Very prescient concerning this Walker fellow. He’s the type of rigid authoritarian who likes to lay down the law.
samson shillitoe -- 'I still got it!'spews:
There will be a demonstration in Olympia this Saturday supporting the workers in Wisconsin and other targetted areas — at high noon.
If a handful of ‘baggers show to blather and ride their medicare wheelchairs around, there’s bound to be MSM coverage of the event.
Scott Walker got owned.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A prank caller pretending to be billionaire conservative businessman David Koch was able to have a lengthy conversation with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker about his strategy to cripple public employee unions, the governor’s office confirmed Wednesday.
On the call, Walker joked about bringing a baseball bat to a meeting with Democratic leaders, said it would “be outstanding” to be flown out to California by Koch for a good time after the battle is over, and said he expected the anti-union movement to spread across the country.
Audio was posted on the Buffalo Beast, a left-leaning website based in New York, and quickly spread across the Internet.
proud leftistspews:
Amazing. Good old Governor Walker really isn’t ready for prime time. “Mr. Koch, can I bend over for you? Go down on you? Lick your toes? Just let me know what you want, and I’ll do it. Like every Republican politician, I’m at your beck and call.”
Walker called out the National Guard, Gaddafi is bombing protesters with fighter planes. But two crazy dead-enders, I get it.
Noon Saturday at the capitol?
After the last election, I thought the righties said they had everything wrapped up with a bow on it? I thought the left was done, dead, over?
Gay rights activists are celebrating another step forward after the Obama administration announced it would no longer defend legislation that defines marriage as between a man and a woman.
The decision opens the way for the federal government to recognise same-sex marriages. It comes only three months after the White House said it would end legislation discriminating against gay men and lesbians in the military.
Governor Walker made a joke about having a baseball bat in his call with “David Koch” too, but I don’t think he meant it literally. He did mean this, however:
FAKE KOCH: What we were thinking about the crowds was, planting some troublemakers.
WALKER: We thought about that. My only gut reaction to that would be, right now, the lawmakers I talk to have just completely had it with them. The public is not really fond of this.The teachers union did some polling and focus groups.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller sucks Koch, then does this really gross spiderman imitation!spews:
@11 Of course not. Republicans see politics as war, to be won by any means, and what’s at stake is the trillions of dollars still going to the middle class in the form of wages, pensions, social security benefits, etc. Republicans want the “Solyent Green” solution for the middle class: They eat, and we’re food.
Haven’t seen anyone flopping around like that since Rush Limbaugh was mocking Michael J Fox
samson shillitoe -- 'I still got it!'spews:
Quadhaffi’s hat looks like a soda-jerk’s hat in a 1930’s movie. Walker could probably hide the point on his head with one of those.
Right Stuffspews:
You stay Classy there HA……
To compare a democratically elected gov. to a murderous despot…..
I suppose Gov Walker is sending bombers and tanks? Murdering unarmed civilians? Hiring mercenaries to shoot the unarmed demostrators?
Ordering and fostering terrorism? NO?
Civility? None found here…
“Elections have consequences” – President Obama
Yes they do….
“By outlawing Solidarity, a free trade organization to which an overwhelming majority of Polish workers and farmers belong, they have made it clear that they never had any intention of restoring one of the most elemental human rights – the right to belong to a free trade union.”
Ronald Reagan October 19, 1982
11" of swinging Maxspews:
What a huge insult it is to the Libyans to be comparing what they are doing or Gaddafi to what is going in with Gov Walker and Wisconsin.
I would be pissed if I was one of them…no wonder Americans are seen as such assholes sometimes.
House Speaker John Boehner’s spokesman Michael Steel questions the Obama administration’s decision to halt its legal defense of DOMA.
“While Americans want Washington to focus on creating jobs and cutting spending, the President will have to explain why he thinks now is the appropriate time to stir up a controversial issue that sharply divides the nation,” he said in a statement.
Are they kidding??? Has their focus been on jobs?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Maybe you missed Walker’s comments about using a baseball bat on Democrats. And maybe you also missed this.
Re 24: The Indiana Attorney General has fired a staff attorney who tweeted and posted on his personal blog that Wisconsin riot police should “use live ammunition” and “deadly force” to clear out the pro-union protesters.
Elsewhere, a Wisconsin state employee who posted a YouTube video of salt truck drivers blowing their horns in support of the pro-union protesters received an anonymous e-mail saying she “should be shot in the head” and Georgia Tea Party backers urged their supporters to show up at a pro-union rally at the state capitol with guns.
It goes without saying that all these sick fucks who threaten to kill people and brandish firearms in public places are rightwingers.
Liberals don’t do that sort of thing. In my opinion, however, liberals need to arm themselves in case the loonies start taking their own rhetoric too seriously.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 I thought they wanted to save money? So Obama is saving money. He’s not going to waste any more taxpayer money on a bullshit lawsuit defending a bullshit piece of legislation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, there’s absolutely nothing that Republicans aren’t partisan about; the common good or what’s good for America is the farthest thing from their minds. America and Americans be damned; the only thing they care about is shoving their agenda down our throats.
And he was fired for his lame attempt at “satire”. Official is no longer a factor. Gone.
I listened to the prank call. He didn’t say he would use a bat on Democrats, he did say he had one in his office.
But you stay classy there Rog……
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Walker prank call was featured on NBC Nightly News. Now the whole nation knows what a liar Walker is — and how eager he is to enjoy a California junket at Koch’s expense as a reward for selling Wisconsin’s public power plants to the Kochs.
The nuts are going to get nuttier.
Not only are lower level nuts talking about violence as part of political speech, but so are the high level nuts.
If you want to draw a comparison between Libya and the USA, the Libyans do not have the 2nd amendment. You may not agree with today’s interpretation of the 2nd amendment, but don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
I love how John Steward just plain OWNED the progressives the other night.
a new found respect for stewart.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller sucks Koch, then does this really gross spiderman imitation!spews:
In my opinion, however, liberals need to arm themselves in case the loonies start taking their own rhetoric too seriously.
Too late. There has been / will be blood.
The only question is how many of us will have to die before enough of us figure out this is a war and the bad guys have all the guns.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Oh and he was going to invite the Democrats to a game of softball?
proud leftistspews:
RS @ 20
So, what do you say about Walker’s response to “David Koch” asking him about planting fake protester who would go rogue to make the real protesters look bad: “We thought about that.”
Of all the things he said, I think that was the most revealing and disturbing. Scott Walker does not believe in democracy, basic civil liberties, or anything but a hard-right ideology. He also is way over his head as governor of Wisconsin. Regardless of whether you think the comparison between Walker and Gadhafi is over-the-top, surely you don’t believe that Walker comes off looking good from this little exchange?
11" of swinging Maxspews:
and speaking of threats and stuff…do you think it was a right winger who stated this?
“If Obama loses it will spark the second American Civil War. Blood will run in the streets, believe me. And it’s not a coincidence that President Bush recalled soldiers from Iraq for Dick Cheney to lead against American citizens in the streets.”
That was a quote from progressive hero(and resident nutcase) and liberal feminist author Erica Jong
uh oh…but we are supposed to believe that only the right is violent..
oh well, its just another myth perpetrated by the media….
god I love watching you lemmings froth it up…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 That “little exchange” has already cost him his credibility and it potentially could cost him his job as methinks a lot more Wisconsin voters are now willing to sign a recall petition.
@38 Erica Jong is violent? Bwaaaa-haaaaa-haaaaa-haaaaa … she didn’t blow up a federal building or gun down a congresswoman.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
So she was just kidding?
nice try goebbels rabbit.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
I still think its funny that a nutcase like Jong and her ilk actually thought Bush and Cheney brought back soldiers from Iraq to “quell the revolution”..
Heh. Right wingers have NOTHING to say about the pwnd tool Walker…
Right Stuffspews:
So, what do you say about Walker’s response to “David Koch” asking him about planting fake protester who would go rogue to make the real protesters look bad: “We thought about that.”
I think he was shining on a big donor.
If you read the transcript he doesn’t go down the road of “yeah, cool, let’s do that” instead he makes his donor feel smart for having a “good idea” and then goes on to explain why it’s not a good idea…
Of all the things he said, I think that was the most revealing and disturbing. Scott Walker does not believe in democracy, basic civil liberties, or anything but a hard-right ideology.
The fact that he wants to limit, not eliminate, collective bargaining for public employee unions, does not make him against basic civil liberties. Nothing of his actions do that. The hyperbole that this is a coordinated effort to eliminate unions by the “vast right wing conspiracy” is nothing short of “truther/birther” level BS. Walker was elected, not ordained, nor part of a monarchy, so I fail to see how he is not pro democracy.
This is what the people of Wisconsin voted for and wanted…
Unions are safe.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
shhhhh…quiet now…we arent supposed to talk about the corruption in the seattle school district…
oh wait! the dude responsible for a lot of this is now in the obama administration!
I sure am glad we have racist policies like set asides for minority contractors that allows this shit to take place…
I suppose racist policies are OK as long as they gain the democrats a few votes….
how fitting….
Looks like Libya’s going to be a blood bath.
From the AFL-CIO site,
In a segment of “Fox & Friends,” the faux news network apparently didn’t like the results of a USA Today/Gallup poll that showed that 61 percent of Americans oppose measures like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) that eliminate the right of public workers to bargaining for good jobs. The poll found just 31 percent agreed with Walker.
But, as Think Progress’ Zaid Jilani points out today, Fox, “with incredible brazenness” simply reversed the numbers.
Why bother with reality when you can just make shit up?
11" of swinging Maxspews:
the problem is, what the rest of America thinks is completely irrelevant…the only thing that matters is what the voters of WI think…
Right Stuffspews:
Didn’t they issue a correction as soon as they discovered their mistake?
Or are you asserting with your comment “Why bother with reality when you can just make shit up” that is was purposeful.
Don Joespews:
@ 49
Were this an isolated incident, you might have a reasonable point regarding intent. Given the number of instances where the Fox News graphics department have so completely screwed up (my favorite was labeling Iraq as “Egypt” on a map of the middle east), intent is irrelevant. The incompetence of Fox News is sufficient to explain why people who get their information from the Comedy Channel are better informed than people who primarily watch Fox New.
@50 I fade out here and there and surf channels when I watch TV. I wonder what % of Fox viewers (or viewers of any other network for that matter) would hear and really get any retraction? Give the fake numbers, the wrong map, then come back 10 minutes later, oops our mistake. Mistake my ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit are taking dancing lessons. We’re learning the Bunny Hop.
@49 “Didn’t they issue a correction as soon as they discovered their mistake?”
Well, did they? If so, how long did it take to do a retraction?
“Or are you asserting with your comment “Why bother with reality when you can just make shit up” that is was purposeful.”
Fox has a well documented habit of making shit up. Do you really believe that it’s only just coincidence that their reporting errors and outright lies always support the right-wing agenda? Given that kind of track record, you tell me why should I believe that it wasn’t purposeful.
proud leftistspews:
Please email me privately to tell me why you defend Maxie. I try to see redeeming qualities in human beings; as you know, I’m a preacher’s kid. My default position is to see the best in people. But, Maxie’s posts–those above are reprehensible–never disclose any sort of redeeming humanity. I used to defend Piper, when he was around. But, he was intelligent. I haven’t seen that with Maxie.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
Dont concern yourself proud communist. mind your own biz.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
KING 5 just did a little story on the shenanigans at the seattle school district.
good thing the guy MONITORING THE WHOLE thing is now working for the obama administration. His buddy who cashed out has disappeared…and the school auditor at the time has since left…
fucking classic.
proud leftistspews:
Maxie @ 56,
Scott Walker is a “fucking classic,” wouldn’t you agree? C’mon, he’s a fucking buffoon. You must agree, don’t you?
11" of swinging Maxspews:
Im not a big fan of Walker in the slightest….just another crooked politician.
BUT, that doesnt excuse the dereliction of duty by the democrats in the state senate. They need to man the fuck up and participate in the democratic process like they were hired to do….not run alway like little bitches just because they dont get their way.
11" of swinging Maxspews:
If the good citizens of WI dont like what Walker and the republicans are doing, then they go vote them out next time around…..but holding up the process is just plain childish….They should all be arrested and fired.
proud leftistspews:
Actually, Maxie, what Walker and the Koch brothers (is there any question after today’s revelation that the Koch brothers are behind the Wisconsin conflict?) are proposing is legislation that the good people of Wisconsin never would have supported. Your ilk is overplaying its hand. This is not a center-right nation. It is a left-center nation. You just have to get past the money and fear-mongering of the right to understand where the populace really is. It ain’t with you, Maxie. I
11" of swinging Maxspews:
LMFAO @ “your ilk”
bud, you dont have a clue about me or who “my ilk” is.
ASSumptions like that will make you look as stupid as tenderhands YLBleeder.
and I am also busting a gut at you thinking this is a left of center nation.
not hardly……this is a centrist nation is there ever was one…..and the center has about fucking had it with you loons on the left and the right. both of you are fucking it up for the rest of us.
They need to man the fuck up and participate in the democratic process like they were hired to do….not run alway like little bitches just because they dont get their way.
Like Honest Abe Lincoln did back in the day. What a moron…
Very prescient concerning this Walker fellow. He’s the type of rigid authoritarian who likes to lay down the law.
There will be a demonstration in Olympia this Saturday supporting the workers in Wisconsin and other targetted areas — at high noon.
If a handful of ‘baggers show to blather and ride their medicare wheelchairs around, there’s bound to be MSM coverage of the event.
Scott Walker got owned.
Amazing. Good old Governor Walker really isn’t ready for prime time. “Mr. Koch, can I bend over for you? Go down on you? Lick your toes? Just let me know what you want, and I’ll do it. Like every Republican politician, I’m at your beck and call.”
Walker called out the National Guard, Gaddafi is bombing protesters with fighter planes. But two crazy dead-enders, I get it.
Noon Saturday at the capitol?
After the last election, I thought the righties said they had everything wrapped up with a bow on it? I thought the left was done, dead, over?
You are some sick fucks.
Chris Hayes on political negotiation a la right:
This is why Obama’s usual preemptive surrender strategy has been so galling.
Apparently, the Capitol will be busy this Saturday:
Kirby (Wilbur) and the Koch Suckers
Koch Sucker free version HA’rs will want to attend
Via Digby:
What we’re up against: There is no way to ever have a rational discussion with these people.
There is no such thing as the Bible and never has been
@11 Of course not. Republicans see politics as war, to be won by any means, and what’s at stake is the trillions of dollars still going to the middle class in the form of wages, pensions, social security benefits, etc. Republicans want the “Solyent Green” solution for the middle class: They eat, and we’re food.
Are those people drunk?
Your buddies are going to be in Seattle next month.
Remarkable. They’re parodies of themselves.
That’s some weird shit man.
Puddy would be so proud.
Haven’t seen anyone flopping around like that since Rush Limbaugh was mocking Michael J Fox
Quadhaffi’s hat looks like a soda-jerk’s hat in a 1930’s movie. Walker could probably hide the point on his head with one of those.
You stay Classy there HA……
To compare a democratically elected gov. to a murderous despot…..
I suppose Gov Walker is sending bombers and tanks? Murdering unarmed civilians? Hiring mercenaries to shoot the unarmed demostrators?
Ordering and fostering terrorism? NO?
Civility? None found here…
“Elections have consequences” – President Obama
Yes they do….
“By outlawing Solidarity, a free trade organization to which an overwhelming majority of Polish workers and farmers belong, they have made it clear that they never had any intention of restoring one of the most elemental human rights – the right to belong to a free trade union.”
Ronald Reagan October 19, 1982
What a huge insult it is to the Libyans to be comparing what they are doing or Gaddafi to what is going in with Gov Walker and Wisconsin.
I would be pissed if I was one of them…no wonder Americans are seen as such assholes sometimes.
House Speaker John Boehner’s spokesman Michael Steel questions the Obama administration’s decision to halt its legal defense of DOMA.
“While Americans want Washington to focus on creating jobs and cutting spending, the President will have to explain why he thinks now is the appropriate time to stir up a controversial issue that sharply divides the nation,” he said in a statement.
Are they kidding??? Has their focus been on jobs?
@20 Maybe you missed Walker’s comments about using a baseball bat on Democrats. And maybe you also missed this.
Re 24: The Indiana Attorney General has fired a staff attorney who tweeted and posted on his personal blog that Wisconsin riot police should “use live ammunition” and “deadly force” to clear out the pro-union protesters.
Elsewhere, a Wisconsin state employee who posted a YouTube video of salt truck drivers blowing their horns in support of the pro-union protesters received an anonymous e-mail saying she “should be shot in the head” and Georgia Tea Party backers urged their supporters to show up at a pro-union rally at the state capitol with guns.
It goes without saying that all these sick fucks who threaten to kill people and brandish firearms in public places are rightwingers.
Liberals don’t do that sort of thing. In my opinion, however, liberals need to arm themselves in case the loonies start taking their own rhetoric too seriously.
@23 I thought they wanted to save money? So Obama is saving money. He’s not going to waste any more taxpayer money on a bullshit lawsuit defending a bullshit piece of legislation.
Man, there’s absolutely nothing that Republicans aren’t partisan about; the common good or what’s good for America is the farthest thing from their minds. America and Americans be damned; the only thing they care about is shoving their agenda down our throats.
From teabaggers to….
And he was fired for his lame attempt at “satire”. Official is no longer a factor. Gone.
I listened to the prank call. He didn’t say he would use a bat on Democrats, he did say he had one in his office.
But you stay classy there Rog……
The Walker prank call was featured on NBC Nightly News. Now the whole nation knows what a liar Walker is — and how eager he is to enjoy a California junket at Koch’s expense as a reward for selling Wisconsin’s public power plants to the Kochs.
The nuts are going to get nuttier.
Not only are lower level nuts talking about violence as part of political speech, but so are the high level nuts.
If you want to draw a comparison between Libya and the USA, the Libyans do not have the 2nd amendment. You may not agree with today’s interpretation of the 2nd amendment, but don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.
I love how John Steward just plain OWNED the progressives the other night.
a new found respect for stewart.
Too late. There has been / will be blood.
The only question is how many of us will have to die before enough of us figure out this is a war and the bad guys have all the guns.
@30 Oh and he was going to invite the Democrats to a game of softball?
RS @ 20
So, what do you say about Walker’s response to “David Koch” asking him about planting fake protester who would go rogue to make the real protesters look bad: “We thought about that.”
Of all the things he said, I think that was the most revealing and disturbing. Scott Walker does not believe in democracy, basic civil liberties, or anything but a hard-right ideology. He also is way over his head as governor of Wisconsin. Regardless of whether you think the comparison between Walker and Gadhafi is over-the-top, surely you don’t believe that Walker comes off looking good from this little exchange?
and speaking of threats and stuff…do you think it was a right winger who stated this?
“If Obama loses it will spark the second American Civil War. Blood will run in the streets, believe me. And it’s not a coincidence that President Bush recalled soldiers from Iraq for Dick Cheney to lead against American citizens in the streets.”
That was a quote from progressive hero(and resident nutcase) and liberal feminist author Erica Jong
uh oh…but we are supposed to believe that only the right is violent..
oh well, its just another myth perpetrated by the media….
god I love watching you lemmings froth it up…
@37 That “little exchange” has already cost him his credibility and it potentially could cost him his job as methinks a lot more Wisconsin voters are now willing to sign a recall petition.
@38 Erica Jong is violent? Bwaaaa-haaaaa-haaaaa-haaaaa … she didn’t blow up a federal building or gun down a congresswoman.
So she was just kidding?
nice try goebbels rabbit.
I still think its funny that a nutcase like Jong and her ilk actually thought Bush and Cheney brought back soldiers from Iraq to “quell the revolution”..
LMFAO…you tards will believe anything.
slurp it up lemmings.
Heh. Right wingers have NOTHING to say about the pwnd tool Walker…
I think he was shining on a big donor.
If you read the transcript he doesn’t go down the road of “yeah, cool, let’s do that” instead he makes his donor feel smart for having a “good idea” and then goes on to explain why it’s not a good idea…
The fact that he wants to limit, not eliminate, collective bargaining for public employee unions, does not make him against basic civil liberties. Nothing of his actions do that. The hyperbole that this is a coordinated effort to eliminate unions by the “vast right wing conspiracy” is nothing short of “truther/birther” level BS. Walker was elected, not ordained, nor part of a monarchy, so I fail to see how he is not pro democracy.
This is what the people of Wisconsin voted for and wanted…
Unions are safe.
shhhhh…quiet now…we arent supposed to talk about the corruption in the seattle school district…
oh wait! the dude responsible for a lot of this is now in the obama administration!
I sure am glad we have racist policies like set asides for minority contractors that allows this shit to take place…
I suppose racist policies are OK as long as they gain the democrats a few votes….
how fitting….
Looks like Libya’s going to be a blood bath.
From the AFL-CIO site,
Why bother with reality when you can just make shit up?
the problem is, what the rest of America thinks is completely irrelevant…the only thing that matters is what the voters of WI think…
Didn’t they issue a correction as soon as they discovered their mistake?
Or are you asserting with your comment “Why bother with reality when you can just make shit up” that is was purposeful.
@ 49
Were this an isolated incident, you might have a reasonable point regarding intent. Given the number of instances where the Fox News graphics department have so completely screwed up (my favorite was labeling Iraq as “Egypt” on a map of the middle east), intent is irrelevant. The incompetence of Fox News is sufficient to explain why people who get their information from the Comedy Channel are better informed than people who primarily watch Fox New.
@50 I fade out here and there and surf channels when I watch TV. I wonder what % of Fox viewers (or viewers of any other network for that matter) would hear and really get any retraction? Give the fake numbers, the wrong map, then come back 10 minutes later, oops our mistake. Mistake my ass.
Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit are taking dancing lessons. We’re learning the Bunny Hop.
@49 “Didn’t they issue a correction as soon as they discovered their mistake?”
Well, did they? If so, how long did it take to do a retraction?
“Or are you asserting with your comment “Why bother with reality when you can just make shit up” that is was purposeful.”
Fox has a well documented habit of making shit up. Do you really believe that it’s only just coincidence that their reporting errors and outright lies always support the right-wing agenda? Given that kind of track record, you tell me why should I believe that it wasn’t purposeful.
Please email me privately to tell me why you defend Maxie. I try to see redeeming qualities in human beings; as you know, I’m a preacher’s kid. My default position is to see the best in people. But, Maxie’s posts–those above are reprehensible–never disclose any sort of redeeming humanity. I used to defend Piper, when he was around. But, he was intelligent. I haven’t seen that with Maxie.
Dont concern yourself proud communist. mind your own biz.
KING 5 just did a little story on the shenanigans at the seattle school district.
good thing the guy MONITORING THE WHOLE thing is now working for the obama administration. His buddy who cashed out has disappeared…and the school auditor at the time has since left…
fucking classic.
Maxie @ 56,
Scott Walker is a “fucking classic,” wouldn’t you agree? C’mon, he’s a fucking buffoon. You must agree, don’t you?
Im not a big fan of Walker in the slightest….just another crooked politician.
BUT, that doesnt excuse the dereliction of duty by the democrats in the state senate. They need to man the fuck up and participate in the democratic process like they were hired to do….not run alway like little bitches just because they dont get their way.
If the good citizens of WI dont like what Walker and the republicans are doing, then they go vote them out next time around…..but holding up the process is just plain childish….They should all be arrested and fired.
Actually, Maxie, what Walker and the Koch brothers (is there any question after today’s revelation that the Koch brothers are behind the Wisconsin conflict?) are proposing is legislation that the good people of Wisconsin never would have supported. Your ilk is overplaying its hand. This is not a center-right nation. It is a left-center nation. You just have to get past the money and fear-mongering of the right to understand where the populace really is. It ain’t with you, Maxie. I
LMFAO @ “your ilk”
bud, you dont have a clue about me or who “my ilk” is.
ASSumptions like that will make you look as stupid as tenderhands YLBleeder.
and I am also busting a gut at you thinking this is a left of center nation.
not hardly……this is a centrist nation is there ever was one…..and the center has about fucking had it with you loons on the left and the right. both of you are fucking it up for the rest of us.
In other words unfathomably stupid and dishonest like the Dori Monson mentality.. On my worst days sometimes I think that could be true.
If it is this country is in a world of hurt.
Like Honest Abe Lincoln did back in the day. What a moron…
This is too funny:
That smelly blog is choice reading for many HA trolls.