I assume our local “conservatives” are citing this cold spell as proof that anthropocentric climate change is a fraud.
I remember when both the Olympics and Cascades had white caps year round. We’ve seen before and after pictures of Alaskan, Peruvian, etc. glaciers. It’d be constructive if someone could do something similar for our mountains.
The scenes of I-5 on Monday looked amazing and horrific. I can’t imagine getting stuck there for hours and hours. Lots of people seem to be blaming the average joe, but it looks like a few busses and trucks managed to block pretty effectively.
The flash freeze Monday was impressive though as was the stinging pellets of snow blowing sideways. Oddly here in the Olympia area, the people were driving with courtesy and not crowding each other as usual at least in my group of traffic.
i like cake
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Since Darryl is taking out his pre-Thanksgiving anger with God on me, I guess I’ll play his silly game and simply post a link to Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation.
Careful Darryl–The word “GOD” is in there several times. It might make your head pop off.
I lived in Olympia when the Nisqually quake hit and was very impressed with the city and states organization and response.
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
Michael I wonder what it’ll be like in Seattle when the big one hits there.
LA’s done a pretty good job on response to some of their larger quakes, so big cities can respond well to that sort of thing. But, I don’t know anything about Seattle’s emergency services. My gut reaction is that I wouldn’t want to be there when it hit.
I’m wondering what will happen next year if we have another storm like we just had, since all public agencies will be working with fewer people and much smaller budgets.
Zotz sez: The bomb in the baby carriage was wired to the radio...spews:
I’m wondering what will happen next year if we have another storm like we just had, since all public agencies will be working with fewer people and much smaller budgets.
Leaving aside something like the Dec 2007 storm. It was ugly — stuff is still getting fixed from it. We’d be fucked if that happened.
China and Russia have now dumped the debased worthless dollar:
Keep those dollar printing presses going, by Gold and Silver are skyrocketing.
And the Perfect IRA tool, you can hold any amount of it tax free year after year, with no yearly maximum contribution. Its up 40% in just a few months!
Friday is StoryCorps’s National Day of Listening. They’ve released this great short from the patron saint of oral history, Studs Terkel, being his classic self:
“Since Darryl is taking out his pre-Thanksgiving anger with God on me, I guess I’ll play his silly game and simply post a link to Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation.”
Actually, I was taking out my pre-Thanksgiving anger ON YOU, you knucklehead.
“Careful Darryl–The word “GOD” is in there several times.”
“It might make your head pop off.”
Why would it do that?
“How silly is it to delete the words to the Thanksgiving Proclamation….”
As usual, REALITY has totally escaped you. I don’t give a rat’s ass WHAT the topic is. If it violates the comment policy, it’s liable to be deleted. Period.
We’d be fucked
Yeah, that was what I was thinking, but didn’t want to say it.
Looks like the Repugnantcans might actually do the world a little good after all. A bunch of them have teamed up to go after ethanol subsidies.
Sadly, Tom DeLay, the former U.S. House Republican majority leader has joined the ranks of convicted Republican felons. I don’t think we have enough wine to toast that and a Dallas Cowboy loss tomorrow.
# 16: Yep, nobody to try to twist the President’s arm, arguing that to not parden DeLay was to “leave a soldier behind”.
And it seems that a community in Harrisonville, Missouri came together to keep those idiots at the Phelps-family Westboro Baptist Church from protesting a soldier’s funeral. They lined both sides of the street leading to the cemetary, and the late-arriving protesters had to set up over 3-1/2 blocks from the cemetary, where they were outshouted by the crowd.
ang yet, the criminal charlie rangal wont do a day in jail.
Blue Johnspews:
I heard a great factoid that if most of the glass from all the Seattle skyscrapers was knocked out in big shake, that would be be up to 2 feet of glass shards in the down town streets.
Enjoy walking home.
btw, you guys dont know i’m a football genious but the bengals will beat the jets tomorrow.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Always good to see where the money goes… Now we know how the almost $400 Million 2010 midterm campaign spending discrepancy occurred.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Children home from college… Check! Turkey in the oven… Check! Yams boiling in water… Check! Cornbread batter getting ready… Check! Chicken ready to be fried… Check! Salad ready to go… Check! Spicy macaroni ready to bake… Check! Potatoes ready to mash… Check! Green beans ready to boil… Check! Cheesecake in refrigerator… Check! Pumpkin pies in garage staying cold… Check! Single friends invited… Check! Next door neighbors back from overseas invited… Check! Extra tableware ready to go… Check!
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Headed out to Church now.
Dinner with 20 friends @ Noon.
Board Games all afternoon.
Dinner with neighbors @ 5PM.
We are blessed.
Siberian dogspews:
Mr. Cynical, you already ruined my Thanksgiving Day spirit with your comments up @6. You are in no way blessed. From now on, please keep your pathetic, mean-spirited thoughts to yourself, especially on a day like today.
Well, well – the last republican to be speaker of the house just got convicted of illegally getting corporate donations to influence elections – the more things change, the more they remain the same.
Oh, and Boehner was caught giving out cash on the House floor.
Republicans are hypocrites. Did you notice that Seantor Kyle dropped a 200 million dollar “non-earmark” (sic) for his state?
Republicans LIE.
Republicans are corporate shills.
Republicans don’t care about ordinary Americans, they are in it solely for their corporate masters.
Happy thangiving to everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving Puddy. I may not agree with your opinions or the way you present them, but I wish you a happy thanksgiving anyways.
Happy Thanksgiving Klynical – even the mentally challenged deserve a nice thanksgiving.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Thanks correctnotright. Back at you on all fronts.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Hello everyone – just wanted to bop over here from the kitchen and wish everyone – allies and adversaries alike – a happy Thanksgiving.
I’ll drop in from time to time, but mostly cooking today – right now got the onions carmelizing for the the caramelzed onion/apple/sausage/fig stuffing, and have some stock cooking from the giblets and neck with parsley/corriander/star anise for the gravy to come.
Going to try a new method for the bird – I’m cooking just a breast from my family of four – and I’m going to bone it, crisp the skin in a pan and then braise over root vegetables (saw this on Bittman via Ezra Klein)
What are all of you cooking? And, what are you thankful for?
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
@42: Turkey (all 16# of it) and all the stuff that goes with. Your stuffing sounds yummy.
I’m getting traditional stuffing (blech!). I’d do wild rice, mushrooms, bacon, craisins and some secret stuff, but my girls are plain janes and they’re doing the cooking.
Pumpkin pie! (with a drizzle of home made huckleberry syrup and lots of whipped cream)
@41 Mr. Cynical, you already ruined my Thanksgiving Day spirit with your comments up @6. You are in no way blessed. From now on, please keep your pathetic, mean-spirited thoughts to yourself, especially on a day like today.
siberian dog,
go fuck yourself, what, are we supposed to pretend you kikes are nt trying to destroy this country cause todays thanksgiving. remember, god destroyed sodom and gomorrah, and he’ll destroy the kike owned hollywood and new york. you kike
Liberal Scientistspews:
OK, stuffing done – sausage and bacon – fat used to fry/caramelize 6 onions, then apples added to the onions and cooked. Mixed with bread cubes, sliced figs, toasted pine nuts, parsley, sage and thyme, salt and pepper, egg and homemade turkey broth.
Stock done too – made in prep for gravy – gizzards, heart and neck sauteed, onions added, then garlic – all cooked until liquid released and reduced, white wine then and thickened again, then chicken stock, along with parsley sprigs, thyme, corriander, star anise, mustard seed, black peppercorns – all stewed together for an hour or two, then meat removed for later shredding, and liquid strained, to be added to a dark roux later this afternoon, and then the reduced pan juices.
Now to the pecan pie – dough made first thing this am, been sitting in the fridge getting cold and resting – roll out and baked blind next and the filling – pecans, corn syrup, egg vanilla and not too much sugar. cooked over a water bath til shiny, then cooled a bit, dark chocolate chunks added, and into the shell for another 40 min in the oven. MMMM…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It’s turkey induced nap time for me!
1) warm ground
2) a big drop in temperature
3) snow
4) rush hour
Unless we heavily salt the roads and ruin all of our cars, this is what we can expect. Why all of the surprise?
because we have a new mayor to blame and because we cannot bear to look inward at our car-dependent land use patterns.
I haven’t had the stomach to check…
I assume our local “conservatives” are citing this cold spell as proof that anthropocentric climate change is a fraud.
I remember when both the Olympics and Cascades had white caps year round. We’ve seen before and after pictures of Alaskan, Peruvian, etc. glaciers. It’d be constructive if someone could do something similar for our mountains.
The scenes of I-5 on Monday looked amazing and horrific. I can’t imagine getting stuck there for hours and hours. Lots of people seem to be blaming the average joe, but it looks like a few busses and trucks managed to block pretty effectively.
The flash freeze Monday was impressive though as was the stinging pellets of snow blowing sideways. Oddly here in the Olympia area, the people were driving with courtesy and not crowding each other as usual at least in my group of traffic.
i like cake
Since Darryl is taking out his pre-Thanksgiving anger with God on me, I guess I’ll play his silly game and simply post a link to Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation.
Careful Darryl–The word “GOD” is in there several times. It might make your head pop off.
How silly is it to delete the words to the Thanksgiving Proclamation (which isn’t that long) on the day before Thanksgiving?
Did y’all know that Lincoln also did a Proclamation before Thanksgiving for a National Fast Day?
Before you open the link, please consider yourself warned that the Proclamation includes the Words GOD or LORD 7 times.
#2, FTW!
I lived in Olympia when the Nisqually quake hit and was very impressed with the city and states organization and response.
Michael I wonder what it’ll be like in Seattle when the big one hits there.
LA’s done a pretty good job on response to some of their larger quakes, so big cities can respond well to that sort of thing. But, I don’t know anything about Seattle’s emergency services. My gut reaction is that I wouldn’t want to be there when it hit.
I’m wondering what will happen next year if we have another storm like we just had, since all public agencies will be working with fewer people and much smaller budgets.
Leaving aside something like the Dec 2007 storm. It was ugly — stuff is still getting fixed from it. We’d be fucked if that happened.
China and Russia have now dumped the debased worthless dollar:
Keep those dollar printing presses going, by Gold and Silver are skyrocketing.
And the Perfect IRA tool, you can hold any amount of it tax free year after year, with no yearly maximum contribution. Its up 40% in just a few months!
Friday is StoryCorps’s National Day of Listening. They’ve released this great short from the patron saint of oral history, Studs Terkel, being his classic self:
Nuff said.
Bet these assholes REALLYREALLYREALLY hate Studs Terkel.
One more thing to be thankful–really, really–thankful about:
And, to think there’s no Republican president around to pardon Mr. Delay . . . How sad (not). No more Dancing with the Stars for this thug.
No Shit. Ok…there’s a god afterall.
@16: It is wonderful news.
At my table on Thanksgiving, we each get three corn kernels. Before we eat, each of us say the top 3 things we’re thankful for.
This will be one of mine.
Mr. Cynical,
“Since Darryl is taking out his pre-Thanksgiving anger with God on me, I guess I’ll play his silly game and simply post a link to Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation.”
Actually, I was taking out my pre-Thanksgiving anger ON YOU, you knucklehead.
“Careful Darryl–The word “GOD” is in there several times.”
“It might make your head pop off.”
Why would it do that?
“How silly is it to delete the words to the Thanksgiving Proclamation….”
As usual, REALITY has totally escaped you. I don’t give a rat’s ass WHAT the topic is. If it violates the comment policy, it’s liable to be deleted. Period.
Yeah, that was what I was thinking, but didn’t want to say it.
Looks like the Repugnantcans might actually do the world a little good after all. A bunch of them have teamed up to go after ethanol subsidies.
Sadly, Tom DeLay, the former U.S. House Republican majority leader has joined the ranks of convicted Republican felons. I don’t think we have enough wine to toast that and a Dallas Cowboy loss tomorrow.
# 16: Yep, nobody to try to twist the President’s arm, arguing that to not parden DeLay was to “leave a soldier behind”.
And it seems that a community in Harrisonville, Missouri came together to keep those idiots at the Phelps-family Westboro Baptist Church from protesting a soldier’s funeral. They lined both sides of the street leading to the cemetary, and the late-arriving protesters had to set up over 3-1/2 blocks from the cemetary, where they were outshouted by the crowd.
Thousands form human buffer to keep protesters from soldier’s funeral
All regulating the building industry does is drive up costs and drive away profits! We need to get rid of those pesky regulators!
DeLay Convicted, Faces Life In Prison
A jury has convicted Republican ex-congressman Tom DeLay of money laundering and he could get up to life in prison.
Meanwhile, goofball and secessionist Sarah Palin said on Glen Beck’s radio show “we’ve gotta stand with our North Korean allies.”
I don’t think I want to give her access to the nuclear codes. She might pass them out to her friends.
not too busy to delete my posts, i bet.
It’s a beautiful thing. Thanks be to you for sharing.
Yep, I’m happy.
Thankfully, some people in Texas can weigh evidence and come to the proper conclusion about criminal activity.
Roger, she’d probably have the codes changed to match her luggage…..
ang yet, the criminal charlie rangal wont do a day in jail.
I heard a great factoid that if most of the glass from all the Seattle skyscrapers was knocked out in big shake, that would be be up to 2 feet of glass shards in the down town streets.
Enjoy walking home.
btw, you guys dont know i’m a football genious but the bengals will beat the jets tomorrow.
Always good to see where the money goes… Now we know how the almost $400 Million 2010 midterm campaign spending discrepancy occurred.
Oh yeah, another hero of the left…
Children home from college… Check! Turkey in the oven… Check! Yams boiling in water… Check! Cornbread batter getting ready… Check! Chicken ready to be fried… Check! Salad ready to go… Check! Spicy macaroni ready to bake… Check! Potatoes ready to mash… Check! Green beans ready to boil… Check! Cheesecake in refrigerator… Check! Pumpkin pies in garage staying cold… Check! Single friends invited… Check! Next door neighbors back from overseas invited… Check! Extra tableware ready to go… Check!
Yep! So Happy Thanksgiving. To EVERYBODY!
Happy Thanksgiving Puddy.
As you know–
James 1:17 (New International Version, ©2010)
Headed out to Church now.
Dinner with 20 friends @ Noon.
Board Games all afternoon.
Dinner with neighbors @ 5PM.
We are blessed.
Mr. Cynical, you already ruined my Thanksgiving Day spirit with your comments up @6. You are in no way blessed. From now on, please keep your pathetic, mean-spirited thoughts to yourself, especially on a day like today.
Well, well – the last republican to be speaker of the house just got convicted of illegally getting corporate donations to influence elections – the more things change, the more they remain the same.
Oh, and Boehner was caught giving out cash on the House floor.
Republicans are hypocrites. Did you notice that Seantor Kyle dropped a 200 million dollar “non-earmark” (sic) for his state?
Republicans LIE.
Republicans are corporate shills.
Republicans don’t care about ordinary Americans, they are in it solely for their corporate masters.
Happy thangiving to everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving Puddy. I may not agree with your opinions or the way you present them, but I wish you a happy thanksgiving anyways.
Happy Thanksgiving Klynical – even the mentally challenged deserve a nice thanksgiving.
Thanks correctnotright. Back at you on all fronts.
Hello everyone – just wanted to bop over here from the kitchen and wish everyone – allies and adversaries alike – a happy Thanksgiving.
I’ll drop in from time to time, but mostly cooking today – right now got the onions carmelizing for the the caramelzed onion/apple/sausage/fig stuffing, and have some stock cooking from the giblets and neck with parsley/corriander/star anise for the gravy to come.
Going to try a new method for the bird – I’m cooking just a breast from my family of four – and I’m going to bone it, crisp the skin in a pan and then braise over root vegetables (saw this on Bittman via Ezra Klein)
What are all of you cooking? And, what are you thankful for?
@42: Turkey (all 16# of it) and all the stuff that goes with. Your stuffing sounds yummy.
I’m getting traditional stuffing (blech!). I’d do wild rice, mushrooms, bacon, craisins and some secret stuff, but my girls are plain janes and they’re doing the cooking.
Pumpkin pie! (with a drizzle of home made huckleberry syrup and lots of whipped cream)
Mr. Cynical, you already ruined my Thanksgiving Day spirit with your comments up @6. You are in no way blessed. From now on, please keep your pathetic, mean-spirited thoughts to yourself, especially on a day like today.
siberian dog,
go fuck yourself, what, are we supposed to pretend you kikes are nt trying to destroy this country cause todays thanksgiving. remember, god destroyed sodom and gomorrah, and he’ll destroy the kike owned hollywood and new york. you kike
OK, stuffing done – sausage and bacon – fat used to fry/caramelize 6 onions, then apples added to the onions and cooked. Mixed with bread cubes, sliced figs, toasted pine nuts, parsley, sage and thyme, salt and pepper, egg and homemade turkey broth.
Stock done too – made in prep for gravy – gizzards, heart and neck sauteed, onions added, then garlic – all cooked until liquid released and reduced, white wine then and thickened again, then chicken stock, along with parsley sprigs, thyme, corriander, star anise, mustard seed, black peppercorns – all stewed together for an hour or two, then meat removed for later shredding, and liquid strained, to be added to a dark roux later this afternoon, and then the reduced pan juices.
Now to the pecan pie – dough made first thing this am, been sitting in the fridge getting cold and resting – roll out and baked blind next and the filling – pecans, corn syrup, egg vanilla and not too much sugar. cooked over a water bath til shiny, then cooled a bit, dark chocolate chunks added, and into the shell for another 40 min in the oven. MMMM…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It’s turkey induced nap time for me!
LS @ 44-
That’ll make a turd!