Yakima County is number one in benefits received? Could it be that the reservation has something to do with it?
San Juan and Island Counties receive the least? Could it be that those counties are where a lot of super rich folks have their vacation homes?
So far, Goldy, you’ve proven that King, Snohomish, Skagit, and Whatcom Counties are where the wealth is created by the private sector, taxed-away by government, and spent in the needy counties where there is far less wealth creation occurring. All we need to do is get Microsoft, Boeing, and the rest of the private employers of the rich counties to move to Yakima County. I’m sure they’ll all be amenable to that!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Or maybe whe should move the Yakima Tribe to King County instead?
What does Yakima county have? Lots of Injuns & Illegals who live on welfare. But Goldy’s stats are deceptive. 78% of all DSHS expenditures is spent in King county.
Troll you are a complete fuckhead. And you are a stupid fuckhead.
Nationwide, and Washington is no exception, the race that receives the largest percentage of welfare is white. Furthermore census data show the percentage breakdown by race in each county in Washington. According to the 2000 Census data the population of Yakima county is 222,581. The number of whites, like you, is 146,005. Hispanics 79,905. Native 9,966.
However, since you are a stupid honky fuck, I’m sure that you are intellectually incapable of absorbing fact since your tiny little gooey brain is filled only with vitriolic pap.
Troll is also a liar. I’m assuming he clicked through to my Slog post, where he saw that in fact, only 24% of DSHS expenditures are in King County… less than our percentage of the state population. I think he pulled his “78%” number out of his ass.
My understanding is that Native Americans living on the reservation receive federal benefits, not state DSHS benefits, but I could be wrong. Either way, its probably mostly coming out of the federal pocket.
But either way, I doubt the Yakima County numbers are explained by the reservation. It probably has more to do with the general economic climate over the past two years (fewer people buying wine, etc.), and the really bad crop year we had last summer. The cherry season was a complete bust, apples were dissapointing, and although I haven’t seen figures about the other crops, I suspect the sustained rain last summer wasn’t very good for any of them. It’s the farm laborers and small farmers in such times, so it’s not surprising if they would apply for assistance – in the form of food stamps, if nothing else.
Tell ya what, I’ll recheck my data when I get back from the WEF in Davos.
3. Troll spews:
What does Yakima county have? Lots of Injuns & Illegals who live on welfare.
What does Troll have lots of? Shit for brains.
8. Troll spews:
Tell ya what, I’ll recheck my data…
No need. We can smell it from here…
In the meantime (and since this is an open thread)….
The Dow Jones broke 12,000 today, and was ten points above that figure as of 11:30 a.m. today. It will be interesting to see if it holds those gains until the market closes, I think that occurs at 1:00 p.m. PST.
Of course, every time a significant milestone like this is reached, then the market usually retreats a bit shortly thereafter, as investors try to book their profits. But it’s significant that we’ve come so far in only two years, reversing the damage done by the actions (or in-actions) of the Bush administration in it’s failure to provide proper oversight of the banking and financial industries.
Troll is, by name and definition, a troll. He’s playing at being a troll.
Unkl Witzspews:
“What does Yakima county have? Lots of Injuns & Illegals who live on welfare. But Goldy’s stats are deceptive. 78% of all DSHS expenditures is spent in King county.
Wow! That’s got to be some sort of record of both racial and cultural insensitivity.
Are we sure Troll isn’t a left wing agent provocature just trying to make the right look bad? As if they needed the help.
Some people say that congressman Paul Ryan has girl-parts in his trousers.
Michael, does that arouse you when you type that?
What’s this fixation on ‘Wealth Creation’?
Why don’t you just say it’s where more tax paying (sales & property) folks live? Cause we don’t have a business income tax and the B&O has so many exemptions it’s not funny.
BTW, who do you think paid for that highway to Microsoft? Hint: it wasn’t MS.
Don Joespews:
@ 16
What’s this fixation on ‘Wealth Creation’?
Apparently he believes that it’s possible to “create wealth” without a government in place to define ownership in the first place.
Interesting charts that you’ve posted lately. The problem is none of the have the same base line.
You go from per capita vs per county
Basically you and SLOG are using that information/data as you see fit.
# 17: It goes beyond that. Wingnuts believe that wealth is created without government to define and protect property rights, without government to ensure fair competition, and without skilled labor to perform the work.
There once was a society which was much like that. It was called the “dark ages”, for some reason or another….
Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century British scientist, philospher, and political theorist, described life in such a society as “nasty, cruel, brutish, and short”.
I’m just reporting on what some people say.
16 & 17: my lord you people are concrete.
Some Eastern Washington conservative folk believe that as the state’s er “breadbasket” that Western Washington takes up too much in the way of resources. Goldy just points out that all of the programs “self reliant” voters in Eastern Washington benefit disproportionately to what they put into the system. It isn’t anything progressives complain about, but if the right wants statistical evidence about who sucks the resources, well, there it is. And it isn’t the left part of the state (geographically or figuratively). Irony is chewy. Apparently it is also above your head.
King county residents are paying at a rate of over $1200 per year per person to balance the red county budgets. Please tell me what we are getting that is worth all that money.
I do think we need to thank Rep. Glenn Anderson (R-Fall City) for compiling the information on how the red counties are busting the Washington state budget.
As the Legislature continues into its third week, Rep. Glenn Anderson, R-Fall City, has introduced House Joint Resolution 4214, which proposes a constitutional amendment that would allow the state to dissolve and reorganize counties that receive twice as much in state transfer payments as they generate in state tax revenues. The proposal has bipartisan support.
“Washington is facing an extraordinary budget crisis just like California. We must take direct action to restore fiscal sanity,” Anderson said. “Of the thirty-nine counties, six contribute 75 percent of the state’s total tax revenues. King County alone contributes 40 percent to the state’s total tax revenues, but only receives only 25 percent in state program expenditures. That means King County residents, Republicans and Democrats alike, are paying double for state programs, subsidizing much of the rest of the state. This must change.”
Sounds good to me.
Okanogan county is sucking up $48 million a year from the state. Do you think that should be enough for them?
Okanogan county didn’t. Remember the land grab by eminent domain of DNR land? That was Okanogan county.
They should top the list of counties to be broken up.
You mentioned that King County breaks about even in transportation (and Eastern counties are givers), but is that only counting the gas tax and expenditures? If you spend anytime on SeattleTransitblog, you’d know that is only a small fraction of the funds for roads – property tax pays for a lot of it. Just sayin’.
Winston Wolfspews:
you get cheap electricity dont you?
‘Oh god not this again….
There are more than a few hydro plants in Western Washington and most of those hyro plants in Eastern Washington were paid for with money from Western Washington and the federal government.
And really the point is that the Eastern WA folks you yammer on about how King County are wrecking everything for them are full of shit.
28. Winston Wolf spews:
you get cheap electricity dont you?
So we should pay Eastern Washington for electricity that they don’t own. Do I have that right?
(Edit function screw up)
28. Winston Wolf spews:
you get cheap electricity dont you?
So we should pay Eastern Washington for electricity that they don’t own. Do I have that right?
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
It isn’t just Eastern WA.
Mason County where I live is well into recipient status.
It should be split between Thurston (Allyn and South / West Mason) and Kitsap (Belfair and North Mason). Economically and otherwise, it’s already pretty well divided that way. And there’s potentially big savings in administrative costs.
But I bet the gaining counties will be mighty leery of taking anything on and probably will torpedo any chance of something like this passing.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Why is when liberals want to make Obama look presidential they claim he looked Reaganesque? When a conservative claims someone looked Reaganesque the Moonbat!s come out drop guano everywhere and howl at the moon?
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
Really well done, Goldy. Keep ’em coming!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Now that ObamaCare has 730+ waivers, how come the HA progressives still think this is a “winner?
-SEIU Health and Welfare fund, 2000 with 161 enrollees
-Service Employees 32BJ North Health Benefit Fund* representing 7,020 enrollees
-SEIU Local 300, Civil Service Forum Employees Welfare Fund representing 2,000 enrollees
-SEIU Health & Welfare Fund representing 1,620
-A snort-worthy new escapee: Obamacare sympathizers at The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, whose board of trustees includes Obama health care czar Nancy-Ann DeParle.
I wonder if Mrs Database has her waiver?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
A lot of the kids from Allyn go to Peninsula High in Purdy rather than North Mason. That parents would send their kids to a high school that’s out of district, 15 miles away, and a dangerous drive, rather than sending them to North Mason 4 or 5 miles away tells you something…
Don Joespews:
Now that ObamaCare has 730+ waivers, how come the HA progressives still think this is a “winner?
It’s the “winner,” because Republicans failed to offer any alternative whatsoever. They still haven’t, and, odds are, thy never will. When there’s only one horse in the race, that horse wins.
proud leftistspews:
If Paul Ryan is a “rising star” in the Republican Party, then the Rs’ chances of winning the next election are about the same as those of Kansas City winning the World Series this year. You folks got no bench, and you ain’t got anything coming up from the minors, either. That guy’s first prime time exposure was, uh, not impressive.
What happens to the kids when they leave the womb is anything BUT pro-life with these assholes.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Wrong again Mr URL. There were Republican alternatives offered in May/June 2009. I placed them on this blog. Obama ignored them and that’s why House Republicans voted to repeal it. Besides we now know the cost is over a $Trillion and the doctor fix is not included. Butt wait… Obama said he would veto it if it was over $Trillion. Haven’t seen that retroactive veto yet.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
The landmark legislation probably won’t hold costs down, and it won’t let everybody keep their current health insurance if they like it, Chief Actuary Richard Foster told the House Budget Committee. His office is responsible for independent long-range cost estimates.
There goes ButtPutty again. Quoting Fox News as if they were a real and honest source of news.
Hey ButtPutty, Fox News fires reporters for telling the truth.
Sarah Palin thinks that the USSR won the space race (I though we were TEH GREATEST NATION EVAH!), AND that the debt incurred in doing so destroyed the Soviet Union.
Why do Republicans hate America?
Richard Popespews:
Rujax @ 40
A lot of folks are only pro-life for the first nine months and the last six months.
@44 “the USSR won the space race”
She had another Spudnut moment.
Richard Popespews:
Puddy @ 41
Here is exactly what John Boehner proposed in a Republican national Saturday radio address back on 10/31/2009 as the Republican alternative to ObamaCare:
# Number one: let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines.
# Number two: allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do.
# Number three: give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs.
# Number four: end junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs by increasing the number of tests and procedures that physicians sometimes order not because they think it’s good medicine, but because they are afraid of being sued.
Boehner’s proposals are actually sensible ones — but only deal with a VERY SMALL part of the health care problems in America. They do NOTHING to deal with tens of millions of people who lack basic health care due to lack of money and lack of coverage by any employer or government programs.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others!spews:
Ironic, then, how it’s actually the Tea Party-riffic red states that suck up far, far more in government handouts than the blue. Did you already know? I bet you did. Even more amusing is the inverse relationship: The more red/Republican a given state votes — and hence the more loudly it complains about government spending — the more it swallows federal handouts like Charlie Sheen inhaling Bolivia. It’s true. It’s also sort of amazing.
At an event in Lake Havasu City, Ariz., Miller said someone called out, “There’s Anthony, get a rope.”
After years working hard for the Rethug Party, that sure is a sure sign of gratitude for you.
Don Joespews:
@ 41
Here is exactly what John Boehner proposed in a Republican national Saturday radio address back on 10/31/2009
Which is, also, all talk and no action. The closest thing to an actual legislative proposal was Rep. Price’s HR3400. It was largely a bunch of changes to the tax code that did nothing to expand access to health care, nothing to close the loopholes for pre-existing conditions and nothing to reduce health care costs. Leave it to Republicans to propose health care reform legislation that has no actual health care reform in it.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
You know Ekim the Goat Abuser,
There are racist peeps in every walk of life. We know of many in your party too. I placed their remarks on this blog many times over the years. Ask the HA database repeater for many of my examples. I have placed multiple times black conservatives in the Tea Party. Two won congressional seats in 2010.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Amazingly Richard Pope you forgot these
* Empowering Patients First Act (Republican Study Committee Health Care Reform Bill, introduced July 30, 2009)
* Improving Health Care for All Americans Act (Shadegg Health Care Reform Bill, introduced July 14, 2009)
* Medical Rights & Reform Act (Kirk-Dent Health Care Reform Bill, introduced June 16, 2009)
* Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act (Gingrey medical liability reform bill, introduced June 6, 2009)
* Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2009 (Johnson small business health plans bill, introduced May 21, 2009)
* Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act of 2009 (Castle Wellness & Prevention Bill, introduced July 31, 2009)
* Improved Employee Access to Health Insurance Act of 2009 (Deal auto-enrollment bill, introduced October 15, 2009)
* Health Insurance Access for Young Workers and College Students Act of 2009 (Blunt bill to improve health insurance coverage of dependents, introduced October 21, 2009)
All those weren’t even brought up for consideration. Why? Remember when Scott Brown won the Ted Kennedy Senate Seat? Well here’s the headline…
So now we know abortion coverage IS in the health care bill let’s see the next Xar kid themselves it isn’t.
BTW Rahm should be allowed to run for Mayor. Being in “service” to your country doesn’t remove you from residency. He kept his house there. I applaud the SCOI.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
The closest thing to an actual legislative proposal was Rep. Price’s HR3400.
Now who controlled the House? How many Republican bills actually came to fruition?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
BTW radio talk show host John Sylvester is a scumbag, attacking a female cancer survivor because she is a Republican.
So typical of liberal progressives! They hate conservative women with traditional values.
Michael Savage is right… Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
So I ask again…
Now that ObamaCare has 730+ waivers, how come the HA progressives still think this is a “winner?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
59 – Hah. The raging hypocrite of these threads ignores that his beloved party is full of racists, has been since at least the 70’s and that his beloved Savage Weiner is contributing to the Democrats through his bay area trial lawyers.
I looked up Glaser Weil – gives generously to Democrats.
Thanks Puddybud! You revere Savage Weiner who support Democrats!
Politically Incorrect spews:
Yakima County is number one in benefits received? Could it be that the reservation has something to do with it?
San Juan and Island Counties receive the least? Could it be that those counties are where a lot of super rich folks have their vacation homes?
So far, Goldy, you’ve proven that King, Snohomish, Skagit, and Whatcom Counties are where the wealth is created by the private sector, taxed-away by government, and spent in the needy counties where there is far less wealth creation occurring. All we need to do is get Microsoft, Boeing, and the rest of the private employers of the rich counties to move to Yakima County. I’m sure they’ll all be amenable to that!
Politically Incorrect spews:
Or maybe whe should move the Yakima Tribe to King County instead?
Troll spews:
What does Yakima county have? Lots of Injuns & Illegals who live on welfare. But Goldy’s stats are deceptive. 78% of all DSHS expenditures is spent in King county.
Lauramae spews:
Troll you are a complete fuckhead. And you are a stupid fuckhead.
Nationwide, and Washington is no exception, the race that receives the largest percentage of welfare is white. Furthermore census data show the percentage breakdown by race in each county in Washington. According to the 2000 Census data the population of Yakima county is 222,581. The number of whites, like you, is 146,005. Hispanics 79,905. Native 9,966.
However, since you are a stupid honky fuck, I’m sure that you are intellectually incapable of absorbing fact since your tiny little gooey brain is filled only with vitriolic pap.
Goldy spews:
Lauramae @4,
Troll is also a liar. I’m assuming he clicked through to my Slog post, where he saw that in fact, only 24% of DSHS expenditures are in King County… less than our percentage of the state population. I think he pulled his “78%” number out of his ass.
rhp6033 spews:
My understanding is that Native Americans living on the reservation receive federal benefits, not state DSHS benefits, but I could be wrong. Either way, its probably mostly coming out of the federal pocket.
But either way, I doubt the Yakima County numbers are explained by the reservation. It probably has more to do with the general economic climate over the past two years (fewer people buying wine, etc.), and the really bad crop year we had last summer. The cherry season was a complete bust, apples were dissapointing, and although I haven’t seen figures about the other crops, I suspect the sustained rain last summer wasn’t very good for any of them. It’s the farm laborers and small farmers in such times, so it’s not surprising if they would apply for assistance – in the form of food stamps, if nothing else.
Lauramae spews:
Goldy; Yes. Yes he is.
Troll spews:
Tell ya what, I’ll recheck my data when I get back from the WEF in Davos.
Ekim spews:
What does Troll have lots of? Shit for brains.
Ekim spews:
No need. We can smell it from here…
rhp6033 spews:
In the meantime (and since this is an open thread)….
The Dow Jones broke 12,000 today, and was ten points above that figure as of 11:30 a.m. today. It will be interesting to see if it holds those gains until the market closes, I think that occurs at 1:00 p.m. PST.
Of course, every time a significant milestone like this is reached, then the market usually retreats a bit shortly thereafter, as investors try to book their profits. But it’s significant that we’ve come so far in only two years, reversing the damage done by the actions (or in-actions) of the Bush administration in it’s failure to provide proper oversight of the banking and financial industries.
Michael spews:
Troll is, by name and definition, a troll. He’s playing at being a troll.
Unkl Witz spews:
“What does Yakima county have? Lots of Injuns & Illegals who live on welfare. But Goldy’s stats are deceptive. 78% of all DSHS expenditures is spent in King county.
Wow! That’s got to be some sort of record of both racial and cultural insensitivity.
Are we sure Troll isn’t a left wing agent provocature just trying to make the right look bad? As if they needed the help.
Michael spews:
Some people say that congressman Paul Ryan has girl-parts in his trousers.
inflation spews:
Michael, does that arouse you when you type that?
uptown spews:
What’s this fixation on ‘Wealth Creation’?
Why don’t you just say it’s where more tax paying (sales & property) folks live? Cause we don’t have a business income tax and the B&O has so many exemptions it’s not funny.
BTW, who do you think paid for that highway to Microsoft? Hint: it wasn’t MS.
Don Joe spews:
@ 16
What’s this fixation on ‘Wealth Creation’?
Apparently he believes that it’s possible to “create wealth” without a government in place to define ownership in the first place.
Glenno spews:
Interesting charts that you’ve posted lately. The problem is none of the have the same base line.
You go from per capita vs per county
Basically you and SLOG are using that information/data as you see fit.
rhp6033 spews:
# 17: It goes beyond that. Wingnuts believe that wealth is created without government to define and protect property rights, without government to ensure fair competition, and without skilled labor to perform the work.
There once was a society which was much like that. It was called the “dark ages”, for some reason or another….
Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century British scientist, philospher, and political theorist, described life in such a society as “nasty, cruel, brutish, and short”.
Michael spews:
I’m just reporting on what some people say.
Lauramae spews:
16 & 17: my lord you people are concrete.
Some Eastern Washington conservative folk believe that as the state’s er “breadbasket” that Western Washington takes up too much in the way of resources. Goldy just points out that all of the programs “self reliant” voters in Eastern Washington benefit disproportionately to what they put into the system. It isn’t anything progressives complain about, but if the right wants statistical evidence about who sucks the resources, well, there it is. And it isn’t the left part of the state (geographically or figuratively). Irony is chewy. Apparently it is also above your head.
Ekim spews:
King county residents are paying at a rate of over $1200 per year per person to balance the red county budgets. Please tell me what we are getting that is worth all that money.
Ekim spews:
I do think we need to thank Rep. Glenn Anderson (R-Fall City) for compiling the information on how the red counties are busting the Washington state budget.
Ekim spews:
He has even proposed a fix of sorts.
Rep. Glenn Anderson introduces constitutional amendment to dissolve financially-insolvent counties in rural Washington
As the Legislature continues into its third week, Rep. Glenn Anderson, R-Fall City, has introduced House Joint Resolution 4214, which proposes a constitutional amendment that would allow the state to dissolve and reorganize counties that receive twice as much in state transfer payments as they generate in state tax revenues. The proposal has bipartisan support.
“Washington is facing an extraordinary budget crisis just like California. We must take direct action to restore fiscal sanity,” Anderson said. “Of the thirty-nine counties, six contribute 75 percent of the state’s total tax revenues. King County alone contributes 40 percent to the state’s total tax revenues, but only receives only 25 percent in state program expenditures. That means King County residents, Republicans and Democrats alike, are paying double for state programs, subsidizing much of the rest of the state. This must change.”
Michael spews:
Sounds good to me.
Ekim spews:
Okanogan county is sucking up $48 million a year from the state. Do you think that should be enough for them?
Okanogan county didn’t. Remember the land grab by eminent domain of DNR land? That was Okanogan county.
They should top the list of counties to be broken up.
Ty spews:
You mentioned that King County breaks about even in transportation (and Eastern counties are givers), but is that only counting the gas tax and expenditures? If you spend anytime on SeattleTransitblog, you’d know that is only a small fraction of the funds for roads – property tax pays for a lot of it. Just sayin’.
Winston Wolf spews:
you get cheap electricity dont you?
Michael spews:
‘Oh god not this again….
There are more than a few hydro plants in Western Washington and most of those hyro plants in Eastern Washington were paid for with money from Western Washington and the federal government.
And really the point is that the Eastern WA folks you yammer on about how King County are wrecking everything for them are full of shit.
Ekim spews:
28. Winston Wolf spews:
you get cheap electricity dont you?
Ekim spews:
(Edit function screw up)
So we should pay Eastern Washington for electricity that they don’t own. Do I have that right?
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others! spews:
It isn’t just Eastern WA.
Mason County where I live is well into recipient status.
It should be split between Thurston (Allyn and South / West Mason) and Kitsap (Belfair and North Mason). Economically and otherwise, it’s already pretty well divided that way. And there’s potentially big savings in administrative costs.
But I bet the gaining counties will be mighty leery of taking anything on and probably will torpedo any chance of something like this passing.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Why is when liberals want to make Obama look presidential they claim he looked Reaganesque? When a conservative claims someone looked Reaganesque the Moonbat!s come out drop guano everywhere and howl at the moon?
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others! spews:
Really well done, Goldy. Keep ’em coming!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Now that ObamaCare has 730+ waivers, how come the HA progressives still think this is a “winner?
-SEIU Health and Welfare fund, 2000 with 161 enrollees
-Service Employees 32BJ North Health Benefit Fund* representing 7,020 enrollees
-SEIU Local 300, Civil Service Forum Employees Welfare Fund representing 2,000 enrollees
-SEIU Health & Welfare Fund representing 1,620
-A snort-worthy new escapee: Obamacare sympathizers at The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, whose board of trustees includes Obama health care czar Nancy-Ann DeParle.
I wonder if Mrs Database has her waiver?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Wow Another friend of the pro-abortion crowd
Michael spews:
A lot of the kids from Allyn go to Peninsula High in Purdy rather than North Mason. That parents would send their kids to a high school that’s out of district, 15 miles away, and a dangerous drive, rather than sending them to North Mason 4 or 5 miles away tells you something…
Don Joe spews:
Now that ObamaCare has 730+ waivers, how come the HA progressives still think this is a “winner?
It’s the “winner,” because Republicans failed to offer any alternative whatsoever. They still haven’t, and, odds are, thy never will. When there’s only one horse in the race, that horse wins.
proud leftist spews:
If Paul Ryan is a “rising star” in the Republican Party, then the Rs’ chances of winning the next election are about the same as those of Kansas City winning the World Series this year. You folks got no bench, and you ain’t got anything coming up from the minors, either. That guy’s first prime time exposure was, uh, not impressive.
Rujax! spews:
Pro Life is an oxymoron with these fucking liars.
The corect terminalogy is FORCED BIRTH.
What happens to the kids when they leave the womb is anything BUT pro-life with these assholes.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Wrong again Mr URL. There were Republican alternatives offered in May/June 2009. I placed them on this blog. Obama ignored them and that’s why House Republicans voted to repeal it. Besides we now know the cost is over a $Trillion and the doctor fix is not included. Butt wait… Obama said he would veto it if it was over $Trillion. Haven’t seen that retroactive veto yet.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
More facts for Mr URL@35,
Ekim spews:
There goes ButtPutty again. Quoting Fox News as if they were a real and honest source of news.
Hey ButtPutty, Fox News fires reporters for telling the truth.
Liberal Scientist spews:
Hey, check this out…
Sarah Palin thinks that the USSR won the space race (I though we were TEH GREATEST NATION EVAH!), AND that the debt incurred in doing so destroyed the Soviet Union.
Why do Republicans hate America?
Richard Pope spews:
Rujax @ 40
A lot of folks are only pro-life for the first nine months and the last six months.
Steve spews:
@44 “the USSR won the space race”
She had another Spudnut moment.
Richard Pope spews:
Puddy @ 41
Here is exactly what John Boehner proposed in a Republican national Saturday radio address back on 10/31/2009 as the Republican alternative to ObamaCare:
# Number one: let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines.
# Number two: allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do.
# Number three: give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs.
# Number four: end junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs by increasing the number of tests and procedures that physicians sometimes order not because they think it’s good medicine, but because they are afraid of being sued.
Boehner’s proposals are actually sensible ones — but only deal with a VERY SMALL part of the health care problems in America. They do NOTHING to deal with tens of millions of people who lack basic health care due to lack of money and lack of coverage by any employer or government programs.
Zotz sez: Pudpuller is a danger to itself and others! spews:
Things you already know:
If Democrats are the big spenders, why do Republican states get the money?
Ekim spews:
Hey ButtPutty, did you know that the Tea Party doesn’t like uppity black people. Or at least not the only black Republican Party district chairman in Arizona.
After years working hard for the Rethug Party, that sure is a sure sign of gratitude for you.
Don Joe spews:
@ 41
Here is exactly what John Boehner proposed in a Republican national Saturday radio address back on 10/31/2009
Which is, also, all talk and no action. The closest thing to an actual legislative proposal was Rep. Price’s HR3400. It was largely a bunch of changes to the tax code that did nothing to expand access to health care, nothing to close the loopholes for pre-existing conditions and nothing to reduce health care costs. Leave it to Republicans to propose health care reform legislation that has no actual health care reform in it.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
You know Ekim the Goat Abuser,
There are racist peeps in every walk of life. We know of many in your party too. I placed their remarks on this blog many times over the years. Ask the HA database repeater for many of my examples. I have placed multiple times black conservatives in the Tea Party. Two won congressional seats in 2010.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Amazingly Richard Pope you forgot these
* Empowering Patients First Act (Republican Study Committee Health Care Reform Bill, introduced July 30, 2009)
* Improving Health Care for All Americans Act (Shadegg Health Care Reform Bill, introduced July 14, 2009)
* Medical Rights & Reform Act (Kirk-Dent Health Care Reform Bill, introduced June 16, 2009)
* Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act (Gingrey medical liability reform bill, introduced June 6, 2009)
* Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2009 (Johnson small business health plans bill, introduced May 21, 2009)
* Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act of 2009 (Castle Wellness & Prevention Bill, introduced July 31, 2009)
* Improved Employee Access to Health Insurance Act of 2009 (Deal auto-enrollment bill, introduced October 15, 2009)
* Health Insurance Access for Young Workers and College Students Act of 2009 (Blunt bill to improve health insurance coverage of dependents, introduced October 21, 2009)
All those weren’t even brought up for consideration. Why? Remember when Scott Brown won the Ted Kennedy Senate Seat? Well here’s the headline…
I placed this article on this blog too…
I placed this article on this blog too.
So now we know abortion coverage IS in the health care bill let’s see the next Xar kid themselves it isn’t.
BTW Rahm should be allowed to run for Mayor. Being in “service” to your country doesn’t remove you from residency. He kept his house there. I applaud the SCOI.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Now who controlled the House? How many Republican bills actually came to fruition?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
BTW radio talk show host John Sylvester is a scumbag, attacking a female cancer survivor because she is a Republican.
So typical of liberal progressives! They hate conservative women with traditional values.
Michael Savage is right… Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
So I ask again…
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Yes, liberals in action…
YLB spews:
Wow Puddybud – I thought right wingers hate trial lawyers..
Until they need one:
All those who listen to raging hypocrite Michael Savage Weiner suffer from a MENTAL DISORDER!
YLB spews:
LMAO! Great REPUBLICRAP party you support there Puddybud.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moron spews:
Once again database repeater check the blog and you’ll see the racist in the DUMBOCRAPTIC party you love to suck fool!
YLB spews:
59 – Hah. The raging hypocrite of these threads ignores that his beloved party is full of racists, has been since at least the 70’s and that his beloved Savage Weiner is contributing to the Democrats through his bay area trial lawyers.
I looked up Glaser Weil – gives generously to Democrats.
Thanks Puddybud! You revere Savage Weiner who support Democrats!