I can’t beleive that ANYONE could argue with a straight face that book burning is free speech that should be unencumbered by environmental, safety, or air quality considerations.
if it is, daddy love, let’s send the rev some copies of l.ron hubbard’s dianetics.
Thom Hartman has outed Terry Jones.
Thom’s been talking about this article in Der Spiegel.
Former church members are still undergoing therapy as a result of “spiritual abuse,” Schäfer said. According to Schäfer, Jones urged church members to beat their children with a rod and also taught “a distinctive demonology” and conducted brainwashing.
Phil Ray Jackspews:
Burning books is as much an expression of free speech as burning the flag. Both are effective because they do attract attention and invoke emotional responses. Personally, I find both examples offensive, but my sensitivity should not limit anyone’s right to express themselves.
Of course, I also have the right to object and express my disgust at the hypocricy of the act. Not that I’m the least bit surprised — just disgusted.
A Goldy post from a few years ago on the subject of flag burning. My question is, why isn’t he taking the same position with Koran burning?
“It’s my flag, and I can burn it if I want to
by Goldy, 06/27/2006, 9:45 AM
I have been known, occasionally — maybe once or twice — to politely and constructively criticize the Seattle Times editorial board for its periodic fits of self-serving, head-up-its-ass, propagandistic bullshit. So it’s only fair that I offer my kudos when they publish an editorial with which I wholeheartedly agree. Um… kudos.
(From the Seattle Times) Congress plans to waste time this week on the hardy perennial and all-around bad idea of amending the U.S. Constitution to outlaw flag desecration.
While it is unnerving to see our powerful symbol of freedom and independence burned or desecrated, it remains an expression of free speech that must be protected. Free speech trumps the insult of flag burning every time.
The right to express disapproval of our country, its policies and its flag is an important and protected right of free expression. When the American flag is burned in other countries”
re 5: Give me a break, hodad. If wingnut central said tomorrow that a constitutional amendment was needed against flag burning, that’s exactly what you’d be plumping for.
This is America, God damn it! Take those God-damned foreign letters out of your name and replace them with American letters!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Is anyone else tired of all this fucking religious craziness? It’s like we’ve stumbled back into the eleventh century.
This Koran burner is moron and a megalomaniac.
And an asshole, too.
Blue Johnspews:
@7 (chuckle)
# 9 (referring to # 6) Asian ideograms are used in both China and Japan (called Hanji in Chinese, and Kanji in Japanese). The ones used as the screen name in # 6 means “Ni-Hon-Go” (which literally means the “Japanese language”).
I’m tired of 50 idiots being able to get together and galvanize public attention all over the planet. It’s 50 yokels, let out a sigh, shake your head, and move on.
@5: Goldy argued that if they are going to burn the Quran, the Bible should be burned too. There was no argument made against burning things in protest in his most recent post, just against selective burning.
Most people would agree that the burning of flags or books specifically to piss people off is a stupid idea, but the right to do so per se is not in question.
Very nice graphic from SLOG illustrating just how regressive Washington state taxes truly are.
Love the video!
What rock did you live under?spews:
As an unabashed liberal, I will say that anyone who burns books is an asshole, period. I don’t care what books you burn, I don’t care what your motivations are.
Nazis burned books. Communists burned books. Book burning is a sign of the acceptance of the totalitarian mindset. Book burning is the greatest sin (outside of genocide) humans can commit that I can think of.
Go ahead, burn your books. It just lets me know who the assholes are, and who deserves my utmost disrespect and contempt. I don’t care who you are.
Book burning/composting is anti-intellectualism at its finest.
re 16: What if they are books of child pornography.
Daddy Lovespews:
Personally, I approve of offensive actions to make a political point. My stance, though, is that does NOT trump the other considerations I mentioned. You can sit in, but you go to jail for trespassing. If this guy defies his local ordinances to burn Qurans, he should be punished according to the law, and “free speech” is not a defense.
If one burns a flag and it torches someone’s house, one is legally liable for that act. If one burns a stack of Qurans, one is still liable for the legal consequences of the environmental and atmospheric degradation that one perpetrates.
What about book stores?
In order to get credit from the publisher for books that don’t sell they must remove & return the front covers of the books then dispose of the rest of the book.
The more I read about this crazy pastor, the more I realize that the publicity from this is what is egging him on. As long as people pay attention to him, he will keep it up.
Heck, even the most ardent Pentacostal leaders have asked him to not do burn the Koran, and he just calls them sell-outs.
The best thing we can do is for all the news media to not show up on Saturday for his “event”. No broadcast news, no quotes from him on the evening news, no video of the burning except what the 50 or so congregants might make themselves. That way he can go back to the obscurity to which he so richly deserves.
he can go back to the obscurity to which he so richly deserves.
Amen, brother.
Right Stuffspews:
Goldy, stop acting just like the crazed pastor.
Your desire to burn/mulch bibles makes you no better than him.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
But rhp6033:
It’s comments like this which proves how you “perceive” the issue:
Heck, even the most ardent Pentacostal leaders have asked him to not do burn the Koran, and he just calls them sell-outs.
It is how you and other leftists perceive all Christians. Your
even the most ardent Pentacostal leaders
proves your DISDAIN for Christians. You are SHOCKED how they reacted from your commentary.
The reason the news media has trumped this fool is because they too hold your negative position on Christians. In fact over 90% of HA libtardos hold your view.
Very telling to Puddy! Cheap shots as always.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Right Stuff,
Not true. This is the real Goldy. He’s sporting his true progressive side. And you see the pied piper has his merry band of HA fools swallowing his every comment on anti-Bible antics. Witness his Sunday Bible verses!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans are good at bashing Democratic policies (and Democrats; they LOVE to personalize issues, and turn differences of opinion into personal hate), and have a multi-billion-dollar propaganda machine for this purpose, butthey are devoid of ideas of their own or any constructive solutions to the country’s economic problems.
While being transported home from surgery this afternoon I saw a billboard that said, “$13 Trillion In Debt! Elect Fiscal Conservatives!” Need I remind anyone who racked up half of that debt in just eight years, and who the most profligate spenders in world history are?
Democrats usually are disgustingly limp-wristed in responding to this kind of bombastic horseshit, but President Obama (oh God, do I ever love the sound of that — PRESIDENT Obama — eat shit, righties!) grew half a pair of balls this afternoon and took on the rightwing noise machine:
“Speaking at a rally in suburban Cleveland, the president attacked the GOP … for not owning up to mistakes they made during eight years under President George W. Bush, which led to record budget deficits and the nation’s worst economic collapse since the Great Depression.
“It would be one thing if the Republicans had admitted to some mistakes and after ‘some reflection had come back and offered a credible new approach to solving our country’s problems,’ Obama told a gathering of supporters …. ‘But that’s not what happened.’
“Boehner and his fellow Republicans have offered no new policies or ideas, the president said. ‘There was just the same philosophy that they had tried during the decade they were in power.'”
(Quoted from AOL News.)
Obama’s comments, and that crazy billboard, come up in the context that Democrats are now proposing another new stimulus program. Anyone who reads the business news (which anyone who invests should) knows that virtually all leading non-partisan economists are united in their professional judgments that the original stimulus package was too small and the federal government should spend more, not less, on public works projects and aid to state governments and so on to jump-start the economy.
And anyone who believes that markets, left to their own inertia, will magically repair our sick economy if government just gets out of the way should take a long hard look at Japan, which two decades after its economic collapse is still mired in economic malaise. Conservative economic thinking is the functional equivalent of paramedics standing around waiting for a cardiac patient’s heart to restart itself.
Why the fuck would anyone with an ounce of brains vote Republican? I can understand why the crowd of ignorant people comprising the Tea Party who read nothing, know nothing, and comprehend nothing are easy prey for demagogues like Palin and Boehner would vote Republican. But no literate person who votes Republican can possibly explain himself in any rational terms. The most plausible explanation any Republican voter could offer for his voting behavior would be, “I did it because I hate myself, hate my family, and hate my country.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well well, puddy is back, and is posting right this minute!
Hey puddy, be sure to read #26 (which comes right after your #25) that I just posted behind you.
You might learn something. That is, if you’re capable of learning anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The beautiful thing about America is that any damn jackass preacher can say anything damn fool thing he wants to in the public square and not get stoned for it.
The problem arises from the fact that people in other societies who aren’t used to free speech get confused and believe that because our government allows the jackass to talk he must be speaking for all of us. And then they blame all 300 million of us Americans for one damn fool jackass masturbating in the public square.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Still waiting for the big dufus’ Daddy Love, Correctnotright, rujax!, etc., to explain why DUMMOCRAPTS are running away from the OdumbaCare bill for their 2010 reerection campaigns. It was the “crowning” glory.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 I guess puddy has nothing to say about @26, @27, and @28. I’m not surprised those comments leave him speechless. After all, what could he possibly say?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Hey Roger – 4,899,100,310,608.44 is how much Bush added to the debt. This is from one of those leftwingnut sites so it has to be true.
$10,626,877,048,913.08 when Bush left, and now it’s 13,432,950,453,660.21 and climbing. So since Roger is so “good” at reckoning that 2.8 trillion anc counting.
Oh yeah, Odumba had to “fix” what Bush left him. Wrong. He’s fixing the DUMMOCRAPT Congress issues who were talking down the economy starting in 2007.
Need to see the Googled links?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Duh Roger,
Puddy ain’t at your beck and call. It seems since you throw up stupidity Puddy has to research FACTS. So Puddy placed FACTS on the blog.
See ya dumb bunny. Hope the operation was a success in other areas because you are as DUMB as ever!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Seems to Puddy when an artist places a Crucifix in urine and calls it art he speaks for Roger Rabbit.
Puddy @ 24: You must have a short memory. Because I’ve mentioned before that I’m an Evangelical Christian. What I haven’t mentioned before is that I am a Pentacostal Evangelical Christian. But it’s true.
Hey, I know that most people think we are us Pentacostals are a little crazy. Some think we are a lot crazy – and it’s not just the liberals, but quite a few very conservative Christians as well. Most of the Southern Baptist Convention, of which Jerry Falwell was a leader, thinks we are either mentally deluded or demon possessed.
So when I say that the the most ardent leaders of the Pentacostal movement have asked him to refrain, and he refuses, it just shows how outside the mainstream he is. He won’t submit to any authority because he believes that only he knows the real can know what God really wants. He keeps his church independent, his ordination from sources unknown, and his “doctorate” from some mail order house.
I’m not making fun of Christians, Evangelicals, or Pentacostals. I’m pointing out that this guy is batty. It has nothing to do with his religion.
30. Roger Rabbit spews:
@29 I guess puddy has nothing to say about @26, @27, and @28. I’m not surprised those comments leave him speechless. After all, what could he possibly say?
09/08/2010 at 5:37 pm
…as you remember Rog, Ol’Rujax used to call “colonelsandersfavoritechicken” the Puddybuddy out all the time in the old days (when Rujax thought the bastard pee-dookie really gave a shit about “dialogue”) and the dork ALWAYS found ways to wiggle out of being accountable. JUST LIKE the fuckwads in the political party whose programs he seems to prefer.
And…like you said…his positions are in defensible, and he knows it. He can’t say a fucking thing. Thirty years of “supply-side” and de-regulation and Reaganomics and Bush-shit (BOTH of ’em) has been an unmitigated disaster.
But Puddy ain’t at nobody’s beck and call. No sireee bobby. Not that real biggg man…the Puddybitch. NO fukkin’ way baby.
He and his doppelcrapper mr. cyniklown. Two peas in a pod. Too sour for even a Bunny to eat.
Puddy’s still trying to peddle that sad old song that an economic collapse rivaling the Great Depression was caused by Democratic policies, presumably either enacted over a quarter-century before during the Carter administration (without causing collapse until now), or by Democrats when Republicans were in control of Congress from most of 1992 through 2006 (as well as the White House 2001 through 2009), and the Supreme Court (7 of 9 Republican nominees).
And if you buy that, he knows a bridge in Brooklin he’s willing to sell you as well. He’ll even provide you with a ton of links which prove what a great deal it is.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
We see the mess this economy is in.
Christine Romer, an academic, never ran a company, never made a budget, never hired a worker, spent all her time as a professor spouting theories and Dana Milbank, leftist, WaPost Reporter tells it correctly.
“Even now, Romer said, mystery persists. “To this day, economists don’t fully understand why firms cut production as much as they did or why they cut labor so much more than they normally would.” Her defense was that “almost all analysts were surprised by the violent reaction.””
Uh Christina, when you place new requirements upon businesses and then add OdumbaCare, threaten Cap and Tax, businesses will retract.
Your theories suck!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Oh my the dumb cinderblock rujax arrived and left and no one noticed or cared.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Good try rhp6033, but as always you throw up BULLSHITTIUM which Puddy never said or espoused. Must be that continual weak position and argument.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
You see rujax another name for a dumb jackASS, we were told these policies would keep unemployment at 8% (Puddy placed the link last week, ask the “new and improved?”) ylb for the link from his database. Yet unemployment went to 10% and is holding steady at 9.6%.
So much for leftist theories jackASS!
@1 – They can’t, that’s why they aren’t arguing, they are hiding.
People who burn books as political speech do so to shine the light on their desire to remain forever ignorant.
Right Stuffspews:
I sincerely hope you have a speedy recovery and have zero ill effects from surgery.
Keep up the good spirits.
Pud- got some links explaining how the crash which began in the 4th quarter 2008 (hint before Obama was elected) was caused by Obama’s policies.
Bonus points if you can explain how the bail out package proposed by Bush, you remember the one McCain suspended his caimpaign to support, were caused by Obama.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 You think I’d trust your numbers, numbnuts?
P.S., since I just got out of surgery this afternoon, I’m not going to fact-check your post. Let’s just say that, taking your figures at face value, Bush increased the national debt by 85% whereas the net accretion under Obama is 26% … and most of what Obama spent was for cleaning up Bush’s mess.
P.P.S., please don’t attempt to reply to this comment, puddy, because you’ll only embarrass yourself even further.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 See @45.
P.S. – Facts? What facts are you referring to? Certainly not the content of your posts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 No one, artist or otherwise, speaks for Roger Rabbit except Roger Rabbit.
You’ve been posting here for at least a couple of years now, putz, and you obviously read my comments, because you respond to them.
If you can’t figure out by now that I’m my own drummer, and don’t follow anyone’s party line, you’re either illiterate — or even dumber than you look.
Roger Rabbitspews:
While it’s true that I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, it’s also true that I’m not all that crazy about our run-of-the-mill Democratic pols and vote for them only because there’s no one else to vote for, and my propagandistic spewings originate with me — I’m not parroting what some geeky staffer in a liberal propaganda tank cooked up.
As for you, putz, all you’re capable of is replaying yourself like a broken record. All puddy posts read the same: tick, tick, tick, tick. You’re not even capable of copying and pasting from rightwing propaganda tanks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Well, we’ve got at least one troll with a bit of class, thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit! See #43.
@43 Thank you, RS. Whatever we may say about you, you have a heart.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “We see the mess this economy is in.”
So do we. And unlike you, we know who got us in it.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
K, stuff your bonus points, not interested. Your silly “games” are worthless.
But, it was interesting to see Barney Frank finally admit after years of not admitting the truth, his displeasure over Fannie and Freddie. Puddy been showing you fools the numbas for years and now Barney is admitting the numbas are correct. They shouldn’t have been giving loans to peeps who couldn’t afford the houses in 2005 and 2006 which started the foreclosure mess of 2007. And who cheered Fannie and Freddie – Barney Frank.
That’s the bonus prize.
BTW Roger, Puddy’s comments all read the same because facts are facts.
Oh yeah Odumba has added 2.8 Trillion in less that 2 years and counting. Thats over 1.4 Trillion a year. Bush average was around 610 Billion. Puddy sees Odumba beating that.
Oh yeah… Odumba and gang, especially the academic who had no actual experience, just some dumb theories told us this spending was the cure. Yeah hopefully the cure to getting rid of DUMMOCRAPTS making useless laws.
So the Bonus Question for K is, why are DUMMOCRAPTS running away from the passed legislative agenda? Why is that K? That’s the real bonus question!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Bonus points if you can explain how the bail out package proposed by Bush, you remember the one McCain suspended his caimpaign to support, were caused by Obama.
Ask the “new and improved” ylb to post what John Effin Kerry said on Fox News Sunday Sept 2008 regarding Odumba’s full jockstrapping of the TARP funds. It created Odumba Motors Corporation! Oh yeah… the TARP Bailout only has $375 Billion spent. So that has to be included in the Bush figures from the leftwingnut web site. So when the other $402 Billion is spent it will be on Odumba’s dime.
That was tooooooooooooooooooo easy K. Those were some great bonus points.
Pud if you weren’t so deeply into game playing, your post would be laughable. You do not engage honestly and when challenged cite your own “rules”.
WHy do the Republicans run away from their role in the bail out?
Enough time wasting, I’m off
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
Well having read this far may I suggest there are a number of reasons for the crisis?
Let’s remember that not only was there a housing bust but that the commodities market went bust and the stock market did as well. Remember the Dow went to 14,000 then dropped to 8000 and now is at 10350 or thereabouts.
But it looks to me like the primary cause was cheap money, i.e. low interest rates, to fight the war and keep people spending, coupled with poor regulation enforcement in the housing market. Business Week had an article some time ago on this last part of the problem. Local regulation also had a part to play and is probably one of the problems that won’t be addressed.
Now we have run a bunch of migrant workers back south and that has added to it because the housing they left behind is vacant. This last hit Nevada, California and Arizona the hardest.
@19 If one burns a stack of Qurans, one is still liable for the legal consequences of the environmental and atmospheric degradation that one perpetrates.
only a fucking nutball would look at this issue in those terms.
thanks for providing the fucking nutball quotient of the conversation asswhipe.
based on your fucking nutball comment, can we assume you do not heat your house, drive to work, or otherwise contribute to “atmospheric degradation”?
moron…no wonder you do what you do…no thought required..monkey see, monkey write.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Wow K hit and run. What role in the bailout. Bush submitted the bailout plan. Butt even the leftist WikiPedia has “the most recent estimates of the cost, as of April 12, 2010, is down to $89 billion,” So it seems there should be $698 Billion left somewhere. So where did that money go under Odumba K? What is Giethner doing with all that largess? Looks like those shovel ready programs weren’t shovel ready?
You see when Puddy delivers the bonus question to K he runs, calls something silly and leaves. That’s K for you. He can’t deal in facts either.
The way I see, mooslims don’t need no excuse like burning a koran to go apeshit. Hell, they are always going apeshit over sumthin. so we might as well give em something to go apeshit over. I mean, hell, we weren’t burnin no korans when they did 9/11. We weren’t burnin no korans when they tried to knock over one of the world trade center buildings in ’93. I say give those blood-thirsty, terrorism-loving ragheads something to get mad about. They are going to bomb shit anyways, right? I mean it must be part of their religion to plant bombs in planes and clubs and restaurants, so since they are going to do that shit anyway, let’s give them something to be pissed off about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Actually, pudnuts, Uncle Sam stands to make a profit on its General Motors bailout.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 We can count on you to fail to differentiate between a tiny coterie of terrorists and the world’s 1 billion Muslims, can’t we? Your rant is equivalent to saying all Christians are murderers because some guy who calls himself a Christian killed someone.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Actually Roger, Puddy said that in #57. So where did the rest of the $698 Billion of TARP funds go? What did Odumba and the DUMMOCRAPTS do with it?
Odumba loves to cast blame butt it’s his own party stopping activities!
Puddy the idiot thinks he knows something about the economy – and instead all we get is the same stupid lies and ignorant crap that Puddy usually peddles.
Real economists have found that the Bush recession would have been worse than the great depression without the stimulus and banking bills.
Pudy is so dumb he doesn’t even rmember claiming there WAS no recession while McCain was running.
Puddy supports tax cuts for the uber rich. Puddy parrots the republican failed policies and deregualtion for oil, mining and banking industries that have shown they cannot police themselves.
Thanks Puddy for showing once again why you have no new ideas and why you don’t undertand anything about the economy – you and Phil Gramm – the republican mastermind who also NEVER was in business.
so much for your third grade level arguments…once again hyou show how little you know or understand. But it is nice for you to demonstrate how ignorant you are and how bankrupt the republicans ideas are. thanks.
@57 hahah Puddy you really crakc me up – the “leftist” wikipedia.
Facts are a leftist conspiracy according to an idiot like Puddy. Yes, I am calling you an idiot because you lie and repeat lies.
In the bible they would stone you to death for slander.
Puddy, Puddy, retreating into confusion, as always.
Let’s recall Puddy’s own words:
“It is how you and other leftists perceive all Christians. Your “even the most ardent Pentacostal leaders…” proves your DISDAIN for Christians. You are SHOCKED how they reacted from your commentary. The reason the news media has trumped this fool is because they too hold your negative position on Christians. In fact over 90% of HA libtardos hold your view….”
Yet when confronted with the fact that I. myself, am a Pentecostal Evangelical Protestant, Puddy can only mutter…
“Good try rhp6033, but as always you throw up BULLSHITTIUM which Puddy never said or espoused. Must be that continual weak position and argument.”
Is this still Puddy’s position? Or is he ignoring the fact that he was completely wrong about this, and trying to turn the subject to some other discussion????
The world wonders. Well, not the world. Come to think of it, not even I wonder. It’s not important what Puddy thinks, says, or does, it’s all B.S. reciting wingnut talking points anyway.
Listening to the radio, you’d think Republicans are going to walk on water this November..
well, but…
What are the Republicans going to do?
Same old, same old that gave us the meltdown before Obama was elected, AFAICT.
Blue Johnspews:
@10, I pasted the characters into babblefish and found 日本語 meant “Japanese”. I changed my post within the 5 min window, but you had already commented.
I just love reading Troll blow a gasket.
It seems to me that it’s more likely that he’s retreating to his personal Puddy-space that’s somewhere to the west of krazy and due north of normal.
Then you lefties will be right back in power soon, won’t you!
It is amusing that a couple of years ago y’all were crowing about a permanent liberal voter realignment, and now you’re wondering what the Republicans will do with their new majority…
Love Obamaspews:
I see Klynical once again fails to post his beloved Rasmussen when things are looking terrific for our great President.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 23% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-seven percent (47%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -24 (see trends).
The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates are also available on Twitter and Facebook.
Overall, 41% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president’s performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove.
Today’s Approval Index rating is the lowest yet recorded for this president. Overall Job Approval matches the lowest recorded number, and the number who Strongly Disapprove matches the highest yet recorded.
Suck on that Wingnuts!
Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victoryspews:
It is amusing that a couple of years ago y’all were crowing about a permanent liberal voter realignment, and now you’re wondering what the Republicans will do with their new majority…
Ha. 20 months ago it was all about Hope and Change on HA. Now, Obama barely gets mentioned – you have to go to the Seattle Times – which Goldy, thankfully, promotes regularly – to discover he’s still in office. In fact, there are a bevy of national issues that you have to elsewhere to discover, well, that they’re issues. The war in Afghanistan got the big thumbs up from Roger Rabbit and GBS early on in Obama’s term – according to GBS Obama’s poll numbers would really get a boost from his war policy – but that’s not a particularly popular position so much anymore, so the war doesn’t get much mention. Of course, Iraq was a different matter . . .
69 – It’s not yet all that clear that the Republican gains will amount to what you typically hear in the news.
And no one has answered the question: what are the Republicans going to do?
I heard hearings. Wow, a lot of hot air that will do wonders for folks out of work.
30 years of cutting taxes sure worked wonders for McSame – they’ll obviously work miracles for whatever right wing clown is put up for the White House in 2012.
Hell tax cuts didn’t do anything for Obama – it was what 30/40 percent of the stimulus?
30 years of regulators in bed with the industries they are supposed to oversee did fantastic for the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.
We all know what the Republicans want to do. And anyone who is not deluded knows it’ll accomplish next to nothing.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on mespews:
It’s not yet all that clear that the Republican gains will amount to what you typically hear in the news.
Right, sure, only if you’re one of the HA followers who bought the “hope and change” message hook, line and sinker. Of course, that includes Goldy, Roger Rabbit, YLB, Darryl, Lee, GBS, Daddy Love and all the other HA regulars, though you’d never know it today because this crew has developed total amnesia on their grand pronouncements regarding the new age we were about to begin.
Whew, thanks but no thanks . . . you clowns had NO idea what you were talking about, that much is clear!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
rhp6033 is truly losing it…
rhp6033 wrote…
Puddy’s still trying to peddle that sad old song that an economic collapse rivaling the Great Depression was caused by Democratic policies, presumably either enacted over a quarter-century before during the Carter administration (without causing collapse until now), or by Democrats when Republicans were in control of Congress from most of 1992 through 2006 (as well as the White House 2001 through 2009), and the Supreme Court (7 of 9 Republican nominees).
To which Puddy responded…
“Good try rhp6033, but as always you throw up BULLSHITTIUM which Puddy never said or espoused. Must be that continual weak position and argument.”
Yet rhp6033 twists crap in the wind
Yet when confronted with the fact that I. myself, am a Pentecostal Evangelical Protestant, Puddy can only mutter…
Nope you DOPE!
Silly man. If you could create a useful argument…
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Poor correctnotright, he’s once again incorrect and not to bright.
Puddy has posted leftist wingnuttia links describing WikiPedia. Just look at how they describe the global warming argument fool! Here let Puddy help you. It’s so biased and doesn’t cover any of the controversies. Yet you are and always be a moron.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Once again correctnotright is incorrect and not to bright. Puddy delivered the Bush deficit numbers for Roger direct from a leftwingnut site. And Puddy has delivered the latest Odumba deficit numnbas too. Yet as always this moron editorializes a bunch of hot air. When discussing the TARP again Puddy places the spending facts. When discussing the recession, it started when DUMMOCRAPTS were in charge of the purse strings. It happened in Dec 2007. Who controls the budget incorrectneverbright?
Why do you repeat the same tired useless feckless arguments every time you appear?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Where is correctnotright to answer why his party peeps to try and keep their seats are running away from OdumbaCare? Why won’t incorrectalwaysstupid answer this question?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Now that Jon Stewart, Jay Leno, and David Letterman are criticizing Odumba, are they racists?
ButtPutty @75 spews:
…Just look at how they describe the global warming argument fool! Here let Puddy help you. It’s so biased and doesn’t cover any of the controversies. Yet you are and always be a moron.
Beginning last week, the oil industry launched a national astroturfing effort called “Rally for Jobs.” The events, which are being held across the nation, are backed by right-wing billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch. They launched a nearly identical campaign last summer that was widely mocked for its obvious astroturfing after it was revealed that 15 of the 21 Energy Citizens events were actually planned by oil industry lobbyists.
ThinkProgress attended one of the rallies yesterday in Canton, Ohio. What was billed as an organic grassroots jobs rally quickly descended into attacks on three things the Kochs most oppose: global warming science, oil safety regulations, and Democrats. One of the speakers, Sgt. Dennis Bartow, called global warming a “hoax.” He was joined by Karen Wright, CEO of the gas company Ariel Corporation, who ridiculed climate change as “questionable science” and referred to pollutants as “so-called carbon dioxide emissions.” Wright went on to rail against “so-called green jobs” that were “dubious” and “phony.”
Of the approximately 400 who showed up for the rally, “most arrived in four buses” that were paid for and organized by oil and gas companies. ThinkProgress caught up with one of the attendees, who confirmed that Marathon Petroleum arranged a bus to bring over 50 of its employees to the rally.
Learn 2 Forgetspews:
Of course, that includes Goldy, Roger Rabbit, YLB, Darryl, Lee, GBS, Daddy Love and all the other HA regulars, though you’d never know it today because this crew has developed total amnesia on their grand pronouncements regarding the new age we were about to begin.
Seems like only yesterday that goldy and his goldycrats were celebrating the dawning of Obamalot, a Kennedy Camelot for the New Age.
Blue Johnspews:
Yup, and I’m disappointed on how republican appeasing Obama is. I was hoping he was going to push to progressive policies that helped the middle class.
But still he’s light years better than mccain (trade his soul for a vote) and palin (half term quitter).
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on mespews:
But still he’s light years better than mccain (trade his soul for a vote) and palin (half term quitter).
Yea, well, having been so wrong about Obama judgments like this are a little suspect by now, thank you very much.
What a crash!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
I can’t beleive that ANYONE could argue with a straight face that book burning is free speech that should be unencumbered by environmental, safety, or air quality considerations.
if it is, daddy love, let’s send the rev some copies of l.ron hubbard’s dianetics.
Thom Hartman has outed Terry Jones.
Thom’s been talking about this article in Der Spiegel.
Islamophobe’s Past in Germany
Terry Jones Accused of ‘Spiritual Abuse’ at Cologne Church
By Yassin Musharbash and Dominik Peters
Burning books is as much an expression of free speech as burning the flag. Both are effective because they do attract attention and invoke emotional responses. Personally, I find both examples offensive, but my sensitivity should not limit anyone’s right to express themselves.
Of course, I also have the right to object and express my disgust at the hypocricy of the act. Not that I’m the least bit surprised — just disgusted.
A Goldy post from a few years ago on the subject of flag burning. My question is, why isn’t he taking the same position with Koran burning?
“It’s my flag, and I can burn it if I want to
by Goldy, 06/27/2006, 9:45 AM
I have been known, occasionally — maybe once or twice — to politely and constructively criticize the Seattle Times editorial board for its periodic fits of self-serving, head-up-its-ass, propagandistic bullshit. So it’s only fair that I offer my kudos when they publish an editorial with which I wholeheartedly agree. Um… kudos.
(From the Seattle Times) Congress plans to waste time this week on the hardy perennial and all-around bad idea of amending the U.S. Constitution to outlaw flag desecration.
While it is unnerving to see our powerful symbol of freedom and independence burned or desecrated, it remains an expression of free speech that must be protected. Free speech trumps the insult of flag burning every time.
The right to express disapproval of our country, its policies and its flag is an important and protected right of free expression. When the American flag is burned in other countries”
re 5: Give me a break, hodad. If wingnut central said tomorrow that a constitutional amendment was needed against flag burning, that’s exactly what you’d be plumping for.
This is America, God damn it! Take those God-damned foreign letters out of your name and replace them with American letters!
Is anyone else tired of all this fucking religious craziness? It’s like we’ve stumbled back into the eleventh century.
This Koran burner is moron and a megalomaniac.
And an asshole, too.
@7 (chuckle)
# 9 (referring to # 6) Asian ideograms are used in both China and Japan (called Hanji in Chinese, and Kanji in Japanese). The ones used as the screen name in # 6 means “Ni-Hon-Go” (which literally means the “Japanese language”).
I’m tired of 50 idiots being able to get together and galvanize public attention all over the planet. It’s 50 yokels, let out a sigh, shake your head, and move on.
@5: Goldy argued that if they are going to burn the Quran, the Bible should be burned too. There was no argument made against burning things in protest in his most recent post, just against selective burning.
Most people would agree that the burning of flags or books specifically to piss people off is a stupid idea, but the right to do so per se is not in question.
Very nice graphic from SLOG illustrating just how regressive Washington state taxes truly are.
Love the video!
As an unabashed liberal, I will say that anyone who burns books is an asshole, period. I don’t care what books you burn, I don’t care what your motivations are.
Nazis burned books. Communists burned books. Book burning is a sign of the acceptance of the totalitarian mindset. Book burning is the greatest sin (outside of genocide) humans can commit that I can think of.
Go ahead, burn your books. It just lets me know who the assholes are, and who deserves my utmost disrespect and contempt. I don’t care who you are.
Book burning/composting is anti-intellectualism at its finest.
re 16: What if they are books of child pornography.
Personally, I approve of offensive actions to make a political point. My stance, though, is that does NOT trump the other considerations I mentioned. You can sit in, but you go to jail for trespassing. If this guy defies his local ordinances to burn Qurans, he should be punished according to the law, and “free speech” is not a defense.
If one burns a flag and it torches someone’s house, one is legally liable for that act. If one burns a stack of Qurans, one is still liable for the legal consequences of the environmental and atmospheric degradation that one perpetrates.
What about book stores?
In order to get credit from the publisher for books that don’t sell they must remove & return the front covers of the books then dispose of the rest of the book.
The more I read about this crazy pastor, the more I realize that the publicity from this is what is egging him on. As long as people pay attention to him, he will keep it up.
Heck, even the most ardent Pentacostal leaders have asked him to not do burn the Koran, and he just calls them sell-outs.
The best thing we can do is for all the news media to not show up on Saturday for his “event”. No broadcast news, no quotes from him on the evening news, no video of the burning except what the 50 or so congregants might make themselves. That way he can go back to the obscurity to which he so richly deserves.
Amen, brother.
Goldy, stop acting just like the crazed pastor.
Your desire to burn/mulch bibles makes you no better than him.
But rhp6033:
It’s comments like this which proves how you “perceive” the issue:
It is how you and other leftists perceive all Christians. Your
proves your DISDAIN for Christians. You are SHOCKED how they reacted from your commentary.
The reason the news media has trumped this fool is because they too hold your negative position on Christians. In fact over 90% of HA libtardos hold your view.
Very telling to Puddy! Cheap shots as always.
Right Stuff,
Not true. This is the real Goldy. He’s sporting his true progressive side. And you see the pied piper has his merry band of HA fools swallowing his every comment on anti-Bible antics. Witness his Sunday Bible verses!
Republicans are good at bashing Democratic policies (and Democrats; they LOVE to personalize issues, and turn differences of opinion into personal hate), and have a multi-billion-dollar propaganda machine for this purpose, butthey are devoid of ideas of their own or any constructive solutions to the country’s economic problems.
While being transported home from surgery this afternoon I saw a billboard that said, “$13 Trillion In Debt! Elect Fiscal Conservatives!” Need I remind anyone who racked up half of that debt in just eight years, and who the most profligate spenders in world history are?
Democrats usually are disgustingly limp-wristed in responding to this kind of bombastic horseshit, but President Obama (oh God, do I ever love the sound of that — PRESIDENT Obama — eat shit, righties!) grew half a pair of balls this afternoon and took on the rightwing noise machine:
“Speaking at a rally in suburban Cleveland, the president attacked the GOP … for not owning up to mistakes they made during eight years under President George W. Bush, which led to record budget deficits and the nation’s worst economic collapse since the Great Depression.
“It would be one thing if the Republicans had admitted to some mistakes and after ‘some reflection had come back and offered a credible new approach to solving our country’s problems,’ Obama told a gathering of supporters …. ‘But that’s not what happened.’
“Boehner and his fellow Republicans have offered no new policies or ideas, the president said. ‘There was just the same philosophy that they had tried during the decade they were in power.'”
(Quoted from AOL News.)
Obama’s comments, and that crazy billboard, come up in the context that Democrats are now proposing another new stimulus program. Anyone who reads the business news (which anyone who invests should) knows that virtually all leading non-partisan economists are united in their professional judgments that the original stimulus package was too small and the federal government should spend more, not less, on public works projects and aid to state governments and so on to jump-start the economy.
And anyone who believes that markets, left to their own inertia, will magically repair our sick economy if government just gets out of the way should take a long hard look at Japan, which two decades after its economic collapse is still mired in economic malaise. Conservative economic thinking is the functional equivalent of paramedics standing around waiting for a cardiac patient’s heart to restart itself.
Why the fuck would anyone with an ounce of brains vote Republican? I can understand why the crowd of ignorant people comprising the Tea Party who read nothing, know nothing, and comprehend nothing are easy prey for demagogues like Palin and Boehner would vote Republican. But no literate person who votes Republican can possibly explain himself in any rational terms. The most plausible explanation any Republican voter could offer for his voting behavior would be, “I did it because I hate myself, hate my family, and hate my country.”
Well well, puddy is back, and is posting right this minute!
Hey puddy, be sure to read #26 (which comes right after your #25) that I just posted behind you.
You might learn something. That is, if you’re capable of learning anything.
The beautiful thing about America is that any damn jackass preacher can say anything damn fool thing he wants to in the public square and not get stoned for it.
The problem arises from the fact that people in other societies who aren’t used to free speech get confused and believe that because our government allows the jackass to talk he must be speaking for all of us. And then they blame all 300 million of us Americans for one damn fool jackass masturbating in the public square.
Still waiting for the big dufus’ Daddy Love, Correctnotright, rujax!, etc., to explain why DUMMOCRAPTS are running away from the OdumbaCare bill for their 2010 reerection campaigns. It was the “crowning” glory.
@29 I guess puddy has nothing to say about @26, @27, and @28. I’m not surprised those comments leave him speechless. After all, what could he possibly say?
Hey Roger – 4,899,100,310,608.44 is how much Bush added to the debt. This is from one of those leftwingnut sites so it has to be true.
$10,626,877,048,913.08 when Bush left, and now it’s 13,432,950,453,660.21 and climbing. So since Roger is so “good” at reckoning that 2.8 trillion anc counting.
Oh yeah, Odumba had to “fix” what Bush left him. Wrong. He’s fixing the DUMMOCRAPT Congress issues who were talking down the economy starting in 2007.
Need to see the Googled links?
Duh Roger,
Puddy ain’t at your beck and call. It seems since you throw up stupidity Puddy has to research FACTS. So Puddy placed FACTS on the blog.
See ya dumb bunny. Hope the operation was a success in other areas because you are as DUMB as ever!
Seems to Puddy when an artist places a Crucifix in urine and calls it art he speaks for Roger Rabbit.
Puddy @ 24: You must have a short memory. Because I’ve mentioned before that I’m an Evangelical Christian. What I haven’t mentioned before is that I am a Pentacostal Evangelical Christian. But it’s true.
Hey, I know that most people think we are us Pentacostals are a little crazy. Some think we are a lot crazy – and it’s not just the liberals, but quite a few very conservative Christians as well. Most of the Southern Baptist Convention, of which Jerry Falwell was a leader, thinks we are either mentally deluded or demon possessed.
So when I say that the the most ardent leaders of the Pentacostal movement have asked him to refrain, and he refuses, it just shows how outside the mainstream he is. He won’t submit to any authority because he believes that only he knows the real can know what God really wants. He keeps his church independent, his ordination from sources unknown, and his “doctorate” from some mail order house.
I’m not making fun of Christians, Evangelicals, or Pentacostals. I’m pointing out that this guy is batty. It has nothing to do with his religion.
…as you remember Rog, Ol’Rujax used to call “colonelsandersfavoritechicken” the Puddybuddy out all the time in the old days (when Rujax thought the bastard pee-dookie really gave a shit about “dialogue”) and the dork ALWAYS found ways to wiggle out of being accountable. JUST LIKE the fuckwads in the political party whose programs he seems to prefer.
And…like you said…his positions are in defensible, and he knows it. He can’t say a fucking thing. Thirty years of “supply-side” and de-regulation and Reaganomics and Bush-shit (BOTH of ’em) has been an unmitigated disaster.
But Puddy ain’t at nobody’s beck and call. No sireee bobby. Not that real biggg man…the Puddybitch. NO fukkin’ way baby.
He and his doppelcrapper mr. cyniklown. Two peas in a pod. Too sour for even a Bunny to eat.
Puddy’s still trying to peddle that sad old song that an economic collapse rivaling the Great Depression was caused by Democratic policies, presumably either enacted over a quarter-century before during the Carter administration (without causing collapse until now), or by Democrats when Republicans were in control of Congress from most of 1992 through 2006 (as well as the White House 2001 through 2009), and the Supreme Court (7 of 9 Republican nominees).
And if you buy that, he knows a bridge in Brooklin he’s willing to sell you as well. He’ll even provide you with a ton of links which prove what a great deal it is.
We see the mess this economy is in.
Christine Romer, an academic, never ran a company, never made a budget, never hired a worker, spent all her time as a professor spouting theories and Dana Milbank, leftist, WaPost Reporter tells it correctly.
“Even now, Romer said, mystery persists. “To this day, economists don’t fully understand why firms cut production as much as they did or why they cut labor so much more than they normally would.” Her defense was that “almost all analysts were surprised by the violent reaction.””
Uh Christina, when you place new requirements upon businesses and then add OdumbaCare, threaten Cap and Tax, businesses will retract.
Your theories suck!
Oh my the dumb cinderblock rujax arrived and left and no one noticed or cared.
Good try rhp6033, but as always you throw up BULLSHITTIUM which Puddy never said or espoused. Must be that continual weak position and argument.
You see rujax another name for a dumb jackASS, we were told these policies would keep unemployment at 8% (Puddy placed the link last week, ask the “new and improved?”) ylb for the link from his database. Yet unemployment went to 10% and is holding steady at 9.6%.
So much for leftist theories jackASS!
@1 – They can’t, that’s why they aren’t arguing, they are hiding.
People who burn books as political speech do so to shine the light on their desire to remain forever ignorant.
I sincerely hope you have a speedy recovery and have zero ill effects from surgery.
Keep up the good spirits.
Pud- got some links explaining how the crash which began in the 4th quarter 2008 (hint before Obama was elected) was caused by Obama’s policies.
Bonus points if you can explain how the bail out package proposed by Bush, you remember the one McCain suspended his caimpaign to support, were caused by Obama.
@31 You think I’d trust your numbers, numbnuts?
P.S., since I just got out of surgery this afternoon, I’m not going to fact-check your post. Let’s just say that, taking your figures at face value, Bush increased the national debt by 85% whereas the net accretion under Obama is 26% … and most of what Obama spent was for cleaning up Bush’s mess.
P.P.S., please don’t attempt to reply to this comment, puddy, because you’ll only embarrass yourself even further.
@32 See @45.
P.S. – Facts? What facts are you referring to? Certainly not the content of your posts.
@33 No one, artist or otherwise, speaks for Roger Rabbit except Roger Rabbit.
You’ve been posting here for at least a couple of years now, putz, and you obviously read my comments, because you respond to them.
If you can’t figure out by now that I’m my own drummer, and don’t follow anyone’s party line, you’re either illiterate — or even dumber than you look.
While it’s true that I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, it’s also true that I’m not all that crazy about our run-of-the-mill Democratic pols and vote for them only because there’s no one else to vote for, and my propagandistic spewings originate with me — I’m not parroting what some geeky staffer in a liberal propaganda tank cooked up.
As for you, putz, all you’re capable of is replaying yourself like a broken record. All puddy posts read the same: tick, tick, tick, tick. You’re not even capable of copying and pasting from rightwing propaganda tanks.
@35 Well, we’ve got at least one troll with a bit of class, thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit! See #43.
@43 Thank you, RS. Whatever we may say about you, you have a heart.
@37 “We see the mess this economy is in.”
So do we. And unlike you, we know who got us in it.
K, stuff your bonus points, not interested. Your silly “games” are worthless.
But, it was interesting to see Barney Frank finally admit after years of not admitting the truth, his displeasure over Fannie and Freddie. Puddy been showing you fools the numbas for years and now Barney is admitting the numbas are correct. They shouldn’t have been giving loans to peeps who couldn’t afford the houses in 2005 and 2006 which started the foreclosure mess of 2007. And who cheered Fannie and Freddie – Barney Frank.
That’s the bonus prize.
BTW Roger, Puddy’s comments all read the same because facts are facts.
Oh yeah Odumba has added 2.8 Trillion in less that 2 years and counting. Thats over 1.4 Trillion a year. Bush average was around 610 Billion. Puddy sees Odumba beating that.
Oh yeah… Odumba and gang, especially the academic who had no actual experience, just some dumb theories told us this spending was the cure. Yeah hopefully the cure to getting rid of DUMMOCRAPTS making useless laws.
So the Bonus Question for K is, why are DUMMOCRAPTS running away from the passed legislative agenda? Why is that K? That’s the real bonus question!
Bonus points if you can explain how the bail out package proposed by Bush, you remember the one McCain suspended his caimpaign to support, were caused by Obama.
Ask the “new and improved” ylb to post what John Effin Kerry said on Fox News Sunday Sept 2008 regarding Odumba’s full jockstrapping of the TARP funds. It created Odumba Motors Corporation! Oh yeah… the TARP Bailout only has $375 Billion spent. So that has to be included in the Bush figures from the leftwingnut web site. So when the other $402 Billion is spent it will be on Odumba’s dime.
That was tooooooooooooooooooo easy K. Those were some great bonus points.
Pud if you weren’t so deeply into game playing, your post would be laughable. You do not engage honestly and when challenged cite your own “rules”.
WHy do the Republicans run away from their role in the bail out?
Enough time wasting, I’m off
Well having read this far may I suggest there are a number of reasons for the crisis?
Let’s remember that not only was there a housing bust but that the commodities market went bust and the stock market did as well. Remember the Dow went to 14,000 then dropped to 8000 and now is at 10350 or thereabouts.
But it looks to me like the primary cause was cheap money, i.e. low interest rates, to fight the war and keep people spending, coupled with poor regulation enforcement in the housing market. Business Week had an article some time ago on this last part of the problem. Local regulation also had a part to play and is probably one of the problems that won’t be addressed.
Now we have run a bunch of migrant workers back south and that has added to it because the housing they left behind is vacant. This last hit Nevada, California and Arizona the hardest.
Then helicopter Ben gives us this piece of work
If one burns a stack of Qurans, one is still liable for the legal consequences of the environmental and atmospheric degradation that one perpetrates.
only a fucking nutball would look at this issue in those terms.
thanks for providing the fucking nutball quotient of the conversation asswhipe.
based on your fucking nutball comment, can we assume you do not heat your house, drive to work, or otherwise contribute to “atmospheric degradation”?
moron…no wonder you do what you do…no thought required..monkey see, monkey write.
Wow K hit and run. What role in the bailout. Bush submitted the bailout plan. Butt even the leftist WikiPedia has “the most recent estimates of the cost, as of April 12, 2010, is down to $89 billion,” So it seems there should be $698 Billion left somewhere. So where did that money go under Odumba K? What is Giethner doing with all that largess? Looks like those shovel ready programs weren’t shovel ready?
You see when Puddy delivers the bonus question to K he runs, calls something silly and leaves. That’s K for you. He can’t deal in facts either.
The way I see, mooslims don’t need no excuse like burning a koran to go apeshit. Hell, they are always going apeshit over sumthin. so we might as well give em something to go apeshit over. I mean, hell, we weren’t burnin no korans when they did 9/11. We weren’t burnin no korans when they tried to knock over one of the world trade center buildings in ’93. I say give those blood-thirsty, terrorism-loving ragheads something to get mad about. They are going to bomb shit anyways, right? I mean it must be part of their religion to plant bombs in planes and clubs and restaurants, so since they are going to do that shit anyway, let’s give them something to be pissed off about.
Actually, pudnuts, Uncle Sam stands to make a profit on its General Motors bailout.
@58 We can count on you to fail to differentiate between a tiny coterie of terrorists and the world’s 1 billion Muslims, can’t we? Your rant is equivalent to saying all Christians are murderers because some guy who calls himself a Christian killed someone.
Actually Roger, Puddy said that in #57. So where did the rest of the $698 Billion of TARP funds go? What did Odumba and the DUMMOCRAPTS do with it?
Odumba loves to cast blame butt it’s his own party stopping activities!
Puddy the idiot thinks he knows something about the economy – and instead all we get is the same stupid lies and ignorant crap that Puddy usually peddles.
Real economists have found that the Bush recession would have been worse than the great depression without the stimulus and banking bills.
Pudy is so dumb he doesn’t even rmember claiming there WAS no recession while McCain was running.
Puddy supports tax cuts for the uber rich. Puddy parrots the republican failed policies and deregualtion for oil, mining and banking industries that have shown they cannot police themselves.
Thanks Puddy for showing once again why you have no new ideas and why you don’t undertand anything about the economy – you and Phil Gramm – the republican mastermind who also NEVER was in business.
so much for your third grade level arguments…once again hyou show how little you know or understand. But it is nice for you to demonstrate how ignorant you are and how bankrupt the republicans ideas are. thanks.
@57 hahah Puddy you really crakc me up – the “leftist” wikipedia.
Facts are a leftist conspiracy according to an idiot like Puddy. Yes, I am calling you an idiot because you lie and repeat lies.
In the bible they would stone you to death for slander.
Puddy, Puddy, retreating into confusion, as always.
Let’s recall Puddy’s own words:
Yet when confronted with the fact that I. myself, am a Pentecostal Evangelical Protestant, Puddy can only mutter…
Is this still Puddy’s position? Or is he ignoring the fact that he was completely wrong about this, and trying to turn the subject to some other discussion????
The world wonders. Well, not the world. Come to think of it, not even I wonder. It’s not important what Puddy thinks, says, or does, it’s all B.S. reciting wingnut talking points anyway.
Listening to the radio, you’d think Republicans are going to walk on water this November..
well, but…
What are the Republicans going to do?
Same old, same old that gave us the meltdown before Obama was elected, AFAICT.
@10, I pasted the characters into babblefish and found 日本語 meant “Japanese”. I changed my post within the 5 min window, but you had already commented.
I just love reading Troll blow a gasket.
I get all my facts from a facty place.
Oh, oh! There goes that psycho-laugh again!
“Puddy, Puddy, retreating into confusion”
It seems to me that it’s more likely that he’s retreating to his personal Puddy-space that’s somewhere to the west of krazy and due north of normal.
Then you lefties will be right back in power soon, won’t you!
It is amusing that a couple of years ago y’all were crowing about a permanent liberal voter realignment, and now you’re wondering what the Republicans will do with their new majority…
I see Klynical once again fails to post his beloved Rasmussen when things are looking terrific for our great President.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Suck on that Wingnuts!
It is amusing that a couple of years ago y’all were crowing about a permanent liberal voter realignment, and now you’re wondering what the Republicans will do with their new majority…
Ha. 20 months ago it was all about Hope and Change on HA. Now, Obama barely gets mentioned – you have to go to the Seattle Times – which Goldy, thankfully, promotes regularly – to discover he’s still in office. In fact, there are a bevy of national issues that you have to elsewhere to discover, well, that they’re issues. The war in Afghanistan got the big thumbs up from Roger Rabbit and GBS early on in Obama’s term – according to GBS Obama’s poll numbers would really get a boost from his war policy – but that’s not a particularly popular position so much anymore, so the war doesn’t get much mention. Of course, Iraq was a different matter . . .
So much for the judgement of the HA faithful.
69 – It’s not yet all that clear that the Republican gains will amount to what you typically hear in the news.
And no one has answered the question: what are the Republicans going to do?
I heard hearings. Wow, a lot of hot air that will do wonders for folks out of work.
30 years of cutting taxes sure worked wonders for McSame – they’ll obviously work miracles for whatever right wing clown is put up for the White House in 2012.
Hell tax cuts didn’t do anything for Obama – it was what 30/40 percent of the stimulus?
30 years of regulators in bed with the industries they are supposed to oversee did fantastic for the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.
We all know what the Republicans want to do. And anyone who is not deluded knows it’ll accomplish next to nothing.
It’s not yet all that clear that the Republican gains will amount to what you typically hear in the news.
Right, sure, only if you’re one of the HA followers who bought the “hope and change” message hook, line and sinker. Of course, that includes Goldy, Roger Rabbit, YLB, Darryl, Lee, GBS, Daddy Love and all the other HA regulars, though you’d never know it today because this crew has developed total amnesia on their grand pronouncements regarding the new age we were about to begin.
Whew, thanks but no thanks . . . you clowns had NO idea what you were talking about, that much is clear!
rhp6033 is truly losing it…
rhp6033 wrote…
To which Puddy responded…
Yet rhp6033 twists crap in the wind
Nope you DOPE!
Silly man. If you could create a useful argument…
Poor correctnotright, he’s once again incorrect and not to bright.
Puddy has posted leftist wingnuttia links describing WikiPedia. Just look at how they describe the global warming argument fool! Here let Puddy help you. It’s so biased and doesn’t cover any of the controversies. Yet you are and always be a moron.
Once again correctnotright is incorrect and not to bright. Puddy delivered the Bush deficit numbers for Roger direct from a leftwingnut site. And Puddy has delivered the latest Odumba deficit numnbas too. Yet as always this moron editorializes a bunch of hot air. When discussing the TARP again Puddy places the spending facts. When discussing the recession, it started when DUMMOCRAPTS were in charge of the purse strings. It happened in Dec 2007. Who controls the budget incorrectneverbright?
Why do you repeat the same tired useless feckless arguments every time you appear?
Where is correctnotright to answer why his party peeps to try and keep their seats are running away from OdumbaCare? Why won’t incorrectalwaysstupid answer this question?
Now that Jon Stewart, Jay Leno, and David Letterman are criticizing Odumba, are they racists?
Contraversies? You mean like this?
Koch-Funded Oil Rally Calls Global Warming A ‘Hoax,’ Dismisses Oil Spill, And Attacks Democrats
Seems like only yesterday that goldy and his goldycrats were celebrating the dawning of Obamalot, a Kennedy Camelot for the New Age.
Yup, and I’m disappointed on how republican appeasing Obama is. I was hoping he was going to push to progressive policies that helped the middle class.
But still he’s light years better than mccain (trade his soul for a vote) and palin (half term quitter).
But still he’s light years better than mccain (trade his soul for a vote) and palin (half term quitter).
Yea, well, having been so wrong about Obama judgments like this are a little suspect by now, thank you very much.
What a crash!
Hey ekim, where is the response to WikiPedia?