– A proper (or as proper as I do) write-up will come later today, but I didn’t make delegate at the 7th district convention. These people did.
– The NAACP endorses marriage equality.
– It’s a bit of a clusterfuck, but I’m basically fine with the candidates running in both first districts.
– Lies about Elizabeth Warren are going to come in fast the rest of the campaign.
Ah, yes, Elizabeth Warren. Harvard Law’s first Woman of Color.
That color being pasty white.
@76 “Bob’s MO when he finds his ass being handed to him in a thread is to leave and move to a new thread to start all over again.”
Nailed it.
I’m glad you finally found yourself a new thread, Bob.
As with most trolls, “Bob” is like the 3rd grade bully who thinks he/she gets points for being loudest or most obnoxious.
In the meantime, there’s little in the so-called mainstream media about yet another Republican voting scam…
@1 Cripes, Bob, you can’t even talk about a white person without throwing in a racist dig. I have to admit that’s creative — although probably not original.
I hate to tell you this, but Elizabeth Warren has more brains in her toenail clippings than you have inside your terra cotta skull. She’s a smart lady. And you? I’ve met eggplants smarter than you.
Speaking of free markets, without Morgan Stanley’s money propping it up, Facebook’s stock plunged 12% today to under $34. But why anyone would pay 34 bucks for 53 cents of earnings is beyond me. For that money, there’s countless companies who earn $2.50 – $3.50 and pay dividends of $1 or more. Fools and their money are easily parted; all you have to do is flash a new internet IPO promising another new way of monetizing free content.
Agreed. She’s plenty smart. But that doesn’t get you into Harvard’s faculty. She graduated from Rutgers Law. Barely ranked in the top 90 law schools in America. She doesn’t get interviewed at Harvard Law without having checked the box, RR.
What was unsmart of her was unchecking the box once she had finished using her ‘minority’ status to benefit.
Now she struggles with ‘high cheekbones’ comments and with family lore that becomes disproven when people actually look into it.
The reason it was so easy to believe she plagiarized in a book is because she plagiarized recipe submissions for a different book, although the linked article doesn’t delve into that.
You have a lying plagiarist running for the Senate seat once held by a philandering murderer. I don’t know if that’s a step up or a step down.
So, Bob, now that National Review admits it fucked up and Warren was plagiarized, not the other way around, would you like to revise your comment @1?
There are two kinds of people in the world, careful people, and sloppy people …
Between Elizabeth Warren and Rich Lowry (not to mention Drudge), we know which is which.
You’re right. Sloppy is when you claim to be an intellectual influence of a movement and then you watch that movement become a public bowel movement.
You then find yourself having to re-claim something you never were in the first place.
And, no, RR, NR’s error does not change the fact that Warren allowed herself to be referred to as Harvard Law faculty’s first ‘Woman of Color’, all appearances to the contrary.
@6 After getting his ass handed to him yet again, the only thing Bob can come up with is arguing that Warren got her Harvard Law School professorship through affirmative action. Funny.
Here’s a daughter of a janitor who won a college scholarship by working her butt off to become Oklahoma’s top high school debater, then married her high school sweetheart and worked as a teacher of disabled kids, then went to law school while raising two young kids … and Bob still can’t see that she got ahead by being very smart and working very hard.
Isn’t that what America is all about? Nope, not for Republicans like Bob — they don’t believe in merit advancement. That scares the shit out of them, because they’re used advancing through a system of inheritocracy. They’re afraid of people like Elizabeth Warren because … well … because they can’t compete with people like her for jobs, promotions, and position. They’re too stupid and lazy, or whatever.
@ 10
See @6.
The next lowest rank of a law school attended by a Harvard faculty member is #59. Rutgers was #82 when she was hired.
Harvard is incredibly in-bred. If you aren’t from an Ivy League school, you don’t teach there, unless you’re something special. Being of Indian ancestry, as she claimed, made her special. Now she’s a laughingstock.
My PaPaw had high cheekbones, like all the Indians do. There’s your highly intelligent woman, RR, covering up her lie.
@9 Actually, Bob, your claim that Warren claimed minority status is FALSE. You listen to too much rightwing crap and don’t do enough fact-checking.
“Records show that the leading Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts identified her race as “white” on an employment record at the University of Texas and declined to apply for admission to Rutgers Law School under a program for minority students.”
“Debate surrounding whether or not Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren self-identified as Native American in law school directories to advance her career took several new turns on Thursday, as new documents revealed that Warren declined to apply for a law school program for minority students, and was listed as a minority faculty member at University of Pennsylvania, where she taught law in the 1980s and ’90s.
“Warren has been facing criticism since reports that she listed herself as a minority in law school directories in the 1980s and ’90s. Republicans have suggested that Warren used her minority status to further her career in academia. Warren has denied the allegations, and several of her past employers have issued statements saying the status played no role in hiring decisions.
“A document obtained by the Associated Press on Thursday showed that Warren did not apply to Rutgers Law School, where she received her law degree, under a program the school has for minority students. An undated personnel file from the University of Texas, where Warren taught law from 1983 to 1987, showed that Warren listed her race as ‘white’ at the time she filled out the form. Finally, a minority equity report from the University of Pennsylvania surfaced on Thursday showing that the school … listed Warren as a minority faculty member.”
In short, jackass, Warren never claimed to be a minority but one of the schools where she taught apparently sought to promote itself by touting her as a minority. That may raise some issues about the school, but it raises no issues about Warren.
@11 “Harvard is incredibly in-bred. If you aren’t from an Ivy League school, you don’t teach there, unless you’re something special. Being of Indian ancestry, as she claimed, made her special. Now she’s a laughingstock.”
Er, you’re the laughingstock, Bob. Btw, care to tell us which law school you went to Bob?
Of course, the fact Warren is a national expert on bankruptcy and has published half a dozen books and over 100 academic articles, has nothing to do with Harvard Law School offering her a job … not in Bob’s pointy head anyway.
Quick Carl, start a new thread, Bob’s getting run off this one faster than usual.
@4 “Cripes, Bob, you can’t even talk about a white person without throwing in a racist dig.”
Bob had already been called out for his racist bullshit in both the Poll Analysis thread and the Friday Night thread. Cornered, he disappeared until a new open thread opened up and now he starts all over again. He’s become quite predictable. And boring.
What this brouhaha is all about, of course, is to distract Massachusetts voters so Scott Brown doesn’t have to campaign on issues, because when Republicans have to discuss issues they lose every time. That’s because their positions on issues are in sync with the interests of approximately 0.1% of the U.S. population.
“This tactic is straight from the Republican cookbook of fake controversy. First, you need a rarefied elected office typically occupied by a certain breed of privileged men. Both the Presidency and the Senate fit this bill. Second, add a bit of interracial intrigue. It could be Kenyan economists eloping with Midwestern anthropologists, or white frontiersmen pairing with indigenous women. Third, throw in some suspicion about their qualifications and ambitions. Last but not least, demand documentation of ancestry and be dissatisfied upon its receipt. Voila! You have a genuine birther movement. …
“According to the Brown campaign, Warren could not be Indian because she is blonde, rich and most of all, a Harvard law professor. Her 1/32 Cherokee ancestry, sufficient for tribal citizenship, is not enough for the Republican party. …
“The Brown campaign asserts that Warren knowingly classified herself as Native American in the 1990s when Harvard weathered sharp criticism for its lack of faculty diversity. During this time, they argue, Warren relied upon this classification to enhance her employment opportunities and to improve Harvard’s numbers. Her faculty mentors at Harvard deny this and assert that the law school hired Warren without any knowledge of her ancestry.”
It’s actually GOP candidate Scott Brown who is lying, not Elizabeth Warren. Btw, if you come from an Oklahoma family, as she did, chances are good you are part Indian.
What’s next on your platter, Bob, telling Okie jokes about Harvard Law profs?
“Of course, the fact Warren is a national expert on bankruptcy and has published half a dozen books and over 100 academic articles”
Which in and of itself is why the monied elites (meaning those with enough money that they think it’s their God-given right to steal even more) are scared shitless of her. Enough, in fact, to deploy legions of Katrina Trinkos and “Bobs” to spout bullshit about her.
Our court system is messed up.
Ex-Rutgers student gets 30-day jail sentence,because Tyler Clementi, committed suicide after the spying. Ravi was also ordered to get counseling and to pay $10,000 towards a program to help victims of bias crimes.
Zimmerman is not even charged for killing someone until there is weeks of outrage
Downloading and sharing 30 songs on the Internet is a $675,000 penalty that the appeals court won’t review.
Yup, it’s looking like Bob will need a new thread soon, Carl.
Equally laughable is Bob’s ranking of law schools. Listen, dickhead, graduating from any law school is a big deal. But you don’t know anything about that.
I submitted applications to the Yale, Stanford, and University of Washington law schools. My application letters came to those schools with an “APO San Francisco” return address and the word “Free” scrawled on the envelope where a stamp normally is.
Let me show you how smart the folks at top-ranked Yale were. They scheduled me for an interview with an alumnus in San Francisco. Although they surely must have know there was a great big war going on in Vietnam, and over half a million young Americans were over there in it, they apparently couldn’t figure out that a return address with a military unit designation and “APO San Francisco” (“APO” meant “Army Post Office”) strongly suggested the writer was not in San Francisco.
After I explained this to them in a followup letter, they said never mind, we’ll skip the interview.
In the end, the reality was my G.I. Bill benefits would only pay for a state university law school education — Ivy League was out of reach. I knew that when I told Yale and Stanford that I couldn’t attend their schools without substantial scholarship assistance from them. Before I heard back from those took schools, the University of Washington Law School offered me one of the 140 places in their next entering class (out of 2,200 highly qualified applicants), and knowing how hard it was to get into any law school in the country, I accepted without hesitation and didn’t hold out for an acceptance from an Ivy League school I probably couldn’t afford to attend anyway.
U.W. Law School was good enough. It’s a good school with a good reputation. I was a pretty good lawyer and judge. Sometimes “pretty good” is good enough for all practical purposes, and it’s always better than some loudmouth who never got any closer to a law school than driving past one on his way to his Seven-Eleven job.
Graduating from an Ivy League law school is a great credential if you want to be a professor at any Ivy league law school. State university law schools like the U.W. Law School produce working lawyers and judges who do the daily grunt work of America’s legal system. They write wills, sue on behalf of accident victims, put criminals in jail, and adjudicate the myriad disputes that come up in ordinary folks’ daily lives. This work doesn’t may you rich or famous, but it’s honorable work. It’s hard work that takes brains. I know, I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I have a lot of respect for my colleagues over the years whom I worked with down in the legal trenches.
Flapjaws like Bob … not so much. What have you ever done to earn any stripes in this world, Bob?
erratum @21 “two” not “took”
This is making the rounds on Facebook. It sums up my thinking pretty well.
We are the 99%
We are not against the rich. We are against using wealth to gain an unfair advantage
We are not against corporations. We are against corporations governing us.
We are not against capitalism. We are against corruption in capitalism.
We are not against banks. We are against fraudulent banking practices.
We are not against investment markets. We are against legalized fraud in the markets
We are not against democracy. We are against the sale of influence by our elected representatives.
Conservatives, what you stand for?
@19 “Downloading and sharing 30 songs on the Internet is a $675,000 penalty that the appeals court won’t review.”
And when Republicans are finished with tort reform, the crime of a student illegally downloading a few songs from a global corporation will be roughly equivalent in penalty to a doctor’s malpractice leaving a patient with spinal cord injuries, no legs, or even causing death that leaves a child without a parent.
Do I admire Elizabeth Warren? Yeah, I do, and not because she’s a Democrat, although that’s not at all surprising — she’s too smart to be a Republican. Nor because she has a great biography, although she does — daughter of hardscrabble Okie family works her way up to the pinnacle of American law and politics with grit, brains, and elbow grease. I admire her because she has accomplished in one lifetime more than 100,000 Bobs will ever accomplish even if they’re reincarnated 1,000,000 times. (I suspect Bob was a skunk in his previous life and may come back as a weasel in his next one.) The fact she did so against odds, with no one greasing skids for her (which kids from upper-crust Republican families take for granted, see, e.g., one alcoholic and cocaine-snorting “C” student named George W. Bush), is merely frosting on the cake.
I like Elizabeth Warren, Bob. You … not as much, I’m afraid; as far as I can tell, you have no biography or accomplishments at all.
@19 Now you know why I’ve become disillusioned with our
legal system and don’t work in it anymore. It turned out not to be the instrument of plain justice I hoped it was.
Speaking from experience, or out your ass?
What you spew sounds terribly like popular culture, “common knowledge” understanding of elite academia – which isn’t worth much.
Just to repeat his MO, when Bob gets his ass handed to him, he disappears until a new thread is started and then he begins his racist bullshit all over again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s already becoming quite tiresome.
We have another racist, getfactsfirst, showing his true colors at the end of the Friday Night thread. Stupid fucking racists. Apparently that’s all that Troll Central can give us these days.
@27 What they can’t stand about “elite academia” is that very smart people who devote their lives to mastering complex subjects are more likely to know what they’re talking about than
radio-show jocks embraced by mental midgets like Bob.
@28 Even half-assed trolls are hard to come by on this blog. We get the dregs.
I guess that means you agree that Elizabeth Warren is “something special”.
@27 “Speaking from experience, or out your ass?”
Out his ass. Obviously. As I recall, Bob the Racist believes that you view the world from an academic’s “Ivory Tower”. Until then, I had never heard of Harborview’s ER being described as an “Ivory Tower”.
I my experience in science and medicine, one was risking an egregious error by dismissing someone simply based on the school the went to/go to/work at. There are smart people all over the place, often making their way up the ladder.
Rutgers is no slouch school, and Warren’s progression from George Washington/Univ Houston undergrad, to Rutgers law to Harvard faculty seems rather typical for a really smart ambitious person that was starting out with limited means or locally or the first generation in higher education.
Bob is utterly full of shit, and just flinging poo to see what sticks. Glaringly obvious is not a positive word about how wonderful Scott Brown is – just like puddles and our other trolls – just spewing today’s Hannity/Limbaugh/Simon/Drudge talking points.
Carl, Bob needs a new thread. Be a sport and help the fool out.
Just for clarity – I don’t work there anymore, the Harborview ER, that is.
@34 Not an open thread, how about a “Just For Bob” thread, where only he posts? That would give the rest of us a breather.
@35 That would seem like a burnout job to me. What’s the typical longevity there? Six months? Six years? Years seems like a lot.
Could puddles be directed there, too? Sort of like a sandbox, or the kid zone at Ikea, so that the adults can have an intelligent conversation elsewhere.
Police are creating “free speech zones” – can we create a “crazy ass zone”?
@38 Sounds good to me.
I just discovered something that really bugs Stefan over at unSP: criticizing the books of Jonah Goldberg.
I haven’t been there since I finished my training about 4 years ago – I was a medical student, resident and a sub-specialty fellow rotating through there frequently from the late nineties until 2008.
Last I heard, only one of the regular medical staff that I knew was still there – yup, burn out weighs against the commitment to be there in the first place. Some would never think of working anywhere else, same for the nursing staff – incredible dedication. I don’t know – maybe there’s a poster/lurker around here with more up-to-date experiences?
I didn’t know that I could hold Stefan Sharkansky in lower regard – but you just made that happen – thanks dorky.
@37 Hell, I could barely get through remodeling the Swedish ER a few years ago. Harborview’s ER has to be an especially difficult environment.
I like the idea of a troll zone. We could visit for fun but they would only be allowed to post there and nowhere else.
Or if the trolls aren’t banished to their own thread, would there be a way to have all of their posts immediately translated into Klingon when they click the ‘submit comment’ button?
What were you doing there?
@45 I designed the electrical and communications systems and provided construction administration for the ER remodel. As with all projects, I had to be there a lot during construction.
I’ve specialized in the design of health care facilities for many years, from a new hospital for Stanford (a five year construction project and when I grew to love Palo Alto) to working on nearly all of our local hospitals. I’ve never worked on Harborview. I once wrote you a comment explaining why, but you likely missed it as it was the last comment of a long thread. Someday I’ll tell you why over a beer.
Geez…where’d he go after Rabbit’s smackdown?
“What about BOB?”
@46 Absolutely, beer that is.
Funny – I’m running electrical and data and TV cable right now in my basement – taking breaks to comment here – building a man-cave for the teenager, you know.
I agree….harborview is a tough place to do construction projects….or anything else for that matter…..
@49 It probably is, Max, but that wasn’t the reason. By the time I was six I knew every nook and cranny of that hospital, having spent countless hours wandering the building as my Mom was being treated. It seemed like every nurse in that hospital knew me by name.
# 21: Looks like we both came to graduate school from similar perspectives, and ended up in the same place. I also applied for graduate school at two respectable state universities, as well as two highly-regarded (but not Ivy Legue) colleges.
I was accepted by two state universities and one of the two private colleges. I regretted that I had to say “no” to Stanford because I would have to pay almost all of it by student loans, and I couldn’t see taking on that much loan burden. Instead, I ended up here at the Univ. of Washington, where my wife got a lower-paying job at the University so I didn’t have to pay out-of-school tuition. I ended up graduating with three hash-marks on my robe.
Getting back to Elizabeth Warren:
What “Bob” is too dumb to realize is that faculty positions in graduate school are NEVER about the teaching. That’s just the dues the instructors pay to be able to use the school resources to study, write, and publish articles and textbooks. The school deans know that the value of their school’s education, in the long run, has more to do with the instructor’s expertise in that field than anything else, and peer-reviewed publications are the best method of chronicaling that expertiese.
It’s the old “publish or perish” criteria, only more so. But “Bob’s” more concerned about some mythical ranking of the schools. He’s also so obtuse that he’s probably on another forum now telling everyone how he beat us into submission with his use of dogma to repeat the Republican Party’s “Talking Point of the Day”.
As for why the university would list Warren as a minority professor: There was a time when it was near-impossible to get into an Ivy League college if you were a minority, much less teach at one. There were even quotas on the number of Jewish students who could attend – and not in an “affirmative action” sort of way, but “let’s not let too many in or things will get out of control here” sort of way.
So during the 1990’s there was a push to get more minority instructors. It took too long to recruit and develop minority instructors, so they first polled existing instructors and urged them to report any minority status for which they could qualify. This bumped their numbers a bit.
Anyway, I assume this is what happened.
It just gets crazier and crazier out there.
Wingnut Congressman Walsh voter sez, “It is sedition. I mean, they did it underground. If they are honest brokers and they believe in what they’re saying and where they want this country to go, like Obama, then you’re right. He should have said it before he was elected, and said ‘I’m a socialist, I believe in socialism, in communism, Nazism,’ whatever, and say ‘this is where I want to lead the country’ — not do it underhandedly,” she said.
Here comes the smackdown from Walsh,
“However you want to label or define it, don’t you think after three and a half years as a country now we have a really good idea where this president wants to go?” he said. “There are people in this audience — it’s fine — who believe in this America we’re living under right now. That’s fine, that’s a legitimate viewpoint. I will fight to my last breath against it, but I wish politicians on the other side would be honest about how they feel.”
Hmm, I see now that that really wasn’t a smackdown at all. So I take it Walsh agrees that our president is some kind of fucking socialist-commie-nazi.
It’s hard to believe that these people could be so damned fucked up in the head and still be allowed to walk the streets without a custodian.
Rush Limbaugh crowed that not only had he survived the controversey over calling a college girl a “slut” and a “prostitute” for advocating birth control availability for her friends, he claims that he has prospered. According to him, ratings at all 600 or so affiliate stations were up 6% to 60%.
But the public numbers have come back in, and in the key demographic markets his numbers have dropped considerably.
Limbaugh Ratings Drop
@55 The fat pig wouldn’t know what to do with a slut if one sat in his lap and kissed him. Thank the GMRS he doesn’t know how to reproduce, so there won’t be any more like him.
@ 52
You miss the point. The point is that Warren would not even have been recruited to Harvard’s faculty – meaning she would not have been invited to apply for a position – had she not checked the box.
There are many, many qualified people out there. Why her? Not because she was better than so many others. But because by checking the box, she shows up on a database as a minority, and Harvard needed minorities on its faculty at the time.
She checked the box so that she would stand out. She unchecked it once she had the plum job.
Whether she is a good instructor, debator, or publishes well is irrelevant to why she was noticed. An awful lot of people publish well and yet have no shot at ever being noticed by Harvard.
@57 There was no point to miss.
Stupid Quote Of The Day (TM)
It’s only 2:00 pm, but I don’t see how anyone could top this:
“Whether she is a good instructor, debator, or publishes well is irrelevant to why she was noticed.”
A GOP legislator in Mississippi is backpedaling from a Facebook posting that seemed to imply gays should be killed.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They must have an awful lot of vote suppression in his district for a yahoo like this to get elected.
@ 58
Clown, when I was in residency we received position announcements several times per month. We began comparing who got what. There were position announcements sent to all, and some sent to just women, and some sent to residents ‘of color’.
If you check the box, you are in a data base and people looking for your demographic contribution to their faculty know who to recruit.
That’s what happens when you check the box.
To put it another way, imagine your outcry if it turned out that a white GOPer running for prominent office had checked the box.
Or, just pull your head out of your ass so you can see the obvious point.
Of course, when a Democrat minister incites violence:
he’s rewarded with a keynote address slot at the ’04 DNC convention.
Your point well taken, @60.
“I don’t see how anyone could top this”
Give him a few minutes.
@ 59
How does a search committee distinguish between numerous similarly qualified candidates, as very, very frequently is the case?
1. The list of ‘stuff’ they want in order to make the move.
2. Whispers about how easy they are to get along with. Things that are never put into a letter of recommendation.
3. How well they fit the needs of the university – IOW, gender and race profile.
When you have 5, 10, 20 excellent candidates, it’s the intangibles. Not that many Native American faculty candidates. Hey, there’s one that checked the box! And she’s a woman, too!
A Twofer. Sold.
Keep pushing that anti-Bain message, Obama. You’re even pissing off your own supporters in the process:
Just like your very uniformed post @64.
You’re demonstrating a paranoid, resentful, conspiracy-laden slow-motion trainwreck of fanciful thinking.
If you want to convince anyone of your argument, if you have one, please compare and contrast Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren, and demonstrate convincingly that he is a superior candidate to be Senator from Massachusetts.
Stop the sniping about trivialities and stop commenting on processes you very obviously have no first-hand specific knowledge of (Warren’s recruitment).
Nice – more Republican talking points.
We’re Democrats – not an organized party. Though Corey Booker was yanked offstage and spanked – and sent back to apologize posthaste.
What else you got?
Rattner – a finance guy nobody’s heard of, and Harold (cough-Republican-cough) Ford, loser for Senate.
Wow. I’m shaking in my boots.
Are you an MD, Bob?
@58 & 60.
In other words,
I wonder if he thinks he got passed over, and is blaming his lack of advancement on those “other” people who “stole” his rightful position. It cannot be that he was not as good as they were, it’s that they were Black, or American Indian or a woman or gay.
An interesting (and sometimes funny) email exchange between the Arizona SOS birther and Hawaii over the the president’s birth certificate. Also, emails from the SOS birther to the citizen birthers pushing him to remove the president from the Arizona ballot.
Why no wingnut interest in Romney’s citizenship? Hell, his grandfather fled to Mexico, all for his love of America, no doubt. I kid you! Actually, he wanted to keep his “One man, many wives” thing going. And the Romneys did not return to the US out of love for country. They fled to the US just as they fled to Mexico. If it hadn’t been for the 1912 Mexican revolution, the Romneys would still be living in Mexico. The Romneys have historically shown no loyalty to any country. Given the choice, they don’t stand and fight for their beliefs, they cut and run. By the way, there are Mormon colonies in Mexico to this day.
I thought it was a no-no to use that term.
You better look out, the speech police are heading your way to “re-educate” you…..
Very bad form, Lab-Tech.
re 71: “We’re Democrats” meaning members of the Democratic party.
Does this alleviate your fear of the speech police — or are the voices still in your head?
Why does Mitt Romney have a secret Swiss bank account?
Is it because he is cheating on his income taxes and/or avoiding the 10% tithe the Mormon church requires?
I’m not accusing. I’m just asking questions.
I hadn’t thought of that – but it accounts for many things. Interesting theory.
Eh, bob?
Absolutely not. While my party isn’t nearly left enough for me – I’m a proud Democrat.
Remember, it was one of your guys who wrote, “Prefers GOP party”
Cowards. Cowards, idiots, and liars.
Actually, I believe George Romney to have been a good man and a very good businessman. His son has displayed no such qualities at all.
I see that John Kasich is now being investigated by the FBI. And it’s Republicans ratting on him. It’ll be interesting to see how that one plays out.
Recalling the line about how intelligence skips a generation, that could explain the failings of George Romney’s father and son.
From the Seattle Times,
“An Associated Press review of thousands of pages of official McKenna documents stored at the King County Archives identified hundreds of records that have no place in government files: fundraising lists, candidate strategy ideas, a voided campaign check and a packet titled “Rob McKenna For Attorney General.” And there are strong indications that McKenna himself was at least aware of how his District 6 office mixed campaign and government documents.”
Sucks to be McKenna.
So here’s the deal asshole…
Under Romney, Bain laid off workers, stole pension monies, stiffed creditors and walked away with $100’s of millions of dollars in profits. That’s like the classic old-fashioned Mafia “bust-out”.
That’s immoral “Bob”. That’s a story that REAL people REAL workers can relate to “Bob”.
Raw-Money’s a greedy fucker and the more folks get to know him…the worse his election chances get.
PS to @80…
Booker just fucked himself with his kissing ass to the vulture Capitalists. He’ll get zero progressive support from here on out.
Perhaps the ethically challenged Rob McKenna should just drop out of the damned race and then live in shame for the rest of his miserable fucking life.
@78: The Romneys have always been wingnuts.
George was an aberration.
Mitt Romney is a predator sociopath.
@81: Exactly right. It’s worse though, Kornacki ties him Manhattan Institute, etc.
What’s he doing as an O surrogate?
I want to see Rachel take him apart. I bet she’s really pissed at Booker right now.
@61 “imagine your outcry if it turned out that a white GOPer running for prominent office had checked the box”
I remember checking a box on a form that said I was volunteering for the Army during wartime. How many white GOPers (or GOPers of any other hue) running for (or occupying) prominent office check that box? It’s damn hard to find any Republican candidate or office holder who is a veteran; and if you do find one, in his case, being a “veteran” means he was hiding out in a stateside National Guard unit so he wouldn’t have to be in Nam with rabbits like me.
If I have an attitude about “checking boxes” it’s because there are different kinds of boxes.
@64 et al. — You’re not making the sale, Bob. I hope you don’t have to depend on commissions to pay the rent, because you’re not much of a salesman.
I’m speechless.
Bob showed up here claiming to be one of the 1%. Like they have nothing to do but post really stupid fucking comments on a local political blog. If he is one of the 1%, which is about as likely as velociraptors boarding Noah’s arc, he’ll have only succeeded in making a very strong case for a 100% “Death Tax”.
@88 Good grief!
@88 Damn. That guy’s nearly as fucked up in the head as Bob.
Precisely because of the things you keep going back to. Because she didn’t graduate from an Ivy school. Because she had to work her way up from the bottom. Smart schools like Harvard understand that in order for their students to have a better and more comprehensive understanding of our society they need to be exposed to more than just the perspectives of Choate and the Phillips Exeter. They actually go out of their way to recruit people like Warren because of who she is and where she came from.
They get it.
You don’t.
That’s why they’re Harvard Law and you’re… well, you’re just fucking Bob.
Sorry ’bout that.
# 85: So where was John Boener, GOP Speaker of the House, when his term came to serve in Vietnam?
He was hiding in plain sight, working for his local Congressman in Washington, D.C. He took his student deferment and extended it so he could go to law school. Then his last year of law school he wrangled an internship with a local GOP Congressman. When he graduated and it was finally time to serve, he managed to get assigned to not only a stateside “training unit”, but one which was in his own state of Kentucky, where he served a few weeks before being released so he could go to Washington D.C. to work in a paid position for another GOP serviceman!
And when that job ended, he was already set up to run for office in a heavily GOP district (as long as you got the heavyweight party leadership to back you, the election was just a formality). He transferred that into another political job, and within only a few years he was back in D.C., this time as a member of the House in a safe district.
THAT is how the rich white brats managed to avoid the draft, while still claiming to have “served their country”. He probably even has his service portrait on the wall of his office, although he was in the service barely long enough to have his picture taken.
In the meantime, guys like Roger Rabbit volunteered to serve in Vietnam so other guys with families and kids wouldn’t have to go. I’m sure that at the time he didn’t expect guys like John Boener to jump the line and take that spot, sending somebody else with a family and kids to Vietnam in his place.
Cue the soundtrack of CCR’s “Fortunate Son”.
@88 Include state Rep. Andy Gipson of Mississippi and that’s two wingnuts calling for the deaths of Americans that I’ve heard of just today.
@93 And Mitt? After displaying the pleasure he took in psychopathic bullying, he decided it best to wander the vinyards of France while someone else took his place in Vietnam.
Panning for intertubes gold is hard work. As our hosts would tell us, most days return little to nothing.
Well, yesterday my friends TBogg uncovered for us a rich vein of intertubes hilarity.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC has got an issue with teh google.
It appears that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC did not quite understand how the tweeter machine works and now when you google George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC you get to see what George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC twatted.
Now, don’t take my word for it. Go ahead and enter George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC into your google machine and see for yourself.
And please, don’t miss the comment threads in those posts about George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. While there are some who are expert in mining intertubes gold, we all know that commenters are very good at refining it.
Oh, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC seems like a real HorsesAss.
Maybe one of our front pagers could post about George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC?
This is what we’re up against. What a bunch of cretins.
Now, now. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is allegedly a Deacon in the Roman Catholic church. And if there is one thing you, me and George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC can agree upon is that no one in any leadership position in the RC has ever had anything but good intentions for ladies and their lady parts.
MBS, I liked this from the TBogg link:
Does this explain our trolls?
@99 you hoodie wearing slut!,
There’s something to be said about the testicularly challenged trolls who spew by here.
But our trolls, as good at the stupid as they are, can’t hold a candle to George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
I wonder if Bobby Mac McKenna is going to sue teh google like George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC because a search for his name returns stories like “Signs of improper campaigning in Rob McKenna files”
That’s right! And mangina is better than nogina.
Wait, delete, delete. Hey, you take that comment down. I don’t want that comment up there anymore. I didn’t mean to hit submit! I’m the real George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC and I’m going to sue!
Crap, The Google isn’t picking up our use of George Tierney Jr yet.
Do we need to include links in order to “help” George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC with teh Google problem? Because I’d really like to help George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC work this out.
The Real Fake George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC
Have you followed the George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC thread comments at T-Bogg? They’ve been posting links to the very strange tweets one George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC credits George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC with cancer cure.
Cancer cured. An amazing man, that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
Indeed, teh Google is really going to fuck with the chances of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC ever getting a date at eHarmony. My goodness! What will George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC ever do?
Hats off to Sandra Fluke for absolutely pwning this tard. I, the Real Fake George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, salute you, Sandra.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC tweets about Southern hospitality. Southern wimmin folk tweet back at George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC., offering George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC some excellent advice. But I’m not so sure that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC will take this advice to heart.
The Google search for George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC has T-Bogg at the top now. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC has now been officially Santorumed.
Heh, lefty blogs now hold the top seven slots when one Googles George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
President Obama, addressing the graduating class of Joplin HS. The school and much of the city of Joplin was destroyed a year ago by the worst tornado in this country in six decades.
“I imagine that as you begin the next stage in your journey, you will encounter greed and selfishness; ignorance and cruelty. You will meet people who try to build themselves up by tearing others down; who believe looking after others is only for suckers,” Obama said.
“But you are from Joplin. So you will remember, you will know, just how many people there are who see life differently; those who are guided by kindness and generosity and quiet service.”
We all know the type of person the president was talking about. They are the the people who we call trolls. By all accounts, most of those kids and many residents of the city of Joplin really do understand the difference now, just as we do. This isn’t about left or right. This is about the people of Joplin working together and looking after each other in order to bring their city back, just as the people of America need to pull together to bring our country back.
I saw that and was reminded why I voted for Obama last time around. That kicked ass.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is all over the internets now.
@89 Which 1%?
It seems that this George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, fellow is a real winner. Exemplar of right-wing bullying, all stirred up with some utter cluelessness about ‘privacy’ of stuff he sent into the ether on Twitter. What a buffoon.
@100 Shit, our trolls are so stupid, they can’t even hold a candle to themselves.
He said something about being in residency, which may mean he’s a doctor of some sort. Depending on specialty, he could be bringing down some serious cake.
Bob also talking about hiring people, I took it to mean, by the way he wrote it, that he worked in a fair sized operation – not something like a medical office.
Maybe he’s just making shit up.
@114 George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, is famous. Maybe George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, didn’t want to be famous, but he is. He shouldn’t complain. Lots of people go to great lengths to become famous. Look what Jose Padilla had to go through to be famous. For George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, becoming famous took no effort or sacrifice at all. All he had to do was be himself.
We liberals don’t condone this sort of thing, but nobody can accuse these self-described “anti-fascists” of being wimps:
“A group of masked radicals is accused of brutally attacking alleged white supremacists eating lunch at a restaurant in a suburb of Chicago ….
“‘This was a real riot,’ Zabrocki told msnbc.com on Monday. ‘These guys started beating the crap out of the other group. A lot of tables were knocked over, dishes were broken and there was food all over the walls. It was terrible. It was a mess.’ …
“Nine people were injured and three people were hospitalized ….
“‘The other group marched into the restaurant, all were in hooded sweatshirts,’ Winston told msnbc.com. ‘Each had a chair leg, baton or a bat. They came in and went straight to a table of white guys and whoever stood up or got in the way, they got walloped.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s tempting to say, “it couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of guys,” but as I said, we liberals can’t condone this sort of thing.
@116 In one of his earliest posts he indeed identified himself as being one of the 1%. Later he wrote that he owned an unspecified type of service provider company. Today he wrote a line about having been “in residency”. Whatever. He’s a damned lying troll, so who the fuck really knows or cares WTF he does other than his posting of mindless, racist drivel here? Hell, maybe he’s George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. He’s certainly just as fucking stupid as George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
Perhaps some faint echoes of the Greensboro Massacre reverberate in this incident. This is bad stuff no matter who instigates or participates in it.
@118, 120 Hell, I’ll go there. I have a hunch that if all the participants had killed each other, it would have resulted in our having a slightly better world for the rest of us.
@116 I was thinking more of this 1% …
@119 Nobody is as stupid as George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. It’s just not possible! From now on George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, will be the benchmark against which all other stupidity will be compared.
@121 I’m against violence on general principles, but I see what you’re trying to say, e.g. Hitler and Stalin going at it … I’m not sure how the rest of the world should deal with that — stay out of it,
if possible, I guess …
@122 I suspect that’s the truth of the matter.
@123 I see your point. I’m too harsh on Bob. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is probably the stupidest MF on the entire planet and the stupidity by which all future stupidity shall be measured. Bob likely comes in third, closely trailing our self-loathing black loon who’d be second behind George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC and his infamous tweets now occupy the top nine hits on teh Google. Just a few hours ago it was seven. By tomorrow morning just Googling “George” might be the first three pages. Does everybody recall how Reoublicans have bragged how they kick progressive butt on Twitter? Heh. They’ve been schooled today thanks to one George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
It’s changing too fast. Now simply “George Tierney Jr.” takes the entire first page.
A few more minutes have passed and the tweets of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC go at least four pages deep on teh Google now. HA’s “the Real Fake George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC” shows up at the bottom of Page 3. Wingnuts have been schooled.
Usual suspects,
You guys are too much in love with yourselves. Get a grip: your views and opinions are not moral values.