I will donate money to Rand Paul’s campaign if he promises to kidnap GOP Senators and force them to take bong hits.
UPDATE: The General suggests a campaign sign:
UPDATE 2: In more important news today, Google and Verizon have proposed a framework that attempts to eliminate the principle of net neutrality for wireless broadband networks. The key issue is over whether the internet will function the same on your portable device as it does on your home network. This agreement would open the door to having the the internet on your cell phone function more like cable TV – with content limited to those who can pay to have their content carried, rather than like the rest of the internet where everyone’s webpage is treated equally. Joan McCarter and Andrew Villeneuve write more.
for jesus
uh oh…looks like Bawney Fwanks fanny and freddie mac are asking for MORE bailout money…
but..but..but…Bawney said there was no housing bubble!
fucking crooks…and then he as the audacity to pass the buck when accountability time comes(a progressive trait indeed).
Nice to see that the brave warriors representing the religion of peace(or religion in pieces?) are back up to their old tricks again.
nothing like executing 10 volunteers trying to bring medical aid to people.
as an interesting side note, those 10 volunteers were part of a christian charity organization. so for all you who deride christians, how come we dont see any atheist aid or charity organizations? You all like to talk shit, but rarely have the sack to volunteer….greedy narcissists perhaps?
Atheists keep their money for the coming big bang!
but, the Big Bang is a Liberal conspiracy to keep you from reading your bible!
Quack quack! Quack! QWWWUUAAAAACCCKKKK!!!!!!!
5 – Nice find. Starts out great:
Ends well as well…
Good complement to the right wing stupid in these threads…
The right wing crazy never ends:
Wow that ylb is a find a day.
This was played last week. Check your “vaulted” database.
Puddy sees you ventured back to TPM. Pavlov says good whatever.
8 – Yawn… Story I quote is dated today.
The right wing fool in CO is still selling fear..
You buying?
Phyllis Schafly’s spawn is also the guy writing the new wingnut Bible, removing all that “judge not”, love and compassion crap that wingnuts can’t stand. Rambo and the conservative Jesus turn out to be pretty much interchangable.
Thats some weapons grade stupid right there.
You conservitards wonder why people laugh at you and dismiss you as being unintelligent? It is shit like that, being the perfect example of your mindset. You people are the ultimate product of a long, systematic and deliberate conservative program of eliminating real education from the public sector. Education is anathema to religion, science and technology is what will help the human race survive into the next millennia.
Your paradigm is obsolete, conservatives. Your primitive belief systems are now a destructive element in human society, and do nothing to enhance its progress.
If there was an asteroid headed straight to Earth, and knowing full well that it WAS going to smack, I doubt you would do anything but pray, while the few educated people left in the world would be doing everything they could to prevent the collision. In fact, you would be welcoming the destruction that such an event would cause, and you would be doing everything in your power to sabotage the effort. After all, the Abrahamic religions are death cults, and they pray every day for the end of the world, and the death of the human species. Such is their ultimate goal.
Conservatives and the fanatically religious are a direct threat to the survival of the human race, and should be treated as the dangerous psychopaths they really are.
Then that means TPM is late as always to the news cycle. Apparently they aren’t getting the $$$ from Soros!
Barack Obama’s fellow man of color in the House (orange color) has the following words of wisdom:
@7 This one’s easy for wingnuts to process. Nazis had bicycles. Hitler was a fascist who belonged to the National Socialist party. So bikers are dirty, Hitler-loving commie-fascists.
There goes DeadToad again…
Didn’t Lee once tell everyone you can’t blame the masses for the actions of a few? So if this works for the libtardos then it holds for conservatives!
You can check with ylb as he has it all in his “vaulted” database!
“man of color in the House (orange color)”
Did you see him on Meet the Press in front of that orange background? That was just too funny!!
Steve Steve Steve, ever been to The Netherlands?
Found it!
16 – Yep, found it..
No. Why, do they have orange people there?
@ 9
He doesn’t need to buy, he already has a vested interest.
Keeping track of all those old shopping carts full of dead cats keeping you busy there Pudd?
16 – Yeah, found it!
Re 11
What a stirring lesson in tolerance from the left!
Oh wait, tolerance only applies if one is an asian transgender single mother/father in a wheelchair in a loving lifetime relationship with his/her hamster who is studying sociology for the past 15 years. And has no job.
If you’re a culturally literate American who embraces the basic mores of this …not so much.
Seriously, Deathfrogg, lighten up. All those audited classes in womens studies and the evils of corporations are starting to mess you up, buddy.
No, those are all in New Jersey.
@ 22
I have never audited a class. I have never taken womens Studies.
And I have no tolerance for those who would use their “faith” to suppress votes, stigmatize and oppress sectors of the population, rob my bank accounts and threaten me with violence for not following their schizophrenic belief systems.
Unlike some of my fellow liberal types, I am not pacifistic, nor am I unwilling to speak my mind about the true nature of dogmatism and blind adherence to narrow minded bigotry through those dogmas.
I too, own firearms. And I can hole a nickel from 400 meters.
Re 22
“And I have no tolerance for those who would use their “faith” to suppress votes, stigmatize and oppress sectors of the population, rob my bank accounts and threaten me with violence for not following their schizophrenic belief systems.”
You keep an eagle eye out for that, eh chief? I’m too busy, well, living. I must have missed the christianist memo (bwah ha ha ha) to do all those things. I hate being out of the loop.
“I too, own firearms. And I can hole a nickel from 400 meters.”
Congratulations. It’s been so long since I’ve been to a firing range I hadn’t realized that they’d replaced paper targets with nickles. The world changes. Ah well. By the way, in the United States we reckon things in feet, not meters. Is 400 meters about 12 feet? 2 miles? I’m such a redneck bible thumper I just don’t know.
@ 25
Well, considering the fact that “meters” are a European style socialist form of measurement, I’m not surprised. After all, the metric system is another liberal conspiracy to turn your children into homosexual atheists.
I knew Rand was a nutcase.
I hadn’t realized he was my kind of nutcase!
Re 26
“After all, the metric system is another liberal conspiracy to turn your children into homosexual atheists.”
No, just a way for Canadian cops to nail you for speeding while you’re trying to translate the speedometer on the American car you’ve driven to Vancouver. (Is 80 kilometers an hour like 60 miles per hour, honey, or 50? Damn, that cop just turned his lights on.)
@ 28
Yeah, been there, done that.
Vancouver cops are dicks.
i dig rand paul.
Guess Puddy can’t read
Colorado Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes raised eyebrows and kickstands last week, when he suggested that a Denver bicycling program supported by presumptive Democratic nominee and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper was some kind of UN plot. Today/ on MSNBC, Maes was forced to try to explain. But instead of backpedaling, Maes just rode right on ahead.
Yes, the story started last week. But the stupid continues this week, since the guy doesn’t have a clue about reality and adds another chapter to the the growing wing nut crazy book.
lee, strangely enough, we seem to agree on a lot of things, although it would be ha suicide for you to be seen agreeing with me too much. notwithstanding my moral disagreement with legalized drugs, not to mention a segment of society wanting to keep the prolitairiate stoned, the war on drugs has been a disaster.
however, there’s one thing you overlooked or just never mentioned. law enforcement has a vested interest in keeping the war going. not only do they get a huge budget infusion with their very unamerican impounding laws, they also have increased their ranks, and from what i can see on the show , cops, they’re having a hell of a good time to boot. i dont think i have to tell you, they are a political force to be reckoned with.
Don, Puddy can read. Apparently you can’t read. Puddy said the story played last week. So what BSNBC is looking for ratings as always trying to keep the “story” alive. You can’t trust TPM who thought Barack the Magic Negro was A Ruch Limbaugh creation – it wasn’t. Also TPM claimed Trigg Palin was Bristol’s baby – it wasn’t. Was there a retraction on either story? NOPE. Yet when a right wing blog forgets to close a quote, y’all howl fowl!
BTW, Chris Matthews is still on his racism rant. Puddy notices you leftist pinheads stopped replaying Chris Matthews.
Notice how ylb hides another leftwing rant site with a tiny url.
P R I C E L E S S!
Now this is
“The rally by religious and environmental groups was to protest BP’s response to the gulf oil spill and to advocate for legislation favoring renewable energy sources.” Ummm Puddy reads between the lines with libtardo speak decoder ring… it was a “rally” with Code Pink, Greenpeace, and MoveOn.org, among other groups…
He also flamed Bawney Fwank on the air… You can’t do that today…
So they call it insubordination when you go conservative on the air, in Odumba’s Progressive WA DC! It’s toxic to your career to mention Odumba got lots of BP cash running for president. Did Rahmbo or the Squeaky Axel call the station? Nice bias proven again.
Typical oh so typical!
I just realized what Pud’s syntax reminds me of…White Goodman!
@24, Frogg: Amen. I’m not as good a shot, but I have lots of ammo.
@36: That was a good find.
It’s close but Puddpuller’s quite a bit more frantic and frenetic though — all in 3rd person.
He’s fucking insane — and not in a good way.
Not too insane to realize he’s been fucked, though. Frogg nailed ‘im above and he’s been deflecting and trying to change the subject ever since.
Serious news: Former Senator Ted Stevens was one of nine passengers & crew on an airplane which has crashed in S.W. Alaska. Five are known dead, but their identities have not been disclosed. Another passenger was the former head of NASA, now head of EADS North America.
No jokes from me here, not even a snide comment. I made more than a few posts here which attacked Sen. Stevens while he was in office, but today I’ll pray for the passengers, crew, and their families.
Ted was also a victim of prosecutorial misconduct and his conviction was thrown out.
Every American Citizen has a right to a fair trial.
Good comment rhp. I avoided diving into the Teddy Kennedy cesspool. Charlton Heston took quite a beating by Goldy & others. Pathetic human beings.
ObaMao continues to plunge–
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Progressives have more to worry about than attacking Ted Stevens. I suspect however that they will because they are desperate, mean-spirited a$$holes in general. rhp obviously excluded.
Um… So, Rand got stoned and acted like a college student when he was in college. This is news?
In other news, Tom Coburn, controversial Republican Senator from Oklahoma, has endorsed Dino Rossi for Senator in Washington State, sayin he will be an “ally” of his in the Senate.
I’m wondering if Rossi’s internal polling says he’s in a bit more trouble with Didier and Akers than he’s let on. Didier’s been pushing ads saying that Rossi isn’t any better than Murray, at least in the eyes of the Tea Party movement. Since then Rossi’s been forced into some public moves to the far right, including signing the Teabag Party contract, seeking endorsements from far-right Republican politicians who vouch for his ideological purity, etc.
But I don’t think that’s where Rossi wanted to be at this stage of the contest. He wanted to slide through the primary process without having to take any public positions, other than some generic mumbling about taxes, earmarks, spending, etc. He wanted to try slipping through again as a “moderate Republican”, and try to make people afraid of “ultra-liberal” Patty Murray.
This was based upon the old dynamic, which assumed that some 90% of voters in the state were already loyal to a specific party in roughly equal numbers, and the fight was over the remaining 10% “independents. In such a scenario, moving to the center for the general election allowed the candidate to take for granted his “base”, and try to appeal as the “center” candidate to the independents. But that dynamic hasn’t been true for quite some time. It almost worked for Rossi in 2004. But by 2008 people knew a lot more about Dino Rossi, and he wasn’t fooling any independents, and Rossi’s base was declining. Now the fight seems to be over who can get the most milage from their base.
# 41: Well it’s a bit more than that. I did some stupid things in college to, but this is a bit different.
(a) Rand wasn’t just an average “college student” getting drunk or high. He was attending Baylor University, a conservative Baptist college. Apparantly he didn’t like the rules, and wouldn’t stand up to his parents and insist on transfering to another school, so instead he took it out on other students. My wife attended a Bible college, and she said that these were the worst students – ones the parents sent to college to “straighten them out”, but only causing lots of problems while they were there.
(b) This wasn’t a panty raid. It was a kidnapping. He’s lucky she didn’t press charges.
(c) It’s one thing to be a bit rebellious against college or religious authority, but trying to force an unwilling fellow student to get high (when she didn’t want to), or to threaten her with drowning if she didn’t repudiate her faith by worshiping “Aqua Buddah” when she clearly resisted, is beyond the level of simple hazing.
I’m guessing these actions will lose him a lot of the evangelical vote in West Virginia. Unless, of course, he says he was a sinner at the time, has since accepted Christ and been forgiven of his sins, and sins no more.
But I don’t really expect him to do that.
It’s a google image link of the orange man at meet the press. Too long, so I shortened it.
Again, we have another right winger asserting some kind of “left wing plot”..
Classic. Thanks for playing..
That would be Kentucky, my friend. Which speaks to why, even as crazy as he is, he’s still in the running for the Senate seat (Open seat: replaces Jim Bunning).
From the woman’s statement to GQ:
It was a prank. It may have been a negitave experience for the woman, in the end. But, there’s no law that says all your experinces will be good ones.
If this story is anything, it’s a good example of American’s preference for cheap drama over real news, real thought, and hard choices.
If this this is anything, it’s a story about the media and the American people’s preference to focus on cheap drama over real news.
Please ignore the last paragraph in my last post! I’m not much good at iTyping.
@46: Michael, my friend, this kidnapping is important because of the evident hypocrisy. I’m assuming most of us have smoked a some dope in our lives and did some crazy things too…
But this cretin (Paul) is running for the US Senate and trying to pass himself off some paragon of christian virtue. His “history” is entirely relevant.
45: Yep, my bad, it’s Kentucky, not West Virginia. I think I’ve got recently deceased Senator Byrd in my head.
RE 48
Yes, you’re right. Because ALL liberals led blameless lives in college! Right Zotz?
@50 Check back with us when we start holding ourselves up as paragons of virtue as do the Republicans. When it bites you in the ass, we get a big laugh out of it. It’s the hypocricy, Lost. There’s humor in that. Few things were ever funnier than the fall of Gingrich and Livingston during the Clinton impeachment, and the implosions of Foley, Vitter and other holier than thou Republicans.
Speaking of that paragon of virtue, Newt Gingrich, here is one of his ex-wife’s point of view.
You fool.
GQ prints something from 1 ANONYMOUS source with no corroborating evidence…and you get excited?
Think man.
This is not journalism…it’s a smear.
Paul is foolish to spend any time on this.
Stick to the issues of Democrat Deficit Spending and reigning in government spending.
Desperate sideshow.
Why does it come out 27 years later???
ObaMao is -19 in todays Rasmussen. That’s -51 points from his Inauguration level IN THE SAME POLL.
Desperation is obvious to the average Independent, who dislikes these types of random attacks without even close to any substantiation.
Good luck with the Desperation Efforts.
The guy’s a cretin; no argument there. There are plenty of things in the here and now that you can point too to show why someone shouldn’t vote for Rand Paul. There’s no need to dig up a college prank from over twenty years ago.
People change and grow. I don’t think it’s a miss characterization for someone who was a bit on the wild side in their teens and early 20’s to run on The Good Christian Ticket @ 48 yeas old.
You might ask them why, with a in a secular government, we should give a flying fuck about them running on The Good Christian Ticket . Or maybe, is running on The Good Christian Ticket a bit of a conflict when you’re running to be part of a secular government.
I’m sure there are some folks around Gig Harbor that could tell some embarrassing stories about me when I was in my late teens. Should the stupid shit I did at 19 prevent me from running for city council at 41?
We need to get away from the Personalization and Dramafication of everything and every one and get back to issues.
Steve @ 52: That’s quite an article, thanks for posting the link.
@55: Of course, I agree with all that theoretically, but heres the thing:
Now that you know this, in this specific case, isn’t it confirmation that this guy’s been a wingnut all his life?
This act was truly bizarre and has been tacitly acknowledged as accurate by the Paul campaign. Shouldn’t people know that when they vote?
I think it depends on how you read it. To me it reads like a prank, that maybe got pulled on the wrong person. The woman involved even said:
This alone wouldn’t change how I voted for someone, but the way Rand Paul’s campaign is handling it might. If he was somewhat normal wouldn’t he just call it an ill advised prank and get on with life rather than threatening to sue G.Q.?
“Should the stupid shit I did at 19 prevent me from running for city council at 41?”
This strikes me as going well beyond “stupid shit”. This is more like going deep into the realm of very disturbing shit. If I knew that you had done something like that at any age, that you were capable of acting the things in your head in such a disturbed manner, that you even had a bent towards such disturbed fantasies, about the last damned thing I’d ever do is vote for you to represent me.
Now I said “you” in this rant, because you held yourself out there in the quote. But I will hope that you and nobody else who shows up here at our cesspool, even the Klynical KLOWN, is anywhere remotely as disturbed as this Rand Paul character just might turn out to be.
@58: What Steve said. And I posted this update on the DL thread:
1. Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschloch spews:
Paul denies “kidnapping”:
“…I’d remember if I’d kidnapped someone…”
You’d think they’d see the irony of someone clearly stoned out of their mind (Paul), and citing their memory of events and other’s perception of those events as an alibi.
But you’d be wrong.
Saying “you” in this case is just fine.
I can tell you that my friends and I did, in fact, kidnap each other. I’ve ridden in the trunks of a few cars. We also threw strings of fire crackers through open bathroom windows and rode motorcycles inside of a house we rented*. But, where there were “victims” in these things the victims were willing participants. We were out having fun and we were a pretty wild bunch. But, we did try to not piss off the neighbors too bad. We cleaned up our messes, mowed the lawn of the elderly lady next door when we mowed ours, and didn’t bast the music.
The woman in this case sounds like she went along, but did so grudgingly. Her words:
I’m not trying to defend Rand Paul or his actions. I’m trying to say that people see can see things differently, things and people change over time, and I think we need to focus on the here and now. There’s plenty of reasons to vote against Rand Paul in the here and now.
*The house was returned to the owner at the end of our lease in better condition than we got it and we got our damage deposit back. It took a bit of work on our part. ;-)
Please read some the comments posted on the GQ piece by Baylor Alumni. It really does look like GQ is trying to stir up some drama.
I’m so sick of drama. The political realm has been turned into an episode of The Jersey Shore.
I love this comment:
This one was good too,
“Rand Paul is going to drown in his Aqua Karma.”
Look, I kind of understand it all as a college prank, if one accepts the way the old-school Seafair Pirates would “kidnap” secretaries from the streets of downtown Seattle and set them free later at Alki Point. In those cases they seemed to be more or less willing participants, and I can’t be sure how clear the gal in the Paul story demonstrated her unwillingness.
But the Agua Buddah thing really bothers me. The girl was going to a fundamentalist bible college, and everyone knew that worshiping a stream was pretty much blasphemy. The fact that they were forcing her to do so, under threat of pushing her head under water, is pretty hard to accept. What’s the difference here between a muslim in Afganistan threatening a Christian with chopping of a limb if they don’t convert to Islam? Or Torquemada displaying the instruments of torture to Spanish Jews to coerce them into converting to Christianity?
Sure, we can say that “they didn’t really mean to cause her harm”, but can the victim really ever know for sure? Can they safely refuse, and wait to see what happens?
It’s pretty scary.
I never read a reference to that. What I read was this:
Which I took to mean it was a prank.
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Gotta love Maxine Waters and her scandal! Charles Rangel too.
DUMMOCRAPTS, the gift that keeps on giving!
“Gotta love Maxine Waters”
Puddy’s gotta love Chris Ortloff, a 62 year old former New York Republican legislator, who has been sentenced to federal prison for 12 1/2 years for using the Internet to try to entice minors into having sex. He thought he was communicating with the mother of two girls, ages 10 and 11, and was arranging to meet them at a motel room.
We can add this perv to the GOP honor roll of busted pedophiles,
Lordy, it must really suck to be Puddy.
Reppublican pedophiles and perverts, the gift that keeps on giving.
When the republicans ran the ethics committee….no one (republican or democrat) had ethics violations unless tht were huge and obvious.
At least the democrats police their own.
Republicans lie, cheat and steal. Puddy makes excuses for them and Klynical is too stoopid to understand what is going on.
Puddy ignored and excused the entire Abramoff scandal that was basically institutionalized corruption by and for republicans. Now he is bringing up two seperate individual cases.
Puddy: You are a lying hypocrite.
At least the democrats police their own.