Well, so far we have the BP Oil Spill in the gulf, and a natural gas pipeline explosion killing an unkown number of people yesterday in Texas.
And there was an article about 95 dead raptors over the course of a year, presumed to have been killed by windmills.
I’m guessing that wind power is going to win this dispute, and the raptors are going to lose out to dead humans and pelicans.
well, after all the crazy things that fruitcake has said over the years, helen thomas finally gets fired. well, its like i always said, the only thing that can get you fired is antisemitism. i have to hand it to you kikes. hardwork, above averagew intelligence, perserverance, have combined to make you the single most powerful group on the planet. the only thing you have to fear, (in the us anyway). is assimilation.
well, after all the crazy things that fruitcake has said over the years, Coulter again gets paid to show up on Fox News to spew hate
Michael H.spews:
Does Drinking Liberally in Seattle still exist? Does it have a web site somewhere? An e-mail to seattle at drinkingliberally.org bounced, and I haven’t received any e-mails in a while.
Undercover Brotherspews:
don’t forget the pipline in alaska sprung a leak too last week.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Ahhh yes, the Wall Street Journal demonstrates how stupid libtardos are with economics. Enjoy the read!
Why is it you fools answer with wishes instead of real answers. Or…. maybe that’s what they were taught in skuul! And you wonder why peeps are worried about the Odumba administration spending.
What are the odds that the BP personel on the platform of Deepwater Horizon have been “retired” to a country with no extradition?
Time to get BP back before a Congressional panel?
Of course, Puddy doesn’t question the premise of the questions.
The other questions were: 1) Mandatory licensing of professional services increases the prices of those services (unenlightened answer: disagree).
No thought to weather the increased liability of professionals who aren’t trained in a standardized method would lead to higher costs for error and/or death. Kind of a Faustian premise, eh?
2) Overall, the standard of living is higher today than it was 30 years ago (unenlightened answer: disagree).
By what measure? Is the now normal two full-time working parent with increased buying power a higher standard and a better environment for children than the single-income norm of 30 years ago?
3) Rent control leads to housing shortages (unenlightened answer: disagree).
This one is utter bullshit. Rent control tends to occur in highly dense areas where the cost of new construction would take housing off the market temporarly and be prohibitively expensive. (See Manhattan, Santa Monica, etc.) The premise of the question indicates that if rent control were eliminated, landlords would demolish existing high density housing and build even higher density housing in it’s place.
4) A company with the largest market share is a monopoly (unenlightened answer: agree).
Hey, first reasonably fair question in the survey. But the company with the largest market share with no viable competitors or no competitors with over single digit market share is a monopoly.
5) Third World workers working for American companies overseas are being exploited (unenlightened answer: agree).
Really WSJ? Want to add a qualifier to the question? You’re o.k. with indentured servitude in the Northern Mauritania’s? Child Labor in dozens of coutries is A-O-K? I’d maybe give you a pass if you inserted the word “always” before exploited and accepted a negative as true. Probably not, but it would be better than your blanket assumption that all third world labor is not explotive.
6) Free trade leads to unemployment (unenlightened answer: agree).
Well, if you accept the textbook Stigler model that ignores the argument that higher wages lead to more purchasing power by the segment of society most likely to spend 100% of wages creating a greater demand and eventually replacing any short-term unemployment by the need to handle the newly increased demand. (AKA, short term answer yes. Long term answer, historically no.)
Is this a progressive? Looks like a progressive MO!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Have y’all noticed how MSNBC is flailing lately? Puddy thinks it started here… Then came the Tea Bagger rants… Then Odormann went off with his Jew hating rant… Can’t get any worse than MSNBC!
@14, actual history, not soundbite history, isn’t something Puddy is good at remembering.
One of the deals progressives most disagree with from Clinton was NAFTA.
But selective memory Puddy?
Which presidential Candidate first proposed NAFTA? (Ronald Reagan)
Who signed NAFTA that was later ratified by Congress? (G.H.W. Bush)
Which president tried to fast-track ratification before leaving office? (G.H.W. Bush)
What were the vote totals by party? (House: Dems, 102 yea, 156 nay. Reps: 132 yea, 43 nay. Senate: Dems: 27 yea, 28 nay, Reps: 38 yea, 10 nay.)
So your analysis of NAFTA is, as usual, amateurish at best. It would have been awesome if a Democratic president in his first year in office had dared all but two Democratic Senators voting yea to override a veto.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
You know you try and help checksez figger it out butt sometime you need to slap him silly with facts…
On the campaign trail, cozying up to labor by bashing trade makes short-term sense. Everyone does it. Mr. Clinton did so when he was campaigning in 1992, and that is partly why the labor unions were so mad at him when he became president and then pushed through Nafta and other trade deals, including the pact that established the World Trade Organization, and even negotiated China’s entry into the global trading system.
“I don’t have my head in the sand,” said John Sellers, president of the Ruckus Society, a human rights advocacy group that opposes most trade pacts. “I have a hard time believing that this is anything but spin on their part. Nafta and the most nefarious anti-labor agreements in the W.T.O. were all ratified under the Democrats’ watch.”
Checksez, such a libtardo whore when it comes to real facts (they seem to elude him) even from libtardo MSM sites!
Uhhh Puddy? Not reading your links again?
Link #1 is the party platform that includes language to review ALL trade agreements and seek to protect American workers and require environmental standards from trading partners.
Link #2, an opinion piece not a news article BTW, describes all the Democratic candidates suggesting that NAFTA, as currently implemented, needs to be changed. And the excerpt you thought was so powerful you posted it here explicitly describes my contention that a lot of us were pissed at Clinton for signing NAFTA. Well argued Pud.
In typical Puddy fasion, when confronted with FACTS in #17, Puddy distracts with semi-relevent links, ignores the facts and calls me names.
Facts still not in dispute: NAFTA orriginated as a Republican idea. NAFTA was negotiated under republican administrations. NAFTA was signed by GHW Bush, a republican. NAFTA was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in Congress. The NAFTA ratification bill was signed by Clinton, a Democrat, and a large portion of Democrats were upset with that signing.
Maybe Puddy is unaware of how international treaties are entered into by presidents and then require ratification by Congress? Is Pudddy that unfamiliar with the Constitution? (Article 2 if you want to acually read it.)
@18: The great thing about Puddy is that he can argue like no one is looking. I mean – checksez SAYS he is disappointed with Clinton on Nafta, but them goes on to show how republicans supported it and pushed it along and signed it and so forth.
So puddy – you refuted nothing as usual – but you do manage to make a fool of yourself again.
Oh, and what is Puddy’s opinion of Nafta – he supports it of course. Free trade and all.
The thing about conservatives is that they are not really conservative. Puddy was a BUSH supporter.
Conservatives believe in fiscal responsibility, right? Wrong.
Bush turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit in history.
Conservatives believe in less governemnt right? Wrong.
Defense spending is over 60% of the budget and conservatives want to increase it and whine when it is cut.
Conservatives are for less government regulations, right? Wrong
They want to regulate what people do in their own bedrooms.
But they want to cut regulations on mining companies that kill miners, oil companies that are negligent and banks that are irresponsible.
Remember drill, baby, drill? That was the REPUBLICAN mantra. Sarah Palin said it, McCain said it, Boehner said it, Murkowski said it, Limbaugh said it and on and on.
It sure does not look like drill, baby , drill is very intelligent now – does it? Is it conservative to destroy the entire gulf for a bit more oil? No.
Question: Can Puddy even post without calling people names?
I doubt it. Puddy argues like a third grader. Come on Puddy – let’s see if you can actually have a civil adult conversation instead of the juvenile crap you usually spew.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
With regards to NAFTA, it just demonstrates how BOTH parties fucked us all in the ass without even an offer of a reach-around.
And you guys think one or the other party represents joe-citizen’s best interests? HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH – suckers!
If someone really wanted to help this country and its people, they would take NAFTA and flush it down the toilet – but our political crooks and pussies from both sides of the aisle wont do that.
Translation: TEA baggers rule! The choice of the Monson crowd.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Real hard-working Americans rule..as opposed to freeloaders like you who take handouts, force your wife to work while you sit on your ass.
Losers are for ObaMao.
The Tea Party is not for useless pieces of crap like you YLB.
“Can Puddy even post without calling people names?”
The answer to that question would be a simple “no”.
Have you noticed that his personality seems to be getting uglier with each passing day?
Don Joespews:
@ 22
Question: Can Puddy even post without calling people names?
Better question: Can Puddy post a coherent argument that isn’t a copy/paste from some wingnut web site? It’s been how many years? And he has yet to accomplish this simple feat.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
translation: YLB is a lazy stupid fuck who sucks cock for extra $$
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
2nd translation: YLB apparently cant read the above posted voting record that got NAFTA passed.
“The Tea Party is not for useless pieces of crap like you YLB.”
Teabagging is for useless pieces of crap such as yourself, KLOWN.
Translation: I’m an angry right wing, all mouth coward who’s too afraid to lose $1000 to GBS and face all those progressives at DL with my pop gun.
Re 24
YLB, you seem an intelligent person. Most of the progressives posting here do, if sometimes a bit vulgar.
But a couple of things confuse me. First, do you really thing the 2 huge parties taking lobbyist money to do lobbyist bidding really represent either true conservatives or true progressives. I’d love to see this chokehold on the political process broken up. If that means far right and far left loonies with a range of rational parties in the middle, fine. Honestly though I can’t see how this would work. Congressional leadership and the presidency can’t be a coalition government as in a parliamentary system. So I guess we’re stuck with two parties representing themselves and their sponsors rather than the people. But we don’t have to like or defend it.
Sorry, continued-
Second, do you really think the Democrats are less ‘corporatist’ than the Republicans? Really? Different set of sponsors sometimes (but not always), but both parties owe more to a select group of deep pockets than to the members of the parties.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
@31….GBS never showed….and neither did I. So nobody wins.
Why dont you nut up and show up? I will if you will…then we will see how tough you can talk.
But I forgot, your life is limited to a 6 block radius from your wife’s house – wouldnt want you to stray too far from the basement.
34 – Bullshit. The deal was that you would show up with your grand and let Goldy hold it. Goldy would then contact GBS to take delivery. Why should GBS waste gas if you were going to wimp out?
But you didn’t want to follow through. You’re a freaking coward. A idiot who shoots his mouth off and doesn’t back it up.
I have no desire to meet the likes of you. I’ve been clear about that from the beginning. It’s depressing enough to know that angry ignorant morons like you live and breathe.
YOU on the other hand have said you’d show up at DL with a grand in your wallet and packing heat of course since you’re so scared of people who are more intelligent than you and have an understanding of the world somewhat more detailed than that of a middle schooler.
But a couple of things confuse me. First, do you really thing the 2 huge parties taking lobbyist money to do lobbyist bidding really represent either true conservatives or true progressives.
No. Take money out of the game and the game changes. The game must change – it’s that simple. The ones with the most money usually tend to win unless they hurt too many people doing the governance part as was the case with someone like Corzine and the Republicans with Bush. But in any case we have to take the money out of politics.
I’m not too sure how the game will change and will be played after that. All I know is that the way it’s played now is intolerable. And it’s going to get even worse in the aftermath of the Citizen’s United SCOTUS decision.
We should also experiment with systems that replace “the winner takes all” nature of elections in this country which cements the two party system. Then possibly you can have more voices contributing to discourse and different legislative outcomes. However many fear that will lead to even more gridlock and chaos.
Second, do you really think the Democrats are less ‘corporatist’ than the Republicans? Really? Different set of sponsors sometimes (but not always), but both parties owe more to a select group of deep pockets than to the members of the parties.
Slightly less on the national level. Definitely less in many localities. The very fact that unions can elect people on the Democratic ticket that will represent their interests confirm that.
After the Goldwater defeat in 1964, conservatives worked relentlessly to take over the Republican Party from the Rockefeller crowd. If progressives are to be a viable force in American politics beyond the margins then they must do the same with the Democratic Party.
What do progressives want? In my view, nothing too much more radical than what we had during Ike Eisenhower – a progressive income tax, heavy spending for education and health care and public works that stimulate employment and effectively promote economic growth. A politics that strives to level the playing field between all classes of society and reinforces the ethos that we’re all in this together.
Daddy Lovespews:
That sign is a hoot.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
The NY Times is the libtardo paper of record. You can’t deny it. Too bad the factual truth slaps you side yo head.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Sure is amazing how the clueless goober arschloch goatsee lives vicariously on other people’s commentary. Notice how the fool gloms onto anything anyone else writes about because the dumb brick NEVER brings anything useful to the conversation.
clueless goober arschloch goatsee, GBS can stand up for himself… And he does it pretty well… he doesn’t need a schmuck such as you, clueless goober arschloch goatsee, to stand up for him.
Why can’t you create something on your own? You could have discussed how your purple clad wife would be paying the extra taxes when the tunnel costs overrun… BUTT, you were missing in action on that thread. Puddy guesses the topic was too far above your menial idiot savant level of knuckle dragging hate speech 24×7 on HA!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Bush turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit in history.
There was no surplus correctnotright… Puddy gave the link 3 times fool. Ask the clueless goober arschloch goatsee. HE can deliver it to you in no time.
Oh, and what is Puddy’s opinion of Nafta – he supports it of course. Free trade and all.
To a point correctnotright. Funny thing is you haven’t been paying attention to all the SEIU union jobs that they have approved to be sent overseas. If you listened to Glenn Beck you’d learn a thing or two. Instead you read Media Morons and take their “gospel word”.
Still krazy, huh, Puddy? Think meds.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
1) So what? Next!
2) So what? It was done on your watch. They said it plain and simple. Too bad the facts slap you side your face.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
correctnotright, sometimes Puddy respects you other times Puddy doesn’t. Those who EARN respect get their names correct. Those who range high on the FOOL METER don’t.
My comrades and I most definitely come here to earn Puddy’s respect.
Hmm, Sarah Palin’s breast implants didn’t turn out half bad, so at least teabaggers have that, er, those going for them.
I see Palin hasn’t lost touch with us common folk, what with owning a fancy race horse entered in the Belmont Stakes and all.
Say, Puddy, nice pair she bought for herself, wouldn’t you say?
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
That was “the deal”? since when? I dont recall signing up for that. That sounds like bs you made up while I wasnt around. Oh well.
Bring your ass out of your basement chump. No, you wont though, your pussy hurts too much.
Thats right YLB, stay limited to a 6 block radius from your house…must be depressing as shit to be your kid – having a fucked up lazy ass dad who cares more about some stupid ass blog database than he does spending time with his kid. Nice parenting there little man. I guess mommy will have to take up the slack on that end too.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
Cant say I am into the fake titties. I like what nature produces much better.
Nothing is more odd that finding a set of boobs so damn hard you could play quarters off of them. yuck.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Have you noticed that his personality seems to be getting uglier with each passing day?
Steve Steve Steve, what’s your excuse?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Say, Puddy, nice pair she bought for herself, wouldn’t you say?
Sorry Steve Steve Steve, Puddy ain’t looking at another man’s wife’s tits. That’s what progressives do!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
What do progressives want?
Nothing from that copied rant from the clueless goober arschloch goatsee… You can always find his thoughts on Media Morons or Daily Kook-aid.
I see Palin hasn’t lost touch with us common folk, what with owning a fancy race horse entered in the Belmont Stakes and all.
It was named after her monikor for Todd.
You are an idiot. Again.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
“Owned by Donald R. Dizney, First Dude is one of two “Dudes” being pointed to the 1 ½-mile Belmont,” or “Yes, in fact, ‘First Dude‘, who went into the race with 5-1 odds, is named in honor of Todd Palin, the husband of occasional former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. He has a dam named ‘Run Sarah Run’.”
Easily found by intelligent minds. That leaves Steve Steve Steve out of the equation!
Steve Steve Steve has PDS
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
“Respected American journalist Helen Thomas’s answer shows … a courageous, bold, honest and free opinion which expresses what people across the globe believe: that Israel is a racist state of murderers and thugs,” Hezbollah MP Hussein Moussawi said in a statement. (AFP)
This guy could pass for an HA Libtardo. Maybe he feeds Lee “blog tips”.
Wow Puddy! It takes a special kind of mental defect to ignore facts and restate a faulty claim as if saying it again makes it true.
Would there be a NAFTA without 10+ years of republican effort. No. But you want to point to a moment when a plurality of Democrats rejected NAFTA while a plurality of Republicans supported it and say the final stroke of the pen is the sole cause of passage?
Still haven’t refuted a single point.
And if you keep your timeline based claims consistent, anything you’ve regurgitated or even thought that the Bush administration isn’t 100% responsible for 9-11 is, by your own logic, false.
(Once again, the sound you’re hearing is the Daniel Bagley Elementary school debate squad laughing at you.)
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
You could have discussed how your purple clad wife would be paying the extra taxes when the tunnel costs overrun…
Awwwww. He’s trying to order me around again.. Isn’t that sweet?
LMAO!!! Feckless as ever..
I’ll be here in November junk-shot. Count on it.
“it seems you can’t get through that granite encased neanderthal cranial orifice…”
Right on cue! Thanks Puddy, you’re so easy.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Bush administration isn’t 100% responsible for 9-11 is, by your own logic, false.
Wow checksez,
Everyone on the 9/11 and Senate Commissions said the 19 hijackers came in during Clinton’s watch and did their flight lessons!
Puddy, you fail regularly.
The point is IF, by your logic 10+ years of Republican activism means nothing and only the moment Clinton’s pen struck paper counts, THEN, every moment that preceded the first plane hitting the tower is equally irrelevant.
See the fallacy you’re trying to prove in your entire NAFTA argument? (Of course you don’t. You’re acting far too simple mindedly.)
(Cue the, “What’s 9-11 have to do with anything, fool. Your feckless post is (some mispelled ingnorant thing)!”)
proud leftistspews:
Puddy says: “Sorry Steve Steve Steve, Puddy ain’t looking at another man’s wife’s tits. That’s what progressives do!”
Oh, please, Puddy. So, would you advocate that married women wear burkas so that men other than their husbands might not see whatever physical attributes they might have?
Willie Bartholin Cigar Clinton signed it. He could have vetoed it.
Heh… I remember telling you that about Bush and the TARP..
The bum you voted for twice signed socialism into law..
But you kept dribbling that Congress makes the laws..
What a fool..
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
clueless goober arschloch goatsee,
You decided to answer. You decided to take him on. You are the dumb brick vicarious fool!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
clueless goober arschloch goatsee,
If you check your vaulted database you were AGAINST TARP. Even THE DUMB BUNNY was for TARP and told you so. Go on look it up fool! If you remember Puddy told the world on Sept 24 2008 John Effin Kerry told Chris Wallace Odumba approved TARP.
Replay the tape fool like you screamed “TAKE THE TEST”, “TAKE THE TEST”, oops… never mind.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Heh. The fiend will now avert his eyes from the bosoms of conservative womenfolk and Rupert Murdoch’s “page three”..
You are the clueless goober arschloch goatsee guy with the brown porn loving left eye.
It’s in every one of your posts. You seem to know where all the porn is fool. So now we know what you do all day everyday at home.
Always living on someone else’s commentary. What a punk bitch!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Were you trying to say something? If that was a cohesive thought, you’re sadly mistaken. That post was another mindless wandering into the Twilight Zone!
If you check your vaulted database you were AGAINST TARP.
Yeah so? Deflecting again. You twisted yourself in knots trying to cover for the bum you voted for twice signing it into law. You said Paulson was a lefty. You said Greenspan was a lefty. You said Congress wrote the law.
You fool no one. Murdoch purveys titillation on Faux News and many of his trashy publications. It’s a fact!
You eat it up with the rest of his right wing bullshit.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Once again everyone can see how clueless goober arschloch goatsee changes the subject WHEN IT GETS UNCOMFORTABLE. Why is that clueless goober arschloch goatsee? Well, it’s obvious you are a porn loving loser. You own words and the link damned your miserable life above moron! Puddy uses The Post for great responses to goobers like you idiot.
The bank bailout was seen as a good thing by just about everyone on HA except you idiot! And you still don’t get it!
Why do you repeat such vacuous bullshit questions?
Why do you continue to purvey discredited feckless right wing bullshit and the country votes opposite it?
The answer is pretty obvious. You do the same thing over and over expecting different results. To put it delicately, you’ve got some mental health issues.
How many times has this fiend linked to right wing bullshit at the NY Post?
What’s on today’s front page of that Murdoch trash?
VIDEO: ‘Too hot’ banker shows off her ‘melons’
In a 2003 documentary, Debralee Lorenzana, who says Citibank fired her because she was too hot, calls plastic surgery one of the best things ever and says she wants to be a Playboy Playmate….
I rest my case.
Hmm, overreact much when your buttons are pushed? Say, what do you think of Palin’s new tits, KLOWN? The best money can buy, huh?
That was “the deal”? since when? I dont recall signing up for that.
LMAO!! GBS responded in the same thread you challenged him in.
You went quiet after he responded to you shooting your mouth off. You never had no intention of following through.
You’re all mouth like the typical right winger we get around here. You’re like Mark the Redneck the right wing bet welsher who lost a bet with Goldy and never paid up.
You’ll never live this down.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
clueless goober arschloch goatsee…
Why do you live vicariously on other peeps posts? Still cheerleading on GBS comments. Such a tool!
Here, since you hide behind your vaulted database… Read all about the HA Libtardos who disagreed with you on the bank bailout. Also incorrectnottobright will relearn about the Clinton deficits during all those years Clinton lied about surpluses.
You sit on your ASS all day scoping other people’s melons! Whatamoron porn lover.
BP, Bringing oil to American Shores.
Can I build that guillotine now?
I already bought all the material.
Well, so far we have the BP Oil Spill in the gulf, and a natural gas pipeline explosion killing an unkown number of people yesterday in Texas.
And there was an article about 95 dead raptors over the course of a year, presumed to have been killed by windmills.
I’m guessing that wind power is going to win this dispute, and the raptors are going to lose out to dead humans and pelicans.
well, after all the crazy things that fruitcake has said over the years, helen thomas finally gets fired. well, its like i always said, the only thing that can get you fired is antisemitism. i have to hand it to you kikes. hardwork, above averagew intelligence, perserverance, have combined to make you the single most powerful group on the planet. the only thing you have to fear, (in the us anyway). is assimilation.
well, after all the crazy things that fruitcake has said over the years, Coulter again gets paid to show up on Fox News to spew hate
Does Drinking Liberally in Seattle still exist? Does it have a web site somewhere? An e-mail to seattle at drinkingliberally.org bounced, and I haven’t received any e-mails in a while.
don’t forget the pipline in alaska sprung a leak too last week.
Ahhh yes, the Wall Street Journal demonstrates how stupid libtardos are with economics. Enjoy the read!
Why is it you fools answer with wishes instead of real answers. Or…. maybe that’s what they were taught in skuul! And you wonder why peeps are worried about the Odumba administration spending.
Negligent Homocide anyone?
What are the odds that the BP personel on the platform of Deepwater Horizon have been “retired” to a country with no extradition?
Time to get BP back before a Congressional panel?
Of course, Puddy doesn’t question the premise of the questions.
The other questions were: 1) Mandatory licensing of professional services increases the prices of those services (unenlightened answer: disagree).
No thought to weather the increased liability of professionals who aren’t trained in a standardized method would lead to higher costs for error and/or death. Kind of a Faustian premise, eh?
2) Overall, the standard of living is higher today than it was 30 years ago (unenlightened answer: disagree).
By what measure? Is the now normal two full-time working parent with increased buying power a higher standard and a better environment for children than the single-income norm of 30 years ago?
3) Rent control leads to housing shortages (unenlightened answer: disagree).
This one is utter bullshit. Rent control tends to occur in highly dense areas where the cost of new construction would take housing off the market temporarly and be prohibitively expensive. (See Manhattan, Santa Monica, etc.) The premise of the question indicates that if rent control were eliminated, landlords would demolish existing high density housing and build even higher density housing in it’s place.
4) A company with the largest market share is a monopoly (unenlightened answer: agree).
Hey, first reasonably fair question in the survey. But the company with the largest market share with no viable competitors or no competitors with over single digit market share is a monopoly.
5) Third World workers working for American companies overseas are being exploited (unenlightened answer: agree).
Really WSJ? Want to add a qualifier to the question? You’re o.k. with indentured servitude in the Northern Mauritania’s? Child Labor in dozens of coutries is A-O-K? I’d maybe give you a pass if you inserted the word “always” before exploited and accepted a negative as true. Probably not, but it would be better than your blanket assumption that all third world labor is not explotive.
6) Free trade leads to unemployment (unenlightened answer: agree).
Funny, which party pushes free trade as a mantra?
7) Minimum wage laws raise unemployment (unenlightened answer: disagree).
Well, if you accept the textbook Stigler model that ignores the argument that higher wages lead to more purchasing power by the segment of society most likely to spend 100% of wages creating a greater demand and eventually replacing any short-term unemployment by the need to handle the newly increased demand. (AKA, short term answer yes. Long term answer, historically no.)
More Heterosexual Love and Compassion.
@ 9
Nate Silver has his own take on the survey results published in the WSJ. His conclusion:
Heres another fine example of heterosexuality.
Look at all the crybabies appearing when shown how economically deficient the DUMMOCRAPTIC progressives are.
Why checksez, it looked like standard man on the street questioning. Y’all claim you’re the common man! Now you’re claiming you’re uncommon?
Free Willie Cigar Clinton!
Hey junkshot!
Why don’t you get your Danish buds together for yet another miserable SOB session:
Now this is interesting… G20 Summit and they can’t find the fertilizer.
Is this a progressive? Looks like a progressive MO!
Have y’all noticed how MSNBC is flailing lately? Puddy thinks it started here… Then came the Tea Bagger rants… Then Odormann went off with his Jew hating rant… Can’t get any worse than MSNBC!
@14, actual history, not soundbite history, isn’t something Puddy is good at remembering.
One of the deals progressives most disagree with from Clinton was NAFTA.
But selective memory Puddy?
Which presidential Candidate first proposed NAFTA? (Ronald Reagan)
Who signed NAFTA that was later ratified by Congress? (G.H.W. Bush)
Which president tried to fast-track ratification before leaving office? (G.H.W. Bush)
What were the vote totals by party? (House: Dems, 102 yea, 156 nay. Reps: 132 yea, 43 nay. Senate: Dems: 27 yea, 28 nay, Reps: 38 yea, 10 nay.)
So your analysis of NAFTA is, as usual, amateurish at best. It would have been awesome if a Democratic president in his first year in office had dared all but two Democratic Senators voting yea to override a veto.
You know you try and help checksez figger it out butt sometime you need to slap him silly with facts…
Checksez, such a libtardo whore when it comes to real facts (they seem to elude him) even from libtardo MSM sites!
Uhhh Puddy? Not reading your links again?
Link #1 is the party platform that includes language to review ALL trade agreements and seek to protect American workers and require environmental standards from trading partners.
Link #2, an opinion piece not a news article BTW, describes all the Democratic candidates suggesting that NAFTA, as currently implemented, needs to be changed. And the excerpt you thought was so powerful you posted it here explicitly describes my contention that a lot of us were pissed at Clinton for signing NAFTA. Well argued Pud.
In typical Puddy fasion, when confronted with FACTS in #17, Puddy distracts with semi-relevent links, ignores the facts and calls me names.
Facts still not in dispute: NAFTA orriginated as a Republican idea. NAFTA was negotiated under republican administrations. NAFTA was signed by GHW Bush, a republican. NAFTA was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in Congress. The NAFTA ratification bill was signed by Clinton, a Democrat, and a large portion of Democrats were upset with that signing.
Maybe Puddy is unaware of how international treaties are entered into by presidents and then require ratification by Congress? Is Pudddy that unfamiliar with the Constitution? (Article 2 if you want to acually read it.)
@18: The great thing about Puddy is that he can argue like no one is looking. I mean – checksez SAYS he is disappointed with Clinton on Nafta, but them goes on to show how republicans supported it and pushed it along and signed it and so forth.
So puddy – you refuted nothing as usual – but you do manage to make a fool of yourself again.
Oh, and what is Puddy’s opinion of Nafta – he supports it of course. Free trade and all.
The thing about conservatives is that they are not really conservative. Puddy was a BUSH supporter.
Conservatives believe in fiscal responsibility, right? Wrong.
Bush turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit in history.
Conservatives believe in less governemnt right? Wrong.
Defense spending is over 60% of the budget and conservatives want to increase it and whine when it is cut.
Conservatives are for less government regulations, right? Wrong
They want to regulate what people do in their own bedrooms.
But they want to cut regulations on mining companies that kill miners, oil companies that are negligent and banks that are irresponsible.
Remember drill, baby, drill? That was the REPUBLICAN mantra. Sarah Palin said it, McCain said it, Boehner said it, Murkowski said it, Limbaugh said it and on and on.
It sure does not look like drill, baby , drill is very intelligent now – does it? Is it conservative to destroy the entire gulf for a bit more oil? No.
Question: Can Puddy even post without calling people names?
I doubt it. Puddy argues like a third grader. Come on Puddy – let’s see if you can actually have a civil adult conversation instead of the juvenile crap you usually spew.
With regards to NAFTA, it just demonstrates how BOTH parties fucked us all in the ass without even an offer of a reach-around.
And you guys think one or the other party represents joe-citizen’s best interests? HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH – suckers!
If someone really wanted to help this country and its people, they would take NAFTA and flush it down the toilet – but our political crooks and pussies from both sides of the aisle wont do that.
Translation: TEA baggers rule! The choice of the Monson crowd.
Real hard-working Americans rule..as opposed to freeloaders like you who take handouts, force your wife to work while you sit on your ass.
Losers are for ObaMao.
The Tea Party is not for useless pieces of crap like you YLB.
“Can Puddy even post without calling people names?”
The answer to that question would be a simple “no”.
Have you noticed that his personality seems to be getting uglier with each passing day?
@ 22
Question: Can Puddy even post without calling people names?
Better question: Can Puddy post a coherent argument that isn’t a copy/paste from some wingnut web site? It’s been how many years? And he has yet to accomplish this simple feat.
translation: YLB is a lazy stupid fuck who sucks cock for extra $$
2nd translation: YLB apparently cant read the above posted voting record that got NAFTA passed.
“The Tea Party is not for useless pieces of crap like you YLB.”
Teabagging is for useless pieces of crap such as yourself, KLOWN.
Translation: I’m an angry right wing, all mouth coward who’s too afraid to lose $1000 to GBS and face all those progressives at DL with my pop gun.
Re 24
YLB, you seem an intelligent person. Most of the progressives posting here do, if sometimes a bit vulgar.
But a couple of things confuse me. First, do you really thing the 2 huge parties taking lobbyist money to do lobbyist bidding really represent either true conservatives or true progressives. I’d love to see this chokehold on the political process broken up. If that means far right and far left loonies with a range of rational parties in the middle, fine. Honestly though I can’t see how this would work. Congressional leadership and the presidency can’t be a coalition government as in a parliamentary system. So I guess we’re stuck with two parties representing themselves and their sponsors rather than the people. But we don’t have to like or defend it.
Sorry, continued-
Second, do you really think the Democrats are less ‘corporatist’ than the Republicans? Really? Different set of sponsors sometimes (but not always), but both parties owe more to a select group of deep pockets than to the members of the parties.
@31….GBS never showed….and neither did I. So nobody wins.
Why dont you nut up and show up? I will if you will…then we will see how tough you can talk.
But I forgot, your life is limited to a 6 block radius from your wife’s house – wouldnt want you to stray too far from the basement.
34 – Bullshit. The deal was that you would show up with your grand and let Goldy hold it. Goldy would then contact GBS to take delivery. Why should GBS waste gas if you were going to wimp out?
But you didn’t want to follow through. You’re a freaking coward. A idiot who shoots his mouth off and doesn’t back it up.
I have no desire to meet the likes of you. I’ve been clear about that from the beginning. It’s depressing enough to know that angry ignorant morons like you live and breathe.
YOU on the other hand have said you’d show up at DL with a grand in your wallet and packing heat of course since you’re so scared of people who are more intelligent than you and have an understanding of the world somewhat more detailed than that of a middle schooler.
No. Take money out of the game and the game changes. The game must change – it’s that simple. The ones with the most money usually tend to win unless they hurt too many people doing the governance part as was the case with someone like Corzine and the Republicans with Bush. But in any case we have to take the money out of politics.
I’m not too sure how the game will change and will be played after that. All I know is that the way it’s played now is intolerable. And it’s going to get even worse in the aftermath of the Citizen’s United SCOTUS decision.
We should also experiment with systems that replace “the winner takes all” nature of elections in this country which cements the two party system. Then possibly you can have more voices contributing to discourse and different legislative outcomes. However many fear that will lead to even more gridlock and chaos.
Slightly less on the national level. Definitely less in many localities. The very fact that unions can elect people on the Democratic ticket that will represent their interests confirm that.
After the Goldwater defeat in 1964, conservatives worked relentlessly to take over the Republican Party from the Rockefeller crowd. If progressives are to be a viable force in American politics beyond the margins then they must do the same with the Democratic Party.
What do progressives want? In my view, nothing too much more radical than what we had during Ike Eisenhower – a progressive income tax, heavy spending for education and health care and public works that stimulate employment and effectively promote economic growth. A politics that strives to level the playing field between all classes of society and reinforces the ethos that we’re all in this together.
That sign is a hoot.
The NY Times is the libtardo paper of record. You can’t deny it. Too bad the factual truth slaps you side yo head.
Sure is amazing how the clueless goober arschloch goatsee lives vicariously on other people’s commentary. Notice how the fool gloms onto anything anyone else writes about because the dumb brick NEVER brings anything useful to the conversation.
clueless goober arschloch goatsee, GBS can stand up for himself… And he does it pretty well… he doesn’t need a schmuck such as you, clueless goober arschloch goatsee, to stand up for him.
Why can’t you create something on your own? You could have discussed how your purple clad wife would be paying the extra taxes when the tunnel costs overrun… BUTT, you were missing in action on that thread. Puddy guesses the topic was too far above your menial idiot savant level of knuckle dragging hate speech 24×7 on HA!
There was no surplus correctnotright… Puddy gave the link 3 times fool. Ask the clueless goober arschloch goatsee. HE can deliver it to you in no time.
To a point correctnotright. Funny thing is you haven’t been paying attention to all the SEIU union jobs that they have approved to be sent overseas. If you listened to Glenn Beck you’d learn a thing or two. Instead you read Media Morons and take their “gospel word”.
Still krazy, huh, Puddy? Think meds.
1) So what? Next!
2) So what? It was done on your watch. They said it plain and simple. Too bad the facts slap you side your face.
correctnotright, sometimes Puddy respects you other times Puddy doesn’t. Those who EARN respect get their names correct. Those who range high on the FOOL METER don’t.
My comrades and I most definitely come here to earn Puddy’s respect.
Hmm, Sarah Palin’s breast implants didn’t turn out half bad, so at least teabaggers have that, er, those going for them.
I see Palin hasn’t lost touch with us common folk, what with owning a fancy race horse entered in the Belmont Stakes and all.
Say, Puddy, nice pair she bought for herself, wouldn’t you say?
That was “the deal”? since when? I dont recall signing up for that. That sounds like bs you made up while I wasnt around. Oh well.
Bring your ass out of your basement chump. No, you wont though, your pussy hurts too much.
Thats right YLB, stay limited to a 6 block radius from your house…must be depressing as shit to be your kid – having a fucked up lazy ass dad who cares more about some stupid ass blog database than he does spending time with his kid. Nice parenting there little man. I guess mommy will have to take up the slack on that end too.
Cant say I am into the fake titties. I like what nature produces much better.
Nothing is more odd that finding a set of boobs so damn hard you could play quarters off of them. yuck.
Steve Steve Steve, what’s your excuse?
Sorry Steve Steve Steve, Puddy ain’t looking at another man’s wife’s tits. That’s what progressives do!
Nothing from that copied rant from the clueless goober arschloch goatsee… You can always find his thoughts on Media Morons or Daily Kook-aid.
No progressives want what those fools screamed at Nancy Pelosi earlier this week!
46. Steve spews:
It was named after her monikor for Todd.
You are an idiot. Again.
Easily found by intelligent minds. That leaves Steve Steve Steve out of the equation!
Steve Steve Steve has PDS
Hey Libtardos ya gotta love this one…
This guy could pass for an HA Libtardo. Maybe he feeds Lee “blog tips”.
Wow Puddy! It takes a special kind of mental defect to ignore facts and restate a faulty claim as if saying it again makes it true.
Would there be a NAFTA without 10+ years of republican effort. No. But you want to point to a moment when a plurality of Democrats rejected NAFTA while a plurality of Republicans supported it and say the final stroke of the pen is the sole cause of passage?
Still haven’t refuted a single point.
And if you keep your timeline based claims consistent, anything you’ve regurgitated or even thought that the Bush administration isn’t 100% responsible for 9-11 is, by your own logic, false.
(Once again, the sound you’re hearing is the Daniel Bagley Elementary school debate squad laughing at you.)
Butt, as you know when you disagree with Odumba, you’re a racist.
BTW, this is the point where Puddy will traditionally lose his mind, call me a bunch of names and type, “I never brought up 9-11, fool!”
Checksez, You haven’t made any points TO REFUTE. Absolutely NONE!
Final point tonight on Nafta which it seems you can’t get through that granite encased neanderthal cranial orifice…
Willie Bartholin Cigar Clinton signed it. He could have vetoed it.
The rest of your “elementary skuul” screed is worthless and useless!
Awwwww. He’s trying to order me around again.. Isn’t that sweet?
LMAO!!! Feckless as ever..
I’ll be here in November junk-shot. Count on it.
“it seems you can’t get through that granite encased neanderthal cranial orifice…”
Right on cue! Thanks Puddy, you’re so easy.
Wow checksez,
Everyone on the 9/11 and Senate Commissions said the 19 hijackers came in during Clinton’s watch and did their flight lessons!
Puddy, you fail regularly.
The point is IF, by your logic 10+ years of Republican activism means nothing and only the moment Clinton’s pen struck paper counts, THEN, every moment that preceded the first plane hitting the tower is equally irrelevant.
See the fallacy you’re trying to prove in your entire NAFTA argument? (Of course you don’t. You’re acting far too simple mindedly.)
(Cue the, “What’s 9-11 have to do with anything, fool. Your feckless post is (some mispelled ingnorant thing)!”)
Puddy says: “Sorry Steve Steve Steve, Puddy ain’t looking at another man’s wife’s tits. That’s what progressives do!”
Oh, please, Puddy. So, would you advocate that married women wear burkas so that men other than their husbands might not see whatever physical attributes they might have?
LMAO!! Doh! Just calling a coward a coward fool. Just like I call a fiend a fiend.
Just telling it like it is. Nothing more nothing less.
Does it offend you that I’m calling out yet another right wing name-calling coward for what he is?
Awwww poor baby..
Heh. It’s funny that your right wing fellow traveler in 32 who hates Obama wants to know my views on our political system.
Nice try fiend. Awwww poor baby – fails again.
Heh. The fiend will now avert his eyes from the bosoms of conservative womenfolk and Rupert Murdoch’s “page three”..
Oh wow that’s too rich!
Heh… I remember telling you that about Bush and the TARP..
The bum you voted for twice signed socialism into law..
But you kept dribbling that Congress makes the laws..
What a fool..
clueless goober arschloch goatsee,
You decided to answer. You decided to take him on. You are the dumb brick vicarious fool!
clueless goober arschloch goatsee,
If you check your vaulted database you were AGAINST TARP. Even THE DUMB BUNNY was for TARP and told you so. Go on look it up fool! If you remember Puddy told the world on Sept 24 2008 John Effin Kerry told Chris Wallace Odumba approved TARP.
Replay the tape fool like you screamed “TAKE THE TEST”, “TAKE THE TEST”, oops… never mind.
You are the clueless goober arschloch goatsee guy with the brown porn loving left eye.
It’s in every one of your posts. You seem to know where all the porn is fool. So now we know what you do all day everyday at home.
Always living on someone else’s commentary. What a punk bitch!
Were you trying to say something? If that was a cohesive thought, you’re sadly mistaken. That post was another mindless wandering into the Twilight Zone!
HAHAHAHAHA! You talking about your miserable right wing fellow traveler Bigot Lobotomy?
He calls me names. I give it back fool.
I wait him out and look what happens – he’s all talk no action.
Wants to put up a grand that GBS doesn’t show at DL and doesn’t follow through – typical right wing turd.
clueless goober arschloch goatsee,
You didn’t answer the QUESTIONS… why do you live vicariously on other peeps posts?
Why was your commentary MIA on the tunnel thread? Puddy knows it was above your level. Shit, everything is above your level!
Yeah so? Deflecting again. You twisted yourself in knots trying to cover for the bum you voted for twice signing it into law. You said Paulson was a lefty. You said Greenspan was a lefty. You said Congress wrote the law.
Just like Clinton with NAFTA.
HAHAHAHAHA! And you don’t?
Here’s one of your favorite Murdoch publications.
Plenty of bosoms there for you to check out fool.
You fool no one. Murdoch purveys titillation on Faux News and many of his trashy publications. It’s a fact!
You eat it up with the rest of his right wing bullshit.
Once again everyone can see how clueless goober arschloch goatsee changes the subject WHEN IT GETS UNCOMFORTABLE. Why is that clueless goober arschloch goatsee? Well, it’s obvious you are a porn loving loser. You own words and the link damned your miserable life above moron! Puddy uses The Post for great responses to goobers like you idiot.
The bank bailout was seen as a good thing by just about everyone on HA except you idiot! And you still don’t get it!
Why do you repeat such vacuous bullshit questions?
Why do you continue to purvey discredited feckless right wing bullshit and the country votes opposite it?
The answer is pretty obvious. You do the same thing over and over expecting different results. To put it delicately, you’ve got some mental health issues.
Who said that????
Was it Paulson??? Oh he’s a lefty!
Was it Greenspan??? Another lefty!
Was it the MSM??? Oh they’re Libtardos!
Was it Obama??? The KLOWN says he’s Chairman Mao!
Good thing??? Why not let the market decide fiend?
How many times has this fiend linked to right wing bullshit at the NY Post?
What’s on today’s front page of that Murdoch trash?
I rest my case.
Hmm, overreact much when your buttons are pushed? Say, what do you think of Palin’s new tits, KLOWN? The best money can buy, huh?
LMAO!! GBS responded in the same thread you challenged him in.
You went quiet after he responded to you shooting your mouth off. You never had no intention of following through.
You’re all mouth like the typical right winger we get around here. You’re like Mark the Redneck the right wing bet welsher who lost a bet with Goldy and never paid up.
You’ll never live this down.
clueless goober arschloch goatsee…
Why do you live vicariously on other peeps posts? Still cheerleading on GBS comments. Such a tool!
Here, since you hide behind your vaulted database… Read all about the HA Libtardos who disagreed with you on the bank bailout. Also incorrectnottobright will relearn about the Clinton deficits during all those years Clinton lied about surpluses.
You sit on your ASS all day scoping other people’s melons! Whatamoron porn lover.
82 – Yawwwwwnnnn..
I don’t read Murdoch publications fool..
That’s your addiction. All your right wing peeps are well acquainted with what’s bundled with the right wing bullshit at those websites.
But you’ll never admit it. No…
You got appearances to maintain.
What a sad sucka…
GBS has conclusively shown yet again what chickenshits you right wingers all are.
Hell we all knew it. But it’s too cool to see it proved yet again for the benefit of newer chickenshits like Bigot Lobotomy.