Roy Zimmerman has updated his song Vote Republican
- The original version: Vote Republican 1.0.
- Vote Republican 2.0:
- Vote Republican 3.0:
(And there are plenty more media from the past week in politics posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
Roy Zimmerman has updated his song Vote Republican
(And there are plenty more media from the past week in politics posted at Hominid Views.)
I see the ld idiot finally dropped by to take his pound of flesh.
The Western U.S. held firm against the know-nothing wave orchestrated in good part by Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers.
I’m very happy I live where I live. We couldn’t be bought or corralled by lies. We saw right through the liars and fear-mongers.
Ahhh yes,
Keith Odormann of PMSNBC is on suspension. Good. Maybe if they fire Odormann Alan Grayson can get a job!
Lawrence O”Donnell of PMSNBC admits he’s a socialist.
Rachel Maddow of PMSNBC is a US Constitutional kook.
Ed Schultz of PMSNBC is a liar (October 2nd rally attendance) and a moron.
Chris Matthews of PMSNBC got the Michelle Bachmann smackdown and lost his tingle up his leg.
For what? Doing what Joe Scarborough, Sean Insanity and other right wing tools on the tube do every day?
Shit, Olbermann was just being a citizen. He had every right to do what he did. He just didn’t clear it with that so called “librul media” management.
Good idea about Grayson. He should have his own show. He could do a lot of good there. Florida’s lost its freaking mind.
Odormann, didn’t tell his bosses he was sending in contributions. It’s part of their “contract” which it seems he broke. Do you ever pay attention to the details ylb? Do you ever venture from the kook-aid sites?
Orlando found it’s mind again getting rid of the freak show. Good riddance.
Read The Blaze. It will set your head to explode!
Think back to the heady days of Nov. 1-3. Rasmussen was ginving the trolls hope that Dino would pull it off. ‘Member the claims that Rasmussen was right. ‘Member the claims that Rasmussen wasn’t biased? ‘Member the calls for proof that Rasmussen was inaccurate and biased toward Republicans coming from the trolls?
Favorite excerpts:
“The 105 polls released in Senate and gubernatorial races by Rasmussen Reports and its subsidiary, Pulse Opinion Research, missed the final margin between the candidates by 5.8 points, a considerably higher figure than that achieved by most other pollsters. Some 13 of its polls missed by 10 or more points, including one in the Hawaii Senate race that missed the final margin between the candidates by 40 points, the largest error ever recorded in a general election in FiveThirtyEight’s database, which includes all polls conducted since 1998.”
“Polls branded as Rasmussen Reports missed by an average of 5.9 points and had a 3.9 point bias. The polls it commissioned on behalf of Fox News had a 5.1 point error, and a 3.6 point bias.”
In the From the Ground thread, your delusional rant at 17 had zero content relevant to the thread. You should have responded in an open thread, not there.
If you find yourself (1) only criticizing another commenter and/or (2) writing only about yourself, you ought to be thinking “Open Thread.”
Thanks for your cooperation….
As of right now, you don’t know what’s in Olberman’s contract. MSNBC has publicly stated that it is company policy for its journalists not to donate. But in dismissing calls of bias due to Scarborough’s donations, MSNBC has stated that as a pundit, Scarborough is not subject to the rule. (If you have an explanation how Joe is not subject, but Keith is because he’s a journalist…we’re waiting NBC.)
I’m not suggesting it isn’t possible for you to be right here, Pud, but until Olberman’s contract becomes a public document, you’re vehement claim as fact that you have no basis for proof is moronic.
But that’s the typical rightie. I believe it is true without evidence. I want it to be true because it fits my world view. It doesn’t matter whether a majority disagrees or not, I believe. Therefore Q.E.D. it is true beyond any doubt.
Here’s what I want for Christmas: A lefty (with a sense of humor) website devoted entirely to covering the Republicans as they battle among themselves for the next two years. Popcorn optional, of course.
This latest coordinated moonbat attack on the POTUS is flabbergasting. I keep thinking Fox will collapse under the weight of its own corruption, but as long as stupidity flourishes it’ll be healthy.
I’d love to get George Orwell’s take on that operation…it’s basically his Ministry of Truth come to fruition.
Ylb you got your ass kicked, that’s what the polls said and thats what happened.
Yeah p’dumbski…
…what are you such a self-hater?
…should be why.
p’dumbski said:
…you didn’t go anywhere liar…you’re still here. What’s up with that?
re 4: You can’t force people to sign away their constitutional rights.
Olberman should incorporater himself — then he could contribute away.
ld(iot) @ 10
Two words:
And for the third time in a row. Cling to your hatred and know-nothingism if it makes you FEEL better.
These comment threads are always sort of like the fifth hour of a road trip at age 7, with 85 degrees outside and the windows rolled down, stuck in the backseat with my kid sister.
Note to parents: are we there yet?
Keith Olbermann was suspended because of internal NBC politics, less so for his own. But I think Rachel was spot on:
The Republicans in the Congress both House and Senate are UNITED. I don’t care if they’re tea bagger or not. They are UNITED.
UNITED in hatred of Obama. And that’s ALL they’re going to do for the next two years : DO NOTHING but HATE and ATTACK Obama.
As for the rest of the right wing outside the beltway, yeah, they’re going to fight a bit amongst themselves for the top dog spots to take out Obama and other Dems but if they somehow find a charismatic empty suit or cipher to rally behind, someone who satisfies their hatred for Obama while somehow being not too scary to independents that’s half the battle. I’m sure finding that guy is Papa Rove’s priority number one.
If they find that guy – all anyone on the right has to do bow down before him. If Sarah bows down – all is forgiven. If the Lipton Tea Bags bow down – they are all forgiven. The right wing has never cared for anything but winning and dominating so that their funders are enriched ever further and the minions believe they will be in turn given a slice no matter how small that will be.
Anyway which way it goes it will be entertaining. People who have not the slightest idea of how crazy they are or how seriously they take themselves always serve up some guilty entertainment value.
We’ve almost got a perfect government coming up in January. A perfect government has the Republicans firmly in control of the House and the Democrats firmly in control of the Senate. With that situation, tax bills we be controlled by (ostensibly) the anti-tax crowd, and foreign policy will be more controlled by the Democrats. (Maybe we’ll learn our lesson about getting involved in useless foreign adventures if the Democrats run the Senate.)
The other part of the perfect government is a weak president from either party, and I think we’re pretty close to that with Obama.
I’m going to have fun watching the Republicans produce train wreck after train wreck.
Seattle Times is calling for more subsidies for rural areas…
They wrap it up in feel good language, but it still means rewarding those that voted against taxing themselves.
Brilliant work by Zimmerman. He accurately posits that only those who close their eyes and descend into dreamland, and who wallow in self-delusion, could vote for the current brand of Republicanism.
Glad you won one, And by such a margin against such a seasoned senator I might add! 60 House seats lost if I might remind you, and I am so damn tickled that Pelosi and Reid will go on, their faces in the news every day along with Odumbone will assure another 2012 landslide.
6 senate seats lost, and did you manage to pull off a few governors at least?
Didn’t the ld(iot) whine about the cost of Obama’s trip to India?
How about a 10 billion dollar return on investment?
22 – And 27 or 29 of them “blue dogs” who may have well been Republicans. I won’t miss them.
Reid will probably remain in a leadership role in the Senate while Angle “makes lemonade”.
140 million bucks couldn’t buy a governorship in CA. That must have been depressing for right wing tools – something money couldn’t buy!
Pelosi isn’t backing down one bit. She has a much more liberal leaning caucus who will raise her up while edging the old blue dog Hoyer out.
We’ll see how the new bunch in the House plays in the next 6 mos or so before prognosticating about 2012. My sense is they’ll make total fools of themselves.
If so – cakewalk for Obama in 2012. Of course much depends on the person the Republicans put forward. I don’t see anyone right now. And Sarah Palin? Please let it be so.
“My sense is they’ll make total fools of themselves.”
Republicans aren’t in a position to rule and they don’t know shit about governing. It’ll just be a two year hate fest directed at President Obama. But that’ll be enough to keep teabaggers happy. But with luck, everybody else will get tired of it.
If there’s one thing the Shrub knows, it’s who is not qualified to be President.
If the TeaCrappers have a hatefest, the Democratic party wins easily in 2012.
Watch the Right wing tools in the media try to deflect attention away from the bloodletting on the right in their power struggle.
I just came across an old favorite quote from Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Well, the Teabaggers have the believing absurdities part of the equation down pat . . .
I see this headline Saturday afternoon at 3:20 p.m. on the NY Post Website:
1. Name the time and date when someone on Fox News or the right wing talk stations mention this in a negative light.
2. What angle will they find to make this a negative?
TIEBREAKER: How will they find this proof Obama is a Muslim?
Ummm Darryl… why are you SO BIASED? It was proud leftist who criticized Puddy first when Puddy was commenting on the thread first and you allowed proud leftist’s rant to stand.
You remind Puddy of an NFL referee who only sees the second infraction or turns a blind eye to the first infraction.
That’s what PMSNBC and Politico said checksez. Once again you look at life through your rear end while others read and report facts.
Puddy can’t help it if you are a jerk 24x7x365 or you choose to read kook-aid all the time.
poor rujax@11.
PMSNBC facts smack him side his Neanderthal cranium.
Foolish ylb. The blue dogs voted to put Stretch Pelosi into the power seat. They paid the price!
You blathering leftist fools forget one thing.
89% of the independents who voted against DUMBOCRATS in 2010 did it over Odumbacare. They don’t want it. So if the conservatives work on repealing it they are doing the American public’s bidding. Puddy already place the source on this blog.
From now on if you want a repeat posting to something Puddy placed on this blog ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb for it. Put his “hard work” to use.
So why do you HA Libtardos hate Real Americans?
As payback for Rahm and Steny getting them their jobs you fool!
How grateful of them to stab the party in the back by playing Republican-lite!
I won’t miss them! Next time they can run as Republicans!
Have been watching too much Faux News!
And have been paying attention to the Rasmussen PUSH POLLS that you and that miserable KLOWN dance to!
p’dummy bravely kow-tows to the corporate overlord. Hail Comrade p’dummy.
Some post-election thoughts–
While Tuesday brought us leftist much pain, taking the broad view provides comfort. History, as we know, evidences an unyielding march to the left. While we experience episodic hiccups during this march, such as the present era when we witness fundamentalist regression tendencies like the Taliban in Afghanistan and evangelical Republicans in the American red states, hiccups always pass.
Once the Tea Partiers finish bringing this nation to its knees, we will once again, invariably and indubitably, see an expansion of civil liberties, a cultural flowering, and economic growth. These periods where pouty, paranoid children raised on fairy tales govern are necessarily followed by eras where the adults take over again. I have always found the conservatives’ notion that they are the productive, responsible members of our society most amusing, almost charming in its naivete. In fact, if conservative ideology had triumphed throughout history, humankind would still be living in caves. LIberalism is the product of the freethinkers, the open-minded, and the initiators; the product of those who pushed nomadic clans of bug-eaters into cohesive communities of people who, working together, are responsible for literature, music, science, ethics, and all of those pursuits which make life worth living. Conservatives, on the other hand, are responsible for selfishness, anti-intellectualism, and war. Conservative thinking reflects self-congratulation and -adulation that is best addressed through prescription pharmaceuticals.
So, all you Mr. Rugged Individualists out there, you can collectively kiss my leftist ass. Oh, and by the way, liberal women fuck way better than conservative women.
Any insight into what the impending purchase of NBC and MSNBC by Comcast might mean for Progressive voices in America? I’m reading on another blog how everyone is all up in arms about this. I’d like to know how Comcast owning NBC is worse than Viacom owning them?
Now the other perspective.
This election brought much joy.
1) Alan Grayson will be looking for another job. That was the prime directive. Only the idiots of the world liked this fool and even the polls got this wrong. The polls posted him with a projected 7% loss while it was what? 18%? Sweet.
2) Independents told Libtardos OdumbaCare is not worth it.
That’s fine. We conservatives agree with your rejection too.
3) DUMBOCRATS keep calling the Tea Party people dumb stupid, moronic or idiotic. Odumba called them the enemy. Please keep it up. Independents like being called the enemy.
4) DUMBOCRATS love calling others names when the argument fails. Odumba called them the enemy. Please keep it up. Independents like being called names.
5) DUMBOCRATS make sure you walk in the progressive light or they will pillory you at first chance. Ask Lanny Davis about his support for Joe Lieberman and how the progressives attacked him.
Glad you got some hair on the dog proud leftist. Maybe you’ll temper your whackjob ways.
Puddy @ 39: “DUMBOCRATS love calling others names when the argument fails.”
Oh, the irony, the rich, beautiful irony.
I REFUSE to post your crap unless it’s to reinforce what a total tool you are.
And to gin up some yucks AT YOUR EXPENSE!
You want to prove something post it your own stupid self!
p’dumbski smites the heathens in the name of the overlord.
Hail comrade p’dumbski!
39 – this is rich
1) Alan Grayson wasn’t perfect but he had guts. I’m sure we won’t see the last of him. I wish him well. We need him.
2) The “independent” to the extent he or she is a “low information voter” is by definition a dumbass. Fact: most people don’t have a clue how legislation is made or how its designed to have x effect. Complex legislation is therefore easily lied about by right wing tools.
3) Who needs ’em? They’re just Republicans who the party have made broken promises to for years.
4) People on the left seek the truth. They’ll call a spade a spade if they’re inclined. For example: PUDDYBUD IS AN IDIOT! Nothing personal, just the truth.
5) Lanny Davis is a tool who performs when he’s handed a check. Just like turncoat Joe Lieberman.
Oh Pudddddddyyyyyyy? (@33, HeeHee, WhoWho, to crazy town, Puddy to!)
You know what’s cute about you. You suggest I don’t read and then you provide a link that you SWEAR indicates contributions are in Olberman’s contract. And either you didn’t read your link, or you’re just stupid. I vote for stupid.
Here’s the relevent part
“NBC has a rule against employees contributing to political campaigns, and a wide range of news organizations prohibit political contributions — considering it a breach of journalistic independence to contribute to the candidates they cover.”
So lets review. NBC has a rule, Puddy SWEARS it’s in Keith’s contract. Politico and NBC don’t state that, only that it’s a rule. NBC, as I pointed out in @7, defended contributions by other “pundits” on the network as they aren’t journalists and so aren’t subject to the rule.
So, oh reading comprehension deficient Puddy? Want to try again on that “contract” bit? Want to try again on which of us has trouble reading? Link to Olberman’s legal contract if you can find it. Otherwise, your stuffing 8lbs of your bullshit into a 5lb bag and wondering what you’re going to do with that other 3lb pile over there. And either way, you’re going to have to cart that 11lbs home with you ’cause no one’s buying.
(“Puddy isn’t wrong. Politico says so. just read the article the way I interpreted it, not what it actually says. Mike Rogers. Yaaaarrgh!”)
For the jokers (leftists) on HA…
Reaching? Of course checksez is reaching. Let’s review what Puddy wrote… “It’s part of their “contract” which it seems he broke.”
Direct from PMSNBC and NBC for the moronic checksez cuz he can’t search anything looking at the world from his ASS!
Puddy signed a “contract” to work where Puddy works. There are specific stipulations and rules to my continued employment. When Puddy signed to start work Puddy must abide by those rules and stipulations.
Too bad you can’t figger this out, or is it that you are a real moron? Do you act like this everyday?
And Puddy found more from PMSNBC…
These rules are spelled out. Keith admitted he gave the money to three candidates. Notice Keith ain’t saying anything. It’s Rachel milking the cow!
To contrast this for the moronic HA class…
Fox News Channel allows campaign contributions, as long as the money doesn’t come from corporate funds.
This must really pizz off rujax. Kanye West had an epiphany.
Greetings. my most excellent Neo-Socialist friends!
Roger Rabbit, it would take 15 C-130 sorties to move 369,000 pounds of currency from the East Coast to Iraq. For a single C-130 to accomplish this feat, it would probably take nearly a month with normal crew rests and maintenance.
More likely is that the Air Force would have used a C-17 or two or possibly a C-5 to do this job. Since the nature of the cargo would be sensitive, the mission would have been accomplished with aerial refueling, probably using AR track 10 Northeast off the coast of Maine and an additional refueling on one of the colored AR tracks over the UK (black, orange, or some other).
In any event, a C-130 wold NEVER be used for the job. You sir, are a liar by stating that a C-130 was used.
It’s good to see Bill Maher get his fifth smackdown in a month.
Please ask Puddy to prove it checksez. Please demonstrate your peanut brainness again.
So why does correctnotright continue to lie and tell more lies? Why does correctnotright cherry pick information? Why does correctnotright stay stupid?
Medicare Actuary April 2010 is cherry picking? +$311 Billion +$20 Billion other costs = $+331 Billion more
Why does this fool continue to use March 2010 figures when the latest CBO are May 2010? $+115 Billion
So who is running away [not] correct [or] right?
Argument extinguished by PuddyFactWater!
“Some Republican lawmakers — still reveling in Tuesday’s statewide election sweep — are proposing an unprecedented solution to the state’s estimated $25 billion budget shortfall: dropping out of the federal Medicaid program.”
How can Texas be $25 billion in the red? Texas is ruled by Republicans…a Republican governor and Republican legislature. Not just a little. The Republicans outnumber the liberals in the state legislature 2-1 (99-51 House, 19 – 12 Senate). So EVERY single bit of the Texas budget is the responsibility of the Republicans. And here they are, $25 billion in debt.
What’s their problem? I’ve heard my ENTIRE adult like that only liberals “tax & spend” so just cut $25 billion out of your budget. I just listened to Rep. Boehner go on recently about how DC simply needs to “cut spending”. If one of our MOST conservative states run entirely by some of our most conservative Republicans can’t come with $25 BILLION in their spending what hope is there? Just cut the “waste and abuse” in Texas government, lay off a few park employees and there you go! Right?
Walk the walk or shut the F**K up FOREVER Republicans. You’ve claimed my entire adult life that you can have everything the public wants for free…you don’t need to ask for taxes, just cut taxes and everything works out magically! So Texas, maybe you could try cutting your state taxes (sales/business/etc) in half and that should fix your budget (by Republican logic…unless it’s bullshit). Why aren’t they doing this? Hmmmm.
Really? And with all that oil money. How could this happen?
Well if you visited the site you’d know all about dropping sales tax receipts vs. hiking spending.
Butt don’t let facts slap your face too hard!
You aren’t doing so well tonight. The bar that you’ve set for yourself is really quite low. Tonight, you’re looking up at that bar, and it is far above your eyes. Just quit, not while you’re ahead, but before your foolishness becomes even more pronounced.
My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.
He has his food prepared for him.
He can eat whenever he wants, 24/7/365.
His meals are provided at no cost to him.
He visits the Dr. Once a year for his check up, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him.
He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep.
If He makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep.
He receives these accommodations absolutely free.
He is living like a king, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever.
All of his costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day.
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head, Holy Shit, my dog is a YLB!~
Clearly R’s need to do some work the next 2 years to defeat the Obama Regime.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Sunday, November 07, 2010
The old adage is you get votes 2 ways…people who like you and people who dislike the other guy. You must cultivate both to win elections. However to stay in power, you have to convince those who voted against the other guy you hear them and are deserving.
Democrats really blew this because of raw arrogance. Have the R’s learned?
At least they have the Tea Party to make sure they stay on course.
The Dems have that screeching lunatic Pelosi and Skeletor Reid.
More & more MOderate Dems are speaking up and want Pelosi to step aside–
Is she listening…or is it all about her?
When will the first remaining Dem switch parties?
Probably after the Minority Leader vote.
proud leftist,
Puddy will continue to identify useless Moonbat!tery with Odumba sadministration facts. Can’t wait to see Merry Fitzmas on those CZARS in 2011.
When Boehner goes after health care he will be satisfying 89% of independents who voted anti-Moonbat! this election cycle. This will CEMENT the conservative brand along with the conservative governors and state houses redistricting for the 2012 election.
It’s you and your ilk who can’t fathom what the electorate said last Tuesday, even after Puddy places fact after fact after fact.
We cheer Stretch Pelosi staying on as minority report. SWEEEEET!
Surprise! He isn’t. The DUMBOCRATS are still fooled to this this.
PMSNBC fool Ed Schultz, hero to many an HA libtardo!
Oh Ed, Odumba had many lines in the sand.
89% of independents reject OdumbaCare.
Rational university students reject OdumbaCare.
Rational university students reject the last years of DUMBOCRATS run amok!
What part of the facts can’t you process Ed?
@39 Poor Puddy! Oblivious to irony!!!
Umm, who can spot the total hypocrite in this statement by Puddy?
Umm, poor Puddy has a problem with actual facts – the American public supported the public option by 60% – the republicans opposed it and it went down…did Puddy forget that? Does Puddy have a selective memory? Is Puddy a small-minded, biased, propagandist?
Yes, yes and yes.
Oh, and Puddy deliberateluy lied about the costs of health care too – the BBO says it will save about 150 billion over the next ten years – not that it will cost 1 trillion – that is a flat out republican lie repeated by Puddy. Yes, there are 1 trillion in costs to insure people without insurance and with pre-existing conditions – but the overall reforms will save money.
Again, this is how the republicans won the elections – repeat the simplistic lies over and over.
Lying repeatedly, calling people names and NEVER offering real solutions is what Puddy and the republicans do. Yeah, that is why they are enemies of our country- because they cannot work in good faith. Anyone who lies repeatedly and is only working to bring down the government – what would you call them? Patriots? Friends? No. They are enemies of progress and cynical purveyors of lies.
That would be the CBO not the BBO (typo). but I have linked to that many times and Puddy still has been unable to actually READ it:
Heterosexuals having fun.;emc=tha21
Puddy Lies:
Why does this fool continue to use March 2010 figures when the latest CBO are May 2010? $+115 Billion
I used the CBO report – and it is a projection for the next ten years of health care spending and much of the savings have not kicked in yet. Either you are too stupid to understand that – or you are lying once again.
the bootom line is that heal;th cre reform willcut the deficit and you ARE LYING to try and falsely claim otherwise.
Do you not know the difference between a projection and current Medicare numbers (also – that is only a cherry-picked piece of data (there is more to health care econiomics than Medicare numbers alone)that are irrelevant to the question because the health care reforms just went into effect and some have not yet occurred).
Wow Puddy – I thought were not very bright but you are demonstrating that you really are unable to follow even the simplest arguments and you call people names but you can’t tell the difference between facts that are relevant and facts you pull out of your ass that mean nothing.
WHAT the FUCK is THIS????????
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]