Equal rights. Not yet, though, because it’s a registry, not a license.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
“Registration” is good. You know… like any other sex offender…
proud leftistspews:
Given your inability to achieve intimacy with anything other than your pillow, you should avoid this particular discussion.
Jenna Bushspews:
proud leftist @ 3, I think MRK is taking your advice and fucking himself. I know he is an embarrassment to the Republicans. That isn’t easy for a gutless, prickless welscher, but MRK does it.
Ann Coulter's Vaginaspews:
I want you. Grab your industrial strength Viagra, and oily polartec prophalactic, and get over here.
Because, as usual, it is cold and dry down here, welcher.
Richard Popespews:
This bill simply perpetrates the discrimination that it is supposed to address. If the Democrats really wanted “marriage equality”, they could start with “domestic partnership” equality. Instead, this “domestic partnership” — a type of marriage-lite with no substantive binding commitments — is basically reserved for same-sex couples, with a lame exception for opposite-sex couples over 62 years of age. I simply see it as a wedge issue perpretrated by Democrats to play one group off against another, thereby hoping to keep Democrats in power.
proud leftist harry assspews:
Today I consider myself the luckiest asshole in the world. No longer will I take a pounding when taking a pounding. I feel lubricated….. I mean liberated.
The bill does not “perpetuate discrimination.” What it does is reduce some forms of discrimination and leaves other forms untouched.
This is true of every anti-discrimination bill ever passed.
For example, if this bill had done what you suggest, you would have come back saying it perpetuates discrimination because it doesn’t provide for same-sex marriages!
Wedge issue? Unlikely. Rather it reflects a compromise that allowed the Democrats to get something done to rid society of a few small injustices.
I mean, are you really under the delusion that Democrats don’t believe same-sex partnerships should have many of the privileges afforded to married partners?
This seems so simple, so clear.
Why is there any issue?
One thing I do not understand is why it should be limited to folks over 62. It seems to me that any two adults have, intrinsically DO have, the natural right to declare each other next of kin.
Is the issue sex? If two adults, say cousins or just plain friends, want to eb considered next of kid they should have the right.
proud leftistspews:
Ann Coulter’s vagina @ 5
Are you for real? Has anybody ever seen you? Has anybody ever touched you?
Jenna Bushspews:
proud leftist @ 12:
Some have seen it. A few have touched it. None has survived to tell the tale.
proud leftistspews:
What a horror story. Thanks. I fear nightmares tonight, if I can sleep at all.
All I know is the righties lost AGAIN. We beat the assholes. We got something that they hate through the Legislature. These facts are all you need to know – it means we won – they lost. It sucks to be them.
Puddybud's Doppelganger isn't EVEN Funny!spews:
Speaking of AssHoles: Did Mr Stupid walk into the thread again?
Sheryl Crow wants to wipe you Mr Stupid. One Sheet? Sheeeeeit, no way!
Hey Moonbat!s, you have a new cause. The Gay Pride peeps still owe $100K so they can’t go to the Seattle Center this year. Hey, it’s a worth libtard cause; open those fat Donk wallets and cough up some dough for your pardners! Come on Clueless. Come on John Barelli. Come on ArtFart. Come on Darryl. Come on Will. Come on Mr Stuuuuuupid. Come on Harry Tuttle. Come on Proud Leftist. Come on Tree Frog Farmer. Come on Windie. Come on Proud to be an ASS. Come on Racist Lucy. Come on PelletHead. I’d include Voice of Chalk Scratching but he’d want a cut!
Come on you can do it. You can do it all night long!
Richard Popespews:
SeattleJew @ 11
Your point makes sense to me and to nearly every single Republican in the legislature. Unfortunately, only a few Democrats agree with our position. The GOP members proposed several amendments to open up this “domestic partnership” to basically any two adults that were not legally married to anyone else and who were legally able and willing to enter into such an agreement. Unfortunately, the Democrats didn’t see things the same way, and wanted to keep this “domestic partnership” thing as a wedge issue.
Right on #10.
This bill is a huge help and a good first step. When the politico’s don’t get hammered for doing this more will follow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Sure it’s a wedge issue — it’ll bring out the Republican haters in force. Bring ’em on!
That was not the spin I heard. What I heard was a proposal by the right to redefine marriage as requiring children or sex or ???
The issue I have with most on the right or the left is their inconsistency. In my own case, I consider marriage as a term we have used for a long time for the committed relationship between men and women. My own culture allows polygamy and frankly I see no CONSERVATIVE reason to oppose plural marriages. I aslo see no necessary connection to intercourse and certainly none to children. If a brother and isster want to be married, that is fine by me too as long as they take good measures to avoid making kids.
I also see no necessary relationship to the next of kin issue. Any two people shold be able to assign NOK rights to each other.
Oh and Richard, have you seen the make up of the house and senate? We Dem’s have no need for wedge issues. What we have are a good group of elected folks that happen to be (overly) cautious and a bit gun shy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The wingnuts made 9 more American soldiers die for nothing in Iraq today.
Both sides engage in baiting the other side. The Supremes recent decision was probably correct law, but terrible policy since it outlawed an irrelevant procedure while NOT affecting late term abortion at all. OTOH, the liberal side has made abortion as ana absolute right fighting words.
Two stupid opinions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “My own culture allows polygamy and frankly I see no CONSERVATIVE reason to oppose plural marriages.”
In rabbit culture, we skip the formalities and fuck every cute female bunny in sight! More rabbits! Rabbits everywhere! Rabbits forever! When humans are extinct and rabbits take over this planet I will be their king.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 I personally oppose abortion on moral and religious grounds but do not believe I have the right to impose my personal beliefs on others who may not share those beliefs.
The most pious and honorable Pope Richard proclaimed:
The GOP members proposed several amendments to open up this “domestic partnership” to basically any two adults that were not legally married to anyone else and who were legally able and willing to enter into such an agreement.
And by the will of GOD it would have then been stricken down as the unholy, filthy law of human rights that GOD abhors!
The GODly and RIGHTly hateful GOP of the Anointed state of Washington attempted to cast a harsh light on the true agenda of those seeking compassion for others who suffer with the glaring WISDOM OF THE LORD THY GOD!
JESUS will not allow compassion for those who suffer and have sinned in the light of the GOP!
REPENT! And CONFORM to the will of the GOP who is the only correct interpretor of the LORD’s will!
why not have seattle buy the sonics and keep them playing at key arena? have a lottery ticket with 100 winners every time there’s a home game who get the courtside seats plus booze. corporate suites are for corporate losers. it’s all much cheaper than corporate welfare for okc rednecks and we could get the sonics games broadcast on a radio station that does not have drug-addled wingnut talk shows. win win win!
@27 I have a hunch you do not mean what you said. Would you support a late term abortion of a viable fetus? Say a near term baby? I doubt that.
It seems to me that there is a consensus that viable babies have rights that can only be abbreviated if the mother’s life and health are challenged. One can argue about WHEN viability begins, but society has an obligation to protect infant life.
I have more trouble with the issues in early preganancy. As a biologist I know that the conceptus is just tissue .. not a great deal different from a drop of blood. But, I do not have the right to tell a believer that the conceptus lacks a soul or whatever that spark is we associate with individual identity. The trouble is that allowing each of us the right to such beliefs, implies that we have an obligation to interfere in how others live. If I accept the Pope’s right to believe that a blastula (a ball of embryonic cells) is already a person,m then I can not object to a Catholic’s right to interfere in others’ “morality.”
SCOTUS will soon decide what medical procedure Richard Pope can have for his cancerous pancreasspews:
seattlejew said:
“The Supremes recent decision was probably correct law, but terrible policy since it outlawed an irrelevant procedure while NOT affecting late term abortion at all. OTOH, the liberal side has made abortion as ana absolute right fighting words.”
Actually Dilation and extraction is not irrelevant, nor uncommon. It is just safer. What the Supreme Catholic 5 did was to make pregnancy termination after the first trimester a dangerous surgical procedure for women even when the woman’s life is at risk.
As the the majority decision proclaimed: “When standard medical options are available, mere convenience does not suffice to displace them; and if some procedures have different risks than others, it does not follow that the State is altogether barred from imposing reasonable regulations. The Act is not invalid on its face where there is uncertainty over whether the barred procedure is ever necessary to preserve a woman’s health, given the availability of other abortion procedures that are considered to be safe alternatives.
SCOTUS has become the MD for all American women. Kind of like the Taliban for women’s health.
But women are the lesser sex, right?
Think again.
Don’t you have a name here?
Sorry, but you are incorrect on 2 counts:
1. The ruling, esp. in Justice Kennedy’s opinion, is ltd. to the procedure of delivering the body before destroying the head. While I agree with you D&E should be allowed, it s a very unusual procedure. In most OB practices, a D&C can be done instead, Instances where there would be risk to the mother are rare. Ask an OB.
2. The Court ruled not on the medical procedure but on the law. Clearly the Congress has the right to regulate medical procedures even when there is risk to the patient. The ruling is based on strict law, not good medical practice.
Unfortunately, the original Rowe decision may have been poor law and now people could suffer from a sloppy SCOTUS decision.
It seems to me that there is a good answer … legislation to allow abortion until viability. After that, we should rule out elective abortion by any means unless there is a risk to the mother’s health. sInce i suspect very few elective abortions occur, I doubt this would be much of a problem except with extremists. How many people would advocate the right of a preganant woman t choose to kill her own fetus?
seattlejew will soon have the SCOTUS decide that, under law, that he must be neuteredspews:
“Sorry, but you are incorrect on 2 counts:”
OK. lets check em out.
You said: “The ruling, esp. in Justice Kennedy’s opinion, is ltd. to the procedure of delivering the body before destroying the head. While I agree with you D&E should be allowed, it s a very unusual procedure. In most OB practices, a D&C can be done instead, Instances where there would be risk to the mother are rare. Ask an OB.
Uhm, I would actually rather talk to my doctor. Not Justice Kennedy’s opinion. But then, maybe, Justice Kennedy can help you with your next check up. I am worried about your kidney function. Might want to get Justice Kennedy’s opinion on that. But to the point, from the ACTUAL SCOTUS text:
“Of the remaining abortions that take place each year most occur in the second trimester. The surgical procedure referred to as “dilation and evacuation” or “D&E” is the usual abortion method in this trimester.”
seattlejew, next time you want to express an opinion you are ignorant of, you might want to actually do some reading on the subject.
You said: “The Court ruled not on the medical procedure but on the law. Clearly the Congress has the right to regulate medical procedures even when there is risk to the patient. The ruling is based on strict law, not good medical practice.”
Good point! Well, actually, bad point. If you actually believe that SCOTUS is correct in overriding “good medical practice” with “interpretation of the law”, then, …
I hope you have a good lawyer at your next operation.
@33 anonymous
We agree that the government SHOULD stay out of this affair. BUT, that is nOT the issue here. The issue is the role of SCOTUS. Surely you would not want this Catholic/Republican dominated panel to legislate?
Imagine the damage they could do:
1. Deny civil rights to non citizens. This issue, like abortion rights, is unclear in the Constitution.
2. Make property rights absolute, no zoning!
3. Require a flat tax,
This is why we should not want a “creative” court of the right or the left.
In the meantime, the SCOTUS could have just refused to hear this. That would have kept them out of the issue and been better for everyone since there is no rational for this stupid law.
“Surely you would not want this Catholic/Republican dominated panel to legislate?”
They just did.
I have to admit that your term “stupid law” is hilarious.
Fucking hilarious.
No, read the ruling. They SUPPORTED a law passed by Congress. That is their job.
The trouble with Roe is that the SCOTUS of that time diod legislate and the SC is poorly suited for writing laws.
Yep. It is s as tuoid law. It is now illegal to kill a fetus after is toes arer out but OK as long as they are still within.
This is nuts. Bad law making by people all t willing t abuse the proces.
They supported a law passed by the NEBRASKA STATE congress.
It is not their job to pass laws by the NEBRASKA STATE congress.
Are you an idiot?
I almost feel bad now…
Richard Popespews:
I think the United States is the only country in the entire world that has found a constitutional right to abortion. Canada presently has legal abortions because of a constitutional court decision, but only because its abortion law was capricious, uneven and burdensome in applying for official permission for an elective abortion.
By contrast, a number of countries have interpreted their constitutions to require same-gender marriages to be allowed.
Most European countries pretty much allow abortion on demand up through the third month of pregnancy, but almost invariably requiring pro-life counseling be completed and a waiting period of several days to a week before the procedure is performed. Several European countries also require official permission and good cause to have an abortion, which is granted well over 90% of the time in practice.
Not even the most liberal abortion law in Europe would pass constitutional muster under the Roe v. Wade decision.
What Richard Pope said:
First paragraph: Canada and the USA allow woman to make their own health decisions.
Second paragraph: Many countries recognize the people to choose their own life partners.
Third paragraph: Most western countries allow woman to make their own health decisions, with limitations decided by the government.
Fourth paragraph is an opinion based on nothing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 I said exactly what I meant, and I meant exactly what I said. Of course, I was speaking generally, and my answer to a specific case would depend on the case. I don’t have any problem with abortion to save the life of the mother.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “The trouble is that allowing each of us the right to such beliefs, implies that we have an obligation to interfere in how others live.”
At some point the dog chases its tail. What if someone’s belief set includes a belief they not only have a right to interfere with what other people do, but (their) God mandates they do so? This certainly describes some of the militant right-to-lifers. My answer to that is that America is a nation governed by secular laws and they do NOT have a right to impose their belief system on everyone else. Not only that, but attempts to do so are inherently evil. How many people have been tortured and killed, how many wars have been fought, over the centuries in the name of “my religion is the only true religion and you have to follow my religion or else”? It that’s not evil in itself, it certainly leads to evil results. The correct answer is that you have a right to be a Jew and a Catholic does not have a right to tell you that you must be a Catholic — and vice versa. Rightwing religious fanatics consistently confuse freedom from government-imposed religion with restriction of their religious freedom — when they want to use government to impose their religion on others.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “It seems to me that there is a good answer … legislation to allow abortion until viability. After that, we should rule out elective abortion by any means unless there is a risk to the mother’s health.”
This goes to the question of “when is an embryo or fetus a human life?” SCOTUS struggled mightily with this question in Roe — and couldn’t answer. The prospects of ever getting 5 justices to agree on a definition aren’t good. However, this is an option they could go to if they wanted to restrict Roe without overturning it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Any time you restrict abortion, a question you have to deal with is whether you want to send women and doctors to prison for violating the restriction. Because that’s what you’ll face. Pre-Roe experience demonstrates that laws against abortion won’t be obeyed. By criminalizing abortion (or some abortions), you are committing society to a substantial additioal investment in law enforcement and incarceration, and you will have a lot of lives shattered by a criminal conviction. You will also have a class-based system under which the affluent will fly off to permissive foreign abortion havens while poor women get dragged into court by prosecutors. Are we ready for that kind of society?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Oh c’mon SJ, we’re all (well, nearly all) anonymous here. And for good reasons. Not getting hate mail. Or worse (like fire bombs tossed into the carport). Not getting fired from a job. Not getting harassed by partisan bullies misusing the power of government to harass political opponents, such as politically-motivated IRS audits (trust me, Republicans are capable of this). Not all rightwingers are merely haters; some of them are violent. Only a damn fool would let everyone who might be reading this blog know how to find him/her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Welcome back, Donnageddon! Where ya been? As a lawyer, I can’t agree with your characterization of the recent SCOTUS decision as “legislating.” Congress legislated, and SCOTUS let them do it. That’s a proper role of SCOTUS — deciding whether laws passed by Congress are constitutional or not. Your beef is with the GOP Congress that passed this law. Note that Congress is now under new management.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of Congress’ new management, we’re going to have hearings this week into whether the administration told lies about Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch in order to peddle their war with made-in-the-GOP-spin-shop ersatz heroes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As far as I’m concerned, Tillman and Lynch are both heroes simply for serving and putting themselves in harm’s way for country and flag; I don’t, for the life of me, understand why some folks feel they have to lie about a friendly-fire casualty or a POW rescue. As Garry Wills once wrote about Nixon: “Nixon tells lies so petty and demeaning you wonder why he stoops to it.”
Well … because he was a Republican, and that’s what Republicans are like. That’s why.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 What would be stupid is a decision upholding a state law outlawing abortion. You would then have 50 state legislatures wrangling over abortion bills, every year, and absolutely nothing else would ever get done in state legislatures. You would have permanent legislative gridlock in every state. That is why overturning Roe v. Wade is a stupid idea. If SCOTUS wants to eliminate abortion, they should bypass ruling on state laws and simply declare that unborn fetuses have a constitutional right to not be killed without due process, rather than leave it up to the states.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 That’s pretty much the size of it. Europeans don’t have nearly the civil liberties we have, either. European governments limit free speech, and severely restrict gun ownership. In European legal systems, you do not have the separation of prosecutorial and judicial functions we have, nor the same due process rights.
Another Publican goes off the reservation and demands that the crooked AG Gonzales resigns.
Oh well, another week of bad news for the inbred right.
Remember when reading any post by WHATADICK Pope that he’s been rejected by his peers and the public in runs for office more than 14 times – that his own wife wanted nothing to do with him – that as an attorney, he’s been admonished by his own Bar Association – and he’s been proven wrong here on HA more than 12,288 times. So take anything he says as utterly worthless bullshit.
Oh yes, and remember, he’s a Publican lawyer – given that Publicans HATE lawyers, this shows how much Dickie hates himself. And he wants a GOVERNMENT job so bad he can taste it, but yet he and other hypocrite Publicans like him want to attack those who live on the very government tit he so badly wants to suck on. HE HE!
@51 Roger that’s what the Publicans want – they want to destroy our current form of government. They want chaos – it makes it easier for them to take away our Constitutional rights, to steal our money and property and to set themselves up as dictators.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
LeftTurn@55&56: Richard Pope has very reasoned arguments. You on the other hand upset people of your own political persuasion.
Before leaping look down to see if a net is available!
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
So again lefties, you can try and conjure up any “projected reasonable” right in the US Constitution, to make your stupid argument for sucking the brains out of a baby! Golly I missed that one.
I agree on donkoinfanticide. Imagine a world without Mr Stupid/LeftTurn! The more little donks eradicated the better! Since the beginning of the Iraq war 5,299,529 babies have been eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
It’s good to see Donnageddon “Dense as Spent Uranium” back in the Moonbat! fold.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
What is amazing to me is you libtards call Bush a murdering terrorist while he’s protecting us from your good friends the islamofascists, yet you and your ilk practice murder and terrorism every time a little donk is eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished without the mother’s life in danger or the baby have mental and/or physical defects (i.e. Mr Stupid) everyday.
Why is that?
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
Wow, I’ve been on this blog just a few minutes and the number is now 5,299,530 babies eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished since the beginning of the Iraq War.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
So PelletHead@52: With your “reasoning and argumentative” skillz, why did John Effin Kerry want us to be more like France and Europe in 2004?
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
So PelletHead@52: When John Effin Kerry decides to run again, I’m sure you’ll remember that comment. No…, on second thought, senility is a train coming to a PelletHead burrow soon and you’ll forget what you wrote three hours from now!
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
Wow, I’ve been on this blog just a few minutes more and the number is now 5,299,531 babies eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished since the beginning of the Iraq War.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 That’s nothing — wait til Rove is indicted on 160,000 counts of violating the Hatch Act … he’ll be eligible for parole in about half a million years:
“Inquiry of Rove brings unit out of obscurity
“By Tom Hamburger
“Los Angeles Times
“WASHINGTON — The … Office of Special Counsel … is … launching a broad investigation into key elements of the White House political operations … headed by … Karl Rove. The new investigation … could create a substantial new problem for the Bush administration.
“First, the new inquiry comes from inside the administration, not from Democrats in Congress. Second, unlike the inquiries being pressed on Capitol Hill, it is expected to be a unified investigation covering many facets of the political operation in which Rove played a leading part. …
“‘This is a big deal,’ said Paul Light, a New York University expert on the executive branch of the federal government. ‘It is a significant moment for the administration and Karl Rove. It speaks to the growing sense that there is a nexus at the White House that explains what’s going on in these disparate investigations.’
“The question of improper political influence over government decision-making is at the heart of the controversy over the U.S. attorney firings and the ongoing congressional investigation of the special e-mail system installed in White House and other government offices by the Republican National Committee. …
“The … Office of Special Counsel has never conducted such a broad and high-profile inquiry. One of its primary missions has been to enforce the Hatch Act, a law enacted in 1939 to preserve the integrity of the civil service.
” … [T]he new investigation grew from two narrower inquiries …. One involved … fired U.S. attorney … David Iglesias. The other centered on a PowerPoint presentation that a Rove aide, J. Scott Jennings, made at the General Services Administration this year. That presentation listed recent polls and the outlook for … House and Senate races in 2008. After the presentation, GSA Administrator Lurita Doan encouraged agency managers to ‘support our candidates,’ according to half a dozen witnesses. …
“The Los Angeles Times has learned that similar presentations were made by others on the White House staff, including Rove, to other Cabinet agencies. During presentations at the Interior Department and others, employees said they received a not-so-subtle message about the importance of helping endangered Republicans.
“White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said the Hatch Act does not prohibit providing informational briefings to government employees. Responding to a letter of complaint to the White House from 25 Democratic senators, Stanzel said: ‘It is entirely appropriate for the president’s staff to provide informational briefings to appointees throughout the federal government about the political landscape in which they implement the president’s policies and priorities.’
“However, questions have emerged about the PowerPoint presentations, including whether Doan’s comments crossed the line and whether the presentations violated rules limiting political activity on federal property. Whether legal or not, the multiple presentations revealed how widely and systematically the White House sought to deliver its list of electoral priorities.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another investigation! Ya gotta love it! I can’t wait to see Rove being led off in handcuffs!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich plans to introduce a House Resolution to impeach Duck Cheney today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Pope is a partisan hack and propagandist, just like me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Except not as good.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “Since the beginning of the Iraq war 5,299,529 babies have been eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished.”
Don’t forget the 660,000 Iraqis killed by American bombs, shells, rockets, bullets, mines, and other munitions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey pudpacker, lemme ask you a question: How come you Repubs value human life only until the moment it’s born, and then try to eliminate it?
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Moonbat!s: With Nancy Burqa Pelosi leading Congress we were told things would get better. Now we see the highest gas prices ever under her leadership.
Let me remind you again! Around January 25th Nancy Pelosi says we’re going to investigate those wascally oil executives. I predicted gas prices would jump after Feb 7, the next futures contracts. January 25th Gas $2.43 gallon Feb 8-10 Gas prices jump 8-10 cents. Now we’re on average $3.15 a gallon.
Where’s Henchwoman Hilary? Where Maria Moonbat? Where Pundit Patty? Isn’t it great when Moonbat!s get an issue how they SCREW it up?
Waaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Speaking of murdering terrorists, Bush is harboring Luis Posada Carilles, who bombed an airliner with 73 people (mostly kids) aboard but is walking around Miami free as a bird. This thug is wanted for mass murder, but Bush refuses to extradite him. Republicans are terrorist lovers!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
PelletHead@70: How about a fer instance unlike the speculation and innuendo you like to deliver here?
BTW where is this 660,000 number from? The same Moonbat! previously discredited?
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Since the beginning of the Iraq war 5,299,533 babies have been eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished.
Looks like more bad news for Puffybutt and the other traitors on the right. We’re finally gonna find the truth about these Bush PR stunts.
Mission Accomplished!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 From one of the world’s most respected medical journals — which is way over YOUR head.
Roger Rabbitspews:
9 more American soldiers donated their lives to Bush’s ego yesterday.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 Get back to me when you’re extirpated.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
PelletHead: Don’t you feel proud on that 5,299,533 number? You seem to like posting that erroneous 660,000 number.
Those would be voting donks in less than 18 years for some of them. Candidates like John Effin Kerry would never receive their votes.
They would not be procreating making more Mr Clueless and Mr Stuuuuuuuuupiiids.
No WAIT… that’s a great thing!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
#78 – Ummm… Didn’t that happen to your mind?
Roger Rabbitspews:
In the latest news from the rightwing gun culture, 11 people were gunned down in Detroit this weekend, a disgruntled worker shot a supervisor at a NASA facility, a disgruntled tenant shot the office manager and two other people at an upscale Texas apartment complex, and a 13-year-old boy shot at Montana state troopers while fleeing in a stolen car (they killed him).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 “PelletHead: Don’t you feel proud on that 5,299,533 number? You seem to like posting that erroneous 660,000 number.”
What do you expect me to do about it? I didn’t kill them. I oppose abortion.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey puddinghead, how many more American soldiers are you pukes going to sacrifice on the altar of Bush’s ego before you admit that Reid is right — you sorry fucks have lost your cartoon war — ?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 Hey puddinghead, Bush told us Iraqi oil revenues would pay for the GOP’s cartoon war. Can you remind us again how much of the taxpayers’ trillion-dollar investment in this fiasco has been reimbursed from Iraqi oil revenues? Didn’t you guys predict that gas would be $1 a gallon by now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey pudpounder, how come you guys give sanctuary to terrorists like Posada? Why don’t you have him over to Venezuela? He’ll get a fair trial.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A foreign firm is now the world’s biggest carmaker. Waytago wingfreaks! American workers appreciate your economic management! (Not)
PelletHead@84: No we didn’t predict $1 gas. It was your side that claimed this was a war for oil. Once gagin Moonbat!s proven wrong!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Sorry PelletHead: I know nothing about Posada. But getting a fair trial in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez is like getting a fair shake here on ASSWipes! It won’t happen in my lifetime!
PelletHead, your side loves Chavez and Castro, why not move to either place? Your gringo $$$$ would go a long way there!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hmmm, my IBM stock jumped $3.50 this morning while I sat here on my fat bunny ass posting on HA. Capital gains sure beats working for a living! Now that I’m a capitalist I’m a fucking PRODUCER just like Redneck! Meaning, I get paid for doing absolutely NOTHING! Why should anyone work, and fork over 32.65% of their wages to the government, when you can get away with paying a 5% tax rate on capital gains? I’m a Democrat so I can live like Republicans — high on the hog, producing nothing, and above all doing NO WORK!!!
Ain’t America great?!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Let’s see PelletHead: UAW now that’s a piece of work for ya!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
But PelletHead: My clients pay for my gas usage!
Waaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Roger Rabbitspews:
With all the shooting in Nigeria, my oil stocks should go up like crazy over the next couple weeks! I’m sure gonna feel sorry for the Republican slobs pumping my $4 gas into their SUVs! Hey I appreciate your business! Really, I do! Taking your money beats shit out of working.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 “I know nothing about Posada.”
May we assume it would be asking too much to expect you to exert yourself enough to do an internet search and educate yourself? If all else fails, try Wikipedia.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@92 You have clients? Now I know you’re joking!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dickie Poop doesn’t seem to have clients. That’s why he tries so hard to get a gummint job.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
I love how the “Tards forget about Joltin Joe Lieberman!
“WASHINGTON – Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) today made the following statement in response to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s comment that the Iraq War is “lost:”
“This week witnessed horrific terrorist attacks by Islamist extremists in Iraq, killing hundreds of innocent civilians and leading Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to declare that the war is ‘lost.’
With all due respect, I strongly disagree. Senator Reid’s statement is not based on military facts on the ground in Iraq and does not advance our cause there.
Al Qaeda’s strategy for victory in Iraq is clear. They are trying to murder as many innocent civilians as possible in an effort to reignite sectarian fighting and drive us to retreat from Iraq.
The question now before us is whether we respond to these terrorist attacks by running away as Al Qaeda hopes – abandoning the future of Iraq, the Middle East, and ultimately our own security to the very same people responsible for this week’s atrocities – or whether we stand united to fight them.
This is exactly the wrong time to conclude that we have lost the war in Iraq, or that our new strategy has failed. Instead, we should provide General Petraeus and his troops with the time and the resources to succeed. We should not surrender in the face of barbarism.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
The $6,000 salary for port commissioner may not seem like much, but in his case, it would triple his income.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Then we see Scary Reid in reBUTTal:
“”In an effort to shift attention from this Administration’s failed polities – and I say that in the plural – the President and his allies have repeatedly questioned whether I and my fellow Democrats support our troops,” the majority leader told fellow senators. “No one wants us to succeed in Iraq more than the Democrats. We’ve proven that time and time again since this war started more than four years ago. We take a back seat to no one in supporting our troops, and we will never abandon our troops in a time of war.”
Puddybud editorial – Reid is spewing that Bullshittium element again!
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s only $500 a month. I already made that much in the stock market this morning while sitting in the can taking a shit. Sure beats working!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
PelletHead: You personally claimed to discredit WikiPedia when I used it against you. Now you claim it’s the perfect source again.
Why are you a man of diametrically opposed views? Schizo?
I’m merely trying to save you some effort, puddinghead. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Besides, no one’s suggesting you take Wikipedia’s word for anything. Click on the footnotes and read the source documents, dumbass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow! IBM is now up $4.29! Sure glad I own that one! Pretty soon I’m gonna have an English butler down here in my hole.
NBC is reporting that right wing state trooper who was having an affair is responsible for trying to kill Democratic Governor of New Jersey while driving him to an event.
Just following the example of Newt the Hoot who had an affair with an intern while his wife was in the hospital with cancer – or Rompin Rudy who’s own children won’t talk to him because of his several affairs on his several wives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The process to impeach Cheney begins today!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey wingnutz! Night shift’s over, I’m going to bed! Later, traitors!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Nice Spin on Wikipedia PelletHead! You seem to quoteth from it like it’s the gospel!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Oh Darn. I enjoy spankin PelletHead with facts!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
PelletHead: When you reawaken from the semility stupor:
One thing you won’t see in Iraq-any Bush family relative or any of the right wing cowards on this board pretending to be military vets like Puffybutt.
Puffybutt – when your wife sucks my dick, she tells me you are an impotent coward. When your sister sucks my cock, she tells me you used to wet the bed.
Roger the Rabbit on abortion
Roger good to have a real discussion for once.
Let me restate what I believe the law should be:
I believe that a viable fetus has a right to life. At the extremes this is easy. A mother who decided to harm a full term fetus would be guilty of murder, A doctor who carried ut such an act would be guilty of murder just she would be if she drowned an newborn. The exception, as with any other taking of life, would be when the mother was endangered. Then the decision of wh gets to live or whose health is endangered needs to be the mothers.
That does not seem all that hard to me.
This is not the same as the issue of when a conceptus becomes a “life.” A full term infant is a live in all ways except the mystical moment of birth. Unless you have some religious belief that emergence from the womb conveys a soul, an 8 month fetus is a baby.
This not the same thing as deciding when the fetus becomes alive. And yes, there are equivocal decisions, gray areas in determining viability. The decision of where to put the border between viability and non viability is difficult. In a sense the impregnated egg is viable since we can implant it in a foster mother. I suppose we could recruit (female) right to lifers as volunteer incubaotrs every time a fertility clinic wants t “dispose” of its surplus!
Isn’t that what you rabbits call reductio ad absurdam?
Seriously, if we had a law making abortion fully legal until some reasonable data, day third trimester, and then after that leave it as above, why is that so difficult?
Oops – one more problem for the traitors and cowards on the right – Publican leader Karl Rove and his SS forces are under investigation – again!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
LeftTurn AKA Mr Stupid: Not even funny anymore. When you resort to these attacks your case is pitifully lost!
Besides, my sister married a black man. My wife married a black man – me! Under the largest most powerful Electron Microscope they’d have trouble finding out if you’re packing “heat”.
The only way you get any is by rape!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
SeattleJew: Wow you hit the nail on the head:
“In a sense the impregnated egg is viable since we can implant it in a foster mother.” – A point lost on the Donks!
And these surrogates get $10-20K doing that act too.
Thanks for the point SJ!
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Since you’re all in a huff about abortion, we’ll try a thought experiment.
At what point do cells REALLY become babies?
Right off the bat, about 2/3 of all zygotes self-terminate for one reason or another. This is before you’ve skipped a period. Is this grounds for going into church and begging for contrition?
If a mother miscarries due to stress, is she a murderer? Make no mistake, stress is a lifestyle choice. Once you know you’re carrying a child, by your theology you have a solemn responsibility to bring that child to term. If you fail to do so, not by mishap, but by willful and volitional choices, do you have to take responsibility for those choices? How much?
With genetics where it is today, we could fill a zygote cell with DNA and make a pretty good copy from ordinary mitotic cells. Should I be arrested for scrubbing my backside this morning on the grounds of probable homicide?
Take care, and let me know, OK?
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Mr Stupid AKA LeftTurn: My sister married a black man. My wife married a black man – me! Under the largest most powerful Electron Microscope they’d have trouble finding out if you’re packing “heat” as a honky.
Besides, not even funny anymore. When you resort to these attacks your case is pitifully lost!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
JSA: Look at post #118. I agree with SJ.
Due to issues I can’t answer (only God knows why) zygotes self-terminate. When another party joins the mix then you cross the line.
Miscarriages due to anything are unfortunate. I had one relative who miscarried 5 times and was told she’d never carry to full term and just had a beautiful baby girl just this past month. But she had to change her lifestyle. Maybe it’s due to stress but I would NEVER call that a man-made abortion. And trying to call my theology into question over that ploy is a non sequitor!
I do think when a person attacks a pregnant woman and both die – double murder; or the baby dies it’s murder!
If a surrogate can carry that microscopic egg, isn’t that life JSA? Or, by your definition she’s just carrying an organic group of cells?
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
I have to go to work now JSA so I leave ‘Wipes for the time being.
Ta ta!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
MR Stupid AKA Left Turn: You keep mistaking my wife for your right or maybe your left hand. The wife likes well hung men – me. When you get that new transplant, sport a picture so we can verify it’s you! Until then…. dream on!
@120 Pud
No. A blastula is not “alive” simply because it COULD be implanted. By that standard you contain millions of “lives” .. stem cells that can be grown into little Puddles a la Dolly. So shaving should be against the law and all surgery should be banned.
And yes, the Right2Life (R2L) communes should raise money and volunteers to support eior beliefs by:
1. creating a nationa female service corps of women who willingly serves a s gestators to save the lives of the unborn blastulae. That way we could draft one woman for this service for every man we send to Iraq.
2. to sponsor URGENT research so we can save the 1/3 or so of concept that do not make it. I am shocked, schocked that the R2L folks would rather block stupid laws like the recent Supreme’s miscarriage.
“In a sense the impregnated egg is viable since we can implant it in a foster mother.”
jsa on commercial drivespews:
I expect you won’t reply for a while. We all gotta make a buck.
What SeattleJew was referring to was in my mind a continuum. An eight-month old fetus is a baby. We all agree there. A collection of 256 cells from a zygote? Not so much.
I could drag out some yucky ethical questions about eight-month old fetuses which are guaranteed to kill their mother in the process of being born, and what the correct course of action is there, but I haven’t had breakfast yet, so we’ll skip it.
Now, if you are going to say that all abortions are wrong, regardless of the age, this becomes an inherently theological problem. The medical/scientific basis just isn’t there.
The theological premise is that creating life is God’s domain, and humans have no right to interfere. I’m not a Christian, and I get a little queasy with where that premise goes if you take it to the end of the line, but if that’s a fundamental belief you hold, that’s fine. I’m not here to mess with it (much).
But at that point, we have a moral continuum to deal with as well.
If I were a woman, became pregnant, and decided to terminate a child by drinking, smoking, and doing crack, I would consider myself equally morally culpable for the termination of that child as if I had gone to the clinic and requested a d&c.
If I had been drinking, smoking, doing crack, &c. before I was pregnant, and continued on with this behavior afterwards, and didn’t make an effort to straighten up and fly right, I would say I was also morally culpable.
Now on this basis, if I am making lifestyle choices which can be changed, which lead to a miscarriage, I have a certain degree of culpability in this. It was a volitional act, I could change it, and I willfully did not. There is no other logical conclusion to this line of argument.
I will note that if a friend miscarries, I’m not going to unload this line of theology on them. I’ll say I am very sorry, and offer them unconditional love and support.
That is one of many reasons I do not buy this particular line of thinking.
Now it’s my turn to go to work. Later dudes!
Anal penetration is an important American tradition to encourage & be proud of.
headless lucyspews:
re 127: As is killing the best and bravest of our youth in poinless wars that enrich only a few.
headless lucyspews:
In a small town in Oregon I saw a billboard with a photo of an aborted foetus and some words to the effect that abortion was murder.
I wonder if I could put up a billboard in the same town, with the same words — only a different photo: a used rubber!
Daddy Lovespews:
I think the United States is the only country in the entire world that has found a constitutional right to abortion.
The issue was not and never has been “contitutional right to an abortion.” Rather, it is the constitutionality of state restrictions on this and other medical procedures balanced against individual rights to self-determination and privacy. I presume that you would not argue that a pregnant woman has no right to self-determination and no right to personal privacy from government intrustion.
Wow I was just watching CSPAN and Tillman’s relatives are really sticking it to the cowardly Bush Regime. This may be the straw that breaks the traitors’ backs.
Hey puddy,
Why don’t you and your merry band of idiots petition to have haliburton build walls around abortion clinics. That’s the rethug answer to everything else these days, so it must be a viable solution, right? H. just has to be careful not to recruit pregnant libs from day labor camps. That’d be at least as embarrasing as that debacle in CA a ways back…
oh, and
tell your wife to stop wearing different colored lipstick – my c9ck is starting to look like a rainbow
I almost forgot – she still owes me $12 bucks. It’s get down time.
Daddy Lovespews:
Regarding the domestic partnership registry — where is the political pressure to provide this benefit for opposite-sex domestic partners? I mean, since the state approved medical-benefit parity for domestic partners, it seems that the political will of opposite-sex domestic partners for expanding benefits has more or less disappeared.
So who’s left? The state has not addressed the incredible inequity of the rights to medical visitation and so on for which same-sex couples did NOT have the option of marrying to gain, and topped it off with a nice little addition of registry participation for opposite-sex couples over 62 who are otherwise discriminated against in federal retirement programs. Seems like a pretty sweet deal.
I think the basis of RP’s argument is that because the bill does not flatly include all opposite-gender couples that is it not motivated by fairness concerns and thus IS motivated by hope of political gain. You can unpack the numerous logical flaws with that conclusion yourself. I’ll just say that the squeaky wheel got the grease, and a little bit more, and that’s how the political process works most of the time. The truth is that moments of shining, unalloyed, damn-the-torpedoes altruism are nearly nonexistent. This bill does good, and is good. If others subsequently need and/or demand relief, they can start organizations, elect representatives, and go to the legislature themselves.
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
Puddybud @ 99 wrote:
“Then we see Scary Reid in reBUTTal:
“”In an effort to shift attention from this Administration’s failed polities – and I say that in the plural – the President and his allies have repeatedly questioned whether I and my fellow Democrats support our troops,” the majority leader told fellow senators. “No one wants us to succeed in Iraq more than the Democrats. We’ve proven that time and time again since this war started more than four years ago. We take a back seat to no one in supporting our troops, and we will never abandon our troops in a time of war.”
Puddybud editorial – Reid is spewing that Bullshittium element again!
Specifically, what is he saying that is bullshit?
You show me one Republican Senator who gets a higher grade for voting to support out troops from the non-partisan group IAVA and I’ll buy you lunch, Puddybud.
But, if you cannot produce one Republican who votes more often to support our troops with legally binding legislation you buy me lunch.
118 My wife once had an ectopic pregnancy. By the reasoning you’re implying, she should have been required to lie in agony until the embryo attached to the inside of her fallopian tube grew big enough to tear her insides apart and kill her.
You think that’s right? Go blow yourself.
PacMan - don't shoot the messenger!spews:
Quote of the Day – Tom DeLay
Quote – “Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are getting very, very close to treason” with their opposition to the Iraq war” “For the majority leader of the United States Senate, in the time of war, with soldiers dying on the ground, announcing that we have lost the war, is very close to treasonous,” DeLay said. “I looked it up while we were driving over here, what the definition of ‘treason’ is.” -unquote
Democrats took control of the House and the Senate in November on a wave of antiwar sentiment, and the latest polls show that at least a plurality of Americans agree with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s claim that the war in Iraq is a lost cause.
So is the president ignoring the will of the people when he pushes ahead with his “surge” and vows to veto any legislation even suggesting a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq?
No, sirree. Just ask him.
“Last November,” the president said, “the American people said they were frustrated and wanted change in our strategy in Iraq. I listened. Today, General David Petraeus is carrying out a strategy that is dramatically different from our previous course.”
Time for a reality check Mr President….
Check 1: Just before the November elections, pollsters for CBS News asked Americans about U.S. troops in Iraq. Sixteen percent said “send more.” Fifty percent said bring some or all of them home.
Check 2: Three months into the selling of the surge, the numbers aren’t looking much better. While 21 percent of Americans now say the United States should send more troops to Iraq, 60 percent say that some or all of the troops should come home now. 9% could care less.
Prediction: As the Bush administrations repeated violations of the Constitution and federal statutes, as well as their repudiation of international law, come under increased consideration, I expect to see the Bush clan which include President Bush, Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, attorney Gonzales,Carl Rove,and Paul Wolfowitz forced to resign their offices before 2008 is over.”
A few have left already including Rumsfeld. Gonzales has one foot out the door. Wolfowiz is walking towards the door. Rove is glued to his chair and as soon as they find a removal for super glue he’s gone.
Can we have Richard Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew and Atty. Gen. John Mitchell back!!!? Please, I was wrong for petitioning against them back in 1972.
My impression is that the prominent Republicans in Congress calling for Gonzoles to resign really want to get him out of public view, shut him up, and try to keep the Democrats from following the trail of crime and scandal all the way to the Oval Office.
My response to DeLay would be, “You sent ’em there, MoFo.”
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
ArtFart says: 118 04/24/2007 at 12:27 pm
Man all you donks are twisting my words. I already said the life of the woman and deformities are okay in my mind for abortions. Where have I said anything else? Citation. ASSWipes thread? Your straw men don’t stay on task. They twist in the wind.
What I asked how many of those 5+ million abortions since the start of the Iraq WAR are based on health of the mother you can’t answer. But we do know most are chosen for no reason other than hey, I can abort this thing.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
JSA: Two days ago the wife and I were shopping. We say this 6 or 7 month mother smoking away. If you choose to create a sloped head small brain child like Full Toilet Roll Stupid, I can’t help her. She’ll answer to her maker!
Capt. Trip Bellard says, “Senator Reid’s remarks undercut the morale of our soldiers and undermine our troops on the ground.”
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says “The debate in Congress . . . has been helpful in demonstrating to the Iraqis that American patience is limited…The strong feelings expressed in the Congress about the timetable probably has had a positive impact . . . in terms of communicating to the Iraqis that this is not an open-ended commitment.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....id=topnews
Several retired generals (that is, ones who no longer fear retribution or career harm from expressing their military opinions) endorsed Congress’ Iraq withdrawal legislation yesterday. Maj. Gen. John Batiste called it “important legislation [that] sets a new direction in Iraq,” while Lt. Gen. William Odom said it will “re-orient US strategy to achieve regional stability, and win help from many other countries – the only way peace will eventually be achieved.” http://www.speaker.gov/blog/?p=288
And of course, the Iraqis really don’t want us there:
In Baghdad, for example, nearly three-quarters of residents polled said they would feel safer if U.S. and other foreign forces left Iraq, with 65 percent of those asked favoring an immediate pullout, according to polling results obtained by the Washington Post.
A poll by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found that “71 percent of Iraqis questioned want the Iraqi government to ask foreign forces to depart within a year” and “In Baghdad…nearly three-quarters of residents polled said they would feel safer if U.S. and other foreign forces left Iraq, with 65 percent of those asked favoring an immediate pullout, according to polling results obtained by the Washington Post.” http://www.worldpublicopinion......8;lb=hmpg1
Daddy Lovespews:
Crap. You know what I mean…
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
Puddybud, you have very little knowledge of how the military works. Very, very little.
But you now what, keep on believing your words, you’re only doing me and the Democratic Party a huge favor.
Equal rights. Not yet, though, because it’s a registry, not a license.
“Registration” is good. You know… like any other sex offender…
Given your inability to achieve intimacy with anything other than your pillow, you should avoid this particular discussion.
proud leftist @ 3, I think MRK is taking your advice and fucking himself. I know he is an embarrassment to the Republicans. That isn’t easy for a gutless, prickless welscher, but MRK does it.
I want you. Grab your industrial strength Viagra, and oily polartec prophalactic, and get over here.
Because, as usual, it is cold and dry down here, welcher.
This bill simply perpetrates the discrimination that it is supposed to address. If the Democrats really wanted “marriage equality”, they could start with “domestic partnership” equality. Instead, this “domestic partnership” — a type of marriage-lite with no substantive binding commitments — is basically reserved for same-sex couples, with a lame exception for opposite-sex couples over 62 years of age. I simply see it as a wedge issue perpretrated by Democrats to play one group off against another, thereby hoping to keep Democrats in power.
Today I consider myself the luckiest asshole in the world. No longer will I take a pounding when taking a pounding. I feel lubricated….. I mean liberated.
Bravo, Gov. Gregoire, bravo!!!!!!!
It’s definitely a start.
Richard Pope @ 6,
Smoke and mirrors, Richard.
The bill does not “perpetuate discrimination.” What it does is reduce some forms of discrimination and leaves other forms untouched.
This is true of every anti-discrimination bill ever passed.
For example, if this bill had done what you suggest, you would have come back saying it perpetuates discrimination because it doesn’t provide for same-sex marriages!
Wedge issue? Unlikely. Rather it reflects a compromise that allowed the Democrats to get something done to rid society of a few small injustices.
I mean, are you really under the delusion that Democrats don’t believe same-sex partnerships should have many of the privileges afforded to married partners?
This seems so simple, so clear.
Why is there any issue?
One thing I do not understand is why it should be limited to folks over 62. It seems to me that any two adults have, intrinsically DO have, the natural right to declare each other next of kin.
Is the issue sex? If two adults, say cousins or just plain friends, want to eb considered next of kid they should have the right.
Ann Coulter’s vagina @ 5
Are you for real? Has anybody ever seen you? Has anybody ever touched you?
proud leftist @ 12:
Some have seen it. A few have touched it. None has survived to tell the tale.
What a horror story. Thanks. I fear nightmares tonight, if I can sleep at all.
All I know is the righties lost AGAIN. We beat the assholes. We got something that they hate through the Legislature. These facts are all you need to know – it means we won – they lost. It sucks to be them.
Speaking of AssHoles: Did Mr Stupid walk into the thread again?
Sheryl Crow wants to wipe you Mr Stupid. One Sheet? Sheeeeeit, no way!
Hey Moonbat!s, you have a new cause. The Gay Pride peeps still owe $100K so they can’t go to the Seattle Center this year. Hey, it’s a worth libtard cause; open those fat Donk wallets and cough up some dough for your pardners! Come on Clueless. Come on John Barelli. Come on ArtFart. Come on Darryl. Come on Will. Come on Mr Stuuuuuupid. Come on Harry Tuttle. Come on Proud Leftist. Come on Tree Frog Farmer. Come on Windie. Come on Proud to be an ASS. Come on Racist Lucy. Come on PelletHead. I’d include Voice of Chalk Scratching but he’d want a cut!
Come on you can do it. You can do it all night long!
SeattleJew @ 11
Your point makes sense to me and to nearly every single Republican in the legislature. Unfortunately, only a few Democrats agree with our position. The GOP members proposed several amendments to open up this “domestic partnership” to basically any two adults that were not legally married to anyone else and who were legally able and willing to enter into such an agreement. Unfortunately, the Democrats didn’t see things the same way, and wanted to keep this “domestic partnership” thing as a wedge issue.
Right on #10.
This bill is a huge help and a good first step. When the politico’s don’t get hammered for doing this more will follow.
@10 Sure it’s a wedge issue — it’ll bring out the Republican haters in force. Bring ’em on!
12 Plastic.
@16 I gave $99 to http://www.operation-helmet.org/ which is more than any of you wingnut troop haters did.
That was not the spin I heard. What I heard was a proposal by the right to redefine marriage as requiring children or sex or ???
The issue I have with most on the right or the left is their inconsistency. In my own case, I consider marriage as a term we have used for a long time for the committed relationship between men and women. My own culture allows polygamy and frankly I see no CONSERVATIVE reason to oppose plural marriages. I aslo see no necessary connection to intercourse and certainly none to children. If a brother and isster want to be married, that is fine by me too as long as they take good measures to avoid making kids.
I also see no necessary relationship to the next of kin issue. Any two people shold be able to assign NOK rights to each other.
Oh and Richard, have you seen the make up of the house and senate? We Dem’s have no need for wedge issues. What we have are a good group of elected folks that happen to be (overly) cautious and a bit gun shy.
The wingnuts made 9 more American soldiers die for nothing in Iraq today.
Both sides engage in baiting the other side. The Supremes recent decision was probably correct law, but terrible policy since it outlawed an irrelevant procedure while NOT affecting late term abortion at all. OTOH, the liberal side has made abortion as ana absolute right fighting words.
Two stupid opinions.
@22 “My own culture allows polygamy and frankly I see no CONSERVATIVE reason to oppose plural marriages.”
In rabbit culture, we skip the formalities and fuck every cute female bunny in sight! More rabbits! Rabbits everywhere! Rabbits forever! When humans are extinct and rabbits take over this planet I will be their king.
@25 I personally oppose abortion on moral and religious grounds but do not believe I have the right to impose my personal beliefs on others who may not share those beliefs.
The most pious and honorable Pope Richard proclaimed:
The GOP members proposed several amendments to open up this “domestic partnership” to basically any two adults that were not legally married to anyone else and who were legally able and willing to enter into such an agreement.
And by the will of GOD it would have then been stricken down as the unholy, filthy law of human rights that GOD abhors!
The GODly and RIGHTly hateful GOP of the Anointed state of Washington attempted to cast a harsh light on the true agenda of those seeking compassion for others who suffer with the glaring WISDOM OF THE LORD THY GOD!
JESUS will not allow compassion for those who suffer and have sinned in the light of the GOP!
REPENT! And CONFORM to the will of the GOP who is the only correct interpretor of the LORD’s will!
why not have seattle buy the sonics and keep them playing at key arena? have a lottery ticket with 100 winners every time there’s a home game who get the courtside seats plus booze. corporate suites are for corporate losers. it’s all much cheaper than corporate welfare for okc rednecks and we could get the sonics games broadcast on a radio station that does not have drug-addled wingnut talk shows. win win win!
@27 I have a hunch you do not mean what you said. Would you support a late term abortion of a viable fetus? Say a near term baby? I doubt that.
It seems to me that there is a consensus that viable babies have rights that can only be abbreviated if the mother’s life and health are challenged. One can argue about WHEN viability begins, but society has an obligation to protect infant life.
I have more trouble with the issues in early preganancy. As a biologist I know that the conceptus is just tissue .. not a great deal different from a drop of blood. But, I do not have the right to tell a believer that the conceptus lacks a soul or whatever that spark is we associate with individual identity. The trouble is that allowing each of us the right to such beliefs, implies that we have an obligation to interfere in how others live. If I accept the Pope’s right to believe that a blastula (a ball of embryonic cells) is already a person,m then I can not object to a Catholic’s right to interfere in others’ “morality.”
seattlejew said:
“The Supremes recent decision was probably correct law, but terrible policy since it outlawed an irrelevant procedure while NOT affecting late term abortion at all. OTOH, the liberal side has made abortion as ana absolute right fighting words.”
Actually Dilation and extraction is not irrelevant, nor uncommon. It is just safer. What the Supreme Catholic 5 did was to make pregnancy termination after the first trimester a dangerous surgical procedure for women even when the woman’s life is at risk.
As the the majority decision proclaimed: “When standard medical options are available, mere convenience does not suffice to displace them; and if some procedures have different risks than others, it does not follow that the State is altogether barred from imposing reasonable regulations. The Act is not invalid on its face where there is uncertainty over whether the barred procedure is ever necessary to preserve a woman’s health, given the availability of other abortion procedures that are considered to be safe alternatives.
SCOTUS has become the MD for all American women. Kind of like the Taliban for women’s health.
But women are the lesser sex, right?
Think again.
Don’t you have a name here?
Sorry, but you are incorrect on 2 counts:
1. The ruling, esp. in Justice Kennedy’s opinion, is ltd. to the procedure of delivering the body before destroying the head. While I agree with you D&E should be allowed, it s a very unusual procedure. In most OB practices, a D&C can be done instead, Instances where there would be risk to the mother are rare. Ask an OB.
2. The Court ruled not on the medical procedure but on the law. Clearly the Congress has the right to regulate medical procedures even when there is risk to the patient. The ruling is based on strict law, not good medical practice.
Unfortunately, the original Rowe decision may have been poor law and now people could suffer from a sloppy SCOTUS decision.
It seems to me that there is a good answer … legislation to allow abortion until viability. After that, we should rule out elective abortion by any means unless there is a risk to the mother’s health. sInce i suspect very few elective abortions occur, I doubt this would be much of a problem except with extremists. How many people would advocate the right of a preganant woman t choose to kill her own fetus?
“Sorry, but you are incorrect on 2 counts:”
OK. lets check em out.
You said: “The ruling, esp. in Justice Kennedy’s opinion, is ltd. to the procedure of delivering the body before destroying the head. While I agree with you D&E should be allowed, it s a very unusual procedure. In most OB practices, a D&C can be done instead, Instances where there would be risk to the mother are rare. Ask an OB.
Uhm, I would actually rather talk to my doctor. Not Justice Kennedy’s opinion. But then, maybe, Justice Kennedy can help you with your next check up. I am worried about your kidney function. Might want to get Justice Kennedy’s opinion on that. But to the point, from the ACTUAL SCOTUS text:
“Of the remaining abortions that take place each year most occur in the second trimester. The surgical procedure referred to as “dilation and evacuation” or “D&E” is the usual abortion method in this trimester.”
seattlejew, next time you want to express an opinion you are ignorant of, you might want to actually do some reading on the subject.
You said: “The Court ruled not on the medical procedure but on the law. Clearly the Congress has the right to regulate medical procedures even when there is risk to the patient. The ruling is based on strict law, not good medical practice.”
Good point! Well, actually, bad point. If you actually believe that SCOTUS is correct in overriding “good medical practice” with “interpretation of the law”, then, …
I hope you have a good lawyer at your next operation.
@33 anonymous
We agree that the government SHOULD stay out of this affair. BUT, that is nOT the issue here. The issue is the role of SCOTUS. Surely you would not want this Catholic/Republican dominated panel to legislate?
Imagine the damage they could do:
1. Deny civil rights to non citizens. This issue, like abortion rights, is unclear in the Constitution.
2. Make property rights absolute, no zoning!
3. Require a flat tax,
This is why we should not want a “creative” court of the right or the left.
In the meantime, the SCOTUS could have just refused to hear this. That would have kept them out of the issue and been better for everyone since there is no rational for this stupid law.
“Surely you would not want this Catholic/Republican dominated panel to legislate?”
They just did.
I have to admit that your term “stupid law” is hilarious.
Fucking hilarious.
No, read the ruling. They SUPPORTED a law passed by Congress. That is their job.
The trouble with Roe is that the SCOTUS of that time diod legislate and the SC is poorly suited for writing laws.
Yep. It is s as tuoid law. It is now illegal to kill a fetus after is toes arer out but OK as long as they are still within.
This is nuts. Bad law making by people all t willing t abuse the proces.
They supported a law passed by the NEBRASKA STATE congress.
It is not their job to pass laws by the NEBRASKA STATE congress.
Are you an idiot?
I almost feel bad now…
I think the United States is the only country in the entire world that has found a constitutional right to abortion. Canada presently has legal abortions because of a constitutional court decision, but only because its abortion law was capricious, uneven and burdensome in applying for official permission for an elective abortion.
By contrast, a number of countries have interpreted their constitutions to require same-gender marriages to be allowed.
Most European countries pretty much allow abortion on demand up through the third month of pregnancy, but almost invariably requiring pro-life counseling be completed and a waiting period of several days to a week before the procedure is performed. Several European countries also require official permission and good cause to have an abortion, which is granted well over 90% of the time in practice.
Not even the most liberal abortion law in Europe would pass constitutional muster under the Roe v. Wade decision.
What Richard Pope said:
First paragraph: Canada and the USA allow woman to make their own health decisions.
Second paragraph: Many countries recognize the people to choose their own life partners.
Third paragraph: Most western countries allow woman to make their own health decisions, with limitations decided by the government.
Fourth paragraph is an opinion based on nothing.
@30 I said exactly what I meant, and I meant exactly what I said. Of course, I was speaking generally, and my answer to a specific case would depend on the case. I don’t have any problem with abortion to save the life of the mother.
@30 “The trouble is that allowing each of us the right to such beliefs, implies that we have an obligation to interfere in how others live.”
At some point the dog chases its tail. What if someone’s belief set includes a belief they not only have a right to interfere with what other people do, but (their) God mandates they do so? This certainly describes some of the militant right-to-lifers. My answer to that is that America is a nation governed by secular laws and they do NOT have a right to impose their belief system on everyone else. Not only that, but attempts to do so are inherently evil. How many people have been tortured and killed, how many wars have been fought, over the centuries in the name of “my religion is the only true religion and you have to follow my religion or else”? It that’s not evil in itself, it certainly leads to evil results. The correct answer is that you have a right to be a Jew and a Catholic does not have a right to tell you that you must be a Catholic — and vice versa. Rightwing religious fanatics consistently confuse freedom from government-imposed religion with restriction of their religious freedom — when they want to use government to impose their religion on others.
@32 “It seems to me that there is a good answer … legislation to allow abortion until viability. After that, we should rule out elective abortion by any means unless there is a risk to the mother’s health.”
This goes to the question of “when is an embryo or fetus a human life?” SCOTUS struggled mightily with this question in Roe — and couldn’t answer. The prospects of ever getting 5 justices to agree on a definition aren’t good. However, this is an option they could go to if they wanted to restrict Roe without overturning it.
Any time you restrict abortion, a question you have to deal with is whether you want to send women and doctors to prison for violating the restriction. Because that’s what you’ll face. Pre-Roe experience demonstrates that laws against abortion won’t be obeyed. By criminalizing abortion (or some abortions), you are committing society to a substantial additioal investment in law enforcement and incarceration, and you will have a lot of lives shattered by a criminal conviction. You will also have a class-based system under which the affluent will fly off to permissive foreign abortion havens while poor women get dragged into court by prosecutors. Are we ready for that kind of society?
@34 Oh c’mon SJ, we’re all (well, nearly all) anonymous here. And for good reasons. Not getting hate mail. Or worse (like fire bombs tossed into the carport). Not getting fired from a job. Not getting harassed by partisan bullies misusing the power of government to harass political opponents, such as politically-motivated IRS audits (trust me, Republicans are capable of this). Not all rightwingers are merely haters; some of them are violent. Only a damn fool would let everyone who might be reading this blog know how to find him/her.
@35 Welcome back, Donnageddon! Where ya been? As a lawyer, I can’t agree with your characterization of the recent SCOTUS decision as “legislating.” Congress legislated, and SCOTUS let them do it. That’s a proper role of SCOTUS — deciding whether laws passed by Congress are constitutional or not. Your beef is with the GOP Congress that passed this law. Note that Congress is now under new management.
Speaking of Congress’ new management, we’re going to have hearings this week into whether the administration told lies about Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch in order to peddle their war with made-in-the-GOP-spin-shop ersatz heroes.
As far as I’m concerned, Tillman and Lynch are both heroes simply for serving and putting themselves in harm’s way for country and flag; I don’t, for the life of me, understand why some folks feel they have to lie about a friendly-fire casualty or a POW rescue. As Garry Wills once wrote about Nixon: “Nixon tells lies so petty and demeaning you wonder why he stoops to it.”
Well … because he was a Republican, and that’s what Republicans are like. That’s why.
@37 What would be stupid is a decision upholding a state law outlawing abortion. You would then have 50 state legislatures wrangling over abortion bills, every year, and absolutely nothing else would ever get done in state legislatures. You would have permanent legislative gridlock in every state. That is why overturning Roe v. Wade is a stupid idea. If SCOTUS wants to eliminate abortion, they should bypass ruling on state laws and simply declare that unborn fetuses have a constitutional right to not be killed without due process, rather than leave it up to the states.
@42 That’s pretty much the size of it. Europeans don’t have nearly the civil liberties we have, either. European governments limit free speech, and severely restrict gun ownership. In European legal systems, you do not have the separation of prosecutorial and judicial functions we have, nor the same due process rights.
David Halberstam has died in a car accident.
Another Publican goes off the reservation and demands that the crooked AG Gonzales resigns.
Oh well, another week of bad news for the inbred right.
Remember when reading any post by WHATADICK Pope that he’s been rejected by his peers and the public in runs for office more than 14 times – that his own wife wanted nothing to do with him – that as an attorney, he’s been admonished by his own Bar Association – and he’s been proven wrong here on HA more than 12,288 times. So take anything he says as utterly worthless bullshit.
Oh yes, and remember, he’s a Publican lawyer – given that Publicans HATE lawyers, this shows how much Dickie hates himself. And he wants a GOVERNMENT job so bad he can taste it, but yet he and other hypocrite Publicans like him want to attack those who live on the very government tit he so badly wants to suck on. HE HE!
@51 Roger that’s what the Publicans want – they want to destroy our current form of government. They want chaos – it makes it easier for them to take away our Constitutional rights, to steal our money and property and to set themselves up as dictators.
LeftTurn@55&56: Richard Pope has very reasoned arguments. You on the other hand upset people of your own political persuasion.
Before leaping look down to see if a net is available!
So again lefties, you can try and conjure up any “projected reasonable” right in the US Constitution, to make your stupid argument for sucking the brains out of a baby! Golly I missed that one.
I agree on donkoinfanticide. Imagine a world without Mr Stupid/LeftTurn! The more little donks eradicated the better! Since the beginning of the Iraq war 5,299,529 babies have been eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished.
It’s good to see Donnageddon “Dense as Spent Uranium” back in the Moonbat! fold.
What is amazing to me is you libtards call Bush a murdering terrorist while he’s protecting us from your good friends the islamofascists, yet you and your ilk practice murder and terrorism every time a little donk is eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished without the mother’s life in danger or the baby have mental and/or physical defects (i.e. Mr Stupid) everyday.
Why is that?
Wow, I’ve been on this blog just a few minutes and the number is now 5,299,530 babies eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished since the beginning of the Iraq War.
So PelletHead@52: With your “reasoning and argumentative” skillz, why did John Effin Kerry want us to be more like France and Europe in 2004?
So PelletHead@52: When John Effin Kerry decides to run again, I’m sure you’ll remember that comment. No…, on second thought, senility is a train coming to a PelletHead burrow soon and you’ll forget what you wrote three hours from now!
Wow, I’ve been on this blog just a few minutes more and the number is now 5,299,531 babies eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished since the beginning of the Iraq War.
@54 That’s nothing — wait til Rove is indicted on 160,000 counts of violating the Hatch Act … he’ll be eligible for parole in about half a million years:
“Inquiry of Rove brings unit out of obscurity
“By Tom Hamburger
“Los Angeles Times
“WASHINGTON — The … Office of Special Counsel … is … launching a broad investigation into key elements of the White House political operations … headed by … Karl Rove. The new investigation … could create a substantial new problem for the Bush administration.
“First, the new inquiry comes from inside the administration, not from Democrats in Congress. Second, unlike the inquiries being pressed on Capitol Hill, it is expected to be a unified investigation covering many facets of the political operation in which Rove played a leading part. …
“‘This is a big deal,’ said Paul Light, a New York University expert on the executive branch of the federal government. ‘It is a significant moment for the administration and Karl Rove. It speaks to the growing sense that there is a nexus at the White House that explains what’s going on in these disparate investigations.’
“The question of improper political influence over government decision-making is at the heart of the controversy over the U.S. attorney firings and the ongoing congressional investigation of the special e-mail system installed in White House and other government offices by the Republican National Committee. …
“The … Office of Special Counsel has never conducted such a broad and high-profile inquiry. One of its primary missions has been to enforce the Hatch Act, a law enacted in 1939 to preserve the integrity of the civil service.
” … [T]he new investigation grew from two narrower inquiries …. One involved … fired U.S. attorney … David Iglesias. The other centered on a PowerPoint presentation that a Rove aide, J. Scott Jennings, made at the General Services Administration this year. That presentation listed recent polls and the outlook for … House and Senate races in 2008. After the presentation, GSA Administrator Lurita Doan encouraged agency managers to ‘support our candidates,’ according to half a dozen witnesses. …
“The Los Angeles Times has learned that similar presentations were made by others on the White House staff, including Rove, to other Cabinet agencies. During presentations at the Interior Department and others, employees said they received a not-so-subtle message about the importance of helping endangered Republicans.
“White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said the Hatch Act does not prohibit providing informational briefings to government employees. Responding to a letter of complaint to the White House from 25 Democratic senators, Stanzel said: ‘It is entirely appropriate for the president’s staff to provide informational briefings to appointees throughout the federal government about the political landscape in which they implement the president’s policies and priorities.’
“However, questions have emerged about the PowerPoint presentations, including whether Doan’s comments crossed the line and whether the presentations violated rules limiting political activity on federal property. Whether legal or not, the multiple presentations revealed how widely and systematically the White House sought to deliver its list of electoral priorities.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2cpdvp
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another investigation! Ya gotta love it! I can’t wait to see Rove being led off in handcuffs!
Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich plans to introduce a House Resolution to impeach Duck Cheney today.
@57 Pope is a partisan hack and propagandist, just like me.
Except not as good.
@58 “Since the beginning of the Iraq war 5,299,529 babies have been eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished.”
Don’t forget the 660,000 Iraqis killed by American bombs, shells, rockets, bullets, mines, and other munitions.
Hey pudpacker, lemme ask you a question: How come you Repubs value human life only until the moment it’s born, and then try to eliminate it?
Moonbat!s: With Nancy Burqa Pelosi leading Congress we were told things would get better. Now we see the highest gas prices ever under her leadership.
Let me remind you again! Around January 25th Nancy Pelosi says we’re going to investigate those wascally oil executives. I predicted gas prices would jump after Feb 7, the next futures contracts. January 25th Gas $2.43 gallon Feb 8-10 Gas prices jump 8-10 cents. Now we’re on average $3.15 a gallon.
Where’s Henchwoman Hilary? Where Maria Moonbat? Where Pundit Patty? Isn’t it great when Moonbat!s get an issue how they SCREW it up?
Waaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
@60 Speaking of murdering terrorists, Bush is harboring Luis Posada Carilles, who bombed an airliner with 73 people (mostly kids) aboard but is walking around Miami free as a bird. This thug is wanted for mass murder, but Bush refuses to extradite him. Republicans are terrorist lovers!
PelletHead@70: How about a fer instance unlike the speculation and innuendo you like to deliver here?
BTW where is this 660,000 number from? The same Moonbat! previously discredited?
Since the beginning of the Iraq war 5,299,533 babies have been eradicated, extirpated, evacuated, and extinguished.
Looks like more bad news for Puffybutt and the other traitors on the right. We’re finally gonna find the truth about these Bush PR stunts.
Mission Accomplished!
@73 From one of the world’s most respected medical journals — which is way over YOUR head.
9 more American soldiers donated their lives to Bush’s ego yesterday.
@74 Get back to me when you’re extirpated.
PelletHead: Don’t you feel proud on that 5,299,533 number? You seem to like posting that erroneous 660,000 number.
Those would be voting donks in less than 18 years for some of them. Candidates like John Effin Kerry would never receive their votes.
They would not be procreating making more Mr Clueless and Mr Stuuuuuuuuupiiids.
No WAIT… that’s a great thing!
#78 – Ummm… Didn’t that happen to your mind?
In the latest news from the rightwing gun culture, 11 people were gunned down in Detroit this weekend, a disgruntled worker shot a supervisor at a NASA facility, a disgruntled tenant shot the office manager and two other people at an upscale Texas apartment complex, and a 13-year-old boy shot at Montana state troopers while fleeing in a stolen car (they killed him).
@79 “PelletHead: Don’t you feel proud on that 5,299,533 number? You seem to like posting that erroneous 660,000 number.”
What do you expect me to do about it? I didn’t kill them. I oppose abortion.
Hey puddinghead, how many more American soldiers are you pukes going to sacrifice on the altar of Bush’s ego before you admit that Reid is right — you sorry fucks have lost your cartoon war — ?
@71 Hey puddinghead, Bush told us Iraqi oil revenues would pay for the GOP’s cartoon war. Can you remind us again how much of the taxpayers’ trillion-dollar investment in this fiasco has been reimbursed from Iraqi oil revenues? Didn’t you guys predict that gas would be $1 a gallon by now?
Hey pudpounder, how come you guys give sanctuary to terrorists like Posada? Why don’t you have him over to Venezuela? He’ll get a fair trial.
A foreign firm is now the world’s biggest carmaker. Waytago wingfreaks! American workers appreciate your economic management! (Not)
Golly PelletHead@83: I go to the sources:
PelletHead@84: No we didn’t predict $1 gas. It was your side that claimed this was a war for oil. Once gagin Moonbat!s proven wrong!
Sorry PelletHead: I know nothing about Posada. But getting a fair trial in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez is like getting a fair shake here on ASSWipes! It won’t happen in my lifetime!
PelletHead, your side loves Chavez and Castro, why not move to either place? Your gringo $$$$ would go a long way there!
Hmmm, my IBM stock jumped $3.50 this morning while I sat here on my fat bunny ass posting on HA. Capital gains sure beats working for a living! Now that I’m a capitalist I’m a fucking PRODUCER just like Redneck! Meaning, I get paid for doing absolutely NOTHING! Why should anyone work, and fork over 32.65% of their wages to the government, when you can get away with paying a 5% tax rate on capital gains? I’m a Democrat so I can live like Republicans — high on the hog, producing nothing, and above all doing NO WORK!!!
Ain’t America great?!
Let’s see PelletHead: UAW now that’s a piece of work for ya!
But PelletHead: My clients pay for my gas usage!
Waaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
With all the shooting in Nigeria, my oil stocks should go up like crazy over the next couple weeks! I’m sure gonna feel sorry for the Republican slobs pumping my $4 gas into their SUVs! Hey I appreciate your business! Really, I do! Taking your money beats shit out of working.
@89 “I know nothing about Posada.”
May we assume it would be asking too much to expect you to exert yourself enough to do an internet search and educate yourself? If all else fails, try Wikipedia.
@92 You have clients? Now I know you’re joking!
Dickie Poop doesn’t seem to have clients. That’s why he tries so hard to get a gummint job.
I love how the “Tards forget about Joltin Joe Lieberman!
“WASHINGTON – Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) today made the following statement in response to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s comment that the Iraq War is “lost:”
“This week witnessed horrific terrorist attacks by Islamist extremists in Iraq, killing hundreds of innocent civilians and leading Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to declare that the war is ‘lost.’
With all due respect, I strongly disagree. Senator Reid’s statement is not based on military facts on the ground in Iraq and does not advance our cause there.
Al Qaeda’s strategy for victory in Iraq is clear. They are trying to murder as many innocent civilians as possible in an effort to reignite sectarian fighting and drive us to retreat from Iraq.
The question now before us is whether we respond to these terrorist attacks by running away as Al Qaeda hopes – abandoning the future of Iraq, the Middle East, and ultimately our own security to the very same people responsible for this week’s atrocities – or whether we stand united to fight them.
This is exactly the wrong time to conclude that we have lost the war in Iraq, or that our new strategy has failed. Instead, we should provide General Petraeus and his troops with the time and the resources to succeed. We should not surrender in the face of barbarism.”
The $6,000 salary for port commissioner may not seem like much, but in his case, it would triple his income.
Then we see Scary Reid in reBUTTal:
“”In an effort to shift attention from this Administration’s failed polities – and I say that in the plural – the President and his allies have repeatedly questioned whether I and my fellow Democrats support our troops,” the majority leader told fellow senators. “No one wants us to succeed in Iraq more than the Democrats. We’ve proven that time and time again since this war started more than four years ago. We take a back seat to no one in supporting our troops, and we will never abandon our troops in a time of war.”
Puddybud editorial – Reid is spewing that Bullshittium element again!
That’s only $500 a month. I already made that much in the stock market this morning while sitting in the can taking a shit. Sure beats working!
PelletHead: You personally claimed to discredit WikiPedia when I used it against you. Now you claim it’s the perfect source again.
Why are you a man of diametrically opposed views? Schizo?
Harry Reid:
I’m merely trying to save you some effort, puddinghead. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Besides, no one’s suggesting you take Wikipedia’s word for anything. Click on the footnotes and read the source documents, dumbass.
Wow! IBM is now up $4.29! Sure glad I own that one! Pretty soon I’m gonna have an English butler down here in my hole.
NBC is reporting that right wing state trooper who was having an affair is responsible for trying to kill Democratic Governor of New Jersey while driving him to an event.
Just following the example of Newt the Hoot who had an affair with an intern while his wife was in the hospital with cancer – or Rompin Rudy who’s own children won’t talk to him because of his several affairs on his several wives.
The process to impeach Cheney begins today!
Hey wingnutz! Night shift’s over, I’m going to bed! Later, traitors!
Nice Spin on Wikipedia PelletHead! You seem to quoteth from it like it’s the gospel!
Oh Darn. I enjoy spankin PelletHead with facts!
PelletHead: When you reawaken from the semility stupor:
Motivation by Harry Reid!
Mr Stupid: Here is Sheryl Crow’s bathroom when you are in da hous!
Now this is funny: http://arewelumberjacks.blogsp.....harry.html
One thing you won’t see in Iraq-any Bush family relative or any of the right wing cowards on this board pretending to be military vets like Puffybutt.
Puffybutt – when your wife sucks my dick, she tells me you are an impotent coward. When your sister sucks my cock, she tells me you used to wet the bed.
Roger the Rabbit on abortion
Roger good to have a real discussion for once.
Let me restate what I believe the law should be:
I believe that a viable fetus has a right to life. At the extremes this is easy. A mother who decided to harm a full term fetus would be guilty of murder, A doctor who carried ut such an act would be guilty of murder just she would be if she drowned an newborn. The exception, as with any other taking of life, would be when the mother was endangered. Then the decision of wh gets to live or whose health is endangered needs to be the mothers.
That does not seem all that hard to me.
This is not the same as the issue of when a conceptus becomes a “life.” A full term infant is a live in all ways except the mystical moment of birth. Unless you have some religious belief that emergence from the womb conveys a soul, an 8 month fetus is a baby.
This not the same thing as deciding when the fetus becomes alive. And yes, there are equivocal decisions, gray areas in determining viability. The decision of where to put the border between viability and non viability is difficult. In a sense the impregnated egg is viable since we can implant it in a foster mother. I suppose we could recruit (female) right to lifers as volunteer incubaotrs every time a fertility clinic wants t “dispose” of its surplus!
Isn’t that what you rabbits call reductio ad absurdam?
Seriously, if we had a law making abortion fully legal until some reasonable data, day third trimester, and then after that leave it as above, why is that so difficult?
View the difference. Oops Viva la difference!
Oops – one more problem for the traitors and cowards on the right – Publican leader Karl Rove and his SS forces are under investigation – again!
LeftTurn AKA Mr Stupid: Not even funny anymore. When you resort to these attacks your case is pitifully lost!
Besides, my sister married a black man. My wife married a black man – me! Under the largest most powerful Electron Microscope they’d have trouble finding out if you’re packing “heat”.
The only way you get any is by rape!
SeattleJew: Wow you hit the nail on the head:
“In a sense the impregnated egg is viable since we can implant it in a foster mother.” – A point lost on the Donks!
And these surrogates get $10-20K doing that act too.
Thanks for the point SJ!
Since you’re all in a huff about abortion, we’ll try a thought experiment.
At what point do cells REALLY become babies?
Right off the bat, about 2/3 of all zygotes self-terminate for one reason or another. This is before you’ve skipped a period. Is this grounds for going into church and begging for contrition?
If a mother miscarries due to stress, is she a murderer? Make no mistake, stress is a lifestyle choice. Once you know you’re carrying a child, by your theology you have a solemn responsibility to bring that child to term. If you fail to do so, not by mishap, but by willful and volitional choices, do you have to take responsibility for those choices? How much?
With genetics where it is today, we could fill a zygote cell with DNA and make a pretty good copy from ordinary mitotic cells. Should I be arrested for scrubbing my backside this morning on the grounds of probable homicide?
Take care, and let me know, OK?
Mr Stupid AKA LeftTurn: My sister married a black man. My wife married a black man – me! Under the largest most powerful Electron Microscope they’d have trouble finding out if you’re packing “heat” as a honky.
Besides, not even funny anymore. When you resort to these attacks your case is pitifully lost!
JSA: Look at post #118. I agree with SJ.
Due to issues I can’t answer (only God knows why) zygotes self-terminate. When another party joins the mix then you cross the line.
Miscarriages due to anything are unfortunate. I had one relative who miscarried 5 times and was told she’d never carry to full term and just had a beautiful baby girl just this past month. But she had to change her lifestyle. Maybe it’s due to stress but I would NEVER call that a man-made abortion. And trying to call my theology into question over that ploy is a non sequitor!
I do think when a person attacks a pregnant woman and both die – double murder; or the baby dies it’s murder!
If a surrogate can carry that microscopic egg, isn’t that life JSA? Or, by your definition she’s just carrying an organic group of cells?
I have to go to work now JSA so I leave ‘Wipes for the time being.
Ta ta!
MR Stupid AKA Left Turn: You keep mistaking my wife for your right or maybe your left hand. The wife likes well hung men – me. When you get that new transplant, sport a picture so we can verify it’s you! Until then…. dream on!
@120 Pud
No. A blastula is not “alive” simply because it COULD be implanted. By that standard you contain millions of “lives” .. stem cells that can be grown into little Puddles a la Dolly. So shaving should be against the law and all surgery should be banned.
And yes, the Right2Life (R2L) communes should raise money and volunteers to support eior beliefs by:
1. creating a nationa female service corps of women who willingly serves a s gestators to save the lives of the unborn blastulae. That way we could draft one woman for this service for every man we send to Iraq.
2. to sponsor URGENT research so we can save the 1/3 or so of concept that do not make it. I am shocked, schocked that the R2L folks would rather block stupid laws like the recent Supreme’s miscarriage.
“In a sense the impregnated egg is viable since we can implant it in a foster mother.”
I expect you won’t reply for a while. We all gotta make a buck.
What SeattleJew was referring to was in my mind a continuum. An eight-month old fetus is a baby. We all agree there. A collection of 256 cells from a zygote? Not so much.
I could drag out some yucky ethical questions about eight-month old fetuses which are guaranteed to kill their mother in the process of being born, and what the correct course of action is there, but I haven’t had breakfast yet, so we’ll skip it.
Now, if you are going to say that all abortions are wrong, regardless of the age, this becomes an inherently theological problem. The medical/scientific basis just isn’t there.
The theological premise is that creating life is God’s domain, and humans have no right to interfere. I’m not a Christian, and I get a little queasy with where that premise goes if you take it to the end of the line, but if that’s a fundamental belief you hold, that’s fine. I’m not here to mess with it (much).
But at that point, we have a moral continuum to deal with as well.
If I were a woman, became pregnant, and decided to terminate a child by drinking, smoking, and doing crack, I would consider myself equally morally culpable for the termination of that child as if I had gone to the clinic and requested a d&c.
If I had been drinking, smoking, doing crack, &c. before I was pregnant, and continued on with this behavior afterwards, and didn’t make an effort to straighten up and fly right, I would say I was also morally culpable.
Now on this basis, if I am making lifestyle choices which can be changed, which lead to a miscarriage, I have a certain degree of culpability in this. It was a volitional act, I could change it, and I willfully did not. There is no other logical conclusion to this line of argument.
I will note that if a friend miscarries, I’m not going to unload this line of theology on them. I’ll say I am very sorry, and offer them unconditional love and support.
That is one of many reasons I do not buy this particular line of thinking.
Now it’s my turn to go to work. Later dudes!
Anal penetration is an important American tradition to encourage & be proud of.
re 127: As is killing the best and bravest of our youth in poinless wars that enrich only a few.
In a small town in Oregon I saw a billboard with a photo of an aborted foetus and some words to the effect that abortion was murder.
I wonder if I could put up a billboard in the same town, with the same words — only a different photo: a used rubber!
The issue was not and never has been “contitutional right to an abortion.” Rather, it is the constitutionality of state restrictions on this and other medical procedures balanced against individual rights to self-determination and privacy. I presume that you would not argue that a pregnant woman has no right to self-determination and no right to personal privacy from government intrustion.
Wow I was just watching CSPAN and Tillman’s relatives are really sticking it to the cowardly Bush Regime. This may be the straw that breaks the traitors’ backs.
Hey puddy,
Why don’t you and your merry band of idiots petition to have haliburton build walls around abortion clinics. That’s the rethug answer to everything else these days, so it must be a viable solution, right? H. just has to be careful not to recruit pregnant libs from day labor camps. That’d be at least as embarrasing as that debacle in CA a ways back…
oh, and
tell your wife to stop wearing different colored lipstick – my c9ck is starting to look like a rainbow
I almost forgot – she still owes me $12 bucks. It’s get down time.
Regarding the domestic partnership registry — where is the political pressure to provide this benefit for opposite-sex domestic partners? I mean, since the state approved medical-benefit parity for domestic partners, it seems that the political will of opposite-sex domestic partners for expanding benefits has more or less disappeared.
So who’s left? The state has not addressed the incredible inequity of the rights to medical visitation and so on for which same-sex couples did NOT have the option of marrying to gain, and topped it off with a nice little addition of registry participation for opposite-sex couples over 62 who are otherwise discriminated against in federal retirement programs. Seems like a pretty sweet deal.
I think the basis of RP’s argument is that because the bill does not flatly include all opposite-gender couples that is it not motivated by fairness concerns and thus IS motivated by hope of political gain. You can unpack the numerous logical flaws with that conclusion yourself. I’ll just say that the squeaky wheel got the grease, and a little bit more, and that’s how the political process works most of the time. The truth is that moments of shining, unalloyed, damn-the-torpedoes altruism are nearly nonexistent. This bill does good, and is good. If others subsequently need and/or demand relief, they can start organizations, elect representatives, and go to the legislature themselves.
Puddybud @ 99 wrote:
“Then we see Scary Reid in reBUTTal:
“”In an effort to shift attention from this Administration’s failed polities – and I say that in the plural – the President and his allies have repeatedly questioned whether I and my fellow Democrats support our troops,” the majority leader told fellow senators. “No one wants us to succeed in Iraq more than the Democrats. We’ve proven that time and time again since this war started more than four years ago. We take a back seat to no one in supporting our troops, and we will never abandon our troops in a time of war.”
Puddybud editorial – Reid is spewing that Bullshittium element again!
Specifically, what is he saying that is bullshit?
You show me one Republican Senator who gets a higher grade for voting to support out troops from the non-partisan group IAVA and I’ll buy you lunch, Puddybud.
But, if you cannot produce one Republican who votes more often to support our troops with legally binding legislation you buy me lunch.
118 My wife once had an ectopic pregnancy. By the reasoning you’re implying, she should have been required to lie in agony until the embryo attached to the inside of her fallopian tube grew big enough to tear her insides apart and kill her.
You think that’s right? Go blow yourself.
Quote of the Day – Tom DeLay
Quote – “Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are getting very, very close to treason” with their opposition to the Iraq war” “For the majority leader of the United States Senate, in the time of war, with soldiers dying on the ground, announcing that we have lost the war, is very close to treasonous,” DeLay said. “I looked it up while we were driving over here, what the definition of ‘treason’ is.” -unquote
Democrats took control of the House and the Senate in November on a wave of antiwar sentiment, and the latest polls show that at least a plurality of Americans agree with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s claim that the war in Iraq is a lost cause.
So is the president ignoring the will of the people when he pushes ahead with his “surge” and vows to veto any legislation even suggesting a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq?
No, sirree. Just ask him.
“Last November,” the president said, “the American people said they were frustrated and wanted change in our strategy in Iraq. I listened. Today, General David Petraeus is carrying out a strategy that is dramatically different from our previous course.”
Time for a reality check Mr President….
Check 1: Just before the November elections, pollsters for CBS News asked Americans about U.S. troops in Iraq. Sixteen percent said “send more.” Fifty percent said bring some or all of them home.
Check 2: Three months into the selling of the surge, the numbers aren’t looking much better. While 21 percent of Americans now say the United States should send more troops to Iraq, 60 percent say that some or all of the troops should come home now. 9% could care less.
Prediction: As the Bush administrations repeated violations of the Constitution and federal statutes, as well as their repudiation of international law, come under increased consideration, I expect to see the Bush clan which include President Bush, Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, attorney Gonzales,Carl Rove,and Paul Wolfowitz forced to resign their offices before 2008 is over.”
A few have left already including Rumsfeld. Gonzales has one foot out the door. Wolfowiz is walking towards the door. Rove is glued to his chair and as soon as they find a removal for super glue he’s gone.
Can we have Richard Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew and Atty. Gen. John Mitchell back!!!? Please, I was wrong for petitioning against them back in 1972.
My impression is that the prominent Republicans in Congress calling for Gonzoles to resign really want to get him out of public view, shut him up, and try to keep the Democrats from following the trail of crime and scandal all the way to the Oval Office.
My response to DeLay would be, “You sent ’em there, MoFo.”
ArtFart says: 118 04/24/2007 at 12:27 pm
Man all you donks are twisting my words. I already said the life of the woman and deformities are okay in my mind for abortions. Where have I said anything else? Citation. ASSWipes thread? Your straw men don’t stay on task. They twist in the wind.
What I asked how many of those 5+ million abortions since the start of the Iraq WAR are based on health of the mother you can’t answer. But we do know most are chosen for no reason other than hey, I can abort this thing.
JSA: Two days ago the wife and I were shopping. We say this 6 or 7 month mother smoking away. If you choose to create a sloped head small brain child like Full Toilet Roll Stupid, I can’t help her. She’ll answer to her maker!
GBS: http://www.politico.com/news/s...../3681.html
Capt. Trip Bellard says, “Senator Reid’s remarks undercut the morale of our soldiers and undermine our troops on the ground.”
Remember the old war strategy? “As Iraqi troops stand up, we will stand down”? As of last month that is no longer U.S. policy.
Escalate. Escalate. Escalate.
Pud @ 143
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says “The debate in Congress . . . has been helpful in demonstrating to the Iraqis that American patience is limited…The strong feelings expressed in the Congress about the timetable probably has had a positive impact . . . in terms of communicating to the Iraqis that this is not an open-ended commitment.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....id=topnews
Several retired generals (that is, ones who no longer fear retribution or career harm from expressing their military opinions) endorsed Congress’ Iraq withdrawal legislation yesterday. Maj. Gen. John Batiste called it “important legislation [that] sets a new direction in Iraq,” while Lt. Gen. William Odom said it will “re-orient US strategy to achieve regional stability, and win help from many other countries – the only way peace will eventually be achieved.”
And of course, the Iraqis really don’t want us there:
In Baghdad, for example, nearly three-quarters of residents polled said they would feel safer if U.S. and other foreign forces left Iraq, with 65 percent of those asked favoring an immediate pullout, according to polling results obtained by the Washington Post.
A poll by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found that “71 percent of Iraqis questioned want the Iraqi government to ask foreign forces to depart within a year” and “In Baghdad…nearly three-quarters of residents polled said they would feel safer if U.S. and other foreign forces left Iraq, with 65 percent of those asked favoring an immediate pullout, according to polling results obtained by the Washington Post.”
Crap. You know what I mean…
Puddybud, you have very little knowledge of how the military works. Very, very little.
But you now what, keep on believing your words, you’re only doing me and the Democratic Party a huge favor.