Talk about financially imbalanced….The Obama administration takes financially imbalanced to a NEW level
Talk about financially imbalanced….The Obama administration takes financially imbalanced to a NEW level
So, being forced to pay off the previous tenants bills is the fault of the new resident?
Come rent a house from me. The Rent is only $15,000 a month. The bathroom floor hasn’t been replaced in 30 years and the toilet leaks around the base. The roof is covered with a tarp, and that has holes in it. The kitchen stove has 3 inches of rat turds under it, only two burners work and the oven window is cracked and covered with black goo thats hard as concrete. The fridge quits functioning if the outside temperature goes above 70 or so, and it has no door gaskets or shelves. theres no welcome mat and the front porch is covered with thin plywood to keep the raccoons out.
The neighbors have been keeping the lawn mowed, and they’ve built a meth lab in the basement to help the previous tenant make his bills, but he’s been swiping their stock and using it himself and to pay for the armed guards that he sends out to the other neighbors houses to shoot their cats and take their shit.
The house is a 2 bedroom, and is located all by itself, but there is a big, mostly empty (theres a small cheese making operation renting one corner) old sawmill next to it on one side and a little old office building/auto body shop on the other side thats been taken over by a drug gang.
Rents above market value I know, but the previous tenants left a lot of credit card bills.
looks like barry O is back up to his same old trick again with people fainting at his, and you dopes voted for this fraud? LMFAO…..
I guess babbling Joe Biden’s WA. visit yesterday didn’t help Patty “dumb-as-a-tree-stump” Murray much. Shocking. Refreshing news, despite how limp-dick Goldy Tenderhands will try and down-play things. Happy Saturday all!
You’ve come a long way Deathfrogg. You’re within telescope distance of reality. Congratulations.
Let me help you bring your post sort of in line with that distant goal.
Obama did rent the house, even begged the owners to do so. He didn’t fix the roof, or remove the meth lab or repair any of the defects, though he did increase the existing debt by a multiplier of 3 or 4 without any visible means even to pay the old debt.
He went to the cheesemaker and harrangued him for a while about the need for hiring 4 new employees, though the guy didn’t need the one part time helper he had. He went to the bank that loaned the money to build the house and yelled at them for a while about predatory building practices, though all they did was finance construction. He went to his doctor and complained about the illnesses brought on by the meth lab chemicals, then yelled at the doctor for daring to charge him for the visit. He yelled at the former tenant for not allowing him to repair the house, though the person no longer lived there or had any control of the premises.
Then he yelled at the people who rented him the house, telling them they needed to have faith in him, he needed more time, things happen slowly.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your president.
2 years into a presidency the American people aren’t buying your line anymore. Obama is president, not George Bush. It’s his job to lead, not to blame the Republicans for not letting him do so.
Obama is not a statesman. He has an impressive intelligence and eloquence (when scripted.) But he has not got the gift of influencing others who don’t already agree with him. Without this, a leader is a local force at best, never a national statesman like Reagan or Clinton, whatever I thought of the latter politically. This lack doesn’t make him a bad person, just a bad president.
If the House (likely) and Senate (we’ll see, but I’m not hopeful) pass to Republican control Obama will have to deal with them, whether his extreme ideology makes this desirable of not. Who he’ll find to blame for his failures at that point is anyones guess. The American people for not giving him control of Congress, maybe. Aliens, for all I know. What is sure is that he will never accept the blame for his failures himself.
@6 “You’re within telescope distance of reality.”
This should be good, Mr. NPD lecturing someone on reality.
“he did increase the existing debt by a multiplier of 3 or 4”
Sigh! So much for reality. Is it any wonder Lost was awarded the Golden Goat?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Congrats – I just read that you had won the Golden Goat.
This display today beautifully illustrates the talents you deployed to win your first Goat – I see you’re going for another!
This fellow reminds me of you with his sanctimonious demands that the less fortunate acknowledge their moral failings (for being poor) and drag themselves up from the lower echelons of society with nary an assist from the rest of us, or some such crap.
That is, when he’s not availing himself of state- funded and Medicaid-funded health care for his 8 kids.
Wingnut morals, wingnut logic. Pull up the ladder behind you, pander to the worst instincts.
RE 8
Love to stay and trade insults with you Steve, but I’ve got work to do and a waiting client.
Don’t believe me about the national debt? Look it up. It isn’t my job to educate you. Before you do, I’ll willingly concede that the 2 wars Bush embarked on were unwise fiscally, even disastrous. But they are nothing to the bills Obama is piling up while pretending they don’t exist. You know, it will cost less to add 40 million people to health insurance and similar lies.
Golden Goat? No idea what you’re talking about. I assume this to be some kind of insult in the past day or two, but have been at the cabin and away from the computer.
@7 So typical of Lost. Pull a strawman from his ass and then argue with it.
“You’re within telescope distance of reality”
This coming from the guy who keeps looking through the wrong end of the telescope.
“Look it up.”
Oh, for Christ’s sake, you factless twit, you wrote it, you back it up.
RE 9
“Congrats – I just read that you had won the Golden Goat.”
Thanks, whatever that is.
Care to show me one place I’ve equated poverty with moral failings? I’ll save you time. It can’t be done, at least not honestly.
In what was I wrong? Did Obama take into account the electoral process that gave his opposition power, and react accordingly as the President of the United States. Nope, he is and was the president for his ideological bent, and no-one else. He is a whining baby who won’t acknowledge his inablity to influence the opposition, but blames them for his every problem.
We’ll see how that goes over in the coming election.
Re 9
BTW, the only way to look up your cite is to give contact info to a leftist website. I didn’t, and have no idea what the article says.
Now I do need to go. Have a nice day pretending black is white, and liberal policies work.
“Care to show me one place I’ve equated poverty with moral failings? I’ll save you time. It can’t be done, at least not honestly.”
You must be fucking kidding.
headless lucyspews:
One thing that I’ve found that really enrages wingnuts after delivering a screed is to ask them to prove it.
The initial response is always: “‘Prove it?’ What do you mean?”
can someone please get me some water? I am feeling a little dizzy….I think I need to sit down for a few minutes..
yellowpup, can you post us the video of the people “passing out” at the latest obama rally?
funny, people have been passing out, and always in the front row, at Barry O’s rallies since 2007…and he always says the same lines…and amazingly is able to diagnose their condition from the pulpit….
LMFAO, and you limp wristed nerds voted for this fraud? hahhahahhaahhhahhaaha…suckers…
message 2 michaelspews:
back before the Kennedys, the Clintons, and Obama ruined this great country, always looking to tax the rich
Is it asking too much, is it too late, for Michael and other mindless liberals to open a book or open a Wiki and learn about JFK’s tax cuts for rich Kennedys?
<blockquote>(I)n today’s economy, fiscal prudence and responsibility call for tax reduction even if it temporarily enlarged the federal deficit—why reducing taxes is the best way open to us to increase revenues.
—President John F. Kennedy,
Economic Report of the President,
Some Republican Dullard (it's satire people!)spews:
Humor Impaired @20
I’m pretty sure that was part of a joke.
Not only was that a rank, you’ve twisted it out of context. I was pointing out that while Republican’s complain about the K’s and the C’s ruining America we actually had lower taxes, the right’s bugaboo- not the left’s, under the K’s and the C’s than we did under a rather popular Republican president.
The article I linked to made the same point. I see you’ve failed to provide links to both my comment and the article. Wouldn’t want people to see the truth, now would we?
I’d also note that our current Kenyan, communist, muslim president has lowered taxes for most Americans.
Oops.. Need to edit my last post. It should read.
I’d also note that our current Kenyan, communist, muslim- with a Hitler stash, president, who hates America and wants the terrorists to win, has lowered taxes for most Americans.
You guys still aren’t taking the threat of TERROR BABIES seriously!!! I’m telling you this threat is real!!!
You and Lost and Cynical are incredibly adept at ignoring reality.
The Bush/Cheney wars were off budget. The Prescription Drug plan was off budget. The entire Homeland Security department was off budget. The $2.7 Trillion bailout of the insurance and banking corporations was off budget. The voting bribes (tax relief) payoffs to the general public were entirely off budget.
All paid for with supplemental spending bills that borrowed money from the Federal Reserve by issuing Treasury bonds directly to the Chinese and European banks, entirely off market which is entirely and totally illegal.
That money was all stolen, by the banking billionaires and the insurance companies. They just flat out pocketed the cash handed over to them by a Republican Congress and Executive. The bills being left to the next administration and the next Congress to pay for.
Now, all those massive spending bills are ON budget. Meaning, now they are in the system as they should have been in the first place. The current administration is dealing with a massive looting of the US Treasury by the previous administration and its financiers in the multinational banks and insurance companies. Many individuals of the previous administration are still in place, cannot be terminated or relieved of duty, and are systematically obstructing any efforts to repair the incredible damage done to the World Economy by these criminals.
This was deliberate, systematic theft of the wealth of the American government, by a well organized and highly popular consortium of international criminals, and you Nazis continue to support and make excuses for them with every breath you take.
Anyone calling themselves a Republican is a liar. Anyone calling themselves a Conservative is a fascist. Anyone calling themselves a Conservative Republican is a thief who likely should be lined up against the wall and shot for the massive looting, rape and pilliage of the US treasury that took place over the last 30 years.
You people have a lot to answer for.
Deathfagg…so anyone calling themselves conservative is a fascist?
LOL, dude, have another drink of that date rape drug you use at the flamer bars, it seems to suit you well.
now deathfagg is calling for the killing of anyone who doesnt agree with him
wow, this is the progressive mantra at its finest: agree with us or else.
you would have fit right in during with Stalin and his cronies.
@ 30 & 31
Ah, the voice of utter ignorance speaks.
Is death not the penalty for egregious treason?
We did not win WW2 because we had the better military. We won it because we had the stronger industrial base and a huge manufacturing industry.
Now, the GOP/Neoconservative/capitalists have sold off out entire manufacturing system to the Chinese and Mexicans. We now have zero capability to respond to an aggressor on the scale we did in 1941. Our military has been nearly totally supplanted by private corporations, contracted with US Taxpayers money out of the US Treasury, with monies borrowed from the same countries we may have to fight in the near future.
Are we going to buy our guns from the Chinese while they’re bombing the West Coast?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
This is why Puddy reads overseas materials. Things the lamestream leftist progressive loving media won’t print. Of course Pavlov know TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb will say something as dumb as dirt on the source.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
We did not win WW2 because we had the better military.
Now, the GOP/Neoconservative/capitalists have sold off out entire manufacturing system to the Chinese and Mexicans.
Laughable, you forgot Clinton sold missile telemetry to the Chicoms. Now Seattle can be accurately targeted. Also you forget the numba of Moonbat! led companies like Apple who has most of their manufacturing overseas. Puddy loves morons like you who throw generalities on HA like Rabbit leaves pellets, all his facts are really factless, correctnotright won’t answer why DUMMOCRAPTS are running from their OdumbaCare and Crap and Tax votes and how ylb leaves dirt stains.
Didn’t Beckoner say you were over there taking their money or spending your own?? Instead of “restoring honor” with your hero Beck.. (Whose ass is in a sling right now but that’s another story.)
Why do collaborate with Chicoms Puddybud??? Chicoms who deliberately keep their currency low relative to the dollar to keep our goods out and take our jobs?
Why do you hate America?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Why do you hate America?
Exactly ylb. Another of your continual deflections. Why do you hate America? Please regale us again your North Pasadena comments! You can look yourself up eh HA DATABAZE KEEPA? You supported someone who for a few $$$ cash oops… “No controlling authority” gave Chicoms missile technology. Now your house is targeted due to Clinton. Go read the Pendleton Act dirt stain.
If you are talking about Puddy going around the world and working, thems da breaks sucka. You can’t afford to leave Seattle since Mrs ylb wears the pants and you wear the panties. When is the last time you been overseas sucka? Puddy been to other places too and Puddy will be going to other places soon enough.
So play your hate game ylb. You are the #2 hater here after rujax. Why do YOU hate America dirt stain?
The “fool” as you call him PacMan was military man who served his country moron!
Anyone who would tag team with your silly ass is at the very least…
Blue Johnspews:
I thought this was spot on and amusing.
You May Be A Republican If….
….You hate gays, but have a drawer full of boy-on-boy action.
….You believe we should keep condoms out of schools, because we all know without them teens won’t have sex.
….You’ve never spent a day in the military, but question the courage and patriotism of those veterans who return with medals and scars and say that war is bad.
….You’ll spend $20 billion guarding a bridge against the possibility of a terrorist attack, but won’t spend 20 cents to keep it from falling down on its own.
….You believe the right to life ends at birth.
….You believe the book “Huckleberry Finn” corrupts the morals of students, but a book which is chock full of sex and violence, the Bible, is good reading.
….You believe “Compassionate Conservatism” means feeling sorry for the homeless veteran sleeping in the gutter as you step over him on your way to a $500 a plate Palin fundraiser.
….You believe Michelle Obama is homely, but Ann Coulter gives you the screaming thigh sweats.
….You believe questioning Bush was un-American, but questioning Obama is patriotism.
Talk about financially imbalanced….The Obama administration takes financially imbalanced to a NEW level
So, being forced to pay off the previous tenants bills is the fault of the new resident?
Come rent a house from me. The Rent is only $15,000 a month. The bathroom floor hasn’t been replaced in 30 years and the toilet leaks around the base. The roof is covered with a tarp, and that has holes in it. The kitchen stove has 3 inches of rat turds under it, only two burners work and the oven window is cracked and covered with black goo thats hard as concrete. The fridge quits functioning if the outside temperature goes above 70 or so, and it has no door gaskets or shelves. theres no welcome mat and the front porch is covered with thin plywood to keep the raccoons out.
The neighbors have been keeping the lawn mowed, and they’ve built a meth lab in the basement to help the previous tenant make his bills, but he’s been swiping their stock and using it himself and to pay for the armed guards that he sends out to the other neighbors houses to shoot their cats and take their shit.
The house is a 2 bedroom, and is located all by itself, but there is a big, mostly empty (theres a small cheese making operation renting one corner) old sawmill next to it on one side and a little old office building/auto body shop on the other side thats been taken over by a drug gang.
Rents above market value I know, but the previous tenants left a lot of credit card bills.
looks like barry O is back up to his same old trick again with people fainting at his, and you dopes voted for this fraud? LMFAO…..
I guess babbling Joe Biden’s WA. visit yesterday didn’t help Patty “dumb-as-a-tree-stump” Murray much. Shocking. Refreshing news, despite how limp-dick Goldy Tenderhands will try and down-play things. Happy Saturday all!
Re 2
You’ve come a long way Deathfrogg. You’re within telescope distance of reality. Congratulations.
Let me help you bring your post sort of in line with that distant goal.
Obama did rent the house, even begged the owners to do so. He didn’t fix the roof, or remove the meth lab or repair any of the defects, though he did increase the existing debt by a multiplier of 3 or 4 without any visible means even to pay the old debt.
He went to the cheesemaker and harrangued him for a while about the need for hiring 4 new employees, though the guy didn’t need the one part time helper he had. He went to the bank that loaned the money to build the house and yelled at them for a while about predatory building practices, though all they did was finance construction. He went to his doctor and complained about the illnesses brought on by the meth lab chemicals, then yelled at the doctor for daring to charge him for the visit. He yelled at the former tenant for not allowing him to repair the house, though the person no longer lived there or had any control of the premises.
Then he yelled at the people who rented him the house, telling them they needed to have faith in him, he needed more time, things happen slowly.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your president.
2 years into a presidency the American people aren’t buying your line anymore. Obama is president, not George Bush. It’s his job to lead, not to blame the Republicans for not letting him do so.
Obama is not a statesman. He has an impressive intelligence and eloquence (when scripted.) But he has not got the gift of influencing others who don’t already agree with him. Without this, a leader is a local force at best, never a national statesman like Reagan or Clinton, whatever I thought of the latter politically. This lack doesn’t make him a bad person, just a bad president.
If the House (likely) and Senate (we’ll see, but I’m not hopeful) pass to Republican control Obama will have to deal with them, whether his extreme ideology makes this desirable of not. Who he’ll find to blame for his failures at that point is anyones guess. The American people for not giving him control of Congress, maybe. Aliens, for all I know. What is sure is that he will never accept the blame for his failures himself.
@6 “You’re within telescope distance of reality.”
This should be good, Mr. NPD lecturing someone on reality.
“he did increase the existing debt by a multiplier of 3 or 4”
Sigh! So much for reality. Is it any wonder Lost was awarded the Golden Goat?
Congrats – I just read that you had won the Golden Goat.
This display today beautifully illustrates the talents you deployed to win your first Goat – I see you’re going for another!
This fellow reminds me of you with his sanctimonious demands that the less fortunate acknowledge their moral failings (for being poor) and drag themselves up from the lower echelons of society with nary an assist from the rest of us, or some such crap.
That is, when he’s not availing himself of state- funded and Medicaid-funded health care for his 8 kids.
Wingnut morals, wingnut logic. Pull up the ladder behind you, pander to the worst instincts.
RE 8
Love to stay and trade insults with you Steve, but I’ve got work to do and a waiting client.
Don’t believe me about the national debt? Look it up. It isn’t my job to educate you. Before you do, I’ll willingly concede that the 2 wars Bush embarked on were unwise fiscally, even disastrous. But they are nothing to the bills Obama is piling up while pretending they don’t exist. You know, it will cost less to add 40 million people to health insurance and similar lies.
Golden Goat? No idea what you’re talking about. I assume this to be some kind of insult in the past day or two, but have been at the cabin and away from the computer.
@7 So typical of Lost. Pull a strawman from his ass and then argue with it.
“You’re within telescope distance of reality”
This coming from the guy who keeps looking through the wrong end of the telescope.
“Look it up.”
Oh, for Christ’s sake, you factless twit, you wrote it, you back it up.
RE 9
“Congrats – I just read that you had won the Golden Goat.”
Thanks, whatever that is.
Care to show me one place I’ve equated poverty with moral failings? I’ll save you time. It can’t be done, at least not honestly.
In what was I wrong? Did Obama take into account the electoral process that gave his opposition power, and react accordingly as the President of the United States. Nope, he is and was the president for his ideological bent, and no-one else. He is a whining baby who won’t acknowledge his inablity to influence the opposition, but blames them for his every problem.
We’ll see how that goes over in the coming election.
Re 9
BTW, the only way to look up your cite is to give contact info to a leftist website. I didn’t, and have no idea what the article says.
Now I do need to go. Have a nice day pretending black is white, and liberal policies work.
“Care to show me one place I’ve equated poverty with moral failings? I’ll save you time. It can’t be done, at least not honestly.”
You must be fucking kidding.
One thing that I’ve found that really enrages wingnuts after delivering a screed is to ask them to prove it.
The initial response is always: “‘Prove it?’ What do you mean?”
can someone please get me some water? I am feeling a little dizzy….I think I need to sit down for a few minutes..
A great weekend for videos, apparently:
300 lb. bearded diabetic man: “I’m You”
Bill Maher takes no crap from Billo:
Lou Dobbs: Insufferable blowhard, hypocrite:
yellowpup, can you post us the video of the people “passing out” at the latest obama rally?
funny, people have been passing out, and always in the front row, at Barry O’s rallies since 2007…and he always says the same lines…and amazingly is able to diagnose their condition from the pulpit….
LMFAO, and you limp wristed nerds voted for this fraud? hahhahahhaahhhahhaaha…suckers…
Is it asking too much, is it too late, for Michael and other mindless liberals to open a book or open a Wiki and learn about JFK’s tax cuts for rich Kennedys?
<blockquote>(I)n today’s economy, fiscal prudence and responsibility call for tax reduction even if it temporarily enlarged the federal deficit—why reducing taxes is the best way open to us to increase revenues.
—President John F. Kennedy,
Economic Report of the President,
January 1963
And lots more where that came from.
20 Uhh… Static analysis??
Maybe an economist back then could make a sensible argument for that.
Sorry.. Whole new ball game now..
Figures this guy is some sort of DFH.
Humor Impaired @20
I’m pretty sure that was part of a joke.
Not only was that a rank, you’ve twisted it out of context. I was pointing out that while Republican’s complain about the K’s and the C’s ruining America we actually had lower taxes, the right’s bugaboo- not the left’s, under the K’s and the C’s than we did under a rather popular Republican president.
The article I linked to made the same point. I see you’ve failed to provide links to both my comment and the article. Wouldn’t want people to see the truth, now would we?
I’d also note that our current Kenyan, communist, muslim president has lowered taxes for most Americans.
Oops.. Need to edit my last post. It should read.
I’d also note that our current Kenyan, communist, muslim- with a Hitler stash, president, who hates America and wants the terrorists to win, has lowered taxes for most Americans.
You guys still aren’t taking the threat of TERROR BABIES seriously!!! I’m telling you this threat is real!!!
They’re even talking about it in congress.
So, being forced to pay off the previous tenants bills is the fault of the new resident?
obama is the one that spent 3.5 trillion last year. whats wrong with you.
Hmmm… that’s an interesting graph.
@ MOT, (actually, MOL)
You and Lost and Cynical are incredibly adept at ignoring reality.
The Bush/Cheney wars were off budget. The Prescription Drug plan was off budget. The entire Homeland Security department was off budget. The $2.7 Trillion bailout of the insurance and banking corporations was off budget. The voting bribes (tax relief) payoffs to the general public were entirely off budget.
All paid for with supplemental spending bills that borrowed money from the Federal Reserve by issuing Treasury bonds directly to the Chinese and European banks, entirely off market which is entirely and totally illegal.
That money was all stolen, by the banking billionaires and the insurance companies. They just flat out pocketed the cash handed over to them by a Republican Congress and Executive. The bills being left to the next administration and the next Congress to pay for.
Now, all those massive spending bills are ON budget. Meaning, now they are in the system as they should have been in the first place. The current administration is dealing with a massive looting of the US Treasury by the previous administration and its financiers in the multinational banks and insurance companies. Many individuals of the previous administration are still in place, cannot be terminated or relieved of duty, and are systematically obstructing any efforts to repair the incredible damage done to the World Economy by these criminals.
This was deliberate, systematic theft of the wealth of the American government, by a well organized and highly popular consortium of international criminals, and you Nazis continue to support and make excuses for them with every breath you take.
Anyone calling themselves a Republican is a liar. Anyone calling themselves a Conservative is a fascist. Anyone calling themselves a Conservative Republican is a thief who likely should be lined up against the wall and shot for the massive looting, rape and pilliage of the US treasury that took place over the last 30 years.
You people have a lot to answer for.
Deathfagg…so anyone calling themselves conservative is a fascist?
LOL, dude, have another drink of that date rape drug you use at the flamer bars, it seems to suit you well.
now deathfagg is calling for the killing of anyone who doesnt agree with him
wow, this is the progressive mantra at its finest: agree with us or else.
you would have fit right in during with Stalin and his cronies.
@ 30 & 31
Ah, the voice of utter ignorance speaks.
Is death not the penalty for egregious treason?
We did not win WW2 because we had the better military. We won it because we had the stronger industrial base and a huge manufacturing industry.
Now, the GOP/Neoconservative/capitalists have sold off out entire manufacturing system to the Chinese and Mexicans. We now have zero capability to respond to an aggressor on the scale we did in 1941. Our military has been nearly totally supplanted by private corporations, contracted with US Taxpayers money out of the US Treasury, with monies borrowed from the same countries we may have to fight in the near future.
Are we going to buy our guns from the Chinese while they’re bombing the West Coast?
This is why Puddy reads overseas materials. Things the lamestream leftist progressive loving media won’t print. Of course Pavlov know TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb will say something as dumb as dirt on the source.
Laughable, you forgot Clinton sold missile telemetry to the Chicoms. Now Seattle can be accurately targeted. Also you forget the numba of Moonbat! led companies like Apple who has most of their manufacturing overseas. Puddy loves morons like you who throw generalities on HA like Rabbit leaves pellets, all his facts are really factless, correctnotright won’t answer why DUMMOCRAPTS are running from their OdumbaCare and Crap and Tax votes and how ylb leaves dirt stains.
Didn’t Beckoner say you were over there taking their money or spending your own?? Instead of “restoring honor” with your hero Beck.. (Whose ass is in a sling right now but that’s another story.)
Why do collaborate with Chicoms Puddybud??? Chicoms who deliberately keep their currency low relative to the dollar to keep our goods out and take our jobs?
Why do you hate America?
Exactly ylb. Another of your continual deflections. Why do you hate America? Please regale us again your North Pasadena comments! You can look yourself up eh HA DATABAZE KEEPA? You supported someone who for a few $$$ cash oops… “No controlling authority” gave Chicoms missile technology. Now your house is targeted due to Clinton. Go read the Pendleton Act dirt stain.
If you are talking about Puddy going around the world and working, thems da breaks sucka. You can’t afford to leave Seattle since Mrs ylb wears the pants and you wear the panties. When is the last time you been overseas sucka? Puddy been to other places too and Puddy will be going to other places soon enough.
So play your hate game ylb. You are the #2 hater here after rujax. Why do YOU hate America dirt stain?
We now know why you come here Puddybud. To express your deep hatred of America.
We progressives love our country. That’s why we fight to take it back from you America haters who worship money above all.
33 – Hilarious. He reads the Torygraph..
Still got anything in the tank for “the cow on the tracks” Puddybud?
I fondly remember your fool PacMan going on about that post-racial America while your peeps were calling Obama a muslim and a “jigaboo”!
Pavlov called it…
Can’t refute so the dumb stain resorts to useless comedy!
The “fool” as you call him PacMan was military man who served his country moron!
What have you done to serve America?
Why does the dirt stain ylb hate America?
Where did Puddy claim to work with Chicoms?
Such a nut 24×7.
Still dumb as dirt.
“The “fool” as you call him PacMan was military man who served his country moron!”
So did your extremist, right-wing fellow traveler, that killer of dayschool children and other innocents, Timothy McVeigh. Your point is what?
Anyone who would tag team with your silly ass is at the very least…
I thought this was spot on and amusing.