I thought HA was dedicated to open discussion, restricting censorship to off topic posts.
Lee has taken this one step further. He is now censoring comments because he disgarees with them.
FWIW, I have pretty much sat back as Lee has called me names and filed complaints with my employer and the Seattle Police. The honest truth is I felt that all this was foolish because Lee’s only effect was to diminish his own credibility. My reaction has laways been to return puerile invective with .. what I hope has been .. calm riposte.
I DO CARE about this censorship.
I commented on Lee’s post because his post was an accolade for Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald, aside from being grammar impaired, dismisses the plight of Iraq’s Kurds as being unimportant to the outcome of the Iraq war.
The story of the oppression of Kurds in Iraq is very important BECAUSE the group in Afghanistan who have been most oppressed are the Peshawars .. the same folks who grow opium and support the Taliban. The Peshawari are also comprise the opium elite .. including Karzai.
This is a very difficult issue, too complicated for sophomoric writers like Greenwald. I would hope that we could have an intelligent discussion that is above Greenwald’s (and perhaps Lee’s) pay level.
Lee’s use of his magic censorship wand is insulting to the value of this forum. He needs to
Go Mitt! what a git.
Politically Incorrectspews:
It’s looking like I-1068 won’t make it on this year’s ballot, but that’s no reason to stop working for sane laws with regard to marijuana. I urge all of you folks on HA to support legalization of marijuana. Let’s be the first state to tell the federal government that the war on drugs is a waste of time and money when it comes to marijuana.
I’ve had the same thing happen a number of times. I’ve tried to be careful to post comments related to Rasmussen Poll numbers.
Lee hates the Rasmussen Poll….and pretends he didn’t see my related comments AFTER he deletes it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Perhaps seeing Lee losing it after years of pot-smoking and being Pro-Stoner is proof why marijuana should NOT be legalized?
Well, they’ll definitely a lot better than the numbers Daily Kos was running with:
Yeh but, luimping my kinda comments with yourts ???? I am not really at your pay grade!
Yay, British Prime Minister David Cameron has done the right thing and canceled airport expansion plans at Heathrow, Gatwickm and Stansted airports London.
It’s nice to see that there’s a conservative somewhere that is capable of doing what’s best for his country.
The British government counters that the economic effects of scrapping the third runway are “unclear” while the environmental costs of adding one are unacceptably high. Ms. Villiers said that a high-speed rail network intended to replace short-haul flights would be a better way to address the airport’s congestion than adding a runway.
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
One of the Republican memes is to blandly explain that many corporations are small (mom & pop corporasions)and that Democrats are, therefore, against small corporations.
Their expectation is that the little guy (2 tennis shoe stores) is going to think that going after BPee or some other irresponsible corporatie giant is the same as going after the litrtle guys.
Do Republicans really believr this crap?
Sure they do.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The recent Rasmussen Polls show Republicans ahead in Kentucky–Paul +7, Nevada—Angle +7, and Pennsylvania–Toomey +6.
All the Democrats have is to try to blame Bush and paint Republicans as “obstructionists”.
The Republicans have–
Massive increase in Deficit Spending
Failed Porkulous
BP Oil Spill response
The list goes on & on.
For the Party in power to paint the minority as “obstructionists” won’t work.
The impact of blaming Bush is declining at an accelerating rate. It won’t work come November.
You KLOWNS need to come up with a plan that actually does something to decrease the Deficit that is sustainable…not smoke-and-mirrors like ObaMaoCare.
ObaMao looks like a real fool being the point attack dog against Republicans. He should be Presidential and leave the shitwork for others.
You KLOWNS have really screwed the pooch.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
10. SJ spews:
@7 Mr. C
sighhh …
Yeh but, luimping my kinda comments with yourts ???? I am not really at your pay grade
I’m not lumping it in with yours.
I’m just sharing what happened to me…and there seems to be a pattern with Lee when folks post stuff he doesn’t like to hear.
I think it’s years of bad pot taking their toll on the poor man.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObamMaoism is working…poorly.
This just in-
By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER, AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber, Ap Economics Writer
WASHINGTON – A wave of census layoffs cut the nation’s payrolls in June for the first time in six months, while private employers added a modest number of jobs. The unemployment rate fell to 9.5 percent, its lowest level in almost a year.
Employers cut 125,000 jobs last month, the most since October, the Labor Department said Friday. The loss was driven by the end of 225,000 temporary census jobs. Businesses added a net total of 83,000 workers, an improvement from May. But that’s also below March and April totals.
Now here is the real kicker. This shows the lunacy of the unemployment rate—
The unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level since July 2009. But it fell because 652,000 people gave up on their job searches and left the labor force. People who are no longer looking for work aren’t counted as unemployed.
Despair has caused the rate to drop.
Watch the idiot Democrats try to spin the Unemployment Rate drop as “good news”.
It isn’t.
Grow up and wise up.
ObaMaoism is a catastrophic failure.
Now the KLOWNS want to increase taxes on job creators. They are either stupid or evil. Neither one is good.
Now the KLOWNS want to increase taxes on job creators.
Wow. What a fantastic “job” the “job creators” are doing..
Yes on I-1098
Microsoft pulls the plug on Kin
Amid anemic sales, Microsoft has decided to halt work on its Kin phone less than two months after the product hit the market.
Neither Verizon nor Microsoft would say how many devices were sold, but a source told CNET that the number of Kins sold thus far is more than 1,000 but south of 10,000–significantly below expectations.
Apple has just announced that their iPhone 4 is a resounding success, moving a cool 1.7 million units a mere three days after it was launched on June 24th.
Chronically unemployed YLB–
Obviously you have zero respect for job creators as you have no desire for a real job.
Here is how yer guy is doin’
Read the whole thing if you are capable–
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, July 02, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20.
Just 29% believe the president’s economic stimulus package has helped the economy while 43% believe it has hurt. Voters say that decisions made by business owners following their own self-interest will create more jobs than decisions made by government officials.
ObaMaoism is a disaster for this country.
Pelosi now wants us to believe Unemployment Benefits is GOOD for the Country and that it creates jobs! You KLOWNS are absolutely insane. Pelosi fails to even acknowledge where the money comes from..MORE NATIONAL DEBT.
You KLOWNS are insanely out of touch with economic reality and the plight families are experiencing. If you had a clue & really cared, you would pump up the private sector. Guvmint jobs are unsustainable without a tax base.
Wake up.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Yet another uphill battle for the Dems–
Friday, July 02, 2010
The Ohio Senate race between former Republican Congressman Rob Portman and Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher remains very close.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of the state’s Likely Voters shows Portman picking up 43% of the vote while Fisher earns 39%
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
The Poverty and Justice Bible, the latest release from Bible Society, has broken new ground as the first ever to literally highlight the more than 2,000 passages that reveal God’s sorrow over poverty and injustice, and His command to believers to act to eradicate them.
So for the Conservative Christians among us, do your posting here reflect that that God commands you to deal with poverty and injustice? Just wondering? If we searched your postings, is that what we would see that you thought was important?
Do you or Lee have ANY real points or you all cats using this as a cat box?
Sadly, I see very little evidence of non-Lee like behavior from your side EVER. Look at Oren Hatch ..this AM he announced that he will vote against Kagan! Against Kagan???
The effect of Hatch’s vote is to throw a Troll like finger in the face of folks like me who have respected President Obama for trying to define an American as opposed to a Left or Right agenda.
Is the entire Republican party now made up of Trolls?
It is very hard to take Lee or you seriously when the level of political discussion never rises above the schoolyard.
@20 You forget that Phyllis Shafly’s little boy has rewritten the Bible to remove any offensive liberal thought. To demonize the unemployed, the elimination of social safety nets, the glorification of global corporations, tax breaks for the rich and a thumbs down on veterans health benefits brings a wingnut KLOWN nearer to God.
What a frickin clown.
YLD choses to spends all day building a HA database to track people rather than get a job or do charitable work. How much does he contribute to the state treasury to help fund the state? Zilch. How much does he contribute to his family? Zilch. But he wants to raise taxes on others in order to maintain vital state services and public jobs.
At least Goldy gets donations for his income.
What a frickin clown.
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
Weight that an evangelist’s opinion carries with God = 1 billigram
Mr. Cynicalspews:
20. Stating the Obvious, I guess spews:
So for the Conservative Christians among us, do your posting here reflect that that God commands you to deal with poverty and injustice?
My wife are involved in a lot of help programs thru our Church and an organization called LOVE, INC.
The Bible calls on us personally to do these things. It does not call for an intrusive government to redistribute wealth. Show me where it calls for big government??
Most of our friends from the Left talk about woes of the poor and do NOTHING to help. The LEFT chronically mistakes motion for action and pushes off personal responsibility to help others to the government.
There are a lot of needy people out there.
Unemployment benefits are not the answer.
Freeing the private sector and incenting them to create jobs is.
Bigger Government/Higher Taxes is counterproductive to your Bible references.
Think about it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
To you KLOWNS who voted for Barry ObaMao— Are you humiliated, mortified, embarrassed by the results? Don’t be so hard on yourself; D.E. is more common than you think. Nearly 70 million voters may suffer from D.E. Have your talk today with Andrew Klavan about what you can do to treat D.E. You – and your country – will be glad you did.
Limp Economy? Flaccid Philosophy?
Diagnosis: Electile Dysfunction
Roger Rabbitspews:
On Wednesday, Forbes published a column by an economist who works as an investment adviser making a reasoned argument that Bernanke’s low interest rate policy and Obama’s stimulus policy are wrong.
The contributor, Michael Pento, wrote: “Messrs. Barack Obama, Benjamin Bernanke and Timothy Geithner do not understand the real cause of this debt crisis. … The cause of the Great Depression in the 1930s, and the Great Recession beginning in 2007, was one and the same: an overleveraged economy. Excessive debt levels are the direct result of the central bank providing artificially low interest rates and of superfluous lending on the part of commercial banks.”
Pento then argues that the only cure is deleveraging, a depression is part of a “natural healing process,” and current policies (low interest rates and government borrowing) are impeding this process by releveraging the economy.
There are many appealing aspects of this argument, but I think it arguably overlooks a couple of things. First, it was massive borrowing for World War 2, not any “healing process” brought on by the depression, that got us out of the Great Depression. Second, a depressed economy doesn’t necessarily heal itself and may need a jump start to get going again, just like a dead car battery. (Okay, that’s not a great analogy, but I’m using it only to make my point more vivid.) Third, I don’t see that the Fed’s low interest rate policy is leading to a surge of private borrowing; that doesn’t seem to be happening.
Anyway, this article is worth reading, if you’re interested in economics and economic policy, and provides fodder for what could be an interesting discussion or debate.
If you do read Pento’s column, he uses a lot of statistics, and one thing to keep in mind about that is statistics merely describe what is happening in the economy and don’t cause economic events. To use another analogy, a body temperature of 103 degrees doesn’t cause a fever, it simply tells you that you have a fever.
“Think about it.”
Dumbfuck KLOWN. Say, I could use a LMFAO moment. heh- How about you speaking in tongues again? That’s always good for a laugh.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Are you humiliated, mortified, embarrassed by the results?”
Of course not! Despite the strenuous efforts of you rightwing asswipes to keep America in the Stone Age, Obama has saved us from another Great Depression, passed health care reform, will succeed in passing financial re-regulation, is repairing our foreign alliances, and has America on the road to recovery from the disastrous malfeasance of the Bush administration and Republican Congress.
Why should anyone except Republicans feel embarrassed by Obama’s accomplishments to date?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 I’ll tell you what’s embarrassing — fucking goats! If I were fucking goats, I sure wouldn’t want anyone to know! I mean, fucking goats, for God’s sake! How hard up does a guy have to be to fuck goats? Maybe we should take up a collection to send you to the Bunny Ranch. You need to get laid. I think that’s your whole fucking problem.
So where’s Puddy? I’m thinking he might have finally taken my advice and found himself some stronger meds.
If we taxed goatfucking our state would have a budget surplus and HA would have a penniless KLOWN.
@29 Obama has passed health care reform
Yea, thanks!
CBO tells Obama deficit panel that forecast remains bleak
“President Obama’s overhaul of the health-care system has done little to improve the nation’s fiscal outlook, and his pledge to extend an array of tax cuts for the middle class would only make things worse, congressional budget analysts said Wednesday.”
There are a lot of needy people out there.
Unemployment benefits are not the answer.
Freeing the private sector and incenting them to create jobs is.
Ok so it’s not being done here. So what part of the world is that being done?
I’d like to free the private sector to hire Americans who need jobs, not send those jobs to other countries. Don’t I need government rules for that? If I freed the private sector of burdensome regulation, would they hire americans out of the goodness of their hearts?
Oh, you used the term “incenting them”. Isn’t a huge chunk of the republican party fighting burdensome government regulation like that?
It's the Economy, Stupid.spews:
There are a lot of needy people out there.
Unemployment benefits are not the answer.
Where are the jobs for the Americans to work at? Could you point me to the website that has the huge list of unfilled jobs that the unemployed are too lazy to go get?
It's the Economy, Stupid.spews:
To you progressives who voted for President Obama — Are you humiliated, mortified, embarrassed by the results?
Am I disappointed that Obama’s so corporate republican, Yes.
Is Obama still infinitely better than mcain / palin ever would have been? Yes.
Is Obama on his worst day still better than mccain who has flip flop on every position to pander to votes and a quitter half term governor who need to write notes on her hand? Yes.
It's the Economy, Stupid.spews:
The Bible calls on us personally to do these things. It does not call for an intrusive government to redistribute wealth. Show me where it calls for big government??
So you personally help your local poor but you will fight tooth and nail any attempt to set up a government structure that would help the poor.
Is it a power and control thing for you?
Do you require that you are able to pick and choose with poor you deign to be worthy of your charity?
If a government agency did it, they might give your money to someone you didn’t feel was undeserving, who didn’t come up to your standards?
Maybe the poor who are not willing go to your church, or the poor who are not properly deferential to your largess?
It's the Economy, Stupid.spews:
The Bible calls on us personally to do these things. It does not call for an intrusive government to redistribute wealth. Show me where it calls for big government??
You need big government to counter big problems.
Tell me how your individual church is going to change wall street structure so the next financial collapse is mitigate?
Tell me how your individual church is going to effect work regulations so illegals cannot get jobs here?
Tell me how your individual church is going to effect government trade rules so American jobs cannot be sent oversea?
GWB did such a great job from 2001 to 2008, so it is hard to argue with these Republicans. But I keep waiting for them insurance companies, wall street, the oil companies, and the banks to offer me a job. They’re just not gonna hire so long as Obama is around.
YLB’s idea of a perfect world is where everyone works for the state…well everyone accept him – he doesnt do the work thang…
YLB’s understanding of economics is equal that to his knowledge of how to field strip an AK-47
They hire people who have something to offer…
Don Joe was talking up a storm about Windows Phone 7 not so long ago as an example of a successful Microsoft product, which are few and far between.
So, what’s the verdict on Windows Phone? Bad sez John Dvorak after the company pulled the Kin/Zin/Sin after just 48 days and fewer than 10,000 sold – that’s 10,000! – in sales (point of comparison: iPhone 4 sales surpassed 1.7 million in 3 days!):
“The phone had an incredibly stupid name, which is something nobody has mentioned in the post mortems. The Kin name obviously referred to family and friends, but is actually a kind of white-trash moniker meant to be pronounced with an Alabama accent in front of a trailer park. It also looked dorky.”
“I say this because no company can get away with bringing out a major product, orphaning the thing within two months leaving customers high and dry, and expect to get traction with anything similar. In the mobile phone business, the company will just be ignored from now on.”
“So let me be the first to declare Windows Phone 7 to be DOA. The company should probably drop Windows Phone 7 immediately and concentrate on enterprise software.”
Don Joe was talking up a storm about Windows Phone 7
Um. No. What I did was point to a couple of articles, one on time.com and the other on gizmodo.com, written by other people who were touting Windows Phone 7.
So, now a guy calling himself “mac” quotes John C. Dvorak’s declaration that Windows Phone 7 is DOA. OMG, that’s just too fucking funny, though I suppose the sad part is that “mac” is just to plain stupid to get the joke.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Lee is pissed because his Pro-Stoner Initiative failed to get enough sigs-
Why take it out on us Lee??
I don’t take joy in your failure, do I??
OK, I do….at least on this one.
@25 Oh, sure…the private sector will create plenty of jobs, all right–when there are plenty of Americans who’ve been reduced to such desperation that they’ll put up with lower pay and more squalid conditions than third-world slumdogs or Chinese company-town dwellers time-sharing dormitory beds.
@44 Um. No. What I did was point to a couple of articles, one on time.com and the other on gizmodo.com, written by other people who were touting Windows Phone 7
Tsk, tsk.
Right, you WEREN’T touting the product but wanted to show that others were. You just work at the company. Tell us another!
Or . . . just tell the truth. You were using these articles to bolster a claim – your claim, actually – that the company FINALLY had a hit. Now that they’ve got yet ANOTHER flop, you’re looking for distance! What a rat!
In 48 days Microsoft sold fewer than 10K Kins!
In three days Apple sold 1.7 million iPhone 4s!
Go Joe!
Don Joespews:
@ 47
You were using these articles to bolster a claim – your claim, actually – that the company FINALLY had a hit.
Mr. McGoogle, you probably need to stop LOLigaging around, and go find the actual comment where I posted those links. I don’t think anyone here has any faith in your ability to recall the facts.
But he wants to raise taxes on others in order to maintain vital state services and public jobs.
Yawwwwwwn… Like those socialist police, fire and schoolteacher jobs.. Fixing crumbling bridges, creaky viaducts. Stuff like that.
Nice little hit squad troll explosion in this thread.
Yes on I-1098.
@44 Um. No. What I did was point to a couple of articles, one on time.com and the other on gizmodo.com
My sister got a Kin and more or less liked it. I looked for the discussion with the articles on HA but couldn’t find anything. Could you provide the links? thx.
Don Joespews:
@ 50
Could you provide the links?
I certainly can, but I won’t. For several reasons.
1) There is no current history of anyone using the name “justin” (lower-case “j”) posting comments here. One can find exactly 6 comments posted by someone calling himself “Justin” (upper-case “J”), the most recent being this Bird’s Eye View contest, in which that “Justin” posted the same comment twice.
2) The discussion here is about Windows Phone 7, as were the links I provided in an earlier comment thread. The pretext @50 for asking for my links is the Kin. The only relationship between the Kin and Windows Phone 7 is the extent to which the Windows Phone 7 team felt that the Kin was a waste of development resources. Someone who knows something about the industry would know this.
3) With carefully-chosen search criteria, one can easily find the comment thread in which I posted those links. Indeed, it shows up as the only hit in the search. Part of the reason for asking Mr. McGoogle to go find that comment of mine is to see if the lad is bright enough to figure this out for himself. (Hint: I would suggest using Bing.) If I posted the links here, that would defeat the purpose of the challenge to Mr. McGoogle.
4) The present issue is what I said or didn’t say, not what the articles I linked to said. If one is actually interested in articles about the Kin and Windows Phone 7, well, there’s a wonderful world-wide web out there. Search away. Asking for specific links posted long ago in a comment thread on a political blog isn’t exactly the most effective way to gather information.
HA Policies …
I thought HA was dedicated to open discussion, restricting censorship to off topic posts.
Lee has taken this one step further. He is now censoring comments because he disgarees with them.
FWIW, I have pretty much sat back as Lee has called me names and filed complaints with my employer and the Seattle Police. The honest truth is I felt that all this was foolish because Lee’s only effect was to diminish his own credibility. My reaction has laways been to return puerile invective with .. what I hope has been .. calm riposte.
I DO CARE about this censorship.
I commented on Lee’s post because his post was an accolade for Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald, aside from being grammar impaired, dismisses the plight of Iraq’s Kurds as being unimportant to the outcome of the Iraq war.
The story of the oppression of Kurds in Iraq is very important BECAUSE the group in Afghanistan who have been most oppressed are the Peshawars .. the same folks who grow opium and support the Taliban. The Peshawari are also comprise the opium elite .. including Karzai.
This is a very difficult issue, too complicated for sophomoric writers like Greenwald. I would hope that we could have an intelligent discussion that is above Greenwald’s (and perhaps Lee’s) pay level.
Lee’s use of his magic censorship wand is insulting to the value of this forum. He needs to
Go Mitt! what a git.
It’s looking like I-1068 won’t make it on this year’s ballot, but that’s no reason to stop working for sane laws with regard to marijuana. I urge all of you folks on HA to support legalization of marijuana. Let’s be the first state to tell the federal government that the war on drugs is a waste of time and money when it comes to marijuana.
Legalize, regulate & tax! End Prohibition!
@3 K2
Isn’t K2 legal in WASTATE now?
Romney should play the president on TV
I’ve had the same thing happen a number of times. I’ve tried to be careful to post comments related to Rasmussen Poll numbers.
Lee hates the Rasmussen Poll….and pretends he didn’t see my related comments AFTER he deletes it.
Perhaps seeing Lee losing it after years of pot-smoking and being Pro-Stoner is proof why marijuana should NOT be legalized?
Well, they’ll definitely a lot better than the numbers Daily Kos was running with:
Daily Kos sues Research 2000
Mel Gibson ..at it again!
refeerrring to his estranged wife (on tape):
“You’re an embarrassment to me. You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault.”
“How dare you act like such a bitch when I have been so fucking nice.”
“I am going to come and burn the fucking house down… but you will blow me first.”
Hmmm … sounds like Lee yelling at me?
@7 Mr. C
sighhh …
Yeh but, luimping my kinda comments with yourts ???? I am not really at your pay grade!
Yay, British Prime Minister David Cameron has done the right thing and canceled airport expansion plans at Heathrow, Gatwickm and Stansted airports London.
It’s nice to see that there’s a conservative somewhere that is capable of doing what’s best for his country.
One of the Republican memes is to blandly explain that many corporations are small (mom & pop corporasions)and that Democrats are, therefore, against small corporations.
Their expectation is that the little guy (2 tennis shoe stores) is going to think that going after BPee or some other irresponsible corporatie giant is the same as going after the litrtle guys.
Do Republicans really believr this crap?
Sure they do.
The recent Rasmussen Polls show Republicans ahead in Kentucky–Paul +7, Nevada—Angle +7, and Pennsylvania–Toomey +6.
All the Democrats have is to try to blame Bush and paint Republicans as “obstructionists”.
The Republicans have–
Massive increase in Deficit Spending
Failed Porkulous
BP Oil Spill response
The list goes on & on.
For the Party in power to paint the minority as “obstructionists” won’t work.
The impact of blaming Bush is declining at an accelerating rate. It won’t work come November.
You KLOWNS need to come up with a plan that actually does something to decrease the Deficit that is sustainable…not smoke-and-mirrors like ObaMaoCare.
ObaMao looks like a real fool being the point attack dog against Republicans. He should be Presidential and leave the shitwork for others.
You KLOWNS have really screwed the pooch.
10. SJ spews:
I’m not lumping it in with yours.
I’m just sharing what happened to me…and there seems to be a pattern with Lee when folks post stuff he doesn’t like to hear.
I think it’s years of bad pot taking their toll on the poor man.
ObamMaoism is working…poorly.
This just in-
WASHINGTON – A wave of census layoffs cut the nation’s payrolls in June for the first time in six months, while private employers added a modest number of jobs. The unemployment rate fell to 9.5 percent, its lowest level in almost a year.
Employers cut 125,000 jobs last month, the most since October, the Labor Department said Friday. The loss was driven by the end of 225,000 temporary census jobs. Businesses added a net total of 83,000 workers, an improvement from May. But that’s also below March and April totals.
The unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level since July 2009. But it fell because 652,000 people gave up on their job searches and left the labor force. People who are no longer looking for work aren’t counted as unemployed.
Wow. What a fantastic “job” the “job creators” are doing..
Yes on I-1098
Microsoft pulls the plug on Kin
Amid anemic sales, Microsoft has decided to halt work on its Kin phone less than two months after the product hit the market.
Neither Verizon nor Microsoft would say how many devices were sold, but a source told CNET that the number of Kins sold thus far is more than 1,000 but south of 10,000–significantly below expectations.
iPhone 4 sales surpass 1.7 million mark
Apple has just announced that their iPhone 4 is a resounding success, moving a cool 1.7 million units a mere three days after it was launched on June 24th.
Don Joe loves his KIN!
Chronically unemployed YLB–
Obviously you have zero respect for job creators as you have no desire for a real job.
Here is how yer guy is doin’
Read the whole thing if you are capable–
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, July 02, 2010
ObaMaoism is a disaster for this country.
Pelosi now wants us to believe Unemployment Benefits is GOOD for the Country and that it creates jobs! You KLOWNS are absolutely insane. Pelosi fails to even acknowledge where the money comes from..MORE NATIONAL DEBT.
You KLOWNS are insanely out of touch with economic reality and the plight families are experiencing. If you had a clue & really cared, you would pump up the private sector. Guvmint jobs are unsustainable without a tax base.
Wake up.
Yet another uphill battle for the Dems–
Friday, July 02, 2010
The Poverty and Justice Bible, the latest release from Bible Society, has broken new ground as the first ever to literally highlight the more than 2,000 passages that reveal God’s sorrow over poverty and injustice, and His command to believers to act to eradicate them.
So for the Conservative Christians among us, do your posting here reflect that that God commands you to deal with poverty and injustice? Just wondering? If we searched your postings, is that what we would see that you thought was important?
@14 Mr. C
Do you or Lee have ANY real points or you all cats using this as a cat box?
Sadly, I see very little evidence of non-Lee like behavior from your side EVER. Look at Oren Hatch ..this AM he announced that he will vote against Kagan! Against Kagan???
The effect of Hatch’s vote is to throw a Troll like finger in the face of folks like me who have respected President Obama for trying to define an American as opposed to a Left or Right agenda.
Is the entire Republican party now made up of Trolls?
It is very hard to take Lee or you seriously when the level of political discussion never rises above the schoolyard.
@20 You forget that Phyllis Shafly’s little boy has rewritten the Bible to remove any offensive liberal thought. To demonize the unemployed, the elimination of social safety nets, the glorification of global corporations, tax breaks for the rich and a thumbs down on veterans health benefits brings a wingnut KLOWN nearer to God.
What a frickin clown.
YLD choses to spends all day building a HA database to track people rather than get a job or do charitable work. How much does he contribute to the state treasury to help fund the state? Zilch. How much does he contribute to his family? Zilch. But he wants to raise taxes on others in order to maintain vital state services and public jobs.
At least Goldy gets donations for his income.
What a frickin clown.
Weight that an evangelist’s opinion carries with God = 1 billigram
20. Stating the Obvious, I guess spews:
My wife are involved in a lot of help programs thru our Church and an organization called LOVE, INC.
The Bible calls on us personally to do these things. It does not call for an intrusive government to redistribute wealth. Show me where it calls for big government??
Most of our friends from the Left talk about woes of the poor and do NOTHING to help. The LEFT chronically mistakes motion for action and pushes off personal responsibility to help others to the government.
There are a lot of needy people out there.
Unemployment benefits are not the answer.
Freeing the private sector and incenting them to create jobs is.
Bigger Government/Higher Taxes is counterproductive to your Bible references.
Think about it.
To you KLOWNS who voted for Barry ObaMao— Are you humiliated, mortified, embarrassed by the results? Don’t be so hard on yourself; D.E. is more common than you think. Nearly 70 million voters may suffer from D.E. Have your talk today with Andrew Klavan about what you can do to treat D.E. You – and your country – will be glad you did.
Limp Economy? Flaccid Philosophy?
Diagnosis: Electile Dysfunction
On Wednesday, Forbes published a column by an economist who works as an investment adviser making a reasoned argument that Bernanke’s low interest rate policy and Obama’s stimulus policy are wrong.
The contributor, Michael Pento, wrote: “Messrs. Barack Obama, Benjamin Bernanke and Timothy Geithner do not understand the real cause of this debt crisis. … The cause of the Great Depression in the 1930s, and the Great Recession beginning in 2007, was one and the same: an overleveraged economy. Excessive debt levels are the direct result of the central bank providing artificially low interest rates and of superfluous lending on the part of commercial banks.”
Pento then argues that the only cure is deleveraging, a depression is part of a “natural healing process,” and current policies (low interest rates and government borrowing) are impeding this process by releveraging the economy.
There are many appealing aspects of this argument, but I think it arguably overlooks a couple of things. First, it was massive borrowing for World War 2, not any “healing process” brought on by the depression, that got us out of the Great Depression. Second, a depressed economy doesn’t necessarily heal itself and may need a jump start to get going again, just like a dead car battery. (Okay, that’s not a great analogy, but I’m using it only to make my point more vivid.) Third, I don’t see that the Fed’s low interest rate policy is leading to a surge of private borrowing; that doesn’t seem to be happening.
Anyway, this article is worth reading, if you’re interested in economics and economic policy, and provides fodder for what could be an interesting discussion or debate.
If you do read Pento’s column, he uses a lot of statistics, and one thing to keep in mind about that is statistics merely describe what is happening in the economy and don’t cause economic events. To use another analogy, a body temperature of 103 degrees doesn’t cause a fever, it simply tells you that you have a fever.
“Think about it.”
Dumbfuck KLOWN. Say, I could use a LMFAO moment. heh- How about you speaking in tongues again? That’s always good for a laugh.
@26 “Are you humiliated, mortified, embarrassed by the results?”
Of course not! Despite the strenuous efforts of you rightwing asswipes to keep America in the Stone Age, Obama has saved us from another Great Depression, passed health care reform, will succeed in passing financial re-regulation, is repairing our foreign alliances, and has America on the road to recovery from the disastrous malfeasance of the Bush administration and Republican Congress.
Why should anyone except Republicans feel embarrassed by Obama’s accomplishments to date?
@26 I’ll tell you what’s embarrassing — fucking goats! If I were fucking goats, I sure wouldn’t want anyone to know! I mean, fucking goats, for God’s sake! How hard up does a guy have to be to fuck goats? Maybe we should take up a collection to send you to the Bunny Ranch. You need to get laid. I think that’s your whole fucking problem.
“Limp Economy? Flaccid Philosophy?
Diagnosis: Electile Dysfunction”
That’s some serious Psych 101 shit you’ve got going there, KLOWN.
So where’s Puddy? I’m thinking he might have finally taken my advice and found himself some stronger meds.
If we taxed goatfucking our state would have a budget surplus and HA would have a penniless KLOWN.
@29 Obama has passed health care reform
Yea, thanks!
CBO tells Obama deficit panel that forecast remains bleak
“President Obama’s overhaul of the health-care system has done little to improve the nation’s fiscal outlook, and his pledge to extend an array of tax cuts for the middle class would only make things worse, congressional budget analysts said Wednesday.”
There are a lot of needy people out there.
Unemployment benefits are not the answer.
Freeing the private sector and incenting them to create jobs is.
Ok so it’s not being done here. So what part of the world is that being done?
I’d like to free the private sector to hire Americans who need jobs, not send those jobs to other countries. Don’t I need government rules for that? If I freed the private sector of burdensome regulation, would they hire americans out of the goodness of their hearts?
Oh, you used the term “incenting them”. Isn’t a huge chunk of the republican party fighting burdensome government regulation like that?
There are a lot of needy people out there.
Unemployment benefits are not the answer.
Where are the jobs for the Americans to work at? Could you point me to the website that has the huge list of unfilled jobs that the unemployed are too lazy to go get?
To you progressives who voted for President Obama — Are you humiliated, mortified, embarrassed by the results?
Am I disappointed that Obama’s so corporate republican, Yes.
Is Obama still infinitely better than mcain / palin ever would have been? Yes.
Is Obama on his worst day still better than mccain who has flip flop on every position to pander to votes and a quitter half term governor who need to write notes on her hand? Yes.
The Bible calls on us personally to do these things. It does not call for an intrusive government to redistribute wealth. Show me where it calls for big government??
So you personally help your local poor but you will fight tooth and nail any attempt to set up a government structure that would help the poor.
Is it a power and control thing for you?
Do you require that you are able to pick and choose with poor you deign to be worthy of your charity?
If a government agency did it, they might give your money to someone you didn’t feel was undeserving, who didn’t come up to your standards?
Maybe the poor who are not willing go to your church, or the poor who are not properly deferential to your largess?
The Bible calls on us personally to do these things. It does not call for an intrusive government to redistribute wealth. Show me where it calls for big government??
You need big government to counter big problems.
Tell me how your individual church is going to change wall street structure so the next financial collapse is mitigate?
Tell me how your individual church is going to effect work regulations so illegals cannot get jobs here?
Tell me how your individual church is going to effect government trade rules so American jobs cannot be sent oversea?
GWB did such a great job from 2001 to 2008, so it is hard to argue with these Republicans. But I keep waiting for them insurance companies, wall street, the oil companies, and the banks to offer me a job. They’re just not gonna hire so long as Obama is around.
YLB’s idea of a perfect world is where everyone works for the state…well everyone accept him – he doesnt do the work thang…
YLB’s understanding of economics is equal that to his knowledge of how to field strip an AK-47
They hire people who have something to offer…
Don Joe was talking up a storm about Windows Phone 7 not so long ago as an example of a successful Microsoft product, which are few and far between.
So, what’s the verdict on Windows Phone? Bad sez John Dvorak after the company pulled the Kin/Zin/Sin after just 48 days and fewer than 10,000 sold – that’s 10,000! – in sales (point of comparison: iPhone 4 sales surpassed 1.7 million in 3 days!):
“The phone had an incredibly stupid name, which is something nobody has mentioned in the post mortems. The Kin name obviously referred to family and friends, but is actually a kind of white-trash moniker meant to be pronounced with an Alabama accent in front of a trailer park. It also looked dorky.”
“I say this because no company can get away with bringing out a major product, orphaning the thing within two months leaving customers high and dry, and expect to get traction with anything similar. In the mobile phone business, the company will just be ignored from now on.”
“So let me be the first to declare Windows Phone 7 to be DOA. The company should probably drop Windows Phone 7 immediately and concentrate on enterprise software.”
Another good call, Joe!
@ 43
Don Joe was talking up a storm about Windows Phone 7
Um. No. What I did was point to a couple of articles, one on time.com and the other on gizmodo.com, written by other people who were touting Windows Phone 7.
So, now a guy calling himself “mac” quotes John C. Dvorak’s declaration that Windows Phone 7 is DOA. OMG, that’s just too fucking funny, though I suppose the sad part is that “mac” is just to plain stupid to get the joke.
Lee is pissed because his Pro-Stoner Initiative failed to get enough sigs-
Why take it out on us Lee??
I don’t take joy in your failure, do I??
OK, I do….at least on this one.
@25 Oh, sure…the private sector will create plenty of jobs, all right–when there are plenty of Americans who’ve been reduced to such desperation that they’ll put up with lower pay and more squalid conditions than third-world slumdogs or Chinese company-town dwellers time-sharing dormitory beds.
@44 Um. No. What I did was point to a couple of articles, one on time.com and the other on gizmodo.com, written by other people who were touting Windows Phone 7
Tsk, tsk.
Right, you WEREN’T touting the product but wanted to show that others were. You just work at the company. Tell us another!
Or . . . just tell the truth. You were using these articles to bolster a claim – your claim, actually – that the company FINALLY had a hit. Now that they’ve got yet ANOTHER flop, you’re looking for distance! What a rat!
In 48 days Microsoft sold fewer than 10K Kins!
In three days Apple sold 1.7 million iPhone 4s!
Go Joe!
@ 47
You were using these articles to bolster a claim – your claim, actually – that the company FINALLY had a hit.
Mr. McGoogle, you probably need to stop LOLigaging around, and go find the actual comment where I posted those links. I don’t think anyone here has any faith in your ability to recall the facts.
Me? I’m still laughing at your Dvorak gaffe.
Yawwwwwwn… Like those socialist police, fire and schoolteacher jobs.. Fixing crumbling bridges, creaky viaducts. Stuff like that.
Nice little hit squad troll explosion in this thread.
Yes on I-1098.
@44 Um. No. What I did was point to a couple of articles, one on time.com and the other on gizmodo.com
My sister got a Kin and more or less liked it. I looked for the discussion with the articles on HA but couldn’t find anything. Could you provide the links? thx.
@ 50
Could you provide the links?
I certainly can, but I won’t. For several reasons.
1) There is no current history of anyone using the name “justin” (lower-case “j”) posting comments here. One can find exactly 6 comments posted by someone calling himself “Justin” (upper-case “J”), the most recent being this Bird’s Eye View contest, in which that “Justin” posted the same comment twice.
2) The discussion here is about Windows Phone 7, as were the links I provided in an earlier comment thread. The pretext @50 for asking for my links is the Kin. The only relationship between the Kin and Windows Phone 7 is the extent to which the Windows Phone 7 team felt that the Kin was a waste of development resources. Someone who knows something about the industry would know this.
3) With carefully-chosen search criteria, one can easily find the comment thread in which I posted those links. Indeed, it shows up as the only hit in the search. Part of the reason for asking Mr. McGoogle to go find that comment of mine is to see if the lad is bright enough to figure this out for himself. (Hint: I would suggest using Bing.) If I posted the links here, that would defeat the purpose of the challenge to Mr. McGoogle.
4) The present issue is what I said or didn’t say, not what the articles I linked to said. If one is actually interested in articles about the Kin and Windows Phone 7, well, there’s a wonderful world-wide web out there. Search away. Asking for specific links posted long ago in a comment thread on a political blog isn’t exactly the most effective way to gather information.
yJxHQK http://fj6hNsFfkfp92kf9v8dbs4NUias.com