Eastern Washington University Eagles beat the Delaware Blue Hens 20-19. My Eagles came back from behind. The Huskies may have won their bowl, but EWU won the NCAA Division 1 FCS National Title tonight, in Frisco, TX. Did not have our Inferno(EWU’s version of the Boise State SmurfTurf), but QB Bo Levi Mitchell had his supporters there(he is a transfer student from SMU).
Division 1 FCS used to be called Division 1-AA by the NCAA. This was EWU’s first visit to the 1-AA/FCS final ever, and that includes the years it was called Eastern Washington State College, and the mascot was the Savages. We also won the Dam Cup, the rivalry with Portland State.
Daddy Lovespews:
Obama Created More Jobs In One Year Than Bush Created In Eight
This morning, the Labor Department released its employment data for December, showing that the U.S. economy ended the year by adding 113,000 private sector jobs, knocking the unemployment rate down sharply from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent — its lowest rate since July 2009. In fact, from February 2001, George W. Bush’s first full month in office, through January 2009, his last, the economy added just 1 million jobs. By contrast, in 2010 alone, the economy added at least 1.1 million jobs.
Yeah, Bush sucked, and we all know that, but a nice stat is good.
Daddy Lovespews:
Re: Bush sucked…
Knowing as we do about the many failures of the Bush/Cheney era, let’s let our jaws drop in wonder at the widely held belief in Republican circles that those Bush/Cheney policies worked. For eight years, the Republican administration got the economic policies it wanted. From taxes to regulation, investment to trade, Bush was able to do exactly how he pleased — and the results were a disaster.
And now they want us all to believe that a replay of these policies would be a good idea? To borrow from Samuel Johnson, that would indeed be a triumph of hope over experience.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Well now Daddy Love is attempting to use another leftist to parrot some “facts:.
How many jobs did Bush create Curtis? And from Feb 1 2009 until 12/31/10 how many jobs did Odumba add using the same methodology Curtis?
Values in (000)
Whole Time 1/31/09 12/31/10 Difference
Total Jobs 133,549 130,712 -2,837 Lost
Private Jobs 110,961 108,453 -2,508 Lost
How many of those jobs are government jobs Curtis Daddy? We know Odumba lover GE cut 18,000 jobs while their hand was out for guvmint cheeze!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
So if Odumba added 1.1 million jobs then the total lost from Feb 1, 2009 through 12/31/2009 was a whopping 3,937,000 lost jobs under his watch when we were told Pass the Porkulus Bill and unemployment would never elevate above 8 percent.
Next we learn from BLS 2.6 million peeps dropped out of the workforce in November, hence the 9.8 to 9.4 drop in December. Gallup has it right. The real number is higher.
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
How many of the jobs lost were from Republican policies?
Numbers don’t lie, but many of the people using them do.
Off the top of your head, WaxxMann, describe the difference between mean, median, mode, and range.
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
I am going to write up a simple multiple choice test for WaxxMann about simple measurements used in the social sciences, and I bet he wont’t be able to pass it.
your wife's pimpspews:
@3 like most things, you are clueless about those stats.
keep on with your man-crush on Depp….
Sadly the real unemployment is still staggering. People who stop looking for jobs are still unemployed. It’s silly to not count them.
And where is the foolish troll Klynical?
I read he cowardly ran away from us.
Guess we showed him huh?
Wish Puddy and the others would get lost too.
They are boneheaded racist wingnuts…especially Puddy.
your wife's pimpspews:
puddy is racist? against who?
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
I’m going to grade this on a curve, but since you are the only one who will take it, you are guaranteed a passing grade. My purpose is to instruct – not to break your spirit:
1- A reading achievement test measures a person’s:
a- Current reading ability.
b- Reading aptitude.
c- Potential reading capacity
d- Reading comprehension.
2- Plus or minus one standard deviation will include approximately what percent of the population?
a- 15%
b- 34%
c- 68%
d- 96%
3- Which statement is true?
a- A test must be valid before it is reliable.
b- A test must be referenced before it is reliable.
c- A test must be objective before it is reliable.
d- A test must be reliable before it is valid.
4- The standard error of measurement is mostly associated with:
a- Reliability
b- Validity
c- Projective tests
d- Objective tests
5- A group of ‘experts’ (NOT you) decide on the proper questions to ask for a new intelligence test. This helps to establish:
a- Construct Validity
b- Content Validity
c- Criterion Validity
d- Face Validity
Gabrielle Giffords, a Democratic congresswoman from Arizona, was shot today at a public event outside a grocery store.
A spokesman for the Pima County sheriff says that at least 12 people were shot. The Tucson Citizen reports that Rep. Giffords was “shot point blank in the head.”
(CNN) — At least 12 people were shot at a Tucson grocery store on Saturday, and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among them, a Democratic party source told CNN.
Giffords, 40, was holding a constituent meeting at the grocery store when the shooting occurred, according to a schedule posted on her website.
CNN could not confirm conditions for Giffords or any of the others wounded, but the Tuscon Citizen newspaper was reporting that Giffords was shot in the head.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and six others died after a gunman opened fire at a public event on Saturday, the Pima County, Ariz., sheriff’s office confirms. The 40-year-old Democrat was outside a Tucson grocery store when a gunman ran up and began firing indiscriminately. The suspect was taken into police custody.
U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head and killed outside a grocery store in Tucson while holding a public event, Arizona Public Media reported Saturday.
The 40-year-old Democrat, who was re-elected to her third term in November, was hosting a “Congress on Your Corner” event at a Safeway in northwest Tucson when a gunman ran up and started shooting, according to Peter Michaels, news director of Arizona Public Media.
At least nine other people, including members of her staff, were hurt. Giffords was transported to University Medical Center in Tucson. Her condition was not immediately known.
2nd amendment solution propaganda chickens coming home to roost.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Any minute now Puddy will ‘discover’ that George Soros is behind this.
The Target of Sarah Palin has now been shot in the district where Sarah Palin announced her cross haired targeting.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Very interesting DailyKos diary here, about the Republican who ran against her in November, and featured guns front and center in his campaign.
Someone needs to put a microphone in front of Sharon Angle and ask her to expand on her notion of “Second Amendment remedies.”
Liberal Scientistspews:
These people are about violence and power and fear and coercion.
They hide behind free speech to fight against it.
They brandish weapons at their opponents because their ideas suck.
They are fueled by division and fear and hate, and they sow destruction and violence.
Beware when they burn down the Reichstag, um, Capitol, and blame the left.
Someone explain to me how the shooter is part of “a well regulated militia”
Liberal Scientistspews:
I am not a lawyer, and have always been confused as to how that phrase is always left out of the discussion regarding the absolutely unrestricted right to arm oneself to the teeth.
Daddy Lovespews:
Among the enumerated Powers of the Congress in Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution are as follows:
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
I kinda doubt that Joe Republican Idiot has a legitimate claim to being associated in any way with any Militia as defined in our founding documents.I
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
Giffords, a moderate “Blue Dog” Democrat and gun rights advocate
Good try fools.
Has any moronic leftist offered a prayer for Giffords recovery?
Doubt it!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools!spews:
headless lucy… Don’t answer to racists!
Enjoy your “test”!
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
re 24: You are not even fooling yourself.
Enjoy your empty, vacuous ideology.
I’m going to grade this on a curve, but since you are the only one who will take it, you are guaranteed a passing grade. My purpose is to instruct – not to break your spirit:
1- A reading achievement test measures a person’s:
a- Current reading ability.
b- Reading aptitude.
c- Potential reading capacity
d- Reading comprehension.
2- Plus or minus one standard deviation will include approximately what percent of the population?
a- 15%
b- 34%
c- 68%
d- 96%
3- Which statement is true?
a- A test must be valid before it is reliable.
b- A test must be referenced before it is reliable.
c- A test must be objective before it is reliable.
d- A test must be reliable before it is valid.
4- The standard error of measurement is mostly associated with:
a- Reliability
b- Validity
c- Projective tests
d- Objective tests
5- A group of ‘experts’ (NOT you) decide on the proper questions to ask for a new intelligence test. This helps to establish:
a- Construct Validity
b- Content Validity
c- Criterion Validity
d- Face Validity
Go on. Take the test and I’ll give you the results. You are not showing your best face here, Waxx.
Eastern Washington University Eagles beat the Delaware Blue Hens 20-19. My Eagles came back from behind. The Huskies may have won their bowl, but EWU won the NCAA Division 1 FCS National Title tonight, in Frisco, TX. Did not have our Inferno(EWU’s version of the Boise State SmurfTurf), but QB Bo Levi Mitchell had his supporters there(he is a transfer student from SMU).
Division 1 FCS used to be called Division 1-AA by the NCAA. This was EWU’s first visit to the 1-AA/FCS final ever, and that includes the years it was called Eastern Washington State College, and the mascot was the Savages. We also won the Dam Cup, the rivalry with Portland State.
Obama Created More Jobs In One Year Than Bush Created In Eight
This morning, the Labor Department released its employment data for December, showing that the U.S. economy ended the year by adding 113,000 private sector jobs, knocking the unemployment rate down sharply from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent — its lowest rate since July 2009. In fact, from February 2001, George W. Bush’s first full month in office, through January 2009, his last, the economy added just 1 million jobs. By contrast, in 2010 alone, the economy added at least 1.1 million jobs.
Yeah, Bush sucked, and we all know that, but a nice stat is good.
Re: Bush sucked…
Knowing as we do about the many failures of the Bush/Cheney era, let’s let our jaws drop in wonder at the widely held belief in Republican circles that those Bush/Cheney policies worked. For eight years, the Republican administration got the economic policies it wanted. From taxes to regulation, investment to trade, Bush was able to do exactly how he pleased — and the results were a disaster.
And now they want us all to believe that a replay of these policies would be a good idea? To borrow from Samuel Johnson, that would indeed be a triumph of hope over experience.
Well now Daddy Love is attempting to use another leftist to parrot some “facts:.
How many jobs did Bush create Curtis? And from Feb 1 2009 until 12/31/10 how many jobs did Odumba add using the same methodology Curtis?
Values in (000)
Whole Time 1/31/09 12/31/10 Difference
Total Jobs 133,549 130,712 -2,837 Lost
Private Jobs 110,961 108,453 -2,508 Lost
How many of those jobs are government jobs Curtis Daddy? We know Odumba lover GE cut 18,000 jobs while their hand was out for guvmint cheeze!
So if Odumba added 1.1 million jobs then the total lost from Feb 1, 2009 through 12/31/2009 was a whopping 3,937,000 lost jobs under his watch when we were told Pass the Porkulus Bill and unemployment would never elevate above 8 percent.
Next we learn from BLS 2.6 million peeps dropped out of the workforce in November, hence the 9.8 to 9.4 drop in December. Gallup has it right. The real number is higher.
How many of the jobs lost were from Republican policies?
Numbers don’t lie, but many of the people using them do.
Off the top of your head, WaxxMann, describe the difference between mean, median, mode, and range.
I am going to write up a simple multiple choice test for WaxxMann about simple measurements used in the social sciences, and I bet he wont’t be able to pass it.
@3 like most things, you are clueless about those stats.
keep on with your man-crush on Depp….
Sadly the real unemployment is still staggering. People who stop looking for jobs are still unemployed. It’s silly to not count them.
And where is the foolish troll Klynical?
I read he cowardly ran away from us.
Guess we showed him huh?
Wish Puddy and the others would get lost too.
They are boneheaded racist wingnuts…especially Puddy.
puddy is racist? against who?
I’m going to grade this on a curve, but since you are the only one who will take it, you are guaranteed a passing grade. My purpose is to instruct – not to break your spirit:
1- A reading achievement test measures a person’s:
a- Current reading ability.
b- Reading aptitude.
c- Potential reading capacity
d- Reading comprehension.
2- Plus or minus one standard deviation will include approximately what percent of the population?
a- 15%
b- 34%
c- 68%
d- 96%
3- Which statement is true?
a- A test must be valid before it is reliable.
b- A test must be referenced before it is reliable.
c- A test must be objective before it is reliable.
d- A test must be reliable before it is valid.
4- The standard error of measurement is mostly associated with:
a- Reliability
b- Validity
c- Projective tests
d- Objective tests
5- A group of ‘experts’ (NOT you) decide on the proper questions to ask for a new intelligence test. This helps to establish:
a- Construct Validity
b- Content Validity
c- Criterion Validity
d- Face Validity
Holy crap!!!
Congresswoman, 6 Others, Killed By Gunman
2nd amendment solution propaganda chickens coming home to roost.
Any minute now Puddy will ‘discover’ that George Soros is behind this.
Dateline March 23, 2010 4:49 PM:
Sarah Palin Unveils Target List for Midterm Elections
The Target of Sarah Palin has now been shot in the district where Sarah Palin announced her cross haired targeting.
Very interesting DailyKos diary here, about the Republican who ran against her in November, and featured guns front and center in his campaign.
Someone needs to put a microphone in front of Sharon Angle and ask her to expand on her notion of “Second Amendment remedies.”
These people are about violence and power and fear and coercion.
They hide behind free speech to fight against it.
They brandish weapons at their opponents because their ideas suck.
They are fueled by division and fear and hate, and they sow destruction and violence.
Beware when they burn down the Reichstag, um, Capitol, and blame the left.
Someone explain to me how the shooter is part of “a well regulated militia”
I am not a lawyer, and have always been confused as to how that phrase is always left out of the discussion regarding the absolutely unrestricted right to arm oneself to the teeth.
Among the enumerated Powers of the Congress in Article I Section 8 of the US Constitution are as follows:
I kinda doubt that Joe Republican Idiot has a legitimate claim to being associated in any way with any Militia as defined in our founding documents.I
Good try fools.
Has any moronic leftist offered a prayer for Giffords recovery?
Doubt it!
headless lucy… Don’t answer to racists!
Enjoy your “test”!
re 24: You are not even fooling yourself.
Enjoy your empty, vacuous ideology.
I’m going to grade this on a curve, but since you are the only one who will take it, you are guaranteed a passing grade. My purpose is to instruct – not to break your spirit:
1- A reading achievement test measures a person’s:
a- Current reading ability.
b- Reading aptitude.
c- Potential reading capacity
d- Reading comprehension.
2- Plus or minus one standard deviation will include approximately what percent of the population?
a- 15%
b- 34%
c- 68%
d- 96%
3- Which statement is true?
a- A test must be valid before it is reliable.
b- A test must be referenced before it is reliable.
c- A test must be objective before it is reliable.
d- A test must be reliable before it is valid.
4- The standard error of measurement is mostly associated with:
a- Reliability
b- Validity
c- Projective tests
d- Objective tests
5- A group of ‘experts’ (NOT you) decide on the proper questions to ask for a new intelligence test. This helps to establish:
a- Construct Validity
b- Content Validity
c- Criterion Validity
d- Face Validity
Go on. Take the test and I’ll give you the results. You are not showing your best face here, Waxx.
Do you think the test is culturally biased?