– I had been wondering where the buses (and cars, but that’s another post) that wanted to get from Downtown to West Seattle would go when the Viaduct closed. Columbia.
– Renew and include Belltown in the MID.
– My job at the abortion hot line
– Bike season is starting as the Fremont Bridge recorded it’s most bike crossings yet.
– About a quarter of the people in your country think an armed revolution might be necessary in the next few years.
– Rick Perry knows who to be upset at after the West disaster. A cartoonist.
Here in the NE nether regions of Washington the notion of an armed revolution is a popular talking point. Interesting to speculate on just who will lead this uprising as the “resist guvmint tyranny” folks that I know trust their kin less than they trust guvmint. I think that they’ll spend more time stealing from each other than in challenging the tyranny of Obama. Too many apocalyptic movies going around and, of course, cheap beer talkin’.
1)Good point, it does seem that apocalyptic movies are in these days.
“Interesting to speculate on just who will lead this uprising”
The last time they had Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee. This time around they’ll have Glenn Beck and General Ted Nugent.
3)I don’t like Jefferson Davis, that said, as Secretary of War, he had the idea for the Army to try out camels as pack animals in the desert. It didn’t work!
As for the last two you named, they are wannabe generals that did not serve. Nugent just blamed the President for soldier suicides, and not the affects of War, and the Pentagon/VA bureaucracy. I thought I saw him advertised for the Emerald Queen by the way.
O heavens! It’s something in the water obviously..
Whatever it is, it’s strong enough to cut through the right wing hate talk crap on the radio, the batshit insane wingnut bullshit on the web and the Faux Snooze on the tv.
Yet another Bush bullshitting:
Nice try Jeb.
# 3: That one had me spitting out my coffee! Pretty much guarantees it would be a very short war.
At least Davis and Lee were well qualified for their posts.
Davis was a West Point graduate and former commander of a regiment (the Mississipi Rifles) during the Mexican-American war, and was engaged in combat (he credited Bragg’s “Flying Artillary” battery with having saved his unit from a Mexican attack). And as noted previously, he was a former U.S. Secretary of War. As Secty of War, he oversaw the doubling in size and reorganization of the U.S. Army as it sought to better protect and patrol the new territories acquired from Mexico, as well as the Oregon territories.
Lee was also a West Point graduate, served in the Corps of Engineers, saw combat in Mexico and served on Gen. Winfield Scott’s staff as well as personally scouting enemy positions and potential artillary emplacements. As part of the re-organization of the army in the mid 1850’s, he transferred from the Engineers to the Cavalry, where he was first second in command of a regiment patrolling the Texas frontier, and then commanded it himself. Along the way of his career, he was in charge of constructing or repairing forts along the eastern coast (near Savannah in the South and in New York City in the North), and also served on the board of examiners at West Point and later as it’s superintendent of cadets, and he was in charge of a project to restore the flow of the Mississippi River so it didn’t leave St. Louis land-locked).
Comparing these guys with Beck and Nugent???? Now that’s really funny.
The article is a couple of years behind on the move to supply aircraft parts and services to other manufacturers. With the opening of the Airbus USA plant in Mobile, they have been aggresively soliciting suppliers, and local industry organizations have been telling suppliers to concentrate not only on Boeing Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 suppliers (i.e., those that sell to sub-vendors of Boeing), but also to market their services to Airbus, Bombardier, etc.
At the end of my post@4, I mentioned that Nugent was advertised for the Emerald Queen, turns out that is for July. Didn’t last year he aay he would be dead or in jail by then. Han’t Fort Lewis had problems with soldier suicides? I know there was the scandal over PTSD diagnosis at Madigan.
I normally would not give him the publicity. Just mentioning his making accusations about the cause of soldier suicides, which any
soldier committing suicide is one too many, and then doing concerts in cities like Tacoma with a big contingent of soldiers and veterans.
“About a quarter of the people in your country think an armed revolution might be necessary in the next few years.
To paraphrase Shakespeare, first let’s kill all the bankers; but heh, I’m only kidding, bankers are warm and fuzzy folks (viz. Jimmy Stewart) and we love them all.
More than 4 million U.S. homeowners were screwed by criminally sloppy mortgage lenders, but under a sweetheart deal negotiated by bankers and government regulators, most of them will get only $300 to $600 of compensation for being victimized by foreclosure practices that in many cases amounted to felony fraud and perjury behavior which, if you and I did it, would get us 10 years in the slammer.
When the deal was announced by regulators, the government said wronged homeowners would get “up to” $125,000 of compensation. It turns out that out of 4.2 million victims, only 53 civilians will get that amount, all of whose homes were foreclosed and seized even though they had never missed a payment. That amount also was awarded to 1,082 military service members whose homes were foreclosed. Under federal law it is flat-ass illegal to foreclose a person’s home while they’re serving on active duty.
Under the deal, banks will be required to make cash payments to their victims amounting to only a couple percent of their annual profits.
@1 “trust their kin less than they trust guvmint”
Do your neighbors, by any chance, have names like Hatfield or McCoy?
9, 10 – I would guess most soldier suicides are due to job stress.
14) I would think that would be the cause, especially the effect war can have on soldiers, losing a friend in combat. Nugent says the president is causing it because the soldiers are frustrated by the president violating his oath. Personally, I do not believe that.
By the way, does he know the EQC is a tribal casino, and that the Puyallup tribe puts the Casino revenue back into the community, both the tribal and non-tribal communities?
Because an armed society is a polite society:
A man walked into the ticketing area of DFW airport today and fired a shot – apparantly in the air. A TSA agent came out of his office, confronted the guy, and then shot him dead.
I guess nobody told him that the NRA convention is scheduled for tomorrow, not today?
By the way, notice how Puddy and Serial Bob seemed to have dissapeared from this forum about the same time? I’ve long wondered if they weren’t the same person – one posing as the more “intellectual” tea party conservative, the other as, well, I don’t know what to call him.
Either that, or they both got laid off from their posting gig.
@15 He probably doesn’t know the tribes donate money (which comes from casinos) to Democrats. I mean, why would Native Americans support Republicans? The white-racist crowd wants to exterminate them.
The pope announced today that greed is bad.
@16 NBC says the guy shot himself with a handgun and had a suicide note in his backpack. CNN says it’s unclear whether he was killed by a self-inflicted bullet or one fired by a Homeland Security agent. He apparently used a military-style assault rifle (!) to fire one or two shots into the ceiling.
@ 19
How long till he gets his head blown off, or has a “stroke”?
I’d be willing to be the guy doesn’t last a year.
@9 Behind the rhetoric, it’s all about the money. Tix start at $135. I wonder what they gouge you for these days to hear someone good.
As to the first item up top, where Seattle wants to run buses could become a moot point. If Rodney Tom and fellow Republicans don’t come up with some new funding authorization for Metro, there’ll hardly be any buses.
Re Boeing and its drive for non-union labor at the expense of its profits and its product quality, I disagree with the article’s recommendation to bargain with Boeing for 777X work. That’s a sucker’s deal.
And it is never too late. Never.
Yes, Governor Inslee is late to enticing another airframe design/manufacturing company.
It is time for the political leaders of this state, all Democrats, to give the big FU to Boeing’s managers. Fool me once …..
And it is past time to hang a tremendous offer to any company which wishes to take advantage of what this state has to offer aerospace.
If the offer is tremendously aggressive enough it will not only bring in a hungry “new” company, but just might cause Boeing’s ennobled Chicago dunderheads to reconsider what they have here.
# 24: I don’t think the point is to entice another mainframe manufacturer here. The point is that with both Boeing and Airbus, assembling the mainframe has become a relatively small part of the business. They both out-sourced huge major componant sections (tail assemblies, wings, flaps, fuselage sections, electonics, and laning gear). Of course, the engines were always purchased seperately by the customer.
Investment firms have recognized the profit in the various componants, even if Boeing didn’t. They are on a buying spree, buying up as many aerospace suppliers as they can get their hands on, and they are doing this around the world. Major players include BE Aerospace and Zodiac. Esterline is a local company new to the game, but is agressive and catching up.
Part of the reason why this is so profitable is the continuing spares business. You need FAA approval to build and sell aircraft parts, so your competition is limited. The right to sell aircraft parts is pretty close to a license to print money.
So the local government authorities and suppliers are seeking to get as much of a share of this market as possible, regardless of whether the end use is Boeing or Airbus. Most don’t want to be a “Tier 1” supplier to the airframe manufacturers, they want to sell to the Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4 sub-contractors.
@25 rhp6033,
Before I begin, let me state that I’ve been playing Boeing short opportunities for nearly 4 years now … and making out quite well.
Unless Airbus wants to come here and do business, I don’t care about them. And this is why I don’t care about Boeing (the corp) in this community. That both sides of the duopoly seem intent upon ‘racing to the bottom’ is their problem, not Washington’s.
Spare and component parts may be a good business, and to the extent WA can bring more companies, great.
But Seattle alone on this planet has demonstrated an ability in commercial airframe design/manufacturing (and support) which is unique.
In the above referenced article the author talks about how Seattle need not be like Detroit. True enough.
But (and there’s a study somewhere if pushed I can go find) some localities just are uniquely better than others in economic concerns.
Detroit still has cars (evul Obama!).
Silicon Valley has computing.
Switzerland has watches. etc..
Seattle has aerospace.
When aerospace concerns started there were many in the US. When it all settled out, there was one, Seattle based Boeing. For reasons I can’t explain, Boeing allowed the McDonnell parasite to enter its system.
I think one of my greatest joys about moving here some 30 years ago is that there are so many aerospace junkies here. Puget Sound is crazy with them.
Any soup to nuts airframe company that comes here, and gets a head start with public investment (which has always been required in the high capital investment business), can compete with the Boeing/Airbus duopoly.
One does not need to work very hard to find thousands of current, former or wannabe Boeing engineers and mechanics and IT workers in Puget DYING to work on great products for a company bent on changing aerospace in a way Boeing forgot and has no intention of learning again.
18)Plus, each enrolled tribal member gets about $2000 a month from the tribe. Pretty generous, although the Puyallup reservation is not like the Pine Ridge Reservation. Has anyone here seen the Tahoma Market? One of the biggest gas stations I have seen around here. I also heard that the Muckleshoot tribe also has done some good work on their reservation with gaming revenue. I know someone who is a high school referee, and has done a game or two at the tribal high school, and said it was pretty impressive.
22) I understand that, and the casinos of the tribe are a major moneymaker, for the tribe. Plus, controversial people sell.
@EvergreenRailfan, The Puyallup Tribe of Indians business success and what they’ve been able to accomplish for the tribal people with that success is one of the most under reported stories in WA if not the nation.
@26 Well, we have private companies building spaceships now. We have thousands of people who can pay $20 million for a space trip ticket. It’s just a matter of time before hedge fund managers are commuting between earth and vacation spas on Mars. (No low-brow neighbors there.)
@21 Yeah, it’s a gutsy move. The last guy who said that was nailed to a cross.
29)Very true.
19) I heard he still has not moved into the Papal Apartments in the Apostolic Palace. Actions being more important than words.
Also, awhile back, they might be removing roadblocks to Sainthood for Archbishop Romero. If so, and if he is considered a martyr, it’s a faster track.
From the back story of the most recent episode of gun fail.
Don’t wait!
Get your 5 year old a PINK LAMINATE .22 pistol today!
Uhhh NOPE! Been weally weally busy to deal with the HA lowlifes. No gig!
Good day!
OH BOY!! puddybigot is BAAAAAAAACK!
Let the hateful dominionist insanity begin!
Just checking and Puddy was right…
HA’s Most Useless Dipshit appeared @36. Right on time…
Good day!
@37 Why are you posting Good “Day” at 9:31 PM? It’s dark out, you know.
Roger, how do we explain the DJIA hitting 15,000 for the first time ever this morning under the Soshuleest-Kenyan-Mooslem-Usurper?
I’m guessing he is lulling all good capitalists to sleep while he amasses all the ammo for his Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated communist revolution. The End is Nye!
Fox is working as we speak on a way to spin the 15,000 DJIA as well as the unemployment numbers as a conspiracy by Obama.
@40 herzog,
I nosed it was an Obama conspiracy!
I’m beginning to think Cheapshot Bob was rounded up into a FEMA concentration camp to prevent the truth from being known.
Woe is us!
@19, @33 I’m not yet jumping to any conclusions. The new Pope might be personally embracing a simpler and humbler way of life, but the Vatican recently put out the word that they’re still out to make the nuns get off the bus and behave themselves.
Besides cheap redneck labor, the other attraction for both the aerospace and automotive industries to set up shop in the southern states is cheap TVA power. The word’s out though (pretty far below the radar–there hasn’t been a peep about it in the Northwest press) that the Obama administration wants to sell the TVA to private interests in a one-time attempt to make a dent in that oh-so-horrible federal deficit.
Seems our local leaders ought to check that out and see if Columbia River hydropower might still be a selling point–it’s certainly a factor in all the giant data centers being built in eastern Washington. On the other hand, if the TVA gets privatized, will the BPA be very far behind?
@39 The stock market is merely following a long-established historical tradition of performing much better under Democrats than Republicans. I think it’s because Republicans are lousy capitalists.
43), that was what Grant County used as a selling point to land the carbon fiber panel plant that supplies BMW.
# 43: TVA has been well-liked by many a southern resident for many years. In the 1930’s and 1940’s, it was a source of high-paying jobs (for that area) and electric power to areas that had never seen it before. My mother always voted Democratic due to the TVA and the Rural Electric Cooperative, which brought electricity to her mother’s farm for the first time in the late 1930’s.
Even by the time I left in the latter 1970’s, it was one of those “great jobs, if you can get it” employers. This was an area where if you could get a job paying federal minimum wage, you were lucky. But even then, the problems caused by Three Mile Island and the TVA investments in nuclear power caused electrical rates to go up considerably, and you began to hear the annual chorus from the Republicans that “private businesses can always do it better”, and advocating the selling off of TVA (but not the debt related to the nuclar plants).
” … Republican politicians addressed the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston Friday, celebrating the defeat of gun legislation in the Senate, assailing the media and offering a strong defense of the powerful lobbying organization.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The only reason you’ll ever need to never vote for any Republican. (But, of course, there are others.)
@16 Apparently the new head of the NRA (who comes across as even crazier than the old one) has already indulged in a public conniption about how the DFW incident was part of some sort of gubmint conspiracy to justify seizing his and his precious toys.
An Alabama small businessman speaks out!
It gets very emotional towards the end. He documents 3 times that right wing dipshit Republicans have harmed his business starting with the great recession.
Hear, hear! John Mullins..
Well, it’s pretty damn clear that the BO administration is using typical Chicago Bill Ayers politics to improve the economy to take away the issue from Republicans. Typical Democrat politics….make things better for people. Don’t they know that austerity makes people stronger, more independent, whitens their teeth, cures homosexuality and keeps daughters virtuous? Just look at Paul Ryan…he’s buff, crosses Boehner when permitted, has great teeth, claims to be straight and, ok he’s not a girl and it’s manly for boys to dip the wick sometimes.
I was watching MSNBC a little earlier, and it was announcd that according to a US Official, Israel has hit a target in Syria, and after a half hour, with no new details, went back to normal programming for a Friday night. I did, when it broke, flip to CNN, and Fox News, no coverage. Piers Morgan did nothing, and FNC had a special on the Philadelphia Back Alley(his clinic was like a back alley) abortionist trial.
@51 NBC has something on it here:
“It’s believed the primary target was a shipment of weapons headed for Hezbollah in Lebanon, they said. A senior U.S. official said the airstrikes were believed to be related to delivery systems for chemical weapons.”
52)That explains why the coverage is so light. If it was a direct and sustained attack on Damascus by IDF jets, all networks would have it.