Post what you want goldie, it is an epic election to take back this idiot obama. He is a marxist and bs this idoit will be overthrown this year on every level
He is a disaster of deficit spending and obamacare is a disaster w trillions of your childrens and grandchildrens dollars
Keep up your trillion dollars yearly deficits and we will be in a depression.
Idiots, or complete idiots are now in charge, and they will be gone at the next election
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
Regardless of what Obama has or hasn’t done Bush, Cheney and others should be behind bars.
The amazing thing is the claim the left makes that this product of Hawaii, Muslim schools, and affirmative action is oh-so bright!
Then they want us to believe that he has a great cabinet! Yeh, shoah!
Hillary .. dumb blonde camp follower riding here hubby.
Steve Chew .. a University Professor with a Nobel prize in some arcane part of physics no one understands.
Gary Locke .. nuff said. He does look Chinese but I here he only eats kosher!
Salazar, a WETBACK kis supposed to run OUR environment? Really?
The only ne there I respect is Gates, good Texan. I think he is there so that Obama has an adult in the room.
As for the deficit, think how much WORSE it would be w/o the Bush tax cuts? W/O GWB’s courageous invasion of Iraq, the price of oil now would be as high here as it is in the socialist countries!
Id? That must be the abbreviation of idiot. Don’t want to make the spelling too tough for the feeble minded.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschloch.spews:
Digby on the basic utility of the Teahadists to the Corporatists:
These people are the Masters of the Universe’s dream. No wonder they are pouring money into their candidacies. Sure, they may be religious fundamentalist fanatics but what does that have to do with business? They can have their fun with the women and the gays — rich people don’t have to worry about such things. As long as they are this hardcore about giving the overlords what they want, everybody’s going to get along just fine.
Based on this Bloomberg National Poll:
Business leaders have struggled to understand what the Tea Party movement means for proposals they support, Bloomberg Businessweek reports in its Oct. 15 issue. Respondents who identify with the Tea Party are almost unanimous in saying it stands for lower taxes, smaller government and personal responsibility. More than six in 10 say it advocates government based on Christian principles. They are more intense than other voters in seeking a rollback of the changes passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress.[…]
Tea Party supporters are more likely than other voters to be white, married, 55 and older, and call themselves born-again Christians.
Half of the Tea Party voters consider the federal debt — estimated at $1.3 trillion in fiscal 2010 by the Congressional Budget Office — to be the most important issue facing the country, compared with 27 percent of all likely voters. And they are willing to make hard choices to cut the costs.
Fifty-three percent would consider raising the age for Medicare benefits and 58 percent would consider raising the age for Social Security benefits. That compares with 47 percent of all likely voters who would consider Medicare changes and 49 percent who would change Social Security law.
Two-thirds of Tea Party supporters also would consider cutting spending on roads and bridges; 63 percent say they would be willing to reduce research funds for Alzheimer’s and other diseases to narrow the deficit. One exception: Few want to abandon the Bush-era tax cuts, due to expire in December, that give breaks to high and middle-income Americans.[…]
A plurality of all likely voters say they would be less likely to back a candidate whose campaign ads were financed by anonymous business groups. For Tea Party backers, a plurality said this wouldn’t matter to their vote.[…]
In the poll, almost nine of 10 of the movement’s backers disapprove of the job the president is doing. They are particularly negative about his approach to the business community: Three-quarters of Tea Party supporters say Obama is too anti-business compared with one third of all likely voters.
No Social Security. No Medicare. No unemployment insurance. No minimum wage. Fend for yourself. Social Darwinsim with a vengeance. The meanest, vilest, greediest, and most rapacious and dishonest among us, would prosper. The rest of us? Fuck me, fuck we, fuck all of us.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, a return to the era of pre-civil rights movement racism. (I get the feeling some of these teaparty folks would decorate lamp posts with young blacks if they could get away with it; don’t you?)
A small sampling of Fat Al’s customers, courtesy of David Neiwert.
@1…thanks for the Teajadist manifesto…wow, what a scary bunch of people. And yeah, they’ve sure learned their talking points well. They are the ideal flock for the RepubliCorps to exploit. Is there any data yet on how many of these people actually exist in the U.S.? There was a time when the Libertarians were a small but loud and fairly well-organized cult. Armed with the RepubliCorps bank account (since they have no qualms about where that money comes from), they are definitely making an impact that they never could have before given their fringe-like numbers.
If only the public would reject them the way they’ve rejected other fringe extremist movements in this country. This rally to restore sanity is starting to sound more and more appealing.
@1 Post what you want goldie, it is an epic election to take back this idiot obama. He is a marxist and bs this idoit will be overthrown this year on every level
dont you understand id? white, christian males, and espcially southerners, have no right to protest, assemble or form political parties. as a matter of fact, if you remember from back in 1994, we were called angry white men, so apparently we have no right to vote either.
Sad, sad little man.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I see ImamObaMao’s campaign tour is really helping his popularity- Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17
Two votes for progress and against right wing idiocy have left the premises…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Rog–
How have you been?
I’ve been out Pheasant hunting. One of my buddies got an elk w/ bow & arrow.
BTW Rog–
Remember when Gold was around $800/oz. and you were telling me how stupid I was for investing in Gold Stocks and holding Gold & Silver???
Remember that Rog??
Have a good day.
Id, beckoner, and manofshit: talk about a wingnut intellectual power trio.
@12 Sad, sad little man.
oh, i’m wrong?
Roger Rabbitspews:
President Obama today criticized congressional Republicans for voting ELEVEN TIMES to block legislation that would the repeal tax breaks businesses get for sending American jobs overseas. Of course, this is not surprise; the GOP’s hatred of American workers and love for cheap foreign labor is well known.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Of course you’re wrong. You’ve never been right. About anything. Ever.
proud leftistspews:
Why do Republicans hate American workers so much? Any theories?
Because working class people actually work and like working and are happy. Republicans are the folks that aren’t happy, don’t do real work, and know they can’t do real work. They’re grownups in theory, but they need someone else to raise their kids, mow their lawn & so on. They know they’re really quite stuck and helpless.
This, like the current anti-environmentalism, wasn’t always the case. I can’t wait for the pendulum to swing back.
Obama’s at about the same place that Reagan and Clinton were and we know what dejected, one-term losers, those two turned out the be.
Brenda Helversonspews:
I’m giving up on KIRO-TV. I have tended to trust KIRO News in the past, but I have seen more one-sided reports in the past week than I have ever seen on KING-NWCN. Just this evening, KIRO claimed that Senator Murray was struggling to make up lost ground. Thanks to Darryl, we know better. KIRO-TV also showed about 30 seconds of Dave Reichert speaking before an audience but didn’t say when or where – old footage, maybe? I’m leaving KIRO and going to KING, who has a political agenda but doesn’t seem overly inclined to shade their reporting.
Note to Chris LeGeros: Your reporting is an insult to your fellow Cockatoo-Americans.
proud leftistspews:
You mean skimming money off the work that others do, and then kicking the producers to the curb, isn’t real work?
Ah, yes, the MSM is so liberal, isn’t it? Even in liberal Seattle, we have rightwing television news.
And just chiming in on the totally off topic. Go Giants. Made a special trip to pick up some Anchor Steam.
‘Course there are those who beleive that if 1105 passes I won’t be able to get Anchor Steam. It’s too small.
Yay, my ballot came in todays mail.
Are we Yay or Nay of R-52, people? It’s a good cause, but I’m not sold on the means or the numbers.
proud leftistspews:
Indeed. I’m an NL fan this post-season. I mean, for fuck’s sake, the Rangers v. the Yankees? I hate them both, so have had to rely on my tiebreaker formula in such situations–blue state v. red state. I’d rather see the fans from a solidly blue state like New York happy than those from a solidly red state like Texas. Plus, if the Rangers make it to the WS, we all know damned well that we’ll have to gaze upon GW’s baboon-ass face in the owner’s box. So, much as it pains me to say it, Go (ugh) Yankees. But, not in the World Series.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschloch.spews:
@27: Absolutely yes.
I’m not sure it’s going to pass given the current climate, but it’s one of those things that’s a no brainer — school energy retrofits / upgrades are a great investment that will pay a big return.
Then there’s the construction jobs created in the process and they’re really hurting in this economy.
R52 is a definite yes.
There’re some what ifs, like what happens if the vote to repeal the bottle water tax goes through, but those are just what ifs and can be sorted out later.
I’ve been out Pheasant hunting. One of my buddies got an elk w/ bow & arrow.
It’s sad that you are probably killing a more intelligent life form than yourself.
Some Republican Dullardspews:
That muslin, nigra, boy, in the White House will be there until 2012, but we’ll have are boys hands on the countries wallet come November.
Some Republican Dullardspews:
Well I’m angry and it’s all the constitutions fault. And why can’t my kids clean the cat shit out of the litter box? I yell at them every damned day to clean it up, but they never do it.
@21 Cheap labor conservatives have resented workers ever since the 14th Amendment ended slavery and they had to start paying them (however little).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cheap labor conservatives see wealth as an entitlement and the labor that supports the wealthy class as something that should be free.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Muslin is a cloth, not a religion. I suppose you could pray to a bedsheet if you wanted to. Whatever rings your church bell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I know some of my fellow liberals are atheists (I prefer to think of them as “skeptics”), but I’m not. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit speaks to me in dreams. I learn a lot of stuff that way I wouldn’t know otherwise, for example, when wingnuts think God is telling them to be assholes it isn’t actually God they’re hearing but their own brain farts. I really don’t know what I would do without the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit. I’d have to worship rocks or tree trunks, or something. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit is everywhere. She exists in all rabbits. So every time I impregnate a cute fluffy female bunny I’m making the GMRS larger. Fucking is doing God’s work.
Some Republican Dullardspews:
You know that and I know that, but how many people that I’m making fun of would have fallen for that? I’m betting it’s a pretty high number.
proud leftistspews:
67% of Republicans believe that President Obama is the product of Satan’s spawn settling in Hillary Clinton’s womb. Amazing, isn’t it?
Those people need to do a few bong hits with Rand Paul and lighten up.
@21 Rabbit,
Why do Republicans hate American workers so much? Any theories?
that retarded, former state worker doesn’t know. we love america when people like andy taylor were sheriffs. we hate the america where a sahyster lawyer sues because a woman spills coffee on herself, and we care more about letting men who love nen join the military rather than whats best for the security if our country.
proud leftistspews:
manofshit @ 42
Time to go to bed, man: “sahyster lawyer”? “men who love nen”? And, by the way, the woman who sued McDonald’s for the coffee spill was a Republican. And, she was wholly justified in suing, and the jury’s verdict was righteous:
Read all of it, mos. Especially the Facts part. The McDonald’s coffee case was always distorted by your ilk, and it’s become incredibly tired for you fucks to still be talking about it.
@20 @18 Of course you’re wrong. You’ve never been right. About anything. Ever.
lol rog,
my statement @11
“we were called angry white males in 1994”
new york daily news, oct 10, page 31, charles krauthhammer,
“1994 was dubbed the year of the angey white male”
i’m glad i’m just as stupid as krauthhammer.
Liberal Scientistspews:
i’m glad i’m just as stupid as krauthhammer.
Truer words have rarely been written. If you only understood.
proud leftistspews:
Bow Down to Washington,
Bow Down to Washington,
Mighty Are The Men
Who Wear the Purple and the Gold,
Joyfully We Welcome Them
Within the Victors Fold.
We Will Carve Their Names
In the Hall of Fame
To Preserve the Memory of Our Devotion.
Heaven Help the Foes of Washington;
They’re Trembling at the Feet
Of Mighty Washington,
The Boys Are There With Bells,
Their Fighting Blood Excels,
It’s Harder to Push Them Over the Line
Than Pass the Dardanelles.
Victory the Cry of Washington…
Leather Lungs Together
With a Rah! Rah! Rah!
And O’er the Land
Our Loyal Band
Will Sing the Glory
Of Washington Forever.
@43 Time to go to bed, man: “sahyster lawyer”? “men who love nen”?
not tired, proud. just that i type while watching tv and dont proofread.
i read your link to the hot coffee suit. it still just tells me people should realize when buying “hot coffee”, it will inevitably it will be “hot”.
proud leftistspews:
Helluva win, was it not? Go Dawgs!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
As a faithful alum of the other UW. I was mighty pleased with their upset pounding of #1 Ohio State. Great victory. College football has really become more balanced. Upsets every week. I wish Boise State had played one more tough team. With Virginia Tech & Oregon State both having multiple losses, that hurts in the BCS rankings. I can see them going undefeated and possibly missing out to a one loss team.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Seems like ImamObaMao is about to get his ass handed to him. Running around like a cheerleader when he has these kinds of numbers???
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15
Lots of desperate Democrat candidates are running away from Obama/Reid/Pelosi and far away from their votes on ObamaCare, Porkulous and other big government votes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I just read that in 2012, that 23 out of the 33 Senate Seats up for re-election are Dems or caucus with Dems. That’s huge. Today, a number are in trouble. They can only hope the R’s take control so they have someone else to try to blame. Same for Obama.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
No comment about the meteoric rise of Gold??
All you have to say is you were wrong!
Hard to do, isn’t it?!
Post what you want goldie, it is an epic election to take back this idiot obama. He is a marxist and bs this idoit will be overthrown this year on every level
He is a disaster of deficit spending and obamacare is a disaster w trillions of your childrens and grandchildrens dollars
Keep up your trillion dollars yearly deficits and we will be in a depression.
Idiots, or complete idiots are now in charge, and they will be gone at the next election
Regardless of what Obama has or hasn’t done Bush, Cheney and others should be behind bars.
Now this is funny.
Bad Astronomy is a very excellent blog.
@1 id
I agree!
The amazing thing is the claim the left makes that this product of Hawaii, Muslim schools, and affirmative action is oh-so bright!
Then they want us to believe that he has a great cabinet! Yeh, shoah!
Hillary .. dumb blonde camp follower riding here hubby.
Steve Chew .. a University Professor with a Nobel prize in some arcane part of physics no one understands.
Gary Locke .. nuff said. He does look Chinese but I here he only eats kosher!
Salazar, a WETBACK kis supposed to run OUR environment? Really?
The only ne there I respect is Gates, good Texan. I think he is there so that Obama has an adult in the room.
As for the deficit, think how much WORSE it would be w/o the Bush tax cuts? W/O GWB’s courageous invasion of Iraq, the price of oil now would be as high here as it is in the socialist countries!
Id? That must be the abbreviation of idiot. Don’t want to make the spelling too tough for the feeble minded.
Digby on the basic utility of the Teahadists to the Corporatists:
Based on this Bloomberg National Poll:
What a Tea Party America Would Look Like
No Social Security. No Medicare. No unemployment insurance. No minimum wage. Fend for yourself. Social Darwinsim with a vengeance. The meanest, vilest, greediest, and most rapacious and dishonest among us, would prosper. The rest of us? Fuck me, fuck we, fuck all of us.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, a return to the era of pre-civil rights movement racism. (I get the feeling some of these teaparty folks would decorate lamp posts with young blacks if they could get away with it; don’t you?)
A small sampling of Fat Al’s customers, courtesy of David Neiwert.
@1…thanks for the Teajadist manifesto…wow, what a scary bunch of people. And yeah, they’ve sure learned their talking points well. They are the ideal flock for the RepubliCorps to exploit. Is there any data yet on how many of these people actually exist in the U.S.? There was a time when the Libertarians were a small but loud and fairly well-organized cult. Armed with the RepubliCorps bank account (since they have no qualms about where that money comes from), they are definitely making an impact that they never could have before given their fringe-like numbers.
If only the public would reject them the way they’ve rejected other fringe extremist movements in this country. This rally to restore sanity is starting to sound more and more appealing.
Post what you want goldie, it is an epic election to take back this idiot obama. He is a marxist and bs this idoit will be overthrown this year on every level
dont you understand id? white, christian males, and espcially southerners, have no right to protest, assemble or form political parties. as a matter of fact, if you remember from back in 1994, we were called angry white men, so apparently we have no right to vote either.
Sad, sad little man.
I see ImamObaMao’s campaign tour is really helping his popularity-
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Two votes for progress and against right wing idiocy have left the premises…
Hey Rog–
How have you been?
I’ve been out Pheasant hunting. One of my buddies got an elk w/ bow & arrow.
BTW Rog–
Remember when Gold was around $800/oz. and you were telling me how stupid I was for investing in Gold Stocks and holding Gold & Silver???
Remember that Rog??
Have a good day.
@1, Darryl posted this. Get a brain moran.
Id, beckoner, and manofshit: talk about a wingnut intellectual power trio.
Sad, sad little man.
oh, i’m wrong?
President Obama today criticized congressional Republicans for voting ELEVEN TIMES to block legislation that would the repeal tax breaks businesses get for sending American jobs overseas. Of course, this is not surprise; the GOP’s hatred of American workers and love for cheap foreign labor is well known.
@18 Of course you’re wrong. You’ve never been right. About anything. Ever.
Why do Republicans hate American workers so much? Any theories?
Because working class people actually work and like working and are happy. Republicans are the folks that aren’t happy, don’t do real work, and know they can’t do real work. They’re grownups in theory, but they need someone else to raise their kids, mow their lawn & so on. They know they’re really quite stuck and helpless.
This, like the current anti-environmentalism, wasn’t always the case. I can’t wait for the pendulum to swing back.
Obama’s at about the same place that Reagan and Clinton were and we know what dejected, one-term losers, those two turned out the be.
I’m giving up on KIRO-TV. I have tended to trust KIRO News in the past, but I have seen more one-sided reports in the past week than I have ever seen on KING-NWCN. Just this evening, KIRO claimed that Senator Murray was struggling to make up lost ground. Thanks to Darryl, we know better. KIRO-TV also showed about 30 seconds of Dave Reichert speaking before an audience but didn’t say when or where – old footage, maybe? I’m leaving KIRO and going to KING, who has a political agenda but doesn’t seem overly inclined to shade their reporting.
Note to Chris LeGeros: Your reporting is an insult to your fellow Cockatoo-Americans.
You mean skimming money off the work that others do, and then kicking the producers to the curb, isn’t real work?
Ah, yes, the MSM is so liberal, isn’t it? Even in liberal Seattle, we have rightwing television news.
And just chiming in on the totally off topic. Go Giants. Made a special trip to pick up some Anchor Steam.
‘Course there are those who beleive that if 1105 passes I won’t be able to get Anchor Steam. It’s too small.
Yay, my ballot came in todays mail.
Are we Yay or Nay of R-52, people? It’s a good cause, but I’m not sold on the means or the numbers.
Indeed. I’m an NL fan this post-season. I mean, for fuck’s sake, the Rangers v. the Yankees? I hate them both, so have had to rely on my tiebreaker formula in such situations–blue state v. red state. I’d rather see the fans from a solidly blue state like New York happy than those from a solidly red state like Texas. Plus, if the Rangers make it to the WS, we all know damned well that we’ll have to gaze upon GW’s baboon-ass face in the owner’s box. So, much as it pains me to say it, Go (ugh) Yankees. But, not in the World Series.
@27: Absolutely yes.
I’m not sure it’s going to pass given the current climate, but it’s one of those things that’s a no brainer — school energy retrofits / upgrades are a great investment that will pay a big return.
Then there’s the construction jobs created in the process and they’re really hurting in this economy.
R52 is a definite yes.
There’re some what ifs, like what happens if the vote to repeal the bottle water tax goes through, but those are just what ifs and can be sorted out later.
It’s sad that you are probably killing a more intelligent life form than yourself.
That muslin, nigra, boy, in the White House will be there until 2012, but we’ll have are boys hands on the countries wallet come November.
Well I’m angry and it’s all the constitutions fault. And why can’t my kids clean the cat shit out of the litter box? I yell at them every damned day to clean it up, but they never do it.
Go Giants!
@21 Cheap labor conservatives have resented workers ever since the 14th Amendment ended slavery and they had to start paying them (however little).
Cheap labor conservatives see wealth as an entitlement and the labor that supports the wealthy class as something that should be free.
@32 Muslin is a cloth, not a religion. I suppose you could pray to a bedsheet if you wanted to. Whatever rings your church bell.
I know some of my fellow liberals are atheists (I prefer to think of them as “skeptics”), but I’m not. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit speaks to me in dreams. I learn a lot of stuff that way I wouldn’t know otherwise, for example, when wingnuts think God is telling them to be assholes it isn’t actually God they’re hearing but their own brain farts. I really don’t know what I would do without the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit. I’d have to worship rocks or tree trunks, or something. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit is everywhere. She exists in all rabbits. So every time I impregnate a cute fluffy female bunny I’m making the GMRS larger. Fucking is doing God’s work.
You know that and I know that, but how many people that I’m making fun of would have fallen for that? I’m betting it’s a pretty high number.
67% of Republicans believe that President Obama is the product of Satan’s spawn settling in Hillary Clinton’s womb. Amazing, isn’t it?
Those people need to do a few bong hits with Rand Paul and lighten up.
Why do Republicans hate American workers so much? Any theories?
that retarded, former state worker doesn’t know. we love america when people like andy taylor were sheriffs. we hate the america where a sahyster lawyer sues because a woman spills coffee on herself, and we care more about letting men who love nen join the military rather than whats best for the security if our country.
manofshit @ 42
Time to go to bed, man: “sahyster lawyer”? “men who love nen”? And, by the way, the woman who sued McDonald’s for the coffee spill was a Republican. And, she was wholly justified in suing, and the jury’s verdict was righteous:
Read all of it, mos. Especially the Facts part. The McDonald’s coffee case was always distorted by your ilk, and it’s become incredibly tired for you fucks to still be talking about it.
@18 Of course you’re wrong. You’ve never been right. About anything. Ever.
lol rog,
my statement @11
“we were called angry white males in 1994”
new york daily news, oct 10, page 31, charles krauthhammer,
“1994 was dubbed the year of the angey white male”
i’m glad i’m just as stupid as krauthhammer.
Truer words have rarely been written. If you only understood.
Bow Down to Washington,
Bow Down to Washington,
Mighty Are The Men
Who Wear the Purple and the Gold,
Joyfully We Welcome Them
Within the Victors Fold.
We Will Carve Their Names
In the Hall of Fame
To Preserve the Memory of Our Devotion.
Heaven Help the Foes of Washington;
They’re Trembling at the Feet
Of Mighty Washington,
The Boys Are There With Bells,
Their Fighting Blood Excels,
It’s Harder to Push Them Over the Line
Than Pass the Dardanelles.
Victory the Cry of Washington…
Leather Lungs Together
With a Rah! Rah! Rah!
And O’er the Land
Our Loyal Band
Will Sing the Glory
Of Washington Forever.
Time to go to bed, man: “sahyster lawyer”? “men who love nen”?
not tired, proud. just that i type while watching tv and dont proofread.
i read your link to the hot coffee suit. it still just tells me people should realize when buying “hot coffee”, it will inevitably it will be “hot”.
Helluva win, was it not? Go Dawgs!
As a faithful alum of the other UW. I was mighty pleased with their upset pounding of #1 Ohio State. Great victory. College football has really become more balanced. Upsets every week. I wish Boise State had played one more tough team. With Virginia Tech & Oregon State both having multiple losses, that hurts in the BCS rankings. I can see them going undefeated and possibly missing out to a one loss team.
Seems like ImamObaMao is about to get his ass handed to him. Running around like a cheerleader when he has these kinds of numbers???
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Lots of desperate Democrat candidates are running away from Obama/Reid/Pelosi and far away from their votes on ObamaCare, Porkulous and other big government votes.
I just read that in 2012, that 23 out of the 33 Senate Seats up for re-election are Dems or caucus with Dems. That’s huge. Today, a number are in trouble. They can only hope the R’s take control so they have someone else to try to blame. Same for Obama.
No comment about the meteoric rise of Gold??
All you have to say is you were wrong!
Hard to do, isn’t it?!
OMG, YLB is wanted for murder!
54 – Enough with the fantasies KLOWN. There’s no way I’m going anywhere within many, many miles of your goat shed.
Damn funny about ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA.
Why does the government want to know who is buying gold? Why should it give a shit if soembody wants to own gold or not?
Krauthammer IS stupid.
You sir, are a moron.