Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Patty Murray… if she’s so great why did she have a 42% approval rating with no one running against her in March?
You can see how she goosesteps in the DUMMOCRAPT camp
Again… since no one will visit the arschloch leech… Patty’s powerful thoughts on creating legislation…
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
“Late last month when Israel learned that groups operating in Turkey wanted to challenge its blockade of Gaza, Israel made every effort to ensure that the humanitarian aid reached Gaza without needlessly precipitating a confrontation. Israeli forces were able to safely divert five of the six ships challenging the blockade. However, video footage shows that the Israeli commandos who arrived on the sixth ship, which was owned by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (the IHH), were brutally attacked with iron rods, knives, and broken glass. They were forced to respond to that attack and we regret the loss of life that resulted.”
PuddyCommentary… You can search for the names like Puddy did. Notice the names of the DUMMOCRAPTS not there like Bernie I’m a Socialist Sanders, Daniel Akaka, John Effin Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Jim Webb etc.
Butt Lee and and a whole bunch of sycophantic HA Moonbats! still foolishly think Israeli Commandos came on board ready to shoot to kill. There was no UPDATE 4 to the thread once the truth was known!
“We in the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan see Palestine as part of the Islamic and Arab land that must not be relinquished – on the contrary, defending it is a national and jurisprudential obligation… We see Hamas movement in Palestine as standing at the head of the project of the Arab and Islamic liberation for which the Muslim Brotherhood calls… The Muslim Brotherhood supports Hamas and every Arab resistance movement in the region that works for liberation.”
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
“If this was Texas, which is a state that is directly on the border with Mexico, and they were calling for a measure like this saying that they had a major issue with undocumented people flooding their borders, I would have to look twice at this. But this is a state that is a ways removed from the border.” – Peggy West
PuddyCommentary… And people like her get elected to local positions. HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a hoot! And we all know Peggy West read the Arizona law she’s complaining about like Chris Steffan did before he face planted in his silly attacks against Puddy on HA!
Chris Stefanspews:
WTF are you talking about puddy? While this woman made a silly comment it doesn’t change the racist nature of the Arizona law, or more to the point the likely racist way enforcement will be done.
The only place I “face planted” is in your delusional mind. Unlike you I actually have a life and have better things to do with my time than respond to every one of your inane comments on HA.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
PuddyCommentary… Sure people have biases and some display them while they are at work blogging on HA. Others sit on their ASSes at home crusing whackamole web sites displaying their biases. It’s America and until Odumba’s peeps kill Internet free speech it’s fine. Puddy placed those links on HA. Puddy proved it… ask the arschloch leech for the original PuddyLinks.
Everyone brings some bias to their work, and some WaPo morons like Richard Cohen, Dana Milbank and Eugene Robinson bring plenty of biases. Butt the WaPo, always known to be leftist leaning, (Puddy proved it… ask the arschloch leech for the original PuddyLinks) didn’t like a public perception outside the beltway their own political blogger really hates all those people he was assigned to cover. They didn’t like his personal biases exposed front and center. It’s okay to viscerally hate among your friends at cocktail parties with your buddies. Butt when it’s exposed, oops can’t have that known. And when it’s a real visceral hate to the hoping they die extreme, you gotta go!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
So Chris sez in response
While this woman made a silly comment it doesn’t change the racist nature of the Arizona law
Silly comment? She’s another of the lockstep clan you belong to. Per your comment above the federal law is racist Chris, since you still haven’t read the Arizona law?
Awww the face plant comment struck a “nerve”. Oh yes Puddy has a life. Mrs Puddy and Puddy go on vacation for a few days starting later this evening. Butt Puddy will be reading the kook-aid when Puddy can!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Oh my another sycophant DUMMOCRAPT reporter in action. Hoping for that glimmer of hope so DUMMOCRAPTS keep the house.
Dude, Spuddy, man….
Take your meds.
Jesus, why is is that so may schizophrenics end up being superchristian GOP geeks?
Is that part of the symptomology or merely a product of the Disease, or does it go to the deeper aspects of the origins of the conservative thought process?
Is it perhaps possible to predict schizophrenia this way? Or even, gasp, Conservatism?
Hmm. The mind boggles at the possibilities. No wonder the conservatives closed all the mental hospitals.
(Note: There is no guarantee the link will show the correct cartoon after Saturday. If the cartoon caption doesn’t match with the link, simply select the June 26th cartoon and you will see the correct one).
Since there’s usually an over-abundance of Rossi slamming and Goldy’s O.C.D. circle-jerk over him….enjoy libtards!
I really enjoy your commentary’s.
It’s nice to see some accountability for these knee-jerk reacting KLOWNS as well as some intelligent, well-thought out commentary on the key events of the day.
The KLOWNS will of course go bonkers over my Conservative salute…but that is because they are ignorant and about to lose power they never really had.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the racist Republican governor of the Racist Republican State of Arizona stuck her big racist foot in her fat racist mouth yesterday:
“Comments by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer that most illegal immigrants enter the United States to smuggle drugs rather than seek work have prompted a wave of criticism.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, who the fuck does she think is doing all the backbreaking farmwork in this country, not to mention most of the residential construction labor? Americans enjoy the lowest food prices in the world, as a percentage of personal income, thanks to the willingness to millions of undocumented Mexican workers who labor for long hours under the hot sun at low wages, no benefits, no health care, no retirement, shabby migrant housing, etc. What an arrogant bitch! Let’s make her live on what she can grow herself in her own garden for six months, then maybe she’ll have a little more respect for the people who are feeding her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Republicans had their way, even American citizens would need a passport to enter any Republican-run state.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In local news, there’s an arts festival this weekend at the Shoreline community center on N.E. 185th St. We were lucky enough to meet this lady and hear her perform. Her CDs are available online. Trust me, she’s special. Bring Kleenex, because you will get all teary-eyed. I mean, if I did — and I’m hardly the most sentimental or sensitive rabbit on the planet — you surely will.
“I’m hardly the most sentimental or sensitive rabbit on the planet”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Er, there’s a domestic issue I need to attend to. It may be several hours before I’m back here posting again, because according to the instructions on this bottle, it takes an hour for these sex pills to kick in, then they’re supposed to last 4 to 6 hours. The rest of you will have to hold the fort against the trolls and conservative degenerates without me until then.
If you're not Dutch, then you're not muchspews:
Does the Rabbit practice saying “sieg heil” in front of the mirror every morning?
feel free to discuss.
@ 24
I doubt it, thats a right wing ritual.
proud leftistspews:
An appropriate hell for those who have nothing but disdain for “socialists” would be a land where these no-government, market-lovers get everything they want. Somalia would look like a paradise within months.
And that’s the best title for a political satire record EVAR….
from the nyt. a 22 year old male, no income, gets $200 a month in food stamps. (not bad for one person). he lives with his girlfriend who lives in a subsidized apartment with a government check for her disabled toddler. wow, how much money and how long do you think the american taxpayers will be paying for this crew.
If you're not Dutch, then you're not muchspews:
I will take Somalia over your beloved socialist haven of North Korea any fucking day of the week.
If they don’t get a bullet in the back or die of starvation in a ditch first.
@31 Comes out to not even 7 dollars a day. Wow you can really live large on that!
you fool ylb. 200 a month is the average monthly grocery bill for one. so he’s doin’ ok since the rest of us work to pay our grocery bill and he;s getting his entire bill covered. moron
33 – The average american spends less than 7 dollars a day on food.
Wow! We Americans really have it made. At least that’s what right wingers have telling us for as long as I can remember.
I guess if we send all the undocumented workers south in cattle cars, we might even pay less for food. I’ve been hearing all sorts of wonderful things about that too from right wingers for as long as I can remember as well.
Anyway it appears you can eat for pretty cheap and here’s some menu plans
Only problem is that even these modest meal plans are subsidized and cost at the store over twice their listed price. So say the $30 meal plan really costs $65 – that’s $260 to feed a family of 4 for a month. So according to these folks one person should be able to survive on $65 a month.
Happy meal times average American!
the point is, numbskull, he’s getting from the taxpayer free eats.
oh, and it didnt talk about it in the article, but he’s not even supposed to be living with her for free if he’s the boyfriend. another ripoff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 That will be a very short discussion, because one word will suffice: No.
What made you think I’m a Republican?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Who the hell loves North Korea? Except certain neo-conservatives who don’t love that country, but like their business model — enslave the workers, rig the elections, tell everyone what to think, and imprison anyone who imposes you. Sounds like the Trotskyite neo-conservative program to me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Not even a piss in a bucket compared to what your crew gave the banking and Wall Street crowd.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Maybe because we don’t believe in making people starve to death in this country when capitalism fails to provide enough jobs for everyone who needs a job and wants to work, which is 100% of the time? (Ever hear of “structural unemployment”? Our government thinks we’re doing great when only 5% of us are unemployed!)
proud leftistspews:
Do you honestly believe that North Korea is socialist? That anyone would consider it a “haven” of any sort? Your intellectual grasp is short, h. You are a small person, when it comes to the mind. Keep reaching, though, and some day, you might be able to reach your little dick and actually masturbate.
proud leftistspews:
Do you honestly believe that North Korea is socialist? That anyone would consider it a “haven” of any sort? You folks on the right would be far happier in a place like that, where diversity is not permitted, than those of us on the left. We don’t fear differences like you righties do. Your intellectual grasp is short, h. You are a small person, when it comes to the mind. Keep reaching, though, and some day, you might be able to reach your little dick and actually masturbate.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObaMao continues to languish around 25% Strong Approval…a level that makes him poison to any candidate who actually needs his help in the upcoming election.
I think ObaMao will be effective in Barbara Lee Jackson & Barney Frank’s Districts….where they need no help.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15.
Fifty percent (50%) of Democrats Strongly Approve. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republicans Strongly Disapprove as do 45% of unaffiliated voters.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And the other Reid languishing in Nevada certainly won’t help his namesake Harry…as the Republican candidate for Governor of Nevada holds an overwhelming lead.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Republican Brian Sandoval continues to hold a lead of more than 20 points over Democrat Rory Reid in Nevada’s race for governor. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state shows Sandoval with 55% support, while Reid earns 33% of the vote. Eight percent (8%) favor some other candidate in the race, and four percent (4%) are undecided. The numbers in this race have scarcely moved since February. Two weeks ago, just after Sandoval’s GOP Primary win, he held a 54% to 31% lead over Reid, currently chairman of the Clark County Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You humorless, Rootless Atheist Progressives always seem to need some Sunday levity.
Check out this link of a few choice Bider Political Plunders (his most recent was yesterday when he called the Custard Man in Milwaukee a “SMARTASS” for asking Biden to lower his taxes.
Read & Weep.
Biden is as much a liability for Democrat candidates as his bossman ObaMao!
I see Proud is being more than his usual repetitive self. He and Rabbit have more in common than being JUST lawyers and VERBOSE . . . they’re technologically inept. (not so unusual for attorneys, especially old(er) ones like Proud and Rabbit who still think AOL is de rigueur!)
Retired, then rehired: How college workers use loophole to boost pay
“In 2006, Chris Tapfer, WSU’s emergency-management coordinator, e-mailed a few colleagues to tell them he was retiring: “This doesn’t mean I am ready to hang things up and head for the rocking chair,” he wrote to one. “I am hoping that Rich and Greg will find my skills and abilities still useful to WSU and following the required procedures, want to bring me back to work.”
“They soon learned that – like the 2006 police encounter with Otto Zehm – it appeared officers with incomplete or inaccurate information about a criminal suspect confronted a law-abiding citizen, and the situation went sideways.”
My parents have a bunch of friends that are drawing retirement, SS, and are working. They’re high income folks, they don’t need they money from their jobs. Folks like that probably shouldn’t be able to draw their SS unlessthey’re
Good News America is waking up!
Gallup Polls
Patty Murray… if she’s so great why did she have a 42% approval rating with no one running against her in March?
You can see how she goosesteps in the DUMMOCRAPT camp
Again… since no one will visit the arschloch leech… Patty’s powerful thoughts on creating legislation…
“Late last month when Israel learned that groups operating in Turkey wanted to challenge its blockade of Gaza, Israel made every effort to ensure that the humanitarian aid reached Gaza without needlessly precipitating a confrontation. Israeli forces were able to safely divert five of the six ships challenging the blockade. However, video footage shows that the Israeli commandos who arrived on the sixth ship, which was owned by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (the IHH), were brutally attacked with iron rods, knives, and broken glass. They were forced to respond to that attack and we regret the loss of life that resulted.”
PuddyCommentary… You can search for the names like Puddy did. Notice the names of the DUMMOCRAPTS not there like Bernie I’m a Socialist Sanders, Daniel Akaka, John Effin Kerry, Patrick Leahy, Jim Webb etc.
Butt Lee and and a whole bunch of sycophantic HA Moonbats! still foolishly think Israeli Commandos came on board ready to shoot to kill. There was no UPDATE 4 to the thread once the truth was known!
“We in the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan see Palestine as part of the Islamic and Arab land that must not be relinquished – on the contrary, defending it is a national and jurisprudential obligation… We see Hamas movement in Palestine as standing at the head of the project of the Arab and Islamic liberation for which the Muslim Brotherhood calls… The Muslim Brotherhood supports Hamas and every Arab resistance movement in the region that works for liberation.”
The NEA product in action…
“If this was Texas, which is a state that is directly on the border with Mexico, and they were calling for a measure like this saying that they had a major issue with undocumented people flooding their borders, I would have to look twice at this. But this is a state that is a ways removed from the border.” – Peggy West
PuddyCommentary… And people like her get elected to local positions. HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a hoot! And we all know Peggy West read the Arizona law she’s complaining about like Chris Steffan did before he face planted in his silly attacks against Puddy on HA!
WTF are you talking about puddy? While this woman made a silly comment it doesn’t change the racist nature of the Arizona law, or more to the point the likely racist way enforcement will be done.
The only place I “face planted” is in your delusional mind. Unlike you I actually have a life and have better things to do with my time than respond to every one of your inane comments on HA.
Well another liberal and their biases at work gets a smackdown…
PuddyCommentary… Sure people have biases and some display them while they are at work blogging on HA. Others sit on their ASSes at home crusing whackamole web sites displaying their biases. It’s America and until Odumba’s peeps kill Internet free speech it’s fine. Puddy placed those links on HA. Puddy proved it… ask the arschloch leech for the original PuddyLinks.
Everyone brings some bias to their work, and some WaPo morons like Richard Cohen, Dana Milbank and Eugene Robinson bring plenty of biases. Butt the WaPo, always known to be leftist leaning, (Puddy proved it… ask the arschloch leech for the original PuddyLinks) didn’t like a public perception outside the beltway their own political blogger really hates all those people he was assigned to cover. They didn’t like his personal biases exposed front and center. It’s okay to viscerally hate among your friends at cocktail parties with your buddies. Butt when it’s exposed, oops can’t have that known. And when it’s a real visceral hate to the hoping they die extreme, you gotta go!
So Chris sez in response
Silly comment? She’s another of the lockstep clan you belong to. Per your comment above the federal law is racist Chris, since you still haven’t read the Arizona law?
Awww the face plant comment struck a “nerve”. Oh yes Puddy has a life. Mrs Puddy and Puddy go on vacation for a few days starting later this evening. Butt Puddy will be reading the kook-aid when Puddy can!
Oh my another sycophant DUMMOCRAPT reporter in action. Hoping for that glimmer of hope so DUMMOCRAPTS keep the house.
Dude, Spuddy, man….
Take your meds.
Jesus, why is is that so may schizophrenics end up being superchristian GOP geeks?
Is that part of the symptomology or merely a product of the Disease, or does it go to the deeper aspects of the origins of the conservative thought process?
Is it perhaps possible to predict schizophrenia this way? Or even, gasp, Conservatism?
Hmm. The mind boggles at the possibilities. No wonder the conservatives closed all the mental hospitals.
Great cartoon by Wiley today…
“Let’s Not Hinder Industry with Regulationis”
(Note: There is no guarantee the link will show the correct cartoon after Saturday. If the cartoon caption doesn’t match with the link, simply select the June 26th cartoon and you will see the correct one).
Since there’s usually an over-abundance of Rossi slamming and Goldy’s O.C.D. circle-jerk over him….enjoy libtards!
Great video..
Pudge eat your heart out.
I really enjoy your commentary’s.
It’s nice to see some accountability for these knee-jerk reacting KLOWNS as well as some intelligent, well-thought out commentary on the key events of the day.
The KLOWNS will of course go bonkers over my Conservative salute…but that is because they are ignorant and about to lose power they never really had.
ObaMao is -14 in today’s Rasmussen
Rasmussen only uses land-lines.
Well, well . . . weasels
MoveOn Scrubs “General Betray Us” Page From Website
Why does the dead frog complain about drug taking when he sees facts? Is it his libtardo world view is tainted by the blue pill?
From the Matrix – “You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.”
The Dead Frog in action taking his daily blue pill!
Hmmm.. Yeah I’m really looking forward to a whole host of new teabaggin’ “leaders” who’ll apologize to environment destroying oil companies.
Joe Barton will show ’em who’s boss.
Roy Zimmerman also did the “Chickenhawk Song.” You can find it here:
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the racist Republican governor of the Racist Republican State of Arizona stuck her big racist foot in her fat racist mouth yesterday:
“Comments by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer that most illegal immigrants enter the United States to smuggle drugs rather than seek work have prompted a wave of criticism.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, who the fuck does she think is doing all the backbreaking farmwork in this country, not to mention most of the residential construction labor? Americans enjoy the lowest food prices in the world, as a percentage of personal income, thanks to the willingness to millions of undocumented Mexican workers who labor for long hours under the hot sun at low wages, no benefits, no health care, no retirement, shabby migrant housing, etc. What an arrogant bitch! Let’s make her live on what she can grow herself in her own garden for six months, then maybe she’ll have a little more respect for the people who are feeding her.
If Republicans had their way, even American citizens would need a passport to enter any Republican-run state.
In local news, there’s an arts festival this weekend at the Shoreline community center on N.E. 185th St. We were lucky enough to meet this lady and hear her perform. Her CDs are available online. Trust me, she’s special. Bring Kleenex, because you will get all teary-eyed. I mean, if I did — and I’m hardly the most sentimental or sensitive rabbit on the planet — you surely will.
“I’m hardly the most sentimental or sensitive rabbit on the planet”
Er, there’s a domestic issue I need to attend to. It may be several hours before I’m back here posting again, because according to the instructions on this bottle, it takes an hour for these sex pills to kick in, then they’re supposed to last 4 to 6 hours. The rest of you will have to hold the fort against the trolls and conservative degenerates without me until then.
Does the Rabbit practice saying “sieg heil” in front of the mirror every morning?
feel free to discuss.
@ 24
I doubt it, thats a right wing ritual.
An appropriate hell for those who have nothing but disdain for “socialists” would be a land where these no-government, market-lovers get everything they want. Somalia would look like a paradise within months.
18 – Roy Zimmerman is a genius!
Here’s a youtube of “Chickenhawk”.
And that’s the best title for a political satire record EVAR….
from the nyt. a 22 year old male, no income, gets $200 a month in food stamps. (not bad for one person). he lives with his girlfriend who lives in a subsidized apartment with a government check for her disabled toddler. wow, how much money and how long do you think the american taxpayers will be paying for this crew.
I will take Somalia over your beloved socialist haven of North Korea any fucking day of the week.
At least one has the freedom to leave Somalia.
check…and mate, bitch.
Comes out to not even 7 dollars a day. Wow you can really live large on that!
Until the american taxpayer gets so mean and miserly they throw them all into the street to beg and the kid eventually dies in the gutter.
Isn’t that what right wingers want to happen to “freeloaders”.
If they don’t get a bullet in the back or die of starvation in a ditch first.
Comes out to not even 7 dollars a day. Wow you can really live large on that!
you fool ylb. 200 a month is the average monthly grocery bill for one. so he’s doin’ ok since the rest of us work to pay our grocery bill and he;s getting his entire bill covered. moron
33 – The average american spends less than 7 dollars a day on food.
Wow! We Americans really have it made. At least that’s what right wingers have telling us for as long as I can remember.
I guess if we send all the undocumented workers south in cattle cars, we might even pay less for food. I’ve been hearing all sorts of wonderful things about that too from right wingers for as long as I can remember as well.
Anyway it appears you can eat for pretty cheap and here’s some menu plans
Only problem is that even these modest meal plans are subsidized and cost at the store over twice their listed price. So say the $30 meal plan really costs $65 – that’s $260 to feed a family of 4 for a month. So according to these folks one person should be able to survive on $65 a month.
Happy meal times average American!
the point is, numbskull, he’s getting from the taxpayer free eats.
oh, and it didnt talk about it in the article, but he’s not even supposed to be living with her for free if he’s the boyfriend. another ripoff.
@24 That will be a very short discussion, because one word will suffice: No.
What made you think I’m a Republican?
@30 Who the hell loves North Korea? Except certain neo-conservatives who don’t love that country, but like their business model — enslave the workers, rig the elections, tell everyone what to think, and imprison anyone who imposes you. Sounds like the Trotskyite neo-conservative program to me.
@29 Not even a piss in a bucket compared to what your crew gave the banking and Wall Street crowd.
@35 Maybe because we don’t believe in making people starve to death in this country when capitalism fails to provide enough jobs for everyone who needs a job and wants to work, which is 100% of the time? (Ever hear of “structural unemployment”? Our government thinks we’re doing great when only 5% of us are unemployed!)
Do you honestly believe that North Korea is socialist? That anyone would consider it a “haven” of any sort? Your intellectual grasp is short, h. You are a small person, when it comes to the mind. Keep reaching, though, and some day, you might be able to reach your little dick and actually masturbate.
Do you honestly believe that North Korea is socialist? That anyone would consider it a “haven” of any sort? You folks on the right would be far happier in a place like that, where diversity is not permitted, than those of us on the left. We don’t fear differences like you righties do. Your intellectual grasp is short, h. You are a small person, when it comes to the mind. Keep reaching, though, and some day, you might be able to reach your little dick and actually masturbate.
ObaMao continues to languish around 25% Strong Approval…a level that makes him poison to any candidate who actually needs his help in the upcoming election.
I think ObaMao will be effective in Barbara Lee Jackson & Barney Frank’s Districts….where they need no help.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
And the other Reid languishing in Nevada certainly won’t help his namesake Harry…as the Republican candidate for Governor of Nevada holds an overwhelming lead.
Friday, June 25, 2010
You humorless, Rootless Atheist Progressives always seem to need some Sunday levity.
Check out this link of a few choice Bider Political Plunders (his most recent was yesterday when he called the Custard Man in Milwaukee a “SMARTASS” for asking Biden to lower his taxes.
Read & Weep.
Biden is as much a liability for Democrat candidates as his bossman ObaMao!
@41, 42
I see Proud is being more than his usual repetitive self. He and Rabbit have more in common than being JUST lawyers and VERBOSE . . . they’re technologically inept. (not so unusual for attorneys, especially old(er) ones like Proud and Rabbit who still think AOL is de rigueur!)
Retired, then rehired: How college workers use loophole to boost pay
“In 2006, Chris Tapfer, WSU’s emergency-management coordinator, e-mailed a few colleagues to tell them he was retiring: “This doesn’t mean I am ready to hang things up and head for the rocking chair,” he wrote to one. “I am hoping that Rich and Greg will find my skills and abilities still useful to WSU and following the required procedures, want to bring me back to work.”
Here’s one to remind us of who is in charge.
“They soon learned that – like the 2006 police encounter with Otto Zehm – it appeared officers with incomplete or inaccurate information about a criminal suspect confronted a law-abiding citizen, and the situation went sideways.”
My parents have a bunch of friends that are drawing retirement, SS, and are working. They’re high income folks, they don’t need they money from their jobs. Folks like that probably shouldn’t be able to draw their SS unlessthey’re
Oops. Unless they are not working.
My iPhone’s being geeky this morning.