Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Rachel, why would GWBush give you an interview? You ridicule him for wearing his old job titles. Yet when you interview Carter and Clinton you call them president. Rachel you are an ASS. Loose rules, strange words, no responsibility in her broadcasts. When you are dead wrong with the facts you ridicule those who call you out DR. for being wrong. Even Jon Stewart took you apart.
For liberal Scientist Puddy places this in the realm, AGAIN…
And finally to our department of corrections. On last night’s show I made fun of who House minority leader John Boehner because at yesterday’s whites of their eyes Michele Bachmann-led anti-healthcare reform rally on the Capitol steps, he waggled a copy of the Constitution at the crowd, bragged that he was standing with the Founding Fathers and then said he was quoting the Preamble to the Constitution while he actually quoted from the Declaration of Independence. Being myself constitutionally incapable of leaving well enough alone, I then excitedly exclaimed not that he wasn’t reading from the Preamble to the Constitution but that there wasn’t a Preamble to the Constitution at all, which of course is total nonsense and which I’m very sorry to have said.
It’s sad Claude Jones was executed and the state staff didn’t place the DNA request in the memo. Of course hindsight is 20-20. Now you are blaming the lack of Claude Jones DNA test request the day before his execution in the final memo is GWBush’s fault Rachel?
The day before Claude Jones was killed, the day before he was executed, he asked for that hair from the crime scene to be tested.
And the two Texas courts said no.
He requested a stay of execution to as you say to have the hair submitted for DNA testing, and he made that request to two separate Texas courts, and to the governor’s office and he was turned down by both courts
So when did the courts turn him down Rachel? It seems the same day Rachel. When were the memos written Rachel? Data and Time Rachel? The fault rests on those who wrote the memo. Yet you twist it around Rachel. Priceless.
See how Rachel ties the 2000 recount to the execution when they are mutually exclusive events?
Bush just read the summary presumably, didn’t look into it any further, in any event he gave the executioner the thumbs UP AND ON DECEMBER 7th, 2000[Puddy emphasis] in the midst of the Florida recount that would ultimately name him president almost exactly ten years ago now Claude Jones was killed.
And you expect GWBush to be interviewed by you and your show, after the world saw you and your insipid commentary on November 2, 2010 covering the mid-term elections the next day when it was ridiculed?
Jesus H. waterboarding Christ Spuddy, you really are a thick motherfucker.
Why I really can’t see any reason to not execute this asshole as described in the article, Bush, as Governor of Texas, oversaw the executions of more people than the entire rest of the country combined. At least two may have actually been innocent of the crimes they were convicted of. Texas cops are NOT renowned for their honesty and dedication to enforcing the law.
Bush, then as now, is a bloodthirsty, lying, Sociopathic son of a bitch. In that book he just “wrote”, he’s admitted to war crimes. He’s previously admitted to torturing small animals as a boy. He’s freely admitted to being such a lush that he couldn’t control his mouth or his hands at State Dinners, which he had nearly every day at exorbitant cost to the Texas Taxpayers.
Bush, Cheney and the rest of their entire administration, were seriously evil and as corrupt as anyone can get. If Bush hadn’t had a wealthy daddy to buy his way out of trouble, he likely would have ended up like Jeffrey Dahlmer or Ted Bundy.
Harry Poonspews:
re 1: It’s not merely hyperbole to call Bush a murderer.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Thank you, deathfrogg.
Puddy is again directing his keen insights and razor-sharp analytic capacities toward…Oh yeah, it’s Pud. He’s so…um…precious.
As you say, DF, GWB was bloodthirsty and just WRONG from an early age. Torturing animals, torturing humans. Executing prisoners without compunction, killing hundreds of thousands – all in a day’s work…oh, wait – he never worked, just moved from one disaster to another via his daddy’s connections. What a foul excuse for a human.
And this is who you defend, Pud? And in attacking Maddow, that is exactly what you’re doing. Remember, GWB even lost that tool Tucker Carlson when GWB pantomimed the deathrow pleadings of Karla Faye Tucker. You could at least choose some conservative that is actually deserving some respect and is an asset to his/her fellow humans…like, um, well, gimme a second. OK, I see your problem…but GWB?!
You really are unhinged if you’re defending GWB. QED.
The point for case of Claude Jones,the conviction and sentenced was on faulty evidence. This is akin if he confessed to the crime and the only direct evidence was the hair. The mtDNA test showed that the prosecution’s expert witness on the hair sample was wrong.
This isn’t whether Claude Jones was innocent of the crime or not, it is that the state blew their case. He should had gotten a re-trial, instead he was executed.
My guess why the mtDNA testing wasn’t done, it is expensive compare to PCR DNA testing, it is not as absolute, (It is a great and fascinating test for female lineage) as nucleus cell dna testing, like PCR It basically took the Texas Observer and the Innocence project years to get the evidence for testing.
The Courts turned his stay of execution down. They didn’t see any problems with if Jones got a fair trial or not. It isn’t only the original court case that was faulty, but the appeals court rulings as well.
Zotz sez: Klynical thinks Sarah Palin's smegma is yummy cream filling...spews:
ALERT: Move afoot to retroactively legalize the MERS mortgage database, effectively absolving the banksters of mortgage fraud and depriving local govs of recenue, particularly counties from the recording fee revenue.
When Congress comes back into session next week, it may consider measures intended to bolster the legal status of a controversial bank owned electronic mortgage registration system that contains three out of every five mortgages in the country.
The system is known as MERS, the acronym for a private company called Mortgage Electronic Registry Systems. Set up by banks in the 1997, MERS is a system for tracking ownership of home loans as they move from mortgage originator through the financial pipeline to the trusts set up when mortgage securities are sold.
@6 Oh great – so the banksters will be in charge of deciding who owns which mortgage and property?
Let me guess – their magic system will somehow always show that a big bank owns the goodies. Even properties that are not mortgaged in the first place.
We’re screwed.
@ 6
Ex post facto law.
Besides, the law was egregiously broken, deliberately and directly, with the full intention of defrauding property owners of their property.
Read this. And watch the video. The people signing off on the foreclosures, under the threat of purjury, didn’t even know what they were signing, and had no knowledge of the relevant laws at all. The mortgage industry is a massive, organized fraud.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Again Puddy will say
It’s sad Claude Jones was executed and the state staff didn’t place the DNA request in the memo
GWBush tortured animals. Were they progressive animals? Or was this another Bill Burkett – Dan Rather rant?
Now back to the story. Where did Puddy fault Maddow over this. You are conflating her ignorance to why Bush would never appear on her worthless show to the second topic she used in this segment. Man you are dense.
Puddy faults the people who wrote the final memo to Bush. They are the ones culpable. You on the other hand with your BDS front and center blame it all on Bush. Yes Bush signed the death warrant. It was the faulty information given to him.
@ 9
So he was just following orders then?
Maybe, just maybe, as the “decider person in chief”, he should have spent just a few minutes a day actually doing his job, instead of playing golf, drinking hard liquor and going to baseball games. In no way, shape or form, was this man qualified to hold public office. He was a criminal.
Liberal Scientistspews:
It was the faulty information given to him.
What? He was only following orders?
Even if your (fevered, desperate) “version” of events is remotely true – it is his signature on the death warrant. He is ultimately responsible (Teh Deicider ™ and all that).
Moreover, his preoccupation with getting the shiny new job he wanted and thereby neglecting to attend to his immediate responsibility, even when human life hangs in the balance, is a pattern of irresponsible behavior on his part.
GWB is a profoundly defective, amoral person who has sown failure, destruction, and needless death in his wake, and it’s an object lesson in your critical capacities that you’re defending him so doggedly.
Zotz sez: Klynical thinks Sarah Palin's smegma is yummy cream filling...spews:
@7 and 8: All of that is true, but the banksters are dumping money on congress. Time to let ours know we are paying attention.
Zotz sez: Klynical thinks Sarah Palin's smegma is yummy cream filling...spews:
Take your pill, Pudpuller. You’re one sick motherfucker.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Yes, the ad hominem attacks.
Good! Good!
Seems to Puddy Odumba is a profoundly defective, amoral person ( says one thing while doing another) who has sown failure (European and Muslim Apology Tours, G-20 Summit; China monetary policy and S. Korea trade treaty), destruction (Oil spill negligence), and needless death in his wake (Afghanistan & Ft Hood attacks), and it’s an object lesson in your critical capacities (Bill Ayers & Bernie Dohrn, Van Jones, etc) that you’re defending him so doggedly (Jeremiah Wright).
See ya! Puddy has to do his daily good need now while you wile time away on this blog!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Why does the ZitzFace always refer to drugs? Maybe there are drugs in his past present and future?
Yep, that’s the ticket!
Zotz sez: Klynical thinks Sarah Palin's smegma is yummy cream filling...spews:
Fairwarning if you plan to fly for Thanksgiving: They are organizing mass scanner refusal (forcing time consuming, intrusive genital pat downs) on 24 November (busiest travel day).
Zotz sez: Klynical thinks Sarah Palin's smegma is yummy cream filling...spews:
I don’t understand some things. Why is it, that people who call themselves “conservatives”, seem to be perfectly comfortable with the idea of a Fascist police state. Where government only exists to enforce rules set by private individuals or businesses for their own purpose, even if that purpose is the greatest evil.
“Conservatives” seem to WANT:
Private contractors enforcing the law only for the individuals or organizations that can afford to pay for it.
Privately owned for-profit Prisons, supported by those mercenary companies, for the sole purpose of guaranteeing their business models, where any “laws” exist only for the purpose of generating profits for individuals engaging in any relevant commercial activity.
No rules whatsoever on how businesses conduct themselves, even if their conduct and business models include outright theft.
No laws regulating how religious organizations can engage in purely political or commercial activities.
No universal protections of citizens against fraud or violations of their rights as Citizens.
No laws or rules regulating how any such “law enforcement” organizations conduct themselves, even if it means tolerating or even encouraging those organizations to commit murders, kidnappings or fabrications of evidence for political or economic purposes at the behest of privately controlled organizations that are protecting their business models.
That only people with investments in such businesses have any say in what rules are made, how they are enforced against everyone not holding vested interests in a business.
What they all seem to want, is anarchy, where the meanest, most violent and wealthiest organizations are allowed to run completely unfettered by basic rules of modern civilization. It’s like they want a gigantic Mafia in charge, where murder and outright theft would be perfectly acceptable to protect business or individuals engaging in enriching themselves.
Thats not capitalism, thats not a free market. Thats fascism. Thats putting criminals in charge of making and enforcing arbitrary rules set merely by the whims and momentary impulses by the highest ranking individual of the moment. Where laws are reduced to being merely tools that one business or individual can use to compete and dominate their share of a market.
How fucking evil can you get? You like those ideas so much? Move to Somalia. Jack off to pictures of Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, or Adolph Hitler. China in the 1870’s looks like paradise to you people doesn’t it? Or perhaps you would love India in the early 1900’s.
Thats not what the United States was ever intended to be. Thats why there IS a Constitution that says what it says. That is the final law in this country.
24 – Political scientists will often categorize the Republicans as a “Tory” party whose old maxim is “a place for every man and every man in his place”.
An authoritarian order. Democracy is often messy and right wingers can’t stand that. It sets them on edge.
Of course, the “conservatives” of the revolutionary times were monarchists. When the colonies were finally freed to go they tried to make George Washington “King”. That’s their classic impulse through the ages.
Right Stuffspews:
24. Deathfrogg spews:
…your deranged comments…..
Dude, as Darryl is fond of lamenting..
Too much wingding radio, or in this case MSNBC-DailyKOS-Libkook radio for you..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Flush the check down the toilet and put the cash in your underwear???
Another Democrat CROOK and his wife in Washington DC.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Read the article KLOWNS.
This is why I call you KLOWNS.
He even claims to be innocent!
The HuffPost reports that Bush’s book is full of passages lifted directly from books by colleagues and journalists that are passed off as his own recollections:
A sign of how lockstep the messaging was in the second Bush WH perhaps, but more likely (according to the article) laziness and casualness in using source materials.
Zotz sez: Klynical thinks Sarah Palin's smegma is yummy cream filling...spews:
@24, Frogg: Word. And when you factor in not enough to go around and the corruption and crushing debt, very, very evil.
See my link @16: Chapter of Heinberg’s new book out Jun 2011. Will be serialized (at Oil Drum, EB, etc.), so more to come in the interim.
The only way things get better (as shitty as they will be anyway) is if the banksters are forced to take their losses. If the MERS thing(think securitization — not mortgages themselves per se) happens, we’ll know the capture is complete and “rule of law, not men” is finished.
@9 – like the faulty information on WMD’s. Sounds like he is error prone.
Puddy says:
the ad hominem attacks
and then:
Seems to Puddy Odumba is a profoundly defective, amoral person
Puddy is as ad hominem as one can get – the topic was GWB and his amorality, how GWB failed to stop the execution of an innocent man.
It seems to ME that Puddy is profoundly amoral and will use any LIE or argument (no matter how false) to support his viewpoints.
It is also very psychopathic to continually write in the third person – as if Puddy fails to want any actual opinions attributed to himself.
Bush signed the order to execute an innocent man. Maybe Bush’s handlers failed to give him all the information or maybe Bush failed to do due diligence himself – in either case it was a miscarriage of justice that should reverberate for along time. Putting ONE innocent man to death is a crime of the state that should NEVER happen – especially when the tools were available at the time to determine guilt or innocense.
@ 28
Uh, what does political affiliation have to do with corruption? If this turkey is corrupt, bust his ass and prosecute him. I have no problem with that.
My primary complaint has always been, that corruption seems to be a perfectly acceptable means to wealth and power, when it is done by some “christian right winger”. Anything and everything, with no limitations or restrictions is acceptable as long as the individual keeps enriching the right people.
Cross mine palm with silver, and thou shalt be forgiven in all thy sins.
Certainly the old churches and monarchies have proven time and again, how that works as a method of governance. THAT is why the men who founded this country, who had agitated for years for resolution to the massive corruption and oppression they had observed and been subjected to since childhood, wrote the Constitution the way they did. And why they finally took up arms to enforce that resolution.
You conservatives want what was before the Constitution was written, you WANT monarchy. You WANT iron-fisted enforcement of an arbitrarily structured legal framework. You WANT privately controlled government with no input from those that would be governed.
So you have that right to steal, and murder, and corrupt. So you can do whatever the fuck you want, even if it hurts people.
You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you and your creepy, selfish psychopathology. Fuck you and your naked desire for the type of power that exists solely for its own sake, rather than any altruistic intention. This is a nation of laws. Not men. Nobody is exempt from the law.
Puddy says:
Puddy has to do his daily good need now while you wile time away on this blog!
You will need to do a lot more than just a few good deeds to make up for your lying. Maybe you could start by remembering to be humble before God and humnas
Right Stuffspews:
“You conservatives want”
Ladies and gentlemen prepare to leave reality…..
“You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you and your creepy, selfish psychopathology. Fuck you and your naked desire for the type of power that exists solely for its own sake, rather than any altruistic intention. This is a nation of laws. Not men. Nobody is exempt from the law.”
“Note that what I offered was a comment in a traveler’s forum and not subject to copyright.”
Commentary from a traveler’s forum IS subject to copyright, but that isn’t all that relevant. The comment policy is more general:
Large chunks of cut-and-paste from copyrighted works or other blogs and comment threads.
My recommendation is to use direct copying sparingly, and as a way of supporting an argument or discussion.
(Sorry about the deletion, but consider that if we tolerated copying of big chunks of text, the comment threads would be clogged with idiots like Puddybud and Cynical coping and pasting bullshit from wingnut propaganda mills.)
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Yeah right Darryl,
Roger Rabbit always gets a pass.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
correct? Notright! This is an open thread, hence no topic.
Stay Stupid like your May 2010 forgetfulness on the new CBO health care numbers!
Objectively, that is untrue. I can point to numerous times RR has had comments deleted. And I am quite sure you have seen some of them.
Surprise, suprise, another lie from Puddybud–but on the Sabbath?!?
Politically Incorrectspews:
“I can point to numerous times RR has had comments deleted.”
Yes, but it doesn’t happen often enough.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I heard a crowd in Korea this morning chanting “US troops out of Asia!”, and I couldn’t agree with them more. It’s time we got out of Asia and the Middle East. And Europe, too.
Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt
I have never ever seen such a disaster of a president. Keep the printing presses rolling on those phoney Qe2 dollars, until the total collapse of our dollar and this economy occur.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Golly Darryl, Puddy doesn’t remember these events.
But, Puddy is sure Pavlov’s dog ylb will spring a couple!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Today Puddy heard the $ is down 13% against world currencies.
Thanks Odumba!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Why is it American’s have to remove the American flag because it upsets “other cultures“?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Gee I’m trying to recall right now if Darryl ever put the kibosh on any of my stuff.
Having a bit of trouble remembering at the moment but some stupid narcissistic self-aggrandizing fool will use his swiss cheese holed “bubble memory” to set the record straight any minute now.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
One can see the daily ass sitta ylb hasn’t been to many foreign countries lately. Your dollar doesn’t purchase much these days.
Wrong ylb. Puddy don’t care if Darryl zapped your useless worthless feckless dumbass comments.
Harry Poonspews:
re 49: But Bush is still a murderer and a war criminal who ran this country into the ground.
There is approximately 14 trillion dollars of debt that has been run up since Jimmy Carter.
Republican administrations account for approximately 10 trillion of those dollars.
Only a schmuck would vote Republican.
Sorry to pile on late, but it was Dad’s 70th this weekend so I’ve been preoccupied.
But never wanting to pass a chance to make fun of Puddy…
(With apologies to Texan Matthew McConaughey.)
So given that a newspaper in Texas (NOT Rachel Maddow) has broken a story that an innocent man was MURDERED by the state while G.W.Bush was governor and had the power to slow the process down, Puddy just goes with the “attack Rachel Maddow” defense.
Oh Puddy? Imagine if you will, a Governor, presented with a case file casting doubt on a death-row inmate’s conviction, chose to allow the execution to take place. Imagine that a six month delay could either PROVE the convicted man guilty or innocent. If guilty, the bastard got an extra six months. If innocent, the state doesn’t murder an innocent man. I want you to close your eyes and imagine deciding to just kill the prisoner rather than be sure. Can you see it in your mind? Imagine that a Governor relied on third-hand information to KILL a human being rather than being as thorough as possible before violating his faith. (“Thou shalt not Kill” ring a bell?) Imagine that the governor who allowed a citizen of their state be murdered is Democrat Anne Richards and NOT George W. Bush. Would Puddy rant and rave that he doesn’t like the reporter so the report must be CR-RRR-RRR–AAAAZY?
BTW…The trope of Maddow pretending to hope for interview? You could call it many things. Irony, Hyperbole, sarcasm, all of which Puddy misses. But given a murdered innocent citizen vs. a biased media figure Puddy is OUTRAGED over only one. Funny, Puddy likes to type about his faith but given the choice between innocent human life or a media figure Puddy doesn’t like, Puddy’s OUTRAGE is exclusive. According to your own religious claims Puddy, your compassion will be judged.
Or maybe you’re just full of shit on all counts.
Piling on edition.
“It’s sad Claude Jones was executed and the state staff didn’t place the DNA request in the memo.”
Right. It’s just sad. Not outrageous. Not Criminal. Not immoral. Not tragic.
Just sad.
A man is dead due to the haphazard criminal justice system and the ludicrously lax safeguards instituted by a Governor.
Not a crime against all citizens. Just sad.
@ 52
Yes, sad.
Sad that we just HAD to bomb 2.5 million people out of their homes. Sad that we had to send young men to that country to kill and die so a President could use the war as a reason to be re-elected. Sad that he had to lie so vehemently to get the war started.
Sad that he had to spend his first nine months in office on vacation, while his fathers friends plotted to bomb an American city. Sad that he didn’t miss a good photo opportunity playing golf while an American city drowned. Sad that the multinational banks had to commit fraud and perjury to confiscate peoples homes. Sad that mine inspections were so sharply cut. Sad that those inspectors had to be such good friends with the owner of the mine. Sad that so much of his campaign money had to come from foreign countries.
Its just sad.
What a sad, sad man Bush must be.
Blue Johnspews:
Best election analysis ever…
The American voter has clearly demanded:
1. Social Security reform that guarantees my current level of benefits, alters someone else’s, and cuts everyone’s Social Security taxes to boot.
2. A world-class national infrastructure that can be built and maintained without tax dollars.
3. A balanced budget that doesn’t sacrifice any of the government programs – especially the sacred military-industrial complex and the various old age benefits – that we like.
4. Clean air without pollution controls, clean water with a neutered and underfunded EPA, and businesses that do socially responsible things without any regulation whatsoever.
5. Consumer goods at Made in China prices that create high-paying jobs in America.
12. A highly educated workforce produced by a school system that requires no tax dollars to achieve excellence, students who have no interest in learning, and a virulently anti-intellectual society.
15. Health care that is cheap, superior, and readily available to me without the danger of the same being enjoyed by anyone I deem undeserving.
While the hair evidence was the only physical evidence at the crime scene, it was not the only evidence used to convict Jones.
Blaming George Bush is utter BDS, and as extreme as any birther or 9/11 truther..
You know what’s interesting about your link. Well, mostly that it is the county prosecutor post-conviction summary. Can you think for a moment what agency would be MOST likely to conclude that there’s nothing wrong with the execution?
And then, if you read it, there’s no eyewitness just a “white male weight” and claims that Jones talked about the crime. So without that hair (It could now be argued that the prosecutor committed misconduct while attesting to the “fact” that the hair belonged to Jones) the case is filled with reasonable doubt.
So you’re left with what has been reported. The ONLY bit of physical evidence, which is the primary basis for conviction, is proven false. The circumstancial looks a lot more convincing with a bit of phyusical.
Right Stuffspews:
There is the testimony of his two partners in crime, who id’d him as the shooter and the prosecution also they had the weapon.
I don’t know, easy for us to play what if’s so many years later.
The BDS however is ridiculous to the point of hillarity.
But back to his words. He said that in the past two years, Democrats “spent more money than this country has spent in the last 200 years combined.” That’s wrong no matter how you slice it. And it’s not just wrong — it’s ridiculously false. We rate the claim Pants on Fire!
Here is a little tidbit of your boys past, practically an honor student! Jones, who also used the aliases Carl Roy Davis, Butch Jones, and Douglas Ray Starke, had eleven prior convictions in Texas for crimes including murder, armed robbery, assault, and burglary. He served 6 years of a 9-year prison sentence from 1959 to 1963 and three years of a 5-year sentence from 1963 to 1965. In 1976, he was convicted of murder, robbery, and assault in Kansas and received a life sentence. While in Kansas prison, Jones killed another inmate. He was paroled in 1984
Kerry Dixon also had a lengthy prior record that included murder and two prison terms.
The evidence at Jones’ trial was conclusive. A number of witnesses placed Jones at the scene of the crime, including Leon Goodson, who heard the shots and watched Jones leave the liquor store. A strand of Jones’ hair was found at the murder scene. Also, Timothy Jordan testified against his partners in crime. Jones was convicted of capital murder and received the death sentence. Dixon was convicted of murder and received a 60-year prison term. Jordan received a 10-year prison term.
Blue Johnspews:
If you are bored and want to read something scary, read the comments for this story about Social Security judges facing more violent threats http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/201.....-container
There are so so many vile comments, There are so many racist people who take the time to make comments.
“If there weren’t so many Hispanics draining the fund and claiming welfare benefits that they aren’t legally entitled to, we wouldn’t have a problem with social security. ”
“When we took an elderly relative to the Social Security office in North Carolina, there were so many Hispanics waiting in the office that you couldn’t find a seat.”
“American citizens are denied social security benefits, while the Democrats, and some Republicans voted to give those funds to illegal aliens”
“The illegals are ruining this country. Send them home on a plane, boat, bus or pine box. I don’t care which.”
“When we quit giving SS benefits to illegals and others that do not pay into it, the fund will recover. As long as Democrats are in charge of the funds, that will NEVER happen.”
“They hand out benefits right and left to drug addicts and alcohalics but when someone with a REAL need applies they turn them down.
My brother-in-law had to have a stroke and two heart attacks before they finally decided he was too disabled to work.”
@62, try to keep up…and thanks for quoting verbatim from the prosecutors’ post-execution summary.
“A strand of Jones’ hair was found at the murder scene.”
NO. The strand of hair has now been DNA PROVEN not to be Jones’.
Now square these two statements from the same memo you quoted.
“A number of witnesses placed Jones at the scene of the crime, including Leon Goodson, who heard the shots and watched Jones leave the liquor store.”
“After hearing his daughter’s words, however, Mr. Goodson stopped working on the car, stood up, and looked across the street. He and his daughter observed the man walk from the front of the counter to behind the counter, then out from behind the counter again. The door to the store was then pulled open and the man came out walking very briskly. According to Mr. Goodson, the man appeared to be a white male, in his forties, approximately 5 feet, 10 inches tall, 200 to 230 pounds in weight, wearing a tight fitting gray jogging shirt and had a “beer belly.” The man got into the passenger side of the vehicle, and the vehicle was driven off toward Oakhurst at a high rate of speed.”
That second bit is an awful lot of detail that doesn’t add up to a positive ID of Jones.
Blue Johnspews:
@63 In thinking about this, 30 years of the relentless republican drumbeat of “Government is Incompetent” coupled with the unwillingness to pay for services and you get a broken system. Instead of admitting the fault lies with themselves, they blame the brown man or the liberals, or anyone but their tribe that caused this mess.
@38: Poor Puddy, I already proved that your “numbers” don’t say what you think they do. You used Medicare numbers – not the CBO report on the entire health care plan. You are too dumb to realize that your “up-to-date” numbers mean nothing because they don’t analyze the entire health care savings over ten years. Of course Medicare will go up – we are adding millions of people to Medicare, but the overall savings (due to cost cutting measures) is about 150 billion dollars. That is the CBO estimate and you have NOTHING to refute that. Republicans keep lying about the health care plan because lying is all they can do.
Wow Puddy, you are REALLY DUMB!
I love arguing with an idiot like you who cannot even understand his own “facts” and thinks he is right when he is clearly too stoopid to understand or lying. Thanks for being so stoopid and palying the fool! If you are the best the right wing trolls can offer – than you fools deserve the derision you get.
I take back all I said about you lying – really, you are just too dumb to understand. It was hard for me to believe that you were that stoopid – but maybe you are.
Harry Poonspews:
Unless you have total access to what went on during an entire ‘interrogation’, you really can’t say anything about the veracity of so called ‘confessions’.
Rachel, why would GWBush give you an interview? You ridicule him for wearing his old job titles. Yet when you interview Carter and Clinton you call them president. Rachel you are an ASS. Loose rules, strange words, no responsibility in her broadcasts. When you are dead wrong with the facts you ridicule those who call you out DR. for being wrong. Even Jon Stewart took you apart.
For liberal Scientist Puddy places this in the realm, AGAIN…
It’s sad Claude Jones was executed and the state staff didn’t place the DNA request in the memo. Of course hindsight is 20-20. Now you are blaming the lack of Claude Jones DNA test request the day before his execution in the final memo is GWBush’s fault Rachel?
And the two Texas courts said no.
So when did the courts turn him down Rachel? It seems the same day Rachel. When were the memos written Rachel? Data and Time Rachel? The fault rests on those who wrote the memo. Yet you twist it around Rachel. Priceless.
See how Rachel ties the 2000 recount to the execution when they are mutually exclusive events?
And you expect GWBush to be interviewed by you and your show, after the world saw you and your insipid commentary on November 2, 2010 covering the mid-term elections the next day when it was ridiculed?
Jesus H. waterboarding Christ Spuddy, you really are a thick motherfucker.
Why I really can’t see any reason to not execute this asshole as described in the article, Bush, as Governor of Texas, oversaw the executions of more people than the entire rest of the country combined. At least two may have actually been innocent of the crimes they were convicted of. Texas cops are NOT renowned for their honesty and dedication to enforcing the law.
Bush, then as now, is a bloodthirsty, lying, Sociopathic son of a bitch. In that book he just “wrote”, he’s admitted to war crimes. He’s previously admitted to torturing small animals as a boy. He’s freely admitted to being such a lush that he couldn’t control his mouth or his hands at State Dinners, which he had nearly every day at exorbitant cost to the Texas Taxpayers.
Bush, Cheney and the rest of their entire administration, were seriously evil and as corrupt as anyone can get. If Bush hadn’t had a wealthy daddy to buy his way out of trouble, he likely would have ended up like Jeffrey Dahlmer or Ted Bundy.
re 1: It’s not merely hyperbole to call Bush a murderer.
Thank you, deathfrogg.
Puddy is again directing his keen insights and razor-sharp analytic capacities toward…Oh yeah, it’s Pud. He’s so…um…precious.
As you say, DF, GWB was bloodthirsty and just WRONG from an early age. Torturing animals, torturing humans. Executing prisoners without compunction, killing hundreds of thousands – all in a day’s work…oh, wait – he never worked, just moved from one disaster to another via his daddy’s connections. What a foul excuse for a human.
And this is who you defend, Pud? And in attacking Maddow, that is exactly what you’re doing. Remember, GWB even lost that tool Tucker Carlson when GWB pantomimed the deathrow pleadings of Karla Faye Tucker. You could at least choose some conservative that is actually deserving some respect and is an asset to his/her fellow humans…like, um, well, gimme a second. OK, I see your problem…but GWB?!
You really are unhinged if you’re defending GWB. QED.
The point for case of Claude Jones,the conviction and sentenced was on faulty evidence. This is akin if he confessed to the crime and the only direct evidence was the hair. The mtDNA test showed that the prosecution’s expert witness on the hair sample was wrong.
This isn’t whether Claude Jones was innocent of the crime or not, it is that the state blew their case. He should had gotten a re-trial, instead he was executed.
My guess why the mtDNA testing wasn’t done, it is expensive compare to PCR DNA testing, it is not as absolute, (It is a great and fascinating test for female lineage) as nucleus cell dna testing, like PCR It basically took the Texas Observer and the Innocence project years to get the evidence for testing.
The Courts turned his stay of execution down. They didn’t see any problems with if Jones got a fair trial or not. It isn’t only the original court case that was faulty, but the appeals court rulings as well.
ALERT: Move afoot to retroactively legalize the MERS mortgage database, effectively absolving the banksters of mortgage fraud and depriving local govs of recenue, particularly counties from the recording fee revenue.
Here: http://emptywheel.firedoglake......y-bailout/
And here: http://www.cnbc.com/id/40150186
@6 Oh great – so the banksters will be in charge of deciding who owns which mortgage and property?
Let me guess – their magic system will somehow always show that a big bank owns the goodies. Even properties that are not mortgaged in the first place.
We’re screwed.
@ 6
Ex post facto law.
Besides, the law was egregiously broken, deliberately and directly, with the full intention of defrauding property owners of their property.
Read this. And watch the video. The people signing off on the foreclosures, under the threat of purjury, didn’t even know what they were signing, and had no knowledge of the relevant laws at all. The mortgage industry is a massive, organized fraud.
Again Puddy will say
GWBush tortured animals. Were they progressive animals? Or was this another Bill Burkett – Dan Rather rant?
Now back to the story. Where did Puddy fault Maddow over this. You are conflating her ignorance to why Bush would never appear on her worthless show to the second topic she used in this segment. Man you are dense.
Puddy faults the people who wrote the final memo to Bush. They are the ones culpable. You on the other hand with your BDS front and center blame it all on Bush. Yes Bush signed the death warrant. It was the faulty information given to him.
@ 9
So he was just following orders then?
Maybe, just maybe, as the “decider person in chief”, he should have spent just a few minutes a day actually doing his job, instead of playing golf, drinking hard liquor and going to baseball games. In no way, shape or form, was this man qualified to hold public office. He was a criminal.
What? He was only following orders?
Even if your (fevered, desperate) “version” of events is remotely true – it is his signature on the death warrant. He is ultimately responsible (Teh Deicider ™ and all that).
Moreover, his preoccupation with getting the shiny new job he wanted and thereby neglecting to attend to his immediate responsibility, even when human life hangs in the balance, is a pattern of irresponsible behavior on his part.
GWB is a profoundly defective, amoral person who has sown failure, destruction, and needless death in his wake, and it’s an object lesson in your critical capacities that you’re defending him so doggedly.
@7 and 8: All of that is true, but the banksters are dumping money on congress. Time to let ours know we are paying attention.
Take your pill, Pudpuller. You’re one sick motherfucker.
Yes, the ad hominem attacks.
Good! Good!
Seems to Puddy Odumba is a profoundly defective, amoral person ( says one thing while doing another) who has sown failure (European and Muslim Apology Tours, G-20 Summit; China monetary policy and S. Korea trade treaty), destruction (Oil spill negligence), and needless death in his wake (Afghanistan & Ft Hood attacks), and it’s an object lesson in your critical capacities (Bill Ayers & Bernie Dohrn, Van Jones, etc) that you’re defending him so doggedly (Jeremiah Wright).
See ya! Puddy has to do his daily good need now while you wile time away on this blog!
Why does the ZitzFace always refer to drugs? Maybe there are drugs in his past present and future?
Yep, that’s the ticket!
Heinberg: The End of Growth
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Excerpt here: http://peakoil.com/generalidea.....of-growth/
Heh… Pudpuller thinks grunting out a duece is a “good deed”. Sick fuck…
Travelers revolt!
Organize against security theater and the full body scanners, here:
Lots of useful resources.
Fairwarning if you plan to fly for Thanksgiving: They are organizing mass scanner refusal (forcing time consuming, intrusive genital pat downs) on 24 November (busiest travel day).
A recent travelers account:
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
I assuming that deletion was based on copyright (@19) in the HA policy.
Note that what I offered was a comment in a traveler’s forum and not subject to copyright.
Please clarify.
You big commie – are you not respecting private property rights again?
Post a link – I’d like to read that. Doing away with fear-mongering, authority-imposing TSA theater would be a great thing.
re @20, Darryl: From the policy:
So nevermind, Darryl. I apologize for violating the policy.
Thanks for at least leaving the link @16.
@21: Here’s the link:
I don’t understand some things. Why is it, that people who call themselves “conservatives”, seem to be perfectly comfortable with the idea of a Fascist police state. Where government only exists to enforce rules set by private individuals or businesses for their own purpose, even if that purpose is the greatest evil.
“Conservatives” seem to WANT:
Private contractors enforcing the law only for the individuals or organizations that can afford to pay for it.
Privately owned for-profit Prisons, supported by those mercenary companies, for the sole purpose of guaranteeing their business models, where any “laws” exist only for the purpose of generating profits for individuals engaging in any relevant commercial activity.
No rules whatsoever on how businesses conduct themselves, even if their conduct and business models include outright theft.
No laws regulating how religious organizations can engage in purely political or commercial activities.
No universal protections of citizens against fraud or violations of their rights as Citizens.
No laws or rules regulating how any such “law enforcement” organizations conduct themselves, even if it means tolerating or even encouraging those organizations to commit murders, kidnappings or fabrications of evidence for political or economic purposes at the behest of privately controlled organizations that are protecting their business models.
That only people with investments in such businesses have any say in what rules are made, how they are enforced against everyone not holding vested interests in a business.
What they all seem to want, is anarchy, where the meanest, most violent and wealthiest organizations are allowed to run completely unfettered by basic rules of modern civilization. It’s like they want a gigantic Mafia in charge, where murder and outright theft would be perfectly acceptable to protect business or individuals engaging in enriching themselves.
Thats not capitalism, thats not a free market. Thats fascism. Thats putting criminals in charge of making and enforcing arbitrary rules set merely by the whims and momentary impulses by the highest ranking individual of the moment. Where laws are reduced to being merely tools that one business or individual can use to compete and dominate their share of a market.
How fucking evil can you get? You like those ideas so much? Move to Somalia. Jack off to pictures of Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, or Adolph Hitler. China in the 1870’s looks like paradise to you people doesn’t it? Or perhaps you would love India in the early 1900’s.
Thats not what the United States was ever intended to be. Thats why there IS a Constitution that says what it says. That is the final law in this country.
24 – Political scientists will often categorize the Republicans as a “Tory” party whose old maxim is “a place for every man and every man in his place”.
An authoritarian order. Democracy is often messy and right wingers can’t stand that. It sets them on edge.
Of course, the “conservatives” of the revolutionary times were monarchists. When the colonies were finally freed to go they tried to make George Washington “King”. That’s their classic impulse through the ages.
Dude, as Darryl is fond of lamenting..
Too much wingding radio, or in this case MSNBC-DailyKOS-Libkook radio for you..
Flush the check down the toilet and put the cash in your underwear???
Another Democrat CROOK and his wife in Washington DC.
Read the article KLOWNS.
This is why I call you KLOWNS.
He even claims to be innocent!
The HuffPost reports that Bush’s book is full of passages lifted directly from books by colleagues and journalists that are passed off as his own recollections:
A sign of how lockstep the messaging was in the second Bush WH perhaps, but more likely (according to the article) laziness and casualness in using source materials.
@24, Frogg: Word. And when you factor in not enough to go around and the corruption and crushing debt, very, very evil.
See my link @16: Chapter of Heinberg’s new book out Jun 2011. Will be serialized (at Oil Drum, EB, etc.), so more to come in the interim.
The only way things get better (as shitty as they will be anyway) is if the banksters are forced to take their losses. If the MERS thing(think securitization — not mortgages themselves per se) happens, we’ll know the capture is complete and “rule of law, not men” is finished.
@9 – like the faulty information on WMD’s. Sounds like he is error prone.
Puddy says:
and then:
Puddy is as ad hominem as one can get – the topic was GWB and his amorality, how GWB failed to stop the execution of an innocent man.
It seems to ME that Puddy is profoundly amoral and will use any LIE or argument (no matter how false) to support his viewpoints.
It is also very psychopathic to continually write in the third person – as if Puddy fails to want any actual opinions attributed to himself.
Bush signed the order to execute an innocent man. Maybe Bush’s handlers failed to give him all the information or maybe Bush failed to do due diligence himself – in either case it was a miscarriage of justice that should reverberate for along time. Putting ONE innocent man to death is a crime of the state that should NEVER happen – especially when the tools were available at the time to determine guilt or innocense.
@ 28
Uh, what does political affiliation have to do with corruption? If this turkey is corrupt, bust his ass and prosecute him. I have no problem with that.
My primary complaint has always been, that corruption seems to be a perfectly acceptable means to wealth and power, when it is done by some “christian right winger”. Anything and everything, with no limitations or restrictions is acceptable as long as the individual keeps enriching the right people.
Cross mine palm with silver, and thou shalt be forgiven in all thy sins.
Certainly the old churches and monarchies have proven time and again, how that works as a method of governance. THAT is why the men who founded this country, who had agitated for years for resolution to the massive corruption and oppression they had observed and been subjected to since childhood, wrote the Constitution the way they did. And why they finally took up arms to enforce that resolution.
You conservatives want what was before the Constitution was written, you WANT monarchy. You WANT iron-fisted enforcement of an arbitrarily structured legal framework. You WANT privately controlled government with no input from those that would be governed.
So you have that right to steal, and murder, and corrupt. So you can do whatever the fuck you want, even if it hurts people.
You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you and your creepy, selfish psychopathology. Fuck you and your naked desire for the type of power that exists solely for its own sake, rather than any altruistic intention. This is a nation of laws. Not men. Nobody is exempt from the law.
Puddy says:
You will need to do a lot more than just a few good deeds to make up for your lying. Maybe you could start by remembering to be humble before God and humnas
“You conservatives want”
Ladies and gentlemen prepare to leave reality…..
Do you at least feel better now?
Zotz @ 19
“Note that what I offered was a comment in a traveler’s forum and not subject to copyright.”
Commentary from a traveler’s forum IS subject to copyright, but that isn’t all that relevant. The comment policy is more general:
My recommendation is to use direct copying sparingly, and as a way of supporting an argument or discussion.
(Sorry about the deletion, but consider that if we tolerated copying of big chunks of text, the comment threads would be clogged with idiots like Puddybud and Cynical coping and pasting bullshit from wingnut propaganda mills.)
Yeah right Darryl,
Roger Rabbit always gets a pass.
correct? Notright! This is an open thread, hence no topic.
Stay Stupid like your May 2010 forgetfulness on the new CBO health care numbers!
Person playing Puddybud @ 37,
“Roger Rabbit always gets a pass.”
Objectively, that is untrue. I can point to numerous times RR has had comments deleted. And I am quite sure you have seen some of them.
Surprise, suprise, another lie from Puddybud–but on the Sabbath?!?
“I can point to numerous times RR has had comments deleted.”
Yes, but it doesn’t happen often enough.
I heard a crowd in Korea this morning chanting “US troops out of Asia!”, and I couldn’t agree with them more. It’s time we got out of Asia and the Middle East. And Europe, too.
Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt
I have never ever seen such a disaster of a president. Keep the printing presses rolling on those phoney Qe2 dollars, until the total collapse of our dollar and this economy occur.
Golly Darryl, Puddy doesn’t remember these events.
But, Puddy is sure Pavlov’s dog ylb will spring a couple!
Today Puddy heard the $ is down 13% against world currencies.
Thanks Odumba!
Why is it American’s have to remove the American flag because it upsets “other cultures“?
Ahhh yes, Dennis Miller…
What idiots! It’s Ben Bernanke and the other Fed Governors who are in his pocket that are responsible for QE2.
Yeah Obama re-appointed Bernanke but who appointed him first?
Stupid, stupid, stupid right wingers!
Hey a lower dollar moves a lot of Boeing hardware. There’s definite downsides but we need all the upsides we can get right now.
And right now it’s only 600 billion over 8 months.
Gee I’m trying to recall right now if Darryl ever put the kibosh on any of my stuff.
Having a bit of trouble remembering at the moment but some stupid narcissistic self-aggrandizing fool will use his swiss cheese holed “bubble memory” to set the record straight any minute now.
One can see the daily ass sitta ylb hasn’t been to many foreign countries lately. Your dollar doesn’t purchase much these days.
Wrong ylb. Puddy don’t care if Darryl zapped your useless worthless feckless dumbass comments.
re 49: But Bush is still a murderer and a war criminal who ran this country into the ground.
There is approximately 14 trillion dollars of debt that has been run up since Jimmy Carter.
Republican administrations account for approximately 10 trillion of those dollars.
Only a schmuck would vote Republican.
Sorry to pile on late, but it was Dad’s 70th this weekend so I’ve been preoccupied.
But never wanting to pass a chance to make fun of Puddy…
(With apologies to Texan Matthew McConaughey.)
So given that a newspaper in Texas (NOT Rachel Maddow) has broken a story that an innocent man was MURDERED by the state while G.W.Bush was governor and had the power to slow the process down, Puddy just goes with the “attack Rachel Maddow” defense.
Oh Puddy? Imagine if you will, a Governor, presented with a case file casting doubt on a death-row inmate’s conviction, chose to allow the execution to take place. Imagine that a six month delay could either PROVE the convicted man guilty or innocent. If guilty, the bastard got an extra six months. If innocent, the state doesn’t murder an innocent man. I want you to close your eyes and imagine deciding to just kill the prisoner rather than be sure. Can you see it in your mind? Imagine that a Governor relied on third-hand information to KILL a human being rather than being as thorough as possible before violating his faith. (“Thou shalt not Kill” ring a bell?) Imagine that the governor who allowed a citizen of their state be murdered is Democrat Anne Richards and NOT George W. Bush. Would Puddy rant and rave that he doesn’t like the reporter so the report must be CR-RRR-RRR–AAAAZY?
BTW…The trope of Maddow pretending to hope for interview? You could call it many things. Irony, Hyperbole, sarcasm, all of which Puddy misses. But given a murdered innocent citizen vs. a biased media figure Puddy is OUTRAGED over only one. Funny, Puddy likes to type about his faith but given the choice between innocent human life or a media figure Puddy doesn’t like, Puddy’s OUTRAGE is exclusive. According to your own religious claims Puddy, your compassion will be judged.
Or maybe you’re just full of shit on all counts.
Piling on edition.
“It’s sad Claude Jones was executed and the state staff didn’t place the DNA request in the memo.”
Right. It’s just sad. Not outrageous. Not Criminal. Not immoral. Not tragic.
Just sad.
A man is dead due to the haphazard criminal justice system and the ludicrously lax safeguards instituted by a Governor.
Not a crime against all citizens. Just sad.
@ 52
Yes, sad.
Sad that we just HAD to bomb 2.5 million people out of their homes. Sad that we had to send young men to that country to kill and die so a President could use the war as a reason to be re-elected. Sad that he had to lie so vehemently to get the war started.
Sad that he had to spend his first nine months in office on vacation, while his fathers friends plotted to bomb an American city. Sad that he didn’t miss a good photo opportunity playing golf while an American city drowned. Sad that the multinational banks had to commit fraud and perjury to confiscate peoples homes. Sad that mine inspections were so sharply cut. Sad that those inspectors had to be such good friends with the owner of the mine. Sad that so much of his campaign money had to come from foreign countries.
Its just sad.
What a sad, sad man Bush must be.
Best election analysis ever…
The American voter has clearly demanded:
1. Social Security reform that guarantees my current level of benefits, alters someone else’s, and cuts everyone’s Social Security taxes to boot.
2. A world-class national infrastructure that can be built and maintained without tax dollars.
3. A balanced budget that doesn’t sacrifice any of the government programs – especially the sacred military-industrial complex and the various old age benefits – that we like.
4. Clean air without pollution controls, clean water with a neutered and underfunded EPA, and businesses that do socially responsible things without any regulation whatsoever.
5. Consumer goods at Made in China prices that create high-paying jobs in America.
12. A highly educated workforce produced by a school system that requires no tax dollars to achieve excellence, students who have no interest in learning, and a virulently anti-intellectual society.
15. Health care that is cheap, superior, and readily available to me without the danger of the same being enjoyed by anyone I deem undeserving.
Talk about mixed messages.
Everybody knows that Steve’s FDR was a commie, but betcha didn’t know Steve’s FDR was a killa:
That, according to the usual unreliable source (Schlesinger) was Steve’s Roosevelt to Tugwell, 1932.
Don’t even have to connect the dots. They’re already connected, and Jim Ward’s Conspiracy Corner won’t even tell you about it. The cover-up continues.
Compared to 82/83??? Remember when gas was over/almost over $4 a gallon before the “flight to safety”?
Been that way for years idiot.
While the hair evidence was the only physical evidence at the crime scene, it was not the only evidence used to convict Jones.
Blaming George Bush is utter BDS, and as extreme as any birther or 9/11 truther..
You know what’s interesting about your link. Well, mostly that it is the county prosecutor post-conviction summary. Can you think for a moment what agency would be MOST likely to conclude that there’s nothing wrong with the execution?
And then, if you read it, there’s no eyewitness just a “white male weight” and claims that Jones talked about the crime. So without that hair (It could now be argued that the prosecutor committed misconduct while attesting to the “fact” that the hair belonged to Jones) the case is filled with reasonable doubt.
So you’re left with what has been reported. The ONLY bit of physical evidence, which is the primary basis for conviction, is proven false. The circumstancial looks a lot more convincing with a bit of phyusical.
There is the testimony of his two partners in crime, who id’d him as the shooter and the prosecution also they had the weapon.
I don’t know, easy for us to play what if’s so many years later.
The BDS however is ridiculous to the point of hillarity.
Fun fact for the (ld)iot and the (LD)IOT:
Here is a little tidbit of your boys past, practically an honor student! Jones, who also used the aliases Carl Roy Davis, Butch Jones, and Douglas Ray Starke, had eleven prior convictions in Texas for crimes including murder, armed robbery, assault, and burglary. He served 6 years of a 9-year prison sentence from 1959 to 1963 and three years of a 5-year sentence from 1963 to 1965. In 1976, he was convicted of murder, robbery, and assault in Kansas and received a life sentence. While in Kansas prison, Jones killed another inmate. He was paroled in 1984
Kerry Dixon also had a lengthy prior record that included murder and two prison terms.
The evidence at Jones’ trial was conclusive. A number of witnesses placed Jones at the scene of the crime, including Leon Goodson, who heard the shots and watched Jones leave the liquor store. A strand of Jones’ hair was found at the murder scene. Also, Timothy Jordan testified against his partners in crime. Jones was convicted of capital murder and received the death sentence. Dixon was convicted of murder and received a 60-year prison term. Jordan received a 10-year prison term.
If you are bored and want to read something scary, read the comments for this story about
Social Security judges facing more violent threats
There are so so many vile comments, There are so many racist people who take the time to make comments.
@62, try to keep up…and thanks for quoting verbatim from the prosecutors’ post-execution summary.
“A strand of Jones’ hair was found at the murder scene.”
NO. The strand of hair has now been DNA PROVEN not to be Jones’.
Now square these two statements from the same memo you quoted.
“A number of witnesses placed Jones at the scene of the crime, including Leon Goodson, who heard the shots and watched Jones leave the liquor store.”
“After hearing his daughter’s words, however, Mr. Goodson stopped working on the car, stood up, and looked across the street. He and his daughter observed the man walk from the front of the counter to behind the counter, then out from behind the counter again. The door to the store was then pulled open and the man came out walking very briskly. According to Mr. Goodson, the man appeared to be a white male, in his forties, approximately 5 feet, 10 inches tall, 200 to 230 pounds in weight, wearing a tight fitting gray jogging shirt and had a “beer belly.” The man got into the passenger side of the vehicle, and the vehicle was driven off toward Oakhurst at a high rate of speed.”
That second bit is an awful lot of detail that doesn’t add up to a positive ID of Jones.
@63 In thinking about this, 30 years of the relentless republican drumbeat of “Government is Incompetent” coupled with the unwillingness to pay for services and you get a broken system. Instead of admitting the fault lies with themselves, they blame the brown man or the liberals, or anyone but their tribe that caused this mess.
@38: Poor Puddy, I already proved that your “numbers” don’t say what you think they do. You used Medicare numbers – not the CBO report on the entire health care plan. You are too dumb to realize that your “up-to-date” numbers mean nothing because they don’t analyze the entire health care savings over ten years. Of course Medicare will go up – we are adding millions of people to Medicare, but the overall savings (due to cost cutting measures) is about 150 billion dollars. That is the CBO estimate and you have NOTHING to refute that. Republicans keep lying about the health care plan because lying is all they can do.
Wow Puddy, you are REALLY DUMB!
I love arguing with an idiot like you who cannot even understand his own “facts” and thinks he is right when he is clearly too stoopid to understand or lying. Thanks for being so stoopid and palying the fool! If you are the best the right wing trolls can offer – than you fools deserve the derision you get.
I take back all I said about you lying – really, you are just too dumb to understand. It was hard for me to believe that you were that stoopid – but maybe you are.
Unless you have total access to what went on during an entire ‘interrogation’, you really can’t say anything about the veracity of so called ‘confessions’.