Speaking of CrazyTown–
How about that YLB.
Quoting the serial liar Obama about how great the serial liar Obama is.
Imagine that.
Welcome to YLB’s Crazytown.
It’s wherever he is at.
How is this video any different than the trolls on this site referring to “libtards”?
It’s just name-calling. Pointless, juvenile, and convinces nobody of anything.
4 – Heh. I pointed to a website often used by your dinner date Puddybud.
You lose KLOWN! Thanks for playing.
Where the hell did Sarah McDonnell come up with the Mice with fully functioning human brains? Theres nothing anywhere on that. It’s just a total figment of her own mind. She just made it up on the spot.
She’s stated openly that Congress does not have the authority to set for and enforce rules to the military, nor dictate what it does as an aspect of US foreign policy. She openly claims that it should be independent and Congress shouldn’t be meddeling with how it conducts its business.
Thats promoting outright treason.
I really don’t understand how that thought process works. It goes beyond mere ignorance. It’s willful. It’s deliberate. It’s well scripted and carefully laid out for the plebes to consume without serious thought or question.
I have seen similar logic processes coming from alcoholics. Not the kind of alcoholics you see sitting on the sidewalk begging for your spare change, but the kind that nobody seems to notice. The boss who spends his lunches at the bar. That co-worker that always seems to know how to convince the boss that he or she practically farts fairy dust and everyone else is a scam artist, a fuckup or a lazy bum.
Grouchy and sullen all morning until they have that drink or two, and then they’re either super pissed off at everything, or super happy and wanna be your best friend after they chew your ass off because they perceive your reactions to their morning attitude as being recalcitrant.
I hate drunks. Really. They’re just another form of junkie.
Long term, low level alcoholics cannot see the fact that their moods affect people around them for hours or days afterward. You come at me a few times with a pissed off attitude in the morning and it permanently colors my perceptions of your personality. I will react to your utter lack of logic, or that total lack of perception as a permanent aspect of the relationship I have with you. So when you do approach me, I will assume your mood is likely to be the one in which you cannot see outside of your own head. Just because you might be in a good mood for the moment doesn’t change the fact that you come across as an total asshole the rest of the time. When it becomes obvious that you are lying to me, or have lied in the past, I will assume what ever you are going to say next has a good chance of being false, with the intent to manipulate my perceptions or attitudes. Lie to me once, and your credibility with me goes in the shitter, permanently.
Dick Cheney, George Bush, Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh have all repeatedly exhibited this behavior. Ronald Reagan did so continuously. Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon did so continuously. Flat out lie, get caught, and then pop off with another lie in a sad attempt to cover their tracks. The greater the crime, or intent to commit crime, the greater the lie. The greater the will to deceive, the greater the criminal intent.
So many people in authority positions seem to just be dickheads and narcissists, with little in the way of education or experience to really qualify them for the position they hold. This seems to be a major requirement for conservative credentials.
But Goldy, the people you told us to vote for are doing lousy jobs. Why should we keep on following your advice?
Blue Johnspews:
Wow Deathfrogg, great post.
I think your last two paragraphs are the strongest.
proud leftistspews:
It’s hard to laugh given the threat that these crazies pose to the nation. I truly fear the next two years.
Chris Stefanspews:
You know for a bunch of people who love to go around blathering about original intent these morons really know nothing about the Constitution:
Article 1, Section 8:
The Congress shall have Power …
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
I mean it is one of the ENUMERATED powers of Congress.
@ 10
It goes to the children of alcoholics as well. They learn those thought patterns very early. They assume those thought patterns to be logical and correct and grow up with those patterns. The daughter of Joan Crawford spent years in therapy because of those logic patterns. How totally fucked up they were. It took her years to understand that humans aren’t supposed to act that way.
I see this in the generations following all those regular alcoholics. My generation. The kids that grew up with that parent or grandparent that always had a drink in their hands. Beer, Wine, cocktails. Dad starts drinking at 1 in the afternoon on saturday. Grandma that starts getting really pissy and vindictive around 3 in the afternoon untill she gets her medicine. It was normal.
The biochemical and physiological damage caused by a near constant state of neurological poisoning cannot be ignored. Likewise, those sociological damages being inflicted on the next generation cannot be omitted. The damage is permanent.
gimme my change, dammitspews:
That crazy WaPo:
This summer the Post Company sold Newsweek, once one of its proudest holdings, for one dollar …
Better put Obama on the cover a few dozen (more) times. That’ll fix it.
proud leftistspews:
O’Donnell’s suggestion that the military should not be subject to Congressional oversight is perhaps the scariest and craziest statement she has made–the competition is stiff for that honor given the many lunatic rantings in which she’s engaged. She essentially advocates for a military dictatorship because that is what emerges in any nation if the military is permitted unfettered control over its own affairs. This woman, like most Teabaggers, hasn’t the slightest acquaintance with basic civics, yet she wants to be a United States Senator. Appalling arrogance.
The mice and human brain thing was some research where scientists were able to grow human stem cells in mice brains. But Republicans, who have no critical thinking skills and shun science turned that into “fully functioning human brains in mice”. If only O’Donnell could show us the mouse quoting Shakespeare she would be vindicated.
Most experts agree that the central problem with the US health care system is its high cost. … Nevertheless, our political leaders have decided to expand and improve insurance coverage first, while deferring any serious attention to costs. …
(F)ederal reforms resemble the legislation passed in Massachusetts some four years ago that mandated near-universal coverage but made essentially no provisions for containing the costs that would inevitably ensue. Massachusetts is now struggling with its costs and is being forced to curtail health services.
Rabbitless commentary: We told you so. You (yeah you, Love Daddy and rhp) wouldn’t listen.
repeal appealspews:
The Massachusetts experience is likely to be repeated nationally in the next few years. The seemingly optimistic reports of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which were important in supporting the Democrats’ legislative proposals, should not be misunderstood. The deficit reduction predicted by the CBO referred to covering only the added costs of the legislation for the first ten years, not to the likelihood of stemming the continuously rising costs of existing federal programs. Furthermore, the CBO is concerned only with the federal budget, not state budgets, and not the financial condition of the entire health care system, private and public.
– Dr. Arnold Relman, NY Review, 30 September 2010
Rabbitless commentary: C’mon, Daddy. Tell us again how the CBO, the nonpartisan omniscient CBO, showed us dumb baggers how good progressive reform will be.
As we dumb baggers say, if you think health care is expensive now, just wait until progressives get their way and make it free.
Here’s the WayBack Machine, libs, with a retrospective review of the good old days. Something to ponder proudly while waiting for the new Republican Congress to impeach Obama and Holder for war crimes and Gitmo crimes against humanity:
[Excessively copied material deleted — see HA Comment Policy (Hint: post a link rather than copying and pasting)]
Great stuff. We really should have given That Man a fifth term.
But it gets even better, as Joe Persico shows in Roosevelt’s Secret War.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
Those Krazy Krauts. Fun-loving guys who didn’t hurt anybody. Who took a big bundle of bills from the Fuhrer and then spit in the Fuhrer’s face. Let’s see what happens next:
* FDR essentially took charge of the case.
* He told Biddle that he wanted the eight agents tried, not in a civilian court, but by a military tribunal, which he himself would appoint. … A military tribunal would be quick, not subject to the protracted appeals procedures of civilian courts. It would not be hog-tied by the criminal courts’ exacting rules of evidence. It could impose the death sentence …
* A military tribunal offered the advantages and the assured outcome that the President wanted.
FDR told Biddle … “I won’t hand them over to any United States Marshall armed with a writ of habeas corpus. Understand!”
* Conviction would be simple, Biddle promised FDR …
* On July 2 the President announced that the eight accused would stand trial before a military commission … the Supreme Court … backed the legality of a military tribunal.
* FDR was taking no chances. … FDR wanted his own man before the bar.
* In twenty-six days it was over. All eight were sentenced to death. … Eight weeks had elapsed from the night the first saboteurs had landed on Long Island.
* [FDR] commenced his ceremonial role, mixing the cocktails. … By 1:04 P.M., the work was completed, an average of ten and a half minutes per man.
* [FDR’s] only regret was that they had not been hanged.
Rabbitless commentary: You Democrats do nice work. Fast, too. No mucking around with due process or appeals … how appealing! Obama needs to learn law from the master. Then, when ‘Bama gets impeached and Holder gets indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald, he can give himself an easy out by citing liberal progressive Democrat Goldycrat precedent.
Crazy. Merry Fitzmas.
Democrats 4 Dummiesspews:
Hint: I didn’t copy and paste. It’s not linked material. I typed it, typos intacta, from Persico’s good book.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Here is a most excellent and brief post at DKos regarding comparisons between the end of the Bush disaster, and the first 18 months of the Obama administration.
It starts like this:
1. What was the average monthly private sector job growth in 2008, the final year of the Bush presidency, and what has it been so far in 2010?
and is to the point, correct and a smack upside Cynical’s pointy little head.
We had a much better economy then, that’s for darn sure.
So good people ignored the idiot wind from the right and gave Bill Clinton a high approval rating.
Blue Johnspews:
I heard an interesting description of a “discussion”. A discussion means you have to be able to articulate the position of the other side in terms both sides agree with.
Have you read any of the conservatives here discuss in those terms?
The progressives here can usually articulate the conservative viewpoint in calm terms. “I understand you want lower taxes and X, Y and Z. But…here’s where you are wrong…”
but now that I think about it, I’ve not read the conservatives doing the same thing. When was the last time you read a conservative here say in calm terms “I understand you want a strong social safety net and X, Y and Z. But…here’s where you are wrong…”
They just shout in all caps and name call and it goes down hill from there.
@15 “She essentially advocates for a military dictatorship because that is what”
Inadvertantly, although still disturbing. But she’s just an ignoramous blowing it out the ass. I suspect she only hoped to gain two things when she decided to run – attention and money. She has a long track record of seeking both. It probably surprises her as much as anybody that she’s getting both in spades. She does what she does. I condemn the ignorance of the American right-wing electorate more so than her. Without their stupidity and ignorance, she’d just be a nobody, living in a studio apartment somewhere in Delaware, whoring herself on a bloody Satanic alter in a desperate attempt to meet this month’s rent payment.
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
@18. Ok, if you get a curable but expensive cancer that your insurance company won’t pay for and you don’t have enough money to pay for it on your own, don’t come crying to the government for help. It’s every man for himself. Darwin at work.
“Hint: I didn’t copy and paste. It’s not linked material. I typed it, typos intacta, from Persico’s good book.”
It is entirely irrelevant whether or not you typed it or electronically copied it (and yes, this same material can be found on the web). The point is, if it isn’t YOUR intellectual property, then you must use it under fair use.
The best policy is to include only brief bits of copied—whether hand copied or electronically copied—material in support of an argument you are making. Your argument would, ideally, exceed the length of the copied material.
Liberal Scientistspews:
do you have a link to a similar map showing left-wing violence? That would only be fair (and balanced!)
No? Left wingers don’t assault their opponents? You don’t say.
How about a map with documented events of Democratic inspired/incited voter fraud? ACORNish kinda stuff.
No? Really? It doesn’t really happen and is just a right-wing fiction? Wonders!
How about a map showing the high rates of heterosexual divorce in those states that have allowed gay people to marry, and thus sully the “sanctity of marriage ™”?
I know – can you show us a map of how the godly, gun-totin’ Republican states are being robbed by federal taxes that are then sent to shiftless brown urban-type people?
WHAT!? DC, Delaware, Connecticut, Minnesota and New Jersey are the highest per capita tax paying states in the Union? And West Virginia and Mississippi are at the bottom? That cannot be! Does Glenn Beck know of this?
At least I know Eric Holder is the most anti-gun AG in our nation’s history. That I know.
Medicaid-Motorchair Conservativespews:
re 5: “…and convinces nobody of anything.”
Calling ‘baggers crazy is the same as calling a reasonable, informed and well-educated progressive a libtard? Sorry, Pete. The equivalency game is old hat.
The smartest thing that I’ve heard a teabagger say lately was to challenge one and all to look up Eric Holder’s voting record on gun rights. He assured the viewers that it was awful.
While it may be hard to keep up with the CRAZY! that is Mooselini, the cuts of Sarah are out of date.
In any event, teabagging banana republicans in WA should be very disappointed this cycle. You guys did not keep up with the rest of the CRAZY!. Sure Koster and Hans Zeiger are nutz, but their minor league compared to the rest of the nation.
Medicaid-Motorchair Conservativespews:
Liberals have real solutions to real problems. Conservatives are just full of shit.
It does seem that we really were at war at that point, and an existentially meaningful one, at that (as opposed to the War on Terra ™).
Was Roosevelt perfect? Absolutely not. In fact, one of our nation’s most shameful acts – the internment of citizens in concentration camps, happened on his watch – something we should never forget. However, it is we liberals, for whom he is a hero for other acts, who criticize him. He wasn’t liberal enough, and didn’t stick to his principles closely enough. We set a high standard, and try to hold our people to that.
Also, I don’t think FDR personally profited of the internment, like Miller Freeman did. Pig
Hey Goldy, how about a button that lets us (as individual users) block folks like Cynical who waste our time with whining about “Imam ObaMao”? I’m not sure we get anything from his comments . . . occasionally he’s entertaining, but it’s hard to take anyone seriously who persists in name-calling rather than discussing actual policy differences.
Zotz sez: GOTV!spews:
thereisnospoon on the essence of Teahadism:
…This is ultimately what it’s all about. In the end, the sense of grievance boils down to anger that their worldview is no longer considered acceptable in polite society.
Ayn Rand’s “ideas” aren’t OK in polite society anymore. It’s not acceptable anymore to think that it’s OK to have debtor’s prisons and soup lines even as some people smoke cigars at Versailles-like estates. It’s not OK in polite society anymore to think of those of a differing race as literally another breed of human. It’s not OK in polite society anymore to make sexist or racist jokes, or to hold women to a sexual double-standard anymore. Homophobia and religious wackoism aren’t acceptable in most open polite society anymore either…
There’s more, but I don’t have the time to Google them up.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Where is your post on this outrageous UNION & LEFTIST PROGRESSIVE conduct? http://www.washingtonstatewire.....way_%C3%A2??_rejects_settlement_in_moxie_media_fake_campaign_case_sends_it_to_attorney_general_for_prosecution.htm
Read it.
It should be front page…and really help your last minute efforts!
Glad to catch this for you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
25. Blue John spews:
I heard an interesting description of a “discussion”. A discussion means you have to be able to articulate the position of the other side in terms both sides agree with.
Have you read any of the conservatives here discuss in those terms?
The progressives here can usually articulate the conservative viewpoint in calm terms. “I understand you want lower taxes and X, Y and Z. But…here’s where you are wrong…”
but now that I think about it, I’ve not read the conservatives doing the same thing. When was the last time you read a conservative here say in calm terms “I understand you want a strong social safety net and X, Y and Z. But…here’s where you are wrong…”
They just shout in all caps and name call and it goes down hill from there.
Sheesh Blue John…calling for “civility”??
What a pansy-ass.
I’ve got a proposition for you..
Let’s discuss “civility” after the 2012 elections.
Your portrayal of your screeching Atheist Progressive brethren is hysterical by the way.
Show me specific examples of “civil discussion” where any acknowledgement of Conservative principles is made.
Perhaps you will luckily find one out of what 1 million posts.
Model the conduct you desire…otherwise just another phony attempt to quiet free speech….
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Joe Biden tells us the Government has a hand in creating all good things.
I say good things are a testimony to Free Enterprise.
Government redistributes wealth when it should be limited to Defense, Public Safety and necessary infrastructure as well as the very basic, fundamental requirements of government (like elections Jason!)
Dr. D! What a pleasant surprise!
Quirin’s for you, of course, continuing a discussion we had long long ago. You smacked me down with Geneva and its conventions, which are not directly relevant to Quirin because they mostly came later.
But Quirin is context, a context — I inferred — that you did not have and that you did need. Perhaps you’ll be kind and will place the war crimes of the Bush Crime Family and the war crimes of Obama (can you say impeachment, kids?) in their historical milieu and matrix.
And if Persico’s already plagiarized and fair-used on the Web, including the material I cited from pages 198 – 205 (ALL that material’s already loaded on the Net? Really?) then I really don’t need to do Rabbit’s Fair-Use Blah Blah, do I?
The reason I sometimes crib from books is that it seems that you lib progressive Dems seldom read books. You’re too busy wasting time reading Goldy.
The reason I carefully crib from books, that I then identify, is so you lib Dems can then go to the cited book to do an ellipsis patrol. To make sure I did no violence to the author’s context in the making of my blockquote.
But of course you libs are too busy wasting time on Goldy to go to the source.
“I say good things are a testimony to Free Enterprise.”
That’s because you are a retarded puppet, spewing talking points that are entirely divorced from reality.
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
I thought this was interesting take on the Teabagger syndrome.
The Tea Party is what I sometimes call the “squire class” – the people who realize that our economy and our politics are dominated by a baronial elite, and they’re OK with that because they’re convinced they’ll get picked to be the shire reeve or the squire or some other middle position of power and prestige in the new order. They get to boss around the serfs, even if they themselves get bossed around by the lords.
The teabaggers are the shock troops of feudalism. They are out to destroy economic opportunity because they are convinced that economic opportunity threatens their existing position of economic privilege, as well as white privilege and all the cultural and social benefits it confers.
It does explain the behavior of our conservatives here. They expect to be lording their slight higher position over the progressives serfs.
I think that was on the front page this morning in Tacoma.
“I really don’t need to do Rabbit’s Fair-Use Blah Blah, do I?”
You MOST CERTAINLY do! An author does not give up intellectual property simply because someone else has stolen it.
Operation Pspews:
Appreciate the passive construction, illiberal scientist: “In fact, one of our nation’s most shameful acts – the internment of citizens in concentration camps, happened on his watch …”
That’s somewhat closer to the truth than the usual recital or litany of American war guilt in which liberals and liberal textbook writers attribute the internment of 110,000 Japanese nationals and Japanese-American citizens to “us.”
Actually, despite protests from J. Edgar Hoover, it was FDR’s very own Executive Order 9066 that put our citizens in concentration camps. As for Roosevelt racism, Frank’s and Eleanor’s, the information is out there, probably on the Web, probably available for Fair Use plagiarism.
Because plutocrat Roosevelt had his pile already, he didn’t really need to profit from 9066, did he? So let’s turn to a better question: Did Prescott Bush bankroll Hitler?
The answer, of course, is hell no. Not even liberal Averell Harriman’s Brown Brothers, Harriman (for which Prescott worked) bankrolled Hitler. Not even pro-Nazi anti-Jew Joseph P. Kennedy bankrolled Hitler. It’s all on the Web, via Fair Use. So can we go on to more important stuff, like Lee and hemp?
Operation Preparation H(olman)spews:
You’re getting way too anal, Dr. D.
You used to be such a nice boy.
“So can we go on to more important stuff, like Lee and hemp?”
Either that or, where on earth did Klake ever come up with such a cool hat? I want one of those!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Brewer still kickin’ butt in Arizona.
Double-digits all the way
Friday, October 29, 2010
Incumbent Republican Jan Brewer remains well ahead of Arizona’s Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard in the state’s gubernatorial contest.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Arizona shows Brewer with 53% support to Goddard’s 39%.
Don @ #16: I’ve heard another defender of McConnell try to explain away her “seperation of church and state” comment.
He claimed that she was really trying to point out that the words “seperation of church and state” do not in themselves appear in the Constitution, that the First Amendment does not require government to have an “antagonistic” relationship with religion, but only that it remain neutral between the various religions. He argues that she simply didn’t explain her argument very well. That argument, of course, has been rejected in multiple Supreme Court rulings.
Being an Evangelical Protestant myself, I know that sometimes this is argued, in books, from special speakers at conferences and churches, etc. Sometimes the person making the argument is relatively well educated and conceeds that the Supreme Court doesn’t agree with this interpretation.
But what happens next is that pastors, prayer group leaders, etc., hear that message, forget the details and the caveats, and come away only with the conclusion that the “seperation of church and state” is not found in the Constitution, and they believe it is only a fiction created by liberal judges.
So they preach that from the pulpit, or spread it through prayer groups, church-related political groups, etc. And they sincerely believe it, but they are wrong.
So what the audio of the meeting at the law school shows was that O’Donnell was absolutely convinced that she had a winning argument, and could show that she knew more about the Constitution than anyone in the room, and only needed to trap her opponant into taking the opposite position to show her up to be a fool. Her smug, sarcastic, response afterwards makes it clear she thought she had won.
Of course, afterwards her handlers tried to backtrack with “what she really meant to say was….”
But what is really incredible is why she made the attempt. Surely this wasn’t in the pre-debate preparation, because surely her handlers would have told her to drop that idea? Even if they agreed with her, wouldn’t someone point out that it’s a bad idea to get into a legal debate with a lawyer while in a room full of lawyers and legal professors? Or did they tell her to drop the idea, and she went ahead anyway????
Again, for your reading pleasure ...spews:
The best policy is to include only brief bits of copied—whether hand copied or electronically copied—material …
A-Men! The above blockquote was stolen via Fair Use from Doc! Praise God!
Here’s one more, stolen via Fair Use from Joseph Persico, author of Roosevelt’s Secret War:
German espionage in the United States had largely become a shambles after [J. Edgar] Hoover’s July 1941 dragnet in which thirty-three Nazi agents were arrested.
Rabbit-punch commentary: Feel so much better now, now that I’m doin’ my plagiarism the right way, the Dr. Darryl Way. Dig it.
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
On the other side
The reality is that if the Democrats had spent 50% as much time on jobs and the issues that main street was facing as they did on the banks and other large financial institutions, they would have kept some or maybe a lot of people out of that Tea Bagger fray.
The jobs bill never came. The infrastructure projects were sidelined. The banks are doing great and all of our credit card rates have gone up exorbitantly – if we still qualify for them. Is it really that much of a wonder that people are angry?
Again, for your reading pleasure ...spews:
That sping [1942], eight Germans, all of whom had lived in the United States and two of whom were American citizens … began a crash course [heh heh] in blowing up vital installations.
Rabbit Fever commentary: This one too, dammit. Fair Use all the way from now on for this little muchacho. Doc put me in my place, yes he did. And I’m a better man for it.
Again, for your reading pleasure ...spews:
sping. sheeeeit. Told you I typed it. Let’s call it spring and let’s say the hell with it. Here’s more from Persico:
Crewmen from [U-boat 202] began paddling the boat toward the shore, where the four saboteurs were landed on a fog-shrouded beach near Amagansett, Long Island [where they were spotted by a rookie Coast Guardsman].
Cribbed and copied by Fair Use from blah blah blah.
Rabbit pellet commentary: I did tell you about the bug that pops its poo almost two (2!) meters, right? Told you it reminds me of Rabbit? That was unfair, and I apologize abjectly to Rabbit. Love him like a brother.
Again, for your reading pleasure ...spews:
They began their mission in America by whooping it up. … If they turned themselves in now, [a saboteur] argued, instead of being treated as enemies, they would be welcomed as heroes …
Ise regusted with myself for not Fair Using this the first time. And the second time. We baggers almost never learn.
Brer Rabbit commentary: Note that the Nazis discussed by Persico, whose material I stole fair and square by Fair Use, did no harm. They came here with a pile of easy money that they spent on easy women. These Nazis were not bad lads. They were merely misunderstood, rather like every last living martyr at Obama’s Gitmo.
Again, for your reading pleasure ...spews:
FDR’s long-standing preoccupation with sabotage now seemed validated. …
[Later] Hoover’s G-men had seven of the saboteurs in custody and were about to sarrest the last one. …
Roosevelt said … “Let’s make real money out of them … take them around the country in lion cages at so much a head.”
Borrowed by inviolable standards of Fair Use larceny from Joseph Persico’s excellent book, Roosevelt’s Secret War.
Rielle Rabbit commentary: Told you that FDR didn’t make real money out of them. Oh, wait. That was liberal scientist who told you FDR didn’t profit from — what was it? — like Kemper’s old man.
Again, for your reading pleasure ...spews:
Time’s up. Outta here.
Medicaid-Motorchair Conservativespews:
re 40: Sorry, pal. I don’t consider fake wars with no bid government contracts ‘free enterprise.’
Blue Johnspews:
What the hell was “Again, for your reading pleasure” babbling about? Did he have a point to all that? He seemed to be speaking totally in conservative dog whistle code words that must have his fellow conservatives howling and gibbering at their computer screens, and baffling anyone who doesn’t have the double secret teabagger decoder ring.
Medicaid-Motorchair Conservativespews:
The only thing that will hgelp Republicans in their hot-air PR campaign to fleece America is to take credit for the recovery when Obama’s programs start to have a real effect.
Republitards all over the U.S. are already taking credit for monies received that they VOTED AGAINST.
That isn’t sufficient. Your subdivision of someone else’s intellectual property, without any analysis, or without using it to buttress your own argument is not fair use.
In the future, don’t be surprised if such posts are deleted.
Basically, this is a comment thread. So add to the dialog here if you must (but, please, don’t feel obligated! Like Puddy, a huge majority of what you post is unintelligible gibberish on first pass, and doesn’t appear to be worth a second pass). But if you just want to post shit in a vacuum don’t litter the comment thread; go to blogspot and do your own blog.
And while you are at it, consider settling on a single screen name and stick to it. That way, other commenter will get to know you, and engage you in dialog. As it is, your “out-of-left-field” comments, combined with your ever changing screen name pretty much ensures other folks are going to ignore you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The U.S. thwarted a terrorist attack today by finding two bombs on a cargo jetliner.
Seems that Sharon Angle was miffed. Reporters from local news affiliates showed up as she arrived from the airport to ask her some questions. She ignored them, pausing only long enough to say that she wouldn’t anser any questions until “after the election”.
Gee, next time I have a job interview, I’ve got to try that one! “I’d love to talk to you about my qualifications for the job, but I simply can’t answer any questions until after I’m hired. Now what time should I show up tomorrow to start work?”
Oh, and today she said those two news outlets would be barred from her election-night campaign festivities, as punishment for daring to ask questions.
Can you imagine what six years would be like with her in the Senate??????
Don’t forget to vote! (For the “Greatest Achievement in Race Baiting Macaca Awards”)
proud leftistspews:
Darryl @ 62
I assume this “Again, for your reading pleasure” is Maxie. Why not ban him? He never adds a damned thing and he just tries (he can’t even succeed at that) to hijack threads.
Well it’s Democrats questioning the uber stupid Keystone XL pipeline, w/o a Republican in sight. I guess Republicans would rather have us beholding to big old and foreign nations for our energy supplies.
Led by Democrats Patrick Leahy, of Vermont, and Jeff Merkley, of Oregon, the letter said the department should examine whether greater use of fuel-efficient technologies and advanced biofuels could offset the need for the pipeline.
The department should also consider whether expanded use of oil sands crude will harm U.S. attempts to reduce oil consumption, the lawmakers said.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Sarah McDonnell
Wow Deathfrogg, great post. – BlueJohn
Who is Sarah McConnell? Sarah McConnell Photography?
Oops, forgot about Mike Johanns from Nebraska (R). He’s not part of this group but has been willing to speak up about the Keystone pipeline.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Why did Bank Of America loan the DUMBOCRATS $32 Million for election coffers with little of no collateral.
Well because the BoA is in the pocket of Patty Murray and other DUMBOCRATS. BofA gave its largest single campaign contribution to Odumba in 2008. Ask the dirt stain TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb for the PuddyPosts. Now we see Bloomberg News sez, BofA’s CEO, Brian Moynihan, is Odumba’s BFF on Wall Street.
73 – A troll that keeps changing his handle. About a year ago this time he was calling himself Max Rockatansky – the Mel Gibson character in the Mad Max movies.
I call him “jerkoff creepy hater” now in tribute to that old unhinged troll that Goldy banned – JCH.
But I’m changing my mind – calling him that is an insult to the memory of JCH.
Output is the same. Damn this command line framework rocks!
proud leftistspews:
Liberal Scientist @ 73
It’s hard to keep track of our trolls when they keep changing their monikers. There are a couple who have done it for years. You can recognize them by their style and level of lunacy. I’m not at all sure why they don’t just stick to one name. Karl Rove must have told them that they need to do so.
Again, 4 your reading pleasure w/ever-changing screen namespews:
Dummy @ 56,
That isn’t sufficient. Your subdivision of someone else’s intellectual property, without any analysis, or without using it to buttress your own argument is not fair use.
In the future, don’t be surprised if such posts are deleted.
Basically, this is a comment thread. So add to the dialog here if you must (but, please, don’t feel obligated! Like Puddy, a huge majority of what you post is unintelligible gibberish on first pass, and doesn’t appear to be worth a second pass). But if you just want to post shit in a vacuum don’t litter the comment thread; go to blogspot and do your own blog.
And while you are at it, consider settling on a single screen name and stick to it. That way, other commenter will get to know you, and engage you in dialog. As it is, your “out-of-left-field” comments, combined with your ever changing screen name pretty much ensures other folks are going to ignore you.
“(O)ut-of-left-field”? LEFT field? I left the Left long long ago, Doctor, praise God. For smearing me with the tar brush of guilt by Leftist association, you don’t get your fair-use attribution. You don’t get your Fair Trade coffee, picked by peons, either.
That’s funny. Where’d they find that coo-coo?
Hey trolls who pollute these comment threads.
You’re a bunch of fucking liars:
And your favorite politicians are to boot.
Vote progressive!
Speaking of CrazyTown–
How about that YLB.
Quoting the serial liar Obama about how great the serial liar Obama is.
Imagine that.
Welcome to YLB’s Crazytown.
It’s wherever he is at.
How is this video any different than the trolls on this site referring to “libtards”?
It’s just name-calling. Pointless, juvenile, and convinces nobody of anything.
Hey, Sedro Wooley made the Darwin Awards!!!!
Barrel Ride, with Flames!
4 – Heh. I pointed to a website often used by your dinner date Puddybud.
You lose KLOWN! Thanks for playing.
Where the hell did Sarah McDonnell come up with the Mice with fully functioning human brains? Theres nothing anywhere on that. It’s just a total figment of her own mind. She just made it up on the spot.
She’s stated openly that Congress does not have the authority to set for and enforce rules to the military, nor dictate what it does as an aspect of US foreign policy. She openly claims that it should be independent and Congress shouldn’t be meddeling with how it conducts its business.
Thats promoting outright treason.
I really don’t understand how that thought process works. It goes beyond mere ignorance. It’s willful. It’s deliberate. It’s well scripted and carefully laid out for the plebes to consume without serious thought or question.
I have seen similar logic processes coming from alcoholics. Not the kind of alcoholics you see sitting on the sidewalk begging for your spare change, but the kind that nobody seems to notice. The boss who spends his lunches at the bar. That co-worker that always seems to know how to convince the boss that he or she practically farts fairy dust and everyone else is a scam artist, a fuckup or a lazy bum.
Grouchy and sullen all morning until they have that drink or two, and then they’re either super pissed off at everything, or super happy and wanna be your best friend after they chew your ass off because they perceive your reactions to their morning attitude as being recalcitrant.
I hate drunks. Really. They’re just another form of junkie.
Long term, low level alcoholics cannot see the fact that their moods affect people around them for hours or days afterward. You come at me a few times with a pissed off attitude in the morning and it permanently colors my perceptions of your personality. I will react to your utter lack of logic, or that total lack of perception as a permanent aspect of the relationship I have with you. So when you do approach me, I will assume your mood is likely to be the one in which you cannot see outside of your own head. Just because you might be in a good mood for the moment doesn’t change the fact that you come across as an total asshole the rest of the time. When it becomes obvious that you are lying to me, or have lied in the past, I will assume what ever you are going to say next has a good chance of being false, with the intent to manipulate my perceptions or attitudes. Lie to me once, and your credibility with me goes in the shitter, permanently.
Dick Cheney, George Bush, Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh have all repeatedly exhibited this behavior. Ronald Reagan did so continuously. Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon did so continuously. Flat out lie, get caught, and then pop off with another lie in a sad attempt to cover their tracks. The greater the crime, or intent to commit crime, the greater the lie. The greater the will to deceive, the greater the criminal intent.
So many people in authority positions seem to just be dickheads and narcissists, with little in the way of education or experience to really qualify them for the position they hold. This seems to be a major requirement for conservative credentials.
But Goldy, the people you told us to vote for are doing lousy jobs. Why should we keep on following your advice?
Wow Deathfrogg, great post.
I think your last two paragraphs are the strongest.
It’s hard to laugh given the threat that these crazies pose to the nation. I truly fear the next two years.
You know for a bunch of people who love to go around blathering about original intent these morons really know nothing about the Constitution:
I mean it is one of the ENUMERATED powers of Congress.
@ 10
It goes to the children of alcoholics as well. They learn those thought patterns very early. They assume those thought patterns to be logical and correct and grow up with those patterns. The daughter of Joan Crawford spent years in therapy because of those logic patterns. How totally fucked up they were. It took her years to understand that humans aren’t supposed to act that way.
I see this in the generations following all those regular alcoholics. My generation. The kids that grew up with that parent or grandparent that always had a drink in their hands. Beer, Wine, cocktails. Dad starts drinking at 1 in the afternoon on saturday. Grandma that starts getting really pissy and vindictive around 3 in the afternoon untill she gets her medicine. It was normal.
The biochemical and physiological damage caused by a near constant state of neurological poisoning cannot be ignored. Likewise, those sociological damages being inflicted on the next generation cannot be omitted. The damage is permanent.
That crazy WaPo:
Better put Obama on the cover a few dozen (more) times. That’ll fix it.
O’Donnell’s suggestion that the military should not be subject to Congressional oversight is perhaps the scariest and craziest statement she has made–the competition is stiff for that honor given the many lunatic rantings in which she’s engaged. She essentially advocates for a military dictatorship because that is what emerges in any nation if the military is permitted unfettered control over its own affairs. This woman, like most Teabaggers, hasn’t the slightest acquaintance with basic civics, yet she wants to be a United States Senator. Appalling arrogance.
The mice and human brain thing was some research where scientists were able to grow human stem cells in mice brains. But Republicans, who have no critical thinking skills and shun science turned that into “fully functioning human brains in mice”. If only O’Donnell could show us the mouse quoting Shakespeare she would be vindicated.
Rabbitless commentary: We told you so. You (yeah you, Love Daddy and rhp) wouldn’t listen.
– Dr. Arnold Relman, NY Review, 30 September 2010
Rabbitless commentary: C’mon, Daddy. Tell us again how the CBO, the nonpartisan omniscient CBO, showed us dumb baggers how good progressive reform will be.
As we dumb baggers say, if you think health care is expensive now, just wait until progressives get their way and make it free.
Google map of recent right wing violence.
Here’s the WayBack Machine, libs, with a retrospective review of the good old days. Something to ponder proudly while waiting for the new Republican Congress to impeach Obama and Holder for war crimes and Gitmo crimes against humanity:
Great stuff. We really should have given That Man a fifth term.
But it gets even better, as Joe Persico shows in Roosevelt’s Secret War.
Those Krazy Krauts. Fun-loving guys who didn’t hurt anybody. Who took a big bundle of bills from the Fuhrer and then spit in the Fuhrer’s face. Let’s see what happens next:
Rabbitless commentary: You Democrats do nice work. Fast, too. No mucking around with due process or appeals … how appealing! Obama needs to learn law from the master. Then, when ‘Bama gets impeached and Holder gets indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald, he can give himself an easy out by citing liberal progressive Democrat Goldycrat precedent.
Crazy. Merry Fitzmas.
Hint: I didn’t copy and paste. It’s not linked material. I typed it, typos intacta, from Persico’s good book.
Here is a most excellent and brief post at DKos regarding comparisons between the end of the Bush disaster, and the first 18 months of the Obama administration.
It starts like this:
and is to the point, correct and a smack upside Cynical’s pointy little head.
Heh. Nostalgia for the roarin’ nineties.
We had a much better economy then, that’s for darn sure.
So good people ignored the idiot wind from the right and gave Bill Clinton a high approval rating.
I heard an interesting description of a “discussion”. A discussion means you have to be able to articulate the position of the other side in terms both sides agree with.
Have you read any of the conservatives here discuss in those terms?
The progressives here can usually articulate the conservative viewpoint in calm terms. “I understand you want lower taxes and X, Y and Z. But…here’s where you are wrong…”
but now that I think about it, I’ve not read the conservatives doing the same thing. When was the last time you read a conservative here say in calm terms “I understand you want a strong social safety net and X, Y and Z. But…here’s where you are wrong…”
They just shout in all caps and name call and it goes down hill from there.
@15 “She essentially advocates for a military dictatorship because that is what”
Inadvertantly, although still disturbing. But she’s just an ignoramous blowing it out the ass. I suspect she only hoped to gain two things when she decided to run – attention and money. She has a long track record of seeking both. It probably surprises her as much as anybody that she’s getting both in spades. She does what she does. I condemn the ignorance of the American right-wing electorate more so than her. Without their stupidity and ignorance, she’d just be a nobody, living in a studio apartment somewhere in Delaware, whoring herself on a bloody Satanic alter in a desperate attempt to meet this month’s rent payment.
@18. Ok, if you get a curable but expensive cancer that your insurance company won’t pay for and you don’t have enough money to pay for it on your own, don’t come crying to the government for help. It’s every man for himself. Darwin at work.
Dummy @ 22,
“Hint: I didn’t copy and paste. It’s not linked material. I typed it, typos intacta, from Persico’s good book.”
It is entirely irrelevant whether or not you typed it or electronically copied it (and yes, this same material can be found on the web). The point is, if it isn’t YOUR intellectual property, then you must use it under fair use.
The best policy is to include only brief bits of copied—whether hand copied or electronically copied—material in support of an argument you are making. Your argument would, ideally, exceed the length of the copied material.
do you have a link to a similar map showing left-wing violence? That would only be fair (and balanced!)
No? Left wingers don’t assault their opponents? You don’t say.
How about a map with documented events of Democratic inspired/incited voter fraud? ACORNish kinda stuff.
No? Really? It doesn’t really happen and is just a right-wing fiction? Wonders!
How about a map showing the high rates of heterosexual divorce in those states that have allowed gay people to marry, and thus sully the “sanctity of marriage ™”?
No? Really? What? No way! Nevada, Arkansas, Alabama, Wyoming and Idaho are the top 5 in divorce rate? I can’t believe that!
I know – can you show us a map of how the godly, gun-totin’ Republican states are being robbed by federal taxes that are then sent to shiftless brown urban-type people?
WHAT!? DC, Delaware, Connecticut, Minnesota and New Jersey are the highest per capita tax paying states in the Union? And West Virginia and Mississippi are at the bottom? That cannot be! Does Glenn Beck know of this?
At least I know Eric Holder is the most anti-gun AG in our nation’s history. That I know.
re 5: “…and convinces nobody of anything.”
Calling ‘baggers crazy is the same as calling a reasonable, informed and well-educated progressive a libtard? Sorry, Pete. The equivalency game is old hat.
The smartest thing that I’ve heard a teabagger say lately was to challenge one and all to look up Eric Holder’s voting record on gun rights. He assured the viewers that it was awful.
While it may be hard to keep up with the CRAZY! that is Mooselini, the cuts of Sarah are out of date.
In any event, teabagging banana republicans in WA should be very disappointed this cycle. You guys did not keep up with the rest of the CRAZY!. Sure Koster and Hans Zeiger are nutz, but their minor league compared to the rest of the nation.
Liberals have real solutions to real problems. Conservatives are just full of shit.
It’s that simple.
Do you speak of Operation Pastorius?
It does seem that we really were at war at that point, and an existentially meaningful one, at that (as opposed to the War on Terra ™).
Was Roosevelt perfect? Absolutely not. In fact, one of our nation’s most shameful acts – the internment of citizens in concentration camps, happened on his watch – something we should never forget. However, it is we liberals, for whom he is a hero for other acts, who criticize him. He wasn’t liberal enough, and didn’t stick to his principles closely enough. We set a high standard, and try to hold our people to that.
Also, I don’t think FDR personally profited of the internment, like Miller Freeman did. Pig
Hey Goldy, how about a button that lets us (as individual users) block folks like Cynical who waste our time with whining about “Imam ObaMao”? I’m not sure we get anything from his comments . . . occasionally he’s entertaining, but it’s hard to take anyone seriously who persists in name-calling rather than discussing actual policy differences.
thereisnospoon on the essence of Teahadism:
Here: http://www.dailykos.com/storyo.....e-Backlash
Thanks for the link. It’s missing a few, like the girl that got punched in Walla Walla.
It also missed the Sharon Angle supporter that pepper sprayed a few Harry Reid supporters.
And the Reid supporter that got punched in the face.
There’s more, but I don’t have the time to Google them up.
Where is your post on this outrageous UNION & LEFTIST PROGRESSIVE conduct?
Read it.
It should be front page…and really help your last minute efforts!
Glad to catch this for you.
25. Blue John spews:
Sheesh Blue John…calling for “civility”??
What a pansy-ass.
I’ve got a proposition for you..
Let’s discuss “civility” after the 2012 elections.
Your portrayal of your screeching Atheist Progressive brethren is hysterical by the way.
Show me specific examples of “civil discussion” where any acknowledgement of Conservative principles is made.
Perhaps you will luckily find one out of what 1 million posts.
Model the conduct you desire…otherwise just another phony attempt to quiet free speech….
Joe Biden tells us the Government has a hand in creating all good things.
I say good things are a testimony to Free Enterprise.
Government redistributes wealth when it should be limited to Defense, Public Safety and necessary infrastructure as well as the very basic, fundamental requirements of government (like elections Jason!)
Dr. D! What a pleasant surprise!
Quirin’s for you, of course, continuing a discussion we had long long ago. You smacked me down with Geneva and its conventions, which are not directly relevant to Quirin because they mostly came later.
But Quirin is context, a context — I inferred — that you did not have and that you did need. Perhaps you’ll be kind and will place the war crimes of the Bush Crime Family and the war crimes of Obama (can you say impeachment, kids?) in their historical milieu and matrix.
And if Persico’s already plagiarized and fair-used on the Web, including the material I cited from pages 198 – 205 (ALL that material’s already loaded on the Net? Really?) then I really don’t need to do Rabbit’s Fair-Use Blah Blah, do I?
The reason I sometimes crib from books is that it seems that you lib progressive Dems seldom read books. You’re too busy wasting time reading Goldy.
The reason I carefully crib from books, that I then identify, is so you lib Dems can then go to the cited book to do an ellipsis patrol. To make sure I did no violence to the author’s context in the making of my blockquote.
But of course you libs are too busy wasting time on Goldy to go to the source.
Mr. Cynical,
“I say good things are a testimony to Free Enterprise.”
That’s because you are a retarded puppet, spewing talking points that are entirely divorced from reality.
I thought this was interesting take on the Teabagger syndrome.
It does explain the behavior of our conservatives here. They expect to be lording their slight higher position over the progressives serfs.
I think that was on the front page this morning in Tacoma.
Dummy @ 41,
“I really don’t need to do Rabbit’s Fair-Use Blah Blah, do I?”
You MOST CERTAINLY do! An author does not give up intellectual property simply because someone else has stolen it.
Appreciate the passive construction, illiberal scientist: “In fact, one of our nation’s most shameful acts – the internment of citizens in concentration camps, happened on his watch …”
That’s somewhat closer to the truth than the usual recital or litany of American war guilt in which liberals and liberal textbook writers attribute the internment of 110,000 Japanese nationals and Japanese-American citizens to “us.”
Actually, despite protests from J. Edgar Hoover, it was FDR’s very own Executive Order 9066 that put our citizens in concentration camps. As for Roosevelt racism, Frank’s and Eleanor’s, the information is out there, probably on the Web, probably available for Fair Use plagiarism.
Because plutocrat Roosevelt had his pile already, he didn’t really need to profit from 9066, did he? So let’s turn to a better question: Did Prescott Bush bankroll Hitler?
The answer, of course, is hell no. Not even liberal Averell Harriman’s Brown Brothers, Harriman (for which Prescott worked) bankrolled Hitler. Not even pro-Nazi anti-Jew Joseph P. Kennedy bankrolled Hitler. It’s all on the Web, via Fair Use. So can we go on to more important stuff, like Lee and hemp?
You’re getting way too anal, Dr. D.
You used to be such a nice boy.
“So can we go on to more important stuff, like Lee and hemp?”
Either that or, where on earth did Klake ever come up with such a cool hat? I want one of those!
Brewer still kickin’ butt in Arizona.
Double-digits all the way
Friday, October 29, 2010
Don @ #16: I’ve heard another defender of McConnell try to explain away her “seperation of church and state” comment.
He claimed that she was really trying to point out that the words “seperation of church and state” do not in themselves appear in the Constitution, that the First Amendment does not require government to have an “antagonistic” relationship with religion, but only that it remain neutral between the various religions. He argues that she simply didn’t explain her argument very well. That argument, of course, has been rejected in multiple Supreme Court rulings.
Being an Evangelical Protestant myself, I know that sometimes this is argued, in books, from special speakers at conferences and churches, etc. Sometimes the person making the argument is relatively well educated and conceeds that the Supreme Court doesn’t agree with this interpretation.
But what happens next is that pastors, prayer group leaders, etc., hear that message, forget the details and the caveats, and come away only with the conclusion that the “seperation of church and state” is not found in the Constitution, and they believe it is only a fiction created by liberal judges.
So they preach that from the pulpit, or spread it through prayer groups, church-related political groups, etc. And they sincerely believe it, but they are wrong.
So what the audio of the meeting at the law school shows was that O’Donnell was absolutely convinced that she had a winning argument, and could show that she knew more about the Constitution than anyone in the room, and only needed to trap her opponant into taking the opposite position to show her up to be a fool. Her smug, sarcastic, response afterwards makes it clear she thought she had won.
Of course, afterwards her handlers tried to backtrack with “what she really meant to say was….”
But what is really incredible is why she made the attempt. Surely this wasn’t in the pre-debate preparation, because surely her handlers would have told her to drop that idea? Even if they agreed with her, wouldn’t someone point out that it’s a bad idea to get into a legal debate with a lawyer while in a room full of lawyers and legal professors? Or did they tell her to drop the idea, and she went ahead anyway????
A-Men! The above blockquote was stolen via Fair Use from Doc! Praise God!
Here’s one more, stolen via Fair Use from Joseph Persico, author of Roosevelt’s Secret War:
Rabbit-punch commentary: Feel so much better now, now that I’m doin’ my plagiarism the right way, the Dr. Darryl Way. Dig it.
On the other side
Rabbit Fever commentary: This one too, dammit. Fair Use all the way from now on for this little muchacho. Doc put me in my place, yes he did. And I’m a better man for it.
sping. sheeeeit. Told you I typed it. Let’s call it spring and let’s say the hell with it. Here’s more from Persico:
Cribbed and copied by Fair Use from blah blah blah.
Rabbit pellet commentary: I did tell you about the bug that pops its poo almost two (2!) meters, right? Told you it reminds me of Rabbit? That was unfair, and I apologize abjectly to Rabbit. Love him like a brother.
Ise regusted with myself for not Fair Using this the first time. And the second time. We baggers almost never learn.
Brer Rabbit commentary: Note that the Nazis discussed by Persico, whose material I stole fair and square by Fair Use, did no harm. They came here with a pile of easy money that they spent on easy women. These Nazis were not bad lads. They were merely misunderstood, rather like every last living martyr at Obama’s Gitmo.
Borrowed by inviolable standards of Fair Use larceny from Joseph Persico’s excellent book, Roosevelt’s Secret War.
Rielle Rabbit commentary: Told you that FDR didn’t make real money out of them. Oh, wait. That was liberal scientist who told you FDR didn’t profit from — what was it? — like Kemper’s old man.
Time’s up. Outta here.
re 40: Sorry, pal. I don’t consider fake wars with no bid government contracts ‘free enterprise.’
What the hell was “Again, for your reading pleasure” babbling about? Did he have a point to all that? He seemed to be speaking totally in conservative dog whistle code words that must have his fellow conservatives howling and gibbering at their computer screens, and baffling anyone who doesn’t have the double secret teabagger decoder ring.
The only thing that will hgelp Republicans in their hot-air PR campaign to fleece America is to take credit for the recovery when Obama’s programs start to have a real effect.
Republitards all over the U.S. are already taking credit for monies received that they VOTED AGAINST.
Times up? Time for you to snap one off again?
Right wing boys and girls. Forget Christine O’Donnell’s prudish “crusade”. For your viewing pleasure:
Dummy @ 56,
That isn’t sufficient. Your subdivision of someone else’s intellectual property, without any analysis, or without using it to buttress your own argument is not fair use.
In the future, don’t be surprised if such posts are deleted.
Basically, this is a comment thread. So add to the dialog here if you must (but, please, don’t feel obligated! Like Puddy, a huge majority of what you post is unintelligible gibberish on first pass, and doesn’t appear to be worth a second pass). But if you just want to post shit in a vacuum don’t litter the comment thread; go to blogspot and do your own blog.
And while you are at it, consider settling on a single screen name and stick to it. That way, other commenter will get to know you, and engage you in dialog. As it is, your “out-of-left-field” comments, combined with your ever changing screen name pretty much ensures other folks are going to ignore you.
The U.S. thwarted a terrorist attack today by finding two bombs on a cargo jetliner.
Obama: 1
Terrorists: 0
Compare and contrast:
Bush: 0
Terrorists: http://ginacobb.typepad.com/gi.....urning.jpg
@56 Imitation is the sincerest form of insult.
Seems that Sharon Angle was miffed. Reporters from local news affiliates showed up as she arrived from the airport to ask her some questions. She ignored them, pausing only long enough to say that she wouldn’t anser any questions until “after the election”.
Gee, next time I have a job interview, I’ve got to try that one! “I’d love to talk to you about my qualifications for the job, but I simply can’t answer any questions until after I’m hired. Now what time should I show up tomorrow to start work?”
Oh, and today she said those two news outlets would be barred from her election-night campaign festivities, as punishment for daring to ask questions.
Can you imagine what six years would be like with her in the Senate??????
Don’t forget to vote! (For the “Greatest Achievement in Race Baiting Macaca Awards”)
Darryl @ 62
I assume this “Again, for your reading pleasure” is Maxie. Why not ban him? He never adds a damned thing and he just tries (he can’t even succeed at that) to hijack threads.
Rally to Restore Sanity tomorrow at Westlake:
Any other brothers or sisters plan to attend?
Well it’s Democrats questioning the uber stupid Keystone XL pipeline, w/o a Republican in sight. I guess Republicans would rather have us beholding to big old and foreign nations for our energy supplies.
Wow Deathfrogg, great post. – BlueJohn
Who is Sarah McConnell? Sarah McConnell Photography?
Oops, forgot about Mike Johanns from Nebraska (R). He’s not part of this group but has been willing to speak up about the Keystone pipeline.
Why did Bank Of America loan the DUMBOCRATS $32 Million for election coffers with little of no collateral.
Well because the BoA is in the pocket of Patty Murray and other DUMBOCRATS. BofA gave its largest single campaign contribution to Odumba in 2008. Ask the dirt stain TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb for the PuddyPosts. Now we see Bloomberg News sez, BofA’s CEO, Brian Moynihan, is Odumba’s BFF on Wall Street.
Who is “Maxie”?
73 – A troll that keeps changing his handle. About a year ago this time he was calling himself Max Rockatansky – the Mel Gibson character in the Mad Max movies.
I call him “jerkoff creepy hater” now in tribute to that old unhinged troll that Goldy banned – JCH.
But I’m changing my mind – calling him that is an insult to the memory of JCH.
He’s JCCH – “jerkoff creepy chickenshit hater”.
Much better.
67 – PL, I think that’s HNMT.
Ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA the dirt stain ylb for the links. He like you.
Thanks Darryl. Still by your “standards” it gets many a libtardo riled up and hopping mad because facts are facts!
Heh speaking of links. Here’s before:
mylaptop:~$ b links -r -f=link_info,no_refs –tag=junkshot –summary -ds
| link_info | no_refs |
| tinyurl | 72 |
1 row in set
Heh speaking of links
Why not give the fool above some of those ACORN loving peeps conviction facts on voter fraud dirt stain ylb?
And here’s after:
mylaptop:~$ b links -r -f=link_info,no_refs –tag=junkshot –summary -dsl – -s no_refs -R
| link_info | no_refs |
| ap | 3 |
| gallup | 3 |
| washingtonpost | 3 |
| senate | 3 |
| sfgate | 2 |
| reuters | 2 |
| latimes | 2 |
| yahoo | 2 |
| twitter | 2 |
| nytimes | 2 |
| timeswatch | 1 |
| jpost | 1 |
Give it from your own fool self.
Same as the last command but cleaner looking:
mylaptop:~$ b links -t junkshot –summary -dsl – -r -f=link_info,no_refs -s no_refs -R
Output is the same. Damn this command line framework rocks!
Liberal Scientist @ 73
It’s hard to keep track of our trolls when they keep changing their monikers. There are a couple who have done it for years. You can recognize them by their style and level of lunacy. I’m not at all sure why they don’t just stick to one name. Karl Rove must have told them that they need to do so.
“(O)ut-of-left-field”? LEFT field? I left the Left long long ago, Doctor, praise God. For smearing me with the tar brush of guilt by Leftist association, you don’t get your fair-use attribution. You don’t get your Fair Trade coffee, picked by peons, either.
Rabbit-stew commentary: First, steal one rabbit.
Eviscerate rabbit.
Discard viscera.
Parboil rabbit in Two-Buck Chuck.
Discard rabbit.
Drink Chuck.
Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Immitation = imitation
rabbit = Rabbit