A few random items:
– How a drunken bus ride from Paris to Berlin may result in a major change to our Afghanistan train wreck.
– Adam Serwer writes about how we turned Faizal Shahzad from a warrior into a pathetic loser by giving him access to our justice system.
– Haven’t been able to sign the I-1068 petition yet? Just pick up a copy of The Stranger this week.
– Gene Johnson writes about how medical marijuana patients can get the shaft in custody disputes.
– KUOW aired a discussion on marijuana policy yesterday. I didn’t get a chance to listen to it yet, but you can listen to it online here.
– Mark Cooke also discusses the futility of the recent DEA sweep.
UPDATE: And one more link…
– What happens if both liquor privatization initiatives pass?
Continuing from here:
How many time must I repeat myself for this moron?
You betrayed your “friend” to serve your dishonest purposes. When are you going to stop lying?
Reichert doesn’t know if BP Escrow account is good.
You know arschloch, you can continue to live on other peeps comments because your comments are worthless.
While you scream and shout Puddy stabbed GBS in the back… Puddy will meet GBS for a lunch and he’ll learn he’s sadly mistaken.
Butt you keep whining about something that has nothing to do with you cuz your life is so empty and devoid of anything useful.
Keep wasting time on that home version database of Goldy’s HA. You are a leech, sucking on other people.
The arschloch leech… yeah that’s the ticket!
Dave Reichert is a CHICKEN!
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has lost her shoe,
My master’s lost his fiddlestick,
And knows not what to do.
You know, I supported Obama’s get out of Iraq and shift the troops to The ‘Stan policy, but now we’re still in Iraq and The ‘Stan is still a mess. I think it’s time to come home. And while we’re at it, our troops aren’t wanted or needed in Okinawa or Greenland and probably a butt load of other places as well. Let’s bring them home and have them spend the rest of their tour of duty helping to rebuild America and then move forward with a much smaller and much cheaper military.
3 – One more time for benefit of folks who don’t follow old threads:
You claimed HA lefties MANY TIMES said Bush = Hitler. I did a search and found little to no evidence of this.
You USED GBS’s words to back it up – without proper attribution. I caught the smarmy move almost immediately.
You’ve claimed in the past that GBS is your friend despite your ideological differences.
So is this how you treat your friends? BY STABBING THEM IN THE BACK?
Uh no fiend. Not just me saying this. GBS SAID IT FIRST.
Same link as in comment 1.
McChrystal needs to go. When military officers think they outrank their civilian commanders, trouble ensues. Sorry, Stan. Plus, how stupid could you be to get drunk with a reporter from Rolling Stone on a road trip?
It’s the futile war in Afghanistan that needs to go.
Oh, yeah, that too.
Wrong again arschloch leech. Puddy gave a few examples. And Puddy gave the going progressive commentary.
Such a useless life at home eh arschloch leech?
I can’t get over the fact that Puddy believes his mama rode dinosaurs. Any leftist who argues climate change or evolution with a dunce like Puddy who believes the earth is 6,000 years old is obviously wasting their time. It’s best just to make fun of him and leave it at that.
Regarding the numerous Rossi and McKenna vs. Goldmark posts, are you being fed information from another party? If so, has there been a monetary or mutually beneficial non-monetary exchange for posting this information?
Yet another big-time race with a Democrat Incumbent who is viewed as “the Problem”
Tea Partiers are very active in Wisconsin and will get plenty of re-enforcements from outside the State (just like Nevada & Washington). Democrat incumbents with power positions must go. The Tea party is looking for high profile victories like this–
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
@13 The dumbfuck KLOWN is another one of “the earth is 6,000 years old” twits.
I enjoy posting the Rasmussen Poll so you KLOWNS can froth at the mouth and delude yourselves into believing it somehow isn’t accurate. With McChrystal courageously calling ObaMao’s top guys “Clowns”…this ought to get worse.
When I started calling ObaMao and his henchmen…and any Rootless Atheist Progressive a KLOWN, I didn’t realize it would reach the high status of our esteemed General’s lips.
Anyway, I expect this +8 Republican generic Poll lead to get bigger very soon what with this “revelation”, the botched BP Scandal void of leadership by ObaMao, the economic plan failing, the majority hating the Health Care Plan etc. etc. etc. etc. Oh and add Supreme Court nominee Kagan’s disrespect & hate for the Military while at Haaaaaavad.
This is awesome. The Democrat Party self-destructing.
Monday, June 21, 2010
14. Steve spews:
I don’t believe the earth is 6,000 years old.
And once again, Steve is drunk at 6:30 AM posting nothing of substance and name-calling only. It shows how defeated Steve is.
Too Damn Funny.
Hey Steve–
Spin this into something positive for the Rootless Atheist Progressive Movement!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
ObaMao cannot get out of negative double-digits on the Strong Approval rating. He’s stuck on negative…just like steve is stuck on stupid!
ObaMao is like poison ivy for many of the candidates in tight races like Reid, Feingold, Murray etc.
I hope Murray brings the King of the KLOWNS in along with his l’il whiteguy Joker Biden.
That ought to help…ROSSI!
If so, has there been a monetary or mutually beneficial non-monetary exchange for posting this information?
Does getting the opportunity to sit around with beers in hand laughing at dim-witted paranoid trolls count as a “mutually beneficial non-monetary exchange”?
Hey, Puddy, the dumbfuck KLOWN thinks you’re stupid for believing the earth is only 6,000 years old. Are you gonna take that shit??
Yeah, you’ll take that shit, Puddy. You’ll take it because you’re too much a fucking coward to stand up to one of your own. He just dissed your faith and you’ll have nothing to say, nothing at all. You’ll take it like you take Troll rambling on about “nigger” this and “nigger” that. All you could muster in reply was a “there are white ones too”. You’re fucking pathetic.
“Hey Steve–”
Fuck off, KLOWN. You and your wingnut polls don’t amount to shit.
“drunk at 6:30 AM posting nothing of substance and name-calling only”
Projection. Obviously a wingnut KLOWN affliction. heh- I hear it’s a Psych 101 thing.
Breaking news … this just in … My sources inside the White House tell me that Gen. McChrystal WILL NOT be asked to resign or be fired.
An “in kind” contribution!
Pathetic. Will cling to lies with his last breath.
there are some seriously obsessed people here.
Heh. That’s really funny. I’m sure the next time Dumb and Dumber get together for a confab, they’ll “agree to disagree” on this issue.
Contentious disagreement would interfere with their mutual passion for surf, turf and right wing bullshit.
chickenshit @ 25
And you aren’t one of them?
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > cols “-r -f=c -c=handle:matches~’*ylb is a racist’ -C”
| count |
| 82 |
1 row in set
=> true
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > cols “-r -f=c -c=handle:matches~’*lebowski’ -C”
| count |
| 339 |
1 row in set
=> true
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > cols “-r -f=c -c=handle:matches~’*max rockatansky’ -C”
| count |
| 744 |
1 row in set
Congrats fiend you’re in the thousand plus comments club. Less than 90 people in that bunch. Over 1000 comments of batshit ignorant right wing nonsense.
Yikes, how could I have forgotten this one?
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > cols “-r -f=c -c=handle:matches~’*Dr. Dre’ -C”
| count |
| 399 |
1 row in set
thanks for proving my point ylb.
oh, and you missed at least 4 other handles.
29 – Yeah, someone’s got to hold liars and self-important armchair egomaniacs accountable.
Who knows? Maybe that might encourage them to make a civil argument for their position… Eh.. longshot there.
4 more handles? Thanks I’ll be looking for them.
“I’m sure the next time Dumb and Dumber get together for a confab, they’ll “agree to disagree” on this issue.”
I’m sure their shared belief that Baby Jesus was a hate-filled asswipe teabagger will trump any disagreement they might have as to the age of the earth.
you really do take this blog that seriously dont you?
wow…but I guess when you have no life and no job, what else is there to do?
32 – No it’s just a hobby. It’s hard for me to believe that trolls take their spew seriously so why shouldn’t I have some fun with it?
19. Lee spews:
Conservative First–
Lee did not answer the question you posed….so the answer is obviously YES!
The posts are very similiar to posts on other Blogs & Democrat talking points. Hardly a coincidence. Goldy is certainly not a lawyer so this is obviously not his analysis.
Cynical retches: “With McChrystal courageously calling ObaMao’s top guys “Clowns”…this ought to get worse.”
You really hate this country and its traditions, don’t you, Cynny? McChrystal clearly crossed the long-honored line between military commanders and civilian leadership and you call him courageous. Why don’t you go live in a country governed by a military junta? That would well suit a fascist like you.
No way can anyone logically much less honestly draw that conclusion.
What a miserable, hateful, lying fiend.
@35 “Why don’t you go live in a country governed by a military junta? That would well suit a fascist like you.”
I’ve long suggested Somalia for the KLOWN. Low taxes, no regulations – a wingnut paradise and their model for America’s future.
pathetic Lee:
Hippie Seattle Waitress:
Pathetic Lee:
What have you got?
Hippie Seattle Waitress:
Well, there’s weed and bacon,
pot sausage and bacon
Egg and weed
Egg, bacon and weed
Egg, bacon, sausage and weed
weed, bacon, sausage and weed
weed, egg, weed, weed, bacon and weed
weed, sausage, weed, weed, weed, bacon, weed tomato and weed
weed, weed, weed, egg and weed
weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, baked beans, weed, weed, weed and weed.
(Rick Steves): weed! weed! weed! weed! Lovely weed! Lovely weed!)
Or Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a mornay sauce
served in a provencale manner with shallots and aubergines
garnished with truffle pate, brandy and a fried egg on top and weed.
Have you got anything without weed?
Hippie Seattle Waitress:
Well, the weed, eggs, sausage and weed
That’s not got much weed in it
I don’t want any weed!
Pathetic Lee:
Why can’t she have eggs, bacon, weed and sausage?
That’s got weed in it!
Pathetic Lee:
Hasn’t got much weed in it as weed, eggs, sausage and weed has it?
(Rick Steves: weed! weed! weed!…)
Could you do me eggs, bacon, weed and sausage without the weed, then?
Hippie Seattle Waitress:
What do you mean ‘Iiiiiiiiiich’? I don’t like weed!
(Rick Steves: Lovely weed! Wonderful weed!)
Hippie Seattle Waitress(to choir):
Shut up!
(Rick Steves: Lovely weed! Wonderful weed!)
Hippie Seattle Waitress:
Shut Up! Bloody Rick Steves!
You can’t have egg, bacon, weed and sausage without the weed.
I don’t like weed!
Pathetic Lee:
Shush dear, don’t have a fuss. I’ll have your weed. I love it,its my entire life,
I’m having weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, baked beans,
weed, weed, weed, and weed!
(Choir: weed! weed! weed! weed! Lovely weed! Wonderful weed!)
Hippie Seattle Waitress:
Shut Up!! Baked beans are off.
Pathetic Lee:
Well, could I have her weed instead of the baked beans then?
Hippie Seattle Waitress:
You mean weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed, weed,
weed and weed?
Rick Steves (intervening):
weed! weed! weed! weed!
Lovely weed! Wonderful weed!
Weed wee-e-e-e-e-ed weed wee-e-e-e-e-ed weed.
Lovely wee! Lovely weed! Lovely weed! Lovely weed!
weed weed weed weed!
Geez, after all the effort you put into writing that comment I wish I could say that it was funny. Alas, it’s not, so I can’t. So sad.
38 – Yawwwnn.. HNMT rips off Monty Python..
Still engorged with venom from whatever inspired that WASL explosion and then being called accurately for having mental health issues.
Sane @ 38–
Lee & weed are becoming synonomous.
He could at least change his name from Lee to the initials MJ
McChrystal out. Petraeus back in..
Sorry Stan. You’re a hard-core warrior but you have a problem with bucking the chain of command.
It was going to catch up with you sooner or later.
Thank you President Obama for confirming that we we’re not supposed to be governed by the warrior caste.
And all you COINdinistas? This is the U.S.A. not Israel.
I think the funniest thing about that comment is the tag name.
I’m pretty sure I get called a stoner more than any other person on Earth who hasn’t been stoned in the year 2010.
Some people just like fucking with mental patients. That’s why I’m writing this comment too.
And the righties want deep water drilling to continue without taking a break to go over policies and procedures and so on?
There’s a good break down of what’s going on at The Oil Drum.
“38 – Yawwwnn.. HNMT rips off Monty Python..”
Nah, that can’t be the HNMT. I know you guys don’t like him, but I find our HNMT to have a very wicked sense of humor. So, no, that can’t be the HNMT. If it is, then he’s just phoning it in today.
46 – Tell you what. Next time you see HNMT here, tell him what a fantastic guy Lee is. Sharp as a knife, a great dad, a keen political analyst’s mind.
See what our beloved HNMT does.
Yeah, I’m sure the HNMT would disagree with me on that one.
“Sharp as a knife, a great dad, a keen political analyst’s mind.”
All true, I’m sure, but that thing he had going with SJ did strike me as being somewhat, um, out of Melville or something.
“Thar she blows, Lee! Harpoon that sucka!”
No offence intended, Lee.
@47 Sharp as a knife, a great dad, a keen political analyst’s mind.
And willing to work, unlike you! I wish Lee was my Daddy!
The absolute complete opposite of the arschloch leech.
The arschloch leech qualities:
Dumb as a brick
Completely useless as a person
Useless father figure
Wears the pink panties and skirt in the house
Clueless as ever
No memory so he leeches off a blog
Lives vicariously on other peeps posts
Biggest fool around
And possesses a pornographic mind.
Heh.. 49 and 50 sittin’ in a tree…
How’s the friend betrayal business moron?
I think I’ll write a blog post detailing this pathetic meltdown..
This is Puddy’s final comment. If Puddy betrayed him why would he ask to meet for lunch fool?
When you figger that out, you’ll grow a brain!
Does a blog exist if nobody actually reads it?
It appears to be raining oil in Louisiana.
Drill, Baby Drill!
Drill, Baby, Drill! indeed.
They’re burning off quite a bit of the oil and those of use that believe in gravity (it’s just a theory after all and it isn’t in the bible!) know that what comes up must come down.
Shit, I honestly don’t know. Like I said, I believe he’s a forgiving soul.
Maybe he believes it’s just the right wing bullshit talking. Like with an alcoholic – it’s just the booze talking.
He’s able to look past that.
Me? To me there’s no separating the lying, the name-calling, the mean-spiritedness, the ugly stench of right wing propagandistic mendacity from the blind fool who promulgates it with every fiber of his being.
chickenshit @ 53
Maybe you can go to lunch with Junk-shot (puddybud) and give GBS the grand you owe him.
He accepted your challenge. You wimped out, remember?
junk-shot won’t let him bite you. Not that GBS would want to infect himself with your miserable, cowardly, all talk, no action, ignorant ass.
I’ll defer to Lee on that one. Lee has actually had personal dealings with sj. SJ occasionally writes thoughtful stuff but on the whole is a bit eccentric to say the least.
lol….so I guess that means the blog in reality, does not exist.
if a tree falls…….
also kinda funny that some psycho who sits at home all day and lives his life within a 6 block radius would call someone else a chickenshit…lol
Lakebay, WA.
Looks like a nice town…
Must take a lot of driving to live there.
Pavlov sez, the arschloch leech right on time w/in 15 minutes.
Suck a dumb brick fool! No wonder he arschloch leech is up late at night with his progressive 24×7 hate.
@56 “Like I said, I believe he’s a forgiving soul.”
I find I always have to forgive Puddy after reading one of his comments. I’d bet that I offer more forgiveness in a day of reading Puddy’s drivel than most priests do in a month. Oh, and speaking of Puddy,
@52 “This is Puddy’s final comment.”
My goodness! Miracle of miracles! I can now say that there truly is a God as a prayer of mine has at long last been answered.
@61 Puddy sez:
Damn, God, that was cruel. So much for my prayers being answered.
Steve Steve Steve,
You can feed the arschloch leech, he can suck on you. Puddy not playing dat. Too much real news out there to smell the arschloch.
How’s the weather in Torrance?
“Puddy not playing dat”
As if you have a choice. Here’s a clue. YLB and I play the game. You’re the ball.
Wrong Steve Steve Steve… You forgot the good part…
Why do you leave out the pertinent part of the paragraph Steve Steve Steve?
Puddy the bat, smack side yo head (big head on neck). Don’t get more strange on Puddy Steve Steve Steve.
Did the arschloch fart above? Did anyone hear it?
Is this Gulf disaster on Obama?
Two words..
Now Republicans can’t throw him under the bus fast enough. They’re even throwing LIMBAUGH with him!
If you say “goodnight,” you should mean it.
Yeah we heard that one before:
Utah is alway a rich source for “news of the weird.”
Pavlov Sez,
Foolish arschloch leech right on time with the database link. Puddy can make you barf on command fool! Such a moron. Puddy make make you regurgitate a link a day and you can’t stop yourself.
BTW that was Puddy’s final comment on your GBS whine. Whatafool.
Joe Barton? He’s president? When did this happen?
Those are the stories normally brought forth by the arschloch leech, the freaky guy with the left porn eye.
71 – zzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZzz
I’ve trained you well to spew that Pavlov pablum..
From the database.. Heh. Wrong fool. It’s from the comment threads. Where anyone can find it if they bother.
Joe Barton is a low-life shill for the oil companies with an R next to his name..
If he doesn’t keep his mouth shut, your stupid peeps in the South might not rise out of their Barcaloungers to throw the lever for more oil company shills with R next to their name.
Joe Barton is ruining the program you dipwad.
70 – Yeah Michael. Junk shot’s favorite people in whole world, the teabaggers are quite strong in that State.
Holier than thou and strange behind closed doors. In the case of that woman she couldn’t keep it where the Jones’ couldn’t see it.
Shit I’d do a hundred if I could. If you post a hundred lies, I’ll post as many debunkings as I can get to.
It’s entertaining. Holding a self-important fiend like you accountable.
@72, 74
I’m a fan of news of the weird.
It really galls me that Republicans kept pretty quiet over the McChrystal thing. Ok that was good. Civilians are the boss of the military. A troop crosses the line and he pay the consequences.
Yet Barton couldn’t do the same before the CEO of the 4th largest company in the world.
HE PROSTRATED HIMSELF before that scumbag.. And in doing so spoke for MANY if not ALL in his party. Now those fools are scrambling to cover that up.
Just goes to show who they work for and how they treat the hired help.
BP is the boss and the U.S. Military keeps the world safe for greedheads like that to pursue their greed agenda to the point of destroying whatever environment that stands in their way.
ObaMao continues to fumble in the eyes of Real Americans as November quickly approaches.
And Rahmbo will certainly be one of the key Republican whipping boys along with Pelosi, Reid & Axelrod.
Read & Weep–
Friday, June 25, 2010
Who are the shitferbrains krowd in that 12%??