day was convicted in a stateside court:
ya? and?
Heh. Just like you looked up the Iranian oil import stats.
In other words – you spout what FEELS good to you.
136 – So why do right wingers hate America? Why do we have to treat one bad guy differently from another?
Why do we have to try bad guys in courts like you see in tinpot dictatorships?
Aren’t we supposed to be better than that?
I suppose these assholes…puddybitch and npr…really think they’re making points here.
Try some more kids…it’s realy really funny.
20 more days Rujax, then guess what…
139 – The only point they try to make is “I’m hot, you’re not”.
Only a fool would believe them.
@98 How many get deported has absolutely nothing to do with how many are coming in, idiot. On the other hand, how many get deported has an awful lot to do with how much money you’re willing to spend on salaries, equipment, and facilities for border patrol agents, immigration officers, and immigration courts.
minefields are cheap.
just saying…..
@143 What do minefields have to do with deporting people who are already here, numbskull? And how do you deport someone who isn’t here? You’re almost as stupid as puddy.
If you want to keep illegals out, don’t hire them. They won’t come here if employers don’t give them work. And last time I checked, most employers in this country were Republicans.
Show me an illegal worker and I’ll show you a Republican employer paying him under the table.
You can Google it just like I did. And you’d find a whole lot more where that came from. I don’t react to lazy leftists.
See ya lazy one!
1) God has been good to Puddy. Since you don’t believe in God all you have is class warfare
2) I put on my shoes and go out the door every day to work. What do you do? Sit at home and cry in your soup where is my hand out.
3) I care for black people more than you seem to care for yours. You claim to say nothing about La Raza. Apparently you don’t care about their tactics. A REAL HUMAN BEING cares about bad tactics of any group or team. You don’t… so tacit approval.
4) Not angry or paranoid… apparently you are since you seem to love playing the class warfare game Mr. North Pasadena.
See ya moron!
Wrong foolish one.
So why do left wingers hate America? Corrected
And you made your first point when rujaxdipshithead?
You can’t tell us one point you’ve ever made!
Case Dismissed!
And this is from the retired rabbit of a lawyer who claimed the teachers union is for the leetle people.
Remember the issue is one point explodes your argument. Two more still await…
The issue has always been your sanity or lack of it..
Using a racist to support your race hustling – too precious for words.
Carry on.. It’s always been entertainment for me.
heh. psychoticracehustler [at] AhOLoozers [dot] bomb!
Keep on that Jared meme loser. Even on Wikipedia leftist professor people say he makes valid points about the FBI crime data. You can’t argue the FBI.gov data so all you have is Jared.
Such a silly loser. Such a repeat loser. Your databaze is calling!
154 – I can argue it. I looked it over and saw the hole in your propaganda with a little looking.
But are you worth arguing it with?
Nope. No value in it whatsoever not even entertainment.
Using a WHITE SUPREMACIST to support your degenerate paranoid fantasies – now THAT’S FUNNY..
What if someone “progressive” did something stupid like that?
You’d be on it like a blow fly to a pig carcass…
I’m confused Puddybud. Why then don’t you criticize the “conservative policies” of the locality where this happened:
Were any “his” “panics” involved in this killing
psychotic race hustling one?
Now this is REALLY funny. If you care so much for black people, why do you have 30,000 comments here to my 21,000????
You really know how to wisely use your time helping black people.
You’re short changing somebody with this mania of yours. Such a man of virtue…
It’s so easy to get the ylb moron riled. This should rile him more since the fbi.gov data on hispanics killing blacks is NOT THERE!
Remember Francis Piven? Remember ylb’s Glenn Beck attack. Well Piven now admits Glenn Beck was right about her all along. So what does that make ylb? A fool for the 2,239,112,312,319,820,173,912,305th time.
158 – riled??? I put any stuff aside that riles me.
I’m here to be entertained dummy.
And you’re the fool! LMAO!
Piven??? ZOMG! Here we go again. Puddybud! Puddybud! Puddybud!
WRONG! I looked. It’s there!
KBLAMMMO!!! – AhOLoosers [dot] BOMB
Well, it looks like the Seattle Progressive Clownshow just keeps cycling along..
the city is millions on the hole, doesnt have enough cash for schools, cops, etc..
BUT, they have a couple of hundred thousand dollars laying around to replace storm grates for the idiot cyclists(who are too lazy to just go around the storm grate) wont get a boo boo when riding into the old style grates.
do you people understand yet why the rest of us just look at you and shake our heads and think youre a bunch of effing nutballs?
your all a bunch of clowns, and you have the biggest bozo running the place.
Do us a favor, please stay the hell away from the burbs and rural areas, you will just fuck them up too – thanks.
Yikes here comes another dummy..
“on” the hole? Freudian slip there. Heh.
and uhhh?? The city of Seattle doesn’t have control over the school system dummy..
Sheesh.. No desire whatsoever to mix where people like you live. Don’t need people like that in my life.
Good, stay the fuck out then…and take your CAO with you.
enjoy your new storm grates…LMFAO…
Once again no link. How can you trust this America hating fool?
164 – LMAO!!!
“Why should I provide a link Puddybud?”
Move to right wing paradises like Texas, Wyoming and Alaska if a chickenshit dumbass like you doesn’t care for the environment like people here do.
Here is more of your liberal city police in action. Search for taser and watch the video. Is hitting someone in the neck legal?
More of the good old American summer pasttime… Baseball and Police Beatdowns!
Nah…I would rather just ignore CAO…worked so far.
This moron is priceless HA!
I’ll remember this the next time you scream for a link LMBBAO!
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
168 – Wow – ignoring the law – a time honored right wing practice.
How “conservative”…
169 – “Why do I have to post a link ylb?”
then maybe you should come out here and do something about it…LMFAO…
but, alas, that would require traveling more than a 2 block radius from Basement Command Post….
enjoy those storm grates! I guess seattle doesnt have a budget problem after all..lol
Hey ylb, I’ll give you a hint… I just ate in a restaurant this evening that recently held a Guinness World Record. Boy, the food was excellent and it was great to be around people with minds that work.
Sucks to be you!
That would risk meeting a dumbass like you. Sorry been there done that.
People here get the environment they deserve. If a majority wants a good environment, they’ll get it.
Heh. Yeah that’s why you’ve left 30,000 comments here. Your “mind” really savors the stimulation here.
Oh well.. Glad to be of service. Even I don’t care for some of those taking advantage.
LMFAO….ya, sure you have…hahahahahahah
did you ride your bike home after getting punked?
deserve? yep: you deserve the basement, and I deserve the acreage…..have fun in that 2 block radius…with the new storm grates!
Awww.. How precious! Mustabeen doing that hate-on act you so love to do.
What was that about minds that work?
YLB’s jealousy….its so precious.
178 – techickenshit’s dumbassery – it’s so …
According to the men at Fox and Friends, America doesn’t need to fund Planned Parenthood because women can get Pap smears and Breast Exams over the counter at Walgreens.
This is the republican world you Red Staters voted for. Let’s hope you don’t have daughters or wives.
180 – That’s funny. So many right wing dumbasses like Puddybud and tehchickenshit nod their heads at this right wing idiocy.
I think people would feel better about Planned Parenthood if they got out of the commerical baby killing business….and if they dont want to get out of that business, then perhaps the govt could just help fund their other health care services, but not the baby killing stuff.
I doubt anybody has a problem with them providing otehr health care services to poor women – I certainly dont.
Its certainly a divisive subject that not everyone will agree upon.
4. Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 “I’d like to propose a change to the Constitution whereby we repeal the 17th Amendment and return to the state legislatures selecting the senators from each of their respective states.”
Go fuck yourself.
Spoken like a truly failed attorney and liar.
looks like you just got owned.
Why would you watch Fox and Friends? I did not realize anybody watched it.
184 – You’ve been owned practically all your adult life.
LMFAO…wow, that was a lame comeback.
I think youre done.
186 – You mean you’re not going to ask “by what”?
Heh. While a certain jet-lagged right wing idiot sleeps off his din-din, I’ll leave a little “hint”:
Good morning sunshine!
YLB @ 17,
Technically, you should capitalize “Milk chocolate Messiah,” moron!
190 – Don’t care much about your opinion either way.
Sure sucks to have your simple-minded views of things.
Hint: they don’t work.
Classic self-ownage from tehchickenshit troll.
If a tv show is being broadcast, distributed, yada yada, that’s pretty good evidence that uuuhh..
it’s being watched???
has an audience???
is carrying its own weight????
Unlike say – Glenn Beck, who’ll be off Faux by the end of the year??
Makes sense now??
So… If Washington’s so cool and progressive and shit, why is it that it’s Oregon that’s retro fitting their schools to save on energy bills- we voted that one down and B.C. that’s tearing down viaducts and replacing them with the surface street option.
Washington State’s all talk and no action.
193 – Who said Washington is all that progressive?
Ever see Ivan Weiss’ comments here in the threads? He’s an old guard, lunch-bucket Norm Dicks/Scoop Jackson style Dem. He wanted the viaduct REPLACED.
The average age of a voter in this state is 35 and the steady bulk of the turnout is by people of Ivan’s generation – seniors.
Look those other places are doing those things because their leaders propose them and the voters after weighing the pros and cons go along. It’s that simple.
193 – Correction: the average age of ANYONE in this state is 35 or so.
And the median age of voters is between 45 and 54 years of age.
That’s why things don’t “progress” here that much – too many people of that age drank the Raygun kool-aid.
YLBleeder doesnt quite get cynical humor.
you must forgive him, being in a basement all day can do funny things to ones mind.
weak…both mentally and physically.
could you imagine being his wife or kids and having to rely on that phish for protection? LMFAO…
and interestingly, those are people who are most successful…go figure.
196 – I get that you’re an ugly, bigoted, hateful dumbass who can’t fashion a coherent opinion to save his miserable life.
Acreage??? Wow! Have any barking dogs to share with us?
Successful to some extent at getting theirs and to hell with everyone else even those their hero Raygun called “the truly needy”. How many elderly and severely disabled are going to be cut off their lifelines with this next budget because the politicians are too scared to reform taxes?
Successful at being selfish and bigoted and ignorant? I could do without that kind of success.
Nope, I’m not a dog person.
selfish? How many people do you employ? How many people did you house after Katrina – for $0?
ya, thats what I thought…..
stay in the basement where you belong? let the rest of us take care of everything else – you cant even run your own household.
199 – No Rotty for a chickenshit troll? I’m impressed! How about your neighbors?
And you’re a “job creator”??? Oh my! How far’s the drive to the nearest Home Depot? Ever gauge how many of your competitors make that trip?
The late Joe Bageant said the worst prison is ignorance. Your prison walls are reinforced with bigotry and hatred.
And what’s so awfully disgusting is that you’re only too happy to be incarcerated there.
Sorry you can host as many disaster survivors as your own self-loathing requires – it changes nothing in your case.
Your comment record here speaks for itself.
and your record as an 8 time loser speaks for itself too.
have fun with your mediocre, dependent life, chump..
8 times.. Where have I read that before? What’s with that number 8??
O my what a mysterious world we live in.
I can’t wish you any “fun” for a life of abusing other people online that you’re ignorant about. Shit, I can’t even muster any “hope”.
But it’d be nice if you somehow got over “it”. Because “it” really sucks.
Wow that ylb is still on a losing roll.
BTW hater, wrong restaurant. Such a missing link.
God had the foresight about your file and your mental acts and He really gave you the stoooooooooooopid. You reinforce God’s gift every day! He saw your future and said why give him intelligence…? He’ll waste it each day sitting at home blogging on a web site, stealing others comments and chronologically failing at using their comments against them.
203 – LOL! I couldn’t care less where you stuffed your miserable face dummy!
Sleep well?
Well any god who fashioned your miserable butt out of the clay – well I could do without his/her guidance most definitely.
Take me! Take me Lord! Take me!
ylb farts
The 2009 UCR Program update?
The UCR Program update only looks at the crimes committed now. They have NO WAY retroactively review previous statistics. They tried to retroactively “estimate it” from the 2000 Census.
Then a law enforcement group had to PARTICIPATE in the HATE CRIME STATISTICS PROGRAM!
Hey dummy,
What’s with chickenshit Max and his “8 time loser” blather?
Has he been hangin’ with your poopy ass too much??
From your favorite state dummy:
205 – Uhhhh… I call bullshit dummy. Here’s more of the quote:
Good morning sunshine!
You can call bullshit all you want fool. Before 2009 the FBI data
And more of this can be found on other web sites and WikiPedia.
So you can blather all you want but they didn’t modify the FBI data methodology until 2009.
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
States can decide to or decide not to participate in the statistical gathering.
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
Facts are facts and you are factless!
Good night stupid!
210 – Yawnn.. You’re full of shit.
The UCR collects offender ethnicity from the arrest reports..
The hate crime stats doesn’t break it out but the UCR does.
So if you dig you can get aggregate stats of violent crime by offender ethnic origin..
Good morning sunshine!
You failed fool! You’re a documented dummy!
Nothing changed until 2009.
Give it up
All those web sites you put forth still counted hispanics as whites. The FBI admitted it above!
Still FAILING moron!
Good night stupid!
Pavlov predicts another web site and it won’t be the FBI!
ooops… repeat..
Hey dummy,
How many times are you going to say good bye?
Told you it won’t be the FBI.
National aggregate stats are from the FBI.
More FAIL from the moron.
I’ll say goodbye to your foolishness each post.
Goodbye to you!
217 – Yes you can get aggregate stats of violent crime offenders by ethnic origin from the UCR.
That’s FBI dummy.
I don’t know why the hate crime stats don’t break out offender ethnicity but it should be easy enough to trace that back to the ucr which does track it.
Why are you so dense?
Still on that silly UCR meme eh ylb.
Known to the world until 2009, but to ylb the moron, he is hasn’t accepted this fact in 2011.
Principal Investigator(s): United States Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation
he swings and misses again.
Pavlov called it. No FBI.gov data.
So predictable each day!
221 – Yawn. Can’t read. Umich got the data from FBI.
Hey dummy,
Why do you keep quoting racist Jared Taylor???
Not quoting Jared Taylor.
Pavlov trips you up again!
the ylb puppet show continues…..lol
so easily manipulated..so fun to watch..
Puddybud you started this by wailing about hispanics killing blacks..
You quoted some hispanic professor being bellicose against whatever. Well if he lives in Texas he better watch his back as James Byrd found out.
White people have killed more blacks by far.
And they were RIGHT WING white people. Ku Klux Klan and other racists.
You don’t want to talk about those.
Aggregate stats of hispanics committing violent crimes against blacks do exist. I proved that. It’s completely up to some researcher to determine if violent crimes by hispanics against blacks are any more prevalent than any other offender grouping.
And even if they are – what is the reason?
It could be many reasons – fighting over drug trade turf for one.
Remember when I commented on you quoting without giving a context?
I thought I”d play out of context theater like you do. This is what you have said in this thread alone.
Man, I hope the FBI don’t check you out. You could be a black terrorist!
Poor Puddybud.
You said that stats on offender ethnic origin didn’t exist. I proved they did.
You said UMich counted hispanics as whites. It didn’t.
And you haven’t proved that undocumented hispanics kill more blacks than legal whites or cops for that matter.
heh. Are you scared when go shopping at the Home Depot fool? Are you packing heat?
Get a life.
Now here’s some facts I found on my own:
and this is really sweet!
i.e. things got way better under Democrat Bill Clinton and did NOT improve under right wing Dumbya. Maybe those extra cops on the street?
Poor sucker Puddybud..
Nice study.
Reason #328 why people think Seattle is fully of loony progressive wackjobs:
A Seattle public school has outlawed the term “easter egg”, and it is to replaced with “spring sphere”.
Are you fucking kidding me? Welcome to bizarro land…..
230 – Gleaned from the Dori Monson show – a show for small-minded bigots.
Not saying the “spring sphere” idea isn’t a little much but considering the source…
@231..actually it was on the news….
funny I saw it here:
I think you’re “done” now..
I am sure its all over the place now…your point?
Why do you hate Easter?
Seattle Parks Dept is next……gotta make sure we scrub all things christian from our society, right?
234 – why do you hate..
thanks for proving my point
owned..again..and again.
Thanks proving mine as well.
I think you’re “done” now.
YLB is too nice…
…I’m not.
Hey Rujax,
This is the moron’s world view:
That some UGLY prison he’s in.
Good thing they’re not feeding these christianist shitheads to lions anymore or burning them at the stake like in the olden days.
These fucking pansies wouldn’t last two minutes.
Spot ON my man…spot on.
Of course not. If you bother to think, the problem has shades of grey and nuance, most rooted in intolerance.
Christian holidays irritate the non Christians.
Muslim holidays terrify the Christians.
Buddhist holidays annoy the non Buddhist.
Giant floating spaghetti monster holidays just confuse everyone.
And so on….
It only takes one jerk who feels his religion, or lack of religion, is being slighted, and sues the parks department over separation of church and state or bias and they are out millions of dollars. It’s just CYA. It’s easier to remove than to support or add.
Better just have Costumed Harvest Festival, and Winterfests and spring sphere hunts so they can still have it, than get sued.
If the non believers of what ever religious event being promoted didn’t feel threatened and marginalized, they wouldn’t lash out.
So really it’s your fault, your intolerance and bigotry is the reason we have have to resort to spring sphere hunts.
…but this is a CHRISTIAN nation.
Teh JEEE-SUSSSSSS says we’ve got to hate everybody who’s not like us.
leticia olalia morales of 15501 pasadena ave #8 tustin ca 92780 submitted fake documents and paid 5000.00 dollars to obtain a US tourist visa. she is now applying for citizenship.