As a political scientist, I’m more of a left brain person, so my artistic skills are lacking. But if I had the ability to paint, I’d like to replicate Norman Rockwell’s work, but with a twist. I would want to replace all the people in his famous works with Muslims. Why? To show people people what America would look like if we allow these people to swamp our great nation through immigration and out-breeding us. Imagine his great work, Freedom From Want …
brb … a colleague from Harvard University is calling me.
Blue Johnspews:
@2. All I can say is wow. Culture bait much?
Blue Johnspews:
I’m having a good time with the thought experiment of a “constitutional” America that only had taxes for the military, the courts and the reasonable regulation of business. This an America that Lost and Puddy and Cyn seem to want. I’m imagining a land where there are no taxes, just fees. And none of the socialist spreading of the wealth, fees stay where they are collected.
Road Transportation.
There would be no gas tax or car tabs to pay for roads. Gas would be 55 cents less a gallon. So it was approx $3 a gallon so it would be $2.45 a gallon. However, every mile of road would be paid for and maintained some how so I think there would be tolls charged.
We could use some 19th century model and imagine a gate for every road and stretch of freeway, but I think a 21st century model would work better and faster.
Every car, bus, truck, and bicycle would have a GPS transponder. You would see a readout display like a cabbie meter, showing your road fees. You need a valid driver’s license to drive and a valid working credit card inserted into the meter to start the vehicle. Every mile of freeway, every street, every block would charge their road fee at a rate determined by the road company for some balance of road maintenance cost to usage. Fees would have to be high enough for the road companies to make a profit. Heavily trafficked roads would rake in big fees allowing for continual maintenance and decent profits. Lightly traveled surface streets would have less traffic and less fees. Their rates would be higher to compensate for the lower profit margin. Every bridge or road construction project would have a fee to cross to pay for maintenance. It might be cheaper per mile on the freeway than the last mile to the house due to volume.
There would not be any “public” transportation, but maybe some sort of shared taxi like service bus. The cost of the trip was split between all riders plus cost of the driver and overhead.
Those in the rural areas would pay higher road fees because since the roads are traveled less, they need to charge more to cover maintenance costs. Also since rural folks drive much longer distances, they would pay a lot more in road fees. Their transportation costs would be extensive.
With the GPS units tied into location, it would be easy to determine speed. Every car that went over the speed limit would be warned and then a speeding ticket would be generated and charged to their credit card.
Trucks would be charged bigger fees, because they damage the road more than cars, but that would be passed onto the customer.
Bicycles would have to pay for using the roads and bike paths, but at a reduced rate.
Walking would be mostly free, but there would be fees to cross bridges and other choke points. After, they are paying for the privilege of use.
There would be an extensive enforcement arm of the road company, to make sure that all people paid their fees and didn’t find ways to shirk their constitutional duty to pay for the roads they use.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 I don’t have any problem with outbreeding. Who cares if this babe prays to Allah instead of Jesus? I’ll outbreed with her!
How did the crazies manage to take over the political process? People aren’t that hungry. The depression we’re in now is nothing like what the Russians had in the 90’s or the Germans in the 20’s. But somehow, the same flavor of politician has taken over the game.
Ignorant. Obtuse. Deliberately outrageous. Pathological and deeply psychotic. How long before one of these tealiban nutcases decides that there should be a final solution to the liberal/educated/homosexual/moslem/treehugger question?
It’s certain their base would go along with it. They already are for the most part.
Goering was right. All you have to do is convince enough people they’re being attacked, and you can get them to go along with anything you want, even to the point of mass murder and total self-destruction.
If you as a candidate for office, or a supporter of any such candidate, place an (R) after their name, I will assume you are the same as (NSGWP). The rhetoric is the same, the attitudes are the same, the ideology is the same, the propaganda methodology is the same, and the love for war, violence, destruction and conquest is the same.
It is Corporatism.
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
– Benito Mussolini
Sounds like the Koch brothers and the Bush family to me.
“Fascism is a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy, but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.”
– Robert O. Paxton
Hows that going for you teabaggers? Start practicing that goosestep. You’re gonna need it.
@4 Don’t forget my idea of exploding chip implants for America’s women so Lost can blow up those gals who murder their little baby American zygotes and blastocysts.
Blue Johnspews:
The rural areas of the state would be hit hardest by these fees because they have the worst ratio of drivers to roads. Few drivers, lots of roads. Their transportation costs would go up significantly. It would cost more to bring goods and services to rural areas. Less people could afford to live in rural areas. Places like Montana and Wyoming would have very high road fees or very bad roads.
What else might happen?
Liberal Scientistspews:
@4, 8
Interesting discussion you provoke, Blue. That latter point is worth expanding. Many areas of the country would be uninhabitable due to impossibly expensive infrastructure. Those areas that are net consumers of tax revenue (Easter WA, most of the mountains, the South) would be forced to fund themselves and would no longer be able to parasitize the wealthier, more efficient and liberal cities. Such a plan as you outline could lead to mass migration back into the urban area (perhaps like what is happening in China now).
Interesting dynamic that would be unleashed.
In my Normal Rockwellesque Freedom From Want (the Thanksgiving table painting), substituting Muslims for normal Americans, we’d see one girl at the table with her nose and ears cut off, because she shamed her family. (Something that actually happened a Muslim girl). One seat over from her would be empty because the father killed that daughter for refusing to wear a hijab. (Something that actually happened to a Muslim girl in America). We’d see the father sternly watching-over his burka-clad wife #3 presenting the table with …
brb, another important call.
With the GPS units tied into location, it would be easy to determine speed. Every car that went over the speed limit would be warned and then a speeding ticket would be generated and charged to their credit card.
Whad’ya mean? There wouldn’t be any speed limits, that interferes with the “frea market”, don’t ya know? And no legal consequences for killing or maiming someone in an accident, though we’d no doubt get revenge killings to fill the gap.
As for rural infrastructure, no one would pay for it, that’s all. Roads would go to hell and people would just have to drive slower, or walk. It’s that way all over Africa, why not here?
Blue Johnspews:
I’m having a good time with the thought experiment of a “constitutional” America that only had taxes for the military, the courts and the reasonable regulation of business. This an America that Lost and Puddy and Cyn seem to want.
Here’s a rough cut at taxes if there were only “constitutional” ones.
In 2008
Your $10,000.00 of taxes made up 0.000000344606444% of the total federal budget of $2,901,861,001,000. Here’s how your government spent it:
Constitution to pay for
Department of Defense–Military: $2010.03 (20.1%)
Department of the Treasury: $1809.15 (18.091%)
Supplementals not Offset by Spending Reductions: $253.95 (2.539%)
Department of Homeland Security: $148.87 (1.489%)
Not Constitution to pay for
Social Security Administration: $2255.34 (22.553%)
Office of Personnel Management: $221.11 (2.211%)
Department of Health and Human Services: $2409.63 (24.096%)
Department of Housing and Urban Development: $153.01 (1.53%)
Department of Labor: $180.22 (1.802%)
Department of Agriculture: $306.79 (3.068%)
Department of Veterans Affairs: $287.02 (2.87%)
Department of Transportation: $231 (2.31%)
Department of Education: $201.95 (2.019%)
Other Defense Civil Programs: $169.19 (1.692%)
Others: $600.06 (6.001%)
So taxes of $10,000 in taxes would drop to ~$4200. For an extra $6800 a year or about $566 a month in extra take home pay, lost gets to get rid of social security and all the rest of those unjust services and entitlements.
Worth it?
Monsier Oui Ouispews:
re 2: How ’bout Pygmies? Can you imagine a smiling red haired, freckled Pygmy dipping a line into a little creek?
I know as a 12 year old, I would have given a lot to have bare breasted Pygmy chicks all over the place — perhaps as carhops at the local ‘burger joint.
Odie Colognespews:
re 13: I’d be careful about what you wish for. The next group of terrorists is going to be Pygmies.
And you can’t imprison them!!! They just walk through the bars.
Minimal road shoulders are paid for out of road costs. Walkers are on their own.
Maybe the sidewalk costs are rolled into the road fee costs. Is it far to have the cars pay for pedestrians. I think not! Sidewalks are up to the property owner to maintain. If a downtown store wants a sidewalk, pay for it.
I can see most people “forgetting” to take their GPS unit. Maybe implant the GPS in the belly where it cannot be removed?
How would lost or puddy or cyn suggest we pay for sidewalks?
I see sidewalks fading away in the “constitutional” America as an socialist luxury.
@17 Love your database!
Pudge – both a constitutional scholar and a biologist!
I’d like take this opportunity to remind people in the comment section of rule #2.
“Keep it civil – Don’t defame, threaten, abuse or invade the privacy of other commenters. No racism, sexism or any other sort of -ism that degrades another person will be tolerated.”
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
re 22: If someone doesn’t know who you are, how can they defame you?
To defame implies taking away fame that you formerly had — and the only thing you are famous for is being an asswipe.
So calling you that only increases your fame.
I don’t expect any thanks for this.
Blue Johnspews:
When I lived in New Jersey, I used toll roads for the first time. I found I limited my travel as a poor art student because I didn’t want to spend my limited income on tolls. I limited my travel to the free area near my home.
Daddy Lovespews:
10. Troll. (Senior Political Analyst)
Or if you keep the white people in your Freedom From Want Rockwell, you can have an empty chair for the girl who is being chained in a tiny room in the cellar while her parents starve her. Some mice white people did that, so that’s how we should portray them.
Goldy, time for a post on Dino Rossi telling an interviewer that he doesn’t agree with Patty Murray that the subsidies for Airbus that the WTO ruled were a factor that should be taken into account in the tanker contract award process.
@2, if you are going to use extremist Muslims, should we also use extremist Christians as a comparison and contrast?
In my Normal Rockwellesque Freedom From Want …
we’d see one girl at the table with her nose and ears cut off, because she shamed her family. (Something that actually happened a Muslim girl).
>> One case is used to condemn an entire culture?
One seat over from her would be empty because the father killed that daughter for refusing to wear a hijab. (Something that actually happened to a Muslim girl in America).
>> Again, One case is used to condemn an entire culture? How many extreme Christians threw out of the house and family, their sons or daughters for sex before marriage or being gay?
We’d see the father sternly watching-over his wife #3 presenting the table with …
>> How is this different than polygamous Christan groups in America?
Blue Johnspews:
Because someone poor let their kid die of starvation, while they drank themselves into a stupor, should we condemn all poor people?
Because someone rich sent their kid off to year round boarding school because they couldn’t be bothered raising them, should we condemn all rich people?
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
re 27: Red flagged? When do I get my award?
what’s up, didiots?
@30 Republicans would condemn the one and praise the other.
When I lived in New Jersey, I used toll roads for the first time. I found I limited my travel as a poor art student because I didn’t want to spend my limited income on tolls. I limited my travel to the free area near my home.
If you were in South Jersey, I-295 was your friend. It basically parallels the Turnpike from Exit 7 (I might be off by one) right down to the Delaware Memorial Bridge.
It’s nice to see a contrabution from some one from Tacoma on the site.
Looks like Harry Reid is saying & doing everything he possibly can to lose!
He just pissed off the women by calling Gillibrand a “hottie” after pissing off Gay Americans calling Coons in Deleware his “pet”.
# 4: I once listened to a presentation by a classical libertarian who insisted that the government had no right to regulate the waterways, and anyone who had shoreline property on a lake or river owned that portion of the waterway right up to the middle (where it would run into the other guy’s lot from the other side). He insisted that ships/barges along riverways should have to pay tolls to each property owner as they passed by their lot. He got real impatient when people, like myself, were perplexed about how that could be implemented without freezing domestic commerce.
A historical side note: when railroads were first building bridges over rivers, the shipping/barge companies would sue the railroads every time a ship or barge would get damaged by the bridge pilons. They argued that the railroads had no right to obstruct the waterway or install dangerous structures thereon. It took a federal court decision to find otherwise before such nonsense was stopped. The railroad’s lawyer? Abraham Lincoln.
@42, Damned trial lawyers!
The Blue Dogs are at it again; looking out for the interests of the top 2%:
@6, Deathfrogg: “How long before one of these tealiban nutcases decides that there should be a final solution to the liberal/educated/homosexual/moslem/treehugger question?”
I assume you’ve seen the quote from Sharon Angle (T)Nevada that if the Republicans don’t take back the senate through the election process, there should be a second amendment solution to remedy the problem.
And then of course, the Montana Republican party’s latest plank is to outlaw “homosexual activites”. I guess that means no snappy ensembles on guys and no butch hair cuts or flannel shirts on the gals.
But that assessment has to be reconsidered in light of the Tea Party Patriots’ announcement that they have accepted a $1 million donation “for the purpose of growing and strengthen regional and local tea party patriot affiliates across the country.” The group would not identify who donated the money.
One million dollars – ANONYMOUS. Could have come from the Russian mob for all we know!
@48 YLB…so let’s all start saying it DID come from the Russian mob! Wonder what would happen if that grew legs?
I’ve read recently that the teabaggers are financed by the Russian mob.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
This an America that Lost and Puddy and Cyn seem to want.
Do you understand what FOS means?
FOS = Free Open Source, usually has Software at the end to make FOSS.
Blue John,
If you had read the Constitution you would have noted a Federal responsibility for interstate transport. Most state charters mandate the same at the state level.
Therefor all the blather about roads, transponders and so on is kind of missing the point.
The Constitutions, state and federal, specify directly the areas government has a role. ALL others are not legitimate grounds for government action barring Amendments. If you and the rest of the socialists are so hell bent on cradle to grave government nannies taking care of everything get the votes and make the Amendments.
Only you know you can’t. The only way progressives can win is by bullying and extortion ala FDR. Or trickery and inuendo as in Roe V Wade. Or by outright lies. Never can they win by the actual words of the actual Constitution.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Ezra Klein – Journolist Leader… Call it racism… rujax got the memo
Puddy dismisses this fool out of hand. Good call ylb… another useless leftist pinhead. You find them all.
Still dumber than dirt.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Wrong again on FOS.
Try again rob. Full O_ __IT, what Blue John has between his ears!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Therefor all the blather about roads, transponders and so on is kind of missing the point.
Well you know the dumber than dirt one will always miss the point!
Blue Johnspews:
Therefor all the blather about roads, transponders and so on is kind of missing the point. The Constitutions, state and federal, specify directly the areas government has a role. ALL others are not legitimate grounds for government action barring Amendments.
You oppose any part of government that is not explicitly listed in a constitution. I’m trying to explore what that America would be like. To think it through.
So I’m exploring a fee based America.
When I get a chance, I am going to see what America would be like without Social Security or any social program.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Here is something interesting… from the leg tingler…
Because this economic system is failing to produce the security and opportunity people have come to expect in this country. In this middle class country, the middle class is scared. And when people are scared, they get angry. They sense a rot at the top and are ready to chop it off. If the plan of those in power [insert DUMMOCRAPTS] is to raise a ton of cash and run nasty TV ads saying you can’t vote for this new person, that he or she is flawed, I expect the voter will say, are you telling me I have no choice but to vote for you? Are you saying that I, this little voter out there, dare not take a chance on someone who has not yet let me down as you have? If that is what you are telling me, that I have no choice, well, Mr. Big stuff, you just have to wait. – Chris Matthews PMSNBC
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Here is something interesting… from the leg tingler…
I have one small tweak to make today to what the president said today. He said stop saying that giving people tax cuts is giving people money. It’s their money. A tax cut is when the government doesn't take our money. It's an important distinction. He talked today, for example, about people getting a check today from the government in the form of a tax cut. That's not the way it works. If tax rates are kept lower, it's a matter of the check going to the government being smaller. Again it's an important distinction.– Chris Matthews PMSNBC
Puddy Emphasis
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Puddybud, documented liar.. I am Puddybud not, my word is my bond…
I dismiss Puddybud and his blather out of hand.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Of course when Puddy delivers the truth about Ezra Klein Journolist Flame Keepa to the dumber that dirt one… ad hominem attacks start again.
Too bad well known facts get in the way of ylb’s silly arguments above!
Typical so typical! You are so Pavlovian. The book was written about your antics ylb. So sad! It sucks when Puddy demonstrates all of ylb’s heroes are leftist morons!
Call it racism. Why do you hate black people ylb?
RE 58
Why explore a fee based economy? The 16th Amendment allows for taxation on income.
Why explore a US without an interstate highway or state highway system? The commerce clause allows for the first, and the state versions of it for the second.
I believe we’ve had this discussion before. The state governments, within whatever limits their constitutions impose, can do whatever popular will requires by way of social spending. If popular will is sufficiently strong, they can amend such constitutions to allow for greater social spending.
The federal government was intentionally limited to those areas set down, or altered by Amendment. Local problems of policing, education, social welfare and so on were to be handled locally. Again, intentional. Who better understands the problems of Wenatchee or New York City? The citizens of those localities, or a career federal employee based in Maryland or DC? Does it make more sense for those citizens to send money to Washington at great expense or keep it working locally without the middle man?
So you can cast it as a cold refutation of all social expense if you like. It still seems to miss the point to me.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Hey Goldy, you going to CAIR’s Helen Thomas affair this November in WA DC? Well Helen is part Lebanese so maybe that’s why she claimed the Jews need to leave Palestine?
Remember Helen Thomas said: “I’m a liberal, I was born a liberal, I’ll be one ’til I die” What about Helen Thomas opening her mouth about Jews going “back” to Poland and Germany? Do you still agree with Helen Thomas Goldy?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
All this screaming and shouting by Stupid Solution Steve over allegations of Christine O’Donnell when Puddy once again reminds everyone Joe Dunderhead Biden was ACTUALLY FINED.
Of course the moronic moonbat! memory malady leftists forgot this!
Why are you in the race hustling business Puddybud?
I see 6 comments in the database about journolist. 6 dumbass remarks from dumbasses like john425, manoftruth, delbert and you.
Call them racists
You live for shit like that Puddybud.
Spencer A goes off on right wing unhinged nutcases like Bush worshipper Barnes, Rove – all of a sudden, the clouds part, the sun shines and everyone who doesn’t fall into Puddybud’s new line on journolist is a racist.
Karl Rove tore her apart in front of Sean Insanity. All but called her a nutcase.
Were you like O’Donnell, Pudz, losing your virginity on the Devil’s own alter? Or were you like that other wingnut freak, Rand Paul, into abducting young women and forcing them to worship the Aquabuddha? heh- The paths you freaks followed to arrive at your present state of wingnuttia are really quite telling.
There’s nothing like wingnuts getting their freak on. I mean, really, you folks are just too fucking weird for words.
Puddy seemed fairly well sedated for a few weeks. Hmm, I’m thinking that he needs his prescription refilled.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
That “journolist” crap is yet another horseshit meme promoted by right wing bullshit sites.
Calling you dumber than dirt isn’t an ad hominem attack. IT’S THE DAMN TRUTH!
So ylb, the truth will set you FREE…
Shortly after the Weigel scandal, Klein, the Washington Post’s left-wing policy blogger, shut down Journolist, which was meant to be off-the-record, though why anyone thought a listserv with 400 members, many of whom were professional scribblers, would stay off the record is beyond me. But the idea behind Journolist — a forum in which like-minded opinion-makers could share information and ideas (much of the content of Journolist that I have seen consisted of eye-glazing wonkery) but also, on occasion, plot campaigns against Journolist’s ideological foes — would not die. Hence, the birth of the heretofore secret Cabalist, which unlike Journolist, has only 173 members, rather than 400, but which in other ways resembles Journolist (such as in the propensity of Cabalist members to leak ostensibly private information to non-Cabalist members, including to yours truly). The 173 members are mainly veterans of Journolist, and don’t ask me what happened to the other 227; perhaps they were purged after being judged splitters in secret on-line show trials.
See ya fool!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Were you like O’Donnell, Pudz, losing your virginity on the Devil’s own alter?
Got proof Stupid Solution Steve or more BULLSHITTIUM like always from another stupid one?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Oh my ylb is listening to Karl Rove…
Why don’t you post all of your Rovian commentary over the years from TEH HA DATABAZE fool?
Now you choose to listen after your claim he was a Valerie Plame outer? What happened to the DUMMOCRAPT who actually OUTED Plame?
More proof you are dumber than dirt!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Fuck me?
I wouldn’t FUCK YOU with Stupid Solution Steve’s dick… if it could be found with tweezers!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
So ylb, why do you read Journolist morons? Well you are a kook-aid drinka! We know why Lee liked Dave Weigel. He admitted it. You can find that in TEH HA DATABAZE ya moron!
Bill Gates to support I-1098
According to KING news this morning, father and son had a heart to heart talk and as a result, Bill Jr. is throwing his support behind the initiative.
75 – and lists like that don’t exist among right wingers.. Apparently lefty leaners can’t do that. To Puddybud that’s proof of an MSM conspiracy… How stupid, how typical, how boring…
77 – Yeah your own hero says O’Donnell is a fruitcake. Next!
78 – Likewise. Substitute another race hustler like Troll before you go stupid on Steve.
79 – I read anyone who speaks the truth and reports facts. Left, right, up, down.. Even if I disagree with them politically on most things.
You LIE Puddybud! It’s documented! Your “word” is NOT your bond. It’s crap! YOU LIED to Darryl.
The TRUTH is that Puddybud is freaking insane.
Girls who like to fuck on the Devil’s alter. Guys who abduct women to sacrifice to the AquaBuddha. Cute little girl scouts seen as hairy-legged commie-lesbians. KLOWN kostumes and goats. heh- That’s some pretty weird shit. Hmm, I wonder what Puddy does to get his jollys? Whatever it is, I bet it’s very, very strange.
“The TRUTH is that Puddybud is freaking insane.”
I gotta stick up for my Pal Puddy here. He’s really not so bad when he’s heavily sedated. The trouble is, he seems to keep forgetting to get his prescription refilled.
Blue Johnspews:
(chortle!) I just got the cookie monster visual reference.
@84 I didn’t get it until you mentioned it.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Ooooooooooh ylb… oooooooohhhh, still dumber than dirt.
1) O’Donnell is NOT my candidate. Puddy don’t live in Delaware.
2) Since 88% of the libtardo and 100% of the Journolist MSM voted for Odumba, your pink panties are all in a wad.
3) You are dumber than dirt. If there is a list no one has produced it. And we all the the slobbering libtardo MSM would produce this list if it was known just like Goldy produced John Carlson email.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
To Puddybud that’s proof of an MSM conspiracy…
Their own words ylb, their own words. They outed themselves!
87 – And you’re still stupid. Just because Spencer Ackerman wrote something on a private listserv so that Andy Breitbart or Matt Drudge or Tucker Carlson could manipulate you into getting offended about – that doesn’t mean anyone with any semblance of brains should dismiss everything Ezra Klein writes ‘out of hand’.
Only someone so credulous, so brainwashed, so deluded and so freaking stupid would do something like that.
That someone is you. Still as insane and deluded as ever.
Don Joespews:
Quoting entirely from Puddy’s comment at 87:
“Puddy…still dumber than dirt.”
So, there you have it. Puddy, condemned by is very own words, and in precisely the same way Tucker Carlson has quoted people from journolist.
1) She’s your “hero” then. You’re always dribbling off at the keyboard over “heros”. Anyone who’d wag their finger at you to keep your digits off your “junk” has to be a “hero” to you.
2) They were left leaning except for David Weigel and some other guy who wrote for Carlson’s website. So? Tucker asked to join and he was rebuffed. Poor baby. Bottom feeder then did a Breitbart to take eyeballs away from Breitbart himself.
3) Don’t know what the F you’re talking about
Here’s a little video for you of your hero Breitbart.
Something strange in the “tea” this new breed of right winger drinks.
As a political scientist, I’m more of a left brain person, so my artistic skills are lacking. But if I had the ability to paint, I’d like to replicate Norman Rockwell’s work, but with a twist. I would want to replace all the people in his famous works with Muslims. Why? To show people people what America would look like if we allow these people to swamp our great nation through immigration and out-breeding us. Imagine his great work, Freedom From Want …
brb … a colleague from Harvard University is calling me.
@2. All I can say is wow. Culture bait much?
I’m having a good time with the thought experiment of a “constitutional” America that only had taxes for the military, the courts and the reasonable regulation of business. This an America that Lost and Puddy and Cyn seem to want. I’m imagining a land where there are no taxes, just fees. And none of the socialist spreading of the wealth, fees stay where they are collected.
Road Transportation.
There would be no gas tax or car tabs to pay for roads. Gas would be 55 cents less a gallon. So it was approx $3 a gallon so it would be $2.45 a gallon. However, every mile of road would be paid for and maintained some how so I think there would be tolls charged.
We could use some 19th century model and imagine a gate for every road and stretch of freeway, but I think a 21st century model would work better and faster.
Every car, bus, truck, and bicycle would have a GPS transponder. You would see a readout display like a cabbie meter, showing your road fees. You need a valid driver’s license to drive and a valid working credit card inserted into the meter to start the vehicle. Every mile of freeway, every street, every block would charge their road fee at a rate determined by the road company for some balance of road maintenance cost to usage. Fees would have to be high enough for the road companies to make a profit. Heavily trafficked roads would rake in big fees allowing for continual maintenance and decent profits. Lightly traveled surface streets would have less traffic and less fees. Their rates would be higher to compensate for the lower profit margin. Every bridge or road construction project would have a fee to cross to pay for maintenance. It might be cheaper per mile on the freeway than the last mile to the house due to volume.
There would not be any “public” transportation, but maybe some sort of shared taxi like service bus. The cost of the trip was split between all riders plus cost of the driver and overhead.
Those in the rural areas would pay higher road fees because since the roads are traveled less, they need to charge more to cover maintenance costs. Also since rural folks drive much longer distances, they would pay a lot more in road fees. Their transportation costs would be extensive.
With the GPS units tied into location, it would be easy to determine speed. Every car that went over the speed limit would be warned and then a speeding ticket would be generated and charged to their credit card.
Trucks would be charged bigger fees, because they damage the road more than cars, but that would be passed onto the customer.
Bicycles would have to pay for using the roads and bike paths, but at a reduced rate.
Walking would be mostly free, but there would be fees to cross bridges and other choke points. After, they are paying for the privilege of use.
There would be an extensive enforcement arm of the road company, to make sure that all people paid their fees and didn’t find ways to shirk their constitutional duty to pay for the roads they use.
@2 I don’t have any problem with outbreeding. Who cares if this babe prays to Allah instead of Jesus? I’ll outbreed with her!
@ 1
Yeah, they brew it out of Jimson weed.
How did the crazies manage to take over the political process? People aren’t that hungry. The depression we’re in now is nothing like what the Russians had in the 90’s or the Germans in the 20’s. But somehow, the same flavor of politician has taken over the game.
Ignorant. Obtuse. Deliberately outrageous. Pathological and deeply psychotic. How long before one of these tealiban nutcases decides that there should be a final solution to the liberal/educated/homosexual/moslem/treehugger question?
It’s certain their base would go along with it. They already are for the most part.
Goering was right. All you have to do is convince enough people they’re being attacked, and you can get them to go along with anything you want, even to the point of mass murder and total self-destruction.
If you as a candidate for office, or a supporter of any such candidate, place an (R) after their name, I will assume you are the same as (NSGWP). The rhetoric is the same, the attitudes are the same, the ideology is the same, the propaganda methodology is the same, and the love for war, violence, destruction and conquest is the same.
It is Corporatism.
Sounds like the Koch brothers and the Bush family to me.
Hows that going for you teabaggers? Start practicing that goosestep. You’re gonna need it.
@4 Don’t forget my idea of exploding chip implants for America’s women so Lost can blow up those gals who murder their little baby American zygotes and blastocysts.
The rural areas of the state would be hit hardest by these fees because they have the worst ratio of drivers to roads. Few drivers, lots of roads. Their transportation costs would go up significantly. It would cost more to bring goods and services to rural areas. Less people could afford to live in rural areas. Places like Montana and Wyoming would have very high road fees or very bad roads.
What else might happen?
@4, 8
Interesting discussion you provoke, Blue. That latter point is worth expanding. Many areas of the country would be uninhabitable due to impossibly expensive infrastructure. Those areas that are net consumers of tax revenue (Easter WA, most of the mountains, the South) would be forced to fund themselves and would no longer be able to parasitize the wealthier, more efficient and liberal cities. Such a plan as you outline could lead to mass migration back into the urban area (perhaps like what is happening in China now).
Interesting dynamic that would be unleashed.
In my Normal Rockwellesque Freedom From Want (the Thanksgiving table painting), substituting Muslims for normal Americans, we’d see one girl at the table with her nose and ears cut off, because she shamed her family. (Something that actually happened a Muslim girl). One seat over from her would be empty because the father killed that daughter for refusing to wear a hijab. (Something that actually happened to a Muslim girl in America). We’d see the father sternly watching-over his burka-clad wife #3 presenting the table with …
brb, another important call.
Whad’ya mean? There wouldn’t be any speed limits, that interferes with the “frea market”, don’t ya know? And no legal consequences for killing or maiming someone in an accident, though we’d no doubt get revenge killings to fill the gap.
As for rural infrastructure, no one would pay for it, that’s all. Roads would go to hell and people would just have to drive slower, or walk. It’s that way all over Africa, why not here?
I’m having a good time with the thought experiment of a “constitutional” America that only had taxes for the military, the courts and the reasonable regulation of business. This an America that Lost and Puddy and Cyn seem to want.
Here’s a rough cut at taxes if there were only “constitutional” ones.
In 2008
Your $10,000.00 of taxes made up 0.000000344606444% of the total federal budget of $2,901,861,001,000. Here’s how your government spent it:
Constitution to pay for
Department of Defense–Military: $2010.03 (20.1%)
Department of the Treasury: $1809.15 (18.091%)
Supplementals not Offset by Spending Reductions: $253.95 (2.539%)
Department of Homeland Security: $148.87 (1.489%)
Not Constitution to pay for
Social Security Administration: $2255.34 (22.553%)
Office of Personnel Management: $221.11 (2.211%)
Department of Health and Human Services: $2409.63 (24.096%)
Department of Housing and Urban Development: $153.01 (1.53%)
Department of Labor: $180.22 (1.802%)
Department of Agriculture: $306.79 (3.068%)
Department of Veterans Affairs: $287.02 (2.87%)
Department of Transportation: $231 (2.31%)
Department of Education: $201.95 (2.019%)
Other Defense Civil Programs: $169.19 (1.692%)
Others: $600.06 (6.001%)
So taxes of $10,000 in taxes would drop to ~$4200. For an extra $6800 a year or about $566 a month in extra take home pay, lost gets to get rid of social security and all the rest of those unjust services and entitlements.
Worth it?
re 2: How ’bout Pygmies? Can you imagine a smiling red haired, freckled Pygmy dipping a line into a little creek?
I know as a 12 year old, I would have given a lot to have bare breasted Pygmy chicks all over the place — perhaps as carhops at the local ‘burger joint.
re 13: I’d be careful about what you wish for. The next group of terrorists is going to be Pygmies.
And you can’t imprison them!!! They just walk through the bars.
That’s not funny. Don’t make a mockery out of my idea for new line of Normal Rockwelleque paintings featuring Muslims.
Hmmmm.. Sidewalks cost money too. Even if the bonds were paid off, they crumble over time like any infrastructure. So there’s maintenance to cover.
Even road shoulders have to be maintained somewhat.
GPS transponders for walkers.
7 – There’s some classic comments from Pudge about blastocysts. Lemmee see…
Heck it was addressed to you.
@16. Good point.
Minimal road shoulders are paid for out of road costs. Walkers are on their own.
Maybe the sidewalk costs are rolled into the road fee costs. Is it far to have the cars pay for pedestrians. I think not! Sidewalks are up to the property owner to maintain. If a downtown store wants a sidewalk, pay for it.
I can see most people “forgetting” to take their GPS unit. Maybe implant the GPS in the belly where it cannot be removed?
How would lost or puddy or cyn suggest we pay for sidewalks?
I see sidewalks fading away in the “constitutional” America as an socialist luxury.
@17 Love your database!
Pudge – both a constitutional scholar and a biologist!
18 – The shopkeeper can pay for their portion of the sidewalk and its maintenance..
That can be used to lower costs and entice the consumer into their establishment.
So you look at your transponder and see no sidewalk fee – you walk into the store..
Just like the wingers say – let the market decide.
Au contraire asshole…mockery is ALL you’re good for.
I’d like take this opportunity to remind people in the comment section of rule #2.
“Keep it civil – Don’t defame, threaten, abuse or invade the privacy of other commenters. No racism, sexism or any other sort of -ism that degrades another person will be tolerated.”
re 22: If someone doesn’t know who you are, how can they defame you?
To defame implies taking away fame that you formerly had — and the only thing you are famous for is being an asswipe.
So calling you that only increases your fame.
I don’t expect any thanks for this.
When I lived in New Jersey, I used toll roads for the first time. I found I limited my travel as a poor art student because I didn’t want to spend my limited income on tolls. I limited my travel to the free area near my home.
10. Troll. (Senior Political Analyst)
Or if you keep the white people in your Freedom From Want Rockwell, you can have an empty chair for the girl who is being chained in a tiny room in the cellar while her parents starve her. Some mice white people did that, so that’s how we should portray them.
Crap. Nice.
FYI, you’ve been red-flagged.
Goldy, time for a post on Dino Rossi telling an interviewer that he doesn’t agree with Patty Murray that the subsidies for Airbus that the WTO ruled were a factor that should be taken into account in the tanker contract award process.
AP story here
TNT story here
Old foot-in-the-mouth Rossi strikes again.
Original Rockwell
Alt version
Superman rockwell
Mikey Rockwell
FF4 Rockwell
@2, if you are going to use extremist Muslims, should we also use extremist Christians as a comparison and contrast?
In my Normal Rockwellesque Freedom From Want …
we’d see one girl at the table with her nose and ears cut off, because she shamed her family. (Something that actually happened a Muslim girl).
>> One case is used to condemn an entire culture?
One seat over from her would be empty because the father killed that daughter for refusing to wear a hijab. (Something that actually happened to a Muslim girl in America).
>> Again, One case is used to condemn an entire culture? How many extreme Christians threw out of the house and family, their sons or daughters for sex before marriage or being gay?
We’d see the father sternly watching-over his wife #3 presenting the table with …
>> How is this different than polygamous Christan groups in America?
Because someone poor let their kid die of starvation, while they drank themselves into a stupor, should we condemn all poor people?
Because someone rich sent their kid off to year round boarding school because they couldn’t be bothered raising them, should we condemn all rich people?
re 27: Red flagged? When do I get my award?
what’s up, didiots?
@30 Republicans would condemn the one and praise the other.
Blue John @24:
If you were in South Jersey, I-295 was your friend. It basically parallels the Turnpike from Exit 7 (I might be off by one) right down to the Delaware Memorial Bridge.
It’s nice to see a contrabution from some one from Tacoma on the site.
City of Destiny represent!
Looks like Harry Reid is saying & doing everything he possibly can to lose!
He just pissed off the women by calling Gillibrand a “hottie” after pissing off Gay Americans calling Coons in Deleware his “pet”.
What a numbskull!
@2 …what America would look like if we allow these people to swamp our great nation through immigration and out-breeding us.
I knew we shouldn’t have let all those Roman Catholics in.
and yet he will still beat the Republican Tea Party loser.
Can’t happen soon enough:
Nouriel Roubini says there’s a 40 percent of a double dip.
But of course Obama will nominate another Wall Streeter to calm the markets and the whackos in Congress.
The Tea-shagger in Alaska gets busted for taking farm subsidies. Another spineless hypocrite
# 4: I once listened to a presentation by a classical libertarian who insisted that the government had no right to regulate the waterways, and anyone who had shoreline property on a lake or river owned that portion of the waterway right up to the middle (where it would run into the other guy’s lot from the other side). He insisted that ships/barges along riverways should have to pay tolls to each property owner as they passed by their lot. He got real impatient when people, like myself, were perplexed about how that could be implemented without freezing domestic commerce.
A historical side note: when railroads were first building bridges over rivers, the shipping/barge companies would sue the railroads every time a ship or barge would get damaged by the bridge pilons. They argued that the railroads had no right to obstruct the waterway or install dangerous structures thereon. It took a federal court decision to find otherwise before such nonsense was stopped. The railroad’s lawyer? Abraham Lincoln.
@42, Damned trial lawyers!
The Blue Dogs are at it again; looking out for the interests of the top 2%:
Bad dog, no bisquit.
@6, Deathfrogg: “How long before one of these tealiban nutcases decides that there should be a final solution to the liberal/educated/homosexual/moslem/treehugger question?”
I assume you’ve seen the quote from Sharon Angle (T)Nevada that if the Republicans don’t take back the senate through the election process, there should be a second amendment solution to remedy the problem.
And then of course, the Montana Republican party’s latest plank is to outlaw “homosexual activites”. I guess that means no snappy ensembles on guys and no butch hair cuts or flannel shirts on the gals.
All the Earl Greys fear all this deficit spending will lead to inflation! (Gasp!!) (Oh noes the sky is falling!!!)
Not the Fed.
They fear DEFLATION!
But why is there so much spending anyway????
It’s Bush’s fault that’s why:
Biggest contribution to the deficit comes from EXTENDING the Bush policies.
Better article on the Fed moves:
45 – Correction. The better question to ask is why is the DEFICIT so big???
Wow! They believe so much in TRANSPARENCY!
One million dollars – ANONYMOUS. Could have come from the Russian mob for all we know!
@48 YLB…so let’s all start saying it DID come from the Russian mob! Wonder what would happen if that grew legs?
I’ve read recently that the teabaggers are financed by the Russian mob.
Do you understand what FOS means?
FOS = Free Open Source, usually has Software at the end to make FOSS.
Blue John,
If you had read the Constitution you would have noted a Federal responsibility for interstate transport. Most state charters mandate the same at the state level.
Therefor all the blather about roads, transponders and so on is kind of missing the point.
The Constitutions, state and federal, specify directly the areas government has a role. ALL others are not legitimate grounds for government action barring Amendments. If you and the rest of the socialists are so hell bent on cradle to grave government nannies taking care of everything get the votes and make the Amendments.
Only you know you can’t. The only way progressives can win is by bullying and extortion ala FDR. Or trickery and inuendo as in Roe V Wade. Or by outright lies. Never can they win by the actual words of the actual Constitution.
Ezra Klein – Journolist Leader… Call it racism… rujax got the memo
Puddy dismisses this fool out of hand. Good call ylb… another useless leftist pinhead. You find them all.
Still dumber than dirt.
Wrong again on FOS.
Try again rob. Full O_ __IT, what Blue John has between his ears!
Well you know the dumber than dirt one will always miss the point!
Therefor all the blather about roads, transponders and so on is kind of missing the point. The Constitutions, state and federal, specify directly the areas government has a role. ALL others are not legitimate grounds for government action barring Amendments.
You oppose any part of government that is not explicitly listed in a constitution. I’m trying to explore what that America would be like. To think it through.
So I’m exploring a fee based America.
When I get a chance, I am going to see what America would be like without Social Security or any social program.
Here is something interesting… from the leg tingler…
Well, well, well. Look at this. Every single one of those vastly overpaid city employees down in Bell, CA are Democrats.
Here is something interesting… from the leg tingler…
Puddy Emphasis
Hey Troll, you expected something different?
Puddybud, documented liar.. I am Puddybud not, my word is my bond…
I dismiss Puddybud and his blather out of hand.
Of course when Puddy delivers the truth about Ezra Klein Journolist Flame Keepa to the dumber that dirt one… ad hominem attacks start again.
Too bad well known facts get in the way of ylb’s silly arguments above!
Typical so typical! You are so Pavlovian. The book was written about your antics ylb. So sad! It sucks when Puddy demonstrates all of ylb’s heroes are leftist morons!
Call it racism. Why do you hate black people ylb?
RE 58
Why explore a fee based economy? The 16th Amendment allows for taxation on income.
Why explore a US without an interstate highway or state highway system? The commerce clause allows for the first, and the state versions of it for the second.
I believe we’ve had this discussion before. The state governments, within whatever limits their constitutions impose, can do whatever popular will requires by way of social spending. If popular will is sufficiently strong, they can amend such constitutions to allow for greater social spending.
The federal government was intentionally limited to those areas set down, or altered by Amendment. Local problems of policing, education, social welfare and so on were to be handled locally. Again, intentional. Who better understands the problems of Wenatchee or New York City? The citizens of those localities, or a career federal employee based in Maryland or DC? Does it make more sense for those citizens to send money to Washington at great expense or keep it working locally without the middle man?
So you can cast it as a cold refutation of all social expense if you like. It still seems to miss the point to me.
Hey Goldy, you going to CAIR’s Helen Thomas affair this November in WA DC? Well Helen is part Lebanese so maybe that’s why she claimed the Jews need to leave Palestine?
Remember Helen Thomas said: “I’m a liberal, I was born a liberal, I’ll be one ’til I die” What about Helen Thomas opening her mouth about Jews going “back” to Poland and Germany? Do you still agree with Helen Thomas Goldy?
All this screaming and shouting by Stupid Solution Steve over allegations of Christine O’Donnell when Puddy once again reminds everyone Joe Dunderhead Biden was ACTUALLY FINED.
Of course the moronic moonbat! memory malady leftists forgot this!
That “journolist” crap is yet another horseshit meme promoted by right wing bullshit sites.
You condemn Klein “out of hand” when it was Spencer Ackerman who made the “call them racists” remark.
Typical bottom feeding Puddybud bullshit.
Now who’s calling who names now Puddybud?
It’s the glibertarian nightmare. ANYTHING to avoid paying a cent in taxes.
Why are you in the race hustling business Puddybud?
I see 6 comments in the database about journolist. 6 dumbass remarks from dumbasses like john425, manoftruth, delbert and you.
You live for shit like that Puddybud.
Spencer A goes off on right wing unhinged nutcases like Bush worshipper Barnes, Rove – all of a sudden, the clouds part, the sun shines and everyone who doesn’t fall into Puddybud’s new line on journolist is a racist.
Fuck you.
Karl Rove tore her apart in front of Sean Insanity. All but called her a nutcase.
Were you like O’Donnell, Pudz, losing your virginity on the Devil’s own alter? Or were you like that other wingnut freak, Rand Paul, into abducting young women and forcing them to worship the Aquabuddha? heh- The paths you freaks followed to arrive at your present state of wingnuttia are really quite telling.
There’s nothing like wingnuts getting their freak on. I mean, really, you folks are just too fucking weird for words.
Puddy seemed fairly well sedated for a few weeks. Hmm, I’m thinking that he needs his prescription refilled.
Oh really ylb?
Calling you dumber than dirt isn’t an ad hominem attack. IT’S THE DAMN TRUTH!
So ylb, the truth will set you FREE…
See ya fool!
Got proof Stupid Solution Steve or more BULLSHITTIUM like always from another stupid one?
Oh my ylb is listening to Karl Rove…
Why don’t you post all of your Rovian commentary over the years from TEH HA DATABAZE fool?
Now you choose to listen after your claim he was a Valerie Plame outer? What happened to the DUMMOCRAPT who actually OUTED Plame?
More proof you are dumber than dirt!
Fuck me?
I wouldn’t FUCK YOU with Stupid Solution Steve’s dick… if it could be found with tweezers!
So ylb, why do you read Journolist morons? Well you are a kook-aid drinka! We know why Lee liked Dave Weigel. He admitted it. You can find that in TEH HA DATABAZE ya moron!
Bill Gates to support I-1098
According to KING news this morning, father and son had a heart to heart talk and as a result, Bill Jr. is throwing his support behind the initiative.
75 – and lists like that don’t exist among right wingers.. Apparently lefty leaners can’t do that. To Puddybud that’s proof of an MSM conspiracy… How stupid, how typical, how boring…
77 – Yeah your own hero says O’Donnell is a fruitcake. Next!
78 – Likewise. Substitute another race hustler like Troll before you go stupid on Steve.
79 – I read anyone who speaks the truth and reports facts. Left, right, up, down.. Even if I disagree with them politically on most things.
You LIE Puddybud! It’s documented! Your “word” is NOT your bond. It’s crap! YOU LIED to Darryl.
The TRUTH is that Puddybud is freaking insane.
Girls who like to fuck on the Devil’s alter. Guys who abduct women to sacrifice to the AquaBuddha. Cute little girl scouts seen as hairy-legged commie-lesbians. KLOWN kostumes and goats. heh- That’s some pretty weird shit. Hmm, I wonder what Puddy does to get his jollys? Whatever it is, I bet it’s very, very strange.
“The TRUTH is that Puddybud is freaking insane.”
I gotta stick up for my Pal Puddy here. He’s really not so bad when he’s heavily sedated. The trouble is, he seems to keep forgetting to get his prescription refilled.
(chortle!) I just got the cookie monster visual reference.
@84 I didn’t get it until you mentioned it.
Ooooooooooh ylb… oooooooohhhh, still dumber than dirt.
1) O’Donnell is NOT my candidate. Puddy don’t live in Delaware.
2) Since 88% of the libtardo and 100% of the Journolist MSM voted for Odumba, your pink panties are all in a wad.
3) You are dumber than dirt. If there is a list no one has produced it. And we all the the slobbering libtardo MSM would produce this list if it was known just like Goldy produced John Carlson email.
Their own words ylb, their own words. They outed themselves!
Still dumber than dirt!
87 – And you’re still stupid. Just because Spencer Ackerman wrote something on a private listserv so that Andy Breitbart or Matt Drudge or Tucker Carlson could manipulate you into getting offended about – that doesn’t mean anyone with any semblance of brains should dismiss everything Ezra Klein writes ‘out of hand’.
Only someone so credulous, so brainwashed, so deluded and so freaking stupid would do something like that.
That someone is you. Still as insane and deluded as ever.
Quoting entirely from Puddy’s comment at 87:
“Puddy…still dumber than dirt.”
So, there you have it. Puddy, condemned by is very own words, and in precisely the same way Tucker Carlson has quoted people from journolist.
1) She’s your “hero” then. You’re always dribbling off at the keyboard over “heros”. Anyone who’d wag their finger at you to keep your digits off your “junk” has to be a “hero” to you.
2) They were left leaning except for David Weigel and some other guy who wrote for Carlson’s website. So? Tucker asked to join and he was rebuffed. Poor baby. Bottom feeder then did a Breitbart to take eyeballs away from Breitbart himself.
3) Don’t know what the F you’re talking about
Here’s a little video for you of your hero Breitbart.
You heroine O’Donnell would NOT approve.