let’s see if i understand. a mosque is a muslim house of worship. the religious affiliation of the 9/11 bombers was muslim….so, ipso facto, in the country of diversity, multiculturalism, tolerance, ad nauseum, we are indicting a group of peoplefor the actions of a few. sounds a little like the bigotry of , say, bernie madoff being jewish, not allowing any jews to work on wall street.
Liberal Scientistspews:
MOT, you in fact, seem to have written something factually accurate: that collective punishment, that is punishing an entire group for the crimes of a few that happen to share an irrelevant characteristic, is wrong.
How did you do that? It seems so…out of character for you. Congrats.
Liberal Scientistspews:
The new Museum of Tolerance New York opened in the heart of Manhattan this week, citing an ambitious mission to help enlighten city residents and tourists on issues of discrimination, prejudice and social inequality.
But the museum’s financial backer, the Wiesenthal Center of Los Angeles, says it cannot tolerate the planned location near Ground Zero for a mosque and Islamic community center.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
that collective punishment, that is punishing an entire group for the crimes of a few that happen to share an irrelevant characteristic, is wrong.
Then Liberal Scientist, taking this comment a step further, how can you jock strap attacks against a few Christians who may have done something wrong and your HA Libtardo ilk call all of us Talibangelists.
funny how the shoe fits these days.
Perhaps while the Republicans are modifying the 14th amendment to the constitution they could add a little something to straighten out what is to be expected from governments regarding the Islamic building proposal in NY, NY.
I’m thinking something like
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Oh wait…
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
The Gazette
Marie Exley of Colorado Springs is convinced that Armageddon, the end of the world as written of in the Bible, will come next year.
Her conviction is so strong that, though unemployed, she’s paid $1,200 to buy advertising space on 10 Springs bus benches through October to get the word out. The ad says, “Save the Date! Return of Christ: May 21, 2011, WeCanKnow.com.”
“I want to do all I can to get the message out,” Exley, 31, said.
Exley got the idea for the ads from listening to Family Radio, a Christian broadcast heard on 55 stations in the United States, including KFRY, 89.9 FM, in Pueblo. It’s hosted by controversial Christian leader Harold Camping.
Camping predicts Christ will return on the date in Exley’s advertisement. Listeners in other states have also purchased outdoor ad space to proclaim the date…
The ads are written and designed by the creators of WeCanKnow.com, an Ohio-based web site devoted to reminding people of Christ’s return.
“We hope it raises awareness and sends people to their Bible,” said Robert Dunham, spokesman for WeCanKnow.com. “Time is running out, but there is still time for salvation.”
Two thumbs up!
What better tribute to American Exceptionalism than building an Islamic Center near to the WTC?
My only wish is that someone would take this as a reasoning for ALSO creating a place devoted to humanistic goals we revere in all religions!
I would love t see a park devoted to people who have taught peace .. whether they be Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Einstein, King, Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi, Akhbar, Sojourner Truth, the Dali Lama or even Hirsi Ali.
It seems to me that the best shield against fanatics is to learn from and celebrate these leasers. What better way to be “in your face” to the mishigoyem of 9/11? Imagine the chagrin of Glenn Beck, President Hu, Ahmadinejad, Le Pen and bin Laden at EVERY celebration in such a place!
Legalizing Marijuana has now fallen to third with 37% of all voter choosing it vs. 49% “voting” to restrict welfare to or any other state service (presumably including health care and education) to “legal” residents.
People like Lee who misuse or do not understand statistics exist on the right and the left. They hurt us all. I propose to periodically award the LEGO award (aka Lee’s EGO as in LEGO my EGO) to such thinking. Glenn Beck is obviously my number one candidate but Lee serves honorable mention.
Mayor Bloomberg said it best, I’d like to see anyone argue against his points, they can’t that’s what they are really upset with, not a mosque, but not being able to get their way. Babies in a sand box. Calling themselves American is like calling Hugo Chavez an American.
Here is another Heterosexual Love fest. I’ve lost track on the count now.
@2 How did you do that? It seems so…out of character for you. Congrats.
well, libsci, first i have to graciously thank you for the compliment. but now, to dissapoint, i have to say, i’m always “accurate”, just not “politically correct”. for example, when bill clinton was president he said he wanted the supreme court to look like america. thats an accurate fact. now of course he was talking about too amny white christian men on the court. accurate fact. now with kagan, thats three jews, doesnt look like america, accurate fact. but, when its anybody but white chrsitisn males, we’re not supposed to say it. so tell me, have i been accurate with that?
The Pacific Coast is supposed to get wiped out by a tsunami next week!
@6 and 13 Shades of the failed prophet Ellen White’s predictions of doom! However, if they keep on predicting when the end will come and continue to deny the reality of climate-change, sooner or later one of these freaks just might actually get it right.
OMG, there is already a mosque at Ground Zero! And the US government ALLOWS it!
@6 “Save the Date! Return of Christ: May 21, 2011, WeCanKnow.com.”
i cant remember the exact words, but it goes something like “no man shall know the time or day”. so, it cant be when she said, ’cause she cant know.
i’d be more concerned about gerald celente’s prediction of chaos by 2012. number one, he’s been on msnbc and fox, thats saying something to get those two to take the same side. he’s been eerily accurate in the past, and as i have said before (but i used the guy keeping the plates spinning so you guys would understand, lol)we cant keep this fiat money scam going much longer, planned by the criminal fed reserve or not.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
I think everyone would agree that, in the least, it is poor taste to put up a mosque, especially one with the arabic name of “victory”, so close to ground zero.
the West seems to be its own worst enemy at times.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
so gleeman, did you get a little asian in your diet last night? a little cream of sum yong boi perhaps?
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
well at least the surfing will be epic for a while…
I think everyone would agree that, in the least, it is poor taste to put up a mosque,
Just as it was for Bush to have Muslim clerics in the audience as he gave his first address to Congress after 9/11. Just as it was for Mayor Bloomberg to outright condemn and reject the ignorant reaction from the righ wing and elsewhere to the mosque.
i.e. not in good or poor taste – just the right thing to do.
mot 12. manoftruth:
…but now, to dissapoint, i have to say, i’m always “accurate”, …for example, when Bill Clinton was president he said he wanted the supreme court to look like america.now with kagan, thats three jews, doesnt look like america, accurate fact. but..
Yeh, 5 Roman Catholics representing ALL the Christians, 100% of the African Americans representing the far right, 75% of the liberals being females, no Christian liberals …
Seems like we really need some TOUGH affirmative action!
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
why is it the right thing to do to put up a mosque named “victory” near ground zero?
24 – apparently your knowledge of history and mosque building is quite inept
Projection. There’s a mosque near where I live. I’ve lived here since 1992. Never had a problem. Until…
Right after 9/11 some angry, bigoted, ignorant, confused numbnuts tried to pour gasoline over a car parked in the mosque’s parking lot and light it on fire.
After that, members of a local mainline Christian church volunteered to stand guard over the mosque for quite a number of weeks. An act of kindness that has never been forgotten.
Who do you identify more with asshole? The latter?
George Bush used the word “crusade” in one of his speeches after 9/11.
That word is not regarded well in the Muslim world. If you’re trying to win support against extremism, it should never be used. You’re shooting yourself in the foot. It wasn’t used again.
The word “Cordoba” doesn’t not have the same meaning. It only has the meaning that right wing idiots assign to it.
@21 Seems like we really need some TOUGH affirmative action!
i’m not sure i get your response exactly, but i was trying to give an example how i was being accurate, i dont think any fact in my post was wrog, but, because of so called bigotry, most people will not point out tyhat kagan now makes three jews on the court. but it was certainly ok for clinton to point out there were too many white christian men.
also, most people take affirmative action seriuosly, so its funny that you cam make a joke when its about white christian men.
proud leftistspews:
Nazi @ 28
The Supreme Court cannot be expected to reflect our nation’s demographics. There are only nine members of the Court. And, of course, you are a racist asshole.
Nazi @ 28 The Supreme Court cannot be expected to reflect our nation’s demographics. There are only nine members of the Court. And, of course, you are a racist asshole.
bill clinton said he wanted the supreme court to look like america, not me. by the way, was he racist for suggesting that there were too many white christian men on the supreme court?
22. Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woe spews:
why is it the right thing to do to put up a mosque named “victory Cordoba” near ground zero?
The land is private property. Why is it the right thing to interfere with what they do with their private property?
30. manoftruth spews:
bill clinton said he wanted the supreme court to look like america, not me. by the way, was he racist for suggesting that there were too many white christian men on the supreme court?
and why would that be ekim, because its ok to be racist if the target is a white christian male?
@33, since you are a racist, you would not understand.
@34 @33, since you are a racist, you would not understand.
well then, ekim, explain it to the others so they’ll know why it ok for only white christian men to be discriminated against.
Blue Johnspews:
31. Ekim spews: “The land is private property. Why is it the right thing to interfere with what they do with their private property?”
Well, we apply land use rules all the time. “Don’t take the farm and make it into a junk yard and toxic waste dump next to the river.” Then the conservatives scream that we are interfering with their public property rights.
Yet in this case, they are for zoning and against people doing what they want with their public property.
Seems the conservatives cannot have have it both ways or they are hypocrites.
# 6: I know you don’t agree with this idiotic “prophecy”, and I hate to agree with MoT on anything, but the Bible does indeed have a passage whereby Jesus says that not even the angels in heaven know the date God has selected for the end of the world.
And given that the dates given only allow for some five months after the Rapture and the End of the World, you have to wonder where this stands in connection to The Book of Revelation theology. Are they advocating pre-tribulation rapture, mid-tribulation rapture, or post-tribulation rapture? And what do they mean by the end of the world – the Second Coming of Christ, or the start of the tribulation?
Sounds like these folks don’t even understand the theological issues very well.
By the way, if anyone ever asks when the rapture or Second Coming will occur, I just tell them it doesn’t matter – we should live our lives like it could happen at any time.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
@37: I don’t have a clue what they’re really advocating — and don’t really want to know. That would be frustrating pointless. They obviously are beyond any rational explanation — they’re fucking crazy bigots.
My only intent was to share a chuckle with my HA buds.
Blue Johnspews:
I thought this was interesting
Republicans. The Constitution is sacred! except when it isn’t!
Okay, let’s tally up the list of Constitutional amendments that are generally endorsed by mainstream Republicans:
1. The Flag Desecration Amendment
2. Balanced budget amendment
3. Supermajority to raise taxes
4. “Parental rights” amendment – the right of parents to “raise their children as they see fit, introduced last year by Jim DeMint and Peter Hoekstra.
5. Human life amendment, banning abortion
6. The Federal Marriage Amendment, banning gay marriage
7. Believing that the DC Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional, Lisa Murkowski proposed an amendment giving the District a single voting representative.
8. Last year, Jim DeMint introduced a term limits amendment (3 terms in the House, 2 in the Senate).
@39 I thought this was interesting
Republicans. The Constitution is sacred! except when it isn’t!
blue john, just to prove my brilliance and higher intellect than all youse guys, i bethca you dont believe in the electoral college! see, only when you like the constiturion.
let’s see if i understand. a mosque is a muslim house of worship. the religious affiliation of the 9/11 bombers was muslim….so, ipso facto, in the country of diversity, multiculturalism, tolerance, ad nauseum, we are indicting a group of peoplefor the actions of a few. sounds a little like the bigotry of , say, bernie madoff being jewish, not allowing any jews to work on wall street.
MOT, you in fact, seem to have written something factually accurate: that collective punishment, that is punishing an entire group for the crimes of a few that happen to share an irrelevant characteristic, is wrong.
How did you do that? It seems so…out of character for you. Congrats.
Then Liberal Scientist, taking this comment a step further, how can you jock strap attacks against a few Christians who may have done something wrong and your HA Libtardo ilk call all of us Talibangelists.
funny how the shoe fits these days.
Perhaps while the Republicans are modifying the 14th amendment to the constitution they could add a little something to straighten out what is to be expected from governments regarding the Islamic building proposal in NY, NY.
I’m thinking something like
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Oh wait…
Heads Up:
Rapture: May 21, 2011.
End of the world: October 21, 2011
Here: http://unreasonablefaith.com/2.....billboard/
Background, here: http://www.gazette.com/article.....z0uzeoFxrO
The Gazette
Marie Exley of Colorado Springs is convinced that Armageddon, the end of the world as written of in the Bible, will come next year.
Her conviction is so strong that, though unemployed, she’s paid $1,200 to buy advertising space on 10 Springs bus benches through October to get the word out. The ad says, “Save the Date! Return of Christ: May 21, 2011, WeCanKnow.com.”
“I want to do all I can to get the message out,” Exley, 31, said.
Exley got the idea for the ads from listening to Family Radio, a Christian broadcast heard on 55 stations in the United States, including KFRY, 89.9 FM, in Pueblo. It’s hosted by controversial Christian leader Harold Camping.
Camping predicts Christ will return on the date in Exley’s advertisement. Listeners in other states have also purchased outdoor ad space to proclaim the date…
The ads are written and designed by the creators of WeCanKnow.com, an Ohio-based web site devoted to reminding people of Christ’s return.
“We hope it raises awareness and sends people to their Bible,” said Robert Dunham, spokesman for WeCanKnow.com. “Time is running out, but there is still time for salvation.”
Two thumbs up!
What better tribute to American Exceptionalism than building an Islamic Center near to the WTC?
My only wish is that someone would take this as a reasoning for ALSO creating a place devoted to humanistic goals we revere in all religions!
I would love t see a park devoted to people who have taught peace .. whether they be Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Einstein, King, Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi, Akhbar, Sojourner Truth, the Dali Lama or even Hirsi Ali.
It seems to me that the best shield against fanatics is to learn from and celebrate these leasers. What better way to be “in your face” to the mishigoyem of 9/11? Imagine the chagrin of Glenn Beck, President Hu, Ahmadinejad, Le Pen and bin Laden at EVERY celebration in such a place!
Update on The Lee’s Ego Award (LEGO MY EGO)
Lee was very upset when I challenged the value of Gregoire’s Poll “Transforming WASHINGTON’S BUDGET”.
Legalizing Marijuana has now fallen to third with 37% of all voter choosing it vs. 49% “voting” to restrict welfare to or any other state service (presumably including health care and education) to “legal” residents.
People like Lee who misuse or do not understand statistics exist on the right and the left. They hurt us all. I propose to periodically award the LEGO award (aka Lee’s EGO as in LEGO my EGO) to such thinking. Glenn Beck is obviously my number one candidate but Lee serves honorable mention.
Mayor Bloomberg said it best, I’d like to see anyone argue against his points, they can’t that’s what they are really upset with, not a mosque, but not being able to get their way. Babies in a sand box. Calling themselves American is like calling Hugo Chavez an American.
Here is another Heterosexual Love fest. I’ve lost track on the count now.
Probably the ruckus of a bunch of heterosexuals gone crazy.
How did you do that? It seems so…out of character for you. Congrats.
well, libsci, first i have to graciously thank you for the compliment. but now, to dissapoint, i have to say, i’m always “accurate”, just not “politically correct”. for example, when bill clinton was president he said he wanted the supreme court to look like america. thats an accurate fact. now of course he was talking about too amny white christian men on the court. accurate fact. now with kagan, thats three jews, doesnt look like america, accurate fact. but, when its anybody but white chrsitisn males, we’re not supposed to say it. so tell me, have i been accurate with that?
The Pacific Coast is supposed to get wiped out by a tsunami next week!
@6 and 13 Shades of the failed prophet Ellen White’s predictions of doom! However, if they keep on predicting when the end will come and continue to deny the reality of climate-change, sooner or later one of these freaks just might actually get it right.
OMG, there is already a mosque at Ground Zero! And the US government ALLOWS it!
“Save the Date! Return of Christ: May 21, 2011, WeCanKnow.com.”
i cant remember the exact words, but it goes something like “no man shall know the time or day”. so, it cant be when she said, ’cause she cant know.
i’d be more concerned about gerald celente’s prediction of chaos by 2012. number one, he’s been on msnbc and fox, thats saying something to get those two to take the same side. he’s been eerily accurate in the past, and as i have said before (but i used the guy keeping the plates spinning so you guys would understand, lol)we cant keep this fiat money scam going much longer, planned by the criminal fed reserve or not.
I think everyone would agree that, in the least, it is poor taste to put up a mosque, especially one with the arabic name of “victory”, so close to ground zero.
the West seems to be its own worst enemy at times.
so gleeman, did you get a little asian in your diet last night? a little cream of sum yong boi perhaps?
well at least the surfing will be epic for a while…
Just as it was for Bush to have Muslim clerics in the audience as he gave his first address to Congress after 9/11. Just as it was for Mayor Bloomberg to outright condemn and reject the ignorant reaction from the righ wing and elsewhere to the mosque.
i.e. not in good or poor taste – just the right thing to do.
mot 12. manoftruth:
Yeh, 5 Roman Catholics representing ALL the Christians, 100% of the African Americans representing the far right, 75% of the liberals being females, no Christian liberals …
Seems like we really need some TOUGH affirmative action!
why is it the right thing to do to put up a mosque named “victory” near ground zero?
22 – In 17 you didn’t emphasize the name which is taken out of context anyway. Cordoba does not mean “victory”. It’s a place name.
You wrote that the mere act of putting a mosque near Ground Zero was “in the least” done in poor taste.
So either you can’t write your way out of a paper bag or you’ve proved yourself bigoted against Muslims – which is hardly surprising.
apparently your knowledge of history and mosque building is quite inept.
keep your head in the sand, it seems to keep your life simplistic…
Projection. There’s a mosque near where I live. I’ve lived here since 1992. Never had a problem. Until…
Right after 9/11 some angry, bigoted, ignorant, confused numbnuts tried to pour gasoline over a car parked in the mosque’s parking lot and light it on fire.
After that, members of a local mainline Christian church volunteered to stand guard over the mosque for quite a number of weeks. An act of kindness that has never been forgotten.
Who do you identify more with asshole? The latter?
Or the former?
George Bush used the word “crusade” in one of his speeches after 9/11.
That word is not regarded well in the Muslim world. If you’re trying to win support against extremism, it should never be used. You’re shooting yourself in the foot. It wasn’t used again.
The word “Cordoba” doesn’t not have the same meaning. It only has the meaning that right wing idiots assign to it.
doesn’t have the same meaning – excuse me..
Seems like we really need some TOUGH affirmative action!
i’m not sure i get your response exactly, but i was trying to give an example how i was being accurate, i dont think any fact in my post was wrog, but, because of so called bigotry, most people will not point out tyhat kagan now makes three jews on the court. but it was certainly ok for clinton to point out there were too many white christian men.
also, most people take affirmative action seriuosly, so its funny that you cam make a joke when its about white christian men.
Nazi @ 28
The Supreme Court cannot be expected to reflect our nation’s demographics. There are only nine members of the Court. And, of course, you are a racist asshole.
Nazi @ 28
The Supreme Court cannot be expected to reflect our nation’s demographics. There are only nine members of the Court. And, of course, you are a racist asshole.
bill clinton said he wanted the supreme court to look like america, not me. by the way, was he racist for suggesting that there were too many white christian men on the supreme court?
The land is private property. Why is it the right thing to interfere with what they do with their private property?
and why would that be ekim, because its ok to be racist if the target is a white christian male?
@33, since you are a racist, you would not understand.
@33, since you are a racist, you would not understand.
well then, ekim, explain it to the others so they’ll know why it ok for only white christian men to be discriminated against.
31. Ekim spews:
“The land is private property. Why is it the right thing to interfere with what they do with their private property?”
Well, we apply land use rules all the time. “Don’t take the farm and make it into a junk yard and toxic waste dump next to the river.” Then the conservatives scream that we are interfering with their public property rights.
Yet in this case, they are for zoning and against people doing what they want with their public property.
Seems the conservatives cannot have have it both ways or they are hypocrites.
# 6: I know you don’t agree with this idiotic “prophecy”, and I hate to agree with MoT on anything, but the Bible does indeed have a passage whereby Jesus says that not even the angels in heaven know the date God has selected for the end of the world.
And given that the dates given only allow for some five months after the Rapture and the End of the World, you have to wonder where this stands in connection to The Book of Revelation theology. Are they advocating pre-tribulation rapture, mid-tribulation rapture, or post-tribulation rapture? And what do they mean by the end of the world – the Second Coming of Christ, or the start of the tribulation?
Sounds like these folks don’t even understand the theological issues very well.
By the way, if anyone ever asks when the rapture or Second Coming will occur, I just tell them it doesn’t matter – we should live our lives like it could happen at any time.
@37: I don’t have a clue what they’re really advocating — and don’t really want to know. That would be frustrating pointless. They obviously are beyond any rational explanation — they’re fucking crazy bigots.
My only intent was to share a chuckle with my HA buds.
I thought this was interesting
Republicans. The Constitution is sacred! except when it isn’t!
Okay, let’s tally up the list of Constitutional amendments that are generally endorsed by mainstream Republicans:
1. The Flag Desecration Amendment
2. Balanced budget amendment
3. Supermajority to raise taxes
4. “Parental rights” amendment – the right of parents to “raise their children as they see fit, introduced last year by Jim DeMint and Peter Hoekstra.
5. Human life amendment, banning abortion
6. The Federal Marriage Amendment, banning gay marriage
7. Believing that the DC Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional, Lisa Murkowski proposed an amendment giving the District a single voting representative.
8. Last year, Jim DeMint introduced a term limits amendment (3 terms in the House, 2 in the Senate).
I thought this was interesting
Republicans. The Constitution is sacred! except when it isn’t!
blue john, just to prove my brilliance and higher intellect than all youse guys, i bethca you dont believe in the electoral college! see, only when you like the constiturion.