Here’s a good one to suck on– Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15.
Just 19% think it would be good for most incumbents in Congress to be reelected this November. Sixty-five percent (65%) take the opposite view.
The anti-incumbent sentiment is at an all-time high. Bad for DEMOCRATS.
Something like this happens all the time with the Gays.
The TNT is reporting this morning that Helmet-Hair-Hamlet is calling for the USA to exit Afghanistan.
According to TNT Helmet-Hair-Hamlet wants “to see a “full exit strategy” before voting to fund the Afghan war. Didier said generals should get all the troops they want.”
“Rachel Maddow cannot get off so easy. Only two explanations remain for Rachel’s bad behavior. One is, she’s just another TV entertainer, another pretty face in long line of million-dollar talking heads. She shows up, gets her make-up on and she performs her “show” for the camera. Unsaid, is that she hasn’t a clue what the program’s about and perhaps doesn’t care very much. After all, it’s show business and it’s her living we’re talking about. It’s only “acting” isn’t it? Second is she read the order. She knows perfectly well what it says. But she had a reason to do what she did, the way she did it.
I don’t want to believe the first possibility. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know Rachel Maddow and I never will. But I kinda like her. I think she’s cool. And, I admit it — I usually agree with her. But I really don’t want to believe the second because its so fundamentally dishonest, deceptive and downright creepy that it makes me a little queasy. Does my TV heroine think I’m too busy or just too trusting to find the Court order? And why, I have to ask myself, did she make it so impossible to read when it was pasted up on the screen right next to her countenance? Maybe you can tell me. Why has the New York Times and Rachel Maddow misled us?”
PuddyCommentary… It’s the second choice. She purposely misleads, plain and simple. She needs ratings.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Looks like Jerry Brown is running the progressive DNC playbook too..
“It’s like Goebbels,” referring to Hitler’s notorious Minister of Propaganda. “Goebbels invented this kind of propaganda. He took control of the whole world. She wants to be president. That’s her ambition, the first woman president. That’s what this is all about.”
Jerry, you are such a fool. When all else fails in your insipid retread campaign call your conservative opponent Goebbels. Seems all the national DUMMOCRAPTIC progressives along with you local HA libtardos receive the same jackbooted goosestepping materials: “Demonize your opponent with Nazi monikers.” Where are the NOW wimens on this attack? Nary a peep cuz Jerry is their “boy”. So Jerry, bidding on Ebay is a Nazi activity? How many HA Libtardos became Nazi’s under Jerry’s definition?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
PuddyCommentary… Gman make the congratulatory call like Odumba does.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Another hero of clueless goober arschloch goatsee agrees with Helen Thomas. Lee will make another stupid comment about getting on the couch. Steve Steve Steve will pull out his “It’s a Psych 101 thing” insipid argument.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Just three minutes into her speech — right after she gave the triumphant news that “Change is here!” — two men stood up and spread out a large pink banner in front of the podium demanding “Stop Funding Israel Terror.”
Political movements tend to unravel gradually, but on Tuesday this one seemed to be imploding in real time. As the “tea party” right has gained strength, Obama’s hope-and-change left has faded. The frustration has crystallized at the gathering this week of demoralized activists.
PuddyCommentary – These “activists” want immediate socialism plain and simple. Maxine Waters let the cat out of the bag two years ago, now these fools say it’s time.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Yesterday, 23 years ago, progressive libtardos were really pizzed… It was a great day in history! The most famous words of any modern day president…
General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
PuddyCommentary… The leftist progressives tried to spin the speech back then. Google it.
more or less Ronnie Raygun did business with a State Department listed terrorist country, trading arms for hostages.
Then his subordinates took the profits from the bidness transactions and broke the law.
How “conservative”…
Hmm, it was a stay Puddy. A stay of the original order. So I don’t know what the commentator is talking about – but essentially it stops the lower court order. So the Times and Maddow are right – and the writer of that article, is…well, uninformed. Kinda like you, Puddy.
Maybe Puddy, you should try reading for a change. Raading is a wonderful tool. Instead of listening to crap or repeating things you see, you could actually read things and then actually THINK about them – instead of parroting right wing junk you read.
Also, maybe you could try looking at things in perspective – and maybe look at the big picture instead of picking out the contrarian little details (such as athe overwhelming support of republicans by big oil).
Such as….realizing that the republican party since about 1964 has been the racist, states rights party and is in the majority in the old, whites only, south. I mean, it has been about 46 years and you still cite the OLD data. You might want to bone up on some recent history. Also, the COLD WAR has been over for sometime too – guess you forgot about that too.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Really correctnotright?
is granted pending the timely filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari.
Right wing junk on the HuffPo? The man loves Rachel Maddow. Talking about talking out of their arschloch and not reading here is the comment…
But I kinda like her. I think she’s cool. And, I admit it — I usually agree with her.
Where is anything about 1964 in this commentary?
You are a twit and a dimwit!
Try again!
Read and weep Puddy:
is granted pending the timely filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari.
Yes, the STAY was granted…, thanks for showing us again how ignorant you are.
Thanks for calling me names again – I love how you try to take yourself seriously but act like a third grader.
Here’s a good one to suck on–
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The anti-incumbent sentiment is at an all-time high. Bad for DEMOCRATS.
Something like this happens all the time with the Gays.
The articles on nominee Kagan also being attorney for Clinton vs Paula Jones….and now refusing to share those papers..
hmmm…pretty partisan choice if you ask me..
Klynical outed:
The TNT is reporting this morning that Helmet-Hair-Hamlet is calling for the USA to exit Afghanistan.
According to TNT Helmet-Hair-Hamlet wants “to see a “full exit strategy” before voting to fund the Afghan war. Didier said generals should get all the troops they want.”
Guess Dino got and supports the letter.
Boxer leads Fiorina by 5. Chew.
@7. slingshot 06/12/2010 at 8:46 am,
But once the California voters focus on Fiorina’s superior hair styling, that’s going to change.
True, true. And there’s her demonstrable business acumen to exploit, as well.
@8: LOL! Talk about pots and kettles…
Remember the Goons from Popeye? Carly reminds me of them. But grrrl Goons were, well, goofy and sort of lovable in their weird way.
So evil Romulan might be a better comparison.
Obama was born in Hawaii, Cynical is wearing a hat that says “Maui”. Coincidence?
@4 I don’t know about that pic, Zotz. There’s no KLOWN Kostume in sight and the sign doesn’t read, “Oba-mao”.
@11: I think you’re on to something there! BTW: Did you know that almost 370k people voted to nominate Orly Taitz for CA SecState?
@12: We only have this one pic to go on, sadly. Isn’t it enough that he’s a doughy white douchebag who obviously fucks goats?
“a doughy white douchebag who obviously fucks goats”
Yup, that’s our KLOWN.
Don’t tease the panther!
Gotta love it. Looks like good old PMSNBC’s own female fool has another female fool moment. In the HuffPo none-the-less! Remember her lack of US Constitution understanding? Well she is an ignorant libtardo…
“Rachel Maddow cannot get off so easy. Only two explanations remain for Rachel’s bad behavior. One is, she’s just another TV entertainer, another pretty face in long line of million-dollar talking heads. She shows up, gets her make-up on and she performs her “show” for the camera. Unsaid, is that she hasn’t a clue what the program’s about and perhaps doesn’t care very much. After all, it’s show business and it’s her living we’re talking about. It’s only “acting” isn’t it? Second is she read the order. She knows perfectly well what it says. But she had a reason to do what she did, the way she did it.
I don’t want to believe the first possibility. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know Rachel Maddow and I never will. But I kinda like her. I think she’s cool. And, I admit it — I usually agree with her. But I really don’t want to believe the second because its so fundamentally dishonest, deceptive and downright creepy that it makes me a little queasy. Does my TV heroine think I’m too busy or just too trusting to find the Court order? And why, I have to ask myself, did she make it so impossible to read when it was pasted up on the screen right next to her countenance? Maybe you can tell me. Why has the New York Times and Rachel Maddow misled us?”
PuddyCommentary… It’s the second choice. She purposely misleads, plain and simple. She needs ratings.
Looks like Jerry Brown is running the progressive DNC playbook too..
Jerry, you are such a fool. When all else fails in your insipid retread campaign call your conservative opponent Goebbels. Seems all the national DUMMOCRAPTIC progressives along with you local HA libtardos receive the same jackbooted goosestepping materials: “Demonize your opponent with Nazi monikers.” Where are the NOW wimens on this attack? Nary a peep cuz Jerry is their “boy”. So Jerry, bidding on Ebay is a Nazi activity? How many HA Libtardos became Nazi’s under Jerry’s definition?
Right up Gman’s “alley“…
PuddyCommentary… Gman make the congratulatory call like Odumba does.
Another hero of clueless goober arschloch goatsee agrees with Helen Thomas. Lee will make another stupid comment about getting on the couch. Steve Steve Steve will pull out his “It’s a Psych 101 thing” insipid argument.
The gift that keeps on giving…
PuddyCommentary – These “activists” want immediate socialism plain and simple. Maxine Waters let the cat out of the bag two years ago, now these fools say it’s time.
Yesterday, 23 years ago, progressive libtardos were really pizzed… It was a great day in history! The most famous words of any modern day president…
PuddyCommentary… The leftist progressives tried to spin the speech back then. Google it.
Can’t Heterosexuals get along?
Anyone who makes junk-shot wet the bed is worth my time whether I agree with them or not.
It’s too damn entertaining!
more or less Ronnie Raygun did business with a State Department listed terrorist country, trading arms for hostages.
Then his subordinates took the profits from the bidness transactions and broke the law.
How “conservative”…
Hmm, it was a stay Puddy. A stay of the original order. So I don’t know what the commentator is talking about – but essentially it stops the lower court order. So the Times and Maddow are right – and the writer of that article, is…well, uninformed. Kinda like you, Puddy.
Maybe Puddy, you should try reading for a change. Raading is a wonderful tool. Instead of listening to crap or repeating things you see, you could actually read things and then actually THINK about them – instead of parroting right wing junk you read.
Also, maybe you could try looking at things in perspective – and maybe look at the big picture instead of picking out the contrarian little details (such as athe overwhelming support of republicans by big oil).
Such as….realizing that the republican party since about 1964 has been the racist, states rights party and is in the majority in the old, whites only, south. I mean, it has been about 46 years and you still cite the OLD data. You might want to bone up on some recent history. Also, the COLD WAR has been over for sometime too – guess you forgot about that too.
Really correctnotright?
Right wing junk on the HuffPo? The man loves Rachel Maddow. Talking about talking out of their arschloch and not reading here is the comment…
Where is anything about 1964 in this commentary?
You are a twit and a dimwit!
Try again!
Read and weep Puddy:
Yes, the STAY was granted…, thanks for showing us again how ignorant you are.
Thanks for calling me names again – I love how you try to take yourself seriously but act like a third grader.