– Who could have predicted that less stimulus would mean a slower economy?
– A while ago, I was farting around downtown and got on the Atlantic Street Overpass sidewalk. It wasn’t particularly helpful, but it’s nice to see that there’s now a bike path under it.
– Well, it’s a lousy substitute for losing our buses, but bus poetry is coming back.
– Oh, hey guys, we know the length of a day on Beta Pictoris b
Only six more weeks until Recovery Summer V.
The situation at the Bundy ranch, where armed militiamen and “Patriots” are camped out, has deteriorated so badly that competing factions apparently drew weapons on one another during heated arguments.
So, when we see them begin to murder and rape each other, can we begin comparing them to Occupy Wall Street protestors?
Bus poetry? Fuck that.
If someone spews a religious poem on a Metro bus….
Is that an Establishment Clause violation?
Same question, if the poem is spewed in south King County rather than in Seattle city proper.
@3. Yes. The poor who cannot afford cars who take the bus don’t need art. That’s for rich people. We don’t need to give taxpayer money to Poets! We need to be giving taxpayer money to large Corporations!
Wait, Metro’s not paying for it? It’s some outside organization called 4Culture? Still against it. I’m a conservative, punish the Poor! Poetry is for intellectuals and I’m against that!
@4. Don’t you worry, no matter how good the screening process, I’m sure every last poem will be offensive to someone, probably you, somehow.
@2 What do you expect when a bunch of nuts with guns camp together? If they shoot each other, someone will blame that on the government, too.
@ 6
Not so. Poetry is as old as Man himself.
In the Garden of Eden lay Adam
Complacently stroking his madame
And great was his mirth
For in all of the earth
There were only two balls, and he had ’em.
@8 Where did you get that from? A junior high bathroom wall?
Metaphor alert:
Oregon State fires hoops coach brother-in-law of Barack Obama
@10 Where’s the metaphor?
Is this National Idiot Week? Did I miss that?
@12. Nah, he’s a mean spirited little troll all the time.
Let the Faux Outrage continue….
The stock market is pretty slow, and I’m making only $500 today, but that beats $9.32 an hour.
The right’s tactic is to seek political advantage by demonizing whoever they want to suppress — public servants, unions, workers, etc.
Minimum wage workers ask for a raise and get demonized. Unions negotiate for better contracts and get demonized. Public servants help their fellow citizens and get demonized. It’s a pattern.
The right does not, of course, demonize capitalists like me who don’t work, don’t produce anything, don’t add to the economy, but skim the cream off the top and then get favored tax treatment. Even I, the bloodsucking capitalist, think that system needs some fine tuning.
But the right’s response to the fact that capital now takes 60% of the nation’s economic output, leaving only 40% for labor, is to try and beat down wages even more, and try and shift even more of the nation’s tax burden from the Owning Class to the working class.
What I don’t get is why anyone votes for these guys.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonalds and Starbucks stock, and will make slightly less obscene investment returns if these companies’ employees earn a slightly more livable wage to better afford rent and food.)
The Four Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Inequality
Lie number one: The rich and CEOs are America’s job creators. So we dare not tax them.
Lie number two: People are paid what they’re worth in the market. So we shouldn’t tamper with pay.
Lie number three: Anyone can make it in America with enough guts, gumption, and intelligence. So we don’t need to do anything for poor and lower-middle class kids.
Lie number four: Increasing the minimum wage will result in fewer jobs. So we shouldn’t raise it.
Don’t listen to the right-wing lies about inequality. Know the truth, and act on it.
good reading
Another sign of trouble in paradise.
Where are the republican real job bills?
@17 “Where are the republican real job bills?”
Giving a billionaire another $1 million tax break will create another
part time dog-walking job.
Meanwhile, capitalism gave me another $550.23 today for doing absolutely nothing. But just wait ’til May 15, I collect 4 dividends that day! Ahhh, the life of ease is a breeze! I personally think this kleptocracy is borderline criminal, but I paid my dues by working for 40+ years and now it’s my turn to be a useless leech.
@19 You are so full of shit. In reality you are probably some lard ass, basement dwelling, welfare check collecting dead-beat.