This morning I predicted the media would call WA-02 for incumbent Democratic Rep. Rick Larsen, “sometime between 4:30 and 7:00 PM today.” And predictably, around 6 PM this evening, they did. You know, four days after I called the race.
Larsen, by the way, is now leading by 5,484 votes.
Just saw that! Good call Goldy!
Goldy is one of us.
Wahoo. Now use your alien mind control ballot counting power to have Wiggins defeat High Court Hypocrite Sanders.
Blue John @3,
It shall be done.
From your text to the giant floating spaghetti monster‘s ears!
Surely Koster’s teahadist supporters know that Larsen only won with a deluge of ineligible alien votes and AKORN subterfuge.
How else can one explain that Koster had a 1500 vote lead on election night and suddenly loses by more than 4,000 votes?
The only
reasonableRepublican thing to do is challenge the count in a court of law.Who knows, if Sanders wins you could . . . well, you know.
I’m pretty darn happy about this result.
Don’t forget democratic undead.
Do people with certifiable multiple personalities get to vote multiple times? How wrong is the rule of one body, one vote?
When do corporations get the right to vote? Do they only get to vote in the state with their headquarters?
A Brief Publisher’s Message
Dear Reader,
Tomorrow, November 9, 2010, we are officially releasing former president George W. Bush’s new book, Decision Points, and we would like to make the following requests:
* Please do not take copies off the shelf, open them to a random page, insert a quantity of spit, nasal discharge or chewing gum, slam them shut and put them back on the shelf.
* Please do not draw horns on Mr. Bush’s head—be they a ram’s, a goat’s or Satan’s. Please also no forked tails or thought-bubbles that say, “Heckuva Job.”
* Please do not throw the book to the ground and stomp on it while yelling, “You suck!”
* Please do not knock over the bookcase on which Decision Points is displayed, as this could result in a domino effect on the other bookcases and cause damage and/or injury to other customers.
* Please do not attempt to move copies of the book from the Non-fiction section of the store to the Humor or Fantasy sections.
* Please do not whip out a Sharpie and add “Awesome book—if properly shredded” to the list of testimonial blurbs on the back cover.
We know you’re upset at how badly he screwed you over, but please: let’s be civil.
Thank you,
Your Friends at Crown Publishing
P.S. Democrats, this letter applies to you, too.
It’s not actually the Times, specifically. It’s an AP story, and they’re just carrying it.
bj @10,
Yes, but the Times is running a head, “Larsen Wins,” so I think that counts as calling it. Besides, I predicted “the media” would call the election, I didn’t predict which media organization would call it first. Or, second, as the case might be.
Sparky @ 9: I lifted your comment and sent it to Bart at Of course, I gave you complete credit. Funny!
Why would a Larsen win even matter to you bozos. One more seat in the house buys you what?
13,700 trillion and counting
Gold and Silver skyrocketing
Way to go Dems! Keep up the Port Barrel Spending spree.
Brenda @ 12, it is good, but it came from the great Bill in Portland Maine. Sparky really should have noted that.
My thoughts exactly. BiPM is hilarious and deserves credit.
Wow, did you see some of that letter Dems who lost or those who barely survived are sending to Speaker Pelosi? It’s going to create a huge mess. Someone leaked it. check out this part:
Remember the mongo Repub/Teapublican ‘earmark’ talking point during the election? Just about every R candidate was talking that shit, probably because Rove instructed them to do so. Rossi was incoherently babbling the line.
Well, anyhoo….before even taking office they’re abandoning those ‘promises’.
<aSham, wow! href=”×568796″>
From the current Times story, by a real Times reporter — “Larsen led by nearly 5,500 votes Monday night, with an estimated 18,000 ballots to count. Koster would need more than 65 percent of those in order to overcome Larsen’s lead — a virtual impossibility, according to a Seattle Times analysis.”
An “analysis”, really? By some statistical whiz on staff? How impressive. Or was it just five seconds of common-sensical thought?
Ouch, link dysfunction?
Funny thing though you don’t see Republicans peeing their pants because Democrats might demonize Boehner, Cantor, etc.
It doesn’t really matter who the democrats have as their house and senate leadership, the right will demonize whomever holds those posts.
The fact that Republicans hate Pelosi so much shows me she must be doing something right.
Also note that Republicans and Conservatives wear hatred from Democrats and Liberals as a badge of honor.
@17: Umm, no one actually signed that letter and those LOSERS were mostly the Blue dogs – good riddance to them. They stalled the public option on health care and cuased their own demise. Their lack of will is what killed them – that and the Bush depression that is still hanging over us.
I can’t wait to see the republicans/Tea fools start backtracking. They have already backtracked on aermarks and next up: balanced budget.
If they try to shut down government – they will pay the political price for destroying th eeconomy.
How pathetic is the Herald with a headline “Larsen says he’s the winner”? It must be very painful for their conservative editorial board and publisher, since it’s so obvious to most of their readers. They’re either very lazy in not having called it based on simple math, and/or sore losers and dishonest and insulting with their readers. It sure does lower expectations and trust in their opinions and publishing and lend more credibility to HA and a few other political bloggers, doesn’t it.
I think it does matter who is our House Minority Leader and Senate Leader. Pelosi & Reid are easy targets for the wingnuts. They represent overreaching policies that most voters have rejected. It’s fool-hardy to think they will somehow be able to change folks mind. If anything, the economy is getting worse. We haven’t seen bottom yet. In these Districts where Blue Dogs and other Democrats were ousted, I think it will be hard to get back with Pelosi front & center. Plus, it’s going to get real ugly as there are still nearly 30 Blue Dogs who are respected enough to get re-elected who might sign that letter to Pelosi. If they do and Pelosi digs in her heels, it gives them the reason to switch sides. I’m sure some will. Perhaps all giving the wingnuts a supermajority. Why would we do this to support Nancy Pelosi’s legacy and huge ego? It makes no sense to me. You can say good riddance to Blue Dogs, but it has implications.
I’d rather see us get Pelosi out of the line of fire and run Progressives against the remaining Blue Dogs in 2012. It didn’t hurt the wingnuts when the Tea Party did it, In fact it made them stronger in most cases.
We need real leadership quick.
A fresh start.
Nancy did her job, but to stay is not a good thing in my humble opinion. Anyone see my point?
Also sad to see ACORN headed for bankruptcy and another fraud case against them. That won’t help. And it won’t help for the same people to rise again under another banner. They will be crucified for stiffing creditors guys. They also need a complete change in leadership if they are to rise again. Otherwise we give the wingnuts more fodder about reckless & irresponsibile actions. Anyone understand?
AHA @25
Pelosi resided over one of the most historic records of accomplishment in the US Congressional history with 284 laws passed as of October 2010. The truth is the R’s want her out because she is so effective. I’m with Pelosi.
I’m thinking that the Herald is probably stepping pretty carefully. Kostner essentially ran against the Herald in the race, refusing to participate in debates where Herald reporters were present and openly accusing them of having a liberal bias. It was nonsense, of course, but the Herald knows such claims can have consequences.
The Herald still depends upon readers throughout the county, both Republican and Democrat, for it’s subscription base. It probably doesn’t see any benefit to calling the election any sooner than is absolutely necessary.
Not that we had any illusions about the coporatist agenda of the republican party – but after all the “talk” about transparency, republicans and lobbyists are still hiding their ties:
@14: LD
Umm, it is “pork” barrel and you are incredibly stoopid.
first, most of this deficit is due to the mismanagement by Bush. Wher were you when Bush turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest deficit in history. If you said nothing until now – you are a complete hypocrite.
Where were you when Bush did not even include the cost of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq into the budget?
Did you know that some of the reason the budget has “skyrocketed” is that the Obama administration decided to be honest and include the cost of Bush’s wars?
The reason gold and silver are going up is that the dollar is being devalued – good for our exports and trade deficit since the Chinese keep their yen artificially low.
Another crazy wingnut all hung up about gays–what is it with these people? And, then, the predictable whining about being a victim when he gets called out:
Governing???? What’s that?
Darrell Issa – right wing scumbag. Thankfully Waxman will be there to temper him somewhat.
32 – Ooops. Waxman isn’t there anymore. Good luck to whoever is up to the challenge.
Hey right wingers! You can be happy after Meg Whitman’s defeat!
Justice for sale! If ya got the ducats – you can do anything you damn please!
Hey right wingers! You can be happy after Meg Whitman’s defeat!
Justice for sale! If ya got the ducats – you can do anything you damn please!