Australia-based Ambre Energy, which has mining operations in Wyoming’s stretch of the Powder River Basin, is already pinning future profits on massive coal exports to China. Officials in Cowlitz County, Washington, which borders Oregon, recently approved a port redevelopment in the town of Longview that will allow Ambre to export five million tons of coal annually. The Longview project would be the first of several proposed new coal terminals in the region.
I like the Jimmy Kimmel clip.
Yeah, just what we need, the little bit of energy we have left in this country shipped over seas and tons of coal spilled into the Columbia helping to kill off what little is left in the way of food swimming around down there.
Working in the taint mines…
Roger Rabbitspews:
In case any of you didn’t see it, the Obama administration CAUGHT the 19-year-old Somali jihadist who intended to blow up families and children attending Portland’s Christmas tree lighting event. Contrast and compare with the Bush administration’s record:
2, 3 – Yeah, it’s purely economics because the Chinese don’t really need our coal, they have plenty of their own coal, and plenty of replacements for the miners killed in their unsafe mines.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Why/how do the economics make sense?
Even given that our mines are unsafe and many many costly corners cut, they’re surely still more expensive to run than mines in China, where, as you say, there are boatloads of coal already.
How does mining it in Wyoming, hauling it to Washington, loading and shipping to China make any sense at all?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Now Portland has Muslim crazies ready & willing to blow innocent people up!
What is ImamObaMao doing to protect our borders and our citizens??
Catching guys like that one and putting them in jail.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
Hey! The Southern Poverty Law Center put the Family Recearch Council on the hate group list!
Happens every year.
(CNN) — Several Black Friday shoppers eager to get great holiday deals were trampled Friday morning as they surged through store doors in North Buffalo, New York.
CNN affiliate WIVB had a camera inside the Target and captured the drama. People at the front of their line were pushed to the floor when doors opened. The commotion and screams drew additional store staff to sort the crowd out.
One shopper, bent over in pain, continued into the store.
Mrs. Cynicalspews:
Dear, you left the keyboard a mess again. That happens whenever you go to that Foxy Nudes. What’s with the acorn pictures?
“What is ImamObaMao doing to protect our borders and our citizens??”
As I’ve previously suggested, maybe if we get out of these Muslim countries and stop kissing Israel’s ass we can stop Isamo-terrorism dead in its tracks. If the Islamo-crazies don’t see us as a threat, why would they bother to attack us when they’ve got better targets out there?
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
@16: I don’t think any of the regulars here, perhaps excepting SJ, would have a problem with your sentiment about getting out of muslim countries and Israeli ass kissing.
However we are a threat to the jihadis as long as we are aligned with the Saudis (and some other medieval motherfuckers).
Wanna give up driving or staying warm (in the NE) or growing food and operating things at industrial scale, etc., etc.?
I could live with less and share more. How about you?
Bob Herbert tells it like it is.
Even as millions of out-of-work and otherwise struggling Americans are tightening their belts for the holidays, the nation’s elite are lacing up their dancing shoes and partying like royalty as the millions and billions keep rolling in.
Recessions are for the little people, not for the corporate chiefs and the titans of Wall Street who are at the heart of the American aristocracy. They have waged economic warfare against everybody else and are winning big time.
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
@6, Roger, LS and Michael:
There are other factors, but this is key:
EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) or Net Energy.
At some point soon the math (economic and otherwise) becomes prohibitive and it all winds down.
In the meantime, I object to facilitating the poisoning of the planet. But it’s probably going to happen because it seems all we’ve got is “our” resources to sell these days. Welcome to the 3rd world!?
I think, what China’s doing is realizing that, while it might be cheaper to burn their coal, they can afford to burn everyone else’s coal and save some of theirs for when things get more expensive.
For us It’s an instance of short term corporate profits trumping long term health and stability for everyone, including the corporates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A new survey due for release next week shows a large majority (70%) of serving troops are okay with gays openly serving in the military.
This blows apart one of the principal arguments of anti-gay wingers, namely, that allowing gays to serve openly would disrupt the military because the troops would never accept them.
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
Peak Coal:
IEA says 20 years (globally) which is probably conservative (optimistic). As for China:
The forecast estimates that Chinese coal production will reach a peak in 2020, perhaps even earlier if the reserves are backdated to 1992, when the last actual update took place, and corrected for cumulative production. So China might be very close to its maximum coal production unless the reserves are larger than reported or a significant amount of resources can be transformed into produced volumes in the near future. Unless something dramatic happens to the Chinese reserves the future production will very soon end up under reserve constraints.
@7 Apparently it does or corporations wouldn’t build terminals in Longview and other ports to ship it. No, I don’t know how the numbers work, but I know they do, because the only reason corporations do anything is for profit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe it has to do with China being unable to get enough coal from their own mines.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “How many years should this lunatic get??”
Don’t you think that one’s a no-brainer?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “How did he become a naturalized citizen?”
Probably by filling out the standard forms and passing the standard test. And nobody working for the government caught it because, you know, they can’t read people’s minds. So they should all be fired! Also, it’s obvious the citizenship test should be revised by adding the following question:
“Are you planning to commit any terrorist acts against the United States?”
If an applicant falsely answers “no” to that question you can add a perjury enhancement to his life-without-parole sentence. Smart, huh?
Here’s ya go…
Mohamud, who grew up in Beaverton,
He was a little kid when he came here.
Tens of thousands of Somalis have resettled in the United States since their country plunged into lawlessness in 1991, and the U.S. has boosted aid to the country
Out of those tens of thousands a handful turned out the be bad apples and the Somali community has been working with the FBI to find the bad ones.
It works because we give all sorts of direct and indirect* subsidies to the companies that dig up and ship the coal and because the Chinese government sets the price for coal in China.
The free market gots nothing to do with it.
*Don’t hold your breath waiting for the coal shippers to pay for all the marine life and birds (AKA- tasty food) their spilled coal kills.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
My fellow Americans in all 57 states, the time has changed for come. With our country founded more than 20 centuries ago, we have much to celebrate – from the FBI’s 100 days to the reforms that bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system. We know that countries like Europe are willing to stand with us in our fight to halt the rise of privacy, and Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian for that…
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
This Thanksgiving weekend, as I try to recall that for which I might be thankful, American idiocy would not be one of those things. Don’t compare our president to Sarah Palin, Puddy, and think you’re scoring points with thoughtful people. Idiocy is not a good thing, Puddy. Why are you so attracted to its light? Step back from the glow of idiocy, man, just step back.
Yep! And she’s still an idiot and he’s still a Harvard grad that taught at the University of Chicago law school. ;-)
“Mr. Mohamud was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1991. He attended Jackson Middle School and Wilson High School in Portland before transferring to Westview High School in Beaverton. Brandon Guffey, a classmate of Mr. Mohamud who said he had known him since 2002 but had not spoken to him since they went to Wilson, recalled Mr. Mohamud as a “perfectly normal guy.”
Seems like a republican administration let him in the country and a democratic one stopped his terrorist act and will put him in jail.
Pud @ 34 and Michael @37- I suspect any one of us could be made to look like fools by sampling buts of statements and random verbal gaffes. Sara Palin succeeds in looking like a fool without editing.
proud leftistspews:
K, kudos. Verbal gaffes are one thing. Not knowing what the hell you are talking about in the first place are another.
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
Michael @ 27. Thanks for that URL Very interesting.
Oops, @33
China doesn’t set the coal price it sets energy goals, which can mess with the price of coal.
Your welcome.
@13 How eager so many of us are to rush to the stores, plastic at the ready, and act as loyal little debtcroppers to enrich the megabanks.
You KLOWNS want to know everything security-wise.
Your guy is about to oblige no matter what the cost.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Cyn, your statements might be taken more seriously if they were accompanied by links other than to Fox News.
But no, it seems that you’re a three trick pony (sorry Zotz) – links to Fox, Rasmussen and the Bible seem to be your only “contribution” here.
I’m not sure which is more discredited or more effectively undermines the “point” you’re trying to make. Hard to choose.
Liberal Scientistspews:
This text declares the truth! There is no attack here. Atheists absolutely hate Jesus.
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” – John 15:18
Just a few threads ago you took issue with me – for calling you on your Bible-centrism and your (and Cyn’s) tic – throwing out Bible quotes as if that were a rational support for an argument.
You called me (and Deathfrogg, I believe) all sorts of ungenerous names, and demanded the ylb prove your point for you.
Well, here you go again, proving my point for me. Thanks.
Liberal Scientistspews:
As has been pointed out by my betters above – mining peoples’ public statements – particularly one like President Obama whose nearly every word is recorded, and stringing together minor gaffes is adolescent and without point.
Moreover, this underscores the narcissistic pity-party that is Sarah Palin – as has been pointed out elsewhere – the North Korea gaffe was covered almost NOWHERE in the MSM. It was viral for a time on the web (and please don’t quote Andrew Breitbart as a rebuttal – no linky for him from me, BTW). But man, it sure provoked her to lash out at her ‘enemies’ in the media.
Whew – that woman isn’t stable, methinks.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Zotz – that was EXCELLENT!!
Now I know where lostinaseaofblue went – he blew us off for a gig tormenting Richard Dawkins via email!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Puddy likes it when Liberal Scientist acts like ylb and immediately runs to the kook-aid! So sad a commentary for a leftist progressive.
North Korea gaffe was covered almost NOWHERE in the MSM.
Oh really? Using Soros’ Media Morons? Puddy will use some of their references to destroy them again! Remember Bristol was Triggs mother? Puddy does!One of Media Morons prominent bloggers was overlooked on purpose by the Morons as one of the first to unleash the attack. Also it’s well known that Odumba called Oliver and some of his cronies to the whitey house for a pow-wow on liberal strategy and attack methods. So now when you and others use the Morons you admit they are the guttersnipes of the media. Great call. Thanks for playing.
And you are discounting two of the prominent leftist rags who act like it’s their sworn duty to attack Palin every turn?
A – Well Puddy is glad you don’t think much of Think Progress another Soros glory hole!
B – Well Puddy is glad you don’t think much of the Huff Pollution friends to Soros’ glory holes!
Butt of course it was in the AP which is fully discounted by The Morons.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sarah Palin is drawing criticism from around the world after declaring that the United States has to stand with “our North Korean allies.”
Now let’s dissect the Media Moron assertion…
Because based on a search of Nexis, here’s a partial list of the major American newspaper that did not turn the Palin/North Korea gaffe into a “major political headline,” did not treat it as news, and did not even mention it when it occurred:
Per Roger Rabbit, all Puddy needs to do is provide one refutation to DESTROY their pathetic argument…
1) Washington Post – Palin draws fire with North Korea gaffe Thursday, November 25, 2010; 6:44 AM
2) Miami Herald – Palin draws fire with North Korea gaffe
4) Seattle Times – Palin draws fire with North Korea gaffe
What other news outlets ignored Palin’s verbal gaffe when it occurred? All three major networks–ABC, CBS, and NBC–as well as CNN, Fox News, PBS and NPR.
5) ABC’s Good Morning America – “Sarah Palin accidentally mixes up North and South Korea during radio interview, calling North Korea a US ally.”
6) CBS News – Palin Draws Fire With North Korea Gaffe
7) PBS – Shields and Brooks on North Korean Threats, Palin’s Plans and DeLay Conviction
So far it seems Media Morons are a bunch of LIARS! You shouldn’t trust George Soros or any of his glory holes to deliver you any truth. Remember Dr Rachel Maddow has been destroyed many times by her continual parroting of Media Morons!
There are so many more references to destroy Media Morons butt Puddy has some CHRISTMAS lights to deploy around the house and yard today!
See ya fool!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
No you didn’t Liberal Scientist… Puddy purposely placed it there. Your guttersnipe attack claimed Puddy uses the Bible to attack like Cynical. Wanna see your EXACT WORDS fool? You can always ask ylb for help!
So how did Puddy use the verse? Well if you could think you’d figger it out!
BTW Puddy is still waiting for zotz to prove how being an atheist is factual.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I strive to take you seriously and respond to the substance of your replies.
I just listened to the entire 12:43 of your reference #7 above (I started from the bottom of the list). Shields and Brooks discussed North Korea. Then they discussed Palin. Then they discussed DeLay. There was no overlap and there was certainly NO MENTION of Palin’s North Korea gaffe.
Using you own standards:
Per Roger Rabbit, all Puddy needs to do is provide one refutation to DESTROY their pathetic argument…
Clearly you merely googled “Palin” and “Nroth Korea” and mindlessly linked to every media site you found. You need better standards for your posts, if you expect to be taken seriously. Do your homework next time.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
googled “Palin” and “Nroth Korea”
Nope you dope… Puddy went to Google News and Googled “Palin Draws Fire”. The AP did the story and Google chronicled the sites who ran with it fool!
Look at how Liberal Scientist reacts to Puddy’s destruction of Media Morons. You made the postulation based on their “facts”. The morons poster mentioned those sites specifically. Puddy proved their search failed again. Puddy slapped your silly ASS silly!!!
Regarding the PBS comment, you are a natural idiot…
And, then, when you look at her statements, the tweets, all the stuff that comes out of camp Palin, it has to do with the media or her slashing back at the media for this or that insult, not so much about government.
You need everything spelled out for you since you have no natural horse sense! It must be explicitly mentioned for Liberal Scientist because he demonstrates each day on HA there is no brain power in that neanderthal cranial orifice! Stay Stupid Liberal Scientist… It seems that comes naturally to you!
Really sucks to be you! And you want Puddy to take you seriously when you turn to a Soros glory hole? Not gonna happen!
Liberal Scientistspews:
7) PBS – Shields and Brooks on North Korean Threats, Palin’s Plans and DeLay Conviction
That’s your quote.
As I said, I went to the link you provided. (I picked the first one I got to, after I read you latter comment, and was then working my way backward)
I watched all 12:43 of the video of Shields and Brooks. I then reported back that neither of them, nor the host, EVER mentioned Palin’s gaffe about North Korea.
Now I’m not in the business of factchecking you, and I suspect it would be a monumentally frustrating experience. Per your stated standards of argument, I refuted one of your cited examples. Moreover, your quotation of Brooks was about his view of her perceived choice between being a media persona and being in government. It was not about her stupidity regarding North Korea per se, or any meaning read into the fact that she had made that gaffe. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make, if you even have one.
To top that off, he’s a sprinkling of your epithets toward me:
Nope you dope
you are a natural idiot…
there is no brain power in that neanderthal cranial orifice!
Stay Stupid Liberal Scientist… It seems that comes naturally to you!
Really sucks to be you!
I’m finding it impossible to engage you in rational argument, and your descent into mudslinging and name-calling is as offensive as it is puerile.
(I’m suddenly reminded of a song we had to sing in Catholic grade school way back when…the refrain went
“…and they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”
So much for that Christianity you wear so prominently on your sleeve.)
Liberal Scientistspews:
BTW, Puddy, I really have zero regard for your opinion of me – I cataloged your statements above to make a point.
I just find your antics increasingly tiresome and fairly hypocritical, and I’m thinking more and more that the regulars here who taunt you about psychiatric meds may in fact be correct.
Oh, oh! It’s the psycho-laugh. We all know what that means. heh- Somebody didn’t take their meds.
“I’m thinking more and more that the regulars here who taunt you about psychiatric meds may in fact be correct.”
Taunt? Nah, not me. heh- I’m just trying to help a brother out.
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
26. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool! spews:
Hey! The Southern Poverty Law Center put the Family Recearch Council on the hate group list!
This text declares the truth! There is no attack here. Atheists absolutely hate Jesus.
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” – John 15:18
11/27/2010 at 9:27 pm
Ohf course the big p’dumbski completely forgets to tell us WHY SPLC is wrong about his hate group bff’s.
Your sides clothes are invisible “‘bro”. Everybody is catching on to you guys’ hatehatehatehatehate.
enough is enoughspews:
Its time for Wikileaks to go down..hard.
Anyone affiliated with the release of the countless secret documents needs to be tried and executed for treason. No quarter should be shown to these creeps.
enough is enoughspews:
looks like rujax is back to his racist stuff again….nice to see some things dont change.
@56 and 57
It is time to just start laughing at poor little Puddy. Is he pulling out the media matters Trigg/Paliin thing again?
I already showed that his link was worthless and that media matters actually refuted the Trigg/Palin’s baby story.
Wow, Puddy can’t even remember when he has been totally refuted and keep s bringing up the same old tired red herrings.
I feel so sorry for Puddy – he is clearly not even competent to argue a point these days. what a sad shell of a person who claims to be a christian but acts like a petulent child.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Of course everyone sees how correctnotright skips right past the media morons lie today to attack Puddy. Ahhh yes, you used the same Eric Boehlert to “claim” you buried Puddy. Wasn’t this the same Eric Boehlert who wrote Liberal Scientist touting above? Yep! Unfortunately Eric Boerlert forgot it was a Media Matters blogger who helped promote the lie. Of course Puddy remembers this moronic posting. Just like above, when Puddy placed a Media Morons blogger who wrote about Palin’s gaffe and he mysteriously “forgot” this.
Good job correctnotright… shows just how stupid you are…
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy’s laugh isn’t psycho except to you cuz you are still delusional on Steve’s Stupid Solution! Still delusional since March 2010.
That’s when you lost your way. And you are still lost.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
You are still as stupid as ever. SPLC is political.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Liberal Scientist, When you decide to use Media Morons you need to fact check. Dr Rachel Maddow learned her lesson back in April 2010 and then forgot and learned another lesson in October when she didn’t fact check another rant from Media Morons! Puddy placed her mistakes on HA. Check your ylb.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Puddy looked at a couple of the WikiLeaks documents. Funny thing is the WikiLeaks documents document the Sunni Arabs who want the US to destroy Iran not Israel. Kind of destroys the liberal argument. KABLAMMO!
The WikiLeaks documents also demonstrate how the Arabs and Israelis are working together. Butt the Arab people see hatred on Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera all the time.
Strange bedfellows.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
“The papers also claimed that the US Government was running a secret intelligence campaign targeted at Mr Ban and the permanent security council representatives from China, Russia, France and the UK. They alleged that the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called for biometric information on the UN secretary general.” Interesting these leaks. No wonder Robert Fibbs is on the warpath.
Liberal Scientistspews:
This is surprising? That the US is spying on the UN Secretary General? I’m (and I imagine everyone else) must assume that the US is spying on EVERY prominent political personage on the planet.
It would kind of be diplomatic/intelligence malpractice not to.
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
63. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool! spews:
You are still as stupid as ever. SPLC is political.
11/28/2010 at 7:41 pm
Thick…as a brick.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Once again Liberal Scientist doesn’t get it.
Hilary Clinton had the 900+ FBI dossiers on her husband’s political enemies. Now she was doing it again with the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. on UN world members. If this came out that GWBush had done this there would be screaming and gnashing of teeth.
Hilary hasn’t changed and neither have you!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
The dumb brick can’t change. It’s a dumb brick!
@62: Once again, poor little Puddy calls me names (stupid). Yeah, when you can’t support the crap you put out there – then call people names and pretend to be smart when you aren’t.
Good job, Puddy. You become more of a caricature of yourself every day. And I used to think you were actually a religious person and had a memory – now I know you are a blowhard who cannot support what they write and that you are clearly NOT a religious person and you forget when you have been refuted or you just ignore it.
It is a waste of time to even talk to you – your links are false or don’t say what you think they do and you fail to read and understand the true links. Really, you are disingenuous and are willing to either lie or deliberately overlook any information that contradicts your narrowminded point of view. You intellectual dishonesty is appalling – even for a rightwingnut.
One of the few legitimate grievances Sarah Palin had regarding the way she was treated during the 2008 presidential campaign centered on the ludicrous questions about her son Trig’s birth. There was never any real reason to question whether she was, indeed, Trig’s mother, and the few online media types who flogged the bogus story line certainly didn’t do themselves any credit
From Media Matters
Yeah, they really flogged this story….Puddy once again reads the right wing blogs but fails to actually look STUFF UP.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
What does your new link prove correctnotright?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Puddy already delivered the Media Matters commentary when it happened. Puddy delivered the Kos attack in 2008. Anything in 2009 is retrospect and hindsight. Notice the date December 2009. This happened in late August 2008.
Another CHRONOLOGICAL FAIL correctnotright.
See ya
74. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool! spews:
What does your new link prove correctnotright?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Puddy already delivered the Media Matters commentary when it happened. Puddy delivered the Kos attack in 2008. Anything in 2009 is retrospect and hindsight. Notice the date December 2009. This happened in late August 2008.
Another CHRONOLOGICAL FAIL correctnotright.
See ya
11/29/2010 at 6:05 pm
The big p’dumbski just drifts into his little right wing world alternative reality…with dreams of Sarah Palin dancing in his head…or on his head.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Of course the dumb cinder block doesn’t bring anything to the argument. Another chronological idiot.
Sarah Palin ain’t dancing in Puddy’s head. He’s dancing in every libtardo MSM and blogger’s head.
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
The big p’dumbski is as usless as Alan West.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
rujax’s hero Alvin Greene!
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
Alvin Greene for President!!!
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
Hmmmm…Greene/West…West/Greene…kinda like the big p’dumbski.
Some context to the proposed coal shipping terminal at Longview:
I like the Jimmy Kimmel clip.
Yeah, just what we need, the little bit of energy we have left in this country shipped over seas and tons of coal spilled into the Columbia helping to kill off what little is left in the way of food swimming around down there.
Working in the taint mines…
In case any of you didn’t see it, the Obama administration CAUGHT the 19-year-old Somali jihadist who intended to blow up families and children attending Portland’s Christmas tree lighting event. Contrast and compare with the Bush administration’s record:
2, 3 – Yeah, it’s purely economics because the Chinese don’t really need our coal, they have plenty of their own coal, and plenty of replacements for the miners killed in their unsafe mines.
Why/how do the economics make sense?
Even given that our mines are unsafe and many many costly corners cut, they’re surely still more expensive to run than mines in China, where, as you say, there are boatloads of coal already.
How does mining it in Wyoming, hauling it to Washington, loading and shipping to China make any sense at all?
Now Portland has Muslim crazies ready & willing to blow innocent people up!
How many years should this lunatic get??
How did he become a naturalized citizen?
What is ImamObaMao doing to protect our borders and our citizens??
ImamObaMao’s ACORN Buddies continue to be convicted of ELECTION FRAUD. Let’s let them reorganize under another name and give them more dollars!
Catching guys like that one and putting them in jail.
Hey! The Southern Poverty Law Center put the Family Recearch Council on the hate group list!
Happens every year.
Dear, you left the keyboard a mess again. That happens whenever you go to that Foxy Nudes. What’s with the acorn pictures?
A different type of entertainment: Stunning Animated Time-Lapse Map of Red-Blue America 1920-2008
“What is ImamObaMao doing to protect our borders and our citizens??”
As I’ve previously suggested, maybe if we get out of these Muslim countries and stop kissing Israel’s ass we can stop Isamo-terrorism dead in its tracks. If the Islamo-crazies don’t see us as a threat, why would they bother to attack us when they’ve got better targets out there?
@16: I don’t think any of the regulars here, perhaps excepting SJ, would have a problem with your sentiment about getting out of muslim countries and Israeli ass kissing.
However we are a threat to the jihadis as long as we are aligned with the Saudis (and some other medieval motherfuckers).
Wanna give up driving or staying warm (in the NE) or growing food and operating things at industrial scale, etc., etc.?
I could live with less and share more. How about you?
Bob Herbert tells it like it is.
@6, Roger, LS and Michael:
There are other factors, but this is key:
EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) or Net Energy.
At some point soon the math (economic and otherwise) becomes prohibitive and it all winds down.
In the meantime, I object to facilitating the poisoning of the planet. But it’s probably going to happen because it seems all we’ve got is “our” resources to sell these days. Welcome to the 3rd world!?
I think, what China’s doing is realizing that, while it might be cheaper to burn their coal, they can afford to burn everyone else’s coal and save some of theirs for when things get more expensive.
For us It’s an instance of short term corporate profits trumping long term health and stability for everyone, including the corporates.
A new survey due for release next week shows a large majority (70%) of serving troops are okay with gays openly serving in the military.
This blows apart one of the principal arguments of anti-gay wingers, namely, that allowing gays to serve openly would disrupt the military because the troops would never accept them.
Peak Coal:
IEA says 20 years (globally) which is probably conservative (optimistic). As for China:
More here:
Something to whet your zeal for tomorrow’s Bible Study…
Richard Dawkins reads his hate mail:
Didn’t we learn the rich elite are the progressive leftists from a Goldy thread?
As Herbert points out, the rich elite are a class unto themselves.
The Big Moron@12 farts
This text declares the truth! There is no attack here. Atheists absolutely hate Jesus.
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” – John 15:18
An interesting county by county look at bankruptcies in America.;outer_y=
@7 Apparently it does or corporations wouldn’t build terminals in Longview and other ports to ship it. No, I don’t know how the numbers work, but I know they do, because the only reason corporations do anything is for profit.
Maybe it has to do with China being unable to get enough coal from their own mines.
@8 “How many years should this lunatic get??”
Don’t you think that one’s a no-brainer?
@8 “How did he become a naturalized citizen?”
Probably by filling out the standard forms and passing the standard test. And nobody working for the government caught it because, you know, they can’t read people’s minds. So they should all be fired! Also, it’s obvious the citizenship test should be revised by adding the following question:
“Are you planning to commit any terrorist acts against the United States?”
If an applicant falsely answers “no” to that question you can add a perjury enhancement to his life-without-parole sentence. Smart, huh?
Here’s ya go…
He was a little kid when he came here.
Out of those tens of thousands a handful turned out the be bad apples and the Somali community has been working with the FBI to find the bad ones.
It works because we give all sorts of direct and indirect* subsidies to the companies that dig up and ship the coal and because the Chinese government sets the price for coal in China.
The free market gots nothing to do with it.
*Don’t hold your breath waiting for the coal shippers to pay for all the marine life and birds (AKA- tasty food) their spilled coal kills.
Here’s something amazing…
A really tacky Government Motors commercial
This Thanksgiving weekend, as I try to recall that for which I might be thankful, American idiocy would not be one of those things. Don’t compare our president to Sarah Palin, Puddy, and think you’re scoring points with thoughtful people. Idiocy is not a good thing, Puddy. Why are you so attracted to its light? Step back from the glow of idiocy, man, just step back.
Yep! And she’s still an idiot and he’s still a Harvard grad that taught at the University of Chicago law school. ;-)
“Mr. Mohamud was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1991. He attended Jackson Middle School and Wilson High School in Portland before transferring to Westview High School in Beaverton. Brandon Guffey, a classmate of Mr. Mohamud who said he had known him since 2002 but had not spoken to him since they went to Wilson, recalled Mr. Mohamud as a “perfectly normal guy.”
Seems like a republican administration let him in the country and a democratic one stopped his terrorist act and will put him in jail.
Pud @ 34 and Michael @37- I suspect any one of us could be made to look like fools by sampling buts of statements and random verbal gaffes. Sara Palin succeeds in looking like a fool without editing.
K, kudos. Verbal gaffes are one thing. Not knowing what the hell you are talking about in the first place are another.
Michael @ 27. Thanks for that URL Very interesting.
Oops, @33
China doesn’t set the coal price it sets energy goals, which can mess with the price of coal.
Your welcome.
@13 How eager so many of us are to rush to the stores, plastic at the ready, and act as loyal little debtcroppers to enrich the megabanks.
Good Morning KLOWNS.
Your WikiLeaks hero is endangering lives!
You KLOWNS want to know everything security-wise.
Your guy is about to oblige no matter what the cost.
Cyn, your statements might be taken more seriously if they were accompanied by links other than to Fox News.
But no, it seems that you’re a three trick pony (sorry Zotz) – links to Fox, Rasmussen and the Bible seem to be your only “contribution” here.
I’m not sure which is more discredited or more effectively undermines the “point” you’re trying to make. Hard to choose.
Just a few threads ago you took issue with me – for calling you on your Bible-centrism and your (and Cyn’s) tic – throwing out Bible quotes as if that were a rational support for an argument.
You called me (and Deathfrogg, I believe) all sorts of ungenerous names, and demanded the ylb prove your point for you.
Well, here you go again, proving my point for me. Thanks.
As has been pointed out by my betters above – mining peoples’ public statements – particularly one like President Obama whose nearly every word is recorded, and stringing together minor gaffes is adolescent and without point.
Moreover, this underscores the narcissistic pity-party that is Sarah Palin – as has been pointed out elsewhere – the North Korea gaffe was covered almost NOWHERE in the MSM. It was viral for a time on the web (and please don’t quote Andrew Breitbart as a rebuttal – no linky for him from me, BTW). But man, it sure provoked her to lash out at her ‘enemies’ in the media.
Whew – that woman isn’t stable, methinks.
Zotz – that was EXCELLENT!!
Now I know where lostinaseaofblue went – he blew us off for a gig tormenting Richard Dawkins via email!
Puddy likes it when Liberal Scientist acts like ylb and immediately runs to the kook-aid! So sad a commentary for a leftist progressive.
Oh really? Using Soros’ Media Morons? Puddy will use some of their references to destroy them again! Remember Bristol was Triggs mother? Puddy does!One of Media Morons prominent bloggers was overlooked on purpose by the Morons as one of the first to unleash the attack. Also it’s well known that Odumba called Oliver and some of his cronies to the whitey house for a pow-wow on liberal strategy and attack methods. So now when you and others use the Morons you admit they are the guttersnipes of the media. Great call. Thanks for playing.
And you are discounting two of the prominent leftist rags who act like it’s their sworn duty to attack Palin every turn?
A – Well Puddy is glad you don’t think much of Think Progress another Soros glory hole!
B – Well Puddy is glad you don’t think much of the Huff Pollution friends to Soros’ glory holes!
Butt of course it was in the AP which is fully discounted by The Morons.
Now let’s dissect the Media Moron assertion…
Per Roger Rabbit, all Puddy needs to do is provide one refutation to DESTROY their pathetic argument…
1) Washington Post – Palin draws fire with North Korea gaffe Thursday, November 25, 2010; 6:44 AM
2) Miami Herald – Palin draws fire with North Korea gaffe
3) Oh let’s search Google 163 references so far!
4) Seattle Times – Palin draws fire with North Korea gaffe
5) ABC’s Good Morning America – “Sarah Palin accidentally mixes up North and South Korea during radio interview, calling North Korea a US ally.”
6) CBS News – Palin Draws Fire With North Korea Gaffe
7) PBS – Shields and Brooks on North Korean Threats, Palin’s Plans and DeLay Conviction
So far it seems Media Morons are a bunch of LIARS! You shouldn’t trust George Soros or any of his glory holes to deliver you any truth. Remember Dr Rachel Maddow has been destroyed many times by her continual parroting of Media Morons!
There are so many more references to destroy Media Morons butt Puddy has some CHRISTMAS lights to deploy around the house and yard today!
See ya fool!
No you didn’t Liberal Scientist… Puddy purposely placed it there. Your guttersnipe attack claimed Puddy uses the Bible to attack like Cynical. Wanna see your EXACT WORDS fool? You can always ask ylb for help!
So how did Puddy use the verse? Well if you could think you’d figger it out!
BTW Puddy is still waiting for zotz to prove how being an atheist is factual.
I strive to take you seriously and respond to the substance of your replies.
I just listened to the entire 12:43 of your reference #7 above (I started from the bottom of the list). Shields and Brooks discussed North Korea. Then they discussed Palin. Then they discussed DeLay. There was no overlap and there was certainly NO MENTION of Palin’s North Korea gaffe.
Using you own standards:
Clearly you merely googled “Palin” and “Nroth Korea” and mindlessly linked to every media site you found. You need better standards for your posts, if you expect to be taken seriously. Do your homework next time.
Nope you dope… Puddy went to Google News and Googled “Palin Draws Fire”. The AP did the story and Google chronicled the sites who ran with it fool!
Look at how Liberal Scientist reacts to Puddy’s destruction of Media Morons. You made the postulation based on their “facts”. The morons poster mentioned those sites specifically. Puddy proved their search failed again. Puddy slapped your silly ASS silly!!!
Regarding the PBS comment, you are a natural idiot…
You need everything spelled out for you since you have no natural horse sense! It must be explicitly mentioned for Liberal Scientist because he demonstrates each day on HA there is no brain power in that neanderthal cranial orifice! Stay Stupid Liberal Scientist… It seems that comes naturally to you!
Really sucks to be you! And you want Puddy to take you seriously when you turn to a Soros glory hole? Not gonna happen!
That’s your quote.
As I said, I went to the link you provided. (I picked the first one I got to, after I read you latter comment, and was then working my way backward)
I watched all 12:43 of the video of Shields and Brooks. I then reported back that neither of them, nor the host, EVER mentioned Palin’s gaffe about North Korea.
Now I’m not in the business of factchecking you, and I suspect it would be a monumentally frustrating experience. Per your stated standards of argument, I refuted one of your cited examples. Moreover, your quotation of Brooks was about his view of her perceived choice between being a media persona and being in government. It was not about her stupidity regarding North Korea per se, or any meaning read into the fact that she had made that gaffe. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make, if you even have one.
To top that off, he’s a sprinkling of your epithets toward me:
I’m finding it impossible to engage you in rational argument, and your descent into mudslinging and name-calling is as offensive as it is puerile.
(I’m suddenly reminded of a song we had to sing in Catholic grade school way back when…the refrain went
“…and they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”
So much for that Christianity you wear so prominently on your sleeve.)
BTW, Puddy, I really have zero regard for your opinion of me – I cataloged your statements above to make a point.
I just find your antics increasingly tiresome and fairly hypocritical, and I’m thinking more and more that the regulars here who taunt you about psychiatric meds may in fact be correct.
Oh, oh! It’s the psycho-laugh. We all know what that means. heh- Somebody didn’t take their meds.
“I’m thinking more and more that the regulars here who taunt you about psychiatric meds may in fact be correct.”
Taunt? Nah, not me. heh- I’m just trying to help a brother out.
Ohf course the big p’dumbski completely forgets to tell us WHY SPLC is wrong about his hate group bff’s.
Your sides clothes are invisible “‘bro”. Everybody is catching on to you guys’ hatehatehatehatehate.
Its time for Wikileaks to go down..hard.
Anyone affiliated with the release of the countless secret documents needs to be tried and executed for treason. No quarter should be shown to these creeps.
looks like rujax is back to his racist stuff again….nice to see some things dont change.
@56 and 57
It is time to just start laughing at poor little Puddy. Is he pulling out the media matters Trigg/Paliin thing again?
I already showed that his link was worthless and that media matters actually refuted the Trigg/Palin’s baby story.
Wow, Puddy can’t even remember when he has been totally refuted and keep s bringing up the same old tired red herrings.
I feel so sorry for Puddy – he is clearly not even competent to argue a point these days. what a sad shell of a person who claims to be a christian but acts like a petulent child.
Of course everyone sees how correctnotright skips right past the media morons lie today to attack Puddy. Ahhh yes, you used the same Eric Boehlert to “claim” you buried Puddy. Wasn’t this the same Eric Boehlert who wrote Liberal Scientist touting above? Yep! Unfortunately Eric Boerlert forgot it was a Media Matters blogger who helped promote the lie. Of course Puddy remembers this moronic posting. Just like above, when Puddy placed a Media Morons blogger who wrote about Palin’s gaffe and he mysteriously “forgot” this.
Good job correctnotright… shows just how stupid you are…
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy’s laugh isn’t psycho except to you cuz you are still delusional on Steve’s Stupid Solution! Still delusional since March 2010.
That’s when you lost your way. And you are still lost.
You are still as stupid as ever. SPLC is political.
Liberal Scientist, When you decide to use Media Morons you need to fact check. Dr Rachel Maddow learned her lesson back in April 2010 and then forgot and learned another lesson in October when she didn’t fact check another rant from Media Morons! Puddy placed her mistakes on HA. Check your ylb.
Puddy looked at a couple of the WikiLeaks documents. Funny thing is the WikiLeaks documents document the Sunni Arabs who want the US to destroy Iran not Israel. Kind of destroys the liberal argument. KABLAMMO!
The WikiLeaks documents also demonstrate how the Arabs and Israelis are working together. Butt the Arab people see hatred on Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera all the time.
Strange bedfellows.
“The papers also claimed that the US Government was running a secret intelligence campaign targeted at Mr Ban and the permanent security council representatives from China, Russia, France and the UK. They alleged that the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called for biometric information on the UN secretary general.” Interesting these leaks. No wonder Robert Fibbs is on the warpath.
This is surprising? That the US is spying on the UN Secretary General? I’m (and I imagine everyone else) must assume that the US is spying on EVERY prominent political personage on the planet.
It would kind of be diplomatic/intelligence malpractice not to.
Thick…as a brick.
Once again Liberal Scientist doesn’t get it.
Hilary Clinton had the 900+ FBI dossiers on her husband’s political enemies. Now she was doing it again with the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. on UN world members. If this came out that GWBush had done this there would be screaming and gnashing of teeth.
Hilary hasn’t changed and neither have you!
Interesting health care news…
The dumb brick can’t change. It’s a dumb brick!
@62: Once again, poor little Puddy calls me names (stupid). Yeah, when you can’t support the crap you put out there – then call people names and pretend to be smart when you aren’t.
Good job, Puddy. You become more of a caricature of yourself every day. And I used to think you were actually a religious person and had a memory – now I know you are a blowhard who cannot support what they write and that you are clearly NOT a religious person and you forget when you have been refuted or you just ignore it.
It is a waste of time to even talk to you – your links are false or don’t say what you think they do and you fail to read and understand the true links. Really, you are disingenuous and are willing to either lie or deliberately overlook any information that contradicts your narrowminded point of view. You intellectual dishonesty is appalling – even for a rightwingnut.
From Media Matters
Yeah, they really flogged this story….Puddy once again reads the right wing blogs but fails to actually look STUFF UP.
What does your new link prove correctnotright?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Puddy already delivered the Media Matters commentary when it happened. Puddy delivered the Kos attack in 2008. Anything in 2009 is retrospect and hindsight. Notice the date December 2009. This happened in late August 2008.
Another CHRONOLOGICAL FAIL correctnotright.
See ya
The big p’dumbski just drifts into his little right wing world alternative reality…with dreams of Sarah Palin dancing in his head…or on his head.
Of course the dumb cinder block doesn’t bring anything to the argument. Another chronological idiot.
Sarah Palin ain’t dancing in Puddy’s head. He’s dancing in every libtardo MSM and blogger’s head.
The big p’dumbski is as usless as Alan West.
rujax’s hero Alvin Greene!
Alvin Greene for President!!!
Hmmmm…Greene/West…West/Greene…kinda like the big p’dumbski.
They’re all really really stupid.