More kinky shit from the right. If you made this stuff up, no one would believe you.
Hey Chris Vance, you seeing this!?!
proud leftistspews:
Freaking remarkable. He’s got all the makings of a Republican politician–he combines self-delusion, deception, arrogance, immunity to reality, hucksterism. Teabaggers would really come out for this guy if he were to run.
The Riddle of Steelspews:
The guy sounds like the only person on earth who could out-golf Kim Jong Il(who according to the North Korean govt regularly shoots 38 under par)…..
You forgot kink! Republican’s are some kinky mofos
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
Did you read the links Lee put in the post? Pezzi does the kink too!
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
— The president of a Pennsylvania-based amusement company apologized Wednesday for a target shooting game depicting the image of a black man who appears to be President Obama.
The game depicted a black man dressed in a suit holding a rolled-up piece of paper labeled, “Health Bill.” The man also sported a belt buckle fashioned after the presidential seal. Participants shot darts at targets, located on his head and heart, to score points and win a stuffed-animal prize.
Here’s the article from the local paper in Pennsylvania:
And this carnival was held by a church, cause Jesus wants you to shoot all black men carrying a health bill and wearing a presidential belt buckle (but the president of the company that runs the carnival assures us it doesn’t depict Obama).
“Kevin Pezzi, the racist doctor/sex “expert”/robot chef builder who now writes for Andrew Breitbart’s”
“he’s apparently created at least six fake MySpace profiles of women — most of them featuring badly photoshopped stock images of models with large breasts — claiming to be enthralled with Dr. Pezzi and his sex books.”
Good fucking grief! I’m sure that Puddy would agree with the, heh- Doctor that slavery was a good thing for America’s blacks. It was worth the enslavement of his ancestors so that today Puddy could know how to log on to goat porn sites. Or something like that.
@10 don on 08/05/2010 at 2:24 pm,
I may be mistaken, but didn’t Goldy post the passage about shooting black men carrying a health bill and wearing a presidential belt buckle on an HA Bible Study?
Jesus loves me, this I know.
Black man with health bill…. not so much.
But I’m sure this can in no way be “racist”. They just had a surplus of African American Brown paint they needed to use. Happens all the time.
Certainly all the diverse attendants at this past weekend’s Uni-TEA party in Philly would have enjoyed such an innocent, wholesome, Christian game.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kagan Confirmed For Supreme Court
Elena Kagan was elevated to SCOTUS today, with 5 Republicans voting for confirmation and 36 voting against. Although the vote was not rigidly along party lines, the GOP continues to demonstrate that obstructionism is the only talent most of its politicians have.
A group of influential conservative members of the behemoth social media site have just been caught red-handed in a widespread campaign of censorship, having multiple accounts, upvote padding, and deliberately trying to ban progressives. An undercover investigation has exposed this effort, which has been in action for more than one year.
Very unusual. So unlike so-called conservatives to be pro-censorship.
After all,isn’t it the Fox News motto we report you decide?
proud leftistspews:
Michael @ 4
Crap. How could I forget kink? Kink is a critical, essential component of contemporary Republican politicians. Of course, we’re not talking good kink. We’re talking twisted kink, like goat kink.
The Heterosexual Love Machine, this time a Team, strikes again.
i will now take book on Dr Pizzi being a regular customer of rent
any takers
Of course, we’re not talking good kink. We’re talking twisted kink, like goat kink.
Exactly. No one will be harmed by gay marriage. However, people who can’t handle the fact that they’re gay and so attack gay people under the guise of Christian Family Values do plenty of harm.
Dang! I’m a bit shocked, but not surprised, by this.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Our Church is sponsoring a group of 10 Inner-city Chicago kids & their Pastor/Chaperones to spend the week here doing a Service Project, fellowship, Bible Study and lots of fun.
This is year 9.
How many of you KLOWNS have had 2 or more Inner-City Black kids spend 2 or more nights in your home???
Just as I thought…ZERO!
They have been on a 2-day Yellowstone River Fishing Trip. Get back tonight. On Saturday, we hike one of the local Peaks and have an all-church picnic with the annual 2 out of 3 Basketball Game. It’s absolutely brutal. We had 2 guys get concussions, a broken nose and sprained ankle last year…but we barely won. Sunday after Church we take the kids on a float trip down the Madison River. It’s supposed to be 86 degrees & sunny.
We pay for everything…including plane tickets. It’s a life-changing trip according to some of the kids who came 9 years ago.
I benefit more in some ways than they do. The kids are kind of shy at first…but eventually open up. Almost all have no father at home and probably half don’t know who their father is. They appreciate that folks far away care about them and they grow in their appreciation that they do have a Father they can always count on….God, their Father in Heaven.
Anyway, I would encourage you do-gooders who want others or the government to do your do-gooding…get off your asses and actually do something meaningful with your excessive time.
You won’t regret it.
And PS–No need to be afraid of Black folks.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObaMao really has the confidence of the American people. I thought he was going to get us out of Afghanistan? Didn’t he give us a phoney deadline? Now he is leaving Iraq in defeat. What a leader ObaMao is!
Inexperienced and Inept!
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Nearly half the nation’s voters (46%) believe the situation in Afghanistan will get worse in the next six months, the highest level of pessimism since January.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 23% expect the situation in Afghanistan to get better in the next six months, while roughly the same number (22%) say it will remain about the same.
Only 23% think ObaMao is capable of making things better. The same 23% who strongly approve of him no matter what he fumbles.
“And PS–No need to be afraid of Black folks.”
Did you tell those little black kids any of your “lazy blacks don’t wanna work like a white man” jokes? heh- I bet those went over big, you dumbfuck racist KLOWN.
@20 Mr. Cynical on 08/05/2010 at 3:32 pm,
“And PS–No need to be afraid of Black folks.”
Well there wasn’t until THEY CAME FIRST for the Carnies and took away our fun & games training range.
I find this piece of Mr. Cynical’s comment @20 rather bizarre.
“How many of you KLOWNS have had 2 or more Inner-City Black kids spend 2 or more nights in your home???
Just as I thought…ZERO!”
Our troll often posts weird whack-a-doodle WINGNUT nonsense, but despite his angry ill informed zinger at the end, the intentions and actions of his group’s charity is centuries old now.
In 2010 there are still many that see a solution or a remediation to minority poverty to be taking children from their homes for a short time, and then when the charitable action is complete to continue to rail for policies that shall continue to leave minority children (and adults) in untenable economic situations in well defined ghettos (i.e. inner city).
Mr. Cynical, I am glad you and your group are making the effort to help those who have been systematically oppressed and economically disadvantaged for centuries in the USA, even if it is only for a short period of time. The trip sounds like an awesome experience.
But maybe in 2010 it is time to question why it is still necessary for predominantly white middle class people to rescue inner city black youth, year in and year out.
I bet those poor little inner-city black kids likely got a real kick out of Klynical’s poster of our president with a bone in his nose.
proud leftistspews:
Cynny probably makes the poor kids listen to him drone on and on about leftist KLOWNS, then shuts them in a room to listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They probably can’t wait to get back to Chicago.
Gee, Cynical. Aren’t you engendering a sense of entitlement by giving these poor kids free plane tickets?
How many of you KLOWNS have had 2 or more Inner-City Black kids spend 2 or more nights in your home???
Just as I thought…ZERO!
Do the ones I’m related too count?
I’ve done a few inner city outings trips with the Sierra Club. Sierra has a big ICO program. There are lot of programs run by folks on the left that do what you’re doing or things like developing community gardens. We’re nature nature lovers after all!
Rather than facing up to the simple facts that pervasive racism still exists, and that centuries of slavery followed by decades of systemic racial preference result in enduring disadvantages that can’t be fixed by “leveling the playing field”, the enlightened middle class conservative has been won over to the theory of “cultural and social deprivation”.
You see, it’s much cleaner and easier to believe that white folks are better off because their moms and dads bought a set of encyclopedias and subscribed to the newspaper, than to accept that it is the result of a system of racial preference that persists.
That way all you have to do to break the cycle is take a kid to the museum or a Shakespeare performance or some other shit. Sure, he’ll still grow up poor. But after the “culturally uplifting” experience of a three hour snowboarding lesson he won’t resort to slinging crack. Or in the event that the magic field trip doesn’t take, fuckers like Cyn can tell themselves the kid deserves a life behind bars, and go about their business with a clear conscience.
Death penalty, three-strikes, etc.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
How fucking pathetic. He pulls these kids out of the ghetto to tell them how Baby Jesus says it’s important to give tax cuts to rich people. heh- Then he sends them back to the ghetto. This cheap stunt was only intended to ease the Klown’s guilt-ridden soul about his being such a racist, hate-filled piece of shit.
Re 30 and 24
Slavery was legal in the United States as a country for just under a century. It was practiced in the geographical United States for around 2 centuries. All of which ended in 1862.
Slavery has been illegal by specific Constitutional mandate for 148 years.
Yes racism persists. Yes ignorant fools with nothing to their credit will find others to blame for their problems. But at what point do we stop paying penance for the mistakes of our great great great grandfathers? Is there any time in which the stain of slavery is considered past in your view? 200 years? 400?
Yes racism exists but it doesn’t define the targets of it unless they choose to accept the definition.
Hey, how about that old rascal Dave Reichert winning the endorsement of the Seattle Times, huh?
Link at sig.
“Yes racism exists but it doesn’t define the targets of it unless they choose to accept the definition“
Spoken like the ignorant person you’ve shown yourself to be.
Don’t you think that if wishing away a problem worked you’d have been wished away from HA a long time ago?
“But at what point do we stop paying penance for the mistakes of our great great great grandfathers?”
Nobody is asking you to pay penance. As for the mistakes of our forefathers, how about we let go of the mistakes they made when those mistakes no longer have a negative affect on black American lives, hopes and dreams.
So tell me-
How does lowering college admissions standards help minority students succeed? How does the resulting anger students who were denied admission with higher testing help reduce racism? How does the inability of the fraudulently admitted student to succeed at college help him or her?
How does forcing unqualified job applicants to be hired help them succeed at jobs? How does it increase the esteem their co-workers have for them as useful members of the team?
See, the quick fix is attractive. It looks good on paper. But it doesn’t work.
Don Joespews:
“Yes racism persists.”
No shit. Right now, the Federal government owes black farmers some $1.15 billion (the “b” is not a typo) as part of a legal settlement for racial discrimination on the part of the USDA. Not racial discrimination from more than a century ago, but racial discrimination that began when the Reagan administration dismantled the USDA’s civil rights division.
Democrats keep trying to add the appropriations for that settlement to various bills, and Republicans keep filibustering those bills until the appropriating amendments are removed from the bills.
That is the very definition of racism. And it exists today. In Today’s Congress. Perpetrated by the Republicans who are currently in the Senate. Now.
@36 lostinaseaofblue on 08/05/2010 at 7:15 pm,
Forgive me for assuming you might understand econ 101.
I’m not advocating any quick fix, but if you are interested in improving education and educational opportunities for all students regardless or race, ethnic heritage, religion or economic history your problem of admission is solved with increasing the number of slots available, not modifying standards to provide access to an irrational quantity of slots.
The for-profit approach to expanding education is working very well for the businesses, not so much for students.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Christina Romer understands that failure to extend Bush tax cuts is a horrible thing.
Larry Summers and the rest of ObaMao’s henchmen want her to tell only good news…when the reality is quite the opposite.
No, it is by eliminating university education as a trade school and letting it get back to the business of, well, educating students.
70% of students in college don’t need it. They could readily program a computer or wire a home without reading Sartre or Keynes or understanding Calculus. They could man the phone at the bank or perform book-keeping without reference to the work of Crick and Watson or a Until fairly recently a college education wasn’t needed for an attorney. Yes careers exist for which the broader approach to life that a good education helps make possible are needed. But most students don’t fit that category.
Re-establish higher education as the place where gifted minds go to recieve what the larger population neither wants nor needs and gifted minds of whatever background will go there.
$50 bucks says you’ll never see lostinhisownasshole and the crackpiper standing side by side. I think they’re the same guy.
Don Joespews:
@ 40
70% of students in college don’t need it. They could readily program a computer or wire a home without reading Sartre or Keynes or understanding Calculus.
I think you have exactly zero knowledge of what it takes to be a good computer programmer, and that lack of knowledge completely undercuts the rest of your argument.
The point of studying Sartre or Keynes of Friedman for that matter, is to develop the intellectual skills, analytical thinking skills, that are necessary for a high level of professional work.
People can learn what Satre write by reading Satre. They can learn what Keynes and Friedman wrote by reading Keynes and Friedman. They will not, however, learn the methodologies that underly the thinking. They will not learn how to craft a coherent argument. Both of these are important in a large number of professions, which is why the vast majority of job openings list a college degree, as opposed to an associate degree, as a minimum requirement.
Hmm, you know, now that you mention it, Rujax!, I’ve never seen those two together. I also notice how Lost is very careful not to talk about ferry workers. Too careful, if you ask me.
Sigh! Lost’s post @36 expresses more unfounded fears than I care to count or discuss as that shit is just too damned, heh- depressing. My goodness! Living with that depth and breadth of neurosis has gotta really, really suck! No wonder he’s reduced to such a simplistic black and white view of the world around him.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
@10 Yet where was Don’s voice when this was bantied about.
Why does Don only hate America when his jock strap is flooded!
Steve…I’ve rethought my supposition.
lost is really WAAAAAAY stupider than the crackpiper ever thought of being. Seemed like I had it there for a while.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
In 2010 there are still many that see a solution or a remediation to minority poverty to be taking children from their homes for a short time, and then when the charitable action is complete to continue to rail for policies that shall continue to leave minority children (and adults) in untenable economic situations in well defined ghettos (i.e. inner city).
Thems be DUMMOCRAPTIC INNA CITY POLICIES. Ask any minority in any city what has their guvmint done for dem Michael? Walk down Rainier Ave and ask some blacks on the street corner.
RE 42
Come on! You really believe that colleges are about educating students? Really?
Colleges are a hideous mix of trade school and kindergarten for adults. They don’t teach analytical thought any more than they teach the proper use of an abacus.
This is precisely because with everyone demanding a college education it is simply impossible to produce a quality one. If every idiot wants a degree, the degree will necessarily be idiotic.
More of teh crazy from our friends on the right!
Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes is warning voters that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s policies, particularly his efforts to boost bike riding, are “converting Denver into a United Nations community.”
I’m sorry, what?
“This is all very well-disguised, but it will be exposed,” Maes told about 50 supporters who showed up at a campaign rally last week in Centennial.
Don Joespews:
@ 47
Come on! You really believe that colleges are about educating students? Really?
Yes, I do, frankly. And you’ve introduced absolutely zero evidence in support of your claim to the contrary.
Why do you continue to make claims of fact without any supporting evidence, and then invoke terms of ridicule when people find your factual claims to be wanting? You know, I’m still waiting for you to enumerate those Reagan policies that were “good for business”.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Nuthin to say about Keith Odormann being outsed from Sunday Night Football on NBC?
Good riddance.
I thought football was on Monday night? I’ve never owned a TV.
I actually agree with some of what you are saying.
However, the idea that one can not get a world class education at the UW is bull pucky.
The best students at the UW get an amziong education at a cost far below that of our competitors in the private school business.
Persoanlly, i would like to see fewer students at the UW and more at schools like Evergreen and Eastern and Western.
While you are at it, what woujld you think of disenfranchising Liberty University, Oral Roberts, and SPU? Or at least banning use of govt moneys at such places?
Re 49
If I came accross as ridiculing you personally, for that I apologize.
But I’ve been to college too, and stand by my statement.
If what we want is an enlightened citizenry well versed in the cultural and scientific traditions and able to think critically, fine.
But colleges don’t provide this.
@36 lostinaseaofblue on 08/05/2010 at 7:15 pm wrote:
How does lowering college admissions standards help minority students succeed? How does the resulting anger students who were denied admission with higher testing help reduce racism? How does the inability of the fraudulently admitted student to succeed at college help him or her?
@47 lostinaseaofblue on 08/05/2010 at 7:57 pm then wrote:
Colleges are a hideous mix of trade school and kindergarten for adults. They don’t teach analytical thought any more than they teach the proper use of an abacus.
And you may ask how we got here. Because to ignore systemic racism and its impacts Lost had to take us on this little concern troll tangent. See, you’ve already forgotten Lost’s main point.
Hey Lost, speaking of low standards at universities, you have an opinion about KY senate candidate Rand Paul’s being admitted to Duke without a BA before he went on to practice medicine without ever being certified by a medical board?
Wonder how Rand Paul was able to get around standards.
How does the inability of the fraudulently admitted student help him to succeed?
Is he black?
@46 “Ask any minority in any city what has their guvmint done for dem Michael?”
And what should government do for black people, Puddy?
“Nuthin to say about Keith Odormann”
Why, did he get all freaky on blacks like your guy did?
Don Joespews:
@ 53
If I came accross as ridiculing
How do you think, “Come on! Do you really believe…” would come across?
But I’ve been to college too, and stand by my statement.
No. Not good enough. You’ve made an assertion of fact, either back it up with evidence or retract the assertion. A personal appeal to authority doesn’t fly. It should never fly, and I find it insulting that you expect me to accept your personal appeal to authority. It’s condescending in the extreme.
“Why do you continue to make claims of fact without any supporting evidence, and then invoke terms of ridicule when people find your factual claims to be wanting?”
I figured it was because he’s an insufferably sanctimonious narcissistic twit who is more than just a wee bit full of himself. Sigh! Possessing a shitload of unwarranted smugness seems to be an emerging wingnut trait these days.
“It’s condescending in the extreme.”
That’s Lost for you. Once you get past the smug, condescending surface personality, there’s simply nothing there.
“But I’ve been to college too, and stand by my statement.”
Well, I’ve been to two hog callings and a county fair and I ain’t never heard anything so fucking stupid in my life, and I stand by my statement!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
I’ve been to two hog callings
And you understood everything said Steve Steve Steve
Ha! Mr. Maes, Mr. The U.N. is trying to take over the country though bike-share programs is a favorite among the Tea Baggers!
Polls show that Maes, a Tea Party favorite, has pulled ahead of former Congressman Scott McInnis, the early frontrunner in the Aug. 10 primary for the Republican gubernatorial nomination.
Big ups to Mr. Maes and the Tea Baggers in CO for helping make sure a Democrat will be elected as the next governor of CO.
RE 58
You’re pretty easily insulted….
What up with the psycho-laugh? Got issues?
Don Joespews:
@ 64
You’re pretty easily insulted
But apparently not very easily refuted.
Re 66
Okay I admit that American universities turn out high quality critical thinkers and have brightened our culture with an enlightened citizenry. You win.
So how did these critical thinkers fail to read their loan documents and get taken by the hideous machinations of the predator banks?
How did these critical thinkers get taken by insurance companies who conspired to eliminate all health care in the country (insert evil laugh here.)
Just curious.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Some time ago Puddy asked why Chris Dodd left out Fannie and Freddie from the Financial Reform bill. Look who is coming to the trough again…
Don Joespews:
@ 66
So how did these critical thinkers fail to read their loan documents and get taken by the hideous machinations of the predator banks?
Do you have evidence showing that a large percentage of college-educated people signed on to loans they couldn’t possibly repay?
Do you, now, admit that the CRA had nothing to do with the financial crisis?
How did these critical thinkers get taken by insurance companies who conspired to eliminate all health care in the country (insert evil laugh here.)
The absence of viable health care insurance options is a fault of the consumers? Novel thesis. And, again, not a shred of evidence proffered in support of the claims you’ve made.
You can’t have your own facts. Support them, or retract them. It’s that simple.
Forgot one thing
How in the name of all that is sacred did these high quality critical thinkers ever come to like Hip Hop. God that hideous noise is awful!
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Do you have evidence showing that a large percentage of college-educated people signed on to loans they couldn’t possibly repay?
The law doesn’t allow one to get off not paying.
When you have a student loan you have to try and claim an “undue hardship” to declare bankruptcy. This is only successful about about half of the time.
What is interesting is you can call on bankruptcy law for removal of credit card debt, car loans and even gambling debt, but not student loans.
Don Joespews:
@ 71
The law doesn’t allow one to get off not paying.
Was this supposed to provide some information on percentages?
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
DOE 7.2% default rate
I still want to hear a righty stick up for their man Dr. Kevin Pezzi! Or maybe they could talk about how the UN really is trying to take over the US using bike share programs!
proud leftistspews:
Wow, lost,
Just when I started thinking you could think, you put on tonight’s performance. Wow. Is there anyone on the Right who can think straight?
Don Joespews:
@ 73
DOE 7.2% default rate
Very good. Now, perhaps Puddy can find a dictionary in which 7.2% is a “very large percentage”.
Don Joespews:
@ 74
Curious, also, is the fact that none of the righties around here have justified the Senate Republicans’ repeated filibuster of any attempt to rectify the $1.15 billion dollars the federal government owes to black farmers. Looks like no one here honestly believes that Republicans would filibuster all attempts to remunerate white farmers.
proud leftistspews:
Corporations are entitled to bailouts, as are farmers, unless the farmers happen to be African-American. Then, naturally, we’re talking about welfare. I think that’s how wingnuts approach the issue. Correct me if I’m wrong.
A movie? You’re comparing this to fiction? You’re talking about a movie who’s main theme was not Bush’s assassination, but how this country dealt with the events that happened following in light of the events of 9/11.
Encouraging children to shoot a black man is real life, it actually happened. Saying it’s only water doesn’t negate the meaning behind this carnival game.
Of course, righties always get confused about the difference between fact and fiction. Like the fictional death panels, the fictional WMD, the fictional Mexican gangs taking over a ranch in Texas, the fictional FEMA camps, the fictional anchor babies who will return in 20 years to wreak havoc in America. Now we have Mitch McConnell and his fictional plan to halt unemployment. It’s so spectacular, so grand, that we have to wait until the end of September to witness this truly historic and monumental pile of steaming shit. The whole of the GOP is one big Grimm’s fairy tale.
@77 and 78, The wingnut smear machine had them in their sights. If things had gone as planned, I’m sure that right now we’d be hearing all about welfare for black farmers. The wingnut uproar would surely have been the decibel equivalent of a stadium full of vuvuzelas. But they made a big fucking mistake a few weeks ago. They fucked with the wrong little old black lady.
Re 75
Was it the reference to Hip Hop ‘music’? Sorry Proud, didn’t know you were a fan.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and a as a dumb brickspews:
Where did Puddy say it was a large percentage rate?
Puddy will wait while MSFT’s best finds a citation!
Don Joespews:
Where did Puddy say it was a large percentage rate?
Where did Don Joe say he was quoting Puddy? Don Joe will wait while the “no hire” finds a citation.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
67. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Re 66
Okay I admit that American universities turn out high quality critical thinkers and have brightened our culture with an enlightened citizenry. You win.
So how did these critical thinkers fail to read their loan documents and get taken by the hideous machinations of the predator banks?
How did these critical thinkers get taken by insurance companies who conspired to eliminate all health care in the country (insert evil laugh here.)
Just curious.
Funny lost. Good comeback.
The current crop of students have way too many snotty nosed, entitlement desiring brats.
They seriously believe Government is there to take care of them…because they cannot take care of themselves.
Critical thinkers?
Gimmee a break.
Credit card and student loan debt among this new crop is at all-time highs.
They buy stuff they cannot afford and lay awake at night hoping ObaMao will cancel their Student Loans.
SJ—give it a rest. Yes there are some very self-reliant thinkers in the crowd. But as a whole crop, it’s pathetic. Jackboot, big government, high tax on the “rich” and “Big Corporations” without understanding the consequences.
Where do the jobs come from?
Oh yeah, lots of them don’t want jobs.
Just stay in school and build up more debt.
Here is a real critical thinker sj–
Took $250,000 of student loans and grew it to $550,000 by not paying and failing to communicate with the lender…and she’s a doctor! http://articles.moneycentral.m.....-debt.aspx
The interest continues to accumulate!
Something today’s “critical thinkers” fail to understand.
The Default Rate is one thing.
However, it does not include those currently on “Deferrals”. I tried to find some stats on deferral %’s. No luck.
Deferrals are easy.
A classmate of my son has had his master’s for over 2 years…been working & skiing…and has yet to make a payment on his $80,000 & growing loan.
Real Critical Thinker.
He is not planning to ever pay.
Expects ObaMao to cancel all student loans.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Michelle ObaMao gives a big F-U to all unemployed Americans. How come Black America isn’t offended by this outrageous waste of taxpayer money. Oh yeah, ObaMao says she is paying her personal expenses. Big deal. It’s only a tiny part of the total cost.
Yet the bigger public furor concerns the cost and appearance of the trip. In a scathing editorial published Thursday, New York Daily News writer Andrea Tantaros trashed Michelle Obama as a “modern day Marie Antoinette” for taking such a glitzy vacation while most of the country is struggling to make ends meet.The Obama entourage is staying at the luxury Hotel Villa Padierna, a Ritz-Carlton property often described as one of the world’s top 10 hotels. Rates range between $500 and $2,500 a night.
ObaMao’s are out of touch with the real Americans they pretend to fight for.
The Emporer and Emporess have no clothes.
…all Conservadummies:
It’s CORPORATIONS not Democrats that threaten our way of life you doodle-brains.
The Riddle of Steelspews:
@87…ah yes, another one that has swallowed the kook-aid.
the combination of big govt and big corp and how they work together is whats the problem. but your too brainwashed to figure it out.
I suggest you keep on with your weekend church vandalizing – it appears the only thing you are qaulified at.
Two Muslim mothers are comparing notes.
The older of the Muslim mothers pulls out her bag and starts
flipping through family photos and reminiscing.
“This is my oldest son, Mohamed. He would have been 24 now.”
The other mother replies, “Yes, I remember him as a baby.”
The first mother says, “He’s a martyr now.”
“Oh… That’s so sad, my dear..”
Then the first mother flips to another picture. “And this is
my second son, Abdul. He would be 21.”
“Oh, I remember him. He had such curly hair when he was born.”
The first mother sighs, “He’s also a martyr.”
“Oh gracious me!! ” says the second mother.
And this… this is my third son. My beautiful Ahmed! He would
be 18 this year.”
“Why, yes,” says her friend enthusiastically, “I remember when
he first started school!”
“He’s also a martyr,” the first mother says. She sobs, her
eyes fill with tears.
After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Muslim mother looks
wistfully at the photos, gently lays her hand on the first
woman’s shoulder and says:
“They blow up so fast, don’t they?”
well, bill clinton ‘s vision of the supreme court looking like america did not materialize.
The BIAW needs to come out of the stone age and find better representation than Barney Rubble aka Tom McCabe who is writing information aimed at the lowest common denominator in the Port Orchard Independent. When the environmentalists win, we all lose
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
poor gleeman…the bears are out of season and he has to go back to his diet of small asian men.
dont be so grumpy gleeman….and dont forget to brush your teeth tonight..LMFAO….gulp….
Gotta love that only people like the crackpots at the Port Orchard Independent will run this swill.
More kinky shit from the right. If you made this stuff up, no one would believe you.
Hey Chris Vance, you seeing this!?!
Freaking remarkable. He’s got all the makings of a Republican politician–he combines self-delusion, deception, arrogance, immunity to reality, hucksterism. Teabaggers would really come out for this guy if he were to run.
The guy sounds like the only person on earth who could out-golf Kim Jong Il(who according to the North Korean govt regularly shoots 38 under par)…..
You forgot kink! Republican’s are some kinky mofos
Did you read the links Lee put in the post? Pezzi does the kink too!
This is LOL funny and priceless:
Fed agency to spend $36mil to train 3000 IT workers… OUTSIDE THE US! Link
Our taxes, used to train people to take US jobs. Good grief…
Makes for an all new definition of solipsism.
Beck was right.
THEY CAME FIRST for the Carnies,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Carnie.
Carnival game featuring Obama-like shooting gallery is pulled
Here’s the article from the local paper in Pennsylvania:
And this carnival was held by a church, cause Jesus wants you to shoot all black men carrying a health bill and wearing a presidential belt buckle (but the president of the company that runs the carnival assures us it doesn’t depict Obama).
“Kevin Pezzi, the racist doctor/sex “expert”/robot chef builder who now writes for Andrew Breitbart’s”
“he’s apparently created at least six fake MySpace profiles of women — most of them featuring badly photoshopped stock images of models with large breasts — claiming to be enthralled with Dr. Pezzi and his sex books.”
Good fucking grief! I’m sure that Puddy would agree with the, heh- Doctor that slavery was a good thing for America’s blacks. It was worth the enslavement of his ancestors so that today Puddy could know how to log on to goat porn sites. Or something like that.
@10 don on 08/05/2010 at 2:24 pm,
I may be mistaken, but didn’t Goldy post the passage about shooting black men carrying a health bill and wearing a presidential belt buckle on an HA Bible Study?
Jesus loves me, this I know.
Black man with health bill…. not so much.
But I’m sure this can in no way be “racist”. They just had a surplus of African American Brown paint they needed to use. Happens all the time.
Certainly all the diverse attendants at this past weekend’s Uni-TEA party in Philly would have enjoyed such an innocent, wholesome, Christian game.
Kagan Confirmed For Supreme Court
Elena Kagan was elevated to SCOTUS today, with 5 Republicans voting for confirmation and 36 voting against. Although the vote was not rigidly along party lines, the GOP continues to demonstrate that obstructionism is the only talent most of its politicians have.
Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered
Very unusual. So unlike so-called conservatives to be pro-censorship.
After all,isn’t it the Fox News motto we report you decide?
Michael @ 4
Crap. How could I forget kink? Kink is a critical, essential component of contemporary Republican politicians. Of course, we’re not talking good kink. We’re talking twisted kink, like goat kink.
The Heterosexual Love Machine, this time a Team, strikes again.
i will now take book on Dr Pizzi being a regular customer of rent
any takers
Exactly. No one will be harmed by gay marriage. However, people who can’t handle the fact that they’re gay and so attack gay people under the guise of Christian Family Values do plenty of harm.
Dang! I’m a bit shocked, but not surprised, by this.
Our Church is sponsoring a group of 10 Inner-city Chicago kids & their Pastor/Chaperones to spend the week here doing a Service Project, fellowship, Bible Study and lots of fun.
This is year 9.
How many of you KLOWNS have had 2 or more Inner-City Black kids spend 2 or more nights in your home???
Just as I thought…ZERO!
They have been on a 2-day Yellowstone River Fishing Trip. Get back tonight. On Saturday, we hike one of the local Peaks and have an all-church picnic with the annual 2 out of 3 Basketball Game. It’s absolutely brutal. We had 2 guys get concussions, a broken nose and sprained ankle last year…but we barely won. Sunday after Church we take the kids on a float trip down the Madison River. It’s supposed to be 86 degrees & sunny.
We pay for everything…including plane tickets. It’s a life-changing trip according to some of the kids who came 9 years ago.
I benefit more in some ways than they do. The kids are kind of shy at first…but eventually open up. Almost all have no father at home and probably half don’t know who their father is. They appreciate that folks far away care about them and they grow in their appreciation that they do have a Father they can always count on….God, their Father in Heaven.
Anyway, I would encourage you do-gooders who want others or the government to do your do-gooding…get off your asses and actually do something meaningful with your excessive time.
You won’t regret it.
And PS–No need to be afraid of Black folks.
ObaMao really has the confidence of the American people. I thought he was going to get us out of Afghanistan? Didn’t he give us a phoney deadline? Now he is leaving Iraq in defeat. What a leader ObaMao is!
Inexperienced and Inept!
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Only 23% think ObaMao is capable of making things better. The same 23% who strongly approve of him no matter what he fumbles.
“And PS–No need to be afraid of Black folks.”
Did you tell those little black kids any of your “lazy blacks don’t wanna work like a white man” jokes? heh- I bet those went over big, you dumbfuck racist KLOWN.
@20 Mr. Cynical on 08/05/2010 at 3:32 pm,
“And PS–No need to be afraid of Black folks.”
Well there wasn’t until THEY CAME FIRST for the Carnies and took away our fun & games training range.
I find this piece of Mr. Cynical’s comment @20 rather bizarre.
Our troll often posts weird whack-a-doodle WINGNUT nonsense, but despite his angry ill informed zinger at the end, the intentions and actions of his group’s charity is centuries old now.
In 2010 there are still many that see a solution or a remediation to minority poverty to be taking children from their homes for a short time, and then when the charitable action is complete to continue to rail for policies that shall continue to leave minority children (and adults) in untenable economic situations in well defined ghettos (i.e. inner city).
Mr. Cynical, I am glad you and your group are making the effort to help those who have been systematically oppressed and economically disadvantaged for centuries in the USA, even if it is only for a short period of time. The trip sounds like an awesome experience.
But maybe in 2010 it is time to question why it is still necessary for predominantly white middle class people to rescue inner city black youth, year in and year out.
I bet those poor little inner-city black kids likely got a real kick out of Klynical’s poster of our president with a bone in his nose.
Cynny probably makes the poor kids listen to him drone on and on about leftist KLOWNS, then shuts them in a room to listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They probably can’t wait to get back to Chicago.
Gee, Cynical. Aren’t you engendering a sense of entitlement by giving these poor kids free plane tickets?
Do the ones I’m related too count?
I’ve done a few inner city outings trips with the Sierra Club. Sierra has a big ICO program. There are lot of programs run by folks on the left that do what you’re doing or things like developing community gardens. We’re nature nature lovers after all!
@28 :-)
sadly, the dementia goes much deeper than that.
Rather than facing up to the simple facts that pervasive racism still exists, and that centuries of slavery followed by decades of systemic racial preference result in enduring disadvantages that can’t be fixed by “leveling the playing field”, the enlightened middle class conservative has been won over to the theory of “cultural and social deprivation”.
You see, it’s much cleaner and easier to believe that white folks are better off because their moms and dads bought a set of encyclopedias and subscribed to the newspaper, than to accept that it is the result of a system of racial preference that persists.
That way all you have to do to break the cycle is take a kid to the museum or a Shakespeare performance or some other shit. Sure, he’ll still grow up poor. But after the “culturally uplifting” experience of a three hour snowboarding lesson he won’t resort to slinging crack. Or in the event that the magic field trip doesn’t take, fuckers like Cyn can tell themselves the kid deserves a life behind bars, and go about their business with a clear conscience.
Death penalty, three-strikes, etc.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
How fucking pathetic. He pulls these kids out of the ghetto to tell them how Baby Jesus says it’s important to give tax cuts to rich people. heh- Then he sends them back to the ghetto. This cheap stunt was only intended to ease the Klown’s guilt-ridden soul about his being such a racist, hate-filled piece of shit.
Re 30 and 24
Slavery was legal in the United States as a country for just under a century. It was practiced in the geographical United States for around 2 centuries. All of which ended in 1862.
Slavery has been illegal by specific Constitutional mandate for 148 years.
Yes racism persists. Yes ignorant fools with nothing to their credit will find others to blame for their problems. But at what point do we stop paying penance for the mistakes of our great great great grandfathers? Is there any time in which the stain of slavery is considered past in your view? 200 years? 400?
Yes racism exists but it doesn’t define the targets of it unless they choose to accept the definition.
Hey, how about that old rascal Dave Reichert winning the endorsement of the Seattle Times, huh?
Link at sig.
Spoken like the ignorant person you’ve shown yourself to be.
Don’t you think that if wishing away a problem worked you’d have been wished away from HA a long time ago?
Go read this, and just ponder it for a while.
“But at what point do we stop paying penance for the mistakes of our great great great grandfathers?”
Nobody is asking you to pay penance. As for the mistakes of our forefathers, how about we let go of the mistakes they made when those mistakes no longer have a negative affect on black American lives, hopes and dreams.
So tell me-
How does lowering college admissions standards help minority students succeed? How does the resulting anger students who were denied admission with higher testing help reduce racism? How does the inability of the fraudulently admitted student to succeed at college help him or her?
How does forcing unqualified job applicants to be hired help them succeed at jobs? How does it increase the esteem their co-workers have for them as useful members of the team?
See, the quick fix is attractive. It looks good on paper. But it doesn’t work.
“Yes racism persists.”
No shit. Right now, the Federal government owes black farmers some $1.15 billion (the “b” is not a typo) as part of a legal settlement for racial discrimination on the part of the USDA. Not racial discrimination from more than a century ago, but racial discrimination that began when the Reagan administration dismantled the USDA’s civil rights division.
Democrats keep trying to add the appropriations for that settlement to various bills, and Republicans keep filibustering those bills until the appropriating amendments are removed from the bills.
That is the very definition of racism. And it exists today. In Today’s Congress. Perpetrated by the Republicans who are currently in the Senate. Now.
@36 lostinaseaofblue on 08/05/2010 at 7:15 pm,
Forgive me for assuming you might understand econ 101.
I’m not advocating any quick fix, but if you are interested in improving education and educational opportunities for all students regardless or race, ethnic heritage, religion or economic history your problem of admission is solved with increasing the number of slots available, not modifying standards to provide access to an irrational quantity of slots.
The for-profit approach to expanding education is working very well for the businesses, not so much for students.
Christina Romer understands that failure to extend Bush tax cuts is a horrible thing.
Christina Romer resigns.
Larry Summers and the rest of ObaMao’s henchmen want her to tell only good news…when the reality is quite the opposite.
No, it is by eliminating university education as a trade school and letting it get back to the business of, well, educating students.
70% of students in college don’t need it. They could readily program a computer or wire a home without reading Sartre or Keynes or understanding Calculus. They could man the phone at the bank or perform book-keeping without reference to the work of Crick and Watson or a Until fairly recently a college education wasn’t needed for an attorney. Yes careers exist for which the broader approach to life that a good education helps make possible are needed. But most students don’t fit that category.
Re-establish higher education as the place where gifted minds go to recieve what the larger population neither wants nor needs and gifted minds of whatever background will go there.
$50 bucks says you’ll never see lostinhisownasshole and the crackpiper standing side by side. I think they’re the same guy.
@ 40
70% of students in college don’t need it. They could readily program a computer or wire a home without reading Sartre or Keynes or understanding Calculus.
I think you have exactly zero knowledge of what it takes to be a good computer programmer, and that lack of knowledge completely undercuts the rest of your argument.
The point of studying Sartre or Keynes of Friedman for that matter, is to develop the intellectual skills, analytical thinking skills, that are necessary for a high level of professional work.
People can learn what Satre write by reading Satre. They can learn what Keynes and Friedman wrote by reading Keynes and Friedman. They will not, however, learn the methodologies that underly the thinking. They will not learn how to craft a coherent argument. Both of these are important in a large number of professions, which is why the vast majority of job openings list a college degree, as opposed to an associate degree, as a minimum requirement.
Hmm, you know, now that you mention it, Rujax!, I’ve never seen those two together. I also notice how Lost is very careful not to talk about ferry workers. Too careful, if you ask me.
Sigh! Lost’s post @36 expresses more unfounded fears than I care to count or discuss as that shit is just too damned, heh- depressing. My goodness! Living with that depth and breadth of neurosis has gotta really, really suck! No wonder he’s reduced to such a simplistic black and white view of the world around him.
@10 Yet where was Don’s voice when this was bantied about.
Where was Don on this?
Yet a water pistol gets Don all riled up.
Why does Don only hate America when his jock strap is flooded!
Steve…I’ve rethought my supposition.
lost is really WAAAAAAY stupider than the crackpiper ever thought of being. Seemed like I had it there for a while.
Thems be DUMMOCRAPTIC INNA CITY POLICIES. Ask any minority in any city what has their guvmint done for dem Michael? Walk down Rainier Ave and ask some blacks on the street corner.
RE 42
Come on! You really believe that colleges are about educating students? Really?
Colleges are a hideous mix of trade school and kindergarten for adults. They don’t teach analytical thought any more than they teach the proper use of an abacus.
This is precisely because with everyone demanding a college education it is simply impossible to produce a quality one. If every idiot wants a degree, the degree will necessarily be idiotic.
More of teh crazy from our friends on the right!
@ 47
Come on! You really believe that colleges are about educating students? Really?
Yes, I do, frankly. And you’ve introduced absolutely zero evidence in support of your claim to the contrary.
Why do you continue to make claims of fact without any supporting evidence, and then invoke terms of ridicule when people find your factual claims to be wanting? You know, I’m still waiting for you to enumerate those Reagan policies that were “good for business”.
Nuthin to say about Keith Odormann being outsed from Sunday Night Football on NBC?
Good riddance.
I thought football was on Monday night? I’ve never owned a TV.
I actually agree with some of what you are saying.
However, the idea that one can not get a world class education at the UW is bull pucky.
The best students at the UW get an amziong education at a cost far below that of our competitors in the private school business.
Persoanlly, i would like to see fewer students at the UW and more at schools like Evergreen and Eastern and Western.
While you are at it, what woujld you think of disenfranchising Liberty University, Oral Roberts, and SPU? Or at least banning use of govt moneys at such places?
Re 49
If I came accross as ridiculing you personally, for that I apologize.
But I’ve been to college too, and stand by my statement.
If what we want is an enlightened citizenry well versed in the cultural and scientific traditions and able to think critically, fine.
But colleges don’t provide this.
@36 lostinaseaofblue on 08/05/2010 at 7:15 pm wrote:
@47 lostinaseaofblue on 08/05/2010 at 7:57 pm then wrote:
And you may ask how we got here. Because to ignore systemic racism and its impacts Lost had to take us on this little concern troll tangent. See, you’ve already forgotten Lost’s main point.
Hey Lost, speaking of low standards at universities, you have an opinion about KY senate candidate Rand Paul’s being admitted to Duke without a BA before he went on to practice medicine without ever being certified by a medical board?
Wonder how Rand Paul was able to get around standards.
How does the inability of the fraudulently admitted student help him to succeed?
Is he black?
@46 “Ask any minority in any city what has their guvmint done for dem Michael?”
And what should government do for black people, Puddy?
“Nuthin to say about Keith Odormann”
Why, did he get all freaky on blacks like your guy did?
@ 53
If I came accross as ridiculing
How do you think, “Come on! Do you really believe…” would come across?
But I’ve been to college too, and stand by my statement.
No. Not good enough. You’ve made an assertion of fact, either back it up with evidence or retract the assertion. A personal appeal to authority doesn’t fly. It should never fly, and I find it insulting that you expect me to accept your personal appeal to authority. It’s condescending in the extreme.
“Why do you continue to make claims of fact without any supporting evidence, and then invoke terms of ridicule when people find your factual claims to be wanting?”
I figured it was because he’s an insufferably sanctimonious narcissistic twit who is more than just a wee bit full of himself. Sigh! Possessing a shitload of unwarranted smugness seems to be an emerging wingnut trait these days.
“It’s condescending in the extreme.”
That’s Lost for you. Once you get past the smug, condescending surface personality, there’s simply nothing there.
“But I’ve been to college too, and stand by my statement.”
Well, I’ve been to two hog callings and a county fair and I ain’t never heard anything so fucking stupid in my life, and I stand by my statement!
And you understood everything said Steve Steve Steve
Ha! Mr. Maes, Mr. The U.N. is trying to take over the country though bike-share programs is a favorite among the Tea Baggers!
Big ups to Mr. Maes and the Tea Baggers in CO for helping make sure a Democrat will be elected as the next governor of CO.
RE 58
You’re pretty easily insulted….
What up with the psycho-laugh? Got issues?
@ 64
You’re pretty easily insulted
But apparently not very easily refuted.
Re 66
Okay I admit that American universities turn out high quality critical thinkers and have brightened our culture with an enlightened citizenry. You win.
So how did these critical thinkers fail to read their loan documents and get taken by the hideous machinations of the predator banks?
How did these critical thinkers get taken by insurance companies who conspired to eliminate all health care in the country (insert evil laugh here.)
Just curious.
Some time ago Puddy asked why Chris Dodd left out Fannie and Freddie from the Financial Reform bill. Look who is coming to the trough again…
@ 66
So how did these critical thinkers fail to read their loan documents and get taken by the hideous machinations of the predator banks?
Do you have evidence showing that a large percentage of college-educated people signed on to loans they couldn’t possibly repay?
Do you, now, admit that the CRA had nothing to do with the financial crisis?
How did these critical thinkers get taken by insurance companies who conspired to eliminate all health care in the country (insert evil laugh here.)
The absence of viable health care insurance options is a fault of the consumers? Novel thesis. And, again, not a shred of evidence proffered in support of the claims you’ve made.
You can’t have your own facts. Support them, or retract them. It’s that simple.
Forgot one thing
How in the name of all that is sacred did these high quality critical thinkers ever come to like Hip Hop. God that hideous noise is awful!
The law doesn’t allow one to get off not paying.
When you have a student loan you have to try and claim an “undue hardship” to declare bankruptcy. This is only successful about about half of the time.
What is interesting is you can call on bankruptcy law for removal of credit card debt, car loans and even gambling debt, but not student loans.
@ 71
The law doesn’t allow one to get off not paying.
Was this supposed to provide some information on percentages?
DOE 7.2% default rate
I still want to hear a righty stick up for their man Dr. Kevin Pezzi! Or maybe they could talk about how the UN really is trying to take over the US using bike share programs!
Wow, lost,
Just when I started thinking you could think, you put on tonight’s performance. Wow. Is there anyone on the Right who can think straight?
@ 73
DOE 7.2% default rate
Very good. Now, perhaps Puddy can find a dictionary in which 7.2% is a “very large percentage”.
@ 74
Curious, also, is the fact that none of the righties around here have justified the Senate Republicans’ repeated filibuster of any attempt to rectify the $1.15 billion dollars the federal government owes to black farmers. Looks like no one here honestly believes that Republicans would filibuster all attempts to remunerate white farmers.
Corporations are entitled to bailouts, as are farmers, unless the farmers happen to be African-American. Then, naturally, we’re talking about welfare. I think that’s how wingnuts approach the issue. Correct me if I’m wrong.
A movie? You’re comparing this to fiction? You’re talking about a movie who’s main theme was not Bush’s assassination, but how this country dealt with the events that happened following in light of the events of 9/11.
Encouraging children to shoot a black man is real life, it actually happened. Saying it’s only water doesn’t negate the meaning behind this carnival game.
Of course, righties always get confused about the difference between fact and fiction. Like the fictional death panels, the fictional WMD, the fictional Mexican gangs taking over a ranch in Texas, the fictional FEMA camps, the fictional anchor babies who will return in 20 years to wreak havoc in America. Now we have Mitch McConnell and his fictional plan to halt unemployment. It’s so spectacular, so grand, that we have to wait until the end of September to witness this truly historic and monumental pile of steaming shit. The whole of the GOP is one big Grimm’s fairy tale.
@77 and 78, The wingnut smear machine had them in their sights. If things had gone as planned, I’m sure that right now we’d be hearing all about welfare for black farmers. The wingnut uproar would surely have been the decibel equivalent of a stadium full of vuvuzelas. But they made a big fucking mistake a few weeks ago. They fucked with the wrong little old black lady.
Re 75
Was it the reference to Hip Hop ‘music’? Sorry Proud, didn’t know you were a fan.
Where did Puddy say it was a large percentage rate?
Puddy will wait while MSFT’s best finds a citation!
Where did Puddy say it was a large percentage rate?
Where did Don Joe say he was quoting Puddy? Don Joe will wait while the “no hire” finds a citation.
67. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Funny lost. Good comeback.
The current crop of students have way too many snotty nosed, entitlement desiring brats.
They seriously believe Government is there to take care of them…because they cannot take care of themselves.
Critical thinkers?
Gimmee a break.
Credit card and student loan debt among this new crop is at all-time highs.
They buy stuff they cannot afford and lay awake at night hoping ObaMao will cancel their Student Loans.
SJ—give it a rest. Yes there are some very self-reliant thinkers in the crowd. But as a whole crop, it’s pathetic. Jackboot, big government, high tax on the “rich” and “Big Corporations” without understanding the consequences.
Where do the jobs come from?
Oh yeah, lots of them don’t want jobs.
Just stay in school and build up more debt.
Here is a real critical thinker sj–
Took $250,000 of student loans and grew it to $550,000 by not paying and failing to communicate with the lender…and she’s a doctor!
Google Student Loan Deferral–255,000 hits.
Many like this one…
The interest continues to accumulate!
Something today’s “critical thinkers” fail to understand.
The Default Rate is one thing.
However, it does not include those currently on “Deferrals”. I tried to find some stats on deferral %’s. No luck.
Deferrals are easy.
A classmate of my son has had his master’s for over 2 years…been working & skiing…and has yet to make a payment on his $80,000 & growing loan.
Real Critical Thinker.
He is not planning to ever pay.
Expects ObaMao to cancel all student loans.
Michelle ObaMao gives a big F-U to all unemployed Americans. How come Black America isn’t offended by this outrageous waste of taxpayer money. Oh yeah, ObaMao says she is paying her personal expenses. Big deal. It’s only a tiny part of the total cost.
ObaMao’s are out of touch with the real Americans they pretend to fight for.
The Emporer and Emporess have no clothes.
…all Conservadummies:
It’s CORPORATIONS not Democrats that threaten our way of life you doodle-brains.
@87…ah yes, another one that has swallowed the kook-aid.
the combination of big govt and big corp and how they work together is whats the problem. but your too brainwashed to figure it out.
I suggest you keep on with your weekend church vandalizing – it appears the only thing you are qaulified at.
YO, Yo, Yo – Heterosexuals loving again.
Here is a good Muslim joke.
I hope you enjoy it-
Two Muslim mothers are comparing notes.
The older of the Muslim mothers pulls out her bag and starts
flipping through family photos and reminiscing.
“This is my oldest son, Mohamed. He would have been 24 now.”
The other mother replies, “Yes, I remember him as a baby.”
The first mother says, “He’s a martyr now.”
“Oh… That’s so sad, my dear..”
Then the first mother flips to another picture. “And this is
my second son, Abdul. He would be 21.”
“Oh, I remember him. He had such curly hair when he was born.”
The first mother sighs, “He’s also a martyr.”
“Oh gracious me!! ” says the second mother.
And this… this is my third son. My beautiful Ahmed! He would
be 18 this year.”
“Why, yes,” says her friend enthusiastically, “I remember when
he first started school!”
“He’s also a martyr,” the first mother says. She sobs, her
eyes fill with tears.
After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Muslim mother looks
wistfully at the photos, gently lays her hand on the first
woman’s shoulder and says:
“They blow up so fast, don’t they?”
well, bill clinton ‘s vision of the supreme court looking like america did not materialize.
The BIAW needs to come out of the stone age and find better representation than Barney Rubble aka Tom McCabe who is writing information aimed at the lowest common denominator in the Port Orchard Independent. When the environmentalists win, we all lose
poor gleeman…the bears are out of season and he has to go back to his diet of small asian men.
dont be so grumpy gleeman….and dont forget to brush your teeth tonight..LMFAO….gulp….
Gotta love that only people like the crackpots at the Port Orchard Independent will run this swill.